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Case Study: Recruitment Fiasco at CITPR Ltd.


Submitted to: Prof. Navin Shrivastava
Human resource management | Saransh Neerad | 20DM189

Role: D. Ganesh – HR director

S. No Name of the student Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding

1.         Samyak Jain

2.         Sanjay Pareek
3.         Sumant kumar
4.         Tanvi Batra
5.         Surbhi Daksh

Analysis of the case

This case study discusses the concepts of HR Planning, Recruitment Processes

and HR Communication in an IT and consultancy firm named CITPR Ltd. with an
employee base of around 10000. It serves around 22 clients all over the globe.
Mr. Swami, the HR Manager at CITPR Ltd. found himself in big trouble for not
following the HR process carefully. This resulted in a highly chaotic situation,
which placed the careers of 25 students of TTC College of Engineering and
Management at a stake, when CITPR Ltd. after selecting them in the campus
interview, denied them for final placement offer letters. This case depicts that
how improper HR planning, delaying in communication and initiating official
action based on oral communication poses a serious problem to the
participants. Also, shows what corrective measures can be taken if such a
situation arises

Human resource management | Saransh Neerad | 20DM189

Q1: Discuss the major issues highlighted in the study.

Ans: Major issues highlighted in the case study:

 The first issue that occurred was because of Mr. Sampat. He was told not to
disclose the names of the students as the official communication with offer letters
will take around 20 days but still, he disclosed the names of students who got
selected. And stopped the selected students to sit for other companies even
when he has not received the offer letters.
 The second issue was ignorance from the side of Mr. swami as he didn’t tell the
fact to Mr. Sampat when he called him.
 The third issue was that Mr. Sampat even after not getting any satisfactory
response, didn’t took any step because of the reputation of CITPR.
 There was ignorance from upper level as well because the follow up was also
copied to the HR director Mr. D. Ganesh and he didn’t look into the matter at that
 Mr. Swami based on an informal conversation with Mr. Kapoor assumed that
there will be much more requirement of entry level employees without even
waiting for the company to get the contract. Even Mr. D. Ganesh showed a high
trust on Mr. Swami.
 The last issue was that Mr. Sampat didn’t inform director of TTC College Prof.
Pankaj Thakur about the issue until the matter became worse and the situation
got out of hand.

Q2: In your opinion could Mr. D. Ganesh have taken some measures to avoid
the embarrassment caused to CITPR? Justify your opinion with relevant

Ans: Mr. D Ganesh being the HR director of the company should have taken some
precautionary measures. Proper HR planning should have been done. The
requirements and demands of the upcoming projects should have been made
ascertained and could have then been implemented further. He just believed in the
informal discussion he had with the COO i.e., Mr. Dixit and HR Manager regarding
the future demands. He instead just went ahead with the placement drive without
proper planning.

Human resource management | Saransh Neerad | 20DM189

Q3: Elucidate the serious omissions by Mr. Swami related to the campus
recruitment drive at TTC College of Engineering and Management.

Ans3: Swami made some errors which lead to such a drastic situation. He did not
reply the TPO on time when he sent him an email regarding the offer letters. Had he
replied and informed regarding the situation then also, the candidates would have
been allowed to sit for other placements. In fact, other corrective measures which
were delayed could have been implemented then only. Despite him knowing the
mess he created, he did not take charge of the blunder he had committed.

Q4: Do you think the actions taken against Mr. Swami and Mr. Sampat were
justified? Substantiate your stance with reasons.

Ans4: Actions taken against Mr. Sampath were justified. Mr. Swami was fired from
his job, which wasn’t a wise decision according to me. Although the irresponsibility
he showcased wasn’t justified on behalf of his profession. He did not take the
permission of Mr. D Ganesh. His actions have resulted in deteriorating the corporate
image of the company which was very well known for their excellent HR practices.
Instead, he could have been given a punishment similar or a little more than given to
Mr. Sampath, because corrective measures were already assured by Mr. Bapna.
This could have been humane.

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