Irrigation Drainage Review Class 2012

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It is the ratio of the dry weight of soil particles to the weight of

an equal volume of water.
a. Particle density c. Real specific gravity
b. Bulk density d. Apparent specific gravity
1. It is the ratio of the dry weight of soil particles to the weight of
an equal volume of water.
a. Particle density c. Real specific gravity
b. Bulk density d. Apparent specific gravity

2. The moisture content of the soil when the gravitational water

has been removed.
a. Available water c. Permanent wilting point
b. Field capacity d. Readily available moisture
1. It is the ratio of the dry weight of soil particles to the weight of
an equal volume of water.
a. Particle density c. Real specific gravity
b. Bulk density d. Apparent specific gravity

2. The moisture content of the soil when the gravitational water

has been removed.
a. Available water c. Permanent wilting point
b. Field capacity d. Readily available moisture
3. One hundred thousand two hundred and fifty cubic meters of
water was delivered to a 10 ha farm for the month of June in
which consumptive use is estimated at 8 mm/day. The effective
rainfall for the period was 150 mm. What is the irrigation
a. 32% c. 72%
b. 87% d. 52%
Effective Rainfall, ER = 0.15m x 10 ha x 10,000 m2/ha
= 15,000 m3
Consumptive Use, CU = (.008 m/day) x 30 days x 10 x 10,000 m2
= 24,000 m3
Irrigation Efficiency, Ea = (CU – ER)/Wf
= (24,000 – 15,000)/100,250
= 72%
3. One hundred thousand two hundred and fifty cubic meters of
water was delivered to a 10 ha farm for the month of June in
which consumptive use is estimated at 8 mm/day. The effective
rainfall for the period was 150 mm. What is the irrigation
a. 32% c. 72%
b. 87% d. 52%

4. These are pipelines built on or near the ground surface to

convey water across wide depressions.
a. Inverted siphons c. laterals
b. Siphons d. flumes
3. One thousand two hundred and fifty cubic meters of water was
delivered to a 10 ha farm for the month of June in which
consumptive use is estimated at 8 mm/day. The effective
rainfall for the period was 150 mm. What is the irrigation
a. 32% c. 72%
b. 87% d. 52%

4. These are pipelines built on or near the ground surface to

convey water across wide depressions.
a. Inverted siphons c. laterals
b. Siphons d. flumes
5. Evapotranspiration in an 8 ha farm is 7 mm/day and percolation
losses is 2 mm/day. What is the design discharge of a canal to
be able to deliver a 5-day requirement of the farm in 24 hours if
irrigation efficiency is 75%?
a. 150 m3/hr c. 175 m3/hr
b. 200 m3/hr d. 140 m3/hr
5. Evapotranspiration in an 8 ha farm is 7 mm/day and percolation
losses is 2 mm/day. What is the design discharge of a canal to
be able to deliver a 5-day requirement of the farm in 24 hours if
irrigation efficiency is 75%?
a. 150 m3/hr c. 175 m3/hr
b. 200 m3/hr d. 140 m3/hr
Q = (Ad)/t = (8x10,000 m2)x(7+2 mm/day)(1m/1000mm (5 days)
24 hrs x .75
= 200 m3/hr
5. Evapotranspiration in an 8 ha farm is 7 mm/day and percolation
losses is 2 mm/day. What is the design discharge of a canal to
be able to deliver a 5-day requirement of the farm in 24 hours if
irrigation efficiency is 75%?
a. 150 m3/hr c. 175 m3/hr
b. 200 m3/hr d. 140 m3/hr
Q = (Ad)/t = (8x10,000 m2)x(7+2 mm/day)(1m/1000mm (5 days)
24 hrs x .75
= 200 m3/hr
6. Subsurface drain system wherein laterals join the submain on
both sides alternately.
a. Gridiron c. Parallel drain system
b. Herringbone d. Double main system
6. Subsurface drain system wherein laterals join the submain on
both sides alternately.
a. Gridiron c. Parallel drain system
b. Herringbone d. Double main system
6. Subsurface drain system wherein laterals join the submain on
both sides alternately.
a. Gridiron c. Parallel drain system
b. Herringbone d. Double main system
7. How much water should be applied to a 6 ha farm where the
rooting depth is 80 cm if it is in its permanent wilting point?
Volumetric moisture contents are 0.15 and 0.32 for permanent
wilting point and field capacity, respectively.
a. 7,200 m3 c. 15,360 m3
b. 6,120 m3 d. 8,160 m3
6. Subsurface drain system wherein laterals join the submain on
both sides alternately.
a. Gridiron c. Parallel drain system
b. Herringbone d. Double main system
7. How much water should be applied to a 6 ha farm where the
rooting depth is 80 cm if it is in its permanent wilting point?
Volumetric moisture contents are 0.15 and 0.32 for permanent
wilting point and field capacity, respectively.
a. 7,200 m3 c. 15,360 m3
b. 6,120 m3 d. 8,160 m3
Vol. = (FC – PWP)(D)(A) = (.32 - .15)(.8m)(60,000 m2) = 8,160
6. Subsurface drain system wherein laterals join the submain on
both sides alternately.
a. Gridiron c. Parallel drain system
b. Herringbone d. Double main system
7. How much water should be applied to a 6 ha farm where the
rooting depth is 80 cm if it is in its permanent wilting point?
Volumetric moisture contents are 0.15 and 0.32 for permanent
wilting point and field capacity, respectively.
a. 7,200 m3 c. 15,360 m3
b. 6,120 m3 d. 8,160 m3
Vol. = (FC – PWP)(D)(A) = (.32 - .15)(.8m)(60,000 m2) = 8,160
8. What is the depth of water in a trapezoidal channel with a side
slope of 2 and carrying a 2.5 m3/s water flow? The channel’s
bottom width is 1.5 meters and the flowing water has a velocity
of 0.8 m/s.
a. 1.00 meter c. 1.20 meters
b. 0.93 meter d. 0.82 meter
8. What is the depth of water in a trapezoidal channel with a side
slope of 2 and carrying a 2.5 m3/s water flow? The channel’s
bottom width is 1.5 meters and the flowing water has a velocity
of 0.8 m/s.
a. 1.00 meter c. 1.20 meters
b. 0.93 meter d. 0.82 meter
Q = AV or A = Q/V = 2.5/0.8 = 3.125 m2
A = bd + zd2 : 3.125 = 1.5d + 2d2
By trial and error, d = 0.93 m
Check: 3.125 = 1.5(.93) + 2(.93)2
8. What is the depth of water in a trapezoidal channel with a side
slope of 2 and carrying a 2.5 m3/s water flow? The channel’s
bottom width is 1.5 meters and the flowing water has a velocity
of 0.8 m/s.
a. 1.00 meter c. 1.20 meters
b. 0.93 meter d. 0.82 meter

9. How many sprinklers with spacing of 7m x 7m are needed to

irrigate a rectangular piece of land 125 m x 190 m if the laterals
are set parallel to the longer side of the field?
a. 503 c. 486
b. 504 d. 485
9. How many sprinklers with spacing of 7m x 7m are needed to
irrigate a rectangular piece of land 125 m x 190 m if the laterals
are set parallel to the longer side of the field?
a. 503 c. 486
b. 504 d. 485
Number of Laterals, N = 125/7 = 17.86 or 18
Number of Sprinklers/lateral, S = 190/7 = 27.142 or 27
Total number of sprinklers = N x S = 18 x 27 = 486
8. What is the depth of water in a trapezoidal channel with a side
slope of 2 and carrying a 2.5 m3/s water flow? The channel’s
bottom width is 1.5 meters and the flowing water has a velocity
of 0.8 m/s.
a. 1.00 meter c. 1.20 meters
b. 0.93 meter d. 0.82 meter

9. How many sprinklers with spacing of 7m x 7m are needed to

irrigate a rectangular piece of land 125 m x 190 m if the laterals
are set parallel to the longer side of the field?
a. 503 c. 486
b. 504 d. 485
10.If the impeller speed of a centrifugal pump is increased from
1800 rpm to 2340 rpm, the resulting power will be how many
times the original?
a. 1.690 c. 1.091
b. 2.197 d. 1.140
10.If the impeller speed of a centrifugal pump is increased from
1800 rpm to 2340 rpm, the resulting power will be how many
times the original?
a. 1.690 c. 1.091
b. 2.197 d. 1.140

11.Darcy’s law states that the flow of water through a porous

medium is
a. Proportional to the medium’s hydraulic conductivity
b. Inversely proportional to the length of flow path
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
10.If the impeller speed of a centrifugal pump is increased from
1800 rpm to 2340 rpm, the resulting power will be how many
times the original?
a. 1.690 c. 1.091
b. 2.197 d. 1.140

11.Darcy’s law states that the flow of water through a porous

medium is
a. Proportional to the medium’s hydraulic conductivity
b. Inversely proportional to the length of flow path
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
12. One liter per second is equal to
a. 16.85 gpm c. 15.85 gpm
b. 15.50 gpm d. 17.35 gpm
12. One liter per second is equal to
a. 16.85 gpm c. 15.85 gpm
b. 15.50 gpm d. 17.35 gpm
1 li x 60 sec x gal
= 15.85 gpm
sec min 3.785 li
12. One liter per second is equal to
a. 16.85 gpm c. 15.85 gpm
b. 15.50 gpm d. 17.35 gpm
13. It is the ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of the
a. Void volume c. Porosity
b. Bulk density d. Void density
12. One liter per second is equal to
a. 16.85 gpm c. 15.85 gpm
b. 15.50 gpm d. 17.35 gpm
13. It is the ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of the
a. Void volume c. Porosity
b. Bulk density d. Void density
14. A soil sample was obtained using a cylindrical soil sampler
with a 4-inch diameter and 10-inch height. After oven-drying,
the sample weighed 2,470 grams. What is the soil’s bulk
a. 12 g/cc c. 1200 kg/m3
b. 1.1 g/cc d. 1.3 kg/m3
14. A soil sample was obtained using a cylindrical soil sampler
with a 4-inch diameter and 10-inch height. After oven-drying,
the sample weighed 2,470 grams. What is the soil’s bulk
a. 12 g/cc c. 1200 kg/m3
b. 1.1 g/cc d. 1.3 kg/m3
Vb = Ah = (πd2/4)(h)
= [π(4x2.54 cm)2/4] x (10x2.54 cm) = 2,059.3
ρb = OD/Vb = 2,470/2,059.3= 1.2 g/cc = 1200 kg/m3
12. One liter per second is equal to
a. 16.85 gpm c. 15.85 gpm
b. 15.50 gpm d. 17.35 gpm
13. It is the ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of the
a. Void volume c. Porosity
b. Bulk density d. Void density
14. A soil sample was obtained using a cylindrical soil sampler
with a 4-inch diameter and 10-inch height. After oven-drying,
the sample weighed 2,470 grams. What is the soil’s bulk
a. 12 g/cc c. 1200 kg/m3
b. 1.1 g/cc d. 1.3 kg/m3
15. It is the water retained about individual soil particles by
molecular action and can be removed only by heating.
a. Permanent wilting point c. Hydrophobic water
b. Hygroscopic water d. Microscopic water
15. It is the water retained about individual soil particles by
molecular action and can be removed only by heating.
a. Permanent wilting point c. Hydrophobic water
b. Hygroscopic water d. Microscopic water
16.Compute for the brake horsepower of a pump needed to
pump-out a fluid (ρ = 1.3 g/cc) at a rate of 300 gpm with a total
head of 6 meters. Assume pump efficiency of 60%.
a. 2.5 hp c. 3.5 hp
b. 3.0 hp d. 5.0 hp
16. Compute for the brake horsepower of a pump needed to
pump-out a fluid (ρ = 1.3 g/cc) at a rate of 300 gpm with a total
head of 6 meters. Assume pump efficiency of 60%.
a. 2.5 hp c. 3.5 hp
b. 3.0 hp d. 5.0 hp
Specific weight of water, γ
γ =(1.3g/cm3)(kg/1000g)(2.2 lbs/kg)[(2.54)3cm3/in3]x(1728 in3/ft3)
= 81 lbs/ft3
BHP = 300 gal x ft3 x 81 lbs x 6m x 3.28 ft
min 7.48 gal ft3 m
33,000 ft-lbs x 0.60
= 3.23 hp
15. It is the water retained about individual soil particles by
molecular action and can be removed only by heating.
a. Permanent wilting point c. Hydrophobic water
b. Hygroscopic water d. Microscopic water
16.Compute for the brake horsepower of a pump needed to
pump-out a fluid (ρ = 1.3 g/cc) at a rate of 300 gpm with a total
head of 6 meters. Assume pump efficiency of 60%.
a. 2.5 hp c. 3.5 hp
b. 3.0 hp d. 5.0 hp
17. A 16-ft thick confined aquifer with hydraulic conductivity of
500 ft/day was tapped by a 4-inch diameter shallow tube well.
With a radius of influence of 2000 ft, determine the maximum
discharge of the STW in lps. Assume an allowable drawdown
of 10 ft.
a. 16.85 c. 5.59
b. 17.55 d. 6.59
17.A 16-ft thick confined aquifer with hydraulic conductivity of 500
ft/day was tapped by a 4-inch diameter shallow tube well. With
a radius of influence of 2000 ft, determine the maximum
discharge of the STW in lps. Assume an allowable drawdown
of 10 ft.
a. 16.85 c. 5.59
b. 17.55 d. 6.59
2πkt(he – hw) 2π(500 ft/day)(16 ft)(10 ft)
Q= = = ft3/day
ln(re/rw) ln[2000 ft/(2/12 ft)]

ft3 x m3 x 1000 li x day

= =
day (3.28)3 ft3 m3 86400 sec
15. It is the water retained about individual soil particles by
molecular action and can be removed only by heating.
a. Permanent wilting point c. Hydrophobic water
b. Hygroscopic water d. Microscopic water
16.Compute for the brake horsepower of a pump needed to
pump-out a fluid (ρ = 1.3 g/cc) at a rate of 300 gpm with a total
head of 6 meters. Assume pump efficiency of 60%.
a. 2.5 hp c. 3.5 hp
b. 3.0 hp d. 5.0 hp
17. A 16-ft thick confined aquifer with hydraulic conductivity of
500 ft/day was tapped by a 4-inch diameter shallow tube well.
With a radius of influence of 2000 ft, determine the maximum
discharge of the STW in lps. Assume an allowable drawdown
of 10 ft.
a. 16.85 c. 5.59
b. 17.55 d. 6.59
18.It refers to the composite parts of the irrigation system that
divert water from natural bodies of water such as rivers,
streams and lakes.
a. Main canal c. Irrigation structures
b. Diversion canal d. Headworks
18.It refers to the composite parts of the irrigation system that
divert water from natural bodies of water such as rivers,
streams and lakes.
a. Main canal c. Irrigation structures
b. Diversion canal d. Headworks
19.It is a measure of the amount of water that the soil will retain
against a tension of 15 atmospheres.
a. Readily available moisture c. Available moisture
b. Permanent wilting point d. Field capacity
18.It refers to the composite parts of the irrigation system that
divert water from natural bodies of water such as rivers,
streams and lakes.
a. Main canal c. Irrigation structures
b. Diversion canal d. Headworks
19.It is a measure of the amount of water that the soil will retain
against a tension of 15 atmospheres.
a. Readily available moisture c. Available moisture
b. Permanent wilting point d. Field capacity
20.Given a shallow tubewell with maximum discharge of 15 lps
and a total dynamic head of 7 meters. Determine the power
rating of the primemover for the pump if pump and primemover
efficiencies are 60% and 55%, respectively.
a. 4 hp c. 4.5 hp
b. 3.5 hp d. 5 hp
20.Given a shallow tubewell with maximum discharge of 15 lps
and a total dynamic head of 7 meters. Determine the power
rating of the primemover for the pump if pump and primemover
efficiencies are 60% and 55%, respectively.
a. 4 hp c. 4.5 hp
b. 3.5 hp d. 5 hp
15 li x m3 x (3.28)3ft3 x 62.4 lbs x 7m x 3.28 ft
sec 1000 li m3 ft3 m
Rated HP =
550 ft-lbs/sec-hp x 0.6 x 0.55

= 4.17 hp, say 4.5 hp

18.It refers to the composite parts of the irrigation system that
divert water from natural bodies of water such as rivers,
streams and lakes.
a. Main canal c. Irrigation structures
b. Diversion canal d. Headworks
19.It is a measure of the amount of water that the soil will retain
against a tension of 15 atmospheres.
a. Readily available moisture c. Available moisture
b. Permanent wilting point d. Field capacity
20.Given a shallow tubewell with maximum discharge of 15 lps
and a total dynamic head of 7 meters. Determine the power
rating of the primemover for the pump if pump and primemover
efficiencies are 60% and 55%, respectively.
a. 4 hp c. 4.5 hp
b. 3.5 hp d. 5 hp
21.What is the discharge in each sprinkler nozzle to irrigate a
rectangular piece of land 150m x 180m if the laterals are set
parallel to the longer side of the field. Sprinkler spacing is 6m x
6m, irrigation water requirement is 150 mm and irrigation period
is 6 hours.
a. 0.250 lps c. 0.500 lps
b. 0.375 lps d. 0.125 lps
21.What is the discharge in each sprinkler nozzle to irrigate a
rectangular piece of land 150m x 180m if the laterals are set
parallel to the longer side of the field. Sprinkler spacing is 6m x
6m, irrigation water requirement is 150 mm and irrigation period
is 6 hours.
a. 0.250 lps c. 0.500 lps
b. 0.375 lps d. 0.125 lps
6m x 6m x .15 m x hr x 1000 li
Q= = 0.250 lps
6 hrs 3600 sec m3
21.What is the discharge in each sprinkler nozzle to irrigate a
rectangular piece of land 150m x 180m if the laterals are set
parallel to the longer side of the field. Sprinkler spacing is 6m x
6m, irrigation water requirement is 150 mm and irrigation period
is 6 hours.
a. 0.250 lps c. 0.500 lps
b. 0.375 lps d. 0.125 lps
22.The International Soil Science Society describes sand as a soil
particle with a diameter of
a. 0.02 to 2 mm c. 0.002 to 0.02 mm
b. 0.2 to 2 mm d. 0.002 to 0.2 mm
21.What is the discharge in each sprinkler nozzle to irrigate a
rectangular piece of land 150m x 180m if the laterals are set
parallel to the longer side of the field. Sprinkler spacing is 6m x
6m, irrigation water requirement is 150 mm and irrigation period
is 6 hours.
a. 0.250 lps c. 0.500 lps
b. 0.375 lps d. 0.125 lps
22.The International Soil Science Society describes sand as a soil
particle with a diameter of
a. 0.02 to 2 mm c. 0.002 to 0.02 mm
b. 0.2 to 2 mm d. 0.002 to 0.2 mm
23.Ten m3/hr is equal to
a. 2.78 lps c. Both a and b
b. 44.03 gpm d. Neither a nor b
23.Ten m3/hr is equal to
a. 2.78 lps c. Both a and b
b. 44.03 gpm d. Neither a nor b
10 m3 x 1000 li x hr
= 2.78 lps
hr m 3600 sec

2.78 li x m3 x (3.28)3 ft3 x 7.48 gal x 60 sec

3 3
= 44.03 gpm
sec 1000 li m ft min

Ans. c. Both a & b

21.What is the discharge in each sprinkler nozzle to irrigate a
rectangular piece of land 150m x 180m if the laterals are set
parallel to the longer side of the field. Sprinkler spacing is 6m x
6m, irrigation water requirement is 150 mm and irrigation period
is 6 hours.
a. 0.250 lps c. 0.500 lps
b. 0.375 lps d. 0.125 lps
22.The International Soil Science Society describes sand as a soil
particle with a diameter of
a. 0.02 to 2 mm c. 0.002 to 0.02 mm
b. 0.2 to 2 mm d. 0.002 to 0.2 mm
23.Ten m3/hr is equal to
a. 2.78 lps c. Both a and b
b. 44.03 gpm d. Neither a nor b
24. Determine the irrigation interval for a farm with soil root zone
having a field capacity of 200 mm and a wilting point of 105
mm. Assume that the consumptive use for August is 7.5
mm/day with no rainfall and the allowable moisture depletion is
a. 10 days c. 4 days
b. 9 days d. 3 days
24. Determine the irrigation interval for a farm with soil root zone
having a field capacity of 200 mm and a wilting point of 105
mm. Assume that the consumptive use for August is 7.5
mm/day with no rainfall and the allowable moisture depletion is
a. 10 days c. 4 days
b. 9 days d. 3 days
(FC – WP)(AMD) (200 – 105)mm x (.75)
Int = =
CU 7.5 mm/day

= 9.5 days or 9 days

Ans. b
24. Determine the irrigation interval for a farm with soil root zone
having a field capacity of 200 mm and a wilting point of 105
mm. Assume that the consumptive use for August is 7.5
mm/day with no rainfall and the allowable moisture depletion is
a. 10 days c. 4 days
b. 9 days d. 3 days
25.What is the depth of water in a trapezoidal channel with a side
slope of 2 and carrying a 3.2 m3/s water flow? The channel’s
bottom width is 1.5 meters and the flowing water has a velocity
of 0.85 m/s.
a. 1.80 m c. 1.05 m
b. 1.79 m d. 1.04 m
25. What is the depth of water in a trapezoidal channel with a side
slope of 2 and carrying a 3.2 m3/s water flow? The channel’s
bottom width is 1.5 meters and the flowing water has a velocity
of 0.85 m/s.
a. 1.80 m c. 1.05 m
b. 1.79 m d. 1.04 m
Q = AV or A = Q/V = (3.2 m3/s)/(0.85 m/s) = 3.765 m2

d V
z = H/V
A = bd + zd2 3.765 = (1.5)d + 2d2
If d = 1.05, then 3.765 =
(1.5)(1.05) + (2)(1.05)2
3.765 = 1.575 + 2.205 = 3.78 (.015)
If d = 1.04, then 3.765 = 3.7232 (.0418)
Ans. c
25. What is the depth of water in a trapezoidal channel with a side
slope of 2 and carrying a 3.2 m3/s water flow? The channel’s
bottom width is 1.5 meters and the flowing water has a velocity
of 0.85 m/s.
a. 1.80 m c. 1.05 m
b. 1.79 m d. 1.04 m
Q = AV or A = Q/V = (3.2 m3/s)/(0.85 m/s) = 3.765 m2

d V
z = H/V
A = bd + zd2
3.765 = (1.5)d + 2d2
If d = 1.05, then 3.765 = (1.5)(1.05) + (2)(1.05)2
3.765 = 1.575 + 2.205 = 3.78 (.015)
If d = 1.04, then 3.765 = 3.7232 (.0418)
Ans. c
26.The localized lowering of the static or piezometric water level
due to pumping
a. Groundwater decline c. Subsidence
b. Drawdown d. depression
26.The localized lowering of the static or piezometric water level
due to pumping
a. Groundwater decline c. Subsidence
b. Drawdown d. Depression
27.The aggregation of soil particles into peds.
a. Soil texture c. Clay
b. Soil structure d. Soil porosity
26.The localized lowering of the static or piezometric water level
due to pumping
a. Groundwater decline c. Subsidence
b. Drawdown d. Depression
27.The aggregation of soil particles into peds.
a. Soil texture c. Clay
b. Soil structure d. Soil porosity
28.What is the design discharge of a canal to be able to deliver a
7-day requirement of a 5-ha farm in 12 hours if the irrigation
requirement is 8 mm/day?
a. 65 m3/s c. 0.65 m3/s
b. 6.5 m3/s d. 0.065 m3/s
28.What is the design discharge of a canal to be able to deliver a
7-day requirement of a 5-ha farm in 12 hours if the irrigation
requirement is 8 mm/day?
a. 65 m3/s c. 0.65 m3/s
b. 6.5 m3/s d. 0.065 m3/s
5 ha x 10,000 m2 x 8 mm x (1m/1000mm) x 7 days x hr
ha day 3600 sec
12 hrs
= .0648 m3/s or .065 m3/s
26.The localized lowering of the static or piezometric water level
due to pumping
a. Groundwater decline c. Subsidence
b. Drawdown d. Depression
27.The aggregation of soil particles into peds.
a. Soil texture c. Clay
b. Soil structure d. Soil porosity
28.What is the design discharge of a canal to be able to deliver a
7-day requirement of a 5-ha farm in 12 hours if the irrigation
requirement is 8 mm/day?
a. 65 m3/s c. 0.65 m3/s
b. 6.5 m3/s d. 0.065 m3/s
29. It is a geologic formation which transmits water at a rate
insufficient to be economically developed for pumping.
a. Aquifer c. Aquifuge
b. Aquiclude d. aquitard
29. It is a geologic formation which transmits water at a rate
insufficient to be economically developed for pumping.
a. Aquifer c. Aquifuge
b. Aquiclude d. Aquitard
30.Determine the maximum total head at which a 5-hp centrifugal
pump can extract water at a rate of 25 lps if pump efficiency is
a. 25.32 ft c. 33.39 ft
b. 32.48 ft d. 35.12 ft
30. Determine the maximum total head at which a 5-hp centrifugal
pump can extract water at a rate of 25 lps if pump efficiency is
a. 25.32 ft c. 33.39 ft
b. 32.48 ft d. 35.12 ft
BHP = γQH/EP or H = (BHP)(E )/γQ (γ = 62.4 lbs/ft3)
5 hp x .65 x 550 ft-lbs x ft
sec-hp 62.4 lbs
H= = 32.48 ft
25 li x m3 x (3.28)3ft3
sec 1000 li m3
29. It is a geologic formation which transmits water at a rate
insufficient to be economically developed for pumping.
a. Aquifer c. Aquifuge
b. Aquiclude d. Aquitard
30.Determine the maximum total head at which a 5-hp centrifugal
pump can extract water at a rate of 25 lps if pump efficiency is
a. 25.32 ft c. 33.39 ft
b. 32.48 ft d. 35.12 ft
31.It is the ratio of the dry weight of the soil to the weight of the
water with volume equal to the soil bulk volume.
a. Particle density c. Real specific gravity
b. Bulk density d. Apparent specific gravity
29. It is a geologic formation which transmits water at a rate
insufficient to be economically developed for pumping.
a. Aquifer c. Aquifuge
b. Aquiclude d. Aquitard
30.Determine the maximum total head at which a 5-hp centrifugal
pump can extract water at a rate of 25 lps if pump efficiency is
a. 25.32 ft c. 33.39 ft
b. 32.48 ft d. 35.12 ft
31.It is the ratio of the dry weight of the soil to the weight of the
water with volume equal to the soil bulk volume.
a. Particle density c. Real specific gravity
b. Bulk density d. Apparent specific gravity
32.It accounts for the losses in an irrigation system from the water
source and prior to delivery of water into the field ditches.
a. Evaporation c. Diversion efficiency
b. Application efficency d. Conveyance efficiency
32.It accounts for the losses in an irrigation system from the water
source and prior to delivery of water into the field ditches.
a. Evaporation c. Diversion efficiency
b. Application efficiency d. Conveyance efficiency
33.A geologic formation that contains water but do not have the
capacity to transmit it.
a. Aquifuge c. Aquitard
b. Aquifer d. Aquiclude
32.It accounts for the losses in an irrigation system from the water
source and prior to delivery of water into the field ditches.
a. Evaporation c. Diversion efficiency
b. Application efficiency d. Conveyance efficiency
33.A geologic formation that contains water but do not have the
capacity to transmit it.
a. Aquifuge c. Aquitard
b. Aquifer d. Aquiclude
34.Compute the land soaking requirement for a soil (depth of root
zone = 60 cm) with residual moisture content of 18% by weight,
bulk density of 1,320 kg/m3 and porosity of 50%. Standing
water for planting is 20 mm.
a. 177.44 mm c. 253.44 mm
b. 157.44 mm d. 273.44 mm
32.It accounts for the losses in an irrigation system from the water
source and prior to delivery of water into the field ditches.
a. Evaporation c. Diversion efficiency
b. Application efficiency d. Conveyance efficiency
33.A geologic formation that contains water but do not have the
capacity to transmit it.
a. Aquifuge c. Aquitard
b. Aquifer d. Aquiclude
34.Compute the land soaking requirement for a soil (depth of root
zone = 60 cm) with residual moisture content of 18% by weight,
bulk density of 1,320 kg/m3 and porosity of 50%. Standing
water for planting is 20 mm.
a. 177.44 mm c. 253.44 mm
b. 157.44 mm d. 273.44 mm
LSR = [P – (Res. M.C. X As)]D + Standing Water
35.Farm water requirement minus the application losses is the
a. Diversion water requirement c. Application efficiency
b. Farm irrigation requirement d. Land preparation water
35.Farm water requirement minus the application losses is the
a. Diversion water requirement c. Application efficiency
b. Farm irrigation requirement d. Land preparation water
36.What is the root zone depth of a farm with land soaking
requirement of 90 mm if the soil porosity is 45%, residual
moisture content is 18% (by weight) and bulk density is 1,250
kg/m3 ?
a. 35 cm c. 40 cm
b. 45 cm d. 60 cm
35.Farm water requirement minus the application losses is the
a. Diversion water requirement c. Application efficiency
b. Farm irrigation requirement d. Land preparation water
36.What is the root zone depth of a farm with land soaking
requirement of 90 mm if the soil porosity is 45%, residual
moisture content is 18% (by weight) and bulk density is 1,250
kg/m3 ?
a. 35 cm c. 40 cm
b. 45 cm d. 60 cm
37.This results from overlapping radii of influence of neighboring
a. Drawdown c. Well interference
b. Groundwater decline d. Drawdown curve
35.Farm water requirement minus the application losses is the
a. Diversion water requirement c. Application efficiency
b. Farm irrigation requirement d. Land preparation water
36.What is the root zone depth of a farm with land soaking
requirement of 90 mm if the soil porosity is 45%, residual
moisture content is 18% (by weight) and bulk density is 1,250
kg/m3 ?
a. 35 cm c. 40 cm
b. 45 cm d. 60 cm
37.This results from overlapping radii of influence of neighboring
a. Drawdown c. Well interference
b. Groundwater decline d. Drawdown curve
38.In furrow irrigation, the rate of water application should be ____
the intake rate of the soil.
a. Less than c. Equal to
b. Greater than d. Not related to
38.In furrow irrigation, the rate of water application should be ____
the intake rate of the soil.
a. Less than c. Equal to
b. Greater than d. Not related to
39.The International Soil Science Society describes sand as a soil
particle with a diameter of
a. 0.02 to 2 mm c. 0.002 to 0.02 mm
b. 0.2 to 2 mm d. 0.002 to 0.2 mm
38.In furrow irrigation, the rate of water application should be ____
the intake rate of the soil.
a. Less than c. Equal to
b. Greater than d. Not related to
39.The International Soil Science Society describes sand as a soil
particle with a diameter of
a. 0.02 to 2 mm c. 0.002 to 0.02 mm
b. 0.2 to 2 mm d. 0.002 to 0.2 mm
40.The localized lowering of the static or piezometric water level
due to pumping
a. Groundwater decline c. Subsidence
b. Drawdown d. depression
38.In furrow irrigation, the rate of water application should be ____
the intake rate of the soil.
a. Less than c. Equal to
b. Greater than d. Not related to
39.The International Soil Science Society describes sand as a soil
particle with a diameter of
a. 0.02 to 2 mm c. 0.002 to 0.02 mm
b. 0.2 to 2 mm d. 0.002 to 0.2 mm
40.The localized lowering of the static or piezometric water level
due to pumping
a. Groundwater decline c. Subsidence
b. Drawdown d. depression
41.For a 10m x 10m sprinkler spacing, what is the design sprinkler
throw for a 50% overlap?
a. 15 m c. 8 m
b. 7.5 m d. 5 m
41.For a 10m x 10m sprinkler spacing, what is the design sprinkler
throw for a 50% overlap?
a. 15 m c. 8 m
b. 7.5 m d. 5 m

5m 2.5m

Ans. b. 7.5 m
41.For a 10m x 10m sprinkler spacing, what is the design sprinkler
throw for a 50% overlap?
a. 15 m c. 8 m
b. 7.5 m d. 5 m

5m 2.5m

Ans. b. 7.5 m
41.For a 10m x 10m sprinkler spacingm, what is the design
sprinkler throw for a 50% overlap?
a. 15 m c. 8 m
b. 7.5 m d. 5 m
42.Four liters per second is equivalent to
a. 14.4 m3/hr c. Both a and b
b. 63.41 gpm d. Neither a nor b
42.Four liters per second is equivalent to
a. 14.4 m3/hr c. Both a and b
b. 63.41 gpm d. Neither a nor b
4 li x m3 x 3600 sec
= 14.4 m3/hr
sec 1000 li hr

14.4 m3 x (3.28)3 ft3 x 7.48 gal x hr

3 3
= 63.35 gpm
hr m ft 60 min

Ans. C. Both a and b

41.For a 10m x 10m sprinkler spacingm, what is the design
sprinkler throw for a 50% overlap?
a. 15 m c. 8 m
b. 7.5 m d. 5 m
42.Four liters per second is equivalent to
a. 14.4 m3/hr c. Both a and b
b. 63.41 gpm d. Neither a nor b
43.Irrigation method is used for row crops wherein only a part of
the surface is wetted.
a. Basin flooding c. Border irrigation
b. Furrow irrigation d. Border-strip flooding
41.For a 10m x 10m sprinkler spacingm, what is the design
sprinkler throw for a 50% overlap?
a. 15 m c. 8 m
b. 7.5 m d. 5 m
42.Four liters per second is equivalent to
a. 14.4 m /hr c. Both a and b
b. 63.41 gpm d. Neither a nor b
43.Irrigation method is used for row crops wherein only a part of
the surface is wetted.
a. Basin flooding c. Border irrigation
b. Furrow irrigation d. Border-strip flooding
44.It refers to the composite parts of the irrigation system that
divert water from natural bodies of water such as rivers,
streams and lakes.
a. Main canal c. Irrigation structures
b. Diversion dam d. headworks
44.It refers to the composite parts of the irrigation system that
divert water from natural bodies of water such as rivers,
streams and lakes.
a. Main canal c. Irrigation structures
b. Diversion dam d. Headworks
45.It is a measure of the amount of water that the soil will retain
against a tension of 15 atmospheres.
a. Readily available moisture c. Available moisture
b. Permanent wilting point d. Field capacity
44.It refers to the composite parts of the irrigation system that
divert water from natural bodies of water such as rivers,
streams and lakes.
a. Main canal c. Irrigation structures
b. Diversion dam d. Headworks
45.It is a measure of the amount of water that the soil will retain
against a tension of 15 atmospheres.
a. Readily available moisture c. Available moisture
b. Permanent wilting point d. Field capacity
46.The infiltration equation based on the exhaustion process is
a. Lewis-Kostiakov’s c. Philip’s
b. Horton’s d. Darcy’s
44.It refers to the composite parts of the irrigation system that
divert water from natural bodies of water such as rivers,
streams and lakes.
a. Main canal c. Irrigation structures
b. Diversion dam d. Headworks
45.It is a measure of the amount of water that the soil will retain
against a tension of 15 atmospheres.
a. Readily available moisture c. Available moisture
b. Permanent wilting point d. Field capacity
46.The infiltration equation based on the exhaustion process is
a. Lewis-Kostiakov’s c. Philip’s
b. Horton’s d. Darcy’s
47.Determine the irrigation interval for a farm with soil root zone
having a field capacity of 200 mm and a wilting point of 140
mm. Assume that the consumptive use for June is 6 mm/day
with no rainfall and the allowable moisture depletion is 75%.
a. 8 days c. 7 days
b. 9 days d. 10 days
47.Determine the irrigation interval for a farm with soil root zone
having a field capacity of 200 mm and a wilting point of 140
mm. Assume that the consumptive use for June is 6 mm/day
with no rainfall and the allowable moisture depletion is 75%.
a. 8 days c. 7 days
b. 9 days d. 10 days

(FC – WP)(AMD)/100 (200-140)mm x (.75)

Int = =
CU 6 mm/day
Int = 7.5 or 7 days

Ans. c. 7 days
47.Determine the irrigation interval for a farm with soil root zone
having a field capacity of 200 mm and a wilting point of 140
mm. Assume that the consumptive use for June is 6 mm/day
with no rainfall and the allowable moisture depletion is 75%.
a. 8 days c. 7 days
b. 9 days d. 10 days
48.What is the design discharge of a canal to be able to deliver a
6-day requirement of a 6-ha farm in 9 hours if the irrigation
requirement is 8 mm/day?
a. 88.9 m3/s c. 0.889 m3/s
b. 8.89 m3/s d. 0.0889 m3/s
48.What is the design discharge of a canal to be able to deliver a
6-day requirement of a 6-ha farm in 9 hours if the irrigation
requirement is 8 mm/day?
a. 88.9 m3/s c. 0.889 m3/s
b. 8.89 m3/s d. 0.0889 m3/s
Q = Ad/t
Q = discharge, A = area to be irrigated, d = depth of water to
be applied, t = irrigation time
6 ha x 10,000 m2 x .008 m x 6 days x hr
ha day 3600 sec
Q= 9 hrs

= 0.0889 m3/sec

Ans. d. 0.0880 m3/sec

47.Determine the irrigation interval for a farm with soil root zone
having a field capacity of 200 mm and a wilting point of 140
mm. Assume that the consumptive use for June is 6 mm/day
with no rainfall and the allowable moisture depletion is 75%.
a. 8 days c. 7 days
b. 9 days d. 10 days
48.What is the design discharge of a canal to be able to deliver a
6-day requirement of a 6-ha farm in 9 hours if the irrigation
requirement is 8 mm/day?
a. 88.9 m3/s c. 0.889 m3/s
b. 8.89 m3/s d. 0.0889 m3/s
49.The amount of drainage water to be removed per unit time per
unit area is the
a. Drainage requirement c. Drain spacing
b. Drainage coefficient d. Drainage volume
47.Determine the irrigation interval for a farm with soil root zone
having a field capacity of 200 mm and a wilting point of 140
mm. Assume that the consumptive use for June is 6 mm/day
with no rainfall and the allowable moisture depletion is 75%.
a. 8 days c. 7 days
b. 9 days d. 10 days
48.What is the design discharge of a canal to be able to deliver a
6-day requirement of a 6-ha farm in 9 hours if the irrigation
requirement is 8 mm/day?
a. 88.9 m3/s c. 0.889 m3/s
b. 8.89 m3/s d. 0.0889 m3/s
49.The amount of drainage water to be removed per unit time per
unit area is the
a. Drainage requirement c. Drain spacing
b. Drainage coefficient d. Drainage volume
50.In Hooghoudt’s drain spacing formula, it is assumed that
a. The water table is in equilibrium with the rainfall or irrigation
b. The drains are evenly spaced
c. Darcy’s law is valid for flow through soils
d. All of the above
50.In Hooghoudt’s drain spacing formula, it is assumed that
a. The water table is in equilibrium with the rainfall or irrigation
b. The drains are evenly spaced
c. Darcy’s law is valid for flow through soils
d. All of the above
51.A mathematical expression for the macroscopic flow of water
through a porous system.
a. Steady state groundwater flow equation
b. Darcy’s Law
c. Laplace’s equation
d. Scobey;s equation
50.In Hooghoudt’s drain spacing formula, it is assumed that
a. The water table is in equilibrium with the rainfall or irrigation
b. The drains are evenly spaced
c. Darcy’s law is valid for flow through soils
d. All of the above
51.A mathematical expression for the macroscopic flow of water
through a porous system.
a. Steady state groundwater flow equation
b. Darcy’s Law
c. Laplace’s equation
d. Scobey;s equation
52.It is the soil moisture constant describing the amount of
moisture retained by the soil against a suction pressure of 1/3
a. Field capacity c. Permanent wilting point
b. Hygroscopic water d. Saturation point
52.It is the soil moisture constant describing the amount of
moisture retained by the soil against a suction pressure of 1/3
a. Field capacity c. Permanent wilting point
b. Hygroscopic water d. Saturation point
53. Run-off is the difference between the gross depth of irrigation
water and the
a. Net depth requirement c. Depth that infiltrated
b. Crop evapotranspiration d. Water use rate
52.It is the soil moisture constant describing the amount of
moisture retained by the soil against a suction pressure of 1/3
a. Field capacity c. Permanent wilting point
b. Hygroscopic water d. Saturation point
53.Run-off is the difference between the gross depth of irrigation
water and the
a. Net depth requirement c. Depth that infiltrated
b. Crop evapotranspiration d. Water use rate
54.It is the type of sprinkler irrigation system where the number of
laterals installed is equal to the total number of lateral positions.
a. Hand move system c. Special type
b. Periodic move d. Set system
52.It is the soil moisture constant describing the amount of
moisture retained by the soil against a suction pressure of 1/3
a. Field capacity c. Permanent wilting point
b. Hygroscopic water d. Saturation point
53.Run-off is the difference between the gross depth of irrigation
water and the
a. Net depth requirement c. Depth that infiltrated
b. Crop evapotranspiration d. Water use rate
54.It is the type of sprinkler irrigation system where the number of
laterals installed is equal to the total number of lateral positions.
a. Hand move system c. Special type
b. Periodic move d. Set system
55. In a drip system, the allowable pressure variation in a lateral
with minimum and average head of 1.51 and 1.38 meters,
respectively is
a. 0.185 psi c. 0.370 psi
b. 0.462 psi d. 0.130 psi
54. In a drip system, the allowable pressure variation in a lateral
with minimum and average head of 1.51 and 1.38 meters,
respectively is
a. 0.185 psi c. 0.370 psi
b. 0.462 psi d. 0.130 psi
55.The head in an emitter discharging 4 liters of water per hour
and with discharge coefficient of 0.798 and exponent of 0.5 is
a. 6.4 m c. 10 m
b. 5 m d. 1.8 m
54. In a drip system, the allowable pressure variation in a lateral
with minimum and average head of 1.51 and 1.38 meters,
respectively is
a. 0.185 psi c. 0.370 psi
b. 0.462 psi d. 0.130 psi
55.The head in an emitter discharging 4 liters of water per hour
and with discharge coefficient of 0.798 and exponent of 0.5 is
a. 6.4 m c. 10 m
b. 5 m d. 1.8 m
56.A soil with root zone depth of 1.2 meters has 24% initial
volumetric moisture content, volumetric field capacity and
permanent wilting point of 30% and 15%, respectively and 50%
allowable moisture depletion. The initial depth of water in the
soil is
a. 43.2 mm c. 288 mm
b. 270 mm d. 360 mm
54. In a drip system, the allowable pressure variation in a lateral
with minimum and average head of 1.51 and 1.38 meters,
respectively is
a. 0.185 psi c. 0.370 psi
b. 0.462 psi d. 0.130 psi
55.The head in an emitter discharging 4 liters of water per hour
and with discharge coefficient of 0.798 and exponent of 0.5 is
a. 6.4 m c. 10 m
b. 5 m d. 1.8 m
56.A soil with root zone depth of 1.2 meters has 24% initial
volumetric moisture content, volumetric field capacity and
permanent wilting point of 30% and 15%, respectively and 50%
allowable moisture depletion. The initial depth of water in the
soil is
a. 43.2 mm c. 288 mm
b. 270 mm d. 360 mm
54. A soil with root zone depth of 1.2 meters has 24% initial
volumetric moisture content, volumetric field capacity and
permanent wilting point of 30% and 15%, respectively and 50%
allowable moisture depletion. The initial depth of water in the
soil is
a. 43.2 mm c. 288 mm
b. 270 mm d. 360 mm
Initial depth = Pv x D = (.24)(1.2 m x 1000 mm/m) = 288 mm
Ans. c.
57.When the soil in Problem 56 reaches ____, irrigation should be
a. 43.2 mm c. 288 mm
b. 270 mm d. 360 mm
FC = .3 x 1,200 = 360 mm

AMD = .5(FC-WP) = (0.5)(360-180) = 90 mm

WP = .15 x 1,200 = 180 mm

} 90 mm

WP + AMD = 180 + 90 = 270 mm

Ans. b
58. Natural drainage occurs in Problems 56 & 57 when the soil
water reaches or exceeds a depth of
a. 43.2 mm c. 288 mm
b. 270 mm d. 360 mm

FC = .3 x 1,200 = 360 mm

AMD = .5(FC-WP) = (0.5)(360-180) = 90 mm

WP = .15 x 1,200 = 180 mm

} 90 mm

Since FC is 360 mm, then natural drainage will occur when

the soil water reaches FC or 360 mm.
Ans. d.
57.When the soil in Problem 56 reaches ____, irrigation should be
a. 43.2 mm c. 288 mm
b. 270 mm d. 360 mm
58.Natural drainage occurs in Problems 56 & 57 when the soil
water reaches or exceeds a depth of
a. 43.2 mm c. 288 mm
b. 270 mm d. 360 mm
57.When the soil in Problem 56 reaches ____, irrigation should be
a. 43.2 mm c. 288 mm
b. 270 mm d. 360 mm
58.Natural drainage occurs in Problems 56 & 57 when the soil
water reaches or exceeds a depth of
a. 43.2 mm c. 288 mm
b. 270 mm d. 360 mm
59.It is a surface irrigation system where the area is subdivided by
dikes and water flows over these dikes from one subdivision to
a. Border irrigation c. Basin irrigation
b. Furrow irrigation d. Corrugation irrigation
57.When the soil in Problem 56 reaches ____, irrigation should be
a. 43.2 mm c. 288 mm
b. 270 mm d. 360 mm
58.Natural drainage occurs in Problems 56 & 57 when the soil
water reaches or exceeds a depth of
a. 43.2 mm c. 288 mm
b. 270 mm d. 360 mm
59.It is a surface irrigation system where the area is subdivided by
dikes and water flows over these dikes from one subdivision to
a. Border irrigation c. Basin irrigation
b. Furrow irrigation d. Corrugation irrigation
60.Distribution control structures placed across an irrigation ditch
to block the flow temporarily and to raise the upstream water
a. Turnouts c. Culverts
b. Checks d. weirs
60.Distribution control structures placed across an irrigation ditch
to block the flow temporarily and to raise the upstream water
a. Turnouts c. Culverts
b. Checks d. Weirs
61.Using Scobey’s equation for friction loss, a lateral with 10
sprinklers has a reduction coefficient of
a. 0.3766 c. 0.200
b. 0.100 d. 0.3964
Scobey’s Formula:
Hf = [ksLQ1.9 /(d4.9)]1.45 x 10-8 d = ft, L = ft, Q = gpm, H = ft
60.Distribution control structures placed across an irrigation ditch
to block the flow temporarily and to raise the upstream water
a. Turnouts c. Culverts
b. Checks d. Weirs
61.Using Scobey’s equation for friction loss, a lateral with 10
sprinklers has a reduction coefficient of
a. 0.3766 c. 0.200
b. 0.100 d. 0.3964
62.Which is not a component of the impact arm of an impact
a. Nozzle c. Vane
b. Counterweight d. spoon
60.Distribution control structures placed across an irrigation ditch
to block the flow temporarily and to raise the upstream water
a. Turnouts c. Culverts
b. Checks d. Weirs
61.Using Scobey’s equation for friction loss, a lateral with 10
sprinklers has a reduction coefficient of
a. 0.3766 c. 0.200
b. 0.100 d. 0.3964
62.Which is not a component of the impact arm of an impact
a. Nozzle c. Vane
b. Counterweight d. spoon
63.A 20-ft thick confined aquifer with hydraulic conductivity of 400
ft/day was tapped by a 4-inch diameter shallow tube well. With
a radius of influence of 2,500 ft, determine the maximum
discharge of the STW in liters per second. Assume an
allowable drawdown of 12 ft.
a. 22.17 c. 62.71
b. 20.57 d. 25.63
63.A 20-ft thick confined aquifer with hydraulic conductivity of 400
ft/day was tapped by a 4-inch diameter shallow tube well. With
a radius of influence of 2,500 ft, determine the maximum
discharge of the STW in liters per second. Assume an
allowable drawdown of 12 ft.
a. 22.17 c. 62.71
b. 20.57 d. 25.63

2πkt(he – hw) 2π(400 ft/day)(20 ft)(12 ft)

Q= =
ln(re/rw) ln(2,500/.17)
= 67.52 ft3 /day

67.52 ft3 x m3 x day x 1000 li

= 20.57 lps
day (3.28)3 ft3 86,400 sec m3
63.A 20-ft thick confined aquifer with hydraulic conductivity of 400
ft/day was tapped by a 4-inch diameter shallow tube well. With
a radius of influence of 2,500 ft, determine the maximum
discharge of the STW in liters per second. Assume an
allowable drawdown of 12 ft.
a. 22.17 c. 62.71
b. 20.57 d. 25.63
64.In surface irrigation, the ratio between the gross amount of
irrigation water and the net requirement of the crop is the
a. Application efficiency c. Seepage
b. Deep percolation d. runoff
63.A 20-ft thick confined aquifer with hydraulic conductivity of 400
ft/day was tapped by a 4-inch diameter shallow tube well. With
a radius of influence of 2,500 ft, determine the maximum
discharge of the STW in liters per second. Assume an
allowable drawdown of 12 ft.
a. 22.17 c. 62.71
b. 20.57 d. 25.63
64.In surface irrigation, the ratio between the gross amount of
irrigation water and the net requirement of the crop is the
a. Application efficiency c. Seepage
b. Deep percolation d. Runoff
65.It is an orderly sequence of planting crop in an area for a 365-
day period.
a. Cropping pattern c. Crop sequence
b. Crop combination d. Cropping schedule
63.A 20-ft thick confined aquifer with hydraulic conductivity of 400
ft/day was tapped by a 4-inch diameter shallow tube well. With
a radius of influence of 2,500 ft, determine the maximum
discharge of the STW in liters per second. Assume an
allowable drawdown of 12 ft.
a. 22.17 c. 62.71
b. 20.57 d. 25.63
64.In surface irrigation, the ratio between the gross amount of
irrigation water and the net requirement of the crop is the
a. Application efficiency c. Seepage
b. Deep percolation d. Runoff
65.It is an orderly sequence of planting crop in an area for a 365-
day period.
a. Cropping pattern c. Crop sequence
b. Crop combination d. Cropping schedule
66.A 21.6 mm/day water requirement is equivalent to
a. 23.8 gpm/ha c. 2.5 lps/ha
b. 0.9 lps/ha d. 14.3 gpm/ha
21.6 mm x m x 10,000 m2 x day x 1000 li
day 1000 mm ha 86,400 sec m3

= 2.5 lps/ha

Ans. c.
66.A 21.6 mm/day water requirement is equivalent to
a. 23.8 gpm/ha c. 2.5 lps/ha
b. 0.9 lps/ha d. 14.3 gpm/ha
21.6 mm x m x 10,000 m2 x day x 1000 li
day 1000 mm ha 86,400 sec m3

= 2.5 lps/ha

Ans. c.
67.In a 5 ha area, it was determined that the soil volumetric field
capacity and permanent wilting point are 25% and 15%,
respectively. Crop consumptive use is 5 mm/day, application
efficiency is 80% and irrigation application rate is 32 m3/hr. The
allowable soil moisture depletion is 60%, apparent specific
gravity is 1.2 and the depth of root zone is 0.8 m. The net
depth of irrigation water to be applied is
a. 80 mm c. 24 mm
b. 48 mm d. 36 mm
dnet = (AMD)(FC-WP)(D) = (.6)(.25-.15)(800mm) = 48 mm
Ans. b.
67.In a 5 ha area, it was determined that the soil volumetric field
capacity and permanent wilting point are 25% and 15%,
respectively. Crop consumptive use is 5 mm/day, application
efficiency is 80% and irrigation application rate is 32 m3/hr. The
allowable soil moisture depletion is 60%, apparent specific
gravity is 1.2 and the depth of root zone is 0.8 m. The net
depth of irrigation water to be applied is
a. 80 mm c. 24 mm
b. 48 mm d. 36 mm
dnet = (AMD)(FC-WP)(D) = (.6)(.25-.15)(800mm) = 48 mm
Ans. b.
68.The gross depth of irrigation water to be applied in Prob. 67.
a. 100 mm c. 64 mm
b. 60 mm d. 38 mm
dgross = dnet /Ea = 48/.8 = 60 mm
68.The gross depth of irrigation water to be applied in Prob. 67.
a. 100 mm c. 64 mm
b. 60 mm d. 38 mm
dgross = dnet /Ea = 48/.8 = 60 mm
Ans. b
69.The irrigation interval, in days in Prob. 67 is
a. 10 c. 9
b. 5 d. 4
Int = dnet /CU = (48 mm)/(5 mm/day) = 9.6 or 9 days
69.The irrigation interval, in days in Prob. 67 is
a. 10 c. 9
b. 5 d. 4
Int = dnet /CU = (48 mm)/(5 mm/day) = 9.6 or 9 days
Ans. c
70.The irrigation period, in hours in Prob. 67 is
a. 93 c. 230
b. 47 d. 94
Irrigation period = Adgross /Q

5 ha x 10,000 m2 x .06 m
ha = 93.75 hrs
32 m3/hr

Ans. d
69.The irrigation interval, in days in Prob. 67 is
a. 10 c. 9
b. 5 d. 4
70.The irrigation period, in hours in Prob. 67 is
a. 93 c. 230
b. 47 d. 94
71.In furrow irrigation, it is the difference between the depth of
water that infiltrated and the net depth requirement.
a. Runoff c. Deep percolation
b. Application losses d. seepage
69.The irrigation interval, in days in Prob. 67 is
a. 10 c. 9
b. 5 d. 4
70.The irrigation period, in hours in Prob. 67 is
a. 93 c. 230
b. 47 d. 94
71.In furrow irrigation, it is the difference between the depth of
water that infiltrated and the net depth requirement.
a. Runoff c. Deep percolation
b. Application losses d. Seepage
72.A rectangular piece of land 180m x 240m is laid out with one-
sided sprinkler irrigation system. Laterals are set parallel to the
longer side of the field. Sprinkler spacing is 6m x 6m, irrigation
water requirement is 150 mm and irrigation period is 6 hours.
Laterals are set on only one side of the mainline. The sprinkler
discharge is
a. 0.500 lps c. 0.250 lps
b. 0.375 lps d. 0.125 lps
72.A rectangular piece of land 180m x 240m is laid out with one-
sided sprinkler irrigation system. Laterals are set parallel to the
longer side of the field. Sprinkler spacing is 6m x 6m, irrigation
water requirement is 150 mm and irrigation period is 6 hours.
Laterals are set on only one side of the mainline. The sprinkler
discharge is
a. 0.500 lps c. 0.250 lps
b. 0.375 lps d. 0.125 lps
72.A rectangular piece of land 180m x 240m is laid out with one-
sided sprinkler irrigation system. Laterals are set parallel to the
longer side of the field. Sprinkler spacing is 6m x 6m, irrigation
water requirement is 150 mm and irrigation period is 6 hours.
Laterals are set on only one side of the mainline. The sprinkler
discharge is
a. 0.500 lps c. 0.250 lps
b. 0.375 lps d. 0.125 lps

(6m) x (6m) x (.15 m) x hr x 1000 li

Q= = 0.25 lps
6 hrs 3600 sec m3

Ans. c
72.A rectangular piece of land 180m x 240m is laid out with one-
sided sprinkler irrigation system. Laterals are set parallel to the
longer side of the field. Sprinkler spacing is 6m x 6m, irrigation
water requirement is 150 mm and irrigation period is 6 hours.
Laterals are set on only one side of the mainline. The sprinkler
discharge is
a. 0.500 lps c. 0.250 lps
b. 0.375 lps d. 0.125 lps
73.Determine the number of lateral positions in Prob. 72.
a. 30 c. 40
b. 20 d. 60
73.Determine the number of lateral positions in Prob. 72.
a. 30 c. 40
b. 20 d. 60
240 m

180 m

No. of lateral positions = 180/6 = 30

73.Determine the number of lateral positions in Prob. 72.
a. 30 c. 40
b. 20 d. 60
240 m

180 m

No. of lateral positions = 180/6 = 30

Ans. a
73.Determine the number of sprinklers/lateral in Prob. 72.
a. 30 c. 40
b. 20 d. 60
240 m

180 m

No. of sprinkler/lateral = 240/6 = 40

73.Determine the number of sprinklers/lateral in Prob. 72.
a. 30 c. 40
b. 20 d. 60
240 m

180 m

No. of sprinkler/lateral = 240/6 = 40

Ans. c
72.A rectangular piece of land 180m x 240m is laid out with one-
sided sprinkler irrigation system. Laterals are set parallel to the
longer side of the field. Sprinkler spacing is 6m x 6m, irrigation
water requirement is 150 mm and irrigation period is 6 hours.
Laterals are set on only one side of the mainline. The sprinkler
discharge is
a. 0.500 lps c. 0.250 lps
b. 0.375 lps d. 0.125 lps
73.Determine the number of lateral positions in Prob. 72.
a. 30 c. 40
b. 20 d. 60
74.Determine the number of sprinklers per lateral in Prob. 72.
a. 30 c. 40
b. 20 d. 60
75.The field in Prob. 72 is installed with hand-moved system and
2 sets of laterals can be installed per day. Calculate the
minimum number of laterals that can be installed per set if there
are 5 operating days per irrigation interval.
a. 2 c. 3
b. 4 d. 1
No. of laterals/set = total no. of laterals/5days = 30/5 = 6 lat/set
Since there are 2 sets of laterals, then the minimum no. of
laterals per set = 6/2 = 3 laterals
75.The field in Prob. 72 is installed with hand-moved system and
2 sets of laterals can be installed per day. Calculate the
minimum number of laterals that can be installed per set if there
are 5 operating days per irrigation interval.
a. 2 c. 3
b. 4 d. 1
No. of laterals/set = total no. of laterals/5days = 30/5 = 6 lat/set
Since there are 2 sets of laterals, then the minimum no. of
laterals per set = 6/2 = 3 laterals
Ans. c
76.An unconfined aquifer is situated above a horizontal
impervious base and is composed of san with a hydraulic
conductivity of 8 m/day. In this aquifer, two fully penetrating
ditches from a strip of land with a constant width of 1200 m.
The water level in the left and right ditches rises to 6 and 10 m,
respectively above the impervious base. The recharge by
rainfall is 7 mm/day. Evaporation losses amount to 2 mm/day.
Determine the location of the stagnation point of the
groundwater flow.
a. 557 from left drain c. 557 from right drain
b. 643 from left drain d. 587 from right drain
76.An unconfined aquifer is situated above a horizontal
impervious base and is composed of san with a hydraulic
conductivity of 8 m/day. In this aquifer, two fully penetrating
ditches from a strip of land with a constant width of 1200 m.
The water level in the left and right ditches rises to 6 and 10 m,
respectively above the impervious base. The recharge by
rainfall is 7 mm/day. Evaporation losses amount to 2 mm/day.
Determine the location of the stagnation point of the
groundwater flow.
a. 557 from left drain c. 557 from right drain
b. 643 from left drain d. 587 from right drain
77.Compute the flow into the right drain of in Prob. 76.
a. 2.787 m3/day c. 0.213 m3/day
b. 3.213 m3/day d. 4.287 m3/day
77.Compute the flow into the right drain in Prob. 76.
a. 2.787 m3/day c. 0.213 m3/day
b. 3.213 m3/day d. 4.287 m3/day
78.Compute the flow into the left drain in Prob. 76.
a. 2.787 m3/day c. 0.213 m3/day
b. 3.213 m3/day d. 4.287 m3/day
77.Compute the flow into the right drain in Prob. 76.
a. 2.787 m3/day c. 0.213 m3/day
b. 3.213 m3/day d. 4.287 m3/day
78.Compute the flow into the left drain in Prob. 76.
a. 2.787 m3/day c. 0.213 m3/day
b. 3.213 m3/day d. 4.287 m3/day
79.Compute the maximum and minimum elevation of water table
inside the strip of land in Prob. 76.
a. 11.259 m c. 11.921 m
b. 12.302 m d. 12.426 m
77.Compute the flow into the right drain in Prob. 76.
a. 2.787 m3/day c. 0.213 m3/day
b. 3.213 m3/day d. 4.287 m3/day
78.Compute the flow into the left drain in Prob. 76.
a. 2.787 m3/day c. 0.213 m3/day
b. 3.213 m3/day d. 4.287 m3/day
79.Compute the maximum and minimum elevation of water table
inside the strip of land in Prob. 76.
a. 11.259 m c. 11.921 m
b. 12.302 m d. 12.426 m

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