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Name: __________________________________________________ St.

Michael Parochial School

Grade & Sec: ___________________________________________ Learning Activities
Date: ____________________ Subject: _________________ School Year 2021-2022


Activity 1. I Recognize Myself

A. Directions: Kindly fill up all the information needed to complete the table. I know you can do it!
You have the time to remember your past experiences and chance to look forward on the future.
Don’t worry, nobody will judge you! I am with you and at the back to give my full support!

Strengths Weaknesses Desires

Abilities Talents Fears Hesitations What can I do

(I can) (I always do) (I can’t) (I am afraid) more?






B. DIRECTIONS: Answer the real-life questions provided to you. No wrong answers, just give your
1. As a student, how can you conquer the challenges posed by this pandemic?
2. How did the present crisis make you realize the reality of human limitations, uncertainties and


Directions: Answer and complete the sentence. Come on. I know you can! I am with you all
throughout this journey and I have witnessed your dedication! Let’s get started!

1. I am rational animal because…


2. I am a person because….. _____________________________________________________________________


3. I am human being

4. I am a human person with an embodied sprit because………


5. My soul and my body is inseparable


--------------------------------Academic Excellence and quality Catholic Christian Education----------------------------

Name: __________________________________________________ St. Michael Parochial School
Grade & Sec: ___________________________________________ Learning Activities
Date: ____________________ Subject: _________________ School Year 2021-2022


Activity 1.
Directions: Answer the following questions below:

1. You had a fund-raising activity or donated goods to victims of calamity. How will you relate this
experience to compassion?

2. Based on the Eightfold Path, which is the most applicable to cultivate in your family and friends?
For example, upon graduation, how can you apply the right means of livelihood or earning one’s
living by honorable means?

Activity 2.
A. Directions: Choose a time and place where you can spend a short time to reflect.

a. Read a brief quotation from the scripture. Reflect on a verse about compassion or generosity.
Turn it over in your mind and picture a loving, caring God speaking these words to you

b. When you are ready, write or share your reflection and then pray.

c. How can faith be translated into action?


B. Directions: Explain: “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no
explanation is possible.” (Thomas Aquinas)

--------------------------------Academic Excellence and quality Catholic Christian Education----------------------------

Name: __________________________________________________ St. Michael Parochial School
Grade & Sec: ___________________________________________ Learning Activities
Date: ____________________ Subject: _________________ School Year 2021-2022


Activity 1.
Directions: Answer the following questions below:

1. How do you show love toward others? To your friends? To your family? To people in need?
2. Rightness means pleasing God. Can you give examples that will support this claim? If you are a
non-Catholic, how do you view the meaning of “right” actions?

Activity 2.
A. Directions: Answer the following:

1. What is religion?

2. How will you expound the view that religion without compassion becomes a burden?

B. Directions: If you are going to choose who deserves to be the “Person of the year,” to whom will
you award it? How was he/she able to transcend or overcome his/her challenges in life?

 Take a photo of this person. Write a short essay based on his/her lifelong learnings.

--------------------------------Academic Excellence and quality Catholic Christian Education----------------------------

Name: __________________________________________________ St. Michael Parochial School
Grade & Sec: ___________________________________________ Learning Activities
Date: ____________________ Subject: _________________ School Year 2021-2022



--------------------------------Academic Excellence and quality Catholic Christian Education----------------------------

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