Best Fruits For Hair Growth

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Best Fruits for Hair Growth

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There are many best fruits for hair growth. It is important to know that most of
the beneficial nutrients that your hair needs are found in common fruits. We
should have fruits on the regular basis for getting a good volume of hair. Fruits
can be beneficial for health as well as hair.

In this article, you are going to know about the best fruits for hair growth.
There are more than 7,500 varieties of delicious and nutritious fruits in our world
and it comes in a variety of color like red, green and, yellow. We know only some
of these and some of their benefits.

You should know fruits and vegetables are helpful to the growth of the hair.
Everyone wants to have healthy, strong, and beautiful hair. You can ensure your
hair gets all the essential elements for the growth of hair by adding fruits to your
daily routine.

You need to know that fruits are always a good source of vitamins and fiber.
There are a lot of supplements and treatments of hair that you can try to prevent
hair loss and stimulate hair growth. But try fruits for hair growth and thickness
because it will help your hair.

Which fruit is good for skin and hair? Well, I am going to suggest you consider
fruits for one time. Using fruits for hair growth is an awesome idea. Fruits are a
good source of nutrients. You must supply the nutrients that are required in hair

Benefits of best fruits for hair growth

 Fruits help to prevent hair fall.

 Promote hair growth.
 Make your hair strong and healthy.
 Help in making your hair follicles stronger.
 Ensure proper blood circulation in the scalp.
 Fruits for hair growth and thickness.

Can Fruits Be Beneficial In Hair Growth?

Hair growth is a topmost priority for anyone and everyone wants to have a good
volume of hair. In this case, fruits can be beneficial in hair growth or other
solution. We all want to have strong hair.
Stress, as well as harmful pollution in the surrounding, has led to a lot of hair
damage. We need a regular supply of key nutrients for healthy and strong hair.
Most of the beneficial nutrients that your hair needs are found in common
fruits. Different kinds of fruits play an important role in hair growth
There are many natural fruits for hair growth and thickness solution. They are
loaded with all the vitamins and minerals.

It is one of the most effective ways to ensure your hair gets all the required
elements for hair growth by having fruits in your diet plan.
List of 15 Best Fruits For Hair
There are different kinds of fruits that help in hair growth by making proper blood
circulation in the scalp. Don’t you know which fruit is good for skin and hair? In
this article, you will find a list of the fruits for hair growth.
Here are some fruits which are beneficial to our health as well as hair growth :

Most people don’t know that banana helps to control hair fall and useful for the
growth of hair. Bananas are an excellent source of Vitamin B6, vitamin C, Dietary
fiber, Potassium, etc. It has been using since ancient times. You will be glad to
know that if you have dry and dull hair then bananas are your best friend. This
healthy fruit also has natural oils that can prevent hair breakage. It can make your
hair more beautiful and shiny. Banana also helps repair dry and sun damage. It is
extremely great for your scalp as well as hair. We all should have bananas
You can also make a banana hair pack for the growth of your hair. Banana hair
masks also improve your hair dramatically and instantly.

You will need

1. 1 ripe banana.
2. 2 tablespoons coconut oil.
3. 2 tablespoons honey.
4. ½ cup of full-fat milk.
How to make
 Make a paste of banana in a bowl.
 Add coconut oil to the paste or you can also use olive oil and 2 tablespoon
honey into this mixture.
 Finish this step of the mixture by adding full-fat milk or butter
How to use
 Apply this mixture of banana on your scalp and hair thoroughly.
 Leave it for 30-40 minutes.
 Now you can wash your hair.
You can apply this mask twice a week. This paste is also used on the hair for
stimulating the growth of hair.

Papaya is one of the best fruits for hair growth and thickness. It contains fiber,
potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A, etc. Do you know the benefits of papaya for the
growth of hair? It is suggested to try regularly. Papaya is rich in nutrients which
helps to prevent baldness as well as giving strength to the hairbreadth. It also
works in treating and controlling dandruff. Do you want glowing skin? I will
suggest you use a papaya mask. It will also keep your skin hydrated. Eating the
fruit at least thrice a week can help you to reduce hair thinning. After working
hard for the whole day, it is a good idea to come home to a plate of papayas. Add
these delicious fruits to your diet.
You can also apply a papaya hair mask to your scalp for better results.

You will need

1. Papaya.
2. Banana.
3. Yogurt.
4. Coconut oil.
How to make
 Take a clean bowl.
 Put all the ingredients into it.
 Make a thin paste of it.
How to use
 Apply this mixture to your damp hair.
 To cover your hair you can use a shower towel.
 Dry it for 30 minutes to generate heat in your scalp.
 Now you can wash your hair with clean water.
As it contains minerals, vitamins, and enzymes papaya acts as a natural
conditioner. This amazing mask will make your hair softer and smoother.

India is the largest producer of pomegranates all over the world. The
pomegranate is contained with antioxidants that make hair follicles stronger. It is
normally good for the human body. To start a day with pomegranates is a
wonderful way to help your hair as well as health. You can prevent hair loss by
drinking pomegranate juice regularly. Its seed is also useful for hair massage in
spas. Pomegranates are also a good source of vitamin-C. It can also improve skin
texture and brightness. Pomegranate is also known to stimulate hair growth.
Health experts always suggest having pomegranates on daily basis.
You will need
1. Pomegranates seeds.
2. Half cup of yogurt.
3. A teaspoon of lemon juice.
How to make
 At first, take a clean bowl.
 Put all the things that you need in it.
 Blend them into a fine paste.
How to use
 Clean your hair.
 Apply this hair mask to your scalp.
 Leave it for about half an hour.
 Now, you wash your hair thoroughly.
This fantastic hair mask will help in your hair growth. It is also effective for dull
and dry hair. You should apply the mask regularly.

It is said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apple is one of the most
popular and healthy fruits on the planet. It contains vitamins A, B, and C which are
all vital to maintain a healthy scalp as well as prevent dandruff. Is apple good for
hair growth? Of course, it is amazing for hair growth. It is a powerhouse of
vitamins and minerals. You can supply the body with all nutrients by having an
apple in your daily diet. Apple works wonders to cure dandruff and hair growth. It
also balances the PH level of your scalp. The juice of green apple is one of the best
natural home remedies for your hair growth. It also contains extraordinary
nutrients that can also help in hair falling.
You can apply apple to your hair in many ways. Here is some step you need to do.
You will need
1. An apple.
2. Warm water.
How to make
 Cut an apple into small pieces.
 Put that in a grinder.
 Make a thin paste of it.
How to apply
 Wet your hair.
 Apply this apple juice to the scalp.
 Leave it for around 20-30 minutes.
 Wash off your hair with normal water.
 No need to use a conditioner.
This hair mask will help your hair grow and reduce hair fall. You should apply it at
least twice a week for getting the best results.

Pineapple is one of the amazing fruit on our planet. It is a very commonly
available tropical fruit. Most people don’t know that pineapple helps in hair
growth also. It is used as a remedy for curing coughs and colds. Pineapples are not
only helpful to the skin also in good health. It contains the antioxidant which is
important for hair growth. Pineapple will help your body renew and repair tissues.
Pineapple helps to strengthen the hair follicles and reduces hair loss. It can also
make your hair healthier as well as shinier. The antioxidants not only boosts your
immunity but also keep your skin, hair, and body healthy.
How to make/use
 You can make simply pineapple juice.
 Drink fresh pineapple juice on the daily basis for your hair growth is the
best idea.

Strawberries are the world’s most popular fruit. It is one of the best fruits for hair
growth as well as hair fall. The best part is that they are not just pretty to look at
as well as delicious to taste. It is a versatile fruit. Strawberry is a good source of
vitamins, minerals, and, antioxidants. It contributes to hair growth as well as
health. Vitamin C in Strawberries encourages hair growth. Eating strawberries
regularly will help you in glowing your skin. It has been found that the
effectiveness of strawberry in hair loss treatment. Strawberry is also used in an
anti-aging product. It increases the body's production of the hormone.
To moisturize your hair you can also use a mask of strawberries.
You will need
1. Take 8-9 strawberries.
2. Olive oil.
3. Honey.
How to make
 In a jar, make a paste of those strawberries.
 Add olive oil and honey to it.
 Mixed all the ingredients in it.
 The mixture is ready to apply on the scalp.
How to apply
 Wash your hair and make it dry.
 Apply this amazing mixture to your hair and scalp.
 Leave it for 20 minutes.
 Clean your hair with a mild shampoo.
This mixture can be applied once a month. You should try it for the growth of hair.

There are many ways that every girl would have tried to get long, shiny, and
beautiful hair. Oranges are loaded with healthy vitamin C and antioxidant
properties. There are many hair benefits of oranges. This fruit has some amazing
benefits for health as well as hair. It will also help to improve your skin and health.
Oranges juice works really to get rid of dandruff. Drinking oranges juice regularly
is one of the most effective ways which can stimulate hair growth. It also
promotes blood circulation of the scalp. Orange juice is a well-known home
remedy for facial masks. It is said that orange is one of the best fruits for hair
Different parts of the fruits can be used for different applications. Here is a way to
use orange for hair growth. This easy hair mask will encourage your hair growth.
You will need
1. Peels of 2-3 oranges.
2. 1 cup of yogurt.
How to make
 Make a fine paste of those peels.
 Add yogurt into the hair mask and mix it well.
 This hair mask is ready to apply.
How to apply
 Apply this mask on the scalp thoroughly.
 Leave it for a couple of hours.
 Wash off with warm water and a mild shampoo.
You can make this mixture at home easily. This paste will remove dandruff also.

Most people are unaware of the health benefits of guava. It has been using
traditional medicine for centuries. Guavas are known to be an excellent source of
nutrition. It is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Guava leaves are as great as the
fruit. In your regular hair care, add guava leaves for hair solution. Using guava
leaves on your hair can increase the volume of hair. Guava is one of the fruits for
hair growth and thickness. Guava leaves can stop hair loss also. You should have
or use this fantastic fruit for hair as well as health.
Follow the steps to make guava leaves solution for hair growth.
You will need
1. A handful of guava leaves.
2. 1 litter water.
3. A pot for boiling.
4. Strainer.
How to make
 Put the water to boil on the stove.
 Add the guava leaves to the boiling water.
 Boil it for 20 minutes.
 Now, strain the liquid and let it cool.
How to apply
 Wash your hair with shampoo and skip conditioning.
 Let your hair dry, section it.
 Apply the guava leaves solution on the scalp.
 You can massage this solution into your scalp for 10 minutes.
 Now leave it for 2 hours.
 Wash your hair with clean water.
It is optional that you can sleep with the solution in your hair. You can apply this
guava leaves solution thrice a week.

The importance of grapes is increasing day by day. Grapes are mostly cultivated in
the regions of Central Asia. It is said that humans began the cultivation of grapes
from the time of 6500 BC. Are grapes good for health? Of course, grapes are
wonderful for health. Grapes are one of the best fruits for hair growth also. Using
grapes seeds for hair growth as well as eating grapes for weight loss are quite
popular amongst the users of it. It is loaded with various vitamins and minerals.
The nutrients value of grapes helps in bringing the best health benefits for the
body and hair.
It is useful in promoting hair growth and reducing hair fall. Let’s have a look.
You will need
1. Take 6-7 grapes
2. 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
3. 1 tablespoon olive oil.
4. 1 tablespoon of honey.
5. 1 tablespoon of almond powder.
How to make
 Take a jar, put all the grapes into it.
 Make a fine paste of it and keep it aside to set.
 In another bowl, put all the oil, honey, and powder.
 Mix all the ingredients well.
 Add grapes paste into it.
 The mixture is ready to apply.
How to apply
 Clean your hair and dry it.
 Apply this amazing mixture to the scalp.
 Cover all your hair.
 Leave it for 15-20 minutes.
 Now, wash your hair with normal water.
For the best results, you can use this once a week.

Plum is a wonderful juicy fruit on our planet. This plum fruit is different from its
color and size. Around 200 varieties of plum are available in the world. China is
the leading nation in harvesting plum. It is a good source of vitamin. Plum can
help to maintain hair follicles from damage. It can also help to get rid of dandruff
as well as to treat damaged hair. Plum can also help to fight bacteria on the scalp.
Drinking plum juice can also help in skin tone. Plum can also give us stronger as
well as healthier hair.
Here are ways to use plum for hair care. Check them out below-
You will need
1. Take 1-2 plums.
2. 1 tablespoon Lemon juice.
3. Fresh yogurt.
How to make
 Take out the pulp of the plums and mash the pulp fully.
 Add an equal quantity of lemon and yogurt.
 Make a smooth paste.
 Now you got an amazing hair mask.
How to apply
 Apply this hair mask from roots to the tips.
 Leave it for about an hour.
 Now you can wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
Repeat once or twice a week for getting its best results.

Hair growth is not so easy. If you are thinking about hair growth, then this article
is for you. Lemon is the best fruit for hair growth treatment. Lemon is packed with
vitamin C which can help control the production of oil on your scalp. If you are
searching for natural hair shinier, you will come across a lemon again and again. It
also helps clean the scalp, remove dandruff and, reducing hair fall. Lemon has
been used in promoting hair growth for a thousand years. The anti-fungal
properties keep the scalp infection-free. You should try this fantastic fruit for your
hair care.
To use lemon in your hair care you should follow the steps. Have a look.
You will need
1. 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice.
2. 2 tablespoons of honey.
3. 1 tablespoon olive oil.
4. 3-4 drops of essential oil.
How to make
 Take a clean bowl.
 Put all the ingredients into it.
 Mix it well.
 The hair mask is ready to use.
How to apply
 Use this mask thoroughly from the roots to the tip.
 You should wear a shower cap.
 Wait for 20 minutes for the mask to works its magic.
 Wash it off with a mild shampoo.
 No need to apply conditioner.
For getting the best results to apply this mask once a week.

Most of us wait for summer because of mango. No wonder mango is the “king of
fruits”. Mango is one of the most popular fruits eaten on the planet. It is well
known for its fragrant smell and sweet juicy flesh. The fruit is packed with
antioxidants. It is helpful in natural hair growth. These fruits will also protect you
from many diseases. To deal with dandruff mango is very beneficial. Mango is one
of the things that helps to grow and repair damaged hair. It can be said that
mango would be perfect for moisturizing your hair. Having mango regularly is
great for your overall health as well as your hair growth.
This easy mango hair mask will promote hair growth.
You will need
1. 1 ripe mango.
2. 2 eggs yolk.
3. 2 tablespoon yogurt.
How to make
 Extract the pulp of the mango.
 Blend it well.
 Now add the egg yolk and natural yogurt to it.
 Make a smooth paste of it.
How to apply
 Apply this mask on hair and scalp.
 Let it sit for 40-45 minutes.
 You can wash your hair with normal water.
This hair pack is good for hair. It will make your hair softer as well as stronger. You
can try this at home.

Dates are popular snacks in the Middle East area. It is one of the tastiest dry fruits
with a load of health benefits. Dates are loaded with various nutrients like
vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber. It is not only beneficial for your health but
also your skin and hair. Having dates regularly can be beneficial for giving your
strong as well as healthier hair. It brings youthful and refreshing dates to your
skin. Dates are also beneficial for strengthening hair follicles and keeping a
dandruff-free scalp. Another benefit of dates for hair is promoting long and thick
hair. Apart from reducing dandruff, the date is also used for its moisturizing
It is a natural effective remedy for skin problems. You can also try these fantastic
fruits for your hair benefits.
You will need
1. Take 4-5 dates.
2. An egg whites.
3. Water.
How to make
 Take a clean bowl, Soak the dates in it overnight.
 Blend it to form a fine paste.
 Now add the egg whites.
 Mix it well.
How to apply
 Apply the hair mask on your scalp from the roots to the tip.
 Leave it for 5-10 minutes.
 Rinse off with water.
It is a natural home remedy for hair.

Grapefruits have many beneficial qualities to promote hair growth. It is a good
source of antioxidants. It has many essential elements of health as well as hair
solution. Grapefruit plays an important role in preventing hair loss as well as
unclog hair follicles. It is good to maintain your blood circulation of the scalp.
Grapefruits are also helpful in protecting hair and skin from any damages.
So, let's have a look at how to try grapefruit for hair growth.
You will need
1. Grapefruits with thick skin 2.
2. Coconut oil.
3. Spoon.
4. Grater.
5. Strainer.
6. Container.
How to make
 Wash the grapefruit well.
 Peel the grapefruit.
 You can dry them for a couple of days.
 Place the dry peels into little coconut oil.
 Warm up the mixture for 7-8 hours.
 Now you can strain it and transferred it into a container.
How to apply
 Apply this oil to your scalp.
 Massage your scalp.
 You can try it regularly.

Cherry is the fruit of many plants of the genus prunus in the world. The peak
season of cherries is in the summer. They are available in a variety of colors
ranging from yellow to black. Most people are consumed red. It contains about
100 calories.
Cherries are a good source of vitamins which are essential for overall health. It
helps the body to fight against many diseases like cancer, blood pressure, aging,
headache, etc. Cherry is very essential for hair.
It helps in improving blood circulation of the body, strengthening hair follicles,
preventing hair breakage from the roots.
Cherry maintains moisture in the hair and scalp. Cherries are one of the best food
that can improve brain function.

How to use/ apply

 Having cherries regularly is the best option for hair growth.
 You can also apply its fresh juice on your scalp.

Which Fruit Is Good For Skin And

Fruits are nature’s most valuable beauty enhancers. So, you need not wonder
what to do to get that awesome glow on your skin as well as luster to your hair.
Adding fruits to your diet is perhaps the easiest way to get healthy hair.
Picking the right fruits is important for your hair growth. Is apple good for hair
growth? It is wonderful for your hair. It has been used as a beauty aid for decades.
Eating more fruit is an excellent way to improve overall health and reduce the risk
of many diseases.
It can say that all fruits are beneficial to your skin and hair. They are a rich source
of vitamin A, Vitamin B5, vitamin K, Potassium, Fiber. Fruits are beneficial to our
health it is true.
Fruits help prevent hair fall, promote hair growth, make hair healthy and strong.
We should have fruits regularly for getting good health and a good volume of hair.

The Bottom Line

Hair is continuously growing and being replaced as well as follicles are constantly
creating new fuzz in a healthy scalp. The health of your skin and hair depends on
what you consume as well use on your skin and hair.
Fruits play an important role in keeping skin and hair healthy. There are many
best fruits for hair growth and health. Fruits are the best source of nutrients but
many people are not aware of it.
In many cases, hair loss can be caused by a deficiency of the vitamin. From many
types of research, it is found that fruits can prevent hair loss as well as contribute
to healthy hair growth.
So we always have to take fruits in our regular diet. We have to keep in mind that
proper nutrition is key for healthy and gorgeous locks.


They are also known to prevent and control dandruff.

You can apply this mask once or twice a week.

There is a proverb, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

It is one of the best fruits for hair.

It is ready to apply on the scalp.

It will also help to improve your skin texture.

This easy hair mask will encourage your hair to grow.

Add yogurt into it and mix it well.

On the stove, bring the water to boil.

Make sure that you cover all your hair.

It is one of the few fruits that come in a panorama of colors

It is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K.

You can sun dry them for a couple of days.

Cherry is the fruit of many plants of the genus prunus

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