FILE - 20210720 - 220723 - 03 VN - Diagnostic Tools For Cardiovascular Diseases

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Introduction to

Diagnostic Tools for

Cardiovascular Diseases
in Dogs and Cats
Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure Measurement

Mean arterial pressure (MAP) = DAP + 1/3 (SAP–DAP)

Systemic hypotension
Systemic hypertension
Systemic hypertension: TOD (Target Organ Damage)
Doppler VS Oscillometer


Measurement Method

Measurement Method

• Find the pulse first by palpation and then place the probe at the site where the pulse is felt. Alternatively, place the prob e in the
approximate location of the pulse and move it around until the characteristic ‘whooshing’ sound of the pulse can be heard.

• Once the artery has been located, hold the probe still and inflate the cuff until the ‘whooshing’ sound of the pulse is no lo nger heard.

• •Gradually deflate the cuff using the pressure release button/valve and listen for the return of the ‘whooshing’ sound.

• •Note the level on the pressure gauge (reading in mmHg) as soon as the return of blood flow (‘whooshing’ sound) is heard.

• Inflate and deflate the cuff a number of times to record several readings, ensuring the cuff is completely deflated between r eadings. Take
the average value as the systolic blood pressure reading.
Measurement Method


Anti-hypertensive Drugs
When we need thoracic x-ray ?

• Cough
• Dyspnea
• Exercise intolerance
• Check lung metastasis
• Traumatic patient
• Monitor
Interpretating Diagram
Cardiovascular system
Cardiovascular system
Heart size and shape
Heart size and shape
Heart size and shape
Vertebral Heart Score
Vertebral Heart Score
Vertebra Left Atrial Size
Right Sided Cardiomegaly
Right Sided Cardiomegaly
Right Sided Cardiomegaly

Left Sided Cardiomegaly
Left Sided Cardiomegaly
Left Sided Cardiomegaly

Generalized Cardiomegaly

Thoracic blood vessels
Thoracic blood vessels
Thoracic blood vessels
Thoracic blood vessels
Thoracic blood vessels
Congestive Heart Failure
Lung Pattern

Vascular Lung Pattern
Bronchial Lung Pattern
Bronchial Lung Pattern
Bronchial Lung Pattern
Nodular Interstitial Lung Pattern
Nodular Interstitial Lung Pattern
Nodular Interstitial Lung Pattern
Nodular Interstitial Lung Pattern
Unstructural Interstitial Lung Pattern
Unstructural Interstitial Lung Pattern
Unstructural Interstitial Lung Pattern
Alveolar Lung Pattern
Alveolar Lung Pattern
Alveolar Lung Pattern
Case Study

Sunday, January Sample Footer Text

31, 20XX
Case 1
Case 1
Case 2
Case 2
Indication for ECG

• Arrhythmia detected
• Syncope
• Critical care
• Anesthetized animal
Interpretation of ECG

• Cardiac arrhythmia ***

• Cardiac ischemia
• Cardiomegaly (non-specific)
• Cardiac monitoring
The Six Limb Leads

ECG Paper
ECG Morphology
P wave
PR Interval
Q wave
R wave
S wave
QRS Complex
T wave
Heart Electrival Circuit
Reading ECG

Sunday, January Sample Footer Text

31, 20XX
Interpretation Step-by-step

1. Heart rate (fast or slow)

2. Rhythm (regular or irregular)
3. Calculate PR interval (**identify P wave**)
4. P-QRS-T association (associated or not associated)
5. QRS shape ( tall&narrow or wide&bizarre)
6. Named
1. Calculation the Heart Rate
2. Assess the Rhythm
3. PR Interval
4. P-QRS-T Association
5. QRS Shape
6. Name the arrhythmia
Normal sinus rhythm
Normal sinus rhythm
Sinus bradycardia
Sinus bradycardia
Sinus tachycardia
Blood Testing
Blood Testing

Thank You

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