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I.OBJECTIVES: at the end of the lesson the students will be able to

a. Identify the steps in making good confession
b. Construct ideas what o do when making a mistake
c. Give thanks to God for his undying love and forgiving our sins.


Topic: Confession
Author: Purita G. Dionisio
Books: Christian Living 3
Pages: 23-27
Materials: Visual Aids, Pictures
Subject Integration: Edukasyon sa pagpapahaa
Values Integration: Respect other feeling.
III. PROCEDURE: Developmental Method
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

1. Preparation
 Prayers
May I ask everyone to please stand
for our prayer and may I ask someone in ( Pupil’s stand for a prayer)
the class to lead the prayer.

 Greetings
Good morning class. Good morning teacher Rex.
How are you today? We are fine teacher

 Checking of attendance
Who’s absent today? None teacher!
Very good!

2. Review
Who can still remember your last

Okay! Moris? Our last discussion is all about baptism.

Very Good! Moris

So, before we will proceed to our next

topic I have here a sets of picture and
I need you to identify what symbol in
baptism it is. Am I clear? Yes, Sir!
Do you have any question about your
last discussion?

A. Motivation
Okay! Before we proceed to our
next discussion. I will show you a
short movie entitled “The Prodigal

Okay! I need you to keep quiet and

listen carefully to the story
because afterwards I will going to
ask you about the story I read. Am
I clear? Yes, Teacher!

(Movie Clip) (The student are watching the movie)

B. Discussion
So, this morning we are going to
discuss about the Rites of
Reconciliation or also called

We have here the first step on having

good confession?

Okay! Kindly read the first step Moris.

1. Examination of Conscience Examination of Conscience

 Prepare ourselves
 What we have done wrong that
offends other and our
 We tell God how sorry we are
for having offended him

Let us now proceed to the next step.

Somebody read. Chad?

2. Telling of the Sins to the priest Telling of the Sins to the priest
 Blessed me father for I have
sinned. This is my first

And now the third one?

3. Absolution
 I absolve you from your sins in
the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit
 Blessing of forgiveness

The last next one. Anyone?

4. Penance
 We ask help of the Holy Spirit
to strengthen us to fight
temptation and avoid sin.
 We show God how sorry we

Now, the last one?

5. Reparation
 We promise through the help of Reparation
the Holy Spirit that we will do
something to make up for what
we have done.

C. Comparison and Abstraction

Now! Who can give me 2 steps on
how to have a good confession?

Yes! Yasmira?
Telling of sins and absolution sir!
Again, what is telling of sins? Yes,
Dian? Tell our sins teacher sir.

Where do we tell our sins? Yes,

Ana? To the priest teacher.

That’s right! How about

absolution? Priest bless us with the sign of the cross

D. Generalization
Now, who can give the 5 steps on
how to make a good confession?

Yes, Carl?
Examination of Conscience
Another one? Junel
Telling of the Sins to the priest
Yes! Another one?
Very Good! What else?
That’s right! And the last one?
Reparation sir!
All your answers are correct! Let us give
Onyok claps for ourselves! ( The students will clap)
Do you have any question class? None teacher.
Since, you don’t have any question, I will
going to group you into three. Start with
one George. (The students will start to count)

Now each one of you will go to your

group silently.
Yes, sir!
Are all members in the group?

Okay. This morning we will have a game

called the Jigsaw Puzzle.I have here sets Yes, Teacher!
of picture that you will solve and after that
I want you to say something about the
picture you solve. Do you understand

Yes, Teacher.


Class, have you experience that you
made a mistake?
Yes, Teacher!
Okay, it is normal to make mistake
because we are just a human being and
were not perfect but what did you do after
you commit mistake?

Okay, Very Good! It is important that We apologize teacher by saying sorry.

when you made mistake you ask
forgiveness to avoid making the problem
worst and to understand other feelings
towards your fault.
Yes, Teacher!
Did all of you class do this kind of thing?

Direction: identify what steps of having a
good confession is being ask. Choose
your answer in the box and write it in the
space provided.
Absolution Examination of
Reparation Telling sins to the priest
___1. We ask help of the Holy Spirit to
strengthen us to fight temptation and
avoid sin. 1. Penance
2. Reparation
___2. We promise through the help of the 3. Telling of the Sins to the priest
Holy Spirit that we will do something to 4. Examination of Conscience
make up for what we have done. 5. Absolution
___3. Blessed me father for I have
sinned. This is my first confession.

___4. What we have done wrong that

offends and hurt others.

___5. I absolve you from your sins in the

name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit.


Direction: Answer the question according

to your score.

(0-3) Score
Define the word confession.

(4-5) Score
Print a picture about confession and say
something about the picture.

Prepared by:


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