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23 Diuretics

\\hut are diuretics? Diurc>ti"' ;tn• dm' incrca.w the

Wllllllll' of llriJILI fluw.

llo" do diuretics work? In erwral, tlinrl'tit'affl•d ion tmn,port

in the: rwphron < hnKtlh u dul diuretics
prirnaril) mhibit n+ rl•ab,urplion.
\\'at('r i tlwn c·arrwd alonpas,iwlv io
ordt•r to lll<llntain an mmultc: t·quilibrium.

What a r·c their Proximal t·onvol ut<'<lluhulc (PCT)

ptinciple sites of Th ick ll'lt'l'nulng limb orloop of ll eul
action? e Distal C'Ouvol utt:d tulJII It• ( DCT)
Collc>C'I i nclut·t
Set• Figmt· 23 J .

This kum\hl t·lwlp' pn·tlkt·

Why iknowing the Tlw ma nit udt• .mel pattl'm nf tliurc\is
sites of ucUon Tlw \kit· t"ITt ·<:I\ oft lw nwdwation
important? TIIC pallt·m or t•lt•dmlytt·Jm,

1. C::nrhoult' .wh,dr.t,t• inhihitt>r.

1.>p cliun•tit'
Nttme the fh·e major 3. Thrazitlt• cliun·tk'
classes of di uretics. 1 0\IIIUtit• cJiuretit·\
.'>. Puta,\\illlll·\p.triudurrl'lic'


Wlwt il> the function Carhom<: uuhHir.L\t' i\ .Ul t'OAIIlt:that

of cur·booic ,t·tlw ii>llo\\illr<'adi;m:

Huw docs a c:wbonic T he II t ion prod tll't •d b) Ill!' ltt't'il

a uhyd.-ase kdown of 112C0.1 i tt ua lly t•whllt tl-(Pd
inhibitor·produce dhu·csis? for Na...
11ncl is nlso u t·d to t'tHnhhu· with II C0;1
in tlw lu n wn of til!' PCT \\'itltot t l LlttH
thcn> 1\ cl('t n ·.twd rPaho,orpt ton nf' 'IJa'
ant] 11('0 1 • th" n'"'lt' iu d111rt·'h
Sc<> Figure 2J-2.
168 Sectlon IV I Cardiovascular System

W.jor Locai>Ons of ion and Water Ea<Nnge In lhe Nephron

._., ,
. ......... o ...,._...,.
I..., -- i
- ....

- .-
, IO riclf.

· ...
........, ti!HI•M'd...

u Perper - - -
Figure 23-1.Major locations of ion and water exchange in the nephron, showing sites of
action of the diuretic drugs. (Redrawn from Mycek MJ, Gertner SB, MM (Harvey
g n.,o ..n
RA Champe PC, eds]: Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pilormacology, 2nd ed. Philadelphia.
Llpplncott·Raven Publishers, 1997,p 224.)

Ho\\ eflicient ith e It i' rd.lti\ t·h·\\ ··ak. l){'(·au'l' othl'l

diures:io; produ<.-cd by a sih· furtlwr along in lhl• rll'plmm t"an
carbonic anh)Clnl.\C l'(IIIIJX'Il'•'h' lor the incrt'iL\t:d '\a•
inhibitor? load.

Naml· lht." prototype

carhoni<- unh)draJ.e

What i\ thl• route of

Onu or 1\'

\\1ral arc the dinicaJ uses Clam'(lllla-kct<volamide dt'C'rt>iL\l''

of acel;uolnmidl'? prndudiun uf aqut>ou' humor .
l <>taholal alf..alusi., and acute mounlmn
si<.'k-nt·s-kl•tawlanmlt> mhih1ts
carhonic nuhnlrase at·ido b. r!.'sulting
111 slin1ul.ttiun uf respiration.

What Ul'l' this llypert:h l oremi(' nwtaholic acidosis

drugs' cuuH·d bv loss of b1 carhonall'
adverse cO'cct s? Potassium cic>piPtion t•auscd by lht>
'odnun load and incr<>:twd fin,, ratt•
pa\1 Llw I
Pan ''he,ia
Chapter 23 I Diuretics 169




H+ Na•

H2C03 I ! Hco3•

\ H2C03

C02 + H20
C02 +H20

Figure 23-2. NaHC03 reabsorption In the proximal tubule and mechanism of

diuretic action of carbonic anhydrase (CA) inhibitors. A antiporter: S symporter:
CH = ion channel.(The actual reaction catalynd by carbonic anhydrase Is OH 1 C02
¢HC03 ;
however.H20 ¢OH- + H.and HC0 3 + H ¢ H1C01, so that the net
react1on is
H20 + C02 FH2C03 .) Numbers in parentheses lndic.1te stoichiOmetry (Redrawn
Goodman and Gilman [eds]: The Phormocologe 8as1s of TheropeuiJCS, 7th ed. New
Macmillan. 198S. p 693.Used with permission of The McGraw-Hill

Dro'' \illt'\'
lnl<•rstiti,tl rll'phriti' \td;vul;. midl' i.a
\ulfondnudt> dt• ri\ .11i\ l


l\ amc the loop diuretics. Furowmid< ('o:l t'lhat'r\lllt'

( Etl<•(·nu ), <lnd hmm t.umlt• l Mil lilt'\)

What are the mechanism Loop dmrdl<'' \ ork h\ hl<x·k111the

of ncUon nn d site of action Na+fK+/2CJ- c.•.o-t ntnsport system
of these drugs? in the thick a...ccndiug llmh of the
loop of Henle.

Why are the loop diu1e· Bc>c·ausc> tlwy haw till' ltigh <•st t•ffkacy of
tics nlso called "high lll dlnrt• tie
ceiling diuretics"'?

Why are they the most 2.'59f to :l!)q of N.tCIis uonnalh

efficacious diuretics? rl'absorht>d at the• ii\Cl'lldinloop of
r lf'nlc Sill'' dcm 11\lr<' along the
170 Settion IV I Cardiovascular System

nephron (di,tal t •muluh·d tuhult• and

c-ofb:ting dut-1) c·anuut full\ l'flmlwnsatE>
if 'a '" reah\orpticm 111 tln•loup of lll•nlc
is bloch·tl.

llo\\ do loop djurcti<:!> affect Loop diurl'lit·,int·n•aw till' C.,:z • t'lmlt'nl

Cat+ metabolism? of tltt.• urint•.

\\hut arc the clinical uses of Pulmonan l'tk•m,t

loop dim·eli<:!>? :\cute h}l ·rmlt't'lni.t .md h\ pt•rlwkmia,
and : t·ult• n·nall:tilun

What i\ the route of [\'or or.1l


\Vlmt arc the adverse effect'>? Volume clc>pl<'limt

Ototoxidty- C\IWl'l 'tlly "ltt'll 11 cd iu
conj11nt'liou wi th 1111
ll yp(·nuicemi:•
ll ypokalr>Jnia
H YJ1omaglt(·st•mi:l
11;.-lwrrhlon·nHc' 1111 l.tholl(' alkalmis
l ntcrslilialuepltrilis Loop cluu('(ic·'an'
sulfon,unitll' clt>ri\ .tliws


What arc the)'? Sulfonamidl' dc-ri\ .tliH·s n•latt-d

stntchJr.LII} 111 IIH' c·.uhunw anh)tlr.Lw

Chlorolhi.vitlt•-prtlllll l"'
I h drcx:hlumthi:vult• ( ll)dru DI U IUL)
\letohvotw aml l··thiat.ith•
analOgi It'

Wlwrt.• do the} work? All thi;vides \\urk 111 tlw c•arh st•gnwnt of
the distnlt·omolutt•tl tuhuk·: .

llow do they work? They blcwk '1/a f /CI to tnm porton the
luminul itlt• of' tlw di talconvolut<'d

I low effective are lhiazides? They an· oul) lllndt•rutd)• dlc•ttivt·

hecaus<> mot ()f tlw liltt•n•d I"a 1s
nbsorbt•d hefon· it n•adw I lw
\\1mt are the mes of
thi:uidc ? Tht'\ are uwd to lrt•al:
Chapter 23 I Diuretics 171

Conw·stin• heart failure

:-.q>hm c·nic- clialwte" ""'P•dus
TiuazJcl!'s ha'e thE' abilil) to pnxluce a
11\TK'rnsmolar uriJW and thus di111inish

Which thiazides are most t\llthiaL.idt•s an• equalh clft•divc; tl•c)

cffeclhf.•? difTl•r onh tn potc>nt'\
llo" do truazides affect Thta7idcs, unlil.l·loop diurctic:s im:-
Cu2• Je,el<>? rease Ca1• l<'wls in tlw blood, so \\,ttch
lor h)1>ert·.tk·c••nitl.

Whnt u•·c the !> ide effects II}1>okaiL•ntia

of thia:l'ido diuretics? ll vpochlnn•m i c nwtahnlk·
ulkalui., llypcruric:Clltia
IJypNglyt·t•n• ht
llypc•rl lpidc•min
I hV<'rt·ake111ia


\\hat are the most common!) \l;um•tol and urt•a

u'ed osmotic diuretics?

\\'hat i' their mechani'IUl o..molic diurdic-s arE> frc·d) flltc•rahlt'

of ucHon? suhstanc·t•s; Olll'l' tht.•\ bc<:onw a
compout·nt of the lumin;tllluicl tlu•\
cn•alt' ;Ill o'motie t'fft·<.·t along tlw t•ntirc>
nt'phmn but l'spcciall} at the P< T and
t>t>llt'f.·tin,g duct
\\ hat are Lhe clinical uses Osmoli< cluarcticarc mainl) ll t·d in t1
of these ch·ugs? ho,pital setting to trf'at mt·rea,c.·d
intmeranml and intraocular pr!•ssure .llld
acute.· renal fitilure.

What is the route of TlwsP drugs must be given JV; other

adrninish·ation? r11odc ·s of ltd ministration will t·austl
call lllrl i c clinnh ca.

What are the toxicities I 1)1lO\'C>IC'mia

\ociatcd with osmotic I hvc.•matrc•mia
diuretics? Can cause pulmonary edema bt'<.·.wse
tht·) rapidh cntt'r the C\tr.lct>llular
comp.lrtnwnt .mel pull ",tter out of cdls
I72 Section IV I Cardiovascular System


Che examples of this class Spanmoladurw (Alda<:toaw)

of drugs. t\miloaiclt• ( \1idam or)
TnamkrPill' (O)Tl'Oium )

What is thei r mechanism Tlw\ work primarily hy inhihililllht• pa

of action? agt• of odium in tht> luminal fluid into
llw print'ipal wllof the latl' distal
ronvolutpd tubuk• and <:orti<.-.11 ('OIIl'cting
tubult• uh t·quentl}. this prc\cnt\ thl•
mowmt·nt of K fmm thl'\C tl'Us into the
luminal lhml S :t• Fip;lU'l' 2.'3 '3.

Late DistalTubule and Collecting Duct

Lumen (-) (+) lnter-

Pnncipal cell Stllial

---,."""=:"'- HC03'

--1'""'--- cr

Principal cell

Figure 23-3. Na' reabsorption in the late discal tubule and collecting duct and mecha·
nlsm of diuretic action of Na'" channel inhi bitors. Cl reabsorption (not shown) occurs
both paraccllularly and rranscellularly.and the precise mechanism of Cl transport appears
to be species-spec•fic. A = antiporter:CH ion channel: CA carboniC anhydrase.
Num bers In parentheses tndteate stoichiometry Destgnated voltages are the potenttal
dtffer ences across the tndtcated membrane or cell. (Redrawn from Goodman and Gilman
(eds): The PhormocoloftC 8osJs a(Theropeutx;s. 7th ed, p 703 New York. Macmtllan. 1985.
Used Wlth permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies.)
Chapter 23 I D1uret1cs 173

Whot b the efficacy of \\ t'•l.Tht·\ ilrt' used tcKf.t) primarily in

thce drug ? t'<>njun<'llon \\ ith anotlu: r diurdit• \Uc::h
a thi<V.Idl' in ordt·r<LS to limit 1\ \\,t.stin .

What h 'Pironolactone? Tim dn1g is a \'\lltlwtic sh>roid th<ll "a

<.'<liiiJlt't itiw antagoni't fiJr tlw
lllllll'r<tiO<.'<)rlK'<IItl aldostt'rww It hiuds to
aldust<·mnt· n.·c::<:ptor 'ill's und JWC'\ t•nh
tlw formation of mt·diJLor protdns that
st unulalt t lw \;a /K 1 pump

\\hut urc the clinical indi Primal) h l raldoskrmtl\lll (f'..oun\

cutiom for th E.- me of spiro S\mlrnnw)
nolacton e? Edt· natm".. talC\ c::amc::d hy 't't'tlll<bn·
aldmtt•mnism. t•spc::dalh c::1rrhosis
•wphrotk· S}ndrolllt', and t•anklt
fai ln rt•

Are tht•·c prc,bloms asso Cyn ct'OII I<I.'• ti n and i mpol t'ntt', nwi n).(
ciated with administration to spi ronoladont'\ stnwt n ral si n1il arity
of \pimnolactone? to progf•\tc•m•w

Ho'' doc'spironolactone t\ miloridt' and lriJmlert•m• wor

differ from lriamterenc and imlC'pt'ndC'nlh of aldo tt.·ronc t,,dirt•t:tly
amiloridt.>? hloc:kmtlw 'sa- chamwl; therefort·,
tl t-\C' .l t·nh t';lll IX' 11\t'(l c::H·n in c-.t.s('s nf
II\ poaldo t<·ronism such ;ts \cldl\on\ di
C';tw I n ('()lllr..t\l. spuunohu.:tmw
WCJIIin·s C'lt-vatC'clleq J,of .Jldostt•rone to
haw an t•ffc::ct.

What are the ad'erse 11\'pt rlalt•mia-most important dl(•ct to

effects of potu....ium-sparing \\<Itch for
drugs? letabolit. a<:idosis-bc<.<tlll\t' of tn
tntnlC'dlultlr shift or,,..
lbrd}, lriamtt•rt•nt! fonnr('n;ll slclnC' .

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