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3 Rep Max Strength Test


The 3 rep max strength test is a way of measuring

somebody’s level of strength. There are three
aspects to strength. They are maximum strength
which is the maximum force a muscle or group or
muscles can exert in one single voluntary
contraction. There is also muscular power which
is the ability to contract muscles with a speed and
force in one explosive act. Finally there’s
Muscular endurance which is the ability of a
muscle or group of muscles to work for as
prolonged period of time without the onset of
fatigue (class notes). This test focuses on mostly
maximum strength and muscular power.
Especially Muscular Power because when you lift
the bench press you need to be fast and explosive.
Strength is vital in working in the public service
because it can be related to speed for example a
police officer chasing a criminal, he needs too be
fast and needs good strength to be able to get them
on the floor and put them in handcuffs. A good example of an athlete with a high level
of strength would be Usain Bolt he needs a very high level of upper body and lower
body strength too be able to be fast off the mark in a 100m race.


Before you undertake this fitness test you need to warm up

correctly. This test measures strength so you need to stretch your
muscles. A good warm up for this test would be a push up, this
helps stretch the key muscles you’ll need for this test. For this test
you’ll need a weight bencher. You also need an assistant to spot
you, this test is very dangerous if not done correctly so it’s
essential that a spotter is in place behind the weight bencher at all
times. You then set up the bar with what you feel very comfortable
with this could be 5kg or 50kg depending on the participants
personal strength level. You should then lie back down (as diagram shows on the
right) and the spotter will help you get the bar to the point where your arms are fully
stretched and you feel you can hold it on your own. The spotter doesn’t let go of the
bar until you say “my bar” the spotter then let’s go and you’re then in full control of
the bar. You then have too lift the particular weight that’s on the bear e.g. 20kg, You
have to do 3 full reps to be able to count that weight if your fail to and you cannot lift
that weight for 3 full reps then you finish the test and you keep that score as your
result e.g. subject 1’s result was 35kg so that’s his maximum weight bench press
result. However if you do lift the bar then you can progress and attempt to lift bigger

For this test you will require:

• A bench press machine
• Assistant (too spot you)
• Trainers
• Sports Kit


Subject 1’s result was 40kg

Subject 2’s result was 30kg
Subject 3’s result was 15kg
Subject 4’s result was 20kg
Subject 5’s result was 65kg


There were some very encouraging and some very interesting results from the
participants in this test. Subject 5’s result was a fantastic result and they have a very
high level of strength. This could be due to the fact that they regularly train at a gym,
this could be the reason for his very high level of strength they could often use
apparatus that help increase strength such as a pull up bar. This is an apparatus that is
used too build up muscle in the biceps and shoulder muscles. This is a key area in the
body associated with strength. Subject 3’s results was not so good and this suggests
he has a low level of strength. This could be because he does not take place in
activities or exercises that help build up muscle, therefore him having a lower
strength. This could also be because of his age subject 3 is 14 and may have not
matured physically as fast as subject 5. Subject 1’s result was a good result as he has a
good moderate level of strength this could because he plays sports that require you too
have a reasonable level of strength e.g. rugby a game in which you are more benefited
if you have a good level of strength e.g. a Prop needs to be strong as they are
frequently tackling the opposition. Subject 2’s result was better than subjects 3 and 4
however it s not a very high level of strength. A way their strength could be improved
is by writing a fitness programme that is based on improving strength and then retest
them after the programme.


So from this test we have concluded that different people have different levels of
fitness. This may be because people play different sports that require different levels
of strength or do different activities that help build up personal strength. Subject 4’s
target is to write a fitness programme based on improving his personally strength and
when he’s retested in 8 weeks time he hopes to get a result of 35 kg. This is a
reasonable target and is achievable if he sticks to his fitness programme.

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