Ignou: Date:1.Janea.) 2E 2

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Enrolment No:
...2-10roS1SYy S..
.haw. 111,osicha.seu.62
G7 B Nogav, viP 2o180

Course Title:..om.oouty...Mauke
. ME.P.a...
Course Code:

Assignment No: MRro3/.7mA.ILEM.-1/20 2|

Study Centre: 2t2.a.nlaraa..
Phone No.:. .766.2.2Sa..
Email 1D:awA.m.mandhal.2254ma1.Com

Date:1.JAnea.]2e2 Signature:.

Dacasha ignipicace Commadi modskaa ano h

olilexen Comfonents_a
aComeodi monkats rroydena-
Lahat aatha baaic
Carodib Jo anstingchanacsriica atndila
sn A Coanaadisy manket iaa monkekplace
CandJnading Ma mateuoa odon layiag
lanyi Sellinq
Thxa 0 uressatu an puisauy oduh
so majaa lammodi
a.onketa axldusida atdacilidate
ànade in
0Ppaaximatelyloa aiman- _lahaapolilies
Conamolies a
aten gpli Jnko hoo hraad lakegai
hand and Sat onamadiliex axd
a 2nacted
hat mut be nined
Suchaa. gol uheand
aa Roft Commoaliliea 'ae agniculhal il-
nocucis 0 Jveskock - Sucl di onn,Lahaa
CoaeSa Syheanaansl Pouk-
Comnaoda maxkat
smmgdilies paasukos
allouo puaducgea and ohumera
Commodidy xaduch a 9oin acceao hom
a a Cantsialzed iqdmankesflace has
nakoa Qckox Caa alao
LR Capam.adilios
dualivea le hedge duuna Canumpliea ga
Pnaducdisu Spacidaba nsetoza and ootaenam
c c o n a l o dn hog
alao pla an

ahaRot ammodlilu2 tadine ta4uia

signiicaut Cmountonaa monayand
expeatisa and poimaily imiled dafo Jofaola
statado Tosla
conepading in ha Camaoliky axk4.

iato_aa Commadily nakala,

TadiCaeadiysdes hack a he alouen alhurar
Ciizdia a ubad oan an nualy
Rsahshaol ingdoma oaLlolboskot ane ttade
ithaa ouathaua oal Suplies and
letalo ahas ingolona Laoulsl aalh nmaliy
ndand pxadates that o Shackaah bondk buane
On Dona Canbha dliuct inkeod sde2
Aal abilidJa Cxaale. lamplaJxuding
Sualns and dacilikale Rechange oUComaadile
Acuosg vas SuathgNia MauJe kadha AMals-
SLk Raad Hat inkad opeJohsdon Sat,

JadauLammoliies an i_exchanad dhaugaai

he _alja bacae ax Sapkiacaladtan h
aduet_axchag ahd dosanlondniaS mo
eucannsl gulakdand Lagdadigad

Saa Commodikies exphang.aa hauemenged g

a usiniaain in eceieaxa. ThamajanilyQani_aLI
erchang a
Cay o dilekent_Camnsdiler,altadA
SAma gpecialg ina ingla In ha
U a Ccaga Mndanlil xhanga LLMEL
olominate_da gacegack exchargu a sa
LoieloMange alobalbenchmaxks acxas9 hiaygx
heneaallu speaking,Cammaditiea dad ihin g2at
maulke dokuadives ankeL pat mankola
ae also etadJo_a hical mankl,1
_ a k ia
sn k a Laz buun anogellx
lexchange Phsico _laamaJitie ibamediate_

euvauves packekanuglue audsaakaa
and planaanoandond tua -anLdaniuakie
Centacto dhat ha co axkett_aa dha
ondaing Conmac thad
lgie ha douda ownas Cantnol dha omalenlinq at
Son point n _dha swe oMa piea deeed-
Pondoda y oka ha ContaacS aqaia
would hyaical dèlivny d a ammodity
6hayat lake Aauceand often rades.
Loill Aea CAosL aut than Condaaca an-
0teane oauiod making ddaking delivey allegathe

tha CETC ha b
he Aau dhad 23lablishud
Seuaau tima SinceJtwaD Cuaeal, mot
inha oaka o, dha 2oots 9008 asaclal ci
The Dodd-Enank Leall CtaustRelorum and Canu
aLotecin Ac gaue the CETL. auhaxi 0uatha-
|SAopa matlata Lohieaoa ealioly OnxL
aqulaiaa QL Cammodi makata ka longiniae
umaln sha padyht allen Jan
ading ihue asut hanksLoHo Qought up in10
saciara hatala mainspulatien. rob n 2al
vero.a Jaaknge diveyai hoiy patpalio Lo
oak Je hae ETESs_ hut fox most Jang
denm- inuezlaa acka Qnd bon.da Lotll mn
ho Caa a Haix haldinga, M@LOUOH1-
becau Commddily pices nd h maa-
Malail han,letks and bond Camma
naing _alea Mog iledo dho
LOhUhighsn_usk alomanco and L angs
i naizon,-
onnaodii u a Canhxacka aio Callu b

ohthaca Qnding amaut uca lalaL

npite Jucuaiena a a ceyL dhas'3
otenialL o. age gaina hut Jange Jal

emmalby uhuned and Compdily aziaaued lankto

0auclionally imla h hqjox_Jlenea
an tada.o e eqlaeo
HRchangLg no hauwe andandi2ud lantratt
anta.als tdainbtead xada_Guentho
CoDnle LoTL. and hauwe ustemiahla
Sgadaing with Commodily k s Cahdsas

SpeLulaeL Jamake dinncional Piee

dhoundanluing aAg92icepa oslLiaus
Con haLakenS hen_odinuckissaeani
inveloxs lan go long _ h a lagli sgo
hast aM gell haommodi
ommo dlly
endgo o dhat h JMlealas dognlt
p Ja Onadh oha londradt
leadaacioa oho Jalal OMauht mus
aCe wi hzok handlin he accobht.
Th arma a lewenage hedad Lan van
given dh lommaiy and hohxakay
ansidering hha ligniitas amaDnt oL Josleage
Loh tuns dsMading Q mall moe in dha_
Yuite a_Commadli Coneo eu inLorg
Qeuina0JosAeA Caapatuodo Jnsia
mahgin paculang- u s jn an aoluan ced

oohce a
and not ut 4adha u
Unu _optio hgus an dha abligaign a
he wicha_0 gala @ dha ndoying
Could Aultinjn an iner/arientaal
akng delivery a la quanily
Q nwanted ommodlilie.
Haaadng aithlammodul ua Conbakada
H ntiamud 2adi mast gpetulacion luu
Ca l a athes STasom lo enlen dha
auss asuien Maket loogtuni Ja
ha pice adhe Commpdiky Runasse ws hsdae
Aack in padtes dha lanaollien
Lal &elA uedJn xaduciista-
g diL
Ha od u lampaning giue a hadaa

Woleniial navonabla uite Change dhan Man

o Peculale Many ompanie a t hedae
Vmaducino he ndoxlng asat oa
e Londac txampla a omm.oelilies
ivsldck loxeoders, anuace unel may
A on exomluts Gaaamo
oduca \dno,o0 hshals a SayhLaninbexepatlis
ha mayt 1 mondha Tyeitaly Sayhaan
LCantnacs ncuudo tha9,udtily o Saso
huaulsTha danmal'g uak-ekn point enna
Slo Ja tha Sayheanss loP ushalmaig
unnmum_ Phice maedadle
Cavex h Cast a neckucing ha
SyheanJ Tha aHme1
uheslondxa anSaybeansa lwot
Picnd at fir e hus
haamedlacide da Aock jndha I Sluma
ice n buha gelling nough Gheeat
Sayheah lontaa
axmex mLndsoo u a lonktactslonope
oahelsnuded5,p0a huhds Lonnact200 farkud
Ohaac den Aandllesa opira dhaJaxmer
didiven4 dha L000, Koo bughels Ond Ma.ceves
odokd-inin auire a Kx 9oo Lonbna
Soao huyhals S Sooo,a0ndalal Jncam.
Houneex unlas Sayhe ogxooaiced a t Kx-
ushals in dhs naxket gan dha erpisadien dake,4hadtt
Hanmshas otaattenPaiol mthan tha
Pagaaillig astda p~ica d misaed aud sn hholben
suiresJ gayhaana Loex {loucad a B eu bushel
at rpin Hasmex IS hakya wauld

hun dhAn harktP

buyhl huolir
he 3 Ape
ba 4á2o, gaa, h dhe_aha

da again
at 14-p hushul o

Igeluin ua pram tha

enpinydhs old hawe_idL
maan_h anmin
CantuacF addiligaal 2_eMbushe

aadas ba lonmodiy
a Masr a IadenLoho
addiacussHe deliwy d d
akasand radeaj

Selttameut otedia
Commadil maxds ioaile a hake oyous

CommadiiesaA anin2guloant
aRecE omar
Amexicank dalyile Commodily aa basc
utdn ammexce a t J a intonahang.eakl
Loith hox goods ada Sae uaItaduin
lomihodiller incudaQtans, Qald
e ples a
oe id and naluaaga
o neDdars. Commadikies Can ba an Impasilans
DOe_daesilu dhein loalalig uondtadiana
2uehe Bdcoulehg nica o mmodikes den
Jo mave inoposila o StockaSam
JnuesAa el On Commodtigs duung
Pomiods_o maskot aliliy.

Ta dhPut, Cammadilies Axadlingtagnirad

Slgnican umauhds. kine Umonay Cne
and Loa> Yaimeclyules _(opasia
Comnaodiy haanksk
suadingComediia axa Qu excharnQed dhxangha
sanancient laoesaien ith a long hizdau4
han ha nadigg gacks hd bornds.Tha _L
man empiie3 Lan hdiucu Lined lethub
ahiliyJa lsuale CaaplaJaadiny lemg
and aililale da 2xchangalaámadike
n madanuba, lammodijkea axe ZHN rokangoel
h.aouhaut haLagkldAA_ommadliliesLNchare
xolex boh laa ical Jecasicn Lohr ho
Joadling Camadilies Aa o lace end Ja
Jaganhlies hat bwe heana d in Ctdas-
ence h s uledatheJucding
ladandiged lommode ontacts und
MlakedjnwLtnuen Maducls
Soma ommo elllies exchangts haue meygd 0x
gona t o usinos in 0ceh yeahR| maaki
aenchang Casuadea dileanut Cammodl
altheugSahna in a gngleoup.

hang Ccme) dha Ne Yas Meacanlll

Saelaang nyNEXJ_Hha Jasex Cahesda
( Date

Lxhags(ILE) Jn Alanta,
knda Ci Baostda ada In_e
haaix Ha Laholan Makal Pxchanga (LmMA
a uma mpliles,tha andoh malal
GLdhang onlydlaala Loi matals
loa OConomuc deuelogmanf and
aduancea Can aka Jmpadt uice Fo Jechna.logical
0 gigilicat manu!dc
dem anding ahiglda Ainglauaxs (haxalaxa
mecta ha Conthitedualmaainduadial
Jo dho dloclining
ha LO0ld.
Such aA he,de
ye a lammodilie
lonaModikier dhat axa Nadad aa
0ted nto aue Categoxie pitallu
mata neu ialeck and meat xaad Cadagaui
9ltosual and
Meals Commadilior includo
Plainum and oppe Lrungfeiods 0ad giluney,
Ma.laililk 0H_baasA madLon VSameinestaxs moke
may- cido do nueatn raua malda-
aolitalosuy gald- bec.au gatid QA
O aligb >depndable matal
Loith ua
Conyeyablo Nalug nuglang_may alha dotlob
inuat Jn_ {uLiou miala oa hudaa
AguiculknalCommooliHes inlluslo CasunSayhsaus
ucCacoa, Caes,Catlsnamd upau
Juh agucuttunal eclan 9ain Can ha
Neyualatila duyng ha umme mondha
oudinq a y lio weadhan- Aalales Jianiha
04 nuelos inleeded dn ho Cgicultuual
Seclax,olodie gxooh lombikodLaith
nuled agicltrds upptyCan bianicla
Sauunidea otin omagaicutual

"Camnaod ssite-
ammally utuxes
Dalive4eic Compiloy Qelivesy
a-d aTadng S du haha CanhactE
Qnpiy month sm_dlauma
holida dhaa Pnëteding dha Ladnin day
nden Peniod
Staggoxad Delivey Bai dvexy+ Caub-Jia
Pensd loArking day ion ste
la aContadndLeling xyzis odsy
Addiklonal nlivey lontata StoSla om is
dy tho ierAung mothde tha erpxy
mah s cdaJe hon- n Mny
Rndan 12uo Liu
OOMking du
ageuna ahiinlaien
olewaluouion Causi
Cneg Commodes jnluds uuda oil, haaing @i
hauunal g a and gas olinebilobal eronondic
auelogmaada and Aduced Autpla
lesial ilad ail well Coonda ha loo:lcd Drom hauwe
hialautally Jad lo iing ai (buces db dorano
o Qnedy ulaksl aodkclk haà gong upakha
ame mdhat oil gRplioy V houe olaindied
Vaa ox Loha cLLunlexibeo
Commodilie maukat in enleuingdha
n dho endrgu Seaak
auldalso hbe aunaxa a hoaSconouc
dalnluAnanaCn A Jn ouckisn 2nloneeaod
by cha ganiain dha leJalaum elaruing
Couniuzs OPEL)nd naun lechhalagica
advance nalteunaline nuugdunaa
oind oLeSolaL
ek a
Souce_ a9 a uimau
Can al hae ahuqe
nh Qnegy- haasukot_suizea
an lomadilla
Luolack_a maa
Lwalock oindmeat ommodilio JnCluolo
incluelo Jaaurn
a Pank_ hollie ivo
OLstile Cailaamd es.olos

delivoy Vind ulr do Cbtudas

anluatiam n Siemant Calendas
Dve Laaling olus uion Jo oPinlu o
ontat ncu&ing dodou ohtapt
sauadlaa Moliolout-
CundagundTading uoliolou.
lenda noice by Selsn = lha 3eltan Lo Jau nohto
dol Aiweinlëndían/dalueyy Ondo ound L hak
de_lo dhaolaliveM ley-in dhiaugh NSE Chang
inypace Jouaaadla_dha la-in ahigaisn by
430 m. h SundlouuoApacide ondlo dauR eetar
and IxadingMUdin
ende oxiool margin ul Anlyamntal maHgin
S la aal1_ulsanding PasHA
at Qinlal, and
masginLaiu beaddidie do_ nlal,and
Such gs pplieall
Qclolitieual and 22cal maoin

NSE CUaasngnlanata
Mado o Comaunitasisa Sttnot
Salla_dleLoult _
Cost CdlLexence balkscona
Puice uaLemant
and highay a d a as
SeHllmut (ite Qammad o - O t doa
at uce ctho

thoallating d
ha gtoxd sica go
Gnd Stlem
c i l a d a igkdx han
aplgxkionmat_ na

Penal sauisien
la0:2S1 a Settla
olonasiles ndh SLE Co
Shal bo
CAnlAMClaa laaauds omihissakieua

gettlamosat yuca4 9taplocenmont G

Ca go la huyas Ahhahst
r i s n y d a l e 4ala do_de liueuy
pna lky
sailarea uiu o jnfoMd Jaha dolauliay
Sells By clalalt Shal hotaemltted

loge 2AAu Lgkanalingtaitisa

Guslending alious n dha expi CoCandtad
nh olanisaulol manhes4 i I aaSeHledas
inal SeHJamaut ute LEsP) jata
Yenal Ps4guisieai At th ina of Jakiny deliuey
a huyA Can Chark i dalidey a a n
odosionqled 2 0 t exaonnul, ha
Salaid Laita a quantiy and ucly o
malaxlu dhaa lalu
Aa Jnot Qolaia Lth tha hatal h
Cloouning memk
Can n s i t 0aLAAYng Tha
Jn siggsuegl Sulm a13An
n Such las laxyatcn_LQithn
, C

taceivingho_hmalas. h
ug hoLuns am.he Choosa»d
AACving_ s
glal lommunicale
a k n Capaoligu

Delivuy ankhe Ls) 2 Daghadteo ault_at Mmailad

Adia dalery lankan (s) S_Jauignaeod yault at
Jumbai, di and channai
gal Qhlgalkn a mumbexa Loil pMalida approfra
a ahma LJLaskaygHHuiAal a_paxauw andd
08 Culamaay and hashen adha ania LL
Unaacs.anally aua Joo
axea duie egs and 2 n- AhaedabadLnclugive a
allJanes oviss StalalingJa
impoxtduty Cusdame Jobe boxna hy ha Slt
entluding Lr_ CML Cha add11iauddoa Call, 0
Suouchdkg ele a hay hicome dua K leyabl
londsu- Jaa
alicab lo om ma Jo Hmda ho bans
a dha buuye

R ult jnauHanca and oxas aytas Salau upla

tangnauriemChakgrl Cammoolul pa ut dla
Rao h ou alle Coinocly
doe At Ho lima Jading delnasy0dadeliey
InlenieaTunade pou& Mem mu 3alis
Cleasninhg Coepaxahen Hast hholda.
t o dalivexy dha lalgnatd UaulK
Paxsonn uill gle ollosing alidauie
hushydha ash Cosasing Moldihuex ahe cluigrakd
Cloaingagont oha nlhmbe
Lxhatheha ullngmumbeAh bonalida
odhsexcdhandi Caaanin Canpasuais
hth HqJuunJilying olaiuehyyo
lanahgaptoakee appsbuedl sayinau

aldeaie (bHOcRAa Lshahouho Soual numbex afall

L monigh eolindh aking
iat bouida
hathen_ h Jndioual ginaul aualky Cenbiicases.
OH accomeanedLaith ha ualeLMlveBan-
an Vailalig Chaca dhay mey dosiÁ

Delivars s6(es Jh Ca a dho choae

yolidaignalls cdasionalad ault
oiL Condadr_ Nae laahihg ONce and lako
untha aclea-
AaVeived aom ho Cloaing laaPOAahin )un.
LAiing l uallidaUhs axa dhuough,thoh
h olajonaled uault_Rsaonna oil ytdha
Mh ha Uasult Thon dho
Lnlaalan o deignalad lault lsllPut
opoiale ipt a hauling
HLLRivad tha yoade Desgnaled Volt M hbo:
dha Sallia Mmhang Clasing agon
Said matal Kta he
tand Qhkn sha oalailg o N ommediy

Cla.coing Jnlenlac
in MccE_
ualiydimaat 2 aold Tha puce_agold
aho bas a 995 PuwuyJh Cas
tha Jala (xaLed ioilha CalcLlakd
Quaik Jlossdhah- 995, it ejoced. Sthuen
ice i sn dha basa 914
Jg Josa han 999

Guanhy adualmart2 nale 0A giuex-Tha daleaana

im h*|-3 kg Tha wekt a iwey b0
mut_ beeoen 04ka 33 k.
Fo sha unpae king ddiua4 gacd
a i a l a l i a l k ho annbey all Dasie
Oh diala AHuPA Jn JasElausaing
JnlLaR and Qnd an_uhanil QAtea
Jtey hoao aa she Outhanisin a
elx eBAtlile h dh atte haaoJasha
C authaxiaing axupsasmtahx h ka
hohol Ja Jakedho dalivèayla Cuaily
Hex Sentr by dhs Membe ghal Cahabf-atha
olaaing deis
9.meaho Lommodis alongg uoth quan
ama dha Camadiu along oin quandi
ae chg Joul Qlon LOth dha ocau
Migna ocha uulhoized afleansadue
Vviz AN CandDiving
Glocik J0 Camd
h.Phooindeiy peoof duly ategleal hytha
mn he

0olivexaho ucda Th Selling paermbeu

bndgalno Camnodiis endauingdelivey ail
abisa daiveing uch gn&do
la chaLohtxact gpelicatitha Thehuyahas
aplichJa Suleeka 20liculay adimd
stha dolivey puud SelleeSolla nd
allocaksn dha" garchage_Lc all he
lanoltnq him.
zlenats dolve Asan rchangpladatsle
qenaal pxaulsig Bylaung, Puloa and
Sxchang u and
oletibioaA alan yuQ IokaA Commadi
CAnd CLasaing oakaieu Boasal odactosu
Selala nt Aukhar C2Lana n-
Aapet_a matug Specipiea abave wl
qn Jnegna
nchang cL@ALqlatano
aquockioss biluldadoe and hoicpicabie
( Page

3 Luha is uhang
akmangaemont 9 fulain
ha luaud miaLue
Cchange addpled h4dha lanmadiy
dhafunogea xdengL tuak-
manag emaht
Lompanie mplemient i gkouaLegiondo mininisa
haae LALdhich ual
a nac.ial aoduct Joalkut inalue 2umchasng
hol en2s3eal
QAsels0 JiatiHea hexa io wde
Aongs P1aduuck anailabAaHia
ha magt Commanly upes oiohch
LDae lanncds figusAH tumu
Lontnda dLlxaAf lagt and
Com jlaa T qaph belaw
Aayho h AA Len_Cauld hawe Protech
maging alth aanakd Contmact oM he
lhvaid dlale H a omt dale
Nhaugh his laxcukgy yalid Campana lait
gimla nHRny n0uxL pecomas unjeaiblo
HobuAineALA. aih mL Complan. hu apexcliec
O LagLing_LOlh a uhaloanial Camooni.a
Lnue 4 untoy_ynami Hedging allon8
theR ComauhiosJa gtadiaco manudl LioKLaad
in i a managQmadha Cempony tly harsla
Ja dalne dha Kay03Aaclaa ib Esik
L%Jicy Sacha ik Jaxgetexgang& JlateHak,
Jalaaance douels baaJmum- Valuna
ehuka La Lolluoua monilaa
manket 214 Ja exetuk_JaolA Lha
losumelesy kaue beos mt_and a J
rapaskaLolth allalvant dekailas
tha Slaculag tn andClosedAad exdanm
nce xpaaYka_ehA_Canmaddily exdaang a n
Mganigad agulaled mk Aa clisalesa
Rcdeio and gale al Slandaadized n
Cakacacke Likopeualuss x Jid lada Yaca
Conana@.dikios Luds
gals TupicallyHha. Jwta Mosslonsaeks
ag Jo acce daliveby a a aCoramaily
so deliex he lomesodiy
dn ulieeh oComrmoli 1
be lnsaly (alogomized Jnk dha Jallaing
ae uie
aduexa monenWA inticRa
Commodiiea a dctenninael dho ha
uchiy Dik. i kaxisea dhe ds da
CLang n taa, Oilaliliu Camiodites
Aois olun ouexAo MOvemakt
Jnsha h a t upact
buonA Cosk,
kgulatoy Rak Aaiga dus Changt inda
Oho agulashhS, ohicaJa
haihgan Jmpaa
uiceuices aunilahil Lomealkiex

a emoat asak sauika a ughocad approac

UCAOSSall GHoaleqichsineu hit gno)Ja
oductiendt LstoLumemeat_duntManea
-det,_dipanbmaut isk
ane_ha upe a Coramodi4 ikmany
HGgaaieu ou hat ay heaiaal daa
bud may aug ddiional pasuon iin

Fesu XamlaEamadily puaelsuclaSuch s gbuueuny

RKPosel tenmolemen ih lell fuces
L4aLceue ha Clhangeain Laon gkA Coal,oll
piceqnd nakasal qa litesolsa alleat
pneliiabJli and ahloJn oudditsa
indnaAK eLpart hoppen cthas h a
mavemk undha mecs ade aa mpack

okaha b
aybitaayh u e l l a n a i n t j m lonmlily i
baing Commdalu ice movemns

o anals, A Cogpe painingLomfany Lill

Calcloake n bais h a t
uch ut

and làles nput LaMmbdila

apncach_a aalues Couaodily
toiHha mat_ dalale analugh
dha p0denial_loyhet en dinantial dhd
0Renahive acliuiles
LrPoçed o
F 0kan lo on 0anialieu dhat JA adduende
Changga i n Cude llstice in
3tahazio Jein oChangein_(aud2

le sitea allo analyzesh a lokenial

mectaf a Blailabllia Lade aiL,lnangt
n altical Politio,conlinpactt n gneliorou
Ih a Paolo_opHoackthao 2ach layiable
Ciing Ctnusadeuing
an Cabinokgu doiabloa
a l u a t isk inancial
Same agani2alieus asnliculasu
inguuies,be apsohiliy epe9uach aohan
ndlentaking eniLivily ohalygib kaosan a value
1 i i n akdliheu o N i i y analysk
gt ak dbuussal abve
hange i n lice
onause doxahehilu o a
ANQn_OCCumin In a oryoi% apaach
ha ask aslabd kiliging Chusssk

u Lohat ia missien Tstanoling9

koas nCasboh Cradit Jan nmiliaghing
Sigk_a ntheasing loska in polluien lanbrol
Aa mksaigma ading
nheua 9a nlsu anuw Commodj
axlieOthComnilmenda Und dha iuolo
puoloca Aan losetien) hapo acejlod
Jauaets O imtng 0 duing emilia
Lnpstas3ed. Leues als-
aulloeedamissions Ao3ghed omoonks, af
dha ood 20l2 Comnitent peuod.
Ta0ullo loed emiaiongQa otiuidad jnka
azagned amovn Onla Aus)
Chniieng aading, a23
unia pHalocol, _alous Cauntaies
at haug Rmissie DnitJo. lavnua
hat ax we hain Jasgei Thus a
nnL CampaodilyLoo aaJnthaam
aemigaissuacucteusg% Memouals
`ino casahon edlioxiad Jn dha incipla.
A0hhauaeqad f2apla a l Limaly 4
,nades. Jil Ti
may thax ConmmoiT

Jund A Jnd u Changa an aAa

LLoLULE) cuilis
A lmissto mdulioa UELERUIG
bua joint jmpAaaanlasg uaiet
A Laxliies emissisa nduhga LLERgenabed
allean_daveLoapmest mechanlsmÝngteahE
T ana nd_acquiailieng- aheseonaa
a a o n d Horaugh the Agiad ysem
9hde ha yola potocal Ah inteuntial-
sanacdhiana darg nunes
mhiie j4aducig unilg behsen
Rdaliongkip lonmonlic anel qional emiiaien
mading 9chaqsas
Snists,Jaading Lchama m ha Alahllhsd
Oan Climate olicy abaumsn
Qnd Hha sQional Jeuel. uhd
uch gchame, gos gaugun masts Sib embsien
Qhligotens a alachea hyh lansiciauling
Liit GuepenOhi 2aisaleAa
chom JangLA
udu Aaa hat alloLOs
hoLse HaditPLAM
Canb on dioxida

shat asuoha
dilyenent BaL mtal lisuss
e ocdax1
haut mpact dha ices aRosea
yulasLoithe Suppaxk a enun -
AsBae nheaitb cUta Commah
2ilize, akolyha Aush
CaoNodeA ulatively quudky
eposed al Moiuxa Theubna
Loidely used Jn CommAaal And indusbrld
applicaieus Sch a CanntxudLeu and1
hianulacuung .eo melals unuda
lead GA aucel and zinc Tany ena_
honelant jn nalusk and
Somelima 2aNiea a mgaIha mallas
pada mlas nleha
ass 2xpenli2Ja
n mamulacLLsng
haalad uh'a gsil, SLie and Ploslnum
Jhe enm bao motals Jillo AXOSLheaual
dhed meleiala asodnguPehzive and
moxa Camaonly,ound. han PeLi@u
haelat uch ald andalinum.
hongnahse metali a inuakable
global. et.onomy barauseQk
dal and uaui Lopp,dan
Jeadinq Baa m u Hat
Oe Callaa . a l a fh 0 -
neAone mi6s docla Con

Casbah Aedb_b 6aslaal alase

Cap -and-Jranda paguan omaani
inaikt Hauped fuiocically na
H ompay MOy lf_om ynniadool_Cnasiks
a uhothaCongar kaE paaacka Ham
auabe ompanid aso.du dauly sus
|La aducL eaiisa
al ha fina duyQALRl_Ae Cop
Cala paa ahub
ans Qomq a doi oalsiens
_aldousuntes, lsk=elhuiveai9aPalultoa
Rhissiea Contuo ha bean. ecaJa
olacadsdntha nlohatiu i a Peshie
oninonaant ahal human a t puahla
Hosa+Sanag Stakonhaldexa Cenceunral
a Cas yas amaining aasu
Psghiikiitely kigh ñasxAnaQeua
dLexahcRdn isleadauk paapechive=ie
Cosls baauoing ns im Cshukmaiag
PexapeaHives. B ingAs naguleal

d nle- Admenltnut

Slanolar a nalysis B lost elaukua

Aage Page.

Midngosumaigna akut ha healthldo

n do k Laldasy2xkad
L (al
Longknuchion Lohonmls SomelBnhes
aloba ices a adgading indlicale
Rcono mic QHOLam
a Capeh lgndtalng and JAha_demanal
-Kling dhaa dp globe econamu aucaa as
Japanang Camenely, a al K hahy be
VCop2 Can ouida q Loasning
Ma Lconomic
Cucialaxea haRcanonySuch as
amebtilding he ximay adtantaga uh as
Cangkutin a Ljoll OAbeen han
ectu matal8. Lhat Ja aoka, Jane
baa metaly kouJe uninus Pepnliea that
na duplicakeol byothax-matala
AaApla nicKo u s odha haajg_
lain loss glea Zina goes
Jnla Quanizing 3ell asoPxaleckiea
okainst Caiadlen Iha Roman Smplxa
bethuh inm, Lo3naekice anal
Paints hafaimaxy acwanJa has
nagansMle. Bok metal J
SeAeNa signiticaut drusbaok o lshbhu
akhaso Jona Suidebon uneheqs.-Peudu

uuallyna uadudblo nau i

ba Cnpac Shaa a Uauo fornp
Solling lo33 staan Oa

hal So avnda an mat alaadl

Je ha Skaxa QteleJe Loas
aluao impucieu stlo Caldand A
Colna La0keLoel As kale as
alako-a_ man U.s Coing gi
Coatainad Siulien
t at
l a l paica ackax.
Mlal itingia elitacly elatad Ju Supp
Ond glamand olivs L o h i akeimpacled luy-
Lconanit Conlis ihcal ahal sotial
Sihuae tha!site a ampakile
hi- indosnalisu aCdaxs
his Haat mpa
Lammoh mafal pA Lan hanau 0nglaxaad
and Lahaaices ekeue nd halp
e hmana2- lonined
ea AacLing Cappaypico,
Copp Commalg
Qulsmajie ond lorrital Jnduadies
Thasaasa olamahod logpa impaake
by dhe QengnaU andudga. hgalonomun

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