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North East Global School, Dhubri

Class – VII

Subject- Science

S.A 1 Examination, 2020

Marks-80 Time-3 Hrs

SECTION-A (1 mark each)

A.Fill in the blanks…

1.The food synthesised by plants is stored as__________.

2.__________in plant take in carbon dioxide from air for photosynthesis.

3.Distilled water is ____________ in nature.

4.The average weather taken over a long time is called _________.

5. The inner wall of small intestine has many finger like outgrowths called as ___________.

B.Multiple Choice Questions…

6.We obtain wool from

a) Goat

b) Yak


d)All of these

7) The normal temperature of human body is

a)37 •C

b)98 F

c)Both of a and b

d)None of these
8)Which one of the following place is unlikely to be affected by a cyclone?





9)Which options describe a tropical region?

a)Hot and humid

b)Moderate temperature,heavy rainfall

c)Cold and humid

d)Hot and dry

10)Which of the following type of soil will form a colloidal solution when suspended in water?





C.Match the following….

a)Salivary gland a)Parasite

b)Amarbel b)Base

c)Insects c)Saliva secretion

d)Sodium hydroxide d)Acid

e)Nitric Acid e)Pitcher Plant

SECTION-B (2 marks each)

12) Distinguish between a parasite and saprotroph.

13) Give two examples each of conductor and insulator.

14) Why an antacid tablet is taken when anyone suffers from acidity.

15) Why plants are called as autotrophs.

16) What do you mean by—

a) Weathering

b) Humus

17) State two differences between acid and bases.

18) What do you mean by reeling of silk?

19) Why do you feel comfortable wearing light coloured clothes in summer?

SECTION-C (3 marks each)

20) i) How does soil becomes too acidic in nature?

ii) Name the substances which farmers should add to soil if the soil is----

a)Acidic in nature

b) Basic in nature

21) How do Rhizobium bacteria and leguminous plant help each other for survival? Discuss.

22) i) Give three factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis.

ii) Which pigment converts light energy into chemical energy.

23) What is meant by rusting of iron? State any two conditions for the rusting of iron to occur. Give two
methods to prevent rusting of iron.

24) Describe the nutrition in Amoeba with the help of a labelled diagram.

25) What do you mean by soil erosion? Write the ways to prevent soil erosion.

26) Explain how wearing more layers of clothes during winter keep us warmer than just wearing just one
thick piece of cloth.

SECTION-D (4 marks each)

27) Draw a diagram showing different stages of life history of silk moth.
28) Draw a well labelled diagram of human digestive system.

SECTION-E (5 marks each)

29) Describe the adaptation of polar bear in the polar climatic condition.

30) Classify the changes involved in the following processes as physical or chemical changes.

i) Photosynthesis

ii) Dissolving of sugar in water

iii) Burning of coal

iv) Melting of wax

v) Digestion of food.

31) What is soil? What do you mean by sandy soil, clayey soil and loamy soil? Which type of soil is best
for growing crop?

32) a) What do you understand by neutralization? Give its two uses.

b) What are indicators? Also write two examples of indication.


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