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Baselios Public School

(Managed by The Trust of society of St. Basil)

Re-Test (2020-2021)
Date: 07 -06-2021 M. Marks: 70
Std. :- XI Time: 3 hrs.
Name: - Roll no:____________
General Instructions:
(1) All questions are compulsory. There are 33 questions in all.
(2) This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and
Section E.
(3) Section A contains ten very short answer questions and four assertion reasoning MCQs of 1
mark each, Section B has two case-based questions of 4 marks each, Section C contains nine
short answer questions of 2 marks each, Section D contains five short answer questions of 3
marks each and Section E contains three long answer questions of 5 marks each.
(4) There is no overall choice. However internal choice is provided. You have to attempt only
one of the choices in such questions.
1. Physics is a
a. Applied Science b. Mathematical Science
c. Engineering Science d. Natural Science (1)
2. The position of a particle is given by r = 3.0 t I + 2.0 t2 j + 4.0 k. Find the magnitude
and direction of velocity of the particle at t = 2.0 s.
a. 8.84 m/s ,75⁰ with x-axis b. 6.54 m/s , 74⁰ with x-axis
c. 7.54 m/s , 72⁰ with x-axis d. 8.54 m/s , 70⁰ with x-axis (1)
3. The dimensional formula of universal gravitational constant is ______
a. [M1L3T-2] b. [M1L-3T2] c. [M-1L3T-2] d. [M -1L3T2] (1)
4. The acceleration of a body, when its velocity time graph is perpendicular to time axis , is _______ (1)
5. A ball of 0.5 kg mass moving with a speed of 10 m/s rebounds after striking normally a perfectly elastic
wall. Find the change in momentum of the ball. (1)
6. The momentum of an object is doubled, How does its K.E. change ? (1)
7. Arrange four types of basic forces in the order of increasing strength. (1)
8. Air pressure in a car tyre increase during driving. Explain. (1)
9. What is the length of a simple pendulum which ticks seconds . (1)
10. The displacement of an elastic wave is given by the function y = 3 sinwt + 4 coswt where y is in cm and
t is in sec. Find the resultant amplitude. (1)
Choose the correct option
a) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false and R is also false. (4)

11. Assertion: The rotation of the earth about its axis is a S.H.M.
Reason : The earth completes each rotation about its axis in 24 hours while orbiting around earth.
12. Assertion : Specific heat of a gas at constant pressure is greater than its specific heat at constant volume.
Reason : This is because internal energy of ideal gas depends only on temperature of gas.
13. Assertion : In an isothermal process, whole of heat energy supplied to the body is converted into work.
Reason : according to first law of thermodynamics ∆Q = ∆U + P∆V
14. Assertion : Aeroplanes are made to run on the runway before take off, so that they acquire the necessary
Reason : According to Bernoulli’s theorem as velocity increases pressure decreases and vice versa.

Answer the following case based questions :

15. A change in pressure and volume of a gas when no heat is allowed to enter into or escape from the
gas is called an adiabatic change. Obviously, temperature of a gas also change in adiabatic process.
When a gas in an enclosure is compressed suddenly , some heat is produced. If this heat is nor
allowed to expand, suddenly, some of the heat energy is spent in increasing the volume of the gas. If
this heat is not compressed from the surroundings, the temperature of the gas would fall.

1. Write two essential conditions for a perfect adiabatic change.

2. Give one example of nearly perfect adiabatic change.
3. Write the equation of adiabatic change for a perfect gas .
4. What do you understand by specific heat . (4)

16. For a steady flow of an incompressible and non – viscous fluid Bernoulli’s principle states the sum
of the pressure (P), kinetic energy per unit volume (K) and potential energy per unit volume (U)
remain constant throughout the flow.

1. Give one application of Bernoulli’s Theorem.

2. Name the three different types of energies possessed by an incompressible fluid, in streamline
3. Why two ships moving in parallel directions close to each other get attracted ?
4. Does it matter if one uses guage pressure instead of absolute pressure in applying Bernoulli’s
equation ? (4)

17. Deduce the relation between torque and angular momentum. (2)
-3 8 -2
18. A wire increases by 10 of its length when a stress of 1 × 10 N m is applied to it. What is the Young’s
modulus of the material of the wire ? (2)
19. Define Latent heat. Also, give its SI unit. (2)
20. Find the degree of freedom for diatomic atom and linear tri atomic molecule. (2)
π π
21. A 2 kg particle undergoes SHM according to x = 1.5 sin ( t + ) , when x is in metre and t is in
4 6
seconds. What is the total mechanical energy of the particle ? (2)
22. How are beats useful in tuning the musical instruments ? (2)
23. It is required to find the volume of a rectangular block. A vernier calliper is used to measure the length ,
width and height of the block. The measured values are found to be 1.37 cm, 4.11 cm and 2.56 cm,
respectively. Calculate correctly , the volume of the block. (2)
24. The distance x of a particle moving in one dimension, under the action of a constant force is related to
time t by equation t = √x + 3 where x is in meter and t in seconds. Find the displacement of the
particle when its velocity is zero. (2)
25. Find the angle of projection at which horizontal range and maximum height are equal . (2)

26. State and prove Work Energy Theorem. (3)
27. The velocity v of a particle depends upon time t, according to the equation v = a + bt + . Write the
d +t
dimensions of a, b, c and d. (3)
28. Derive the three equation of motion using method of calculus. (3)
29. What do you understand by mean speed, root mean square speed and most probable speed of a gas. The
velocities of ten particles in m/s are 0,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,6,9. Calculate (i) average speed (ii) rms speed. (3)
30. Define angle of repose and Derive the relation between angle of repose and angle of friction. (3)


31.(a) Give reason : Why Bogies of a train are provided with the buffers.
(b) A bus starts from rest accelerating uniformly with 4 m/s. At t = 10 s, a stone is dropped out of a
window of the bus 2 m high. What is (i) magnitude of velocity and (ii) acceleration of the stone at
10.2 s ? Take g = 10 m/s2 . (5)
32. (a) Derive an expression for the moment of inertia of a thin uniform solid cylinder about an axis passing
through its centre and perpendicular to its length.
(b) Determine the moment of inertia of a thin circular ring.
(i) about its diameter
(ii) about a tangent in its plane, and
(iii) about a tangent perpendicular to its plane. (5)

33. What do you mean by banking of a road. Obtain an expression for the maximum speed with which a car
safely negotiate a curved banked at Ө. (5)


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