Evidence Law - LLB V Sem

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f waa ‘3 / sargRaar 6 wer ys wT yTET Gord ofert Whenelf gre erect @ ae oA srazagw @) 1. | faxaftenery ar are DEVI AHLIYA VISHWAVIDYALAYA, 2. | were er arr | INDORE INSTITUTE OF LAW 3. | wet | LLB (H) VSem | 4, | BIA oT Rea (Prati /eareareh/ web / a) REGULAR & [ie | Law of Evidence 6 [ae a | 7. | weava vita 8 | WRIT wT | tet ae (GrpwHT eH) sfat F 80 440288 areal | eight zero four four | - - _|__ zero two eight eight 10. | wRtete dae (aries aie) 1C1507237 (11. | wera wr Rare - - a2. | serghaer war oe or fare | 25/07/2021 13. | Oe WR oH wT ag seghaa - Bar pst aA wer (scarey 16 afraaa 16 yes at & ahh) (rt a ts wT ys Pree) Admit Card S Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya MP@ nline Limited ENROLL No: ersoraa7 ses5108 ec-2020 rou.no: 80440288 sana: LLovoacreton mLansqonsyssa COLLEGENAME: NORE STITUTE OF LAW, NDORE(11) Nae: ROHAN SAK! cenen ne ¥, A else = cs abou ak MOTHER NAME: TANUUASARI paperorrans (VEIL PROC.CO0¢ J. ACTEPROOFF.ACTSLLBS171, (LAW OF EVDENCELSLLB52T1],[2)NTERPRETATION OF STATUTES[SLLBS3TY],(@M.CRP {PARLIN TRIAL PROSLLO5¢P1], SJPROPERTY LAMISLLESGT1], ()PROBATION & PAROLEISLLBSOTIL it ge (0) ar hen ei a er er i aa a a ee ae A (2) en we aba oe BRE) war ae ro af er aS A ATA ar eee NC, TI Ge gee eT ey, Repetrar XA {xs ay aga (ol Ne) eestor tor (vel No) SHANE 9) Te go TE Past | Synopsis | a | Indrodut Hou 2 Dehn akon of Coukession 3 Defmateou 4, Aduugton 4 Conclustou 4) Intatodue Hou Peeasiding to tnchan Ei videuce fet 1BXT , Heowueci | sulle gteaders treat wuet clecuerly eipowded | about tue feu undete ducemiou, & | parelavert Admuawu end Couferrtou aste £00 | greeptiou to tats ale tuat ewe cowntouly | sustaposed. 2 Defineteou g Coufersiou Couflemioun & vred to Heat a fos och keertton node by tue accerecl , dectaseing the nfetteu ce tua leleue gonnettect tte offence, V Coufension ear be clamiled uke too categories Dudketal Couemion Erdver- Judlictal Coufersiow Definectiow ef, Acwugiou “The teu oonuston cau be deffue as tue voluwheey statewent tuet ocknorledge tue tacutte of a fact. te ecu be oval ; clocermercteusty oar in electron fount ealuicl patoposes mpeuerice aboect uy fort in queatton aoe a netteretol Let, Coucurto a “BH sum up tt con be satel that the edreriouw bag a wide, Scope thon Coufertion , ad the fatter cones under the ombrt Q the frsmtete ueuce , Every Coufemion vv on ed reunion , be the wepsse ta not true. Ange Evreleuce of teuns of enutvorts , grate and otber clapositrous of, property sieduted to Gover 4 dowonvedt Clee Ate LEWNS Of ex Coretverct oe g a grout oy ek ony otter bts posttiow 4, poopenty lave been stectucecl to tue Aran oo elocun oct Wo evidleuce gual be gue ww prof of the tans Go tuck eontyact, gout oo otuete dus parton q paeperety ose g Auck prattece except tue clocusout rt selk, Lecoudemy eordeuce 4 tS eouteut mn care wn eottiebe gecoudenty eviclouce A aclu Her under the paowrgoud. whew the tours af @ Coutvect as ¢ a gout ax of any tuo alupotition of poeoperety bave been secliced to tue fpdeom of, aw document ancl wall earer meotecl eny nerttex sequistecl by Leno to be Heclucoel to the from g§ a eloceneut, Ao eodenee sual be grvew mn paweof, of tue tent §, suc coutrradt, gorarct ost otter alaporrtro 4 paoparky » os of such nattesr exeept the corutordr ttselk, a9 secoucheury evrclouce, of Us eoukeut m ore in coluelr Lecoucl cutty evideuce & acluemible . Png, Pewsey Ce Secoucleany eurleuce. Pounteuy evicleuce & couicler, ay tue evicleuce A cuparewe volue mu tue eyer Q low. ow | tue coeetranty , Serouclermy eurdleuce Uw not Pausauy cordeuce wtuck ave usec wer tue pawntarty cvideuce cout be Paoclucec/ | Pouraay evrdeuce ar the uonre Suggest Sieh eus L clocummerd wwtretu wetieute ov | okauclaud poor pacserdecd belnme the gout porn, the punpate of lu peckou ko cuetk tts vollity Secoudlouy eucleuce w aldo pool, fort | Like pauteny evideuce but 4 conparatuely los rwposetout natusee, | —_|__ Inoy | Prove ) Duspawve , Not prove } | Prove rkiveous Suet eurcleuce as woulel ruckuce oH | te touable NOW to Cone toa Couchesrour Mook is coutideured to be a Plove duct cou. fer ceurcdared oll tre wetter oud cvrdeuee to cote beheve that atoflercufs to erat 20 tueit a paresrclocit” Nou vudere nosmvel escum stouce toil! Gehteve tual tue atateneah eva } daprover- A fort & satel to be dsparmve ebeu oftere eeurrdletung all natteres oud the eadeuce, tue cows door uot Gekeve the gtateweut to exat ost bio lene, deubls it exateuce 0 Nuole so tet o paudouk Mau yuder, wadtadl etxeutteuce eotll ust eleva, It to Ge hue 3) rot pueve “ue expremiou, uot pare, ucheate, ew stofererct nud betvsenr palove ty cluporove, wWueer eue couvst cay adletvore o fork tion bese Pamve oo clupaimve LE & a scter culo eshte weve ly becawse a fart Lar ust bee prove. cloer uot Hear food tk wv folie. tks fobeuey, eeu be estabinlied ouly yher itu cli paved: has” fortum unue ce Redevout fact Pack in ‘issue Sectwou % Q the Ack dehiue foct Tu Use weludes any pack fsron eoluelr ergisten by dself oo in Connectou port. ote foct tue oyatence , non- exutence, nakume , oo exteut G ony sugltt, hrebelrty os dtrabbity amescteal oar deneel mm ony swt ose proceecling neconaserby pollo . Relevaut oct One foct i baie to be netevowt foot to enotlion wouen tue one %& connectecl pittrtue othen W auy of tue wery uefesrect to m the pHovestou of tnetion Furctence At dielating to tbe welevoncy ol, bout: o . Pe Part eoluele ueodl uot to be parouect Neowidug to Sec $6 ¢ Act tue Bock ef utube tue corset will take, gudterab notice need not be paoved!- Smvply put, ouy suckerally noticeable port cloey not srequured to be pmover before te Count. Ns peu Sechou SP no foot Bregeuvecl to be puoed in any suit enluel. the pentres to tue suit , ost tue ageuls agree 4, admin at fhe Leasing ov tolud trey agree to od wt in coviting psust. to the Leassng ase eolticl they under ouy erating sulle on pleactuy arte cleonieel +o lave been aduittecl tunougl thet pleadiug Trvreumatances Port eotuclr te powuttes tothe suit ov ag eut- ogoee | ede tue Ue qmu Pock uolucly tus pauelted to tue duit ov ogee agvee prov to beauiing A worrtug hock deemed +o be olwecly oclvitted by Me. pestertes 4o tue cuit though pleadtug Ans] Intyoductow wuenever, any offeuce Lar been connrtted tueue t& always tue Yas poresoud who vasecously Kuceo octuallly Lappeued . Defnation In Sec 32 & bet lar the Stteneut uw Nedle by the petou. or tue Cause Q ws deat. ase cu ony Qe cureomstouce qf tue dropsactow wlucl gerult in Ws low Oke m cases im colic. sreswlt cure. Q tot pewsou death Cones tufo question Te statenout node by tue clecearec! potesou usi!l be toeaced as Evicleuce uel odwumible mw & coud of devo. PAG Dying Declamert ou 1) Gotu Kign ad | osiol cu udauttey | tncoupler Dying declesrachou & Question - Angvoen fost 2 “ \atyoduckiou Derlvue ol, axtopple uw that powvrrou uolucl pxoluubts a peusow fIOM gung folre euidleuce by parevertiug tren foot Cout-vadhc tug etaterrouky tu Count lov. Reoning Sec bow ng 4 the Act weorpomete the Nearing of, ertopple as Wher oue powsorr ertuen by Wis cet ox ONNUMOM cor by declaakou tas Macle quothen pexson belvee gomettiug bo be tue ay pourtiaded tuat pours. to ott upox ik, them im no cake dow Le ott UA aeprererdtatwe. dewy taut of toot Going ttuug oto iu the Suit ow wm tue paoceechug. lu &inple wsearel ertopple Heows eue eonnot coutracict, clery od dleclate to be false. tue pucvow Stedea out = w e BR Kadle, of Estopple Estopple L| by Siecamel Estopple by decd Estopple by couckuet Equtable extopple > Peron osiy estopple Exeep toud le doe. net apply to tere nattera potreue Gott parker love Kiouledge gd truth fuln er Ve does not apply agomnst statuer. IL courot cortradict tue PIROUUWwA statue IE does not opply to stegula tions, te aloes not apply to ultra vives oareloees ty Necstiowd Anog} Seckwou uit ef the Act coys that auy quatro guggerting tue omen wlucl tue | paras puthug it coules og expects fo wocewe w Called Je achug quea tto a , “Te puupore of ou cxosmatou w evel, tuak ww questioning af tue uottnert by tue Pasty who vas aatted Wu to enable the wuss to tell to the count by laa ©eOVG noth the sevelow foots gh the cere. Dekination A quatrou %& leading udtene the quertrou QsbuNed any fork cottich uw iu CocdtStovetedy & tha tue auswel Ney seally St appessveuctly oduik trad foct. Reckion Hr wten tuey Nut aot be arkeel Loctou WS Ove tuey Ney be aikeel Bl i | Jeadtug questiows Moy be askecl tu cvals Cranial A loach ug questo cow be pect iu tle exon axhroul ww cluek om ste- exonmation eotidh tue. peat of, tue cout | Lechour 162 euyoys treat the eaclug question Youle uot be arked we exonmnetrow tu eltiel, Od Ww Me eranmafiou uf toy ate ofjectect to bay tue oppertte powety. In Coxe the Spporite pasty object tue Coumt cou dleciclect tue moctes oud May mw its dlucwetrou ortton. pourtoc a Jeadhug question oo doll Howeel tk. hus lo lubvo ducttou WH adtsort Leckwu 133 of Evideuce Act 1P#2 A powsow Must be ow ercoyplice « Heuce it's epeutial to uuclermteaud tue meautug aud signifeouce G the tent ‘octonplice’ Mnyoue eho bar token pawt im the Commumiou G tue esite , aloug wre. oucten ou other vs called @r accoripltee. wuew the pollee wuduee a perro to toke paut mu ewe for udiug evideuce agatust otters te t called @ tvap- wituer , WW the ludkeu Evicleuce Act 18¥2. The userel accomplice uy not been cleluecl + Cour | theucfatie be posurect ar ured ra the oudiremy geuse by the leguterdune . 1G at Ans ae thn 04 Cc Pros Fe wtuele of tue Golloustug cloey the Evrieloute Met Poply. | Juclal Proveediugs | otude, wouds Lar not been defue unden Sectiou 3 | of luctran Evidence Act « Conemiou | “De luchon Curdence Met Come tuto effect [stom Ceptonber, 1, (BIL wu % eourtder ar tue best evrcleuce Prynterty Tuictouce = | Wuer a Coukemron otuomwrse seloveidt becorse rrvelar Haale to apace officer . In witch of tte Botlowrny care. the opinion Jerpert ws not steta veut potuk subject of tnchou boo wWhielr ¢ ‘he felloorug note public. clecumot will Hor Huck ole digrtarl tignaturte an clectvoure wecevel Cowet ou preau Ne ok veel S yeors in atuclr Secttowel, Eorcteuce Mette parmerple & Re Greate th Neutrouee Seckou G6 Ato | dtuck gerkior utte sicteted to Case Nrvoex AKboy us Empeuor T.R iq4o Ang} Secktou to

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