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Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 283: E1105–E1112, 2002;


invited review
Human protein metabolism: its measurement and regulation


Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal
Medicine, and the General Clinical Research Center, University
of Virginia Health Sciences Center, Charlottesville, Virginia 22908

Liu, Zhenqi, and Eugene J. Barrett. Human protein metabolism:

its measurement and regulation. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 283:
E1105–E1112, 2002;10.1152/ajpendo.00337.2002.—The body’s protein
mass not only provides architectural support for cells but also serves
vital roles in maintaining their function and survival. The whole body
protein pool, as well as that of individual tissues, is determined by the
balance between the processes of protein synthesis and degradation.
These in turn are regulated by interactions among hormonal, nutri-
tional, neural, inflammatory, and other influences. Prolonged changes in
either the synthetic or degradative processes (or both) that cause protein
wasting increase morbidity and mortality. The application of tracer
kinetic methods, combined with measurements of the activity of compo-
nents of the cellular signaling pathways involved in protein synthesis
and degradation, affords new insights into the regulation of both protein
synthesis and breakdown in vivo. These insights, including those from
studies of insulin, insulin-like growth factor I, growth hormone, and
amino acid-mediated regulation of muscle and whole body protein turn-
over, provide opportunities to develop and test therapeutic approaches
with promise to minimize or prevent these adverse health consequences.
protein synthesis; proteolysis; insulin; insulin-like growth factor I;
growth hormone; amino acids

IN HUMANS, THE BODY PROTEIN MASS provides architectural acids for gluconeogenesis, wound healing, and synthe-
support, enzymes to catalyze metabolic reactions, sig- sis of antibodies and acute-phase proteins, prolonged
naling intermediates within and between cells, and negative protein balance is associated with signifi-
fuel to allow survival. Because there is no protein cantly increased morbidity and mortality. Our under-
storage pool, proteins that serve vital roles are catab- standing of the cellular and integrated regulation of
olized when the body is faced with a need for additional protein synthesis and degradation has advanced con-
fuel expenditure. Subsequently, the body replaces pre- siderably over the past two decades. Here, we briefly
viously sacrificed proteins during periods of caloric/ review selected aspects of this progress, particularly
nitrogen surfeit, thereby keeping a delicate and dy- isotopic methods used to measure whole body and
namic protein balance that maintains homeostasis in tissue-specific protein turnover as well as newer trac-
the face of environmental challenge. er-independent methods for studying the regulation of
Protein synthesis and degradation are closely regu- body protein metabolism. Finally, we will briefly re-
lated in vivo, and each is affected by physiological and view how these methods are being applied to studies of
pathophysiological conditions, such as fasting, feeding, insulin, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), growth
exercise, disease, and aging. Many diseases can de- hormone (GH), and amino acid-mediated regulation of
crease protein synthesis and/or enhance protein degra- muscle protein turnover.
dation, causing negative protein balance. While tran-
siently this may afford benefit by supplying amino

Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: E. J. Barrett, For any cell or tissue, protein balance reflects the net
Dept. of Internal Medicine, PO Box 801410, Univ. of Virginia Health of protein synthesis and degradation. The rates of
Sciences Center, Charlottesville, VA 22908 (E-mail protein synthesis and degradation differ drastically 0193-1849/02 $5.00 Copyright © 2002 the American Physiological Society E1105

among organs/tissues, and between the cytosolic, nu- leucine is used as the tracer, venous ␣-ketoisocaproic
clear, and mitochondrial compartments of a cell. Whole acid (␣-KIC), the transamination product of leucine,
body protein balance is the integral of these processes. may better reflect the enrichment of leucine in the
Many attempts to quantify either whole body or tissue- cellular free amino acid pool (52). In addition, with
specific protein metabolism in humans in vivo have leucine labeled in carbon 1, provided the loss of label to
been made during the past two to three decades. These CO2 is measured, both protein synthesis and degrada-
efforts have been almost exclusively based on use of tion can be quantified. This approach provides the most
tracer measurements. However, these complex dy- accurate method currently available to simultaneously
namic processes require model assumptions that limit estimate whole body protein synthesis and degrada-
the accuracy of all available methods, and each method tion. With this method, because of the rapid equilibra-
has inherent shortcomings and limitations. tion of the infused tracer, it is possible to “perturb” the
steady state and estimate dynamic changes in re-
Whole Body and Organ-Specific Nitrogen Balance sponse to specific interventions (see Hormonal and
Nutritional Regulation of Protein Turnover in Vivo).
Early studies of whole body nitrogen balance simply
However, there are limitations (6). This method cer-
employed chemical analyses of nitrogen intake and
tainly underestimates the total turnover of tissue pro-
excretion (8). With the development of automated
teins. This is partially compensated in the case of
amino acid analyses, the net balance of all amino acids
skeletal muscle by measuring the specific activity (or
across a tissue bed (muscle, liver, brain, and so forth)
enrichment) of ␣-KIC (24). It is less clear that this
became measurable (44). These estimates at steady
compensation is satisfactory for other tissues with
state provide a net measurement of the protein accre-
lower transaminase activities. The estimates of syn-
tion/loss, but no insight into the processes of protein
thesis are also affected by assumptions regarding the
synthesis and degradation at either the whole body or
body bicarbonate pool. These issues aside, the steady-
tissue level. However, because these measurements do
state [1-*C]leucine infusion method is currently the
not require the modeling assumptions that accompany
accepted standard for measurement of whole body pro-
the use of tracer methods, they remain a useful, inde-
tein turnover.
pendent method for assessing whole body or organ
Measurement of protein turnover in specific tissues/
responses to nutrient, hormonal, and other manipula-
organs. Measurements of both protein synthesis and
degradation within specific tissues/organs are obtained
Whole Body and Organ-Specific Protein Turnover by using a combination of organ balance and tracer ap-
proaches. The methods require arterial sampling to-
To extend investigation beyond the limitations of the gether with sampling of venous blood draining the tissue
whole body nitrogen or tissue amino acid balance tech- being studied. With this method, one gives either a
niques, several approaches were developed. Each in- leucine (12) or phenylalanine (5, 21) tracer by primed,
volves the use of an essential amino acid tracer and is continuous intravenous infusion until a steady state is
based on the assumption that the kinetics of the essen- achieved in plasma. During steady-state infusion of
tial amino acid tracer used represent the kinetics of the tracer, measurement of the uptake of tracer by the tissue
protein pool. Because essential amino acids are not (Rd) and of the dilution of its specific activity as it
synthesized in vivo, the steady-state dilution of the traverses the tissue (Ra) can be used to estimate protein
infused tracer-specific activity/enrichment in blood re- synthesis and breakdown, respectively. The calculation is
flects the inflow into blood (or rate of appearance, Ra) of based on the measurement of the concentration and spe-
unlabeled amino acids derived from protein degrada- cific activity (SA)/enrichment of systemically infused
tion and dietary intake. Conversely, the rate of tracer tracer in both arterial blood entering and venous blood
disappearance (Rd) from blood represents the sum of draining the tissue under study, together with blood flow
amino acid oxidation to CO2 and nonoxidative disposal, to the tissue. The net balance of leucine or phenylalanine
which, with the appropriately chosen tracer, will prin- simply reflects the difference between its uptake for pro-
cipally reflect body protein synthesis. tein synthesis and its release from degraded protein. The
Whole body protein turnover using isotopic tracers. formulas used for these calculations are detailed else-
Whole body protein turnover is now most commonly esti- where (4). In these estimates it is assumed that either the
mated using L-[1-*C]leucine (36) or L-[*H5]phenylalanine arterial or the venous blood SA/enrichment at steady
labeled with either radioactive or stable isotopic trac- state approximates that of the pool being used for protein
ers and given as a primed, continuous intravenous synthesis. The amino acid selected as tracer is dictated
infusion. With a continuous intravenous tracer infu- somewhat by the tissue under study. For skeletal muscle
sion, the arterial plasma tracer enrichment/specific (5), heart (48), and adipose tissue (14), phenylalanine
activity reaches a plateau (steady state) in ⬃2 h. At appears most appropriate. Phenylalanine is neither syn-
steady state, whole body protein turnover equals the thesized nor concentrated by the muscle and is well
rate of tracee appearance (Ra) in the plasma free amino represented in muscle protein; its only metabolic fate in
acid pool and the rate of tracee disappearance (Rd) from muscle is to be incorporated into protein, and the only
the free amino acid pool, and each can be estimated endogenous source of phenylalanine released into blood
from the tracer infusion rate divided by the arterial traversing muscle is protein. For liver, leucine would be a
plasma-specific activity/enrichment. When labeled preferred tracer, because the fraction of its metabolic fate
AJP-Endocrinol Metab • VOL 283 • DECEMBER 2002 •

directed other than to protein synthesis (42) is less than tion regarding protein degradation; and the concern
that of phenylalanine. that it is not trivial to ascertain when the precursor
The major advantage of this method is that it allows pool labeling has achieved a steady state.
simultaneous estimation of both synthesis and degra- For muscle, an additional method has been used to
dation. Because it relies on steady-state conditions estimate proteolysis that involves measurement of uri-
being reached in the plasma pool, repeated sampling nary excretion of 3-methylhistidine (3-MH). Histidyl
can be performed to assure this condition, and because residues in actin, and to a lesser extent in myosin, are
this requires only ⬃2 h, it is amenable for the study of posttranslationally methylated, and methyl-histidines
the effects of physiological interventions. are released when these proteins are degraded. More
In studies directed more specifically at examining than 90% of 3-MH residues are in skeletal muscle, and
the process of protein synthesis in tissues in vivo, the urinary excretion rate of 3-MH provides noninva-
several methods are currently regularly used. The first sive in vivo estimates of muscle protein degradation in
is an adaptation of the steady-state leucine or phenyl- humans that are consistent with rates estimated by
alanine tracer method just described. It involves a other methods. However, the analysis requires quanti-
continuous tracer infusion that persists until a steady tative collection of urine, a carefully controlled meat-
state of enrichment or specific activity is reached in the free diet for several days, and normal renal function
pool considered to be the precursor for protein synthe- and is limited by the quantities of 3-MH in urine
sis (43). Then a tissue sample is taken, and a second contributed by nonskeletal muscle sources, which vary
sample is taken hours later, with the tracer remaining with the 3-MH pool sizes (depending on lean body
at steady-state enrichment between samplings. The mass), their relative contents of 3-MH, and the protein
proteins in the biopsy samples are analyzed for tracer turnover rates of different tissues as well (7).
enrichment. The synthesis rate is calculated by divid-
ing the change in tracer enrichment in the protein- Measurement of the Synthesis of Specific Proteins or
bound amino acid by the steady-state tracer enrich- Classes of Proteins
ment in the precursor pool over a given period of time.
For some relatively abundant plasma (albumin, fi-
Optimally, labeling of the amino acyl-tRNA pool would
brinogen, apolipoprotein B-100, and the like) (15) or
provide the precursor pool for protein synthesis. How-
tissue (myosin and actin in muscle) (11) proteins, as
ever, its small size relative to the bulk amino acid pool
well as for several classes of cellular proteins (mito-
and technical difficulties with its measurement have
chondrial and contractile proteins in muscle) (49), it is
precluded this approach in most circumstances. In-
possible to incorporate sufficient amino acid label (gen-
stead, enrichment or specific activity of the amino acid
erally as a stable isotope) to allow measurement of
label in the total tissue extract is typically used hope-
their synthesis rates. These estimates are based upon
fully to approximate that of the tRNA pool. To circum-
many of the same assumptions as the whole body and
vent this problem, Garlick and colleagues pioneered
whole tissue measures. Despite the slow turnover of
first in animals (20) and later in humans (38) the
these proteins, their abundance allows reasonable
so-called “flooding dose” technique, which employs a
quantitation of their turnover and responses to inter-
bolus intravenous injection of large doses of labeled
ventions like insulin and feeding.
(tracer) and unlabeled (tracee) amino acid to rapidly
force equilibration of labeling between the intra- and Nontracer Techniques Applied to Studies of Protein
extracellular amino acid pools. The tracer enrichment Metabolism in Vivo
in these pools is assumed to be nearly identical to the
true precursor, i.e., the aminoacyl-tRNA pool, in all Because of difficulties that appear intrinsic to tracer
tissues. Protein-bound tracer amino acid is then ex- estimates of protein metabolism, efforts to study the
tracted from tissues (or proteins), and the fractional regulation of protein synthesis and degradation in vivo
synthesis rate (FSR) is calculated. A potential draw- have recently been extended to methods that examine
back of this technique is that rapid injection of a large the activity of the pathways involved in synthesis
amount of amino acid tracee may itself stimulate pro- (mRNA transcription and activation of translational
tein synthesis. Most investigators use phenylalanine regulatory elements) and degradation. In both experi-
as the tracer, since large doses of leucine are capable of mental animals and humans, measurement of tran-
activating translation initiation and increasing the scription of specific mRNAs has been accomplished by
FSR of mixed muscle protein. Despite use of phenylal- classical Northern blotting, PCR, and RNAse protec-
anine, the FSR measured with this technique is usu- tion assays, and more recently by use of microarray
ally 1.5- to 2-fold higher than that calculated from the methods. For translation, the phosphorylation states of
continuous infusion method, a finding not yet ade- proteins involved in regulating translation initiation
quately resolved. have been coupled with estimates of protein synthesis
These latter two methods afford the advantage of to provide a more comprehensive picture of the regu-
likely providing a more accurate estimate of protein lation of this portion of the synthetic pathway.
synthetic rates. However, limitations include the inva- Efforts to study the regulation of protein degradation
sive nature of the studies, requiring multiple biopsies have also progressed and include estimates of the ac-
that (at least for clinical investigations) limit studies to tivities of one or more of the pathways involved in
muscle, adipose tissue, and skin; the lack of informa- proteolysis or transcription of genes that code for pro-
AJP-Endocrinol Metab • VOL 283 • DECEMBER 2002 •

teins involved in one or another proteolytic pathway (3, would seem more advantageous given the large
40). Progress with these nontracer measures of prote- amount of energy required to synthesize a protein
olysis has not kept pace with measures of transcrip- relative to that required to store energy as either
tion/translation, in part because of the complexity of carbohydrate or fats (a minimum of 4 ATP equivalents
the multiple pathways involved in protein degradation, per peptide bond made and broken vs. 2 for a glycosidic
and this will be an area for future investigation, espe- linkage in glycogen and 2 per ester linkage in triglyc-
cially as molecular probes for components for the cal- eride). Paradoxically, the turnover rate of the body’s
pain, proteasomal, and lysosomal pathways are devel- protein pool is substantially higher than that of either
oped. This will be particularly important because one of the other two principal fuels (see Fig. 1). However,
action of inflammatory cytokines appears to involve a the fraction of amino acids liberated from body protein
marked increase in proteolytic activity, and this might via one or another proteolytic pathway that is subse-
contribute to the wasting that occurs in chronic inflam- quently oxidized fully is substantially less than that
matory disorders (13). fraction for either fat or carbohydrate. Thus a selective
All of these methods involve tissue sampling and advantage appears to accrue to the organism when the
provide information on regulatory changes that are unitary building blocks of proteins (amino acids) are
relatively stable in nature, i.e., changes that are pre- used sparingly as an oxidative fuel, whereas the pro-
served during tissue sampling and assay. To the extent tein pool per se turns over rapidly at considerable cost
that allosteric mechanisms are involved in modulating of energy to the body. The energy expenditure involved
the rates of either synthesis or degradation, their im- in this turnover of the body protein pool is not insig-
pact remains elusive. nificant when compared with total body resting energy
expenditure. It can be estimated that, at a minimum,
the turnover of the body protein pool will account for
5% of our resting energy expenditure (33). The nature
Whole Body Protein Turnover and Energy Balance of the selective advantage afforded by this plasticity of
our body protein pool is unclear. However, estimates
With their significant limitations, what information of this sort require the use of tracer measurements
can be obtained from whole body protein turnover as described above and cannot be derived by other
methods? Here we point out one simple phenomenon methods.
that we have come to call the “protein paradox,” which
derives quite simply from steady-state measurements Hormonal and Nutritional Regulation of Protein
of fuel turnover in postabsorptive humans. It begins Turnover in Vivo
with a comparison of the turnover rates of the body’s
three principal fuels: protein, carbohydrate, and fats. Protein synthesis and degradation are each regu-
Figure 1 gives the Ra in plasma of amino acids, free lated by multiple hormonal and nutritional factors,
fatty acids, and glucose in the circulation after an and protein balance of individual tissues and the whole
overnight fast in healthy humans. In each case, the body changes constantly. Recent studies at the molec-
estimates are derived from steady-state tracer infusion ular and cellular levels, coupled with tracer methods,
methods. Among these three fuels, protein is unique in have dramatically advanced our understanding of the
that there is no storage form that is not already serving regulation of protein metabolism in vivo. Here we will
another significant purpose. On this basis, it might be selectively review studies relating to the actions of
expected that it would be relatively preserved. This three peptide hormones, insulin, IGF-I, and GH, and
amino acids that have been more extensively studied
and that affect body protein metabolism acutely and
hence are amenable to study by use of some of the
tracer and biopsy methods we have described. Other
hormones (e.g., thyroid hormones, glucocorticoids, go-
nadal steroids), as well as cytokines and interleukins,
also impact body protein metabolism, but information
on the actions of these effectors is much less complete;
review of these is beyond the scope of the current work.
Our focus in reviewing these three hormones and
amino acids is in part to provide a “status report” of
current information but also to highlight the un-
knowns that will hopefully be areas for further inves-
Insulin. In humans, the rates of whole body (54),
splanchnic (42), skeletal (21), and heart (37) muscle
protein degradation are decreased in response to phys-
Fig. 1. Rates of fuel turnover and relative contribution of each fuel to
daily caloric consumption. Turnover rates of whole body protein are
iological increases in plasma insulin. Conversely, the
much faster, yet its oxidation is substantially less than that for rates of protein degradation increase transiently in
either fat or carbohydrate. FFA, free fatty acids. heart and skeletal muscle in diabetic animals (2), and
AJP-Endocrinol Metab • VOL 283 • DECEMBER 2002 •

Fig. 2. Simplified schematic diagram illustrating the

regulation of translation initiation and protein synthe-
sis by insulin, IGF-I, and amino acids. 2, stimulatory
signal; ——|, inhibitory signal. See text for definition of

the whole body protein turnover is increased in insulin- synthetic pathway, among them eukaryotic initiation
withdrawn type 1 diabetic patients (10). Decreasing factor (eIF) 4E-binding protein 1 (4E-BP1) and ribo-
insulin availability secondary to either experimental somal protein S6 kinase (p70S6K). The phosphorylation
diabetes or starvation reduces by 40–50% the rate of of 4E-BP1 and p70S6K, both downstream of PI 3-ki-
protein synthesis in rat skeletal muscle. This is rapidly nase-Akt-mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) in
reversed with insulin treatment. Numerous in vitro the insulin-signaling pathway, is closely correlated
experiments in cultured cells or isolated perfused tis- with the rate of protein synthesis (Fig. 2). Inhibition of
sues have consistently demonstrated that insulin at PI 3-kinase with wortmannin or mTOR with rapamy-
high concentrations stimulates protein synthesis and cin blocks insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of
abrogates proteolysis (26, 28). Surprisingly, whereas 4E-BP1 and p70S6K and partially inhibits protein syn-
the in vivo antiproteolytic effect of insulin in adult thesis. Readers are referred to several excellent recent
animals or humans has been repeatedly shown, the reviews that have detailed the regulation of protein
anabolic effect of insulin on protein synthesis has not synthesis by insulin and nutrients through modulating
been consistently demonstrated. A satisfactory expla- translation initiation (39, 47).
nation for this apparent discrepancy between in vivo We have examined the effects of insulin, at both
and in vitro studies is wanting. Factors including the pharmacological and physiological concentrations, on
insulin concentrations used in vitro (typically between the phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 and p70S6K in both
2 and 10 mU/ml), preincubation of tissues in the com- humans and laboratory rats. Interestingly, we found
plete absence of insulin in vitro before insulin addition, that insulin stimulated the phosphorylation of p70S6K,
or the overall highly catabolic state of tissues incu- but not 4E-BP1, at physiological concentrations (22),
bated in vitro may all contribute. On the other hand, whereas the phosphorylation of both proteins is en-
an effect of insulin in vivo may be underestimated if hanced at pharmacological concentrations (33). Be-
insulin’s antiproteolytic effect significantly decreases cause ribosomal S6 protein is a principal physiological
amino acid availability, as amino acids themselves substrate for p70S6K, and phosphorylation of S6 en-
regulate the rate of mRNA translation (55). hances the translation of a restricted subset of proteins
Recent studies that build on early work from the with oligopyrimidine sequences at the transcriptional
laboratory of Jefferson and colleagues (Kimball et al., start site, it may be that p70S6K is required for main-
Ref. 29) have shed light on the effect of insulin to taining the apparatus required for ongoing protein
regulate mRNA translation, a critical step in insulin’s synthesis. This is consistent with previous suggestions
action on protein synthesis in isolated muscle, heart, that physiological concentrations of insulin play a sig-
and liver. Availability of phosphospecific antibodies nificant role in maintaining the protein synthetic ap-
and measurement of electrophoretic mobility shift as- paratus (2). We have also found that infusion of IGF-I
says have allowed linkage of insulin action to stimulate increases the phosphorylation of both 4E-BP1 and
protein synthesis with its action on key signaling mol- p70S6K (W. Long and E. J. Barrett, unpublished obser-
ecules downstream of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase vation), again raising the issue of possible cross-stim-
(PI-3 kinase) and protein kinase B (PKB or Akt) in the ulation of IGF-I and/or IGF-I/insulin hybrid receptors
insulin-signaling cascade. At the translational level, by high-dose insulin.
insulin has been shown to modulate the phosphoryla- The cellular mechanisms underlying insulin’s anti-
tion states of several key intermediates in the protein proteolytic actions are poorly understood. Mounting
AJP-Endocrinol Metab • VOL 283 • DECEMBER 2002 •

evidence suggests that the ATP-dependent ubiquitin- and IGF-I action in muscle, although similar, diverge
proteasome proteolytic pathway plays a central role in significantly, yet both can influence both the synthesis
insulin-regulated protein degradation, particularly in and degradation pathways.
muscle (46). Blockade of lysosomal and calcium-acti- GH. Chronic GH treatment increases lean body mass
vated proteases resulted in only minimal decrease in and decreases fat mass, especially when used to treat
proteolysis, whereas depletion of ATP or inhibition of antecedent GH deficiency (27, 51) and/or prevent glu-
proteasomal activity with either MG-132 or lactacystin cocorticoid-induced protein wasting (23). In healthy
blocked the increase in proteolysis due to insulinope- humans, acute infusions of GH lasting from 6 h to 3–7
nia. In insulin-deficient rats, increased mRNAs for days modestly stimulate muscle (18) and whole body
ubiquitin and proteasome subunits have also been protein synthesis without significantly affecting plasma
demonstrated (31, 34). However, insulin may also exert amino acid concentrations in healthy humans. The
a direct inhibitory effect on proteasomal peptidase ac- mechanisms of GH-stimulated protein synthesis re-
tivity independent of an effect on transcription. main unclear. Systemic infusion not only increases
For insulin, there appears to be a dissociation be- systemic IGF-I concentrations but also stimulates local
tween the doses of insulin that affect protein synthesis generation of IGF-I. GH may also exert its protein
vs. those that affect protein degradation. Whether we anabolic actions directly, independently of IGF-I gen-
consider whole body measures of synthesis and degra- eration. GH has been shown to phosphorylate insulin
dation as estimated with labeled leucine or measures of receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1), the principal substrate of
these processes in skeletal muscle with phenylalanine the insulin receptor, activate PI 3-kinase, and increase
tracer and the limb balance method, it appears that the phosphorylation of p70S6K, actions similar to those
proteolysis is more sensitive than synthesis to small of insulin and IGF-I. When GH is infused locally into
changes in plasma insulin within its physiological the brachial artery, forearm muscle protein synthesis
range. Unknown is where in the insulin-signaling sys- increases, whereas systemic IGF-I concentrations and
tem the pathway for regulation of synthesis and deg- muscle protein degradation are unaffected. This sug-
radation diverges. Dissecting this will require a more gests that GH-stimulated protein synthesis is not de-
detailed understanding of the early signaling events pendent on increases in systemic IGF-I concentrations,
that mediate insulin’s antiproteolytic action. but the local generation of IGF-I in the skeletal muscle
IGF-I. Like insulin, IGF-I has been repeatedly remains a possible mechanism (30). Although GH in-
shown to have anabolic properties on protein metabo- fusion provokes an increase in serum insulin concen-
lism (30). Systemically administered IGF-I inhibits tration, this does not retard protein degradation in
whole body protein breakdown and causes hypoamino- human muscle. Indeed, when GH and insulin are co-
acidemia and hypoglycemia. When given acutely in infused, GH can block the effect of insulin to retard
vivo at doses that have no stimulatory effect on glucose proteolysis (19). Thus, for protein metabolism, both an
uptake, IGF-I stimulates muscle protein synthesis (17) “insulin-like” and an insulin-antagonistic action of GH
and is very effective in activating 4E-BP1 and p70S6K can be seen when GH is given acutely to humans.
phosphorylation in both skeletal and cardiac muscle At the current time, it is difficult to construct an
(W. Long and E. J. Barrett, unpublished observation). integrated, mechanistic picture of GH’s action on hu-
In contrast, there is a lack of stimulation of whole body man protein turnover. However, as additional tools
protein synthesis with systemic infusion of IGF-I (16), have become available for measuring cellular media-
which likely results from the fall in circulating insulin tors of GH action, including the activity of the families
and/or amino acid concentrations that accompanies of the janus and signal transducer and activator of
systemic IGF-I infusion in vivo. When amino acids (50) transcription kinases, it will become increasingly pos-
or insulin (25) is replaced simultaneously, IGF-I sible to track responses in accessible tissues in humans
clearly stimulates whole body protein synthesis. Mus- and animals that will allow a more detailed under-
cle protein breakdown seems to be inhibited by the standing of how GH affects protein synthesis and deg-
higher doses of IGF-I that also promote glucose uptake. radation.
Inasmuch as insulin and IGF-I exert anabolic ac- Amino acids. Ingestion of proteins or infusion of
tions on both protein synthesis and proteolysis, the mixed amino acids (AA) has significant protein ana-
question naturally arises as to whether there is cou- bolic effects in healthy humans. At a systemic level, AA
pling between the processes of synthesis and degrada- administration stimulates insulin, GH, and glucagon
tion. In this regard, it is particularly intriguing to secretion. Independently of these hormonal effects, in
examine the dose-response characteristics of each. vitro AA directly stimulate protein synthesis (9, 53),
Thus modest increases in plasma insulin diminish inhibit proteolysis (41), and enhance the sensitivity of
whole body and skeletal muscle proteolysis (35) and protein synthesis to insulin. Among all AA, branched-
increase glucose disposal in muscle, but higher doses chain amino acids (BCAA), especially leucine, have a
appear required to stimulate protein synthesis. In con- particularly important role in mediating these protein
trast, increases in plasma IGF-I that are without effect anabolic effects (1). Recent data in cultured cell and
on glucose uptake stimulate protein synthesis in mus- animal studies have demonstrated that both mixed AA
cle and the whole body (17) and, at least in muscle, and BCAA can act as direct initiators of signal trans-
higher doses are required to retard proteolysis. This duction through mTOR-dependent phosphorylation of
suggests that the cellular signals that mediate insulin 4E-BP1 and p70S6K (Fig. 2), thereby enhancing protein
AJP-Endocrinol Metab • VOL 283 • DECEMBER 2002 •

synthesis at a translational level. BCAA or leucine warrant further investigation. Addressing some of
alone can activate the mTOR-4E-BP1/p70S6K pathway. these questions will require new tools. These may
AA deprivation results in reversible inactivation of include newer generations of mass spectrometers that
p70S6K, increased binding of 4E-BP1 to eIF4E and will allow more facile measurement of the synthesis of
dissociation of the eIF4F complex, decreased phosphor- specific proteins. In addition, better probes for address-
ylation of eIF4E, and increased phosphorylation of ing the functional status of the ubiquitin-proteasomal
eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF2). In aggregate, proteolytic pathways will need to be developed to ex-
these actions retard protein synthesis. AA also regu- amine the role of this potentially very important path-
late global protein synthesis through modulation of way in the in vivo regulation of protein metabolism.
eIF2B activity. Despite these seemingly concordant
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants
effects between AA mixture and BCAA on the activa- RR-15540 (Z. Liu), DK-38578, and DK-54058 (E. J. Barrett) and
tion of the mTOR-4E-BP1/p70S6K pathway, in vivo RR-00847 (University of Virginia General Clinical Research Center).
infusions of AA mixtures and BCAA evoke quite differ-
ent patterns of anabolic response. Combining the fore- REFERENCES
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