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Is the combination of speed and flexibility as it is the ability to

move quickly, change direction and change speed whenever

Examples of agility in sport

A person who plays rugby has to run and try to score a try and
by doing that they use agility to slow and speed up their speed
and change direction really quickly

Agility is linked to a few public services for example a police

officer because when the officer is chasing a suspect who has
run away from a crime scene and they run down a back lane
over ground with all material or objects in the way and the
suspect is getting away the police officer will have to use agility
to change direction a run round the material and then speed up
and catch the suspect.

Another example of agility in sport

A midfielder in football running round defenders and other
players has to use agility to change direction and speed quickly
for example christiano ronaldo he steps over the ball and
changes direction to move round defenders to get to the box and
either speeds up or slows down to cross the ball in.

Facts about agility

Agility is the ability to change the body's position

Efficiently, and requires the integration of isolated
movement skills using a combination of balance

Balance is an ability to maintain the centre of gravity of a

body within the base of support with minimal postural
sway. When exercising the ability to balance, one is said
to be balancing.
, coordination, speed
, reflexes, strength
, endurance
And stamina
Cardio Vascular Endurance

Introduction - Cardio Vascular is probably the most used component of fitness

in everyday life. It’s a health related component of fitness. Many people have
different levels of fitness a 75 year old lady‘s level of fitness will be very different
to a 21 year football players level because they both have different requirements
in everyday life, the old ladies may just be being able to walk to the shops
everyday as the 21 year old football may need to have a high enough level of
cardio vascular endurance to play two 90 minute games of football a week.

Definition - Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the heart, lungs and blood
vessels to deliver oxygen to working muscles and tissues, as well as the ability of
those muscles and tissues to utilize that oxygen.

Facts! – Only 1 in 10 Americans is said to have a high level of Cardio Vascular


What is Cardio Vascular Endurance? - Cardiovascular endurance is the most

important aspect of fitness. It is basically how strong your heart is, which can
potentially add years to your life. The heart is the most important muscle in the
human body and if it is kept healthy then you can avoid numerous health
problems. Another reason that cardio vascular endurance is important
is because your heart controls the oxygen flow to all your muscles, meaning
cardiovascular health has a direct impact on your performance, both endurance
and strength wise.

How can speed be measured - Cardio Vascular Endurance can be measured

using the 12 minute Cooper Run. The participant has 12 minutes to run around
a grid measuring 100 x 100 metres. Each corner on the grid should be marked
with the cone so that the participant can count each cone they go pass. Each cone
represents 100 metres so if you ran past 23 cones in the given 12 minutes your
score would be 2300 metres. For this test you will need a tape measure,
stopwatch & cones.

Introduction - In this part of the poster I’m going to be talking about Speed.
Speed is a health related component of fitness not a skill related component of
fitness. Speed is used in everyday life and it also plays a big role in many
different sports. Many world famous athletes need speed to be able to adapt to
their environment.

Definition - Distance travelled per unit time. Speed is the scalar quantity that is
the magnitude of the velocity vector.

Speed doesn’t just make you run faster. It makes you fitter, increases the range
of movement in your joints, makes you more comfortable at all speeds, and it
will ultimately help you to run harder for longer.

What is speed?
Speed is the quickness of movement of a limb, whether this is the legs of a runner
or the arm of the shot putter. Speed is an integral part of every sport and can be
expressed as any one of, or combination of, the following: maximum speed,
elastic strength power peed endurance.

How speed can be improved

Speed can be improved by building up muscle in the lower and upper body area.
Such as biceps, triceps and the abdominal area. The technique of sprinting must
be rehearsed at slow speeds and then transferred to runs at maximum speed for
example practising it daily before you put it into action.. The stimulation,
excitation and correct firing order of the motor units, composed of a motor nerve
and the group of muscles that it supplies, makes it possible for high frequency
movements to occur. “The whole process is not very clear but the complex
coordination and timing of the motor units and muscles most certainly must be
rehearsed at high speeds to implant the correct patterns” (Bull) physical
education & the study of sport 2001.

How speed is measured

There are a many different fitness tests to measure speed such as the Stop frame
action recording, vertical ballistic speed trap and the Optical speed trap.
However the most popular and reliable test fro speed is the 40m sprint test
where the subject has to simply run the distant of 40m as fast as they can. A
stopwatch, cones and measuring tape.

An example of a sport where speed would be used is football. A athlete who
needs a high level of speed is Christiano Ronaldo as he plays on the right of
midfield for Real Madrid he needs a high level of speed to do his job properly
which is, as a right midfielder too score goals, get back to defend and make
assists. If he didn’t have a high level of speed he wouldn’t be able to do his job
properly. A job where speed is used is the Police Force, police officers need a
reasonable level of speed when in situations such as chasing a criminal. If they
didn’t have a reasonable level of speed the criminal could get away. This would
mean they’d have more work.
Reaction time
Reaction time refers to the ability of an individual to respond to
a stimulus. Individuals with good reaction time will respond to
that stimulus the quickest. For example a person who plays as a
fielder in a cricket match will have to try and catch a ball and a
person with a quick reaction time will catch that ball

Examples of reaction time in sport

A goal keeper in football has to have a good reaction time to
stop a football going in the back of the net

The test for reaction time

There are two people one person holds a ruler just above the
other persons thumb and finger which is aloud a gap between
them and then the person who has the ruler drops it and the
other person has to react quick enough to catch it and they
measure your reaction time is measured in centre meters

Is the ability to carry out a series of movements smoothly and

affectively It is the ability of different parts of the to do different
things at the same time e.g. hand eye coordination (class
definition) for example when you use a skipping rope
coordination comes in then because you move the rope around
your body and then jump over it.

Coordination is in many different sports for example tennis is a

sport where coordination comes in because move your arm in
the right place and then hit the ball.

There is a test to measure your coordination, its called tennis

ball throw and what you do is simple-you stand one meter away
from a wall and you have a minute to see how many times you
can throw a tennis ball from your right hand to left and then
repeat it.

Another example of coordination in sport

Coordination is in snooker because when you are playing
snooker you have to focus on where the ball is and look where
it’s going to go and then pull your arm back and look where you
are going to hit the white ball.

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