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Name of the supervisor:


November 03/11/2020


I certify that this report does not incorporate, without acknowledgement, any material
previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any university and to the best of my
knowledge and belief, it does not contain any material previously published or written by
another person or myself except where due reference is made in the text. I also hereby give
consent for my report, if accepted, to be made available for interlibrary loans, and for the title
and abstract to be made available to outside institution.

Signature of Candidate:………………………. Date:……………………

Name of Candidate:……………………………………………………………….

Countersigned by:

Signature of Supervisor:………………………. Date:………………….

Name of Supervisor:………………………………………………………………….

This project was carried out to deliver a fully functional system to Nyansiongo Tea
Factory to address shortcomings of the available manual system.

The desktop application based factory management system for Nyansiongo Tea
Factory, was initiated to address the needs of the management and the employees to
ease their work since the available systems have some drawbacks. The system was
built to address almost all tasks of the factory. The system helps the employees to
access information from any computer in the network.

Object oriented approach was chosen from among the used methods with the
advantages of Object oriented systems. RUP was selected as the process model. Java
was used as the base tool for development and sever side programming. NetBeans IDE
is used in developing the system. JavaScript, CSS, etc. were used to get the required
functionality. MySQL was chosen as the database management tool with MySQL
work bench for developing, testing and administrating the database.

The system was expected to organize the factory activities and help management in
decision making task. Finally, it is expected to cut down costs of the factory and
increase the profitability of Nyansiongo Tea Factory.

I dedicate this piece of work to my lecturer and supervisor Madam Lily Siele, my loving
parents and my friends towards their continued support while I was working on this

First of all, I give thanks to God Almighty for bringing me this far. I acknowledge all
the grace he gave me till I have come to the end of my four year course. I would like to
express my gratitude towards Madam Lily Siele, who gave me the technical guidance
and continuous supervision of the project.

I thank Computer Science degree coordinators of University of Eldoret, Project

examination board and the project coordinators of Bachelors of Science in Computer
Science Degree program for giving me the technical knowledge and guidance
thorough out the degree program.

I would also thank my parents and friends who helped me from the beginning to make
this project a success. Finally, I want to thank everyone who who took an active partto
make this project a success.

DECLARATION ............................................................................................................ ii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................. iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................. iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................... v

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF ACRONYMS .................................................................................................. x

1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1

1.1 BACKGROUND STUDY………….. ................................................................. 1

1.2 OBJECTIVE AND THE SCOPE ......................................................................... 2

1.3 STRUCTURE OF THE REPORT ........................................................................ 3

2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………………… ……….4


2.2 THE TECHNOLOGY CONCEPT………………………………………………….4

2.3 CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………

3.0 ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................. 5

1.4 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 5

1.5 FEASIBILITY STUDY ........................................................................................ 5

1.6 FACT FINDING ................................................................................................... 6

1.7 CURRENT SYSTEM ........................................................................................... 7

1.8 PROPOSED SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ......................................................... 9

4. DESIGN ....................................................................................................................

1.9 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 13

1.10 CANDIDATE SOLUTIONS .............................................................................. 13

1.11 SELECTED PROCESS MODEL ....................................................................... 14

1.12 DESIGN TECHNIQUES .................................................................................... 15

1.13 SYSTEM DESIGN ............................................................................................. 16

1.14 DATABASE DESIGN ....................................................................................... 20

1.15 CLASS DIAGRAM ............................................................................................ 22

1.16 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE ............................................................................. 22

1.17 INTERFACE DESIGN ....................................................................................... 23

2 IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................... 24

2.1 IMPLEMENTATION ENVIRONMENT .......................................................... 24

2.2 REUSED MODULES......................................................................................... 25

2.3 NETWORK IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................... 25

2.4 MAJOR CODE SEGMENTS ............................................................................. 25

2.5 SYSTEM SECURITY ........................................................................................ 30

3 EVALUATION ......................................................................................................... 31

3.1 TESTING PROCEDURE ................................................................................... 31

3.2 TEST PLANS AND TEST CASES .................................................................... 31

3.3 TEST DATA AND RESULTS ........................................................................... 33

3.4 ACCEPTANCE TESTING ................................................................................. 33

4 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 34

4.1 FURTHER IMPROVEMENTS .......................................................................... 34

4.2 LESSONS LEARNED ....................................................................................... 35

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 36

APPENDICES .............................................................................................................. 38

APPENDIX C – USER DOCUMENTATION ......................................................... 38

INDEX .......................................................................................................................... 48

Figure 3.1 RUP framework ........................................................................................... 16
Figure 3.2 Use case diagram of operations module ...................................................... 17
Figure 3.3 Sequence diagram of a printing job ............................................................. 18
Figure 3.4 Use case diagram for maintenance module ................................................. 19
Figure 3.5 Use case diagram for HR module ................................................................ 21
Figure 3.6 Use case diagram for management module ................................................. 21
Figure 3.7 Use case diagram for administration module .............................................. 23
Figure 3.8 ER diagram of the database ......................................................................... 24
Figure 3.9 Class diagram of the system ........................................................................ 25
Figure 3.10 Module Interaction Diagram ..................................................................... 26
Figure 3.11 Login page ................................................................................................. 26
Figure 3.12 Main interface ............................................................................................ 26
Figure 4.1 Directory Structure ...................................................................................... 29
Figure 4.2 MVC interaction .......................................................................................... 29
Figure 4.3 Access denied error message ....................................................................... 37
Figure A.1 Exporting ER diagram ................................................................................ 49
Figure B.1 HR and Admin modules ............................................................................. 50
Figure B.2 Maintenance module ................................................................................... 50
Figure B.3 Inventory module ........................................................................................ 51
Figure B.4 Operations module 1 ................................................................................... 51
Figure B.5 Operations module 2 ................................................................................... 52
Figure B.6 Operations module 3 ................................................................................... 52
Figure C.1 Address bar ................................................................................................. 54
Figure C.2 Login page .................................................................................................. 54
Figure C.3 System interface .......................................................................................... 55
Figure C.4 Date picker .................................................................................................. 55
Figure C.5 Search field ................................................................................................. 56
Figure C.6 Start new job ............................................................................................... 56
Figure C.7 CTP Job page .............................................................................................. 57
Figure C.8 Active Jobs .................................................................................................. 57
Figure C.9 Available options ........................................................................................ 58
Figure C.10 Report stop page ....................................................................................... 58
Figure C.11 Staff arrangement entering page ............................................................... 59
Figure C.12 Add ink page ............................................................................................. 59

Figure C.13 Add fontaine page ..................................................................................... 59
Figure C.14 Maintenance main page ............................................................................ 62
Figure D.1 Active Jobs ................................................................................................. 62
Figure D.2 Finished jobs ............................................................................................... 62
Figure D.3 Job Details .................................................................................................. 63
Figure D.4 Staff Arrangement ...................................................................................... 63
Figure D.5 CTP Performance ....................................................................................... 64
Figure D.6 Waste Report .............................................................................................. 64
Figure D.7 Maintenance history ................................................................................... 65
Figure D.8 Maintenance job details .............................................................................. 65
Figure D.9 Inventory ..................................................................................................... 66
Figure D.10 Inventory details ....................................................................................... 66
Figure E.1 Overall system Rating ................................................................................. 70

Table 3.1 Feasibility Matrix ............................................................................................ 13
Table 3.2 Use case narrative for Job Start .................................................................... 18
Table 3.3 Use case narrative for press take job ............................................................ 19
Table 3.4 Use case narrative for maintenance job start ................................................ 20
Table 3.5 Use case narrative for add items to the inventory ......................................... 22
Table 3.6 Use case narrative for login .......................................................................... 23
Table 4.1 Hardware and Software used for development ............................................. 27
Table 5.1 Test cases for operations module .................................................................. 39
Table 5.2 Test cases for management module .............................................................. 40
Table 5.3 Test cases for inventory module ................................................................... 41
Table 5.4 Test cases for HR module ............................................................................. 41
Table 5.5 Test cases for management module .............................................................. 42
Table 5.6 Test cases for administrator module ............................................................. 42
Table A.1 Hardware requirements ................................................................................ 48
Table A.2 Software requirements ................................................................................. 48
Table B.1 Actors glossary ............................................................................................. 53
Table E.1 Test Results for administrator module ......................................................... 67
Table E.2 Test results for operations module ............................................................... 67
Table E.3 Test results for maintenance module ............................................................ 68
Table E.4 Test results for HR module .......................................................................... 68
Table E.5 Test results for Management module ........................................................... 69
Table E.6 Test results of acceptance test ...................................................................... 69


CSS - Cascading Style Sheet

CTP - Computer to Plate

DB - Database

ER - Entity-Relationship

GUI - Graphical User Interface

HR - Human Resources

HTML - Hypertext Mark-up Language

Information and Communication
MVC - Model, View, Controller

OO - Object Oriented

OT - Over Time

RAD - Rapid Application Development

RAM - Random Access Memory

RUP - Rational Unified Process

SHA - Securer Hash Algorithm

SQL - Structured Query Language

UML - Unified Modeling Language

RMA - Return Merchandise Authority.


Computerized systems for businesses are not very rare things in the today’s perspective
and businesses cannot survive in the competitive environment without Information and
Communication Technology (ICT). People have tendency to think that computers are
more reliable. The fact is that the developers and programmers need to put minds
together to come up with such software’s in computers.

Nyansiongo Tea Factory system is going to cater for the kind of sales that will be
made, the purchases to be made, the kind of commodities in stock, showing different
brands of commodities, the employees in the factory i.e. a keeps the record of all the
employees and can add any new member into the system etc. The admin also has the
capabilities of editing the details of any member in the system.

This project was carried out to develop a fully functional system for Nyansiongo Tea

Factory to ease their day to day work while helping to uplift the company’s bottom


This project was carried out to fulfill final year project requirement at the same time
helping the Nyansiongo Tea Factory by delivering fully functional system to them. I
preferred to develop the system as a desktop application to satisfy client need.

The problems of the existing manual system can be listed as follows:

• All the printing jobs related to production are recorded in a small system with
an Access database and needs more functionality and reports, at the same time
we have a lot of paperwork.
• Inventory control and managing was done manually in books which is hard to
track material consumption, productivity and even the remaining stock.
• Printing machines (towers) does not have a computerized maintenance records
which becomes hard to track breakdowns and maintenance work done which
sometimes delay the production and reduce revenue of the company.

• Most of the data entry, validation and processing are done manually; this can be
erroneous at times.
• Historical data cannot be systematically viewed or structured at any time.

• Generating reports with the existing data is time consuming and reports are not
accessible from any location.
• Management of the factory needs a computerized way of analyzing cost and
productivity which currently consumes their valuable time.

In order to overcome these problems, the desktop application was developed. It would
help the factory to manage time, effort, and resources more efficiently and assist the
management in decision making process.


The current system used at Nyansiongo tea factory is manual, where records are noted
down in books. This costs the factory a lot with much time lost and ineffectiveness
during receiving or issuing of wholesale products from its factory. It is also difficult for
the manager to keep a track of what should be restocked, and also generate accurate
reports. Even it’s a challenge to keep record of employees and even updating their
records as required.

Retrieval of data in the paper work system is very difficult because they are stored in a
room thus time consuming. One has to go manually and search for a file in a store
/cabinet where they are stored

I decided to come up with this automated management system to overcome these

challenges. The advantages of this system include:

 Employer will be in a position to keep record the employees in the factory

 It will enhance proper record keeping

 Paperwork will be reduced

 Retrieval of data will be made easier

 So efficient to customers who wish to buy from the factory

The main goal of this project is to provide an overall solution which could cover most
of the factory management processes that are done manually at present, and improve
the efficiency of production and management which will be directly favorable to the
bottom line of the Nyansiongo Tea Factory.

i. To study the current system (paperwork) employee management system as used currently

in the department

ii. To identify the challenges in this paperwork employee management system

iii. To design and develop an automated employee management system that solves the

identified challenges

iv. To enhance work performance at the department using the developed system

v. To keep record of employees in that the system shows when the employee is absent,

employee’s arrival time and departure time.


The system will:

 Reduce employees reporting to work late

 Easen the record keeping of employee details

 Enhance productivity of the ICT department making it competitive as

compared to the other departments in the County Government


Implementation of this system will add significant advantages to the ICT department

which is depended most by all the other departments in the County Government. It will

improve punctuality of employees. When punctuality is, maintained employees will take

work place a serious place to be. Most of them will be responsible with work. The

department will also be more organized in terms of keeping it’s records.


The system will cover the following areas and which will be the scope of the project,

• Inventory control
Currently almost all inventory related things are done manually on
books except for some excel sheets, so the proposed system will consist
of an inventory module to handle these manual works efficiently.
• Production Analyzing
Currently only this got a small system with an Access database,
proposed system will improve this by adding more functionality and
with more capabilities. Proposed system will calculate the productivity
etc. of the production.
• Maintenance record keeping
To keep track of all maintenance work, the system will have a fault
index with common breakdowns and remedies that should take to
overcome those issues. Maintenance staff will be able to access those
data when required to reduce the downtime of the machines.

• System Administration
This module will create logins and passwords to access the system and
also to recover lost passwords of the system users.
• Management aspects

Management always interested in the bottom line or the profit of the

factory so this part will analyze the past trends, costs and bottlenecks of
the factory and helps to improve the factory in future. This part of the

system also monitors the productivity of the printers, analyze cost of
servicing and operations.

The main deliverables of the system would be summarized as Management reports,

productivity reports of the printing towers, maintenance records and also the proposed
system will include record monitoring in different user perspectives and provide a
secure system.




was used to study about the
inventory management which was a part of the factory. Inventory Manager is a low cost
industrial solution for inventory management where there is a free trial version available
to evaluate the system. Trial version of the system was used to study about the inventory
management systems used in the industry. There are huge lot of features available in this
system where some of them are adding an item type, manage items, check in, check out,
and reports. These features are studied to implement them in the factory (5).

TEAFMS which was used to study object oriented approach of developing the
software. Since this project also carried out to address the factory management task of
a tea factory, which was used as the baseline for developing the Nyansiongo Tea
Factory. TEAFMS is mostly focused on financial aspects of the factory but
Nyansiongo Tea Factory is focusing on production and maintenance aspects of the
factory with an inventory module to help them [Nawfhal, 2011].

Factory MES is a very sophisticated factory management software

which was available for the industrial use. This systems features were studied to help
the Nyansiongo Tea Factory with its features. This system is a generalized system
build to address common tasks in a manufacturing environment. The features of this
system helped a lot to build a more reliable and sophisticated system for Nyansiongo
Tea Factory (6).

Human Resource Information System by VTM Viet Nam J.S.C was studied to have
some idea about a Human Resource module for Nyansiongo Tea Factory. The system
by VTM was a sophisticated HR module with fingerprint readers for getting attendance
and with lot more features. This system was used as reference to add some HR
functions to the developing system for Nyansiongo Tea Factory (7).

2.1 Industrial revolution

The industrial Revolution brought major changes to the economies of Europe and United States.
New technological advances in the early 1800s ushered in sweeping changes for both
manufacturing and transportation. Traditional family farms and small family run cottage industries
produced goods in small quantities with lots of manual labor. With the arrival of machine based
manufacturing, entire families began moving from their rural farm homes to the cities to find work
in the newly industrialized factories. The work was often dangerous, unhealthy and paid very
little. Factory owners loved child labor because it was cheap and unregulated.
Factory owners needed a way to keep track of working hours. This gave rise to the first

time systems and even record keeping was a challenge

2.2 The technology concept

Technology refers to the information, equipment, techniques and processes required to

transform inputs into outputs (Robbins & Barnwell, 2002:200). Information technology

has developed into being a tool towards benchmarking service deliver on a year to year

basis. Technological changes can therefore be classified as well organized efforts to

improve service delivery (Osborne & Brown, 2005:13-19).

Tushman & Anderson (2004:36) claim that in order to improve services, change has to

start with cycles of discontinuity. The limit within the new technology should be

emphasized greater than the previous to serve as a motivation for change. The motivation

of Tushman & Anderson (2004:36) is a confirmation of the existence of fear within

organizations as identified by Stair & Reynolds (2001:2). Technological development is

focused on human friendly alternatives that are better than the current development.

Motivation is therefore tabled towards a favorable option as opposed to the present,

including the promise of future benefits that can outlast the current mode of operation. The

unlimited boundaries of the new technology, poses a threat to the outdated results of the

current technology, meaning that the use of the manual attendance register is deemed


Bellingham (2001:2-3) mentions that change has to be examined against demands such as:

 compliance from legislation;

 Customer satisfaction - required and overdue;

 Rapid response - necessary to meet the needs of all clients;

 Flexibility - necessary to evolve with technology without pressing conventional


 Collaboration of data resources - required to improve the abilities of independent local

government departments.

2.3 Conclusion
The introduction of automated employee management system has commenced with limited

knowledge. There is a limited understanding of technology amongst employees and almost no

interest to know more. The employees will be trained on how to use the system so that they

don’t have difficulty in using the system when it is implemented. One will be required to use

employment number and password to login. Automated employee management system will

enhance punctuality at and improve performance work place.

The paper attendance register served its purpose prior to the development of computers. The

benefits of the employee management system have proven to be more than the risks as well

as offering different options for the interpretation of data.



Analyzing the current system or the way that things are done is a must in order to come
up with a system which can tackle their inefficiencies and drawbacks. This is the
starting point of the system development process after the project proposal got
approved (2).

The main tasks that are coming under analyzing are; fact finding, feasibility study
and come up with feasibility report and requirements specifications.

Before starting a project, the feasibility of the project should be assessed whether the
project can be done with the resources available. After that, being familiar with the
problem domain is the toughest task since it is a novel thing to the software developer,
after the background and the flow of the work got identified its time to do a literature
review and gather facts to come up with the requirements specification.


Before starting a project, it should be checked for the feasibility whether the project
can be completed on time and required tools, funding’s and knowledge is available to
complete the project. The project was evaluated according the following categories of
feasibility (3).

3.2.1 Technical Feasibility

The developer who develops the software should have the required knowledge to
develop the software. From this point the project got the required knowledge to fulfill
the project requirements.

Also tools and techniques that are used should be available for example there should be
computers to develop the software and implement it. Currently Nyansiongo Tea
Factory got computers for all most all employees to do their routine business activities,
so they can use them to access the new software developed. The software is going to be
developed using tools which are open source and freely available. So from the
technical aspects the project is highly feasible.

3.2.2 Economic Feasibility
The project should match the budget of the company. This project incurs only the
hardware cost of the servers since the development costs are zero because this was
developed to fulfill academic requirements of the Computer science degree program.
Economically also the project is feasible to carry on.

3.2.3 Cultural Feasibility

This organization currently use computers to carry out small tasks, so computers are
not a new thing to any of the employees, so they can be easily adopted to a new system
which they will willing use since it will ease their lives. The culture of the organization
won’t be an issue to carry out project which enables cultural feasibility to implement
the system.

3.2.4 Operational Feasibility

The proposed system will reduce the work load on the press staff which will ease their
operations to carry out efficiently. Also the employees and managers are willing to
work in a computerized environment. This suggests that the system will be used and
operated well making the project feasible in operational.

3.2.5 Legal Feasibility

The system will use open source software where the legal issues won’t be a problem.
Also the system won’t copy someone’s work or design and the system is designed and
built from scratch. Legally the system won’t give any issues and feasible to carry on.


Fact finding holds a very important position since the facts that are gathered is the basis
of developing the software. Gathering facts for a system is not an easy task since
people may assume something that the analysts may know but actually they do not
know well about the problem domain.


Face to face interviews are used in most of the times to identify their requirements.
Some questions are open ended where the interviewee got the flexibility to explain
what he needs and some questions are close ended where they had to answer in short
form. This method was used to gather the requirements of the stakeholders which are
must need for a new system.

Observation while they are working or doing their routine activities. Was done to get
an inner idea about their problem domain and to catch up the requirements which were
mentioned during their interviews. Also this method was very useful to identify the
workload they have when carrying out daily duties.

Telephone conversations were made in order to get some clarification of some of the
facts that were gathered through the above methods.

Analyzing relevant documents and paperwork of the existing manual system to

gather the facts regarding the reports they required. Observed and analyzed the current
simple Visual Basic programs they made, to understand what are the improvements
needed and the drawbacks of the current system.

Representing captured requirements/moments during the fact finding process were

represented in a use-case diagram to reflect a clear understandable requirements of the
system which can be understood by a technical or a non-technical staff.


Since the problem domain was new i had to understand the way that the things are
being done, the culture of the organization and the need for an information system that
can uphold their needs, before digging into functionalities of the system required.

For ease of analyzing the current system, it was divided into sub systems as follows.

• Operations Module
• Maintenance Module
• Human Resource Module
• Management Module

3.4.1 Operations Module

Nyansiongo Tea Factory main task is to feed data and process it according to the
instructions of the Nyansiongo Tea Factory head office.

Drawbacks of the current system are all the data entry was done by a supervisor at
factory but he is not responsible for some of the data he enters since initiation of the
job is done by the supplier division. Data entry is not dynamic ant flexible as required

because all of the data related to a job cannot be entered at once since the events are
happening at different times and they should be given the ability to enter the data once
the events occurs and data is available to keep the data more accurate and also this will
ease their task because they need not to fill whole lot of data at once.

3.4.2 Maintenance Module

In here also there are two divisions responsible for maintenance tasks but the
operations and tasks of the two divisions are almost same as the systems point of view.
The two divisions are Mechanical Maintenance Division and Electrical Maintenance
Division. They are having two responsibilities; they attend for breakdowns and
preventive maintenance or servicing the machines.

There are breakdowns that need immediate solutions since the production or the supply
task cannot be continued without that delivery department. In these instances, supply
supervisor acknowledges maintenance divisions that there is an emergency breakdown
which stops the operation of a inventory line. Assistant managers of both divisions
need a way to record and analyze performance of their staff when attending for
emergency breakdowns.

Currently they don’t have a way of tracking breakdowns happened earlier and machine
downtimes, which will be helpful in future maintenance tasks and performance
analyzing. Also they need to maintain a list of errors and how they were tackled in the
past to ease the future maintenance tasks and to reduce the machine down times.

3.4.3 Human Resource Module

Currently the calculating of overtime and leaves are done manually by the subject
clerk. There is a process inside the factory that the overtime should be authorized by a
supervisor and then an assistant manager. This process requires more paper work and
employees doesn’t have way to know whether their overtime is authorized. Also
factory needs a way to keep track of employee details in case needed.

3.4.4 Management Module

Management of the Factory needs whole lot of reports to monitor and increase the
performance of the printing task. Among reports there is a daily job report which
finalizes all the jobs done in the previous 24 hours. Also when a critical job is finished

they need finalized job information messaged to their mobile phones as a SMS. There
is a report send to the finance division of the company which was made manually on a
excel sheet.

Management of the factory has a requirement to monitor the jobs real time. Also they
need to automate message sending process using a system generated email. They
should be able to monitor the inventory level, performance of employees, performance
of machines and finally to take actions towards reducing the waste and machine
downtimes to increase performance of the overall factory.


According to the inefficiencies found in the above discussed current system, the
proposed system requirements was built. These are the requirements that have been
gathered that should be functionalities of the Factory Management System for the
Nyansiongo Tea Factory some of these requirements were changed and some were
eliminated during the development process.

3.5.1 Functional Requirements Operations Module

• Able to enter job details on the go.

• System should generate job wise reports.
• Keep clean data about stakeholders
• Able to report stop and request maintenance through the system.
• Analyzing the operations cost.
• Analyze the tea brands.
• Generate report for finance dept.
• Generate reports for management. Maintenance Module

• Keep track of maintenance records.

• Able to check machines maintenance and breakdown history.
• Schedule services.
• Tea cost calculation.

13 Human Resource Module

• Add employees and edit employees.

• List of employees.
• Add departments and edit and list departments.
• Leave applying and authorizing mechanism through the system. .
• Requesting people for Over Time (OT) and authorizing OT.

Leave applying and authorizing and the OT calculation tasks were eliminated from the
final system as they are not that important in adding to the system as client specified
and added to the further developments. Management Module

• Add or update employee details.

• View performance of employees. Inventory Module

• Keep track of all inventory levels.

• Able to add items to inventory and remove items from inventory. Administration Module

• Add/Update/Delete users of the system.

• Reset passwords.

3.5.2 Non-functional Requirements

• The system should be accurate and consistent.
• The system should not give company data to an outsider (Security).
• The system should be reliable.
• It should be user friendly.
• System need to flexible and expandable in the future.



Developing software needs a good design to success the project. Nowadays developers
use iterative models to develop software which means several iterations of analyzing,
designing, coding and testing. The first stages of the design have an overall view of the
system and then the subsystems will be designed and expanded to fit the design of the


There are many ways that the system can be build, some of them are a collection of
software, standalone system and a web based system. All three ways of building the
system was considered to come up with a one solution.


These three options were compared using the feasibility of each and every solution.
Criteria Weigh Standalone Collection of Web based
t system software system
Technical 4 8 7 9

Operation 5 5 3 9
Cultural 3 7 8 7

Economic 2 7 7 8
Legal 2 10 10 10

Total 160 112 101 138

Table 3.1 Feasibility Matrix

According to the Table 3.1 best solution is a web based system which got the highest
total score of 138 out of 160. According to the feasibility of the solutions considered
web based approach is best suitable for the Nyansiongo Tea Factory. Also following
facts emphasize the use of web based system for the factory.

Collection of software was an obsolete solution because it lacks the integrity since it is
a collection of software having one software made for each and every module. These
types of systems may give rise to more errors due to lack of integrity.

Standalone system only needs to be installed in computers that the system going to be
used. This requires if a new computer bought into the factory later to install the
software to use it with the Factory Management system.


Standalone approach to develop the system was selected because it has more
advantages compared to others for the problem domain. The reasons for selecting this
approach are listed below.

• The client particularly requested for a Standalone system.

• Easy to monitor the factory processes and generate informative reports.
• Maintenance is easy, because the database and the system is centralized.
• Every part of the system would be integrated together and synchronized.
• Ease of implementing the system since the factory already has a local area
• Loading time is less than collection of software.


There are several process models evolved from the past which can be used to develop a
system. Some of them are waterfall model, prototyping model, rapid application
development (RAD) and rational unified process (RUP) model [Walt, 2001]
[Munnassar, 2010].

Waterfall model is an old process model where each phase of development follows the
other. First of all, analysis needs to be done and then after finishing analysis the design
and then implementation. No going back to the earlier iterations which lacks the
flexibility to change the system then not suitable in today’s competitive environment.

RAD is used when the system needs to be developed very quickly, but for the proposed
system has a whole year to develop so RAD is not a good selection at this point.

Prototyping model needs system to be developed in iterations and in each iteration

outputs are developed by system which then be reviewed and developed again in next
iteration to address the drawbacks and bugs found.
Selected model to develop the system is RUP because RUP is more flexible than others
and can be altered according to the developers’ choice. RUP consist of four phases
namely inception phase, elaboration phase, construction phase and transition phase

Figure 3.1 explains phases and iterations of the RUP framework which consist of four
phases as inception, elaboration, constructions and transition. In inception phase the
idea of the project is stated. Elaboration phase: here the project’s architecture and
required resources are further evaluated. Construction phase is used in developing
and completing the system and in transition phases the system is in the process of
moving into the client’s domain/public. All of these four phases got activities from
each and every activity as needed for example in inception phase it can start the
development of the system and also initial designing tasks.

Figure 3.1 RUP framework

The RUP development methodology provides a structured way for companies to

envision create software programs. Since it provides a specific plan for each step of the
development process, it helps prevent resources from being wasted and reduces un
expected development costs


1. It is an iterative approach that is better in some situations than a pure waterfall
2. Has some level of predictability if the level of uncertainty in the project is not
too high


1. No longer widely used and has been largely superseded by Agile and scrum
which are more flexible and adaptive and easier to use
2. The original implementation of RUP was heavily dependent on the rational
tool set which is very expensive.
3. It has a fair amount of overhead and isn’t quite flexible and adaptive as


Object oriented approach to develop the software was chosen since systems build using
object oriented approach can easily be understood by another, easy to maintain, easy to
debugging and coding. Therefor designing also done in object oriented way using Unified
Modeling Language (UML).

Java is used to develop the software since it is freely available, can use with almost
every server, platform independent, supports for databases, and many more advantages
which supports server side processing task effective and efficient. (11)

JavaScript is used for validations and styling or formatting the interfaces. JavaScript
enables dynamic content on interface and to validate results before sending to the
server which will increase the efficiency of the software.


The system was logically divided into subsystems for ease of designing and
implementing. The subsystems are as follows,

4.5.1 Operations Module

This where the factory’s system main activity of processing data from numerous
sources is related as data is entered into the system and processed. For ease of
designing and development this module is broken down into two as supplier and
customers. This is where most amount of data entry happen to the system. Figure 3.2
use-case diagram shows the finalized operations and dependencies of this module.

Stating a job and taking that job by the press staff for the printing are the most critical
tasks of the operations module. CTP division is the one who starts a job. Only started
jobs from the CTP division can be printed in the press.
Use-Case Job Start
Actors CTP Operator, CTP supervisor
Printing job is started at the CTP division
User should be logged in
Flow of Events
1. Start a CTP job
2. Add first publication and edition
3. Add other publications (optional)
4. Check machines
5. Add initial plate usage
Post Conditions
Update the job data as needed
Table 3.2 Use case narrative for Job Start
Table 3.2 shows the use case narrative for the CTP job start and Table 3.3 shows the
use case narrative for Press takes job which are the most critical tasks of this module.

4.5.2 Maintenance Module
When a press line got stopped due to a breakdown the maintenance departments of the
factory should be notified and they need to start a maintenance job. These jobs will be
saved in the database to track the efficiency of the machines and the people attended
for the maintenance task. Use-case diagram of the maintenance module of the system is
shown in figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4 Use case diagram for maintenance module

Most critical tasks of this module is starting a job and recording data to the job. Job can
be started in two ways one by a maintenance request from the press and other one is the
direct method. Use case narrative for staring a job is shown in Table 3.4.
Use-Case Start Maintenance job
Actors Maintenance Operator and supervisor
Job start can be due press stop or other
User should be logged in
Press stops or other maintenance
Flow of Events
1. If a press stop, take the job from maintenance requests
2. If other job start the job
3. Identify the fault
Post Conditions
Update the job data as needed
Table 3.4 Use case narrative for maintenance job start

4.5.4 Management Module

Management module of the system deals with generating reports and other
management tasks linked with the system. This module will be implements user
friendly interfaces to evaluate the performance of the factory. Use-case diagram for
this module is shown in Figure 3.6.

Figure 3.6 Use case diagram for management module

4.5.5 Inventory Module
Inventory module is used to keep track of the inventory used for operations and
maintenance tasks. This part will help to job cost calculations and inventory level

Also this module should be able to enter material bought into the factory and should
automatically reduce the stock level as materials are used. This module was
implemented in the maintenance jobs as that was the requirement by the client.

Use case narrative for adding items to the inventory is shown in Table 3.5.
Use-Case Add items to inventory
Actors Maintenance Operator and supervisor
Add items to the inventory
User should be logged in
Inventory items should be inside the factory
Flow of Events
1. If inventory item does not exist add a entry
2. Add the new batch to it
Post Conditions

Inventory should reflect the updated balance
Table 3.5 Use case narrative for add items to the inventory

4.5.6 Administration Module

Administration modules task is to administrating the system. This module allows the
user logged in as administrator to crate, update and delete users. Also reset passwords
when requested by the user. User should be able to request for password reset through
system and physically meeting the system administrator.

Figure 3.7 shows the use case diagram for the administration module which consist of
four use cases, namely create user, update/delete user, reset password and login.

Figure 3.7 Use case diagram for administration module

Use-Case Log in
Actors System user
User logged into the system where he got access
User should have a login
Flow of Events
1. Enter user name and password
2. Authorize the user name and password
3. Show the page that user have rights
Post Conditions
Authorized persons only can log in
Table 3.6 Use case narrative for login
Most critical task of loin use case of administration module is shown in Table 3.6.


Database is modeled using MySQL workbench. Database is a critical point to a system
because this is where all the data related to the system is saved. The designed
databawas normalized to avoid redundancies.

Figure 3.8 is the Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram of the designed database.

Figure 3.8 ER diagram of the database

Classes are the base of an object oriented software system. Figure 3.9 shows the overall
class diagram of the system. These are the base to write application logic. Classes got
methods which includes logic written in programming language and executed when
needed to get the required task done. These are the parts that act as the model of the
system according to the MVC architecture that the system was built upon.


The architectural design is the designing of the way that the overall system interacts
with each and every module of the system. This is the process of identifying
subsystems and building the framework for subsystems to control and communicate
each other. Figure
3.10 depicts the interaction between subsystems.


3.9.1 Login Page

Figure 3.11
shows the
login screen

Figure 3.10 Module Interaction Diagram

which will be used to log into the system and prevent unauthorized access to the

Figure 3.11 Login page

3.9.2 Main Interface

Figure 3.12 shows the main interface design of the system. It got a navigation area where
the navigation menus will be displayed and the content of that menu links will be loaded
into the data area.

Figure 3.12 Main interface

Chapter 05

In this chapter the implementation of the system is being discussed. Implementation is
the process of converting system design into the real world system which can be used
in day to day business tasks. This is a critical task in developing a system and where
the most of the time consumes.

According to the system requirements, developers have the ability to choose tools and
techniques which are more familiar to them for implementing the project. The
developer should take care of the task that the program codes are accurate and readable


For implementing the system, the client has chosen to install the system onto their
computer which is available in the factory and they do not want the system to be
installed in a separate server or service providers’ computer.

When considering about the developing environment most of the tools that have been
used for development of the software are open source which will not end up with legal
Hardware Software
• Intel Core i5 processor 2.53 • Microsoft Windows 10 PRO
GHz • XAMPP 1.7.4
• 4 GB RAM
• Java
• 320 GB Hard Disk
• Apache 2.4.4
• PHP MyAdmin 3.3.9
• MySQL 5.1
MySQL workbench 5.2

Table 4.1 Hardware and Software used for development

Table 4.1 shows the hardware and software used in implementing the system. The
system was developed in a windows 10 computer.

5.1.1 Development Tools

• MySQL workbench 5.2 – for database handling and ER diagraming
• Adobe Photoshop CS4 – for image retouching
• NetBeans IDE 6.9.1 – for coding
• StarUML 5.0.2 – for analyzing and designing the system
5.1.2 Technology
• Java was the main development language used in coding the system.
• MySQL with MySQL workbench was used in creating and handling databases.
• CSS was used in styling the interfaces for more attractive user friendly look
and feel.
• JavaScript was used in client side programming and for validating tasks and to
help CSS in styling interface.
• JQuery which is API based on JavaScript was used to implement pre coded
date picker modules.


JQuery UI 1.10.3
This JQuery plug in was used to add a date picker to the system where necessary

Metro UI CSS 0.95

This was used as the main styling interface and all most all the pages are styled
with this module (16).


Since the system is built as a standalone system it can be installed on a computer where
the employees of the factory can access the system in the factory.

Currently the system was installed in the factory’s local area network (LAN) where all
the users connected to the network can access the system. The database is also installed
in the same computer as the system is.


As the system is using MVC framework but it is not clearly visible and organized in a
way that its sub systems are arranged. The MVC framework is achieved by using
classes which are at each module to deal with the database and which can be classified
as the Model. The web pages that the system users are using for adding data, viewing
data, editing data and deleting data are act as the View these pages get the help from

“” class which is situated inside the “Util” directory. The main page
all of these operations are called and handled is the “” which acts as the
Controller of the framework. Directory arrangement of the system is shown in Figure

Figure 4.2 (17) illustrate how the system acts with the requests from the user. In
Nyansiongo Tea Factory user requests for an interface through the controller then it
shows the view to the user then view uses the DB class to grab data from the database
and Classes inside the classes folder will help for insertions, deletes and edits of data
elements. acts as the login panel and it has been differentiated from the system for
better security. This page will be the first page to pop up in the browser when the user

tried to enter into the system. This page includes a form to get the user name and
password then those data is processed through the User class.

Java code of the

Login function of the (MyAccountController class)

30 acts as the controller and got all most all the links to other
pages except for few pages which are linked together. Access to each and every section
is limited to the users depending on their role.

Each and every page that should have direct access is listed as a link with the page no
and once the link is clicked it will request the same page with the page variable set to
some value according to that value the pages will be loaded.

Links to those pages are listed and listed links are categorized in a way that the persons
with access rights to that page will only see the link to that page due to access
controlling according to the role.

Once the user requests a page by clicking on a link it will include that page to the data
area of the main interface.

Page listing to be loaded onto the data area

Database class helps the controller to carry out controlling activities DB.php is
the link between the database and the system. This class helps in inserting, deleting,
updating and retrieving data from the MySQL database.

Function used in querying the database (Select quires)

This function gets the help from the querrySupport function to complete the query and
then qQuery function for fetching the results and query function to query the database.

Functions used to connect to the database and disconnect from database

qQuery and query functions used for all querying activities

Classes written for insertions, deletions and updates of the database which acts as the
model of the system uses the and they just call the required methods from the (dataBase class).

Other important codes that are used throughout the system were listed below.


The system contains very sensitive data related to their production and maintenance
activities. It is important to have a proper access control mechanism and securer the
system. The system security was built into its java code.

When logging into the system the password is checked by retrieving the data from the
database and comparing it with the version of the user entered password.

In controller of the system uses access controlling mechanism to differentiate users

based on their role. There the users are displayed only the links to the pages that he is
authorized to access, in the navigation bar. Also each and every page is access
controlled by filtering users by their role before displaying that page. If a user tries to
enter an unauthorized page he will be shown an error message as shown in Figure 4.3.

Figure4.3 Access denied error message

Chapter 06

Evaluation is where the system is tested. System testing can be done in several ways.
Evaluation holds critical role when it comes to quality of the system because the
system should do the expected task without any errors. This is a two-step process
which is verification and validation. Verification is the process that checks whether the
system meets requirements of the client. Validation checks whether each and every
function of the system performs as expected by the client. Testing is done in several
stages of the system to reduce errors [Kimura, 2011].


Software testing is most of the times integrated with system development in today’s
context to ease of debugging and to reduce the errors. The Nyansiongo Tea Factory
system was tested for each and every interface and class while in the development
phase. This can be considered as unit testing and tests were performed in both white
box and black box methods. In white box method each and every code section is
revisited to check the logic is correct then in black box testing the page or the module
is used to perform the required task and check with the database whether the task has
happened correctly (18).

Also the system was test for integration, functionality, etc. To overcome bugs and
errors of the system integration testing, regression testing, interface testing, defect
testing and the system testing were performed according to the test cases listed below.


Test plans that are listed below will cover all types and phases of testing that were used
to guide the testing process. Test plan was designed in the analyzing and designing
phase of the system development. Some of the test cases were developed before the
implementation, some were while implementing and some were at the end of
implementation (19).

Test cases were organized in the modular manner where the system was, and that got
the steps to test and the result expected listed in the table.

6.2.3 Inventory module

Test cases for the inventory module is shown in Table 5.3

Test Cases Procedure Expected results
1 Add item add item description added item to the inventory

2 Add items/new add new batch to the reflect the new batch under the
batch inventory relevant item

3 View inventory check whether updated balances of inventory items

data is available
4 View inventory view inventory list all available batches
details details for a selected
5 Add ink (Press) add ink through the added record and inventory
press interface reduction

6 Add fountain add fountain added record and inventory

(Press) reduction

7 Maintenance parts check parts used are updated DB balances

used deducted from the
Table 5.3 Test cases for inventory module

6.2.4 HR module
Test cases for HR module is shown in Table 5.4
Test Cases Procedure Expected results
1 Add employee add employee added DB entry

2 Add department add department added DB entry

3 List employees check the employee added employees should listed

4 List departments check the added departments should listed
5 edit/delete edit and delete some updated list
employee employees

6 edit/delete edit and delete some updated list

department departments
Table 5.4 Test cases for HR module

6.2.6 Administrator module

Test cases for the administration module is shown in Table 5.6
Test Cases Procedure Expected results
1 Enter parameters and Administer should able to create a
Create new user
crate a user user
2 View users view available users should list all available users

3 the password should change to the

Password reset reset the password
newly entered one
4 Try to login using If incorrect login show an error
Log in
different ways message
Table 5.6 Test cases for administrator module


Each and every module of the system was test according to the above criteria and
common set of data items were used. Each and every form of the system was checked
entering data in each and every field on the development phase at unit testing. Model
data sets were used to check the functionality of the system.

Error messages are used where necessary to inform user regarding any errors and some
error messages are used to ensure that all the required data is inserted before submitting
the form. Test results for important test cases can be found on Appendix E.


Nyansiongo Tea Factory system was tested in the client side soon after the
implementation and they have given some time to come up with the feedback for the
system. Acceptance testing was carried out on the real working environment of the
system. The user activities with the system were monitored while they were working
with the system. After the users’ feedback some modifications to the system was done
to improve the functionality and the user experience.

Final results of the test indicated that the system is performing well with the real
environment. Some small bugs found were corrected as they were discovered.
Feedback from the system user and managers was very good and the system helps
them to perform really well compared to the past.

Chapter 07

Nyansiongo tea factory is arguably the best factory in the region. Its main factory was
the problem domain for the in its manual system. Most recently they are in a process of
expanding their production by adding a new press line to their factory so proper
information system is a must to move on with the higher quantities. Currently the
managers cannot view the real time situation of the production without visiting the
press. To overcome these drawbacks and to increase the productivity of the factory
web based factory management was suggested and developed.

Implementation of the Nyansiongo Tea factory system was a huge impact to their
prevailing system. This allows the management to monitor the production real time
which was the biggest achievement of the system. Furthermore, it helps to keep track
of the maintenance tasks carried out and the material costs incurred for each job
separately. Also the management can keep track of the waste on real time and analyze
the waste in finished jobs.

The system was developed using java as the base and used NetBeans IDE for the
development task. System complies with MVC architecture and customized the
framework for ease of development. The system design was carried out using UML
and used StarUML as the tool for designing. Furthermore, system got some JavaScript,
Jquerry and CSS coding for styling, validating user inputs and helping the base system
build upon java. Database was designed using MySQL workbench and MySQL
database was used as the data storing partner of the system.


According to customer acceptance testing conducted in the evaluation phase the client
is happy about the system. Thought the requirements that the client requested were
fulfilled during the development in further they wanted to improve the system and add
more functionality and reports to the system. Suggested further improvements are
listed below.

• Host the system in a separate domain so the users can access the system from
any place he desires to access the system.

• Improve the security of the system if it is going to be hosted in some other

place because anyone has access to the system.

• Build some additional users and web pages for the Company management in
the head office and other persons who needs the factory data, for example
accounts department.
• Expand the HR module to address to handle employee leaves and OT.
• Add more reports to the system depending on the requests by the management.
• Analyze the performance of each and every machine and employees, as
individuals and as a whole shift.

As far as the clients’ feedback they like to improve system further and for the moment
systems helps them a lot to bring down time taken for some tasks and ease their day to
day work.


The knowledge gained through the project was really worthy. With respect to the
knowledge gained throughout the degree program by each and every module of study
this is where I got the chance to apply my theoretical knowledge into real work

This project helped me to gain knowledge regarding standalone Software development

process. It also needed me to dig into some areas which are not covered by the course
modules taught which led me to practice how an unknown problem to me can be
solved with the research.

Further working on the project helped me to develop technical skills on java,

JavaScript, Jquery, MVC framework, MySQL and Object oriented approach. Also the
project helped me a lot to develop my communication skills and intellectual skills by
collaborating with many individuals from collective fields.


(1) Wijeya Newspapers, [10.01.2020]


(3) Feasibility Study for Information System Projects by Triston UMSL, ml [02.05.2020]

(4) Fact Finding Techniques for Software Engineering Expert Mind,

(5) Inventory Manager - by, [22.02.2020]

[Nawfhal, 2011] Z. M. Nawfhal, Web Based Factory Management System For

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(7) HR IS,

resourceinformationsystem.html [25.02.2020]

(8) Select Business Solutions,

asoftware-development-process [20.02.2020]

(9) WEB-BASED application versus STANDALONE, [21.05.2020]

[Walt, 2001] S. Walt, Process Models in Software Engineering, Encyclopedia of

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[Munassar, 2010] N.M. Ali Munassar and A. Govardhan, A Comparison Between

Five Models Of Software Engineering. 5, 2010, International Journal of Computer
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(10)Tech Terms, [15.03.2020]

(11) W3 School, [10.04.2020]

(12) advance together,
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(13) [25.07.2020]

(14) The jQuery Foundation, jQueru user interface, [15.06.2020]

(15) PHP Mailer, [25.06.2020]

(16) Sergey Pimenov, Metro UI CSS, [05.07.2020]

(17) Structure of OAF. Newton Apples,


[Kimura, 2011] D. Kimura, T. Osaki, K. Yanoo, S. Izukura, Evaluation of IT

systems considering characteristics as system of systems, System of Systems
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(18) Microsoft, Unit Testing. Development Network,

us/library/aa292197(v=vs.71).aspx [07.07.2020]

(19) Systeme Evolutif Limited. Test plan outline, [3.07.2020]




The system got 3 types of users and they got different access levels according to their
role. Basically the system administrator and the Manager can add, edit or delete users.


For ease of access for the next time the user can create a desktop shortcut for the
application. This can be achieved by dragging the icon next to the url to the desktop.

Figure C.2 shows login screen for the first time the system is installed, use admin as
the user name and password as 12345 to login to the system once you logged in change

Once logged in user is directed to the main interface of the system which would be as shown in Figure C.3. In that page users will get only the links to the
pages that he is authorized to visit.
Figure II.3 shows the main system interface that users will see after they log in to the system

Figure C.3 System interface


Entering date
Once the user selects the store there are six important features that caries most of the
entire system functionality.

Figure II.3 shows the main store interface with all the six main features namely supplier, brand,
category, stock, unit and RMA.

Stock Module
Stick link in the navigation bar will list the available inventory levels. Details button at
the inventory will display the details of the corresponding item with the batches, unit
price and units available from each batch.

Add description button is used to introduce new inventory items to the system and Add
item button is used to add items to the available inventory descriptions.

Supplier Module
Supplier link in the navigation bar will list the available supplier.

Brand Module
Brand feature in the navigation bar will list the available tea brands.

Category Module
Category feature in the navigation bar will list the available tea categories.

Unit Module
Unit link in the navigation bar will list the available suppliers’ tea units.

RMA Module
RMA link in the navigation bar will list the available Return Merchandise Authority.

Sell Module
Sell feature in the side bar will list the available sales and customers on the other part.

Administrator Module
This module can add, edit, delete and reset passwords of available users. When adding
users’ employee ID is a must and if the user already exists it will not allow to add the

Employee link on the navigation bar will show all the users added to the system and it
can use to delete users and reset their passwords.

Human Resources Module
This part of the system got 2 options they are, add employees and view employees.
These 2 pages are used to add, edit and delete employees to and from the system.

Maintenance Module
Maintenance personnel can do maintenance requests and active maintenance jobs from
the navigation bar link.

About Module
About module has information about the factory.

INDEX management............................
.................. iii
A DB ................................... x,
27, 28, 30, 33,
Administration .......................
........... 3, 11, 37, 38, 39
20, 48, Design
algorithm ................................ ......................
21, 26, 34
Analysis .................................
................................... 3 E
email .......................................
........9, 11, 26
ER ......................................
............... vii, x, 22, 26, 47
..................... iii, iv, 6 evaluation................................
breakdowns ............................ ..............4, 42
...................... 48
1, 2, 8, 9

factory management system
computers ............................... ................................ iii, 3
1, 5, 6, feasibility
12 .......................................................... 3,
consiste 5, 6
............... 11 H
Hardware ..........................................
...... iii, x, 14,
........... ix, 25, 46
26, 42, 45 HR ................... vii, ix, x, 18, 19, 39,
CTP .... vii, viii, x, 8, 15, 16, 40, 43,
17, 37,
D ........
database ...iii, vii, 1, 2, 3, 17, .......... x
22, 26, 27, 28,
30, 32, 33, 35, 36,
42, 47 database ICT
............ x, 1 P
Implementation ............................................ password ............................. 20,
4, 25, 42 inventory........... ix, 21, 28, 34, 40,
52, 65 PHP .......... iii, x, 14, 25,
2, 9, 11, 20, 37, 39
26, 28, 34, 42,
Inventory ... vii, viii, 1, 2, 11, 20, 39 43, 45, 46, 47
Press ..............8, 15, 17, 18,
37, 38, 39, profit
jobs .... viii, 1, 9, 16, 17, 20, 37, 38, 40
Jquery ....................................................... ....................................................
....... .................... 3
publication ................................
26, 43
16, 34, 40, 55,

machines ................... 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 12, RAD ...........................................
16, 17, ........................ x, 13 reports,
Management ... iii, ix, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, ....................................................
12, 19, ................ 3 requirements ... iii,
38, 40, ix, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 25, 36,
manual 42, 46,
..................................................... 1, 7
role ................................................
. 29, 35, 36,
............................................ vii, x, 23, 27,
42, 43
MySQL ..................... iii, 22, 25, 26, 30, S
42, 43, SHA1 ............................................
46, 47 ....................21,
34 software ............................ 5,
N 6, 12, 14, 23, 25,
44, 46
NetBeans ................................... Software ....................................
.................. iii, ix, 25, 36,
26, 42
43, 44, 46 system ..... iii, vii, 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 17, 18, 19,
O 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,

OT ..............................................
...... x, 10, 11,
18, 43
plans .............................................

UML ..........................................
................... x,
14, 42


Wijeya Newspapers’
............................................ iii, 1
WNLfms ......................... x, 12, 28, 34,
36, 41,
42, 46

.. 26

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