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List of End Of Signs

1. Competition in the construction of high raised buildings.
2. Competition in building Masjid’s.
3. When the power or authority is given to those who do not deserve it
4. Religious knowledge will be taken away
5. Ignorance (of religion) will prevail.
6. Drinking of alcoholic drinks (will be very common).
7. There will be prevalence of open illegal sexual intercourse.
8. Time will pass quickly.
9. Murders, Brutality and Crime rate will increase all over the world.
10. Fall of Iraq, Syria and Egypt.
11. Euphrates would uncover a mountain of Gold.
12. Tribulations will appear one after another
13. A plague that will afflict you (and kill you in great numbers) as the plague that
afflicts sheep and poverty will reach unseen levels.
14. Nations inviting one another to attack Islam.
15. Women will increase in number and men will decrease
16. Earthquakes will be frequent and there will be famine due to excess rainfall.
17. Jerusalem will flourish, when Yathrib is in ruins.
18. Romans would form a majority amongst people.
19. Fall of Constantinople
20. People will sell their religion for goods.
21. Dispute following the death of Khalifah.
22. Appearance of Imam Mahdi
23. Sinking of an army from Syria at Al-Baidah.
24. From Ash-Sham will arise a man from the Quraish whose maternal uncles are
from Kalb, & he will send an army to fight against Mahdi.
25. Black Banners from Khorasan, will come to help Imam Mahdi.
26. Conquest of Constantinople
27. The Great War
28. Appearance of Dajjal
29. Descent of Jesus son of Mary (Allah be pleased with him)
30. Appearance of Gog and Magog
31. The Smoke
32. 'Night and day will not cease until Al-Lat and Al-'Uzza are worshipped
33. Time will change until idols will be worshipped
34. Dhus-Suwaiqatain (the one with small calves) from Ethiopia will destroy the
35. Rising of the Sun from the West.
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36. The Beast

37. The Hour will not begin so long as it is said on earth: 'Allah, Allah."
38. Earthquakes (one in the east, one in the west and one in Arabia)
39. Fire from Yemen
40. Strike of “THE HOUR”.
 When a slave (lady) gives birth to her master.
 When the shepherds of black camels start boasting and competing with others in
the construction of higher buildings.
 When the power or authority is given to those who do not deserve it (i.e. they are
not pious religious scholars)
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#01 – Hadith#050-Chapter37-The Book of Belief and 59-chapter2-The Book of Knowledge.
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#06 – Hadith#4777-Chapter2 (Surah Luqman)-The Book of Commentary
Sunan-An-Nasai-VOLUME#06-Hadith#4993-Chapter5-Islams Description – The Book of Faith & Its Branches.
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 05-Hadith#4044-Chapter25-The Portents of the Hour-The Chapters on Tribulations.

 Religious knowledge will be taken away (by the death of religious learned men).
 Ignorance (of religion) will prevail.
 Drinking of alcoholic drinks (will be very common).
 There will be prevalence of open illegal sexual intercourse.
 Women will increase in number and men will decrease in number so much so
that fifty women will be looked after by one man.
 Earthquakes will be frequent
 Time will pass quickly.
 There will appear earthquakes and Al-Fitan (trials and afflictions), and from there
[Najd (East)] will come out the side of the head of Satan."
 Murders will increase
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#01 – Hadith#080 and 81– Chapter#21-The Book of Knowledge
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#02 – Hadith#1036 and 1037 – Chapter#27-The Book of Al-Istisqa
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#07 – Hadith#5231 – Chapter#111-The Book of An-Nikah
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#08 – Hadith#6808 – Chapter#20-The Book of Al-Hudud
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2205-Chapter34-Chapters on Al-Fitan
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 05-Hadith#3959-Chapter10, 4045-Chapter25 and 4052-Chapter26-The Chapters on Tribulations
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4255-Chapter1-The Book of Tribulations and Great Battles.

 Anas bin Malik reported that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: “The Hour will not arrive until
people compete with one another in (building) Masajid." (Sahih).
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#1-Hadith#449-Chapter12-The Book of Salat.

 No time will come upon you but the time following it will be worse than it.
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#09 – Hadith#7068-Chapter6-The Book of Al-Fitan

 The Hour shall not be established until nearly thirty impostors, Dajjãl appear,
each of them claiming that he is the Messenger of Allah."(Sahih)
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2218-Chapter43-The Chapters on Al-Fitan

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 Iraq will withhold its Dirham & its Qafiz, Ash-Sham will withhold its Muday &
Dinar, and Egypt will withhold its Irdabb & Dinar, and you will return to where you
started (Fall of Iraq, Syria and Egypt)
Sahih Muslim-Volume#07-Hadith# [7277] 33 - (2896)-Chapter8-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour.

 Abu Huraira ‫ رﴈﷲﻋﻨﻪ‬reported Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬as saying: Iraq would withhold
its dirhams and qafiz; Syria would withhold its mudd and dinar and Egypt would
withhold its irdab and dinar and you would recoil to that position from where you
started and you would recoil to that position from where you started and you would
recoil to that position from where you started, the bones and the flesh of Abu
Huraira would bear testimony to it.

 Mu'awiyah bin Qurrah narrated from his father that the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬said: When
the inhabitants of Ash-Sham become corrupt, then there is no good in it for you.
There will never cease to be a group in my Ummah who will be helped (by Allah),
they will not be harmed by those who forsake them until the Hour is established.
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2192-Chapter27-The Chapters on Al-Fitan
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 01-Hadith#6 and 9-Chapter1-The Book of Sunnah

 Narrated Abu Huraira ‫ رﴈﷲﻋﻨﻪ‬that Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said: “The Hour will not
be established till a man passes by a grave of somebody and says, 'Would that I
were in his place’.
Sahih Bukhari-Volume#09 – Hadith#7115-Chapter22-The Book of Al-Fitan
Sahih Muslim- Volume#07-Hadith# [7301] 53 - (157)-Chapter18-Tribulations and Portents of the Hour

 Fall of Iraq-Because of the non-Arabs. Fall of Ash-Sham - Because of the

Byzantines (Romans). At the end of my Ummah there will be a Khalifa who will
give out handfuls of wealth without counting it."
Sahih Muslim- Volume#07-Hadith# [7315] (67) - (2913)-Chapter18- Tribulations and Portents of the Hour

 Narrated Abu Huraira ‫ رﴈﷲﻋﻨﻪ‬that Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said: “ This world will not
cease to be until there comes a day when the killer will not know for what he
killed, and the slain will not know for what he was slain, Because of 'Al-Harj
(widespread killing). And the slayer and the slain will both be in the Fire.
Sahih Muslim- Volume#07-Hadith# [7304] 56 - (…)-Chapter18- Tribulations and Portents of the Hour

 Chapter 5. Regarding The Nations Inviting One Another (To Attack) Islam
It was narrated that Thawban said: "The Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬said: 'Soon the
nations will invite to partake of you, as diners call one another to a large dish.'
Someone said: 'Will it be because we will be few in number on that day?' He said:
'No, rather you will be many on that day, but you will be like the refuse of the
flood. Allah will take away fear of you from the hearts of your enemies, and Allah

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will pelt your hearts with Wahn (weakness).' Someone said: '0 Messenger of
Allah, what is Wahn?' He said: 'Love of this world and dislike of death." (Hasan)
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4297-Chapter5-The Book of the Great Battles

 Ma'qil b. Yasar reported Allah's Apostle ‫ ﷺ‬as saying: Worshiping during the
period of widespread turmoil is like emigration towards me.

 Mustaurid al-Qurashi reported: I heard Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬as saying: The

Last Hour would come (when) the Romans would form a majority amongst
people. 'Amr said to him (Mustaurid Qurashi): See what you are saying? He said:
I say what I heard from Allah's Messenger ‫ﷺ‬, thereupon he said: If you say
that, it is a fact for they have four qualities. They have the patience to undergo a
trial and immediately restore themselves to sanity after trouble and attack again
after flight. They (have the quality) of being good to the destitute and the orphans,
to the weak and, fifthly, the good quality in them is that they put resistance
against the oppression of kings.

 The Hour will begin when the Byzantines are the most prevalent of people,
indeed they have four qualities: They are the most patient of people at times of
tribulation; they are the quickest to recover after a calamity; they are the quickest
to regroup and attack after a defeat; and they are the best of them to the poor,
orphans and weak. And a fifth good quality is that they are most resistant of the
oppression of kings.
Sahih Muslim-Volume#07-Hadith# [7279] 35 - (2898)-Chapter10-Tribulations and the Portents of the Hour.

 Soon the river Al-Farãt (Euphrates) will disclose the treasure (the mountain) of
gold, so whoever will be present at that time should not take anything of it.
Sahih Bukhari-Volume#09 – Hadith#7119-Chapter24-The Book of Al-Fitan
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4313-Chapter13-The Book of Great Battles.

 The Hour will not begin until the Euphrates uncovers a mountain of gold, and the
people fight for it. Out of every hundred, ninety-nine will be killed, and each man
among them will say: 'Perhaps I will be the one who will be saved”.
Sahih Muslim-Volume#07-Hadith# [7272] 29 - (2894)-Chapter8-Tribulations and the Portents of the Hour
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 05-Hadith#4046-Chapter25-The Chapter on Tribulations.

 'Abdullah b. Harith b. Naufal reported: I was standing along with Ubayy b. Ka,b
and he said: The opinions of the people differ in regard to the achievement of
worldly ends. I said: Yes, of course. Thereupon he said: I heard Allah's
Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬as saying: The Euphrates would soon uncover a mountain of
gold and when the people would bear of it they would flock towards it but the
people who would possess that (treasure) (would say): If we allow these persons
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to take out of it they would take away the whole of it. So they would fight and
ninety-nine out of one hundred would be killed. Abu Kamil in his narration said: I
and Abu Ka'b stood under the shade of the battlement of Hassan.

 ……………People will sell their religion for goods of the world."(Hasan)

Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2197-Chapter30-The Chapters on Al-Fitan

 "Verily there will be tribulations, then there will be tribulations during that one who
is sitting will be better than one who is walking, and one who is walking is better
than one who is running. During those tribulations, whoever has camels, let him
stay with his camels, whoever has sheep, let him stay with his sheep, and
whoever has land, let him stay on his land." A man said: "0 Messenger of Allah,
what do you think if he does not have camels, or sheep, or land?" He said: "Let
him go to his sword and make it blunt with a stone, then let him try to find a way
of escape if he can. 0 Allah, have I conveyed (the message)? 0 Allah, have I
conveyed (the message)? 0 Allah, have I conveyed (the message)?" A man said:
"0 Messenger of Allah, what if I am forced to join one of the two ranks, or one of
the two groups, and a man strikes me with his sword, or an arrow comes and kills
me?" He said: "He will bear the burden of his sin and your sin, and he will be one
of the people of the Fire."
Sahih Muslim-Volume#07-Hadith# [7250] 13 - (2887)-Chapter3-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour.
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 05-Hadith#3961-Chapter10-The Chapters on Tribulations

 Fitnatal-Ahlas: "People will flee, then there will be war. Then will come Fitnatas-Sarra: which
will emerge, because of a man from among my family, who will claim that he is of me, but he
will not be of me, for my friends are the people of Taqwa. Then the people will unite under a
man like a hip bone over a rib (unstable). Then there will come Fitnatud-Duhaima' (a huge
tribulation), which will not leave anyone of this Ummah without giving him a slap. When it is
said that it is over, it will be extended, and a man will have arisen a believer in the morning, and
come upon the evening as a disbeliever, until the people are split into two camps: the camp of
Faith in which there will be no hypocrisy, and the camp of hypocrisy in which there will be no
Faith. When that happens, then expect the Dajjal on that day or the next." (Sahih)
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4242-Chapter34-The Book of Tribulations.

 It was narrated from Thawban that the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬said: "Three will
fight one another for your treasure, each one of them the son of a caliph, but
none of them will gain it. Then the black banners will come from the east, and
they will kill you in an unprecedented manner." Then he mentioned something t h
a t I do not remember, then he said: "When you see them, then pledge your
allegiance to them even if you have to crawl over the snow, for that is the caliph
of Allah, Mahdi." (Da'if).
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 05-Hadith#4084-Chapter34-The Chapter of Tribulations

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 Umm Salamah ‫ رﴈﷲﻋﳯﺎ‬said: The Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬said: Someone will

seek refuge in the House (Ka'bah) and an army will be sent after him, then when
they are on a plain they will be swallowed up by the earth." I said: "0 Messenger
of Allah ‫ﷺ‬, what about one who was forced (to join that army)?" He said: "He
will be swallowed up with them, but on the Day of Resurrection he will be raised
according to his intention.
Sahih Muslim-Volume#07-Hadith# [7240] 4 - (2882) and [7242] 6 - (2883)-Chapter2-Tribulations & Portents of the hour.
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2171-Chapter10 & Hadith#2184-Chapter21-The Chapters on Al-Fitan
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4289-Chapter35-The Book of The Mahdi
Sunan-An-Nasai-VOLUME#3 Hadith#2880 and 2883-Chapter112-The Mawaqit

 'There will be a dispute following the death of a Khalifah, and a man from Al-
Madinah will go out, fleeing to Makkah. Some of the people of Makkah will come
to him and will bring him out against his will, and they will pledge allegiance to
him between the Corner (Black Stone) and the Maqam-E-Ibrahim. An army will
be sent against him from Ash-Sham, which will be swallowed up by the earth in
Al-Baidã', between Makkah and Al-Madinah. When the people see that, the
devoted worshipers from Ash-Sham and the best people from Al-'Iraq will come to
him and pledge allegiance to him. Then there will arise a man from the Quraish
whose maternal uncles are from Kalb, who will send an army against him and he
will prevail over them. That (defeated army) will be the force of Kalb. The real
loser will be the one who is not present when the wealth of Kalb is divided. He
(the Mahdi) will divide the wealth and rule the people in accordance with the
Sunnah of their Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Islam will become established on earth and he will
remain for seven years, then he will die and the Muslims will offer the funeral
prayer for him."
AbU Dãwud said: Some of them narrated from Hishãm: "Nine years." And some said: "Seven years."
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4286-Chapter35- The Book of The Mahdi
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 05-Hadith#4083-Chapter34-The Chapters on Tribulations.

 It was narrated that 'Abdulla said: "While we were the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬
some youngsters from Banu Hashim came along. When the prophet ‫ ﷺ‬saw
them, his eyes filled with tears and his colour changed. I said: 'We still see
something in your face that we do not like (to see).' He said: 'We are members of
a Household for whom Allah has chosen the Hereafter over this world. The
people of my Household will face calamity, expulsion and exile after, I am gone,
until some people will come from the east carrying black banners. They will- ask
for something good but will not be given it. Then they will fight and will be
victorious, then they will be given what they wanted, but they will not accept it and
will give leadership to a man from my family. Then they will fill it with justice just
as it was filled with injustice. Whoever among you lives to see that, let him go to
them even if he has to crawl over snow."
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 05-Hadith#4082-Chapter34-The Chapters on Tribulations.

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 4290(A) It was narrated that Abu Ishaq said: "Ali ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬said, while looking at
his son Al-Hasan: 'This son of mine is a chief, as the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬called him.
From his loins will come a man who will have the same name as your Prophet
‫ﷺ‬. He will resemble him in character but not in physical appearance." Then he
mentioned the story: "He will fill the earth with justice." (Da'if)
4290(B) It was narrated that Hilal bin 'Amr said: "I heard 'Ali ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬say: 'The
Prophet ‫ﷺ‬said: "A man will appear from beyond the river, who is called Al-
Harith Harrath. His army will be led by a man called Mansur. They will consolidate
things for the family of Muhammad as the Quraish consolidated things for the
Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬. It is essential for every believer to support him." Or he
said; "Respond to him." (Da'if)
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4290(A) and 4290(B)-Chapter35- The Book of The Mahdi

 Messenger of Allah said: "The world shall not pass away until a man from the
people of my family rules the Arabs whose name agrees with my name." (Hasan)
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2230, 2231-Chapter52-The Chapters on Al-Fitan
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4282-Chapter35- The Book of The Mahdi
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4284-Chapter35 (from the descendants of Fathima)- The Book of The Mahdi

 It was narrated from Dawud, of from 'Amir, from Jabir bin Samurah who said: "I
heard the Messenger Allah ‫ ﷺ‬say: 'This religion will remain strong until there
have been twelve Kalifah.' The people said the Takbir and made noise. Then he
said something in a low voice, and I said to my father: 'O my father, what did he
say?' He said: 'All of them will be from the Quraish." (Sahih)
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4280-Chapter35- The Book of The Mahdi

 The Mahdi's stay in the world will last seven years. Wealth in that age will be
bountiful, and so he will give it to the people with an open hand.
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2232-Chapter53- The Chapters on Al-Fitan

 Narrated 'Auf bin Malik: I went to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬during the Gazwa of Tabuk
while he was sitting in a leather tent. He said, "Count six signs that indicate the
approach of the Hour: my death, the conquest of Jerusalem, A plague that will
afflict you (and kill you in great numbers) as the plague that afflicts sheep, The
increase of wealth to such an extent that even if one is given one hundred
Dinar’s, he will not be satisfied, Then a Fitnah (an affliction) which no Arab house
will escape, Truce between you and Bani Al-Asfar (i.e. the Byzantines-Romans)
who will betray you and attack you under eighty flags. Under each flag will be
twelve thousand soldiers.
Sahih Bukhari Volume#04 – Hadith#3176-Chapter15-The Book of Al-Jizya
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 05-Hadith#4042-Chapter25 and Hadith#4095-Chapter32-The Chapters on Tribulations

 Messenger of Allah said: "You will make peace with the Romans in a secure
truce, and you and they will fight an enemy who is behind you, and you will be

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victorious, seize spoils of war, and be safe. Then you will return, and camp in a
meadow where there are mounds. A Christian man will raise the cross and will
say: "The cross has prevailed." A Muslim man will get angry and break it, at which
point the Romans will betray (the truce) and prepare for battle." (Sahih)
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4292-Chapter2-The Book of Great Battles
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 05-Hadith#4089-Chapter35-The Chapters on Tribulations

 Conquest of Constantinople by 70 thousand of Banu Isaq, without any weapons

and just by saying “'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and Allah is
most great. Then when they are distributing the spoils, a cry will come to them,
saying Ad-Dajjal has appeared, and they will leave everything and go back."
Sahih Muslim-Volume#07-Hadith#[7333] (2920)-Chapter18-Tribulations and Portents of the Hour

 Jerusalem will flourish when Yathrib is in ruins, and Yathrib (Madinah) will be in
ruins when the Great War occurs. The Great War will occur when Constantinople
is conquered, and Constantinople will be conquered when the Dajjãl appears.
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4294-Chapter3-The Book of Great Battles

 The camp of the Muslims on the day of the Great Battle will be in AI-Ghutah,
beside a city called Damascus, one of the best cities of Ash-Sham." (Sahih)
Comments: Al-Ghutah is an area with water and produce that used to surround Damascus, but
Damascus has spread into it.
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4298-Chapter6-The Book of Great Battles

 It was narrated that Yusair bin Jâbir said: "A red wind blew in Al-Küfah, and there
came a man who had no concern except to say: '0 'Abdullâh bin Mas'üd, the Hour
has come.' He sat up, as he had been reclining, and said:'The Hour will not begin
until shares of inheritance are not distributed, and there is no rejoicing over spoils
of war.' Then he gestured with his hand like this, in the direction of Ash-Sham,
and said: ‘An enemy will gather against the people of Islam, and the people of
Islam will gather against them I said: 'Do you mean the Byzantines?' He said:
'Yes.' He said: 'Then there will be a retreat. The Muslims will send out a
detachment to fight to the death and not return unless they are victorious. They
will fight until night intervenes, then both sides will go back, neither having
prevailed, and that detachment will have been wiped out. Then the Muslims will
send out a detachment to fight to the death and not return unless they are
victorious. They will fight until night intervenes, then both sides will go back,
neither having prevailed, and that detachment will have been wiped out. Then the
Muslims will send out a detachment to fight to the death and not return unless
they are victorious. They will fight until evening comes, then both sides will go
back, neither having prevailed, and that detachment will have been wiped out.
"Then on the fourth day, the rest of the Muslims will set out to join them, and Allah
will decree that the enemy be routed, and they will fight a battle the like of which
has never been seen. If a bird were to fly over their flanks, it would not reach the
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end of them before falling down dead. Out of every group of one hundred
relatives, you will find only one man left alive, so what joy can there be in spoils of
war, and what inheritance can be distributed? While they are like that, they will
hear of an even greater calamity. The cry will reach them that Ad-Dajjal has taken
their place among their offspring. So they will throw aside whatever is in their
hands and will go there, sending 10 horsemen ahead of them as scouts." The
Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said: "I know their names, and the names of their
fathers, and the colours of their horses. They will be the best horsemen on the
face of the earth at that time.
Sahih Muslim-Volume#07-Hadith#[[7281] 37 - (2899)-Chapter11-Tribulations and Portents of the Hour

 Abu Huraira ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬reported Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬as saying: The Last

Hour would not come until the Romans would land at al-A'maq or in Dabiq. An
army consisting of the best (soldiers) of the people of the earth at that time will
come from Medina (to counteract them). When they will arrange themselves in
ranks, the Romans would say: Do not stand between us and those (Muslims) who
took prisoners from amongst us. Let us fight with them; and the Muslims would
say nay, by Allah, we would never get aside from you and from our brethren that
you may fight them. They will then fight and a third (part) of the army would run
away, whom Allah will never forgive. A third (part of the army) which would be
constituted of excellent martyrs in Allah's eye, would be killed and the third who
would never be put to trial would win and they would be conquerors of
Constantinople. And as they would be busy in distributing the spoils of war
(amongst themselves) after hanging their swords by the olive trees, the Satan
would cry: The Dajjal has taken your place among your family. They would then
come out, but it would be of no avail. And when they would come to Syria, he
would come out while they would be still preparing themselves for battle drawing
up the ranks. Certainly, the time of prayer shall come and then Jesus (peace be
upon him) son of Mary would descend and would lead them in prayer. When the
enemy of Allah would see him, it would (disappear) just as the salt dissolves itself
in water and if he (Jesus) were not to confront them at all, even then it would
dissolve completely, but Allah would kill them by his hand and he would show
them their blood on his lance (the lance of Jesus Christ).
Sahih Muslim-Volume#07-Hadith# [7278] 34 - (2897)-Chapter9-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour.

 Eclipse of the Moon and Sun in Ramadan (This Hadith is not from Kutub Al-Sittah)
There are two signs for Hazrat Mahdi (as)... The first one is the lunar eclipse in
the first night of Ramadan, and the second is the solar eclipse in the middle of
this month.
(Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al- Muntazar, p. 49)

2020 ،‫ اﭘﺮﯾﻞ‬11 ،‫ھﻔﺘﮫ‬ ‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺷﻮﮐﺖ‬

 The rise of a comet (These Ahadith are not from Kutub Al-Sittah)
A star with a luminous tail will rise from the East before Hazrat Mahdi (as)
(Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Rasul Barzanji, Al-Isha‘ah li-ashrat al-sa‘ah, p. 200)
Before he arrives, a comet will appear in the east, giving out an illumination
(Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 53)
The rise of that star will occur after the eclipse of the Sun and the Moon.
(Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-zaman, p. 32)

 Storming the Ka`ba and the subsequent bloodshed (These Ahadith are not from
Kutub Al-Sittah)
The year in which he [Hazrat Mahdi (as)] will emerge, people will perform hajj
together and gather without an imam. The Hajjis will be looted, and there will be a
battle at Mina in which many will be slain and blood will flow until it runs over the
Jamra al-'Aqaba. [Jamra: a stone pillar representing satan that is stoned during the pilgrimage.]
(Narrated by `Amr ibn Shu`ayb, al-Hakim and Nu`aym ibn Hammad, Al-Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, p. 169)
People make pilgrimage without an imam leading them. Big wars break out when
they come down to Mina, and they are entwined just the way dogs entwine, and
tribes attack on each other. This strife is so widespread that legs are buried in
lakes of blood.
(Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-zaman, p. 35)
There come the cries of war in (the month of) Shawwal with the outbreak of war,
massacre, and carnage in (the month of) Dhu'l-Hijja. The pilgrims are plundered
in this month, the streets cannot be crossed because of the bloodshed, and
religious prohibitions are violated. Big sins are committed near al-Bayt al-
Mu`addham (the Ka`ba).
(Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-zaman, p. 37)

 Other Ahadith (These Ahadith are not from Kutub Al-Sittah)

 Hazrat Mahdi (as) will rule the world just like the Prophet Solomon (as) and Dhu’l-
Qarnayn (as).
(Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p.30)

 The Companions of the Cave (Ashab al-Kahf) will be Hazrat Mahdi’s (as)
(Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 59)
 Their [Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) followers’] number is as many as those who crossed
the river with Saul (Talut-PBUH)
(Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 57)
 There are four rulers on earth in total. Two are from the believers and two from
the unbelievers. The believers are the Prophet Solomon (as) and Hazrat Dhu’l-
Qarnayn (as). The unbelievers are Nimrod and Nebuchadnezzar. ONE FROM
(Imam Rabbani, Letters of Rabbani,2/251)

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 The date palm trees of the city of Baisan (situated at the junction of Jordan River
valley and Jezreel valley) will not yield fruit.
 Sea of Galilee’s (Lake of Tiberias) water will dry up.
 The spring of Zughar (a village on the borders of Dead Sea) will disappear.
 Dajjal will come and out and travel in the land, and will not spare any town,
expect Makkah and Madinah, as on every route there will be angels guarding it.
 Will stay for 40 nights.
 Dajjal Is in the East.
Sahih Muslim-Volume#07-Hadith# [7386] 119 (2942)-Chapter24-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4326-Chapter15-Book36-The Book of Great Battles

 Abu Huraira ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬reported Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬as saying: The famine

would not break out because of drought, but there would be famine despite heavy
rainfall as nothing would grow from the earth.

 "Constantinople will be conquered with the coming of the Hour." (Sahih)

Comments: Constantinople was conquered by Muslims during the caliphate of Mu'awiyah
‫رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬. It was again captured by the Romans. Muslims once again captured it, and it is still
under their control. The Hadith indicates that the Muslims shall once again lose control of it.
Then, after a great war, Muslims will recapture it. It is after this that the Dajjal will appear, and it
will happen just before the Final Hour.
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2239-Chapter58-The Chapters on Al-Fitan

 Abu Bakr A-Siddiq ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬said: "The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬narrated to us,

saying: 'The Dajjal shall emerge from a land in the east called Khurãsãn. He is
followed by a people whom appear as if their faces are shields coated with
leather." (Hasan)
The Dajjal will emerge from Khurãsän and seventy thousand Jews covering themselves with Persian
shawls and with faces round and full of flesh will support him (Tuhfat Al-Ahwadhi, v.3, p.234).
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2237-Chapter57-The Chapters on Al-Fitan

 "Dajjal is a young man with curly hair, and his eye is blind.
 Whoever among you sees him, let him recite the opening Verses of Surat Al-Kahf
over him.
 He will emerge in a place between Ash-Sham and Al-'Irâq, and will spread
mischief right and left.
 He will stay for Forty days: A day like a year, A day like a month, A day like a
week and the rest of the days like your days.
 He will travel like a rain storm driven by the wind.

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 He will come to a people and call them, and they will believe in him, and respond
to his call. Then he will command the sky, and it will rain, and he will command
the earth, and it will bring forth produce. Their herds will come back to them in the
evening with their humps as high as they ever were, and their udders full, and
their flanks stretched. "'Then he will come to another people and call them, and
they will reject what he says, so he will leave them, and they will be afflicted with
drought, with none of their wealth in their hands.
 He will pass by ruins and say: "Bring forth your treasure," and its treasure will
follow him like a swarm of bees.
 He will call a man brimming with youth and strike him with a sword, cutting him in
two. He will place the pieces as far apart as a target is from an archer, then he
will call him, and he will come with his face gleaming and laughing. "'Then while
he is like that, Allah will send Al-Masih the son of Mariam, peace be upon him'
 Eisa Bin Mariam will pursue him (the Dajjal) until he catches him at the gate of
Ludd (Lod), and kill him.
Sahih Muslim- Volume#07-Hadith# [7373] 110 - (2937)-Chapter20-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2240-Chapter59-The Chapters on Al-Fitan
SUNAN IBN MAJAH VOLUME # 05-Hadith#4075-Chapter29

 'When Ad-Dajjal appears, he will have fire and water along with him. What the
people will consider as fire, will be cold water and what the people will consider
as cold water, will be fire that will burn (things). So, if anyone of you comes
across this, he should fall in the thing which will appear to him as fire, for in
reality, it will be fresh cold water.'"(Sahih)
Sahih Bukhari-Volume#04-Hadith#3338-Chapter3 and 3450-Chapter50-The Book of The Stories of the Prophets.
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#09 – Hadith#7122, 7130– Chapter#26-The Book of Al-Fitan
Sahih Muslim- Volume#07-Hadith# [7366] 104 - (2934) & [7370] 107 - (2935)-Chapter20-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4315-Chapter14-The Book of The Great Battles

 Narrated Abu Bakra ‫رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬: The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “The terror caused by
Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal will not enter Al-Madina and at that time Al-Madina will have
seven gates and there will be two angels at each gate (guarding Al-Madina)
Sahih Bukhari-Volume#03-Hadith#1879-Chapter-09.-The Book about the virtues of Al-Madinah
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#09 – Hadith#7125 – Chapter#26-The Book of Al-Fitan

 Narrated Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬Allah's Messenger ‫ﷺ‬said, "There are

angels at the mountain passes or the entrances of Al-Madinah (so that) neither
plague nor Ad-Dajjal can enter it."
Sahih Bukhari-Volume#03-Hadith#1880-Chapter-09.-The Book about the virtues of Al-Madinah
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#09 – Hadith#7133, 7134 – Chapter#27-The Book of Al-Fitan
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2242-Chapter61-The Chapters on Al-Fitan

 "Ad-Dajjal will come and it will be forbidden for him to pass through the entrances
of Al-Madina. He will land in some of the salty barren areas (outside) Al-Madina;
on that day the best man or one of the best men will come up to him and say, 'I
2020 ،‫ اﭘﺮﯾﻞ‬11 ،‫ھﻔﺘﮫ‬ ‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺷﻮﮐﺖ‬

testify that you are the same Ad-Dajjal whose description was given to us by
Allah's Messenger .' Ad-Dajjal will say to the people, 'If kill this man and bring him
back to life again, will you doubt my claim?' They will say, 'No.' Then Ad-Dajjal will
kill that man and bring him back to life. That man will say, 'Now I know your reality
better than before.' Ad-Dajjal will say, 'I want to kill him (again) but I cannot."
Sahih Bukhari-Volume#03-Hadith#1882.-chapter9-The Book about the virtues of Al-Madinah
Sahih Bukhari-Volume#09-Hadith#7132– Chapter#27-The Book of Al-Fitan
Sahih Muslim- Volume#07-Hadith# [7375] 112- (2938) and [7377] 113 - ( ... )-Chapter21-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 05-Hadith#4077-Chapter33-The Chapters on Tribulations.

 Narrated Anas bin Malik ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, "Ad-Dajjal will come
and encamp at a place close to Al-Madina and then Al-Madina will shake thrice
(i.e., there will be three earthquakes) whereupon every Kafir (disbeliever) and
hypocrite will go out (of Al-Madina) towards him."
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#09 – Hadith#7124– Chapter#26-The Book of Al-Fitan

 It was narrated from Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬that the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬
said: "There will come a time when a man will call his paternal cousin and his
relative, saying: 'Come to a life of ease, come to a life of ease,' but Al-Madinah is
better for them, if only they knew. By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, no one
of them depart- out of dislike for it, but Allah will replace him therein with one who
is better than him. Verily Al-Madinah is like a bellows: It eliminates dross. The
Hour will not begin until Al-Madinah eliminates its evil ones as the bellows
eliminate the impurities of iron."
Sahih Muslim-Volume#03-Hadith# [3352] 487 - (1381)-Chapter#88-The Book of Hajj

 Narrated Anas ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, "Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal is blind in

the right eye and his eye looks like a bulging out grape, and there will be written
between his (Masih Ad- Dajjal's) eyes (the word) Kafir (i.e., disbeliever)
Sahih Bukhari-Volume#04-Hadith#3439-Chapter#48-The Book of the Stories of the Prophets
Sahih Bukhari-Volume#05-Hadith#4402.-Chapter#78–The Book of Al-Maghazi
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#09 – Hadith#7123, 7131 – Chapter#26-The Book of Al-Fitan
Sahih Muslim- Volume#07-Hadith# [7363] 101 - (2933)-Chapter20-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2235-Chapter56 & Hadith#2241-Chapter60-Chapters on Al-Fitan
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4316-Chapter14-The Book of The Great Battles

 Imrãn bin Husain said: "The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said: 'Whoever hears of the Dajjãl let him
go far away from him, for by Allah a man will come to him thinking that he is a believer, and he
will follow him because of the doubts he will be sent with, or due to the doubts he will be sent
with." This is how he said it. (Sahih)
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4319-Chapter14-The Book of The Great Battles

 It was narrated from Abu Ad-Dardä' ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: Whoever
memorizes ten Verses from the beginning of Sürat Al-Kahf will be protected from the
Fitnah of the Dajjãl." (Sahih)
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4323-Chapter14-The Book of The Great Battles

2020 ،‫ اﭘﺮﯾﻞ‬11 ،‫ھﻔﺘﮫ‬ ‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺷﻮﮐﺖ‬


ISA (‫ )ﻋﻠﯾﮫ وﺳﻠم‬/ JESUS (PBUH)
 The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: 'A group among my Ummah will continue to fight for the
truth and will prevail until the Day of Resurrection. And 'Eisa bin Mariam will
descend and their leader will say: 'Come and lead us in Salat,' but he will say:
'No, you are leaders of one another,' as an honour from Allah to this Ummah."
Sahih Muslim-Volume#01-Hadith# [395] 247 - (156)-Chapter#71-The Book of Faith
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2229-Chapter51-The Chapters on Al-Fitan

 Narrated Abü Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said, The Hour will

not be established until the son of Mary [i.e., lsa (Jesus)) descends amongst you
and will judge mankind justly by the Law of the Qur'an (as a just ruler); he will
break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Money will be in
abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts).
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#03 – Hadith#2476 – Chapter31-The Book of Al-Mazalim
Sahil Bukhari – Volume#04-Hadith#3448-Chapter49-The Book of the Stories of the Prophets.
Sahih Muslim-Volume#01-Hadith# [389] 242 - (155) -Chapter#71-The Book of Faith
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2233-Chapter54-The Chapters on Al-Fitan
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 05-Hadith#4078-Chapter33-The Chapters on Tribulations

 Narrated Abü Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said: Muslims will

fight against the Jews till some of them will hide behind stones. The stones will
(betray them) saying, '0 'Abdullah (i.e., slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding
behind me; so kill him.'
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#04 – Hadith#2925 and 2926– Chapter94-The Book of Jihad
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2236-Chapter56-The Chapters on Al-Fitan

 It was narrated that Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬said: "The Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬
said: The Hour will not begin until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims
will kill them, until a Jew hides behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will
say: "0 Muslim, 0 slave of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him."
Except the Gharqad (a thorny tree), for it is one of the trees of the Jews."
Sahih Muslim- Volume#07-Hadith# [7339] 82 - (2922)-Chapter18-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour

 It was narrated that Thawban ‫رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬, the freed sIave of the Messenger of
Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said: "The Messenger of Allah said: 'There are two groups of my
Ummah whom Allah will free from the Fire: The group that invades India, and the
group that will be with 'Isa bin Maryam, peace be upon him."'(Hasan)
Sunan An Nasai-VOLUME#4 Hadith#3177-Chapter41-The Book of Jihad

2020 ،‫ اﭘﺮﯾﻞ‬11 ،‫ھﻔﺘﮫ‬ ‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺷﻮﮐﺖ‬

 It was narrated from Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬that the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬
said: "The Hour will not begin until the Byzantines camp at Al-A'mãq or Dâbiq,
and an army composed of the best people on earth at that time will go out from
Al-Madinah to meet them. When they arrange themselves in ranks, the
Byzantines will say: 'Do not stand between us and those who took prisoners from
us; let us fight them.' The Muslims will say: 'No by Allah, we will never let you
reach our brothers.' Then they will fight them, and one-third will flee, whose
repentance will never be accepted by Allah; one third will be killed, and they are
the best of martyrs before Allah; and one-third will prevail and will never succumb
to any Fitnah, and they will conquer Constantinople. While they are dividing the
spoils, having hung their swords on the olive trees, the Shaitan will shout out
among them: Al-Masih has taken your place among your families. So they will
march, but that will be false news. When they reach Ash-Sham, he will emerge,
and while they are still preparing for battle, drawing up their ranks, the Iqama for
prayer will be called, and 'Eisa bin Mariam will descend, and will lead them. When
the enemy of Allah sees him, he will melt as salt melts in water. If he left him
alone, he would still melt until he was destroyed, but Eisa will kill him by his hand,
and he will show them his blood on his lance."
Sahih Muslim-Volume#07-Hadith# [7278] 34 - (2897)-Chapter#9-Tribulations & Portents of The Hour

 Al-Masih the son of Mariam, peace be upon him will descend to the white minaret
in the east of Damascus, wearing two Mahrudh garments, placing his hands on
the wings of two angels. When he lowers his head it (water) will drip, and when
he raises it, it will scatter drops like pearls. Every disbeliever whom his breath
reaches will die, and his breath will reach as far as he can see. "'He will pursue
Dajjal until he catches him at the gate of Ludd (Lod), and kills him. Then some
people whom Allah has protected will come to 'Elsa bin Mariam, and he will wipe
their faces and inform them of their ranks in Paradise. While they are like that,
Allah will reveal to 'Eisa, peace be upon him: "I have brought forth some slaves of
Mine against whom no one will be able to fight; take My slaves to safety in At-
Tur." "And Allah will send Ya'jüj and Ma'jüj, who will swarm down from every
slope. The first of them will pass by the Lake of Tiberias and will drink what is in
it, and the last of them will pass it and say: "There was once water here." Then
'Eisa the Prophet of Allah and his companions will be besieged, until the head of
the bull of one of them will seem better than one hundred Dinar to one of you
today. The Prophet of Allah, 'Eisa and his companions will beseech [Allah], and
Allah will send worms in their necks, and in the morning, they will all perish as
one. Then the Prophet of Allah 'Eisa and his companions will come down to the
earth, and they will not find a spot the size of a hand span on earth that is not
filled with their putrefaction and stench. The Prophet of Allah, Eisa, and his
2020 ،‫ اﭘﺮﯾﻞ‬11 ،‫ھﻔﺘﮫ‬ ‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺷﻮﮐﺖ‬

companions will beseech Allah, and Allah will send birds like the necks of
Bactrian camels, which will carry them and throw them wherever Allah wills. Then
Allah will send rain which will not be kept out by any house of clay or hair; it will
wash the earth and leave it like a mirror. Then it will be said to the earth: "Bring
forth your fruits and restore your blessing." On that day a group of people will eat
from a pomegranate and shelter beneath its skin. Milk will be blessed until a milch
camel will be sufficient for a crowd of people, and a milch cow will be sufficient for
a tribe of people, and a milch sheep will be sufficient for a family of people. Then
while they are like that, Allah will send a pleasant wind which will seize them
beneath their armpits, taking the soul of every believer and every Muslim. The
most evil of people will be left, and they will fornicate like donkeys, and upon
them the Hour will come." (Sahih)
Sahih Muslim- Volume#07-Hadith# [7373] 110 - (2937)-Chapter20-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2240-Chapter59-The Chapters on Al-Fitan
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 05-Hadith#4075-Chapter33-The Chapters on Tribulations.

 The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said: "Gog and Magog people will be set free and
they will emerge as Allah says: "swoop(ing) down from every mound." They will
spread throughout the earth, and the Muslims will flee from them until the
remainder of the Muslims are in their cities and fortresses, taking their flocks with
them. They will pass by a river and drink from it, until they leave nothing behind,
and the last of them will follow in their footsteps and one of them will say: 'There
was once water in this place.' They will prevail over the earth, then their leader
will say: 'These are the people of earth and we have finished them off. Now let us
fight the people of heaven!' Then one of them will throw his spear towards the
sky, and it will come back down smeared with blood. And they will say: 'We have
killed the people of heaven.' While they are like that, Allah will send a worm like
the worm that is found in the noses of sheep, which will penetrate their necks and
they will die like locusts, one on top of another. In the morning the Muslims will
not hear any sound from them and they will say: 'Who will sell his soul for the
sake of Allah and see what they are doing?' A man will go down, having prepared
himself to be killed by them, and he will find them dead, so he will call out to
them: 'Be of good cheer, for your enemy is dead!' Then the people will come out
and will let their flocks loose, but they will not have anything to graze on except
their flesh, and they will become very fat as if they were grazing on the best
vegetation they ever found."'(Hasan)
a. This Hadith shows thoroughly, that Gog and Magog are disbelievers, uncivilized and warlike nations.
b. Their spears and arrows coming back with blood stains is a type of giving respite to them, and a way
of granting them temporary happiness by Allah
c. Cattle do not eat meat, but as the many incidents of that period are unusual, similarly, the animals will
become accustomed to eating the meat of dead people and they will be able to digest the meat.
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 05-Hadith#4079--Chapter33-The Chapters on Tribulations.

2020 ،‫ اﭘﺮﯾﻞ‬11 ،‫ھﻔﺘﮫ‬ ‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺷﻮﮐﺖ‬

 "The Muslims will use the bows arrows and shields of Gog and Magog as
firewood, for seven years."' (Sahih)
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 05-Hadith#4076-Chapter34-The Chapters on Tribulations.

 Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, "The people will
continue performing the Hajj and 'Umrah to the Ka'bah even after the coming out
of Ya'juj and Ma'juj (Gog and Magog)." The sub narrator Shu'ba added, "The
Hour (Day of Judgement) will not be established till the Hajj (to the Ka'bah) is
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#02 – Hadith#1593-Chapter#47-The Book of Hajj.

 Jesus (as), son of Mary (as), will descend, rule for 40 years with the book of Allah
and my sunnah, and die.
(Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman)


 'There will emerge at the end of time people who are young in age and foolishly
immature, but their speech will be like the best of people. They will recite the
Qur’an but it will not go any further than their throats, and they will pass out of the
religion as an arrow passes Out of the prey. If you encounter them, then kill them,
for killing them brings to the one who kills them reward with Allah on the Day of
Sahih Muslim-Volume#03-Hadith#[2462] 154 - (1066)-Chapter48-The Book of Zakat
SUNAN IBN MAJAH VOLUME # 01-Hadith#168-Chapter7

 Muslim bin Yasâr narrated that he heard Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬say: "The Messenger of
Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said: ''At the end of time there will be imposters and liars who will bring Ahâdith that
neither you nor your forefathers ever heard. Beware of them and stay away from them, and do
not let them mislead you or confuse you.,',
Sahih Muslim- Volume#01-Hadith#16 [7] 7. Chapter#4-Narrating from the Trustworthy

 Narrated Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said: The Hour (Day

of Judgment) will not be established till your wealth increases so much so that
one will be worried, for no one will accept his Zakat and the person to whom he
will give it will reply, 'I am not in need of it.'
Sahih Bukhari - Volume 2- Hadith#1412-Chapter#9-The Book of Zakat

 It was narrated Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said: "The Hour

will not begin until wealth increases and becomes abundant, and until a man will
go out with the Zakat of his wealth and will not find anyone to accept it from him,
and until the land of the 'Arabs goes back to being meadows with rivers."
Sahih Muslim - Volume 3- Hadith#[2339] 60 - (157)-Chapter#18-The Book of Zakat

2020 ،‫ اﭘﺮﯾﻞ‬11 ،‫ھﻔﺘﮫ‬ ‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺷﻮﮐﺖ‬

 Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬narrated that the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said: "By the One in
Whose Hand is my soul! The Hour will not be established until predators speak to people,
and until the tip of a man's whip and the straps on his sandal speak to him, and his thigh
informs him of what occurred with his family after him." (Sahih)
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2181-Chapter19-The chapters on Al-Fitan

 Narrated Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said: Time will pass

rapidly", good deeds will decrease, miserliness will be thrown (in the hearts of the
people), general ignorance will spread, knowledge will be taken away, Al-Fitan
(trials and afflictions) will appear and there will be much Al-Harj." They said, "0
Allah's Messenger! What is "AI-Harj?'' He said, "Killing! Killing!”, (religious)
knowledge will be taken away (vanish) and there will be much Al-Harj, and Al-
Harj means killing." And Al-Harj, in the Ethiopian language, means killing, (It will
be) from among the most wicked people who will be living at the time when the
Hour will be established.
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#09 – Hadith#7061, 7062, 7063,7064,7065,7066 and 7067-Chapter#5-The Book of Al-Fitan
Sahih Muslim- Volume#07-Hadith# [6788] 10 - (2672)-Chapter#5-The Book of Knowledge
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2200-Chapter31-The chapters on Al-Fitan
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 05-Hadith#4050-Chapter26-The Chapters on Tribulations.

 Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said: Hour will never come until you see ten signs." He
mentioned the Smoke, the Ad-Dajjal, the Beast, the rising of the sun from its
place of setting, the descent of 'Eisa bin Mariam, Ya'jüj and Ma'jüj, and three
landslides: one in the east, one in the west and one in the Arabian Peninsula.
And the last of that will be a fire which will emerge from Yemen and drive the
people to their place of gathering.
Sahih Muslim-Volume#07-Hadith#[7285] 39 - (2901)-Chapter13-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2183-Chapter21-The chapters on Al-Fitan
Sunan Abu Dawud-VOLUME#04-Hadith#4311-Chapter12-The Book of Great Battles
Sunan Ibn Majah-VOLUME # 05-Hadith#4055-Chapter28-The Chapters on Tribulations.

 Narrated Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said: The Hour will

not be established until the sun rises from the west; and when the people see it,
then whoever will be living on the surface of the earth will have Faith, and that is
(the time) “when no good will it do to a person to believe then, if he believed not
before." (V.6:158)-
SahihBukhari-Volume#06-Hadith#4635 and 4636-Chapter10-The Book of Commentary
SahihBukhari-Volume#08-Hadith#6506-Chapter40.-The Book of Ar-Riqaq
Sahih Muslim-Volume#01-Hadith#[396] 248 - (157)-The Book of Faith

 Salim bin 'Abdullãh [bin 'Umar] narrated from his father, that the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said:
"A Fire is coming from Hadramawt, or from near the sea of Hadramawt - before
the Day of Judgement - to gather the people." They said: "0 Messenger of Allah!
What do you order us?" He said: "Stick to Ash-Sham." (Sahih)
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2217-Chapter42-The chapters on Al-Fitan

2020 ،‫ اﭘﺮﯾﻞ‬11 ،‫ھﻔﺘﮫ‬ ‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺷﻮﮐﺖ‬

 It was narrated from Anas ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬that the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said:

“The Hour will not begin so long as it is said on earth: 'Allah, Allah."
Sahih Muslim- Volume#01-Hadith# [375] 234-(148)-Chapter 66-The Book of Faith
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2207-Chapter35-The Chapters on Al-Fitan

 Allah will send a wind like the fragrance of musk and with a touch like that of silk,
and it will not leave any soul in whose heart is a grain of faith, but it will take it.
Then the worst of people will be left, upon whom the Hour will come."
Sahih Muslim- Volume#05-Hadith# [4957] 176 - (1924)-Chapter#56-The Book of Leadership.

 Abu Huraira ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬reported Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬as saying: The day and
the night would not come to an end before a man called Al-Jahjah would occupy
the throne.

 Narrated Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said: "Day and night

will not cease until a man called Al-Jahjâh becomes king."
Muslim said: They are four brothers: Sharik, 'Obaidullah, 'Umair, and 'Abdul-
Kabir, Sons of 'Abdul-Majid'
Sahih Muslim- Volume#07-Hadith# [7309] 61 - (2911)-Chapter18-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour.
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2228-Chapter50-The Chapters on Al-Fitan

 Narrated Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said: The Hour will

not be established unless a man from the tribe of Qahtan appears, driving the
people with his stick (ruling them with violence and oppression).
Sahih Bukhari Volume#04 – Hadith#3517-Chapter#7-The Book of Virtues
Sahih Bukhari-Volume#09-Hadith#7117-Chapter#23-The Book of Al-Fitan
Sahih Muslim- Volume#07-Hadith# [7308] 60 - (2910)-Chapter18-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour.

 It was narrated from Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: "This Ummah of
mine will be destroyed by this tribe of Quraish." They said: "What do you
command us to do?" He said: "Would that the people will keep away from them."
Sahih Muslim- Volume#07-Hadith# [7325] 74 - (2917)-Chapter18-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour.

 'Night and day will not cease until Al-Lat and Al-'Uzza are worshipped.' Allah will
send a pleasant wind which will cause everyone in whose heart is faith the size of
a grain of mustard seed to die, then there will be left those in whom there is no
good, and they will revert to the religion of their forefathers."
Sahih Muslim- Volume#07-Hadith# [7299] 52 - (2907)-Chapter17-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour.

 Narrated from Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬Allah’s Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said:. “The Hour will not be
established till the buttocks of the women of the tribe of Daüs move while going round Dhul-Khalasa.
Dhul-Khalasa was the Tagiyah (idol) of the Daüs tribe which they used to worship in the Pre-Islamic
Period of Ignorance.
Sahih Bukhari-Volume#09-Hadith#7116.-Chapter23-The Book of Al-Fitan
Sahih Muslim- Volume#07-Hadith# [7298] 51 - (2906)-Chapter17-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour.

2020 ،‫ اﭘﺮﯾﻞ‬11 ،‫ھﻔﺘﮫ‬ ‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺷﻮﮐﺖ‬

 Abu Huraira ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬reported Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬as saying: The Last Hour would not
come until the women of the tribe of Daus would be seen going round Dhi al-Khalasa (for
worship) and Dhi al-Khalasa is a place in Tabala, where there was a temple in which the
people of the tribe of Daus used to worship the idol.

 Thawban ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬narrated that the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said: "The Hour

shall not be established until "tribes of my Ummah unite with the idolaters, and
until they worship idols. And indeed there shall be thirty impostors in my Ummah
each of them claiming that he is a Prophet. And I am the last of the Prophets,
there is no Prophet after me."(Sahih)
Comments: - -
There is no doubt that during the caliphate of Abu Bakr, after the death of the Prophet, a few tribes had
turned apostates and joined hand with the idolaters. As for the worship of the idols, it shall be practiced
a little before the Hour so much so that some Yemenite women shall make circuits round their old idol
Dhul-Khalsah and worship the ancient Arabian idols, Lat and 'Uzza.
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#04-Hadith#2219-Chapter43-The Chapters on Al-Fitan

 Abu Huraira ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬said, (narrating) from the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬: "Dhus-

Suwaiqatain (the one with small calves) from Ethiopia will destroy the Ka ‘bah."
Sahih Muslim- Volume#07-Hadith# [7305] 57 - (2909)-Chapter18-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour

 It was narrated from Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: The
Hour will be established (so suddenly) that two persons spreading a garment
between them will not be able to finish their bargain, nor will they be able to fold it
up. The Hour will be established while a man is carrying the milk of his she-
camel, but cannot drink it; and the Hour will be established when someone is not
able to prepare the tank to water his livestock from it; and the Hour will be
established when some of you has raised his food to his mouth but cannot eat it."
SahihBukhari-Volume#08-Hadith#6506-Chapter40-The Book of Ar-Riqaq
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#09 – Hadith#7121 – Chapter#25-The Book of Al-Fitan
Sahih Muslim – Volume#07 – Hadith# [7413] 140 - (2954) – Chapter#27-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour

 Narrated Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said:"I have been sent, and
the Hour (is at hand) as these two (fingers)."
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#08- Hadith#6505-Chapter#39-The Book of Ar-Riqaq
[77 :‫﴾ ]اﻟﻧﺣل‬ ٌ ِ َ ‫ا َ َ واتِ َ ْوا َ ْ ر ِض أ َ َو َ ْ ُ ا َ ِ إ ِ َ َ ْ ِ ْ ا َ َأ ِ َأ ْ و َ ُ َ ْ َُب إ ِن ا َ َ َ ُ ّ ِ َ ْ ٍء‬ ُ ْ ِ َ ِ‫َ﴿و‬

“And the Statement of Allah:"... And the matter of the Hour is not but as a twinkling of
the eye, or even nearer. Truly! Allah is Able to do all things." (V.16:77)

SAHIH MUSLIM – VOLUME#07-Chapter 28. Between The Two Blasts (Of The Trumpet)
 [7414] 141 - (2955) It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: "The Messenger of Allah said:
'Between the two Trumpet blasts there will be forty." They said: "0 Abu Hurairah, forty
days?" He said: "I cannot say." They said: "Forty months?" He said: "I cannot say." They said:
"Forty years?" He said: "I cannot say. 'Then Allah will send down water from the sky, and

2020 ،‫ اﭘﺮﯾﻞ‬11 ،‫ھﻔﺘﮫ‬ ‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺷﻮﮐﺖ‬

they will grow as herbs grow." He said: "There is no part of man that will not decay, except a
single bone which is the tailbone. From it he will be recreated on the Day of Resurrection."
 [7415] 142 - ( ... ) It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah said: "All of
the son of Adam will be consumed by the earth, except the tailbone . From it he was created
and from it he will be recreated."
 [7416] 143 - ( ... ) It was narrated that Hammâm bin Munabbih said: "This is what Abu
Hurairah narrated to us from the Messenger of Allah a," and he mentioned a number of
Ahadith including the following: "The Messenger of Allah said: 'In man there is a bone which
the earth will not consume, and from it he will be recreated on the Day of Resurrection.'
They said: 'Which bone is it, 0 Messenger of Allah?' He said: 'The tail bone."


Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said, "A time will come when the best property of a Muslim will
be sheep, which he will take on the top of mountains and the places of rainfall (valleys)
so as to flee with his religion from Al-Fitan (afflictions and trials)".
Sahil Bukhari-Volume#04-Hadith#3600-Chapter#25-The Book of Virtues


 "The moon was split during the time of the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬Or until it
became as two sections, one above this mountain and one above that mountain.
So they said: 'Muhammad has cast a spell upon us.' Some of them said: 'If he
could cast a spell upon us, he cannot cast a spell upon all of the people." (Sahih)
Jami-At-Tirmidhi-Volume#05-Hadith#3285, 3286 and 3289-Chapter54-Chapters on the Tafsir of the Quran

 Narrated from Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬Allah’s Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said: "The Hour

will not be established till a fire will come out of the land of Hejaz, and it will throw
light on the necks of the camels at Basra”.
Basra is a place in Sham and this Fire did come out on the 3rd of the 6th month of the year 654 Hijra
(3/6/654) near Al-Madinah.
Sahih Bukhari-Volume#09-Hadith#7118-Chapter#24-The Book of Al-Fitan
Sahih Muslim-Volume#07-Hadith#[7289] 42 - (2902)-Chapter14-Tribulations & Portents of the Hour

 Narrated Abu Hurairah ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, "The Hour will not be
established till there is a fight—war between two groups among whom there will
be a great number of casualties, though the claims (or religion) of both of them
will be one and the same. And the Hour will not be established till there appear
about thirty liars, all of whom will be claiming to be the messengers of Allah
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#09 – Hadith#6935 – Chapter#8-THE BOOK OF OBLIGING AL.MURTADDUN AND AL.MU'ANIDUN
Sahih Bukhari – Volume#09 – Hadith#7121 – Chapter#25-The Book of Al-Fitan

 Abu Huraira ‫ رﺿﻲﷲﻋﻧﮫ‬reported Allah's Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬many ahadith and one of them was
this: The last Hour will not come until the two parties (of Muslims) confront each other and there
is a large-scale massacre amongst them and the claim of both of them is the same.

2020 ،‫ اﭘﺮﯾﻞ‬11 ،‫ھﻔﺘﮫ‬ ‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺷﻮﮐﺖ‬

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