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Sustainable development goal no.

10 is about addressing the inequality that has been observed

around the world. It may be about the gender, social status, race, age, religion, etc. In order to put
this into practice, everyone must cooperate on promoting the ending of this issue as it will lead to
equal opportunity that everyone deserves. Besides, we are already in 21st century, it is time to
bury this toxic system. As a student, I could use social media platforms to spread the underlying
principles regarding this goal, since technology is the most powerful way to disseminate things
that must be understood by the majority.

Since then, I think that education is the most powerful tool that anyone must have for the assurance
of the future. In line with this, people should not only focus on the degree that one will acquire in
the future, but everyone must focus on the process moslty. Sustainable Development Goal No.4 is
all about ensuring the quality and inclusive education to everyone especially those who cannot
afford one. It is indeed that there are schools who offer free education, but we must ensure that
students are experiencing quality education from these schools. As a student, the only thing that I
can contribute to make it into practice is by participating in some events that engages teaching
children with all the learnings that I have. It may not be very comprehensive, but still I can give
something that could help them to gain more knowledge. 
Sustainable Development Goal no. 9 entails that everyone deserves a quality and resilient
infrastructure that can improve the economy also. In order to put this into practice, the leaders of
the country should focus on these fields to build a long lasting structure that will benefit the
majority. Like for example, in innovation, the government should give more importance to local
engineers, scientists, and inventors because without these people, the innovation will not be
sustained. Moreover, ordinary citizens should participate as well by involving in this SDG with their
expertise that might help in improving the sustainable industrialization of their country. 

Another magnificent postulate of Rand’s philosophy is the concept of Objectivist

Epistemology or simply Epistemology. While epistemology itself is defined as the
process of discovering the proper method for acquiring and validating knowledge, Rand
offers new insight on objectivity, entailing that knowledge processes and identifies
the facts of reality rather than copying or reflecting it (The Ayn Rand Institute,
2020). Rand argued that the truth can be identified greatly by perception or using the
senses as a mode of observation which she coined as “sensation”. She considered that
the senses’ validity is axiomatic or unquestionable and stated that the errors committed
by the human consciousness, i.e., Optical illusions are not caused by errors in sight but
instead is an error in the conceptual identification of what was seen (Leonard, 1991). In
short, the perception which was determined physiologically is somehow infallible. Under
this concept, one may attain knowledge even beyond the capabilities of bare perception
itself. To do this, Rand proposed that a person must have volition as well as a process
of validation. This process includes observation, conceptualization, and
application/conclusion, maintaining perception as the ultimate source and basis of
knowledge (Rand, 1967). On the other hand, the idea of conceptual processing is still
required to validate the information even though the senses formulate the raw material
of knowledge. Thus, there is a need to apply cognition and collective knowledge before
verifying the observation as a truth. An example of this is as aforementioned; then a
person sees an object, i.e., a weird cloud formation which he has never seen before, he
may presume it to be something else for example a UFO, depending on the shape of
the cloud. Of course, human perception states this to be true since this is what the
person saw. But, verifying this by searching for it, looking for answers through the
internet or books will definitely reveal what the object is, thus the person that observed
the object will come to the correct conclusion that it was just actually just a weird cloud
formation. So, human perception in itself may not be absolutely perfect, but the
collective knowledge and information gathered by the senses of many other individuals
will produce a correct and logical conclusion. As stated in her theory of concepts,
knowledge is neither revealed nor invented but instead is produced from man’s
consciousness in accordance with the reality of the universe. Thus, Rand holds fast to
her belief of rejecting Nihilism, making the purpose of man as a being capable of
decoding the dynamics of nature.

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