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Clinical Review & Education

JAMA | Review

The Diagnosis and Management of Thyroid Nodules

A Review
Cosimo Durante, MD, PhD; Giorgio Grani, MD; Livia Lamartina, MD; Sebastiano Filetti, MD;
Susan J. Mandel, MD, MPH; David S. Cooper, MD

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IMPORTANCE Thyroid nodules are common, being detected in up to 65% of the general jamanetwork.com/learning
population. This is likely due to the increased use of diagnostic imaging for purposes
unrelated to the thyroid. Most thyroid nodules are benign, clinically insignificant,
and safely managed with a surveillance program. The main goal of initial and long-term
follow-up is identification of the small subgroup of nodules that harbor a clinically
significant cancer (≈10%), cause compressive symptoms (≈5%), or progress to
functional disease (≈5%).

OBSERVATIONS Thyroid function testing and ultrasonographic characteristics guide

the initial management of thyroid nodules. Certain ultrasound features, such as
a cystic or spongiform appearance, suggest a benign process that does not require Author Affiliations: Dipartimento
additional testing. Suspicious sonographic patterns including solid composition, di Medicina Interna e Specialità
Mediche, Università di Roma
hypoechogenicity, irregular margins, and microcalcifications should prompt cytological
“Sapienza,” Roma, Italy (Durante,
evaluation. Additional diagnostic procedures, such as molecular testing, are indicated Grani, Lamartina, Filetti); Division of
only in selected cases, such as indeterminate cytology (≈20%-30% of all biopsies). Endocrinology, Diabetes and
The initial risk estimate, derived from ultrasound and, if performed, cytology report, Metabolism, Perelman School of
Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,
should determine the need for treatment and the type, frequency, and length of Philadelphia (Mandel); Division of
subsequent follow-up. Management includes simple observation, local treatments, Endocrinology, Diabetes and
and surgery and should be based on the estimated risk of malignancy and the Metabolism, The Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine,
presence and severity of compressive symptoms.
Baltimore, Maryland (Cooper).
Corresponding Author: David S.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Most thyroid nodules are benign. A diagnostic approach Cooper, MD, Division of
that uses ultrasound and, when indicated, fine-needle aspiration biopsy and molecular Endocrinology, Diabetes, and
testing, facilitates a personalized, risk-based protocol that promotes high-quality care Metabolism, 1830 E Monument St,
Ste 333, Baltimore, MD 21287
and minimizes cost and unnecessary testing.
Section Editors: Edward Livingston,
JAMA. 2018;319(9):914-924. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.0898 MD, Deputy Editor, and Mary McGrae
McDermott, MD, Senior Editor.

hyroid nodules are defined as discrete lesions with-
in the thyroid gland, radiologically distinct from sur- Methods
rounding thyroid parenchyma. 1 Their diagnosis is in-
creasingly common in clinical practice. Among the large number PubMed and Scopus databases were searched to identify high-
of nodules found in the general population (about 16 million quality studies, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and clin-
of individuals in the United States are estimated to have a pal- ical practice guidelines published in the last 3 years regarding
pable nodule; up to 219 million have an ultrasound-detectable thyroid nodule evaluation and treatment. We identified articles
nodule), the main goal should be the identification of nodules that focused on clinically important questions about thyroid
that are clinically relevant. These include the subgroup harbor- nodule management and reviewed the reference list of the
ing a significant cancer (approximately 10%), and those causing selected articles.
(or are at risk of causing) compressive symptoms (5%), or thy-
roid dysfunction (5%). Approximately 90% of thyroid nodules Epidemiology
are benign and 95% are asymptomatic and remain so during With physical examination (neck palpation), thyroid nodule
follow-up. These nodules can be safely managed with a less prevalence in iodine-sufficient populations is approximately
intensive follow-up protocol. This review provides an evidence- 5%, depending on age and sex.2 However, clinicians encounter
based summary of the optimal approach to the management of a much higher proportion of patients harboring occult thy-
thyroid nodules. roid nodules, reaching up to 68% of the general population.3

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Diagnosis and Management of Thyroid Nodules Review Clinical Review & Education

This discrepancy is largely due to incidental discovery of asymp-

tomatic nodules, generally small, due to the increased use of diag- Box. Differential Diagnoses of Anterior Neck Masses
nostic imaging for purposes unrelated to the thyroid (the Congenital conditions (lateral neck: brachial anomalies,
so-called thyroid incidentaloma). The reported prevalence is cystic hygroma; central neck: thyroglossal duct cysts)
about 65% with ultrasonography, 15% with computed tomogra- Inflammatory/infectious diseases (lymphadenopathy,
phy (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and 1% to 2% sialadenitis, neck abscess, tuberculosis, cat-scratch disease
with 18fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (PET).4 [Bartonella lymphadenitis])
Nodules are solitary in about the half of the patients.5 The preva- Trauma
lence of thyroid nodules and the rate of multinodularity increase Thyroid nodule
with age,6 female sex, and body mass index.3
Approximately 10% of patients who present with thyroid
nodules are at risk of malignancy,7 the rate of which ranges from
between 5% and 13% of patients with ultrasound-, CT-, or MRI- located in the left lobe with posterior extension, such that it may
detected incidentalomas. In case of focal uptake on the PET scan cause extrinsic compression of the cervical esophagus.19
and an increased maximum standardized uptake value, the risk of Physical examination of the thyroid should include inspection
malignancy may increase to 55%.8 Risk factors for malignancy for visible lumps and palpation of the thyroid and cervical lymph
include childhood irradiation (mainly head and neck and whole nodes, searching for firm or fixed nodes or a tender mass. The dif-
body radiation),9,10 exposure to ionizing radiation from fallout in ferential diagnosis of a palpable anterior neck mass is summarized
childhood or adolescence,11 family history of thyroid cancer or in Box.20,21 Firm, fixed, matted, or rapidly growing masses require
hereditary syndromes that include thyroid cancer (eg, multiple prompt evaluation.20 Physical examination is frequently normal be-
endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, familial adenomatous cause many thyroid nodules are not palpable because of their small
polyposis), rapid nodule growth, or hoarseness. 1 Insufficient size, posterior location within the gland, or a consistency similar to
evidence is available for other factors proposed to be associ- the thyroid gland.22
ated with nodule formation or malignancy, such as serum levels
of thyrotropin,12 thyroid autoantibodies,13 obesity,14 and meta- Laboratory Testing
bolic syndrome.15 Thyrotropin and Thyroid Hormones
The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), which Serum thyrotropin should be measured during the initial evalua-
reviews the effectiveness of screening programs in asymptomatic tion of all patients with a thyroid nodule.1 The goal is to exclude the
individuals, recommended against screening for thyroid cancer in small number of hyperfunctioning nodules (ⱕ5% of all nodules)23:
adults without signs or symptoms of the disease.16 The panel con- if the serum thyrotropin is subnormal, free thyroxine plus total or
cluded that the potential harms likely outweigh any potential free triiodothyronine should be measured22 and a radionuclide scan
benefits. The USPSTF recommendation does not apply to performed, looking for focal uptake.1,22 If the serum thyrotropin level
patients with risk factors.16 Screening individuals with previous is higher than the reference range, the free thyroxine and antithy-
neck irradiation or familial nonmedullary thyroid cancer (family roid peroxidase antibody should be measured to quantify the de-
with ⱖ3 affected relatives, or genetic syndromes such as Cowden gree of thyroid hypofunction and to evaluate for autoimmune
disease, familial adenomatous polyposis, Carney complex) may (Hashimoto) thyroiditis.22
lead to an earlier diagnosis of cancer, but there is insufficient evi-
dence that this would reduce morbidity or mortality.1 For this rea- Thyroglobulin
son, there is no evidence to support ultrasound screening in these Routine measurement of serum thyroglobulin in evaluation of nod-
contexts. Genetic counseling and testing for rearranging during ules is not recommended.1 Even if some evidence suggests that very
transfection (RET) germline mutations should be offered to first- high thyroglobulin levels may predict malignancy,24 thyroglobulin
degree relatives of patients with proven hereditary medullary can also be elevated in many benign thyroid diseases (eg, multi-
thyroid cancer.17 nodular goiter, thyroiditis). Therefore, this test has inadequate speci-
ficity for thyroid cancer diagnosis.
Clinical Evaluation
Most patients are asymptomatic. Symptoms from a thyroid nodule Calcitonin
or thyroid enlargement include: globus sensation (sensation of a Calcitonin is produced by the parafollicular C cells of the thyroid
lump or foreign body in the throat); dysphagia or swallowing com- and is a serum marker for medullary thyroid cancer. Recent guide-
plaints (stasis, choking, odynophagia); dyspnea; dysphonia or hoarse- lines included no recommendation regarding the measurement of
ness; and pain (due to acute increase of nodule size, as in case of serum calcitonin to evaluate thyroid nodules.1 Although routine cal-
bleeding into the nodule). citonin evaluation may detect medullary thyroid cancer at an earlier
The presence of symptoms from a thyroid nodule depends stage, there is insufficient evidence that early diagnosis reduces
on its size and location. In particular, a globus sensation is more medullary thyroid cancer–specific mortality.1 Furthermore, assay
likely to be associated with a nodule size of more than 3 cm and a performance, specificity and cost-effectiveness are suboptimal.25
position close to the trachea (isthmic nodules more than paraisth- If measured, basal calcitonin levels of more than 100 pg/mL sug-
mic nodules).18 Swallowing complaints are reported in 67% of the gest a diagnosis of medullary thyroid cancer (sensitivity, 60%;
patients with either hypothyroidism or thyroid nodules. However, specificity, 100%).26(To convert calcitonin from pg/mL to pmol/L,
if attributable to nodular thyroid disease, the lesion is typically multiply by 0.292.)

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© 2018 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Table 1. Standardized Sonographic Scoring Systems Proposed or Endorsed by Practice Guidelines for Risk-Based Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy Guidance for Thyroid Nodules

AACE, ACE, and AME, 201622 ATA, 20151 EU-TIRADS, 201731 ACR TIRADS, 201730
Low-Risk and Benign Thyroid Nodules
Low-risk definition Benign definition Benign (EU-TIRADS 2) definition Benign (TR1) definition
Risk of malignancy, 1% Risk of malignancy, <1% Risk of malignancy, ≈0% Risk of malignancy, 2%
FNAB >20 mm (selective)a FNAB is not indicated FNAB is not indicated FNAB is not indicated
Sonographic pattern Sonographic pattern Sonographic pattern Sonographic pattern
Cysts (fluid component >80%) Purely cystic nodules (no solid component) Pure, anechoic cysts; Spongiform
Mostly cystic nodules with Entirely spongiform nodules Pure cyst
reverberating artifacts
Not suspicious (TR2) definition
and not associated with
Risk of malignancy, 2%
Clinical Review & Education Review

suspicious ultrasound signs

FNAB is not indicated
Isoechoic spongiform nodules,
Sonographic pattern
either confluent or
Mixed cystic/solid
with regular halo
noncalcified nodules
with smooth margins
and oval shape
Very low–suspicion risk definition Low-risk (EU-TIRADS 3) risk definition Mildly suspicious (TR3) risk definition
Risk of malignancy, <3% Risk of malignancy, 2%-4% Risk of malignancy, 5%

JAMA March 6, 2018 Volume 319, Number 9 (Reprinted)

FNAB ≥20 mm or observation FNAB >20 mm FNAB ≥25 mm
Sonographic pattern Sonographic pattern Sonographic pattern

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Spongiform/partially cystic nodules Oval shape, smooth margins, Isoechoic solid or hypoechoic
without any ultrasound features isoechoic or hyperechoic, cystic noncalcified nodules
defining low-, intermediate-, without any feature of high risk with smooth margins
or high-suspicion patterns and oval shape
Low suspicion–risk definitions
Risk of malignancy, 5%-10%
FNAB ≥15 mm
Sonographic pattern
Isoechoic/hyperechoic solid
or partially cystic nodule
with eccentric solid area
without microcalcifications,
irregular margin,
extrathyroidal extension,
taller than wide shape
Intermediate or Moderately Suspicious Thyroid Nodules
Intermediate-risk definition Intermediate-suspicion definition Intermediate-risk (EU-TIRADS 4) definition Moderately suspicious (TR4) definition
Risk of malignancy, 5%-15% Risk of malignancy, 10%-20% Risk of malignancy, 6%-17% Risk of malignancy, 5%-20%
FNAB >20 mm FNAB ≥10 mm FNAB >15 mm FNAB >15 mm

© 2018 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Sonographic pattern Sonographic pattern Sonographic pattern Sonographic patterns
Slightly hypoechoic Hypoechoic solid nodule Oval shape, smooth margins, Hypoechoic solid
(vs thyroid tissue) with smooth margins mildly hypoechoic, without noncalcified nodules
or isoechoic nodules, without microcalcifications, any feature of high risk with oval shape and
with ovoid-to-round shape, extrathyroidal extension either smooth or irregular
smooth or ill-defined margins or taller than wide shape or lobulated margins
May be present Isoechoic solid or mixed
Intranodular vascularization noncalcified nodules with
Elevated stiffness either nonparallel orientation
at elastography (taller than wide), lobulated
Macro or continuous or irregular margins, or
rim calcifications punctate echogenic foci
hyperechoic spots


Diagnosis and Management of Thyroid Nodules
Diagnosis and Management of Thyroid Nodules Review Clinical Review & Education

Ultrasound, Cytology, and Molecular Testing

An FNAB is recommended for smaller nodules that are subcapsular location near the recurrent nerve or trachea;
Thyroid Ultrasonography

and neck irradiation; coexistent suspicious clinical findings. An FNAB indicates the size above which a FNAB
suspicious lymph nodes or extrathyroid spread; personal or family history of thyroid cancer; history of head
Sonography is the primary tool used for initial cancer risk stratifica-
tion of thyroid nodules and subsequently deciding whether to
order a fine-needle aspiration biopsy. Because the thyroid is super-
ficially located in the neck, with its posterior border generally situ-

irregular or lobulated margins

ated less than 4 cm from the skin, high-resolution (ⱖ12 MHz)
Hypoechoic solid nodule with

Isoechoic solid nodule with

punctate echogenic foci

probes provide excellent image definition. Ultrasound is indicated
Table 1. Standardized Sonographic Scoring Systems Proposed or Endorsed by Practice Guidelines for Risk-Based Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy Guidance for Thyroid Nodules (continued)

Risk of malignancy, ≥20%

Extrathyroidal extension
Suspicious (TR5) definition

Punctate echogenic foci

and either peripheral

Nonparallel orientation
any of the following

rim calcifications or
when either the thyroid gland is palpably abnormal or a thyroid
(taller than wide)
ACR TIRADS, 201730

nodule is incidentally detected on another radiological study.

Sonographic pattern
FNAB >10 mm

Nonspecific symptoms or abnormal laboratory test results (such

as fatigue, increased serum thyrotropin levels, or autoimmune

In accordance with the presence of 1 or more suspicious findings.

thyroiditis) are not indications for sonography. However, ultra-
sound is necessary to differentiate between asymmetric involve-
ment of the thyroid gland by lymphocytic thyroiditis vs a superim-
posed thyroid nodule, for which further evaluation may be
required. A diagnostic ultrasound report should include descrip-
tion of the background thyroid parenchyma, nodule location, size
(in 3 dimensions), sonographic features (Table 1), and survey of
the cervical lymph nodes.27
Nodules with ≥ 1 of the following:
High-risk (EU-TIRADS 5) definition

Certain sonographic characteristics are associated with thyroid

Risk of malignancy, 26%-87%

cancer while others are more likely to indicate a benign nature.

cytology is recommended.
Marked hypoechogenicity

Ultrasound characteristics associated with malignancy include solid

composition, hypoechogenicity (nodule is darker than normal thy-
Sonographic pattern

Irregular margins
EU-TIRADS, 201731

roid tissue), margins that appear infiltrative or irregular, and pres-

Nonoval shape
FNAB >10 mm

ence of microcalcifications. In addition, a nodule surrounded by

interrupted rim calcifications with evidence of soft tissue extrusion
is likely to be an infiltrative cancer.28 Conversely, pure cysts and

nodules with a “spongiform” consistency, defined when more than


half of nodule volume is composed of microcystic spaces, are

unlikely to be malignant (<2%). Cancer risk is low (<5%-10%) for
Endocrinology, and Associazione Medici Endocrinologi; ACR, American College of Radiologists; ATA, American
Thyroid Association; EU-TIRADS, European Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System; FNAB, fine-needle

solid noncalcified smoothly marginated nodules that are either

isoechoic or hyperechoic (same or lighter gray scale imaging com-
Abbreviations. AACE/ACE/AME, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, American College of

aspiration biopsy; TR, American College of Radiologists Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System.

pared with normal thyroid).29

(infiltrative, microlobulated)

small extrusive soft tissue

The American Thyroid Association1 and other professional

solid hypoechoic component
Risk of malignancy, >70%-90%

Extrathyroidal extension

groups22,30-32 have devised similar but not identically tiered sys-

Rim calcifications with
with ≥1 of the following:

Taller than wide shape

of partially cystic nodule
Solid hypoechoic nodule or

tems to classify nodules by constellations of sonographic features

Irregular margins
High-suspicion definiton

that convey cancer risk and to recommend size cutoffs for fine-
Sonographic pattern

needle aspiration biopsy (Table 1, Figure 1, and Figure 2). Guidelines

FNAB ≥10 mm

from endocrinology societies have focused on nodule pattern

identification,1,22,31 accompanied by figures illustrating these pat-
ATA, 20151

Growing nodule, high-risk history, before surgery or local therapies.

terns. Guidelines correlate each pattern to an estimated cancer risk.

Recently, the American College of Radiology30 recommended a
point system for systematic assessment of imaging for thyroid nod-
ules (Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System); this mirrors the
American College of Radiology approach to imaging other organs
(eg, the breast). Points are assigned based on 5 ultrasound features
and the sum determines the Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data
High-Risk or Suspicious Thyroid Nodules

System classification of the nodule, its estimated cancer risk, and

Nodules with ≥ 1 of the following:
FNAB ≥10 mm (5 mm, selective)c

Spiculated or lobulated margins

recommendations for either fine-needle aspiration biopsy or sur-

AACE, ACE, and AME, 201622

veillance. Malignancy risk estimates based on sonographic appear-

(vs prethyroid muscles)
Marked hypoechogenicity

Taller-than-wide shape

Pathologic adenopathy

ance are similar across all 4 classification systems; however, fine-

Extrathyroidal growth
Risk of malignancy,

Sonographic patterns

needle aspiration biopsy recommended cutoff sizes differ (Table 1,

High-risk definition

Figure 1, and Figure 2).


Fine-needle aspiration biopsy is not recommended for pure

cysts, unless it is for fluid aspiration for symptomatic relief. If fine-
needle aspiration biopsy is to be performed for spongiform nod-
ules, the size cutoff is larger than 2 cm, with some guidelines not

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Clinical Review & Education Review Diagnosis and Management of Thyroid Nodules

Figure 1. Ultrasonographic Features of Thyroid Nodules Suspicious for Malignancy



A, Markedly hypoechoic nodule (similar echogenicity as the surrounding strap extrusive tissue (indicated by blue arrowheads). Echogenicity is difficult to
muscles) with irregular margins. B, Taller-than-wide hypoechoic nodule. interpret because of acoustic shadowing of the calcific rim). F, hypoechoic solid
C, Markedly hypoechoic nodule with regular margins. D, Hypoechoic nodule nodule with microcalcifications and irregular margins. The yellow arrowheads
with infiltrative margins and suspicious extrathyroidal extension (indicated by a indicate the thyroid nodule in each panel. The gray scale graphically represents
blue arrowhead). E, Multiple interruptions in calcific rim with evidence of the shades of gray that can be provided by the ultrasound equipment.

recommending fine-needle aspiration biopsy.30,31 There is wide about 20% to 30% of all biopsies, are indeterminate readings and
variability in the description of single ultrasonographic features usually require additional evaluation, having a risk of malignancy
(Cohen κ range, 0.4-0.6 for most variables); the classification sys- of 10% to 30% and 25% to 40%, respectively.34 In the United
tems may improve interobserver agreement (κ range, 0.61-0.82).33 States, the most common approach is the avoidance of surgery
No evidence is available to guide which system is best. Long-term because the majority of nodules in these 2 categories are
prospective studies are needed. benign,42,45 and, when cancer is identified, it is usually nonag-
gressive. In fact, these indeterminate categories rarely include
Cytology aggressive variants of papillary thyroid cancer because more than
Fine-needle aspiration biopsy provides the most definitive diag- 90% are reported in categories 5 and 6,46 and the rate of follicu-
nostic information for evaluating thyroid nodules.1 Fine-needle lar thyroid cancer is low (≈20% of malignant cases).47 The new
aspiration biopsy is simple, safe, and reliable. If the nodule is not Bethesda system adjusts the risk of malignancy of the indetermi-
easily palpable or cystic, fine-needle aspiration biopsy is best per- nate diagnostic categories and their management recommenda-
formed under ultrasound guidance. In the United States and tions due to the recent recognition of the noninvasive follicular
much of the world, thyroid cytological results reporting is strati- thyroid neoplasm with papillar y-like nuclear feature s
fied using the 2017 updated Bethesda classification system,34 (NIFTP).34,48 This is thought to represent an early stage of inva-
which provides 6 diagnostic categories (Table 2).35-44 Category 1 sive encapsulated follicular variant of papillary cancer, with an
is defined as nondiagnostic or insufficient; category 2, benign, and extremely low malignant potential. 49 However, surgery is
categories 5 and 6, suspicious for malignancy and malignant, required for a definitive diagnosis, and initial management is simi-
respectively. Despite interobserver differences in cytological lar to that used for a low-risk thyroid cancer.50
interpretation,34 Bethesda categories 2, 5, and 6 provide high
enough negative (96.3%, category 2) and positive predictive val- Molecular Testing
ues (75.2%, category 5; 98.6%, category 6) for accurate clinical Molecular testing of fine-needle aspiration biopsy specimens has
decision making. 42 However, categories 3 and 4, comprising gained acceptance in the United States as a popular51 and poten-

918 JAMA March 6, 2018 Volume 319, Number 9 (Reprinted) jama.com

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Diagnosis and Management of Thyroid Nodules Review Clinical Review & Education

Figure 2. Imaging Features of Indeterminate and Low Suspicion Thyroid Nodules

Imaging features of indeterminate thyroid nodules


Ultrasonographic features of low or very low suspicion thyroid nodules


A, Elevated stiffness at elastography (red indicates soft tissues; blue, hard E, Spongiform nodule with more than 50% of the nodule volume composed of
tissues; and green, intermediate values of stiffness). B, Complete rim microcystic spaces. F, solid hyperechoic nodule. The arrowheads indicate the
calcification. C, Slightly hypoechoic nodule with intranodular vascularization. thyroid nodule in each panel. The gray scale graphically represents the shades
Flow velocity is converted into a color scale. Flow toward the transducer is of gray that can be provided by the ultrasound equipment.
represented in red; away from the transducer is depicted in blue. D, pure cyst.

tially practice-changing approach52,53 to diagnosing indetermi- (30%-35%), the follicular variant of papillary thyroid cancer
nate thyroid nodules. Mutations occur principally in genes coding (38%), and in some follicular adenomas (2%-13%). Mutations in
for proteins in the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK or the telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) and TP53 tumor sup-
MAP kinase) pathway that regulates cellular proliferation and dif- pressor genes have also been observed in some thyroid cancers.
ferentiation. A mutation in the BRAF gene (V600E) is found in In particular, TERT has been reported in less than 10% of papillary
approximately 40% of papillary thyroid cancers, as well as in thyroid cancer and more than 70% of anaplastic thyroid cancer;
some poorly differentiated (33%) and anaplastic cancers (45%) TP53, in less than 1% of papillary thyroid cancer and more than
that likely arise from papillary cancers.54 Mutations in the RAS 70% of anaplastic thyroid cancer.53
gene family are found in some papillary cancers (13%, generally The 2 most common molecular testing strategies are muta-
the encapsulated follicular variant), follicular thyroid cancers tional analysis and gene expression analysis, in which genetic infor-
(40%-50%), benign follicular adenomas (20%-40%),54 as well as mation can be derived from the same material obtained in the origi-
in NIFTP (30%).49 Fusion genes, hybrid genes formed from 2 pre- nal fine-needle aspiration biopsy sample. Mutational analysis
viously separate genes—in which the RET gene that codes for a involves isolating DNA from thyroid follicular cells in the specimen
cell surface receptor protein not normally expressed by thyroid and performing gene sequencing, focusing on possible mutations
follicular cells is fused with a second unrelated gene, called in BRAF, RAS, TERT, TP53, and other relevant genes, as well for the
a RET/PTC oncogene—has been associated with radiation-related presence of fusion genes.55 Such mutational testing has been
papillary thyroid cancers. Another fusion gene between the gene termed a rule in test because if a BRAF, TERT, or TP53 mutation is
coding for the thyroid transcription factor PAX8 and the peroxi- found or if a fusion gene is detected, thyroid cancer is almost
some proliferator-activated receptor, gamma isoform (PPARG) always present.56 However, while mutations in RAS genes (HRAS,
gene (PAX8/PPARG) is seen in some follicular thyroid cancers KRAS, NRAS) are present in thyroid cancers, they are also present in

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Clinical Review & Education Review Diagnosis and Management of Thyroid Nodules

Table 2. The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology: Implied Risk of Malignancy and Recommended Clinical Management

Diagnostic Category Risk of Malignancy, % Usual Managementa

Category 1: Nondiagnostic or Unsatisfactory
Cyst fluid only 0-5b Repeat FNAB with ultrasound guidance
Virtually acellular specimen
Obscuring blood, artifacts
Category 2: Benign
Benign follicular nodule (eg, adenomatoid nodule, colloid nodule) 0-3c Clinical and sonographic follow-upc
Chronic lymphocytic (Hashimoto) thyroiditis
Granulomatous (subacute) thyroiditis
Category 3: Atypia of Undetermined significance or Follicular Lesion of Undetermined Significance
Focal nuclear atypia ≈10-30d Repeat FNAB, molecular testing, or
Predominance of Hurthle cells lobectomy
Microfollicular pattern in a hypocellular specimen
Category 4: Follicular Neoplasm or Suspicious for a Follicular Neoplasmf
Crowded and overlapping follicular cells some or most of which 25-40e Molecular testing, lobectomy
are arranged as microfollicles
Category 5: Suspicious for Malignancy
Suspicious for papillary thyroid carcinoma 50-75 Near total thyroidectomy or lobectomyg,h
Suspicious for medullary thyroid carcinoma
Suspicious for metastatic carcinoma
Suspicious for lymphoma
Category 6: Malignant
Papillary thyroid carcinoma 97-99 Near total thyroidectomyh,i
Poorly differentiated carcinoma
Medullary thyroid carcinoma
Undifferentiated (anaplastic) carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma
Carcinoma with mixed features (to be described)
Abbreviation: FNAB, fine-needle aspiration biopsy. Estimates extrapolated from histopathologic data from large case cohorts
Actual management may depend on other factors (eg, clinical, sonographic) and meta-analysis of the post-2007 literature.35,39-44
besides the FNA interpretation. Includes cases of follicular neoplasm with oncocytic features (Hürthle cell
The risk of malignancy varies with the type or structure of the nodule (ie, solid neoplasm).
vs complex vs ⱖ50% cystic). Nondiagnostic aspirates from solid nodules are g
Some studies have recommended molecular analysis to assess the type of
associated with a higher risk of malignancy vs those showing cystic change of surgical procedure (lobectomy vs total thyroidectomy).
50% or more and low-risk ultrasonographic features. h
In the case of “suspicious for metastatic tumor” or a malignant interpretation
Estimate extrapolated from studies showing correlation between biopsied indicating metastatic tumor rather than a primary thyroid malignancy, surgery
nodule and surgical pathology follow-up.35-38 See Figure 3 for suggested timing. may not be indicated.
d i
Estimates extrapolated from histopathologic data from large case cohorts Lobectomy is appropriate for most papillary thyroid cancers smaller than 4
(including repeat atypical FNAs) and meta-analysis of the post-2007 cm, without other features such as gross extrathyroidal extension or clinical
literature.35,39-42 or radiological lymphadenopathy.

nonmalignant thyroid neoplasms and in NIFTP, and are therefore ficult to identify by sonography, more commonly reported in lower-
less specific. Furthermore, if no mutations are found, a thyroid risk, indeterminate cytology categories, and usually have an indo-
malignancy with a mutation that was not assessed could still be lent behavior.59
present (≈ 4%); therefore, mutational testing may lead to both The second type of molecular testing, gene expression analy-
false-negative and false-positive results, especially if RAS mutations sis or gene expression classifier (GEC), uses a proprietary algo-
are found. rithm to analyze the expression of specific genes in a 142-gene
In a single-institution study involving 239 patients with panel. Nodules are classified as benign or suspicious rather than
Bethesda category 3 or 4 cytology, the mutational testing strat- as malignant. The test is designed to identify nodules that do not
egy (ThyroSeq v2) yielded a negative predictive value when a require surgery. In the original multi-institutional validation study,
mutation was not found of about 96% and a positive predictive a benign Afirma test had a negative predictive value of approxi-
value of approximately 80%. 57 In a second single-institution mately 95%.60 In a pooled analysis of 12 studies involving 1303
study involving 182 patients with 190 Bethesda category 3 and nodules, the negative predictive value was 92% (95% CI, 87%-
4 cytologies, the negative predictive value was 91% (95% CI, 96%) and the malignanc y prevalence of 31% (95% CI,
82%-97%) and the positive predictive value was 42% (95% CI, 29%-34%).61 The GEC has a low positive predictive value (range,
25%-61%).58 13%-23%) in the context of a suspicious GEC result when NIFTP is
BRAF- and RAS-mutation status may provide information factored in.62 MicroRNA analysis is a more recent method for
beyond diagnosis: BRAF-positive malignant nodules are frequently molecular testing for which there are limited data 63 but may
present in malignant or suspicious Bethesda cytology categories prove to be useful in diagnostic decision making. Future refine-
and frequently show suspicious sonographic and advanced ment in molecular testing strategies is expected, with improved
histological features, while RAS-positive malignancies are more dif- diagnostic performance.

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Diagnosis and Management of Thyroid Nodules Review Clinical Review & Education

Figure 3. Algorithm for the Follow-up of Cytologically Benign Thyroid Nodules or Nodules Without Indication for Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology

Patient with suspected thyroid nodule

FNAB indicated (see Table 1) FNAB not indicated (see Table 1)

Perform thyroid ultrasound

Cytologically benign Nodule without

nodule (Bethesda class 2) FNAB assessment

High suspicion Intermediate to very low High suspicion sonographic Intermediate to low Very low suspicion
sonographic pattern suspicion sonographic pattern pattern (nodule size < 1 cm)a suspicion sonographic sonographic pattern

Repeat FNAB within Repeat thyroid ultrasound Repeat thyroid ultrasound Repeat thyroid ultrasound Repeat thyroid ultrasound
12 mo Intermediate to low estimated after 6-12 mo after 12-24 mo after 24 mo, if everb
malignancy risk: within 12-24 mo
Very low estimated malignancy
risk: after 24 mo, if ever

No change New suspicious Nodule growthc

sonographic features

Perform FNAB

2 Benign Nondiagnostic Indeterminate or malignant

(Bethesda class 2) (Bethesda class 1) (Bethesda classes 3, 4, 5, 6)
cytology results cytology results cytology results

Repeat thyroid ultrasound No further FNAB Repeat FNAB Manage based on risk
High estimated malignancy risk: assessment (see Table 2) of malignancy (see Table 2)
within 6-12 mo Repeat thyroid
Intermediate to low estimated ultrasound for growth
malignancy risk: within 12-24 mo surveillance only
Very low estimated malignancy
risk: after 24 mo, if ever

Sonographic suspicion in this Figure is graded according to the American Nodules smaller than 1 cm with a very low-suspicion pattern do not require
Thyroid Association Guidelines. FNAB indicates fine-needle aspiration biopsy. routine sonographic follow-up, while such nodules larger than 1 cm should be
Subcentimeter thyroid nodules harboring high-suspicion sonographic features followed up at more than 24 months intervals, if ever.
and not requiring routine biopsy include those nodules without evidence of The minimal clinically significant change in nodule size should be a 20%
extrathyroidal extension or sonographically suspicious lymph nodes. increase in at least 2 diameters with a minimum increase of 2 mm,
Subcapsular location near the recurrent nerve or trachea, patient age which corresponds to an increase in nodule volume of more than 50%.
(<40 years old being at higher risk) and preference, a strong family history of Compared with a slower growth rate, nodule growth of more than 2 mm a year
thyroid cancer or known syndromes associated with thyroid cancer, or a vs slower growth rate predicts malignancy (relative risk, 2.5; 95% CI, 1.6-3.1;
history of therapeutic head and neck or whole body radiation exposure as P < .001).71 If compressive symptoms appear following thyroid nodule growth,
children may drive decision making toward performing an FNAB. consider surgery.

Molecular testing is expensive, costing from between $3000 Management of Thyroid Nodules
and $5000 per test in 2015, depending on the specific testing Nonoperative Management of Benign Thyroid Nodules
strategy.64 Several studies suggested that molecular testing using More than 90% of detected thyroid nodules are clinically insignifi-
the GEC is cost-effective,65-67 primarily because of a decrease in cant because they have no ultrasound features that suggest malig-
the number of diagnostic surgeries and their associated complica- nancy or because they are cytologically benign.68 In one series of
tions when the test results are negative. However, most of these 2000 consecutive nodules that were at least 1 cm, 58% were sono-
analyses are based on simulation modeling rather than on actual graphically benign or of low suspicion.69 The rate of cytologically
patient data, and the results vary depending on the test perfor- benign nodules ranges from 39% to 73% in large series.42
mance parameters, malignancy rates in the patient population, In a 5-year prospective study involving 992 patients with
anticipated surgical procedure, surgical complication rates, health 1597 apparently benign thyroid nodules on the basis of sono-
care setting, and other factors.56 Molecular testing results in a graphic appearance and cytology, most (≈85%) did not grow at
decrease in number of diagnostic surgeries in the United States, all.5 Those that grew exhibited a slow and steady growth, with a
which benefits the patient, but the high cost of testing makes it mean 5-year largest diameter increase of about 5 mm. After mul-
unaffordable in many parts of the world. tivariable logistic regression analysis, nodule growth was associ-

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Clinical Review & Education Review Diagnosis and Management of Thyroid Nodules

ated with the presence of multiple, larger nodules, and younger Surgical Management of Thyroid Nodules
age. Most important, very few (0.3%) of the nodules included in Thyroid lobectomy provides histological diagnosis and tumor re-
the study were found to be cancerous during the 5-year period. moval with a lower risk of complications. The risks of total thyroid-
Furthermore, malignancy was predicted by a change in the sono- ectomy include recurrent laryngeal nerve injury (2.5% of the pro-
graphic characteristics of the nodule, not growth. cedures, rarely bilateral), hypocalcemia (8.1%), and hemorrhage.72
The risk of malignancy based on the sonographic pattern should However, in some situations subsequent surgery for completion thy-
guide not only the initial indication for fine-needle aspiration bi- roidectomy (ie, the removal of the remnant thyroid tissue) will be
opsy, but also the type, frequency, and the need for follow up. An required after lobectomy.1 The presence of large bilateral thyroid
algorithm, based on the authors’ experience, is shown in Figure 3. nodules1,73 or other thyroid conditions such as Graves disease73 fa-
The rate of false-negative results in thyroid biopsy cytology is vors total thyroidectomy.
very low (<3%).5,70 However, cytologically benign thyroid nodules Patients with cytologically suspicious or malignant nodules
with highly suspicious ultrasound features warrant a repeat biopsy (ie, Bethesda classes 5 and 6) should generally be referred for sur-
within 12 months.1,22 In this subset of nodules the risk of false- gery. Small (<1 cm) intrathyroidal cancers could undergo active
negative cytological results is higher: in a series of 1343 cytologi- ultrasound surveillance without surgery. 1,74 In patients with
cally benign nodules, Kwak et al70 reported a 20% malignancy rate smaller (< 4 cm) Bethesda Class 5 or 6 tumors, lobectomy or total
in nodules with suspicious sonographic features vs 0.6% in nodules thyroidectomy are both acceptable approaches, while for patients
that were benign based on both cytology and sonography. For nod- with large ones (> 4 cm), clinical or radiologic evidence of gross
ules that are benign based on sonographic and cytological results, extrathyroidal extension,1 clinical or radiologic evidence of lymph
evaluation, if performed, should be at least 24 months later, node or distant metastases, or both, the preferred surgical
as an earlier ultrasound is unlikely to be informative. According to approach is total thyroidectomy. When surgery is considered for
the current guidelines, sonographic surveillance of low- to indeterminate nodules (ie, Bethesda classes 3 and 4) lobectomy is
intermediate-risk nodules should be done after 12 to 24 months,1 preferred.1,73 A bilateral procedure could be considered for those
despite some data suggesting that this interval could be safely patients in which completion thyroidectomy would be recom-
extended.36 In this case, repeat biopsy should be considered in mended in order to administer radioiodine should the nodule
case of nodule growth or the development of suspicious ultra- prove to be malignant histologically.1 When clinical, cytological, or
sound features.1,22,30 The minimal clinically significant change in sonographic findings are discordant, a multidisciplinary team
nodule size should be a 20% increase in at least 2 diameters with a approach is recommended.73 Surgery for large (> 4 cm) cytologi-
minimum increase of 2 mm, corresponding to an increase in nodule cally benign nodules should be considered if malignancy is consid-
volume of more than 50%.1 ered possible, in the setting of new suspicious sonographic fea-
After 2 benign cytology results, the risk of malignancy is virtu- tures (despite cytological findings),1,22 or compressive symptoms.
ally zero, irrespective of the sonographic appearance.70 For these
patients, continued follow-up may be discontinued, and a surveil- Alternative Treatments
lance strategy aimed at nodule growth assessment may be war- Recently, image-guided minimally invasive techniques (percutane-
ranted only for larger nodules that could more easily lead to com- ous ethanol ablation, radiofrequency, laser, microwave ablation, and
pressive symptoms.1,22 In the case of thyroid nodules that do not high-intensity focused ultrasound) have been proposed and may be
meet the fine-needle aspiration biopsy criteria because of their considered for treating clinically relevant benign thyroid nodules.22,75
sonographic pattern or size (see the previous section), sonographic Radioiodine therapy should be considered for patients with hyper-
reassessments should be performed after 6 to 12 months for high functioning nodules whose biochemical testing shows hyperthy-
risk nodules, 12 to 24 months for low- to intermediate-risk nodules, roidism, but surgery is also a reasonable approach in patients with
and at least 24 months (if ever) for very low-risk nodules larger large (> 4 cm) nodules.22
than 1 cm. 1 These long-term follow-up recommendations are
mainly based on low-quality evidence or expert opinion. A study
directly comparing the growth rate of benign and malignant thy-
roid nodules showed that the latter were more likely to grow more
than 2 mm per year (relative risk, 2.5): this clinical parameter can Most thyroid nodules are benign. A diagnostic approach that uses
contribute to the assessment of thyroid cancer risk, particularly in ultrasound and, when indicated, fine-needle aspiration biopsy and
nodules not submitted to cytology.71 molecular testing, facilitates a personalized, risk-based protocol
Thyrotropin-suppressive therapy with thyroid hormone is that promotes high-quality care and minimizes cost and unneces-
not recommended.1,22 sary testing.

ARTICLE INFORMATION Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Funding/Support: Drs Grani and Lamartina
Accepted for Publication: January 30, 2018. Grani, Lamartina, Filetti, Mandel, Cooper. contributed to this article as recipients of the PhD
Drafting of the manuscript: Durante, Grani, program of Biotechnologies and Clinical Medicine
Author Contributions: Dr Durante had full access Lamartina, Mandel, Cooper. of the University of Rome, Sapienza. Dr Cooper
to all of the data in the study and takes Critical revision of the manuscript for important contributed to this article as the recipient of the
responsibility for the integrity of the data and the intellectual content: All authors. Visiting Professor for Research Activities 2016 grant
accuracy of the data analysis. Administrative, technical, or material support: at University of Rome, Sapienza (C26V157CMC).
Concept and design: Durante, Filetti, Mandel, Lamartina, Cooper.
Cooper. Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The Sapienza
Supervision: Durante, Filetti, Mandel, Cooper. University of Rome had no role in the design and

922 JAMA March 6, 2018 Volume 319, Number 9 (Reprinted) jama.com

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Diagnosis and Management of Thyroid Nodules Review Clinical Review & Education

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