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A Collection Of Poems

Marcel Agbonoga
Unspoken words A Lowly Thought

01 Unspoken Words 11 Nostalgia
02 Lost in Your Milky Way 12 A Friendly Hand
03 Youthful Love 13 A moment In Time
04 Venus 14 Ghost In A Cage
05 Luna: Queen Of The Night 15 Black Bile
06 Poetics
07 Soul Searching
08 Lovers Of No Season
09 Dear Little One
10 Those Eyes
Unspoken Words
A million words spent in a second
Stored in a cage inside my head
Prin�ng these words audibly
Creates a conflict in my memory
A conflict that creates a virus
Of copy and paste
Pas�ng your love in every folder
Of my memory
Overriding my brain to ecstasy
Which leads to an outpour of words
On this paper

Lost in Your Milky Way
What if I get lost in those eyes?
Eyes as deep as the ocean.
What if I get lost in your love?
Love as deep as the Milky Way.
When the night skies come alive;
I look at the stars and feel you;
In every moment.
We live in moments;
And every moment is a memory:
But with you every moment is a life�me.

What if I get lost in your touch?

Touch as so� as wool.
What if I get lost in your care?
Bosoms of refuge.
The world may turn on me;
Home is where I run to:
Home, a place where you are.

My hands extended in blindness;

With you leading the way.
In synced ac�on we walk or fall.
With your existence my reason vacates;
Leaving intui�on in its stead.
Maybe I am lost, lost in your milky way
A place I fall incessantly.

Youthful Love
Daydreaming of a place where lover go
A place where love knows no end
A place filled with the scent
Of your so� radiant skin
A place that pulls me to you
Like the bee to the flower

In thoughts I drown
Thoughts of your impeccable voice
A voice that calls out my name
In a language not even the philosophers
Of old can understand
A voice that ignites a fire in my heart
A fire that burns to the core of my being

Mo�onless I sit in a self-created world

A place where my love knows no bounds
Where you can be yourself; a shy lily

The warmth of your lips and so� skin

Fills me up with passion
This sends shockwaves throughout my body
Waves that ignite a yearning for you
To hold and caress every inch of your body
With tender love and endless youth

In silence I sit and daydream of a place where lovers go.

Listen to every word I whisper
The cool breeze I insert in your ears
Thoughts I give you to reminisce about
Thoughts that induce daydreams
Daydreams bidding your fountains
To cum forth
To wet the mountains, she flows on

Luna: Queen of the night
Oh, fair one do not despair
For they sleep avoiding your beauty
They do avoid your beauty
But listen to your voice
That which lulls them to sleep
Rejoice for you are a mother
To a world of sleeping children

What is poetry? She asked
Take a look at the sun, I said
The sun light brought out
The beauty in your eyes
Your iris captured a million stories
Told by those lips
Those lips that never stop
Ques�oning reality

That’s poetry.

Soul Searching
As the moon make love to the night
Giving it light
We sit in silence
As our souls merge in one essence
Words become obsolete
As thoughts become a dialect

Lovers of No Season
Mornings are the coldest
Thoughts cloud my head
Thoughts of you
What we are
What we have been
And what we are to be

In loneliness I sit
Finding solace in you
Your warm heart
Your so� smile
The joys of having you
To hold, to cherish, to love…

Though time flies

In constant, we stay
For we found a bed to lay
Under the sun
Loving like lovers of no season

The rain comes down

To wet our love
With endless moistures of fer�lity
To strengthen a bond
Forged in the forging room of crea�on
A bond made with the strongest of elements
Element of love, passion, kindness…
Time will tell a story
Only we can understand
A story wri�en with cupid’s arrow
A story of two lovers of no season.

Dear li�le one
A breadth whispered
And warmth takes over the whole
A cry follows with laughter and joy
A gi� of sight is given
To see a world of turmoil

Dear li�le one

Learn to crawl and learn to walk
Each step prepares you for the next
Though the wind may sway you
West and sway you east
Take a step and never look back

The skin does grow fable

But love does endure
As bones begin to crack
And the earth calls for it’s child
All the steps taken will be your mark
Learn to live and learn to love
When the �me comes
The breadth given will return
To its master

Those Eyes
I was always looking at those
Dangling li�le eyes
Always dangling in mischief
Those eyes that could dangle a soul away
Those eyes caught my heart
Now am dangling from the rope of love
Trying to think of something else
But all I can see are those dangling li�le eyes
Those eyes that caught my heart
Those eyes that shot me cupid’s arrow.

A Lowly Thought
11 Nolstalgia
12 A Friendly Hand
13 A moment In Time
14 Ghost In A Cage
15 Black Bile
Like a bird she needs to fly
When she flies; she loses her way home
And perches on a different tree
Far away from home
She bask in the warmth of a new tree
Whose fruit is of a new variety
Forge�ng her home whose bosoms nurtured her

Far away from home

She hears a call
A call of drums bea�ng
A call she alone understands
The warmth of her new tree turns cold
She remembers the way to her
Once forgo�en home
Following a path, she alone knows
In God’s speed she flies home
Forge�ng the seasons past
Returning to a lost and forgo�en place
Whose warmth was now decay
Whose radiance was now in the sands of �me.

A Friendly Hand
From the bowels of love I drank;
A bi�er sip I took.
In her ocean of hate I drown;
A deadly dive I took.
A decei�ul face she had;
Denying me the truth.
In oblivion I fall;
With nowhere to place my foot.

A friendly hand I felt;

A savior, to my rescue came.
In a place of horror and terror;
Friendship bore a fruit.
Where tears and scorn abound;
Laughter and joy became.

At a cheetah’s pace friendship grew;

Time became a friend.
Too good to be true she was;
A rose blooming in filth.
A daughter of love she was;
No ounce of hate possessed.

When my rose began to bloom;

Enemies into my garden raid.
Enemies I couldn’t fight;
Time and fate they were.
When the second �cked a �ck;
My rose withered a bit.

Through �me and space, I journey;

Searching for my twist of fate.
Every second wasted;
Meant I lost a �ck.
When my clock struck a twelve;
My rose withered away.

A moment in �me
She’s the moon at twilight
With skin like pearls
The first �me our eyes cross paths
I felt my pulse jiggle
My heart said a million words
But my mouth held them in a cage
A moment became a memory
A memory that holds a spot in my heart
As I watch the moment pass
My heart skips a beat
For the one that got away

Ghost in a cage

The fountain in my heart runs deep

To an ocean where all my demons hunt me
I build a universe where they can’t find me
But a cage is all I built
Going on with no awareness
That the child in me lives in a cage
A cage where all my nightmares
Stare at me
I shudder in a corner wai�ng for my freedom
But a bigger cage I am gi�ed
With no freedom in sight
I became a ghost in the cage
Hun�ng my older self like my demons
With no light in sight, I became the darkness
I built a world to escape.

Black Bile
I poured my sorrows into a cup
And gave my enemies a drink
By nigh�all I had no enemies

I took guilt and buried in my garden

It grew into a tree and hunted my foes
Till he became a friend

I took my rage and implanted in a cyborg

Unleashing it in the world
By dawn there wasn’t a world

I took my joy and made rain of it

It rained on the world
But the world came out with umbrellas

I took my love
Made a paper canoe of it
Dropped it in the ocean
It sailed the world
With no one to pick it up

C Marcel Agbonoga

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