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Modules for Lit 115

(World Literature)

Name of Instructor: Marialos C. Quitay, Ed. D.

Name of Student: Ezekiel E. Estrellado
Course & Year Level: BSBA 4TH YEAR
Module for Lit 115
World Literature
3 units/3 hrs./week/all lectures/ no laboratory

Module 1
Topic: Understanding the Different Literary Criticisms


Literary criticism is the study, evaluation, and interpretation of literature. ... Some critics consider literary
criticism a practical application of literary theory, because criticism always deals directly with
particular literary works, while theory may be more general or abstract.

Literary criticism refers to analysis and judgment of works of literature. It tries to interpret specific works
of literature, and also helps us to identify and understand different ways of examining and interpreting them.

The primary function of literary criticism is to interpret literature in a way that will increase


Objectives A- Share insights of the different events of the story

S- Display understanding of the different literary criticisms
K-Choose appropriate details in the selection


There are more than five different Literary Criticisms. In this module, you are going study only 5
approaches of Literary Criticisms. You can research to expound your understanding of each of the following
approaches then answer the tasks that follow.

1. Moral Criticism 

Can be described as the judged value of a piece of literature or art based on its moral lesson or teaching. This is to
judge literary works according to moral rather than formal principles. Moral criticism is not necessarily
censorious or 'moralizing' in its approach, although it can be; nor does it necessarily imply a Christian perspective,
although it often does.

2. Marxist Criticism (1930s-present)

The most insistent and vigorous historicism through most of the twentieth century has been Marxism, based on
the world of Karl Marx (1818-1883). Marxist criticism, like other historical critical methods in the nineteenth
century, treated literature as a passive product of the culture, specifically of the economic aspect, and,
therefore, of class warfare. Economics, the underlying cause of history, was thus the base, and culture, including
literature and the other arts, the superstructure. Viewed from the Marxist perspective, the literary works of a
period would, then, reveal the state of the struggle between classes in the historical place and moment.

3. Ecocriticism (1960s to present)

A study of the intersections between humanity and nature including focuses on the pastoral, the
frontier, gender position, ethnicities, communities, urbanites, industrialization and technology. 

4. Critical Race Theory (1970s to present)

Critical Race Theory, or CRT, is a theoretical and interpretive mode that examines the appearance of
race and racism across dominant cultural modes of expression. In adopting this approach, CRT scholars
attempt to understand how victims of systemic racism are affected by cultural perceptions of race and how they
are able to represent themselves to counter prejudice.

5. Post-Colonial Criticism (1990s-present)

Post-colonial criticism is similar to cultural studies, but it assumes a unique perspective on literature and
politics that warrants a separate discussion. Specifically, post-colonial critics are concerned with literature
produced by colonial powers and works produced by those who were/are colonized. Post-colonial theory
looks at issues of power, economics, politics, religion, and culture and how these elements work in relation to
colonial hegemony.

Activity 1: Identify any three (3)Literary works and fill out the table below.

Title of the selection Approach used in Reason/support explanation to convey the use of such approach.
Literary Criticism Give your interpretation or understanding of the selection
through the eyes of your chosen approach.
1. The Hunger Marxist Criticism Marxist criticism is interested in the society created by the
Games, Novel by author in the piece of literature concerned. Therefore, in the
Suzanne Collins novel various districts are struggling economically and socially
and eventually rise up against their government. It would go as
far as to say that it was those conditions that caused the series
to unfold the way it did. It was simply people rebelling against
an unfair way of life.

2. Robinson Crusoe, Post-colonial criticism Post-colonial criticism is similar to cultural studies, but it
Novel by Daniel assumes a unique perspective on literature and politics that
Defoe warrants a separate discussion. In the novel Robinson Crusoe
where colonial ideology is manifest in Crusoe's colonialist
attitude toward the land upon which he's shipwrecked and
toward the black man he colonizes and names Friday. Also
obvious anti-colonist agenda, the novel points to the colonized
population as the standard of savagery to which Europeans
are contrasted. Post-colonial criticism also takes the form of
literature composed by authors that critique Euro-centric

3. Silent Spring, Ecocriticism Ecocriticism is the study of the relationship between literature
Science Book by and the physical environment. In the book it shows that
Rachel Carson ecocriticism has been and continues to be an earth-centered
approach the complex intersections between environment and
culture, believing that human culture is connected to the
physical world, affecting it and affected by it . Ecocriticism is
interdisciplinary, calling for collaboration between natural
scientists, writers, literary critics, anthropologists, historians,
and more.
Activity 2

1. Describe Virgil's function in the Inferno. How does he differ from Dante? What does he represent?
The function of Virgil in the Divine comdey is that he acts as Dante's teacher or mentor. His unfailing wisdom
and patience help Dante get through the many trials and tribulations he endures on his epic journey, stiffening his
resolve in the face of all manner of adversity. However the difference would be that Virgil was still a pagan for all
that, so although he can lead Dante to the gates of Paradise, he can go no further. This is an allegory on the place
of pagan learning in Renaissance Europe. Renaissance thinkers drew deeply upon the wisdom of the ancients but
believed that having faith was necessary to achieve beatitude. As a pagan, Virgil is unable to provide any guidance
in this respect, so he must be absent during the final stages of Dante's epic spiritual journey.
2. How does Dante grow as a character in the poem? How does his reaction toward sin change?
There is only a slight characther growth Dante's development seems to follow a cycle: he goes from pitying the
sinners to judging and feeling above them. Throughout the novel Dante would say things like “Up above
Malebolge’s last cloister now where we could see its lay-brothers under us, their strange laments beset me, each an
arrow whose shaft was barbed with pity—and at this, I lifted up my hands and blocked my ears” (XXIX.43-57). At
this point Dante could not deal with the sinners and watching them that he is forced to cover his ears and look
away. This sense of character development is perhaps just Dante’s moral and psychological recognition that sin
should be despised and God’s ultimate powers should be worshiped.


Read the Italian Divine Comedy (Part 1 only: The Inferno) by Dante Alighieri. Answer the following questions.
Encircle the letter of your answer.
Note: No changing of answers and no erasures allowed.

1. Virgil appears to lead Dante back to the path of righteousness because

A. God told him to do so. C. Beatrice asked him to do so.
B. He is a fellow-poet. D. N/A
2. Hell is made up of:
A. Nine circles C. Seven circles
B. N/A D. Five circles
3. As Dante descends into Hell, the sins that he comes across become
A. Less serious. C. Different, but of the same degree in the eyes of god.
B. More serious. D. N/A
4. The souls who are stung by wasps outside of Hell are
A. The fallen angels. C. N/A
B. The neutral souls. D. Non-christians, who were not admitted into the places of reward and of
punishment of christianity.
5. The first infernal river is the
A. Styx. C. Cocytus.
B. N/A D. Acheron.
6. In Dante's system, murder is
A. N/A
B. Less serious than flattery and more serious than gluttony.
C. Less serious than lust and more serious than fraud.
D. Less serious than fraud and more serious than heresy.
7. Minos is
A. N/A
B. Half-bull and half-man, the product of a bestial love between pasiphae and a bull.
C. A demon who judges the gravity of the souls' sins.
D. A demon who guards the barrators and keeps them from getting out of the boiling pitch.
8. Dante's attitude towards the sodomites is
A. N/A
B. Sympathetic, since he too had a homosexual relationship with virgil.
C. Disdainful, since he considers their sin to be unforgivable.
D. Respectful, since he had admired them during their lifetimes.
9. Dante was
A. A white guelf C. A ghibelline.
B. N/A D. A black guelf
10. Dante's attitude towards Florence is
A. Vengeful and full of hatred. C. N/A
B. Loving but bitter. D. Mildly patriotic, but he was more interested in uniting all
of Italy under the emperor.

Module 2
Topic: Exploring Human Displacement, Multiculturalism and Diversity in the 21st Century


In the 21st century, a greater number of human displacements is accounted for by the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). According to the report, the record of 59.5 million refugees
around the world in the year 2014 is higher than the previous years and these migration and displacement are
explored given several factors discussed by the Forced Migration Online (FMO). In the article “what is force
migration”, several factors where mentioned and among these where conflict induced (civil war; generalized
violence; and persecution on the ground of nationality, race, religion, political opinion or social group),
disaster induced (natural disasters, environmental change, and human-made disasters), and development
induced (large-scale infrastructure project, mining and deforestation, and the introduction of conservation
parks/reserves and biosphere project.)
These factors for human displacement cause not only physical and geographical displacement but also
displacement in the migrants’ identity and culture especially on the part of the generation born and raised
outside the country of their parental origin. Taiye Selasi, celebrated author of essays, short story, and novel
about Africans, has been consistently asked of the question” where are you from?” which she found quite
queer to answer given her African origin but Western upbringing. She explores in her literature her dilemmas
and insights her identity and culture, her advocacies and predicaments, and her heart’s desires as a product of
migration, isolation, and of constant interrogations about nationality and nationalism.

A: Share the value of diversity among and across races

S: Describe the condition and extent brought about multiculturalism among Filipinos
K: Determined the factors and causes of multiculturalism and diversity in the world

Read the following essay then do the given activities.
Activity 1.
In the box write a poem, or slogan, or create a caricature, or advertisement to present your insights regarding diversity
and multiculturalism in the world.

Every body

Every body has its color

Every body has a name
Some are cute
Some are funny
Some are the same
All is right
None is wrong
I like my color
I like my name
It's special to me
It is exactly who,
I want to be.

Activity 2.
Determine the 3 factors and causes of multiculturalism and diversity in the world.

Multiculturalism and the diversity in the world

Factors/Causes Impact

1. Legally-controlled immigration Multiculturalism is the end-state of either a natural or artificial

process in that said it could be small scale or large scale, example
is in Argentina, Argentina's constitution explicitly promotes
immigration, and recognizes the individual's multiple citizenship
from other countries. Though 97% of Argentina's population self-
identify as of European descent to this day a high level of
multiculturalism remains a feature of Argentina's culture,
allowing foreign festivals and holidays (e.g. Saint Patrick's Day),
supporting all kinds of art or cultural expression from ethnic
groups, as well as their diffusion through an important
multicultural presence in the media; for instance it is not
uncommon to find newspapers or radio programs in English,
German, Italian, French or Portuguese in Argentina.

This may lead some individuals and societies to form prejudices

2. Race, specifially skin color about members of a particular culture or race and to practice

It is said to be that it has a negative effect on the world's cultural

3. Globalization (this is my personal diversity. By its meaning it states that it is aprocess of interaction
educated opinion) and integration among people, companies, and governments
worldwide. In simple terms it is a judgement as a whole that is
why i consider this as a factor in multiculturalism and diversity in
the world
ASSESSTMENT Understanding the text
Answer the following question below. (Use another sheets of paper for your answers)

1. What insight does the title of the essay present about “Afropolitans”?
It defines the identity and experiences of a afropolitan.
2. What is your personal perception about Afropolitans? Can they be considered unfaithful to their origin
and culture?
My personal perception about Afropolitans is that they are Africans who migrated to western areas of
the world. They can’t be considered as unfaithful to their origin just because the left and moved to
another place, and that they already forget about their origin and culture.
3. What challenge to Afropolitans did the author present at the end of the essays?
They were challenged by the author to return to their homeland and grow again as one nation.
4. How can you compare Afropolitants to Filipinos and Africa to Philippines?
Afropolitans are not pure Africans: they have ethnic mixes. The same with Filipinos, some of us are
not pure Filipinos because of the colonization of other countries. Also, Afropolitans and Filipinos
used to go abroad but for different reasons and purposes.

Exit Prompts (Use another sheets if necessary)

Write your reflection on the continuing extent of migration among Filipinos.

Well the International labor migration has been a major feature of the Philippine political economy the past years.
I personally believe that migration has more advantages than disadvantages, Originally envisioned by the
government as a temporary measure to ease domestic employment pressure and stimulate industrialization,
migration may have been persisted in the face of declining wages and abusive recruitment practices. Dynamic
movement patterns have emerged that include a variety of destinations and occupations, drawing both males and
females from widely diverse backgrounds. Focusing upon the experiences of a small community, The community
experience reveals that economic forces and government policy are necessary conditions to establish potential
migration, but actual flows are initiated and shaped by a migration system consisting of interpersonal

Module 3

Topic: Analects of Confucius

Have you ever been asked by someone to choose between a perfect world filled with joys and devoid of
troubles or conflicts or a world full of pains but with lots of choices as cures? You know that you can’t escape
troubles, conflicts, and pains as challenges you have to face. How do you face these struggles or challenges of
different kinds? Perhaps, you have tried a lot of ways to win over them like when you face situations too difficult or
too painful to handle, you have to adjust to protect yourself from a perceived threat. That’s great! How do challenges
affect you? It’s true that challenges can be frightening, but they can be turned into opportunities for you to discover
more about yourself, others, and the world. Apparently, this is the right time for you to start with it since in this
lesson, you are to demonstrate how to turn challenges to opportunities.


A- State the effect of a literary piece in one’s value system

S- Draw generalizations and conclusions from the materials viewed
use denotation and connotation to clarify meanings of words
K- Appraise literature as a way of expressing and resolving one’s
personal conflicts

Your Text

Perhaps you have experienced facing a problem, which seemed to have no solution at all. How did you resolve the
problem? Did someone give you helpful advice? Read, “From The Analects” by Confucius, as translated by Arthur
Waley for you to find out how these questions are to be answered.

From the Analects

by Confucius
translated by Arthur Waley

The Master said, “To learn and at due times to repeat what one has learnt, is that not after all a pleasure? Those
friends should come to one from afar, is this not after all delightful? To remain unsoured even though one’s merits are
unrecognized by others is that not after all what is expected of a gentleman?”

The Master said, “A young man’s duty is to behave well to his parents at home and to his elders abroad, to be
cautious in giving promises and punctual in giving them, to have kindly feelings towards everyone, but seek the
intimacy of good. If, when all that is done, he has any energy to spare, and then let him study the polite arts.”

The Master said, “The good man does not grieve that other people do notrecognize his merits. His only anxiety is lest
he should fail to recognize theirs.”

The Master said, “He who rules by moral force is like the Pole star, which remains in its place where all the lesser
stars do homage to it.”

The Master said, “If out of three hundred songs I had to take one phrase to cover all my teaching, I would say, Let
there be no evil in your thoughts.”
The Master said, “Govern the people by regulations, keep order among them by chastisements, and they will flee
from you, and lose all self-respect. Govern them by moral force, keep order among them by ritual, they will keep
their self-respect and come to you of their own accord.”
Meng Wu Po asked about the treatment of parents.

The Master said, “Behave in such a way that your father and mother have no anxiety about you, except concerning
your health.”

The Master said, “A gentleman can see a question from all sides without bias.The small man is biased and can see a
question only from one side.”

The Master said, “You, shall I teach you what knowledge is? When you know a thing, to recognize that you know it,
and when you do not know a thing, to recognize that you do not know it. That is knowledge.”

The Master said, “High office filled by men of narrow views, ritual performed without reverence, the forms of
mourning observed without grief—these are things I cannot bear to see!”

The Master said, “In the presence of a good man, think all the time how you may learn to equal him. In the presence
of a bad man, turn your gaze within!”

The Master said, “In old days, a man kept hold on his words, fearing the disgrace that would ensue should he himself
fail to keep pace with them.”

The Master said, “A gentleman covets the reputation of being slow in word but prompt in deed.”

The Master said, “In old days, men studied for the sake of self-improvement; nowadays men study to impress other

The Master said, “A gentleman is ashamed to let his words outrun his deeds.”

The Master said, “He who will not worry about what is far off will soon find something worse than worry close at

The Master said, “To demand much from oneself and little from others is the way (for a ruler) to banish discontent.”

Activity 1 Finding Meaning


Look for difficult words from the selection. List at least 5 of them, and give their denotative (specific,
dictionary) and the connotative (suggested idea and feelings or overtone) meaning for each word. Remember that
connotative meaning is very important in persuasive writing. Connotation or shades of meaning can be positive or
negative. Also, choose at least five words in the selection which have strong connotation. Below is a grid where you
fill out with appropriate entries.

Difficult Words Denotative Meaning Connotative Meaning Words with strong

dishonor shame, cause of disgrace

1. Shark. Predatory fish. Highly skilled

2. Prodigy. Intelligent. Genius.

3. Master. Leader. Overbearing.

4. Establishment. A physical location of business. Power, Organization.

5. Cool. Low temperature. Popular, acceptable.

Activity 2: Insights from the Selection (Use separate sheets for your answers).

1. Point out two (2) phrases/sentences from “The Analects” of Confucius that say something about people’s
challenges and opportunities?

-The Master said, “A gentleman is ashamed to let his words outrun his deeds.” A gentleman is known for being a
very well-spoken man. But what if he said something that wouldn't match his words? That's where your question
gets in. The meaning of a "gentleman ashamed to let his words outrun his deeds" simply means that he is very
good at his words but not by his actions. The challenge would be by means of changing your self in to becoming a
better person and the opportunity having a choice to become a better person

- The Master said, “To demand much from oneself and little from others is the way (for a ruler) to banish
discontent.” it states that to be happy, one must give their best to the world without expecting the world to give as
much to themselves. Personally for me it is a challenge wether to give it all out without gaining something and an
opportunity by means of being a model for the youth.

2. Point out which of these challenges and opportunities you have already encountered, then share their effects
in your life.

The challenge to become a better person and the opportunity of having a choice to become one it affects my
decision making, like in general i made bad decisions on the past and Im just dazed and confused.


Answer the following questions below:

1. What kind of conflict / challenge is reflected in the statement below?

“In the presence of a good man, think all the time how you may learn to equal him. In the presence of a bad man, turn
your gaze within!”

If looking from the point of conflict inside a narrative or literature, there are many types of conflict. Man vs Man,
is when a person or character is against another person or human being. Their situation may be due to rivalry or
people with opposing views. In Man vs Self, the person is in battle with his alter ego or his inner self. He may be in
search of changing his actions or his life.

2. Why is it important to learn on how to practice them?

To have a knowledge about one self wether you are a bad person or a good one.

3. What 2 important values are highlighted in the selection?

Exit Prompts
Discuss your answer to these questions.

What have you learned from Confucius’ “The Analects” that made you see
yourself in another light?

I learned that as a person in a society which must always act in good faith, wear our dignity, bring honor and do
good with sincerity towards other people. If we do good to others, it will come back to us a hundred fold. It was
also emphasized in some of his writings that a man must be disciplined in order for him to succeed. Although I
may have done bad in the past, I can always correct than by doing good and asking forgiveness

NOTE: Pls. use separate sheets of paper for your answers especially the essay ones.

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