RTN 950 Configuration Guide (Web LCT) - (V100R003C02 - 02)

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System


Configuration Guide (Web LCT)

Issue 02
Date 2011-09-30


Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2011. All rights reserved.
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) About This Document

About This Document

Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.

Product Name Version

OptiX RTN 950 V100R003C02

iManager U2000 Web LCT V100R005C00

Intended Audience
This document describes how to configure various services on the equipment. This document
describes the basic information and configuration process, and uses configuration examples to
show how to set specific parameters.

The intended audience of this document are:

l Installation and commissioning engineer

l Data configuration engineer
l System maintenance engineer

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk,

which if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.

Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level

of risk, which if not avoided, could result in
minor or moderate injury.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) About This Document

Symbol Description

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation,

which if not avoided, could result in
equipment damage, data loss, performance
degradation, or unexpected results.

Indicates a tip that may help you solve a

problem or save time.

Provides additional information to emphasize

or supplement important points of the main

GUI Conventions
The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles

are in boldface. For example, click OK.

> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">"

signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Change History
Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains
all updates made in previous issues.

Updates in Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Based on Product Version V100R003C02

This is the second document issue for the V100R003C02 product version.

Compared with the first issue, the content updates are as follows.

Section Description

A.2.1.1 Creating NEs by Using the Search Added descriptions of NE search using IP
Method auto discovery.

Updates in Issue 01 (2011-06-30) Based on Product Version V100R003C02

This is the first document issue for the V100R003C02 product version.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iii

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) Contents


About This Document.....................................................................................................................ii

1 Configuration Preparations.........................................................................................................1
1.1 Preparing Documents and Tools.........................................................................................................................2
1.2 Checking Configuration Conditions...................................................................................................................2

2 Web LCT Quick Start....................................................................................................................3

3 Specifying the Configuration Procedure..................................................................................4
4 Common Network Scenarios of Configuration Examples....................................................8
4.1 Common Network Scenario of the TDM Radio Network..................................................................................9
4.2 Common Network Scenario of the IP Radio Network.....................................................................................12

5 Configuring the Network Topology........................................................................................17

5.1 Basic Concepts.................................................................................................................................................18
5.1.1 DCN.........................................................................................................................................................18
5.1.2 GNE and Non-GNE.................................................................................................................................19
5.1.3 NE ID and NE IP Address.......................................................................................................................19
5.1.4 Physical Boards and Logical Boards.......................................................................................................20
5.2 Configuration Procedure...................................................................................................................................21
5.3 Configuration Example (TDM Radio Chain Network Topology)...................................................................26
5.3.1 Networking Diagram...............................................................................................................................26
5.3.2 Service Planning......................................................................................................................................27
5.3.3 Configuration Process..............................................................................................................................28
5.4 Configuration Example (TDM Radio Ring Network Topology).....................................................................30
5.4.1 Networking Diagram...............................................................................................................................30
5.4.2 Service Planning......................................................................................................................................31
5.4.3 Configuration Process..............................................................................................................................32
5.5 Configuration Example (Hybrid Radio Chain Network).................................................................................34
5.5.1 Networking Diagram...............................................................................................................................34
5.5.2 Service Planning......................................................................................................................................35
5.5.3 Configuration Process..............................................................................................................................36
5.6 Configuration Example (Hybrid Radio Ring Network)...................................................................................37
5.6.1 Networking Diagram...............................................................................................................................37
5.6.2 Service Planning......................................................................................................................................38

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5.6.3 Configuration Process..............................................................................................................................39

5.7 Configuration Example (Packet Network).......................................................................................................41
5.7.1 Networking Diagram...............................................................................................................................41
5.7.2 Service Planning......................................................................................................................................43
5.7.3 Configuration Process..............................................................................................................................44

6 Configuring Radio Links...........................................................................................................48

6.1 Basic Concepts.................................................................................................................................................49
6.1.1 Adaptive Modulation...............................................................................................................................49
6.1.2 CCDP and XPIC......................................................................................................................................50
6.1.3 RF Configuration Modes.........................................................................................................................51
6.2 Configuration Procedure...................................................................................................................................52
6.3 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the TDM Radio Chain Network)....................................................60
6.3.1 Networking Diagram...............................................................................................................................60
6.3.2 Service Planning......................................................................................................................................62
6.3.3 Configuration Process..............................................................................................................................65
6.4 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the TDM Radio Ring Network)......................................................71
6.4.1 Networking Diagram...............................................................................................................................71
6.4.2 Service Planning......................................................................................................................................73
6.4.3 Configuration Process..............................................................................................................................76
6.5 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Hybrid Radio Chain Network)..................................................80
6.5.1 Networking Diagram...............................................................................................................................80
6.5.2 Service Planning......................................................................................................................................83
6.5.3 Configuration Process..............................................................................................................................87
6.6 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Hybrid Radio Ring Network)....................................................95
6.6.1 Networking Diagram...............................................................................................................................95
6.6.2 Service Planning......................................................................................................................................98
6.6.3 Configuration Process............................................................................................................................102
6.7 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Packet Network)......................................................................107
6.7.1 Networking Diagram.............................................................................................................................107
6.7.2 Service Planning....................................................................................................................................110
6.7.3 Configuration Process............................................................................................................................112

7 Configuring TDM Services.....................................................................................................117

7.1 Basic Concepts...............................................................................................................................................118
7.1.1 Protection Modes for TDM Services.....................................................................................................118
7.1.2 Timeslots for TDM Services on IF Boards...........................................................................................120
7.1.3 Numbering Schemes for SDH Timeslots .............................................................................................121
7.1.4 TDM Timeslot Planning Schemes.........................................................................................................122
7.2 Configuration Procedure.................................................................................................................................125
7.3 Configuration Example (TDM Services on a TDM Radio Chain Network)..................................................128
7.3.1 Networking Diagram.............................................................................................................................129
7.3.2 Service Planning....................................................................................................................................131
7.3.3 Configuration Process ...........................................................................................................................132

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) Contents

7.4 Configuration Example (TDM Services on a TDM Radio Ring Network)....................................................136

7.4.1 Networking Diagram.............................................................................................................................136
7.4.2 Service Planning....................................................................................................................................138
7.4.3 Configuration Process............................................................................................................................139
7.5 Configuration Example (TDM Services on a Hybrid Radio Chain Network)...............................................144
7.5.1 Networking Diagram.............................................................................................................................144
7.5.2 Service Planning....................................................................................................................................146
7.5.3 Configuration Process............................................................................................................................147
7.6 Configuration Example (TDM Services on a Hybrid Radio Ring Network).................................................150
7.6.1 Networking Diagram.............................................................................................................................150
7.6.2 Service Planning....................................................................................................................................152
7.6.3 Configuration Process............................................................................................................................153

8 Configuring Native Ethernet Services on the Packet Plane..............................................157

8.1 Basic Concepts...............................................................................................................................................159
8.1.1 What's the Packet Plane.........................................................................................................................159
8.1.2 Ethernet Port Numbers..........................................................................................................................160
8.1.3 Auto-Negotiation...................................................................................................................................160
8.1.4 Flow Control Function...........................................................................................................................162
8.1.5 Native Ethernet Service Types Based on the Packet Plane...................................................................163 Point-to-Point Transparently Transmitted E-Line Service...........................................................163 VLAN-based E-Line Services......................................................................................................164 QinQ-Based E-Line Services........................................................................................................166 8021D Bridge-based E-LAN Services.........................................................................................169 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN Services........................................................................................170 802.1ad Bridge-based E-LAN Services........................................................................................171
8.1.6 Typical Mobile Carrier Network Topologies for Ethernet Services.....................................................173 Networking of VLAN-Based E-Line Services.............................................................................173 Networking of IEEE 802.1d Bridge-Based E-LAN Services.......................................................174 Networking of IEEE 802.1q Bridge-Based E-LAN Services.......................................................175 Comparison Between the Three Networking Modes...................................................................176
8.1.7 MAC Address Table Management........................................................................................................179
8.1.8 VLAN Forwarding Table for E-Line Services......................................................................................180
8.1.9 Split Horizon Group..............................................................................................................................181
8.1.10 Protection for Native Ethernet Services..............................................................................................182
8.2 Configuration Procedure.................................................................................................................................185
8.2.1 Configuration Procedure (Point-to-Point Transparently Transmitted E-Line Services).......................185
8.2.2 Configuration Procedure (VLAN-Based E-Line Services)...................................................................192
8.2.3 Configuration Procedure (QinQ-Based E-Line Services).....................................................................198
8.2.4 Configuration Procedure (IEEE 802.1d Bridge-Based E-LAN Services).............................................204
8.2.5 Configuration Procedure (IEEE 802.1q Bridge-Based E-LAN Services).............................................211
8.2.6 Configuration Procedure (IEEE 802.1ad Bridge-Based E-LAN Services)...........................................219
8.3 Configuration Example (Point-to-Point Transparently Transmitted E-Line Services)..................................226

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8.3.1 Networking Diagram.............................................................................................................................226

8.3.2 Service Planning....................................................................................................................................227 Service Planning (Ethernet Ports).................................................................................................227 Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)........................................................................................228 Service Planning (Ethernet Services)...........................................................................................228 Service Planning (QoS)................................................................................................................229
8.3.3 Configuration Process...........................................................................................................................230 Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)................................................................................231 Configuration Process (Service Information)...............................................................................231 Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports)........................................................................................231 Configuration Process (QoS)........................................................................................................232 Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)...........................................234
8.4 Configuration Example (VLAN-Based E-Line Service)................................................................................235
8.4.1 Networking Diagram.............................................................................................................................236
8.4.2 Service Planning....................................................................................................................................238 Service Planning (Ethernet Ports).................................................................................................238 Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)........................................................................................241 Service Planning (Ethernet Services)...........................................................................................241 Service Planning (QoS)................................................................................................................244
8.4.3 Configuration Process...........................................................................................................................246 Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)................................................................................246 Configuration Process (Service Information)...............................................................................246 Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports)........................................................................................248 Configuration Process (QoS)........................................................................................................249 Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)...........................................253
8.5 Configuration Example (QinQ-Based E-Line Service)..................................................................................256
8.5.1 Networking Diagram.............................................................................................................................256
8.5.2 Service Planning....................................................................................................................................259 Service Planning (Ethernet Ports).................................................................................................259 Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)........................................................................................263 Service Planning (Ethernet Services)...........................................................................................263 Service Planning (QoS)................................................................................................................267
8.5.3 Configuration Process...........................................................................................................................269 Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports)........................................................................................269 Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)................................................................................272 Configuration Process (Service Information)...............................................................................273 Configuration Process (QoS)........................................................................................................279 Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)...........................................283
8.6 Configuration Example (802.1d-Bridge-Based E-LAN Service)...................................................................287
8.6.1 Networking Diagram.............................................................................................................................287
8.6.2 Service Planning....................................................................................................................................290 Service Planning (Ethernet Ports).................................................................................................290

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) Contents Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)........................................................................................292 Service Planning (Ethernet Services)...........................................................................................293 Service Planning (QoS)................................................................................................................294
8.6.3 Configuration Process............................................................................................................................296 Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports)........................................................................................296 Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)................................................................................299 Configuration Process (Service Information)...............................................................................299 Configuration Process (QoS)........................................................................................................302 Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)...........................................305
8.7 Configuration Example (802.1q-Bridge-Based E-LAN Service)...................................................................308
8.7.1 Networking Diagram.............................................................................................................................308
8.7.2 Service Planning....................................................................................................................................311 Service Planning (Ethernet Ports).................................................................................................311 Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)........................................................................................314 Service Planning (Ethernet Services)...........................................................................................314 Service Planning (QoS)................................................................................................................315
8.7.3 Configuration Process............................................................................................................................317 Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports)........................................................................................317 Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)................................................................................323 Configuration Process (Service Information)...............................................................................323 Configuration Process (QoS)........................................................................................................327 Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)...........................................330
8.8 Configuration Example (802.1ad-Bridge-Based E-LAN Service).................................................................334
8.8.1 Networking Diagram.............................................................................................................................334
8.8.2 Service Planning....................................................................................................................................337 Service Planning (Ethernet Ports).................................................................................................337 Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)........................................................................................340 Service Planning (Ethernet Services)...........................................................................................341 Service Planning (QoS)................................................................................................................341
8.8.3 Configuration Process............................................................................................................................343 Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports)........................................................................................343 Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)................................................................................348 Configuration Process (Service Information)...............................................................................349 Configuration Process (QoS)........................................................................................................353 Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)...........................................355
8.9 Configuration Example (Hybrid Configuration of E-Line Services and E-LAN Services)...........................359
8.9.1 Networking Diagram.............................................................................................................................359
8.9.2 Service Planning....................................................................................................................................362 Service Planning (Ethernet Ports).................................................................................................362 Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)........................................................................................365 Service Planning (Ethernet Services)...........................................................................................365 Service Planning (QoS)................................................................................................................367

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8.9.3 Configuration Process............................................................................................................................369 Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports)........................................................................................369 Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)................................................................................373 Configuration Process (Service Information)...............................................................................373 Configuration Process (QoS)........................................................................................................376 Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)...........................................380

9 Configuring EoPDH-Based Ethernet Services.....................................................................384

9.1 Basic Concepts...............................................................................................................................................385
9.1.1 What's the EoPDH Plane.......................................................................................................................385
9.1.2 VCTRUNK............................................................................................................................................386
9.1.3 Transmission Modes of Ethernet Services............................................................................................386
9.1.4 Hub/Spoke.............................................................................................................................................387
9.1.5 EoPDH-Based Ethernet Services...........................................................................................................387 Point-to-Point Transparently Transmitted EPL Services.............................................................387 EVPL Services Based on the VLAN............................................................................................388 QinQ-based EVPL Services.........................................................................................................390 EPLAN Services Based on the 802.1D Bridge............................................................................393 EVPLAN Services Based on the 802.1Q Bridge.........................................................................394 EVPLAN Services Based on 802.1ad Bridge..............................................................................395
9.2 Configuration Procedure.................................................................................................................................397
9.2.1 Configuration Procedure (Point-to-Point Transparently Transmitted EPL Services)...........................397
9.2.2 Configuration Procedure (VLAN-Based EVPL Services)....................................................................403
9.2.3 Configuration Procedure (QinQ-Based EVPL Services)......................................................................409
9.2.4 Configuration Procedure (IEEE 802.1d Bridge-Based EPLAN Services)............................................415
9.2.5 Configuration Procedure (IEEE 802.1q Bridge-Based EVPLAN Services).........................................421
9.2.6 Configuration Procedure (IEEE 802.1ad Bridge-Based EVPLAN Services).......................................428
9.3 Configuration Example (Ethernet Services Based on TDM Radio)...............................................................435
9.3.1 Networking Diagram.............................................................................................................................435
9.3.2 Service Planning....................................................................................................................................438 Service Planning (Ethernet Ports).................................................................................................438 Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)........................................................................................441 Service Planning (Ethernet Services)...........................................................................................442 Service Planning (Ethernet Service Cross-Connections).............................................................443 Service Planning (QoS)................................................................................................................446
9.3.3 Configuration Process............................................................................................................................446 Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports)........................................................................................446 Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)................................................................................449 Configuration Process (Ethernet Services)...................................................................................450 Configuration Process (Cross-Connections) ...............................................................................451 Configuration Process (QoS)........................................................................................................454 Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)...........................................454
9.4 Configuration Example (Ethernet Services Traversing a TDM Network).....................................................456

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9.4.1 Networking Diagram.............................................................................................................................456

9.4.2 Service Planning....................................................................................................................................459 Service Planning (Ethernet Ports on the Packet Plane)................................................................459 Service Planning (Ethernet Services on the Packet Plane)...........................................................460 Service Planning (QoS on the Packet Plane)................................................................................460 Service Planning (Ethernet Ports on the EFP8 Board).................................................................462 Service Planning (Ethernet Protection for the EFP8 Board)........................................................464 Service Planning (Ethernet Services on the EFP8 Board)............................................................465 Service Planning (Cross-Connections).........................................................................................466 Service Planning (QoS of the EFP8 Board).................................................................................467
9.4.3 Configuration Process............................................................................................................................469 Configuration Process (Ethernet Services on the Packet Plane) .................................................469 Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports on the Packet Plane) .......................................................470 Configuration Process (QoS on the Packet Plane).......................................................................470 Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports on the EFP8 Board).........................................................473 Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection on the EFP8 Board)................................................475 Configuration Process (Ethernet Services on the EFP8 Board)...................................................476 Configuration Process (Cross-Connections) ...............................................................................477 Configuration Process (QoS on the EFP8 Board)........................................................................478 Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)...........................................480

10 Configuring MPLS Tunnels..................................................................................................483

10.1 Basic Concept...............................................................................................................................................484
10.1.1 MPLS Network Architecture...............................................................................................................484
10.1.2 LSP......................................................................................................................................................484
10.1.3 Protection for MPLS Tunnels..............................................................................................................486
10.2 Configuration Procedure ..............................................................................................................................487
10.3 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection).......................................................495
10.3.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................495
10.3.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................496 Service Planning (MPLS Interfaces)..........................................................................................496 Service Planning (MPLS Tunnel)...............................................................................................499 Service Planning (MPLS Tunnel APS)......................................................................................500 Service Planning (QoS)..............................................................................................................504
10.3.3 Configuration Process .........................................................................................................................506 Configuration Process (MPLS Interfaces)..................................................................................506 Configuration Process (MPLS Tunnel)......................................................................................508 Configuration Process (MPLS APS)..........................................................................................516 Configuration Process (QoS)......................................................................................................520 Configuration Process (Verifying Configured MPLS Tunnels).................................................521
10.4 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with No Protection).....................................................................521
10.4.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................521
10.4.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................523

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) Contents Service Planning (MPLS Interfaces)..........................................................................................523 Service Planning (MPLS Tunnel)...............................................................................................524 Service Planning (QoS)..............................................................................................................526
10.4.3 Configuration Process .........................................................................................................................527 Configuration Process (MPLS Interfaces)..................................................................................527 Configuration Process (MPLS Tunnel)......................................................................................529 Configuration Process (QoS)......................................................................................................532 Configuration Process (Verifying Configured MPLS Tunnels).................................................533

11 Configuring PWE3 Services.................................................................................................. 535

11.1 Basic Concept...............................................................................................................................................537
11.1.1 Types of PWE3 Services.....................................................................................................................537 CES Services..............................................................................................................................537 ATM/IMA Services....................................................................................................................539 PW-Carried E-Line Services......................................................................................................540
11.1.2 MS-PW................................................................................................................................................543
11.2 Configuration Procedure...............................................................................................................................545
11.2.1 Per-NE Configuration Procedure (CES Services)...............................................................................545
11.2.2 Per-NE Configuration Procedure (ATM Services)..............................................................................549
11.2.3 Configuration Procedure (E-Line Services Carried by PWs)..............................................................556
11.3 Configuration Example (Common CES Services).......................................................................................564
11.3.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................564
11.3.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................565 Service Planning (UNI Ports).....................................................................................................565 Service Planning (Service Information).....................................................................................566
11.3.3 Per-NE Configuration Process.............................................................................................................568 Configuration Process (Service Information).............................................................................568 Configuration Process (Verifying CES Service Configurations)...............................................571
11.4 Configuration Example (Fractional CES Services)......................................................................................571
11.4.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................571
11.4.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................572 Service Planning (UNI Ports).....................................................................................................572 Service Planning (Service Information).....................................................................................573
11.4.3 Per-NE Configuration Process.............................................................................................................575 Configuration Process (Service Information).............................................................................575 Configuration Process (Verifying CES Service Configurations)...............................................578
11.5 Configuration Example (MS-PW-based CES Services)..............................................................................578
11.5.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................578
11.5.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................579 Service Planning (UNI Ports).....................................................................................................579 Service Planning (Service Information).....................................................................................580
11.5.3 Per-NE Configuration Process.............................................................................................................582 Configuration Process (Service Information).............................................................................582

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) Contents Configuration Process (Verifying CES Service Configurations)...............................................586

11.6 Configuration Example (Common ATM Services)......................................................................................586
11.6.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................586
11.6.2 ServicePlanning...................................................................................................................................588 Service Planning (UNI Ports).....................................................................................................588 Service Planning (ATM/IMA Information)...............................................................................589 Service Planning (QoS)..............................................................................................................590 Service Planning (Service Information).....................................................................................592
11.6.3 Configuration Process.........................................................................................................................595 Configuration Process (UNI Ports).............................................................................................595 Configuration Process (IMA Information).................................................................................596 Configuration Process (QoS)......................................................................................................598 Configuration Process (Service Information).............................................................................600 Configuration Process (Verifying ATM Service Configurations).............................................605
11.7 Configuration Example (Fractional ATM Services)....................................................................................605
11.7.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................605
11.7.2 ServicePlanning...................................................................................................................................606 Service Planning (UNI Ports).....................................................................................................606 Service Planning (ATM/IMA Information)...............................................................................608 Service Planning (QoS)..............................................................................................................609 Service Planning (Service Information).....................................................................................610
11.7.3 Configuration Process.........................................................................................................................613 Configuration Process (UNI Ports).............................................................................................613 Configuration Process (IMA Information).................................................................................615 Configuration Process (QoS)......................................................................................................617 Configuration Process (Service Information).............................................................................618 Configuration Process (Verifying ATM Service Configurations).............................................623
11.8 Configuration Example (ATM Services on MS-PWs).................................................................................624
11.8.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................624
11.8.2 ServicePlanning...................................................................................................................................625 Service Planning (UNI Ports).....................................................................................................625 Service Planning (ATM/IMA Information)...............................................................................625 Service Planning (QoS)..............................................................................................................627 Service Planning (Service Information).....................................................................................628
11.8.3 Configuration Process.........................................................................................................................634 Configuration Process (UNI Ports).............................................................................................634 Configuration Process (IMA Information).................................................................................635 Configuration Process (QoS)......................................................................................................637 Configuration Process (Service Information).............................................................................638 Configuration Process (Verifying ATM Service Configurations).............................................648
11.9 Configuration Example (Transparently Transmitted ATM Services)..........................................................648
11.9.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................648

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11.9.2 ServicePlanning...................................................................................................................................649 Service Planning (UNI Ports).....................................................................................................649 Service Planning (ATM/IMA Information)...............................................................................650 Service Planning (QoS)..............................................................................................................652 Service Planning (Service Information).....................................................................................652
11.9.3 Per-NE Configuration Process.............................................................................................................654 Configuration Process (UNI Ports).............................................................................................654 Configuration Process (IMA Information).................................................................................655 Configuration Process (QoS)......................................................................................................658 Configuration Process (Service Information).............................................................................658 Configuration Process (Verifying ATM Service Configurations).............................................662
11.10 Configuration Example (E-Line Services Carried on PWs, a Simple Example).......................................662
11.10.1 Networking Diagram.........................................................................................................................663
11.10.2 Service Planning................................................................................................................................664 Service Planning (UNI Ports)...................................................................................................664 Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)....................................................................................665 Service Planning (Service Information)...................................................................................665 Service Planning (QoS)............................................................................................................667
11.10.3 Per-NE Configuration Process...........................................................................................................668 Configuration Process (UNI Ports)...........................................................................................668 Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)............................................................................669 Configuration Process (Service Information)...........................................................................670 Configuration Process (QoS)....................................................................................................673 Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations).......................................674
11.11 Configuration Example (E-Line Services Carried on PWs and Transmitting the Ethernet Services Aggregated
from the Hybrid Microwave Network).................................................................................................................676
11.11.1 Networking Diagram.........................................................................................................................676
11.11.2 Service Planning................................................................................................................................678 Service Planning (UNI Ports)...................................................................................................678 Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)....................................................................................679 Service Planning (Service Information)...................................................................................680 Service Planning (QoS)............................................................................................................681
11.11.3 Per-NE Configuration Process...........................................................................................................683 Configuration Process (UNI Ports)...........................................................................................683 Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)............................................................................684 Configuration Process (Service Information)...........................................................................685 Configuration Process (QoS)....................................................................................................689 Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations).......................................690
11.12 Configuration Example (E-Line Services Carried on MS-PWs)................................................................693
11.12.1 Networking Diagram.........................................................................................................................693
11.12.2 Service Planning................................................................................................................................694 Service Planning (UNI Ports)...................................................................................................694 Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)....................................................................................696

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) Contents Service Planning (Service Information)...................................................................................696 Service Planning (QoS)............................................................................................................698
11.12.3 Per-NE Configuration Process...........................................................................................................699 Configuration Process (UNI Ports)...........................................................................................700 Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)............................................................................701 Configuration Process (Service Information)...........................................................................701 Configuration Process (QoS)....................................................................................................704 Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations).......................................706

12 Configuring the Clock............................................................................................................708

12.1 Basic Concepts.............................................................................................................................................709
12.1.1 Clock Source........................................................................................................................................709
12.1.2 Clock Protection Modes......................................................................................................................709
12.1.3 Clock Synchronization Policy.............................................................................................................713
12.2 Configuration Procedure...............................................................................................................................720
12.3 Configuration Example (Clock for a TDM Radio Chain Network).............................................................723
12.3.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................723
12.3.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................725
12.3.3 Configuration Process..........................................................................................................................725
12.4 Configuration Example (Clock for a TDM Radio Ring Network)...............................................................726
12.4.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................726
12.4.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................728
12.4.3 Configuration Process..........................................................................................................................729
12.5 Configuration Example (Clock for a Hybrid Radio Chain Network)...........................................................730
12.5.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................730
12.5.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................732
12.5.3 Configuration Process..........................................................................................................................733
12.6 Configuration Example (Clock for a Hybrid Radio Ring Network)............................................................734
12.6.1 Network Diagram ...............................................................................................................................734
12.6.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................735
12.6.3 Configuration Process..........................................................................................................................737
12.7 Configuration Example (Clocks for a PSN).................................................................................................737
12.7.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................738
12.7.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................740
12.7.3 Configuration Process..........................................................................................................................741
12.8 Configuration Example (Clocks Across a Third-party TDM Network).......................................................742
12.8.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................742
12.8.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................744
12.8.3 Configuration Process..........................................................................................................................745

13 Configuring Auxiliary Ports and Functions.......................................................................746

13.1 Auxiliary Ports and Functions......................................................................................................................748
13.2 Environment Monitoring Functions.............................................................................................................750
13.3 Configuration Procedure (Monitoring the Outdoor Cabinet).......................................................................752

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13.4 Configuration Example (Orderwire)............................................................................................................754

13.4.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................754
13.4.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................756
13.4.3 Configuration Process..........................................................................................................................758
13.5 Configuration Example (Synchronous Data Services).................................................................................758
13.5.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................758
13.5.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................760
13.5.3 Configuration Process..........................................................................................................................761
13.6 Configuration Example (Asynchronous Data Services)...............................................................................761
13.6.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................761
13.6.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................763
13.6.3 Configuration Process..........................................................................................................................764
13.7 Configuration Example (Wayside E1 Services)...........................................................................................764
13.7.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................764
13.7.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................765
13.7.3 Configuration Process..........................................................................................................................765
13.8 Configuration Example (External Alarms)...................................................................................................766
13.8.1 Networking Diagram...........................................................................................................................766
13.8.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................766
13.8.3 Configuration Process..........................................................................................................................767
13.9 Configuration Example (Monitoring the Outdoor Cabinet).........................................................................768
13.9.1 Network Diagram................................................................................................................................768
13.9.2 Service Planning..................................................................................................................................769
13.9.3 Configuration Process..........................................................................................................................770

14 Adding and Modifying Configuration Data......................................................................771

14.1 Common Task Collection (NEs)..................................................................................................................772
14.2 Common Task Collection (Radio Links)......................................................................................................773
14.3 Common Task Collection (TDM Services)..................................................................................................777
14.4 Common Task Collection (Packet-Plane Ethernet Services).......................................................................778
14.5 Task Collection (EoPDH-Plane Ethernet Services).....................................................................................780

A Task Collection.........................................................................................................................783
A.1 Web LCT Quick Start....................................................................................................................................785
A.1.1 Connecting the Web LCT to the IDU...................................................................................................785
A.1.2 Using Online Help................................................................................................................................787
A.1.3 Navigating to the NE Explorer.............................................................................................................787
A.2 Network Management...................................................................................................................................788
A.2.1 Managing NEs......................................................................................................................................788
A.2.1.1 Creating NEs by Using the Search Method.................................................................................789
A.2.1.2 Creating NEs by Using the Manual Method................................................................................790
A.2.1.3 Logging In to an NE....................................................................................................................791
A.2.1.4 Configuring the Logical Board....................................................................................................792
A.2.1.5 Changing the NE ID....................................................................................................................793

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A.2.1.6 Changing the NE Name...............................................................................................................794

A.2.1.7 Synchronizing the NE Time........................................................................................................795
A.2.1.8 Localizing the NE Time...............................................................................................................796
A.2.2 Configuring the Performance Monitoring Status of NEs.....................................................................797
A.2.3 Suppressing Alarms for Monitored Objects.........................................................................................798
A.2.4 Managing Communication...................................................................................................................799
A.2.4.1 Setting NE Communication Parameters......................................................................................799
A.2.4.2 Configuring DCCs.......................................................................................................................800
A.2.4.3 Configuring DCC Transparent Transmission..............................................................................801
A.2.4.4 Configuring the VLAN ID and Bandwidth Used by an Inband DCN.........................................802
A.2.4.5 Configuring the Priority of Inband DCN Packets........................................................................803
A.2.4.6 Setting Parameters of Inband DCN.............................................................................................804
A.2.4.7 Configuring the Protocol Type of the Inband DCN....................................................................805
A.2.4.8 Configuring Access Control........................................................................................................806
A.2.4.9 Configuring Extended ECC Communication..............................................................................807
A.2.4.10 Creating Static IP Routes...........................................................................................................808
A.2.4.11 Setting OSPF Protocol Parameters............................................................................................809
A.2.4.12 Creating an OSPF Area.............................................................................................................810
A.2.4.13 Configuring the Network Information of an ABR....................................................................811
A.2.4.14 Creating a Manual Route Aggregation Group...........................................................................812
A.2.4.15 Configuring Interface IP Addresses of an ABR........................................................................813
A.2.4.16 Configuring the OSPF Authentication Type.............................................................................814
A.2.4.17 Enabling the Proxy ARP............................................................................................................815
A.2.4.18 Configuring the CLNS Role......................................................................................................816
A.2.4.19 Configuring the OSI Tunnel......................................................................................................816
A.2.4.20 Enabling/Disabling the RSTP Protocol When the L2 DCN Solution Is Used..........................817
A.2.4.21 Querying ECC Routes...............................................................................................................818
A.2.4.22 Querying IP Routes....................................................................................................................819
A.2.4.23 Querying OSI Routes.................................................................................................................819
A.2.4.24 Verifying Connectivity of an ECC Network.............................................................................820
A.2.4.25 Verifying Connectivity of an IP DCN Network........................................................................820
A.2.5 Configuring the Network Management Port and LCT Access to an NE..............................................821
A.2.5.1 Configuring the Ethernet Network Management Port on an NE.................................................821
A.2.5.2 Configuring the Network Management Serial Port on an NE.....................................................822
A.2.5.3 Configuring LCT Access to NEs.................................................................................................822
A.2.6 Configuring an NE User.......................................................................................................................823
A.2.6.1 Creating an NE User....................................................................................................................823
A.2.6.2 Changing the Password of an NE User........................................................................................824
A.2.6.3 Setting Warning Screen Parameters............................................................................................825
A.2.7 Configuring RADIUS Authentication..................................................................................................826
A.2.7.1 Enabling/Disabling the RADIUS Function.................................................................................826
A.2.7.2 Creating a RADIUS Server or a RADIUS Proxy Server............................................................827

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A.2.7.3 Configuring RADIUS Server Parameters....................................................................................828

A.3 Managing Radio Links..................................................................................................................................830
A.3.1 Creating an IF 1+1 Protection Group...................................................................................................830
A.3.2 Creating an XPIC Workgroup..............................................................................................................832
A.3.3 Setting the AM Attributes of the XPIC Workgroup.............................................................................833
A.3.4 Configuring the IF/ODU Information of a Radio Link........................................................................835
A.3.5 Creating an N+1 Protection Group.......................................................................................................837
A.3.6 Querying the IF 1+1 Protection Status.................................................................................................838
A.3.7 Querying the IF N+1 Protection Status................................................................................................839
A.3.8 IF 1+1 Protection Switching.................................................................................................................840
A.3.9 IF N+1 Protection Switching................................................................................................................840
A.3.10 Starting/Stopping the N+1 Protection Protocol..................................................................................841
A.4 Managing the MSP........................................................................................................................................842
A.4.1 Configuring Linear MSP......................................................................................................................842
A.4.2 Querying the Status of the Linear MSP................................................................................................843
A.4.3 Performing Linear MSP Switching......................................................................................................844
A.4.4 Starting/Stopping the Linear MSP Protocol.........................................................................................845
A.5 Managing TDM Services...............................................................................................................................845
A.5.1 Creating the Cross-Connections of Point-to-Point Services.................................................................845
A.5.2 Creating Cross-Connections of SNCP Services...................................................................................846
A.5.3 Modifying the Priorities of E1 Services...............................................................................................847
A.5.4 Inserting E1_AIS upon a TU_AIS Condition.......................................................................................849
A.5.5 Configuring the Automatic Switching of SNCP Services....................................................................849
A.5.6 Deleting Cross-Connections.................................................................................................................850
A.5.7 Converting a Normal Service into an SNCP Service...........................................................................851
A.5.8 Converting an SNCP Service to a Normal Service..............................................................................852
A.5.9 Querying TDM Services.......................................................................................................................852
A.5.10 Switching SNCP Services...................................................................................................................853
A.5.11 Querying the Protection Status of SNCP Services.............................................................................854
A.6 Managing Ports..............................................................................................................................................854
A.6.1 Setting the Parameters of SDH Ports....................................................................................................854
A.6.2 Setting the Parameters of PDH Ports....................................................................................................855
A.6.3 Configuring Overhead Bytes................................................................................................................856
A.6.3.1 Configuring RSOHs.....................................................................................................................856
A.6.3.2 Configuring VC-4 POHs.............................................................................................................857
A.6.3.3 Configuring VC-12 POHs...........................................................................................................859
A.6.4 Setting Smart E1 Port Parameters.........................................................................................................860
A.6.4.1 Setting Basic Attributes of Smart E1 Ports..................................................................................860
A.6.4.2 Setting Advanced Attributes of Smart E1 Ports..........................................................................861
A.6.5 Setting Serial Port Parameters..............................................................................................................861
A.6.5.1 Creating Serial Ports....................................................................................................................861
A.6.5.2 Setting Basic Attributes of Serial Ports.......................................................................................862

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A.6.6 Setting Ethernet Port Parameters..........................................................................................................863

A.6.6.1 Setting the General Attributes of Ethernet Ports.........................................................................863
A.6.6.2 Configuring the Traffic Control of Ethernet Ports......................................................................864
A.6.6.3 Setting the Layer 2 Attributes of Ethernet Ports..........................................................................865
A.6.6.4 Setting Layer 3 Attributes of Ethernet Ports................................................................................866
A.6.6.5 Setting the Advanced Attributes of Ethernet Ports......................................................................867
A.6.7 Setting IF_ETH Port Parameters..........................................................................................................868
A.6.7.1 Setting the General Attributes of IF_ETH Ports..........................................................................868
A.6.7.2 Setting the Layer 2 Attributes of IF_ETH Ports..........................................................................868
A.6.7.3 Setting Layer 3 Attributes of IF_ETH Ports................................................................................869
A.6.7.4 Setting the Advanced Attributes of IF_ETH Ports......................................................................870
A.6.8 Setting IF Port Parameters....................................................................................................................871
A.6.8.1 Setting IF Attributes....................................................................................................................871
A.6.8.2 Configuring ATPC Attributes......................................................................................................873
A.6.8.3 Setting Advanced AM Attributes................................................................................................874
A.6.8.4 Querying the AM Status..............................................................................................................875
A.6.8.5 Querying ATPC Adjustment Records.........................................................................................875
A.6.8.6 Modifying the Hybrid/AM Attributes.........................................................................................876
A.6.8.7 Querying the SNR Values of a Radio Link.................................................................................878
A.6.9 Setting ODU Port Parameters...............................................................................................................878
A.6.9.1 Setting ODU Transmit Frequency Attributes..............................................................................879
A.6.9.2 Querying ODU Information........................................................................................................879
A.6.9.3 Setting ODU Power Attributes....................................................................................................880
A.6.9.4 Setting ODU Advanced Attributes..............................................................................................881
A.6.9.5 Setting the ODU Transmitter State..............................................................................................882
A.6.9.6 Querying the Historical Transmit Power and Receive Power.....................................................883
A.7 Configuring Ethernet Services and Features on the Packet Plane.................................................................883
A.7.1 Managing ERPS....................................................................................................................................883
A.7.1.1 Creating Ethernet Ring Protection Instances...............................................................................883
A.7.1.2 Setting the Parameters of Ethernet Ring Protocol.......................................................................884
A.7.1.3 Querying the Status of the Ethernet Ring Protocol.....................................................................885
A.7.2 Managing the LAG...............................................................................................................................886
A.7.2.1 Creating a LAG............................................................................................................................886
A.7.2.2 Setting LAG Parameters..............................................................................................................888
A.7.2.3 Querying the Protocol Information of the LAG..........................................................................889
A.7.3 Configuring Ethernet Services..............................................................................................................890
A.7.3.1 Configuring the QinQ Link.........................................................................................................890
A.7.3.2 Configuring UNI-UNI E-Line Services.......................................................................................890
A.7.3.3 Configuring NNI-NNI E-Line Services (Carried by QinQ Links)..............................................891
A.7.3.4 Configuring UNI-NNI E-Line Services (Carried by QinQ Links)..............................................893
A.7.3.5 Configuring UNI-NNI E-Line Services (Carried by PWs).........................................................895
A.7.3.6 Creating a VLAN Forwarding Table for an E-Line Service.......................................................897

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A.7.3.7 Configuring TPID for a Request VLAN.....................................................................................898

A.7.3.8 Configuring IEEE 802.1d Bridge-Based E-LAN Services..........................................................898
A.7.3.9 Configuring IEEE 802.1q Bridge-Based E-LAN Services..........................................................900
A.7.3.10 Configuring IEEE 802.1ad Bridge-Based E-LAN Services......................................................901
A.7.3.11 Changing Logical Ports Connected to a VB..............................................................................902
A.7.3.12 Deleting an E-Line Service........................................................................................................903
A.7.3.13 Deleting E-LAN Services..........................................................................................................904
A.7.4 Managing the MAC Address Table......................................................................................................904
A.7.4.1 Creating a Static MAC Address Entry.........................................................................................904
A.7.4.2 Creating a Blacklist Entry of MAC Addresses............................................................................905
A.7.4.3 Configuring the Aging Parameters of a MAC Address Table.....................................................906
A.7.4.4 Querying or Deleting a Dynamic MAC Address........................................................................906
A.7.5 Setting the Mode for Processing an Unknown Frame of the E-LAN Service......................................907
A.7.6 Managing the MSTP.............................................................................................................................908
A.7.6.1 Creating the MSTP Port Group...................................................................................................908
A.7.6.2 Setting the Bridge Parameters of the MSTP................................................................................909
A.7.6.3 Setting the Parameters of the CIST.............................................................................................910
A.7.6.4 Querying the CIST Running Information....................................................................................911
A.7.6.5 Changing the Spanning Tree Protocol Used by the Port Group..................................................912
A.7.6.6 Enabling/Disabling the MSTP Protocol......................................................................................912
A.7.6.7 Modifying the Configuration Data of the MSTP Port Group......................................................913
A.7.7 Managing the QoS................................................................................................................................914
A.7.7.1 Creating a DS Domain.................................................................................................................914
A.7.7.2 Modifying the Mapping Relationships for the DS Domain.........................................................916
A.7.7.3 Changing the Ports Applied to a DS Domain and Their Trusted Packet Types..........................917
A.7.7.4 Creating a Port Policy..................................................................................................................920
A.7.7.5 Modifying the Port Policy...........................................................................................................921
A.7.7.6 Creating Traffic...........................................................................................................................922
A.7.7.7 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy...................................................................................923
A.7.7.8 Configuring Port Shaping............................................................................................................925
A.7.7.9 Querying the Port Policy.............................................................................................................926
A.7.7.10 Querying the DS Domain of a Port............................................................................................927
A.7.8 Using the IEEE 802.1ag OAM.............................................................................................................928
A.7.8.1 Creating an MD...........................................................................................................................928
A.7.8.2 Creating an MA...........................................................................................................................929
A.7.8.3 Creating MEPs.............................................................................................................................929
A.7.8.4 Creating Remote MEPs in an MA...............................................................................................931
A.7.8.5 Creating MIPs..............................................................................................................................931
A.7.8.6 Performing a CC Test..................................................................................................................932
A.7.8.7 Performing an LB Test................................................................................................................933
A.7.8.8 Performing an LT Test.................................................................................................................934
A.7.8.9 Activating the AIS.......................................................................................................................935

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A.7.9 Using the IEEE 802.3ah OAM ............................................................................................................936

A.7.9.1 Enabling the OAM Auto-Discovery Function.............................................................................936
A.7.9.2 Enabling the Remote Alarm Support for Link Event..................................................................937
A.7.9.3 Modifying the OAM Error Frame Monitoring Threshold ..........................................................938
A.7.9.4 Performing Remote Loopbacks...................................................................................................939
A.7.9.5 Enabling Self-Loop Detection.....................................................................................................940
A.7.10 LPT Configuration..............................................................................................................................941
A.7.10.1 Configuring Point-to-Point LPT Traversing an L2 Network....................................................941
A.7.10.2 Configuring Point-to-Point LPT Traversing a PSN or QinQ Network.....................................942
A.7.10.3 Configuring Point-to-Multipoint LPT.......................................................................................942
A.7.10.4 Configuring Simple LPT...........................................................................................................943
A.8 Configuring Ethernet Services and Features on the EoPDH Plane...............................................................945
A.8.1 Managing LAGs ..................................................................................................................................945
A.8.1.1 Creating a LAG............................................................................................................................945
A.8.1.2 Setting Parameters for LAGs.......................................................................................................946
A.8.1.3 Querying the Protocol Information of LAGs...............................................................................947
A.8.2 Configuring Ethernet Services..............................................................................................................948
A.8.2.1 Creating Ethernet Private Line Services......................................................................................948
A.8.2.2 Creating Ethernet LAN Services.................................................................................................950
A.8.2.3 Changing the Ports Connected to a VB.......................................................................................954
A.8.2.4 Creating the VLAN Filtering Table.............................................................................................955
A.8.2.5 Creating QinQ-Based EVPL Services.........................................................................................956
A.8.2.6 Creating IEEE 802.1ad Bridge-Based EVPLAN Services..........................................................958
A.8.2.7 Deleting an Ethernet Private Line Service...................................................................................961
A.8.2.8 Deleting an Ethernet LAN Service..............................................................................................961
A.8.3 Managing the MAC Address Table......................................................................................................962
A.8.3.1 Creating a Static MAC Address Entry.........................................................................................962
A.8.3.2 Creating a Blacklist Entry of a MAC Address............................................................................963
A.8.3.3 Setting the Aging Time of a MAC Address Table Entry ...........................................................964
A.8.3.4 Querying or Deleting a Dynamic MAC Address........................................................................965
A.8.3.5 Querying the Actual Capacity of a MAC Address Table............................................................965
A.8.4 Configuring Ethernet Ports...................................................................................................................966
A.8.4.1 Configuring External Ethernet Ports...........................................................................................966
A.8.4.2 Configuring VCTRUNKs on an Ethernet Board.........................................................................968
A.8.4.3 Modifying the Type Field of QinQ Frames.................................................................................970
A.8.4.4 Dynamically Increasing/Decreasing the VCTRUNK Bandwidth...............................................970
A.8.5 Managing the Spanning Tree Protocol.................................................................................................972
A.8.5.1 Configuring the Type and Enabled Status of the Spanning Tree Protocol..................................972
A.8.5.2 Setting the Parameters of Spanning Tree Protocol......................................................................972
A.8.5.3 Querying the Running Information About the Spanning Tree Protocol......................................974
A.8.6 Managing the IGMP Snooping Protocol..............................................................................................974
A.8.6.1 Configuring the IGMP Snooping Protocol..................................................................................974

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A.8.6.2 Configuring Static Multicast Entries...........................................................................................975

A.8.6.3 Modifying the Aging Time of a Multicast Table Entry...............................................................976
A.8.6.4 Querying the Running Information of the IGMP Snooping Protocol.........................................977
A.8.7 Managing the QoS................................................................................................................................978
A.8.7.1 Creating a Flow............................................................................................................................978
A.8.7.2 Creating the CAR........................................................................................................................978
A.8.7.3 Creating the CoS..........................................................................................................................979
A.8.7.4 Binding the CAR/CoS.................................................................................................................981
A.8.7.5 Configuring Traffic Shaping for Egress Queues.........................................................................982
A.8.8 Using the Ethernet service OAM..........................................................................................................983
A.8.8.1 Creating MDs...............................................................................................................................983
A.8.8.2 Creating MAs...............................................................................................................................984
A.8.8.3 Creating MPs...............................................................................................................................985
A.8.8.4 Performing a CC Test..................................................................................................................986
A.8.8.5 Performing an LB Test................................................................................................................987
A.8.8.6 Performing an LT Test.................................................................................................................988
A.8.8.7 Activating the AIS.......................................................................................................................989
A.8.8.8 Performing a Ping Test ...............................................................................................................990
A.8.8.9 Performing Performance Check..................................................................................................991
A.8.9 Using the Ethernet port OAM...............................................................................................................992
A.8.9.1 Enabling the OAM Auto-Discovery Function.............................................................................992
A.8.9.2 Enabling the Link Event Notification..........................................................................................993
A.8.9.3 Modifying the OAM Error Frame Monitoring Threshold...........................................................994
A.8.9.4 Performing the Remote Loopback...............................................................................................995
A.8.10 Configuring LPT.................................................................................................................................996
A.8.10.1 Configuring LPT for Point-to-Point Services............................................................................996
A.8.10.2 Configuring LPT for Point-to-Multipoint Services...................................................................997
A.9 Managing MPLS/PWE3 Services and Features............................................................................................998
A.9.1 Managing Address Resolution..............................................................................................................999
A.9.1.1 Creating ARP Static Entries........................................................................................................999
A.9.1.2 Querying ARP Entries.................................................................................................................999
A.9.1.3 Converting Dynamic ARP Entries to Static ARP Entries.........................................................1000
A.9.1.4 Deleting Static ARP Entries......................................................................................................1000
A.9.1.5 Setting ARP Aging Time...........................................................................................................1001
A.9.2 Managing MPLS Tunnels...................................................................................................................1001
A.9.2.1 Setting Basic MPLS Attributes..................................................................................................1001
A.9.2.2 Creating a Unidirectional MPLS Tunnel...................................................................................1002
A.9.2.3 Creating a Bidirectional MPLS Tunnel.....................................................................................1003
A.9.2.4 Querying MPLS Tunnel Information........................................................................................1004
A.9.2.5 Changing MPLS Tunnel Information........................................................................................1005
A.9.2.6 Deleting MPLS Tunnels............................................................................................................1006
A.9.2.7 Setting MPLS OAM Parameters...............................................................................................1006

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A.9.2.8 Enabling/Disabling FDI.............................................................................................................1007

A.9.2.9 Starting/Stopping CV/FFD Detection for MPLS Tunnels.........................................................1007
A.9.2.10 Querying LSP Running Status.................................................................................................1008
A.9.2.11 Clearing OAM Configuration Data for MPLS Tunnels..........................................................1009
A.9.2.12 Performing an LSP Ping Test..................................................................................................1010
A.9.2.13 Performing an LSP Traceroute Test........................................................................................1011
A.9.3 Managing MPLS APS Protection Groups..........................................................................................1012
A.9.3.1 Creating an MPLS APS Protection Group................................................................................1012
A.9.3.2 Querying MPLS APS Status......................................................................................................1013
A.9.3.3 Triggering MPLS APS Switching.............................................................................................1014
A.9.3.4 Enabling/Disabling MPLS APS Protection...............................................................................1015
A.9.4 Managing PWs....................................................................................................................................1016
A.9.4.1 Querying Information and Running Status of PWs...................................................................1016
A.9.4.2 Creating an MS-PW...................................................................................................................1017
A.9.4.3 Setting PW OAM Parameters....................................................................................................1018
A.9.4.4 Performing a PW Ping Test.......................................................................................................1019
A.9.4.5 Performing a PW Traceroute Test.............................................................................................1020
A.9.5 Managing a PW APS Protection Group.............................................................................................1021
A.9.5.1 Creating a PW APS Protection Group.......................................................................................1021
A.9.5.2 Configuring Slave Protection Pairs of PW APS........................................................................1023
A.9.5.3 Querying PW APS Status..........................................................................................................1025
A.9.5.4 Triggering PW APS Switching..................................................................................................1025
A.9.5.5 Enabling/Disabling PW APS Protection...................................................................................1026
A.9.6 Managing CES Services.....................................................................................................................1027
A.9.6.1 Creating CES Services...............................................................................................................1027
A.9.6.2 Modifying CES Service Parameters..........................................................................................1029
A.9.6.3 Querying CES Service Information...........................................................................................1030
A.9.6.4 Deleting a CES Service.............................................................................................................1031
A.9.7 Managing ATM/IMA Ports................................................................................................................1031
A.9.7.1 Binding ATM TRUNKs............................................................................................................1032
A.9.7.2 Configuring an IMA group .......................................................................................................1033
A.9.7.3 Setting ATM Port Parameters....................................................................................................1034
A.9.7.4 Querying Running Status of an IMA Group..............................................................................1034
A.9.7.5 Querying Link Running Status of an IMA Group.....................................................................1035
A.9.8 Managing ATM Services....................................................................................................................1036
A.9.8.1 Creating ATM Services.............................................................................................................1036
A.9.8.2 Modifying ATM Service Parameters.........................................................................................1038
A.9.8.3 Querying ATM Services............................................................................................................1039
A.9.8.4 Deleting an ATM Service..........................................................................................................1039
A.9.9 ATM Traffic Management.................................................................................................................1040
A.9.9.1 Creating an ATM-DiffServ Domain..........................................................................................1040
A.9.9.2 Modifying an ATM-Diffserv Domain.......................................................................................1041

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A.9.9.3 Creating an ATM Policy............................................................................................................1042

A.9.9.4 Modifying an ATM Policy........................................................................................................1043
A.9.10 Using ATM OAM.............................................................................................................................1044
A.9.10.1 Setting Segment and End Attributes of AIS/RDI....................................................................1044
A.9.10.2 Performing a Continuity Check Test.......................................................................................1044
A.9.10.3 Querying or Setting LLIDs......................................................................................................1045
A.9.10.4 Performing an LB Test............................................................................................................1046
A.10 Managing the Clock...................................................................................................................................1046
A.10.1 Managing Clocks at the Physical Layer...........................................................................................1046
A.10.1.1 Configuring the Clock Sources................................................................................................1047
A.10.1.2 Configuring Clock Subnets......................................................................................................1048
A.10.1.3 User-Defined Clock Quality....................................................................................................1048
A.10.1.4 Configuring the SSM Output Status........................................................................................1049
A.10.1.5 Configuring the Clock ID Output Status.................................................................................1050
A.10.1.6 Modifying the Parameters of the Clock Output.......................................................................1051
A.10.1.7 Configuring Clock Sources for External Clock Output...........................................................1052
A.10.1.8 Changing the Conditions for Clock Source Switching............................................................1053
A.10.1.9 Modifying the Recovery Parameter of the Clock Source........................................................1053
A.10.1.10 Querying the Clock Synchronization Status..........................................................................1054
A.10.2 Managing CES ACR Clocks............................................................................................................1054
A.10.2.1 Configuring the Primary Clock for an ACR Clock Domain...................................................1054
A.10.2.2 Configuring Ports Using the Clock Domain............................................................................1055
A.11 Using the RMON.......................................................................................................................................1057
A.11.1 Browsing the Performance Data in the Statistics Group of an Ethernet Port...................................1057
A.11.2 Configuring an Alarm Group for an Ethernet Port...........................................................................1058
A.11.3 Configuring a Historical Control Group...........................................................................................1059
A.11.4 Browsing the Performance Data in the Historical Group of an Ethernet Port..................................1060
A.12 Configuring Auxiliary Ports and Functions...............................................................................................1061
A.12.1 Configuring Orderwire.....................................................................................................................1061
A.12.2 Configuring the Synchronous Data Service.....................................................................................1062
A.12.3 Configuring the Asynchronous Data Service...................................................................................1063
A.12.4 Configuring the Wayside E1 Service...............................................................................................1064
A.12.5 Configure External Alarms...............................................................................................................1065
A.12.6 Monitoring the Outdoor Cabinet......................................................................................................1066
A.12.6.1 Configuring the Function of an Auxiliary Port .......................................................................1066
A.12.6.2 Setting the Type of the Outdoor Cabinet.................................................................................1067
A.12.6.3 Querying and Setting the Temperature and Fan Information of the Outdoor Cabinet............1068
A.12.6.4 Querying and Setting the Information About the Power System of the Outdoor Cabinet
A.12.6.5 Querying the Ambient Temperature and Humidity of the Outdoor Cabinet...........................1070
A.12.6.6 Setting the Temperature and Humidity Alarm Thresholds for the PMU................................1070
A.13 Verifying Services and Features................................................................................................................1071
A.13.1 Testing E1 Services Using PRBS.....................................................................................................1071

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A.13.2 Testing E1 Services by Using a BER Tester....................................................................................1073

A.13.3 Testing Ethernet Services.................................................................................................................1074
A.13.4 Testing ATM Services......................................................................................................................1078
A.13.5 Testing AM Switching......................................................................................................................1081
A.13.5.1 Testing AM Switching by Using a BER Tester.......................................................................1081
A.13.5.2 Testing AM Switching Without a BER Tester........................................................................1083
A.13.6 Testing Protection Switching............................................................................................................1085
A.13.6.1 Testing IF 1+1 Switching........................................................................................................1085
A.13.6.2 Testing N+1 Protection Switching...........................................................................................1088
A.13.6.3 Testing SNCP Switching.........................................................................................................1091
A.13.6.4 Testing ERPS Switching..........................................................................................................1094
A.13.6.5 Testing MPLS APS Protection Switching...............................................................................1096
A.13.6.6 Testing Linear MSP Switching................................................................................................1098
A.13.6.7 Switching the System Control Unit and the Cross-Connect Unit............................................1101

B Parameters Description..........................................................................................................1103
B.1 Parameters for Network Management.........................................................................................................1104
B.1.1 Parameters for NE Management.........................................................................................................1104
B.1.1.1 Parameter Description: NE Searching.......................................................................................1104
B.1.1.2 Parameter Description: NE Creation.........................................................................................1105
B.1.1.3 Parameter Description: Login to an NE.....................................................................................1107
B.1.1.4 Parameter Description: NE Attribute_Changing NE IDs..........................................................1107
B.1.1.5 Parameter Description: NE Time Synchronization....................................................................1108
B.1.1.6 Parameter Description: Localization Management of the NE Time..........................................1113
B.1.1.7 Parameter Description: License Management...........................................................................1114
B.1.1.8 Parameter Description: Automatic Disabling of the Functions of NEs.....................................1114
B.1.2 Parameters for Communications Management...................................................................................1115
B.1.2.1 Parameter Description: NE Communication Parameter Setting................................................1115
B.1.2.2 Parameter Description: DCC Management_DCC Rate Configuration......................................1116
B.1.2.3 Parameter Description: DCC Management_DCC Transparent Transmission Management
B.1.2.4 Parameter Description: ECC Management_Ethernet Port Extended ECC................................1120
B.1.2.5 Parameter Description: NE ECC Link Management.................................................................1122
B.1.2.6 Parameter Description: ECC Link Management_Availability Test..........................................1123
B.1.2.7 Parameter Description: IP Protocol Stack Management_IP Route Management......................1124
B.1.2.8 Parameter Description: IP Protocol Stack Management_IP Route Management Creation.......1126
B.1.2.9 Parameter Description: IP Protocol Stack Management_Availability Test...............................1126
B.1.2.10 Parameter Description: IP Protocol Stack Management_OSPF Parameter Settings...............1127
B.1.2.11 Parameter Description: IP Protocol Stack_Proxy ARP...........................................................1133
B.1.2.12 Parameter Description: Management of Multiple OSPF Areas...............................................1134
B.1.2.13 Parameter Description: Management of Multiple OSPF Areas_Adding OSPF Areas............1135
B.1.2.14 Parameter Description: Management of Multiple OSPF Areas_Adding Routes to Be Manually
B.1.2.15 Parameter Description: Port OSPF Setting..............................................................................1137

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B.1.2.16 Parameter Description: OSI Management_Network Layer Parameter....................................1138

B.1.2.17 Parameter Description: OSI Management_Routing Table......................................................1139
B.1.2.18 Parameter Description: OSI Management_OSI Tunnel...........................................................1141
B.1.2.19 Parameter Description: DCN Management_Bandwidth Management....................................1145
B.1.2.20 Parameter Description: DCN Management_Port Setting........................................................1145
B.1.2.21 Parameter Description: DCN Management_Protocol Setting.................................................1146
B.1.2.22 Parameter Description: DCN Management_Access Control...................................................1147
B.1.2.23 Parameter Description: DCN Management_Packet Control...................................................1148
B.1.2.24 Parameter Description: L2 DCN Management........................................................................1149
B.1.2.25 Parameter Description: Access Control...................................................................................1149
B.1.3 Parameters for Network Security Management..................................................................................1151
B.1.3.1 Parameter Description: NE User Management..........................................................................1151
B.1.3.2 Parameter Description: NE User Management_Creation..........................................................1152
B.1.3.3 Parameter Description: LCT Access Control............................................................................1154
B.1.3.4 Parameter Description: RADIUS Configuration_Creation.......................................................1154
B.1.3.5 Parameter Description: RADIUS Configuration_RADIUS Server...........................................1155
B.1.3.6 Parameter Description: Enabling/Disabling the RADIUS Function.........................................1157
B.2 Radio Link Parameters.................................................................................................................................1157
B.2.1 Parameter Description: Link Configuration_XPIC Workgroup_Creation.........................................1157
B.2.2 Parameter Description: Link Configuration_XPIC............................................................................1162
B.2.3 Parameter Description: N+1 Protection_Create..................................................................................1169
B.2.4 Parameter Description: N+1 Protection..............................................................................................1170
B.2.5 Parameter Description: IF 1+1 Protection_Create..............................................................................1172
B.2.6 Parameter Description: IF 1+1 Protection..........................................................................................1175
B.2.7 Parameter: Link Configuration_IF/ODU Configuration....................................................................1179
B.3 Multiplex Section Protection Parameters.....................................................................................................1189
B.3.1 Parameter Description: Linear MSP_Creation...................................................................................1189
B.3.2 Parameter Description: Linear MSP...................................................................................................1193
B.4 SDH/PDH Service Parameters.....................................................................................................................1197
B.4.1 Parameter Description: SDH Service Configuration_Creation..........................................................1197
B.4.2 Parameter Description: SDH Service Configuration_SNCP Service Creation..................................1200
B.4.3 Parameter Description: SDH Service Configuration_Converting Normal Services Into SNCP Services
B.4.4 Parameter Description: SDH Service Configuration..........................................................................1207
B.4.5 Parameter Description: SNCP Service Control..................................................................................1209
B.4.6 Parameter Description: TU_AIS Insertion..........................................................................................1212
B.5 Parameters for Board Interfaces...................................................................................................................1213
B.5.1 PDH Port Parameters..........................................................................................................................1213
B.5.1.1 Parameter Description: PDH Ports_Basic Attributes................................................................1213
B.5.1.2 Parameter Description: PDH Ports_Advanced Attributes.........................................................1214
B.5.2 Parameters for the Ports on Ethernet Boards......................................................................................1218
B.5.2.1 Parameter Description: Ethernet Interface_Basic Attributes.....................................................1218
B.5.2.2 Parameter Description: Ethernet Interface_Flow Control.........................................................1222

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B.5.2.3 Parameter Description: Ethernet Interface_Layer 2 Attributes..................................................1223

B.5.2.4 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port_Layer 3 Attributes.........................................................1226
B.5.2.5 Parameter Description: Ethernet Interface_Advanced Attributes..............................................1228
B.5.3 Serial Port Parameters.........................................................................................................................1230
B.5.3.1 Parameter Description: Serial Port_Basic Attributes.................................................................1230
B.5.3.2 Parameter Description: Serial Port_Creation of Serial Ports.....................................................1232
B.5.4 Microwave Interface Parameters........................................................................................................1233
B.5.4.1 Parameter Description: Microwave Interface_Basic Attributes................................................1233
B.5.4.2 Parameter Description: Microwave Interface_Layer 2 Attributes.............................................1234
B.5.4.3 Parameter Description: Microwave Interface_Layer 3 Attributes.............................................1236
B.5.4.4 Parameter Description: Microwave Interface_Advanced Attributes.........................................1238
B.5.5 IF Board Parameters...........................................................................................................................1241
B.5.5.1 Parameter Description: IF Interface_IF Attribute......................................................................1241
B.5.5.2 Parameter Description: IF Interface_ATPC Attribute...............................................................1249
B.5.5.3 Parameter Description: Hybrid_AM Configuration_Advanced Attributes...............................1250
B.5.5.4 Parameter Description: ATPC Adjustment Records..................................................................1251
B.5.5.5 Parameter Description: PRBS Test............................................................................................1252
B.5.6 ODU Parameters.................................................................................................................................1253
B.5.6.1 Parameter Description: ODU Interface_Radio Frequency Attribute.........................................1253
B.5.6.2 Parameter Description: ODU Interface_Power Attributes.........................................................1255
B.5.6.3 Parameter Description: ODU Interface_Equipment Information..............................................1258
B.5.6.4 Parameter Description: ODU Interface_Advanced Attributes...................................................1260
B.5.7 Parameters for SDH Interface Boards.................................................................................................1261
B.5.7.1 Parameter Description: SDH Interfaces.....................................................................................1261
B.5.7.2 Parameter Description: Automatic Laser Shutdown..................................................................1263
B.5.8 Parameters for PDH Interface Boards.................................................................................................1263
B.5.8.1 Parameter Description: PDH Ports............................................................................................1263
B.5.8.2 Parameter Description: PRBS Test............................................................................................1266
B.5.9 Parameters for Overhead.....................................................................................................................1267
B.5.9.1 Parameter Description: Regenerator Section Overhead.............................................................1267
B.5.9.2 Parameter Description: VC-4 POHs..........................................................................................1268
B.5.9.3 Parameter Description: VC-12 POHs........................................................................................1270
B.6 Parameters for Ethernet Services and Ethernet Features on the Packet Plane.............................................1271
B.6.1 Parameters for Ethernet Services........................................................................................................1271
B.6.1.1 Parameter Description: E-Line Service_Creation......................................................................1271
B.6.1.2 Parameter Description: E-Line Service......................................................................................1292
B.6.1.3 Parameter Description: VLAN Forwarding Table Items for E-Line Services_Creation...........1303
B.6.1.4 Parameter Description: E-LAN Service_Creation.....................................................................1304
B.6.1.5 Parameter Description: E-LAN Service.....................................................................................1315
B.6.1.6 Parameter Description: QinQ Link_Creation............................................................................1327
B.6.2 Parameters for Ethernet Protocols......................................................................................................1328
B.6.2.1 Parameter Description: ERPS Management_Creation..............................................................1328

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B.6.2.2 Parameter Description: ERPS Management..............................................................................1330

B.6.2.3 Parameter Description: MSTP Configuration_Port Group Creation.........................................1337
B.6.2.4 Parameter Description: MSTP Configuration_Port Group Configuration................................1339
B.6.2.5 Parameter Description: MSTP Configuration_ Bridge Parameters...........................................1339
B.6.2.6 Parameter Description: MSTP Configuration_CIST Parameters..............................................1345
B.6.2.7 Parameter Description: MSTP Configuration_Running Information About the CIST.............1347
B.6.2.8 Parameter Description: Ethernet Link Aggregation Management_LAG Creation....................1355
B.6.2.9 Parameter Description: Ethernet Link Aggregation_Link Aggregation....................................1362
B.6.2.10 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Point-to-Point LPT..............................................1363
B.6.2.11 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Creating Point-to-Point LPT...............................1366
B.6.2.12 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Point-to-Multipoint LPT.....................................1366
B.6.2.13 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Creating Point-to-Multipoint LPT......................1369
B.6.3 Parameters for the Ethernet OAM......................................................................................................1373
B.6.3.1 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_Maintenance Domain Creation
B.6.3.2 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_Maintenance Association Creation
B.6.3.3 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_MEP Creation..........................1375
B.6.3.4 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_Remote MEP Creation............1377
B.6.3.5 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_MIP Creation...........................1377
B.6.3.6 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_LB Enabling............................1378
B.6.3.7 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_LT Enabling.............................1380
B.6.3.8 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port OAM Management_OAM Parameter............................1382
B.6.3.9 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port OAM Management_OAM Error Frame Monitoring
B.6.4 QoS Parameters...................................................................................................................................1385
B.6.4.1 Parameter Description: Diffserv Domain Management.............................................................1385
B.6.4.2 Parameter Description: DiffServ Domain Management_Create...............................................1391
B.6.4.3 Parameter Description: DiffServ Domain Applied Port_Modification.....................................1398
B.6.4.4 Parameter Description: Policy Management.............................................................................1400
B.6.4.5 Parameter Description: Port Policy............................................................................................1405
B.6.4.6 Parameter Description: Port Policy_Traffic Classification Configuration................................1410
B.6.4.7 Parameter Description: Port Shaping Management_Creation...................................................1421
B.7 Parameters for Ethernet Services and Ethernet Features on the EoPDH Plane...........................................1423
B.7.1 Parameters for Ethernet Services........................................................................................................1423
B.7.1.1 Parameter Description: Ethernet Line Service_Creation...........................................................1423
B.7.1.2 Parameter Description: Ethernet Line Service_Creating QinQ-Based Ethernet Line Services
B.7.1.3 Parameter Description: Ethernet Line Service...........................................................................1431
B.7.1.4 Parameter Description: Ethernet LAN Service_Creation of Ethernet LAN Services Based on IEEE
802.1d/802.1q Bridge.............................................................................................................................1433
B.7.1.5 Parameter Description: Ethernet LAN Service_Creating IEEE 802.1ad Bridge-Based Ethernet LAN
B.7.1.6 Parameter Description: Ethernet LAN Service..........................................................................1441

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B.7.1.7 Parameter Description: VLAN Filtering Table_Creation..........................................................1447

B.7.1.8 Parameter Description: Aging Time of MAC Address Table Entries.......................................1449
B.7.2 Parameters for Ethernet Protocols......................................................................................................1449
B.7.2.1 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Protocol Enabling.......................................................1450
B.7.2.2 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Bridge Parameters.......................................................1450
B.7.2.3 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Port Parameters...........................................................1452
B.7.2.4 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Bridge Running Information......................................1453
B.7.2.5 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Port Running Information...........................................1454
B.7.2.6 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Point-to-Point Attribute..............................................1455
B.7.2.7 Parameter Description: IGMP Snooping Protocol_Enabling....................................................1456
B.7.2.8 Parameter Description: IGMP Snooping Protocol_Creation of Static Multicast Table Entries
B.7.2.9 Parameter Description: IGMP Snooping Protocol_Aging Time of Multicast Table Entries
B.7.2.10 Parameter Description: Ethernet Link Aggregation_Creation of LAGs..................................1459
B.7.2.11 Parameter Description: Ethernet Link Aggregation_Link Aggregation..................................1461
B.7.2.12 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Creation of Point-to-Point Service LPT..............1462
B.7.2.13 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Creation of Point-to-Multipoint Service LPT
B.7.2.14 Parameter Description: Port Mirroring_Creation....................................................................1464
B.7.3 Parameters for the Ethernet OAM......................................................................................................1465
B.7.3.1 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM_Creation of MDs............................................1466
B.7.3.2 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM_Creation of MAs............................................1466
B.7.3.3 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM_Creation of MPs............................................1467
B.7.3.4 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM_Enabling LB..................................................1469
B.7.3.5 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM_Enabling LT..................................................1470
B.7.3.6 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port OAM_OAM Parameter..................................................1471
B.7.3.7 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port OAM_OAM Error Frame Monitoring...........................1473
B.7.3.8 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port OAM_Remote OAM Parameter....................................1474
B.7.4 QoS Parameters...................................................................................................................................1475
B.7.4.1 Parameter Description: QoS Management_Creation of Flows..................................................1475
B.7.4.2 Parameter Description: QoS Management_Creation of CAR...................................................1477
B.7.4.3 Parameter Description: QoS Management_Creation of CoS.....................................................1479
B.7.4.4 Parameter Description: QoS Management_Creation of CAR/CoS...........................................1481
B.7.4.5 Parameter Description: QoS Management_Shaping Management of Egress Queues...............1482
B.7.5 Parameters for the Ports on Ethernet Boards......................................................................................1483
B.7.5.1 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port_External Port.................................................................1483
B.7.5.2 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port_Internal Port..................................................................1489
B.7.5.3 Parameter Description: Type Field of QinQ Frames.................................................................1495
B.8 RMON Parameters.......................................................................................................................................1495
B.8.1 Parameter Description: RMON Performance_Statistics Group..........................................................1495
B.8.2 Parameter Description: RMON Performance_History Group............................................................1496
B.8.3 Parameter Description: RMON Performance_History Control Group...............................................1497

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B.8.4 Parameter Description: RMON Performance_RMON Setting...........................................................1497

B.9 Parameters for MPLS/PWE3 Services.........................................................................................................1499
B.9.1 MPLS Tunnel Parameters...................................................................................................................1499
B.9.1.1 Parameter Description: Basic Configurations of MPLS Tunnels..............................................1499
B.9.1.2 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_Static Tunnel........................................1500
B.9.1.3 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_Creation of Unidirectional Tunnels
B.9.1.4 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_Creation of Bidirectional Tunnels.......1509
B.9.1.5 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_OAM Parameters.................................1514
B.9.1.6 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_FDI.......................................................1519
B.9.1.7 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_LSP Ping..............................................1520
B.9.1.8 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_LSP Traceroute....................................1523
B.9.1.9 Parameter Description: PW Management_PW Management....................................................1526
B.9.1.10 Parameter Description: PW Management_MS-PW Creation..................................................1531
B.9.1.11 Parameter Description: PW Management_PW OAM.............................................................1542
B.9.1.12 Parameter Description: PW Management_PW Ping...............................................................1546
B.9.1.13 Parameter Description: PW Management_PW Traceroute.....................................................1549
B.9.1.14 Parameter Description: MPLS APS Protection Management.................................................1552
B.9.1.15 Parameter Description: Tunnel Protection Group_Creation....................................................1555
B.9.1.16 Parameter Description: PW APS Protection Group_Creation.................................................1560
B.9.1.17 Parameter Description: Slave Protection Pair of a PW APS Protection Group_Creation.......1570
B.9.2 CES Parameters..................................................................................................................................1576
B.9.2.1 Parameter Description: CES Service Management...................................................................1576
B.9.2.2 Parameter Description: CES Service Management_Creation....................................................1585
B.9.3 ATM Parameters.................................................................................................................................1600
B.9.3.1 Parameter Description: ATM IMA Management_IMA Group Management...........................1600
B.9.3.2 Parameter Description: ATM IMA Management_Bound Path Configuration..........................1605
B.9.3.3 Parameter Description: ATM IMA Management_IMA Group Status......................................1607
B.9.3.4 Parameter Description: ATM IMA Management_IMA Link Status.........................................1608
B.9.3.5 Parameter Description: ATM IMA Management_ATM Interface Management......................1609
B.9.3.6 Parameter Description: Configuration of ATM Service Class Mapping Table.........................1610
B.9.3.7 Parameter Description: Configuration of ATM Service Class Mapping Table_Creation.........1612
B.9.3.8 Parameter Description: ATM Policy Management....................................................................1614
B.9.3.9 Parameter Description: ATM Policy Management_Creation....................................................1619
B.9.3.10 Parameter Description: ATM Service Management................................................................1624
B.9.3.11 Parameter Description: ATM Service Management_Creation................................................1633
B.9.3.12 Parameter Description: ATM OAM Management_Segment and End Attributes...................1645
B.9.3.13 Parameter Description: ATM OMA Management_CC Activation Status..............................1648
B.9.3.14 Parameter Description: ATM OAM Management_Remote End Loopback Status.................1652
B.9.3.15 Parameter Description: ATM OAM Management_LLID.......................................................1655
B.10 Clock Parameters.......................................................................................................................................1656
B.10.1 Physical Clock Parameters................................................................................................................1656
B.10.1.1 Parameter Description: Clock Source Priority Table...............................................................1656

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B.10.1.2 Parameter Description: Priority Table for the PLL Clock Source of the External Clock Port
B.10.1.3 Parameter Description: Clock Subnet Setting_Clock Subnet..................................................1660
B.10.1.4 Parameter Description: Clock Subnet Setting_Clock Quality.................................................1663
B.10.1.5 Parameter Description: Clock Subset Setting_SSM Output Control.......................................1666
B.10.1.6 Parameter Description: Clock Subset Setting_Clock ID Enabling Status...............................1667
B.10.1.7 Parameter Description: Clock Source Switching_Clock Source Restoration Parameters.......1669
B.10.1.8 Parameter Description: Clock Source Switching_Clock Source Switching............................1671
B.10.1.9 Parameter Description: Clock Source Switching_Clock Source Switching Conditions.........1672
B.10.1.10 Parameter Description: Output Phase-Locked Source of the External Clock Source...........1674
B.10.1.11 Parameter Description: Clock Synchronization Status..........................................................1676
B.10.2 CES ACR Clock Parameters.............................................................................................................1678
B.10.2.1 Parameter Description: ACR Clock Source.............................................................................1678
B.10.2.2 Parameter Description: Clock Domain....................................................................................1678
B.10.2.3 Parameter Description: Clock Domain_Creation....................................................................1679
B.10.3 Parameter Description: Auxiliary Ports............................................................................................1680
B.11 Parameters for the Orderwire and Auxiliary Interfaces.............................................................................1680
B.11.1 Parameter Description: Orderwire_General......................................................................................1680
B.11.2 Parameter Description: Orderwire_Advanced..................................................................................1682
B.11.3 Parameter Description: Orderwire_F1 Data Port..............................................................................1683
B.11.4 Parameter Description: Orderwire_Broadcast Data Port..................................................................1684
B.11.5 Parameter Description: Environment Monitoring Interface.............................................................1685

C Glossary....................................................................................................................................1689
C.1 0-9................................................................................................................................................................1690
C.2 A-E...............................................................................................................................................................1690
C.3 F-J................................................................................................................................................................1699
C.4 K-O..............................................................................................................................................................1704
C.5 P-T................................................................................................................................................................1710
C.6 U-Z...............................................................................................................................................................1719

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 1 Configuration Preparations

1 Configuration Preparations

About This Chapter

Before configuring the NE data, you must make the required preparations.

1.1 Preparing Documents and Tools

The relevant documents and tools must be available to ensure the proper configuration of data.
1.2 Checking Configuration Conditions
Before the configuration, check whether the configuration conditions meet the requirements.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 1 Configuration Preparations

1.1 Preparing Documents and Tools

The relevant documents and tools must be available to ensure the proper configuration of data.

l Network planning documents, such as the XXX Network Planning
l OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System Configuration Guide

A computer where the Web LCT software is installed

For information about the software and hardware required for the Web LCT and the installation method, see the
documents that accompany the Web LCT.

1.2 Checking Configuration Conditions

Before the configuration, check whether the configuration conditions meet the requirements.

Ensure that the following requirements are met:
l All the NEs on the network must be powered on properly.
l The DCN communication between the gateway NE and the non-gateway NEs must be
l The gateway NE must log in to the computer where the Web LCT software is installed.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 2 Web LCT Quick Start

2 Web LCT Quick Start

The Web LCT quick start guide helps to learn about basic operations on the Web LCT.
For details, see A.1 Web LCT Quick Start.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 3 Specifying the Configuration Procedure

3 Specifying the Configuration Procedure

You can select the proper configuration procedure according to the actual configuration

Initial Configuration
Initial configuration of a radio network refers to configuring the network-wide service data by
using the NMS for the first time after the NE commissioning is complete. Figure 3-1 describes
the configuration procedure.

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Figure 3-1 Configuration flow chart (initial configuration)


Configuring the network topology

Configuring radio links

Configuring TDM services

Configuring Packet-Based Ethernet


Configuring EoPDH-Based Ethernet


Configuring MPLS packet services

Configuring the clock

Configuring auxiliary ports and




The procedures in the configuration flow chart are described in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Initial configuration

Operation Description

5 Configuring the Network Topology Required.

6 Configuring Radio Links Required.

7 Configuring TDM Services Required when the TDM services need to be


8 Configuring Native Ethernet Services Required when Native Ethernet services based
on the Packet Plane on the packet plane need to be transmitted.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 3 Specifying the Configuration Procedure

Operation Description

9 Configuring EoPDH-Based Ethernet Required when Ethernet services based on the

Services EoPDH plane need to be transmitted.

Configuring MPLS 10 Configuring Required when MPLS packet services need to

packet services MPLS Tunnels be transmitted.

11 Configuring
PWE3 Services

12 Configuring the Clock Required.

13 Configuring Auxiliary Ports and Required when orderwire information, wayside

Functions E1 services, or synchronous/asynchronous data
services need to be transmitted or when the
external alarm input/output function or the
outdoor cabinet monitoring function needs to be


The configuration sequence provided in Table 3-1 is for reference only and needs to be adjusted as required in
actual application scenarios.

Network Adjustment
Network adjustment involves adding and adjusting configuration data in the equipment
commissioning and operation phases. You can find the corresponding configuration operations
according to the actual network adjustment requirements in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Network adjustment

Operation Description

14.1 Common Task Collection (NEs) This common task collection lists configuration
operations associated with NE attributes,
including changing the ID and IP address of an

14.2 Common Task Collection (Radio This common task collection lists configuration
Links) operations associated with radio links, including
changing the working mode of a TDM radio link
and changing the number of E1s on a Hybrid
radio link.

14.3 Common Task Collection (TDM This common task collection lists configuration
Services) operations associated with TDM services,
including deleting TDM services and upgrading
a normal service to an SNCP service.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 3 Specifying the Configuration Procedure

Operation Description

14.4 Common Task Collection (Packet- This common task collection lists configuration
Plane Ethernet Services) operations associated with Native Ethernet
services based on the packet plane, including
setting or modifying Ethernet port parameters
and deleting Ethernet services.

14.5 Task Collection (EoPDH-Plane This common task collection lists configuration
Ethernet Services) operations associated with Ethernet services
based on the EoPDH plane, including setting or
modifying Ethernet port parameters and
deleting Ethernet services.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 4 Common Network Scenarios of Configuration Examples

4 Common Network Scenarios of

Configuration Examples

About This Chapter

Initial configuration examples of each section are provided in the same TDM radio network
scenario or IP radio network scenario.

4.1 Common Network Scenario of the TDM Radio Network

Initial configuration examples are provided in a common network scenario of the TDM radio
network where a TDM radio chain network and a TDM radio ring network are interconnected
through a third-party SDH network.
4.2 Common Network Scenario of the IP Radio Network
Initial configuration examples are provided in a common network scenario of the IP radio
network where a Hybrid radio chain network, a Hybrid radio ring network, and a packet network
are interconnected. The packet network is a GE packet ring that includes packet radio links.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 4 Common Network Scenarios of Configuration Examples

4.1 Common Network Scenario of the TDM Radio Network

Initial configuration examples are provided in a common network scenario of the TDM radio
network where a TDM radio chain network and a TDM radio ring network are interconnected
through a third-party SDH network.

Overall Topology
Figure 4-1 shows the overall topology of the TDM radio network. The base station backhaul
services converged from a TDM radio chain network and a TDM radio ring network are
transmitted over a third-party SDH network to the BSC.

Figure 4-1 Overall topology of the TDM radio network

TDM radio chain Third party SDH network


TDM radio ring


TDM Radio Chain Network

Figure 4-2 shows the topology of a TDM radio chain network. In this topology, all base stations
are 2G base stations connected to NEs at E1 ports. The base station backhaul services converged
from the TDM radio chain network are transmitted over the third-party SDH network to the
BSC. The TDM radio chain network and TDM radio ring network are interconnected through
STM-1 fiber links configured with linear MSP.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 4 Common Network Scenarios of Configuration Examples

Figure 4-2 Topology of a TDM radio chain network



E1 Third party
SDH network
E1 STM-1
NE13 NE12 NE11

E1 BTS11
NE16 NE15


Figure 4-3 shows the board configuration of each NE on the radio network.

Figure 4-3 Board configuration of NEs on a TDM radio chain network

NE13 NE12 NE11

E1 NE6 NE6 NE6
E1 E1
Third party
BTS13 SDH netw ork

NE16 NE15 E1

TDM Radio Ring Network

Figure 4-4 shows the topology of a TDM radio ring network. In this topology, all base stations
are 2G base stations connected to NEs at E1 ports. The TDM radio ring network is interconnected
with a third-party SDH network by using E1 cables. Therefore, the base station backhaul services
converged from the TDM radio ring network are transmitted over the third-party SDH network
to the BSC.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 4 Common Network Scenarios of Configuration Examples

Figure 4-4 Topology of a TDM radio ring network


Third party E1
SDH network NE21


NE22 NE24 BTS24




Figure 4-5 shows the board configuration of each NE on the radio network.

Figure 4-5 Board configuration of NEs on a TDM radio ring network

Third party
SDH netw ork E1 SP3S

E1 NE22
IF1 IF1 E1




Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 4 Common Network Scenarios of Configuration Examples

4.2 Common Network Scenario of the IP Radio Network

Initial configuration examples are provided in a common network scenario of the IP radio
network where a Hybrid radio chain network, a Hybrid radio ring network, and a packet network
are interconnected. The packet network is a GE packet ring that includes packet radio links.

Overall Topology
Figure 4-6 shows the overall topology of the IP radio network. The base station backhaul
services converged from a Hybrid radio chain network, a Hybrid radio ring network, and a packet
radio chain network are transmitted to the BSC/RNC over a GE packet ring.

Figure 4-6 Overall topology of the IP radio network

Packet radio chain


GE packet ring
Hybrid radio chain

Hybrid radio ring


Packet Network
Figure 4-7 shows the topology of a packet network. The packet network receives various base
station services and the base station backhaul services converged from a Hybrid radio chain
network and a Hybrid radio ring network. The base station services transmitted on the network
l 2G base station services (CES services transmitted to the BSC from E1 ports)
l R99 base station services (ATM PWE3 services transmitted to the RNC from E1 ports)
l R4 base station services (ETH PWE3 services transmitted to the RNC from GE ports)

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 4 Common Network Scenarios of Configuration Examples

Figure 4-7 Topology of a packet network

BTS33 NE33

E1 E1 R4
Hybrid radio chain



BTS36 BTS35 Hybrid radio ring
network R99 R99



l NE31 is an OptiX PTN NE in an actual network because it does not support any radio links. In this example,
NE31 is an IDU.
l NE11 receives base station services from BTS35 and BTS36 by using the Fractional E1 function.
l NE21 receives base station services from BTS37 and BTS38 by using the Fractional E1 function.

Figure 4-8 provides the board configuration of each NE on the packet network.

Figure 4-8 Board configuration of NEs on a packet network

NE34 NE33
E1 E1
BTS34 R99 BTS32
Hybrid radio chain ISU2
NE11 EM6F NE31
Hybrid radio ring

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 4 Common Network Scenarios of Configuration Examples


l The Native E1 services received by the Hybrid radio network are converted to CES services by cross-
connecting some E1 ports on the SP3S and ML1 boards of NE11 and NE21.
l The Native E-LAN services received by the Hybrid radio network are converted to E-Line services, which
can be carried by PWs, by cross-connecting some FE ports on the EM6F board of NE21. NE11 receives
Native E-Line services and does not require port cross-connections.
l The GE port connected to the RNC is configured into a LAG.

Hybrid Radio Chain Network

Figure 4-9 shows the topology of a Hybrid radio chain network. The Hybrid radio chain network
receives various base station services and transmits them to the packet network through NE11.
The base station services transmitted on the network are:
l R99 base station services (Native E1 services)
l R4 base station services (Native ETH services)

Figure 4-9 Topology of a Hybrid radio chain network

NE cascade
E1 NE14
R99 Packet network
NE13 NE12 NE11

E1 BTS11


The cascading ports of NE12 and NE13 are connected by using network cables to achieve DCN communication
between NE12 and NE13.

Figure 4-10 shows the board configuration of each NE on the radio network.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 4 Common Network Scenarios of Configuration Examples

Figure 4-10 Board configuration of NEs on a Hybrid radio chain network

NE13 NE cascade NE12 Packet network

NE6 NE6 NE11
R99 GE

NE16 NE15

Hybrid Radio Ring Network

Figure 4-11 shows the topology of a Hybrid radio ring network. The Hybrid radio ring network
receives various base station services and transmits them to the packet network through NE21.
The base station services transmitted on the network are:
l 2G base station services (Native E1 services)
l R4 base station services (Native ETH services)

Figure 4-11 Topology of a Hybrid radio ring network

Packet network


E1 NE22 NE24 BTS24



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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 4 Common Network Scenarios of Configuration Examples

Figure 4-12 shows the board configuration of each NE on the radio network.

Figure 4-12 Board configuration of NEs on a Hybrid radio ring network

Packet network





Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 16

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 5 Configuring the Network Topology

5 Configuring the Network Topology

About This Chapter

You can manage a transport network by using the Web LCT only after configuring the network
topology on the network.

5.1 Basic Concepts

Before configuring the network topology, you need to be familiar with the basic concepts.
5.2 Configuration Procedure
This section describes the procedures for configuring NEs, the NE attributes, and the logical
boards in the NEs.
5.3 Configuration Example (TDM Radio Chain Network Topology)
This section considers a TDM radio chain network as an example to describe how to configure
the network topology according to the network planning information.
5.4 Configuration Example (TDM Radio Ring Network Topology)
This section considers a TDM radio ring network as an example to describe how to configure
the network topology according to the network planning information.
5.5 Configuration Example (Hybrid Radio Chain Network)
This topic considers a Hybrid radio chain network as an example and describes how to configure
NEs according to the planning information.
5.6 Configuration Example (Hybrid Radio Ring Network)
This topic considers a Hybrid radio ring network as an example and describes how to configure
NEs according to the planning information.
5.7 Configuration Example (Packet Network)
This section considers the NEs on a packet network as examples to describe how to configure
NEs according to the network planning information.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 5 Configuring the Network Topology

5.1 Basic Concepts

Before configuring the network topology, you need to be familiar with the basic concepts.

5.1.1 DCN
To manage and maintain an NE, the Web LCT needs to communicate with the NE through the
data communication network (DCN).
On a DCN, the Web LCT and all the NEs are considered as nodes on the DCN. The DCN between
the Web LCT and all the NEs is considered as the external DCN, and the DCN between the NEs
is considered as the internal DCN. The OptiX RTN 950 supports several DCN solutions,
including HWECC and IP DCN. HWECC is the commonest DCN solution.
HWECC is a DCN solution provided by Huawei. In this solution, the NMS manages NEs using
network management messages that are encapsulated in the HWECC protocol stack.
Figure 5-1 shows how network management messages are transmitted in the HWECC solution.
Network management messages encapsulated in compliance with the HWECC protocol stack
can be transmitted through the following DCN channels:
l DCCs carried by SDH or microwave links
l Integrated IP radio links or Ethernet paths over FE/GE ports
l Ethernet network management ports or NE cascading ports

Figure 5-1 HWECC solution

Message DCC



Message Message

OptiX radio
OptiX optical transmission equipment
transmission equipment

Radio link Fiber Ethernet link

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 18

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 5 Configuring the Network Topology

5.1.2 GNE and Non-GNE

A gateway NE (GNE) refers to an NE whose application layer communicates directly with the
NMS application layer. A non-GNE refers to an NE whose application layer communicates with
the NMS application layer by forwarding data through the GNE application layer.

Generally, a GNE is connected to the NMS through a local area network (LAN) or wide area
network (WAN). Its application layer can directly communicate with the NMS application layer.
One set of NMS needs to be connected to one or more GNEs.

ECC communication between the GNEs may create an oversized DCN. To prevent this, disable
extended ECC for the GNEs.

A non-GNE communicates with the GNE through the DCN channels between NEs.

5.1.3 NE ID and NE IP Address

The ID and IP address are the unique NE on the DCN.

At the application layer of each DCN solution, an OptiX NE uses its NE ID as the NE address.
Therefore, each NE must have a unique NE ID on the DCN and all these NE IDs must be planned
in a unified manner.

The NE ID has 24 bits. The most significant eight bits represent the subnet ID (or the extended
ID) and the least significant 16 bits represent the basic ID. For example, if an NE ID is 0x090001,
the subnet ID is 9 and the basic ID is 1.

NE IP Address
An NE uses an IP address as its unique identifier during TCP/IP communication.

In the HWECC solution, the IP addresses of the NEs on the DCN are used in the following

l A gateway NE (GNE) communicates with the Web LCT over TCP/IP. The IP address of
the GNE must be planned as required by the external DCN.
l Different NEs communicate with each other over extended ECC channels. In this scenario,
NE IP addresses must be on the same network segment. By default, NE IP addresses are
on the network segment.

In the DCN solution (for example, IP DCN) where network management messages are
transmitted over TCP/IP, an NE IP address is used as the NE address at the network layer.
Therefore, each NE IP address on the DCN must be unique and all these NE IP addresses must
be planned in a unified manner.

By default (which indicates that an NE IP address is never manually changed), this NE IP address
is automatically changed to 0x81000000 + ID if the NE ID is changed. For example, if an NE
IP address is never manually changed, this NE IP address is automatically changed to

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 5 Configuring the Network Topology

when the NE ID is changed to 0x090001. Once an NE IP address is manually changed, the

interlocking relationship between the NE ID and NE IP address no longer takes effect.

It is recommended to configure the IP address of a GNE on a different network segment from

the IP addresses of its non-GNEs.

5.1.4 Physical Boards and Logical Boards

The NE software and NMS consider a physical board as one or more logical boards when
managing the physical board.

Table 5-1 provides the mappings between the physical boards and logical boards.

Table 5-1 Mappings between the physical boards and logical boards

Physical Board Logical Board

CST CST in the same slot

CSH CSH in the same slot

AUX AUX in the same slot

IF1 IF1 in the same slot

IFU2 IFU2 in the same slot

IFX2 IFX2 in the same slot

ISU2 ISU2 in the same slot

ISX2 ISX2 in the same slot

SL1D SL1D in the same slot

EM6T EM6T in the same slot

EM6TA EM6TA in the same slot

EM6F EM6F in the same slot

EM6FA EM6FA in the same slot

EFP8 EFP8 in the same slot

SP3S SP3S in the same slot

SP3D SP3D in the same slot

ML1 ML1 in the same slot

MD1 MD1 in the same slot

PIU PIU in the same slot

FAN FAN in the same slot

ODU ODU in the slot whose number is 20 plus the

slot number for the IF board that is connected
to the ODU

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 20

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 5 Configuring the Network Topology

5.2 Configuration Procedure

This section describes the procedures for configuring NEs, the NE attributes, and the logical
boards in the NEs.
Figure 5-2 provides the procedures for configuring the network topology.

Figure 5-2 Configuration flow chart (network topology)


Creating NEs

Configuring NE attributes

Configuring DCCs

Synchronizing NE time

Setting the performance

monitoring status




The procedures in the configuration flow chart are described as follows.


l If the NE ID and NE name are changed in the NE commissioning process and if the NE communication
parameters, logical boards, VLAN ID and bandwidth of the inband DCN are set during the NE
commissioning, the configuration data is automatically synchronized onto the Web LCT in the NE data
uploading process. Hence, you do not need to perform the corresponding operations in the initial
configuration process.
l The DCN configuration procedure provided in Figure 5-2 is only a typical HWECC solution configuration.
For the configuration procedure for an HWECC solution containing special requirements or another DCN
solution, see related descriptions in the Feature Description.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 5 Configuring the Network Topology

Table 5-2 Procedures for creating NEs

Step Operation Description

1 Creating NEs A.2.1.2 Creating It is recommended that you perform this

on the Web NEs by Using operation to add one or more NEs to a large
LCT the Manual existing network on the Web LCT.

A.2.1.1 Creating It is recommended that you perform this

NEs by Using operation to create NEs on the Web LCT in
the Search other cases. The following parameters need
Method to be set:
Domain: When the IP address of the GNE is
known, it is recommended that you set the IP
address range of the GNE as the search
domain. In the case of initial configuration, it
is recommended that you set the network segment as the search

Table 5-3 Procedures for configuring NE attributes

Step Operation Description

1 A.2.1.3 Required.
Logging In
to an NE

2 A.2.1.5 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

Changing l Change New ID to be the NE ID specified during the
the NE ID planning of the DCN.
l If the extended NE ID is required, change New Extended

3 A.2.1.6 Optional.
the NE

4 A.2.1.4 Required.
the Logical

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Table 5-4 Procedures for configuring DCCs

Step Operation Description

1 A.2.4.1 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

Setting NE l In the case of the GNE, set and Subnet Mask according
Communica to the planning of the external DCN.
Parameters l In the case of the GNE, set Gateway IP if the external
DCN requires.
l Generally, it is recommended that you set Connection
Mode to Common + Security SSL. If you need to set the
gateway NE to allow for NMS access only in SSL
connection mode, set Connection Mode to Security
l In the case of non-GNEs, it is recommended that you set
to 0x81000000 + NE ID. That is, if the NE ID is 0x090001,
set to Set Subnet Mask to
If the IP address of an NE is not changed manually, the IP address
changes according to the NE ID and is always 0x81000000 + NE ID.
In this case, the IP address of a non-GNE does not need to be changed

2 A.2.4.2 If the OptiX RTN 950 needs to interconnect with third-party

Configuring equipment or use inband DCN channels provided by the
DCCs Integrated IP radio.

3 A.2.4.9 For a gateway NE, disable the automatic extended ECC

Configuring function.

4 A.2.4.4 Perform this operation if the OptiX RTN equipment uses the
Configuring inband DCN solution and if the VLAN ID and bandwidth
the VLAN planned for this inband DCN do not assume their default
ID and values (the default VLAN ID is 4094 and the default
Bandwidth bandwidth is 512 kbit/s).
Used by an

5 A.2.4.7 Required. If inband DCN channels use the HWECC protocol,

Configuring set Protocol Type to HWECC. If inband DCN channels use
the Protocol the IP protocol, set Protocol Type to IP.
Type of the

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Step Operation Description

6 A.2.4.6 Required in the case of the Integrated IP radio network. Set

Setting the parameters as follows:
Parameters l In the case of the Ethernet ports and microwave ports that
of Inband interconnect with the packet switching equipment, set
DCN Enabled Status to Enabled.
l In the case of the other ports, set Enabled Status to

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Table 5-5 Procedures for synchronizing NE time

Step Operation Description

1 Synchroni A.2.1.7 Required.

zing the Synchron l To synchronize the NEs with the NM server, set
NE time izing the the relevant parameters as follows:
NE Time
– Set Synchronous Mode to NM.
– Right-click and choose the operation from the
shortcut menu to ensure that the NE are
synchronized with the NM time immediately.
– Set the synchronization parameters according
to the requirements. It is recommended that
the parameters adopt the default values.
l To synchronize the NEs with the NTP server, set
the relevant parameters as follows:
– Set Synchronous Mode to Standard NTP.
– Set Standard NTP Authentication
according to the requirements for the NTP
– It is recommended that you set the upper level
NTP server that the NEs trace as follows:
– In the case of the GNE, set the external
NTP server to the upper level NTP server.
Set Standard NTP Server Flag to NE
IP and set Standard NTP Server to the
IP address of the external NTP server.
– In the case of a non-GNE, set the GNE to
the upper level NTP server. If the non-
GNE needs to communicate with the GNE
through the HWECC protocol, set
Standard NTP Server Flag to NE ID and
set Standard NTP Server to the NE ID
of the GNE. If the non-GNE needs to
communicate with the GNE through the
IP protocol, set Standard NTP Server
Flag to NE IP and set Standard NTP
Server to the IP address of the GNE.
– Set Standard NTP Server Key according
to the requirements for the NTP server.
l The NTP server key needs to be specified if the
NE is synchronized with the NTP server and if
the NE identification needs to be authenticated
on the NTP server.

A.2.1.8 Required if the DST scheme is used at the local area.

Localizin Set the parameters according to the planning of the
g the NE DST at the local area.

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Table 5-6 Procedures for setting the performance monitoring status

Step Operation Description

1 A.2.2 If the 15-minute and 24-hour performance monitoring

Configuring functions are set to Disabled, enable these performance
the monitoring functions.
Status of

5.3 Configuration Example (TDM Radio Chain Network

This section considers a TDM radio chain network as an example to describe how to configure
the network topology according to the network planning information.

5.3.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Figure 5-3 shows a TDM radio chain network configured according to the following
l The TDM radio chain network is comprised of the OptiX RTN equipment managed by the
standalone Web LCT.
l The Web LCT is connected to NE11 with a network cable. Therefore, NE11 serves as a
GNE and the other NEs are non-GNEs with an access to the Web LCT through NE11.
l NE12 and NE13 are interconnected by using fibers.
l The TDM radio chain network is interconnected with a third-party SDH network by using
fibers. Therefore, the base station backhaul services converged from the TDM radio chain
network are transmitted over the third-party SDH network.

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Figure 5-3 Networking diagram (TDM radio chain network)



E1 Third party
SDH network
E1 STM-1
NE13 NE12 NE11

E1 BTS11
NE16 NE15


The connections of DCN links shown in Figure 5-3 are described as follows.

Table 5-7 Connections of DCN links (NE11)

Link Port Description

Link between NE11 and the 1-SL1D-1 (working unit) l Configure the ports as a 1
third-party SDH network +1 linear MSP group.
1-SL1D-2 (protection unit)
l The base station backhaul
services converged from
the TDM radio chain
network are transmitted
over the third-party SDH
network to the BSC.

5.3.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data.

l In this example, the network is comprised of OptiX RTN equipment only, and therefore
HWECC is preferred as the DCN solution. In the HWECC solution, NE12 and NE13
communicate with each other through DCC channels in the SDH optical fibers and the
other NEs communicate with each other through the DCC channels over microwave. If no
fiber connections are set up between NE12 and NE13, NE12 and NE13 communicate with
each other through the extended ECC that is enabled by default.
l NE11 is the GNE. Hence, the extended ECC function of NE11 needs to be disabled.
l The TDM radio chain network is connected to the third-party network through STM-1
optical fibers. The TDM radio chain and the third-party network are managed by the Web
LCT. Therefore, the DCC channel needs to be disabled over the port on the N11 for
connecting to the third-party network.

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l Figure 5-4 shows the ID and IP address that are allocated to each NE according to the
uniform DCN planning information.

Figure 5-4 Allocated IDs and IP addresses (TDM radio chain network)

NE14 9-13 9-12 9-11 Third party SDH network
NE13 NE12 NE11
NE15 Extended ID-Basic ID
NE16 IP address


l The subnet mask for the IP address of each NE is

l The IP addresses of all the NEs, except NE11, are in the interlocking relations with the NE IDs. Hence,
if the IP address of an NE (not NE11) is not changed manually, the NE automatically changes the IP
address to be the planned value after the NE ID is changed.
l In this example, the policy of synchronizing the NE with the NM server is used. The
automatic synchronization period is one day. The daylight saving time (DST) scheme is
not used at the local area.
l The 15-minute and 24-hour performance monitoring functions are enabled.

5.3.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the procedures for the data configuration.

If the NE ID and the values of NE communication parameters are changed and the logical boards
are configured in the NE commissioning process, skip the operations.

Step 1 See A.2.1.1 Creating NEs by Using the Search Method and create the NEs.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


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In this configuration example, it is assumed that the IP address of the GNE is not changed manually and is not
known. Hence, you need to search for and create the NEs by using the network segment as the
search domain. If the IP address of the GNE is known, it is recommended that you use the IP address of the
GNE as the search domain.
Normally, NE11 to NE16 should be added in the NE list.

Step 2 See A.2.1.3 Logging In to an NE and log in to the NEs.

The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

User Name lct

Password password

Step 3 See A.2.1.5 Changing the NE ID and change the NE ID.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Paramete Value
NE11 NE12 NE13 NE14 NE15 NE16

New ID 11 12 13 14 15 16

New 9 (default 9 (default 9 (default 9 (default 9 (default 9 (default

Extended value) value) value) value) value) value)

Step 4 See A.2.1.4 Configuring the Logical Board and configure the logical boards.

Configure the logical boards according to the mapping relations between the physical boards
and logical boards.

Step 5 See A.2.4.1 Setting NE Communication Parameters and set the NE communication

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value



Gateway IP (default value)

Subnet Mask (default value)

Extended ID 9

Connection Mode Common + Security SSL

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 29

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The IP addresses of all the NEs, except NE11, are in the interlocking relations with the NE IDs. Hence, you
need not change the values of the NE communication parameters manually.

Step 6 See A.2.4.2 Configuring DCCs and configure the DCCs.

The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

1-SL1D-1 1-SL1D-2

Enabled/Disabled Disabled Disabled

Step 7 See A.2.4.9 Configuring Extended ECC Communication and disable the automatic extended
ECC function for the gateway NE (NE11).
Step 8 See A.2.1.7 Synchronizing the NE Time and synchronize the NE time.
The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

All the Ports on All the NEs

Synchronous Mode NM

Period(days) 1


5.4 Configuration Example (TDM Radio Ring Network

This section considers a TDM radio ring network as an example to describe how to configure
the network topology according to the network planning information.

5.4.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Figure 5-5 shows a TDM radio ring topology configured according to the following
l The TDM radio ring network is comprised of the OptiX RTN equipment managed by the
standalone Web LCT.
l The Web LCT is connected to NE21 with a network cable. Therefore, NE21 serves as a
GNE and the other NEs are non-GNEs with an access to the Web LCT through NE21.
l The TDM radio ring network is interconnected with a third-party SDH network by using
E1 cables. Therefore, the base station backhaul services converged from the TDM radio
ring network are transmitted over the third-party SDH network.

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Figure 5-5 Networking diagram (TDM radio ring network)


Third party E1
SDH network NE21


NE22 NE24 BTS24




The connections of DCN links shown in Figure 5-5 are described as follows.

Table 5-8 Connections of DCN links (NE21)

Link Port Description

Link between NE21 and the 2-SP3S The base station backhaul
third-party SDH network services converged from the
TDM radio ring network are
transmitted over the third-
party SDH network to the

5.4.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data.
l In this example, the network is comprised of OptiX RTN equipment only, and therefore
HWECC is preferred as the DCN solution. In the HWECC solution, the NEs communicate
with each other through the DCC channels over microwave.
l NE21 is the GNE. Hence, the extended ECC function of NE21 should be disabled.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 5 Configuring the Network Topology

l The TDM radio ring network is connected to the third-party network through E1 cables
and cannot communicate with the third-party network. Therefore, the DCC channels need
to be disabled on NE21.
l Figure 5-6 shows the ID and IP address that are allocated to each NE according to the
uniform DCN planning information.

Figure 5-6 Allocated IDs and IP addresses (TDM radio ring network)

Third part
SDH network E1
NE21 9-24

NE22 9-23
Extended ID-Basic ID
NE23 IP address


l The subnet mask for the IP address of each NE is

l The IP addresses of all the NEs, except NE21, are in the interlocking relations with the NE IDs. Hence,
if the IP address of an NE (not NE21) is not changed manually, the NE automatically changes the IP
address to be the planned value after the NE ID is changed.
l In this example, the policy of synchronizing the NE with the NM server is used. The
automatic synchronization period is one day. The daylight saving time (DST) scheme is
not used at the local area.
l The 15-minute and 24-hour performance monitoring functions are enabled.

5.4.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the procedures for the data configuration.

If the NE ID and the values of NE communication parameters are changed and the logical boards
are configured in the NE commissioning process, skip the operations.

Step 1 See A.2.1.1 Creating NEs by Using the Search Method and create the NEs.
The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


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In this configuration example, it is assumed that the IP address of the GNE is not changed manually and the IP
addresses of the non-GNEs are not known. Hence, you need to search for and create the NEs by using the network segment as the search domain. If the IP address of the GNE is known, it is recommended
that you use the IP address of the GNE as the search domain.
Normally, NE21 to NE24 should be added in the NE list.

Step 2 See A.2.1.3 Logging In to an NE and log in to the NEs.

The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

User Name lct

Password password

Step 3 See A.2.1.5 Changing the NE ID and change the NE ID.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE21 NE22 NE23 NE24

New ID 21 22 23 24

New Extended 9 (default value) 9 (default value) 9 (default value) 9 (default value)

Step 4 See A.2.1.4 Configuring the Logical Board and configure logical boards.

Configure the logical boards according to the mapping relations between the physical boards
and logical boards.

Step 5 See A.2.4.1 Setting NE Communication Parameters and set the NE communication

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value



Gateway IP (default value)

Subnet Mask (default value)

Extended ID 9

Connection Mode Common + Security SSL

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 5 Configuring the Network Topology


The IP addresses of all the NEs, except NE21, are in the interlocking relations with the NE IDs. Hence, you
need not change the values of the NE communication parameters manually.

Step 6 See A.2.4.9 Configuring Extended ECC Communication and disable the automatic extended
ECC function for the gateway NE (NE21).
Step 7 See A.2.1.7 Synchronizing the NE Time and synchronize the NE time.
The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

All the Ports on All the NEs

Synchronous Mode NM

Period(days) 1


5.5 Configuration Example (Hybrid Radio Chain Network)

This topic considers a Hybrid radio chain network as an example and describes how to configure
NEs according to the planning information.

5.5.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Figure 5-7 shows a Hybrid radio chain network configured according to the following
l The Hybrid radio chain network is comprised of the OptiX RTN equipment managed by
the Web LCT connected to the packet network.
l All NEs on the Hybrid radio chain network are non-GNEs with an access to the Web
LCT through the packet network.
l The Hybrid radio chain network receives various base station services and transmits them
to the packet network through NE11.
l NE12 and NE13 are interconnected through cascading ports.

For details on configuration of NE11, see 5.7 Configuration Example (Packet Network).

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Figure 5-7 Networking diagram (Hybrid radio chain network)

NE cascade
E1 NE14
R99 Packet network
NE13 NE12 NE11

E1 BTS11

5.5.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains all the parameters required for configuring the NE

l All NEs except NE11 adopt HWECC for DCN communication. To be specific, NE12 and
NE13 are interconnected through cascading ports and adopt automatic extended ECC
(enabled by default) for DCN communication; the other NEs use DCC channels in radio
signals for DCN communication.
l NEs numbered 12 to 16 are not connected to the packet network. Therefore, to improve
bandwidth utilization, the inband DCN function is disabled at all ports of these NEs.
l Figure 5-8 shows the ID and IP address that are allocated to each NE according to the
uniform DCN planning information.

Figure 5-8 Allocated IDs and IP addresses (Hybrid radio chain network)
NE14 9-13 9-12 Packet
NE13 NE12
9-15 NE11
NE15 Extended ID-Basic ID
NE16 IP address


l The subnet mask for the IP address of each NE is

l The IP addresses of all the NEs are in the interlocking relations with the NE IDs. Hence, if the IP
address of an NE is not changed manually, the NE automatically changes the IP address to be the
planned value after the NE ID is changed.

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l In this example, the policy of synchronizing the NE with the NM server is used. The
automatic synchronization period is one day. The daylight saving time (DST) scheme is
not used in the local area.
l The 15-minute and 24-hour performance monitoring functions are enabled.

5.5.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for the data configuration.

If the NE ID and the values of NE communication parameters are changed and the logical boards
are configured in the NE commissioning process, skip the operations.

Step 1 See A.2.1.1 Creating NEs by Using the Search Method and create the NEs.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value



In this configuration example, it is assumed that the IP address of the GNE has not been changed manually and
that the IP addresses of the non-GNEs are not known. Hence, you need to search for and create the NEs by using
the network segment as the search domain. If the IP address of the GNE is known, it is
recommended that you use the IP address of the GNE as the search domain.
Normally, NE12 to NE16 should be added in the NE list.

Step 2 See A.2.1.3 Logging In to an NE and log in to the NE.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

User Name lct

Password password

Step 3 See A.2.1.5 Changing the NE ID and change the NE ID.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE12 NE13 NE14 NE15 NE16

New ID 12 13 14 15 16

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 36

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 5 Configuring the Network Topology

Parameter Value

NE12 NE13 NE14 NE15 NE16

New 9 (default 9 (default 9 (default 9 (default 9 (default

Extended value) value) value) value) value)

Step 4 See A.2.1.4 Configuring the Logical Board and configure logical boards.

Configure the logical boards according to the mapping relationships between the physical boards
and logical boards.

Step 5 See A.2.4.6 Setting Parameters of Inband DCN and enable/disable the inband DCN at the

The values for the related parameters of NE12 to NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

All Ports

Enabled Status Disabled

Step 6 See A.2.1.7 Synchronizing the NE Time and synchronize the NE time.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

All the Ports on All the NEs

Synchronous Mode NM

Period(days) 1


5.6 Configuration Example (Hybrid Radio Ring Network)

This topic considers a Hybrid radio ring network as an example and describes how to configure
NEs according to the planning information.

5.6.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.

Figure 5-9 shows a Hybrid radio ring network configured according to the following

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 37

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 5 Configuring the Network Topology

l The Hybrid radio ring network is comprised of the OptiX RTN equipment managed by the
Web LCT connected to the packet network.
l All NEs on the Hybrid radio ring network are non-GNEs with an access to the Web LCT
through the packet network.
l The Hybrid radio ring network receives various base station services and transmits them
to the packet network through NE21.

For details on configuration of NE21, see 5.7 Configuration Example (Packet Network).

Figure 5-9 Networking diagram (Hybrid radio ring network)

Packet network


E1 NE22 NE24 BTS24



5.6.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains all the parameters required for configuring the NE
l All NEs except NE21 adopt HWECC for DCN communication. In HWECC mode, NEs
use DCC channels in radio signals for DCN communication.
l NEs numbered 22 to 24 are not connected to the packet network. Therefore, to improve
bandwidth utilization, the inband DCN function is disabled at all ports of these NEs.
l Figure 5-10 shows the ID and IP address that are allocated to each NE according to the
uniform DCN planning information.

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Figure 5-10 Allocated IDs and IP addresses (Hybrid radio ring network)

Packet network

NE21 9-24

NE22 9-23 NE24
Extended ID-Basic ID
NE23 IP address


l The subnet mask for the IP address of each NE is

l The IP addresses of all the NEs are in the interlocking relations with the NE IDs. Hence, if the IP
address of an NE is not changed manually, the NE automatically changes the IP address to be the
planned value after the NE ID is changed.
l In this example, the policy of synchronizing the NE with the NM server is used. The
automatic synchronization period is one day. The daylight saving time (DST) scheme is
not used in the local area.
l The 15-minute and 24-hour performance monitoring functions are enabled.

5.6.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for the data configuration.

If the NE ID and the values of NE communication parameters are changed and the logical boards
are configured in the NE commissioning process, skip the operations.

Step 1 See A.2.1.1 Creating NEs by Using the Search Method and create the NEs.
The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value



In this configuration example, it is assumed that the IP address of the GNE has not been changed manually and
that the IP addresses of the non-GNEs are not known. Hence, you need to search for and create the NEs by using
the network segment as the search domain. If the IP address of the GNE is known, it is
recommended that you use the IP address of the GNE as the search domain.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 5 Configuring the Network Topology

Normally, NE22 to NE24 should be added in the NE list.

Step 2 See A.2.1.3 Logging In to an NE and log in to the NE.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

User Name lct

Password password

Step 3 See A.2.1.5 Changing the NE ID and change the NE ID.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE22 NE23 NE24

New ID 22 23 24

New Extended ID 9 (default value) 9 (default value) 9 (default value)

Step 4 See A.2.1.4 Configuring the Logical Board and configure logical boards.

Configure the logical boards according to the mapping relationships between the physical boards
and logical boards.

Step 5 See A.2.4.6 Setting Parameters of Inband DCN.

The values for the related parameters of NE22 to NE24 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

All Ports

Enabled Status Disabled

Step 6 See A.2.1.7 Synchronizing the NE Time and synchronize the NE time.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

All the Ports on All the NEs

Synchronous Mode NM

Period(days) 1


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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
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5.7 Configuration Example (Packet Network)

This section considers the NEs on a packet network as examples to describe how to configure
NEs according to the network planning information.

5.7.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.

Figure 5-11 shows a packet network configured according to the following requirements.

l The packet network receives various base station services and the base station backhaul
services converged from a Hybrid radio chain network and a Hybrid radio ring network.
l The packet network is comprised of the OptiX RTN equipment managed by the Web

NE31 is an OptiX PTN NE in an actual network because it does not support any radio links. In this
example, NE31 is an IDU.
l The Web LCT is connected to NE31 by using a network cable. Therefore, NE31 serves as
a GNE and the other NEs are non-GNEs with an access to the Web LCT through NE31.
l The NEs on the packet ring are interconnected through GE fiber links. The NEs on the
packet chain are interconnected through Packet radio links.

Figure 5-11 Networking diagram (packet network)

BTS33 NE33

E1 E1 R4
Hybrid radio chain



BTS36 BTS35 Hybrid radio ring

network R99 R99


The connections of DCN links shown in Figure 5-11 are described as follows.

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Table 5-9 Connections of DCN links (NE31)

Link Port Description

Between NE31 and NE21 1-EM6F-2 Transmits services on the

packet ring.
Between NE31 and NE32 1-EM6F-1

Table 5-10 Connections of DCN links (NE32)

Link Port Description

Between NE32 and NE31 2-EM6F-2 Transmits services on the

packet ring.
Between NE32 and NE11 2-EM6F-1

Between NE32 and NE33 3-ISU2-1 (main IF board of a Transmits services on the
1+1 HSB protection group) packet chain.

5-ISU2-1 (standby IF board

of a 1+1 HSB protection

Table 5-11 Connections of DCN links (NE33)

Link Port Description

Between NE33 and NE32 4-ISU2-1 (main IF board of a Transmits services on the
1+1 HSB protection group) packet chain.

6-ISU2-1 (standby IF board

of a 1+1 HSB protection

Between NE33 and NE34 3-ISU2-1

Table 5-12 Connections of DCN links (NE34)

Link Port Description

Between NE34 and NE33 3-ISU2-1 Transmits services on the

packet chain.

Table 5-13 Connections of DCN links (NE11)

Link Port Description

Between NE11 and NE32 2-EM6F-2 Transmits services on the

packet ring.

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Link Port Description

Between NE11 and NE21 2-EM6F-1

Table 5-14 Connections of DCN links (NE21)

Link Port Description

Between NE21 and NE11 1-EM6F-2 Transmits services on the

packet ring.
Between NE21 and NE31 1-EM6F-1

5.7.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data.
l Service channels are used for communication because NEs on the packet ring are
interconnected through GE fiber links. For the convenience of maintenance, inband DCN
is adopted on the packet ring and the packet chain.
l Plan the channel for inband DCN.
– On the packet ring, the inband DCN function needs to be enabled at Ethernet ports of
all NEs and be disabled at other ports.
– On the packet chain, the inband DCN function needs to be enabled at microwave ports
of all NEs and be disabled at other ports.
l Plan the management VLAN ID and bandwidth of inband DCN for each NE.
– The management VLAN ID takes the default value 4094.
– If the number of NEs is not greater than 50, set the bandwidth of the inband DCN to
512 kbit/s (default value).
l To facilitate interconnection with equipment that does not support HWECC, plane inband
DCN channels to use the default IP protocol.
l The extended ECC function needs to be disabled on the GNE, namely, NE31.
l Figure 5-12 shows the ID and IP address that are allocated to each NE according to the
uniform DCN planning information.

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Figure 5-12 Allocated IDs and IP addresses (packet network)

9-34 9-33 Packet radio link
NE34 NE33
Hybrid Radio NMS
9-11 9-31
Network NE11

NE11 NE31

Hybrid Radio

Extended ID-Basic ID
IP address


l The subnet mask for the IP address of each NE is

l The IP addresses of all the NEs, except NE31, are in the interlocking relationships with the NE IDs.
Hence, if the IP address of an NE (not NE31) is not changed manually, the NE automatically changes
the IP address to be the planned value after the NE ID is changed.
l In this example, the policy of synchronizing the NE with the NM server is used. The
automatic synchronization period is one day. The daylight saving time (DST) scheme is
not used at the local area.
l The 15-minute and 24-hour performance monitoring functions are enabled.

5.7.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for the data configuration.

If the NE ID and the values of NE communication parameters are changed and the logical boards
are configured in the NE commissioning process, skip the operations.

Step 1 See A.2.1.1 Creating NEs by Using the Search Method and create the NEs.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 44

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 5 Configuring the Network Topology

Parameter Value



In this configuration example, it is assumed that the IP address of the GNE has not been changed manually and
that the IP addresses of the non-GNEs are not known. Hence, you need to search for and create the NEs by using
the network segment as the search domain. If the IP address of the GNE is known, it is
recommended that you use the IP address of the GNE as the search domain.
Normally, NE31 to NE34, NE11, and NE21 should be added in the NE list.

Step 2 See A.2.1.3 Logging In to an NE and log in to the NE.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

User Name lct

Password password

Step 3 See A.2.1.5 Changing the NE ID and change the NE ID.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Paramete Value
NE31 NE32 NE33 NE34 NE11 NE21

New ID 31 32 33 34 11 21

New 9 (default 9 (default 9 (default 9 (default 9 (default 9 (default

Extended value) value) value) value) value) value)

Step 4 See A.2.1.4 Configuring the Logical Board and configure logical boards.

Configure the logical boards according to the mapping relationships between the physical boards
and logical boards.

Step 5 See A.2.4.1 Setting NE Communication Parameters and set the NE communication

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value



Gateway IP (default value)

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Parameter Value


Subnet Mask (default value)

Extended ID 9

Connection Mode Common + Security SSL


The IP addresses of all the NEs, except NE31, are in the interlocking relationships with the NE IDs. Hence, you
need not change the values of the NE communication parameters manually.

Step 6 See A.2.4.9 Configuring Extended ECC Communication and disable the automatic extended
ECC function for the gateway NE (NE31).
Step 7 See A.2.4.6 Setting Parameters of Inband DCN and configure the extended ECC.
The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

1-EM6F-1 1-EM6F-2 Other Ports

Enabled Status Enabled Enabled Disabled

The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

2-EM6F-1 2-EM6F-2 3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1 Other Ports

Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Disabled


The values for the related parameters of NE33 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1 Other Ports

Enabled Status Enabled Enabled Enabled Disabled

The values for the related parameters of NE34 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 Other Ports

Enabled Status Enabled Disabled

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The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

2-EM6F-1 2-EM6F-2 Other Ports

Enabled Status Enabled Enabled Disabled

The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

1-EM6F-1 1-EM6F-2 Other Ports

Enabled Status Enabled Enabled Disabled

Step 8 See A.2.1.7 Synchronizing the NE Time and synchronize the NE time.
The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

All Ports on All NEs

Synchronous Mode NM

Period(days) 1


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6 Configuring Radio Links

About This Chapter

Before configuring services on a radio link, you need to configure the radio link.

6.1 Basic Concepts

Before configuring the radio link, you need to be familiar with the basic concepts.
6.2 Configuration Procedure
The configuration procedures of different radio link configuration methods are different.
6.3 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the TDM Radio Chain Network)
This section considers radio links on a TDM radio chain network as examples to describe how
to configure radio links according to the planning information.
6.4 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the TDM Radio Ring Network)
This section considers TDM radio links on a TDM radio ring network as examples to describe
how to configure radio links according to the network planning information.
6.5 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Hybrid Radio Chain Network)
This section considers radio links on a Hybrid radio chain network as examples to describe how
to configure radio links according to the network planning information.
6.6 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Hybrid Radio Ring Network)
This section considers radio links on a Hybrid radio ring network as examples to describe how
to configure radio links according to the network planning information.
6.7 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Packet Network)
This section considers radio links on a packet network as examples to describe how to configure
radio links according to the network planning information.

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6.1 Basic Concepts

Before configuring the radio link, you need to be familiar with the basic concepts.

6.1.1 Adaptive Modulation

The adaptive modulation (AM) technology adjusts the modulation scheme automatically based
on channel quality.
When the AM technology is adopted, in the case of the same channel spacing, the microwave
service bandwidth varies according to the modulation scheme; the higher the modulation
efficiency, the higher the bandwidth of the transmitted services.
l When the channel quality is good (such as on days when weather conditions are favorable),
the equipment adopts a high-efficiency modulation scheme to transmit more user services.
This improves transmission efficiency and spectrum utilization of the system.
l When the channel quality deteriorates (such as on days with adverse weather), the
equipment adopts a low-efficiency modulation scheme to transmit only higher-priority
services within the available bandwidth while discarding lower-priority services. This
method improves anti-interference capabilities of the radio link, which helps ensure the
link availability for higher-priority services.
In Integrated IP radio mode, the equipment supports the AM technology. With configurable
priorities for E1 services and packet services, the transmission is controlled based on the service
bandwidth and QoS policies corresponding to the current modulation scheme. The highest-
priority services are transmitted with precedence.

In Integrated IP radio mode, when the equipment transmits STM-1 services and packet services at the same
time, STM-1 services have highest priority and their transmission is ensured.
l Priorities of E1 services
The priorities of E1 services are assigned based on the number of E1 services that each
modulation scheme can transmit. When modulation scheme switching occurs, only the E1
services whose number is specified in the new modulation scheme can be transmitted and
the excess E1 services are discarded.
l Priorities of packet services
With the QoS technology, packet services are scheduled to queues with different priorities.
The services in different queues are transmitted to the microwave port after running the
queue scheduling algorithm. When modulation scheme switching occurs, certain queues
may be congested due to insufficient capacity at the air interface. As a result, certain services
or all the services in these queues are discarded.
Figure 6-1 shows the change in services brought by the AM technology. The orange part
indicates E1 services. The blue part indicates packet services. The closer the service is to the
outside of the cylinder in the figure, the lower the service priority. Under all channel conditions,
the service capacity varies according to the modulation scheme. When the channel conditions
are unfavorable (during adverse weather conditions), lower-priority services are discarded.

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Figure 6-1 Adaptive modulation






Capability 32QAM


E1 Services

The AM technology used by the OptiX RTN 950 has the following characteristics:

l The AM technology uses the QPSK, 16QAM, 32QAM, 64QAM, 128QAM, and 256QAM
modulation schemes.
l The lowest-efficiency modulation scheme (also called reference scheme or modulation
scheme of guaranteed capacity) and the highest-efficiency modulation scheme (also called
nominal scheme or modulation scheme of full capacity) used by the AM can be configured.
l In AM, when modulation schemes are switched, the transmit frequency, receive frequency,
and channel spacing remain unchanged.
l In AM, modulation schemes are switched step-by-step.
l In AM, modulation scheme switching is hitless. When the modulation scheme is
downshifted, high-priority services will not be affected when low-priority services are
discarded. The switching is successful even when 100 dB/s channel fast fading occurs.

6.1.2 CCDP and XPIC

The co-channel dual-polarization (CCDP) and cross-polarization interference cancellation
(XPIC) technologies are developed based on microwave polarization characteristics. The CCDP,
wherein two signals are transmitted over two orthogonal polarization waves, doubles the
transmission capacity; the XPIC cancels the cross-polarization interference between the two
polarization waves.

Microwave transmission can be classified into single-polarized transmission and CCDP

transmission by polarization transmission mode.

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l In single-polarized transmission, a signal is transmitted over the horizontally polarized

wave or the vertically polarized wave on the same channel, as shown in Figure 6-2.
l In CCDP transmission, two signals are transmitted over the horizontally polarized wave
and the vertically polarized wave on the same channel, as shown in Figure 6-3.
The capacity in CCDP transmission mode is double the capacity in single-polarized transmission

Figure 6-2 Single-polarized transmission

Figure 6-3 CCDP transmission

The ideal situation of CCDP transmission is that no interference exists between the two
orthogonal signals that operate at the same frequency, and then the receiver can easily recover
the two signals. In actual engineering conditions, however, regardless of the orthogonality of
the two signals, certain interference between the signals exists, due to cross-polarization
discrimination (XPD) of the antenna and channel deterioration. To cancel the interference, the
XPIC technology is adopted to receive and process the signals in the horizontal and vertical
directions, so that the original signals are recovered.

6.1.3 RF Configuration Modes

The OptiX RTN 950 supports five RF configuration modes, namely, 1+0 non-protection
configuration, N+0 non-protection configuration, 1+1 protection configuration, N+1 protection
configuration, and cross-polarization interference cancellation (XPIC) configuration.

1+0 Non-Protection Configuration

The 1+0 non-protection configuration indicates that the radio link has one working channel and
no protection channel.

N+0 Non-Protection Configuration

The N+0 non-protection configuration indicates that the radio link has N working channels and
no protection channel.

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The OptiX RTN 950 supports N+0 protection (1 < N ≤5).

1+1 Protection Configuration

The 1+1 protection configuration indicates that the radio link has one working channel and one
protection channel.
The 1+1 protection configuration is classified into 1+1 HSB, 1+1 FD, and 1+1 SD.
l In 1+1 HSB protection mode, the equipment provides a 1+1 hot standby configuration for
the IF boards and ODUs at both ends of each hop of radio link, implementing the protection.
l In 1+1 FD protection mode, the system uses two channels with a specific frequency interval
to transmit and receive the same service signal. The opposite end selects one from the two
received signals. With the 1+1 FD protection, the impact of the fading on signal
transmission is reduced.
The 1+1 FD protection also supports the 1+1 HSB protection.
l In the 1+1 SD protection mode, the system uses two antennas with a space distance to
receive the same RF signal. The equipment selects from the two received signals. With the
1+1 SD protection, the impact of the fading on signal transmission is reduced.
The 1+1 SD protection also supports the 1+1 HSB protection.

N+1 Protection Configuration

The N+1 protection configuration indicates that the radio link has N working channels and one
protection channel.
The OptiX RTN 950 supports N+1 protection only in STM-1 radio and Integrated IP radio. The
N+1 protection is implemented through the N+1 MSP similar to l:N linear MSP.
The OptiX RTN 950 supports N+1 protection (1 ≤ N ≤ 4).

XPIC Configuration
The XPIC adopts both the horizontally polarized wave and the vertically polarized wave over
one channel to transmit two channels of signals. The radio link capacity in XPIC configuration
is double the radio link capacity in 1+0 configuration.
The OptiX RTN 950 only supports the XPIC configuration for Integrated IP radio.

6.2 Configuration Procedure

The configuration procedures of different radio link configuration methods are different.
Figure 6-4 provides the procedures for configuring radio links.

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Figure 6-4 Configuration flow chart (radio links)

Configure TDM radio links (with Configure TDM radio links Configure IP radio links (with XPIC Configure IP radio links (without
XPIC function) (without XPIC function) function) XPIC function)

Start Start Start Start

Configure IF/ODU Configure IF/ODU Configure IF/ODU Configure IF/ODU

information for radio links information for radio links information for radio links information for radio links

Create XPIC working Configure IF

Configure IF 1+1
1+1 Create XPIC working Configure IF 1+1
groups protection
protection groups protection

Configure IF
Configure IF 1+1
1+1 Configure AM attributes
Configure IF/ODU Configure IF/ODU
protection for XPIC function
information for radio links information for radio links

Configure IF/ODU Configure IF

Configure IF 1+1
Configure ATPC function Configure ATPC function
information for radio links protection

Configure ODU power Configure AM advanced

Configure ODU power attributes Configure IF/ODU attributes
attributes information for radio links

End Configure N+1 protection Configure AM advanced

Configure ODU power

End Configure ODU power

Configure N+1 protection


The procedures in the configuration flow chart are described as follows.

Procedures for Configuring TDM Radio Links (with the XPIC function enabled)

Table 6-1 Procedures for Configuring TDM Radio Links (with the XPIC function enabled)

Operation Description

A.3.4 For the ISX2, set IF Service Type for the IF boards in both the vertically
Configuring and horizontally polarized directions of an XPIC workgroup according to
the IF/ODU planning information.
Information of NOTE
a Radio Link The default value of IF Service Type is Hybrid(Native E1+ETH).

A.3.2 Creating Required.

an XPIC Set the parameters according to the network planning information.

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Operation Description

A.3.1 Creating Required when two XPIC workgroups need to form two IF 1+1 protection
an IF 1+1 groups.
Protection Set the parameters according to the network planning information.
One XPIC workgroup cannot form an IF 1+1 protection group. The radio link in the
horizontal/vertical polarization direction of the XPIC workgroup can form an IF 1
+1 protection group with the radio link in the horizontal/vertical polarization
direction of the other XPIC workgroup.

A.3.4 Required.
Configuring Set Power to Be Received(dBm) to the received signal level specified in
the IF/ODU the network planning information. The antenna non-alignment indication
Information of function is enabled only after this parameter is set. When the antenna
a Radio Link misalignment indicating function is enabled, if the actual receive power
of the ODU is 3 dB lower than the power expected to be received, the
ODU indicator on the IF board connected to the ODU blinks yellow (300
ms on, 300 ms off), indicating that the antenna is not aligned. After the
antennas are aligned for consecutive 30 minutes, the NE automatically
disables the antenna non-alignment indication function.

A.6.9.3 Setting Optional.

ODU Power TX High Threshold(dBm), TX Low Threshold(dBm), RX High
Attributes Threshold(dBm), and RX Low Threshold(dBm) affect only the
performance events associated with ATPC. Therefore, determine whether
to set these parameters according to the actual requirements.


l During the site commissioning, you can configure the two XPIC links as two separate non-XPIC links.
l The preceding parameters need to set to the same values, separately for the radio links in the vertical and
horizontal polarization directions.
l n the case of radio links configured with 1+1 HSB/SD, you need to configure the IF and ODU information
on the main radio link only. In the case of radio links configured with 1+1 FD, you need to configure the IF
and ODU information on the main radio link and the ODU information on the standby radio link.

Procedures for Configuring TDM Radio Links (with the XPIC function disabled)

Table 6-2 Procedures for configuring TDM radio links (with the XPIC function disabled)
Operation Description

A.3.4 For the ISU2 and ISX2, set IF Service Type to SDH.
Configuring NOTE
the IF/ODU The default value of IF Service Type is Hybrid(Native E1+ETH).
Information of
a Radio Link

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Operation Description

A.3.1 Creating Required when the radio links are configured with 1+1 protection.
an IF 1+1 Set the parameters according to the network planning information.

A.3.4 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

Configuring l Set Working Mode and Link ID according to the network planning
the IF/ODU information.
Information of
l Set TX Frequency(MHz), T/R Spacing(MHz), and TX Power
a Radio Linka
(dBm) according to the network planning information.
l Set TX Status to unmute.
l Set Power to Be Received(dBm) to the received signal level specified
in the network planning information. The antenna non-alignment
indication function is enabled only after this parameter is set. When the
antenna misalignment indicating function is enabled, if the actual
receive power of the ODU is 3 dB lower than the power expected to be
received, the ODU indicator on the IF board connected to the ODU
blinks yellow (300 ms on, 300 ms off), indicating that the antenna is
not aligned. After the antennas are aligned for consecutive 30 minutes,
the NE automatically disables the antenna non-alignment indication

A.6.8.2 Required when the ATPC function needs to be used.

Configuring l If the ATPC function needs to be used, set ATPC Enable Status to
ATPC Enabled.
l During site commissioning, set ATPC Enable Status to Disabled.
l It is recommended that you set ATPC Upper Threshold(dBm) to the
central value plus 10 dB.
l It is recommended that you set ATPC Lower Threshold(dBm) to the
central value minus 10 dB.
l It is recommended that you set ATPC Automatic Threshold Enable
Status to Disabled.

A.6.9.3 Setting Optional.

ODU Power l To set the maximum transmit power that is supported by the ATPC
Attributesa adjustment, you need to set Maximum Transmit Power(dBm)
according to the actual requirements.
l TX High Threshold(dBm), TX Low Threshold(dBm), RX High
Threshold(dBm), and RX Low Threshold(dBm) affect only the
performance events associated with ATPC. Therefore, determine
whether to set these parameters according to the actual requirements.

A.3.5 Creating Required when the radio links are configured with N+1 protection.
an N+1 Set the attributes of the N+1 protection group to the same values for the
Protection equipment at both ends.
Set the parameters according to the network planning information.

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l a: Generally, during the site commissioning, the previous steps are completed. After the site commissioning,
however, you need to reset ATPC Enable Status.
l In the case of radio links configured with 1+1 HSB/SD, you need to configure the IF and ODU information
on the main radio link only. In the case of radio links configured with 1+1 FD, you need to configure the IF
and ODU information on the main radio link and the ODU information on the standby radio link.
l In the case of TDM radio links configured with N+1 protection, you need to configure the IF and ODU
information on each link. Working Mode must be configured as 7, STM-1, 28MHz, 128QAM.

Configuration Procedure of an Integrated IP radio Link (with the XPIC function


Table 6-3 Procedure for configuring an Integrated IP radio link (with the XPIC function enabled)
Operation Description

A.3.4 For the ISX2, set IF Service Type for the IF boards in both the vertically
Configuring and horizontally polarized directions of an XPIC workgroup according to
the IF/ODU planning information.
Information of NOTE
a Radio Link The default value of IF Service Type is Hybrid(Native E1+ETH).

A.3.2 Creating Required.

an XPIC Set the parameters according to the network planning information.

A.3.3 Setting Required.

the AM Set the parameters according to the network planning information. The
Attributes of parameters in both polarization directions need to take the same values.
the XPIC

A.3.1 Creating Required when two XPIC workgroups need to form two IF 1+1 protection
an IF 1+1 groups.
Protection Set the parameters according to the network planning information.
One XPIC workgroup cannot form an IF 1+1 protection group. The radio link in the
horizontal/vertical polarization direction of the XPIC workgroup can form an IF 1
+1 protection group with the radio link in the horizontal/vertical polarization
direction of the other XPIC workgroup.

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Operation Description

A.3.4 Required.
Configuring l Set Power to Be Received(dBm) to the received signal level specified
the IF/ODU in the network planning information. The antenna non-alignment
Information of indication function is enabled only after this parameter is set. When
a Radio Link the antenna misalignment indicating function is enabled, if the actual
receive power of the ODU is 3 dB lower than the power expected to
be received, the ODU indicator on the IF board connected to the ODU
blinks yellow (300 ms on, 300 ms off), indicating that the antenna is
not aligned. After the antennas are aligned for consecutive 30 minutes,
the NE automatically disables the antenna non-alignment indication
l To enable the E1 priority function, set Enable E1 Priority to
Enabled. In addition, set Guarantee E1 Capacity and Full E1
Capacity according to the network planning information.

A.6.8.3 Setting Optional.

Advanced AM To ensure that a specific number of E1s can be transmitted in intermediate
Attributes modulation schemes, adjust the E1 capacity in each modulation scheme
according to the network planning information. Generally, it is
recommended that you use the default values.

A.6.9.3 Setting Optional.

ODU Power TX High Threshold(dBm), TX Low Threshold(dBm), RX High
Attributes Threshold(dBm), and RX Low Threshold(dBm) affect only the
performance events associated with ATPC. Therefore, determine whether
to set these parameters according to the actual requirements.


l During the site commissioning, you can configure the two XPIC links as two separate non-XPIC links
according to Table 6-4.
l The preceding parameters need to set to the same values, separately for the radio links in the vertical and
horizontal polarization directions.
l In the case of radio links configured with 1+1 HSB/SD, you need to configure the IF and ODU information
on the main radio link only. In the case of radio links configured with 1+1 FD, you need to configure the IF
and ODU information on the main radio link and the ODU information on the standby radio link.
l The MW_CFG_MISMATCH alarm is reported, if the E1 count, AM enabled status, 1588 timeslot enabled
status, modulation mode, or STM-1 count is set inconsistently for both ends of an Integrated IP radio link.
This alarm should be cleared immediately. Otherwise, services may be configured unsuccessfully or

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 6 Configuring Radio Links

Procedure for configuring an Integrated IP radio link (with the XPIC function

Table 6-4 Procedure for configuring an Integrated IP radio link (with the XPIC function
Operation Description

A.3.4 For the ISU2 and ISX2, set IF Service Type according to planning
Configuring information.
Information of The default value of IF Service Type is Hybrid(Native E1+ETH).
a Radio Link

A.3.1 Creating Required when the radio links are configured with IF 1+1 protection.
an IF 1+1 Set the parameters according to the network planning information.

A.3.4 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

Configuring l Set AM Status and IF Channel Bandwidth according to the network
the IF/ODU planning information.
Information of
l When the AM function is enabled on the radio links, set Modulation
a Radio Linka
Mode of the Guarantee AM Capacity and Modulation Mode of the
Full AM Capacity according to the network planning information.
l When the AM function is disabled on the radio links, set Manual
Modulation Mode according to the network planning information.
l During site commissioning, set AM Status to Disabled. In addition,
set Manual Modulation Mode to Modulation Mode of the
Guarantee AM Capacity that is planned.
l Set Full E1 Capacity and Link ID according to the network planning
l Set TX Frequency(MHz), T/R Spacing(MHz), and TX Power
(dBm) according to the network planning information.
l Set TX Status to unmute.
l Set Power to Be Received(dBm) to the received signal level specified
in the network planning information. The antenna non-alignment
indication function is enabled only after this parameter is set. When the
antenna misalignment indicating function is enabled, if the actual
receive power of the ODU is 3 dB lower than the power expected to be
received, the ODU indicator on the IF board connected to the ODU
blinks yellow (300 ms on, 300 ms off), indicating that the antenna is
not aligned. After the antennas are aligned for consecutive 30 minutes,
the NE automatically disables the antenna non-alignment indication
l To enable the E1 priority function, set Enable E1 Priority to
Enabled. In addition, set Guarantee E1 Capacity and Full E1
Capacity according to the network planning information.

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Operation Description

A.6.8.2 Required when the ATPC function needs to be used.

Configuring l If the ATPC function needs to be used, set ATPC Enable Status to
ATPC Enabled.
l During site commissioning, set ATPC Enable Status to Disabled.
l It is recommended that you set ATPC Upper Threshold(dBm) to the
central value plus 10 dB.
l It is recommended that you set ATPC Lower Threshold(dBm) to the
central value minus 10 dB.
l It is recommended that you set ATPC Automatic Threshold Enable
Status to Disabled.

A.6.8.3 Setting Optional.

Advanced AM To ensure that a specific number of E1s can be transmitted in intermediate
Attributesa modulation schemes, adjust the E1 capacity in each modulation scheme
according to the network planning information. Generally, it is
recommended that you use the default values.

A.6.9.3 Setting Optional.

ODU Power l To set the maximum transmit power that is supported by the ATPC
Attributesa adjustment function, you need to set Maximum Transmit Power
(dBm) according to the actual requirements.
l TX High Threshold(dBm), TX Low Threshold(dBm), RX High
Threshold(dBm), and RX Low Threshold(dBm) affect only the
performance events associated with ATPC. Therefore, determine
whether to set these parameters according to the actual requirements.

A.3.5 Creating Required when the radio links are configured with N+1 protection.
an N+1 Set the attributes of the N+1 protection group to the same values for the
Protection equipment at both ends.
Set the parameters according to the network planning information.


l a: Generally, during the site commissioning, the previous steps are completed. After the site commissioning,
however, you need to reset AM Status and ATPC Enable Status.
l In the case of radio links configured with 1+1 HSB/SD, you need to configure the IF and ODU information
on the main radio link only. In the case of radio links configured with 1+1 FD, you need to configure the IF
and ODU information on the main radio link and the ODU information on the standby radio link.
l To configure Integrated IP radio links with N+1 protection, you need to configure the IF and ODU
information on each link.
l The MW_CFG_MISMATCH alarm is reported, if the E1 count, AM enabled status, 1588 timeslot enabled
status, modulation mode, or STM-1 count is set inconsistently for both ends of an Integrated IP radio link.
This alarm should be cleared immediately. Otherwise, services may be configured unsuccessfully or

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6.3 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the TDM Radio

Chain Network)
This section considers radio links on a TDM radio chain network as examples to describe how
to configure radio links according to the planning information.

6.3.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 5.3 Configuration Example (TDM Radio Chain Network Topology), configure the
TDM radio links according to the following network planning information (as shown in Figure
l The service capacity accessed by each BTS is provided in Table 6-5.

Table 6-5 Service capacity accessed by each BTS


Number of 16 8 8 14 8
E1 services

l To improve transmission reliability of important services, the radio links between NE11
and NE12, between NE13 and NE14, and between NE13 and NE15 are configured with 1
+1 HSB protection.
l The ATPC function is enabled to reduce inter-site interference.

Figure 6-5 Networking diagram (TDM radio chain network)

14952M 101
BTS12 14930M
16E1,14M,16QAM 14510M
1+1 HSB
1+1 HSB
Tx high NE13 NE12 NE11
104 Tx low
14930M NE14 Tx high Third party
Tx low
14510M Tx high Tx low SDH network
1+0 103
H-polarzation 14967M
14547M BTS11
Tx high 22E1,14M,32QAM
NE15 1+1 HSB Link ID
Tx low V-polarization Tx high station Tx Freq.
Tx low station Tx Freq.
NE16 Radio work mode
BTS14 RF configuarion

The connections of radio links shown in Figure 6-5 are described as follows.

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Table 6-6 Connections of radio links (NE11)

Link Port Description

Between NE11 and NE12 3-IF1 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
5-IF1 (standby IF board)

Table 6-7 Connections of radio links (NE12)

Link Port Description

Between NE12 and NE11 3-IF1 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
5-IF1 (standby IF board)

Table 6-8 Connections of radio links (NE13)

Link Port Description

Between NE13 and NE14 3-IF1 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
5-IF1 (standby IF board)

Between NE13 and NE15 4-IF1 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
6-IF1 (standby IF board)

Table 6-9 Connections of radio links (NE14)

Link Port Description

Between NE14 and NE13 3-IF1 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
5-IF1 (standby IF board)

Table 6-10 Connections of radio links (NE15)

Link Port Description

Between NE15 and NE13 4-IF1 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
6-IF1 (standby IF board)

Between NE15 and NE16 3-IF1 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

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Table 6-11 Connections of radio links (NE16)

Link Port Description

Between NE16 and NE15 3-IF1 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

6.3.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data.

Basic Information About Radio Links

According to the spectrum allocation on the radio network and the required radio transmission
capacity, you can obtain the basic information about the radio links, as provided in Table

Table 6-12 Basic information about radio links

Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Link ID 101 102 103 104

Tx high site NE11 NE14 NE15 NE15

Tx low site NE12 NE13 NE13 NE16

Tx frequency at 14930 14952 14967 14930

the Tx high site

Tx frequency at 14510 14532 14547 14510

the Tx low site

T/R spacing 420 420 420 420


Radio working STM-1, 16E1, 14MHz, 22E1, 14MHz, 8E1, 7MHz,

mode 28MHz, 16QAM 32QAM 16QAM

RF 1+1 HSB 1+1 HSB 1+1 HSB 1+0


Polarization V (vertical H (horizontal V (vertical H (horizontal

direction polarization) polarization) polarization) polarization)

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l To prevent interference on a microwave site, it is recommended that you plan the microwave site as
only a TX high site or a TX low site at a time.
l To prevent interference between two radio links on a microwave site that use transmit frequencies with
a small spacing between, it is recommended that you set the two radio links to operate in different
polarization directions.
l The planning information that is not related to the configuration of the IDU (except for the polarization
direction) is not provided in this example.

Power and ATPC Information

By using the radio network planning software such as the Pathloss, you can analyze and compute
the availability of services and parameters of radio links. Then, you can obtain the power and
ATPC information of the radio links as provided in Table 6-13.

Table 6-13 Power and ATPC information

Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Transmit power 5 (NE11) 10 (NE13) 10 (NE13) 15 (NE15)

(dBm) 5 (NE12) 10 (NE14) 10 (NE15) 15 (NE16)

Receive power -42 (NE11) -44 (NE13) -43 (NE13) -48 (NE15)
(dBm) -42 (NE12) -44 (NE14) -43 (NE15) -48 (NE16)

ATPC enabling Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

ATPC Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled


Upper threshold -32 (NE11) -34 (NE13) -33 (NE13) -38 (NE15)
of ATPC -32 (NE12) -34 (NE14) -33 (NE15) -38 (NE16)

Lower threshold -52 (NE11) -54 (NE13) -53 (NE13) -58 (NE15)
of ATPC -52 (NE12) -54 (NE14) -53 (NE15) -58 (NE16)

Maximum - - - -
transmit power

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l In this example, the ATPC is enabled to reduce the inter-site interference. The ATPC may be disabled if
there is no such a requirement.
l The ATPC controls the receive power within a range, namely, (2 dB more or less than the central value
between the upper threshold and lower threshold of ATPC adjustment). Hence, this example sets the upper
threshold to 10 dB higher than the receive power, and the lower threshold is 10 dB lower than the receive
l The maximum transmit power is the actual maximum transmit power of the ODU after the ATPC is enabled.
When this parameter is not specified, the value of the parameter is the rated maximum transmit power of
the ODU. If the ODU works at the rated maximum transmit power, the electromagnetic wave agrees with
the spectrum configuration profile. Hence, this parameter is not set generally.

Information of IF Boards
According to the radio type, slot priorities of IF boards, and configuration rules of the 1+1
protection, you can obtain the information of IF boards as provided in Table 6-14.

Table 6-14 Information of IF boards

Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Main IF board 3-IF1 (NE11) 3-IF1 (NE13) 4-IF1 (NE13) 3-IF1 (NE15)
3-IF1 (NE12) 3-IF1 (NE14) 4-IF1 (NE15) 3-IF1 (NE16)

Standby IF 5-IF1 (NE11) 5-IF1 (NE13) 6-IF1 (NE13) -

board 5-IF1 (NE12) 5-IF1 (NE14) 6-IF1 (NE15)

RF 1+1 HSB 1+1 HSB 1+1 HSB 1+0


Revertive mode Revertive Revertive Revertive -

(default value) (default value) (default value)

WTR time(s) 600 (default 600 (default 600 (default -

value) value) value)

Reverse Disabled Disabled Disabled -


Alarm report Alarm reporting Alarm reporting Alarm reporting -

mode by protection by protection by protection
group group group

Anti-jitter time 300s (default 300s (default 300s (default -

value) value) value)

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l It is recommended that you configure the two IF boards that construct the 1+1 HSB protection group in slot
3 and slot 5, slot 4 and slot 6, or slot 1 and slot 2. In addition, it is recommended that you configure the main
IF board in the slot with the smaller slot number.
l It is recommended that you configure the two IF boards that construct the 1+1 FD/SD protection group in
slot 3 and slot 5, slot 4 and slot 6, or slot 1 and slot 2. In addition, it is recommended that you configure the
main IF board in the slot with the smaller slot number.
l In 1+1 HSB configuration, it is recommended that you disable the reverse switching function. In 1+1 SD
configuration, it is recommended that you enable the reverse switching function.
l Unless otherwise specified, it is recommended that alarms be reported by protection group.
l Unless otherwise specified the other parameters of the 1+1 HSB/FD/SD all take default values.

6.3.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the procedures for the data configuration.

Step 1 See A.3.1 Creating an IF 1+1 Protection Group and create the IF 1+1 protection groups for
NE11 to NE15.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Working Mode HSB

Revertive Mode Revertive mode

WTR Time(s) 600

Enable Reverse Switching Disabled

Working Board 3-IF1

Protection Board 5-IF1

Alarm Report Mode Only Protection group alarms

Anti-jitter Time(s) 300

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Working Mode HSB

Revertive Mode Revertive mode

WTR Time(s) 600

Enable Reverse Switching Disabled

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Parameter Value


Working Board 3-IF1

Protection Board 5-IF1

Alarm Report Mode Only Protection group alarms

Anti-jitter Time(s) 300

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Working Mode HSB HSB

Revertive Mode Revertive mode Revertive mode

WTR Time(s) 600 600

Enable Reverse Switching Disabled Disabled

Working Board 3-IF1 4-IF1

Protection Board 5-IF1 6-IF1

Alarm Report Mode Only Protection group Only Protection group

alarms alarms

Anti-jitter Time(s) 300 300

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Working Mode HSB

Revertive Mode Revertive mode

WTR Time(s) 600

Enable Reverse Switching Disabled

Working Board 3-IF1

Protection Board 5-IF1

Alarm Report Mode Only Protection group alarms

Anti-jitter Time(s) 300

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l The values for the relevant parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Working Mode HSB

Revertive Mode Revertive mode

WTR Time(s) 600

Enable Reverse Switching Disabled

Working Board 4-IF1

Protection Board 6-IF1

Alarm Report Mode Only Protection group alarms

Anti-jitter Time(s) 300

Step 2 See A.3.4 Configuring the IF/ODU Information of a Radio Link and configure the IF/ODU
information of the radio link.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU

Working Mode 7,STM-1,28MHz,128QAM

Link ID 101

TX Frequency(MHz) 14930

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420

TX Power(dBm) 5

Power to Be Received(dBm) -42

TX Status unmute

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU

Working Mode 7,STM-1,28MHz,128QAM

Link ID 101

TX Frequency(MHz) 14510

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420

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Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU

TX Power(dBm) 5

Power to Be Received(dBm) -42

TX Status unmute

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU 4-IF1 and 24-ODU

Working Mode 6,16E1,14MHz,16QAM 8,22E1,14MHz,32QAM

Link ID 102 103

TX Frequency(MHz) 14532 14547

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420 420

TX Power(dBm) 10 10

Power to Be Received -44 -43


TX Status unmute unmute

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU

Working Mode 6,16E1,14MHz,16QAM

Link ID 102

TX Frequency(MHz) 14952

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420

TX Power(dBm) 10

Power to Be Received(dBm) -44

TX Status unmute

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU 4-IF1 and 24-ODU

Working Mode 4,8E1,7MHz,16QAM 8,22E1,14MHz,32QAM

Link ID 104 103

TX Frequency(MHz) 14930 14967

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420 420

TX Power(dBm) 15 10

Power to Be Received -48 -43


TX Status unmute unmute

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU

Working Mode 4,8E1,7MHz,16QAM

Link ID 104

TX Frequency(MHz) 14510

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420

TX Power(dBm) 15

Power to Be Received(dBm) -48

TX Status unmute

Step 3 See A.6.8.2 Configuring ATPC Attributes and configure the ATPC function.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Enabled

ATPC Upper Threshold(dBm) -32

ATPC Lower Threshold(dBm) -52

ATPC Automatic Threshold Enable Disabled


l The values for the relevant parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Enabled

ATPC Upper Threshold(dBm) -32

ATPC Lower Threshold(dBm) -52

ATPC Automatic Threshold Enable Disabled


l The values for the relevant parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU 4-IF1 and 24-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Enabled Enabled

ATPC Upper Threshold -34 -33


ATPC Lower Threshold -54 -53


ATPC Automatic Disabled Disabled

Threshold Enable Status

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Enabled

ATPC Upper Threshold(dBm) -34

ATPC Lower Threshold(dBm) -54

ATPC Automatic Threshold Enable Disabled


l The values for the relevant parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU 4-IF1 and 24-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Enabled Enabled

ATPC Upper Threshold -38 -33


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Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU 4-IF1 and 24-ODU

ATPC Lower Threshold -58 -53


ATPC Automatic Disabled Disabled

Threshold Enable Status

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Enabled

ATPC Upper Threshold(dBm) -38

ATPC Lower Threshold(dBm) -58

ATPC Automatic Threshold Enable Disabled



6.4 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the TDM Radio

Ring Network)
This section considers TDM radio links on a TDM radio ring network as examples to describe
how to configure radio links according to the network planning information.

6.4.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 5.4 Configuration Example (TDM Radio Ring Network Topology), configure the
TDM radio links according to the network planning information (as shown in Figure 6-6):
l The service capacity accessed by each BTS is provided in Table 6-15.

Table 6-15 Service capacity accessed by each BTS


Number of E1 4 4 4 4

l To improve transmission reliability of important services, the radio links between NE21
and NE24 are configured with 1+1 SD protection.

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l The ATPC function is enabled to reduce inter-site interference.

Figure 6-6 Networking diagram (TDM radio ring network)

Third party
SDH network

201 204
14930M 14958M
14510M 14538M
16E1,14M,16QAM NE21 16E1,14M,16QAM
1+0 1+1
V-polarzation V-polarization

Tx high Tx high
Tx low Tx low

Tx low Tx low
NE22 NE24 BTS24
Tx high Tx high
BTS22 202 203
14958M 14930M
14538M 14510M
16E1,14M,16QAM 4E1 16E1,14M,16QAM
1+0 1+0
H-polarization NE23 H-polarzation

Link ID
Tx high station Tx Freq.
Tx low station Tx Freq.
Radio work mode
RF configuarion

The connections of radio links shown in Figure 6-6 are described as follows.

Table 6-16 Connections of radio links (NE21)

Link Port Description

Between NE21 and NE22 4-IF1 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

Between NE21 and NE24 3-IF1 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
SD protection group.
5-IF1 (standby IF board)

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Table 6-17 Connections of radio links (NE22)

Link Port Description

Between NE22 and NE21 3-IF1 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

Between NE22 and NE23 4-IF1 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

Table 6-18 Connections of radio links (NE23)

Link Port Description

Between NE23 and NE22 3-IF1 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

Between NE23 and NE24 4-IF1 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

Table 6-19 Connections of radio links (NE24)

Link Port Description

Between NE24 and NE21 4-IF1 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
6-IF1 (standby IF board)

Between NE24 and NE23 3-IF1 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

6.4.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data.

Basic Information About Radio Links

According to the spectrum allocation on the radio network and the required radio transmission
capacity, you can obtain the basic information about the radio links as provided in Table 6-20.

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Table 6-20 Basic information about radio links

Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Link ID 201 202 203 204

Tx high site NE21 NE23 NE23 NE21

Tx low site NE22 NE22 NE24 NE24

Tx frequency at 14930 14958 14930 14958

the Tx high site

Tx frequency at 14510 14538 14510 14538

the Tx low site

T/R spacing 420 420 420 420


Radio working 16E1, 14MHz, 16E1, 14MHz, 16E1, 14MHz, 16E1, 14MHz,
mode 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM

RF 1+0 1+0 1+0 1+1 SD


Polarization V (vertical H (horizontal H (horizontal V (vertical

direction polarization) polarization) polarization) polarization)


The planning information that is not related to the configuration of the IDU (except for the polarization
direction) is not provided in this example.

Power and ATPC Information

By using the radio network planning software such as the Pathloss, you can analyze and compute
the availability of services and parameters of radio links. Then, you can obtain the power and
ATPC information about the radio links, as provided in Table 6-21.

Table 6-21 Power and ATPC information

Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Transmit power 9 (NE21) 10 (NE23) 10 (NE23) 8 (NE21)

(dBm) 9 (NE22) 10 (NE22) 10 (NE24) 8 (NE24)

Receive power -46 (NE21) -44 (NE23) -43 (NE23) -47 (NE21)
(dBm) -46 (NE22) -44 (NE22) -43 (NE24) -47 (NE24)

ATPC enabling Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

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Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

ATPC Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled


Upper threshold -36 (NE21) -34 (NE23) -33 (NE23) -37 (NE21)
of ATPC -36 (NE22) -34 (NE22) -33 (NE24) -37 (NE24)

Lower threshold -56 (NE21) -54 (NE23) -53 (NE23) -57 (NE21)
of ATPC -56 (NE22) -54 (NE22) -53 (NE24) -57 (NE24)

Maximum - - - -
transmit power


l In this example, the ATPC is enabled to reduce the inter-site interference. The ATPC may be disabled if
there is no such a requirement.
l The ATPC controls the receive power within a range, namely, (2 dB more or less than the central value of
the upper threshold and lower threshold of ATPC adjustment). Hence, this example sets the upper threshold
to 10 dB higher than the receive power, and the lower threshold is 10 dB lower than the receive power.
l The maximum transmit power is the actual maximum transmit power of the ODU after the ATPC is enabled.
When this parameter is not specified, the value of the parameter is the rated maximum transmit power of
the ODU. If the ODU works at the rated maximum transmit power, the electromagnetic wave agrees with
the spectrum configuration profile. Hence, this parameter is not set generally.

Information About IF Boards

According to the radio type, slot priorities of IF boards, and configuration rules of the 1+1
protection, you can obtain the information about IF boards as provided in Table 6-22.

Table 6-22 Information of IF boards

Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Main IF board 4-IF1 (NE21) 4-IF1 (NE22) 4-IF1 (NE23) 4-IF1 (NE24)
3-IF1 (NE22) 3-IF1 (NE23) 3-IF1 (NE24) 3-IF1 (NE21)

Standby IF - - - 6-IF1 (NE24)

board 5-IF1 (NE21)

RF 1+0 1+0 1+0 1+1 SD


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Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Revertive mode - - - Revertive

(default value)

WTR time(s) - - - 600 (default


Reverse - - - Enabled

Alarm report - - - Alarm reporting

mode by protection

Anti-jitter time - - - 300s (default



l It is recommended that you configure the two IF boards that construct the 1+1 HSB protection group in slot
3 and slot 5, slot 4 and slot 6, or slot 1 and slot 2. In addition, it is recommended that you configure the main
IF board in the slot with the smaller slot number.
l It is recommended that you configure the two IF boards that construct the 1+1 FD/SD protection group in
slot 3 and slot 5, slot 4 and slot 6, or slot 1 and slot 2. In addition, it is recommended that you configure the
main IF board in the slot with the smaller slot number.
l In 1+1 HSB configuration, it is recommended that you disable the reverse switching function. In 1+1 SD
configuration, it is recommended that you enable the reverse switching function.
l Unless otherwise specified, it is recommended that alarms be reported by protection group.
l Unless otherwise specified, the other parameters of the 1+1 HSB/FD/SD all take default values.

6.4.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the procedures for the data configuration.

Step 1 See A.3.1 Creating an IF 1+1 Protection Group and configure the 1+1 protection groups for
NE21 and NE24.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Working Mode SD

Revertive Mode Revertive mode

WTR Time(s) 600

Enable Reverse Switching Enabled

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Parameter Value


Working Board 3-IF1

Protection Board 5-IF1

Alarm Report Mode Only Protection group alarms

Anti-jitter Time(s) 300

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Working Mode SD

Revertive Mode Revertive mode

WTR Time(s) 600

Enable Reverse Switching Enabled

Working Board 4-IF1

Protection Board 6-IF1

Alarm Report Mode Only Protection group alarms

Anti-jitter Time(s) 300

Step 2 See A.3.4 Configuring the IF/ODU Information of a Radio Link and configure the IF/ODU
information of the radio link.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU 4-IF1 and 24-ODU

Working Mode 6,16E1,14MHz,16QAM 6,16E1,14MHz,16QAM

Link ID 204 201

TX Frequency(MHz) 14958 14930

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420 420

TX Power(dBm) 8 9

Power to Be Received -47 -46


TX Status unmute unmute

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l The values for the relevant parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU 4-IF1 and 24-ODU

Working Mode 6, 16E1,14MHz, 16QAM 6, 16E1, 14MHz, 16QAM

Link ID 201 202

TX Frequency(MHz) 14510 14538

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420 420

TX Power(dBm) 9 10

Power to Be Received -46 -44


TX Status unmute unmute

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU 4-IF1 and 24-ODU

Working Mode 6, 16E1, 14MHz, 16QAM 6, 16E1, 14MHz, 16QAM

Link ID 202 203

TX Frequency(MHz) 14958 14930

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420 420

TX Power(dBm) 10 10

Power to Be Received -44 -43


TX Status unmute unmute

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU 4-IF1 and 24-ODU

Working Mode 6, 16E1, 14MHz, 16QAM 6, 16E1, 14MHz, 16QAM

Link ID 203 204

TX Frequency(MHz) 14510 14538

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420 420

TX Power(dBm) 10 8

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Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU 4-IF1 and 24-ODU

Power to Be Received -43 -47


TX Status unmute unmute

Step 3 See A.6.8.2 Configuring ATPC Attributes and configure the ATPC function.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU 4-IF1 and 24-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Enabled Enabled

ATPC Upper Threshold -37 -36


ATPC Lower Threshold -57 -56


ATPC Automatic Disabled Disabled

Threshold Enable Status

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU 4-IF1 and 24-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Enabled Enabled

ATPC Upper Threshold -36 -34


ATPC Lower Threshold -56 -54


ATPC Automatic Disabled Disabled

Threshold Enable Status

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU 4-IF1 and 24-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Enabled Enabled

ATPC Upper Threshold -34 -33


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Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU 4-IF1 and 24-ODU

ATPC Lower Threshold -54 -53


ATPC Automatic Disabled Disabled

Threshold Enable Status

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-IF1 and 23-ODU 4-IF1 and 24-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Enabled Enabled

ATPC Upper Threshold -33 -37


ATPC Lower Threshold -53 -57


ATPC Automatic Disabled Disabled

Threshold Enable Status


6.5 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Hybrid

Radio Chain Network)
This section considers radio links on a Hybrid radio chain network as examples to describe how
to configure radio links according to the network planning information.

6.5.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 5.5 Configuration Example (Hybrid Radio Chain Network), configure the Hybrid
radio links according to the following network planning information (as shown in Figure 6-7):
l Each Hybrid radio link transmits E1 services and Ethernet services. The AM function is
enabled on each link.
l To improve transmission reliability of important services, the radio links between NE11
and NE12, between NE13 and NE14, and between NE13 and NE15 are configured with 1
+1 HSB protection.
l The service capacity accessed by each BTS is provided in Table 6-23.

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Table 6-23 Service capacity accessed by each BTS


Number of 0 0 1 2 0
priority E1s

Number of 0 0 0 2 0

Capacity of 10 5 3 1 5

Capacity of 35 15 24 20 19


High-priority services are guaranteed with sufficient transmission resources and are not discarded even in
the case of an AM switch. Low-priority services are not guaranteed with sufficient transmission resources
and may be discarded in the case of an AM switch. The common service priorities are provided in Table

Table 6-24 Common service priorities

Service Type Service Class

TDM E1s that transmit 2G base station High-priority services


ATM E1s (IMA E1s are not used) that High-priority services
transmit 3G base station services

E1s (of a bandwidth not lower than the High-priority service

high-priority service bandwidth) in the
IMA E1 group that transmits 3G base
station services

Other E1s in the IMA E1 group that Low-priority services

transmits 3G base station services

Voice, signaling, and OM Ethernet High-priority services


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Service Type Service Class

Streaming media, background, and Low-priority services

interactive Ethernet services, for example,
Internet services

Figure 6-7 Networking diagram (Hybrid radio chain network)

14952M 101
BTS12 14930M
14M 14510M
1+1 HSB
1+1 HSB
Tx high NE13 NE12 NE11
104 Tx low
14930M NE14 Tx high Packet
Tx low
14510M Tx high Tx low network
1+0 103
H-polarzation 14967M
14547M BTS11
Tx high 14M
NE15 1+1 HSB Link ID
Tx low V-polarization Tx high station Tx Freq.
Tx low station Tx Freq.
NE16 Channel spacing
BTS14 RF configuarion

The connections of radio links shown in Figure 6-7 are described as follows.

Table 6-25 Connections of radio links (NE11)

Link Port Description

Between NE11 and NE12 3-ISU2 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
5-ISU2 (standby IF board)

Table 6-26 Connections of radio links (NE12)

Link Port Description

Between NE12 and NE11 3-ISU2 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
5-ISU2 (standby IF board)

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Table 6-27 Connections of radio links (NE13)

Link Port Description

Between NE13 and NE14 3-ISU2 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
5-ISU2 (standby IF board)

Between NE13 and NE15 4-ISU2 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
6-ISU2 (standby IF board)

Table 6-28 Connections of radio links (NE14)

Link Port Description

Between NE14 and NE13 3-ISU2 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
5-ISU2 (standby IF board)

Table 6-29 Connections of radio links (NE15)

Link Port Description

Between NE15 and NE13 4-ISU2 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
6-ISU2 (standby IF board)

Between NE15 and NE16 3-ISU2 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

Table 6-30 Connections of radio links (NE16)

Link Port Description

Between NE16 and NE15 3-ISU2 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

6.5.2 Service Planning

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring the NE

Basic Information About Radio Links

According to the spectrum allocation on the radio network and the required radio transmission
capacity, you can obtain the basic information of the radio links, as provided in Table 6-31.

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Table 6-31 Basic information about radio links

Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Link ID 101 102 103 104

Tx high site NE11 NE14 NE15 NE15

Tx low site NE12 NE13 NE13 NE16

Tx frequency at 14930 14952 14967 14930

the Tx high site

Tx frequency at 14510 14532 14547 14510

the Tx low site

T/R spacing 420 420 420 420


Channel 28 14 14 7
spacing (MHz)

RF 1+1 HSB 1+1 HSB 1+1 HSB 1+0


Polarization V (vertical H (horizontal V (vertical H (horizontal

direction polarization) polarization) polarization) polarization)


The planning information that is not related to the configuration of the IDU (except for the polarization
direction) is not provided in this example.

Hybrid/AM Attribute Information

According to the capacity of E1 and Ethernet services and the availability requirement, you can
calculate the Hybrid/AM attribute information, as provided in Table 6-32.

Table 6-32 Hybrid/AM attribute information

Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Number of E1s 3 1 2 0
in AM
capacity mode

Number of E1s 5 - 4 -
in AM full
capacity mode

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Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Capacity of 24 8 6 5
services (Mbit/

Capacity of low- 113 39 39 19

services (Mbit/

AM enabling Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled


capacity mode

AM full 128QAM 32QAM 64QAM 32QAM

capacity mode

E1 priority Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled



The Hybrid radio capacity and the AM function require the proper license file.

Power and ATPC Information

By using the radio network planning software such as the Pathloss, you can analyze and compute
the parameters of radio links and obtain the power and ATPC information of the radio links, as
provided in Table 6-33.

Table 6-33 Power and ATPC information

Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Transmit power 16.5 (NE11) 16.5 (NE13) 16 (NE13) 20 (NE15)

(dBm) 16.5 (NE12) 16.5 (NE14) 16 (NE15) 20 (NE16)

Receive power -46 (NE11) -44 (NE13) -43 (NE13) -48 (NE15)
(dBm) -46 (NE12) -44 (NE14) -43 (NE15) -48 (NE16)

ATPC enabling Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled

ATPC - - - -

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Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Upper threshold - - - -

Lower threshold - - - -

Maximum - - - -
transmit power


l The transmit power is calculated in AM guaranteed capacity mode.

l The receive power is calculated in AM guaranteed capacity mode.
l In this example, the ATPC function is disabled.

Information About IF Boards

According to the radio type, slot priorities of IF boards, and configuration rules of the 1+1
protection, you can obtain the information about IF boards, as provided in Table 6-34.

Table 6-34 Information about IF boards

Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Main IF board 3-ISU2 (NE11) 3-ISU2 (NE13) 4-ISU2 (NE13) 3-ISU2 (NE15)
3-ISU2 (NE12) 3-ISU2 (NE14) 4-ISU2 (NE15) 3-ISU2 (NE16)

Standby IF 5-ISU2 (NE11) 5-ISU2 (NE13) 6-ISU2 (NE13) -

board 5-ISU2 (NE12) 5-ISU2(NE14) 6-ISU2 (NE15)

RF 1+1 HSB 1+1 HSB 1+1 HSB 1+0


Revertive mode Revertive Revertive Revertive -

(default value) (default value) (default value)

WTR time(s) 600 (default 600 (default 600 (default -

value) value) value)

Reverse Disabled Disabled Disabled -


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Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Alarm report Alarm reporting Alarm reporting Alarm reporting -

mode by protection by protection by protection
group group group

Anti-jitter time 300s (default 300s (default 300s (default -

value) value) value)


l It is recommended that you configure the two IF boards that construct the 1+1 HSB protection group in slot
3 and slot 5, slot 4 and slot 6, or slot 1 and slot 2. In addition, it is recommended that you configure the main
IF board in the slot with the smaller slot number.
l It is recommended that you configure the two IF boards that construct the 1+1 FD/SD protection group in
slot 3 and slot 5, slot 4 and slot 6, or slot 1 and slot 2. In addition, it is recommended that you configure the
main IF board in the slot with the smaller slot number.
l In 1+1 HSB configuration, it is recommended that you disable the reverse switching function. In 1+1 SD
configuration, it is recommended that you enable the reverse switching function.
l Unless otherwise specified, it is recommended that alarms be reported by protection group.
l Unless otherwise specified the other parameters of the 1+1 HSB/FD/SD all take default values.

6.5.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the procedures for the data configuration.

Step 1 See A.3.1 Creating an IF 1+1 Protection Group and create the IF 1+1 protection groups for
NE11 to NE15.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Working Mode HSB

Revertive Mode Revertive mode

WTR Time(s) 600

Enable Reverse Switching Disabled

Working Board 3-ISU2

Protection Board 5-ISU2

Alarm Report Mode Only Protection group alarms

Anti-jitter Time(s) 300

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value


Working Mode HSB

Revertive Mode Revertive mode

WTR Time(s) 600

Enable Reverse Switching Disabled

Working Board 3-ISU2

Protection Board 5-ISU2

Alarm Report Mode Only Protection group alarms

Anti-jitter Time(s) 300

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Working Mode HSB HSB

Revertive Mode Revertive mode Revertive mode

WTR Time(s) 600 600

Enable Reverse Switching Disabled Disabled

Working Board 3-ISU2 4-ISU2

Protection Board 5-ISU2 6-ISU2

Alarm Report Mode Only Protection group Only Protection group

alarms alarms

Anti-jitter Time(s) 300 300

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Working Mode HSB

Revertive Mode Revertive mode

WTR Time(s) 600

Enable Reverse Switching Disabled

Working Board 3-ISU2

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Parameter Value


Protection Board 5-ISU2

Alarm Report Mode Only Protection group alarms

Anti-jitter Time(s) 300

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Working Mode HSB

Revertive Mode Revertive mode

WTR Time(s) 600

Enable Reverse Switching Disabled

Working Board 4-ISU2

Protection Board 6-ISU2

Alarm Report Mode Only Protection group alarms

Anti-jitter Time(s) 300

Step 2 See A.3.4 Configuring the IF/ODU Information of a Radio Link and configure the IF/ODU
information of the radio link.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

Link ID 101

IF Service Type Hybrid(Native E1+ETH)

IF Channel Bandwidth 28M

AM Status Enabled

Modulation Mode of the Guarantee AM QPSK


Modulation Mode of the Full AM 128QAM


Enable E1 Priority Enabled

Guarantee E1 Capacity 3

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

Full E1 Capacity 5

TX Frequency(MHz) 14930

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420

TX Power(dBm) 16.5

Power to Be Received(dBm) -46

TX Status unmute

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

Link ID 101

IF Service Type Hybrid(Native E1+ETH)

IF Channel Bandwidth 28M

AM Status Enabled

Modulation Mode of the Guarantee AM QPSK


Modulation Mode of the Full AM 128QAM


Enable E1 Priority Enabled

Guarantee E1 Capacity 3

Full E1 Capacity 5

TX Frequency(MHz) 14510

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420

TX Power(dBm) 16.5

Power to Be Received(dBm) -46

TX Status unmute

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

Link ID 102 103

IF Service Type Hybrid(Native E1+ETH) Hybrid(Native E1+ETH)

IF Channel Bandwidth 14M 14M

AM Status Enabled Enabled

Modulation Mode of the QPSK QPSK

Guarantee AM Capacity

Modulation Mode of the 32QAM 64QAM

Full AM Capacity

Enable E1 Priority Enabled Enabled

Guarantee E1 Capacity 1 2

Full E1 Capacity 1 4

TX Frequency(MHz) 14532 14547

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420 420

TX Power(dBm) 16.5 16

Power to Be Received -44 -43


TX Status unmute unmute

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

Link ID 102

IF Service Type Hybrid(Native E1+ETH)

IF Channel Bandwidth 14M

AM Status Enabled

Modulation Mode of the Guarantee AM QPSK


Modulation Mode of the Full AM 32QAM


Enable E1 Priority Disabled

Guarantee E1 Capacity 1

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

Full E1 Capacity -

TX Frequency(MHz) 14952

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420

TX Power(dBm) 16.5

Power to Be Received(dBm) -44

TX Status unmute

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

Link ID 104 103

IF Service Type Hybrid(Native E1+ETH) Hybrid(Native E1+ETH)

IF Channel Bandwidth 7M 14M

AM Status Enabled Enabled

Modulation Mode of the QPSK QPSK

Guarantee AM Capacity

Modulation Mode of the 32QAM 64QAM

Full AM Capacity

Enable E1 Priority Disabled Enabled

Guarantee E1 Capacity 0 2

Full E1 Capacity - 4

TX Frequency(MHz) 14930 14967

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420 420

TX Power(dBm) 20 16

Power to Be Received -48 -43


TX Status unmute unmute

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

Link ID 104

IF Service Type Hybrid(Native E1+ETH)

IF Channel Bandwidth 7M

AM Status Enabled

Modulation Mode of the Guarantee AM QPSK


Modulation Mode of the Full AM 32QAM


Enable E1 Priority Disabled

Guarantee E1 Capacity 0

Full E1 Capacity -

TX Frequency(MHz) 14510

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420

TX Power(dBm) 20

Power to Be Received(dBm) -48

TX Status unmute

Step 3 See A.6.8.1 Setting IF Attributes and set the IF attributes.

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

Enable IEEE-1588 Timeslot Disabled

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

Enable IEEE-1588 Timeslot Disabled

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

Enable IEEE-1588 Disabled Disabled


l The values for the relevant parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

Enable IEEE-1588 Timeslot Disabled

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

Enable IEEE-1588 Disabled Disabled


l The values for the relevant parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

Enable IEEE-1588 Timeslot Disabled

Step 4 See A.6.8.2 Configuring ATPC Attributes and configure the ATPC function.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Disabled

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Disabled

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Disabled Disabled

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Disabled

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Disabled Disabled

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Disabled


6.6 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Hybrid

Radio Ring Network)
This section considers radio links on a Hybrid radio ring network as examples to describe how
to configure radio links according to the network planning information.

6.6.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.

Based on 5.6 Configuration Example (Hybrid Radio Ring Network), configure the Hybrid
radio links according to the network planning information (as shown in Figure 6-8):

l Each Hybrid radio link transmits E1 services and Ethernet services. The AM function is
enabled on each link.
l To improve transmission reliability of important services, the radio links between NE21
and NE24 are configured with 1+1 SD protection.

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l The service capacity accessed by each BTS is provided in Table 6-35.

Table 6-35 Service capacity accessed by each BTS


Number of 0 2 0 0

Number of 0 0 0 0

Capacity of 8 4 8 8
services (Mbit/

Capacity of 10 10 10 10
services (Mbit/


High-priority services are guaranteed with sufficient transmission resources and are not discarded even in
the case of an AM switch. Low-priority services are not guaranteed with sufficient transmission resources
and may be discarded in the case of an AM switch. The common service priorities are provided in Table

Table 6-36 Common service priorities

Service Type Service Class

TDM E1s that transmit 2G base station High-priority services


ATM E1s (IMA E1s are not used) that High-priority services
transmit 3G base station services

E1s (of a bandwidth not lower than the High-priority service

high-priority service bandwidth) in the
IMA E1 group that transmits 3G base
station services

Other E1s in the IMA E1 group that Low-priority services

transmits 3G base station services

Voice, signaling, and OM Ethernet High-priority services


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Service Type Service Class

Streaming media, background, and Low-priority services

interactive Ethernet services, for example,
Internet services

Figure 6-8 Networking diagram (Hybrid radio ring network)

201 204
14930M 14958M
14510M 14538M
14M NE21 14M
1+0 1+1
V-polarzation V-polarization

Tx high Tx high
Tx low Tx low

Tx low Tx low
NE22 NE24 BTS24
Tx high Tx high
BTS22 202 203
14958M 14930M
14538M 14510M
14M 4E1 14M
1+0 1+0
H-polarization NE23 H-polarzation

Link ID
Tx high station Tx Freq.
Tx low station Tx Freq.
Channel spacing
RF configuarion

The connections of radio links shown in Figure 6-8 are described as follows.

Table 6-37 Connections of radio links (NE21)

Link Port Description

Between NE21 and NE22 4-ISU2 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

Between NE21 and NE24 3-ISU2 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
SD protection group.
5-ISU2 (standby IF board)

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Table 6-38 Connections of radio links (NE22)

Link Port Description

Between NE22 and NE21 3-ISU2 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

Between NE22 and NE23 4-ISU2 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

Table 6-39 Connections of radio links (NE23)

Link Port Description

Between NE23 and NE22 3-ISU2 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

Between NE23 and NE24 4-ISU2 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

Table 6-40 Connections of radio links (NE24)

Link Port Description

Between NE24 and NE21 4-ISU2 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
SD protection group.
6-ISU2 (standby IF board)

Between NE24 and NE23 3-ISU2 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

6.6.2 Service Planning

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring the NE

Basic Information About Radio Links

According to the spectrum allocation on the radio network and the required radio transmission
capacity, you can obtain the basic information about the radio links, as provided in Table

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Table 6-41 Basic information about radio links

Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Link ID 201 202 203 204

Tx high site NE21 NE23 NE23 NE21

Tx low site NE22 NE22 NE24 NE24

Tx frequency at 14930 14958 14930 14958

the Tx high site

Tx frequency at 14510 14538 14510 14538

the Tx low site

T/R spacing 420 420 420 420


Channel 14 14 14 14
spacing (MHz)

RF 1+0 1+0 1+0 1+1 SD


Polarization V (vertical H (horizontal H (horizontal V (vertical

direction polarization) polarization) polarization) polarization)


The planning information that is not related to the configuration of the IDU (except for the polarization
direction) is not provided in this example.

Hybrid/AM Attribute Information

According to the capacity of E1 and Ethernet services and the availability requirement, you can
calculate the Hybrid/AM attribute information as provided in Table 6-42.

Table 6-42 Hybrid/AM attribute information

Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Number of E1s 2 2 2 2
in guaranteed
capacity mode

Number of E1s - - - -
in AM full
capacity mode

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Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Capacity of 28 28 28 28
services (Mbit/

Capacity of low- 40 40 40 40
services (Mbit/

AM enabling Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

AM guarantee 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM

capacity mode

AM full 128QAM 128QAM 128QAM 128QAM

capacity mode

E1 priority Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled



l In this example, E1 services are high-priority services and therefore the E1 service priority function
does not need to be enabled.
l According to the Hybrid ring protection scheme, each Hybrid radio link must carry all the services on
the ring.
l The Hybrid radio capacity and the AM function require the appropriate license file.

Power and ATPC Information

By using the radio network planning software such as the Pathloss, you can analyze and compute
the parameters of radio links and obtain the power and ATPC information of the radio links, as
provided in Table 6-43.

Table 6-43 Power and ATPC information

Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Transmit power 16.5 (NE21) 16.5 (NE23) 16 (NE23) 15 (NE21)

(dBm) 16.5 (NE22) 16.5 (NE22) 16 (NE24) 15 (NE24)

Receive power -42 (NE21) -44 (NE23) -43 (NE23) -45 (NE21)
(dBm) -42 (NE22) -44 (NE22) -43 (NE24) -45 (NE24)

ATPC enabling Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled

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Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

ATPC - - - -

Upper threshold - - - -

Lower threshold - - - -

Maximum - - - -
transmit power


l The transmit power is calculated in AM guaranteed capacity mode.

l The receive power is calculated in AM guaranteed capacity mode.
l In this example, the ATPC function is disabled.

Information About IF Boards

According to the radio type, slot priorities of IF boards, and configuration rules of the 1+1
protection, you can obtain the information about IF boards, as provided in Table 6-44.

Table 6-44 Information about IF boards

Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Main IF board 4-ISU2 (NE21) 4-ISU2 (NE22) 4-ISU2 (NE23) 4-ISU2 (NE24)
3-ISU2 (NE22) 3-ISU2 (NE23) 3-ISU2 (NE24) 3-ISU2 (NE21)

Standby IF - - - 6-ISU2 (NE24)

board 5-ISU2 (NE21)

RF 1+0 1+0 1+0 1+1 SD


Revertive mode - - - Revertive

(default value)

WTR time(s) - - - 600 (default


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Parameter Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Reverse - - - Enabled

Alarm report - - - Alarm reporting

mode by protection

Anti-jitter time - - - 300s (default



l It is recommended that you configure the two IF boards that construct the 1+1 HSB protection group in slot
3 and slot 5, slot 4 and slot 6, or slot 1 and slot 2. In addition, it is recommended that you configure the main
IF board in the slot with the smaller slot number.
l It is recommended that you configure the two IF boards that construct the 1+1 FD/SD protection group in
slot 3 and slot 5, slot 4 and slot 6, or slot 1 and slot 2. In addition, it is recommended that you configure the
main IF board in the slot with the smaller slot number.
l In 1+1 HSB configuration, it is recommended that you disable the reverse switching function. In 1+1 SD
configuration, it is recommended that you enable the reverse switching function.
l Unless otherwise specified, it is recommended that alarms be reported by protection group.
l Unless otherwise specified, the other parameters of the 1+1 HSB/FD/SD all take default values.

6.6.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the procedures for the data configuration.

Step 1 See A.3.1 Creating an IF 1+1 Protection Group and create the IF 1+1 protection groups for
NE21and NE24.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Working Mode SD

Revertive Mode Revertive mode

WTR Time(s) 600

Enable Reverse Switching Enabled

Working Board 3-ISU2

Protection Board 5-ISU2

Alarm Report Mode Only Protection group alarms

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Parameter Value


Anti-jitter Time(s) 300

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Working Mode SD

Revertive Mode Revertive mode

WTR Time(s) 600

Enable Reverse Switching Enabled

Working Board 4-ISU2

Protection Board 6-ISU2

Alarm Report Mode Only Protection group alarms

Anti-jitter Time(s) 300

Step 2 See A.3.4 Configuring the IF/ODU Information of a Radio Link and configure the IF/ODU
information of the radio link.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

Link ID 204 201

IF Service Type Hybrid(Native E1+ETH) Hybrid(Native E1+ETH)

IF Channel Bandwidth 14M 14M

AM Status Enabled Enabled

Modulation Mode of the 16QAM 16QAM

Guarantee AM Capacity

Modulation Mode of the 128QAM 128QAM

Full AM Capacity

Enable E1 Priority Disabled Disabled

Guarantee E1 Capacity 2 2

TX Frequency(MHz) 14958 14930

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420 420

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

TX Power(dBm) 15 16.5

Power to Be Received -45 -42


TX Status unmute unmute

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

Link ID 201 202

IF Service Type Hybrid(Native E1+ETH) Hybrid(Native E1+ETH)

IF Channel Bandwidth 14M 14M

AM Status Enabled Enabled

Modulation Mode of the 16QAM 16QAM

Guarantee AM Capacity

Modulation Mode of the 128QAM 128QAM

Full AM Capacity

Enable E1 Priority Disabled Disabled

Guarantee E1 Capacity 2 2

TX Frequency(MHz) 14510 14538

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420 420

TX Power(dBm) 16.5 16.5

Power to Be Received -42 -44


TX Status unmute unmute

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

Link ID 202 203

IF Service Type Hybrid(Native E1+ETH) Hybrid(Native E1+ETH)

IF Channel Bandwidth 14M 14M

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

AM Status Enabled Enabled

Modulation Mode of the 16QAM 16QAM

Guarantee AM Capacity

Modulation Mode of the 128QAM 128QAM

Full AM Capacity

Enable E1 Priority Disabled Disabled

Guarantee E1 Capacity 2 2

TX Frequency(MHz) 14958 14930

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420 420

TX Power(dBm) 16.5 16

Power to Be Received -44 -43


TX Status unmute unmute

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

4-ISU2 and 24-ODU 3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

Link ID 204 203

IF Service Type Hybrid(Native E1+ETH) Hybrid(Native E1+ETH)

IF Channel Bandwidth 14M 14M

AM Status Enabled Enabled

Modulation Mode of the 16QAM 16QAM

Guarantee AM Capacity

Modulation Mode of the 128QAM 128QAM

Full AM Capacity

Enable E1 Priority Disabled Disabled

Guarantee E1 Capacity 2 2

TX Frequency(MHz) 14538 14510

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420 420

TX Power(dBm) 15 16

Power to Be Received -45 -43


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Parameter Value

4-ISU2 and 24-ODU 3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

TX Status unmute unmute

Step 3 See A.6.8.1 Setting IF Attributes and set the IF attributes

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

Enable IEEE-1588 Disabled Disabled


l The values for the relevant parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

Enable IEEE-1588 Disabled Disabled


l The values for the relevant parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

Enable IEEE-1588 Disabled Disabled


l The values for the relevant parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

Enable IEEE-1588 Disabled Disabled


Step 4 See A.6.8.2 Configuring ATPC Attributes and configure the ATPC function.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Disabled Disabled

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l The values for the relevant parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Disabled Disabled

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Disabled Disabled

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Disabled Disabled


6.7 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Packet

This section considers radio links on a packet network as examples to describe how to configure
radio links according to the network planning information.

6.7.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 5.7 Configuration Example (Packet Network), configure radio links according to
the network planning information (as shown in Figure 6-9).
l The AM function is enabled for each radio link.
l To improve transmission reliability of important services, the radio links between NE32
and NE33 are configured as a 1+1 HSB protection group.
l The service capacity accessed by each BTS is provided in Table 6-45.

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Table 6-45 Service capacity accessed by each BTS


Capacity of high- 5 1 4
priority services

Capacity of low- 24 15 4
priority services


High-priority services are services that require transmission guarantees. High-priority services cannot be
discarded in modulation scheme shifts. Low-priority services are services that do not require transmission
guarantees. Low-priority services can be discarded in modulation scheme shifts. Table 6-46 lists common
high-priority services.

Table 6-46 Common service priorities

Service Type Service Class

TDM E1s that transmit 2G base station High-priority services


ATM E1s (IMA E1s are not used) that High-priority services
transmit 3G base station services

E1s (of a bandwidth not lower than the High-priority service

high-priority service bandwidth) in the
IMA E1 group that transmits 3G base
station services

Other E1s in the IMA E1 group that Low-priority services

transmits 3G base station services

Voice, signaling, and OM Ethernet High-priority services


Streaming media, background, and Low-priority services

interactive Ethernet services, for example,
Internet services

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Figure 6-9 Networking diagram (Packet radio chain network)

302 301
14930M 14967M
14510M 14547M
7M 14M
1+0 1+1
H-polarzation V-polarization
Tx low Tx high Tx high
Tx low


NE33 NE32
BTS32 Link ID
Tx high station Tx Freq.
Tx low station Tx Freq.
Channel spacing
RF configuarion

The connections of radio links shown in Figure 6-9 are described as follows.

Table 6-47 Connections of radio links (NE32)

Link Port Description

Between NE32 and NE33 3-ISU2 (main IF board) Configures a 1+1 HSB
protection group.
5-ISU2 (standby IF board)

Table 6-48 Connections of radio links (NE33)

Link Port Description

Between NE33 and NE32 4-ISU2 (main IF board) Configures a 1+1 HSB
protection group.
6-ISU2 (standby IF board)

Between NE33 and NE34 3-ISU2 Receives and transmits

Packet radio services.

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Table 6-49 Connections of radio links (NE34)

Link Port Description

Between NE34 and NE33 3-ISU2 Receives and transmits

Packet radio services.

6.7.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains all the parameters required for configuring the NE

Basic Information About Radio Links

Based on the spectrum allocation on the radio network and the required radio transmission
capacity, you can obtain the basic information about radio links as shown in Table 6-50.

Table 6-50 Basic information about radio links

Parameter Link 1 Link 2

Link ID 301 302

Tx high site NE33 NE33

Tx low site NE32 NE34

Tx frequency at the Tx high 14967 14930

site (MHz)

Tx frequency at the Tx low 14547 14510

site (MHz)

T/R spacing (MHz) 420 420

Channel spacing (MHz) 14 7

RF configuration mode 1+1 HSB 1+0

Polarization direction V (vertical polarization) H (horizontal polarization)


The link planning information that is not associated with the configuration of IDU (except for the
polarization direction) is not provided in this example.

Hybrid/AM Attribute Information

According to the capacity of E1 and Ethernet services and the availability requirement, you can
calculate the Hybrid/AM attribute information, as provided in Table 6-51.

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Table 6-51 Hybrid/AM attribute information

Parameter Link 1 Link 2

Capacity of high-priority 10 5
services (Mbit/s)

Capacity of low-priority 43 19
services (Mbit/s)

AM enable status Enabled Enabled

Modulation mode of the QPSK QPSK

guarantee AM capacity

Modulation mode of the full 64QAM 32QAM

AM capacity


The Hybrid radio capacity and the AM function are available only if the corresponding license files are

Power and ATPC Information

By using the radio network planning software such as the Pathloss, you can analyze and compute
the parameters of radio links and obtain the radio link power and ATPC information as shown
in Table 6-52.

Table 6-52 Power and ATPC information

Parameter Link 1 Link 2

Transmit power (dBm) 16 (NE32) 20 (NE33)

16 (NE33) 20 (NE34)

Receive power (dBm) -43 (NE32) -48 (NE33)

-43 (NE33) -48 (NE34)

ATPC enabling Disabled Disabled

Automatic ATPC threshold - -


Upper threshold of ATPC - -

adjustment (dBm)

Lower threshold of ATPC - -

adjustment (dBm)

Maximum transmit power - -


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l The transmit power is calculated in AM guaranteed capacity mode.

l The receive power is calculated in AM guaranteed capacity mode.
l In this example, the ATPC function is disabled.

Information About IF boards

According to the radio type, slot priorities of IF boards, and configuration rules of the 1+1
protection, you can obtain the information about IF boards as provided in Table 6-53.

Table 6-53 Information about IF boards

Parameter Link 1 Link 2

Main IF board 3-ISU2 (NE32) 3-ISU2 (NE33)

4-ISU2 (NE33) 3-ISU2 (NE34)

Standby IF board 5-ISU2 (NE32) -

6-ISU2 (NE33)

RF configuration mode 1+1 HSB 1+0

Revertive Mode Revertive (default value) -

WTR time 600s (default value) -

Enable reverse switching Disabled -

Alarm report mode Alarm reporting by -

protection group

Anti-jitter time 300s (default value) -


l It is recommended that you configure the two IF boards that construct the 1+1 HSB protection group in slot
3 and slot 5, slot 4 and slot 6, or slot 1 and slot 2. In addition, it is recommended that you configure the main
IF board in the slot with the smaller slot number.
l It is recommended that you configure the two IF boards that construct the 1+1 FD/SD protection group in
slot 3 and slot 5, slot 4 and slot 6, or slot 1 and slot 2. In addition, it is recommended that you configure the
main IF board in the slot with the smaller slot number.
l In 1+1 HSB configuration, it is recommended that you disable the reverse switching function. In 1+1 SD
configuration, it is recommended that you enable the reverse switching function.
l Unless otherwise specified, it is recommended that alarms be reported by protection group.
l Unless otherwise specified, the other parameters of the 1+1 HSB/FD/SD all take default values.

6.7.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for the data configuration.

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Step 1 See A.3.1 Creating an IF 1+1 Protection Group and create the IF 1+1 protection group on
NE32 and NE33.
l The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Working Mode HSB

Revertive Mode Revertive mode

WTR Time(s) 600

Enable Reverse Switching Disabled

Working Board 3-ISU2

Protection Board 5-ISU2

Alarm Report Mode Only Protection group alarms

Anti-jitter Time(s) 300

l The values for the related parameters of NE33 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Working Mode HSB

Revertive Mode Revertive mode

WTR Time(s) 600

Enable Reverse Switching Disabled

Working Board 4-ISU2

Protection Board 6-ISU2

Alarm Report Mode Only Protection group alarms

Anti-jitter Time(s) 300

Step 2 See A.3.4 Configuring the IF/ODU Information of a Radio Link and configure the IF/ODU
information for radio links.
l The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

Link ID 301

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

IF Service Type Hybrid(Native E1+ETH)

IF Channel Bandwidth 14M

AM Status Enabled

Modulation Mode of the Guarantee AM QPSK


Modulation Mode of the Full AM 64QAM


Enable E1 Priority Disabled

Guarantee E1 Capacity 0

Full E1 Capacity -

TX Frequency(MHz) 14547

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420

TX Power(dBm) 16

Power to Be Received(dBm) -43

TX Status unmute

l The values for the related parameters of NE33 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

Link ID 302 301

IF Service Type Hybrid(Native E1+ETH) Hybrid(Native E1+ETH)

IF Channel Bandwidth 7M 14M

AM Status Enabled Enabled

Modulation Mode of the QPSK QPSK

Guarantee AM Capacity

Modulation Mode of the 32QAM 64QAM

Full AM Capacity

Enable E1 Priority Disabled Disabled

Guarantee E1 Capacity 0 0

Full E1 Capacity - -

TX Frequency(MHz) 14930 14967

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420 420

TX Power(dBm) 20 16

Power to Be Received -48 -43


TX Status unmute unmute

l The values for the related parameters of NE34 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

Link ID 302

IF Service Type Hybrid(Native E1+ETH)

IF Channel Bandwidth 7M

AM Status Enabled

Modulation Mode of the Guarantee AM QPSK


Modulation Mode of the Full AM 32QAM


Enable E1 Priority Disabled

Guarantee E1 Capacity 0

Full E1 Capacity -

TX Frequency(MHz) 14510

T/R Spacing(MHz) 420

TX Power(dBm) 20

Power to Be Received(dBm) -48

TX Status unmute

Step 3 See A.6.8.1 Setting IF Attributes and configure IF attributes.

l The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

Enable IEEE-1588 Timeslot Enabled

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l The values for the related parameters of NE33 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

Enable IEEE-1588 Enabled Enabled


l The values for the related parameters of NE34 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

Enable IEEE-1588 Timeslot Enabled

Step 4 See A.6.8.2 Configuring ATPC Attributes and set the ATPC function.
l The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Disabled

l The values for the related parameters of NE33 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU 4-ISU2 and 24-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Disabled Disabled

l The values for the related parameters of NE34 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2 and 23-ODU

ATPC Enable Status Disabled


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7 Configuring TDM Services

About This Chapter

The key to configuring TDM services is configuring the corresponding service cross-

7.1 Basic Concepts

Before configuring the TDM service, you need to be familiar with the basic concepts.
7.2 Configuration Procedure
This section describes the procedures for configuring the cross-connections and protection of a
TDM service and the procedures for setting the SDH/PDH port parameters.
7.3 Configuration Example (TDM Services on a TDM Radio Chain Network)
This section considers a TDM radio chain network as an example to describe how to configure
TDM services according to the network planning information.
7.4 Configuration Example (TDM Services on a TDM Radio Ring Network)
This section considers a TDM radio ring network as an example to describe how to configure
TDM services according to the network planning information.
7.5 Configuration Example (TDM Services on a Hybrid Radio Chain Network)
This section considers a Hybrid radio chain network as an example to describe how to configure
TDM services according to the network planning information.
7.6 Configuration Example (TDM Services on a Hybrid Radio Ring Network)
This section considers a Hybrid radio ring network as an example to describe how to configure
TDM services according to the network planning information.

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7.1 Basic Concepts

Before configuring the TDM service, you need to be familiar with the basic concepts.

7.1.1 Protection Modes for TDM Services

The OptiX RTN 950 supports linear MSP and SNCP for TDM services.

Linear MSP
Linear MSP applies to point-to-point physical networks. Linear MSP provides protection for the
services between two multiplex section termination (MST) modules. That is, when a linear MSP
switching occurs, the services are switched from the working section to the protection section.
In the case of the OptiX RTN 950, linear MSP provides protection for TDM services that are
transmitted over SDH fibers.

Linear MSP is classified into 1+1 linear MSP and 1:N linear MSP.

l 1+1 linear MSP

To realize the 1+1 linear MSP, one working channel and one protection channel are
required. The protection channel does not transmit extra services. When the working
channel becomes unavailable, services are switched to the protection channel for
transmission. Figure 7-1 shows the application of 1+1 linear MSP. According to the
revertive mode, 1+1 linear MSP is classified into dual-ended revertive, dual-ended non-
revertive, single-ended revertive, and single-ended non-revertive modes. The single-ended
non-revertive mode is the most common linear MSP mode.

Figure 7-1 1+1 linear MSP

Working NE B


Protection switching



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l 1:N linear MSP

To realize the 1:N linear MSP, N working channels and one protection channel are required.
The working channels transmit normal services and the protection channel transmits extra
services. When a working channel becomes unavailable, the services on this channel are
switched to the protection channel for transmission. As a result, the extra services
previously transmitted on this protection channel are interrupted. Figure 7-2 shows the
application of the 1:N linear MSP. The 1:N linear MSP is available only in dual-ended
revertive mode.

Figure 7-2 1:N linear MSP

NE A Working NE B
channel 1
Normal Normal
service 1 service1
... Working ...
channel N
Normal Normal
service N service N
Extra Extra
service service

Protection switching

NE A Working NE B
channel 1
Normal Normal
service 1 service1
... Working ...
channel N
Normal Normal
service N service N
Extra Extra
service service

In the case of subnetwork connection protection (SNCP), the protection subnetwork connection
takes over when the working subnetwork connection fails or deteriorates. In the case of the
OptiX RTN 950, SNCP provides protection for TDM services that are transmitted on STM-1
fiber ring networks, TDM radio ring networks, Hybrid radio ring networks, or hybrid ring
networks that comprise optical network equipment and Hybrid radio equipment.
The SNCP protection scheme, which requires one working subnetwork and one protection
subnetwork, selects one service from the dually transmitted services. In the case of SNCP, the
services are switched to the protection subnetwork for transmission when the working
subnetwork connection fails or deteriorates. Figure 7-3 shows the application of SNCP.

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Figure 7-3 SNCP

Working SNC

Trail source Trail sink


Protection SNC

Protection switching

Working SNC

Trail source Trail sink


Protection SNC

The OptiX RTN 950 supports the coexistence of SNCP and the 1+1 protection or N+1 protection.
In the case of coexistence of the SNCP and the 1+1 protection or N+1 protection, you can set
the hold-off time for SNCP so that the protection switching for the radio link can be performed
first, thus preventing circular switchings.

7.1.2 Timeslots for TDM Services on IF Boards

When TDM services need to be transmitted on a radio link, you need to configure the
corresponding cross-connections between the service timeslots on the service board and the
service timeslots on the IF board. The timeslots for the TDM services on the IF board are closely
related to the type of the radio services transmitted by the IF board and the radio capacity.

TDM Radio
When the IF board works in PDH radio mode and when the radio capacity is nxE1, the first to
nth VC-12 timeslots on the IF board are available and correspond to first to nth E1s that are
transmitted over microwave. For example, if the radio capacity is 4xE1, only the first to fourth
VC-12 timeslots in VC4-1 on the IF board are available. If a cross-connection is configured
between the E1 port of a service board and the second VC-12 in VC4-1 on the IF board, the E1
services that are accessed from the E1 port are sent to the second E1 timeslot that is transmitted
over radio. If the radio capacity is E3, only the first VC-3 timeslot in VC4-1 on the IF board is
available and corresponds to the E3 timeslot that is transmitted over microwave.

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When the IF board works in STM-1 radio mode, all the timeslots in VC4-1 on the IF board are
available and correspond to the timeslots in the VC-4 that is transmitted on microwave.

Hybrid Radio
When the IF board works in Hybrid radio mode and when the Guarantee E1 Capacity is set to
n in Hybrid/AM Configuration, the first to nth VC-12 timeslots on the IF board are available
and correspond to the first to nth E1 timeslots that are transmitted over microwave. For example,
if the E1 capacity is 75xE1, only the first to sixty-third VC-12 timeslots in VC4-1 and the first
to twelfth VC-12 timeslots in VC4-2 on the IF board are available. If a cross-connection is
configured between the E1 port of a service board and the second VC-12 in VC4-2 on the IF
board, the E1 services that are accessed from the E1 port are sent to the sixty-fifth E1 timeslot
that is transmitted over microwave.

7.1.3 Numbering Schemes for SDH Timeslots

Two numbering schemes for VC-12 timeslots are applicable to SDH optical/electrical lines or
SDH radio links.

VC-12 Timeslot Numbering

Two numbering schemes are applicable to SDH optical/electrical lines or SDH radio links when
you create cross-connections.
l By order
This timeslot numbering scheme is also considered as timeslot scheme. The numbering
formula is as follows: VC-12 number = TUG-3 number + (TUG-2 number - 1) x 3 + (TU-12
number -1) x 21.
This scheme is the numbering scheme recommended by ITU-T G.707 and is the default
scheme adopted by the OptiX equipment.
l Interleaved scheme
This timeslot numbering scheme is also considered as line scheme. The numbering formula
is as follows: VC-12 number = (TUG-3 number - 1) x 21 + (TUG-2 number -1) x 3 + TU-12
The OptiX equipment can adopt this scheme when it interconnects with the equipment that
adopts the interleaved scheme or when a specific timeslot numbering scheme is required.

Figure 7-4 Numbering VC-12 timeslots by order

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 1
{ 22

2 5 8 11 14 17 20
TUG-3 TU-12
2 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 2
44 47 50 53 56 59 62 3
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 1
{ 24

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Figure 7-5 Numbering VC-12 timeslots in the interleaved scheme

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 1
{ 2

22 25 28 31 34 37 40
TUG-3 TU-12
2 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 2
24 27 30 33 36 39 42 3
43 46 49 52 55 58 61 1
{ 44

VC-3 Timeslot Numbering

A VC-3 timeslot number corresponds to a TUG-3 number. If you need to configure cross-
connections of VC-3s and VC-12s in the same VC-4, note that the timeslots in the TUG-3 that
are occupied by the VC-3 cross-connections cannot be configured for VC-12 cross-connections.

7.1.4 TDM Timeslot Planning Schemes

The timeslot allocation diagram illustrates the TDM timeslot planning scheme.

Timeslot Allocation Diagram

The timeslot allocation diagram provides significant references for configuring TDM services.
Before planning TDM timeslots, you need to be familiar with the meanings shown in the timeslot
allocation diagram.

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Figure 7-6 Timeslot allocation diagram

Interface Interface Interface Interface Interface Interface
Timeslot board 2 board 5 board 6
board 1 board 3 board 4
Timeslot 1
Tributary board: Tributary board:
port No. Timeslot 2 Timeslot 4
port No.
Tributary board: Tributary board:
port No. Timeslot 3 port No. Timeslot 5
Tributary board: Tributary board: Tributary board: Tributary board:
port No. port No. port No. port No.

VC4-2 ......

Site area Add/Drop

Timeslot area
Timeslot allocation
Add/Drop (SNCP path)

As shown in Figure 7-6, the timeslot allocation diagram contains three areas, namely, site area,
timeslot area, and timeslot allocation area.
The site area contains the NE icons and interface boards that carry radio links.
l The start and end NEs each have only one interface board, which is located under the NE
icon. The intermediate NEs each have two interface boards, which are located at the two
sides of the vertical line under the NE icon. The interface boards may be IF boards or line
l The interface board on the left side of the vertical line under an NE icon is connected to
the interface board on the right side of the vertical line under its upstream NE icon. The
interface board on the right side of the vertical line under an NE icon is connected to the
interface board on the left side of the vertical line under its downstream NE icon.
l In the case of a ring radio link, before planning the site area, you need to divide the ring
radio link into a chain radio link and ensure that the start and end NEs are the same one.
The timeslot area represents the VC-4 timeslot resources. For example, in the case of radio links,
timeslots occupied by an STM-1 service are all in the first VC-4.
In the timeslot allocation area, each straight line represents a service and the numeric above the
straight line represents the timeslot occupied by this service.
l A black dot indicates that services are added to or dropped from the NE. The board under
a black dot indicates the board and corresponding ports on the board that are used for adding
or dropping services.
l An arrow indicates that services are transferred on the NE.
l If a straight line passes a vertical line without any arrow or black dot, it indicates that
services pass through the NE.
l In the case of protection configuration (for example, 1+1 HSB protection) wherein the
working service and protection service have the uniform route, you only need to draw a
continuous line to represent the working service. In the case of protection configuration

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(for example, SNCP) wherein the working service and protection service have different
routes, you need to draw a continuous line to represent the working service and a dotted
line to represent the protection service.

TDM Timeslot Planning Scheme for Chain Networks

On the backhaul network for a mobile BTS, the services are accessed from different nodes and
then aggregated to the same node for transmission. In this case, allocate the timeslots on the
chain radio network as follows:
1. Select the chain that contains the maximum of hops as the main chain. Then, divide the
chain network into several sub-chains by considering the main chain as the reference.
Consider the E1 channels or fiber connections that are used for transferring services
between NEs as links.
2. Allocate the timeslots for the add/drop or pass-through services on the NEs of the main
chain one after another, in the descending order of the NE distance.
3. Repeat the previous step to configure the timeslots for the services on all the sub-chains.
This timeslot allocation method ensures that only the numbers of the timeslots that the services
on the nodes of the aggregation sub-chain occupy may change.
The principles for obtaining the timeslot cross-connection configurations from the non-SNCP
service timeslot allocation diagram are as follows:
l The vertical line under the NE name is considered as the reference.
l If a straight line representing a pass-through service crosses the vertical line, it indicates
that cross-connections are configured between the boards on both sides of the vertical line.
The corresponding cross-connected timeslots are marked over the straight line.
l If there is a straight line with one dot on one side of the vertical line, it indicates that cross-
connections are configured between the board on this side of the vertical line and the board
under the straight line with one dot. The corresponding cross-connected timeslots are
marked over the straight line with one dot.
l If there is a straight line with an arrow on both sides of the vertical line, it indicates that
cross-connections are configured between the two boards on both sides of the vertical line.
The corresponding cross-connected timeslots on each board are marked over the straight
line with an arrow on the side of this board.
For details, see 7.3 Configuration Example (TDM Services on a TDM Radio Chain
Network) and 7.5 Configuration Example (TDM Services on a Hybrid Radio Chain

TDM Timeslot Planning Scheme for Ring Networks

On a backhaul network for a mobile BTS, the services are accessed from different nodes and
then aggregated to the same node for transmission. Hence, you can perform the following
operations to allocate the timeslots on the SNCP radio ring network:
1. Allocate the timeslots to add/drop services on the NEs in anti-clockwise order. Allocate
the minimum VC-12 timeslot number to the service on the nearest NE. The number of the
timeslot each service occupies does not change on the ring network.
2. Repeat the previous step to configure the timeslots for the services on all the sub-chains.
This timeslot allocation method ensures that only the timeslots that the services on the nodes of
the aggregation sub-chain occupy change.

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The principles for obtaining the timeslot cross-connection configurations from the SNCP service
timeslot allocation diagram are as follows:
l The vertical line under the NE name is considered as the reference.
l If a straight line representing a pass-through service crosses the vertical line, it indicates
that cross-connections are configured between the boards on both sides of the vertical line.
The corresponding cross-connected timeslots are marked over the straight line.
l If there is a straight line with one dot on one side of the vertical line, it indicates that SNCP
cross-connections are configured between the board on this side of the vertical line and the
board under the straight line with one dot. The corresponding cross-connected timeslots
are marked over the straight line with one dot.
For details, see 7.4 Configuration Example (TDM Services on a TDM Radio Ring
Network) and 7.6 Configuration Example (TDM Services on a Hybrid Radio Ring

7.2 Configuration Procedure

This section describes the procedures for configuring the cross-connections and protection of a
TDM service and the procedures for setting the SDH/PDH port parameters.
Figure 7-7 provides the procedures for configuring TDM services.

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Figure 7-7 Configuration flow chart (TDM services)


Configuring MSP

Creating TDM service cross-


Configuring the automatic switching

conditions of SNCP services

Modifying the priorities of E1 services

Configuring the overhead bytes

Setting parameters
of SDH port

Setting parameters of PDH ports

Performing PRBS tests for E1



The procedures in the configuration flow chart are described as follows.

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Table 7-1 Procedures for configuring TDM services

Step Operation Description

1 A.4.1 Configuring Required when linear MSP is configured for the

Linear MSP optical transmission line.
The parameters need to be set according to the
service planning.

2 Configuri A.5.1 Required when the TDM service is a point-to-point

ng the Creating service.
cross- the Cross- The parameters need to be set according to the
connectio Connectio service planning.
ns of the ns of
TDM Point-to-
servicea Point

A.5.2 Required when the TDM service is an SNCP service.

Creating The parameters need to be set according to the
Cross- service planning.
ns of

3 A.5.5 Configuring the Optional when the TDM service is an SNCP service.
Automatic Switching
of SNCP Services

4 A.5.3 Modifying the Required when the working source, protection

Priorities of E1 source, or sink of an SNCP service is a link where
Services the AM function and the E1 priority function are
enabled or when the E1 priority of a cross-
connection needs to be changed.
E1 Priority needs to be modified according to the
service planning information.
When the radio link on which the AM function is enabled
is configured with the E1 priority, note the following:
l If the cross-connection is configured for a point-to-
point service, the E1 priority is configured when the
cross-connection is created.
l If the cross-connection is configured for an SNCP
service, the E1 priority is modified after the cross-
connection is created.
l If the service priority is not configured when the cross-
connection is created (that is, E1 Priority is set to
None), E1 Priority of each service must be set to a
specific value after the cross-connection is configured.

5 Configuri A.6.3.1 Required when the J0_MM alarm is generated on the

ng the Configuri local or remote equipment.
overhead ng
bytes RSOHs

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Step Operation Description

A.6.3.2 Required when the TIM or SLM alarm is generated

Configuri on the local or remote equipment.
ng VC-4

A.6.3.3 Required when the TIM or SLM alarm is generated

Configuri on the local or remote equipment.
ng VC-12

6 A.6.1 Setting the Optional.

Parameters of SDH

7 A.6.2 Setting the Optional.

Parameters of PDH l To detect E1 BER performance on the OptiX
Ports RTN 950, set E1 Frame Format of the local E1
port to the same value as that of the opposite E1
port. It is recommended that E1 Frame
Format of both the local and opposite E1 ports
be CRC-4 Multiframe.
l In other scenarios wherein the OptiX RTN 950
is used, it is recommended that E1 Frame
Format take its default value Unframe. If E1
Frame Format is Unframe, the OptiX RTN
950 transparently transmits E1 frames and the
local E1 port allows for interconnection with
another E1 port whose E1 Frame Format is
Double Frame or CRC-4 Multiframe.
E1 Frame Format needs to be set to the same value at
both ends of an E1 link.

8 A.13.1 Testing E1 The test results should show that each E1 service
Services Using PRBS contains no bit errors.


a: In the case of 1+1 protection configuration or 1+1 linear MSP, you need to configure the TDM service on the
working channel only. In the case of N+1 protection configuration or 1:N linear MSP configuration, you need
to configure TDM services on the working channels and the extra service (if any) on the protection channel.

7.3 Configuration Example (TDM Services on a TDM Radio

Chain Network)
This section considers a TDM radio chain network as an example to describe how to configure
TDM services according to the network planning information.

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7.3.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.

Based on 6.3 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the TDM Radio Chain Network),
configure the TDM services according to the following network planning information (as shown
in Figure 7-8):

l To ensure reliable transmission of the services between NE11 and the third-party network,
linear MSP is configured for the optical transmission line.
l Services are transferred between NE12 and NE13 through STM-1 optical ports.

Figure 7-8 Networking diagram (TDM services on a TDM radio chain network)

8xE1 NE14 Third party
16xE1 network
NE13 NE12 NE11

14xE1 BTS11
NE16 NE15


The connections of TDM links shown in Figure 7-8 are described as follows.

Table 7-2 Connections of TDM links (NE11)

Link Port Description

Between NE11 and the third- 1-SL1D-1 (working port) Configure the ports as a 1+1
party network linear MSP group.
1-SL1D-2 (protection port)

Between NE11 and NE12 3-IF1 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
5-IF1 (standby IF board)

Table 7-3 Connections of TDM links (NE12)

Link Port Description

Between NE12 and BTS11 2-SP3S (1-16) Configure the ports to access
services from BTS11.

Between NE12 and NE11 3-IF1 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
5-IF1 (standby IF board)

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Link Port Description

Between NE12 and NE13 1-SL1D-1 Configure this port to

transmit TDM services.

Table 7-4 Connections of TDM links (NE13)

Link Port Description

Between NE13 and NE12 1-SL1D-1 Configure this port to

transmit TDM services.

Between NE13 and NE14 3-IF1 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
5-IF1 (standby IF board)

Between NE13 and NE15 4-IF1 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
6-IF1 (standby IF board)

Table 7-5 Connections of TDM links (NE14)

Link Port Description

Between NE14 and BTS12 2-SP3S (1-16) Configure the ports to access
services from BTS12 and
Between NE14 and BTS13 BTS13.

Between NE14 and NE13 3-IF1 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
5-IF1 (standby IF board)

Table 7-6 Connections of TDM links (NE15)

Link Port Description

Between NE15 and BTS14 2-SP3S (1-14) Configure the ports to access
services from BTS14.

Between NE15 and NE13 4-IF1 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
6-IF1 (standby IF board)

Between NE15 and NE16 3-IF1 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

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Table 7-7 Connections of TDM links (NE16)

Link Port Description

Between NE16 and BTS15 2-SP3S (1-8) Configure the ports to access
services from BTS15.

Between NE16 and NE15 3-IF1 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

7.3.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data.

Timeslot Allocation Diagram

Figure 7-9 shows the timeslots that are allocated for the TDM services according to the service
planning information.

Figure 7-9 Timeslot allocation diagram (TDM services on the TDM radio chain network)
Links-1: NE11 - NE12 - NE13 -NE15 -NE16
Station BSC
NE11 NE12 NE13 NE15 NE16
Timeslot 1-SL1D-1 3-IF1 3-IF1 1-SL1D-1 1-SL1D-1 4-IF1 4-IF1 3-IF1 3-IF1
VC12: 1-8
VC12: 9-22 2-SP3S:1-8

VC12: 23-38 2-SP3S:1-14

VC12: 39-54

Links-2: NE13-NE14
Station NE13 NE14
Timeslot 1-SL1D-1 3-IF1 3-IF1
VC12: 23-38 VC12: 1-16

Pass through

As shown in Figure 7-9, the information about the timeslots that the TDM services occupy on
each NE is as follows:
l E1 services on NE16:
– The E1 services are added to or dropped from the first to eighth ports on the SP3S board
in slot 2 of NE16.
– The E1 services occupy the first to eighth VC-12 timeslots on the link between the first
optical port on the SL1D board in slot 1 of NE11 and the IF1 board in slot 3 of NE16.
l E1 services on NE15:

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– The E1 services are added to or dropped from the first to fourteenth ports on the SP3S
board in slot 2 of NE15.
– The E1 services occupy the ninth to twenty-second VC-12 timeslots on the link between
the first optical port on the SL1D board in slot 1 of NE11 and the IF1 board in slot 3 of
l E1 services on NE14:
– The E1 services are added to or dropped from the first to sixteenth ports on the SP3S
board in slot 2 of NE14.
– The E1 services occupy the twenty-third to thirty-eighth VC-12 timeslots on the link
between the first optical port on the SL1D board in slot 1 of NE11 and the SL1D board
in slot 1 of NE13.
– The E1 services occupy the first to sixteenth VC-12 timeslots on the link between the
IF1 board in slot 3 of NE13 and the IF1 board in slot 3 of NE14.
l E1 services on NE12:
– The E1 services are added to or dropped from the first to sixteenth ports on the SP3S
board in slot 2 of NE12.
– The E1 services occupy the thirty-ninth to fifty-fourth VC-12 timeslots on the link
between the first optical port on the SL1D board in slot 1 of NE11 and the IF1 board in
slot 3 of NE12.

Linear MSP
In this configuration example, no extra services need to be transmitted. Hence, the single-ended
non-revertive 1+1 linear MSP is configured to protect the optical transmission line between
NE11 and the third-party network. Table 7-8 provides the related planning information.

Table 7-8 Linear MSP

Parameter NE11

Protection Type 1+1 Linear MSP

Switching Mode Single-Ended Switching

Revertive Mode Non-Revertive

SD Switching Enabled (default value)

Protocol Type New Protocol (default value)

West Working Unit 1-SL1D-1

West Protection Unit 1-SL1D-2


Unless otherwise specified, SD Switching, Protocol Type take the default values.

7.3.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for the data configuration.

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Step 1 See A.4.1 Configuring Linear MSP and configure 1+1 linear MSP.
The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Protection Type 1+1 Linear MSP

Switching Mode Single-Ended Switching

Revertive Mode Non-Revertive

WTR Time(s) 600

SD Switching Enabled

Protocol Type New Protocol

Mapped Boards l West Working Unit: 1-SL1D-1

l West Protection Unit: 1-SL1D-2

Step 2 See A.5.1 Creating the Cross-Connections of Point-to-Point Services and create the point-
to-point service cross-connections.
l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Level VC-12

Direction Bidirectional

Source 1-SL1D

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-54

Sink 3-IF1

Sink Port 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-54

l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value


Level VC-12 VC-12

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional

Source 3-IF1 3-IF1

Source Port 1 1

Source VC4 VC4-1 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range 1-38 39-54


Sink 1-SL1D 2-SP3S

Sink Port 1 -

Sink VC4 VC4-1 -

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1-38 1-16


l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Level VC-12 VC-12

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional

Source 1-SL1D 1-SL1D

Source Port 1 1

Source VC4 VC4-1 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range 1-22 23-38


Sink 4-IF1 3-IF1

Sink Port 1 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1 VC4-1

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1-22 1-16


l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value


Level VC-12

Direction Bidirectional

Source 3-IF1

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-16

Sink 2-SP3S

Sink Port -

Sink VC4 -

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-16

l The values for the related parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Level VC-12 VC-12

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional

Source 4-IF1 4-IF1

Source Port 1 1

Source VC4 VC4-1 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range 1-8 9-22


Sink 3-IF1 2-SP3S

Sink Port 1 -

Sink VC4 VC4-1 -

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1-8 1-14


l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value


Level VC-12

Direction Bidirectional

Source 3-IF1

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-8

Sink 2-SP3S

Sink Port -

Sink VC4 -

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-8

Step 3 See A.13.1 Testing E1 Services Using PRBS and test the E1 services.
Test two E1 services on each BTS. The test results should show that the E1 services contain no
bit errors.


7.4 Configuration Example (TDM Services on a TDM Radio

Ring Network)
This section considers a TDM radio ring network as an example to describe how to configure
TDM services according to the network planning information.

7.4.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 6.4 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the TDM Radio Ring Network),
configure the TDM services according to the service requirements. To ensure reliable
transmission of the services between the BTSs and the third-party network, SNCP is configured
to provide protection for TDM services on the ring network. See Figure 7-10.

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Figure 7-10 Networking diagram (TDM services on a TDM radio ring network)

Third party
SDH network 16E1

BTS21 4E1

4E1 NE22 NE24 BTS24




The connections of TDM links shown in Figure 7-10 are described as follows.

Table 7-9 Connections of TDM links (NE21)

Link Port Description

Between NE21 and the third- 2-SP3S (1-16) Configure the ports to
party network transmit TDM services.

Between NE21 and NE22 4-IF1 Configure the ports as east


Between NE21 and NE24 3-IF1 (main IF board of a 1+1 Configure the ports as west
SD protection group) ports.

5-IF1 (standby IF board of a

1+1 SD protection group)

Table 7-10 Connections of TDM links (NE22)

Link Port Description

Between NE22 and BTS21 2-SP3S (1-8) Configure the ports to access
services from BTS21 and
Between NE22 and BTS22 BTS22.

Between NE22 and NE21 3-IF1 Configure the ports as west


Between NE22 and NE23 4-IF1 Configure this port as an east


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Table 7-11 Connections of TDM links (NE23)

Link Port Description

Between NE23 and BTS23 2-SP3S (1-4) Configure the ports to access
services from BTS23.

Between NE23 and NE22 3-IF1 Configure this port as a west


Between NE23 and NE24 4-IF1 Configure this port as an east


Table 7-12 Connections of TDM links (NE24)

Link Port Description

Between NE24 and BTS24 2-SP3S (1-4) Configure the ports to access
services from BTS24.

Between NE24 and NE21 4-IF1 (main IF board of a 1+1 Configure the ports as east
SD protection group) ports.

6-IF1 (standby IF board of a

1+1 SD protection group)

Between NE24 and NE23 3-IF1 Configure this port as a west


7.4.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data.

Timeslot Allocation Diagram

Figure 7-11 shows the timeslots that are allocated for the TDM services according to the service
planning information.

Figure 7-11 Timeslot allocation diagram (TDM service on the TDM radio ring network)
Station NE22
NE21 NE23 NE24 NE21
Timeslot 4-IF1 3-IF1 4-IF1 3-IF1 4-IF1 3-IF1 4-IF1 3-IF1
VC12: 1-8 VC12: 1-8
2-SP3S:1-8 2-SP3S:1-8 2-SP3S:1-8 2-SP3S:1-8
VC12: 9-12 VC12: 9-12
VC4-1 2-SP3S:9-12 2-SP3S:1-4 2-SP3S:1-4 2-SP3S:9-12
VC12: 13-16 VC12: 13-16
2-SP3S:13-16 2-SP3S:1-4 2-SP3S:1-4 2-SP3S:13-16

Pass through (SNCP working path)

Pass through (SNCP protection path)
Add/Drop (SNCP working path)
Add/Drop (SNCP protection path)

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As shown in Figure 7-11, the information about the timeslots that the TDM services occupy on
each NE is as follows:
l E1 services on NE22:
– The E1 services are added to or dropped from the first to eighth ports on the SP3S board
in slot 2 of NE22.
– The E1 services are added to or dropped from the first to eighth ports on the SP3S board
in slot 2 of NE21.
– The E1 services occupy the first to eighth VC-12 timeslots on the ring.
l E1 services on NE23:
– The E1 services are added to or dropped from the first to fourth ports on the SP3S board
in slot 2 of NE23.
– The E1 services are added to or dropped from the ninth to twelfth ports on the SP3S
board in slot 2 of NE21.
– The E1 services occupy the ninth to twelfth VC-12 timeslots on the ring.
l E1 services on NE24:
– The E1 services are added to or dropped from the first to fourth ports on the SP3S board
in slot 2 of NE24.
– The E1 services are added to or dropped from the thirteenth to sixteenth ports on the
SP3S board in slot 2 of NE21.
– The E1 services occupy the thirteenth to sixteenth VC-12 timeslots on the ring.

Table 7-13 provides the information about SNCP.

Table 7-13 SNCP

Parameter Value

Working Source See the timeslot allocation diagram.

Protection Source See the timeslot allocation diagram.

Revertive Mode Revertive

WTR Time 600s (default value)

Hold-Off Time 0 (default value)

Switching Condition Necessary conditions for an SNCP switching (default



Unless otherwise specified, WTR Time, Hold-Off Time, and Switching Condition take the default values.

7.4.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for the data configuration.

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Step 1 See A.5.2 Creating Cross-Connections of SNCP Services and configure the SNCP service
l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional

Level VC-12 VC-12

Hold-off Time(100ms) 0 0

Revertive Mode Revertive Revertive

WTR Time(s) 600 600

Source 4-IF1 (working service) 3-IF1 (working service)

3-IF1 (protection service) 4-IF1 (protection service)

Source Port 1 1

Source VC4 VC4-1 (working service) VC4-1 (working service)

VC4-1 (protection service) VC4-1 (protection service)

Source Timeslot Range 1-12 13-16


Sink 2-SP3S 2-SP3S

Sink Port - -

Sink VC4 - -

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1-12 13-16


l The values for the related parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Direction Bidirectional

Level VC-12

Hold-off Time(100ms) 0

Revertive Mode Revertive

WTR Time(s) 600

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Parameter Value


Source 3-IF1 (working service)

4-IF1 (protection service)

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1 (working service)

VC4-1 (protection service)

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-8

Sink 2-SP3S

Sink Port -

Sink VC4 -

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-8

l The values for the related parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Direction Bidirectional

Level VC-12

Hold-off Time(100ms) 0

Revertive Mode Revertive

WTR Time(s) 600

Source 3-IF1 (working service)

4-IF1 (protection service)

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1 (working service)

VC4-1 (protection service)

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 9-12

Sink 2-SP3S

Sink Port -

Sink VC4 -

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-4

l The values for the related parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value


Direction Bidirectional

Level VC-12

Hold-off Time(100ms) 0

Revertive Mode Revertive

WTR Time(s) 600

Source 4-IF1 (working service)

3-IF1 (protection service)

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1 (working service)

VC4-1 (protection service)

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 13-16

Sink 2-SP3S

Sink Port -

Sink VC4 -

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-4

Step 2 See A.5.1 Creating the Cross-Connections of Point-to-Point Services and configure the
service cross-connections on NE22, NE23, and NE24.
l The values for the related parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Level VC-12

Direction Bidirectional

Source 3-IF1

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 9-16

Sink 4-IF1

Sink Port 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1

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Parameter Value


Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 9-16

l The values for the related parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Level VC-12

Direction Bidirectional

Source 3-IF1

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-8,13-16

Sink 4-IF1

Sink Port 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-8,13-16

l The values for the related parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Level VC-12

Direction Bidirectional

Source 3-IF1

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-12

Sink 4-IF1

Sink Port 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-12

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Step 3 See A.13.1 Testing E1 Services Using PRBS and test the E1 services.
Test two E1 services on each BTS. The test results should show that the E1 services contain no
bit errors.


7.5 Configuration Example (TDM Services on a Hybrid

Radio Chain Network)
This section considers a Hybrid radio chain network as an example to describe how to configure
TDM services according to the network planning information.

7.5.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 6.5 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Hybrid Radio Chain Network),
configure the TDM services according to the following network planning information (as shown
in Figure 7-12):

l Services are transferred between NE12 and NE13 through E1 channels.

l The service capacity accessed by each BTS is provided in Table 7-14.

Table 7-14 Service capacity accessed by each BTS


Number of high-priority E1 1 2

Number of low-priority E1 0 2

Figure 7-12 Networking diagram (TDM services on a Hybrid radio chain network)

E1 network
1xE1 NE14
NE13 NE12 NE11


NE16 NE15

The connections of TDM links shown in Figure 7-12 are described as follows.

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Table 7-15 Connections of TDM links (NE11)

Link Port Description

Between NE11 and the PSN 1-SP3S-1 (1-5) Configure the ports to
transmit TDM services.

Between NE11 and NE12 3-ISU2 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
5-ISU2 (standby IF board)

Table 7-16 Connections of TDM links (NE12)

Link Port Description

Between NE12 and NE11 3-ISU2 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
5-ISU2 (standby IF board)

Between NE12 and NE13 2-SP3S (1-5) Configure the ports to

transmit TDM services.

Table 7-17 Connections of TDM links (NE13)

Link Port Description

Between NE13 and NE12 2-SP3S (1-5) Configure the ports to

transmit TDM services.

Between NE13 and NE14 3-ISU2 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
5-ISU2 (standby IF board)

Between NE13 and NE15 4-ISU2 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
6-ISU2 (standby IF board)

Table 7-18 Connections of TDM links (NE14)

Link Port Description

Between NE14 and BTS13 2-SP3S (1) Configure the ports to access
services from BTS13.

Between NE14 and NE13 3-ISU2 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
5-ISU2 (standby IF board)

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Table 7-19 Connections of TDM links (NE15)

Link Port Description

Between NE15 and BTS14 2-SP3S (1-4) Configure the ports to access
services from BTS14.

Between NE15 and NE13 4-ISU2 (main IF board) Configure the ports as a 1+1
HSB protection group.
6-ISU2 (standby IF board)

7.5.2 Service Planning

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring the NE

Timeslot Allocation Diagram

Figure 7-13 shows the timeslots that are allocated for the TDM services according to the network
planning information.

Figure 7-13 Timeslot allocation diagram (TDM services on the Hybrid chain radio network)
Links-1: NE11 - NE12 - NE13 -NE5
RNC NE11 NE12 NE13 NE15
Timeslot 1-SP3S 3-ISU2 3-ISU2 2-SP3S 2-SP3S 4-ISU2 4-ISU2

VC12: 1-2
VC12: 3-4
VC12: 5

Links-2: NE13-NE14
Station NE13 NE14
Timeslot 2-SP3S 3-ISU2 3-ISU2
VC12: 5 VC12: 1

/ Pass through(low/high)
/ Add/Drop(low/high)

/ Foward(low/high)

As shown in Figure 7-13, the information about the timeslots that the TDM services occupy on
each NE is as follows:

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l E1 services on NE15
– The E1 services are added to or dropped from ports 1-4 of the SP3S board in slot 2 on
NE15.Ports 1 and 2 add and drop high-priority services and ports 3 and 4 add and drop
low-priority services.
– The E1 services occupy the first to fourth VC-12 timeslots on the link between the
SP3S board in slot 1 of NE11 and the ISU2 board in slot 4 of NE15. Ports 1 and 2
transmit high-priority services and ports 3 and 4 transmit low-priority services.
l E1 services on NE14
– The E1 services are added to or dropped from the first port on the SP3S board in slot
2 of NE14. The E1 services received by NE14 are high-priority services by default,
because the E1 service priority function is disabled on the radio link to which NE14
– The E1 services occupy the fifth VC-12 timeslot on the link between the SP3S board
in slot 1 of NE11 and the SP3S board in slot 2 of NE13.
– The E1 services occupy the first VC-12 timeslot on the link between the ISU2 board in
slot 3 of NE13 and the ISU2 board in slot 3 of NE14.

7.5.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for the data configuration.

Step 1 See A.5.1 Creating the Cross-Connections of Point-to-Point Services and create point-to-
point service cross-connections.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Level VC12 VC12

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional

Source 1-SP3S 1-SP3S

Source Port - -

Source VC4 - -

Source Timeslot Range 1-2,5 3-4


Sink 3-ISU2 3-ISU2

Sink Port 1 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1 VC4-1

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1-2,5 3-4


E1 Priority High Low

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l The values for the relevant parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Level VC12 VC12

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional

Source 3-ISU2 3-ISU2

Source Port 1 1

Source VC4 VC4-1 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range 1-2,5 3-4


Sink 2-SP3S 2-SP3S

Sink Port - -

Sink VC4 - -

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1-2,5 3-4


E1 Priority High Low

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Level VC12 VC12 VC12

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional

Source 2-SP3S 2-SP3S 2-SP3S

Source Port - - -

Source VC4 - - -

Source Timeslot 1-2 3-4 5


Sink 4-ISU2 4-ISU2 3-ISU2

Sink Port 1 1 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1 VC4-1 VC4-1

Sink Timeslot 1-2 3-4 1


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Parameter Value


E1 Priority High Low -

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Level VC12

Direction Bidirectional

Source 3-ISU2

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1

Sink 2-SP3S

Sink Port -

Sink VC4 -

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1

E1 Priority -

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Level VC12 VC12

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional

Source 4-ISU2 4-ISU2

Source Port 1 1

Source VC4 VC4-1 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range 1-2 3-4


Sink 2-SP3S 2-SP3S

Sink Port - -

Sink VC4 - -

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Parameter Value


Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1-2 3-4


E1 Priority High Low

Step 2 See A.13.1 Testing E1 Services Using PRBS and test the E1 services.
Test one E1 service on BTS13 and BTS14. The test results should show that the E1 services
contain no bit errors.


7.6 Configuration Example (TDM Services on a Hybrid

Radio Ring Network)
This section considers a Hybrid radio ring network as an example to describe how to configure
TDM services according to the network planning information.

7.6.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 6.6 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Hybrid Radio Ring Network),
configure the TDM services according to the service requirements. To ensure reliable
transmission of the services between the BTSs and the PSN, SNCP is configured to provide
protection for TDM services on the ring network. See Figure 7-14.The service capacity accessed
by each BTS is provided in Table 7-20.

Table 7-20 Service capacity accessed by each BTS


Number of E1s 2

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Figure 7-14 Networking diagram (TDM services on a Hybrid radio ring network)

network 2E1



2E1 NE22 NE24 BTS24



The connections of TDM links shown in Figure 7-14 are described as follows.

Table 7-21 Connections of TDM links (NE21)

Link Port Description

Between NE21 and the PSN 2-SP3S (1-2) Configure the ports to
transmit TDM services.

Between NE21 and NE22 4-ISU2 Configure the ports as east


Between NE21 and NE24 3-ISU2 (main IF board of a 1 Configure the ports as west
+1 SD protection group) ports.

5-ISU2 (standby IF board of

a 1+1 SD protection group)

Table 7-22 Connections of TDM links (NE22)

Link Port Description

Between NE22 and BTS22 2-SP3S (1-2) Configure the ports to access
services from BTS22.

Between NE22 and NE21 3-ISU2 Configure the ports as west


Between NE22 and NE23 4-ISU2 Configure this port as an east


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Table 7-23 Connections of TDM links (NE23)

Link Port Description

Between NE23 and NE22 3-ISU2 Configure this port as a west


Between NE23 and NE24 4-ISU2 Configure this port as an east


Table 7-24 Connections of TDM links (NE24)

Link Port Description

Between NE24 and NE21 4-ISU2 (main IF board of a 1 Configure the ports as east
+1 SD protection group) ports.

6-ISU2 (standby IF board of

a 1+1 SD protection group)

Between NE24 and NE23 3-ISU2 Configure this port as a west


7.6.2 Service Planning

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring the NE

Timeslot Allocation Diagram

Figure 7-15 shows the timeslots that are allocated for the TDM services according to the network
planning information.

Figure 7-15 Timeslot allocation diagram (TDM services on the Hybrid radio ring network)
Station NE22
NE21 NE23 NE24 NE21
Timeslot 4-ISU2 3-ISU2 4-ISU2 3-ISU2 4-ISU2 3-ISU2 4-ISU2 3-ISU2
VC12: 1-2 VC12: 1-2
2-SP3S:1-2 2-SP3S:1-2 2-SP3S:1-2 2-SP3S:1-2

Pass through (SNCP working path)

Pass through (SNCP protection path)
Add/Drop (SNCP working path)
Add/Drop (SNCP protection path)

As shown in Figure 7-15, the information about the timeslots that the TDM services occupy on
each NE is as follows:

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l The E1 services are added to or dropped from the first to second ports on the SP3S board
in slot 2 of NE22.
l The E1 services are added to or dropped from the first to second ports on the SP3S board
in slot 2 of NE21.
l The E1 services occupy the first to second VC-12 timeslots on the ring.

Table 7-25 provides the information about SNCP.

Table 7-25 SNCP

Parameter Value

Working Source See the timeslot allocation diagram.

Protection Source See the timeslot allocation diagram.

Revertive Mode Revertive

WTR Time 600s (default value)

Hold-Off Time 0 (default value)

Switching Condition Necessary conditions for an SNCP switching (default



Unless otherwise specified, WTR Time, Hold-Off Time, and Switching Condition take the default values.

7.6.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for the data configuration.

Step 1 See A.5.2 Creating Cross-Connections of SNCP Services and configure the SNCP service
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Direction Bidirectional

Level VC-12

Hold-off Time(100ms) 0

Revertive Mode Revertive

WTR Time(s) 600

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Parameter Value


Source 4-ISU2 (working service)

3-ISU2 (protection service)

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1 (working service)

VC4-1 (protection service)

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-2

Sink 2-SP3S

Sink Port -

Sink VC4 -

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-2

E1 Priority -

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Direction Bidirectional

Level VC-12

Hold-off Time(100ms) 0

Revertive Mode Revertive

WTR Time(s) 600

Source 3-ISU2 (working service)

4-ISU2 (protection service)

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1 (working service)

VC4-1 (protection service)

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-2

Sink 2-SP3S

Sink Port -

Sink VC4 -

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-2

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Parameter Value


E1 Priority -

Step 2 See A.5.1 Creating the Cross-Connections of Point-to-Point Services and configure the
service cross-connections on NE23 and NE24.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Level VC-12

Direction Bidirectional

Source 3-ISU2

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-2

Sink 4-ISU2

Sink Port 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-2

Priority -

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Level VC-12

Direction Bidirectional

Source 3-ISU2

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-2

Sink 4-ISU2

Sink Port 1

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Parameter Value


Sink VC4 VC4-1

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-2

Priority -

Step 3 See A.13.1 Testing E1 Services Using PRBS and test the E1 services.
Test one E1 service on BTS22. The test results should show that the E1 services contain no bit


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8 Configuring Native Ethernet Services on the

Packet Plane

About This Chapter

Native Ethernet services on the packet plane include Native E-Line services and Native E-LAN

8.1 Basic Concepts

Before configuring the Ethernet services, you need to be familiar with the basic concepts.
8.2 Configuration Procedure
The service configuration procedure differs according to the specific service type.
8.3 Configuration Example (Point-to-Point Transparently Transmitted E-Line Services)
This section considers a point-to-point transparently transmitted E-Line service as an example
to describe how to configure the Ethernet service according to the network planning information.
8.4 Configuration Example (VLAN-Based E-Line Service)
This section considers a VLAN-based E-line service as an example to describe how to configure
the Ethernet service according to the network planning information.
8.5 Configuration Example (QinQ-Based E-Line Service)
This section considers a QinQ-based E-line service as an example to describe how to configure
the Ethernet service according to the network planning information.
8.6 Configuration Example (802.1d-Bridge-Based E-LAN Service)
This section considers an 802.1d-bridge-based E-LAN service as an example to describe how
to configure the Ethernet service according to the network planning information.
8.7 Configuration Example (802.1q-Bridge-Based E-LAN Service)
This section considers an 802.1q-bridge-based E-LAN service as an example to describe how
to configure the Ethernet service according to the network planning information.
8.8 Configuration Example (802.1ad-Bridge-Based E-LAN Service)
This section considers an 802.1ad-bridge-based E-LAN service as an example to describe how
to configure the Ethernet service according to the network planning information.
8.9 Configuration Example (Hybrid Configuration of E-Line Services and E-LAN Services)

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This section describes how to configure a radio network that transmits E-Line services and E-
LAN services at the same time according to the network planning information.

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8.1 Basic Concepts

Before configuring the Ethernet services, you need to be familiar with the basic concepts.

8.1.1 What's the Packet Plane

The packet plane refers to the switching plane provided by the packet switching unit on a system
control, switching, and timing board. The packet plane provides a wide range of services and
features based on Native Ethernet, as well as a wide range of services and features based on
As shown in Figure 8-1, the ports connecting to the packet plane are classified into the following

l FE/GE ports on an Ethernet interface board

In the receive direction, the Ethernet switching unit on an Ethernet interface board adds
port tags to the packets received from its internal FE/GE ports. Then, the packets are
converged to the GE ports on the board, and then transmitted to the packet switching unit.
The packet switching unit processes the packets of each port based on the port tags. In the
transmit direction, the packet switching unit adds the port tags to the packets. Then, the
packets are transmitted to the Ethernet switching unit through the internal GE ports on the
board. The Ethernet switching unit transmits the packets to the ports based on the port tags.
Therefore, the FE/GE ports on the Ethernet interface board can be regarded as being directly
connected to the packet switching unit.
l IF_ETH ports on a general IF board or general XPIC IF board
IF_ETH ports are internal GE ports on a general IF board or general XPIC IF board. Ethernet
packets are transmitted to the local IF board through its IF_ETH ports, and then mapped
into Integrated IP radio frames. Ethernet packets demapped from Integrated IP radio frames
are transmitted to the packet switching unit through IF_ETH ports.
The main differences between an IF_ETH port and a GE/FE port are as follows:
– An IF_ETH port is an internal Ethernet port. It transmits and receives MAC frames and
does not have PHY-layer functions.
– The bandwidth at an IF_ETH port is equal to the Ethernet service bandwidth that the
Integrated IP radio supports. Therefore, when the AM function is enabled in the case
of Integrated IP radio, the bandwidth at an IF_ETH port changes according to the
modulation scheme.

Since an IF port corresponds to an IF_ETH port, the IF ports or the microwave ports corresponding to IF
ports can be regarded as being directly connected to the packet plane.
l Bridging port (PORT10) connecting to the packet plane on the EFP8 board
The EFP8 board has two bridging ports: PORT9 and PORT10.
– PORT9 and PORT10 are two back-to-back internal GE ports, not having PHY-layer
– PORT10 is connected to the packet plane. The Ethernet services on the packet plane
are transmitted to the EoPDH plane through PORT10.
– PORT9 is connected to the EoPDH plane. The Ethernet services on the packet plane
are transmitted to the FE port or VCTRUNK port on the EFP8 board through PORT9.

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Figure 8-1 Packet plane

System control, switching,
Packet plane and timing board

Ethernet interface board General IF board or

FE/GE PORT1 general XPIC IF board

switching IF unit

Packet General IF board or
Ethernet interface board
FE/GE PORT1 switching general XPIC IF board
unit IF_ETH IF

switching IF unit

GE switching unit

EoPDH plane

8.1.2 Ethernet Port Numbers

On the NMS, Ethernet ports are represented by PORTs.
l For the EM6F/EM6FA, PORT1 and PORT2 represent GE1 and GE2 respectively; PORT3
to PORT6 represent FE1 to FE4 respectively.
l For the EM6T/EM6TA, PORT1 and PORT2 represent GE1 and GE2 respectively; PORT3
to PORT6 represent FE1 to FE4 respectively.

8.1.3 Auto-Negotiation
The auto-negotiation function allows the network equipment to send information about its
supported working mode to the opposite end of the network and to receive corresponding
information that the opposite end may transfer.

Auto-Negotiation Function of FE Electrical Ports

FE electrical ports may work in four common working modes: 10M half-duplex, 10M full-
duplex, 100M half-duplex, and 100M full-duplex. If the working modes of the local FE electrical
port and the opposite FE electrical port do not match, the two ports cannot communicate with
each other. Auto-negotiation effectively resolves this problem. Auto-negotiation uses fast link
pulses and normal link pulses to transfer negotiation information about the working mode; lastly,
the working modes of the FE electrical ports match at both ends.
Table 8-1 lists auto-negotiation rules for FE electrical ports.

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Table 8-1 Auto-negotiation rules for FE electrical ports (when the local FE electrical port works
in auto-negotiation mode)

Working Mode of the Opposite FE Auto-Negotiation Result

Electrical Port

Auto-negotiation 100M full-duplex

10M half-duplex 10M half-duplex

10M full-duplex 10M half-duplex

100M half-duplex 100M half-duplex

100M full-duplex 100M half-duplex


As provided in Table 8-1, when the opposite FE electrical port works in 10M full-duplex or 100M full-duplex
mode, auto-negotiation does not necessarily achieve full matching between the working modes of the FE
electrical ports at both ends. As a result, some packets are lost. Therefore, when the opposite FE electrical port
works in 10M full-duplex or 100M full-duplex mode, set the working mode of the local FE electrical port to
10M full-duplex or 100M full-duplex.

When the FE electrical ports at both ends work in auto-negotiation mode, the equipment at both
ends can negotiate flow control.

Auto-Negotiation Function of GE Electrical Ports

GE electrical ports can work in five working modes: 10M half-duplex, 10M full-duplex, 100M
half-duplex, 100M full-duplex, and 1000M full-duplex. Auto-negotiation of GE electrical ports
is similar to FE electrical port auto-negotiation. Table 8-2 lists auto-negotiation rules for GE
electrical ports.

Table 8-2 Auto-negotiation rules for GE electrical ports (when the local GE electrical port works
in auto-negotiation mode)

Working Mode of the Opposite GE Auto-Negotiation Result

Electrical Port

Auto-negotiation (GE electrical port) 1000M full-duplex

Auto-negotiation (FE electrical port) 100M full-duplex

10M half-duplex 10M half-duplex

10M full-duplex 10M half-duplex

100M half-duplex 100M half-duplex

100M full-duplex 100M half-duplex

1000M full-duplex 1000M full-duplex

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As provided in Table 8-2, when the opposite GE electrical port works in 10M full-duplex or 100M full-duplex
mode, auto-negotiation does not necessarily achieve full matching between the working modes of the GE
electrical ports at both ends. As a result, some packets are lost. Therefore, when the opposite GE electrical port
works in 10M full-duplex or 100M full-duplex mode, set the working mode of the local GE electrical port to
10M full-duplex or 100M full-duplex.

When the GE electrical ports at both ends work in auto-negotiation mode, the equipment at both
ends can negotiate flow control.

Auto-Negotiation Function of GE Optical Ports

GE optical ports support only 1000M full-duplex working mode. Auto-negotiation of GE optical
ports is used only for negotiating flow control.

8.1.4 Flow Control Function

When the equipment fails to handle the traffic received at the port due to poor data processing/
transferring capability, the line becomes congested. This also causes buffer overflow and
therefore some packets will be discarded. To reduce the number of packets to be discarded, take
appropriate flow control measures.

Half-duplex Ethernet uses a back-pressure mechanism to control flow. Full-duplex Ethernet uses
PAUSE frames to control flow. Currently, half-duplex Ethernet is not widely applied; therefore,
flow control implemented on the equipment is used for full-duplex Ethernet.

The flow control function on the equipment is classified into two types: auto-negotiation flow
control and non-auto-negotiation flow control.

Auto-Negotiation Flow Control

When an Ethernet port works in auto-negotiation mode, use auto-negotiation flow control. The
auto-negotiation flow control modes include the following:

l Asymmetric PAUSE toward the link partner

The port can transmit PAUSE frames in case of congestion but cannot process received
PAUSE frames.
l Symmetric PAUSE
The port can transmit PAUSE frames and process received PAUSE frames.
l Both asymmetric and symmetric PAUSE
The port has the following capabilities:
– Transmits and processes PAUSE frames.
– Transmits PAUSE frames but cannot process received PAUSE frames.
– Processes received PAUSE frames but cannot transmit PAUSE frames.
l Disabled
The port does not transmit or process PAUSE frames.

On the NMS, the OptiX RTN 950 supports only two auto-negotiation flow control modes: Disabled mode and
Enable Symmetric Flow Control (symmetric PAUSE) mode.

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Non-Auto-Negotiation Flow Control

When an Ethernet port works in a fixed working mode, use non-auto-negotiation flow control.
The non-auto-negotiation flow control modes include the following:
l Send only
The port can transmit PAUSE frames in case of congestion but cannot process received
PAUSE frames.
l Receive only
The port can process received PAUSE frames but cannot transmit PAUSE frames in case
of congestion.
l Symmetric
The port can transmit PAUSE frames and can also process received PAUSE frames.
l Disabled
The port does not transmit or process PAUSE frames.

On the NMS, the OptiX RTN 950 supports only two non-auto-negotiation flow control modes: Disabled mode
and Enable Symmetric Flow Control (symmetric) mode.

8.1.5 Native Ethernet Service Types Based on the Packet Plane

Based on the packet plane, Native Ethernet services are classified into six types. Point-to-Point Transparently Transmitted E-Line Service

The point-to-point transparently transmitted E-Line service are the basic E-Line model. Point-
to-point transmission does not involve service bandwidth sharing, service isolation, or service
distinguishing; instead, Ethernet services are transparently transmitted between two service
access points.

Service Model
Table 8-3 describes the point-to-point transparently transmitted E-Line service model.

Table 8-3 Point-to-point transparently transmitted E-Line service model

Service Model Traffic Flow Service Direction Encapsulation Description

Model 1 PORT (source) UNI-UNI Null (source) The source port

PORT (sink) Null (sink) transparently
transmits all the
received Ethernet
frames to the sink

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Service Model Traffic Flow Service Direction Encapsulation Description


Model 2 PORT (source) UNI-UNI 802.1Q (source) The source port

NOTE PORT (sink) 802.1Q (sink) processes the
In service model 2, incoming Ethernet
ports process the frames based on its
received Ethernet TAG attribute, and
frames according to
then sends the
their TAG attributes.
Therefore, service processed Ethernet
model 2 is not a real frames to the sink
transparent port. The sink port
transmission model processes the
and is not Ethernet frames
based on its TAG
attribute, and then
exports the
processed Ethernet

Typical Application
Figure 8-2 shows the typical application of service model 1.

Figure 8-2 Typical application of service model 1

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 3 Port 3 Port 1
E-Line E-Line
Service 1 Transmission Service 1
E-Line E-Line
Service 2 Service 2
Port 2 Port 4 Port 4 Port 2

In service model 1, Ethernet service 1 and Ethernet service 2, which carry no VLAN IDs or carry
unknown VLAN IDs, are accessed to NE1 through port 1 and port 2 respectively. Port 1 and
port 2 transparently transmit Ethernet service 1 and Ethernet service 2 to port 3 and port 4,
respectively. Port 3 and port 4 then transmit Ethernet service 1 and Ethernet service 2 to NE2.
Service processing on NE2 is the same as on NE1.

In service model 2, Ethernet service 1 and Ethernet service 2, which carry no VLAN IDs or carry
unknown VLAN IDs, are accessed to NE1 through port 1 and port 2 respectively. Port 1 and
Port 2 process the incoming packets based on their own TAG attributes. Then, Port 1 and Port
2 send Ethernet service 1 and Ethernet service 2 to Port 3 and Port 4 respectively. Port 3 and
Port 4 process the incoming packets based on their own TAG attributes. Then, Port 3 and Port
4 send Ethernet service 1 and Ethernet service 2 to NE2. Service processing on NE2 is the same
as on NE1. VLAN-based E-Line Services

VLANs can be used to separate several E-Line services so that these services share one physical
channel for transmission. These E-Line services are called VLAN-based E-Line services.

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Service Model
Table 8-4 shows the VLAN-based E-Line service model.

Table 8-4 VLAN-based E-Line service model

Service Type Service Flow Service Direction Port Service

Encapsulation Description

VLAN-based E- PORT+VLAN UNI-UNI 802.1Q (source) The source port

Line service (source) 802.1Q (sink) processes the
PORT+VLAN incoming Ethernet
(sink) frames based on its
TAG attribute, and
The VLAN ID of the
then sends the
source must be the Ethernet frames
same as that of the with a specific
sink. VLAN ID to the sink
port. The sink port
processes the
Ethernet frames
based on its TAG
attribute, and then
exports the
processed Ethernet

Typical Application
Figure 8-3 shows the typical application of the VLAN-based E-Line service model. Service 1
and service 2 carry different VLAN IDs. After the two Ethernet services are received at NE1
through port 1 and port 2 respectively, they share the same transmission channel at port 3.

On NE1, port 1 and port 2 process the incoming packets based on their own TAG attributes;
then, port 1 and port 2 send service 1 and service 2 to port 3. Port 3 processes all the outgoing
packets based on its TAG attribute, and then sends service 1 and service 2 to NE2. Due to the
different VLAN IDs, service 1 and service 2 can be transmitted through port 3 at the same time.

NE2 processes service 1 and service 2 in the same manner as NE1.

Figure 8-3 VLAN-based E-Line service model

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 1
Service 1 E-Line Service 1
Port 3 Transmission Port 3 E-Line
VLAN ID: 100 Network VLAN ID: 100
Service 2 e Service 1 Service 1 E-Lin Service 2
VLAN ID: 200 E-Lin e
Port 2 VLAN ID: 100 VLAN ID: 100 Port 2 VLAN ID: 200
Service 2 Service 2
VLAN ID: 200 VLAN ID: 200

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S-VLAN tags can be used to separate several E-Line services so that these services share one
physical channel for transmission. These services are called QinQ-based E-Line services.

PW-Carried E-Line Services describes QinQ-based E-Line services carried by PWs.

Service Model
Table 8-5 shows the QinQ-based E-Line service models.

Table 8-5 QinQ-based E-Line service models

Service Model Service Flow Service Direction Port Service
Encapsulation Description

Model 1 PORT (source) UNI-NNI Null (source) The source port adds
QinQ link (sink) QinQ (sink) the S-VLAN tag that
corresponds to the
QinQ link to all the
received Ethernet
frames, and then
transmits the
Ethernet frames to
the sink port to
which the QinQ link
is connected.

Model 2 PORT (source) UNI-NNI 802.1Q (source)a After the source port
QinQ link (sink) receives the
QinQ (sink)
Ethernet frames that
carry C-VLAN tags,
it adds the S-VLAN
tag that corresponds
to the QinQ link to
all the Ethernet
frames and then
transmits the
Ethernet frames to
the sink port to
which the QinQ link
is connected.

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Service Model Service Flow Service Direction Port Service

Encapsulation Description

Model 3 PORT+C-VLAN UNI-NNI 802.1Q (source)a The source port adds

(source) the S-VLAN tag that
QinQ (sink)
QinQ link (sink) corresponds to the
QinQ link to all the
Ethernet frames that
carry specific C-
VLAN tags and then
transmits the
Ethernet frames to
the sink port to
which the QinQ link
is connected.

Model 4 QinQ link (source) NNI-NNI QinQ (source) The source port
QinQ link (sink) QinQ (sink) transmits the
Ethernet frames that
carry a specific S-
VLAN tag
(corresponding to
the source QinQ
link) to the sink port
to which the sink
QinQ link is
connected. If the
source and sink
QinQ links have
different S-VLAN
tags, S-VLAN tag
swapping occurs.


a: Set Tag to Tag Aware.

Typical Application
Figure 8-4 shows the typical application of service model 1.
Service 1 and service 2 contain tagged frames and untagged frames. Service 1 is transmitted to
NE1 through port 1, and service 2 is transmitted to NE1 through port 2. Port 1 adds an S-VLAN
tag to service 1, and port 2 adds another S-VLAN tag to service 2. Service 1 and service 2 are
then transmitted to Port 3. Port 3 transmits service 1 and service 2 to NE2.
NE2 processes service 1 and service 2 in the same manner as NE1.

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Figure 8-4 Typical application of service model 1

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 1
Service 1 Port 3 Transmission Port 3 E-Line Service 1
Service 2 e E-Lin Service 2
E-Lin e
Port 2 Port 2

Strip S-VLAN Label Add S-VLAN Label Add S-VLAN Label Strip S-VLAN Label

Data( 1) S-VLAN(300) Data(1) S-VLAN(300) Data(1) Data(1)

Data(2) S-VLAN(400) Data(2) S-VLAN(400) Data(2) Data(2)

Figure 8-5 shows the typical application of service model 2.

Service 1 and service 2 carry different unknown C-VLAN tags. Service 1 is transmitted to NE1
through port 1, and service 2 is transmitted to NE1 through port 2. Port 1 adds an S-VLAN tag
to service 1, and port 2 adds another S-VLAN tag to service 2. Service 1 and service 2 are then
transmitted to port 3. Port 3 transmits service 1 and service 2 to NE2.
NE2 processes service 1 and service 2 in the same manner as NE1.

Figure 8-5 Typical application of service model 2

Strip S-VLAN Label Add S-VLAN Label

C-VLAN Data( 1) S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN Data(1)

C-VLAN Data(2) S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN Data(2)

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 1
Service 1
Port 3 Transmission Port 3 E-Line Service 1
Unknown CVLAN Network Unknown CVLAN
Service 2 e E-Lin Service 2
Unknown CVLAN E-Lin e Unknown CVLAN
Port 2 Port 2

Add S-VLAN Label Strip S-VLAN Label

S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN Data(1) C-VLAN Data( 1)

S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN Data(2) C-VLAN Data(2)

Figure 8-6 shows the typical application of service model 3.

Service 1 and service 2 carry different C-VLAN tags. Service 1 is transmitted to NE1 through
port 1, and service 2 is transmitted to NE1 through port 2. Port 1 adds an S-VLAN tag to service
1, and port 2 adds another S-VLAN tag to service 2. Service 1 and service 2 are then transmitted
to port 3. Port 3 transmits service 1 and service 2 to NE2.
NE2 processes service 1 and service 2 in the same manner as NE1.

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Figure 8-6 Typical application of service model 3

Strip S-VLAN Label Add S-VLAN Label

C-VLAN(100) Data( 1) S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN(100) Data(1)

C-VLAN(200) Data(2) S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN(200) Data(2)

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 1
Service 1 E-Line Service 1
Port 3 Transmission Port 3 E-Line
VLAN ID: 100 Network VLAN ID: 100
Service 2 e E-Lin Service 2
VLAN ID: 200 E-Lin e
Port 2 Port 2 VLAN ID: 200

Add S-VLAN Label Strip S-VLAN Label

S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN(100) Data(1) C-VLAN(100) Data( 1)

S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN(200) Data(2) C-VLAN(200) Data(2)

Figure 8-7 shows the typical application of service model 4.

Service 1 and service 2 carry the same S-VLAN tag. Service 1 is transmitted to NE1 through
port 1, and service 2 is transmitted to NE1 through port 2. Port 1 changes the S-VLAN tag carried
in service 1 and port 2 changes the S-VLAN tag carried in service 2 so that the service 1 and
service carry different S-VLAN tags. Port 3 transmits service 1 and service 2 to NE2.

NE2 processes service 1 and service 2 in the same manner as NE1.

Figure 8-7 Typical application of service model 4

Switching S-VLAN Label

S-VLAN(100) Data( 1) S-VLAN(300) Data(1)

S-VLAN(100) Data(2) S-VLAN(400) Data(2)

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 1
Service 1
Port 3 Transmission Port 3 E-Line Service 1
S-VLAN ID: 100 Network S-VLAN ID: 100
Service 2 e E-Lin Service 2
S-VLAN ID: 100 E-Lin e
Port 2 Port 2 S-VLAN ID: 100

Switching S-VLAN Label

S-VLAN(300) Data( 1) S-VLAN(100) Data(1)

S-VLAN(400) Data(2) S-VLAN(100) Data(2) 8021D Bridge-based E-LAN Services

If packets of E-LAN services are forwarded only based on the MAC address table, these E-LAN
services are called 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN services.

Service Model
Table 8-6 shows the 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service model.

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Table 8-6 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service model

Service Type Tag Attribute Port Logical Port Learning Sub-
Encapsulation Type Mode Switching
Mode Domain

802.1D bridge- Tag- Null PORT SVL No division of

based E-LAN Transparent sub-switching
service domains

Typical Application
Figure 8-8 shows the typical application of the 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service model.
NE2 and NE3 receive A services, and the A services are transmitted over the transmission
network. The two A services are converged at the convergence node NE1. The services do not
need to be separated. Therefore, an 802.1D bridge is used at NE1 to groom services.

Figure 8-8 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service model

NE 2

Port 2 Port 1
User A2

NE 1 Transmission

Port 1 Port 2
User A1
Port 3

802.1d bridge NE 3

Port 1
User A3
Port 2 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN Services

VLANs can be used to separate several E-LAN services, and then an 802.1Q bridge is divided
into multiple independent sub-switching domains. These E-LAN services are called 802.1Q
bridge-based E-LAN services.

Service Model
Table 8-7 shows the 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN service model.

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Table 8-7 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN service model

Service Type TAG Port Logical Port Learning Sub-

Attribute Encapsulation Type Mode Switching
Mode Domain

802.1Q bridge- C-Awared 802.1Q PORT+VLAN IVL Sub-switching

based E-LAN domains are
service divided based on

Typical Application
Figure 8-9 shows the typical application of the 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN service model.
Services G and H are received at NE2 and NE3, and then are transmitted over the transmission
network. These services finally are converged and switched at NE1. As services G and H use
different VLAN planning, 802.1Q bridges are configured on NEs and sub-switching domains
are divided based on VLANs, differentiating and separating the two services.

Figure 8-9 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN service model

NE 2

VLAN 100
Port 1
User G2
Port 3
NE 1
VLAN 200

Transmission Port 2
VLAN 100
Port 1 Network User H2
User G1
Port 3
802.1q bridge
VLAN 200
Port 2 Port 4
User H1 NE 3

VLAN 100
802.1q bridge Port 1
User G3

VLAN 200
Port 3 Port 2
User H3

802.1q bridge

You can configure VLAN-based E-Line Services on NE2 and NE3 for receiving services. 802.1ad Bridge-based E-LAN Services

S-VLAN tags can be used to separate several E-LAN services, and then a bridge is divided into
multiple independent sub-switching domains. These services are called 802.1ad bridge-based
E-LAN services.

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Service Model
Table 8-8 shows the 802.1ad bridge-based E-LAN service models.

Table 8-8 802.1ad bridge-based E-LAN service models

Service Type Tag Attribute Port Logical Port Learning Sub-
Encapsulation Type Mode Switching
Mode Domain

E-LAN services S-Awared Null or 802.1Q PORT (The IVL Sub-switching

based on (UNI port)a encapsulation domains are
802.1ad bridge mode of the UNI divided based on
QinQ (NNI port)
port is Null.) S-VLAN tags.
+C-VLAN (The
mode of the UNI
port is 802.1Q.)


a: When the encapsulation mode of port is 802.1Q, set Tag to Tag Aware.

Typical Application
Figure 8-10 shows the typical application of the 802.1ad bridge-based E-LAN service model.
Services G and H are received at NE2 and NE3, and then are transmitted over the transmission
network. These services finally are converged and switched at NE1. As services G and H use
the same C-VLAN planning, extra S-VLAN tags are configured on NEs, differentiating and
separating the two services.

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Figure 8-10 Typical application of the 802.1ad bridge-based E-LAN service model
NE 2

Add S-VLAN Label Strip S-VLAN Label

S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN(100) Data(G) C-VLAN(100) Data( G)

S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN(100) Data(H) C-VLAN(100) Data(H)

NE 2

Port 1
User G2
Port 3
NE 1 Port 2
Transmission User H2
SVLAN 300 Network CVLAN 100
Port 1 Port 3
User G1 802.1ad bridge
NE 3
Port 2
User H1
CVLAN 100 Port 4 SVLAN 300
Port 1
802.1ad bridge User G3
Port 3 Port 2
NE 1 User H3
Strip S-VLAN Label Add S-VLAN Label

C-VLAN(100) Data( G) S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN(100) Data(G) 802.1ad bridge

C-VLAN(100) Data(H) S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN(100) Data(H)

NE 3

Add S-VLAN Label Strip S-VLAN Label

S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN(100) Data(G) C-VLAN(100) Data( G)

S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN(100) Data(H) C-VLAN(100) Data(H)

You can configure QinQ-Based E-Line Services on NE2 and NE3 for service access.

8.1.6 Typical Mobile Carrier Network Topologies for Ethernet

Generally, Ethernet services are transmitted in three network topologies on a mobile carrier
network. Networking of VLAN-Based E-Line Services

VLANs can be used to separate E-Line services. With the VLAN technology, multiple E-Line
services can share one physical channel.
On the mobile carrier network shown in Figure 8-11, the VLAN IDs that received BTS services
carry are planned in a unified manner and are unique globally. The BTS services share the
Ethernet service bandwidth on the Hybrid radio network (NE1 to NE5) and are isolated from
each other by means of VLAN IDs. The BTS services are aggregated at NE1 and then transmitted

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through the regional backhaul network to the BSC. Therefore, in this example, services on the
Hybrid radio network of the mobile carrier network are configured as VLAN-based E-Line

Figure 8-11 Networking diagram of VLAN-based E-Line services


NE2 Regional
BTS Hybrid microwave transmission network Backhaul Network

VLAN 4 Networking of IEEE 802.1d Bridge-Based E-LAN Services

In the case of IEEE 802.1d bridge-based E-LAN service networking, data is forwarded based
on MAC addresses instead of VLAN IDs.
As shown in Figure 8-12, the mobile carrier network need not sense whether the received BTS
services carry any VLAN IDs. Services from each BTS are aggregated at NE1 and then
transmitted through the regional backhaul network to the BSC. Therefore, in this example, the
services on the Hybrid radio network (NE1 to NE6) of the mobile carrier network are configured
as IEEE 802.1d bridge-based E-LAN services. The Hybrid radio network checks the destination
ports in the MAC address table according to the destination MAC addresses carried by the BTS
services and then forwards BTS services to the ports.


IEEE 802.1d bridge-based E-LAN service packets are forwarded based on MAC addresses and may be broadcast
among all ports connected to the IEEE 802.1d bridge. Therefore, isolate the ports that need not communicate
with each other by adding the ports into a split horizon group.

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Figure 8-12 Networking diagram of IEEE 802.1d bridge-based E-LAN services



Regional backhaul
BTS Hybrid microwave transmission network network GE




Split horizon group Networking of IEEE 802.1q Bridge-Based E-LAN Services

In the case of IEEE 802.1q bridge-based E-LAN service networking, services are isolated by
means of VLAN IDs. That is, the IEEE 802.1q bridge is divided into multiple sub-switching
domains, which are isolated from each other.
On the mobile carrier network shown in Figure 8-13, the VLAN IDs that received BTS services
carry are planned in a unified manner and are unique within each domain. BTS services in
different domains are isolated from each other by means of VLAN IDs and BTSs in the same
domain can communicate with each other. The BTS services are aggregated at NE1 and then
transmitted through the regional backhaul network to the BSC. Therefore, in this example, the
services on the Hybrid radio network of the mobile carrier network are configured as IEEE
802.1q bridge-based E-LAN services. The Hybrid radio network checks the destination ports in
the MAC address table according to the destination MAC addresses and VLAN IDs carried by
the BTS services and then forwards BTS services to the ports.


IEEE 802.1q bridge-based E-LAN service packets can be broadcast within each domain. Therefore, isolate the
ports that need not communicate with each other by adding the ports into a split horizon group.

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Figure 8-13 Networking diagram of IEEE 802.1q bridge-based E-LAN services



NE2 Domain 1
BTS VLAN 1 Regional backhaul
VLAN 1 network
Domain 2 GE
Hybrid radio





Split horizon group Comparison Between the Three Networking Modes

The three networking modes differ from each other.
Table 8-9 compares the three networking modes.

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Table 8-9 Comparison between the three networking modes

Networkin Application Scenario Service Service Configurati Network
g Mode Stability Security on Scalability
Applicable Applicable Complexity
Network VLAN ID
Size Allocation

Networking This l The High l Very high l The l The

of VLAN- networking VLAN l Services configurat network is
based E-Line mode is IDs that from ion difficult to
services applicable to received different operations expand.
all network BTS BTSs are are l To add the
sizes. services isolated complex. new
carry are from each l Only VLAN ID
planned in other. point-to- after a
a unified point BTS is
manner configurat added,
and are ion is you need
unique supported to change
globally. . the E-Line
l BTS configurat
services ions on all
share the NEs
Ethernet that the
service new
bandwidt service
hs and are path
isolated traverses.
by means

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Networkin Application Scenario Service Service Configurati Network

g Mode Stability Security on Scalability
Applicable Applicable Complexity
Network VLAN ID
Size Allocation

Networking It is l The Medium l Low l The l The

of IEEE recommende network l The configurat network is
802.1d d that the need not service ion easy to
bridge-based network sense packets operations expand.
E-LAN contains less whether can be are l After a
services than 50 BTSs. the broadcast simple. BTS is
received on the l Point-to- added,
BTS entire multipoint you need
services network. configurat not
carry any ion is change
VLAN supported the
IDs. . configurat
l Services ions of
need not other NEs
be on the
isolated network.
between Instead,
different you only
ports need to
connected change
to the the
same mounted
bridge.a ports on
the NE
to the base

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Networkin Application Scenario Service Service Configurati Network

g Mode Stability Security on Scalability
Applicable Applicable Complexity
Network VLAN ID
Size Allocation

Networking This l The Medium l High l The l The

of IEEE networking VLAN l The configurat network is
802.1q mode is IDs that service ion easy to
bridge-based applicable to received packets operations expand.
E-LAN all network BTS are are l After a
services sizes, services broadcast simple. BTS is
especially to a carry are within l Point-to- added in a
network that planned in each multipoint domain,
is divided into a unified domain configurat you need
several manner and are ion is not
domains. and are isolated supported change
unique between . the
within different configurat
each domains. ions of the
domain. other NEs
l The BTS in the
services domain or
from the
different configurat
domains ions of
are NEs in the
isolated other
from each domains.
other by Instead,
means of you only
VLAN need to
IDs. change
l BTS the
services mounted
within a ports and
domain VLAN
need not IDs on the
be NE
isolated connected
from each to the base


a: To block communication between certain ports connected to a bridge, you need to add the ports into a split
horizon group.

8.1.7 MAC Address Table Management

The entries in a MAC address table show the mappings between MAC addresses and ports. A
MAC address table contains dynamic entries, static entries, and blacklist entries.

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l Dynamic entry
A dynamic entry is obtained by learning of a bridge through the SVL/IVL mode. The
dynamic entry will be aged.
l Static entry
A static entry is manually added to the MAC address table by a network administrator using
the NMS. The static entry will not be aged. Generally, the static entry is configured for a
port if a device with a known MAC address is mounted to the port and this device transmits
large traffic for a long time.
l Blacklist entry
A blacklist entry is a MAC disabled entry and is used to discard a data frame that contains
a specified MAC address (source MAC address or destination MAC address). A blacklist
entry is also called a blackhole entry. The blacklist entry is configured by the network
administrator. The blacklist entry does not age, and is not lost after the Ethernet processing
board is reset.
A forwarding entry is automatically deleted when that forwarding entry is not updated within a specified
period. This occurs when no new packet from this MAC address is received to enable the re-learning of
this MAC address. This mechanism is called aging, and this period is called aging time.

8.1.8 VLAN Forwarding Table for E-Line Services

Generally, the VLAN IDs of VLAN-based E-Line services are not changed. If changing VLAN
IDs is required, configure a VLAN forwarding table.
For VLAN-based E-Line services, the VLAN IDs on the source and sink nodes are usually set
to the same value. If packets carry different VLAN IDs on the source and sink nodes, these
VLAN IDs need to be set for the source and sink nodes of the E-Line services. In addition, you
need to configure a VLAN forwarding table to achieve the switch of VLAN IDs at the source
and sink nodes.
Figure 8-14 shows an application of the VLAN forwarding table. In this figure, service 1 carries
a VLAN ID of 100, and it is transmitted to NE1 through port 1. On a transmission network, the
VLAN ID of service 1 may be in conflict with the VLAN IDs of other services. To avoid this
situation, the VLAN ID of service 1 must be changed to another value before it is transmitted
on the transmission network and then be changed to the original value after it is transmitted out
of the transmission network. Therefore, a VLAN forwarding table is configured at NE1 and
NE2, so that the VLAN IDs of services between port 1 and port 3 can be changed as required.
For service 1, when it traverses NE1, the VLAN ID is changed from 100 to 200 and then changes
back to 100 again at NE2.

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Figure 8-14 Application of the VLAN forwarding table in E-Line services

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 1
Service 1 Service 1
VLAN ID: 100 Port 3 Port 3 VLAN ID: 100
Network e
e E-Lin
Service 1 Service 1
VLAN ID: 200 VLAN ID: 200

VLAN Forwarding Table VLAN Forwarding Table

Source Source Sink Sink Source Source Sink Sink
Interface VLAN ID Interface VLAN ID Interface VLAN ID Interface VLAN ID
Port 1 100 Port 3 200 Port 1 100 Port 3 200
Port 3 200 Port 1 100 Port 3 200 Port 1 100

E-Line Service Information Table E-Line Service Information Table

Source Source Sink Sink Source Source Sink Sink
Interface VLAN ID Interface VLAN ID Interface VLAN ID Interface VLAN ID
Port 1 100, 200 Port 3 100, 200 Port 1 100, 200 Port 3 100, 200

8.1.9 Split Horizon Group

To separate services that are converged and to prevent a broadcast storm resulting from a service
loop, you can configure a split horizon group for the E-LAN services at the specified nodes.
After the configuration, the logical ports in one split horizon group cannot forward packets to
each other.

Figure 8-15 shows a typical application of the split horizon group. NEs on the network are
configured with E-LAN services, and the east and west ports and service access ports are
configured as mounted ports of a bridge. In this case, if a split horizon group is not configured
at NE1, broadcast storm occurs due to a network loop as the east and west ports can forward
packets to each other. If a split horizon group is created at NE1 and the east and west ports are
configured as members of the split horizon group, the east and west ports do not forward packets
to each other. Therefore, a service loop is prevented.

Figure 8-15 Split horizon group


BSC Split horizon group





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l ERPS can prevent a service loop on a ring network. If ERPS is already enabled for a ring network, a split
horizon group is not needed as it may affect ERPS operation.
l On the OptiX RTN 950, only the split horizon group configuration based on physical ports is supported.
Therefore, if a physical port is mapped into several logical ports and one of these logical ports is a member
of a split horizon group, the other logical ports are added to the split horizon group automatically.

8.1.10 Protection for Native Ethernet Services

The OptiX RTN 950 supports three protection modes for Native Ethernet services, namely,
Ethernet ring protection switching (ERPS), link aggregation group (LAG), and multiple
spanning tree protocol (MSTP).

ERPS is applicable to ring physical networks and can provide protection for the E-LAN services
between all the nodes on the ring network. Generally, when a ring network is configured with
ERPS, the RPL node blocks the RPL port on one side so that all the services are transmitted
through the ports on the other side. In this manner, service loops are prevented. If a section of
link fails or an NE becomes faulty, the RPL node unblocks its RPL port so that the services are
switched from the faulty point to the RPL port for transmission. In this manner, protection for
the ring network is achieved.
The Ethernet ring network shown in Figure 8-16 is configured with ERPS. Generally, the RPL
node (NE D) blocks its RPL port that is connected to NE A, and all the services are transmitted
over the link NE A <-> NE B <-> NE C <-> NE D. When the link between NE A <-> NE B
becomes faulty, NE D unblocks the blocked port so that the services can be transmitted over the
link NE A <-> NE D <-> NE C <-> NE B.

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Figure 8-16 Implementation of ERPS




Protection switching

Failure NE A




Ethernet service direction

Blocked port

Link aggregation allows multiple links that are attached to the same equipment to be aggregated
to form a link aggregation group (LAG) so that the bandwidths and availability of the links
increase. The aggregated links can be considered as a single logical link.

As shown in Figure 8-17, the LAG provides the following functions:

l Increased the link capacity

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The LAG provides users with a cost-effective method for increasing link bandwidth. The
users obtain data links with higher bandwidths by combining multiple physical links into
one logical link without upgrading the existing equipment. The bandwidth of the logical
link is equal to the sum of the bandwidths of the physical links. The aggregation module
distributes the traffic to different members by using the load balancing algorithm, achieving
the load balancing at the link level.
l Improved the link availability
The links in a LAG provide backup for each other dynamically. When a link fails, another
link in the LAG quickly takes over. This process in which link aggregation starts the backup
link only applies to the links in the same LAG and it cannot be performed on links that are
not in the LAG.

Figure 8-17 LAG

Link 1
Link 2
Ethernet Link 3 Ethernet
packet packet
Link aggregation

The OptiX RTN 950 supports only the MSTP protocol that uses the common and internal
spanning tree (CIST). The MSTP that uses the CIST can be used as a rapid spanning tree protocol
(RSTP). The RSTP is applicable in case of a network loop. This protocol adopts certain
algorithms to reconstruct a loop network into a loop-free tree network and therefore prevents
Ethernet frames from increasing and cycling in an endless manner on the loop network.
On the OptiX RTN 950, the MSTP is used to prevent a network loop on the access side.
See Figure 8-18. When the user equipment is connected to the OptiX RTN 950 through two
different trails, you can configure the ports on the OptiX RTN 950 that are connected to the user
network into a port group. This port group, together with the switch on the user network, can
run the MSTP. If a service access link becomes faulty, the MSTP enables a re-configuration to
generate the spanning tree topology, providing protection for the user network that is configured
with multiple access points.

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Figure 8-18 Prevention of network loops on the access side

Root Root

Port group


Blocked Port

8.2 Configuration Procedure

The service configuration procedure differs according to the specific service type.

8.2.1 Configuration Procedure (Point-to-Point Transparently

Transmitted E-Line Services)
This section describes how to perform parameter settings and other relevant operations as
required in the procedures for configuring point-to-point transparently transmitted E-Line

Configuration Flow Chart

Figure 8-19 provides the procedures for configuring point-to-point transparently transmitted E-
Line services.

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Figure 8-19 Configuration flow chart (point-to-point transparently transmitted E-Line services)
Required Start

Configuring LAGs

Configuring E-Line services

Configuring Ethernet ports

Configuring IF_ETH ports

Configuring QoS

Verifying Ethernet service



The procedures in the configuration flow chart are described as follows.

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Procedure for Configuring LAG on Native Ethernet ports

Table 8-10 Procedure for Configuring LAG on Native Ethernet ports

Operation Description

A.7.2.1 Required if LAG protection is configured for FE/GE ports or for the
Creating a Integrated IP radio that works in N+0/XPIC mode. Set the parameters as
LAG follows:
l Set LAG Type to the same value as that at the opposite end. Generally,
set LAG Type to Static at both ends.
l For FE/GE ports, set Load Sharing to the same value as that at the
opposite end. It is recommended that you set Load Sharing to Non-
Sharing at both ends, if the LAG is configured only to provide
protection. It is recommended that you set Load Sharing to Sharing
at both ends, if the LAG is configured to increase the bandwidth.
l Set Load Sharing to Sharing at both ends, if Integrated IP radio works
in N+0/XPIC mode and uses LAG protection.
l Set Revertive Mode to the same value as that at the opposite end.
Generally, set Revertive Mode to Revertive at both ends. This
parameter is valid only to LAGs whose Load Sharing is set to Non-
l It is recommended that the main and slave ports take the same settings
at both ends. In this case, you can set System Priority as required. It
is recommended that this parameter take its default value. This
parameter is valid only to static LAGs.
l For an air interface LAG, to enable microwave signal degrade to trigger
LAG switching, set Switch LAG upon Air Interface SD to
l Set Main Board, Main Port, and Selected Standby Ports according
to the network plan. It is recommended that the main and slave ports
take the same settings at both ends.
Set the AM attributes to the same value for the microwave ports in a LAG.

A.7.2.2 Setting Required if Load Sharing is set to Sharing.

LAG Set this parameter to the same value as for the opposite equipment. Unless
Parameters otherwise specified, this parameter takes its default value. This parameter
is applicable only to load-sharing LAGs.

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Procedures for Configuring Point-to-Point Transparently Transmitted E-Line


Table 8-11 Procedures for configuring point-to-point transparently transmitted E-Line services
Operation Description

A.7.3.2 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

Configuring l Set Direction to UNI-UNI.
Line Services l Set Source Interface and Sink Interface according to the planning
l Source VLAN ID and Sink VLAN ID remain null.
l In the case of an Ethernet port that is connected to external equipment,
set Working Mode to be the same value as the external equipment
(generally, the working mode of the external equipment is auto-
negotiation). In the case of an Ethernet port within the network, set
Working Mode to Auto-Negotiation.
l Set Port Mode to Layer 2 and set Encapsulation Type to Null.

A.7.3.6 Required when the VLAN tags of the Ethernet service need to be swapped
Creating a at the source and sink.
VLAN Set the parameters according to the network planning information.
Table for an E- The corresponding VLAN forwarding table entries need to be configured for the
Line Service source port and sink port.

Procedures for Configuring Ethernet Ports

Table 8-12 Procedures for configuring Ethernet ports

Operation Description

Setting the A.6.6.1 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

parameters Setting the l In the case of used ports, set Enable Port to Enabled. In
of Ethernet General the case of unused ports, set Enable Port to Disabled.
ports Attributes
of Ethernet l When jumbo frames are transmitted, set Max Frame
Ports Length(byte) according to the actual length of the jumbo
frames. Otherwise, it is recommended that you set Max
Frame Length(byte) to 1536.

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Operation Description

A.6.6.2 Required when the flow control function is enabled on the

Configuring external equipment to which the Ethernet port is connected.
the Traffic Set the parameters as follows:
Control of l When the external equipment uses the non-auto-
Ethernet negotiation flow control function, set Non-
Ports Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to Enable
Symmetric Flow Control.
l When the external equipment uses the auto-negotiation
flow control function, set Auto-Negotiation Flow
Control Mode to Enable Symmetric Flow Control.

A.6.6.5 Optional.
Setting the
of Ethernet

Setting the A.6.7.1 Optional.

parameters Setting the
of IF_ETH General
ports Attributes

A.6.7.4 Optional.
Setting the NOTE
Advanced l For the ISU2/ISX2, it is recommended that you set Speed Air
Attributes Interface Transmission at L2 and Speed Air Interface
of IF_ETH Transmission at L3 to Enabled, if the corresponding permission
Ports to enable the two functions is already obtained.
l When Speed Air Interface Transmission at L3 is set to
Enabled, Encapsulation Type of the ISU2 and ISX2 boards
cannot be set to Null.
l Set Speed Air Interface Transmission at L2 and Speed Air
Interface Transmission at L3 consistently for both ends of a
radio link.

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Procedures for Configuring QoS

Table 8-13 Procedures for configuring QoS

Operation Description

A.7.7.2 Required if the default mappings for the DS domain are inapplicable.
Modifying the Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
Relationships You can learn the default mappings for the DS domain by referring to A.
for the DS 7.7.10 Querying the DS Domain of a Port.

A.7.7.3 Required if the trusted packet type of the port is different from the default
Changing the trusted packet type (C-VLAN priority) applied to the DS domain.
Ports Applied Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
to a DS Domain
and Their
Trusted Packet

A.7.7.1 Required if you need to create more than one DS domain.

Creating a DS Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

A.7.7.4 Required if you need to apply QoS policies other than DS and port shaping
Creating a Port for a specific port.
Policy Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

A.7.7.6 Required if you need to perform the ACL, CoS, CAR or shaping operation
Creating for a specific flow over the port.
Traffic Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

A.7.7.7 Setting Required if a port policy is created.

the Port That Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
Uses the Port

A.7.7.8 Required if you need to limit the egress bandwidth that an Ethernet service
Configuring occupies.
Port Shaping Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

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Procedures for Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations

Table 8-14 Procedures for verifying Ethernet service configurations

Operation Description

A.7.8.1 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating an test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MD l Set Maintenance Domain Name and Maintenance Domain Level to
the same values for the NEs.
l For an Ethernet service between two edge nodes on the transport
network, it is recommended that Maintenance Domain Level takes its
default value of 4. For an Ethernet service between two internal NEs
on the transport network, set Maintenance Domain Level to a value
smaller than 4. For an Ethernet service between two Ethernet ports on
the same NE, set Maintenance Domain Level to a value smaller than
the value that is set in the test of an Ethernet service between two
internal NEs on the transport network.

A.7.8.2 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating an test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MA l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance
Domain Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the same value for the NEs.
l Set Relevant Service to the same service for the NEs.
l It is recommended that you set CC Test Transmit Period to 1s.

A.7.8.3 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MEPs l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance
Association Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Board and Port to the Ethernet ports that are involved in the service
l Set MP ID to different values for MEPs in the same MD.
l If the OAM information initiated by the MEP travels through the packet
switching unit on the local NE, set Direction of the MEP to Ingress.
Otherwise, set Direction to Egress.
l Set CC Status to Active, as the MEP ID is used to identify the MEP
during the LB test.

A.7.8.4 Required for the NE where the Ethernet ports involved in the OAM
Creating operation are located. Set the parameters as follows:
Remote MEPs l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance
in an MA Domain Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance
Association Name that is set in the preceding step.
l To ensure that an MEP can respond to the OAM operations initiated
by the other MEPs in the same MA, you need to set the other MEPs as
the remote MEPs.

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Operation Description

Perform an LB Required.
test to test the The LB test result should show that no packet loss occurs.

8.2.2 Configuration Procedure (VLAN-Based E-Line Services)

This section describes the procedures for configuring the service information, port information,
protection information, and QoS information of an VLAN-based E-Line service and the
procedure for verifying the service configurations.

Configuration Flow Chart

Figure 8-20 provides the procedures for configuring VLAN-based E-Line services.

Figure 8-20 Configuration flow chart (VLAN-based E-Line services)

Required Start

Configuring LAGs

Configuring E-Line

Configuring Ethernet ports

Configuring IF_ETH ports

Configuring QoS

Verifying Ethernet service



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Procedure for Configuring LAG on Native Ethernet ports

Table 8-15 Procedure for Configuring LAG on Native Ethernet ports

Operation Description

A.7.2.1 Required if LAG protection is configured for FE/GE ports or for the
Creating a Integrated IP radio that works in N+0/XPIC mode. Set the parameters as
LAG follows:
l Set LAG Type to the same value as that at the opposite end. Generally,
set LAG Type to Static at both ends.
l For FE/GE ports, set Load Sharing to the same value as that at the
opposite end. It is recommended that you set Load Sharing to Non-
Sharing at both ends, if the LAG is configured only to provide
protection. It is recommended that you set Load Sharing to Sharing
at both ends, if the LAG is configured to increase the bandwidth.
l Set Load Sharing to Sharing at both ends, if Integrated IP radio works
in N+0/XPIC mode and uses LAG protection.
l Set Revertive Mode to the same value as that at the opposite end.
Generally, set Revertive Mode to Revertive at both ends. This
parameter is valid only to LAGs whose Load Sharing is set to Non-
l It is recommended that the main and slave ports take the same settings
at both ends. In this case, you can set System Priority as required. It
is recommended that this parameter take its default value. This
parameter is valid only to static LAGs.
l For an air interface LAG, to enable microwave signal degrade to trigger
LAG switching, set Switch LAG upon Air Interface SD to
l Set Main Board, Main Port, and Selected Standby Ports according
to the network plan. It is recommended that the main and slave ports
take the same settings at both ends.
Set the AM attributes to the same value for the microwave ports in a LAG.

A.7.2.2 Setting Required if Load Sharing is set to Sharing.

LAG Set this parameter to the same value as for the opposite equipment. Unless
Parameters otherwise specified, this parameter takes its default value. This parameter
is applicable only to load-sharing LAGs.

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Procedures for Configuring VLAN-Based E-Line Services

Table 8-16 Procedures for configuring VLAN-based E-Line services

Operation Description

A.7.3.2 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

Configuring l Set Direction to UNI-UNI.
Line Services l Set Source Interface and Sink Interface according to the network
planning information.
l Set Source VLAN ID and Sink VLAN ID according to the network
planning information. The two parameters should be set to the same
l Set Port Mode to Layer 2 and set Encapsulation Type to 802.1Q.
l In the case of the Ethernet port that is connected to the external
equipment, set Working Mode to be the same value as the external
equipment (generally, the working mode of the external equipment is
auto-negotiation). In the case of the Ethernet ports within the network,
set Working Mode to Auto-Negotiation.

A.7.3.6 Required when the VLAN tags of the Ethernet service need to be switched
Creating a at the source and sink.
VLAN The parameters need to be set according to the network planning
Forwarding information.
Table for an E-
Line Service The corresponding VLAN forwarding table items need to be configured for the
source port and sink port.

Procedures for Configuring Ethernet Ports

Table 8-17 Procedures for configuring Ethernet ports

Operation Description

Setting the A.6.6.1 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

parameters Setting the l In the case of used ports, set Enable Port to Enabled. In
of Ethernet General the case of unused ports, set Enable Port to Disabled.
ports Attributes
of Ethernet l When jumbo frames are transmitted, set Max Frame
Ports Length(byte) according to the actual length of the jumbo
frames. Otherwise, it is recommended that you set Max
Frame Length(byte) to 1536.

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Operation Description

A.6.6.2 Required when the flow control function is enabled on the

Configuring external equipment to which the Ethernet port is connected.
the Traffic Set the parameters as follows:
Control of l When the external equipment uses the non-auto-
Ethernet negotiation flow control function, set Non-
Ports Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to Enable
Symmetric Flow Control.
l When the external equipment uses the auto-negotiation
flow control function, set Auto-Negotiation Flow
Control Mode to Enable Symmetric Flow Control.

A.6.6.3 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

Setting the l If all the accessed services carry VLAN tags (tagged
Layer 2 frames), set TAG to Tag Aware.
of Ethernet l If none of the accessed services carries VLAN tags
Ports (untagged frames), set TAG to Access, and set Default
VLAN ID and VLAN Priority according to the network
planning information.
l When the accessed services contain tagged frames and
untagged frames, set TAG to Hybrid, and set Default
VLAN ID and VLAN Priority according to the network
planning information.

A.6.6.5 Optional.
Setting the
of Ethernet

Setting the A.6.7.1 Optional.

parameters Setting the
of IF_ETH General
ports Attributes

A.6.7.4 Optional.
Setting the NOTE
Advanced l For the ISU2/ISX2, it is recommended that you set Speed Air
Attributes Interface Transmission at L2 and Speed Air Interface
of IF_ETH Transmission at L3 to Enabled, if the corresponding permission
Ports to enable the two functions is already obtained.
l When Speed Air Interface Transmission at L3 is set to
Enabled, Encapsulation Type of the ISU2 and ISX2 boards
cannot be set to Null.
l Set Speed Air Interface Transmission at L2 and Speed Air
Interface Transmission at L3 consistently for both ends of a
radio link.

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Procedures for Configuring QoS

Table 8-18 Procedures for configuring QoS

Operation Description

A.7.7.2 Required if the default mappings for the DS domain are inapplicable.
Modifying the Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
Relationships You can learn the default mappings for the DS domain by referring to A.
for the DS 7.7.10 Querying the DS Domain of a Port.

A.7.7.3 Required if the trusted packet type of the port is different from the default
Changing the trusted packet type (C-VLAN priority) applied to the DS domain.
Ports Applied Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
to a DS Domain
and Their
Trusted Packet

A.7.7.1 Required if you need to create more than one DS domain.

Creating a DS Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

A.7.7.4 Required if you need to apply QoS policies other than DS and port shaping
Creating a Port for a specific port.
Policy Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

A.7.7.6 Required if you need to perform the ACL, CoS, CAR or shaping operation
Creating for a specific flow over the port.
Traffic Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

A.7.7.7 Setting Required if a port policy is created.

the Port That Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
Uses the Port

A.7.7.8 Required if you need to limit the egress bandwidth that an Ethernet service
Configuring occupies.
Port Shaping Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

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Procedures for Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations

Table 8-19 Procedures for verifying Ethernet service configurations

Operation Description

A.7.8.1 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating an test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MD l Set Maintenance Domain Name and Maintenance Domain Level to
the same values for the NEs.
l For an Ethernet service between two edge nodes on the transport
network, it is recommended that Maintenance Domain Level takes its
default value of 4. For an Ethernet service between two internal NEs
on the transport network, set Maintenance Domain Level to a value
smaller than 4. For an Ethernet service between two Ethernet ports on
the same NE, set Maintenance Domain Level to a value smaller than
the value that is set in the test of an Ethernet service between two
internal NEs on the transport network.

A.7.8.2 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating an test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MA l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance
Domain Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the same value for the NEs.
l Set Relevant Service to the same service for the NEs.
l It is recommended that you set CC Test Transmit Period to 1s.

A.7.8.3 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MEPs l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance
Association Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Board and Port to the Ethernet ports that are involved in the service
l Set MP ID to different values for MEPs in the same MD.
l If the OAM information initiated by the MEP travels through the packet
switching unit on the local NE, set Direction of the MEP to Ingress.
Otherwise, set Direction to Egress.
l Set CC Status to Active, as the MEP ID is used to identify the MEP
during the LB test.

A.7.8.4 Required for the NE where the Ethernet ports involved in the OAM
Creating operation are located. Set the parameters as follows:
Remote MEPs l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance
in an MA Domain Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance
Association Name that is set in the preceding step.
l To ensure that an MEP can respond to the OAM operations initiated
by the other MEPs in the same MA, you need to set the other MEPs as
the remote MEPs.

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Operation Description

Perform an LB Required.
test to test the The LB test result should show that no packet loss occurs.

8.2.3 Configuration Procedure (QinQ-Based E-Line Services)

This section describes the procedures for configuring the service information, port information,
protection information, and QoS information of a QinQ-based E-Line service and the procedure
for verifying the service configurations.

Configuration Flow Chart

Figure 8-21 provides the procedures for configuring QinQ-based E-Line services.

Figure 8-21 Configuration flow chart (QinQ-based E-Line services)

Required Start

Configuring Ethernet

Configuring IF_ETH

Configuring LAGs

Configuring E-Line

Configuring QoS

Verifying Ethernet
service configurations


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Procedures for Configuring Ethernet Ports

Table 8-20 Procedures for configuring Ethernet ports

Operation Description

Setting the A.6.6.1 Setting Required. Set the parameters as follows:

parameters of the General l In the case of used ports, set Enable Port to
Ethernet ports Attributes of Enabled. In the case of unused ports, set Enable
Ethernet Ports Port to Disabled.
l If a UNI can access untagged frames, set Port
Mode to Layer 2 and set Encapsulation Type to
Null. If a UNI can access tagged frames only, set Port
Mode to Layer 2 and set Encapsulation Type to
l In the case of an NNI, set Port Mode to Layer 2 and
set Encapsulation Type to QinQ.
l When jumbo frames are transmitted, set Max Frame
Length(byte) according to the actual length of the
jumbo frames. Otherwise, it is recommended that you
set Max Frame Length(byte) to 1536.

A.6.6.2 Required when the flow control function is enabled on

Configuring the external equipment to which the Ethernet port is
the Traffic connected. Set the parameters as follows:
Control of l When the external equipment uses the non-auto-
Ethernet Ports negotiation flow control function, set Non-
Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to Enable
Symmetric Flow Control.
l When the external equipment uses the auto-
negotiation flow control function, set Auto-
Negotiation Flow Control Mode to Enable
Symmetric Flow Control.

A.6.6.3 Setting Required.

the Layer 2 In the case of an NNI that is connected to the external
Attributes of equipment, set QinQ Type Domain according to the T-
Ethernet Ports PID of the S-VLAN that is supported by the external
equipment. In the case of NNIs within the network, QinQ
Type Domain takes the default value.

A.6.6.5 Setting Optional.

the Advanced
Attributes of
Ethernet Ports

Setting the A.6.7.1 Setting Required.

parameters of the General Set Port Mode to Layer 2 and set Encapsulation
IF_ETH ports Attributes of Type to QinQ.
IF_ETH Ports

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Operation Description

A.6.7.2 Setting Optional.

the Layer 2 In the case of an NNI that is connected to the external
Attributes of equipment, set QinQ Type Domain according to the T-
IF_ETH Ports PID of the S-VLAN that is supported by the external
equipment. In the case of NNIs within the network, QinQ
Type Domain takes the default value.

A.6.7.4 Setting Optional.

the Advanced NOTE
Attributes of l For the ISU2/ISX2, it is recommended that you set Speed
IF_ETH Ports Air Interface Transmission at L2 and Speed Air
Interface Transmission at L3 to Enabled, if the
corresponding permission to enable the two functions is
already obtained.
l When Speed Air Interface Transmission at L3 is set to
Enabled, Encapsulation Type of the ISU2 and ISX2
boards cannot be set to Null.
l Set Speed Air Interface Transmission at L2 and Speed
Air Interface Transmission at L3 consistently for both
ends of a radio link.

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Procedure for Configuring LAG on Native Ethernet ports

Table 8-21 Procedure for Configuring LAG on Native Ethernet ports

Operation Description

A.7.2.1 Required if LAG protection is configured for FE/GE ports or for the
Creating a Integrated IP radio that works in N+0/XPIC mode. Set the parameters as
LAG follows:
l Set LAG Type to the same value as that at the opposite end. Generally,
set LAG Type to Static at both ends.
l For FE/GE ports, set Load Sharing to the same value as that at the
opposite end. It is recommended that you set Load Sharing to Non-
Sharing at both ends, if the LAG is configured only to provide
protection. It is recommended that you set Load Sharing to Sharing
at both ends, if the LAG is configured to increase the bandwidth.
l Set Load Sharing to Sharing at both ends, if Integrated IP radio works
in N+0/XPIC mode and uses LAG protection.
l Set Revertive Mode to the same value as that at the opposite end.
Generally, set Revertive Mode to Revertive at both ends. This
parameter is valid only to LAGs whose Load Sharing is set to Non-
l It is recommended that the main and slave ports take the same settings
at both ends. In this case, you can set System Priority as required. It
is recommended that this parameter take its default value. This
parameter is valid only to static LAGs.
l For an air interface LAG, to enable microwave signal degrade to trigger
LAG switching, set Switch LAG upon Air Interface SD to
l Set Main Board, Main Port, and Selected Standby Ports according
to the network plan. It is recommended that the main and slave ports
take the same settings at both ends.
Set the AM attributes to the same value for the microwave ports in a LAG.

A.7.2.2 Setting Required if Load Sharing is set to Sharing.

LAG Set this parameter to the same value as for the opposite equipment. Unless
Parameters otherwise specified, this parameter takes its default value. This parameter
is applicable only to load-sharing LAGs.

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Procedures for Configuring QinQ-Based E-Line Services

Table 8-22 Procedures for configuring QinQ-based E-Line services

Operation Description

A.7.3.1 Required.
Configuring Set the parameters according to the network planning information.
the QinQ Link

A.7.3.4 Required.
Configuring Set the parameters according to the network planning information.
Line Services
(Carried by
QinQ Links)

Procedures for Configuring QoS

Table 8-23 Procedures for configuring QoS

Operation Description

A.7.7.2 Required if the default mappings for the DS domain are inapplicable.
Modifying the Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
Relationships You can learn the default mappings for the DS domain by referring to A.
for the DS 7.7.10 Querying the DS Domain of a Port.

A.7.7.3 Required if the trusted packet type of the port is different from the default
Changing the trusted packet type (C-VLAN priority) applied to the DS domain.
Ports Applied Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
to a DS Domain
and Their
Trusted Packet

A.7.7.1 Required if you need to create more than one DS domain.

Creating a DS Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

A.7.7.4 Required if you need to apply QoS policies other than DS and port shaping
Creating a Port for a specific port.
Policy Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

A.7.7.6 Required if you need to perform the ACL, CoS, CAR or shaping operation
Creating for a specific flow over the port.
Traffic Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

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Operation Description

A.7.7.7 Setting Required if a port policy is created.

the Port That Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
Uses the Port

A.7.7.8 Required if you need to limit the egress bandwidth that an Ethernet service
Configuring occupies.
Port Shaping Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

Procedures for Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations

Table 8-24 Procedures for verifying Ethernet service configurations

Operation Description

A.7.8.1 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating an test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MD l Set Maintenance Domain Name and Maintenance Domain Level to
the same values for the NEs.
l For an Ethernet service between two edge nodes on the transport
network, it is recommended that Maintenance Domain Level takes its
default value of 4. For an Ethernet service between two internal NEs
on the transport network, set Maintenance Domain Level to a value
smaller than 4. For an Ethernet service between two Ethernet ports on
the same NE, set Maintenance Domain Level to a value smaller than
the value that is set in the test of an Ethernet service between two
internal NEs on the transport network.

A.7.8.2 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating an test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MA l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance
Domain Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the same value for the NEs.
l Set Relevant Service to the same service for the NEs.
l It is recommended that you set CC Test Transmit Period to 1s.

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Operation Description

A.7.8.3 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MEPs l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance
Association Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Board and Port to the Ethernet ports that are involved in the service
l Set MP ID to different values for MEPs in the same MD.
l If the OAM information initiated by the MEP travels through the packet
switching unit on the local NE, set Direction of the MEP to Ingress.
Otherwise, set Direction to Egress.
l Set CC Status to Active, as the MEP ID is used to identify the MEP
during the LB test.

A.7.8.4 Required for the NE where the Ethernet ports involved in the OAM
Creating operation are located. Set the parameters as follows:
Remote MEPs l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance
in an MA Domain Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance
Association Name that is set in the preceding step.
l To ensure that an MEP can respond to the OAM operations initiated
by the other MEPs in the same MA, you need to set the other MEPs as
the remote MEPs.

Perform an LB Required.
test to test the The LB test result should show that no packet loss occurs.

8.2.4 Configuration Procedure (IEEE 802.1d Bridge-Based E-LAN

This section describes the procedures for configuring the service information, port information,
protection information, and QoS information of an IEEE 802.1d bridge-based E-LAN service
and the procedure for verifying the service configurations.

Configuration Flow Chart

Figure 8-22 provides the procedures for configuring IEEE 802.1d-bridge-based E-LAN

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Figure 8-22 Configuration flow chart (IEEE 802.1d bridge-based E-LAN services)
Required Start

Configuring Ethernet ports

Configuring IF_ETH ports

Configuring LAGs

Configuring ERPS protection

Configuring E-LAN services

Configuring QoS

Verifying Ethernet service



The procedures in the configuration flow chart are described as follows.

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Procedures for Configuring Ethernet Ports

Table 8-25 Procedures for configuring Ethernet ports

Operation Description

Setting the A.6.6.1 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

parameters Setting the l For used ports, set Enable Port to Enabled. For unused
of Ethernet General ports, set Enable Port to Disabled.
ports Attributes
of Ethernet l Set Port Mode to Layer 2 and set Encapsulation Type
Ports to Null.
l In the case of an Ethernet port that is connected to external
equipment, set Working Mode to be the same value as the
external equipment (generally, the working mode of the
external equipment is auto-negotiation). In the case of an
Ethernet port within the network, set Working Mode to
l When jumbo frames are transmitted, set Max Frame
Length(byte) according to the actual length of the jumbo
frames. Otherwise, it is recommended that you set Max
Frame Length(byte) to 1536.

A.6.6.5 Required when you need to enable the port self-loop test and
Setting the automatic loopback shutdown functions or to enable the
Advanced broadcast packet suppression function.
Attributes Set Loopback Check, Loopback Port Shutdown, Enabling
of Ethernet Broadcast Packet Suppression, and Broadcast Packet
Ports Suppression Threshold according to the actual

Setting the A.6.7.1 Required.

parameters Setting the Set Port Mode to Layer 2 and set Encapsulation Type to
of IF_ETH General Null.
ports Attributes

A.6.7.4 Optional.
Setting the When the IF_ETH port transmits an Ethernet service that
Advanced permits bit errors, such as a voice service or a video service,
Attributes you can set Error Frame Discard Enabled to Disabled.
l For the ISU2/ISX2, it is recommended that you set Speed Air
Interface Transmission at L2 and Speed Air Interface
Transmission at L3 to Enabled, if the corresponding permission
to enable the two functions is already obtained.
l When Speed Air Interface Transmission at L3 is set to
Enabled, Encapsulation Type of the ISU2 and ISX2 boards
cannot be set to Null.
l Set Speed Air Interface Transmission at L2 and Speed Air
Interface Transmission at L3 consistently for both ends of a
radio link.

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Procedure for Configuring LAG on Native Ethernet ports

Table 8-26 Procedure for Configuring LAG on Native Ethernet ports

Operation Description

A.7.2.1 Required if LAG protection is configured for FE/GE ports or for the
Creating a Integrated IP radio that works in N+0/XPIC mode. Set the parameters as
LAG follows:
l Set LAG Type to the same value as that at the opposite end. Generally,
set LAG Type to Static at both ends.
l For FE/GE ports, set Load Sharing to the same value as that at the
opposite end. It is recommended that you set Load Sharing to Non-
Sharing at both ends, if the LAG is configured only to provide
protection. It is recommended that you set Load Sharing to Sharing
at both ends, if the LAG is configured to increase the bandwidth.
l Set Load Sharing to Sharing at both ends, if Integrated IP radio works
in N+0/XPIC mode and uses LAG protection.
l Set Revertive Mode to the same value as that at the opposite end.
Generally, set Revertive Mode to Revertive at both ends. This
parameter is valid only to LAGs whose Load Sharing is set to Non-
l It is recommended that the main and slave ports take the same settings
at both ends. In this case, you can set System Priority as required. It
is recommended that this parameter take its default value. This
parameter is valid only to static LAGs.
l For an air interface LAG, to enable microwave signal degrade to trigger
LAG switching, set Switch LAG upon Air Interface SD to
l Set Main Board, Main Port, and Selected Standby Ports according
to the network plan. It is recommended that the main and slave ports
take the same settings at both ends.
Set the AM attributes to the same value for the microwave ports in a LAG.

A.7.2.2 Setting Required if Load Sharing is set to Sharing.

LAG Set this parameter to the same value as for the opposite equipment. Unless
Parameters otherwise specified, this parameter takes its default value. This parameter
is applicable only to load-sharing LAGs.

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Procedures for Configuring ERPS Protection

Table 8-27 Procedures for configuring ERPS protection

Operation Description

A.7.1.1 Required when an Ethernet ring needs to be protected and service loops
Creating need to be avoided on the Ethernet ring.
Ethernet Ring

A.7.1.2 Setting Required if the values of the default parameters of the ERPS timers need
the Parameters to be changed.
of Ethernet Set Hold-Off Time(ms), Guard Time(ms), WTR Time(mm:ss), and
Ring Protocol Packet Transmit Interval(s) according to the actual requirements. Set
these parameters to the same values for all the NEs on the network.

Procedures for Configuring IEEE 802.1d-Bridge-Based E-LAN Services

Table 8-28 Procedures for configuring IEEE 802.1d-bridge-based E-LAN services

Operation Description

A.7.3.8 Configuring IEEE Required. Set the parameters as follows:

802.1d Bridge-Based E- l Set Tag Type to Tag-Transparent.
LAN Services
l Set Self-Learning MAC Address to Enabled according
to the planning information.
l In Get UNI Port, set Port according to the planning
information and set and VLAN (e.g. 1,3-5) to null.
l Set Port Mode to Layer 2 and set Encapsulation Type
to Null.
l In the case of an Ethernet port that is connected to external
equipment, set Working Mode to be the same value as the
external equipment (generally, the working mode of the
external equipment is auto-negotiation). In the case of an
Ethernet port within the network, set Working Mode to
l To disable the packet forwarding between certain E-LAN
service ports, add the ports to Split Horizon Group

Managing A.7.4.2 Required when usage of E-LAN services needs to be disabled

the MAC Creating a on certain MAC address host.
address table Blacklist Set the parameters according to the network planning
Entry of information.

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Operation Description

A.7.4.1 Required if you need to set certain MAC address entries not
Creating a to age.
Static MAC Set the parameters according to the network planning
Address information.

A.7.4.3 Required if the aging function needs to be disabled or if the

Configuring default aging time (five minutes) needs to be changed.
the Aging Set the parameters according to the network planning
Parameters information.
of a MAC

A.7.5 Setting the Mode for Optional.

Processing an Unknown
Frame of the E-LAN

Procedures for Configuring QoS

Table 8-29 Procedures for configuring QoS

Operation Description

A.7.7.2 Required if the default mappings for the DS domain are inapplicable.
Modifying the Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
Relationships You can learn the default mappings for the DS domain by referring to A.
for the DS 7.7.10 Querying the DS Domain of a Port.

A.7.7.3 Required if the trusted packet type of the port is different from the default
Changing the trusted packet type (C-VLAN priority) applied to the DS domain.
Ports Applied Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
to a DS Domain
and Their
Trusted Packet

A.7.7.1 Required if you need to create more than one DS domain.

Creating a DS Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

A.7.7.4 Required if you need to apply QoS policies other than DS and port shaping
Creating a Port for a specific port.
Policy Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

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Operation Description

A.7.7.6 Required if you need to perform the ACL, CoS, CAR or shaping operation
Creating for a specific flow over the port.
Traffic Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

A.7.7.7 Setting Required if a port policy is created.

the Port That Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
Uses the Port

A.7.7.8 Required if you need to limit the egress bandwidth that an Ethernet service
Configuring occupies.
Port Shaping Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

Procedures for Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations

Table 8-30 Procedures for verifying Ethernet service configurations

Operation Description

A.7.8.1 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating an test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MD l Set Maintenance Domain Name and Maintenance Domain Level to
the same values for the NEs.
l For an Ethernet service between two edge nodes on the transport
network, it is recommended that Maintenance Domain Level takes its
default value of 4. For an Ethernet service between two internal NEs
on the transport network, set Maintenance Domain Level to a value
smaller than 4. For an Ethernet service between two Ethernet ports on
the same NE, set Maintenance Domain Level to a value smaller than
the value that is set in the test of an Ethernet service between two
internal NEs on the transport network.

A.7.8.2 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating an test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MA l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance
Domain Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the same value for the NEs.
l Set Relevant Service to the same service for the NEs.
l It is recommended that you set CC Test Transmit Period to 1s.

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Operation Description

A.7.8.3 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MEPs l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance
Association Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Board and Port to the Ethernet ports that are involved in the service
l Set MP ID to different values for MEPs in the same MD.
l If the OAM information initiated by the MEP travels through the packet
switching unit on the local NE, set Direction of the MEP to Ingress.
Otherwise, set Direction to Egress.
l Set CC Status to Active, as the MEP ID is used to identify the MEP
during the LB test.

A.7.8.4 Required for the NE where the Ethernet ports involved in the OAM
Creating operation are located. Set the parameters as follows:
Remote MEPs l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance
in an MA Domain Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance
Association Name that is set in the preceding step.
l To ensure that an MEP can respond to the OAM operations initiated
by the other MEPs in the same MA, you need to set the other MEPs as
the remote MEPs.

Perform an LB Required.
test to test the The LB test result should show that no packet loss occurs.

8.2.5 Configuration Procedure (IEEE 802.1q Bridge-Based E-LAN

This section describes the procedures for configuring the service information, port information,
protection information, and QoS information of an IEEE 802.1q bridge-based E-LAN service
and the procedure for verifying the service configurations.

Configuration Flow Chart

Figure 8-23 provides the procedures for configuring IEEE 802.1q bridge-based E-LAN services.

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Figure 8-23 Configuration flow chart (IEEE 802.1q bridge-based E-LAN services)
Required Start

Configure Ethernet ports.

Configure IF_ETH ports.

Configure LAGs.

Configure ERPS protection.

Configure E-LAN services

Configure QoS

Verify Ethernet service



The detailed information about the procedures in the flow chart is provided as follows.

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Procedures for Configuring Ethernet Ports

Table 8-31 Procedures for configuring Ethernet ports

Operation Description

Setting the A.6.6.1 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

parameters Setting the l In the case of used ports, set Enable Port to Enabled. In
of Ethernet General the case of unused ports, set Enable Port to Disabled.
ports Attributes
of Ethernet l Set Port Mode to Layer 2 and set Encapsulation Type
Ports to 802.1Q.
l In the case of the Ethernet port that is connected to the
external equipment, set Working Mode to be the same
value as the external equipment (generally, the working
mode of the external equipment is auto-negotiation). In the
case of the Ethernet ports within the network, set Working
Mode to Auto-Negotiation.
l When jumbo frames are transmitted, set Max Frame
Length(byte) according to the actual length of the jumbo
frames. Otherwise, it is recommended that you set Max
Frame Length(byte) to 1536.

A.6.6.3 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

Setting the l If all the accessed services carry VLAN tags (tagged
Layer 2 frames), set TAG to Tag Aware.
of Ethernet l If none of the accessed services carries VLAN tags
Ports (untagged frames), set TAG to Access, and set Default
VLAN ID and VLAN Priority according to the network
planning information.
l When the accessed services contain tagged frames and
untagged frames, set TAG to Hybrid, and set Default
VLAN ID and VLAN Priority according to the network
planning information.

A.6.6.5 Required when you need to enable the port self-loop test and
Setting the automatic loopback shutdown functions or to enable the
Advanced broadcast packet suppression function.
Attributes Set Loopback Check, Loopback Port Shutdown, Enabling
of Ethernet Broadcast Packet Suppression, and Broadcast Packet
Ports Suppression Threshold according to the requirements.

Setting the A.6.7.1 Required.

parameters Setting the Set Port Mode to Layer 2 and set Encapsulation Type to
of IF_ETH General 802.1Q.
ports Attributes

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Operation Description

A.6.7.2 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

Setting the l If all the accessed services carry VLAN tags (tagged
Layer 2 frames), set Tag to Tag Aware.
of IF_ETH l If none of the accessed services carries VLAN tags
Ports (untagged frames), set Tag to Access, and set Default
VLAN ID and VLAN Priority according to the network
planning information.
l When the accessed services contain tagged frames and
untagged frames, set Tag to Hybrid, and set Default
VLAN ID and VLAN Priority according to the network
planning information.

A.6.7.4 Optional.
Setting the When the IF_ETH port transmits an Ethernet service that
Advanced permits bit errors, such as a voice service or a video service,
Attributes you can set Error Frame Discard Enabled to Disabled.
l For the ISU2/ISX2, it is recommended that you set Speed Air
Interface Transmission at L2 and Speed Air Interface
Transmission at L3 to Enabled, if the corresponding permission
to enable the two functions is already obtained.
l When Speed Air Interface Transmission at L3 is set to
Enabled, Encapsulation Type of the ISU2 and ISX2 boards
cannot be set to Null.
l Set Speed Air Interface Transmission at L2 and Speed Air
Interface Transmission at L3 consistently for both ends of a
radio link.

Procedures for Configuring ERPS Protection

Table 8-32 Procedures for configuring ERPS protection

Operation Description

A.7.1.1 Required when an Ethernet ring needs to be protected and service loops
Creating need to be avoided on the Ethernet ring.
Ethernet Ring

A.7.1.2 Setting Required if the values of the default parameters of the ERPS timers need
the Parameters to be changed.
of Ethernet Set Hold-Off Time(ms), Guard Time(ms), WTR Time(mm:ss), and
Ring Protocol Packet Transmit Interval(s) according to the actual requirements. Set
these parameters to the same values for all the NEs on the network.

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Procedure for Configuring LAG on Native Ethernet ports

Table 8-33 Procedure for Configuring LAG on Native Ethernet ports

Operation Description

A.7.2.1 Required if LAG protection is configured for FE/GE ports or for the
Creating a Integrated IP radio that works in N+0/XPIC mode. Set the parameters as
LAG follows:
l Set LAG Type to the same value as that at the opposite end. Generally,
set LAG Type to Static at both ends.
l For FE/GE ports, set Load Sharing to the same value as that at the
opposite end. It is recommended that you set Load Sharing to Non-
Sharing at both ends, if the LAG is configured only to provide
protection. It is recommended that you set Load Sharing to Sharing
at both ends, if the LAG is configured to increase the bandwidth.
l Set Load Sharing to Sharing at both ends, if Integrated IP radio works
in N+0/XPIC mode and uses LAG protection.
l Set Revertive Mode to the same value as that at the opposite end.
Generally, set Revertive Mode to Revertive at both ends. This
parameter is valid only to LAGs whose Load Sharing is set to Non-
l It is recommended that the main and slave ports take the same settings
at both ends. In this case, you can set System Priority as required. It
is recommended that this parameter take its default value. This
parameter is valid only to static LAGs.
l For an air interface LAG, to enable microwave signal degrade to trigger
LAG switching, set Switch LAG upon Air Interface SD to
l Set Main Board, Main Port, and Selected Standby Ports according
to the network plan. It is recommended that the main and slave ports
take the same settings at both ends.
Set the AM attributes to the same value for the microwave ports in a LAG.

A.7.2.2 Setting Required if Load Sharing is set to Sharing.

LAG Set this parameter to the same value as for the opposite equipment. Unless
Parameters otherwise specified, this parameter takes its default value. This parameter
is applicable only to load-sharing LAGs.

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Procedures for Configuring IEEE 802.1q Bridge-Based E-LAN Services

Table 8-34 Procedures for configuring IEEE 802.1q bridge-based E-LAN services
Operation Description

A.7.3.9 Configuring IEEE Required. Set the parameters as follows:

802.1q Bridge-Based E- l Set Tag Type to C-Awared.
LAN Services
l Set Self-Learning MAC Address to Enabled according
to the planning information.
l In Get UNI Port, set Port and VLAN (e.g. 1,3-5)
according to the planning information.
l Set Port Mode to Layer 2 and set Encapsulation Type
to 802.1Q.
l In the case of the Ethernet port that is connected to the
external equipment, set Working Mode to be the same
value as the external equipment (generally, the working
mode of the external equipment is auto-negotiation). In the
case of the Ethernet ports within the network, set Working
Mode to Auto-Negotiation.
l To disable the packet forwarding between certain E-LAN
service ports, add the ports to Split Horizon Group

Managing A.7.4.2 Required when usage of E-LAN services needs to be disabled

the MAC Creating a on certain MAC address host.
address table Blacklist Set the parameters according to the network planning
Entry of information.

A.7.4.1 Required if you need to set certain MAC address entries not
Creating a to age.
Static MAC Set the parameters according to the network planning
Address information.

A.7.4.3 Required if the aging function needs to be disabled or if the

Configuring default aging time (five minutes) needs to be changed.
the Aging Set the parameters according to the network planning
Parameters information.
of a MAC

A.7.5 Setting the Mode for Optional.

Processing an Unknown
Frame of the E-LAN

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Procedures for Configuring QoS

Table 8-35 Procedures for configuring QoS

Operation Description

A.7.7.2 Required if the default mappings for the DS domain are inapplicable.
Modifying the Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
Relationships You can learn the default mappings for the DS domain by referring to A.
for the DS 7.7.10 Querying the DS Domain of a Port.

A.7.7.3 Required if the trusted packet type of the port is different from the default
Changing the trusted packet type (C-VLAN priority) applied to the DS domain.
Ports Applied Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
to a DS Domain
and Their
Trusted Packet

A.7.7.1 Required if you need to create more than one DS domain.

Creating a DS Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

A.7.7.4 Required if you need to apply QoS policies other than DS and port shaping
Creating a Port for a specific port.
Policy Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

A.7.7.6 Required if you need to perform the ACL, CoS, CAR or shaping operation
Creating for a specific flow over the port.
Traffic Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

A.7.7.7 Setting Required if a port policy is created.

the Port That Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
Uses the Port

A.7.7.8 Required if you need to limit the egress bandwidth that an Ethernet service
Configuring occupies.
Port Shaping Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

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Procedures for Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations

Table 8-36 Procedures for verifying Ethernet service configurations

Operation Description

A.7.8.1 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating an test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MD l Set Maintenance Domain Name and Maintenance Domain Level to
the same values for the NEs.
l For an Ethernet service between two edge nodes on the transport
network, it is recommended that Maintenance Domain Level takes its
default value of 4. For an Ethernet service between two internal NEs
on the transport network, set Maintenance Domain Level to a value
smaller than 4. For an Ethernet service between two Ethernet ports on
the same NE, set Maintenance Domain Level to a value smaller than
the value that is set in the test of an Ethernet service between two
internal NEs on the transport network.

A.7.8.2 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating an test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MA l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance
Domain Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the same value for the NEs.
l Set Relevant Service to the same service for the NEs.
l It is recommended that you set CC Test Transmit Period to 1s.

A.7.8.3 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MEPs l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance
Association Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Board and Port to the Ethernet ports that are involved in the service
l Set MP ID to different values for MEPs in the same MD.
l If the OAM information initiated by the MEP travels through the packet
switching unit on the local NE, set Direction of the MEP to Ingress.
Otherwise, set Direction to Egress.
l Set CC Status to Active, as the MEP ID is used to identify the MEP
during the LB test.

A.7.8.4 Required for the NE where the Ethernet ports involved in the OAM
Creating operation are located. Set the parameters as follows:
Remote MEPs l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance
in an MA Domain Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance
Association Name that is set in the preceding step.
l To ensure that an MEP can respond to the OAM operations initiated
by the other MEPs in the same MA, you need to set the other MEPs as
the remote MEPs.

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Operation Description

Perform an LB Required.
test to test the The LB test result should show that no packet loss occurs.

8.2.6 Configuration Procedure (IEEE 802.1ad Bridge-Based E-LAN

This section describes the procedures for configuring the service information, port information,
protection information, and QoS information of an IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based E-LAN service
and the procedure for verifying the service configurations.

Configuration Flow Chart

Figure 8-24 provides the procedures for configuring IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based E-LAN

Figure 8-24 Configuration flow chart (IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based E-LAN services)
Required Start

Configuring Ethernet ports

Configuring IF_ETH ports

Configuring LAGs

Configuring ERPS protection

Configuring E-LAN services

Configuring QoS

Verifying Ethernet service



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The detailed information about the procedures in the flow chart is provided as follows.

Procedures for Configuring Ethernet Ports

Table 8-37 Procedures for configuring Ethernet ports

Operation Description

Setting the A.6.6.1 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

parameters Setting the l In the case of used ports, set Enable Port to Enabled. In
of Ethernet General the case of unused ports, set Enable Port to Disabled.
ports Attributes
of Ethernet l If a UNI can access untagged frames, set Port Mode to
Ports Layer 2, and set Encapsulation Type to Null. If a UNI
can access tagged frames only, set Encapsulation Type
to 802.1Q.
l In the case of an NNI, set Port Mode to Layer 2, and set
Encapsulation Type to QinQ.
l In the case of the Ethernet port that is connected to the
external equipment, set Working Mode to be the same
value as the external equipment (generally, the working
mode of the external equipment is auto-negotiation). In the
case of the Ethernet ports within the network, set Working
Mode to Auto-Negotiation.
l When jumbo frames are transmitted, set Max Frame
Length(byte) according to the actual length of the jumbo
frames. Otherwise, it is recommended that you set Max
Frame Length(byte) to 1536.

A.6.6.3 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

Setting the l In the case of a UNI, if Encapsulation Type is set to
Layer 2 802.1Q, set TAG to Tag Aware (default value).
of Ethernet l In the case of an NNI that is connected to the external
Ports equipment, set QinQ Type Domain according to the T-
PID of the SVLAN that is supported by the external
equipment. In the case of an NNI within the network,
QinQ Type Domain takes the default value.

A.6.6.5 Required when you need to enable the port self-loop test and
Setting the automatic loopback shutdown functions or to enable the
Advanced broadcast packet suppression function.
Attributes Set Loopback Check, Loopback Port Shutdown, Enabling
of Ethernet Broadcast Packet Suppression, and Broadcast Packet
Ports Suppression Threshold according to the requirements.

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Operation Description

Setting the A.6.7.1 Required.

parameters Setting the l If a UNI can access untagged frames, set Port Mode to
of IF_ETH General Layer 2, and set Encapsulation Type to Null. If a UNI
ports Attributes can access tagged frames only, set Port Mode to Layer
of IF_ETH 2 and set Encapsulation Type to 802.1Q.
l In the case of an NNI, set Port Mode to Layer 2 and set
Encapsulation Type to QinQ.

A.6.7.2 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

Setting the l In the case of a UNI, if Encapsulation Type is set to
Layer 2 802.1Q, set Tag to Tag Aware (default value).
of IF_ETH l In the case of an NNI that is connected to the external
Ports equipment, set QinQ Type Domain according to the T-
PID of the SVLAN that is supported by the external
equipment. In the case of an NNI within the network,
QinQ Type Domain takes the default value.

A.6.7.4 Optional.
Setting the When the IF_ETH port transmits an Ethernet service that
Advanced permits bit errors, such as a voice service or a video service,
Attributes you can set Error Frame Discard Enabled to Disabled.
l For the ISU2/ISX2, it is recommended that you set Speed Air
Interface Transmission at L2 and Speed Air Interface
Transmission at L3 to Enabled, if the corresponding permission
to enable the two functions is already obtained.
l When Speed Air Interface Transmission at L3 is set to
Enabled, Encapsulation Type of the ISU2 and ISX2 boards
cannot be set to Null.
l Set Speed Air Interface Transmission at L2 and Speed Air
Interface Transmission at L3 consistently for both ends of a
radio link.

Procedures for Configuring ERPS Protection

Table 8-38 Procedures for configuring ERPS protection

Operation Description

A.7.1.1 Required when an Ethernet ring needs to be protected and service loops
Creating need to be avoided on the Ethernet ring.
Ethernet Ring

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Operation Description

A.7.1.2 Setting Required if the values of the default parameters of the ERPS timers need
the Parameters to be changed.
of Ethernet Set Hold-Off Time(ms), Guard Time(ms), WTR Time(mm:ss), and
Ring Protocol Packet Transmit Interval(s) according to the actual requirements. Set
these parameters to the same values for all the NEs on the network.

Procedure for Configuring LAG on Native Ethernet ports

Table 8-39 Procedure for Configuring LAG on Native Ethernet ports

Operation Description

A.7.2.1 Required if LAG protection is configured for FE/GE ports or for the
Creating a Integrated IP radio that works in N+0/XPIC mode. Set the parameters as
LAG follows:
l Set LAG Type to the same value as that at the opposite end. Generally,
set LAG Type to Static at both ends.
l For FE/GE ports, set Load Sharing to the same value as that at the
opposite end. It is recommended that you set Load Sharing to Non-
Sharing at both ends, if the LAG is configured only to provide
protection. It is recommended that you set Load Sharing to Sharing
at both ends, if the LAG is configured to increase the bandwidth.
l Set Load Sharing to Sharing at both ends, if Integrated IP radio works
in N+0/XPIC mode and uses LAG protection.
l Set Revertive Mode to the same value as that at the opposite end.
Generally, set Revertive Mode to Revertive at both ends. This
parameter is valid only to LAGs whose Load Sharing is set to Non-
l It is recommended that the main and slave ports take the same settings
at both ends. In this case, you can set System Priority as required. It
is recommended that this parameter take its default value. This
parameter is valid only to static LAGs.
l For an air interface LAG, to enable microwave signal degrade to trigger
LAG switching, set Switch LAG upon Air Interface SD to
l Set Main Board, Main Port, and Selected Standby Ports according
to the network plan. It is recommended that the main and slave ports
take the same settings at both ends.
Set the AM attributes to the same value for the microwave ports in a LAG.

A.7.2.2 Setting Required if Load Sharing is set to Sharing.

LAG Set this parameter to the same value as for the opposite equipment. Unless
Parameters otherwise specified, this parameter takes its default value. This parameter
is applicable only to load-sharing LAGs.

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Procedures for Configuring IEEE 802.1ad Bridge-Based E-LAN Services

Table 8-40 Procedures for configuring IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based E-LAN services
Operation Description

A.7.3.10 Configuring IEEE Required. Set the parameters as follows:

802.1ad Bridge-Based E- l Set Tag Type to S-Awared.
LAN Services
l Set Self-Learning MAC Address to Enabled according
to the planning information.
l In Get UNI Port and Get NNI Port, set the parameters
according to the planning information.
l If a UNI can access untagged frames, set Port Mode to
Layer 2, and set Encapsulation Type to Null. If a UNI
can access tagged frames only, set Port Mode to Layer
2 and set Encapsulation Type to 802.1Q.
l In the case of an NNI, set Port Mode to Layer 2 and set
Encapsulation Type to QinQ.
l In the case of the Ethernet port that is connected to the
external equipment, set Working Mode to be the same
value as the external equipment (generally, the working
mode of the external equipment is auto-negotiation). In the
case of the Ethernet ports within the network, set Working
Mode to Auto-Negotiation.
l To disable the packet forwarding between certain E-LAN
service ports, add the ports to Split Horizon Group

Managing A.7.4.2 Required when usage of E-LAN services needs to be disabled

the MAC Creating a on certain MAC address host.
address table Blacklist Set the parameters according to the network planning
Entry of information.

A.7.4.1 Required if you need to set certain MAC address entries not
Creating a to age.
Static MAC Set the parameters according to the network planning
Address information.

A.7.4.3 Required if the aging function needs to be disabled or if the

Configuring default aging time (five minutes) needs to be changed.
the Aging Set the parameters according to the network planning
Parameters information.
of a MAC

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Operation Description

A.7.5 Setting the Mode for Optional.

Processing an Unknown
Frame of the E-LAN

Procedures for Configuring QoS

Table 8-41 Procedures for configuring QoS

Operation Description

A.7.7.2 Required if the default mappings for the DS domain are inapplicable.
Modifying the Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
Relationships You can learn the default mappings for the DS domain by referring to A.
for the DS 7.7.10 Querying the DS Domain of a Port.

A.7.7.3 Required if the trusted packet type of the port is different from the default
Changing the trusted packet type (C-VLAN priority) applied to the DS domain.
Ports Applied Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
to a DS Domain
and Their
Trusted Packet

A.7.7.1 Required if you need to create more than one DS domain.

Creating a DS Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

A.7.7.4 Required if you need to apply QoS policies other than DS and port shaping
Creating a Port for a specific port.
Policy Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

A.7.7.6 Required if you need to perform the ACL, CoS, CAR or shaping operation
Creating for a specific flow over the port.
Traffic Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

A.7.7.7 Setting Required if a port policy is created.

the Port That Set the related parameters according to the network plan.
Uses the Port

A.7.7.8 Required if you need to limit the egress bandwidth that an Ethernet service
Configuring occupies.
Port Shaping Set the related parameters according to the network plan.

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Procedures for Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations

Table 8-42 Procedures for verifying Ethernet service configurations

Operation Description

A.7.8.1 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating an test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MD l Set Maintenance Domain Name and Maintenance Domain Level to
the same values for the NEs.
l For an Ethernet service between two edge nodes on the transport
network, it is recommended that Maintenance Domain Level takes its
default value of 4. For an Ethernet service between two internal NEs
on the transport network, set Maintenance Domain Level to a value
smaller than 4. For an Ethernet service between two Ethernet ports on
the same NE, set Maintenance Domain Level to a value smaller than
the value that is set in the test of an Ethernet service between two
internal NEs on the transport network.

A.7.8.2 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating an test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MA l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance
Domain Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the same value for the NEs.
l Set Relevant Service to the same service for the NEs.
l It is recommended that you set CC Test Transmit Period to 1s.

A.7.8.3 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MEPs l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance
Association Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Board and Port to the Ethernet ports that are involved in the service
l Set MP ID to different values for MEPs in the same MD.
l If the OAM information initiated by the MEP travels through the packet
switching unit on the local NE, set Direction of the MEP to Ingress.
Otherwise, set Direction to Egress.
l Set CC Status to Active, as the MEP ID is used to identify the MEP
during the LB test.

A.7.8.4 Required for the NE where the Ethernet ports involved in the OAM
Creating operation are located. Set the parameters as follows:
Remote MEPs l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance
in an MA Domain Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance
Association Name that is set in the preceding step.
l To ensure that an MEP can respond to the OAM operations initiated
by the other MEPs in the same MA, you need to set the other MEPs as
the remote MEPs.

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Operation Description

Perform an LB Required.
test to test the The LB test result should show that no packet loss occurs.

8.3 Configuration Example (Point-to-Point Transparently

Transmitted E-Line Services)
This section considers a point-to-point transparently transmitted E-Line service as an example
to describe how to configure the Ethernet service according to the network planning information.

8.3.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
As shown in Figure 8-25, NE1 is a terminal station of a backhaul network. The service
requirements are as follows:
l NE1 transparently transmits the Ethernet services from the BTS to NE2 in point-to-point
l DSCP flags are used to identify the priorities of the Ethernet services from the BTS.
To meet the preceding requirements, point-to-point transparently transmitted E-line services are
configured; in addition, corresponding QoS processing is configured.

Figure 8-25 Networking diagram (point-to-point transparently transmitted E-Line services)

Tranparent transmitted
E-Line service

Backhaul network



The connections of Ethernet links shown in Figure 8-25 are described as follows.

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Table 8-43 Connections of Ethernet links (NE1)

Link Port Description

Between NE1 and the BTS 1-EM6T-3 Configure this port to access
services from the BTS.

Between NE1 and NE2 3-IFU2-1 Configure this port to

transmit backhaul services
from a BTS.
The Hybrid radio link
between NE1 and NE2
adopts the 1+0 non-
protection configuration. In
addition, the AM function is
enabled for the Hybrid radio

8.3.2 Service Planning

You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before configuring an Ethernet
service. Service Planning (Ethernet Ports)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet ports.

Ethernet Port
Table 8-44 provides the information about the Ethernet port involved in the service.

Table 8-44 Ethernet port

Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation Type Null

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Maximum Frame Length (byte) 1536

Flow Control Disabled

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l In this example, the GE port on the BTS works in the auto-negotiation mode. Hence, the GE port that accesses
the BTS must work in the auto-negotiation mode. If the peer Ethernet port works in another mode, the local
Ethernet port must work in the same mode. The working modes of the Ethernet ports inside the network are
planned as auto-negotiation.
l In this example, to ensure that the Ethernet frames that carry more than one tag such as QinQ can traverse
the equipment, the maximum frame length is set to 1536 (bytes). If the equipment needs to transmit jumbo
frames with a greater length, set the maximum frame length according to the actual length of a jumbo frame.
Normally, if the equipment is interconnected with BTSs, the maximum frame length can also assume its
default value of 1522.
l Generally, the flow control function is enabled only when the NE or the peer equipment is inadequate for
QoS processing. The planning information of flow control must be the same for the equipment at both ends.

Information About the IF_ETH Ports

Table 8-45 provides the information about the IF_ETH ports that carry services.

Table 8-45 Ethernet port

Parameter 3-IFU2-1

Encapsulation Type Null Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet protection.
In this example, Ethernet protection is not used. Service Planning (Ethernet Services)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet services.
Table 8-46 provides the detailed service planning information.

Table 8-46 Point-to-point transparently transmitted E-line service

Parameter NE1

Service ID 1

Service Name BTStoNE2_Tline

Direction UNI-UNI

BPDU Not Transparently Transmitted

Source Port 1-EM6T-3

Source C-VLANs Blank

Sink Port 3-IFU2-1

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Parameter NE1

Sink C-VLANs Blank Service Planning (QoS)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring QoS.

QoS (Diffserv)
DS is the basis for QoS. It is recommended that the VLAN priority or DSCP value of the BTS
services be allocated according to the service type. Then, the transmission network creates the
corresponding DS domain according to the allocated VLAN priority or DSCP value. Each
Ethernet port involved in the service must use the same DS configuration.
In this example, the BTS services are allocated with corresponding DSCP values according to
the service type, and the NEs allocate the PHB service classes according to the DSCP value, as
shown in Table 8-47. Each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same DS configuration.

Table 8-47 Service class and PHB service class

PHB Service Class DSCP Corresponding Service

CS7 56 -

CS6 48 -

EF 40 Real-time voice service and

signaling service (R99
conversational and R99
streaming services)

AF4 32 -

AF3 24 Real-time OM and HSDPA

services (OM streaming and
HSPA streaming services)

AF2 16 Non-real-time R99 service

(R99 interactive and R99
background services)

AF1 8 -

BE 0 HSDPA data service (HSPA

interactive and background

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l During the mapping of the PHB service class, CS7 or CS6 is not recommended, because CS7 or CS6 may
be used to transmit Ethernet protocol packets or inband DCN packets on the NE.
l The default mapping relationships for the DS domain comply with the network planning requirements and
therefore do not need to be modified.
l The required trusted packet type is not the C-VLAN priority but DSCP value. Therefore, the trusted packet
type needs to be modified for service-associated Ethernet ports applied in the default DS domain.

QoS (Queue Scheduling Mode)

Generally, each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same queue scheduling mode.
Table 8-48 lists the queue scheduling mode used by each Ethernet port involved in the service
in this example.

Table 8-48 Queue scheduling mode

PHB Service Class Queue Scheduling Mode




AF4 WRR (weight = 5)

AF3 WRR (weight = 60)

AF2 WRR (weight = 30)

AF1 WRR (weight = 5)


QoS (CAR or Shaping for a Specified Service Flow)

Normally, flow control is already performed on 2G/3G base stations and BSCs/RNCs and
therefore CAR or shaping processing does not need to be performed again on the microwave
backhaul network.

QoS (Port Shaping)

If the Ethernet bandwidth planned for the aggregation link is lower than the total bandwidth of
the aggregation services, you can perform port shaping at the edge node to limit the Ethernet
service traffic that travels to the aggregation node, thus preventing congestion at the aggregation
In this example, you do not need to perform port shaping.

8.3.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for setting parameters of MPLS tunnels.

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In this example, Ethernet protection is not used. Configuration Process (Service Information)

This section describes the process for configuring service information.

Step 1 See A.7.3.2 Configuring UNI-UNI E-Line Services and configure the E-Line services.
The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Service ID 1

Service Name BTStoNE2_Tline

Direction UNI-UNI

Source Interface 1-EM6T-3

Source VLAN ID Blank

Sink Interface 3-IFU2-1

Sink VLAN ID Blank

Port Name 1-EM6T-3 3-IFU2-1

Enable Port Enabled -

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation -

Encapsulation Type Null Null

----End Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports)

This section describes the process for configuring Ethernet ports.

Step 1 See A.6.6.1 Setting the General Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the general attributes of
the Ethernet port.
The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

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----End Configuration Process (QoS)

This section describes the procedures for configuring QoS.

Step 1 See A.7.7.2 Modifying the Mapping Relationships for the DS Domain and change the
mapping relationships for the DS domain.

The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided as

Parameter Value

Mapping Relation ID 1

Mapping Relation Name Default Map

The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the Ingress Mapping Relation tab
page are provided as follows.


Default value Default value Default value Default value BE








The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the Egress Mapping Relation tab
page are provided as follows.


BE Default value Default value Default value Default value


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l The AF1 is classified into three sub service classes, namely, AF11, AF12, and AF13, only one of which is
valid. In this example, the AF11 is used. It is the same case with the AF2, AF3, and AF4.
l The default mapping relationships for the DS domain comply with the network planning requirements and
therefore do not need to be modified.

Step 2 A.7.7.3 Changing the Ports Applied to a DS Domain and Their Trusted Packet Types and
change the ports that are applied to the DS domain and their trusted packet types.

Port Packet Type

1-EM6T-3 ip-dscp


The required trusted packet type is not the C-VLAN priority but DSCP value. Therefore, the trusted packet type
needs to be modified for service-associated Ethernet ports applied in the default DS domain.

Step 3 See A.7.7.4 Creating a Port Policy to create the port policy.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Policy ID 1

Policy Name Port_Comm

Grooming Police After Reloading SP (CS7, CS6, and EF)


Policy Weight(%) 5 (AF4)

60 (AF3)
30 (AF2)
5 (AF1)

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Parameter Value

Bandwidth Limit Disabled (for all PHB service classes)

Step 4 See A.7.7.7 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy and set the ports that use the port policy.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Port 1-EM6T-3

----End Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

Step 1 See A.7.8.1 Creating an MD and create an MD.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Maintenance Domain Name InterNE

Maintenance Domain Level 3

Step 2 See A.7.8.2 Creating an MA and create an MA.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Maintenance Domain Name InterNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS_Tline

Relevant Service 1-BTStoNE2_Tline

CC Test Transmit Period 1s

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Step 3 See A.7.8.3 Creating MEPs and create MEP points.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Maintenance Domain InterNE InterNE


Maintenance Association BTS_Tline BTS_Tline


Board 1-EM6T 3-IFU2

Port 1-EM6T-3 3-IFU2-1

VLAN - -

MP ID 101 102

Direction Ingress Ingress

CC Status Active Active

AIS Active Status Active Active

Step 4 A.7.8.4 Creating Remote MEPs in an MA.

Parameter Value


Maintenance Domain Name InterNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS_Tline

Remote Maintenance Point ID(e.g:1,3-6) 102

Step 5 See perform an LB test to test the Ethernet service configurations and test the E-Line service.

Use MEP ID 101 as the source maintenance point and MEP ID 102 as the sink maintenance
point to perform the LB test.

No packet loss occurs.


8.4 Configuration Example (VLAN-Based E-Line Service)

This section considers a VLAN-based E-line service as an example to describe how to configure
the Ethernet service according to the network planning information.

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8.4.1 Networking Diagram

The section describes the networking information about the NEs.

Based on 6.5 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Hybrid Radio Chain Network),
configure Ethernet services according to the following requirements:

l BTS11, BTS12, and BTS15 provide FE ports whose port rate is 100 Mbit/s.
l Services transmitted by each BTS carry VLAN IDs, and VLAN IDs on the entire network
are planned in a unified manner.
l VLAN priorities are configured on each BTS according to service types.

To meet the preceding requirements, VLAN-based E-Line services are configured for service
transmission on each NE; in addition, corresponding QoS processing is configured.

Figure 8-26 Networking diagram (VLAN-based E-Line services)

VLAN 110

NE14 Packet network
NE13 NE12 NE11

NE16 NE15 BTS11
VLAN 100

VLAN 120

The connections of Ethernet links shown in Figure 8-26 are described as follows.

Table 8-49 Connections of Ethernet links (NE12)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE12 and 1-EM6T-1 - Configure these ports

NE13 to transmit backhaul
services from BTSs.

Between NE12 and 3-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE11 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
5-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

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Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE12 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure these ports

BTS11 to access services
from BTS11.

Table 8-50 Connections of Ethernet links (NE13)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE13 and 3-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE14 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
5-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

Between NE13 and 4-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE15 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
6-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

Between NE13 and 1-EM6T-1 - Configure this port to

NE12 transmit backhaul
services from BTSs.

Table 8-51 Connections of Ethernet links (NE14)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE14 and 3-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE13 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
5-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

Between NE14 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure this port to

BTS12 access services from

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Table 8-52 Connections of Ethernet links (NE15)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE15 and 3-ISU2-1 - Configure this port to

NE16 transmit Native
Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.

Between NE15 and 4-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE13 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
6-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

Table 8-53 Connections of Ethernet links (NE16)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE16 and 3-ISU2-1 - Configure this port to

NE15 transmit Ethernet
services on Hybrid

Between NE16 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure these ports

BTS15 to access services
from BTS15.

8.4.2 Service Planning

You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before configuring an Ethernet
service. Service Planning (Ethernet Ports)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet ports.

Information About Ethernet Ports

Table 8-54 to Table 8-57 provide the information about the Ethernet ports that transmit the
Ethernet services.

Table 8-54 Information about Ethernet ports (NE12)

Parameter 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation type 802.1q 802.1q

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Parameter 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-3

Port working mode Auto-negotiation Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length 1536 1536


Flow control Disabled Disabled

Tag attribute Tag aware Tag aware

Table 8-55 Information about Ethernet ports (NE13)

Parameter 1-EM6T-1

Encapsulation type 802.1q

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

Tag attribute Tag aware

Table 8-56 Information about Ethernet ports (NE14)

Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation type 802.1Q

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

Tag attribute Tag aware

Table 8-57 Information about Ethernet ports (NE16)

Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation type 802.1q

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

Tag attribute Tag aware

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l In this example, the FE ports on all the BTSs work in auto-negotiation mode. Therefore, the FE/GE port of
each NE that accesses services must work in auto-negotiation mode. If the peer Ethernet port works in
another mode, the local Ethernet port must work in the same mode. The working modes of the Ethernet ports
inside the network are planned as auto-negotiation.
l In this example, to ensure that the Ethernet frames that carry more than one tag such as QinQ can traverse
the equipment, the maximum frame length is set to 1536 (bytes). If the equipment needs to transmit jumbo
frames with a greater length, set the maximum frame length according to the actual length of a jumbo frame.
Normally, if the equipment is interconnected with BTSs, the maximum frame length can also assume its
default value of 1522.
l Normally, the flow control function is enabled only when the NE or the peer equipment is inadequate for
QoS processing. The planning information of flow control must be the same for the equipment at both ends.
l In this example, all the services carry VLAN IDs. Therefore, the tag attributes of all the ports are tag aware.

Information About the IF_ETH Ports

Table 8-58 to Table 8-62 provide the information about the IF_ETH ports that carry the Ethernet

Table 8-58 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE12)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type 802.1q 802.1q

Tag attribute Tag aware Tag aware

Table 8-59 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE13)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Encapsulation 802.1q 802.1q 802.1q 802.1q


Tag attribute Tag aware Tag aware Tag aware Tag aware

Table 8-60 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE14)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type 802.1Q 802.1Q

Tag attribute Tag aware Tag aware

Table 8-61 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE15)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type 802.1q 802.1q 802.1q

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Parameter 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Tag attribute Tag aware Tag aware Tag aware

Table 8-62 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE16)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type 802.1Q

Tag attribute Tag aware Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet protection.

In this example, Ethernet protection is not used. Service Planning (Ethernet Services)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet services.

Figure 8-27 shows the planning information of the VLAN-based E-Line services.

Figure 8-27 Information about VLAN-based E-Line services (in an end-to-end mode)
Links-1: NE11 - NE12 - NE13 -NE15-NE16

NE11 NE12 NE13 NE15 NE16

3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-1 4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

1-EM6T-1(C:100) 1-EM6T-3(C:100)
C:120 C:120 C:120 C:120
1-EM6T-1(C:120) 1-EM6T-3(C:120)
C:110 C:110

Links-2: NE13-NE14

NE13 NE14
1-EM6T-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

C:110 C:110

Pass through

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Table 8-63 to Table 8-67 provide the planning information of the VLAN-based E-Line services.

Table 8-63 Information about VLAN-based E-Line services (NE12)

Parameter NE12

NE13 to NE11 BTS11 to NE11

Service ID 1 2

Service name NE13toNE11_Vline BTS11toNE11_Vline

Service direction UNI-UNI UNI-UNI

BPDU Not transparently transmitted Not transparently transmitted

Source port 1-EM6F-1 1-EM6T-3

Source C-VLANs 110,120 100

Sink port 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

Sink C-VLANs 110, 120 100

Table 8-64 Information about VLAN-based E-Line services (NE13)

Parameter NE13

NE14 to NE12 NE15 to NE12

Service ID 1 2

Service name NE14toNE12_Vline NE15toNE12_Vline

Service direction UNI-UNI UNI-UNI

BPDU Not transparently transmitted Not transparently transmitted

Source port 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Source C-VLANs 110 120

Sink port 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-1

Sink C-VLANs 110 120

Table 8-65 Information about VLAN-based E-Line services (NE14)

Parameter NE4

BTS12 to NE13

Service ID 1

Service name BTS12toNE13_Vline

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Parameter NE4

BTS12 to NE13

Service direction UNI-UNI

BPDU Not transparently transmitted

Source port 1-EM6T-3

Source C-VLANs 110

Sink port 3-ISU2-1

Sink C-VLANs 110

Table 8-66 Information about VLAN-based E-Line services (NE15)

Parameter NE15

NE16 to NE13

Service ID 1

Service name NE16toNE13_Vline

Service direction UNI-UNI

BPDU Not transparently transmitted

Source port 3-ISU2-1

Source C-VLANs 120

Sink port 4-ISU2-1

Sink C-VLANs 120

Table 8-67 Information about VLAN-based E-Line services (NE16)

Parameter NE16

BTS15 to NE15

Service ID 1

Service name BTS15toNE15_Vline

Service direction UNI-UNI

BPDU Not transparently transmitted

Source port 1-EM6T-3

Source C-VLANs 120

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Parameter NE16

BTS15 to NE15

Sink port 3-ISU2-1

Sink C-VLANs 120 Service Planning (QoS)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring QoS.

QoS (Diffserv)
DS is the basis for QoS. It is recommended that the VLAN priority or DSCP value of the BTS
services be allocated by the service type. Then, the transmission network creates the
corresponding DS domain according to the allocated VLAN priority or DSCP value. Each
Ethernet port involved in the service must use the same DS configuration.

In this example, the BTS services are allocated with corresponding VLAN priorities according
to the service type, and the NEs allocate the PHB service classes according to the VLAN priority,
as provided in Table 8-68. Each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same DS

Table 8-68 Service class and PHB service class

PHB Service Class VLAN Priority Corresponding Service


CS7 7 -

CS6 6 -

EF 5 Real-time voice service and

signaling service (R99
conversational and R99
streaming services)

AF4 4 -

AF3 3 Real-time OM and HSDPA

services (OM streaming and
HSPA streaming services)

AF2 2 Non-real-time R99 service

(R99 interactive and R99
background services)

AF1 1 -

BE 0 HSDPA data service (HSPA

interactive and background

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l During the mapping of the PHB service class, CS7 or CS6 is not recommended, because CS7 or CS6 may
be used to transmit Ethernet protocol packets or inband DCN packets on the NE.
l The default mapping relationships for the DS domain comply with the network planning requirements and
therefore do not need to be modified.
l The default trusted packet type for each port that is applied for the default DS domain is C-VLAN priority
and therefore does not need to be modified.

QoS (Queue Scheduling Mode)

Generally, each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same queue scheduling mode.

Table 8-69 lists the queue scheduling mode used by each Ethernet port involved in the service
in this example.

Table 8-69 Queue scheduling mode

PHB Service Class Queue Scheduling Mode




AF4 WRR (weight = 5)

AF3 WRR (weight = 60)

AF2 WRR (weight = 30)

AF1 WRR (weight = 5)


QoS (CAR or Shaping for a Specified Service Flow)

Normally, flow control is already performed on 2G/3G base stations and BSCs/RNCs and
therefore CAR or shaping processing does not need to be performed again on the microwave
backhaul network.

QoS (Port Shaping)

If the Ethernet bandwidth planned for the aggregation link is lower than the total bandwidth of
the aggregation services, you can perform port shaping at the edge node to limit the Ethernet
service traffic that travels to the aggregation node, thus preventing congestion at the aggregation

In this example, you do not need to perform port shaping.

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8.4.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for setting parameters of VLAN-based E-Line services. Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)

In this example, Ethernet protection is not used. Configuration Process (Service Information)

This section describes the process for configuring service information.

Step 1 See A.7.3.2 Configuring UNI-UNI E-Line Services and configure the E-Line services.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE13 to NE11 BTS11 to NE11

Service ID 1 2

Service Name NE13toNE11_Vline BTS11toNE11_Vline


Source 1-EM6F-1 1-EM6T-3


Source VLAN 110, 120 100


Sink Interface 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

Sink VLAN ID 110, 120 100

Port Name 1-EM6F-1 3-ISU2-1 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1

Enable Port Enabled - Enabled -

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2

Working Auto- - Auto- -

Mode Negotiation Negotiation

Encapsulation 802.1Q 802.1Q 802.1Q 802.1Q


Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

NE14 to NE12 NE15 to NE12

Service ID 1 2

Service Name NE14toNE12_Vline NE15toNE12_Vline


Source 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1


Source VLAN 110 120


Sink Interface 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-1

Sink VLAN ID 110 120

Port Name 3-ISU2-1 1-EM6T-1 4-ISU2-1 1-EM6T-1

Enable Port - Enabled - Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2

Working - Auto- - Auto-

Mode Negotiation Negotiation

Encapsulation 802.1Q 802.1Q 802.1Q 802.1Q


Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

BTS12 to NE13

Service ID 1

Service Name BTS12toNE13_Vline

Direction UNI-UNI

Source Interface 1-EM6T-3

Source VLAN ID 110

Sink Interface 3-ISU2-1

Sink VLAN ID 110

Port Name 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1

Enable Port Enabled -

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

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Parameter Value

BTS12 to NE13

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation -

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

BTS15 to NE15

Service ID 1

Service Name BTS5toNE5_Vline

Direction UNI-UNI

Source Interface 1-EM6T-3

Source VLAN ID 120

Sink Interface 3-ISU2-1

Sink VLAN ID 120

Port Name 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1

Enable Port Enabled -

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation -

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware

----End Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports)

This section describes the process for configuring Ethernet ports.

Step 1 See A.6.6.1 Setting the General Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the general attributes of
Ethernet ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-3

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

----End Configuration Process (QoS)

This section describes the procedures for configuring QoS.

Step 1 See A.7.7.2 Modifying the Mapping Relationships for the DS Domain and modify the
mapping relationships for the DS domain.

The actual mapping relationships for the default DS domain comply with the network planning information.
Therefore, you can skip this step.

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided as

Parameter Value

Mapping Relation ID 1

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Parameter Value

Mapping Relation Name Default Map

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Ingress Mapping Relation tab
page are provided as follows.


0 Default value Default value Default value BE

1 AF11

2 AF21

3 AF31

4 AF41

5 EF

6 CS6

7 CS7

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Egress Mapping Relation tab
page are provided as follows.


BE 0 Default value Default value Default value

AF11 1

AF21 2

AF31 3

AF41 4

EF 5

CS6 6

CS7 7

The AF1 is classified into three sub service classes, namely, AF11, AF12, and AF13, only one of which is valid.
In this example, the AF11 is used. It is the same case with the AF2, AF3, and AF4.

Step 2 A.7.7.3 Changing the Ports Applied to a DS Domain and Their Trusted Packet Types and
change the ports that are applied to the DS domain and their trusted packet types.

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The actual ports that are applied to the default DS domain and their trusted packet types comply with the network
planning information. Therefore, you can skip this step.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type


l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type


l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type


l The values for the related parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type


l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type


Step 3 See A.7.7.4 Creating a Port Policy and create the port policy.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 to NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Policy ID 1

Policy Name Port_Comm

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Parameter Value

Grooming Police After Reloading SP (CS7, CS6, and EF)

WRR (AF4 to AF1)

Policy Weight(%) 5 (AF4)

60 (AF3)
30 (AF2)
5 (AF1)

Bandwidth Limit Disabled (for all PHB service classes)

Step 4 See A.7.7.7 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy and set the ports that use the port policy.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 1-EM6T-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

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l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

----End Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

Step 1 See A.7.8.1 Creating an MD and configure the MD for NE12, NE14, and NE16.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE12 NE14 NE16

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance 4 4 4
Domain Level

Step 2 See A.7.8.2 Creating an MA and create the maintenance association (MA) for NE12, NE14,
and NE16.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.
l Parameter Value

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance BTS11_Vline BTS11_Vline BTS12_Vline BTS15_Vline


Relevant 1- 1- 1- 1-
Service BTS11toNE11 NE13toNE11_ NE13toNE11_ NE13toNE11_
_Vline Vline Vline Vline

CC Test 1s 1s 1s 1s

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l The values for the relevant parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS12_Vline

Relevant Service 1-BTS12toNE13_Vline

CC Test Transmit Period 1s

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS15_Vline

Relevant Service 1-BTS15toNE15_Vline

CC Test Transmit Period 1s

Step 3 See A.7.8.3 Creating MEPs and create the MEP for NE12, NE14, and NE16.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance BTS11_Vline BTS11_Vline BTS12_Vline BTS15_Vline


Board 1-EM6T 3-ISU2 3-ISU2 3-ISU2

Port 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

VLAN 100 100 110 120

MP ID 201 200 202 205

Direction Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress

CC Status Active Active Active Active

AIS Active Active Active Active Active


l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

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Parameter Value

Maintenance Association Name BTS12_Vline

Board 1-EM6T-3

Port 1-EM6T-3

VLAN 110

MP ID 401

Direction Ingress

CC Status Active

AIS Active Status Active

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS15_Vline

Board 1-EM6T

Port 1-EM6T-3

VLAN 120

MP ID 601

Direction Ingress

CC Status Active

AIS Active Status Active

Step 4 See A.7.8.4 Creating Remote MEPs in an MA and create the remote MEP points for NE12,
NE14, and NE16.
The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance BTS11_Vline BTS12_Vline BTS15_Vline

Association Name

Remote 201 401 601

Maintenance Point

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The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS12_Vline

Remote Maintenance Point ID(e.g:1,3-6) 202

The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS15_Vline

Remote Maintenance Point ID(e.g:1,3-6) 205

Step 5 See perform an LB test to test the Ethernet service configurations and test the E-Line services
on NE12.
l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 200 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 201 as the sink MEP.
l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 202 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 401 as the sink MEP.
l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 205 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 601 as the sink MEP.
There should be no packets lost during the LB tests.


8.5 Configuration Example (QinQ-Based E-Line Service)

This section considers a QinQ-based E-line service as an example to describe how to configure
the Ethernet service according to the network planning information.

8.5.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.

Based on 6.5 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Hybrid Radio Chain Network),
configure Ethernet services according to the following requirements:

l BTS11 to BTS15 provide FE ports whose port rate is 100 Mbit/s.

l GE links to the RNC are configured with LAG protection.
l The VLAN ID used by the services on a BTS is allocated by the RNC that controls the
BTS. Therefore, the VLAN IDs of services on BTSs that are controlled by different RNCs

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may be the same. To solve this problem, an RNC allocates an S-VLAN ID for each BTS,
and the S-VLAN IDs on the entire network are planned in a unified manner.
l VLAN priorities are configured on each BTS according to service types.
To meet the preceding requirements, QinQ-based E-Line services are configured for service
transmission on each NE; in addition, corresponding QoS processing is configured.

Figure 8-28 Networking diagram (QinQ-based E-Line services)



NE13 NE12 NE11

NE15 SVLAN 200

The connections of Ethernet links shown in Figure 8-28 are described as follows.

Table 8-70 Connections of Ethernet links (NE11)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE11 and 1-EM6T-1 Main port of a LAG Configure these ports
the RNC to transmit backhaul
1-EM6T-2 Slave port of a LAG services from BTSs.

Between NE11 and 3-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure these ports

NE12 +1 HSB protection to transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
5-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

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Table 8-71 Connections of Ethernet links (NE12)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE12 and 1-EM6T-1 - Configure these ports

NE13 to transmit backhaul
services from BTSs.

Between NE12 and 3-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE11 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
5-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

Between NE12 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure these ports

BTS11 to access services
from BTS11.

Table 8-72 Connections of Ethernet links (NE13)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE13 and 3-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE14 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
5-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

Between NE13 and 4-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE15 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
6-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

Between NE13 and 1-EM6T-1 - Configure this port to

NE12 transmit backhaul
services from BTSs.

Table 8-73 Connections of Ethernet links (NE14)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE14 and 3-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE13 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.

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Link Port Port Description Description

5-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a

1+1 HSB protection

Between NE14 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure this port to

BTS12 access services from

Table 8-74 Connections of Ethernet links (NE15)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE15 and 3-ISU2-1 - Configure this port to

NE16 transmit Native
Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.

Between NE15 and 4-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE13 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
6-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

Table 8-75 Connections of Ethernet links (NE16)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE16 and 3-ISU2-1 - Configure this port to

NE15 transmit Ethernet
services on Hybrid

Between NE16 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure these ports

BTS15 to access services
from BTS15.

8.5.2 Service Planning

You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before configuring an Ethernet
service. Service Planning (Ethernet Ports)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet ports.

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Information About Ethernet Ports

Table 8-76 to Table 8-80 provide the information about the Ethernet ports that transmit the
Ethernet services.

Table 8-76 Information about Ethernet ports (NE11)

Parameter 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-2

Encapsulation type 802.1q 802.1q

Port working mode Auto-negotiation Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length 1536 1536


Flow control Disabled Disabled

Tag attribute Tag aware Tag aware

Table 8-77 Information about Ethernet ports (NE12)

Parameter 1-EM6T-3 1-EM6T-1

Encapsulation type 802.1q QinQ

Port working mode Auto-negotiation Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length 1536 1536


Flow control Disabled Disabled

Tag attribute Tag aware Tag aware

QinQ type domain - 0x88a8

Table 8-78 Information about Ethernet ports (NE13)

Parameter 1-EM6T-1

Encapsulation type QinQ

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

QinQ type domain 0x88a8

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Table 8-79 Information about Ethernet ports (NE14)

Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation type 802.1q

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

Table 8-80 Information about Ethernet ports (NE16)

Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation type 802.1q

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled


l In this example, the FE ports on all the BTSs work in auto-negotiation mode. Therefore, the FE/GE port of
each NE that accesses services must work in auto-negotiation mode. If the peer Ethernet port works in
another mode, the local Ethernet port must work in the same mode. The working modes of the Ethernet ports
inside the network are planned as auto-negotiation.
l In this example, to ensure that the Ethernet frames that carry more than one tag such as QinQ can traverse
the equipment, the maximum frame length is set to 1536 (bytes). If the equipment needs to transmit jumbo
frames with a greater length, set the maximum frame length according to the actual length of a jumbo frame.
l Normally, the flow control function is enabled only when the NE or the peer equipment is inadequate for
QoS processing. The planning information of flow control must be the same for the equipment at both ends.
l In this example, all the NNI ports are connected to Huawei equipment. Therefore, the QinQ type domain of
the NNI ports assumes the default value of 0x88a8.

Information About the IF_ETH Ports

Table 8-81 to Table 8-86 provide the information about the IF_ETH ports that carry the Ethernet

Table 8-81 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE11)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type QinQ QinQ

QinQ type domain 0x88a8 0x88a8

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Table 8-82 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE12)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type QinQ QinQ

QinQ type domain 0x88a8 0x88a8

Table 8-83 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE13)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Encapsulation QinQ QinQ QinQ QinQ


QinQ type 0x88a8 0x88a8 0x88a8 0x88a8


Table 8-84 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE14)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type QinQ QinQ

QinQ type domain 0x88a8 0x88a8

Table 8-85 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE15)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type QinQ QinQ QinQ

QinQ type domain 0x88a8 0x88a8 0x88a8

Table 8-86 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE16)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type QinQ

QinQ type domain 0x88a8


All the IF_ETH ports are connected to Huawei equipment. Therefore, it is recommended that you need to set
the QinQ type domain to 0x88a8 for the IF_ETH ports.

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The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet protection.
To improve the reliability of service transmission, NE11 and the RNC are interconnected through
the LAG formed by two GE links. Table 8-87 provides the planning information.

Table 8-87 LAG information

Parameter NE11

LAG type Static (default value)

Revertive mode Non-revertive

Load sharing mode Non-sharing (default value)

System priority 32768 (default value)

Main port 1-EM6T-1

Slave port 1-EM6T-2


In this example, the bandwidth of the Ethernet services is much lower than the bandwidth of a GE port. Therefore,
you need not configure the LAG to the load-sharing mode for increasing the bandwidth. Service Planning (Ethernet Services)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet services.
Figure 8-29 shows the planning information of the QinQ-based E-Line services.

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Figure 8-29 Information about the QinQ-based E-Line service

Links-1: NE11 - NE12 - NE13 -NE15-NE16

NE11 NE12 NE13 NE15 NE16

3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-1 4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

1-EM6T-1(S:200) 1-EM6T-3(null)
S:202 S:202 S:202 S:202
1-EM6T-1(S:202) 1-EM6T-3(null)
S:201 S:201

Links-2: NE13-NE14

NE13 NE14
1-EM6T-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

S:201 S:201

Pass through

Table 8-88 to Table 8-93 provide the planning information of the QinQ-based E-Line services.

Table 8-88 Information about the QinQ-based E-Line service (NE11)

Parameter NE11

BTS12 to the RNC BTS11 to the RNC BTS15 to the RNC

Service ID 1 2 3

Service name BTS12toRNC_Qline BTS11toRNC_Qline BTS15toRNC2_Qli


Service direction UNI-NNI UNI-NNI UNI-NNI

BPDU Not transparently Not transparently Not transparently

transmitted transmitted transmitted

Source port 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-1

Source C-VLANs - - -

QinQ link (source) - - -

QinQ link (sink) ID: 1 ID: 2 ID: 3

Port: 3-ISU2-1 Port: 3-ISU2-1 Port: 3-ISU2-1
S-VLAN: 201 S-VLAN: 200 S-VLAN: 202

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Table 8-89 Information about the QinQ-based E-Line service (NE12)

Parameter NE12

BTS11 to NE11 BTS12 to NE11 BTS15 to NE11

Service ID 1 2 3

Service name BTS11toNE11_Qlin BTS12toNE11_Qlin BTS15toNE11_Qlin

e e e

Service direction UNI-NNI NNI-NNI NNI-NNI

BPDU Not transparently Not transparently Not transparently

transmitted transmitted transmitted

Source port 1-EM6T-3 - -

Source C-VLANs - - -

QinQ link (source) - ID: 2 ID: 4

Port: 1-EM6T-1 Port: 1-EM6T-1
S-VLAN: 201 S-VLAN: 202

QinQ link (sink) ID: 1 ID: 3 ID: 5

Port: 3-ISU2-1 Port: 3-ISU2-1 Port: 3-ISU2-1
S-VLAN: 200 S-VLAN: 201 S-VLAN: 202

Table 8-90 Information about the QinQ-based E-Line service (NE13)

Parameter NE13

BTS12 to NE12 BTS15 to NE12

Service ID 1 2

Service name BTS12toNE12_Qline BTS15toNE12_Qline

Service direction NNI-NNI NNI-NNI

BPDU Not transparently transmitted Not transparently transmitted

Source port - -

Source C-VLANs - -

QinQ link (source) ID: 1 ID: 3

Port: 1-EM6T-1 Port: 1-EM6T-1
S-VLAN: 201 S-VLAN: 202

QinQ link (sink) ID: 2 ID: 4

Port: 3-ISU2-1 Port: 4-ISU2-1
S-VLAN: 201 S-VLAN: 202

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Table 8-91 Information about the QinQ-based E-Line service (NE14)

Parameter NE14

BTS12 to NE13

Service ID 1

Service name BTS12toNE13_Qline

Service direction UNI-NNI

BPDU Not transparently transmitted

Source port 1-EM6T-3

Source C-VLANs -

QinQ link (source) -

QinQ link (sink) ID: 1

Port: 3-ISU2-1
S-VLAN: 201

Table 8-92 Information about the QinQ-based E-Line service (NE15)

Parameter NE15

BTS15 to NE13

Service ID 1

Service name BTS15toNE13_Qline

Service direction NNI-NNI

BPDU Not transparently transmitted

Source port -

Source C-VLANs -

QinQ link (source) ID: 1

Port: 3-ISU2-1
SVLAN: 202

QinQ link (sink) ID: 2

Port: 4-ISU2-1
S-VLAN: 202

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Table 8-93 Information about the QinQ-based E-Line service (NE16)

Parameter NE16

BTS15 to NE15

Service ID 1

Service name BTS15toNE15_Qline

Service direction UNI-NNI

BPDU Not transparently transmitted

Source port 1-EM6T-3

Source C-VLANs -

QinQ link (source) -

QinQ link (sink) ID: 1

Port: 3-ISU2-1
S-VLAN: 202 Service Planning (QoS)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring QoS.

QoS (Diffserv)
DS is the basis for QoS. It is recommended that the VLAN priority or DSCP value of the BTS
services be allocated by the service type. Then, the transmission network creates the
corresponding DS domain according to the allocated VLAN priority or DSCP value. Each
Ethernet port involved in the service must use the same DS configuration.

In this example, the BTS services are allocated with corresponding VLAN priorities according
to the service type, and the NEs allocate the PHB service classes according to the VLAN priority,
as provided in Table 8-94. Each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same DS

Table 8-94 Service class and PHB service class

PHB Service Class VLAN Priority Corresponding Service


CS7 7 -

CS6 6 -

EF 5 Real-time voice service and

signaling service (R99
conversational and R99
streaming services)

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PHB Service Class VLAN Priority Corresponding Service


AF4 4 -

AF3 3 Real-time OM and HSDPA

services (OM streaming and
HSPA streaming services)

AF2 2 Non-real-time R99 service

(R99 interactive and R99
background services)

AF1 1 -

BE 0 HSDPA data service (HSPA

interactive and background


l During the mapping of the PHB service class, CS7 or CS6 is not recommended, because CS7 or CS6 may
be used to transmit Ethernet protocol packets or inband DCN packets on the NE.
l The default mapping relationships for the DS domain comply with the network planning requirements and
therefore do not need to be modified.
l The default trusted packet type for each port that is applied for the default DS domain is C-VLAN priority
and therefore needs to be modified as required.

QoS (Queue Scheduling Mode)

Generally, each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same queue scheduling mode.
Table 8-95 lists the queue scheduling mode used by each Ethernet port involved in the service
in this example.

Table 8-95 Queue scheduling mode

PHB Service Class Queue Scheduling Mode




AF4 WRR (weight = 5)

AF3 WRR (weight = 60)

AF2 WRR (weight = 30)

AF1 WRR (weight = 5)


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QoS (CAR or Shaping for a Specified Service Flow)

Normally, flow control is already performed on 2G/3G base stations and BSCs/RNCs and
therefore CAR or shaping processing does not need to be performed again on the microwave
backhaul network.

QoS (Port Shaping)

If the Ethernet bandwidth planned for the aggregation link is lower than the total bandwidth of
the aggregation services, you can perform port shaping at the edge node to limit the Ethernet
service traffic that travels to the aggregation node, thus preventing congestion at the aggregation

In this example, you do not need to perform port shaping.

8.5.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for setting parameters of QinQ-based E-Line services. Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports)

This section describes the process for configuring Ethernet ports.

Step 1 See A.6.6.1 Setting the General Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the basic attributes of
Ethernet ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-2

Enable Port Enabled Enabled

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

1-EM6T-3 1-EM6T-1

Enable Port Enabled Enabled

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q QinQ

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536 1536

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l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Enable Port Enabled

Encapsulation Type QinQ

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Enable Port Enabled

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Enable Port Enabled

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

Step 2 See A.6.6.3 Setting the Layer 2 Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set Layer 2 attributes of
Ethernet ports
l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-2

TAG Tag Aware Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

1-EM6T-3 1-EM6T-1

TAG Tag Aware Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


TAG Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


TAG Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


TAG Tag Aware

Step 3 See A.6.7.1 Setting the General Attributes of IF_ETH Ports and set the basic attributes of
IF_ETH ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Encapsulation Type QinQ QinQ

l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Encapsulation Type QinQ QinQ

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Encapsulation QinQ QinQ QinQ QinQ


l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Encapsulation Type QinQ QinQ

l The values for the related parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Encapsulation QinQ QinQ QinQ


l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Encapsulation Type QinQ

----End Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)

This section describes the procedures for configuring LAG.

Step 1 See A.7.2.1 Creating a LAG and create the LAG for NE11.
The values for the required parameters that are set in the main interface are as follows.

Parameter Value

LAG No. Automatically Assign


LAG Type Static

Revertive Mode Non-Revertive

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Parameter Value

Load Sharing Non-Sharing

System Priority 32768

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in Port Setting are as follows.

Parameter Value

Main Board 1-EM6T

Main Port 1 (PORT-1)

Selected Standby Ports 1-EM6T-2

----End Configuration Process (Service Information)

This section describes the process for configuring service information.

Step 1 See A.7.3.4 Configuring UNI-NNI E-Line Services (Carried by QinQ Links) and configure
the E-Line services.
l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.
The values for the required parameters that are set in the main interface are as follows.
Parameter Value

BTS12 to the RNC1 BTS11 to RNC2 BTS15 to RNC2

Service ID 1 2 3

Service Name BTS12toRNC1_Qline BTS11&15toRNC2 BTS11&15toRNC2

_Qline _Qline


BPDU Not Transparently Not Transparently Not Transparently

Transmitted Transmitted Transmitted

Source 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-1


Source VLAN - - -

Bearer Type QinQ Link QinQ Link QinQ Link

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The values for QinQ link parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

BTS12 to the BTS11 to RNC2 BTS15 to RNC2


QinQ Link ID 1 2 3

Port 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

S-Vlan ID 201 200 200

The values for Ethernet port attributes are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Port 1-EM6T-1 3-ISU2-1

Enable Port Enabled -

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q QinQ

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.
The values for the required parameters that are set in the main interface are as follows.

Parameter Value

BTS11 to NE11 BTS12 to NE11 BTS15 to NE11

Service ID 1 2 3

Service Name BTS11toNE11_Qli BTS12toNE11_Qli BTS15toNE11_Qli

ne ne ne


BPDU Not Transparently Not Transparently Not Transparently

Transmitted Transmitted Transmitted

Source Interface 1-EM6T-3 - -

Source VLAN ID - - -

Bearer Type QinQ Link QinQ Link QinQ Link

The values for QinQ link parameters are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

BTS11 to BTS12 to NE11 BTS15 to NE11


QinQ Link 1 2 3 4 5

Port 3-ISU2-1 1-EM6T-1 3-ISU2-1 1-EM6T-1 3-ISU2-1

S-Vlan ID 200 201 201 202 202

The values for Ethernet port attributes are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Port 3-ISU2-1 1-EM6T-3 1-EM6T-1

Enable Port - Enabled Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation QinQ 802.1Q QinQ


Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.
The values for the required parameters that are set in the main interface are as follows.
Parameter Value

BTS12 to NE12 BTS15 to NE12

Service ID 1 2

Service Name BTS12toNE12_Qline BTS15toNE12_Qline


BPDU Not Transparently Not Transparently

Transmitted Transmitted

Bearer Type QinQ Link QinQ Link

The values for QinQ link parameters are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

BTS12 to NE12 BTS15 to NE12

QinQ Link ID 1 2 3 4

Port 1-EM6T-1 3-ISU2-1 1-EM6T-1 4-ISU2-1

S-Vlan ID 201 201 202 202

The values for Ethernet port attributes are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Port 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 1-EM6T-1

Enable Port - - Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation QinQ QinQ QinQ


Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.
The values for the required parameters that are set in the main interface are as follows.
Parameter Value

BTS12 to NE13

Service ID 1

Service Name BTS12toNE13_Qline

Direction UNI-NNI

BPDU Not Transparently Transmitted

Source Interface 1-EM6T-3

Source VLAN ID -

Bearer Type QinQ Link

The values for QinQ link parameters are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

BTS12 to NE12

QinQ Link ID 1

Port 3-ISU2-1

S-Vlan ID 201

The values for Ethernet port attributes are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Port 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1

Enable Port Enabled -

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q QinQ

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.
The values for the required parameters that are set in the main interface are as follows.
Parameter Value

BTS15 to NE13

Service ID 1

Service Name BTS15toNE13_Qline

Direction NNI-NNI

BPDU Not Transparently Transmitted

Bearer Type QinQ Link

The values for QinQ link parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

BTS12 to NE12

QinQ Link ID 1 2

Port 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

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Parameter Value

BTS12 to NE12

S-Vlan ID 202 202

The values for Ethernet port attributes are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Port 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Enable Port - -

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type QinQ QinQ

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

BTS15 to NE15

Service ID 1

Service Name BTS15toNE15_Qline

Direction UNI-NNI

BPDU Not Transparently Transmitted

Source Interface 1-EM6T-3

Source VLAN ID -

Bearer Type QinQ Link

The values for QinQ link parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

QinQ Link ID 1

Port 3-ISU2-1

S-Vlan ID 202

The values for Ethernet port attributes are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

Port 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1

Enable Port Enabled -

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q QinQ

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware

----End Configuration Process (QoS)

This section describes the procedures for configuring QoS.

Step 1 See A.7.7.2 Modifying the Mapping Relationships for the DS Domain and change the
mapping relationships for the DS domain.
The values for the required parameters that are set in the main interface are as follows.

Parameter Value

Mapping Relation ID 1

Mapping Relation Name Default Map

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Ingress Mapping Relation tab
page are provided as follows.


0 0 Default value Default value BE

1 1 AF11

2 2 AF21

3 3 AF31

4 4 AF41

5 5 EF

6 6 CS6

7 7 CS7

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The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Egress Mapping Relation tab
page are provided as follows.


BE 0 0 Default value Default value

AF11 1 1

AF21 2 2

AF31 3 3

AF41 4 4

EF 5 5

CS6 6 6

CS7 7 7


l The AF1 is classified into three sub service classes, namely, AF11, AF12, and AF13, only one of which is
valid. In this example, the AF11 is used. It is the same case with the AF2, AF3, and AF4.
l The default mapping relationships for the DS domain comply with the network planning requirements and
therefore do not need to be modified.

Step 2 A.7.7.3 Changing the Ports Applied to a DS Domain and Their Trusted Packet Types and
change the ports that are applied to the DS domain and their trusted packet type.
l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.
Port Packet Type



l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.
Port Packet Type




l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.
Port Packet Type



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Port Packet Type


l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type



l The values for the related parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type



l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type



Step 3 See A.7.7.4 Creating a Port Policy and create the port policy.

The values for the related parameters of NE11 to NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Policy ID 1

Policy Name Port_Comm

Grooming Police After Reloading SP (CS7, CS6, and EF)

WRR (AF4 to AF1)

Policy Weight(%) 5 (AF4)

60 (AF3)
30 (AF2)
5 (AF1)

Bandwidth Limit Disabled (for all PHB service classes)

Step 4 See A.7.7.7 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy and set the ports that use the port policy.

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l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 1-EM6T-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1


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This section describes the process for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

Step 1 See A.7.8.1 Creating an MD and configure the MD for NE11, NE12, NE14, and NE16.

The values for the required parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE11 NE12 NE14 NE16

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance 4 4 4 4
Domain Level

Step 2 See A.7.8.2 Creating an MA and configure the MA for NE11, NE12, NE14, and NE16.
l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance BTS11_Qline BTS12_Qline BTS15_Qline

Association Name

Relevant Service 1-BTS11_Qline 2-BTS12_Qline 5-BTS15_Qline

CC Test Transmit 1s 1s 1s

l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS11_Qline

Relevant Service 1-BTS11_Qline

CC Test Transmit Period 1s

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

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Parameter Value

Maintenance Association Name BTS12_Qline

Relevant Service 1-BTS12_Qline

CC Test Transmit Period 1s

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS15_Qline

Relevant Service 1-BTS15_Qline

CC Test Transmit Period 1s

Step 3 See A.7.8.3 Creating MEPs and create the MEPs.

l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.


Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance BTS11_Qline BTS12_Qline BTS15_Qline

Association Name

Board 1-EM6T 1-EM6T 1-EM6T

Port 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-1

VLAN 100 110 140

MP ID 101 102 105

Direction Ingress Ingress Ingress

CC Status Active Active Active

AIS Active Status Active Active Active

l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS11_Qline

Board 1-EM6T

Port 1-EM6T-3

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Parameter Value


MP ID 201

Direction Ingress

CC Status Active

AIS Active Status Active

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS12_Qline

Board 1-EM6T

Port 1-EM6T-3


MP ID 401

Direction Ingress

CC Status Active

AIS Active Status Active

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS15_Qline

Board 1-EM6T

Port 1-EM6T-3


MP ID 601

Direction Ingress

CC Status Active

AIS Active Status Active

Step 4 See A.7.8.4 Creating Remote MEPs in an MA and create the remote MEPs of the MA for
NE11, NE12, NE14, and NE16.

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The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance BTS11_Qline BTS12_Qline BTS15_Qline

Association Name

Remote 201 401 601

Maintenance Point

The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS11_Qline

Remote Maintenance Point ID(e.g:1,3-6) 101

The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS12_Qline

Remote Maintenance Point ID(e.g:1,3-6) 102

The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS15_Qline

Remote Maintenance Point ID(e.g:1,3-6) 105

Step 5 On NE1, perform LB tests to test the Ethernet service configurations.

l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 101 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 201 as the sink MEP.

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l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 102 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 401 as the sink MEP.
l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 105 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 601 as the sink MEP.
There should be no packet lost during the LB tests.


8.6 Configuration Example (802.1d-Bridge-Based E-LAN

This section considers an 802.1d-bridge-based E-LAN service as an example to describe how
to configure the Ethernet service according to the network planning information.

8.6.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 6.6 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Hybrid Radio Ring Network),
configure Ethernet services according to the following requirements:
l BTS21 to BTS23 provide FE ports whose port rate is 100 Mbit/s.
l The Ethernet services on the ring network are protected.
l The BTS services are transparently transmitted.
l VLAN priorities are configured on each BTS according to service types.
l The functions of detecting looped services and suppressing broadcast packets need to be
provided on the network.
To meet the preceding requirements, IEEE 802.1d bridge-based E-LAN services are configured
to implement transmission of the BTS services; in addition, the functions of detecting looped
services and suppressing broadcast packets, ERPS protection, and QoS processing are
configured. See Figure 8-30.

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Figure 8-30 Networking diagram (IEEE 802.1d bridge-based E-LAN services)

Packet network


R4 R4
BTS21 NE22 NE24 BTS24
802.1d bridge
802.1d bridge


NE23 R4
802.1d bridge

The connections of Ethernet links shown in Figure 8-30 are described as follows.

Table 8-96 Connections of Ethernet links (NE21)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE21 and 1-EM6F-3 - Configure this port to

the PSN drop the Native E-
LAN services from
the Hybrid radio ring

Between NE21 and 4-ISU2-1 East port of an ERPS Configure this port to
NE22 ring node transmit Ethernet
services on Hybrid

Between NE21 and 3-ISU2-1 West port of an Configure this port to

NE24 ERPS ring node transmit Ethernet
Main IF board of a 1 services on Hybrid
+1 SD protection radio.

5-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a

1+1 SD protection

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Table 8-97 Connections of Ethernet links (NE22)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE22 and 4-ISU2-1 East port of an ERPS Configure this port to
NE23 ring node transmit Ethernet
services on Hybrid

Between NE22 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure this port to

BTS21 access services from

Between NE22 and 3-ISU2-1 West port of an Configure this port to

NE21 ERPS ring node transmit Ethernet
services on Hybrid

Table 8-98 Connections of Ethernet links (NE23)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE23 and 4-ISU2-1 l East port of an Configure this port to

NE24 ERPS ring node transmit Ethernet
l RPL port services on Hybrid

Between NE23 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure this port to

BTS23 access services from

Between NE23 and 3-ISU2-1 West port of an Configure this port to

NE22 ERPS ring node transmit Ethernet
services on Hybrid

Table 8-99 Connections of Ethernet links (NE24)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE24 and 4-ISU2-1 East port of an ERPS Configure these ports
NE21 ring node to transmit Ethernet
Main IF board of a 1 services on Hybrid
+1 SD protection radio.

6-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a

1+1 SD protection

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Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE24 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure this port to

BTS24 access services from

Between NE24 and 3-ISU2-1 West port of an Configure this port to

NE23 ERPS ring node transmit Ethernet
services on Hybrid

8.6.2 Service Planning

You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before configuring an Ethernet
service. Service Planning (Ethernet Ports)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet ports.

Information About Ethernet Ports

Table 8-103 and Table 8-100 provide the information about the Ethernet ports that transmit the
Ethernet services.

Table 8-100 Information about Ethernet ports (NE21)

Parameter 1-EM6F-3

Encapsulation type Null

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

Enabling broadcast packet suppression Enabled

Broadcast packet suppression threshold 30

Table 8-101 Information about Ethernet ports (NE22)

Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation type Null

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

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Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

Enabling broadcast packet suppression Enabled

Broadcast packet suppression threshold 30

Table 8-102 Information about Ethernet ports (NE23)

Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation type Null

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

Enabling broadcast packet suppression Enabled

Broadcast packet suppression threshold 30

Table 8-103 Information about Ethernet ports (NE24)

Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation type Null

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

Enabling broadcast packet suppression Enabled

Broadcast packet suppression threshold 30


l In this example, the FE ports on all the BTSs work in auto-negotiation mode. Therefore, the FE/GE port of
each NE that accesses services must work in auto-negotiation mode. If the peer Ethernet port works in
another mode, the local Ethernet port must work in the same mode. The working modes of the Ethernet ports
inside the network are planned as auto-negotiation.
l In this example, to ensure that the Ethernet frames that carry more than one tag such as QinQ can traverse
the equipment, the maximum frame length is set to 1536 (bytes). If the equipment needs to transmit jumbo
frames with a greater length, set the maximum frame length according to the actual length of a jumbo frame.
Normally, if the equipment is interconnected with BTSs, the maximum frame length can also assume its
default value of 1522.

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Information About the IF_ETH Ports

Table 8-104 to Table 8-107 provide the information about the IF_ETH ports that carry the
Ethernet services.

Table 8-104 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE21)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type Null Null Null

Table 8-105 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE22)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type Null Null

Table 8-106 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE23)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type Null Null

Table 8-107 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE24)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type Null Null Null Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet protection.

Information About ERPS Instances

Table 8-108 provides the planning information about ERPS instances.

Table 8-108 Information about ERPS instances

Parameter NE21 NE22 NE23 NE24

ERPS ID 1 1 1 1

East port 4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

West port 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

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Parameter NE21 NE22 NE23 NE24

RPL owner ring No No Yes No

node flag

RPL port - - 4-ISU2-1 -

Control VLAN 4093 4093 4093 4093

Packet transmit 5s (default 5s (default 5s (default 5s (default

interval value) value) value) value)

Entity level 4 (default value) 4 (default value) 4 (default value) 4 (default value)

WTR time - - 5 minutes -

(default value)

Guard time 500 ms (default 500 ms (default 500 ms (default 500 ms (default
value) value) value) value)

Hold-off time 0s (default 0s (default 0s (default 0s (default

value) value) value) value)


l In this example, all the services are aggregated on NE21. Therefore, the NE that is farthest from NE21 needs
to function as the RPL owner. In this way, when the ring network is normal, the traffic carried on each link
is relatively even.
l The control VLAN needs to use a VLAN that is not used by any service. It is recommended that the control
VLAN use VLAN 4093.
l The packet transmit interval, entity level, WTR time, guard time, and hold-off time generally assume their
default values. Service Planning (Ethernet Services)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet services.

Table 8-109 provides the planning information of IEEE 802.1a bridge-based E-LAN services.

Table 8-109 Information about IEEE 802.1d bridge-based E-LAN services

Parameter NE21 NE22 NE23 NE24

Service ID 1 1 1 1

Service name Dlan Dlan Dlan Dlan

TAG type Tag- Tag- Tag- Tag-

Transparent Transparent Transparent Transparent

Self-learning Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

MAC address

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Parameter NE21 NE22 NE23 NE24


learning mode

Mounted UNI 1-EM6F-3 1-EM6T-3 1-EM6T-3 1-EM6T-3

port 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1
4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 Service Planning (QoS)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring QoS.

QoS (Diffserv)
DS is the basis for QoS. It is recommended that the VLAN priority or DSCP value of the BTS
services be allocated by the service type. Then, the transmission network creates the
corresponding DS domain according to the allocated VLAN priority or DSCP value. Each
Ethernet port involved in the service must use the same DS configuration.

In this example, the BTS services are allocated with corresponding VLAN priorities according
to the service type, and the NEs allocate the PHB service classes according to the VLAN priority,
as provided in Table 8-110. Each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same DS

Table 8-110 Service class and PHB service class

PHB Service Class VLAN Priority Corresponding Service


CS7 7 -

CS6 6 -

EF 5 Real-time voice service and

signaling service (R99
conversational and R99
streaming services)

AF4 4 -

AF3 3 Real-time OM and HSDPA

services (OM streaming and
HSPA streaming services)

AF2 2 Non-real-time R99 service

(R99 interactive and R99
background services)

AF1 1 -

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PHB Service Class VLAN Priority Corresponding Service


BE 0 HSDPA data service (HSPA

interactive and background


l During the mapping of the PHB service class, CS7 or CS6 is not recommended, because CS7 or CS6 may
be used to transmit Ethernet protocol packets or inband DCN packets on the NE.
l The default mapping relationships for the DS domain comply with the network planning requirements and
therefore do not need to be modified.
l The default trusted packet type for each port that is applied for the default DS domain is C-VLAN priority
and therefore does not need to be modified.

QoS (Queue Scheduling Mode)

Generally, each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same queue scheduling mode.
Table 8-111 lists the queue scheduling mode used by each Ethernet port involved in the service
in this example.

Table 8-111 Queue scheduling mode

PHB Service Class Queue Scheduling Mode




AF4 WRR (weight = 5)

AF3 WRR (weight = 60)

AF2 WRR (weight = 30)

AF1 WRR (weight = 5)


QoS (CAR or Shaping for a Specified Service Flow)

Normally, flow control is already performed on 2G/3G base stations and BSCs/RNCs and
therefore CAR or shaping processing does not need to be performed again on the microwave
backhaul network.

QoS (Port Shaping)

If the Ethernet bandwidth planned for the aggregation link is lower than the total bandwidth of
the aggregation services, you can perform port shaping at the edge node to limit the Ethernet

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service traffic that travels to the aggregation node, thus preventing congestion at the aggregation
In this example, you do not need to perform port shaping.

8.6.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for data configuration. Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports)

This section describes the process for configuring Ethernet ports.

Step 1 See A.6.6.1 Setting the General Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the basic attributes of
Ethernet ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type Null

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE22 and NE24 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type Null

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type Null

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

Step 2 See A.6.6.5 Setting the Advanced Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the advanced attributes
of Ethernet ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Loopback Check Enabled

Enabling Broadcast Packet Suppression Enabled

Broadcast Packet Suppression 30


l The values for the related parameters of NE22 and NE24 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Loopback Check Enabled

Enabling Broadcast Packet Suppression Enabled

Broadcast Packet Suppression 30


l The values for the related parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Loopback Check Enabled

Enabling Broadcast Packet Suppression Enabled

Broadcast Packet Suppression 30


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Step 3 See A.6.7.1 Setting the General Attributes of IF_ETH Ports and set the basic attributes of
the IF_ETH ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Null Null Null


l The values for the related parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type Null Null

l The values for the related parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Null Null Null


Step 4 See A.6.7.4 Setting the Advanced Attributes of IF_ETH Ports and set the advanced attributes
of the IF_ETH ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE22 and NE23 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Enabling Broadcast Enabled Enabled

Packet Suppression

Broadcast Packet 30 30
Suppression Threshold

l The values for the related parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Enabling Enabled Enabled Enabled

Broadcast Packet

Broadcast Packet 30 30 30

----End Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)

This section describes the process for configuring Ethernet protection.

Step 1 See A.7.1.1 Creating Ethernet Ring Protection Instances and create the ERPS instance.

The values for the required parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE21 NE22 NE23 NE24

ERPS ID 1 1 1 1

East Port 4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

West Port 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

RPL Owner No No Yes No

Ring Node Flag

RPL Port - - 4-ISU2-1 -

Control VLAN 4093 4093 4093 4093

----End Configuration Process (Service Information)

This section describes the process for configuring service information.

Step 1 See A.7.3.8 Configuring IEEE 802.1d Bridge-Based E-LAN Services and configure the E-
LAN services.
l Parameters of NE21

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The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided
as follows.

Parameter Value

Service ID 1

Service Name Dlan

Tag Type Tag-Transparent

Self-Learning Enabled
MAC Address

Port 1-EM6F-3 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1


VLAN Blank Blank Blank

Enable Port Enabled - -

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation - -

Encapsulation Null Null Null


Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get UNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.





l Parameters of NE22 and NE24

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided
as follows.

Parameter Value

Service ID 1

Service Name Dlan

Tag Type Tag-Transparent

Self-Learning Enabled
MAC Address

Port 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

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Parameter Value


VLAN Blank Blank Blank

Enable Port Enabled - -

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation - -

Encapsulation Null Null Null


Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get UNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.




l Parameters of NE23
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided
as follows.
Parameter Value

Service ID 1

Service Name Dlan

Tag Type Tag-Transparent

Self-Learning Enabled
MAC Address

Port 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1


VLAN Blank Blank Blank

Enable Port Enabled - -

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation - -

Encapsulation Null Null Null


Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware

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The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get UNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.





----End Configuration Process (QoS)

This section describes the procedures for configuring QoS.

Step 1 See A.7.7.2 Modifying the Mapping Relationships for the DS Domain and change the
mapping relationships for the DS domain.

The actual mapping relationships for the default DS domain comply with the network planning information.
Therefore, you can skip this step.

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided as

Parameter Value

Mapping Relation ID 1

Mapping Relation Name Default Map

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Ingress Mapping Relation tab
page are provided as follows.


0 Default value Default value Default value BE

1 AF11

2 AF21

3 AF31

4 AF41

5 EF

6 CS6

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7 CS7

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Egress Mapping Relation tab
page are provided as follows.


BE 0 Default value Default value Default value

AF11 1

AF21 2

AF31 3

AF41 4

EF 5

CS6 6

CS7 7


AF1 is classified into three sub service classes, namely, AF11, AF12, and AF13, only one of which is valid at
a time. In this example, AF11 is used. It is the same case with the AF2, AF3, and AF4.

Step 2 A.7.7.3 Changing the Ports Applied to a DS Domain and Their Trusted Packet Types and
change the ports that are applied to the DS domain and their trusted packet types.

The actual ports that are applied to the default DS domain and their trusted packet types comply with the network
planning information. Therefore, you can skip this step.
l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type


l The values for the related parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type


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l The values for the related parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type


l The values for the related parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type


Step 3 See A.7.7.4 Creating a Port Policy and create the port policy.

The values for the related parameters of each NE are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Policy ID 1

Policy Name Port_Comm

Grooming Police After Reloading SP (CS7, CS6, and EF)

WRR (AF4 to AF1)

Policy Weight(%) 5 (AF4)

60 (AF3)
30 (AF2)
5 (AF1)

Bandwidth Limit Disabled (for all PHB service classes)

Step 4 See A.7.7.7 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy and set the ports that use the port policy.
l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 1-EM6F-3

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l The values for the related parameters of NE22 and NE24 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 1-EM6T-3

l The values for the related parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 1-EM6T-3

----End Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

Step 1 See A.7.8.1 Creating an MD and create the MDs.
The values for the required parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE21 NE22 NE23 NE24

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance 4 4 4 4
Domain Level

Step 2 See A.7.8.2 Creating an MA and create the MA.

The values for the required parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE21 NE22 NE23 NE24

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

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Parameter Value

NE21 NE22 NE23 NE24

Maintenance Dlan Dlan Dlan Dlan


Relevant 1-Dlan 1-Dlan 1-Dlan 1-Dlan


CC Test 1s 1s 1s 1s

Step 3 See A.7.8.3 Creating MEPs and create the MEPs.

The values for the required parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE21 NE22 NE23 NE24

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance Dlan Dlan Dlan Dlan


Board 1-EM6F 1-EM6T 1-EM6T 1-EM6T

Port 1-EM6F-3 1-EM6T-3 1-EM6T-3 1-EM6T-3

VLAN - - - -

MP ID 101 201 301 401

Direction Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress

CC Status Active Active Active Active

AIS Active Active Active Active Active


Step 4 See A.7.8.4 Creating Remote MEPs in an MA and create the remote MEP points.
The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

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Parameter Value

Maintenance Dlan Dlan Dlan Dlan


Remote 201 202 302 401

Point ID(e.g:

The values for the related parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name Dlan

Remote Maintenance Point ID(e.g:1,3-6) 101

The values for the related parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name Dlan

Remote Maintenance Point ID(e.g:1,3-6) 101

The values for the related parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name Dlan

Remote Maintenance Point ID(e.g:1,3-6) 101

Step 5 Perform an LB test to verify Ethernet service configurations.

l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 101 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 201 as the sink MEP.
l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 101 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 202 as the sink MEP.

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l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 101 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 301 as the sink MEP.
l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 101 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 401 as the sink MEP.
There should be no packet lost during the LB tests.


8.7 Configuration Example (802.1q-Bridge-Based E-LAN

This section considers an 802.1q-bridge-based E-LAN service as an example to describe how
to configure the Ethernet service according to the network planning information.

8.7.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 6.5 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Hybrid Radio Chain Network),
configure Ethernet services according to the following requirements:
l BTS11, BTS12, and BTS15 provide FE ports whose port rate is 100 Mbit/s.
l BTS11 and BTS12 belong to domain 1; BTS15 belongs to domain 2. The BTSs in a domain
have the same VLAN ID and the data from different domains is isolated from each other
by using the VLAN IDs.
l VLAN priorities are configured on each BTS according to service types.
l The functions of detecting looped services and suppressing broadcast packets need to be
provided on the network.
To meet the preceding requirements, IEEE 802.1q bridge-based E-LAN services are configured
for service transmission on each NE; in addition, the functions of detecting looped services and
suppressing broadcast packets, and QoS processing are configured.

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Figure 8-31 Networking diagram (IEEE 802.1q bridge-based E-LAN services)

VLAN 100 BTS11
VLAN 100
Domain 1
VLAN 100
Packet network

NE13 NE12 NE11

Domain 2
VLAN 110

NE16 NE15

VLAN 110

The connections of Ethernet links shown in Figure 8-31 are described as follows.

Table 8-112 Connections of Ethernet links (NE12)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE12 and 1-EM6T-1 - Configure these ports

NE13 to transmit backhaul
services from BTSs.

Between NE12 and 3-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE11 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
5-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

Between NE12 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure these ports

BTS11 to access services
from BTS11.

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Table 8-113 Connections of Ethernet links (NE13)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE13 and 3-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE14 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
5-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

Between NE13 and 4-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE15 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
6-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

Between NE13 and 1-EM6T-1 - Configure this port to

NE12 transmit backhaul
services from BTSs.

Table 8-114 Connections of Ethernet links (NE14)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE14 and 3-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE13 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
5-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

Between NE14 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure this port to

BTS12 access services from

Table 8-115 Connections of Ethernet links (NE15)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE15 and 3-ISU2-1 - Configure this port to

NE16 transmit Native
Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.

Between NE15 and 4-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE13 +1 HSB protection transmit Native

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Link Port Port Description Description

6-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a Ethernet services on

1+1 HSB protection Hybrid radio.

Table 8-116 Connections of Ethernet links (NE16)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE16 and 3-ISU2-1 - Configure this port to

NE15 transmit Ethernet
services on Hybrid

Between NE16 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure these ports

BTS15 to access services
from BTS15.

8.7.2 Service Planning

You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before service configuration. Service Planning (Ethernet Ports)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet ports.

Information About Ethernet Ports

Table 8-117 to Table 8-120 provide the information about the Ethernet ports that transmit the
Ethernet services.

Table 8-117 Information about Ethernet ports (NE12)

Parameter 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation type 802.1q 802.1q

Port working mode Auto-negotiation Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length 1536 1536


Flow control Disabled Disabled

Tag attribute Tag aware Tag aware

Enabling broadcast packet Enabled Enabled


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Parameter 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-3

Broadcast packet 30 30
suppression threshold

Table 8-118 Information about Ethernet ports (NE13)

Parameter 1-EM6T-1

Encapsulation type 802.1q

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

Tag attribute Tag aware

Enabling broadcast packet suppression Enabled

Broadcast packet suppression threshold 30

Table 8-119 Information about Ethernet ports (NE14)

Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation type 802.1Q

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

Tag attribute Tag aware

Enabling broadcast packet suppression Enabled

Broadcast packet suppression threshold 30

Table 8-120 Information about Ethernet ports (NE16)

Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation type 802.1q

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

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Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Tag attribute Tag aware

Enabling broadcast packet suppression Enabled

Broadcast packet suppression threshold 30


l In this example, the FE ports on all the BTSs work in auto-negotiation mode. Therefore, the FE/GE port of
each NE that accesses services must work in auto-negotiation mode. If the peer Ethernet port works in
another mode, the local Ethernet port must work in the same mode. The working modes of the Ethernet ports
inside the network are planned as auto-negotiation.
l In this example, to ensure that the Ethernet frames that carry more than one tag such as QinQ can traverse
the equipment, the maximum frame length is set to 1536 (bytes). If the equipment needs to transmit jumbo
frames with a greater length, set the maximum frame length according to the actual length of a jumbo frame.
Normally, if the equipment is interconnected with BTSs, the maximum frame length can also assume its
default value of 1522.
l In this example, all the services carry VLAN IDs. Therefore, the tag attributes of all the ports are tag aware.

Information About the IF_ETH Ports

Table 8-121 to Table 8-125 provide the information about the IF_ETH ports that carry the
Ethernet services.

Table 8-121 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE12)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type 802.1q 802.1q

Tag attribute Tag aware Tag aware

Table 8-122 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE13)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Encapsulation 802.1q 802.1q 802.1q 802.1q


Tag attribute Tag aware Tag aware Tag aware Tag aware

Table 8-123 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE14)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type 802.1q 802.1q

Tag attribute Tag aware Tag aware

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Table 8-124 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE15)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type 802.1q 802.1q 802.1q

Tag attribute Tag aware Tag aware Tag aware

Table 8-125 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE16)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type 802.1Q

Tag attribute Tag aware Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet protection.
In this example, Ethernet protection is not used. Service Planning (Ethernet Services)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet services.
Table 8-126 provides the planning information of IEEE 802.1q bridge-based E-LAN services.

Table 8-126 Information about IEEE 802.1q bridge-based E-LAN services

Parameter NE12 NE13 NE14 NE15 NE16

Service ID 1 1 1 1 1

Service Qlan Qlan Qlan Qlan Qlan


Tag type C-Awared C-Awared C-Awared C-Awared C-Awared

Self-learning Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled




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Parameter NE12 NE13 NE14 NE15 NE16

Mounted 1-EM6T-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

100, 110) 100) 100) 110) 110)
1-EM6T-3 4-ISU2-1 1-EM6T-3 4-ISU2-1 1-EM6T-3
100) 110) 100) 110) 110)
3-ISU2-1 1-EM6T-1
100, 110) 100, 110)


In this example, the split horizon group is not used. Service Planning (QoS)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring QoS.

QoS (Diffserv)
DS is the basis for QoS. It is recommended that the VLAN priority or DSCP value of the BTS
services be allocated by the service type. Then, the transmission network creates the
corresponding DS domain according to the allocated VLAN priority or DSCP value. Each
Ethernet port involved in the service must use the same DS configuration.

In this example, the BTS services are allocated with corresponding VLAN priorities according
to the service type, and the NEs allocate the PHB service classes according to the VLAN priority,
as provided in Table 8-127. Each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same DS

Table 8-127 Service class and PHB service class

PHB Service Class VLAN Priority Corresponding Service


CS7 7 -

CS6 6 -

EF 5 Real-time voice service and

signaling service (R99
conversational and R99
streaming services)

AF4 4 -

AF3 3 Real-time OM and HSDPA

services (OM streaming and
HSPA streaming services)

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PHB Service Class VLAN Priority Corresponding Service


AF2 2 Non-real-time R99 service

(R99 interactive and R99
background services)

AF1 1 -

BE 0 HSDPA data service (HSPA

interactive and background


l During the mapping of the PHB service class, CS7 or CS6 is not recommended, because CS7 or CS6 may
be used to transmit Ethernet protocol packets or inband DCN packets on the NE.
l The default mapping relationships for the DS domain comply with the network planning requirements and
therefore do not need to be modified.
l The default trusted packet type for each port that is applied for the default DS domain is C-VLAN priority
and therefore does not need to be modified.

QoS (Queue Scheduling Mode)

Generally, each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same queue scheduling mode.
Table 8-128 lists the queue scheduling mode used by each Ethernet port involved in the service
in this example.

Table 8-128 Queue scheduling mode

PHB Service Class Queue Scheduling Mode




AF4 WRR (weight = 5)

AF3 WRR (weight = 60)

AF2 WRR (weight = 30)

AF1 WRR (weight = 5)


QoS (CAR or Shaping for a Specified Service Flow)

Normally, flow control is already performed on 2G/3G base stations and BSCs/RNCs and
therefore CAR or shaping processing does not need to be performed again on the microwave
backhaul network.

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QoS (Port Shaping)

If the Ethernet bandwidth planned for the aggregation link is lower than the total bandwidth of
the aggregation services, you can perform port shaping at the edge node to limit the Ethernet
service traffic that travels to the aggregation node, thus preventing congestion at the aggregation

In this example, you do not need to perform port shaping.

8.7.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for data configuration. Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports)

This section describes the process for configuring Ethernet ports.

Step 1 See A.6.6.1 Setting the General Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the basic attributes of
Ethernet ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-3

Enable Port Enabled Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

Step 2 See A.6.6.3 Setting the Layer 2 Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the Layer 2 attributes of
Ethernet ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-3

TAG Tag Aware Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


TAG Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


TAG Tag Aware

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l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


TAG Tag Aware

Step 3 See A.6.6.5 Setting the Advanced Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the advanced attributes
of Ethernet ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-3

Loopback Check Enabled Enabled

Enabling Broadcast Enabled Enabled

Packet Suppression

Broadcast Packet 30 30
Suppression Threshold

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Loopback Check Enabled

Enabling Broadcast Packet Suppression Enabled

Broadcast Packet Suppression 30


l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Loopback Check Enabled

Enabling Broadcast Packet Suppression Enabled

Broadcast Packet Suppression 30


l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value


Loopback Check Enabled

Enabling Broadcast Packet Suppression Enabled

Broadcast Packet Suppression 30


Step 4 See A.6.7.1 Setting the General Attributes of IF_ETH Ports and set the basic attributes of
IF_ETH ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation 802.1Q 802.1Q 802.1Q 802.1Q


l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

l The values for the related parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation 802.1Q 802.1Q 802.1Q


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l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q

Step 5 See A.6.7.2 Setting the Layer 2 Attributes of IF_ETH Ports and set the Layer 2 attributes of
IF_ETH ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Tag Tag Aware

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Step 6 See A.6.7.4 Setting the Advanced Attributes of IF_ETH Ports and set the advanced attributes
of the IF_ETH ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Enabling Broadcast Enabled Enabled

Packet Suppression

Broadcast Packet 30 30
Suppression Threshold

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Enabling Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled


Broadcast 30 30 30 30

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Enabling Broadcast Enabled Enabled

Packet Suppression

Broadcast Packet 30 30
Suppression Threshold

l The values for the related parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Enabling Enabled Enabled Enabled

Broadcast Packet

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Broadcast Packet 30 30 30

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Enabling Broadcast Packet Suppression Enabled

Broadcast Packet Suppression 30


----End Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)

In this example, Ethernet protection is not used. Configuration Process (Service Information)

This section describes the process for configuring service information.

Step 1 See A.7.3.9 Configuring IEEE 802.1q Bridge-Based E-LAN Services and configure the E-
LAN services.
l Parameters of NE12
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided
as follows.
Parameter Value

Service ID 1

Service Name Qlan

Tag Type C-Awared

Self-Learning Enabled
MAC Address

Port 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1


VLAN 100, 110 100 100, 110

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Parameter Value

Enable Port Enabled Enabled -

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation -

Encapsulation 802.1Q 802.1Q 802.1Q


Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get UNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.
Port VLAN (1, 3-5)

1-EM6T-1 100, 110

1-EM6T-3 100

3-ISU2-1 100, 110

l Parameters of NE13
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided
as follows.
Parameter Value

Service ID 1

Service Name Qlan

Tag Type C-Awared

Self-Learning Enabled
MAC Address

Port 1-EM6T-1 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1


VLAN 100, 110 100 110

Enable Port Enabled - -

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation - -

Encapsulation 802.1Q 802.1Q 802.1Q


Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get UNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.

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Port VLAN (1, 3-5)

1-EM6T-1 100, 110

3-ISU2-1 100

4-ISU2-1 110

l Parameters of NE14
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided
as follows.

Parameter Value

Service ID 1

Service Name Qlan

Tag Type C-Awared

Self-Learning MAC Enabled


Port 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1

Port Type UNI UNI

VLAN 100 100

Enable Port Enabled -

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation -

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get UNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.

Port VLAN (1, 3-5)

1-EM6T-3 100

3-ISU2-1 100

l Parameters of NE15
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided
as follows.

Parameter Value

Service ID 1

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Parameter Value

Service Name Qlan

Tag Type C-Awared

Self-Learning MAC Enabled


Port 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Port Type UNI UNI

VLAN 110 110

Enable Port - -

Working Mode - -

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get UNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.

Port VLAN (1, 3-5)

3-ISU2-1 110

4-ISU2-1 110

l Parameters of NE16
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided
as follows.

Parameter Value

Service ID 1

Service Name Qlan

Tag Type C-Awared

Self-Learning MAC Enabled


Port 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1

Port Type UNI UNI

VLAN 110 110

Enable Port Enabled -

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation -

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Parameter Value

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get UNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.

Port VLAN (1, 3-5)

1-EM6T-3 110

3-ISU2-1 110

----End Configuration Process (QoS)

This section describes the procedures for configuring QoS.

Step 1 See A.7.7.2 Modifying the Mapping Relationships for the DS Domain and modify the
mapping relationships for the DS domain.

The actual mapping relationships for the default DS domain comply with the network planning information.
Therefore, you can skip this step.

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided as

Parameter Value

Mapping Relation ID 1

Mapping Relation Name Default Map

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Ingress Mapping Relation tab
page are provided as follows.


0 Default value Default value Default value BE

1 AF11

2 AF21

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3 AF31

4 AF41

5 EF

6 CS6

7 CS7

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Egress Mapping Relation tab
page are provided as follows.


BE 0 Default value Default value Default value

AF11 1

AF21 2

AF31 3

AF41 4

EF 5

CS6 6

CS7 7

The AF1 is classified into three sub service classes, namely, AF11, AF12, and AF13, only one of which is valid.
In this example, the AF11 is used. It is the same case with the AF2, AF3, and AF4.

Step 2 A.7.7.3 Changing the Ports Applied to a DS Domain and Their Trusted Packet Types and
change the ports that are applied to the DS domain and their trusted packet types.

The actual ports that are applied to the default DS domain and their trusted packet types comply with the network
planning information. Therefore, you can skip this step.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.
Port Packet Type


l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

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Port Packet Type


l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.
Port Packet Type


l The values for the related parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.
Port Packet Type


l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.
Port Packet Type


Step 3 See A.7.7.4 Creating a Port Policy and create the port policy.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 to NE16 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Policy ID 1

Policy Name Port_Comm

Grooming Police After Reloading SP (CS7, CS6, and EF)

WRR (AF4 to AF1)

Policy Weight(%) 5 (AF4)

60 (AF3)
30 (AF2)
5 (AF1)

Bandwidth Limit Disabled (for all PHB service classes)

Step 4 See A.7.7.7 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy and set the ports that use the port policy.

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l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 1-EM6T-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

----End Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

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Step 1 See A.7.8.1 Creating an MD and create the MDs for NE12, NE14, and NE16.

The values for the required parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE12 NE14 NE16

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance 4 4 4
Domain Level

Step 2 See A.7.8.2 Creating an MA and create the MAs for NE12, NE14, and NE16.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance BTS11_Qlan BTS12_Qlan BTS15_Qlan

Association Name

Relevant Service 1-Qlan 1-Qlan 1-Qlan

CC Test Transmit 1s 1s 1s

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS12_Qlan

Relevant Service 1-Qlan

CC Test Transmit Period 1s

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS15_Qlan

Relevant Service 1-Qlan

CC Test Transmit Period 1s

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Step 3 See A.7.8.3 Creating MEPs and create the MEPs for NE12, NE14, and NE16.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance BTS11_Qlan BTS11_Qlan BTS12_Qlan BTS15_Qlan


Board 1-EM6T 3-ISU2 3-ISU2 3-ISU2

Port 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

VLAN 100 100 100 110

MP ID 201 200 202 205

Direction Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress

CC Status Active Active Active Active

AIS Active Active Active Active Active


l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS12_Qlan

Board 1-EM6T-3

Port 1-EM6T-3

VLAN 110

MP ID 401

Direction Ingress

CC Status Active

AIS Active Status Active

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS15_Qlan

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Parameter Value

Board 1-EM6T

Port 1-EM6T-3

VLAN 120

MP ID 601

Direction Ingress

CC Status Active

AIS Active Status Active

Step 4 See A.7.8.4 Creating Remote MEPs in an MA and create the remote MEPs for NE12, NE14,
and NE16.
The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance BTS11_Qlan BTS12_Qlan BTS15_Qlan

Association Name

Remote 201 401 601

Maintenance Point

The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS12_Qlan

Remote Maintenance Point ID(e.g:1,3-6) 202

The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS15_Qlan

Remote Maintenance Point ID(e.g:1,3-6) 205

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Step 5 On NE12, perform LB tests to test the Ethernet service configurations.

l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 200 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 201 as the sink MEP.
l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 202 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 401 as the sink MEP.
l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 205 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 601 as the sink MEP.
There should be no packet lost during the LB tests.


8.8 Configuration Example (802.1ad-Bridge-Based E-LAN

This section considers an 802.1ad-bridge-based E-LAN service as an example to describe how
to configure the Ethernet service according to the network planning information.

8.8.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 6.6 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Hybrid Radio Ring Network),
configure Ethernet services according to the following requirements:
l BTS11 to BTS14 provide FE ports whose port rate is 100 Mbit/s.
l The RNC provides GE ports whose port rate is 1000 Mbit/s.
l The VLAN ID used by the services on a BTS is allocated by the RNC that controls the
l The VLAN IDs of services on BTSs that are controlled by different RNCs may be the same.
Therefore, the transport network allocates an S-VLAN ID for services from the BTSs
controlled by the same RNC, and the S-VLAN IDs on the entire network are planned in a
unified manner.
l The Ethernet services on the ring network are protected.
l VLAN priorities are configured on each BTS according to service types.
l The functions of detecting looped services and suppressing broadcast packets need to be
provided on the network.
To meet the preceding requirements, IEEE 802.1ad bridge based E-LAN services are configured
to implement transmission of the BTS services; in addition, the functions of detecting looped
services and suppressing broadcast packets, ERPS protection, and QoS processing are
configured. See Figure 8-32.

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Figure 8-32 Networking diagram (IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based E-LAN services)

RNC1 802.1ad bridge RNC2

R4 R4
NE22 NE24
802.1ad bridge
802.1ad bridge


802.1ad bridge R4

The connections of Ethernet links shown in Figure 8-32 are described as follows.

Table 8-129 Connections of Ethernet links (NE21)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE21 and 1-EM6T-1 - Configure this port to

RNC1 transmit backhaul
services from BTSs.

Between NE21 and 1-EM6T-2 - Configure this port to

RNC2 transmit backhaul
services from BTSs.

Between NE21 and 4-ISU2-1 East port of an ERPS Configure this port to
NE22 ring node transmit Native
Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.

Between NE21 and 3-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure these ports

NE24 +1 SD protection to transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
West port of an Hybrid radio.
ERPS ring node

5-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a

1+1 SD protection

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Table 8-130 Connections of Ethernet links (NE22)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE22 and 4-ISU2-1 East port of an ERPS Configure this port to
NE23 ring node transmit Ethernet
services on Hybrid

Between NE22 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure this port to

BTS21 access services from

Between NE22 and 3-ISU2-1 West port of an Configure this port to

NE21 ERPS ring node transmit Ethernet
services on Hybrid

Table 8-131 Connections of Ethernet links (NE23)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE23 and 4-ISU2-1 l East port of an Configure this port to

NE24 ERPS ring node transmit Ethernet
l RPL port services on Hybrid

Between NE23 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure this port to

BTS23 access services from

Between NE23 and 3-ISU2-1 West port of an Configure this port to

NE22 ERPS ring node transmit Ethernet
services on Hybrid

Table 8-132 Connections of Ethernet links (NE24)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE24 and 4-ISU2-1 East port of an ERPS Configure these ports
NE21 ring node to transmit Ethernet
Main IF board of a 1 services on Hybrid
+1 SD protection radio.

6-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a

1+1 SD protection

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Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE24 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure this port to

BTS24 access services from

Between NE24 and 3-ISU2-1 West port of an Configure this port to

NE23 ERPS ring node transmit Ethernet
services on Hybrid

8.8.2 Service Planning

You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before service configuration. Service Planning (Ethernet Ports)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet ports.

Information About Ethernet Ports

Table 8-133 to Table 8-136 provide the information about the Ethernet ports that transmit the
Ethernet services.

Table 8-133 Information about Ethernet ports (NE21)

Parameter 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-2

Encapsulation type 802.1q 802.1q

Port working mode Auto-negotiation Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length 1536 1536


Flow control Disabled Disabled

Tag attribute Tag aware Tag aware

Enabling broadcast packet Enabled Enabled


Broadcast packet 30 30
suppression threshold

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Table 8-134 Information about Ethernet ports (NE22)

Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation type 802.1q

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

Tag attribute Tag aware

Enabling broadcast packet suppression Enabled

Broadcast packet suppression threshold 30

Table 8-135 Information about Ethernet ports (NE23)

Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation type 802.1q

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

Tag attribute Tag aware

Enabling broadcast packet suppression Enabled

Broadcast packet suppression threshold 30

Table 8-136 Information about Ethernet ports (NE24)

Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation type 802.1q

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

Tag attribute Tag aware

Enabling broadcast packet suppression Enabled

Broadcast packet suppression threshold 30

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l In this example, the FE/GE ports on all the BTSs/RNC work in auto-negotiation mode. Therefore, the FE/
GE port of each NE that accesses services must work in auto-negotiation mode. If the peer Ethernet port
works in another mode, the local Ethernet port must work in the same mode. The working modes of the
Ethernet ports inside the network are planned as auto-negotiation.
l In this example, to ensure that the Ethernet frames that carry more than one tag such as QinQ can traverse
the equipment, the maximum frame length is set to 1536 (bytes). If the equipment needs to transmit jumbo
frames with a greater length, set the maximum frame length according to the actual length of a jumbo frame.

Information About the IF_ETH Ports

Table 8-137 to Table 8-140 provide the information about the IF_ETH ports that carry the
Ethernet services.

Table 8-137 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE21)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type QinQ QinQ QinQ

QinQ type domain 0x88a8 0x88a8 0x88a8

Table 8-138 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE22)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type QinQ QinQ

QinQ type domain 0x88a8 0x88a8

Table 8-139 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE23)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type QinQ QinQ

QinQ type domain 0x88a8 0x88a8

Table 8-140 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE24)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type 802.1q 802.1q 802.1q

QinQ type domain 0x88a8 0x88a8 0x88a8

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All the IF_ETH ports are connected to Huawei equipment. Therefore, it is recommended that you set the QinQ
type domain to 0x88a8 for the IF_ETH ports. Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet protection.

Information about ERPS Instances

Table 8-141 provides the planning information about ERPS instances.

Table 8-141 Information about ERPS instances

Parameter NE21 NE22 NE23 NE24

ERPS ID 1 1 1 1

East port 4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

West port 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

RPL owner ring No No Yes No

node flag

RPL port - - 4-ISU2-1 -

Control VLAN 4093 4093 4093 4093

Packet transmit 5s (default 5s (default 5s (default 5s (default

interval value) value) value) value)

Entity level 4 (default value) 4 (default value) 4 (default value) 4 (default value)

WTR time - - 5 minutes -

(default value)

Guard time 500 ms (default 500 ms (default 500 ms (default 500 ms (default
value) value) value) value)

Hold-off time 0s (default 0s (default 0s (default 0s (default

value) value) value) value)


l In this example, all the services are aggregated on NE21. Therefore, the NE that is farthest from NE21 needs
to function as the RPL owner. In this way, when the ring network is normal, the traffic carried on each link
is relatively even.
l The control VLAN needs to use a VLAN that is not used by any service. It is recommended that the control
VLAN use VLAN 4093.
l The packet transmit interval, entity level, WTR time, guard time, and hold-off time generally assume their
default values.

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The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet services.

Table 8-142 provides the planning information of IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based E-LAN services.

Table 8-142 Information about IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based E-LAN services

Parameter NE21 NE22 NE23 NE24

Service ID 1 1 1 1

Service name ADlan ADlan ADlan ADlan

Tag type S-Awared S-Awared S-Awared S-Awared

Self-learning Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

MAC address


learning mode

Mounted UNI 1-EM6T-3 (C- 1-EM6T-3 (C- 1-EM6T-3 (C- 1-EM6T-3 (C-
port VLAN ID: 100, VLAN ID: 100) VLAN ID: 110) VLAN ID: 100)
ID: 200) 200) 200) 201)
1-EM6T-4 (C-
VLAN ID: 100)

Mounted NNI 3-ISU2-1 (S- 3-ISU2-1 (S- 3-ISU2-1 (S- 3-ISU2-1 (S-
port VLAN ID: 200, VLAN ID: 200, VLAN ID: 200, VLAN ID: 200,
201) 201) 201) 201)
4-ISU2-1 (S- 4-ISU2-1 (S- 4-ISU2-1 (S- 4-ISU2-1 (S-
VLAN ID: 200, VLAN ID: 200, VLAN ID: 200, VLAN ID: 200,
201) 201) 201) 201) Service Planning (QoS)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring QoS.

QoS (Diffserv)
DS is the basis for QoS. It is recommended that the VLAN priority or DSCP value of the BTS
services be allocated by the service type. Then, the transmission network creates the
corresponding DS domain according to the allocated VLAN priority or DSCP value. Each
Ethernet port involved in the service must use the same DS configuration.

In this example, the BTS services are allocated with corresponding VLAN priorities according
to the service type, and the NEs allocate the PHB service classes according to the VLAN priority,

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as provided in Table 8-143. Each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same DS

Table 8-143 Service class and PHB service class

PHB Service Class VLAN Priority Corresponding Service


CS7 7 -

CS6 6 -

EF 5 Real-time voice service and

signaling service (R99
conversational and R99
streaming services)

AF4 4 -

AF3 3 Real-time OM and HSDPA

services (OM streaming and
HSPA streaming services)

AF2 2 Non-real-time R99 service

(R99 interactive and R99
background services)

AF1 1 -

BE 0 HSDPA data service (HSPA

interactive and background


l During the mapping of the PHB service class, CS7 or CS6 is not recommended, because CS7 or CS6 may
be used to transmit Ethernet protocol packets or inband DCN packets on the NE.
l The default mapping relationships for the DS domain comply with the network planning requirements and
therefore do not need to be modified.
l The default trusted packet type for each port that is applied for the default DS domain is C-VLAN priority
and therefore needs to be modified as required.

QoS (Queue Scheduling Mode)

Generally, each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same queue scheduling mode.

Table 8-144 lists the queue scheduling mode used by each Ethernet port involved in the service
in this example.

Table 8-144 Queue scheduling mode

PHB Service Class Queue Scheduling Mode


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PHB Service Class Queue Scheduling Mode



AF4 WRR (weight = 5)

AF3 WRR (weight = 60)

AF2 WRR (weight = 30)

AF1 WRR (weight = 5)


QoS (CAR or Shaping for a Specified Service Flow)

Normally, flow control is already performed on 2G/3G base stations and BSCs/RNCs and
therefore CAR or shaping processing does not need to be performed again on the microwave
backhaul network.

QoS (Port Shaping)

If the Ethernet bandwidth planned for the aggregation link is lower than the total bandwidth of
the aggregation services, you can perform port shaping at the edge node to limit the Ethernet
service traffic that travels to the aggregation node, thus preventing congestion at the aggregation

In this example, you do not need to perform port shaping.

8.8.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for data configuration. Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports)

This section describes the process for configuring Ethernet ports.

Step 1 See A.6.6.1 Setting the General Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the basic attributes of
Ethernet ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-2

Enable Port Enabled Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

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Parameter Value

1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

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Step 2 See A.6.6.3 Setting the Layer 2 Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the Layer 2 attributes of
Ethernet ports.
The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-2

TAG Tag Aware Tag Aware

The values for the related parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


TAG Tag Aware

The values for the related parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


TAG Tag Aware

The values for the related parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


TAG Tag Aware

Step 3 See A.6.6.5 Setting the Advanced Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the advanced attributes
of Ethernet ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-2

Loopback Check Enabled Enabled

Enabling Broadcast Enabled Enabled

Packet Suppression

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Parameter Value

1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-2

Broadcast Packet 30 30
Suppression Threshold

l The values for the related parameters of NE22 and NE24 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Loopback Check Enabled

Enabling Broadcast Packet Suppression Enabled

Broadcast Packet Suppression 30


l The values for the related parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Loopback Check Enabled

Enabling Broadcast Packet Suppression Enabled

Broadcast Packet Suppression 30


Step 4 See A.6.7.1 Setting the General Attributes of IF_ETH Ports and set the attributes of the
IF_ETH ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation QinQ QinQ QinQ


l The values for the related parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Encapsulation Type QinQ QinQ

l The values for the related parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type QinQ QinQ

l The values for the related parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation QinQ QinQ QinQ


Step 5 See A.6.7.4 Setting the Advanced Attributes of IF_ETH Ports and set the advanced attributes
of the IF_ETH ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Enabling Enabled Enabled Enabled

Broadcast Packet

Broadcast Packet 30 30 30

l The values for the related parameters of NE22 and NE23 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Enabling Broadcast Enabled Enabled

Packet Suppression

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Broadcast Packet 30 30
Suppression Threshold

l The values for the related parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Enabling Enabled Enabled Enabled

Broadcast Packet

Broadcast Packet 30 30 30

----End Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)

This section describes the process for configuring Ethernet protection.

Step 1 See A.7.1.1 Creating Ethernet Ring Protection Instances and create the ERPS instance.

The values for the required parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE21 NE22 NE23 NE24

ERPS ID 1 1 1 1

East Port 4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

West Port 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

RPL Owner No No Yes No

Ring Node Flag

RPL Port - - 4-ISU2-1 -

Control VLAN 4093 4093 4093 4093


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This section describes the process for configuring service information.

Step 1 See A.7.3.10 Configuring IEEE 802.1ad Bridge-Based E-LAN Services and configure the
E-LAN services.
l Parameters of NE21
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided
as follows.
Parameter Value

Service ID 1

Service Name ADlan

Tag Type S-Awared

Self-Learning Enabled
MAC Address

Port 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-1


C-VLAN Blank Blank 100, 110 100

S-VLAN 200, 201 200, 201 200 201

Enable Port - - Enabled Enabled

Working - - Auto- Auto-

Mode negotiation negotiation

Encapsulation QinQ QinQ 802.1Q 802.1Q


Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get UNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.
Port Port Type C-VLAN S-VLAN

1-EM6T-1 UNI (Port+C- 100, 110 200


1-EM6T-2 UNI (Port+C- 100 201


The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get NNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.

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Port Port Type C-VLAN S-VLAN

3-ISU2-1 NNI - 200, 201

4-ISU2-1 NNI - 200, 201

l Parameters of NE22
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided
as follows.

Parameter Value

Service ID 1

Service Name ADlan

Tag Type S-Awared

Self-Learning Enabled
MAC Address

Port 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1


C-VLAN 100 Blank Blank

S-VLAN 200 200, 201 200, 201

Enable Port Enabled - -

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation - -

Encapsulation 802.1Q QinQ QinQ


Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get UNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.

Port Port Type C-VLAN S-VLAN

1-EM6T-3 UNI (Port+C- 100 200


The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get NNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.

Port Port Type C-VLAN S-VLAN

3-ISU2-1 NNI - 200, 201

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Port Port Type C-VLAN S-VLAN

4-ISU2-1 NNI - 200, 201

l Parameters of NE23
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided
as follows.

Parameter Value

Service ID 1

Service Name ADlan

Tag Type S-Awared

Self-Learning Enabled
MAC Address

Port 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1


C-VLAN 110 Blank Blank

S-VLAN 200 200, 201 200, 201

Enable Port Enabled - -

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation - -

Encapsulation 802.1Q QinQ QinQ


Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get UNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.

Port Port Type C-VLAN S-VLAN

1-EM6T-3 UNI (Port+C- - 120


The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get NNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.

Port Port Type C-VLAN S-VLAN

3-ISU2-1 NNI - 200, 201

4-ISU2-1 NNI - 200, 201

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l Parameters of NE24
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided
as follows.

Parameter Value

Service ID 1

Service Name ADlan

Tag Type S-Awared

Self-Learning Enabled
MAC Address

Port 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1


C-VLAN 100 Blank Blank

S-VLAN 201 200, 201 200, 201

Enable Port Enabled - -

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation - -

Encapsulation 802.1Q QinQ QinQ


Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware Tag Aware

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get UNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.

Port Port Type C-VLAN S-VLAN

1-EM6T-3 UNI (Port+C- 100 201


The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get NNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.

Port Port Type C-VLAN S-VLAN

3-ISU2-1 NNI - 200, 201

4-ISU2-1 NNI - 200, 201


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This section describes the procedures for configuring QoS.

Step 1 See A.7.7.2 Modifying the Mapping Relationships for the DS Domain and change the
mapping relationships for the DS domain.

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided as

Parameter Value

Mapping Relation ID 1

Mapping Relation Name Default Map

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Ingress Mapping Relation tab
page are provided as follows.


0 0 Default value Default value BE

1 1 AF11

2 2 AF21

3 3 AF31

4 4 AF41

5 5 EF

6 6 CS6

7 7 CS7

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Egress Mapping Relation tab
page are provided as follows.


BE 0 0 Default value Default value

AF11 1 1

AF21 2 2

AF31 3 3

AF41 4 4

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EF 5 5

CS6 6 6

CS7 7 7


l The AF1 is classified into three sub service classes, namely, AF11, AF12, and AF13, only one of which is
valid. In this example, the AF11 is used. It is the same case with the AF2, AF3, and AF4.
l The default mapping relationships for the DS domain comply with the network planning requirements and
therefore do not need to be modified.

Step 2 A.7.7.3 Changing the Ports Applied to a DS Domain and Their Trusted Packet Types and
change the ports that are applied to the DS domain and their trusted packet types.
l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type




l The values for the related parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type




l The values for the related parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type




l The values for the related parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type


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Port Packet Type



Step 3 See A.7.7.4 Creating a Port Policy and create the port policy.
l Parameters of NE21 to NE23
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.

Parameter Value

Policy ID 1

Policy Name Port_Comm

Grooming Police After Reloading SP (CS7, CS6, and EF)

WRR (AF4 to AF1)

Policy Weight(%) 5 (AF4)

60 (AF3)
30 (AF2)
5 (AF1)

Bandwidth Limit Disabled (for all PHB service classes)

Step 4 See A.7.7.7 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy and set the ports that use the port policy.

The values for the related parameters of NE21 to NE24 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

----End Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

Step 1 See A.7.8.1 Creating an MD and create the MDs.

The values for the required parameters are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

NE21 NE22 NE23 NE24

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance 4 4 4 4
Domain Level

Step 2 See A.7.8.2 Creating an MA and create an MA.

The values for the required parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE21 NE22 NE23 NE24

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance ADlan ADlan ADlan ADlan


Relevant 1-ADlan 1-ADlan 1-ADlan 1-ADlan


CC Test 1s 1s 1s 1s

Step 3 See A.7.8.3 Creating MEPs and create MEPs.

l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance ADlan ADlan ADlan

Association Name

Board 1-EM6T 1-EM6T 1-EM6T

Port 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-2

VLAN 100 110 100

MP ID 101 103 104

Direction Ingress Ingress Ingress

CC Status Active Active Active

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Parameter Value

AIS Active Status Active Active Active

l The values for the related parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name ADlan

Board 1-EM6T

Port 1-EM6T-3

VLAN 100

MP ID 201

Direction Ingress

CC Status Active

AIS Active Status Active

l The values for the related parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name ADlan

Board 1-EM6T

Port 1-EM6T-3

VLAN 110

MP ID 301

Direction Ingress

CC Status Active

AIS Active Status Active

l The values for the related parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name ADlan

Board 1-EM6T

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Parameter Value

Port 1-EM6T-3

VLAN 100

MP ID 401

Direction Ingress

CC Status Active

AIS Active Status Active

Step 4 See A.7.8.4 Creating Remote MEPs in an MA and create the remote MEPs.

The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance ADlan ADlan ADlan

Association Name

Remote 201 301 401

Maintenance Point

The values for the related parameters of NE22 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name ADlan

Remote Maintenance Point ID(e.g:1,3-6) 101

The values for the related parameters of NE23 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name ADlan

Remote Maintenance Point ID(e.g:1,3-6) 103

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The values for the related parameters of NE24 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name ADlan

Remote Maintenance Point ID(e.g:1,3-6) 104

Step 5 Perform LB tests to verify Ethernet service configurations.

l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 101 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 201 as the sink MEP.
l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 103 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 301 as the sink MEP.
l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 104 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 401 as the sink MEP.
There should be no packet lost during the LB tests.


8.9 Configuration Example (Hybrid Configuration of E-Line

Services and E-LAN Services)
This section describes how to configure a radio network that transmits E-Line services and E-
LAN services at the same time according to the network planning information.

8.9.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 6.5 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Hybrid Radio Chain Network),
configure Ethernet services according to the following requirements:
l BTS11, BTS12, and BTS15 provide FE ports whose port rate is 100 Mbit/s.
l It is unknown whether the Ethernet services on each BTS carry a VLAN ID or whether the
carried VLAN IDs conflict. Therefore, in this example, the point-to-point transparently
transmitted E-Line services are configured to implement point-to-point transparent service
transmission, and the IEEE 802.1d bridge-based E-LAN services are configured to
implement service convergence.
l DSCP values are configured on each BTS according to service types.
l The BTSs need not communicate with each other.

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Figure 8-33 Networking diagram




NE13 NE12 NE11
NE16 NE15

Point-to-point transparently
transmitted E-Line service

IEEE 802.1d bridge

Split horizon group

The connections of Ethernet links shown in Figure 8-33 are described as follows.

Table 8-145 Connections of Ethernet links (NE12)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE12 and 1-EM6T-1 - Configure these ports

NE13 to transmit backhaul
services from BTSs.

Between NE12 and 3-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE11 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
5-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

Between NE12 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure these ports

BTS11 to access services
from BTS11.

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Table 8-146 Connections of Ethernet links (NE13)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE13 and 3-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE14 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
5-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

Between NE13 and 4-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE15 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
6-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

Between NE13 and 1-EM6T-1 - Configure this port to

NE12 transmit backhaul
services from BTSs.

Table 8-147 Connections of Ethernet links (NE14)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE14 and 3-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE13 +1 HSB protection transmit Native
group Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.
5-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection

Between NE14 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure this port to

BTS12 access services from

Table 8-148 Connections of Ethernet links (NE15)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE15 and 3-ISU2-1 - Configure this port to

NE16 transmit Native
Ethernet services on
Hybrid radio.

Between NE15 and 4-ISU2-1 Main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to

NE13 +1 HSB protection transmit Native

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Link Port Port Description Description

6-ISU2-1 Standby IF board of a Ethernet services on

1+1 HSB protection Hybrid radio.

Table 8-149 Connections of Ethernet links (NE16)

Link Port Port Description Description

Between NE16 and 3-ISU2-1 - Configure this port to

NE15 transmit Ethernet
services on Hybrid

Between NE16 and 1-EM6T-3 - Configure these ports

BTS15 to access services
from BTS15.

8.9.2 Service Planning

You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before service configuration. Service Planning (Ethernet Ports)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet ports.

Information About Ethernet Ports

Table 8-150 to Table 8-153 provide the information about the Ethernet ports that transmit the
Ethernet services.

Table 8-150 Information about Ethernet ports (NE12)

Parameter 1-EM6T-3 1-EM6T-1

Encapsulation type Null Null

Port working mode Auto-negotiation Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length 1536 1536


Flow control Disabled Disabled

Enabling broadcast packet Enabled Enabled


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Parameter 1-EM6T-3 1-EM6T-1

Broadcast packet 30 30
suppression threshold

Table 8-151 Information about Ethernet ports (NE13)

Parameter 1-EM6T-1

Encapsulation type Null

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

Enabling broadcast packet suppression Enabled

Broadcast packet suppression threshold 30

Table 8-152 Information about Ethernet ports (NE14)

Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation type Null

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

Table 8-153 Information about Ethernet ports (NE16)

Parameter 1-EM6T-3

Encapsulation type Null

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length (byte) 1536

Flow control Disabled

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l In this example, the planned encapsulation type is null because whether the Ethernet services on each BTS
carry a VLAN ID or whether the carried VLAN IDs conflict is unknown.
l In this example, the FE/GE ports on all the BTSs/BSC work in the auto-negotiation mode. Therefore, the
FE/GE port of each NE that accesses services must work in the auto-negotiation mode. If the peer Ethernet
port works in another mode, the local Ethernet port must work in the same mode. The working modes of
the Ethernet ports inside the network are planned as auto-negotiation.
l In this example, to ensure that the Ethernet frames that carry more than one tag such as QinQ can traverse
the equipment, the maximum frame length is set to 1536 (bytes). If the equipment needs to transmit jumbo
frames with a greater length, set the maximum frame length according to the actual length of a jumbo frame.
Normally, if the equipment is interconnected with BTSs, the maximum frame length can also assume its
default value of 1522.
l Generally, the flow control function is enabled only if the local NE or opposite equipment has insufficient
QoS capabilities. The planning information of flow control must be the same for the equipment at both ends.

Information About the IF_ETH Ports

Table 8-154 to Table 8-158 provide the information about the IF_ETH ports that carry the
Ethernet services.

Table 8-154 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE12)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type Null Null

Table 8-155 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE13)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Encapsulation Null Null Null Null


Table 8-156 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE14)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type Null Null

Table 8-157 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE15)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type Null Null Null

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Table 8-158 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE16)

Parameter 3-ISU2-1

Encapsulation type Null Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)

In this example, Ethernet protection is not used. Service Planning (Ethernet Services)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring Ethernet services.

Information About Point-to-Point Transparently Transmitted E-Line Services

Point-to-point transparently transmitted E-Line services need to be configured on NE14, NE15,
and NE16. Table 8-159 to Table 8-161 provide the planning information of the E-Line services.

Table 8-159 Information about point-to-point transparently transmitted E-Line services (NE14)

Parameter NE14

BTS12 to NE13

Service ID 1

Service name BTS12toNE13_Tline

Service direction UNI-UNI

BPDU Not transparently transmitted

Source port 3-ISU2-1

Source C-VLANs -

Sink port 1-EM6F-3

Sink C-VLANs -

Table 8-160 Information about point-to-point transparently transmitted E-Line services (NE15)

Parameter NE15

NE16 to NE13

Service ID 1

Service name NE16toNE13_Tline

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Parameter NE15

NE16 to NE13

Service direction UNI-UNI

BPDU Not transparently transmitted

Source port 3-ISU2-1

Source C-VLANs -

Sink port 4-ISU2-1

Sink C-VLANs -

Table 8-161 Information about point-to-point transparently transmitted E-Line services (NE16)

Parameter NE16

BTS15 to NE15

Service ID 1

Service name BTS15toNE15_Tline

Service direction UNI-UNI

BPDU Not transparently transmitted

Source port 1-EM6F-3

Source C-VLANs -

Sink port 3-ISU2-1

Sink C-VLANs -

Information About IEEE 802.1d Bridge-Based E-LAN Services

IEEE 802.1d bridge-based E-LAN services need to be configured on NE12 and NE13, where
VLAN IDs may conflict. In addition, the split horizon group needs to be configured for
preventing the BTSs from communicating with each other. Table 8-162 and Table 8-163
provide the planning information of the IEEE 802.1d bridge-based E-LAN services.

Table 8-162 Information about IEEE 802.1d bridge-based E-LAN services (NE12)

Parameter NE12

Service ID 1

Service name Dlan

Tag type Tag-Transparent

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Parameter NE12

Self-learning MAC address Enabled

Mounted UNI port 1-EM6T-1


Split horizon group 1-EM6T-1


Table 8-163 Information about IEEE 802.1d bridge-based E-LAN services (NE13)
Parameter NE3

Service ID 1

Service name Dlan

Tag type Tag-Transparent

Self-learning MAC address Enabled

Mounted UNI port 1-EM6T-1


Split horizon group 3-ISU2-1

4-ISU2-1 Service Planning (QoS)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring QoS.

QoS (Diffserv)
DS is the basis for QoS. It is recommended that the VLAN priority or DSCP value of the BTS
services be allocated according to the service type. Then, the transmission network creates the
corresponding DS domain according to the allocated VLAN priority or DSCP value. Each
Ethernet port involved in the service must use the same DS configuration.
In this example, the BTS services are allocated with corresponding DSCP values according to
the service type, and the NEs allocate the PHB service classes according to the DSCP value, as
shown in Table 8-164. Each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same DS

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Table 8-164 Service class and PHB service class

PHB Service Class DSCP Corresponding Service


CS7 56 -

CS6 48 -

EF 40 Real-time voice service and

signaling service (R99
conversational and R99
streaming services)

AF4 32 -

AF3 24 Real-time OM and HSDPA

services (OM streaming and
HSPA streaming services)

AF2 16 Non-real-time R99 service

(R99 interactive and R99
background services)

AF1 8 -

BE 0 HSDPA data service (HSPA

interactive and background


l During the mapping of the PHB service class, CS7 or CS6 is not recommended, because CS7 or CS6 may
be used to transmit Ethernet protocol packets or inband DCN packets on the NE.
l The default mapping relationships for the DS domain comply with the network planning requirements and
therefore do not need to be modified.
l The required trusted packet type is not the C-VLAN priority but DSCP value. Therefore, the trusted packet
type needs to be modified for service-associated Ethernet ports applied in the default DS domain.

QoS (Queue Scheduling Mode)

Generally, each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same queue scheduling mode.

Table 8-165 lists the queue scheduling mode used by each Ethernet port involved in the service
in this example.

Table 8-165 Queue scheduling mode

PHB Service Class Queue Scheduling Mode




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PHB Service Class Queue Scheduling Mode

AF4 WRR (weight = 5)

AF3 WRR (weight = 60)

AF2 WRR (weight = 30)

AF1 WRR (weight = 5)


QoS (CAR or Shaping for a Specified Service Flow)

Normally, flow control is already performed on 2G/3G base stations and BSCs/RNCs and
therefore CAR or shaping processing does not need to be performed again on the microwave
backhaul network.

QoS (Port Shaping)

If the Ethernet bandwidth planned for the aggregation link is lower than the total bandwidth of
the aggregation services, you can perform port shaping at the edge node to limit the Ethernet
service traffic that travels to the aggregation node, thus preventing congestion at the aggregation

In this example, you do not need to perform port shaping.

8.9.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for data configuration. Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports)

This section describes the process for configuring Ethernet ports.

Step 1 See A.6.6.1 Setting the General Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the basic attributes of
Ethernet ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

1-EM6T-3 1-EM6T-1

Enable Port Enabled Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type Null Null

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

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Parameter Value

1-EM6T-3 1-EM6T-1

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type Null

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type Null

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type Null

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

Step 2 See A.6.6.5 Setting the Advanced Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the advanced attributes
of Ethernet ports.

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l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

1-EM6T-3 1-EM6T-1

Loopback Check Enabled Enabled

Enabling Broadcast Enabled Enabled

Packet Suppression

Broadcast Packet 30 30
Suppression Threshold

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Loopback Check Enabled

Enabling Broadcast Packet Suppression Enabled

Broadcast Packet Suppression 30


Step 3 See A.6.7.1 Setting the General Attributes of IF_ETH Ports and set the basic attributes of
IF_ETH ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type Null Null

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Null Null Null Null


l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type Null Null

l The values for the related parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Null Null Null


l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type Null

Step 4 See A.6.7.4 Setting the Advanced Attributes of IF_ETH Ports and set the advanced attributes
of the IF_ETH ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1

Enabling Broadcast Enabled Enabled

Packet Suppression

Broadcast Packet 30 30
Suppression Threshold

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Enabling Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled


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Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 5-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1

Broadcast 30 30 30 30

----End Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)

In this example, Ethernet protection is not used. Configuration Process (Service Information)

This section describes the process for configuring service information.

Step 1 See A.7.3.2 Configuring UNI-UNI E-Line Services and configure the E-Line services on NE14
to NE16.
l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

BTS12 to NE13

Service ID 1

Service Name BTS12toNE13_Tline

Direction UNI-UNI

Source Interface 3-ISU2-1

Source VLAN ID -

Sink Interface 1-EM6F-3

Sink VLAN ID -

Port Name 1-EM6F-3 3-ISU2-1

Enable Port Enabled -

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation -

Encapsulation Type Null Null

l The values for the related parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

NE16 to NE13

Service ID 1

Service Name NE16toNE13_Tline

Direction UNI-UNI

Source Interface 3-ISU2-1

Source VLAN ID -

Sink Interface 4-ISU2-1

Sink VLAN ID -

Port Name 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Enable Port - -

Working Mode - -

Encapsulation Type Null Null

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

BTS15 to NE15

Service ID 1

Service Name BTS15toNE15_Tline

Direction UNI-UNI

Source Interface 1-EM6F-3

Source VLAN ID -

Sink Interface 3-ISU2-1

Sink VLAN ID -

Port Name 1-EM6F-3 3-ISU2-1

Enable Port Enabled -

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation -

Encapsulation Type Null Null

Step 2 See A.7.3.8 Configuring IEEE 802.1d Bridge-Based E-LAN Services and configure the E-
LAN services on NE12 and NE13.
The values for the related parameters of NE12 that need to be set in the main interface are
provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

Service ID 1

Service Name Dlan

Tag Type Tag-Transparent

Self-Learning Enabled
MAC Address

Port 1-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1


Enable Port Enabled Enabled -

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation -

Encapsulation Null Null Null


The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get UNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.





The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Split Horizon Group tab page
are provided as follows.

Split Horizon Group ID Split Horizon Group Member

1 1-EM6T-1, 1-EM6T-3

The values for the related parameters of NE13 that need to be set in the main interface are
provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Service ID 1

Service Name Dlan

Tag Type Tag-Transparent

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Parameter Value

Self-Learning Enabled
MAC Address

Port 1-EM6T-1 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1


Enable Port Enabled - -

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation - -

Encapsulation Null Null Null


The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Get UNI Port tab page are
provided as follows.





The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Split Horizon Group tab page
are provided as follows.

Split Horizon Group ID Split Horizon Group Member

1 3-ISU2-1, 4-ISU2-1

----End Configuration Process (QoS)

This section describes the procedures for configuring QoS.

Step 1 See A.7.7.2 Modifying the Mapping Relationships for the DS Domain and change the
mapping relationships for the DS domain.
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided as

Parameter Value

Mapping Relation ID 1

Mapping Relation Name Default Map

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The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Ingress Mapping Relation tab
page are provided as follows.


Default value Default value 0 Default value BE

8 AF11

16 AF21

24 AF31

32 AF41

40 EF

48 CS6

56 CS7

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Egress Mapping Relation tab
page are provided as follows.


BE Default value Default value 0 Default value

AF11 8

AF21 16

AF31 24

AF41 32

EF 40

CS6 48

CS7 56


l The AF1 is classified into three sub service classes, namely, AF11, AF12, and AF13, only one of which is
valid. In this example, the AF11 is used. It is the same case with the AF2, AF3, and AF4.
l The default mapping relationships for the DS domain comply with the network planning requirements and
therefore do not need to be modified.

Step 2 A.7.7.3 Changing the Ports Applied to a DS Domain and Their Trusted Packet Types and
change the ports that are applied to the DS domain and their trusted packet types.

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l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.
Port Packet Type

1-EM6T-3 ip-dscp

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.
Port Packet Type

3-IFU2-1 ip-dscp

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.
Port Packet Type

3-IFU2-1 ip-dscp

l The values for the related parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.
Port Packet Type

3-IFU2-1 ip-dscp

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.
Port Packet Type

1-EM6T-3 ip-dscp

Step 3 See A.7.7.4 Creating a Port Policy and create the port policy.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 to NE16 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Policy ID 1

Policy Name Port_Comm

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Parameter Value

Grooming Police After Reloading SP (CS7, CS6, and EF)

WRR (AF4 to AF1)

Policy Weight(%) 5 (AF4)

60 (AF3)
30 (AF2)
5 (AF1)

Bandwidth Limit Disabled (for all PHB service classes)

Step 4 See A.7.7.7 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy and set the ports that use the port policy.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 1-EM6T-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

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l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

----End Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

Step 1 See A.7.8.1 Creating an MD and configure the MD for NE12, NE14, and NE16.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE12 NE14 NE16

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance 4 4 4
Domain Level

Step 2 See A.7.8.2 Creating an MA and create the MAs for NE12, NE14, and NE16.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name DlantoBTS

Relevant Service 1-Dlan

CC Test Transmit Period 1s

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name DlantoBTS

Relevant Service 1-BTS12toNE13_Tline

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Parameter Value

CC Test Transmit Period 1s

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name DlantoBTS

Relevant Service 1-BTS15toNE15_Tline

CC Test Transmit Period 1s

Step 3 See A.7.8.3 Creating MEPs and configure the MEPs for NE12, NE14, and NE16.
l The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain EdgeNE EdgeNE


Maintenance Association DlantoBTS DlantoBTS


Board 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2

Port 1-EM6T-3 3-ISU2-1

VLAN - -

MP ID 201 200

Direction Ingress Ingress

CC Status Active Active

AIS Active Status Active Active

l The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name DlantoBTS

Board 1-EM6T-3

Port 1-EM6T-3


MP ID 401

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Parameter Value

Direction Ingress

CC Status Active

AIS Active Status Active

l The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name DlantoBTS

Board 1-EM6T

Port 1-EM6T-3


MP ID 601

Direction Ingress

CC Status Active

AIS Active Status Active

Step 4 See A.7.8.4 Creating Remote MEPs in an MA and create the remote MEP points for NE12,
NE14, and NE16.
The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance DlantoBTS DlantoBTS DlantoBTS

Association Name

Remote 201 401 601

Maintenance Point

The values for the related parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name DlantoBTS

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Parameter Value

Remote Maintenance Point ID(e.g:1,3-6) 200

The values for the related parameters of NE16 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name DlantoBTS

Remote Maintenance Point ID(e.g:1,3-6) 200

Step 5 On NE12, perform LB tests to test the Ethernet service configurations.

l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 200 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 201 as the sink MEP.
l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 200 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 401 as the sink MEP.
l Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MEP ID is 200 as the source MEP and
the MEP whose MEP ID is 601 as the sink MEP.
There should be no packet lost during the LB tests.


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9 Configuring EoPDH-Based Ethernet


About This Chapter

EoPDH-based Ethernet services are classified into EPL services, EVPL services, EPLAN
services, and EVPLAN services.

9.1 Basic Concepts

This section describes the basic concepts that are related to EoPDH services.
9.2 Configuration Procedure
The service configuration procedure differs according to the specific service type.
9.3 Configuration Example (Ethernet Services Based on TDM Radio)
This section considers an Ethernet service based on TDM radio as an example to describe how
to configure Ethernet services according to the service planning information.
9.4 Configuration Example (Ethernet Services Traversing a TDM Network)
This section considers an Ethernet service traversing a TDM network as an example to describe
how to configure Ethernet services according to the service planning information.

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9.1 Basic Concepts

This section describes the basic concepts that are related to EoPDH services.

9.1.1 What's the EoPDH Plane

The EoPDH plane refers to the switching plane provided by the Ethernet switching unit on the
EFP8 board. The EoPDH plane provides a wide range of services and features based on Native

As shown in Figure 9-1, the ports connecting to the EoPDH plane are classified into the
following types:

l PORT on the EFP8 board, which is the external FE port on the EFP8 board
l VCTRUNK port on the EFP8 board, which is the internal port on the EFP8 board
The Ethernet packets on the EoPDH plane can be transmitted to the EoPDH encapsulating/
mapping module. Then, the packets are encapsulated into E1 services for transmission.
l Bridging port (PORT9) connecting to the EoPDH plane on the EFP8 board
The EFP8 board has two bridging ports: PORT9 and PORT10.
– PORT9 and PORT10 are two back-to-back internal GE ports, not having PHY-layer
– PORT9 is connected to the EoPDH plane. The Ethernet services on the packet plane
are transmitted to the FE port or VCTRUNK port on the EFP8 board through PORT9.
– PORT10 is connected to the packet plane. The Ethernet services on the packet plane
are transmitted to the EoPDH plane through PORT10.

Figure 9-1 EoPDH plane

Packet System control, switching,
EoPDH plane
FE PORT1 EFP8 plane and timing board

Ethernet Packet

switching switching
unit unit


Encapsulating VC-4 Cross-

/Mapping unit connect unit


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When Ethernet services need to be transmitted in EoPDH mode, you need to configure the
Ethernet services between corresponding FE/GE ports and VCTRUNKs on Ethernet boards.

A VCTRUNK is a path that comprises virtual containers (VCs) and is also the internal port on
an Ethernet board. In the case of EoPDH, multiple individual E1 channels are concatenated into
a bigger virtual path for service transmission.

The EFP8 is an EoPDH Ethernet board and provides VCTRUNKs binding E1 channelsa.


a: On the NMS, VCTRUNKs that bind E1 channels are displayed as VCTRUNKs that bind VC-12 channels.

9.1.3 Transmission Modes of Ethernet Services

The OptiX RTN 950 supports two transmission modes of Ethernet services in EoPDH mode,
namely, EoPDH and Hybrid radio.

In EoPDH mode, Ethernet services are encapsulated and mapped into E1 channels according to
a corresponding encapsulation and mapping protocol, and are then transmitted over the SDH/
PDH network.

The OptiX RTN 950 provides the following transmission lines to implement EoPDH
transmission: SDH optical line, E1 line, TDM radio link constructed by the IF1 boards, and E1
line constructed by the IFU2/IFX2/ISU2/ISX2 boards in Hybrid radio mode.

Hybrid Radio
The OptiX RTN 950 embeds the MADM and the packet processing platform. The MADM
transmits E1 services that are received locally or extracted from the SDH services to the
microwave port. The packet processing platform processes the received Ethernet services in a
unified manner and then transmits the Ethernet services to the microwave port. The microwave
port maps the E1 services and the Ethernet services into Hybrid microwave frames and then
transmits the Hybrid microwave frames.

Figure 9-2 Hybrid radio

E1 Hybrid radio

Native E1 and native Ethernet

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9.1.4 Hub/Spoke
In the case of convergence services, mutual access between non-central stations and central
stations is needed but mutual access between non-central stations is not needed. Therefore, you
need to specify a mounted port as a Hub port or a Spoke port.
l Hub port
– Hub ports can mutually access each other.
– Hub ports and Spoke ports can mutually access each other.
l Spoke port
– Spoke ports cannot mutually access each other.
– Spoke ports and Hub ports can mutually access each other.

A mounted port is a Hub port by default. During configuration, you can configure the mounted port of a
central station to a Hub port, and configure the mounted port of a non-central station to a Spoke port. This
can ensure that a central station can communicate with any non-central station, but non-central stations
cannot communicate with each other.

9.1.5 EoPDH-Based Ethernet Services

Based on the EoPDH mode, Ethernet services can be classified into six types. Point-to-Point Transparently Transmitted EPL Services

In the case of EPL services, the source port transparently transmits all the received Ethernet
packets to the sink port, and the services occupy the bandwidth exclusively. These services are
point-to-point transparently transmitted EPL services.

Service Model
Table 9-1 describes the point-to-point transparently transmitted EPL service model.

Table 9-1 Point-to-point transparently transmitted EPL service model

Traffic Flow Network Attribute Entry Detection Description

PORT (source) UNI (source) Disabled (source) The source port

PORT (sink) UNI (sink) Disabled (sink) transparently transmits all
the received Ethernet
frames to the sink port, and
the sink port processes the
Ethernet frames and sends
out the Ethernet frames.

Typical Application
Figure 9-3 shows the typical application scenarios of the point-to-point transparently transmitted
EPL service model.
Ethernet service 1 gains access to NE1 through port 1, regardless of whether the Ethernet service
carries an unknown VLAN ID or does not carry a VLAN ID. Port 1 processes the received

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packets and transparently transmits Ethernet service 1 to port 3. Port 3 then processes the received
packets and transmits Ethernet service 1 to NE2.
Service processing on NE2 is the same as on NE1.

Figure 9-3 Typical application of the service model

NE 1 NE 2

Port 1 Port 3 Transmission Port 3 Port 1

EPL network EPL
Service 1 Service 1 EVPL Services Based on the VLAN

VLANs can be used to separate EVPL services. With the VLAN technology, multiple EVPL
services can share one physical channel. This type of EVPL services is called the EVPL service
based on the VLAN.

Service Model
Table 9-2 shows the models of the EVPL service based on the VLAN.

Table 9-2 Models of the EVPL service based on the VLAN

Service Model Service Flow Network Ingress Check Service
Attribute Description

Model 1 PORT (source) UNI (source) Enabled (source) The source port
PORT (sink) UNI (sink) Enabled (sink) processes the
incoming Ethernet
frames based on its
TAG attribute, and
then sends the
processed Ethernet
frames to the sink
port. The sink port
processes the
Ethernet frames
based on its TAG
attribute, and then
sends the processed
Ethernet frames.

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Service Model Service Flow Network Ingress Check Service

Attribute Description

Model 2 PORT+VLAN UNI (source) Enabled (source) The source port

(source) UNI (sink) Enabled (sink) processes the
PORT+VLAN incoming Ethernet
(sink) frames based on its
TAG attribute, and
then sends the
Ethernet frames
with a specific
VLAN ID to the sink
port. The sink port
processes the
Ethernet frames
based on its TAG
attribute, and then
sends the processed
Ethernet frames.

Typical Applications
Figure 9-4 shows the typical application of service model 1.
Ethernet Service 1 and Service 2 carry unknown VLAN IDs. Service 1 is accessed to NE1
through Port 1, and Service 2 is accessed to NE2 through Port 2. Port 1 and Port 2, based on
their own TAG attributes, process the incoming packets. Then, Port 1 sends Service 1 to Port 3,
and Port 2 sends Service 2 to Port 4. Port 3 and Port 4, based on their own TAG attributes, process
the incoming packets. Then, Port 3 sends Service 1 to NE2, and Port 4 sends Service 2 to NE2.
NE2 processes Service 1 and Service 2 in the same manner as NE1.

Figure 9-4 Typical application of service model 1

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 3 Port 3 Port 1
Service 1 Transmission Service 1
Service 2 Service 2
Port 2 Port 4 Port 4 Port 2

The application of service model 1 is similar to point-to-point transparent transmission of Ethernet services.
The difference lies in that ports need to process packets based on their TAG attributes in the application
of service model 1.

Figure 9-5 shows the typical application of service model 2. Service 1 and Service 2 carry
different VLAN IDs. Service 1 is accessed to NE1 through Port 1, and Service 2 is accessed to
NE1 through Port 2. They share the transmission channel at Port 3 and are isolated by using
On NE1, Port 1 and Port 2, based on their own TAG attributes, process the incoming packets.
Then, Port 1 sends Service 1 to Port 3, and Port 2 sends Service 2 to Port 3. Port 3, based on

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their own TAG attributes, processes the incoming packets, and then sends Service 1 and Service
2 to NE2. Service 1 and Service 2 carry different VLAN IDs, so they can be transmitted through
Port 3 with separated from each other.
NE2 processes Service 1 and Service 2 in the same manner as NE1.

Figure 9-5 Typical application of service model 2

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 1
Service 1 EVPL Service 1
Port 3 Transmission Port 3 EVPL
VLAN ID: 100 Network VLAN ID: 100
Service 2 L Service 1 Service 1 EVP Service 2
Port 2 VLAN ID: 100 VLAN ID: 100 Port 2 VLAN ID: 200
Service 2 Service 2
VLAN ID: 200 VLAN ID: 200 QinQ-based EVPL Services

S-VLAN tags can be used to separate EVPL services. Thus, multiple EVPL services can share
one physical channel. Such services are called QinQ-based EVPL services.

Service Model
Table 9-3 shows a main service model of QinQ-based EVPL services.

Table 9-3 Main service model of QinQ-based EVPL services

Service Model Service Flow Network Operation of Tag Description of
(Bidirectional) Attribute Service

Model 1 PORT (source) C-Aware (Source) Adding S-VLAN The source port adds
PORT+S-VLAN S-Aware (Sink) tags (C-Aware port) S-VLAN tags to all
(sink) the received
Ethernet packets,
and then transmits
the packets to the
sink port.

Model 2 PORT+C-VLAN C-Aware (Source) Adding S-VLAN The source port adds
(source) S-Aware (Sink) tags (C-Aware port) S-VLAN tags to all
PORT+C-VLAN the received
+S-VLAN (sink) Ethernet packets
that carry the
specified C-VLAN
tags, and then
transmits the
packets to the sink

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Service Model Service Flow Network Operation of Tag Description of

(Bidirectional) Attribute Service

Model 3 PORT+S-VLAN S-Aware (source) Transparently The source port

(source) S-Aware (sink) transmitting S- transparently
PORT+S-VLAN VLAN tags (S- transmits the
(sink) Aware port) Ethernet packets
that carry the
specified S-VLAN
tags to the sink port.

Model 4 PORT+S-VLAN S-Aware (source) Switching S-VLAN The source port

(source) S-Aware (sink) tags (S-Aware port) transmits the
PORT+S-VLAN Ethernet packets
(sink) that carry the
specified S-VLAN
tags to the sink port.
If the source and
sink QinQ links
correspond to
different S-VLAN
tags, the S-VLAN
tags carried in the
Ethernet frames are

Typical Applications
Figure 9-6 shows the typical application of service model 1.

Ethernet Service 1 and Service 2 include tagged frames and untagged frames. Service 1 is
accessed to NE1 through Port 1, and Service 2 is accessed to NE1 through Port 2. Port 1 adds
the corresponding S-VLAN tag to Service 1, and Port 2 adds the corresponding S-VLAN tag to
Service 2. Then, Service 1 and Service 2 are transmitted to Port 3. Port 3 transmits Service 1
and Service 2 to NE2.

NE2 processes Service 1 and Service 2 in the same manner as NE1.

Figure 9-6 Typical application of service model 1

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 1
EVPL Transmission EVPL
Service 1 Port 3 Port 3 Service 1
Service 2 L EVP Service 2
Port 2 Port 2

Strip S-VLAN Label Add S-VLAN Label Add S-VLAN Label Strip S-VLAN Label

Data( 1) S-VLAN(300) Data(1) S-VLAN(300) Data(1) Data(1)

Data(2) S-VLAN(400) Data(2) S-VLAN(400) Data(2) Data(2)

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Figure 9-7 shows the typical application of service model 2.

Service 1 and Service 2 carry different VLAN IDs. Service 1 is accessed to NE1 through Port
1, and Service 2 is accessed to NE 1 through Port 2. Port 1 adds the corresponding S-VLAN tag
to Service 1, and Port 2 adds the corresponding S-VLAN tag to Service 2. Then, Service 1 and
Service 2 are transmitted to Port 3. Port 3 transmits Service 1 and Service 2 to NE2.

NE2 processes Service 1 and Service 2 in the same manner as NE1.

Figure 9-7 Typical application of service model 2

Strip S-VLAN Label Add S-VLAN Label

C-VLAN(100) Data( 1) S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN(100) Data(1)

C-VLAN(200) Data(2) S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN(200) Data(2)

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 1
Service 1 EVPL Service 1
Port 3 Transmission Port 3 EVPL
VLAN ID: 100 Network VLAN ID: 100
Service 2 L EVP Service 2
Port 2 Port 2 VLAN ID: 200

Add S-VLAN Label Strip S-VLAN Label

S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN(100) Data(1) C-VLAN(100) Data( 1)

S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN(200) Data(2) C-VLAN(200) Data(2)

Figure 9-8 shows the typical application of service model 3.

Service 1 and Service 2 carry different VLAN IDs. After Service 1 is accessed to NE1 through
Port 1 and Service 2 is accessed to NE1 through Port 2, they share the same transmission channel
at Port 3 and are separated from each other through S-VLAN tags. On NE1, Port 1 and Port 2
transparently transmit Service 1 and Service 2 respectively to Port 3. Port 3 transmits Service 1
and Service 2 to NE2. With the different S-VLAN tags, Service 1 and Service 2 can be
transmitted through Port 3 at the same time.

NE2 processes Service 1 and Service 2 in the same manner as NE1.

Figure 9-8 Typical application of service model 3

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 1
Service 1 EVPL Transmission EVPL Service 1
S-VLAN ID: 100 Port 3 Port 3 S-VLAN ID: 100
Service 2 L EVP Service 2
S-VLAN ID: 200 EVP Service 1 Service 1 L S-VLAN ID: 200
Port 2 Port 2
S-VLAN ID: 100 S-VLAN ID: 100
Service 2 Service 2
S-VLAN ID: 200 S-VLAN ID: 200

Figure 9-9 shows the typical application of service model 4.

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Service 1 and Service 2 carry a same S-VLAN tag. Service 1 is accessed to NE1 through Port
1, and Service 2 is accessed to NE1 through Port 2. Port 1 changes the S-VLAN tag carried in
Service 1 and Port 2 changes the S-VLAN tag carried in Service 2 so that the S-VLAN tags
carried in Service 1 and Service 2 are different. Then, Port 1 and Port 2 transmit Service 1 and
Service 2 to Port 3 respectively. Port 3 transmits Service 1 and Service 2 to NE2.
NE2 processes Service 1 and Service 2 in the same manner as NE1.

Figure 9-9 Typical application of service model 4

Switching S-VLAN Label

S-VLAN(100) Data( 1) S-VLAN(300) Data(1)

S-VLAN(100) Data(2) S-VLAN(400) Data(2)

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 1
Service 1
Port 3 Transmission Port 3 E-Line Service 1
S-VLAN ID: 100 Network S-VLAN ID: 100
Service 2 e E-Lin Service 2
S-VLAN ID: 100 E-Lin e
Port 2 Port 2 S-VLAN ID: 100

Switching S-VLAN Label

S-VLAN(300) Data( 1) S-VLAN(100) Data(1)

S-VLAN(400) Data(2) S-VLAN(100) Data(2) EPLAN Services Based on the 802.1D Bridge

In the case of EPLAN services, packets can be forwarded only based on the MAC address table.
This type of EPLAN services is called the EPLAN service based on the 802.1D bridge.

Service Model
Table 9-4 shows the model of EPLAN services based on the 802.1D bridge.

Table 9-4 Model of EPLAN services based on the 802.1D bridge

Type of Service Service Flow Learning/ Attribute of a Sub-Switching
Switching Mode Mounted Port Domain
of a Bridge

EPLAN services PORT SVL/Ingress filter UNI No classification of

based on the 802.1D disable sub-switching
bridge domains

Typical Applications
Figure 9-10 shows a typical application based on the model of service. The transmission network
needs to carry the A services accessed from NE2 and NE3. The two A services are aggregated
at the convergence node NE1. The services need not be isolated. Therefore, an 802.1D bridge
is used at NE1 to groom services.

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Figure 9-10 Model of EPLAN services based on the 802.1D bridge

NE 2

Port 2 Port 1
User A2

NE 1 Transmission

Port 1 Port 2
User A1
Port 3

802.1d bridge NE 3

Port 1
User A3
Port 2 EVPLAN Services Based on the 802.1Q Bridge

EVPLAN services can be separated by setting VLANs, and then a bridge is divided into multiple
sub-switching domains. This type of EVPLAN services is called the EVPLAN service based on
802.1Q bridge.

Service Model
Table 9-5 shows the models of EVPLAN services based on the 802.1Q bridge.

Table 9-5 Models of EVPLAN services based on the 802.1Q bridge

Type of Service Service Flow Attribute of a Learning/ Sub-Switching
Mounted Port Switching Mode Domain
of a Bridge

EVPLAN service PORT+VLAN UNI IVL/Ingress filter Division of sub-

based on the 802.1Q enablea switching domains
bridge based on VLANs

a: A VLAN filter table must be configured to check the VLAN tag. If a packet carries a VLAN ID different
from the VLAN ID of the port specified in the VLAN filter table, the packet is discarded.

Typical Applications
Figure 9-11 shows the typical application of the model of the EVPLAN service based on the
802.1Q bridge. The transmission network needs to carry G and H services accessed from NE2
and NE3. Both types of services are aggregated and switched on NE1. G and H services adopt
different VLAN planning. Therefore, a 802.1Q bridge is used on NEs and sub-switching domains
are divided based on VLANs, differentiating and separating the two types of services.

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Figure 9-11 Model of EVPLAN services based on the 802.1Q bridge

NE 2

VLAN 100
Port 1
User G2
Port 3
NE 1
VLAN 200

Transmission Port 2
VLAN 100
Port 1 Network User H2
User G1
Port 3
802.1q bridge
VLAN 200
Port 2 Port 4
User H1 NE 3

VLAN 100
802.1q bridge Port 1
User G3

VLAN 200
Port 3 Port 2
User H3

802.1q bridge

You can also configure EVPL Services Based on the VLAN on NE2 and NE3 for service access. EVPLAN Services Based on 802.1ad Bridge

S-VLAN tags can be used to separate EVPLAN services. Therefore, a bridge is divided into
multiple independent sub-switching domains. Such services are called EVPLAN services based
on 802.1ad bridge.

Model of Service
Table 9-6 lists the models of EVPLAN services based on 802.1ad bridge.

Table 9-6 Models of EVPLAN services based on 802.1ad bridge

Type of Model of Learning/ Mount Port Operation of Sub-
Service Service Switching Attribute Tag Switching
Mode of a Domain

EVPLAN Model 1 IVL/Ingress C-Aware port Adding S- Division of sub-

services based filter enable VLAN tags switching
on 802.1ad a based on PORT domains based
bridge Adding S- on S-VLAN tags
VLAN tags
based on PORT
and C-VLAN

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Type of Model of Learning/ Mount Port Operation of Sub-

Service Service Switching Attribute Tag Switching
Mode of a Domain

S-Aware port Mount Port and

base for PORT
and S-VLAN

Model 2 SVL/Ingress C-Aware port Adding S- No division of

filter disable VLAN tags sub-switching
based on PORT domains

S-Aware port Mount port

a: When Bridge Learning Mode is set to IVL, the VLAN filtering table must be configured so that the
bridge can check the contents of the VLAN tags. If the VLAN ID is not defined in the VLAN filtering
table, the packet is discarded.

Typical Applications
The 802.1ad bridge normally adopts Model 1. Figure 9-12 shows the typical application of the
model of service. The transport network needs to carry G and H services accessed from NE2
and NE3. The two types of services are aggregated and switched on NE1. Since G and H services
have a same C-VLAN tag, you need to add different S-VLAN tags to G and H services for
service isolation.

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Figure 9-12 Model of EVPLAN services based on 802.1ad bridge

NE 2

Add S-VLAN Label Strip S-VLAN Label

S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN(100) Data(G) C-VLAN(100) Data( G)

S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN(100) Data(H) C-VLAN(100) Data(H)

NE 2

Port 1
User G2
Port 3
NE 1 Port 2
Transmission User H2
SVLAN 300 Network CVLAN 100
Port 1 Port 3
User G1 802.1ad bridge
NE 3
Port 2
User H1
CVLAN 100 Port 4 SVLAN 300
Port 1
802.1ad bridge User G3
Port 3 Port 2
NE 1 User H3
Strip S-VLAN Label Add S-VLAN Label

C-VLAN(100) Data( G) S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN(100) Data(G) 802.1ad bridge

C-VLAN(100) Data(H) S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN(100) Data(H)

NE 3

Add S-VLAN Label Strip S-VLAN Label

S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN(100) Data(G) C-VLAN(100) Data( G)

S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN(100) Data(H) C-VLAN(100) Data(H)

You can configure QinQ-based EVPL Services on NE2 and NE3 for service access.

9.2 Configuration Procedure

The service configuration procedure differs according to the specific service type.

9.2.1 Configuration Procedure (Point-to-Point Transparently

Transmitted EPL Services)
This section describes how to perform parameter settings and other relevant operations as
required in the procedure for configuring point-to-point transparently transmitted EPL services.

Configuration Flow Chart

Figure 9-13 provides the procedures for configuring point-to-point transparently transmitted
EPL services.

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Figure 9-13 Configuration flow chart (point-to-point transparently transmitted EPL services)
Required Start

Configuring Ethernet Ports

Configuring LAGs

Configuring Ethernet Line


Configuring QoS

Verifying Ethernet Service



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Procedures for Configuring Ethernet Ports

Table 9-7 Procedures for configuring Ethernet ports

Operation Description

A.8.4.1 l You need to set Basic Attributes. Set the parameters as follows:
Configuring – In the case of used ports, set Enabled/Disabled to Enabled. In the
External case of unused ports, set Enabled/Disabled to Disabled.
Ethernet Ports
– In the case of an Ethernet port that is connected to external
equipment, set Working Mode to be the same value as the external
equipment (generally, the working mode of the external equipment
is auto-negotiation). In the case of Ethernet ports for connection
within the network, set Working Mode to Auto-Negotiation.
– When JUMBO frames are transmitted, set Maximum Frame
Length according to the actual length of a JUMBO frame.
Otherwise, it is recommended that Maximum Frame Length takes
the default value.
l Click the Flow Control tab if the flow control function is enabled on
the external equipment to which the Ethernet port is connected. Set the
parameters as follows:
– When the external equipment uses the non-auto-negotiation flow
control function, set Non-Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to
Enable Symmetric Flow Control.
– When the external equipment uses the auto-negotiation flow control
function, set Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to Enable
Symmetric/Dissymmetric Flow Control.
l You need to set TAG Attributes. In the case of a point-to-point
transparently transmitted EPL service, set Entry Detection to
l In the case of a point-to-point transparently transmitted EPL service,
set Port Attributes in the Network Attributes tag page to UNI.
l Determine whether to set Advanced Attributes according to actual

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Operation Description

A.8.4.2 Required when internal ports need to be used.

Configuring l You need to set TAG Attributes. In the case of a point-to-point
VCTRUNKs transparently transmitted EPL service, set Entry Detection to
on an Ethernet Disabled.
l Determine whether to set Encapsulation/Mapping according to actual
requirements. It is recommended that the parameters take the default
values and are the same for both ends of a link.
l In the case of a point-to-point transparently transmitted EPL service,
set Port Attributes in the Network Attributes tag page to UNI.
l Determine whether to configure the LCAS function according to actual
requirements. If the LCAS function is required, set Enabling LCAS
to Enabled and set LCAS Mode according to the type of third-party
equipment. In addition, it is recommended that the other parameters
take the default values. Ensure that the parameter settings are consistent
at both ends of a link.
l You need to set Bound Path. Configure bound channels according to
the network planning information.
The EFP8 of the OptiX RTN 950 is an EoPDH Ethernet board, which supports
VCTRUNKs that bind E1 channels. On the NMS, VCTRUNKs that bind E1
channels are displayed as VCTRUNKs that bind VC-12 channels.

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Procedure for Configuring a LAG

Table 9-8 Procedure for configuring a LAG

Operation Description

A.8.1.1 Required when a LAG needs to be configured. Set the major parameters
Creating a as follows:
LAG l Set LAG Type to the same value as the opposite equipment. LAG
Type is generally set to Static for the equipment at both ends.
l Set Load Sharing to the same value as the opposite equipment. If the
LAG is configured only to implement protection, it is recommended
that you set Load Sharing to Non-Sharing for the equipment at both
ends. If the LAG is configured to increase the bandwidth, it is
recommended that you set Load Sharing to Sharing for the equipment
at both ends.
l Set Revertive Mode to the same value as the opposite equipment.
Generally, set Revertive Mode to Revertive for the equipment at both
ends. This parameter is valid to only LAGs whose Load Sharing is set
to Non-Sharing.
l Set Sharing Mode to the same value as the opposite equipment. Unless
otherwise specified, this parameter takes the default value. This
parameter is valid to only LAGs whose Load Sharing is set to
l Set Main Port and Selected Standby Ports according to the network
planning information. It is recommended that the main and slave ports
at both ends adopt the same settings.

A.8.1.2 Setting Optional.

Parameters for

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Procedure for Configuring Point-to-Point Transparently Transmitted EPL Services

Table 9-9 Procedure for configuring point-to-point transparently transmitted EPL services
Operation Description

A.8.2.1 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

Creating l Set Service Type to EPL.
Private Line l Set Direction to Bidirectional.
Services l Set Source Port and Sink Port according to the network planning
l Set Source VLAN(e.g. 1,3-6) and Sink VLAN(e.g. 1,3-6) to null.
l If any VCTRUNK to which no paths are bound is used as Source
Port or Sink Port, configure corresponding bound channels according
to the network planning information.
The EFP8 is an EoPDH Ethernet board, which supports VCTRUNKs that bind
E1 channels. On the NMS, VCTRUNKs that bind E1 channels are displayed as
VCTRUNKs that bind VC-12 channels.

Procedure for Configuring the QoS

Table 9-10 Procedure for configuring the QoS

Operation Description

A.8.7.1 Required when you need to perform CAR or CoS operations. Before
Creating a performing any CAR or CoS operations, you need to create flows.
Flow Set the relevant parameters according to the network planning information.

A.8.7.2 Required if you need to perform CAR or CoS operations for a specific flow
Creating the over a port.
CAR Set CAR or CoS parameters and bind the configured CARs or CoSs to the
corresponding flows according to the network planning information.
Creating the

Binding the

A.8.7.5 Required if you need to perform queue scheduling over an egress port or
Configuring limit the bandwidth of queues over an egress port.
Traffic Set the relevant parameters according to the network planning information.
Shaping for
Egress Queues

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Procedure for Testing Ethernet Services


It is recommended that you use standard MPs for testing Ethernet services. The following table only provides
the description about standard MPs.

Table 9-11 Procedure for testing Ethernet services

Operation Description

A.8.8.1 Creating Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
MDs are located. Set the parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Domain Name and Maintenance Domain Level to the same
values for the two NEs.
l In the test of an Ethernet service between two edge nodes on the transport network,
it is recommended that Maintenance Domain Level takes the default value 4. In the
test of an Ethernet service between two internal NEs on the transport network, set
Maintenance Domain Level to a value smaller than 4. In the test of an Ethernet
service between two Ethernet ports on the same NE, set Maintenance Domain
Level to a value smaller than the value that is set in the test of an Ethernet service
between two internal NEs on the transport network.

A.8.8.2 Creating Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
MAs are located. Set the parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance Domain Name that
is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the same value for the two NEs.

A.8.8.3 Creating MPs Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
are located. Set the major parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance Association
Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Node to the Ethernet ports that are involved in the service test.
l Set MP ID to different values for MEPs in the same MD.
l If the OAM information initiated by the MEP travels through the Ethernet switching
unit on the EFP8 board, set Direction of the MEP to Ingress. Otherwise, set
Direction to Egress.
l If the MP ID is used to identify an MEP, set CC Status to Active.
l It is recommended that you set CCM Sending Period(ms) to 1000 ms.

perform an LB test to Required.

test the Ethernet The LB test result should show that the test is successful.

9.2.2 Configuration Procedure (VLAN-Based EVPL Services)

This section describes how to perform parameter settings and other relevant operations as
required in the procedure for configuring VLAN-based EVPL services.

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Configuration Flow Chart

Figure 9-14 provides the procedures for configuring VLAN-based EVPL services.

Figure 9-14 Configuration flow chart (VLAN-based EVPL services)

Required Start

Configuring Ethernet Ports

Configuring LAGs

Configuring Ethernet Line


Configuring QoS

Verifying Ethernet Service



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Procedure for Configuring Ethernet Ports

Table 9-12 Procedure for configuring Ethernet ports

Operation Description

A.8.4.1 l You need to set Basic Attributes. Set the parameters as follows:
Configuring – In the case of used ports, set Enabled/Disabled to Enabled. In the
External case of unused ports, set Enabled/Disabled to Disabled.
Ethernet Ports
– In the case of an Ethernet port that is connected to external
equipment, set Working Mode to be the same value as the external
equipment (generally, the working mode of the external equipment
is auto-negotiation). In the case of Ethernet ports for connection
within the network, set Working Mode to Auto-Negotiation.
– When JUMBO frames are transmitted, set Maximum Frame
Length according to the actual length of a JUMBO frame.
Otherwise, it is recommended that Maximum Frame Length takes
the default value.
l Click the Flow Control tab if the flow control function is enabled on
the external equipment to which the Ethernet port is connected. Set the
parameters as follows:
– When the external equipment uses the non-auto-negotiation flow
control function, set Non-Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to
Enable Symmetric Flow Control.
– When the external equipment uses the auto-negotiation flow control
function, set Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to Enable
Symmetric/Dissymmetric Flow Control.
l You need to set TAG Attributes.
– In the case of a VLAN-based EVPL service, set Entry Detection
to Enabled.
– Set TAG, Default VLAN ID, and VLAN Priority as planned.
Default VLAN ID and VLAN Priority are valid only when
TAG is Access or Hybrid.
l In the case of a VLAN-based EVPL service, set Port Attributes in the
Network Attributes tab page to UNI.
l Determine whether to set Advanced Attributes according to actual

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Operation Description

A.8.4.2 Required when internal ports need to be used.

Configuring l You need to set TAG Attributes.
on an Ethernet – In the case of a VLAN-based EVPL service, set Entry Detection
Board to Enabled.
– Set TAG, Default VLAN ID, and VLAN Priority as planned.
Default VLAN ID and VLAN Priority are valid only when
TAG is Access or Hybrid.
l Determine whether to set Encapsulation/Mapping according to actual
requirements. It is recommended that the parameters take the default
values and are the same for both ends of a link.
l In the case of a VLAN-based EVPL service, it is recommended that
you set Port Attributes in the Network Attributes tab page to UNI.
l Determine whether to configure the LCAS function according to actual
requirements. If the LCAS function is required, set Enabling LCAS
to Enabled and set LCAS Mode according to the type of third-party
equipment. In addition, it is recommended that the other parameters
take the default values. Ensure that the parameter settings are consistent
at both ends of a link.
l You need to set Bound Path. Configure bound channels according to
the network planning information.
The EFP8 of the OptiX RTN 950 is an EoPDH Ethernet board, which supports
VCTRUNKs that bind E1 channels. On the NMS, VCTRUNKs that bind E1
channels are displayed as VCTRUNKs that bind VC-12 channels.

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Procedure for Configuring a LAG

Table 9-13 Procedure for configuring a LAG

Operation Description

A.8.1.1 Required when a LAG needs to be configured. Set the major parameters
Creating a as follows:
LAG l Set LAG Type to the same value as the opposite equipment. LAG
Type is generally set to Static for the equipment at both ends.
l Set Load Sharing to the same value as the opposite equipment. If the
LAG is configured only to implement protection, it is recommended
that you set Load Sharing to Non-Sharing for the equipment at both
ends. If the LAG is configured to increase the bandwidth, it is
recommended that you set Load Sharing to Sharing for the equipment
at both ends.
l Set Revertive Mode to the same value as the opposite equipment.
Generally, set Revertive Mode to Revertive for the equipment at both
ends. This parameter is valid to only LAGs whose Load Sharing is set
to Non-Sharing.
l Set Sharing Mode to the same value as the opposite equipment. Unless
otherwise specified, this parameter takes the default value. This
parameter is valid to only LAGs whose Load Sharing is set to
l Set Main Port and Selected Standby Ports according to the network
planning information. It is recommended that the main and slave ports
at both ends adopt the same settings.

A.8.1.2 Setting Optional.

Parameters for

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Procedure for Configuring VLAN-Based EVPL Services

Table 9-14 Procedure for configuring VLAN-based EVPL services

Operation Description

A.8.2.1 Required. Set the major parameters as follows:

Creating l Set Service Type to EPL.
Private Line l Set Direction to Bidirectional.
Services l Set Source Port and Sink Port according to the network planning
l Set Source VLAN(e.g. 1,3-6) and Sink VLAN(e.g. 1,3-6) according
to the network planning information.
l If any VCTRUNK to which no paths are bound is used as Source
Port or Sink Port, configure corresponding bound channels according
to the network planning information.
The EFP8 is an EoPDH Ethernet board, which supports VCTRUNKs that bind
E1 channels. On the NMS, VCTRUNKs that bind E1 channels are displayed as
VCTRUNKs that bind VC-12 channels.

Procedure for Configuring the QoS

Table 9-15 Procedure for configuring the QoS

Operation Description

A.8.7.1 Required when you need to perform CAR or CoS operations. Before
Creating a performing any CAR or CoS operations, you need to create flows.
Flow Set the relevant parameters according to the network planning information.

A.8.7.2 Required if you need to perform CAR or CoS operations for a specific flow
Creating the over a port.
CAR Set CAR or CoS parameters and bind the configured CARs or CoSs to the
corresponding flows according to the network planning information.
Creating the

Binding the

A.8.7.5 Required if you need to perform queue scheduling over an egress port or
Configuring limit the bandwidth of queues over an egress port.
Traffic Set the relevant parameters according to the network planning information.
Shaping for
Egress Queues

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Procedure for Testing Ethernet Services


It is recommended that you use standard MPs for testing Ethernet services. The following table only provides
the description about standard MPs.

Table 9-16 Procedure for testing Ethernet services

Operation Description

A.8.8.1 Creating Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
MDs are located. Set the parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Domain Name and Maintenance Domain Level to the same
values for the two NEs.
l In the test of an Ethernet service between two edge nodes on the transport network,
it is recommended that Maintenance Domain Level takes the default value 4. In the
test of an Ethernet service between two internal NEs on the transport network, set
Maintenance Domain Level to a value smaller than 4. In the test of an Ethernet
service between two Ethernet ports on the same NE, set Maintenance Domain
Level to a value smaller than the value that is set in the test of an Ethernet service
between two internal NEs on the transport network.

A.8.8.2 Creating Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
MAs are located. Set the parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance Domain Name that
is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the same value for the two NEs.

A.8.8.3 Creating MPs Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
are located. Set the major parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance Association
Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Node to the Ethernet ports that are involved in the service test.
l Set MP ID to different values for MEPs in the same MD.
l If the OAM information initiated by the MEP travels through the Ethernet switching
unit on the EFP8 board, set Direction of the MEP to Ingress. Otherwise, set
Direction to Egress.
l If the MP ID is used to identify an MEP, set CC Status to Active.
l It is recommended that you set CCM Sending Period(ms) to 1000 ms.

perform an LB test to Required.

test the Ethernet The LB test result should show that the test is successful.

9.2.3 Configuration Procedure (QinQ-Based EVPL Services)

This section describes how to perform parameter settings and other relevant operations as
required in the procedure for configuring QinQ-based EVPL services.

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Configuration Flow Chart

Figure 9-15 provides the procedures for configuring QinQ-based EVPL services.

Figure 9-15 Configuration flow chart (QinQ-based EVPL services)

Required Start

Configuring Ethernet Ports

Configuring LAGs

Configuring Ethernet Line


Configuring QoS

Verifying Ethernet Service



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Procedure for Configuring Ethernet Ports

Table 9-17 Procedure for configuring Ethernet ports

Operation Description

A.8.4.1 l You need to set Basic Attributes. Set the parameters as follows:
Configuring – In the case of used ports, set Enabled/Disabled to Enabled. In the
External case of unused ports, set Enabled/Disabled to Disabled.
Ethernet Ports
– In the case of an Ethernet port that is connected to external
equipment, set Working Mode to be the same value as the external
equipment (generally, the working mode of the external equipment
is auto-negotiation). In the case of Ethernet ports for connection
within the network, set Working Mode to Auto-Negotiation.
– When JUMBO frames are transmitted, set Maximum Frame
Length according to the actual length of a JUMBO frame.
Otherwise, it is recommended that Maximum Frame Length takes
the default value.
l Click the Flow Control tab if the flow control function is enabled on
the external equipment to which the Ethernet port is connected. Set the
parameters as follows:
– When the external equipment uses the non-auto-negotiation flow
control function, set Non-Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to
Enable Symmetric Flow Control.
– When the external equipment uses the auto-negotiation flow control
function, set Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to Enable
Symmetric/Dissymmetric Flow Control.
l In the case of a QinQ-based EVPL service, set Port Attributes in the
Network Attributes tab page to C-Aware or S-Aware.
l Determine whether to set Advanced Attributes according to actual

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Operation Description

A.8.4.2 Required when internal ports need to be used.

Configuring l Determine whether to set Encapsulation/Mapping according to actual
VCTRUNKs requirements. It is recommended that the parameters take the default
on an Ethernet values and are the same for both ends of a link.
l In the case of a QinQ-based EVPL service, set Port Attributes in the
Network Attributes tab page to C-Aware or S-Aware.
l Determine whether to configure the LCAS function according to actual
requirements. If the LCAS function is required, set Enabling LCAS
to Enabled and set LCAS Mode according to the type of third-party
equipment. In addition, it is recommended that the other parameters
take the default values. Ensure that the parameter settings are consistent
at both ends of a link.
l You need to set Bound Path. Configure bound channels according to
the network planning information.
The EFP8 of the OptiX RTN 950 is an EoPDH Ethernet board, which supports
VCTRUNKs that bind E1 channels. On the NMS, VCTRUNKs that bind E1
channels are displayed as VCTRUNKs that bind VC-12 channels.

Procedure for Configuring a LAG

Table 9-18 Procedure for configuring a LAG

Operation Description

A.8.1.1 Required when a LAG needs to be configured. Set the major parameters
Creating a as follows:
LAG l Set LAG Type to the same value as the opposite equipment. LAG
Type is generally set to Static for the equipment at both ends.
l Set Load Sharing to the same value as the opposite equipment. If the
LAG is configured only to implement protection, it is recommended
that you set Load Sharing to Non-Sharing for the equipment at both
ends. If the LAG is configured to increase the bandwidth, it is
recommended that you set Load Sharing to Sharing for the equipment
at both ends.
l Set Revertive Mode to the same value as the opposite equipment.
Generally, set Revertive Mode to Revertive for the equipment at both
ends. This parameter is valid to only LAGs whose Load Sharing is set
to Non-Sharing.
l Set Sharing Mode to the same value as the opposite equipment. Unless
otherwise specified, this parameter takes the default value. This
parameter is valid to only LAGs whose Load Sharing is set to
l Set Main Port and Selected Standby Ports according to the network
planning information. It is recommended that the main and slave ports
at both ends adopt the same settings.

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Operation Description

A.8.1.2 Setting Optional.

Parameters for

Procedure for Configuring QinQ-Based EVPL Services

Table 9-19 Procedure for configuring QinQ-based EVPL services

Operation Description

A.8.2.5 Required. Set the major parameters as follows:

Creating NOTE
QinQ-Based Before setting the parameters, select Display QinQ Shared Service.
EVPL Services l Set Service Type to EVPL (QinQ).
l Set Direction to Bidirectional.
l Set Operation Type, Source Port, Source C-VLAN (e.g. 1, 3-6),
Source S-VLAN, Sink Port, Sink C-VLAN(e.g. 1, 3-6), Sink S-
VLAN, C-VLAN Priority, and S-VLAN Priority according to the
network planning information.
l If any VCTRUNK to which no paths are bound is used as Source
Port or Sink Port, configure corresponding bound channels according
to the network planning information.
The EFP8 is an EoPDH Ethernet board, which supports VCTRUNKs that bind
E1 channels. On the NMS, VCTRUNKs that bind E1 channels are displayed as
VCTRUNKs that bind VC-12 channels.

Procedure for Configuring the QoS

Table 9-20 Procedure for configuring the QoS

Operation Description

A.8.7.1 Required when you need to perform CAR or CoS operations. Before
Creating a performing any CAR or CoS operations, you need to create flows.
Flow Set the relevant parameters according to the network planning information.

A.8.7.2 Required if you need to perform CAR or CoS operations for a specific flow
Creating the over a port.
CAR Set CAR or CoS parameters and bind the configured CARs or CoSs to the
corresponding flows according to the network planning information.
Creating the

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Operation Description

Binding the

A.8.7.5 Required if you need to perform queue scheduling over an egress port or
Configuring limit the bandwidth of queues over an egress port.
Traffic Set the relevant parameters according to the network planning information.
Shaping for
Egress Queues

Procedure for Testing Ethernet Services


It is recommended that you use standard MPs for testing Ethernet services. The following table only provides
the description about standard MPs.

Table 9-21 Procedure for testing Ethernet services

Operation Description

A.8.8.1 Creating Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
MDs are located. Set the parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Domain Name and Maintenance Domain Level to the same
values for the two NEs.
l In the test of an Ethernet service between two edge nodes on the transport network,
it is recommended that Maintenance Domain Level takes the default value 4. In the
test of an Ethernet service between two internal NEs on the transport network, set
Maintenance Domain Level to a value smaller than 4. In the test of an Ethernet
service between two Ethernet ports on the same NE, set Maintenance Domain
Level to a value smaller than the value that is set in the test of an Ethernet service
between two internal NEs on the transport network.

A.8.8.2 Creating Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
MAs are located. Set the parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance Domain Name that
is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the same value for the two NEs.

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Operation Description

A.8.8.3 Creating MPs Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
are located. Set the major parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance Association
Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Node to the Ethernet ports that are involved in the service test.
l Set MP ID to different values for MEPs in the same MD.
l If the OAM information initiated by the MEP travels through the Ethernet switching
unit on the EFP8 board, set Direction of the MEP to Ingress. Otherwise, set
Direction to Egress.
l If the MP ID is used to identify an MEP, set CC Status to Active.
l It is recommended that you set CCM Sending Period(ms) to 1000 ms.

perform an LB test to Required.

test the Ethernet The LB test result should show that the test is successful.

9.2.4 Configuration Procedure (IEEE 802.1d Bridge-Based EPLAN

This section describes how to perform parameter settings and other relevant operations as
required in the procedure for configuring IEEE 802.1d bridge-based EPLAN services.

Configuration Flow Chart

Figure 9-16 provides the procedures for configuring IEEE 802.1d bridge-based EPLAN

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Figure 9-16 Configuration flow chart (802.1d bridge-based EPLAN services)

Required Start

Configuring Ethernet Ports

Configuring LAGs

Configuring Ethernet LAN


Configuring QoS

Verifying Ethernet Service



The procedures in the configuration flow chart are described as follows.

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Procedure for Configuring Ethernet Ports

Table 9-22 Procedure for configuring Ethernet ports

Operation Description

A.8.4.1 l You need to set Basic Attributes. Set the parameters as follows:
Configuring – In the case of used ports, set Enabled/Disabled to Enabled. In the
External case of unused ports, set Enabled/Disabled to Disabled.
Ethernet Ports
– In the case of an Ethernet port that is connected to external
equipment, set Working Mode to be the same value as the external
equipment (generally, the working mode of the external equipment
is auto-negotiation). In the case of Ethernet ports for connection
within the network, set Working Mode to Auto-Negotiation.
– When JUMBO frames are transmitted, set Maximum Frame
Length according to the actual length of a JUMBO frame.
Otherwise, it is recommended that Maximum Frame Length takes
the default value.
l Click the Flow Control tab if the flow control function is enabled on
the external equipment to which the Ethernet port is connected. Set the
parameters as follows:
– When the external equipment uses the non-auto-negotiation flow
control function, set Non-Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to
Enable Symmetric Flow Control.
– When the external equipment uses the auto-negotiation flow control
function, set Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to Enable
Symmetric/Dissymmetric Flow Control.
l In the case of an IEEE 802.1d bridge-based EPLAN service, set Port
Attributes in the Network Attributes tab page to UNI.
l To enable the broadcast packet suppression function, you need to set
Advanced Attributes.
Set the relevant parameters according to the network planning

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Operation Description

A.8.4.2 Required when internal ports need to be used.

Configuring l Determine whether to set Encapsulation/Mapping according to actual
VCTRUNKs requirements. It is recommended that the parameters take the default
on an Ethernet values and are the same for both ends of a link.
l In the case of an IEEE 802.1d bridge-based EPLAN service, set Port
Attributes in the Network Attributes tab page to UNI.
l Determine whether to configure the LCAS function according to actual
requirements. If the LCAS function is required, set Enabling LCAS
to Enabled and set LCAS Mode according to the type of third-party
equipment. In addition, it is recommended that the other parameters
take the default values. Ensure that the parameter settings are consistent
at both ends of a link.
l You need to set Bound Path. Configure bound channels according to
the network planning information.
The EFP8 of the OptiX RTN 950 is an EoPDH Ethernet board, which supports
VCTRUNKs that bind E1 channels. On the NMS, VCTRUNKs that bind E1
channels are displayed as VCTRUNKs that bind VC-12 channels.

Procedure for Configuring a LAG

Table 9-23 Procedure for configuring a LAG

Operation Description

A.8.1.1 Required when a LAG needs to be configured. Set the major parameters
Creating a as follows:
LAG l Set LAG Type to the same value as the opposite equipment. LAG
Type is generally set to Static for the equipment at both ends.
l Set Load Sharing to the same value as the opposite equipment. If the
LAG is configured only to implement protection, it is recommended
that you set Load Sharing to Non-Sharing for the equipment at both
ends. If the LAG is configured to increase the bandwidth, it is
recommended that you set Load Sharing to Sharing for the equipment
at both ends.
l Set Revertive Mode to the same value as the opposite equipment.
Generally, set Revertive Mode to Revertive for the equipment at both
ends. This parameter is valid to only LAGs whose Load Sharing is set
to Non-Sharing.
l Set Sharing Mode to the same value as the opposite equipment. Unless
otherwise specified, this parameter takes the default value. This
parameter is valid to only LAGs whose Load Sharing is set to
l Set Main Port and Selected Standby Ports according to the network
planning information. It is recommended that the main and slave ports
at both ends adopt the same settings.

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Operation Description

A.8.1.2 Setting Optional.

Parameters for

Procedure for Configuring IEEE 802.1d Bridge-Based EPLAN Services

Table 9-24 Procedure for configuring IEEE 802.1d bridge-based EPLAN services
Operation Description

A.8.2.2 Creating Ethernet Required. Set the major parameters as follows:

LAN Services l Set VB name according to the network planning
l Set Bridge Type to 802.1d.
l Set Mount Port according to the network planning
l If any VCTRUNK to which no channels are bound is used
as Mount Port, configure corresponding bound channels
according to the network planning information.
The EFP8 of the OptiX RTN 950 is an EoPDH Ethernet board,
which supports VCTRUNKs that bind E1 channels. On the NMS,
VCTRUNKs that bind E1 channels are displayed as VCTRUNKs
that bind VC-12 channels.

Managing A.8.3.2 Required when usage of EPLAN services needs to be disabled

the MAC Creating a on certain MAC address hosts.
address table Blacklist The parameters need to be set according to network planning.
Entry of a

A.8.3.1 Required if you need to set certain MAC address entries not
Creating a to age.
Static MAC The parameters need to be set according to network planning.

A.8.3.3 Required if you need to disable the aging function or change

Setting the the aging time (five minutes by default).
Aging Time The parameters need to be set according to network planning.
of a MAC
Table Entry

A.8.2.3 Changing the Ports Required if you need to change a port connected to a VB,
Connected to a VB enabled status of a port connected to a VB, or Hub/Spoke
attribute of a port connected to a VB.

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Procedure for Configuring the QoS

Table 9-25 Procedure for configuring the QoS

Operation Description

A.8.7.1 Required when you need to perform CAR or CoS operations. Before
Creating a performing any CAR or CoS operations, you need to create flows.
Flow Set the relevant parameters according to the network planning information.

A.8.7.2 Required if you need to perform CAR or CoS operations for a specific flow
Creating the over a port.
CAR Set CAR or CoS parameters and bind the configured CARs or CoSs to the
corresponding flows according to the network planning information.
Creating the

Binding the

A.8.7.5 Required if you need to perform queue scheduling over an egress port or
Configuring limit the bandwidth of queues over an egress port.
Traffic Set the relevant parameters according to the network planning information.
Shaping for
Egress Queues

Procedure for Testing Ethernet Services


It is recommended that you use standard MPs for testing Ethernet services. The following table only provides
the description about standard MPs.

Table 9-26 Procedure for testing Ethernet services

Operation Description

A.8.8.1 Creating Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
MDs are located. Set the parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Domain Name and Maintenance Domain Level to the same
values for the two NEs.
l In the test of an Ethernet service between two edge nodes on the transport network,
it is recommended that Maintenance Domain Level takes the default value 4. In the
test of an Ethernet service between two internal NEs on the transport network, set
Maintenance Domain Level to a value smaller than 4. In the test of an Ethernet
service between two Ethernet ports on the same NE, set Maintenance Domain
Level to a value smaller than the value that is set in the test of an Ethernet service
between two internal NEs on the transport network.

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Operation Description

A.8.8.2 Creating Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
MAs are located. Set the parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance Domain Name that
is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the same value for the two NEs.

A.8.8.3 Creating MPs Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
are located. Set the major parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance Association
Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Node to the Ethernet ports that are involved in the service test.
l Set MP ID to different values for MEPs in the same MD.
l If the OAM information initiated by the MEP travels through the Ethernet switching
unit on the EFP8 board, set Direction of the MEP to Ingress. Otherwise, set
Direction to Egress.
l If the MP ID is used to identify an MEP, set CC Status to Active.
l It is recommended that you set CCM Sending Period(ms) to 1000 ms.

perform an LB test to Required.

test the Ethernet The LB test result should show that the test is successful.

9.2.5 Configuration Procedure (IEEE 802.1q Bridge-Based EVPLAN

This section describes how to perform parameter settings and other relevant operations as
required in the procedure for configuring IEEE 802.1q bridge-based EVPLAN services.

Configuration Flow Chart

Figure 9-17 provides the procedures for configuring IEEE 802.1q bridge-based EVPLAN

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Figure 9-17 Configuration flow chart (IEEE 802.1q bridge-based EVPLAN services)
Required Start

Configuring Ethernet Ports

Configuring LAGs

Configuring Ethernet LAN


Configuring QoS

Verifying Ethernet Service



The procedures in the configuration flow chart are described as follows.

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Procedure for Configuring Ethernet Ports

Table 9-27 Procedure for configuring Ethernet ports

Operation Description

A.8.4.1 l You need to set Basic Attributes. Set the parameters as follows:
Configuring – In the case of used ports, set Enabled/Disabled to Enabled. In the
External case of unused ports, set Enabled/Disabled to Disabled.
Ethernet Ports
– In the case of an Ethernet port that is connected to external
equipment, set Working Mode to be the same value as the external
equipment (generally, the working mode of the external equipment
is auto-negotiation). In the case of Ethernet ports for connection
within the network, set Working Mode to Auto-Negotiation.
– When JUMBO frames are transmitted, set Maximum Frame
Length according to the actual length of a JUMBO frame.
Otherwise, it is recommended that Maximum Frame Length takes
the default value.
l Click the Flow Control tab if the flow control function is enabled on
the external equipment to which the Ethernet port is connected. Set the
parameters as follows:
– When the external equipment uses the non-auto-negotiation flow
control function, set Non-Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to
Enable Symmetric Flow Control.
– When the external equipment uses the auto-negotiation flow control
function, set Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to Enable
Symmetric/Dissymmetric Flow Control.
l TAG Attributes is mandatory.
Set TAG, Default VLAN ID, and VLAN Priority as required. Default
VLAN ID and VLAN Priority are valid only when TAG is Access or
l In the case of an IEEE 802.1q bridge-based EVPLAN service, set Port
Attributes in the Network Attributes tab page to UNI.
l To enable the broadcast packet suppression function, you need to set
Advanced Attributes.
Set the relevant parameters according to the network planning

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 9 Configuring EoPDH-Based Ethernet Services

Operation Description

A.8.4.2 Required when internal ports need to be used.

Configuring l TAG is mandatory.
on an Ethernet Set TAG, Default VLAN ID, and VLAN Priority. Default VLAN
Board ID and VLAN Priority are valid only when TAG is Access or
l Determine whether to set Encapsulation/Mapping according to actual
requirements. It is recommended that the parameters take the default
values and are the same for both ends of a link.
l In the case of an IEEE 802.1q bridge-based EVPLAN service, set Port
Attributes in the Network Attributes tab page to UNI.
l Determine whether to configure the LCAS function according to actual
requirements. If the LCAS function is required, set Enabling LCAS
to Enabled and set LCAS Mode according to the type of third-party
equipment. In addition, it is recommended that the other parameters
take the default values. Ensure that the parameter settings are consistent
at both ends of a link.
l You need to set Bound Path. Configure bound channels according to
the network planning information.
The EFP8 of the OptiX RTN 950 is an EoPDH Ethernet board, which supports
VCTRUNKs that bind E1 channels. On the NMS, VCTRUNKs that bind E1
channels are displayed as VCTRUNKs that bind VC-12 channels.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 424

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Procedure for Configuring a LAG

Table 9-28 Procedure for configuring a LAG

Operation Description

A.8.1.1 Required when a LAG needs to be configured. Set the major parameters
Creating a as follows:
LAG l Set LAG Type to the same value as the opposite equipment. LAG
Type is generally set to Static for the equipment at both ends.
l Set Load Sharing to the same value as the opposite equipment. If the
LAG is configured only to implement protection, it is recommended
that you set Load Sharing to Non-Sharing for the equipment at both
ends. If the LAG is configured to increase the bandwidth, it is
recommended that you set Load Sharing to Sharing for the equipment
at both ends.
l Set Revertive Mode to the same value as the opposite equipment.
Generally, set Revertive Mode to Revertive for the equipment at both
ends. This parameter is valid to only LAGs whose Load Sharing is set
to Non-Sharing.
l Set Sharing Mode to the same value as the opposite equipment. Unless
otherwise specified, this parameter takes the default value. This
parameter is valid to only LAGs whose Load Sharing is set to
l Set Main Port and Selected Standby Ports according to the network
planning information. It is recommended that the main and slave ports
at both ends adopt the same settings.

A.8.1.2 Setting Optional.

Parameters for

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Procedure for Configuring IEEE 802.1q Bridge-Based EVPLAN Services

Table 9-29 Procedure for configuring IEEE 802.1q bridge-based EVPLAN services
Operation Description

A.8.2.2 Creating Ethernet Required. Set the major parameters as follows:

LAN Services l Set VB name according to the network planning
l Set Bridge Type to 802.1q.
l Set Mount Port according to the network planning
l If any VCTRUNK to which no channels are bound is used
as Mount Port, configure corresponding bound channels
according to the network planning information.
The EFP8 of the OptiX RTN 950 is an EoPDH Ethernet board,
which supports VCTRUNKs that bind E1 channels. On the NMS,
VCTRUNKs that bind E1 channels are displayed as VCTRUNKs
that bind VC-12 channels.

A.8.2.4 Creating the VLAN Required.

Filtering Table Set VLAN ID(e.g.1,3-6) and Selected forwarding ports
according to the network planning information.

Managing A.8.3.2 Required when usage of EVPLAN services needs to be

the MAC Creating a disabled on certain MAC address hosts.
address table Blacklist Set the parameters according to the network planning
Entry of a information.

A.8.3.1 Required if you need to set certain MAC address entries not
Creating a to age.
Static MAC Set the parameters according to the network planning
Address information.

A.8.3.3 Required if you need to disable the aging function or change

Setting the the aging time (five minutes by default).
Aging Time Set the parameters according to the network planning
of a MAC information.
Table Entry

A.8.2.3 Changing the Ports Required if you need to change a port connected to a VB,
Connected to a VB enabled status of a port connected to a VB, or Hub/Spoke
attribute of a port connected to a VB.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 426

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Procedure for Configuring the QoS

Table 9-30 Procedure for configuring the QoS

Operation Description

A.8.7.1 Required when you need to perform CAR or CoS operations. Before
Creating a performing any CAR or CoS operations, you need to create flows.
Flow Set the relevant parameters according to the network planning information.

A.8.7.2 Required if you need to perform CAR or CoS operations for a specific flow
Creating the over a port.
CAR Set CAR or CoS parameters and bind the configured CARs or CoSs to the
corresponding flows according to the network planning information.
Creating the

Binding the

A.8.7.5 Required if you need to perform queue scheduling over an egress port or
Configuring limit the bandwidth of queues over an egress port.
Traffic Set the relevant parameters according to the network planning information.
Shaping for
Egress Queues

Procedure for Testing Ethernet Services


It is recommended that you use standard MPs for testing Ethernet services. The following table only provides
the description about standard MPs.

Table 9-31 Procedure for testing Ethernet services

Operation Description

A.8.8.1 Creating Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
MDs are located. Set the parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Domain Name and Maintenance Domain Level to the same
values for the two NEs.
l In the test of an Ethernet service between two edge nodes on the transport network,
it is recommended that Maintenance Domain Level takes the default value 4. In the
test of an Ethernet service between two internal NEs on the transport network, set
Maintenance Domain Level to a value smaller than 4. In the test of an Ethernet
service between two Ethernet ports on the same NE, set Maintenance Domain
Level to a value smaller than the value that is set in the test of an Ethernet service
between two internal NEs on the transport network.

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Operation Description

A.8.8.2 Creating Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
MAs are located. Set the parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance Domain Name that
is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the same value for the two NEs.

A.8.8.3 Creating MPs Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
are located. Set the major parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance Association
Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Node to the Ethernet ports that are involved in the service test.
l Set MP ID to different values for MEPs in the same MD.
l If the OAM information initiated by the MEP travels through the Ethernet switching
unit on the EFP8 board, set Direction of the MEP to Ingress. Otherwise, set
Direction to Egress.
l If the MP ID is used to identify an MEP, set CC Status to Active.
l It is recommended that you set CCM Sending Period(ms) to 1000 ms.

perform an LB test to Required.

test the Ethernet The LB test result should show that the test is successful.

9.2.6 Configuration Procedure (IEEE 802.1ad Bridge-Based

EVPLAN Services)
This section describes how to perform parameter settings and other relevant operations as
required in the procedure for configuring IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based EVPLAN services.

Configuration Flow Chart

Figure 9-18 provides the procedures for configuring IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based EVPLAN

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Figure 9-18 Configuration flow chart (IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based EVPLAN services)
Required Start

Configuring Ethernet Ports

Configuring LAGs

Configuring Ethernet LAN


Configuring QoS

Verifying Ethernet Service



The procedures in the configuration flow chart are described as follows.

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Procedure for Configuring Ethernet Ports

Table 9-32 Procedure for configuring Ethernet ports

Operation Description

A.8.4.1 l You need to set Basic Attributes. Set the parameters as follows:
Configuring – In the case of used ports, set Enabled/Disabled to Enabled. In the
External case of unused ports, set Enabled/Disabled to Disabled.
Ethernet Ports
– In the case of an Ethernet port that is connected to external
equipment, set Working Mode to be the same value as the external
equipment (generally, the working mode of the external equipment
is auto-negotiation). In the case of Ethernet ports for connection
within the network, set Working Mode to Auto-Negotiation.
– When JUMBO frames are transmitted, set Maximum Frame
Length according to the actual length of a JUMBO frame.
Otherwise, it is recommended that Maximum Frame Length takes
the default value.
l Click the Flow Control tab if the flow control function is enabled on
the external equipment to which the Ethernet port is connected. Set the
parameters as follows:
– When the external equipment uses the non-auto-negotiation flow
control function, set Non-Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to
Enable Symmetric Flow Control.
– When the external equipment uses the auto-negotiation flow control
function, set Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to Enable
Symmetric/Dissymmetric Flow Control.
l In the case of an IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based EVPLAN service, set
Port Attributes in the Network Attributes tab page to C-Aware or
l To enable the broadcast packet suppression function, you need to set
Advanced Attributes.
Set the relevant parameters according to the network planning

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 430

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Operation Description

A.8.4.2 Required when internal ports need to be used.

Configuring l Determine whether to set Encapsulation/Mapping according to actual
VCTRUNKs requirements. It is recommended that the parameters take the default
on an Ethernet values and are the same for both ends of a link.
l In the case of an IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based EVPLAN service, set
Port Attributes in the Network Attributes tab page to C-Aware or
l Determine whether to configure the LCAS function according to actual
requirements. If the LCAS function is required, set Enabling LCAS
to Enabled and set LCAS Mode according to the type of third-party
equipment. In addition, it is recommended that the other parameters
take the default values. Ensure that the parameter settings are consistent
at both ends of a link.
l You need to set Bound Path. Configure bound channels according to
the network planning information.
The EFP8 of the OptiX RTN 950 is an EoPDH Ethernet board, which supports
VCTRUNKs that bind E1 channels. On the NMS, VCTRUNKs that bind E1
channels are displayed as VCTRUNKs that bind VC-12 channels.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 431

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Procedure for Configuring a LAG

Table 9-33 Procedure for configuring a LAG

Operation Description

A.8.1.1 Required when a LAG needs to be configured. Set the major parameters
Creating a as follows:
LAG l Set LAG Type to the same value as the opposite equipment. LAG
Type is generally set to Static for the equipment at both ends.
l Set Load Sharing to the same value as the opposite equipment. If the
LAG is configured only to implement protection, it is recommended
that you set Load Sharing to Non-Sharing for the equipment at both
ends. If the LAG is configured to increase the bandwidth, it is
recommended that you set Load Sharing to Sharing for the equipment
at both ends.
l Set Revertive Mode to the same value as the opposite equipment.
Generally, set Revertive Mode to Revertive for the equipment at both
ends. This parameter is valid to only LAGs whose Load Sharing is set
to Non-Sharing.
l Set Sharing Mode to the same value as the opposite equipment. Unless
otherwise specified, this parameter takes the default value. This
parameter is valid to only LAGs whose Load Sharing is set to
l Set Main Port and Selected Standby Ports according to the network
planning information. It is recommended that the main and slave ports
at both ends adopt the same settings.

A.8.1.2 Setting Optional.

Parameters for

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Procedure for Configuring IEEE 802.1ad Bridge-Based EVPLAN Services

Table 9-34 Procedure for configuring IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based EVPLAN services
Operation Description

A.8.2.6 Creating IEEE Required. Set the parameters as follows:

802.1ad Bridge-Based l Set VB name according to the network planning
EVPLAN Services information.
l Set Bridge Type to 802.1ad.
l Set Mount Port according to the network planning
l If any VCTRUNK to which no channels are bound is used
as Mount Port, configure corresponding bound channels
according to the network planning information.
The EFP8 of the OptiX RTN 950 is an EoPDH Ethernet board,
which supports VCTRUNKs that bind E1 channels. On the NMS,
VCTRUNKs that bind E1 channels are displayed as VCTRUNKs
that bind VC-12 channels.

A.8.2.4 Creating the VLAN Required if you set Bridge Switch Mode to IVL/Ingress
Filtering Table Filter Enable.
Set VLAN ID(e.g.1,3-6) and Selected forwarding ports
according to the network planning information.

Managing A.8.3.2 Required when usage of EVPLAN services needs to be

the MAC Creating a disabled on certain MAC address hosts.
address table Blacklist The parameters need to be set according to network planning.
Entry of a

A.8.3.1 Required if you need to set certain MAC address entries not
Creating a to age.
Static MAC Set the parameters according to the network planning
Address information.

A.8.3.3 Required if you need to disable the aging function or change

Setting the the aging time (five minutes by default).
Aging Time Set the parameters according to the network planning
of a MAC information.
Table Entry

A.8.2.3 Changing the Ports Required if you need to change a port connected to a VB,
Connected to a VB enabled status of a port connected to a VB, or Hub/Spoke
attribute of a port connected to a VB.

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Procedure for Configuring the QoS

Table 9-35 Procedure for configuring the QoS

Operation Description

A.8.7.1 Required when you need to perform CAR or CoS operations. Before
Creating a performing any CAR or CoS operations, you need to create flows.
Flow Set the relevant parameters according to the network planning information.

A.8.7.2 Required if you need to perform CAR or CoS operations for a specific flow
Creating the over a port.
CAR Set CAR or CoS parameters and bind the configured CARs or CoSs to the
corresponding flows according to the network planning information.
Creating the

Binding the

A.8.7.5 Required if you need to perform queue scheduling over an egress port or
Configuring limit the bandwidth of queues over an egress port.
Traffic Set the relevant parameters according to the network planning information.
Shaping for
Egress Queues

Procedure for Testing Ethernet Services


It is recommended that you use standard MPs for testing Ethernet services. The following table only provides
the description about standard MPs.

Table 9-36 Procedure for testing Ethernet services

Operation Description

A.8.8.1 Creating Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
MDs are located. Set the parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Domain Name and Maintenance Domain Level to the same
values for the two NEs.
l In the test of an Ethernet service between two edge nodes on the transport network,
it is recommended that Maintenance Domain Level takes the default value 4. In the
test of an Ethernet service between two internal NEs on the transport network, set
Maintenance Domain Level to a value smaller than 4. In the test of an Ethernet
service between two Ethernet ports on the same NE, set Maintenance Domain
Level to a value smaller than the value that is set in the test of an Ethernet service
between two internal NEs on the transport network.

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Operation Description

A.8.8.2 Creating Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
MAs are located. Set the parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance Domain Name that
is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the same value for the two NEs.

A.8.8.3 Creating MPs Required in the case of the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service test
are located. Set the major parameters as follows:
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance Association
Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Node to the Ethernet ports that are involved in the service test.
l Set MP ID to different values for MEPs in the same MD.
l If the OAM information initiated by the MEP travels through the Ethernet switching
unit on the EFP8 board, set Direction of the MEP to Ingress. Otherwise, set
Direction to Egress.
l If the MP ID is used to identify an MEP, set CC Status to Active.
l It is recommended that you set CCM Sending Period(ms) to 1000 ms.

perform an LB test to Required.

test the Ethernet The LB test result should show that the test is successful.

9.3 Configuration Example (Ethernet Services Based on

TDM Radio)
This section considers an Ethernet service based on TDM radio as an example to describe how
to configure Ethernet services according to the service planning information.

9.3.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 6.3 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the TDM Radio Chain Network),
configure the Ethernet services on the TDM radio chain network shown in Figure 9-19,
according to the following requirements:
l In this example, few Ethernet services are transmitted only on BTS13 and BTS14. To meet
the service requirements, the radio network need not be upgraded and the EoPDH mode is
adopted to transmit Ethernet services.
l The Ethernet services on BTS13 occupy a 4 Mbit/s bandwidth and the Ethernet services
on BTS14 occupy a 10 Mbit/s bandwidth.
l Ethernet services transmitted by BTS13 and BTS14 carry VLAN tags, and VLAN IDs on
the entire network are planned in a unified manner.
l FE links to the BSC are configured with LAG protection.

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l QoS processing is not required.

l Figure 9-20 shows the board configuration of each NE on the radio network.

Figure 9-19 Networking diagram (Ethernet services based on TDM radio)


4 Mbit/s E1
VLAN 120
NE13 NE12 NE11
NE16 NE15
BTS15 10 Mbit/s
VLAN 130

Figure 9-20 Board configuration (Ethernet services based on TDM radio)

NE13 NE12 NE11

E1 NE6 NE6 NE6
E1 E1

NE16 NE15 FE E1

The connections of Ethernet links are described as follows.

Table 9-37 Connections of Ethernet links (NE11)

Link Port Description

Between NE11 and the BSC 4-EFP8-PORT1 (main port l Configure these ports to
of a LAG) aggregate the Ethernet
services backhauled from
BTS13 and BTS14 to the

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Link Port Description

4-EFP8-PORT2 (slave port l Configure these ports into

of a LAG) a load non-sharing LAG,
therefore improving link

Between NE11 and NE12 3-IF1 (main IF board of a 1+1 Configure these ports to
HSB protection group) transmit Ethernet services
encapsulated in E1s.
5-IF1 (standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection group)

Table 9-38 Connections of Ethernet links (NE12)

Link Port Description

Between NE12 and NE11 3-IF1 (main IF board of a 1+1 Configure these ports to
HSB protection group) transmit Ethernet services
encapsulated in E1s.
5-IF1 (standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection group)

Between NE12 and NE13 1-SL1D-1 Configure these ports to

transmit Ethernet services
encapsulated in E1s.

Table 9-39 Connections of Ethernet links (NE13)

Link Port Description

Between NE13 and NE12 1-SL1D-1 Configure these ports to

transmit Ethernet services
encapsulated in E1s.

Between NE13 and NE14 3-IF1 (main IF board of a 1+1 Configure these ports to
HSB protection group) transmit Ethernet services
encapsulated in E1s.
5-IF1 (standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection group)

Between NE13 and NE15 4-IF1 (main IF board of a 1+1 Configure these ports to
HSB protection group) transmit Ethernet services
encapsulated in E1s.
6-IF1 (standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection group)

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Table 9-40 Connections of Ethernet links (NE14)

Link Port Description

Between NE14 and BTS13 4-EFP8-PORT1 Configure this port to support

access of services from
BTS13 and transmit the
services in EoPDH mode.

Between NE14 and NE13 3-IF1 (main IF board of a 1+1 Configure these ports to
HSB protection group) transmit Ethernet services
encapsulated in E1s.
5-IF1 (standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection group)

Table 9-41 Connections of Ethernet links (NE15)

Link Port Description

Between NE15 and BTS14 1-EFP8-PORT1 Configure this port to support

access of services from
BTS14 and transmit the
services in EoPDH mode.

Between NE15 and NE13 4-IF1 (main IF board of a 1+1 Configure these ports to
HSB protection group) transmit Ethernet services
encapsulated in E1s.
6-IF1 (standby IF board of a
1+1 HSB protection group)

9.3.2 Service Planning

You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before configuring an Ethernet
service based on TDM radio. Service Planning (Ethernet Ports)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring Ethernet

Information About Ethernet External Ports

Table 9-42 to Table 9-44 provide the information about the Ethernet ports that transmit the
Ethernet services.

Table 9-42 Information about Ethernet external ports (NE11)

Parameter 4-EFP8-PORT1 4-EFP8-PORT2

Port enabled Enabled Enabled

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Parameter 4-EFP8-PORT1 4-EFP8-PORT2

Port working mode Auto-negotiation Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length 1522 1522

Flow control Disabled Disabled

TAG attribute Tag Aware Tag Aware

Entry detection Enabled Enabled

Network attribute UNI UNI

Table 9-43 Information about Ethernet external ports (NE14)

Parameter 4-EFP8-PORT1

Port enabled Enabled

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length 1522

Flow control Disabled

TAG attribute Tag Aware

Entry detection Enabled

Network attribute UNI

Table 9-44 Information about Ethernet external ports (NE15)

Parameter 1-EFP8-PORT1

Port enabled Enabled

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length 1522

Flow control Disabled

TAG attribute Tag Aware

Entry detection Enabled

Network attribute UNI

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l In this example, the FE ports on all the BTSes/BSC work in auto-negotiation mode. Therefore, the FE
ports on the NEs that receive services from and transmit services to the BTSes/BSC must also work in
auto-negotiation mode. If the peer Ethernet ports work in a mode other than the auto-negotiation mode,
plan the local Ethernet ports to work in the same mode as the peer Ethernet ports. In the case of Ethernet
ports within a network, plan the Ethernet ports to work in auto-negotiation mode.
l Generally, the flow control function is enabled only when the NE or the peer equipment is inadequate
for QoS processing. The planning information of flow control must be the same for the equipment at
both ends.
l In this example, all the Ethernet services carry VLAN tags. Therefore, the TAG attributes of all the
ports are Tag Aware.
l In this example, the maximum frame length is planned to be the default value, 1522. If required, change
the maximum frame length according to the requirements of the specific BTS.

Information About VCTRUNKs

Table 9-45 to Table 9-47 provide the information about the VCTRUNKs that are configured
to transmit the Ethernet services.

Table 9-45 Information about VCTRUNKs (NE11)

Parameter 4-EFP8-VCTRUNK1 (Receiving 4-EFP8-VCTRUNK2 (Receiving

and Transmitting Ethernet and Transmitting Ethernet
Services Between BTS14 and the Services Between BTS13 and the

TAG Tag Aware Tag Aware


Entry Enabled Enabled


Network UNI UNI


Mapping GFP GFP


LCAS Enabled Enabled

Bound paths VC4-1-VC12(1-5) VC4-1-VC12(6-7)

Table 9-46 Information about VCTRUNKs (NE14)

Parameter 4-EFP8-VCTRUNK1 (Receiving and

Transmitting Ethernet Services
Between BTS13 and the BSC)

TAG attribute Tag Aware

Entry detection Enabled

Network attribute UNI

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Parameter 4-EFP8-VCTRUNK1 (Receiving and

Transmitting Ethernet Services
Between BTS13 and the BSC)

Mapping protocol GFP

LCAS Enabled

Bound paths VC4-1-VC12(1-2)

Table 9-47 Information about VCTRUNKs (NE15)

Parameter 1-EFP8-VCTRUNK1 (Receiving and

Transmitting Ethernet Services
Between BTS14 and the BSC)

TAG attribute Tag Aware

Entry detection Enabled

Network attribute UNI

Mapping protocol GFP

LCAS Enabled

Bound paths VC4-1-VC12(1-5) Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring Ethernet

To improve reliability of service transmission, NE11 and the BSC are interconnected through
the LAG formed by two FE links. Table 9-48 provides the planning information.

Table 9-48 Information about the LAG

Parameter NE11

LAG type Static

Revertive mode Non-Revertive

Load sharing Non-Sharing

System priority 32768

Main port 4-EFP8-PORT1

Slave port 4-EFP8-PORT2

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In this example, the bandwidth of the Ethernet services to be transmitted is 14 Mbit/s, which is much lower
than the bandwidth of an FE port. Therefore, you need not configure the LAG to the load-sharing mode to
increase the bandwidth. Service Planning (Ethernet Services)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring Ethernet
Ethernet services received by each BTS carry the specific VLAN ID. Therefore, you need to
configure VLAN-based EVPL services in this example. Table 9-49 to Table 9-51 provide the
service planning information.

Table 9-49 Information about VLAN-based EVPL services (NE11)

Parameter Between BTS14 and the Between BTS13 and the

Board 4-EFP8 4-EFP8

Service type EPL EPL

Service direction Bidirectional Bidirectional


Source VLAN 130 120

Sink port PORT1 PORT1

Sink VLAN 130 120

Table 9-50 VLAN-based EVPL services (NE14)

Parameter Between BTS13 and the BSC

Board 4-EFP8

Service type EPL

Service direction Bidirectional

Source port PORT1

Source VLAN 120

Sink port VCTRUNK1

Sink VLAN 120

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Table 9-51 VLAN-based EVPL services (NE15)

Parameter Between BTS14 and the BSC

Board 1-EFP8

Service type EPL

Service direction Bidirectional

Source port PORT1

Source VLAN 130

Sink port VCTRUNK1

Sink VLAN 130 Service Planning (Ethernet Service Cross-Connections)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring Ethernet
service cross-connections.

Timeslot Allocation
Figure 9-21 shows the timeslots that are allocated to the TDM radio-based Ethernet services
according to the service planning information. 7.1.4 TDM Timeslot Planning Schemes
describes the meanings of the timeslot allocation diagram and how to plan the timeslot allocation

Figure 9-21 Timeslot allocation diagram (Ethernet services based on TDM radio)
Links-1: NE11 - NE12 - NE13 -NE15-NE16
Station NE11 NE12 NE13 NE15 NE16
Timeslot 3-IF1 3-IF1 1-SL1D-1 1-SL1D-1 4-IF1 4-IF1 3-IF1 3-IF1



VC4-1:VC12:1-5 VC4-1:VC12:1-5


Links-2: NE13-NE14
Station NE13 NE14
Timeslot 1-SL1D-1 3-IF1 3-IF1

VC4-1 VC12:6-7 VC12:1-2


Pass through

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As shown in Figure 9-21, the information about the timeslots that the TDM radio-based Ethernet
services occupy on each NE is as follows:

l Ethernet services on NE15:

– The Ethernet services are added to or dropped from the first to fifth VC-12 timeslots in
the first VC-4 of VCTRUNK1 on the EFP8 board in slot 1 of NE15.
– The Ethernet services are added to or dropped from the first to fifth VC-12 timeslots in
the first VC-4 of VCTRUNK1 on the EFP8 board in slot 4 of NE11.
– The Ethernet services occupy the first to fifth VC-12 timeslots on the link between the
IF1 board in slot 3 of NE11 and the IF1 board in slot 4 of NE15.
l Ethernet services on NE14:
– The Ethernet services are added to or dropped from the first and second VC-12 timeslots
in the first VC-4 of VCTRUNK1 on the EFP8 board in slot 4 of NE14.
– The Ethernet services are added to or dropped from the sixth and seventh VC-12
timeslots in the first VC-4 of VCTRUNK2 on the EFP8 board in slot 4 of NE11.
– The Ethernet services occupy the sixth and seventh VC-12 timeslots on the link between
the IF1 board in slot 3 of NE11 and the first optical port on the SL1D board in slot 1 of
– The Ethernet services occupy the first and second VC-12 timeslots on the link from the
IF1 board in slot 3 of NE13 to the IF1 board in slot 3 of NE14.

Information About Cross-Connections of Ethernet Services

Based on the timeslot allocation information shown in Figure 9-21, you can plan the Ethernet
service cross-connections. Table 9-52 to Table 9-56 provide the information about cross-
connections of the Ethernet services.

Table 9-52 Cross-connections of Ethernet services (NE11)

Parameter Value

Service level VC12

Service direction Bidirectional

Source slot 4-EFP8

Source port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source timeslot range 1-7

Sink slot 3-IF1

Sink port 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1

Sink timeslot range 1-7

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Table 9-53 Cross-connections of Ethernet services (NE12)

Parameter Value

Service level VC12

Service direction Bidirectional

Source slot 3-IF1

Source port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source timeslot range 1-7

Sink slot 1-SL1D

Sink port 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1

Sink timeslot range 1-7

Table 9-54 Cross-connections of Ethernet services (NE13)

Parameter Value

Service level VC-12 VC-12

Service direction Bidirectional Bidirectional

Source slot 1-SL1D 1-SL1D

Source port 1 1

Source VC4 VC4-1 VC4-1

Source timeslot range 1-5 6-7

Sink slot 4-IF1 3-IF1

Sink port 1 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1 VC4-1

Sink timeslot range 1-5 1-2

Table 9-55 Cross-connections of Ethernet services (NE14)

Parameter Value

Service level VC12

Service direction Bidirectional

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Parameter Value

Source slot 4-EFP8

Source port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source timeslot range 1-2

Sink slot 3-IF1

Sink port 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1

Sink timeslot range 1-2

Table 9-56 Cross-connections of Ethernet services (NE15)

Parameter Value

Service level VC12

Service direction Bidirectional

Source slot 1-EFP8

Source port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source timeslot range 1-5

Sink slot 4-IF1

Sink port 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1

Sink timeslot range 1-5 Service Planning (QoS)

In this example, the QoS function is not used.

9.3.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for data configuration. Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports)

This section describes the process for configuring Ethernet ports.

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Step 1 See A.8.4.1 Configuring External Ethernet Ports and configure the Ethernet external ports.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Enabled/Disabled Enabled Enabled

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Maximum Frame Length 1522 1522

Non-Autonegotiation Disabled Disabled

Flow Control Mode

Autonegotiation Flow Disabled Disabled

Control Mode

TAG Tag Aware Tag Aware

Entry Detection Enabled Enabled

Port Attributes UNI UNI

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Enabled/Disabled Enabled

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Maximum Frame Length 1522

Non-Autonegotiation Flow Control Disabled


Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode Disabled

TAG Tag Aware

Entry Detection Enabled

Port Attributes UNI

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Enabled/Disabled Enabled

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Parameter Value


Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Maximum Frame Length 1522

Non-Autonegotiation Flow Control Disabled


Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode Disabled

TAG Tag Aware

Entry Detection Enabled

Port Attributes UNI

Step 2 See A.8.4.2 Configuring VCTRUNKs on an Ethernet Board and configure the VCTRUNKs.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


TAG Tag Aware Tag Aware

Entry Detection Enabled Enabled

Mapping Protocol GFP GFP

Port Attributes UNI UNI

Enabling LCAS Enabled Enabled

Level VC-12-Xv VC-12-Xv

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional

Bound Path VC4-1-VC12(1-5) VC4-1-VC12(6-7)

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


TAG Tag Aware

Entry Detection Enabled

Mapping Protocol GFP

Port Attributes UNI

Enabling LCAS Enabled

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Parameter Value


Level VC-12-Xv

Direction Bidirectional

Bound Path VC4-1-VC12(1-2)

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


TAG Tag Aware

Entry Detection Enabled

Mapping Protocol GFP

Port Attributes UNI

Enabling LCAS Enabled

Level VC-12-Xv

Direction Bidirectional

Bound Path VC4-1-VC12(1-5)

----End Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)

This section describes the process for configuring Ethernet protection.

Step 1 See A.8.1.1 Creating a LAG and create the LAG.

The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


LAG No 1


LAG Type Static

Load Sharing Non-Sharing

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Parameter Value


Revertive Mode Non-Revertive

Main Port PORT1

Selected Standby Ports PORT2

Step 2 See A.8.1.2 Setting Parameters for LAGs and set the parameters for LAGs.

The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


LAG No 1


System Priority 32768

----End Configuration Process (Ethernet Services)

This section describes the process for configuring the Ethernet service information.

Step 1 See A.8.2.1 Creating Ethernet Private Line Services and create the Ethernet private line
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Between BTS14 and the Between BTS13 and the


Board 4-EFP8 4-EFP8

Service Type EPL EPL

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional


Source VLAN(e.g. 1,3-6) 130 120

Sink Port PORT1 PORT1

Sink VLAN(e.g. 1,3-6) 130 120

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l The values for the relevant parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Between BTS13 and the BSC

Board 4-EFP8

Service Type EPL

Direction Bidirectional

Source Port PORT1

Source VLAN(e.g. 1,3-6) 120

Sink Port VCTRUNK1

Sink VLAN(e.g. 1,3-6) 120

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Between BTS14 and the BSC

Board 1-EFP8

Service Type EPL

Direction Bidirectional

Source Port PORT1

Source VLAN(e.g. 1,3-6) 130

Sink Port VCTRUNK1

Sink VLAN(e.g. 1,3-6) 130

----End Configuration Process (Cross-Connections)

This section describes the process for configuring the cross-connections.

Step 1 On NE11, NE14, and NE15, see A.5.1 Creating the Cross-Connections of Point-to-Point
Services and create the service cross-connections.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

Level VC12

Direction Bidirectional

Source 4-EFP8

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-7

Sink 3-IF1

Sink Port 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-7

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Level VC12

Direction Bidirectional

Source 3-IF1

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-7

Sink 1-SL1D

Sink Port 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-7

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE13 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Level VC12 VC12

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional

Source 1-SL1D 1-SL1D

Source Port 1 1

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Parameter Value

Source VC4 VC4-1 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range 1-5 6-7


Sink 4-IF1 3-IF1

Sink Port 1 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1 VC4-1

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1-5 1-2


l The values for the relevant parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Level VC12

Direction Bidirectional

Source 4-EFP8

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-2

Sink 3-IF1

Sink Port 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-2

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Level VC12

Direction Bidirectional

Source 1-EFP8

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-5

Sink 4-IF1

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Parameter Value

Sink Port 1

Sink VC4 VC4-1

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-5

----End Configuration Process (QoS)

In this example, the QoS function is not used. Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

Step 1 On NE11, NE14, and NE15, see A.8.8.1 Creating MDs and create the maintenance domain.
The values for the required parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE11 NE14 NE15

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance 4 4 4
Domain Level

Step 2 On NE11, NE14, and NE15, see A.8.8.2 Creating MAs and create the maintenance association.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain EdgeNE EdgeNE


Maintenance Association BTS13_Vline BTS14_Vline


l The values for the relevant parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS13_Vline

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l The values for the relevant parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS14_Vline

Step 3 On NE11, NE14, and NE15, see A.8.8.3 Creating MPs and create the maintenance points.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain EdgeNE EdgeNE


Maintenance Association BTS13_Vline BTS14_Vline


Node 4-EFP8-PORT1 4-EFP8-PORT1

VLAN ID 120 130

MP ID 103 104


Direction Ingress Ingress

CC Status Activate Activate

CCM Sending Period(ms) 1000 1000

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE14 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS13_Vline

Node 4-EFP8-PORT1


MP ID 401

Type MEP

Direction Ingress

CC Status Activate

CCM Sending Period(ms) 1000

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l The values for the relevant parameters of NE15 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS14_Vline

Node 1-EFP8-PORT1


MP ID 501

Type MEP

Direction Ingress

CC Status Activate

CCM Sending Period(ms) 1000

Step 4 On NE11, perform LB tests to test the Ethernet service configurations.

l Perform the LB test by considering the maintenance point whose MP ID is 103 as the source
maintenance point and considering the maintenance point whose MP ID is 401 as the sink
maintenance point.
l Perform the LB test by considering the maintenance point whose MP ID is 104 as the source
maintenance point and considering the maintenance point whose MP ID is 501 as the sink
maintenance point.
All LB tests should show that the tests are successful.


9.4 Configuration Example (Ethernet Services Traversing a

TDM Network)
This section considers an Ethernet service traversing a TDM network as an example to describe
how to configure Ethernet services according to the service planning information.

9.4.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
On the network shown in Figure 9-22, all the Ethernet services from BTS11-BTS15 are
aggregated through Hybrid radio links to NE11, traverse the leased TDM network, and then are
transmitted to the BSC. Based on 6.3 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the TDM
Radio Chain Network), configure the Ethernet services according to the following
l NE11 uses the EFP8 board to receive Ethernet services from and transmit Ethernet services
to BTS16.
l NE11 and NE17 use the EoPDH technology, wherein Ethernet services are encapsulated
into E1 services so that Ethernet services traverse the TDM network successfully.

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To facilitate description of service configurations in this example, NE17 is an IDU that supports the EoPDH
function. In actual networking scenarios, NE17 can also be OptiX MSTP equipment that supports the
EoPDH function.
l Each BTS is allocated with a specific Ethernet bandwidth and a total of 40 Mbit/s bandwidth
is required. Therefore, 20 E1 lines need to be leased.
l The services transmitted by each BTS carry VLAN tags, and VLAN IDs on the entire
network are planned in a unified manner. Therefore, the VLAN-based E-Line services are
configured for service transmission in this example.
l VLAN priorities are configured on each BTS according to service types and QoS processing
is required.
l Figure 9-23 shows the board configuration of each NE on the radio network.

This section describes only how to configure Ethernet services on NE11 and NE17. For details on how to
configure Ethernet services on NE12 to NE16, see 8.4 Configuration Example (VLAN-Based E-Line

Figure 9-22 Networking diagram (Ethernet services traversing a TDM network)

10 Mbit/s
VLAN 110
10 Mbit/s

FE E1 network
NE13 NE12 NE11
FE 10 Mbti/s
NE16 NE15 VLAN 100 NE17
10 Mbit/s
VLAN 120

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Figure 9-23 Board configuration (Ethernet services traversing a TDM network)

NE13 NE cascade NE12 NE11

E1 NE6 NE6 NE6
E1 BTS16
BTS11 network

NE16 NE15 NE17 FE


The connections of Ethernet links are described as follows.

Table 9-57 Connections of Ethernet links (NE11)

Link Port Description

Between NE11 and the 2-SP3D(1-20) Configure these ports to be

leased TDM network connected to the leased E1

Between NE11 and BTS16 4-EFP8-PORT1 Configure this port to receive

Ethernet services from and
transmit Ethernet service to

Between NE11 and NE12 4-EFP8-PORT9 PORT9 and PORT10 bridge

between the EoPDH plane
4-EFP8-PORT10 and the packet plane. PORT9
bridges the EoPDH plane and
PORT10 bridges the packet

3-ISU2 (main IF board of a 1 Configure this port to receive

+1 HSB protection group) Ethernet services from and
transmit Ethernet services to
5-ISU2 (standby IF board of NE12.
a 1+1 HSB protection group)

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Table 9-58 Connections of Ethernet links (NE17)

Link Port Description

Between NE17 and the 2-SP3D(1-20) Configure these ports to be

leased TDM network connected to the leased E1

Between NE17 and the BSC 4-EFP8-PORT1 Configure this port to

aggregate the Ethernet
services backhauled from the
BTSs to the BSC.


In this example, 20 E1 lines are used to transmit Ethernet services only. In actual networking scenarios,
extra E1 lines need to be leased for transmitting E1 services.

9.4.2 Service Planning

You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before configuring an Ethernet
service traversing a TDM network. Service Planning (Ethernet Ports on the Packet Plane)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring Ethernet
ports on the packet plane.

Information About Ethernet Ports

Table 9-59 provides the information about the Ethernet ports that transmit the Ethernet service.

Table 9-59 Information about Ethernet ports (NE11)

Parameter 4-EFP8-PORT10

Encapsulation type 802.1Q

Maximum frame length 1522

Flow control Disabled

TAG attribute Tag Aware

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l In this example, all the services carry VLAN tags. Therefore, the TAG attributes of all the ports are Tag
l In the case of the EFP8 board, the flow control function is enabled only when the NE or the peer equipment
is inadequate for QoS processing. The planning information of flow control must be the same for the
equipment at both ends.
l In this example, the maximum frame length is planned to be the default value, 1522. If required, change the
maximum frame length according to the requirements of the specific BTS.

Information About the IF_ETH Ports

Table 9-60 provides the information about the IF_ETH ports that carry the Ethernet service.

Table 9-60 Information about the IF_ETH port (NE11)

Parameter 3-ISU2 5-ISU2

Encapsulation type 802.1Q 802.1Q

TAG attribute Tag Aware Tag Aware Service Planning (Ethernet Services on the Packet Plane)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring Ethernet
services on the packet plane.

Table 9-61 provides the planning information about the Ethernet service.

Table 9-61 Information about Ethernet services (NE11)

Parameter Between NE12 and the TDM Network

Service ID 1

Service name NE12toTDM_Vline

Service direction UNI-UNI

BPDU No transparent transmission

Source port 4-EFP8-PORT10

Source C-VLAN 100, 110, 120

Sink port 3-ISU2

Sink C-VLAN 100, 110, 120 Service Planning (QoS on the Packet Plane)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring QoS on
the packet plane.

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QoS (Diffserv)
DS is the basis for QoS. It is recommended that the VLAN priority or DSCP value of the BTS
services be allocated by the service type. Then, the transmission network creates the
corresponding DS domain according to the allocated VLAN priority or DSCP value. Each
Ethernet port involved in the service must use the same DS configuration.

In this example, the BTS services are allocated with corresponding VLAN priorities according
to the service type, and the NEs allocate the PHB service classes according to the VLAN priority,
as provided in Table 9-62. Each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same DS

Table 9-62 Service class and PHB service class

PHB Service Class VLAN Priority Corresponding Service


CS7 7 -

CS6 6 -

EF 5 Real-time voice service and

signaling service (R99
conversational and R99
streaming services)

AF4 4 -

AF3 3 Real-time OM and HSDPA

services (OM streaming and
HSPA streaming services)

AF2 2 Non-real-time R99 service

(R99 interactive and R99
background services)

AF1 1 -

BE 0 HSDPA data service (HSPA

interactive and background


l During the mapping of the PHB service class, CS7 or CS6 is not recommended, because CS7 or CS6 may
be used to transmit Ethernet protocol packets or inband DCN packets on the NE.
l The default mapping relationships for the DS domain comply with the network planning requirements and
therefore do not need to be modified.
l The default trusted packet type for each port that is applied for the default DS domain is C-VLAN priority
and therefore does not need to be modified.

QoS (Queue Scheduling Mode)

Generally, each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same queue scheduling mode.

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Table 9-63 lists the queue scheduling mode used by each Ethernet port involved in the service
in this example.

Table 9-63 Queue scheduling mode

PHB Service Class Queue Scheduling Mode




AF4 WRR (weight = 5)

AF3 WRR (weight = 60)

AF2 WRR (weight = 30)

AF1 WRR (weight = 5)


QoS (CAR or Shaping for a Specified Service Flow)

Normally, flow control is already performed on 2G/3G base stations and BSCs/RNCs and
therefore CAR or shaping processing does not need to be performed again on the microwave
backhaul network.

QoS (Port Shaping)

If the Ethernet bandwidth planned for the aggregation link is lower than the total bandwidth of
the aggregation services, you can perform port shaping at the edge node to limit the Ethernet
service traffic that travels to the aggregation node, thus preventing congestion at the aggregation

In this example, you do not need to perform port shaping. Service Planning (Ethernet Ports on the EFP8 Board)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring Ethernet
ports on the EFP8 board.

Information About Ethernet External Ports

Table 9-64 and Table 9-65 provide the information about the Ethernet ports that transmit the
Ethernet services.

Table 9-64 Information about Ethernet external ports (NE11)

Parameter 4-EFP8-PORT1 4-EFP8-PORT9

Port enabled Enabled Enabled

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Parameter 4-EFP8-PORT1 4-EFP8-PORT9

Port working mode Auto-negotiation Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length 1522 1522

Flow control Disabled Disabled

TAG attribute Tag Aware Tag Aware

Entry detection Enabled Enabled

Network attribute UNI UNI

Table 9-65 Information about Ethernet external ports (NE17)

Parameter 4-EFP8-PORT1

Port enabled Enabled

Port working mode Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length 1522

Flow control Disabled

TAG attribute Tag Aware

Entry detection Enabled

Network attribute UNI


l In this example, the FE ports on all the BTSes/BSC work in auto-negotiation mode. Therefore, the FE
ports on the NEs that receive services from and transmit services to the BTSes/BSC must also work in
auto-negotiation mode. If the peer Ethernet ports work in a mode other than the auto-negotiation mode,
plan the local Ethernet ports to work in the same mode as the peer Ethernet ports. In the case of Ethernet
ports within a network, plan the Ethernet ports to work in auto-negotiation mode.
l Generally, the flow control function is enabled only when the NE or the peer equipment is inadequate
for QoS processing. The planning information of flow control must be the same for the equipment at
both ends.
l In this example, all the Ethernet services carry VLAN tags. Therefore, the TAG attributes of all the
ports are Tag Aware.
l In this example, the maximum frame length is planned to be the default value, 1522. If required, change
the maximum frame length according to the requirements of the specific BTS.

Information About VCTRUNKs

In EoPDH mode, a VCTRUNK can bind a maximum of 16 VC-12 channels. In this example, a
total of 40 Mbit/s Ethernet bandwidth is required, that is, 20 VC-12 channels are occupied.
Therefore, you need to configure two VCTRUNKs. In this example, configure the two
VCTRUNKs with the same number of VC-12 channels and then create the two VCTRUNKs

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into a load-sharing LAG. Table 9-66 and Table 9-67 provide the information about the
VCTRUNKs that are configured to transmit the Ethernet services.

Table 9-66 Information about VCTRUNKs (NE11)


TAG attribute Tag Aware Tag Aware

Entry detection Enabled Enabled

Network attribute UNI UNI

Mapping protocol GFP GFP

LCAS Enabled Enabled

Bound paths VC4-1-VC12(1-10) VC4-1-VC12(11-20)

Table 9-67 Information about VCTRUNKs (NE17)


TAG attribute Tag Aware Tag Aware

Entry detection Enabled Enabled

Network attribute UNI UNI

Mapping protocol GFP GFP

LCAS Enabled Enabled

Bound paths VC4-1-VC12(1-10) VC4-1-VC12(11-20) Service Planning (Ethernet Protection for the EFP8 Board)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring Ethernet
protection for the EFP8 board.

According to the information about the VCTRUNKs in this example, you need to configure the
two VCTRUNKs into a load-sharing LAG to increase the bandwidth. Table 9-68 and Table
9-69 provide the planning information of LAGs.

Table 9-68 Information about the LAG (NE11)

Parameter NE11

LAG type Static aggregation

Revertive mode -

Load sharing type Load sharing

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Parameter NE11

Load sharing mode Load sharing based on IP

System priority 32768

Main port 4-EFP8-VCTRUNK1

Slave port 4-EFP8-VCTRUNK2

Table 9-69 Information about the LAG (NE17)

Parameter NE17

LAG type Static aggregation

Revertive mode -

Load sharing type Load sharing

Load sharing mode Load sharing based on IP

System priority 32768

Main port 4-EFP8-VCTRUNK1

Slave port 4-EFP8-VCTRUNK2 Service Planning (Ethernet Services on the EFP8 Board)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring Ethernet
services on the EFP8 board.

LAGs are created on NE1 and NE7 in this example. Therefore, you need to configure services
only on the main ports. Table 9-70 and Table 9-71 provide the service planning information.

Table 9-70 Information about Ethernet services (NE11)

Parameter NE11

Between BTS16 and the Between NE12 and the

TDM Network TDM Network

Board 4-EFP8 4-EFP8

Service type EPL EPL

Service direction Bidirectional Bidirectional


Source VLAN 150 100, 110, 120

Sink port PORT1 PORT9

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Parameter NE11

Between BTS16 and the Between NE12 and the

TDM Network TDM Network

Sink VLAN 150 100, 110, 120

Table 9-71 Information about Ethernet services (NE17)

Parameter NE17

Between the TDM Network and the


Board 4-EFP8

Service type EPL

Service direction Bidirectional

Source port VCTRUNK1

Source VLAN 100, 110, 120, 150

Sink port PORT1

Sink VLAN 100, 110, 120, 150 Service Planning (Cross-Connections)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring Ethernet

In this example, VC-12 timeslot cross-connections are set up between the first to twentieth
VC-12 timeslots (bound with VCTRUNKs) in VC4-1 on the 4-EFP8 board and the first to
twentieth ports on the 2-SP3D board. Table 9-72 and Table 9-73 provide the information about
cross-connections of the Ethernet services.

Table 9-72 Cross-connections of Ethernet services (NE11)

Parameter Value

Service level VC12

Service direction Bidirectional

Source slot 4-EFP8

Source port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source timeslot range 1-20

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Parameter Value

Sink slot 2-SP3D

Sink port -

Sink VC4 -

Sink timeslot range 1-20

Table 9-73 Cross-connections of Ethernet services (NE17)

Parameter Value

Service level VC-12

Service direction Bidirectional

Source slot 4-EFP8

Source port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source timeslot range 1-20

Sink slot 2-SP3D

Sink port -

Sink VC4 -

Sink timeslot range 1-20 Service Planning (QoS of the EFP8 Board)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring QoS of
the EFP8 board.

QoS (Flow)
Traffic classification is the prerequisite for configuring QoS of the EFP8 board. In this example,
VLAN-based EVPL services are created. Therefore, you need to create PORT+VLAN-based
flows. Table 9-74 and Table 9-75 provide the planning information of flows.

Table 9-74 Flow parameters (NE11)

Parameter Value


based flow based flow based flow based flow


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Parameter Value

VLAN ID 150 100 110 120

Bound CAR ID - - - -

Bound CoS ID 1 1 1 1

Table 9-75 Flow parameters (NE17)

Parameter Value


based flow based flow based flow based flow


VLAN ID 100 110 120 150

Bound CAR ID - - - -

Bound CoS ID 1 1 1 1


According to the service classes of the BTS services, CoS with the ID of 1 schedules BTS services with different
VLAN priorities into egress queues with different forwarding priorities.

In this example, CAR need not be configured.

QoS (CoS)
In this example, the BTS services are configured with corresponding VLAN priorities or DSCPs
based on the service types. The EFP8 board performs CoS processing for a BTS service
according to its VLAN priority or DSCP.

In this example, BTSs allocate VLAN priorities to services according to the service types.
Therefore, you need to configure CoS on Ethernet ports that receive services from and transmit
services to the BTSs, according to the service types. Table 9-76 and Table 9-77 provide the
CoS planning information.

Table 9-76 CoS attributes of the EFP8 board (NE11 and NE17)

Parameter Value

CoS ID 1

CoS type VLAN priority

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Table 9-77 CoS parameters and corresponding BTS service types of the EFP8 board (NE11 and

CoS Parameter CoS Priority Corresponding BTS

Service Type

User priority 0 in the VLAN 0 HSDPA data services (HSPA

tag interactive and HSPA
background services)

User priority 1 in the VLAN 3 -


User priority 2 in the VLAN 4 R99 non-real-time services

tag (R99 interactive and R99
background services)

User priority 3 in the VLAN 5 OM and HSDPA real-time

tag services (OM streaming and
HSPA streaming services)

User priority 4 in the VLAN 6 -


User priority 5 in the VLAN 7 Real-time voice service and

tag signaling service (R99
conversational and R99
streaming services)

User priority 6 in the VLAN 7 -


User priority 7 in the VLAN 7 -



Queue 8 (namely, CoS priority 7) is the SP queue and queues 1 to 7 (namely, CoS priorities 0 to 6) are WRR
queues. Therefore, you need to map all high-priority services into queue 8 so that high-priority services can be
scheduled in time.

QoS (Shaping Based on the Egress Queues)

In this example, you need not configure traffic shaping based on the egress queues.

9.4.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for data configuration. Configuration Process (Ethernet Services on the Packet Plane)

This section describes the process for configuring Ethernet services on the packet plane.

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Step 1 See A.7.3.2 Configuring UNI-UNI E-Line Services and create the E-Line services.
The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Between NE12 and the TDM Network

Service ID 1

Service Name NE12toTDM_Vline

Direction UNI-UNI

BPDU Not Transparently Transmitted

Source Interface 4-EFP8-PORT10

Source VLAN ID 100, 110, 120

Sink Interface 3-ISU2-1

Sink VLAN ID 100, 110, 120

Port Name 4-EFP8-PORT10 3-ISU2-1

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware

----End Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports on the Packet Plane)

This section describes the process for configuring Ethernet ports on the packet plane.

Step 1 See A.6.6.1 Setting the General Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the basic attributes of
Ethernet ports.
The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Max Frame Length(byte) 1522

----End Configuration Process (QoS on the Packet Plane)

This section describes the procedure for configuring QoS on the packet plane.

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Step 1 See A.7.7.2 Modifying the Mapping Relationships for the DS Domain and modify the
mapping relationships for the DS domain.

The mapping relationship defined in the default DS domain is the same as the mapping relationship defined in
the DS domain that is created in this step. Therefore, you can skip this step.

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided as

Parameter Value

Mapping Relation ID 1

Mapping Relation Name Default Map

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Ingress Mapping Relation tab
page are provided as follows.


0 Default value Default value Default value BE

1 AF11

2 AF21

3 AF31

4 AF41

5 EF

6 CS6

7 CS7

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Egress Mapping Relation tab
page are provided as follows.


BE 0 Default value Default value Default value

AF11 1

AF21 2

AF31 3

AF41 4

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EF 5

CS6 6

CS7 7


The AF1 is classified into three sub service classes, namely, AF11, AF12, and AF13, only one of which is valid.
In this example, the AF11 is used. It is the same case with the AF2, AF3, and AF4.

Step 2 A.7.7.3 Changing the Ports Applied to a DS Domain and Their Trusted Packet Types and
change the ports that are applied to the DS domain and their trusted packet types.

The actual ports that are applied to the default DS domain and their trusted packet types comply with the network
planning information. Therefore, you can skip this step.

The values for the related parameters of NE12 are provided as follows.

Port Packet Type


Step 3 See A.7.7.4 Creating a Port Policy and create the port policy.

The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Policy ID 1

Policy Name Port_Comm

Grooming Police After Reloading SP (CS7, CS6, and EF)

WRR (AF4 to AF1)

Policy Weight(%) 5 (AF4)

60 (AF3)
30 (AF2)
5 (AF1)

Bandwidth Limit Disabled (for all PHB service classes)

Step 4 See A.7.7.7 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy and set the ports that use the port policy.

The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1

----End Configuration Process (Ethernet Ports on the EFP8 Board)

This section describes the process for configuring Ethernet ports on the EFP8 board.

Step 1 See A.8.4.1 Configuring External Ethernet Ports and configure the Ethernet external ports.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Enabled/Disabled Enabled Enabled

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Maximum Frame Length 1522 1522

Non-Autonegotiation Disabled Disabled

Flow Control Mode

Autonegotiation Flow Disabled Disabled

Control Mode

TAG Tag Aware Tag Aware

Entry Detection Enabled Enabled

Port Attributes UNI UNI

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE17 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Enabled/Disabled Enabled

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Maximum Frame Length 1522

Non-Autonegotiation Flow Control Disabled


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Parameter Value


Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode Disabled

TAG Tag Aware

Entry Detection Enabled

Port Attributes UNI

Step 2 See A.8.4.2 Configuring VCTRUNKs on an Ethernet Board and configure the VCTRUNKs.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


TAG Tag Aware Tag Aware

Entry Detection Enabled Enabled

Mapping Protocol UNI UNI

Port Attributes GFP GFP

Enabling LCAS Enabled Enabled

Level VC-12-Xv VC-12-Xv

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional

Bound Path VC4-1-VC12(1-10) VC4-1-VC12(11-20)

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE17 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


TAG Tag Aware Tag Aware

Entry Detection Enabled Enabled

Mapping Protocol UNI UNI

Port Attributes GFP GFP

Enabling LCAS Enabled Enabled

Level VC-12-Xv VC-12-Xv

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional

Bound Path VC4-1-VC12(1-10) VC4-1-VC12(11-20)

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----End Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection on the EFP8 Board)

This section describes the process for configuring Ethernet protection on the EFP8 board.

Step 1 See A.8.1.1 Creating a LAG and create the LAGs.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


LAG No 1


LAG Type Static

Load Sharing Sharing

Sharing Mode IP Sharing Mode

Main Port VCTRUNK1

Selected Standby Ports VCTRUNK2

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE17 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


LAG No 1


LAG Type Static

Load Sharing Sharing

Sharing Mode IP Sharing Mode

Main Port VCTRUNK1

Selected Standby Ports VCTRUNK2

Step 2 See A.8.1.2 Setting Parameters for LAGs and set the parameters for LAGs.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value


LAG No 1


System Priority 32768

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE17 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


LAG No 1


System Priority 32768

----End Configuration Process (Ethernet Services on the EFP8 Board)

This section describes the process for configuring Ethernet services on the EFP8 board.

Step 1 See A.8.2.1 Creating Ethernet Private Line Services and create the Ethernet private line
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Between BTS16 and the Between NE12 and the

TDM Network TDM Network

Board 4-EFP8 4-EFP8

Service Type EPL EPL

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional


Source VLAN(e.g. 1,3-6) 150 100, 110, 120

Sink Port PORT1 PORT9

Sink VLAN(e.g. 1,3-6) 150 100, 110, 120

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE17 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

Between the TDM Network and the


Board 4-EFP8

Service Type EPL

Direction Bidirectional

Source Port VCTRUNK1

Source VLAN(e.g. 1,3-6) 100, 110, 120, 150

Sink Port PORT1

Sink VLAN(e.g. 1,3-6) 100, 110, 120, 150

----End Configuration Process (Cross-Connections)

This section describes the process for configuring the cross-connections.

Step 1 See A.5.1 Creating the Cross-Connections of Point-to-Point Services and create the service
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Level VC12

Direction Bidirectional

Source 4-EFP8

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-20

Sink 2-SP3D

Sink Port -

Sink VC4 -

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-20

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE17 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

Level VC-12

Direction Bidirectional

Source 4-EFP8

Source Port 1

Source VC4 VC4-1

Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-20

Sink 2-SP3D

Sink Port -

Sink VC4 -

Sink Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) 1-20

----End Configuration Process (QoS on the EFP8 Board)

This section describes the procedures for configuring QoS on the EFP8 board.

Step 1 See A.8.7.1 Creating a Flow and create the flows.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Flow Type Port+VLAN Port+VLAN Port+VLAN Port+VLAN

Flow Flow Flow Flow


VLAN ID 150 100 110 120

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE17 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Flow Type Port+VLAN Port+VLAN Port+VLAN Port+VLAN

Flow Flow Flow Flow


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Parameter Value


VLAN ID 100 110 120 150

Step 2 See A.8.7.3 Creating the CoS and create the CoS.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


CoS ID 1

CoS Type VLAN priority

CoS Parameter CoS Priority

User Priority 0 in the VLAN Tag 0

User Priority 1 in the VLAN Tag 3

User Priority 2 in the VLAN Tag 4

User Priority 3 in the VLAN Tag 5

User Priority 4 in the VLAN Tag 6

User Priority 5 in the VLAN Tag 7

User Priority 6 in the VLAN Tag 7

User Priority 7 in the VLAN Tag 7

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE17 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


CoS ID 1

CoS Type VLAN priority

CoS Parameter CoS Priority

User Priority 0 in the VLAN Tag 0

User Priority 1 in the VLAN Tag 3

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CoS Parameter CoS Priority

User Priority 2 in the VLAN Tag 4

User Priority 3 in the VLAN Tag 5

User Priority 4 in the VLAN Tag 6

User Priority 5 in the VLAN Tag 7

User Priority 6 in the VLAN Tag 7

User Priority 7 in the VLAN Tag 7

Step 3 See A.8.7.4 Binding the CAR/CoS and bind the CAR/CoS.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Flow Type Port+VLAN Port+VLAN Port+VLAN Port+VLAN

Flow Flow Flow Flow


C-VLAN 150 100 110 120

Bound CAR - - - -

Bound CoS 1 1 1 1

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE17 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Flow Type Port+VLAN Port+VLAN Port+VLAN Port+VLAN

Flow Flow Flow Flow


C-VLAN 150 100 110 120

Bound CAR - - - -

Bound CoS 1 1 1 1

----End Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

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Step 1 See A.8.8.1 Creating MDs and create the maintenance domain on NE11 and NE17.

The values for the required parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE11 NE17

Maintenance Domain EdgeNE EdgeNE


Maintenance Domain 4 4

Step 2 See A.8.8.2 Creating MAs and create the maintenance domain on NE11 and NE17.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS16_Vline

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE17 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance BTS11_Vline BTS12_Vline BTS15_Vline BTS16_Vline


Step 3 See A.8.8.3 Creating MPs and create the maintenance domain on NE11 and NE17.
l The values for the relevant parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Maintenance Domain Name EdgeNE

Maintenance Association Name BTS16_Vline

Node 4-EFP8-PORT1


MP ID 101

Type MEP

Direction Ingress

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Parameter Value

CC Status Activate

CCM Sending Period(ms) 1000

l The values for the relevant parameters of NE17 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance BTS11_Vline BTS12_Vline BTS15_Vline BTS16_Vline


Node 4-EFP8- 4-EFP8- 4-EFP8- 4-EFP8-


VLAN ID 100 110 120 150

MP ID 701 702 705 706


Direction Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress

CC Status Activate Activate Activate Activate

CCM Sending 1000 1000 1000 1000


Step 4 On NE17, perform an LB test to test the Ethernet service configurations.

l Perform the LB test by considering the maintenance point whose MP ID is 706 as the source
maintenance point and the maintenance point whose MP ID is 101 as the sink maintenance
l Perform the LB test by considering the maintenance point whose MP ID is 701 as the source
maintenance point and the maintenance point whose MP ID is 201 as the sink maintenance
l Perform the LB test by considering the maintenance point whose MP ID is 702 as the source
MEP and the maintenance point whose MP ID is 401 as the sink MEP.
l Perform the LB test by considering the maintenance point whose MP ID is 705 as the source
MEP and the maintenance point whose MP ID is 601 as the sink MEP.
The sink maintenance points whose MP IDs are 201, 401, and 601 need to be created on NE12 to NE16
respectively. The process for creating these sink maintenance points is not described in this section.
All LB tests should show that the tests are successful.


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10 Configuring MPLS Tunnels

About This Chapter

Configuring MPLS tunnels is the prerequisite for configuring PWE3 services.

10.1 Basic Concept

Before configuring MPLS tunnels, you need to be familiar with the basic concepts.
10.2 Configuration Procedure
This section describes the procedures for configuring MPLS tunnels, MPLS OAM, MPLS APS,
QoS, and the procedure for verifying the configurations.
10.3 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection)
This section uses an example to describe how to configure MPLS tunnels with MPLS APS
protection on a PSN.
10.4 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with No Protection)
This section uses an example to describe how to configure MPLS tunnels with no protection on
a PSN.

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10.1 Basic Concept

Before configuring MPLS tunnels, you need to be familiar with the basic concepts.

10.1.1 MPLS Network Architecture

An MPLS network, also called an MPLS domain, is a network area that consists of
interconnected label switching routers (LSRs). An LSR, also called an MPLS node, is a network
device that performs MPLS label switching and packet forwarding.
Figure 10-1 shows the MPLS network architecture. On an MPLS network, LSRs on the network
edge are called label edge routers (LERs), and LSRs within the network range are called core
LSRs. An LER may have one or more adjacent non-LSR nodes, but all the adjacent nodes of a
core LSR are LSRs.

Figure 10-1 MPLS network architecture

LSR network


network Packet transmission equipment

On an MPLS network, each LSR has a unique identifier; that is, a 16-byte LSR ID. An LSR ID
can be based on the IPv4 address or IPv6 address.
Currently, the OptiX RTN 950 supports only LSR IDs based on the IPv4 address.

10.1.2 LSP
Label switched paths (LSPs), also called MPLS tunnels, are classified into various types
depending on different classification criteria.

Basic Concepts of LSPs

On an MPLS network, an LSR adopts the same label switching mechanism to forward packets
with the same characteristics. The packets with the same characteristics are called a forwarding
equivalence class (FEC). The path along which an FEC travels through the MPLS network is
called an LSP, or an MPLS tunnel.

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To provide a unified interface for upper-level applications of an LSP, the system needs to assign
an ID to the LSP. This ID is called an LSP ID or tunnel ID. An LSP ID is 4-byte long, and is
only valid for the local LSR.

An LSP is unidirectional. As shown in Figure 10-2, LSRs on an LSP can be classified into the
following types:

l Ingress
An LSP ingress node pushes a label onto the packet for MPLS packet encapsulation and
forwarding. One LSP has only one ingress node.
l Transit
An LSP transit node swaps labels and forwards MPLS packets according to the label
forwarding table. One LSP may have one or more transits nodes.
l Egress
An LSP egress node pops the label and recovers the packet for forwarding. One LSP has
only one egress node.

Figure 10-2 Classification of LSRs on an LSP

MPLS Other
network MPLS
Ingress Transit network
Transit Egress

Packet transmission equipment

LSP Types
LSPs are classified into various types depending on different classification criteria. For details,
see Table 10-1.

Table 10-1 LSP types

Aspect LSP Type Definition Support


Setup mode Static tunnel A static tunnel is set The OptiX RTN 950
up according to the supports static
data configurations. tunnels.

Dynamic tunnel A dynamic tunnel is

set up by running the
Label Distribution
Protocol (LDP).

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Aspect LSP Type Definition Support


Direction Unidirectional A unidirectional The OptiX RTN 950

tunnel tunnel is an LSP with supports both types.
one specific

Bidirectional tunnel A bidirectional

tunnel is actually a
pair of LSPs that
have the same path
but different

DiffServ E-LSP An E-LSP uses the The OptiX RTN 950

identification mode EXP field for supports both types.
prioritizing packet However, the OptiX
scheduling. One E- RTN 950 does not
LSP supports PWs support prioritizing
belonging to up to packet discarding.
eight scheduling

L-LSP An L-LSP uses the

MPLS label value for
prioritizing packet
scheduling priority.
One L-LSP supports
PWs belonging to
one scheduling type.

LSP mode Uniform When an egress node The OptiX RTN 950
pops the MPLS supports the Pipe
tunnel label, it mode only.
renews the packet
scheduling priority
according to the EXP
field in the label.

Pipe When an egress pops

the MPLS tunnel
label, it does not
renew the packet
scheduling priority.

10.1.3 Protection for MPLS Tunnels

The OptiX RTN 950 supports 1:1 MPLS APS.
MPLS APS is a function that protects MPLS tunnels based on the APS protocol. MPLS APS
improves reliability for service transmission in tunnels. With this function, when the working
tunnel is faulty, the service can be switched to the preconfigured protection tunnel.

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The MPLS APS function supported by the OptiX RTN 950 has the following characteristics:
l MPLS APS provides end-to-end protection for tunnels.
l The working tunnel and protection tunnel have the same ingress and egress nodes.
l The protection tunnel in an MPLS APS protection group does not carry extra traffic.
In MPLS APS, the MPLS OAM mechanism is used to detect faults in tunnels, and the ingress
and egress nodes exchange APS protocol packets to achieve protection switching. As shown in
Figure 10-3, when the MPLS OAM mechanism detects a fault in the working tunnel, the service
is switched to the protection tunnel for transmission.

Figure 10-3 MPLS APS


Working Tunnel
Ingress Egress

Protection Tunnel


Protect switching


Working Tunnel
Ingress Egress

Protection Tunnel


Packet transmission equipment

10.2 Configuration Procedure

This section describes the procedures for configuring MPLS tunnels, MPLS OAM, MPLS APS,
QoS, and the procedure for verifying the configurations.

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Figure 10-4 provides the procedures for configuring MPLS tunnels.

Figure 10-4 Configuration flow chart (MPLS tunnels)


Set MPLS port

Create LAG for MPLS


Create MPLS tunnels

Create MPLS
protection groups

Set the QoS policy for

MPLS ports

Verify configured
MPLS tunnels


The procedures in the configuration flow chart are described as follows.

Table 10-2 Procedure for setting UNI port attributes

Operation Description

Setting A.6.6.1 Setting Required. Set the major parameters as follows:

attributes of the General l In the case of used ports, set Enable Port to
Ethernet Attributes of Enabled. In the case of unused ports, set Enable
ports Ethernet Ports Port to Disabled.
l Set Port Mode to Layer 3.
l In the case of an Ethernet port that is connected to
external equipment, set Working Mode to be the
same value as the external equipment (generally, the
working mode of the external equipment is auto-
negotiation). In the case of Ethernet ports for
connection within the network, set Working Mode
to Auto-Negotiation.
l Set Max Frame Length(byte) according to the
service packet length. It is recommended that you set
Max Frame Length(byte) to 1620.

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Operation Description

A.6.6.2 Required when the flow control function is enabled on

Configuring the the external equipment to which the Ethernet port is
Traffic Control connected. Set the major parameters as follows:
of Ethernet Ports l When the external equipment uses the non-auto-
negotiation flow control function, set Non-
Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to
Enabled .
l When the external equipment uses the auto-
negotiation flow control function, set Auto-
Negotiation Flow Control Mode to Enabled.

A.6.6.4 Setting Required. Set the major parameters as follows:

Layer 3 l In the case of used ports, set Enable Tunnel to
Attributes of Enabled.
Ethernet Ports
If LAG protection is configured for the MPLS ports, set
Enable Tunnel on the main port to Enabled, and set
Enable Tunnel on the slave port to Disabled.
l Set Specify IP Address to Manually. Set IP
Address for each port according to planning
information. The IP addresses of different ports on
the NE cannot be in the same network segment, but
the IP addresses of the ports at both ends of the MPLS
tunnel must be in the same network segment.
If LAG protection is configured for the MPLS ports, set
Specify IP Address on the main port to Manually, and set
Specify IP Address on the slave port to Unspecified.

A.6.6.5 Setting Optional.

the Advanced
Attributes of
Ethernet Ports

Setting A.6.7.1 Setting Required. Set the major parameters as follows:

attributes of the General Set Port Mode to Layer 3.
IF_ETH Attributes of
ports IF_ETH Ports

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Operation Description

A.6.7.3 Setting l In the case of used ports, set Enable Tunnel to

Layer 3 Enabled.
Attributes of NOTE
IF_ETH Ports If LAG protection is configured for the MPLS ports, set
Enable Tunnel on the main port to Enabled, and set
Enable Tunnel on the slave port to Disabled.
l Set Specify IP Address to Manually. Set IP
Address for each port according to planning
information. The IP addresses of different ports on
the NE cannot be in the same network segment, but
the IP addresses of the ports at both ends of the MPLS
tunnel must be in the same network segment.
If LAG protection is configured for the MPLS ports, set
Specify IP Address on the main port to Manually, and set
Specify IP Address on the slave port to Unspecified.

A.6.7.4 Setting Optional. The parameters need to be modified mainly in

the Advanced the following scenarios:
Attributes of l If the service at the MPLS interface is allowed to
IF_ETH Ports have bit errors, set Error Frame Discard Enabled
to Disabled.
l If the ISU2/ISX2 board has the licenses to enable
Speed Air Interface Transmission at L2 and Speed
Air Interface Transmission at L3, set the two
parameters to Enabled. The two parameters must be
set to same values at the two ends of a radio link.

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Procedure for Configuring LAG on MPLS Ports

Table 10-3 Configuring LAG on MPLS ports

Operation Description

A.7.2.1 Required if LAG protection is configured for FE/GE ports or for the
Creating a Integrated IP radio that uses the N+0/XPIC configuration. Set the
LAG parameters as follows:
l Set LAG Type to the same value as the opposite equipment. Generally,
set LAG Type to Static for the equipment at both ends.
l For FE/GE ports, set Load Sharing to the same value as the opposite
equipment. If the LAG is configured only to provide protection, it is
recommended that you set Load Sharing to Non-Sharing at both ends.
If the LAG is configured to increase the bandwidth, it is recommended
that you set Load Sharing to Sharing for the equipment at both ends.
l When the Integrated IP radio uses the N+0/XPIC configuration and
uses LAG protection, set Load Sharing to Sharing for the equipment
at both ends.
l Set Revertive Mode to the same value as the opposite equipment.
Generally, set Revertive Mode to Revertive for the equipment at both
ends. This parameter is valid only to the non-sharing LAG.
l It is recommended that you set this parameter to the same value for the
main and slave ports of the LAGs at both ends. In this case, you can
set System Priority according to the actual requirements. It is
recommended that this parameter take the default value. This parameter
is valid only to the static LAG.
l For an air interface LAG, to enable microwave signal degrade to trigger
LAG switching, set Switch LAG upon Air Interface SD to
l Set Main Board, Main Port, and Selected Standby Ports according
to the network plan. It is recommended that the same main and slave
ports are used for the LAGs at both ends.
Set the AM attributes to the same value for the microwave ports in a LAG.

A.7.2.2 Setting Required if Load Sharing is set to Sharing.

LAG System Load Sharing Hash Algorithm is always set to MPLS Label.
Parameters This parameter is valid only to the sharing LAG.

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Procedure for Configuring an MPLS Tunnel

Table 10-4 Procedure for configuring an MPLS tunnel

Operation Description

A.9.2.1 Setting Basic MPLS Required. Set the major parameters as follows:
Attributes l Set LSR ID according to planning information and
ensure that the value is unique on the entire network.
l Set Start of Global Label Space according to
planning information. On an MPLS-enabled
network, global label spaces of NEs are
recommended to overlap each other if possible.

Configuring A.9.2.2 Creating Required if you need to configure a unidirectional

an MPLS a Unidirectional MPLS tunnel.
tunnel MPLS Tunnel Set this parameter according to network planning

A.9.2.3 Creating Required if you need to configure a bidirectional MPLS

a Bidirectional tunnel.
MPLS Tunnel Set this parameter according to network planning

A.9.1.1 Creating ARP Static Required when the dynamic ARP protocol cannot obtain
Entries the next-hop MAC address. Set the parameters as
l ARP List IP Address: Specifies the IP address of
the next-hop port.
l ARP List MAC: Specifies the MAC address of the
next-hop port.

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Procedure for Configuring Protection for MPLS Tunnels

Table 10-5 Procedure for configuring protection for MPLS tunnels

Operation Description

A.9.2.7 Setting MPLS OAM Required when you need to configure an MPLS APS
Parameters protection group.
l For a bidirectional MPLS tunnel, set the parameters
as follows:
– Set OAM Status to Enabled for a tunnel where
an OAM test needs to be performed.
– It is recommended that you set Detection Mode
to Auto-Sensing.
– When you need to create an MPLS APS
protection group, set Detection Packet Type to
FFD and set Detection Packet Period(ms) to
3.3. This ensures that the switching time is less
than 100 ms.
– Set SD Threshold and SF Threshold as
l For the ingress node of a unidirectional MPLS
tunnel, set the parameters as follows:
– Set OAM Status to Enabled for a tunnel where
an OAM test needs to be performed.
– When you need to create an MPLS APS
protection group, set Detection Packet Type to
FFD and set Detection Packet Period(ms) to
3.3. This ensures that the switching time is less
than 100 ms.
– Select the corresponding reverse tunnel.
l For the egress node of a unidirectional MPLS tunnel,
set the parameters as follows:
– Set OAM Status to Enabled for a tunnel where
an OAM test needs to be performed.
– Set Detection Mode to Auto-Sensing.
– Select the corresponding reverse tunnel.
– Set SD Threshold and SF Threshold as

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Operation Description

A.9.3.1 Creating an MPLS APS Required when you need to configure protection for
Protection Group services carried on an MPLS tunnel.
l The protection tunnel must be created.
l When creating an APS protection group, set
Protocol Status to Disabled. Start the protocol only
when the APS protection group is successfully
created on nodes at both ends.
l Set the parameters of the protection group according
to network planning information.

Procedure for Configuring QoS at an MPLS Interface

Table 10-6 Configuring QoS

Operation Description

Configuring A.7.7.2 When the default mapping between the DS domain and the
Diffserv Modifying PHB service classes does not meet network requirements,
the perform this operation to change the mapping.
ps for the
DS Domain

A.7.7.3 Required.
Changing Set Packet Type at each MPLS interface to MPLS-EXP.
the Ports
Applied to a
DS Domain
and Their

Configuring A.7.7.4 Required when the queue scheduling algorithm needs to be

the port Creating a changed or the shaping function needs to be enabled for the
policy Port Policy egress queues at an MPLS interface.
The parameters need to be set according to the network
planning information.

A.7.7.7 Required after a new port policy is created.

Setting the The parameters need to be set according to the network
Port That planning information.
Uses the
Port Policy

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Operation Description

A.7.7.8 Configuring Port Required when the shaping function needs to enabled for
Shaping egress queues.
The parameters need to be set according to the network
planning information.

Procedure for Verifying Created MPLS Tunnels

Table 10-7 Procedure for verifying created MPLS tunnels

Operation Description

A.9.2.7 Setting MPLS OAM Required. Before you create an MPLS APS protection
Parameters group, you need to enable the MPLS OAM function to
detect the tunnel status.
When you need to check availability of MPLS tunnels,
it is recommended that you set Detection Packet
Type to CV.

A.9.2.10 Querying LSP Running Required.


10.3 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with MPLS

APS Protection)
This section uses an example to describe how to configure MPLS tunnels with MPLS APS
protection on a PSN.

10.3.1 Networking Diagram

The section describes the networking information about the NEs.
All base station services need to be transmitted through a PSN to the BSC and RNC. Based on
6.7 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Packet Network), configure MPLS tunnels
on the packet ring according to the following actual requirements:
l Bidirectional MPLS tunnels are configured between NE31 and NE11, between NE31 and
NE21, and between NE31 and NE32.
l MPLS APS protection is configured for each tunnel on the packet ring to ensure service
availability upon a tunnel fault.
l MPLS interfaces used on the packet ring are shown in Figure 10-5.

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Figure 10-5 Networking diagram (packet ring network)


2-EM6F-1(to NE11)

2-EM6F-2(to NE31)

1-EM6F-1(to NE32)
NE11 NE31
2-EM6F-1(to NE21) GE 1-EM6F-2(to NE21)
2-EM6F-2(to NE32)

1-EM6F-1(to NE31)

1-EM6F-2(to NE11)

10.3.2 Service Planning

You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before service configuration. Service Planning (MPLS Interfaces)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring MPLS

Table 10-8 to Table 10-11 provide the information about each NNI port involved in the service.

Table 10-8 Information about MPLS interfaces (NE31)

Parameter 1-EM6F-1 1-EM6F-2

Port name conn_NE32 conn_NE21

Port enabled Enabled Enabled

Port mode Layer 3 Layer 3

Port working mode Auto-negotiation Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length 1620 1620


Flow control Disabled Disabled

Enable tunnel Enabled Enabled

Specify IP address Manually Manually

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Parameter 1-EM6F-1 1-EM6F-2

Port IP address

IP mask

Loopback check Disabled Disabled

Loopback port shutdown Disabled Disabled

Enabling broadcast packet Disabled Disabled


Table 10-9 Information about MPLS interfaces (NE32)

Parameter 2-EM6F-1 2-EM6F-2

Port name conn_NE11 conn_NE31

Port enabled Enabled Enabled

Port mode Layer 3 Layer 3

Port working mode Auto-negotiation Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length 1620 1620


Flow control Disabled Disabled

Enable tunnel Enabled Enabled

Specify IP address Manually Manually

Port IP address

IP mask

Loopback check Disabled Disabled

Loopback port shutdown Disabled Disabled

Enabling broadcast packet Disabled Disabled


Table 10-10 Information about MPLS interfaces (NE11)

Parameter 2-EM6F-1 2-EM6F-2

Port name conn_NE21 conn_NE32

Port enabled Enabled Enabled

Port mode Layer 3 Layer 3

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Parameter 2-EM6F-1 2-EM6F-2

Port working mode Auto-negotiation Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length 1620 1620


Flow control Disabled Disabled

Enable tunnel Enabled Enabled

Specify IP address Manually Manually

Port IP address

IP mask

Loopback check Disabled Disabled

Loopback port shutdown Disabled Disabled

Enabling broadcast packet Disabled Disabled


Table 10-11 Information about MPLS interfaces (NE21)

Parameter 1-EM6F-1 1-EM6F-2

Port name conn_NE31 conn_NE11

Port enabled Enabled Enabled

Port mode Layer 3 Layer 3

Port working mode Auto-negotiation Auto-negotiation

Maximum frame length 1620 1620


Flow control Disabled Disabled

Enable tunnel Enabled Enabled

Specify IP address Manually Manually

Port IP address

IP mask

Loopback check Disabled Disabled

Loopback port shutdown Disabled Disabled

Enabling broadcast packet Disabled Disabled


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l Appropriate port names facilitate future maintenance. It is recommended that you name ports on the entire
network in a unified manner.
l In this example, all GE ports on the packet network are set to the auto-negotiation mode.
l The maximum frame length for each MPLS interface is set to 1620, because an Ethernet frame carrying
MPLS packet is longer than a Native Ethernet frame.
l Generally, the flow control function is enabled only when the local NE or opposite equipment has insufficient
QoS capabilities. The planning information of flow control must be the same for the equipment at both ends.
l An MPLS interface does not carry E-LAN services, so the loopback check, loopback port shutdown, and
broadcast packet suppression functions do not need to be enabled for Ethernet ports. Service Planning (MPLS Tunnel)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring MPLS tunnels.

Basic NE Configuration
Before creating an MPLS tunnel, you need to assign an LSR ID for each NE as its unique ID on
the network. See Table 10-12.

Table 10-12 Basic NE configuration

Parameter NE31 NE32 NE11 NE21


Start of global 0 0 0 0
label space


The LSR ID of NE32 planned in this example is the same as that planned in 10.4 Configuration Example
(MPLS Tunnels with No Protection).

Information About MPLS Tunnels

Table 10-13 provides basic information about the working and protection tunnels between NE31
and NE32, between NE31 and NE11, and between NE31 and NE21.

Table 10-13 Basic information about MPLS tunnels

Parameter Between NE31 Between NE31 Between NE31

and NE32 and NE11 and NE21

Working Tunnel name NE31-NE32-W NE31-NE11-W NE31-NE21-W

Tunnel ID 1501 1503 1505

Protection Tunnel name NE31-NE32-P NE31-NE11-P NE31-NE21-P

Tunnel ID 1507 1509 1511

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Parameter Between NE31 Between NE31 Between NE31

and NE32 and NE11 and NE21

Ingress node of the forward NE31 NE31 NE31

working tunnel

Figure 10-6 shows the specific tunnel information.

Figure 10-6 MPLS tunnel planning

Links-1: NE31 - NE32 - NE11 -NE21 -NE31

NE31 NE32 NE11 NE21 NE31

( ( ( (130.0.0..4) (

1-EM6F-1 2-EM6F-2 2-EM6F-1 2-EM6F-2 2-EM6F-1 1-EM6F-2 1-EM6F-1 1-EM6F-2

( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

L:1501 ID:1501 L:1501 L:1507 L:1507 L:1501 L:1501 L:1507 ID:1507 L:1507
L:1502 L:1502 L:1508 L:1508 L:1502 L:1502 L:1508 L:1508
L:1505 ID:1503 L:1505 L:1509 L:1509 L:1503 L:1503 L:1509 ID:1509 L:1509
L:1506 L:1506 L:1510 L:1510 L:1504 L:1504 L:1510 L:1510
L:1503 ID:1511 L:1503 L:1511 L:1511 L:1505 L:1505 L:1511 ID:1505 L:1511
L:1504 L:1504 L:1512 L:1512 L:1506 L:1506 L:1512 L:1512

L: Label
Working tunnel
Protection tunnel


l Next Hop Address represents the port IP address of the next-hop node. In Figure 10-6, the IP addresses
under board names are port IP addresses.
l Generally, it is recommended that you set Bandwidth(kbit/s) to No Limit. If you need to enable the
CES CAC function or limit the PW bandwidth, set this parameter to be the same as the planned tunnel
bandwidth. Service Planning (MPLS Tunnel APS)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring MPLS tunnel APS.

Information About MPLS OAM

MPLS APS is configured on the packet ring network to improve service reliability. Before
creating an MPLS APS protection group, you need to enable the MPLS OAM function. Table
10-14 to Table 10-17 provide the planning information about MPLS OAM.

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Table 10-14 Information about MPLS OAM (NE31)

Paramete Between NE31 and Between NE31 and Between NE31 and
r NE32 NE11 NE21

Tunnel ID 1501 1507 1503 1509 1505 1511

OAM Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled


Detection Auto- Auto- Auto- Auto- Auto- Auto-

mode sensing sensing sensing sensing sensing sensing



Detection 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3


Table 10-15 Information about MPLS OAM (NE32)

Parameter Between NE31 and NE32

Tunnel ID 1501 1507

OAM status Enabled Enabled

Detection mode Auto-sensing Auto-sensing

Detection packet type FFD FFD

Detection packet period (ms) 3.3 3.3

Table 10-16 Information about MPLS OAM (NE11)

Parameter Between NE31 and NE11

Tunnel ID 1503 1509

Node type Egress Egress

OAM status Enabled Enabled

Detection mode Auto-sensing Auto-sensing

Detection packet type FFD FFD

Detection packet period (ms) 3.3 3.3

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Table 10-17 Information about MPLS OAM (NE21)

Parameter Between NE31 and NE21

Tunnel ID 1505 1511

OAM status Enabled Enabled

Detection mode Auto-sensing Auto-sensing

Detection packet type FFD FFD

Detection packet period (ms) 3.3 3.3

Information About MPLS APS Protection Groups

Based on the planning MPLS tunnel information, MPLS APS protection groups are planned as
shown Table 10-18 to Table 10-21.

Table 10-18 Information about MPLS APS protection groups (NE31)

Parameter Between NE31 and Between NE31 and Between NE31 and
NE32 NE11 NE21

Tunnel type MPLS tunnel MPLS tunnel MPLS tunnel

Working ingress 1501 1503 1505

tunnel ID

Working egress 1501 1503 1505

tunnel ID

Protection ingress 1507 1509 1511

tunnel ID

Protection egress 1507 1509 1511

tunnel ID

Protection type 1:1 dual-ended 1:1 dual-ended 1:1 dual-ended

revertive mode revertive mode revertive mode

WTR time (m) 5 5 5

Hold-off time 0 0 0

Protocol status Disabled Disabled Disabled

Table 10-19 Information about MPLS APS protection groups (NE32)

Parameter Between NE31 and NE32

Tunnel type MPLS tunnel

Working ingress tunnel ID 1501

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Parameter Between NE31 and NE32

Working egress tunnel ID 1501

Protection ingress tunnel ID 1507

Protection egress tunnel ID 1507

Protection type 1:1 dual-ended revertive mode

WTR time (m) 5

Hold-off time 0

Protocol status Disabled

Table 10-20 Information about MPLS APS protection groups (NE11)

Parameter Between NE31 and NE11

Tunnel type MPLS tunnel

Working ingress tunnel ID 1503

Working egress tunnel ID 1503

Protection ingress tunnel ID 1509

Protection egress tunnel ID 1509

Protection type 1:1 dual-ended revertive mode

WTR time (m) 5

Hold-off time 0

Protocol status Disabled

Table 10-21 Information about MPLS APS protection groups (NE21)

Parameter Between NE31 and NE21

Tunnel type MPLS tunnel

Working ingress tunnel ID 1505

Working egress tunnel ID 1505

Protection ingress tunnel ID 1511

Protection egress tunnel ID 1511

Protection type 1:1 dual-ended revertive mode

WTR time (m) 5

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Parameter Between NE31 and NE21

Hold-off time 0

Protocol status Disabled


In this example, MPLS APS is configured as the only protection scheme on the packet ring network.
Therefore, set Hold-Time(100ms) to 0. Service Planning (QoS)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring QoS for
MPLS interface.


The NEs in this example and in 10.4 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with No Protection) are on the
same MPLS network, so the QoS planning for the NEs is the same.

QoS (DiffServ)
Differentiated service (DiffServ) configuration is essential to QoS configuration. For the OptiX
RTN 950, all the ports that transmit a service must be in the same DS domain. Therefore, DiffServ
information is planned in a unified manner. Table 10-22 lists the mapping between the DS
domain and PHB service classes.

Table 10-22 Classes of Service and PHB Service Classes

PHB Service VLAN DSCP MPLS EXP Correspondin

Class Priority Priority g Service

CS7 7 56 7 -

CS6 6 48 6 -

EF 5 40 5 Real-time voice
service and
service (R99
and R99

AF4 4 32 4 -

AF3 3 24 3 OM, real-time

services (OM,

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PHB Service VLAN DSCP MPLS EXP Correspondin

Class Priority Priority g Service

AF2 2 16 2 R99 non-real-

time services
(R99 interactive
and R99

AF1 1 8 1 -

BE 0 0 0 HSDPA data
services (HSPA
interactive and


During the mapping of the PHB service class, CS7 is not recommended, because CS7 may be used to transmit
Ethernet protocol packets or inband DCN packets on the NE.
The default mapping relationships for the DS domain comply with the network planning requirements and
therefore do not need to be modified. Set the type of trusted packet at an MPLS interface to MPLS EXP.

QoS (Queue Scheduling Mode)

Generally, each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same queue scheduling mode.

Table 10-23 lists the queue scheduling mode used by each Ethernet port involved in the service
in this example.

Table 10-23 Queue scheduling mode

PHB Service Class Queue Scheduling Mode




AF4 WRR (weight = 5)

AF3 WRR (weight = 60)

AF2 WRR (weight = 30)

AF1 WRR (weight = 5)


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10.3.3 Configuration Process

This section describes how to set parameters of MPLS tunnel. Configuration Process (MPLS Interfaces)

This section describes the process for configuring NNI port information.

Step 1 See A.6.6.1 Setting the General Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the basic port attributes.
l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

1-EM6F-1 1-EM6F-2

Name conn_NE32 conn_NE21

Enable Port Enabled Enabled

Port Mode Layer 3 Layer 3

Working Mode Auto-Sensing Auto-Sensing

Max Frame Length(byte) 1620 1620

l The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

2-EM6F-1 2-EM6F-2

Name conn_NE11 conn_NE31

Enable Port Enabled Enabled

Port Mode Layer 3 Layer 3

Working Mode Auto-Sensing Auto-Sensing

Max Frame Length(byte) 1620 1620

l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

2-EM6F-1 2-EM6F-2

Name conn_NE21 conn_NE32

Enable Port Enabled Enabled

Port Mode Layer 3 Layer 3

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Parameter Value

2-EM6F-1 2-EM6F-2

Working Mode Auto-Sensing Auto-Sensing

Max Frame Length(byte) 1620 1620

l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

1-EM6F-1 1-EM6F-2

Name conn_NE31 conn_NE11

Enable Port Enabled Enabled

Port Mode Layer 3 Layer 3

Working Mode Auto-Sensing Auto-Sensing

Max Frame Length(byte) 1620 1620

Step 2 See A.6.6.4 Setting Layer 3 Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the Layer 3 attributes of the
l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

1-EM6F-1 1-EM6F-2

Enable Tunnel Enabled Enabled

Specify IP Address Manually Manually

IP Address

IP Mask

l The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

2-EM6F-1 2-EM6F-2

Enable Tunnel Enabled Enabled

Specify IP Address Manually Manually

IP Address

IP Mask

l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

2-EM6F-1 2-EM6F-2

Enable Tunnel Enabled Enabled

Specify IP Address Manually Manually

IP Address

IP Mask

l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

1-EM6F-1 1-EM6F-2

Enable Tunnel Enabled Enabled

Specify IP Address Manually Manually

IP Address

IP Mask

----End Configuration Process (MPLS Tunnel)

This section describes the process for configuring MPLS tunnels.

Step 1 See A.9.2.1 Setting Basic MPLS Attributes and set the LSR ID for each NE.

The values for the related parameters of each NE are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE31 NE32 NE11 NE21


Start of Global 0 0 0 0
Label Space

Step 2 See A.9.2.3 Creating a Bidirectional MPLS Tunnel and create unidirectional MPLS tunnels.
1. Create the working MPLS tunnels.
l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

Between NE31 Between NE31 Between NE31

and NE32 and NE11 and NE21

Tunnel ID 1501 1503 1505

Tunnel Name NE31-NE32-W NE31-NE11-W NE31-NE21-W

Node Type Ingress Ingress Ingress

CIR(kbit/s) No Limit No Limit No Limit

In Board/Logic - - -
Interface Type

In Port - - -

Forward In Label - - -

Reverse Out - - -

Out Board/Logic 1-EM6F 1-EM6F 1-EM6F

Interface Type

Out Port 1 1 2

Forward Out 1501 1503 1505


Reverse In Label 1502 1504 1506

Forward Next

Hop Address

Reverse Next Hop - - -


Source Node - - -

Sink Node

Tunnel Type E-LSP E-LSP E-LSP

EXP None None None

LSP Mode Pipe Pipe Pipe

l The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Between NE31 and Between NE31 and

NE32 NE11

Tunnel ID 1501 1503

Tunnel Name NE31-NE32-W NE31-NE11-W

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Parameter Value

Between NE31 and Between NE31 and

NE32 NE11

Node Type Egress Transit

CIR(kbit/s) No Limit No Limit

In Board/Logic 2-EM6F 2-EM6F

Interface Type

In Port 2 2

Forward In Label 1501 1503

Reverse Out Label 1502 1504

Out Board/Logic - 2-EM6F

Interface Type

Out Port - 1

Forward Out Label - 1509

Reverse In Label - 1510

Forward Next Hop -


Reverse Next Hop


Source Node

Sink Node -

Tunnel Type E-LSP E-LSP

EXP None -

LSP Mode Pipe -

l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Between NE31 and NE11

Tunnel ID 1503

Tunnel Name NE31-NE11-W

Node Type Egress

CIR(kbit/s) No Limit

In Board/Logic Interface Type 2-EM6F

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Parameter Value

Between NE31 and NE11

In Port 2

Forward In Label 1503

Reverse Out Label 1504

Out Board/Logic Interface Type -

Out Port -

Forward Out Label -

Reverse In Label -

Forward Next Hop Address -

Reverse Next Hop Address

Source Node

Sink Node -

Tunnel Type E-LSP

EXP None

LSP Mode Pipe

l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Between NE31 and NE21

Tunnel ID 1505

Tunnel Name NE31-NE21-W

Node Type Egress

CIR(kbit/s) No Limit

In Board/Logic Interface Type 1-EM6F

In Port 1

Forward In Label 1505

Reverse Out Label 1506

Out Board/Logic Interface Type -

Out Port -

Forward Out Label -

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Parameter Value

Between NE31 and NE21

Reverse In Label -

Forward Next Hop Address -

Reverse Next Hop Address

Source Node

Sink Node -

Tunnel Type E-LSP

EXP None

LSP Mode Pipe

2. Create the protection MPLS tunnels.

l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Between NE31 Between NE31 Between NE31

and NE32 and NE11 and NE21

Tunnel ID 1507 1509 1511

Tunnel Name NE31-NE32-P NE31-NE11-P NE31-NE21-P

Node Type Ingress Ingress Ingress

CIR(kbit/s) No Limit No Limit No Limit

In Board/Logic - - -
Interface Type

In Port - - -

Forward In Label - - -

Reverse Out - - -

Out Board/Logic 1-EM6F 1-EM6F 1-EM6F

Interface Type

Out Port 2 2 1

Forward Out 1507 1509 1511


Reverse In Label 1508 1510 1512

Forward Next

Hop Address

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Parameter Value

Between NE31 Between NE31 Between NE31

and NE32 and NE11 and NE21

Reverse Next Hop - - -


Source Node - - -

Sink Node

Tunnel Type E-LSP E-LSP E-LSP

EXP None None None

LSP Mode Pipe Pipe Pipe

l The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Between NE31 and Between NE31 and

NE32 NE21

Tunnel ID 1507 1511

Tunnel Name NE31-NE32-P NE31-NE21-P

Node Type Egress Transit

CIR(kbit/s) No Limit No Limit

In Board/Logic 2-EM6F 2-EM6F

Interface Type

In Port 1 2

Forward In Label 1507 1511

Reverse Out Label 1508 1512

Out Board/Logic - 2-EM6F

Interface Type

Out Port - 1

Forward Out Label - 1511

Reverse In Label - 1512

Forward Next Hop -


Reverse Next Hop


Source Node

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Parameter Value

Between NE31 and Between NE31 and

NE32 NE21

Sink Node -

Tunnel Type E-LSP E-LSP

EXP None -

LSP Mode Pipe -

l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Between NE31 Between NE31 Between NE31

and NE11 and NE32 and NE21

Tunnel ID 1509 1507 1511

Tunnel Name NE31-NE11-P NE31-NE32-P NE31-NE21-P

Node Type Egress Transit Transit

CIR(kbit/s) No Limit No Limit No Limit

In Board/Logic 2-EM6F 2-EM6F 2-EM6F

Interface Type

In Port 1 1 2

Forward In Label 1509 1507 1511

Reverse Out 1510 1508 1512


Out Board/Logic - 2-EM6F 2-EM6F

Interface Type

Out Port - 2 1

Forward Out - 1507 1511


Reverse In Label - 1508 1512

Forward Next -

Hop Address

Reverse Next Hop


Source Node

Sink Node -

Tunnel Type E-LSP E-LSP E-LSP

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Parameter Value

Between NE31 Between NE31 Between NE31

and NE11 and NE32 and NE21

EXP None - -

LSP Mode Pipe - -

l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Between NE31 and Between NE31 and

NE21 NE32

Tunnel ID 1511 1507

Tunnel Name NE31-NE21-P NE31-NE32-P

Node Type Egress Transit

CIR(kbit/s) No Limit No Limit

In Board/Logic 1-EM6F 1-EM6F

Interface Type

In Port 2 1

Forward In Label 1511 1507

Reverse Out Label 1512 1508

Out Board/Logic - 1-EM6F

Interface Type

Out Port - 2

Forward Out Label - 1507

Reverse In Label - 1508

Forward Next Hop -


Reverse Next Hop


Source Node

Sink Node -

Tunnel Type E-LSP E-LSP

EXP None -

LSP Mode Pipe -

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----End Configuration Process (MPLS APS)

This section describes the process for configuring MPLS APS protection groups.

Step 1 See A.9.2.7 Setting MPLS OAM Parameters and set MPLS OAM parameters.
l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Paramet Value
Between NE31 and Between NE31 and Between NE31 and
NE32 NE11 NE21

Tunnel 1501 1507 1503 1509 1505 1511


OAM Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled


Detection Auto- Auto- Auto- Auto- Auto- Auto-

Mode Sensing Sensing Sensing Sensing Sensing Sensing



Detection 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3


l The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Between NE31 and NE32

Tunnel ID 1501 1507

OAM Status Enabled Enabled

Detection Mode Auto-Sensing Auto-Sensing

Detection Packet Type FFD FFD

Detection Packet Period 3.3 3.3


l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

Between NE31 and NE11

Tunnel ID 1503 1509

OAM Status Enabled Enabled

Detection Mode Auto-Sensing Auto-Sensing

Detection Packet Type FFD FFD

Detection Packet Period 3.3 3.3


l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.
Parameter Between NE31 and NE21

Tunnel ID 1505 1511

OAM Status Enabled Enabled

Detection Mode Auto-Sensing Auto-Sensing

Detection Packet Type FFD FFD

Detection Packet Period 3.3 3.3


Step 2 See A.9.3.1 Creating an MPLS APS Protection Group and create the MPLS APS protection
l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Between NE31 Between NE31 Between NE31

and NE32 and NE11 and NE21

Protection Type 1:1 1:1 1:1

Switching Mode Dual-Ended Dual-Ended Dual-Ended

Working Tunnel MPLS Tunnel MPLS Tunnel MPLS Tunnel


Working Ingress 1501 1503 1505

Tunnel ID

Working Egress 1501 1503 1505

Tunnel ID

Protection Tunnel MPLS Tunnel MPLS Tunnel MPLS Tunnel


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Parameter Value

Between NE31 Between NE31 Between NE31

and NE32 and NE11 and NE21

Protection Ingress 1507 1509 1511

Tunnel ID

Protection Egress 1507 1509 1511

Tunnel ID

Revertive Mode Non-Revertive Non-Revertive Non-Revertive

WTR Time(m) 5 5 5

Hold-Time(100ms) 0 0 0

Protocol Status Disabled Disabled Disabled

l The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Between NE31 and NE32

Protection Type 1:1

Switching Mode Dual-Ended

Working Tunnel Type MPLS Tunnel

Working Ingress Tunnel ID 1501

Working Egress Tunnel ID 1501

Protection Tunnel Type MPLS Tunnel

Protection Ingress Tunnel ID 1507

Protection Egress Tunnel ID 1507

Revertive Mode Non-Revertive

WTR Time(m) 5

Hold-Time(100ms) 0

Protocol Status Disabled

l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Between NE31 and NE11

Protection Type 1:1

Switching Mode Dual-Ended

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Parameter Value

Between NE31 and NE11

Working Tunnel Type MPLS Tunnel

Working Ingress Tunnel ID 1503

Working Egress Tunnel ID 1503

Protection Tunnel Type MPLS Tunnel

Protection Ingress Tunnel ID 1509

Protection Egress Tunnel ID 1509

Revertive Mode Non-Revertive

WTR Time(m) 5

Hold-Time(100ms) 0

Protocol Status Disabled

l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Between NE31 and NE21

Protection Type 1:1

Switching Mode Dual-Ended

Working Tunnel Type MPLS Tunnel

Working Ingress Tunnel ID 1505

Working Egress Tunnel ID 1505

Protection Tunnel Type MPLS Tunnel

Protection Ingress Tunnel ID 1511

Protection Egress Tunnel ID 1511

Revertive Mode Non-Revertive

WTR Time(m) 5

Hold-Time(100ms) 0

Protocol Status Disabled

Step 3 See A.9.3.4 Enabling/Disabling MPLS APS Protection and start/stop the MPLS APS protocol.
If Protocol Status is Enabled, the MPLS APS protocol is enabled for the NE where the MPLS
APS protection group is configured.

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This section describes the process for configuring QoS information for MPLS interfaces.

Step 1 A.7.7.3 Changing the Ports Applied to a DS Domain and Their Trusted Packet Types and
change the ports that are applied to the DS domain and their trusted packet type.
The values for the related parameters that need to be set are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE31 NE32 NE11 NE21

Port 1-EM6F-1 2-EM6F-1 2-EM6F-1 1-EM6F-1

1-EM6F-2 2-EM6F-2 2-EM6F-2 1-EM6F-2

Packet Type mpls-exp mpls-exp mpls-exp mpls-exp

Step 2 See A.7.7.4 Creating a Port Policy and create the port policy.
l The values for the related parameters of each NE are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Policy ID 1

Policy Name Port_Comm

Grooming Police After Reloading SP (CS7, CS6, and EF)

WRR (AF4 to AF1)

Policy Weight(%) 5 (AF4)

60 (AF3)
30 (AF2)
5 (AF1)

Bandwidth Limit Disabled (for all PHB service classes)

Step 3 See A.7.7.7 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy and specify the ports that use the port
l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 1-EM6F-1

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l The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 2-EM6F-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 2-EM6F-1

l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 1-EM6F-1

----End Configuration Process (Verifying Configured MPLS Tunnels)

This section describes the process for verifying configured MPLS tunnels.

Step 1 For MPLS tunnels configured in an MPLS APS protection group, see A.9.2.10 Querying LSP
Running Status and query the LSP running status.
Normally, each MPLS tunnel is available.


10.4 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with No

This section uses an example to describe how to configure MPLS tunnels with no protection on
a PSN.

10.4.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.

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All base station services need to be transmitted through a PSN to the BSC and RNC. Based on
6.7 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Packet Network), configure MPLS tunnels
on Packet radio links according to the following actual requirements:
l Bidirectional MPLS tunnels need to be configured between NE32 and NE33 and between
NE32 and NE34.
l MPLS APS is not configured for any tunnel on Packet radio links.
l MPLS interfaces used on the Packet radio links are shown in Figure 10-7. 1+1 HSB
protection is configured for the radio links between NE32 and NE33. In the 1+1 HSB
protection group, the IF board in the slot with the smaller slot number functions as the main
IF board.

Figure 10-7 Networking diagram (Packet radio links)

3-ISU2-1(to NE34)
4-ISU2-1(to NE32)

6-ISU2-1(to NE32)
3-ISU2-1(to NE33)
3-ISU2-1(to NE33)

5-ISU2-1(to NE33)


NE11 NE31



To save tunnel resources, MPLS tunnels are created only between NE33 and NE32 and between NE34 and NE32
in this example. NE32 is the S-PE. The MPLS tunnels on the chain and the MPLS tunnels on the packet ring
are created segment by segment through this example and 10.3 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with
MPLS APS Protection). See Figure 10-8. In actual application scenarios, you can also create MPLS tunnels
between NE34 and NE31 and between NE33 and NE31 to transmit corresponding base station services to NE31;
in addition, you can configure MPLS APS for the MPLS tunnels.

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Figure 10-8 Networking diagram (Packet radio links)




NE11 NE31


Working Tunnel

Protection Tunnel

10.4.2 Service Planning

You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before service configuration. Service Planning (MPLS Interfaces)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring MPLS

Table 10-24 to Table 10-26 provide the information about each NNI port on the Packet radio
links that are used for configuring the MPLS tunnel.


In this example, 1+1 HSB protection is configured for the radio links between NE32 and NE33. Therefore,
you need to configure IF_ETH port information only for the main radio link.

Table 10-24 Information about MPLS interfaces (NE32)

Parameter 3-ISU2

Port name conn_NE33

Port mode Layer 3

Enable tunnel Enabled

Specify IP address Manually

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Parameter 3-ISU2

Port IP address

IP mask

Error frame discard enabled Enabled

Table 10-25 Information about MPLS interfaces (NE33)

Parameter 3-ISU2 4-ISU2

Port name conn_NE34 conn_NE32

Port mode Layer 3 Layer 3

Enable tunnel Enabled Enabled

Specify IP address Manually Manually

Port IP address

IP mask

Error frame discard enabled Enabled Enabled

Table 10-26 Information about MPLS interfaces (NE34)

Parameter 3-ISU2

Port name conn_NE33

Port mode Layer 3

Enable tunnel Enabled

Specify IP address Manually

Port IP address

IP mask

Error frame discard enabled Enabled Service Planning (MPLS Tunnel)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring MPLS tunnels.

Basic NE configuration
Before creating an MPLS tunnel, you need to assign an LSR ID for each NE as its unique ID on
the network. See Table 10-27.

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Table 10-27 Basic NE configuration

Parameter NE32 NE33 NE34


Start of global label 0 0 0



The LSR ID of NE32 planned in this example is the same as that planned in 10.3 Configuration Example
(MPLS Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection).

Information About MPLS Tunnels

Table 10-28 provides basic information about the bidirectional MPLS tunnels between NE32
and NE33 and between NE32 and NE34.

Table 10-28 Basic information about MPLS tunnels

Parameter Between NE32 and NE33 Between NE32 and NE34

Tunnel name NE32-NE33-W NE32-NE34-W

Tunnel ID 1513 1515

Ingress node of the forward NE32 NE32

working tunnel

Figure 10-9 shows the specific tunnel information.

Figure 10-9 MPLS tunnel planning

Links: NE32-NE33-NE34

NE32 NE33 NE34

( ( (

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

( ( ( (

L:1513 ID:1513 L:1513

L:1514 L:1514
L:1515 ID:1515 L:1515 L:1501 L:1501
L:1516 L:1516 L:1502 L:1502

L: Label
Working tunnel

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This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring QoS for
MPLS interfaces.


The NEs in this example and the NEs in 10.3 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with MPLS APS
Protection) belong to the same MPLS network. Therefore, the QoS planning in this example is the same as that
in 10.3 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection).

QoS (DiffServ)
Differentiated service (DiffServ) configuration is essential to QoS configuration. For the OptiX
RTN 950, all the ports that transmit a service must be in the same DS domain. Therefore, DiffServ
information is planned in a unified manner. Table 10-29 lists the mapping between the DS
domain and PHB service classes.

Table 10-29 Classes of Service and PHB Service Classes

PHB Service VLAN DSCP MPLS EXP Correspondin
Class Priority Priority g Service

CS7 7 56 7 -

CS6 6 48 6 -

EF 5 40 5 Real-time voice
service and
service (R99
and R99

AF4 4 32 4 -

AF3 3 24 3 OM, real-time

services (OM,

AF2 2 16 2 R99 non-real-

time services
(R99 interactive
and R99

AF1 1 8 1 -

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PHB Service VLAN DSCP MPLS EXP Correspondin

Class Priority Priority g Service

BE 0 0 0 HSDPA data
services (HSPA
interactive and


During the mapping of the PHB service class, CS7 is not recommended, because CS7 may be used to transmit
Ethernet protocol packets or inband DCN packets on the NE.
The default mapping relationships for the DS domain comply with the network planning requirements and
therefore do not need to be modified. Set the type of trusted packet at an MPLS interface to MPLS EXP.

QoS (Queue Scheduling Mode)

Generally, each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same queue scheduling mode.
Table 10-30 lists the queue scheduling mode used by each Ethernet port involved in the service
in this example.

Table 10-30 Queue scheduling mode

PHB Service Class Queue Scheduling Mode




AF4 WRR (weight = 5)

AF3 WRR (weight = 60)

AF2 WRR (weight = 30)

AF1 WRR (weight = 5)


10.4.3 Configuration Process

This section describes how to set parameters of MPLS tunnel. Configuration Process (MPLS Interfaces)

This section describes the process for configuring MPLS interfaces.

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Step 1 See A.6.7.1 Setting the General Attributes of IF_ETH Ports and set the basic attributes of
IF_ETH ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Name conn_NE33

Port Mode Layer 3

l The values for the related parameters of NE33 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Name conn_NE34 conn_NE32

Port Mode Layer 3 Layer 3

l The values for the related parameters of NE34 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Name conn_NE33

Port Mode Layer 3

Step 2 See A.6.7.3 Setting Layer 3 Attributes of IF_ETH Ports and set the Layer 3 attributes of
IF_ETH ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Enable Tunnel Enabled

Specify IP Address Manually

IP Address

IP Mask

l The values for the related parameters of NE33 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

Enable Tunnel Enabled Enabled

Specify IP Address Manually Manually

IP Address

IP Mask

l The values for the related parameters of NE34 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Enable Tunnel Enabled

Specify IP Address Manually

IP Address

IP Mask

----End Configuration Process (MPLS Tunnel)

This section describes the process for configuring MPLS tunnels.

Step 1 See A.9.2.1 Setting Basic MPLS Attributes and set the LSR ID for each NE.
The values for the related parameters of each NE are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE32 NE33 NE34


Start of Global 0 0 0
Label Space

Step 2 See A.9.2.3 Creating a Bidirectional MPLS Tunnel and create unidirectional MPLS tunnels.
l The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

Between NE32 and NE33 Between NE32 and NE34

Tunnel ID 1513 1515

Tunnel Name NE32-NE33-W NE32-NE34-W

Node Type Ingress Ingress

CIR(kbit/s) No Limit No Limit

In Board/Logic Interface - -

In Port - -

Forward In Label - -

Reverse Out Label - -

Out Board/Logic 3-ISU2 3-ISU2

Interface Type

Out Port 1 1

Forward Out Label 1513 1515

Reverse In Label 1514 1516

Forward Next Hop


Reverse Next Hop - -


Source Node - -

Sink Node

Tunnel Type E-LSP E-LSP

EXP None None

LSP Mode Pipe Pipe

l The values for the related parameters of NE33 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Between NE32 and NE33 Between NE32 and NE34

Tunnel ID 1513 1515

Tunnel Name NE32-NE33-W NE32-NE34-W

Node Type Egress Transit

CIR(kbit/s) No Limit No Limit

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Parameter Value

Between NE32 and NE33 Between NE32 and NE34

In Board/Logic Interface 4-ISU2 4-ISU2


In Port 1 1

Forward In Label 1513 1515

Reverse Out Label 1514 1516

Out Board/Logic - 3-ISU2

Interface Type

Out Port - 1

Forward Out Label - 1515

Reverse In Label - 1516

Forward Next Hop -


Reverse Next Hop


Source Node

Sink Node -

Tunnel Type E-LSP E-LSP

EXP None -

LSP Mode Pipe -

l The values for the related parameters of NE34 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Between NE34 and NE32

Tunnel ID 1515

Tunnel Name NE34-NE32-W-F

Node Type Egress

CIR(kbit/s) No Limit

In Board/Logic Interface Type 3-ISU2

In Port 1

Forward In Label 1515

Reverse Out Label 1516

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Parameter Value

Between NE34 and NE32

Out Board/Logic Interface Type -

Out Port -

Forward Out Label -

Reverse In Label -

Forward Next Hop Address -

Reverse Next Hop Address

Source Node

Sink Node -

Tunnel Type E-LSP

EXP None

LSP Mode Pipe

----End Configuration Process (QoS)

This section describes the process for configuring QoS information for MPLS interfaces.

Step 1 See A.7.7.3 Changing the Ports Applied to a DS Domain and Their Trusted Packet
Types and change the ports that are applied to the DS domain and their trusted packet type.

The values for the related parameters that need to be set are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE32 NE33 NE34

Port 3-ISU2 3-ISU2 3-ISU2


Packet Type mpls-exp mpls-exp mpls-exp

Step 2 See A.7.7.4 Creating a Port Policy and create the port policy.
l The values for the related parameters of each NE are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Policy ID 1

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Parameter Value

Policy Name Port_Comm

Grooming Police After Reloading SP (CS7, CS6, and EF)

WRR (AF4 to AF1)

Policy Weight(%) 5 (AF4)

60 (AF3)
30 (AF2)
5 (AF1)

Bandwidth Limit Disabled (for all PHB service classes)

Step 3 See A.7.7.7 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy and specify the ports that use the port
l The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2

l The values for the related parameters of NE33 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2

l The values for the related parameters of NE34 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2

----End Configuration Process (Verifying Configured MPLS Tunnels)

This section describes the process for verifying configured MPLS tunnels.

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Step 1 If MPLS APS protection is not configured for MPLS tunnels on the Packet radio links, the MPLS
OAM function needs to be enabled to detect the tunnel status. See A.9.2.7 Setting MPLS OAM
l The values for the related parameters of NE32 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Between NE32 and NE33 Between NE32 and NE34

Tunnel ID 1513 1515

OAM Status Enabled Enabled

Detection Mode Auto-Sensing Auto-Sensing

Detection Packet Type CV CV

l The values for the related parameters of NE33 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Between NE32 and NE33

Tunnel ID 1513

OAM Status Enabled

Detection Mode Auto-Sensing

Detection Packet Type CV

l The values for the related parameters of NE34 are provided as follows.
Parameter Value

Between NE32 and NE34

Tunnel ID 1515

OAM Status Enabled

Detection Mode Auto-Sensing

Detection Packet Type CV

Step 2 See A.9.2.10 Querying LSP Running Status and query the LSP running status.
Normally, each MPLS tunnel is available.


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11 Configuring PWE3 Services

About This Chapter

The procedure and method of configuring PWE3 services vary with types of PWE3 services.

11.1 Basic Concept

Before configuring PWE3, you need to be familiar with the basic concepts.
11.2 Configuration Procedure
The service configuration procedure differs according to the specific service type.
11.3 Configuration Example (Common CES Services)
This section considers a common CES service on a packet network as an example to describe
how to configure CES services according to network planning information. Each CES service
is encapsulated in SAToP mode.
11.4 Configuration Example (Fractional CES Services)
This section considers a Fractional CES service on a packet network as an example to describe
how to configure CES services according to the network planning information. Each service is
encapsulated in CESoPSN mode.
11.5 Configuration Example (MS-PW-based CES Services)
This section considers an MS-PW-based CES service on a packet network as an example to
describe how to configure CES services according to the network planning information. This
sample service is encapsulated in CESoPSN mode.
11.6 Configuration Example (Common ATM Services)
This section uses a common ATM service on a PSN as an example to describe how to configure
ATM services according to service planning information. In this example, services are
encapsulated in n-to-1 VCC mode.
11.7 Configuration Example (Fractional ATM Services)
This section uses a Fractional ATM service on a PSN as an example to describe how to configure
ATM services according to service planning information. In this example, services are
encapsulated in n-to-1 VCC mode.
11.8 Configuration Example (ATM Services on MS-PWs)
This section uses an ATM service carried on MS-PWs of a PSN as an example to describe how
to configure ATM services according to service planning information. In this example, services
are encapsulated in 1-to-1 VCC mode.

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11.9 Configuration Example (Transparently Transmitted ATM Services)

This section uses a transparently transmitted ATM service on a PSN as an example to describe
how to configure ATM services according to service planning information.
11.10 Configuration Example (E-Line Services Carried on PWs, a Simple Example)
This section considers E-Line services carried on PWs as an example to describe how to
configure E-Line services.
11.11 Configuration Example (E-Line Services Carried on PWs and Transmitting the Ethernet
Services Aggregated from the Hybrid Microwave Network)
This section considers E-Line services carried on PWs and transmitting the Ethernet services
aggregated from the Hybrid microwave network as an example to describe how to configure E-
Line services carried on PWs.
11.12 Configuration Example (E-Line Services Carried on MS-PWs)
This section considers E-Line services carried on MS-PWs as an example to describe how to
configure E-Line services carried on PWs.

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11.1 Basic Concept

Before configuring PWE3, you need to be familiar with the basic concepts.

11.1.1 Types of PWE3 Services

The OptiX RTN 950 supports the following types of PWE3 services: CES services, ATM
services, and E-Line services carried by PWs. CES Services

On the OptiX RTN 950, CES services are constructed using the TDM PWE3 technology. That
is, TDM E1 services are encapsulated into PW packets, and the PW packets are transmitted
through a PW on the PSN.

Application Example
Circuit emulation service (CES) is mainly used to transmit mobile backhauled services and
enterprise private line services. As shown in Figure 11-1, a 2G base station or an enterprise
private line connects to the OptiX RTN 950 through a TDM line. The OptiX RTN 950
encapsulates the TDM signals into packets, and then transmits the packets to the opposite end
through a PW on the PSN.

Figure 11-1 Example of CES services

layer IP/MPLS Backebone



BTS BTS Corporation BTS BTS Corporation

CES services OptiX RTN 900 OptiX packet

transmission product

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Emulation Modes
The OptiX RTN 950 supports CES services in structured emulation mode and non-structured
emulation mode.
l The structured emulation mode is the CESoPSN mode. The equipment is aware of the frame
structure, framing mode, and timeslot information in the TDM circuit.
l The non-structured emulation mode is the SAToP mode. The equipment is not aware of
the frame structure. Instead, the equipment considers the TDM signals as consecutive bit
streams, and then emulates and transparently transmits the TDM signals.
As shown in Figure 11-2, the OptiX RTN 950 in CESoPSN mode supports the compression of
idle 64 kbit/s timeslots in TDM E1 signals to save transmission bandwidth.

Figure 11-2 Compression of idle 64 kbit/s timeslots in TDM E1 signals

0 1
BTS 2 3
... 2
9 30
1 2 29 0 1 2 3 ... 29 30 31
0 1 2 3 ... 29 30 31
30 31
... 29 0 1 2 3 ... 29 30 31
1 2 3 PW
0 1 3 30 31


0 1 2 3 ... 29 30 31 1 2 3


0 1 2 3 ... 29 30 31 Timeslots in the E1 frame

Service Clocks
Clock information is an important feature of TDM services. The OptiX RTN 950 supports the
retiming clocks and CES ACR clocks of CES services.
In retiming synchronization mode, the system clocks of all PEs on the network are synchronized.
The system clock of a PE is considered as the service transmit clock (retiming). As shown in
Figure 11-3, the system clock of BTS synchronizes itself with the service clock of PE. In this
manner, all PEs and CEs are synchronous, and the transmit clocks of TDM services on all CEs
and PEs are synchronous.

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Figure 11-3 Retiming synchronization mode of CES service clocks

Transmits E1 Synchronizes with Synchronizes with

signals according to the radio link clock. the E1 signal clock.
the system clock.

E1 E1

Clock synchronization

In ACR mode, the clock is extracted from the TDM interface on the PE on the ingress side. On
the PE on the egress side, the clock of the emulated TDM service is recovered based on the clock
information in the CES service. Figure 11-4 shows the retiming synchronization mode of CES
service clocks.

Figure 11-4 Adaptive synchronization mode of CES service clocks

Recovers the E1 signal Extracts the clock from the

clock from the CES E1 signal and add the
service. clock information to the
CES service.

E1 E1

Clock synchronization ATM/IMA Services

The OptiX RTN 950 supports ATM PWE3 services. The ATM/IMA E1 technology is used to
transmit ATM services to the OptiX RTN equipment, and then the ATM cells are encapsulated
into PW packets. The packets are then transmitted in the MPLS tunnel on the PSN.

Application Example
ATM/IMA services are mainly backhauled services of base stations. With the ATM/IMA E1
technology, the ATM services from NodeB are transmitted to the OptiX RTN 950. On the OptiX
RTN 950, PWE3 emulation is performed for the ATM services. Then, the services are
transmitted over PWs in MPLS tunnels across the PSN towards the RNC. Before being sent to

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the RNC, the services are decapsulated on the OptiX PTN/RTN equipment. Figure 11-5 shows
the application example.

Figure 11-5 Example of ATM/IMA services




MPLS tunnel PW (ATM PWE3)

ATM/IMA Services on the UNI Side

On the UNI side, the OptiX RTN 950 supports the following ATM/IMA functions:
l Supports the IMA E1 technology in which an IMA group is comprised of E1 links.
l Supports the Fractional IMA technology in which an IMA group is comprised of Fractional
E1 links.

ATM PWE3 Services on the NNI Side

On the NNI side, the OptiX RTN 950 supports the following ATM PWE3 functions:
l One-to-one VCC mapping scheme: One VCC is mapped into one PW.
l N-to-one VCC mapping scheme: N (N≤32) VCCs are mapped into one PW.
l One-to-one VPC mapping scheme: One VPC is mapped into one PW.
l N-to-one VPC mapping scheme: N (N≤32) VPCs are mapped into one PW.
l On one PW, a maximum of 31 ATM cells can be concatenated.
l ATM transparent service. PW-Carried E-Line Services

A PW-carried E-Line service is an E-Line service category where the E-Line service packets
from one Ethernet port are transmitted on one PW.

Service Models
Table 11-1 defines the PW-carried E-Line service models.

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Table 11-1 PW-carried E-Line service models

Service Model Service Flow Service Port Mode Port Description
Direction Encapsulation

Model 1 PORT+C- UNI-NNI Layer 2 (source) IEEE 802.1q A UNI port

VLAN (source) Layer 3 (sink) (source) processes the
PW (sink) - (sink) packets carrying
a specific C-
VLAN ID based
on its tag
attribute and
then sends the
packets to the
NNI side for
transmission on

Model 2 PORT+S- UNI-NNI Layer 2 (source) QinQ (sink) A UNI port

VLAN (source) Layer 3 (sink) - (sink) processes the
PW (sink) packets carrying
a specific S-
VLAN ID based
on its QinQ type
field, and then
sends the
packets to the
NNI side for
transmission on

Model 3 PORT (source) UNI-NNI Layer 2 (source) IEEE 802.1q or A UNI port
PW (sink) Layer 3 (sink) QinQ (source) processes the
- (sink) received packets
based on its tag
attribute or
QinQ type field,
and then sends
the packets to
the NNI side for
transmission on

Typical Application of Service Model 1

Figure 11-6 shows the typical application of service model 1. Service 1 is present between
NodeB 1 and the RNC, and service 2 is present between NodeB 2 and the RNC. The two services
carry different VLAN IDs and need to be transmitted over a PSN.
On the UNI side of NE1, service 1 is received by port 1 and service 2 is received by port 2. On
the NNI side of NE1, service 1 and service 2 are transmitted separately on two PWs.
NE2 processes the two services in the same manner as NE1.

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Figure 11-6 Typical application of service model 1

Service 1 Service 1
Port: 1(802.1Q) Port: 1(802.1Q)
VLAN ID: 100 VLAN ID: 100
NodeB 1



NodeB 2
Service 2 Service 2
Port: 2(802.1Q) Port: 2(802.1Q)
VLAN ID: 200 VLAN ID: 200

Packet transmission

Typical Application of Service Model 2

Figure 11-7 shows the typical application of service model 2. Service 1 is present between
NodeB 1 and the RNC, and service 2 is present between NodeB 2 and the RNC. The two QinQ
services carry different S-VLAN IDs and need to be transmitted over a PSN.

On the UNI side of NE1, service 1 is received by port 1 and service 2 is received by port 2. On
the NNI side of NE1, service 1 and service 2 are transmitted separately on two PWs.

NE2 processes the two services in the same manner as NE1.

Figure 11-7 Typical application of service model 2

Service 1 Service 1

Port: 1(QinQ) Port: 1(QinQ)

S-VLAN ID: 100 S-VLAN ID: 100
NodeB 1



NodeB 2
Service 2 Service 2
Port: 2(QinQ) Port: 2(QinQ)
S-VLAN ID: 200 S-VLAN ID: 200

Packet transmission

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Typical Application of Service Model 3

Figure 11-8 shows the typical application of service model 3. Service 1 is present between
NodeB 1 and the RNC, and service 2 is present between NodeB 2 and the RNC. Service 1 carries
various C-VLAN IDs, and service 2 carries various S-VLAN IDs. The two services need to be
transmitted over a PSN.
On the UNI side of NE1, service 1 is received by port 1 and service 2 is received by port 2. On
the NNI side of NE1, service 1 and service 2 are transmitted separately on two PWs.
NE2 processes the two services in the same manner as NE1.

Figure 11-8 Typical application of service model 3

Service 1 Service 1

Port: 1 (802.1Q) Port: 1 (802.1Q)

NodeB 1



NodeB 2
Service 2 Service 2

Port: 2(QinQ) Port: 2(QinQ)

Packet transmission equipment

11.1.2 MS-PW
A PW that is carried in a PSN tunnel is called a single-segment PW (SS-PW). If a PW is carried
in multiple PSN tunnels, the PW is called a multi-segment PW (MS-PW).

For the SS-PW network reference model, see PWE3 Network Reference Model.

MS-PW Network Reference Model

Figure 11-9 shows the MS-PW network reference model.

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Figure 11-9 MS-PW network reference model

Emulated service

Native tunnel tunnel Native
service 1 2 service





PW switching point

T-PE: terminating provider edge S-PE: switching provider edge

PSN tunnels are available in several types, but the OptiX RTN 950 supports only MPLS tunnels. In this
document, PWE3 is based on MPLS tunnels (LSPs), unless otherwise specified.

In the preceding network reference model, T-PE1 and T-PE2 provide PWE3 services to CE1
and CE2. The PWs are carried in two PSN tunnels, and constitute the MS-PW.
The two tunnels (PSN tunnel 1 and PSN tunnel 2) that are used to carry PWs reside in different
PSN domains. PSN tunnel 1 extends from T-PE1 to S-PE1, and PSN tunnel 2 extends from S-
PE1 to T-PE2. Labels of PW1 carried in PSN tunnel 1 and PW3 carried in PSN tunnel 2 are
swapped at S-PE1. Similarly, labels of PW2 carried in PSN tunnel 1 and PW4 carried in PSN
tunnel 2 are swapped at S-PE1.

MS-PW Application
Compared with the SS-PW, the MS-PW has the following characteristics:
l Reduces required tunnel resources.
l Traverses different PSNs.
l Provides segment-based protection for tunnels.
The following paragraphs and figures compare the application scenarios of the SS-PW and MS-
PW to show that it is easier for the MS-PW to implement segment-based protection for tunnels.
Figure 11-10 shows the SS-PW networking mode. The services between PE1 and PE2 are
transmitted on PW1 carried in MPLS tunnel 1. Both MPLS tunnel 1 and MPLS tunnel 2 are
configured with 1:1 protection. Protection, however, fails to be provided if disconnection faults
occur on different sides of the operator device (called the P device).

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Figure 11-10 SS-PW application

SS-PW MPLS tunnel 1



MPLS tunnel 2
Packet transmission equipment


The PWs are invisible to the P device on a PSN; the P device provides transparent transport in tunnels.

Figure 11-11 shows the MS-PW networking mode. The services between T-PE1 and T-PE2 are
transmitted on PW1 carried in MPLS tunnel 1 and PW2 carried on MPLS tunnel 2. The paired
tunnels (MPLS tunnel 1 and MPLS tunnel 3; MPLS tunnel 2 and MPLS tunnel 4) are configured
with 1:1 protection. In this configuration, protection can still be provided even when
disconnection faults occur on different sides of the S-PE1 device.

Figure 11-11 MS-PW application


MPLS tunnel 1 MPLS tunnel 2


MPLS tunnel 3 MPLS tunnel 4

Packet transmission equipment

11.2 Configuration Procedure

The service configuration procedure differs according to the specific service type.

11.2.1 Per-NE Configuration Procedure (CES Services)

This section describes how to configure CES services, configure UNI ports, and verify CES

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Configuration Flow Chart

Figure 11-12 provides the procedures for configuring CES services on a single NE.

Figure 11-12 Configuration flow chart

Required Start

Configure UNI ports

Configure CES

Configure PW APS

Verify CES services


By default, CES services use the retiming mode to transmit clock. Therefore, it is unnecessary to describe
the retiming mode in this topic. If CES services need to use the CES ACR mode to transmit clock, configure
the mode according to Configuration Procedure in the OptiX RTN 950 V100R003C00 Radio Transmission
System Feature Description.

The procedures in the configuration flow chart are described as follows.

Setting the Attributes of UNI Ports

Setting the attributes of UNI ports carrying CES services mainly involves setting the attributes
of Smart E1 ports.

Table 11-2 Setting the attributes of UNI ports

Operation Remarks

Setting the A.6.4.1 Setting Required. Set the parameters as follows:

attributes of Basic Attributes Set Port Mode to Layer 1.
Smart E1 ports of Smart E1

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Operation Remarks

A.6.4.2 Setting Optional. Set the parameters as follows:

Advanced l When PW Type is CESoPSN, set Frame
Attributes of Format to CRC-4 Multiframe or Double
Smart E1 Ports Frame as planned. The value CRC-4
Multiframe is recommended for securing
transmission quality.
When PW Type is SAToP, set Frame Format to
l Set Frame Mode to 31. If Frame Mode of the
opposite end is 30, the source 64 kbit/s timeslots
at the local end must include the 16th timeslot.

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Configuring CES Services

Table 11-3 Configuring CES services

Operation Remarks

A.9.6.1 Creating CES Setting the general Required. Set the parameters as
Services attributes of services follows:
l Set Service ID(e.g.1,3-6), Service
name, Source Board, Source
Low Channel(e.g.1,3-6), and
Source 64K Timeslot(e.g.1,3-6)
according to service planning
Source 64K Timeslot(e.g.1,3-6) is
valid only for the CESoPSN mode.
If the Frame Mode at the opposite
end is set to 30, the source 64 kbit/
s timeslots at the local end must
include the 16th timeslot.
l Set Pri. Pri indicates the PHB
service class for CES services.
– The default PHB service class
for CES services is EF.
– If CES services are transmitted
on the ISU2/ISX2, set the PHB
service class to CS7 to decrease
the CES service transmission
delay and jitters.
l Set Mode to UNI-NNI.
l Set Protection Type for a PW
according to network planning
l Optional.
When creating a CES service, you
can set UNI port parameters.

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Operation Remarks

Configuring PWs l Required. Set the basic attributes of

– Set PW ID according to
planning information.
– Set PW Type according to
planning information.
If PCM timeslots are used for
service access, select
CESoPSN; otherwise, select
SAToP. For Fractional E1,
select CESoPSN.
– Set PW Ingress Label/Source
Port and PW Egress Label/
Sink Port according to
planning information.
– Select the Ingress Tunnel
according to planning
information. For a
unidirectional tunnel, select or
create an egress tunnel.
l Optional. Set advanced attributes
of PWs.
Advanced attributes of PWs take
their default values.

Procedure for Configuring PW Protection

For details about how to configure PW protection, see Configuration Procedure in PW APS of
the Feature Description.

Verifying CES Services

Table 11-4 Verifying CES services

Operation Remarks

A.13.2 Testing E1 Services by Test CES services at each E1 port by using BER testers.
Using a BER Tester The BER testers that support Nx64 kbit/s are required
to test CES services in CESoPSN mode.

11.2.2 Per-NE Configuration Procedure (ATM Services)

This section describes the procedures for configuring the service information, UNI port
information, IMA information, and QoS information of an ATM service and the procedure for
verifying the service configurations.

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Configuration Flow Chart

The procedure for configuring ATM/IMA E1 services is different from the procedure for
configuring Fractional ATM/IMA services. See Figure 11-13.

Figure 11-13 Configuration flow chart (ATM services on a per-NE basis)

Flow chart for configuring Flow chart for configuring Fractional
ATM/IMA E1 services ATM/IMA services

Required Start Start

Set UNI port attributes of Set UNI port attributes of
ATM/IMA E1 services Fractional E1 services

Configure IMA group Configure IMA group

information information

Configure ATM QoS Configure ATM QoS

Configure ATM services Configure ATM services

Configure PW APS Configure PW APS

Verify ATM service Verify ATM service

configurations configurations

End End

The procedures in the configuration flow chart are described as follows.

Setting UNI Port Attributes for ATM/IMA E1 Services

Table 11-5 Setting attributes of Smart E1 ports

Operation Description

Setting attributes A.6.4.1 Setting Required. Set the parameters as follows:

of Smart E1 ports Basic Attributes l Set Name according to service planning
of Smart E1 information.
l Set Port Mode to Layer 2.

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Operation Description

A.6.4.2 Setting Optional. Set the parameters as follows:

Advanced l Set Frame Format and Frame Mode according
Attributes of to service planning information. Ensure that the
Smart E1 Ports same frame mode is used at both ends.
Normally, the port that transmits ATM/IMA
services uses the CRC-4 multi-frame format and
the PCM30 frame mode.

Setting UNI Port Attributes for Fractional E1 Services

Setting the UNI port attributes for Fractional E1 services involves setting Smart E1 port
attributes, creating serial ports, and configuring serial ports.

Table 11-6 Setting attributes of Smart E1 ports

Operation Description

Setting attributes A.6.4.1 Setting Required. Set the parameters as follows:

of Smart E1 ports Basic Attributes l Set Name according to service planning
of Smart E1 information.
l Set Port Mode to Layer 1.

A.6.4.2 Setting Optional. Set the parameters as follows:

Advanced Set Frame Format and Frame Mode according to
Attributes of service planning information. Ensure that the same
Smart E1 Ports frame mode is used at both ends.
Normally, the port that transmits Fractional ATM
services uses the CRC-4 multi-frame format and the
PCM31 frame mode.

Creating and A.6.5.1 Required. Set the parameters as follows:

configuring Creating Serial l Set the parameters according to service planning
serial ports Ports information.
– Port Number(e.g:1,3-6) and Name specifies
the ID and name of a serial port.
– Used Board and Used Port specifies the board
and port where the serial port exists.
– 64K Timeslot(e.g:1,3-6) specifies the IDs of
the 64 kbit/s timeslots that are used as a serial
l The default value of Level is 64K Timeslot.
When the E1 frame mode is PCM30, timeslot 0 and timeslot
16 cannot be used to carry services. When the E1 frame
mode is PCM31, timeslot 0 cannot be used to carry services.

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Operation Description

A.6.5.2 Setting Required.

Basic Attributes Set Port Mode to Layer 2.
of Serial Ports

Setting IMA Group Information

Configuring IMA group information involves binding ATM trunks, configuring an IMA group,
and configuring ATM ports.

Table 11-7 Configuring an IMA group

Operation Description

A.9.7.1 Binding ATM TRUNKs Required.

l For ATM/IMA services, set Level to E1.
For Fractional E1 services, set Level to
Fractional E1.
l Set the other parameters according to
service planning information.
When the E1 frame mode is PCM30, timeslot 16
cannot be bound to an ATM trunk.

A.9.7.2 Configuring an IMA group Required. Set the parameters as follows:

l Set IMA Protocol Enable Status.
For ATM E1 and Fractional ATM, set
IMA Protocol Enable Status to
Disabled in most cases. For IMA E1 and
Fractional IMA, set IMA Protocol
Enable Status to Enabled.
l Set Clock Mode of the local NE and the
NE at the opposite end of the IMA trunk
to be the same as Clock Mode of the
interconnected BTS.
l The other parameters are valid only for
IMA E1 and Fractional IMA. Parameters
must be set to the same values for
equipment at both ends of an IMA link. It
is recommended that the parameters take
their default values.

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Operation Description

A.9.7.3 Setting ATM Port Parameters Optional.

l Set Port Type and ATM Cell Payload
Scrambling according to the type of
access equipment. It is recommended that
the parameters take their default values.
The parameter values must be the same for
both ends of a link.
l The other parameters take their default

Configuring ATM QoS

Configuring ATM QoS involves configuring the ATM policy and configuring the CoS mapping
table. For transparently transmitted ATM services, you do not need to configure the ATM traffic
management policy. For ATM connection-based services, the ATM traffic management policy
must be configured.

Table 11-8 Configuring ATM QoS

Operation Description

A.9.9.3 Creating an ATM Policy Required for services that are not
transparently transmitted ATM services. Set
parameters according to the type of the ATM
service access equipment.
l Set Policy ID. Alternatively, you can
select Automatically Assign so that the
policy ID is automatically assigned.
l Select or assign a value for Policy
l Set Service Type according to service
planning information.
l Set Traffic Type and corresponding
traffic parameters based on Service
l Set the enabled status of Discard Traffic
Frame and UPC/NPC according to
planning information.

A.9.9.1 Creating an ATM-DiffServ Required if "DefaultAtmCosMap" does not

Domain meet requirements. Set parameters according
to service planning information.

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Configuring an ATM Service

Operation Description

A.9.8.1 Creating ATM Setting service Set the basic attributes for ATM
Services attributes services. Required. Set the
parameters as follows:
l Set Service ID and Service
l Set Direction to UNIs-NNI.
l Set Connection Type.
If services are transmitted based
on VP connections, set
Connection Type to PVP. If
services are transmitted based on
VC connections, set Connection
Type to PVC. If services are
transparently transmitted over
ports, set Connection Type to
Port Transparent.

Configuring ATM Creating ATM connections Required.

connections Set connection parameters according
to service planning information.
l For ATM connection-based
services, the connection
parameters need to be configured.
Uplink Policy and Down link
Policy are specified for ATM
connections during configuration
of ATM policies.
l For services transparently
transmitted through ATM ports,
only Source Port, and PW ID
need to be configured.

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Operation Description

Configuring PWs l Setting basic attributes of PWs

– Set PW ID, PW Ingress
Label / Source Port, and PW
Egress Label / Sink Port
according to service planning
– Set PW Type according to
planning information.
– Select a value for Tunnel
according to service planning
information. For
unidirectional tunnels, you
also need to set Egress
l Setting advanced attributes of
PWs Optional.
If Control Word is No Use, set
Control Channel Type to Alert
Label. Other advanced attributes
generally take their default values.
Advanced attributes of PWs take
their default values.
l Optional. Configure the QoS.
The QoS parameters take their
default values.

Configuring CoS Required if "DefaultAtmCosMap"

mapping does not meet requirements.
Set CoS Mapping according to
planning information.
Set the mapping between PW ID and
CoS Mapping.
Select the policy for mapping
different ATM service levels to CoS
priorities. In this way, different
quality levels are provided for
different ATM services.

Procedure for Configuring PW Protection

For details about how to configure PW protection, see Configuration Procedure in PW APS of
the Feature Description.

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Verifying ATM Service Configurations

Operation Description

A.13.4 Testing ATM Services Use the ATM OAM function to test ATM
service connectivity.
The OptiX RTN 950 does not support ATM OAM
tests on transparently transmitted services (PORT-
TRANS) over an ATM port. Therefore, it is
recommended that you initiate an ATM OAM test
on a CE (for example, a BTS or RNC) of a PSN so
that ATM OAM packets can be transparently
transmitted through the OptiX RTN 950 to the
opposite CE on the PSN. In this manner, an ATM
service connectivity test is implemented.

11.2.3 Configuration Procedure (E-Line Services Carried by PWs)

This section describes how to configure the following information on a per-NE basis: parameters
about E-Line services carried by PWs, ports that receive and transmit Ethernet services, link
aggregation groups (LAGs), QoS policies, PW protection, and service verification.

Configuration Flowchart
Figure 11-14 provides the procedures for configuring E-Line services carried by PWs on a per-
NE basis.

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Figure 11-14 Configuration flowchart (E-Line services carried by PWs)

Required Start

Configure Ethernet ports.

Configure IF_ETH ports.

Configure LAGs.

Configure E-Line services

carried by PWs.

Configure a PW APS
protection group.

Configure QoS.

Verify E-Line service



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Procedure for Configuring Ethernet Ports

Table 11-9 Procedure for configuring Ethernet ports

Operation Description

A.6.6.1 Setting Required when Ethernet ports are used to receive and transmit Ethernet
the General services. Set parameters for the Ethernet ports that receive and transmit
Attributes of Ethernet services as follows:
Ethernet Ports l Set Enable Port to Enabled.
l Set Port Mode to Layer 2.
l Set Encapsulation Type to 802.1Q.
l For an Ethernet port that is connected to external equipment (BTS or
RNC), set Working Mode to the same value as that of the external
equipment (generally, the working mode of the external equipment is
auto-negotiation). For an Ethernet port within the network, set
Working Mode to Auto-Negotiation.
l When jumbo frames are transmitted, set Max Frame Length(byte)
according to the actual length of the jumbo frames. If no jumbo frame
is transmitted, it is recommended that you set Max Frame Length
(byte) to 1536.

A.6.6.2 Required when the flow control function is enabled on the external
Configuring equipment to which the Ethernet port is connected. Set the major
the Traffic parameters as follows:
Control of l When the external equipment uses the non-auto-negotiation flow
Ethernet Ports control function, set Non-Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode to
l When the external equipment uses the auto-negotiation flow control
function, set Auto-Negotiation Flow Control Mode to Enabled.

A.6.6.3 Setting Required. Set the major parameters as follows:

the Layer 2 l If only frames carrying VLAN tags (tagged frames) are received, set
Attributes of TAG to Tag Aware.
Ethernet Ports
l If only frames carrying no VLAN tag (untagged frames), set TAG to
Access, and set Default VLAN ID and VLAN Priority according to
the network planning information.
l If both tagged and untagged frames are received, set TAG to Hybrid,
and set Default VLAN ID and VLAN Priority according to the
network planning information.

A.6.6.5 Setting Optional.

the Advanced
Attributes of
Ethernet Ports

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Procedure for Configuring IF_ETH Ports

Table 11-10 Procedure for configuring IF_ETH ports

Operation Description

A.6.7.1 Setting Required when IF_ETH ports are used to receive and transmit Ethernet
the General services. Set parameters for the IF_ETH ports that receive and transmit
Attributes of Ethernet services as follows:
IF_ETH Ports l Set Port Mode to Layer 2.
l Set Encapsulation Type to 802.1Q.

A.6.7.2 Setting Required. Set the major parameters as follows:

the Layer 2 l If only frames carrying VLAN tags (tagged frames) are received, set
Attributes of Tag to Tag Aware.
IF_ETH Ports
l If only frames carrying no VLAN tag (untagged frames), set Tag to
Access, and set Default VLAN ID and VLAN Priority according to
the network planning information.
l If both tagged and untagged frames are received, set Tag to Hybrid,
and set Default VLAN ID and VLAN Priority according to the
network planning information.

A.6.7.4 Setting Optional.

the Advanced When the IF_ETH port transmits an Ethernet service that permits bit errors,
Attributes of such as a voice service or a video service, you can set Error Frame
IF_ETH Ports Discard Enabled to Disabled.

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Procedure for Configuring LAG on Native Ethernet ports

Table 11-11 Procedure for Configuring LAG on Native Ethernet ports

Operation Description

A.7.2.1 Required if LAG protection is configured for FE/GE ports or for the
Creating a Integrated IP radio that works in N+0/XPIC mode. Set the parameters as
LAG follows:
l Set LAG Type to the same value as that at the opposite end. Generally,
set LAG Type to Static at both ends.
l For FE/GE ports, set Load Sharing to the same value as that at the
opposite end. It is recommended that you set Load Sharing to Non-
Sharing at both ends, if the LAG is configured only to provide
protection. It is recommended that you set Load Sharing to Sharing
at both ends, if the LAG is configured to increase the bandwidth.
l Set Load Sharing to Sharing at both ends, if Integrated IP radio works
in N+0/XPIC mode and uses LAG protection.
l Set Revertive Mode to the same value as that at the opposite end.
Generally, set Revertive Mode to Revertive at both ends. This
parameter is valid only to LAGs whose Load Sharing is set to Non-
l It is recommended that the main and slave ports take the same settings
at both ends. In this case, you can set System Priority as required. It
is recommended that this parameter take its default value. This
parameter is valid only to static LAGs.
l For an air interface LAG, to enable microwave signal degrade to trigger
LAG switching, set Switch LAG upon Air Interface SD to
l Set Main Board, Main Port, and Selected Standby Ports according
to the network plan. It is recommended that the main and slave ports
take the same settings at both ends.
Set the AM attributes to the same value for the microwave ports in a LAG.

A.7.2.2 Setting Required if Load Sharing is set to Sharing.

LAG Set this parameter to the same value as for the opposite equipment. Unless
Parameters otherwise specified, this parameter takes its default value. This parameter
is applicable only to load-sharing LAGs.

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Procedure for Configuring UNI-NNI E-Line Services Carried by PWs

Table 11-12 Procedure for configuring UNI-NNI E-Line services carried by PWs
Operation Description

A.7.3.5 Required.
Configuring Set the major parameters of E-Line services as follows:
Line Services l Set Direction to UNI-NNI.
(Carried by l Set BPDU to Not Transparently transmitted.
PWs) l Set Source Interface and Source VLAN ID according to the network
planning information.
l Set Bearer Type to PW.
l It is recommended that you set Protection Type to No Protection.
Although a PW protection scheme needs to be created, it is
recommended that you create it after creating E-Line services carried
by PWs.
Set the major parameters for a PW in the General Attributes tab as
l Set PW ID according to the service planning information.
l Set PW Signaling Type to Static.
l PW Type indicates whether to add P-TAG when Ethernet frames are
encapsulated on a PW. When no request is proposed to add VLAN IDs,
set this parameter to Ethernet. When a request is proposed to add
VLAN IDs, set this parameter to Ethernet Tagged Mode. In the
Advanced Attributes tab page, set Request VLAN to be added.
l Set PW Ingress Label/Source Port and PW Egress Label/Sink
Port according to the service planning information.
l Set Tunnel Type to MPLS.
l Select the Tunnel that carries PWs according to the service planning
Set the major parameters for a PW in the Advanced Attributes tab as
l The control word is not supported during ETH PWE3 packet
encapsulation on the OptiX RTN 950. Therefore, set Control Word to
No Use.
l Set Control Channel Type to Alert Label.
l Set VCCV Verification Mode to Ping.
Set the major parameters for a PW in the QoS tab as follows:
l Set Bandwidth Limit for a PW according to the service planning
information. Its default value is Disabled.
l To enable Bandwidth Limit to take effect for a PW, first configure a
maximum bandwidth for the tunnel that carries the PW.

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Procedure for Configuring PW Protection

For details about how to configure PW protection, see Configuration Procedure in PW APS of
the Feature Description.

Procedure for Configuring the QoS

Table 11-13 Procedure for configuring the QoS

Operation Description

A.7.7.2 Required.
Modifying the If the mappings that are planned between the packet priority and PHB
Mapping service classes for base stations or interconnected equipment are different
Relationships from the mappings that are configured for the default DS domain of the
for the DS OptiX RTN equipment, change the mappings of the OptiX RTN equipment
Domain to be the same as the mappings planned for the base stations or
interconnected equipment.

A.7.7.3 Required.
Changing the l If the packet priority type (namely, the trusted packet type) supported
Ports Applied by base stations or interconnected equipment is different from the
to a DS Domain trusted packet type (C-VLAN priority, by default) for the default DS
and Their domain of the OptiX RTN equipment, change the trusted packet type
Trusted Packet of the UNI port in the DS domain that receives the Ethernet service
Types packets to be the same as the trusted packet type of the base stations or
interconnected equipment.
l When transmitting the PW-carried UNI-NNI E-Line service packets,
an NNI port supports only packets with the MPLS EXP priority.
Therefore, you need to change the trusted packet type of the NNI port
in the default DS domain to MPLS EXP.

A.7.7.4 Required when you need to apply QoS policies other than Diffserv and
Creating a Port port shaping for a specific port.
Policy Set the related parameters according to the network planning information.

A.7.7.6 Required when you need to perform the CAR or shaping operation for a
Creating specific flow over the port.
Traffic Set the related parameters according to the network planning information.

A.7.7.7 Setting Required when a port policy is created.

the Port That Set the related parameters according to the network planning information.
Uses the Port

A.7.7.8 Required if you need to limit the egress bandwidth that an Ethernet service
Configuring occupies.
Port Shaping Set the related parameters according to the network planning information.

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Procedures for Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations

Table 11-14 Procedures for verifying Ethernet service configurations

Operation Description

A.7.8.1 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating an test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MD l Set Maintenance Domain Name and Maintenance Domain Level to
the same values for the NEs.
l For an Ethernet service between two edge nodes on the transport
network, it is recommended that Maintenance Domain Level takes its
default value of 4. For an Ethernet service between two internal NEs
on the transport network, set Maintenance Domain Level to a value
smaller than 4. For an Ethernet service between two Ethernet ports on
the same NE, set Maintenance Domain Level to a value smaller than
the value that is set in the test of an Ethernet service between two
internal NEs on the transport network.

A.7.8.2 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating an test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MA l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance
Domain Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the same value for the NEs.
l Set Relevant Service to the same service for the NEs.
l It is recommended that you set CC Test Transmit Period to 1s.

A.7.8.3 Required for the NEs where the two Ethernet ports involved in the service
Creating test are located. Set the parameters as follows:
MEPs l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance
Association Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Board and Port to the Ethernet ports that are involved in the service
l Set MP ID to different values for MEPs in the same MD.
l If the OAM information initiated by the MEP travels through the packet
switching unit on the local NE, set Direction of the MEP to Ingress.
Otherwise, set Direction to Egress.
l Set CC Status to Active, as the MEP ID is used to identify the MEP
during the LB test.

A.7.8.4 Required for the NE where the Ethernet ports involved in the OAM
Creating operation are located. Set the parameters as follows:
Remote MEPs l Set Maintenance Domain Name to the value of Maintenance
in an MA Domain Name that is set in the preceding step.
l Set Maintenance Association Name to the value of Maintenance
Association Name that is set in the preceding step.
l To ensure that an MEP can respond to the OAM operations initiated
by the other MEPs in the same MA, you need to set the other MEPs as
the remote MEPs.

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Operation Description

Perform an LB Required.
test to test the The LB test result should show that no packet loss occurs.

11.3 Configuration Example (Common CES Services)

This section considers a common CES service on a packet network as an example to describe
how to configure CES services according to network planning information. Each CES service
is encapsulated in SAToP mode.

11.3.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 10.3 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection),
configure CES services according to the following requirements for BTS22 shown in Figure
l Table 11-15 provides the port information of CES services.
l There is a bidirectional working tunnel between NE21 and NE31. Protection schemes are
configured for this tunnel and its tunnel ID is 1505. 10.3 Configuration Example (MPLS
Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection) describes the configuration of this tunnel.
l There are no requirements for transmitting services with some of the timeslots.

Figure 11-15 Networking Diagram

NE11 NE31


E1 loop Working tunnel


Hybrid radio ring




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Table 11-15 Service port information

NE Service Port Description

NE21 2-SP3S(1-2) Receives base station

services from BTS22 over
the Hybrid radio network.
For the configuration process
of these services, see 7.6
Configuration Example
(TDM Services on a Hybrid
Radio Ring Network).

6-ML1(1-2) Switches the E1 services of

BTS22 from the TDM
domain to the packet domain
by forming cross-connect
loops with and 2-SP3S-(1-2)

NE31 2-ML1(1-2) Transmits base station

services from BTS22 to the


If E1 services are locally accessed, they can be received by Smart E1 ports. Therefore, the cross-connect loop
between PDH ports and Smart E1 ports is not required.

11.3.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data. Service Planning (UNI Ports)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring UNI ports.
Table 11-16 to Table 11-17 provide UNI port information.

Table 11-16 UNI port information (NE21)

Parameter 6-ML1-1 6-ML1-2

Port name conn_bts22_ces1 conn_bts22_ces2

E1 frame format Unframe Unframe

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Table 11-17 UNI port information (NE31)

Parameter 2-ML1-1 2-ML1-2

Port name conn_bsc_ces1 conn_bsc_ces2

E1 frame format Unframe Unframe


l Proper port names facilitate maintenance operations. A uniform style is recommended for defining port
l If customers have no requirements for transmitting services with some of the timeslots, CES services adopt
the SAToP mode and the E1 frame format always adopts the unframe mode. Service Planning (Service Information)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring CES services.

Service Information Planning

Table 11-18 to Table 11-19 provide the service planning information.

Table 11-18 Service information (CES service 1 of BTS22)

Parameter CES Service 1 of BTS22

Source NE (NE21) Sink NE (NE31)

Service ID 201

Service name bts22_ces_service_01

Service port 6-ML1-1 2-ML1-1

Encapsulation mode SAToP

64 kbit/s timeslot - -

Priority EF EF

Protection scheme Non-protection

PW ID 201

PW In/Out label 201/201

ID of working tunnel 1505

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Table 11-19 Service information (CES service 2 of BTS22)

Parameter CES Service 2 of BTS22

Source NE (NE21) Sink NE (NE31)

Service ID 202

Service name bts22_ces_service_02

Service port 6-ML1-2 2-ML1-2

Emulation mode SAToP

64 kbit/s timeslot - -

Priority EF EF

Protection scheme Non-protection

PW ID 202

PW In/Out label 202/202

Working tunnel ID 1505


l OptiX RTN 950 supports point-to-point CES services only. That is, one PW cannot carry services from
multiple E1 ports.
l CES services can adopt the CESoPSN or SAToP mode. The SAToP mode is adopted unless otherwise
required. If customers require the CESoPSN mode, they need to specify the required 64 kbit/s timeslots.

Planning of Advanced Attributes of CES Services


The advanced attributes of CES services take default values on both PEs if CES services are transmitted only
on Huawei equipment. If Huawei equipment communicates CES services with third-party equipment, the
advanced attributes of CES services need to be negotiated according to the default values listed in Table
11-20. Ensure that the parameters take the same values on both PEs.

Table 11-20 Default values of advanced attributes of CES services

Parameter Value Range

RTP header encapsulation enabling Disabled

Jitter buffer time 8000 us

Packet loading time 1000 us

VCCV verification mode VCCV using CW

Sequence number mode Huawei mode

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11.3.3 Per-NE Configuration Process

This section describes the process for configuring CES services on a single NE. Configuration Process (Service Information)

This section describes the process for configuring CES services.

Step 1 See A.9.6.1 Creating CES Services and create CES services.
l Parameters of NE21
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.

Parameter NE21

CES Service 1 of BTS22 CES Service 2 of BTS22

Service ID(e.g.1,3-6) 201 202

Service name bts22_ces_service_01 bts22_ces_service_02


Source Board 6-ML1 6-ML1

Source Low Channel(e.g. 1 2


Source 64K Timeslot(e.g. - -




Protection Type No Protection No Protection

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in Port Attribute are as follows.

Parameter NE21

6-ML1-1 6-ML1-2

Port Mode Layer 1 Layer 1

Frame Format Unframe Unframe

The values for the basic PW attributes that need to be set in the PW tab are as follows.

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Parameter NE21

CES Service 1 of BTS22 CES Service 2 of BTS22

PW ID 201 202

PW Signaling Type Static Static

PW Encapsulation Type MPLS MPLS

PW Ingress Label/Source 201 202


PW Egress Label/Sink 201 202


Tunnel Type MPLS MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1505 1505

The values for the Advanced Attributes that need to be set in the PW tab are as follows.

Parameter NE21

CES Service 1 of BTS22 CES Service 2 of BTS22

Control Channel Type CW CW

VCCV Verification Mode Ping Ping

Sequence Number Mode Huawei Mode Huawei Mode

l Parameters of NE31
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.

Parameter NE31

CES Service 1 of BTS22 CES Service 2 of BTS22

Service ID(e.g.1,3-6) 201 202

Service name bts22_ces_service_01 bts22_ces_service_02


Source Board 2-ML1 2-ML1

Source Low Channel(e.g. 1 2


Source 64K Timeslot(e.g. - -




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Parameter NE31

CES Service 1 of BTS22 CES Service 2 of BTS22

Protection Type No Protection No Protection

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in Port Attribute are as follows.
Parameter NE31

2-ML1-1 6-ML1-2

Port Mode Layer 1 Layer 1

Frame Format Unframe Unframe

The values for the basic PW attributes that need to be set in the PW tab are as follows.
Parameter NE31

CES Service 1 of BTS22 CES Service 2 of BTS22

PW ID 201 202

PW Signaling Type Static Static

PW Encapsulation Type MPLS MPLS

PW Ingress Label/Source 201 202


PW Egress Label/Sink 201 202


Tunnel Type MPLS MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1505 1505

The values for the Advanced Attributes that need to be set in the PW tab are as follows.
Parameter NE31

CES Service 1 of BTS22 CES Service 2 of BTS22

Control Channel Type CW CW

VCCV Verification Mode Ping Ping

Sequence Number Mode Huawei Mode Huawei Mode


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This section describes the process for verifying CES service configurations.

Step 1 See A.13.2 Testing E1 Services by Using a BER Tester and test E1 services by using BER

It is recommended that you connect BER testers to NE31 and perform loopbacks on NE21.

The test results should be no bit errors.


11.4 Configuration Example (Fractional CES Services)

This section considers a Fractional CES service on a packet network as an example to describe
how to configure CES services according to the network planning information. Each service is
encapsulated in CESoPSN mode.

11.4.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.

Based on 10.3 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection),
configure the CES services according to the following requirements for BTS35 and BTS36
shown in Figure 11-16.

l Table 11-21 provides the CES service port information.

l There is a bidirectional working tunnel between NE11 and NE31. Protection schemes are
configured for this tunnel and its tunnel ID is 1509. 10.3 Configuration Example (MPLS
Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection) describes the configuration of this tunnel.

Figure 11-16 Networking Diagram

Working tunnel


NE11 NE31


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Table 11-21 Service port information

NE Service Port Description

NE11 4-ML1-1 Receives base station

services from BTS35 and
BTS36 in Fractional CES
mode. The services from
BTS35 occupy the first to
15th timeslots and those from
BTS36 occupy the 17th to
31st timeslots.

NE31 2-ML1-3 Transmits base station

services from BTS35 to the
BSC. These services occupy
the first to 15th timeslots.

2-ML1-4 Transmits base station

services from BTS36 to the
BSC. These services occupy
the first to 15th timeslots.

11.4.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data. Service Planning (UNI Ports)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring UNI ports.

Table 11-22 to Table 11-23 provide UNI port information.

Table 11-22 UNI Port Information (NE11)

Parameter 4-ML1-1

Port name conn_bts35_bts36_ces1

E1 frame format CRC-4 multiframe

E1 frame mode PCM31

Table 11-23 UNI Port Information (NE31)

Parameter 2-ML1-3 2-ML1-4

Port name conn_bsc_ces3 conn_bsc_ces4

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Parameter 2-ML1-3 2-ML1-4

E1 frame format CRC-4 multiframe CRC-4 multiframe

E1 frame mode PCM31 PCM31


l Proper port names facilitate maintenance operations. A uniform style is recommended for defining port
l In CESoPSN mode, the E1 frame format and E1 frame mode in UNI port information must be the same as
those on the access equipment. Generally, the E1 frame mode of base stations is PCM31. The E1 frame
format is double for base stations of earlier types and is CRC-4 multiframe for base stations of later types.
During deployment, the E1 frame format of base stations can be set to CRC-4 multiframe first. If the actual
E1 frame format is double, the E1 port will report the LMFA alarm.
l If CES services are converged through the Hybrid radio network, UNI port parameters need to be planned
according to the configuration of BTSs because E1 services are transmitted in Native mode on the Hybrid
radio network. Service Planning (Service Information)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring CES services.

Service Information Planning

Table 11-24 to Table 11-25 provide the service planning information.

Table 11-24 Service information (CES service 1 of BTS35)

Parameter CES Service 1 of BTS35

Source NE (NE11) Sink NE (NE31)

Service ID 203

Service name bts35_ces_service_01

Service port 4-ML1-1 2-ML1-3

Encapsulation mode CESoPSN

64 kbit/s timeslot 1-15 1-15

Priority EF EF

Protection scheme Non-protection

PW ID 203

PW In/Out label 203/203

Working tunnel ID 1509

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Table 11-25 Service information (CES service 1 of BTS36)

Parameter CES Service 1 of BTS36

Source NE (NE11) Sink NE (NE31)

Service ID 204

Service name bts36_ces_service_01

Service port 4-ML1-1 2-ML1-4

Emulation type CESoPSN

64 kbit/s timeslot 17-31 1-15

Priority EF EF

Protection scheme Non-protection

PW ID 204

PW In/Out label 204/204

ID of working tunnel 1509


l Fractional CES services must adopt the CESoPSN mode. Therefore, you need to know the allocation of E1
timeslots in advance.
l If the allocation of E1 timeslots is the same on the BSC side and the BTS side, as in this example, the E1
that transmits the services of BTS35 and BTS36 with the same timeslot allocation on the BSC side can be
considered a common CES service.

Planning of Advanced Attributes of CES Services


The advanced attributes of CES services take default values on both PEs if CES services are transmitted only
on Huawei equipment. If Huawei equipment communicates CES services with third-party equipment, the
advanced attributes of CES services need to be negotiated according to the default values listed in Table
11-26. Ensure that the parameters take the same values on both PEs.

Table 11-26 Default values of advanced attributes of CES services

Parameter Value Range

RTP header encapsulation enabling Disabled

Jitter buffer time 8000 us

Packet loading time 1000 us

VCCV verification mode VCCV using CW

Sequence number mode Huawei mode

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11.4.3 Per-NE Configuration Process

This section describes the process for configuring CES services on a single NE. Configuration Process (Service Information)

This section describes the process for configuring CES services.

Step 1 See A.9.6.1 Creating CES Services and create CES services.
l Parameters of NE11
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.
Parameter NE11

CES Service of BTS35 CES Service of BTS36

Service ID(e.g.1,3-6) 203 204

Service name bts35_ces_service_01 bts36_ces_service_01


Source Board 4-ML1 4-ML1

Source Low Channel(e.g. 1 1


Source 64K Timeslot(e.g. 1-15 17-31




Protection Type No Protection No Protection

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Port Attributes tab page are
as follows.
Parameter NE11


Port Mode Layer 1

Frame Format CRC-4 Multiframe

Frame Mode 31

The values for the basic PW attributes that need to be set in the PW tab are as follows.

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Parameter NE11

CES Service of BTS35 CES Service of BTS36

PW ID 203 204

PW Signaling Type Static Static

PW Encapsulation Type MPLS MPLS

PW Ingress Label/Source 203 204


PW Egress Label/Sink 203 204


Tunnel Type MPLS MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1509 1509

The values for the Advanced Attributes that need to be set in the PW tab are as follows.

Parameter NE11

CES Service of BTS35 CES Service of BTS36

Control Channel Type CW CW

VCCV Verification Mode Ping Ping

Sequence Number Mode Huawei Mode Huawei Mode

l Parameters of NE31
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.

Parameter NE31

CES Service of BTS35 CES Service of BTS36

Service ID(e.g.1,3-6) 203 204

Service name bts35_ces_service_01 bts36_ces_service_01


Source Board 2-ML1 2-ML1

Source Low Channel(e.g. 3 4


Source 64K Timeslot(e.g. 1-15 1-15




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Parameter NE31

CES Service of BTS35 CES Service of BTS36

Protection Type No Protection No Protection

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in Port Attributes are as follows.
Parameter NE31

2-ML1-3 2-ML1-4

Port Mode Layer 1 Layer 1

Frame Format CRC-4 Multiframe CRC-4 Multiframe

Frame Mode 31 31

The values for the basic PW attributes that need to be set in the PW tab are as follows.
Parameter NE31

CES Service of BTS35 CES Service of BTS36

PW ID 203 204

PW Signaling Type Static Static

PW Encapsulation Type MPLS MPLS

PW Ingress Label/Source 203 204


PW Egress Label/Sink 203 204


Tunnel Type MPLS MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1509 1509

The values for the Advanced Attributes that need to be set in the PW tab are as follows.
Parameter NE31

CES Service of BTS35 CES Service of BTS36

Control Channel Type CW CW

VCCV Verification Mode Ping Ping

Sequence Number Mode Huawei Mode Huawei Mode

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----End Configuration Process (Verifying CES Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying CES service configurations.

Step 1 See A.13.2 Testing E1 Services by Using a BER Tester and test E1 services by using BER
l Because the CES services under test adopt the CESoPSN mode, BER testers must be used
for testing nx64 kbit/s services according to timeslot allocation.
l It is recommended that you connect BER testers to NE31 and perform loopbacks on NE11.
The test results should be no bit errors.


11.5 Configuration Example (MS-PW-based CES Services)

This section considers an MS-PW-based CES service on a packet network as an example to
describe how to configure CES services according to the network planning information. This
sample service is encapsulated in CESoPSN mode.

11.5.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 10.4 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with No Protection), configure CES
services according to the following requirements for BTS32 shown in 10.3 Configuration
Example (MPLS Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection).
l Table 11-27 provides the port information of CES services.
l The information about the working tunnels between NE33 and NE31 is as follows:
– There is a bidirectional working tunnel between NE33 and NE32. Protection schemes
are configured for this tunnel and its tunnel ID is 1513. 10.4 Configuration Example
(MPLS Tunnels with No Protection) describes the configuration of this tunnel.
– There is a bidirectional working tunnel between NE32 and NE31. Protection schemes
are configured for this tunnel and its tunnel ID is 1501. 10.3 Configuration Example
(MPLS Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection) describes the configuration of this

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Figure 11-17 Networking Diagram

Working tunnel
NE33 (ID=1513)

BTS32 Working tunnel

E1 (ID=1501)

NE31 E1

Table 11-27 Service port information

NE Service Port Description

NE33 2-ML1-1 Receives base station

services from BTS32. These
services occupy the first to
21st timeslots.

NE31 2-ML1-5 Transmits base station

services from BTS32 to the
BSC. These services occupy
the first to 21st timeslots.

11.5.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data. Service Planning (UNI Ports)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring UNI ports.
Table 11-28 to Table 11-29 provide UNI port information.

Table 11-28 UNI Port Information (NE33)

Parameter 2-ML1-1

Port name conn_bts32_ces1

E1 frame format CRC-4 multiframe

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Parameter 2-ML1-1

E1 frame mode PCM31

Table 11-29 UNI port information (NE31)

Parameter 2-ML1-5

Port name conn_bsc_ces5

E1 frame format CRC-4 multiframe

E1 frame mode PCM31


l Proper port names facilitate maintenance operations. A uniform style is recommended for defining port
l In CESoPSN mode, the E1 frame format and E1 frame mode in UNI port information must be the same as
those on the access equipment. Generally, the E1 frame mode of base stations is PCM31. The E1 frame
format is double for base stations of earlier types and is CRC-4 multiframe for base stations of later types.
During deployment, the E1 frame format of base stations can be set to CRC-4 multiframe first. If the actual
E1 frame format is double, the E1 port will report the LMFA alarm.
l If CES services are converged through the Hybrid radio network, UNI port parameters need to be planned
according to the configuration of BTSs because E1 services are transmitted in Native mode on the Hybrid
radio network. Service Planning (Service Information)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring CES services.

Service Information Planning

Table 11-30 provides the the service planning information.

Table 11-30 Service information (CES service 1 of BTS32)

Parameter CES Service 1 of BTS32

Source NE (NE33) Sink NE (NE31)

Service ID 205 206

Service name bts32_ces_service_01_1stp bts32_ces_service_01_2ndc

w pw

Service port 2-ML1-1 2-ML1-5

Encapsulation mode CESoPSN

64 kbit/s timeslot 1-21 1-21

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Parameter CES Service 1 of BTS32

Source NE (NE33) Sink NE (NE31)

Priority CS7 CS7

Protection scheme Non-protection

PW ID 205 206

PW In/Out label 205\205 206\206

ID of working tunnel 1513 1501

PW switch node NE32

PW switch service ID 901

PW switch service name bts32_ces_service_mspw


l OptiX RTN 950 supports point-to-point CES services only. That is, one PW cannot carry services from
multiple E1 ports.
l CES services can adopt the CESoPSN or SAToP mode. The SAToP mode is adopted unless otherwise
required. If customers require the CESoPSN mode, they need to specify the required 64 kbit/s timeslots. In
this example, the CESoPSN mode is adopted because the allocation of 64 kbit/s timeslots is specified, PWs
are carried on radio links, and the radio bandwidth is better utilized.
l The default PHB service class for CES services is EF. If CES services are transmitted on the ISU2/ISX2,
set the PHB service class to CS7 to decrease the CES service transmission delay and jitters.
l If an MS-PW is used, the label values of the first segment and the last segment must be different.

Planning of Advanced Attributes of CES Services


The advanced attributes of CES services take default values on both PEs if CES services are transmitted only
on Huawei equipment. If Huawei equipment communicates CES services with third-party equipment, the
advanced attributes of CES services need to be negotiated according to the default values listed in Table
11-31. Ensure that the parameters take the same values on both PEs.

Table 11-31 Default values of advanced attributes of CES services

Parameter Value Range

RTP header encapsulation enabling Disabled

Jitter buffer time 8000 us

Packet loading time 1000 us

VCCV verification mode VCCV using CW

Sequence number mode Huawei mode

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11.5.3 Per-NE Configuration Process

This section describes the process for configuring CES services on a single NE. Configuration Process (Service Information)

This section describes the process for configuring CES services.

Step 1 See A.9.6.1 Creating CES Services and create CES services.
l Parameters of NE33
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.

Parameter NE33

CES Service of BTS32 (First Segment

of PW)

Service ID(e.g.1,3-6) 205

Service name bts32_ces_service_01_1stpw


Source Board 2-ML1

Source Low Channel(e.g.1,3-6) 1

Source 64K Timeslot(e.g.1,3-6) 1-21

Pri CS7


Protection Type No Protection

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Port Attributes tab page are
as follows.

Parameter NE33


Port Mode Layer 1

Frame Format CRC-4 Multiframe

Frame Mode 31

The values for the basic PW attributes that need to be set in the PW tab are as follows.

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Parameter NE33

CES Service of BTS32 (First Segment

of PW)

PW ID 205

PW Signaling Type Static

PW Encapsulation Type MPLS

PW Ingress Label/Source Port 205

PW Egress Label/Sink Port 205

Tunnel Type MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1513

The values for the Advanced Attributes that need to be set in the PW tab are as follows.
Parameter NE33

CES Service of BTS32 (First Segment

of PW)

Control Channel Type CW

VCCV Verification Mode Ping

Sequence Number Mode Huawei Mode

l Parameters of NE31
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.
Parameter NE31

CES Service of BTS32 (Last Segment

of PW)

Service ID(e.g.1,3-6) 206

Service name bts32_ces_service_01_2ndpw


Source Board 2-ML1

Source Low Channel(e.g.1,3-6) 5

Source 64K Timeslot(e.g.1,3-6) 1-21

Pri CS7


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Parameter NE31

CES Service of BTS32 (Last Segment

of PW)

Protection Type No Protection

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Port Attributes tab page are
as follows.
Parameter NE31


Port Mode Layer 1

Frame Format CRC-4 Multiframe

Frame Mode 31

The values for the basic PW attributes that need to be set in the PW tab are as follows.
Parameter NE31

CES Service of BTS32 (Last Segment

of PW)

PW ID 206

PW Signaling Type Static

PW Encapsulation Type MPLS

PW Ingress Label/Source Port 206

PW Egress Label/Sink Port 206

Tunnel Type MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1501

The values for the Advanced Attributes that need to be set in the PW tab are as follows.
Parameter NE31

CES Service of BTS32 (Last Segment

of PW)

Control Channel Type CW

VCCV Verification Mode Ping

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Parameter NE31

CES Service of BTS32 (Last Segment

of PW)

Sequence Number Mode Huawei Mode

Step 2 See A.9.4.2 Creating an MS-PW and create an MS-PW on NE32.

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.

Parameter NE32

ID 901

Name bts32_ces_service_mspw

Service Type CES Service

Parameter NE32

CES Service of BTS32 CES Service of BTS32

(First Segment of PW) (Last Segment of PW)

PW ID 205 206

PW Signaling Type Static Static


PW Ingress Label/Source 205 206


PW Egress Label/Sink Port 205 206

Tunnel Selection Mode Manually Manually

Tunnel Type MPLS MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1513 1501

The values for related parameters that need to be set in Advanced Attributes are as follows.
The other parameters take their default values.

Parameter NE32

CES Service of BTS32 CES Service of BTS32

(First Segment of PW) (Last Segment of PW)

Control Channel Type CW CW

VCCV Verification Mode Ping Ping

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Parameter NE32

CES Service of BTS32 CES Service of BTS32

(First Segment of PW) (Last Segment of PW)

64K Timeslot Number 21 21

----End Configuration Process (Verifying CES Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying CES service configurations.

Step 1 See A.13.2 Testing E1 Services by Using a BER Tester and test E1 services by using BER
l Because the CES services under test adopt the CESoPSN mode, BER testers must be used
for testing nx64 kbit/s services according to timeslot allocation.
l It is recommended that you connect BER testers to NE31 and perform loopbacks on NE11.
The test results should be no bit errors.


11.6 Configuration Example (Common ATM Services)

This section uses a common ATM service on a PSN as an example to describe how to configure
ATM services according to service planning information. In this example, services are
encapsulated in n-to-1 VCC mode.

11.6.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.

Based on 10.3 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection),
configure information about ATM services transmitted from BTS13 and BTS14 according to
the following network planning information (as shown in Figure 11-18):

l Information about ATM service ports is provided in Table 11-32.

l A bidirectional tunnel (ID: 1503), which has a protection tunnel, is available between NE11
and NE31. This tunnel and its corresponding information have been configured in 10.3
Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection).
l None of the services accessed from BTSs occupies only part of an E1 timeslot.
l Each BTS has real-time voice services, signaling services (CBR services), HSDPA data
services (UBR services), OM and HSDPA real-time services (rt-VBR services), and R99
non-real-time services (nrt-VBR services).

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Figure 11-18 Networking diagram

Working tunnel

NE11 NE31
Hybrid radio chain RNC
network GE

E1 E1 E1 loo p

BTS13 R99

Table 11-32 Information about service ports

NE Service Port Description

NE11 1-SP3S-1 Configure this port to receive

BTS13 services through a
Hybrid radio chain network.
For the service configuration
process, see 7.5
Configuration Example
(TDM Services on a Hybrid
Radio Chain Network).

1-SP3S-2 to 1-SP3S-5 Configure these ports to

receive BTS14 services
through a Hybrid radio chain
network. For the service
configuration process, see
7.5 Configuration Example
(TDM Services on a Hybrid
Radio Chain Network).

4-ML1-2 Use an E1 cable to connect

this port to port 1-SP3S-1 so
that the E1 services from
BTS13 are switched from the
TDM plane to the packet

4-ML1-3 to 4-ML1-6 Use E1 cables to connect

these ports to ports 1-SP3S-2
to 1-SP3S-5 so that the E1
services from BTS14 are
switched from the TDM
plane to the packet plane.

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NE Service Port Description

NE31 2-ML1-6 to 2-ML1-13 Configure these ports to

transmit BTS13 and BTS14
services to the RNC.

If E1 services are received directly from Smart E1 ports, you need not connect the Smart E1 ports with
corresponding PDH ports with E1 cables.

11.6.2 ServicePlanning
You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before service configuration. Service Planning (UNI Ports)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring UNI
Table 11-33 and Table 11-34 provide planning information about UNI ports.

Table 11-33 Information about NNI ports (NE11)

Parameter 4-ML1-2 4-ML1-3 to 4-ML1-6

Port name conn_bts13_atm1 conn_bts14_ima1 to


Frame format CRC-4 multiframe CRC-4 multiframe

Frame mode PCM30 PCM30

Table 11-34 Information about UNI ports (NE31)

Parameter 2-ML1-6 to 2-ML1-13

Port name conn_rnc_ima1 to conn_rnc_ima8

Frame format CRC-4 multiframe

Frame mode PCM30

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l Appropriate port names facilitate future maintenance. It is recommended that you name ports on the
entire network in a unified manner.
l As specified in ITU-T G.804, ATM service ports use the CRC-4 multiframe format and PCM30 frame
mode by default. The E1 frame format and frame mode must be the same as those at the opposite end.
l ATM services are converged from a Hybrid radio chain network. On the Hybrid radio chain network,
E1 services are transmitted in Native E1 mode. Therefore, set the information about the UNI ports
based on BTS configurations. Service Planning (ATM/IMA Information)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring ATM/IMA services.
Table 11-35 and Table 11-36 provide ATM/IMA information.

Table 11-35 ATM/IMA information (NE11)

Parameter 4-ML1-1 (TRUNK1) 4-ML1-2 (TRUNK2)

Bound port 4-ML1-2 4-ML1-3 to 4-ML1-6

IMA protocol Disabled Enabled

enabled status

IMA protocol - 1.1


IMA frame - 128


IMA symmetric - Symmetrical mode and

mode symmetrical operation

Minimum - 1
number of
activated links

Differential - 25
delay tolerance

Clock mode - ITC

ATM port name conn_bts13_trunk1 conn_bts14_trunk2

Port type UNI UNI

ATM cell Enabled Enabled


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Table 11-36 ATM/IMA information (NE31)

Parameter 2-ML1-1 (TRUNK1)

Bound port 2-ML1-6 to 2-ML1-13

IMA protocol enabled status Enabled

IMA protocol version 1.1

IMA frame length 128

IMA symmetric mode Symmetrical mode and symmetrical operation

Differential delay tolerance 25

Clock mode ITC

ATM port name conn_rnc_trunk1

Port type UNI

ATM cell payload Enabled



l If carried over a single E1, ATM services from a BTS are generally transmitted and received through
a single UNI port. In this case, the IMA protocol needs to be disabled. If carried over multiple E1s,
ATM services from a BTS are transmitted and received through IMA trunks.
l Normally, set the IMA protocol version, IMA frame length, IMA symmetric mode, and differentiated
delay tolerance of an NE (with IMA protocol enabled) to the same values as those of its interconnected
equipment. Normally, the BTS/RNC configurations are as follows:
l IMA protocol version: 1.1
l IMA frame length: 128
l IMA symmetric mode: symmetrical mode and symmetrical operation
l The differentiated delay tolerance: 25
l The clock modes must be the same at both ends of an IMA trunk. The default clock mode for a BTS
is ITC. Therefore, the clock mode is set to ITC for the NE that is interconnected with the BTS and the
NE at the opposite end of the IMA link. Service Planning (QoS)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring ATM service classes and ATM policies.

Mapping Information Between ATM Service Types and ATM Service Classes
Table 11-37 provides the mapping information between ATM service types and the ATM
service classes.

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Table 11-37 Mapping information between ATM service types and the ATM service classes

Parameter PHB Service Class


rt-VBR AF3

nrt-VBR AF2


This mapping table is consistent with "DefaultAtmCosMap". Therefore, you can use the default
CoS mapping table during service configuration.

Information about ATM policies

The parameter values of the ATM policy differ with the E1 quantity and service type.

NE11 uses one E1 to receive and transmit BTS13 services and use four E1s to receive and
transmit BTS14 services. Both BTS13 services and BTS14 services contain CBR, UBR, rt-VBR,
and ntr-VBR services. An ATM policy needs to be configured for each type of service; therefore,
up to eight ATM policies need to be configured on NE11. Eight ATM policies also need to be
configured on NE31.

Table 11-38 Information about the 1xE1 ATM policy

Parameter Service Type

CBR Service rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Service

Service Service

Policy ID 1 2 3 4

Policy name 1e1_cbr 1e1_rtvbr 1e1_nrtvbr 1e1_ubr


Traffic type ClpTransparent ClpTranspar- NoClpScr NoClpNoScr

NoScr entScr

Clp01Pcr(cell/ 175 1859 1859 1859


Clp01Scr(cell/ - 1685 1685 -


Clp0Pcr(cell/s) - - - -

Clp0Scr(cell/s) - - - -

Clp01Mcr(cell/ - - - -

MBS (cell) - 1000 1000 -

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Parameter Service Type

CBR Service rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Service

Service Service

CDVT (us) 102400 10240 - -

Discard Traffic Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled


UPC/NPC Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled

Table 11-39 Information about the 4xE1 ATM policy

Parameter Service Type

CBR Service rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Service

Service Service

Policy ID 5 6 7 8

Policy name 4e1_cbr 4e1_rtvbr 4e1_nrtvbr 4e1_ubr


Traffic type ClpTransparent ClpTranspar- NoClpScr NoClpNoScr

NoScr entScr

Clp01Pcr(cell/ 500 2252 9295 9295


Clp01Scr(cell/ - 2048 8799 -


Clp0Pcr(cell/s) - - - -

Clp0Scr(cell/s) - - - -

Clp01Mcr(cell/ - - - -

MBS (cell) - 1000 1000 -

CDVT (us) 102400 10240 - -

Discard Traffic Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled


UPC/NPC Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Service Planning (Service Information)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring ATM services.

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Table 11-40 provides the service planning information.

Table 11-40 Service information (ATM services from BTS13 and BTS14)
Parame ATM Services from BTS13 and BTS14
Source NE (NE11) Sink NE (NE31)

Service bts13_bts14_atmservice

Service 101

Service UNIs-NNI

Connect PVC
ion type

Protecti No protection
on type

ATM connection information (source NE)

Connect bts13_cb bts13_r bts13_ bts13_ bts14_ bts14_r bts14_ bts14_

ion r_atm tvbr_at nrtvbr_ ubr_at cbr_at tvbr_at nrtvbr_ ubr_at
name m atm m m m atm m

Service 4-ML1



Source 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14

Source 33 34 35 36 33 34 35 36

Sink 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14

Sink 33 34 35 36 33 34 35 36

Upstrea 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
m QoS (1e1_cbr (1e1_rt (1e1_n (1e1_u (4e1_c (4e1_rt (4e1_n (4e1_u
Policy ) vbr) rtvbr) br) br) vbr) rtvbr) br)

Downst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ream (1e1_cbr (1e1_rt (1e1_n (1e1_u (4e1_c (4e1_rt (4e1_n (4e1_u
QoS ) vbr) rtvbr) br) br) vbr) rtvbr) br)

ATM connection information (sink NE)

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Parame ATM Services from BTS13 and BTS14

Source NE (NE11) Sink NE (NE31)

Connect bts13_cb bts13_r bts13_ bts13_ bts14_ bts14_r bts14_ bts14_

ion r_atm tvbr_at nrtvbr_ ubr_at cbr_at tvbr_at nrtvbr_ ubr_at
name m atm m m m atm m

Service 2-ML1

Service TRUNK1

Source 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14

Source 33 34 35 36 33 34 35 36

Sink 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14

Sink 33 34 35 36 33 34 35 36

Upstrea 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
m QoS (1e1_cbr (1e1_rt (1e1_n (1e1_u (4e1_c (4e1_rt (4e1_n (4e1_u
policy ) vbr) rtvbr) br) br) vbr) rtvbr) br)

Downst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ream (1e1_cbr (1e1_rt (1e1_n (1e1_u (4e1_c (4e1_rt (4e1_n (4e1_u
QoS ) vbr) rtvbr) br) br) vbr) rtvbr) br)

PW information

PW ID 101

PW 101/101

Encapsu ATM n-to-one VCC


Tunnel 1503

Control No Use

Control Alert Label


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Parame ATM Services from BTS13 and BTS14

Source NE (NE11) Sink NE (NE31)


CoS mapping information

CoS DefaultAtmCosMap

11.6.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for configuring ATM services. Configuration Process (UNI Ports)

This section describes the process for configuring UNI port information.

Step 1 See A.6.4.1 Setting Basic Attributes of Smart E1 Ports and set the general attributes of Smart
E1 ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE11

4-ML1-2 4-ML1-3 to 4-ML1-6

Name conn_bts13_atm_1 conn_bts14_ima_1 to


Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

2-ML1-6 to 2-ML1-13

Name conn_rnc_ima_1 to conn_rnc_ima_8

Port Mode Layer 2

Step 2 See A.6.4.2 Setting Advanced Attributes of Smart E1 Ports and set the advanced attributes
of Smart E1 ports.

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l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE11

4-ML1-2 4-ML1-3 to 4-ML1-6

Frame Format CRC-4 Multiframe CRC-4 Multiframe

Frame Mode 30 30

l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

2-ML1-6 to 2-ML1-13

Frame Format CRC-4 Multiframe

Frame Mode 30

----End Configuration Process (IMA Information)

This section describes the procedure for configuring IMA information.

Step 1 See A.9.7.1 Binding ATM TRUNKs and bind the ATM trunk.
l The values for the related parameters for NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE11

Trunk1 (Connecting Trunk2 (Connecting

BTS13 Services) BTS14 Services)

Available Boards 4-ML1 4-ML1

Configurable Ports 4-ML1-1 (Trunk1) 4-ML1-2 (Trunk2)

Level E1 E1

Available Resources 4-ML1-2 4-ML1-3

(conn_bts13_atm_1) (conn_bts14_ima_1) to 4-

l The values for the related parameters for NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

Trunk1 (Connecting the RNC)

Available Boards 2-ML1

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Parameter NE31

Trunk1 (Connecting the RNC)

Configurable Ports 2-ML1-1 (Trunk1)

Level E1

Available Resources 2-ML1-6 (conn_rnc_ima_1) to 2-ML1-13


Step 2 See A.9.7.2 Configuring an IMA group and create an IMA group.
l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE11

4-ML1-1 (Trunk1) 4-ML1-2 (Trunk2)

(Connecting BTS13 (Connecting BTS14
Services) Services)

IMA Protocol Enable Disabled Enabled


IMA Protocol Version - 1.1

IMA Transmit Frame - 128


IMA Symmetry Mode - Symmetrical Mode and

Symmetrical Operation

Maximum Delay Between - 25

Links (ms)

l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

2-ML1-1 (Trunk1) (Connecting the


IMA Protocol Enable Status Enabled

IMA Protocol Version 1.1

IMA Transmit Frame Length 128

IMA Symmetry Mode Symmetrical Mode and Symmetrical


Maximum Delay Between Links (ms) 25

Step 3 See A.9.7.3 Setting ATM Port Parameters and set ATM port parameters.
l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

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Parameter NE11

4-ML1-1 (Trunk1) 4-ML1-2 (Trunk2)

(Connecting BTS13 (Connecting BTS14
Services) Services)

Name conn_bts13_trunk1 conn_bts14_trunk2

Port Type UNI UNI

ATM Cell Payload Enabled Enabled


l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

2-ML1-1 (Trunk1) (Connecting the


Name conn_rnc_trunk1

Port Type UNI

ATM Cell Payload Scrambling Enabled

----End Configuration Process (QoS)

This section describes the process for configuring QoS information for ATM services.

Step 1 See A.9.9.3 Creating an ATM Policy and create ATM policies.

Parameters for NE11 and NE31:

Parameter NE11 and NE31

CBR Service rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Service

(1xE1) Service (1xE1) Service (1xE1) (1xE1)

Policy ID 1 2 3 4

Policy Name 1e1_cbr 1e1_rtvbr 1e1_nrtvbr 1e1_ubr


Traffic Type ClpTransparent ClpTranspar- NoClpScr NoClpNoScr

NoScr entScr

Clp01Pcr(cell/ 175 1859 1859 1859


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Parameter NE11 and NE31

CBR Service rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Service

(1xE1) Service (1xE1) Service (1xE1) (1xE1)

Clp01Scr(cell/ - 1685 1685 -


Max. Cell - 1000 1000 -

Burst Size (cell)

Cell Delay 102400 10240 - -


Discard Traffic Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled


UPC/NPC Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled

Parameter NE11 and NE31 (Continued)

CBR Service rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Service

Service Service

Policy ID 5 6 7 8

Policy Name 4e1_cbr 4e1_rtvbr 4e1_nrtvbr 4e1_ubr


Traffic Type ClpTransparent ClpTranspar- NoClpScr NoClpNoScr

NoScr entScr

Clp01Pcr(cell/ 500 2252 9295 9295


Clp01Scr(cell/ - 2048 8799 -


Max. Cell - 1000 1000 -

Burst Size (cell)

Cell Delay 102400 10240 - -


Discard Traffic Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled


UPC/NPC Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled


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This section describes the process for configuring service information.

Step 1 See A.9.8.1 Creating ATM Services and create ATM services.
l Parameters of NE11:
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.
Parameter NE11

ATM Services from BTS13 and BTS14

Service Name bts13_bts14_atmservice

Service ID 101

Direction UNIs-NNI

Connection PVC

Protection Type No Protection

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Configure Connection tab
page are provided as follows.
Param NE11
ATM Services from BTS13 and BTS14

Conne bts13_ bts13_r bts13_ bts13_ bts14_ bts14_r bts14_ bts14_

ction cbr_at tvbr_at nrtvbr_ ubr_at cbr_at tvbr_at nrtvbr_ ubr_at
Name m m atm m m m atm m

Source 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4-
Port ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-2 ML1-2 ML1-2 ML1-2
NK1) NK1) NK1) NK1) NK2) NK2) NK2) NK2)

Source 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4-
Bind ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1-
Path (2) (2) (2) (2) (3-6) (3-6) (3-6) (3-6)

Source 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14

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Param NE11
ATM Services from BTS13 and BTS14

Source 33 34 35 36 33 34 35 36

PW ID 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101

Sink 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14

Sink 33 34 35 36 33 34 35 36

Uplink 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Down 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the related parameters that need to be set in
the General Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Parameter NE11

ATM Services from BTS13 and BTS14

PW ID 101

PW Signaling Static

PW Type ATM n-to-one VCC cell transport

PW Ingress 101
Label / Source

PW Egress 101
Label / Sink Port

Ingress Tunnel 1503

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In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the related parameters that need to be set in
the Advanced Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Parameter NE11

ATM Services from BTS13 and BTS14

Control Word NO use

Control Channel Alert Label



The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the CoS Mapping tab page are
provided as follows.
Parameter NE11

ATM Services from BTS13 and BTS14

PW ID 101

CoS Mapping DefaultAtmCosMap

l Parameters of NE31:
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.
Parameter NE31

ATM Services from BTS13 and BTS14

Service Name bts13_bts14_atmservice

Service ID 101

Direction UNIs-NNI

Connection PVC

Protection Type No protection

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Configure Connection tab
page are provided as follows.

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Param NE31
ATM Services from BTS13 and BTS14

Conne bts13_ bts13_r bts13_ bts13_ bts14_ bts14_r bts14_ bts14_

ction cbr_at tvbr_at nrtvbr_ ubr_at cbr_at tvbr_at nrtvbr_ ubr_at
Name m m atm m m m atm m

Source 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 2-
Port ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-1
NK1) NK1) NK1) NK1) NK1) NK1) NK1) NK1)

Source 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 2-
Bind ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1-
Path (6-13) (6-13) (6-13) (6-13) (6-13) (6-13) (6-13) (6-13)

Source 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14

Source 33 34 35 36 33 34 35 36

PW ID 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101

Sink 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14

Sink 33 34 35 36 33 34 35 36

Uplink 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Down 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the relevant parameters that need to be set
in the General Attributes tab page are provided as follows.

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Parameter NE31

ATM Services from BTS13 and BTS14

PW ID 101

PW Signaling Static

PW Type ATM n-to-one VCC cell transport

PW Ingress 101
Label / Source

PW Egress 101
Label / Sink

Ingress Tunnel 1503

In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the related parameters that need to be set in
the Advanced Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Parameter NE31

ATM Services from BTS13 and BTS14

Control Word NO use

Control Channel Alert Label



The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the CoS Mapping tab page are
provided as follows.
Parameter NE31

ATM Services from BTS13 and BTS14

PW ID 101

CoS Mapping DefaultAtmCosMap


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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 11 Configuring PWE3 Services Configuration Process (Verifying ATM Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying ATM service configurations.

Step 1 See A.13.4 Testing ATM Services and verify the ATM service configurations.
The "success" verification result should be displayed.


11.7 Configuration Example (Fractional ATM Services)

This section uses a Fractional ATM service on a PSN as an example to describe how to configure
ATM services according to service planning information. In this example, services are
encapsulated in n-to-1 VCC mode.

11.7.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 10.3 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection),
configure information about ATM services transmitted from BTS37 and BTS38 according to
the following network planning information (as shown in Figure 11-19):
l Information about ATM service ports is provided in Table 11-41.
l A bidirectional tunnel (ID: 1505), which has a protection tunnel, is available between NE21
and NE31. This tunnel and its corresponding information have been configured in 10.3
Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection).
l NE21 uses a Fractional E1 to receive and transmit BTS37 and BTS38 services. The BTS37
services occupy the 1st to 15th timeslots of the E1 port and the BTS38 services occupy the
17th to 31st timeslots of the E1 port.
l Each BTS has real-time voice services, signaling services (CBR services), HSDPA data
services (UBR services), OM and HSDPA real-time services (rt-VBR services), and R99
non-real-time services (nrt-VBR services).

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Figure 11-19 Networking diagram


NE31 E1
tu )
i ng 50 5
E1 o r D=1
W (I

R99 R99

Table 11-41 Information about service ports

NE Service Port Description

NE21 6-ML1-3 BTS37 and BTS38 services

occupy different timeslots of
the same E1 port. The BTS37
services occupy the 1st to
15th timeslots of the E1 port
and the BTS38 services
occupy the 17th to 31st
timeslots of the E1 port.

NE31 2-ML1-6 to 2-ML1-13 Configure these ports to

transmit BTS37 and BTS38
services to the RNC.

11.7.2 ServicePlanning
You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before service configuration. Service Planning (UNI Ports)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring UNI

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Table 11-42 to Table 11-44 provide the planning information.

Table 11-42 Information about UNI ports (NE21)

Parameter 6-ML1-3

Port name conn_bts37_bts38_frac

Frame format CRC-4 multiframe

Frame mode PCM31

A UNI port that transmits the fractional ATM service is described as a serial port.Table 11-43
provides the planning information about serial ports.

Table 11-43 Serial port information (NE21)

Paramete Serial Port Where BTS37 Services Serial Port Where BTS38 Services
r Are Located Are Located

Port name conn_bts37_sp01 conn_bts38_sp02

Level 64K timeslot 64K timeslot

Port 6-ML1-3 6-ML1-3

64K Timeslots 1 to 15 Timeslots 17 to 31


Port mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Table 11-44 Information about UNI ports (NE31)

Parameter 2-ML1-6 to 2-ML1-13

Port name conn_rnc_ima1 to conn_rnc_ima8

Frame format CRC-4 multiframe

Frame mode PCM30


l Appropriate port names facilitate future maintenance. It is recommended that you name ports on the
entire network in a unified manner.
l The E1 frame format and frame mode must be the same as those of service access equipment.
l For an E1 port that transmits Fractional ATM services, set the E1 frame mode to PCM31.

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The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring ATM/IMA information.

Table 11-45 and Table 11-46 provide ATM/IMA information.

Table 11-45 ATM/IMA information (NE21)

Parameter 6-ML1-1 (TRUNK1) 6-ML1-2 (TRUNK2)

Bound port 6-ML1-3 (conn_bts37_sp01) 6-ML1-3 (conn_bts38_sp02)

IMA protocol Disabled Disabled

enabled status

IMA protocol - -

IMA frame - -

IMA symmetric - -

Differentiated - -
delay tolerance

Clock mode - -

ATM port name conn_bts37_trunk1 conn_bts38_trunk2

Port type UNI UNI

ATM cell Enabled Enabled


Table 11-46 ATM/IMA information (NE31)

Parameter 2-ML1-1 (TRUNK1)

Bound port 2-ML1-6 to 2-ML1-13

IMA protocol enabled status Enabled

IMA protocol version 1.1

IMA frame length 128

IMA symmetric mode Symmetrical mode and symmetrical operation

Differentiated delay 25

Clock mode ITC

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Parameter 2-ML1-1 (TRUNK1)

ATM port name conn_rnc_trunk1

Port type UNI

ATM cell payload Enabled



l If one E1 is divided into several timeslots to transmit ATM services from BTSs, the Fractional ATM
mode is used and the IMA protocol is disabled in most cases.
l Normally, set the IMA protocol version, IMA frame length, IMA symmetric mode, and differentiated
delay tolerance of an NE (with IMA protocol enabled) to the same values as those of its interconnected
equipment. Normally, the BTS/RNC configurations are as follows:
l IMA protocol version: 1.1
l IMA frame length: 128
l IMA symmetric mode: symmetrical mode and symmetrical operation
l The differentiated delay tolerance: 25
l The clock modes must be the same at both ends of an IMA trunk. The default clock mode for a BTS
is ITC. Therefore, the clock mode is set to ITC for the NE that is interconnected with the BTS and the
NE at the opposite end of the IMA link. Service Planning (QoS)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring ATM service classes and ATM policies.

Mapping Information Between ATM Service Types and ATM Service Classes
Table 11-47 provides the mapping information between ATM service types and the ATM
service classes.

Table 11-47 Mapping information between ATM service types and the ATM service classes

Parameter PHB Service Class


rt-VBR AF3

nrt-VBR AF2


This mapping table is consistent with "DefaultAtmCosMap". Therefore, you can use the default
CoS mapping table during service configuration.

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Information about ATM policies

The parameter values of the ATM policy differ with the E1 quantity and service type. NE21
uses timeslots 1 to 15 of one E1 port to receive and transmit BTS37 services and timeslots 17
to 31 to receive and transmit BTS38 services. Both BTS37 services and BTS38 services contain
CBR, UBR, rt-VBR, and ntr-VBR services. An ATM policy needs to be configured for each
type of service; therefore, up to four ATM policies need to be configured.
Table 11-48 shows the planning information about the ATM policy.

Table 11-48 Information about the 15-timeslot E1 ATM policy

Parameter Service Type

CBR Service rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Service

Service Service

Policy ID 9 10 11 12

Policy name 15ts_cbr 15ts_rtvbr 15ts_nrtvbr 15ts_ubr


Traffic type ClpTransparent ClpTranspar- NoClpScr NoClpNoScr

NoScr entScr

Clp01Pcr (cell/ 105 960 960 960


Clp01Scr (cell/ - 858 858 -


Clp0Pcr (cell/s) - - - -

Clp0Scr (cell/s) - - - -

Clp01Mcr (cell/ - - - -

MBS (cell) - 1000 1000 -

CDVT (us) 102400 10240 - -

Discard Traffic Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled


UPC/NPC Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Service Planning (Service Information)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring ATM services.
Table 11-49 provides the service planning information.

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Table 11-49 Service information (ATM services from BTS37 and BTS38)
Parame ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38
Source NE (NE21) Sink NE (NE31)

Service bts37_bts38_fracatmservice

Service 102

Service UNIs-NNI

Connect PVC
ion type

Protecti No protection
on type

Source NE21

ATM connection information (source NE)

Connect bts37_cb bts37_r bts37_ bts37_ bts38_ bts38_r bts38_ bts38_

ion r_atm tvbr_at nrtvbr_ ubr_at cbr_at tvbr_at nrtvbr_ ubr_at
name m atmM m m m atmM m

Service 6-ML1



Source 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38

Source 33 34 35 36 33 34 35 36

Sink 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38

Sink 33 34 35 36 33 34 35 36

Upstrea 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12
m QoS

Downstr 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12

ATM connection information (sink NE)

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Parame ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38

Source NE (NE21) Sink NE (NE31)

Connect bts37_cb bts37_r bts37_ bts37_ bts38_ bts38_r bts38_ bts38_

ion r_atm tvbr_at nrtvbr_ ubr_at cbr_at tvbr_at nrtvbr_ ubr_at
name m atmM m m m atmM m

Service 2-ML1



Source 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38

Source 33 34 35 36 33 34 35 36

Sink 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38

Sink 33 34 35 36 33 34 35 36

Upstrea 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12
m QoS

Downstr 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12

PW information

PW ID 102

PW 102/102

Encapsu ATM n-to-one VCC


Tunnel 1505

Control No Use

Control Alert Label


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Parame ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38

Source NE (NE21) Sink NE (NE31)


CoS mapping information

CoS DefaultAtmCosMap

11.7.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for configuring fractional ATM services. Configuration Process (UNI Ports)

This section describes the process for configuring UNI port information.

Step 1 See A.6.4.1 Setting Basic Attributes of Smart E1 Ports and set the general attributes of Smart
E1 ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE21


Name conn_bts37_bts38_frac

Port Mode Layer 1

l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

2-ML1-6 to 2-ML1-13

Name conn_rnc_ima_1 to conn_rnc_ima_8

Port Mode Layer 2

Step 2 See A.6.4.2 Setting Advanced Attributes of Smart E1 Ports and set the advanced attributes
of Smart E1 ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value


Frame Format CRC-4 Multiframe

Frame Mode 31

l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

2-ML1-6 to 2-ML1-13

Frame Format CRC-4 Multiframe

Frame Mode 30

Step 3 See A.6.5.1 Creating Serial Ports and configure serial ports on NE21.

The values for the serial port parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter NE21

Serial Port Where BTS37 Serial Port Where BTS38

Services Are Located Services Are Located

Port 1 2

Name conn_bts37_sp01 conn_bts38_sp02

Level 64K Timeslot 64K Timeslot

Used Board 6-ML1 6-ML1

Used Port 6-ML1-3 6-ML1-3

64K Timeslot 1-15 17-31

Step 4 See A.6.5.2 Setting Basic Attributes of Serial Ports and set the basic attributes of serial ports
on NE21.

The values for basic attributes of serial ports that need to be set are as follows.

Parameter NE21

conn_bts37_sp01 conn_bts38_sp02

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type ATM ATM


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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 11 Configuring PWE3 Services Configuration Process (IMA Information)

This section describes the process for configuring IMA information.

Step 1 See A.9.7.1 Binding ATM TRUNKs and bind the ATM trunk.
l The values for the related parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Trunk1 (Connecting Trunk2 (Connecting

BTS37 Services) BTS38 Services)

Available Boards 6-ML1 6-ML1

Configurable Ports 6-ML1-1 (Trunk1) 6-ML1-2 (Trunk2)

Level Fractional E1 Fractional E1

Available Resources 6-ML1-1 6-ML1-2

(conn_bts37_sp01) (conn_bts38_sp02)

l The values for the related parameters for NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

Trunk1 (Connecting the RNC)

Available Boards 2-ML1

Configurable Ports 2-ML1-1 (Trunk1)

Level E1

Available Resources 2-ML1-6 (conn_rnc_ima_1) to 2-ML1-13


Step 2 See A.9.7.2 Configuring an IMA group and create an IMA group.
l The values for the IMA group parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE21

6-ML1-1 (Trunk1) 6-ML1-2 (Trunk2)

(Connecting BTS37 (Connecting BTS38
Services) Services)

IMA Protocol Enable Disabled Disabled


IMA Protocol Version - -

IMA Transmit Frame - -


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Parameter NE21

6-ML1-1 (Trunk1) 6-ML1-2 (Trunk2)

(Connecting BTS37 (Connecting BTS38
Services) Services)

IMA Symmetry Mode - -

Maximum Delay Between - -

Links (ms)

l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

2-ML1-1 (Trunk1) (Connecting the


IMA Protocol Enable Status Enabled

IMA Protocol Version 1.1

IMA Transmit Frame Length 128

IMA Symmetry Mode Symmetrical Mode and Symmetrical


Maximum Delay Between Links (ms) 25

Step 3 See A.9.7.3 Setting ATM Port Parameters and set the ATM port parameters.
l The values for the ATM port parameters of NE21 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE21

6-ML1-1 (Trunk1) 6-ML1-2 (Trunk2)

(Connecting BTS37 (Connecting BTS38
Services) Services)

Name conn_bts37_trunk1 conn_bts38_trunk2

Port Type UNI UNI

ATM Cell Payload Enabled Enabled


l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

2-ML1-1 (Trunk1) (Connecting the


Name conn_rnc_trunk1

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Parameter NE31

2-ML1-1 (Trunk1) (Connecting the


Port Type UNI

ATM Cell Payload Scrambling Enabled

----End Configuration Process (QoS)

This section describes the process for configuring QoS information of ATM services.

Step 1 See A.9.9.3 Creating an ATM Policy and create the ATM policy.
The values for the related parameters of NE21 and NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE21 and NE31

CBR Service rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Service

(15 Timeslots Service (15 Service (15 (15 Timeslots
in an E1) Timeslots in Timeslots in in an E1)
an E1) an E1)

Policy ID 9 10 11 12

Policy Name 15ts_cbr 15ts_rtvbr 15ts_nrtvbr 15ts_ubr


Traffic Type ClpTransparent ClpTranspar- NoClpScr NoClpNoScr

NoScr entScr

Clp01Pcr(cell/ 105 960 960 960


Clp01Scr(cell/ - 858 858 -


Max. Cell - 1000 1000 -

Burst Size (cell)

Cell Delay 102400 10240 - -


Discard Traffic Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled


UPC/NPC Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled

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----End Configuration Process (Service Information)

This section describes the process for configuring service information.

Step 1 See A.9.8.1 Creating ATM Services and create ATM services.
l Parameters of NE21:
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.

Parameter NE21

ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38

Service Name bts37_bts38_fracatmservice

Service ID 102

Direction UNIs-NNI

Connection PVC

Protection Type No Protection

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Configure Connection tab
page are provided as follows.

Param NE21
ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38

Conne bts37_ bts37_r bts37_ bts37_ bts38_ bts38_r bts38_ bts38_

ction cbr_at tvbr_at nrtvbr_ ubr_at cbr_at tvbr_at nrtvbr_ ubr_at
Name m m atmM m m m atmM m

Source 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6-
Port ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-2 ML1-2 ML1-2 ML1-2
NK1) K1) NK1) NK1) NK2) K2) NK2) NK2)

Source 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6-
Bind ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1-
Path (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2)

Source 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38

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Param NE21
ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38

Source 33 34 35 36 33 34 35 36

PW ID 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102

Sink 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38

Sink 33 34 35 36 33 34 35 36

Uplin 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12

Down 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12

In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the relevant parameters that need to be set
in the General Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Param NE21
ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38

PW ID 102

PW Static

PW ATM n-to-one VCC cell transport


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Param NE21
ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38

PW 102
Label /

PW 102
Label /

Ingres 1505

In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the related parameters that need to be set in
the Advanced Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Parameter NE21

ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38

Control Word NO use

Control Channel Alert Label



The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the CoS Mapping tab page are
provided as follows.
Param NE21
ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38

PW ID 102

CoS DefaultAtmCosMap

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l Parameters of NE31:
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.
Parameter NE31

ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38

Service Name bts37_bts38_fracatmservice

Service ID 102

Direction UNIs-NNI

Connection PVC

Protection Type No Protection

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Configure Connection tab
page are provided as follows.
Param NE31
ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38

Conne bts37_ bts37_r bts37_ bts37_ bts38_ bts38_r bts38_ bts38_

ction cbr_at tvbr_at nrtvbr_ ubr_at cbr_at tvbr_at nrtvbr_ ubr_at
Name m m atmM m m m atmM m

Source 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 2-
Port ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-1 ML1-1
NK1) NK1) NK1) NK1) NK1) NK1) NK1) NK1)

Source 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 2-
Bind ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1- ML1-
Path (6-13) (6-13) (6-13) (6-13) (6-13) (6-13) (6-13) (6-13)

Source 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38

Source 33 34 35 36 33 34 35 36

PW ID 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102

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Param NE31
ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38

Sink 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38

Sink 33 34 35 36 33 34 35 36

Uplink 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12

Down 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12

In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the relevant parameters that need to be set
in the General Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Param NE31
ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38

PW ID 102

PW Static

PW ATM n-to-one VCC cell transport


PW 102
Label /

PW 102
Label /

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Param NE31
ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38

Ingres 1505

In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the related parameters that need to be set in
the Advanced Attributes tab page are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38

Control Word NO use

Control Channel Alert Label



The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the CoS Mapping tab page are
provided as follows.

Param NE31
ATM Services from BTS37 and BTS38

PW ID 102

CoS DefaultAtmCosMap

----End Configuration Process (Verifying ATM Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying ATM service configurations.

Step 1 See A.13.4 Testing ATM Services and verify the ATM service configurations.
The verification result should be "success".


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11.8 Configuration Example (ATM Services on MS-PWs)

This section uses an ATM service carried on MS-PWs of a PSN as an example to describe how
to configure ATM services according to service planning information. In this example, services
are encapsulated in 1-to-1 VCC mode.

11.8.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.

Based on 10.3 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection) and
10.4 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with No Protection), configure information
about ATM services transmitted from BTS34 according to the following network planning
information (as shown in Figure 11-20):

l Information about ATM service ports is provided in Table 11-50.

l The information about the tunnel between NE34 and NE31 is as follows:
– A bidirectional tunnel (ID: 1515), which has no protection tunnel, is available between
NE34 and NE32. This tunnel and its corresponding information have been configured
in 10.3 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection).
– A bidirectional tunnel (ID: 1501), which has a protection tunnel, is available between
NE32 and NE31. This tunnel and its corresponding information have been configured
in 10.4 Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with No Protection).
l Each BTS has real-time voice services, signaling services (CBR services), HSDPA data
services (UBR services), OM and HSDPA real-time services (rt-VBR services), and R99
non-real-time services (nrt-VBR services).

Figure 11-20 Networking diagram

rki n
(ID g tu n
NE34 =1 5 n
1 5) el

E1 NE33 ID ng t
=1 u n
R99 50 ne
1 l
NE11 NE31

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Table 11-50 Information about service ports

NE Service Port Description

NE34 2-ML1-1 to 2-ML1-5 Configure these ports to

receive and transmit BTS34

NE31 2-ML1-6 to 2-ML1-13 Configure these ports to

transmit BTS34 services to
the RNC.

11.8.2 ServicePlanning
You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before service configuration. Service Planning (UNI Ports)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring UNI

Table 11-51 and Table 11-52 provide planning information about UNI ports.

Table 11-51 Information about UNI ports (NE34)

Parameter 2-ML1-1 to 2-ML1-4

Port name conn_bts34_ima1 to conn_bts34_ima4

Frame format CRC-4 multiframe

Frame mode PCM30

Table 11-52 Information about UNI ports (NE31)

Parameter 2-ML1-6 to 2-ML1-13

Port name conn_rnc_ima1 to conn_rnc_ima8

Frame format CRC-4 multiframe

Frame mode PCM30 Service Planning (ATM/IMA Information)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring ATM/IMA information.

Table 11-53 and Table 11-54 provide ATM/IMA information.

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Table 11-53 ATM/IMA information (NE34)

Parameter 2-ML1-1 (TRUNK1)

Bound port 2-ML1-1 to 2-ML1-4

IMA protocol enabled status Enabled

IMA protocol version 1.1

IMA frame length 128

IMA symmetric mode Symmetrical mode and symmetrical operation

Differentiated delay 25

Clock mode ITC

ATM port name conn_bts34_trunk1

Port type UNI

ATM cell payload Enabled


Table 11-54 ATM/IMA information (NE31)

Parameter 2-ML1-1 (TRUNK1)

Bound port 2-ML1-6 to 2-ML1-13

IMA protocol enabled status Enabled

IMA protocol version 1.1

IMA frame length 128

IMA symmetric mode Symmetrical mode and symmetrical operation

Differentiated delay 25

Clock mode ITC

ATM port name conn_rnc_trunk1

Port type UNI

ATM cell payload Enabled


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l If carried over a single E1, ATM services from a NodeB are transmitted and received through UNI
ports. In this case, the IMA protocol needs to be disabled. If carried over multiple E1s, ATM services
from a NodeB are transmitted and received through IMA trunks.
l Normally, set the IMA protocol version, IMA frame length, IMA symmetric mode, and differentiated
delay tolerance of an NE (with IMA protocol enabled) to the same values as those of its interconnected
equipment. Normally, the BTS/RNC configurations are as follows:
l IMA protocol version: 1.1
l IMA frame length: 128
l IMA symmetric mode: symmetrical mode and symmetrical operation
l The differentiated delay tolerance: 25
l The clock modes must be the same at both ends of an IMA trunk. The default clock mode for a BTS
is ITC. Therefore, the clock mode is set to ITC for the NE that is interconnected with the BTS and the
NE at the opposite end of the IMA link. Service Planning (QoS)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring ATM service classes and ATM policies.

Mapping Information Between ATM Service Types and ATM Service Classes
Table 11-55 provides the mapping information between ATM service types and the ATM
service classes.

Table 11-55 Mapping information between ATM service types and the ATM service classes
Parameter PHB Service Class


rt-VBR AF3

nrt-VBR AF2


This mapping table is consistent with "DefaultAtmCosMap". Therefore, you can use the default
CoS mapping table during service configuration.

Information about ATM policies

The parameter values of the ATM policy differ with the E1 quantity and service type. NE34
uses four E1 ports to receive and transmit BTS34 services, which contain CBR, UBR, rt-VBR,
and nrt-VBR services. Therefore, up to four ATM policies need to be configured. Table
11-56 shows the planning information about the ATM policy.

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Table 11-56 Information about the 4xE1 ATM policy

Parameter Service Type

CBR Service rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Service

Service Service

Policy ID 5 6 7 8

Policy name 4e1_cbr 4e1_rtvbr 4e1_nrtvbr 4e1_ubr


Traffic type ClpTransparent ClpTranspar- NoClpScr NoClpNoScr

NoScr entScr

Clp01Pcr (cell/ 500 2252 9295 9295


Clp01Scr (cell/ - 2048 8799 -


Clp0Pcr (cell/s) - - - -

Clp0Scr (cell/s) - - - -

Clp01Mcr (cell/ - - - -

MBS (cell) - 1000 1000 -

CDVT (us) 102400 10240 - -

Discard Traffic Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled


UPC/NPC Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Service Planning (Service Information)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring ATM services.

Table 11-57 to Table 11-60 provide the service planning information.

Table 11-57 Service information (CBR services from BTS34)

Parameter CBR Services from BTS34

Source NE (NE34) Sink NE (NE31)

Service name bts34_cbrservice_1stpw bts34_cbrservice_2ndpw

Service ID 103 104

Service type UNIs-NNI

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Parameter CBR Services from BTS34

Source NE (NE34) Sink NE (NE31)

Connection type PVC

Protection type No protection

ATM connection information (source NE)

Connection name bts34_cbr_atm

Source board 2-ML1

Source port TRUNK1

Source VPI 34

Source VCI 33

Sink VPI 34

Sink VCI 33

Upstream QoS policy 5 (4e1_cbr)

Downstream QoS policy 5 (4e1_cbr)

ATM connection information (sink NE)

Connection name bts34_cbr_atm

Source board 2-ML1

Source port TRUNK1

Source VPI 34

Source VCI 33

Sink VPI 34

Sink VCI 33

Upstream QoS policy 5 (4e1_cbr)

Downstream QoS policy 5 (4e1_cbr)

PW information

PW ID 103 104

PW ingress/egress label 103/103 104/104

Encapsulation type ATM one-to-one VCC

Tunnel 1515 1501

Control Word Must Use

Control Channel Type CW

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Parameter CBR Services from BTS34

Source NE (NE34) Sink NE (NE31)

VCCV Verification Mode Ping

CoS mapping information

CoS mapping DefaultAtmCosMap

PW switching node NE32

PW switching service ID 902

PW switching service name bts34_cbrservice_mspw

Table 11-58 Service information (rt-VBR services from BTS34)

Parameter rt-VBR Services from BTS34

Source NE (NE34) Sink NE (NE31)

Service name bts34_rtvbrservice_1stpw bts34_rtvbrservice_2ndpw

Service ID 105 106

Service type UNIs-NNI

Connection type PVC

Protection type No protection

ATM connection information (source NE)

Connection name bts34_rtvbr_atm

Service board 2-ML1

Service port TRUNK1

Source VPI 34

Source VCI 34

Sink VPI 34

Sink VCI 34

Upstream QoS policy 6 (4e1_rtvbr)

Downstream QoS policy 6 (4e1_rtvbr)

ATM connection information (sink NE)

Connection name bts34_rtvbr_atm

Service board 2-ML1

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Parameter rt-VBR Services from BTS34

Source NE (NE34) Sink NE (NE31)

Service port TRUNK1

Source VPI 34

Source VCI 34

Sink VPI 34

Sink VCI 34

Upstream QoS policy 6 (4e1_rtvbr)

Downstream QoS policy 6 (4e1_rtvbr)

PW information

PW ID 105 106

PW ingress/egress label 105/105 106/106

Encapsulation type ATM one-to-one VCC

Tunnel 1515 1501

Control Word Must Use

Control Channel Type CW

VCCV Verification Mode Ping

CoS mapping information

CoS mapping DefaultAtmCosMap

PW switching node NE32

PW switching ervice ID 903

PW switching service name bts34_rtvbrservice_mspw

Table 11-59 Service information (nrt-VBR services from BTS34)

Parameter nrt-VBR Services from BTS34

Source NE (NE34) Sink NE (NE31)

Service name bts34_nrtvbrservice_1stpw bts34_nrtvbrservice_2ndpw

Service ID 107 108

Service type UNIs-NNI

Connection type PVC

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Parameter nrt-VBR Services from BTS34

Source NE (NE34) Sink NE (NE31)

Protection type No protection

ATM connection information (source NE)

Connection name bts34_nrtvbr_atm

Service board 2-ML1

Service port TRUNK1

Source VPI 34

Source VCI 35

Sink VPI 34

Sink VCI 35

Upstream QoS policy 7 (4e1_nrtvbr)

Downstream QoS policy 7 (4e1_nrtvbr)

ATM connection information (sink NE)

Connection name bts34_nrtvbr_atm

Service board 2-ML1

Service port TRUNK1

Source VPI 34

Source VCI 35

Sink VPI 34

Sink VCI 35

Upstream QoS policy 7 (4e1_nrtvbr)

Downstream QoS policy 7 (4e1_nrtvbr)

PW information

PW ID 107 108

PW ingress/egress label 107/107 108/108

Encapsulation type ATM one-to-one VCC

Tunnel 1515 1501

Control Word Must Use

Control Channel Type CW

VCCV Verification Mode Ping

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Parameter nrt-VBR Services from BTS34

Source NE (NE34) Sink NE (NE31)

CoS mapping information

CoS mapping DefaultAtmCosMap

PW switching node NE32

PW switching service ID 904

PW switching service name bts34_nrtvbrservice_mspw

Table 11-60 Service information (UBR services from BTS34)

Parameter UBR Services from BTS34

Source NE (NE34) Sink NE (NE31)

Service name bts34_ubrservice_1stpw bts34_ubrservice_2ndpw

Service ID 109 110

Service type UNIs-NNI

Connection type PVC

Protection type No protection

ATM connection information (source NE)

Connection name bts_ubr_atm

Service board 2-ML1

Service port TRUNK1

Source VPI 34

Source VCI 36

Sink VPI 34

Sink VCI 36

Upstream QoS policy 8 (4e1_ubr)

Downstream QoS policy 8 (4e1_ubr)

ATM connection information (sink NE)

Connection name bts_ubr_atm

Service board 2-ML1

Service port TRUNK1

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Parameter UBR Services from BTS34

Source NE (NE34) Sink NE (NE31)

Source VPI 34

Source VCI 36

Sink VPI 34

Sink VCI 36

Upstream QoS policy 8 (4e1_ubr)

Downstream QoS policy 8 (4e1_ubr)

PW information

PW ID 109 110

PW ingress/egress label 109/109 110/110

Encapsulation type ATM one-to-one VCC

Tunnel 1515 1501

Control Word Must Use

Control Channel Type CW

VCCV Verification Mode Ping

CoS mapping information

CoS mapping DefaultAtmCosMap

PW switching node NE32

PW switching service ID 905

PW switching service name bts34_ubrservice_mspw

11.8.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for configuring MS-PW-based ATM services. Configuration Process (UNI Ports)

This section describes the process for configuring UNI port information.

Step 1 See A.6.4.1 Setting Basic Attributes of Smart E1 Ports and set general attributes of Smart E1
l The values for the related parameters of NE34 are provided as follows.

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Parameter NE34

2-ML1-1 to 2-ML1-4

Name conn_bts34_ima1 to conn_bts34_ima4

Port Mode Layer 2

l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

2-ML1-6 to 2-ML1-13

Name conn_rnc_ima1 to conn_rnc_ima8

Port Mode Layer 2

Step 2 See A.6.4.2 Setting Advanced Attributes of Smart E1 Ports and set advanced attributes of
Smart E1 ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE34 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE34

2-ML1-1 to 2-ML1-4

Frame Format CRC-4 Multiframe

Frame Mode 30

l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

2-ML1-6 to 2-ML1-13

Frame Format CRC-4 Multiframe

Frame Mode 30

----End Configuration Process (IMA Information)

This section describes the process for configuring IMA information.

Step 1 See A.9.7.1 Binding ATM TRUNKs and bind ATM trunks.
l The values for the related parameters of NE34 are provided as follows.

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Parameter NE34

Trunk1 (Connecting BTS34 Services)

Available Boards 2-ML1

Configurable Ports 2-ML1-1 to 2-ML1-4

Level E1

Available Resources 2-ML1-1 (conn_bts34_ima1) to 2-ML1-4


l The values for the related parameters for NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

Trunk1 (Connecting the RNC)

Available Boards 2-ML1

Configurable Ports 2-ML1-1 (Trunk1)

Level E1

Available Resources 2-ML1-6 (conn_rnc_ima_1) to 2-ML1-13


Step 2 See A.9.7.2 Configuring an IMA group and configure an IMA group.
l The values for the related parameters of NE34 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE34

2-ML1-1 (TRUNK1) (Connecting

BTS34 Services)

IMA Protocol Enable Status Enabled

IMA Protocol Version 1.1

IMA Transmit Frame Length 128

IMA Symmetry Mode Symmetrical Mode and Symmetrical


Maximum Delay Between Links (ms) 25

l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

2-ML1-1 (Trunk1) (Connecting the


IMA Protocol Enable Status Enabled

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Parameter NE31

2-ML1-1 (Trunk1) (Connecting the


IMA Protocol Version 1.1

IMA Transmit Frame Length 128

IMA Symmetry Mode Symmetrical Mode and Symmetrical


Maximum Delay Between Links (ms) 25

Step 3 See A.9.7.3 Setting ATM Port Parameters and set ATM port parameters.
l The values for the related parameters of NE34 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE34

2-ML1-1 (TRUNK1) (Connecting

BTS34 Services)

Name conn_bts34_trunk1

Port Type UNI

ATM Cell Payload Scrambling Enabled

l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

2-ML1-1 (Trunk1) (Connecting the


Name conn_rnc_trunk1

Port Type UNI

ATM Cell Payload Scrambling Enabled

----End Configuration Process (QoS)

This section describes the process for configuring QoS information.

Step 1 See A.9.9.3 Creating an ATM Policy and create ATM policies.

The values for the related parameters of NE34 and NE31 are provided as follows,

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Parameter NE34 and NE31

CBR Service rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Service

Service Service

Policy ID 5 6 7 8

Policy Name 4e1_cbr 4e1_rtvbr 4e1_nrtvbr 4e1_ubr


Traffic Type ClpTransparent ClpTranspar- NoClpScr NoClpNoScr

NoScr entScr

Clp01Pcr(cell/ 500 2252 9295 9295


Clp01Scr(cell/ - 2048 8799 -


Max. Cell - 1000 1000 -

Burst Size (cell)

Cell Delay 102400 10240 - -


Discard Traffic Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled


UPC/NPC Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled

----End Configuration Process (Service Information)

This section describes the process for configuring service information.

Step 1 See A.9.8.1 Creating ATM Services and create ATM services.
l Parameters of NE34:
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.

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Pa NE34
m CBR Services rt-VBR Services nrt-VBR UBR Services
ete from BTS34 from BTS34 Services from from BTS34
r BTS34

Se bts34_cbrservice_ bts34_rtvbrservice bts34_nrtvbrservi bts34_ubrservice_

rvi 1stpw _1stpw ce_1stpw 1stpw

Se 103 105 107 109






Pr No Protection No Protection No Protection No Protection


The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Configure Connection tab
page are provided as follows.
Parameter NE34

CBR Services rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Services

from BTS34 Services from Services from from BTS34

Connection bts34_cbr_atm bts34_rtvbr_at bts34_nrtvbr_a bts34_ubr_atm

Name m tm

Source Port 2-ML1-1 2-ML1-1 2-ML1-1 2-ML1-1


Source Bind 2-ML1-(1-4) 2-ML1-(1-4) 2-ML1-(1-4) 2-ML1-(1-4)


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Parameter NE34

CBR Services rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Services

from BTS34 Services from Services from from BTS34

Source VPI 34 34 34 34

Source VCI 33 34 35 36

PW ID 103 105 107 109

Sink VPI(eg. 34 34 34 34

Sink VCI(eg. 33 34 35 36

Uplink Policy 5 6 7 8

Down link 5 6 7 8

In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the relevant parameters that need to be set
in the General Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Parameter NE34

CBR Services rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Services

from BTS34 Services from Services from from BTS34

PW ID 103 105 107 109

PW Signaling Static Static Static Static


PW Type ATM one to ATM one to ATM one to ATM one to

one VCC cell one VCC cell one VCC cell one VCC cell
transport transport transport transport

PW Ingress 103 105 107 109

Label / Source

PW Egress 103 105 107 109

Label / Sink

Ingress Tunnel 1515 1515 1515 1515

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In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the related parameters that need to be set in
the Advanced Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Parameter NE34

CBR Services rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Services

from BTS34 Services from Services from from BTS34

Control Word Must use Must use Must use Must use

Control CW CW CW CW
Channel Type

VCCV Ping Ping Ping Ping


The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the CoS Mapping tab page are
provided as follows.
Parameter NE34

CBR Services rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Services

from BTS34 Services from Services from from BTS34

PW ID 103 105 107 109

CoS Mapping DefaultAtmCo DefaultAtmCo DefaultAtmCo DefaultAtmCo

sMap sMap sMap sMap

l Parameters of NE31:
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.
Parameter NE31

CBR Services rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Services

from BTS34 Services from Services from from BTS34

Service Name bts34_cbrservi bts34_rtvbrser bts34_nrtvbrse bts34_ubrservi

ce_2ndpw vice_2ndpw rvice_2ndpw ce_2ndpw

Service ID 104 106 108 110


Connection PVC PVC PVC PVC


Protection No Protection No Protection No Protection No Protection


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The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Configure Connection tab
page are provided as follows.
Parameter NE31

CBR Services rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Services

from BTS34 Services from Services from from BTS34

Connection bts34_cbr_atm bts34_rtvbr_at bts34_nrtvbr_a bts34_ubr_atm

Name m tm

Source Port 2-ML1-1 2-ML1-1 2-ML1-1 2-ML1-1


Source Bind 2-ML1-(6-13) 2-ML1-(6-13) 2-ML1-(6-13) 2-ML1-(6-13)


Source VPI 34 34 34 34

Source VCI 33 34 35 36

PW ID 104 106 108 110

Sink VPI(eg. 34 34 34 34

Sink VCI(eg. 33 34 35 36

Uplink Policy 5 6 7 8

Down link 5 6 7 8

In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the relevant parameters that need to be set
in the General Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Parameter NE31

CBR Services rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Services

from BTS34 Services from Services from from BTS34

PW ID 104 106 108 110

PW Signaling Static Static Static Static


PW Type ATM one to ATM one to ATM one to ATM one to

one VCC cell one VCC cell one VCC cell one VCC cell
transport transport transport transport

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Parameter NE31

CBR Services rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Services

from BTS34 Services from Services from from BTS34

PW Ingress 104 106 108 110

Label / Source

PW Egress 104 106 108 110

Label / Sink

Ingress Tunnel 1501 1501 1501 1501

In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the related parameters that need to be set in
the Advanced Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Parameter NE31

CBR Services rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Services

from BTS34 Services from Services from from BTS34

Control Word Must use Must use Must use Must use

Control CW CW CW CW
Channel Type

VCCV Ping Ping Ping Ping


The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the CoS Mapping tab page are
provided as follows.
Parameter NE31

CBR Services rt-VBR nrt-VBR UBR Services

from BTS34 Services from Services from from BTS34

PW ID 104 106 108 110

CoS Mapping DefaultAtmCo DefaultAtmCo DefaultAtmCo DefaultAtmCo

sMap sMap sMap sMap

Step 2 See A.9.4.2 Creating an MS-PW and create an MS-PW on NE32.

l MS-PW parameters for CBR services:
The values for the required parameters that are set in the main interface are as follows.

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Parameter NE32

CBR Services from BTS34

ID 902

Name bts34_cbrservice_mspw

Service Type ATM Service

Connection Type PVC

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the PW Basic Attributes tab page
are provided as follows.
Parameter NE32

CBR Services from CBR Services from

BTS34 (Forward PW) BTS34 (Backward PW)

PW ID 103 104

PW Signaling Type Static Static

PW Type ATM one to one VCC cell ATM one to one VCC cell
transport transport

PW Ingress Label/Source 103 104


PW Egress Label/Sink 103 104


Tunnel Selection Mode Manually Manually

Tunnel Type MPLS MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1515 1501

In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the related parameters that need to be set in
the Advanced Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Parameter NE32

CBR Services from CBR Services from

BTS34 (Forward PW) BTS34 (Backward PW)

Control Word Must use Must use

Control Channel Type CW CW

VCCV Verification Mode Ping Ping

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l MS-PW parameters for rt-VBR services:

The values for the required parameters that are set in the main interface are as follows.
Parameter NE32

rt-VBR Services from BTS34

ID 903

Name bts34_rtvbrservice_mspw

Service Type ATM Service

Connection Type PVC

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the PW Basic Attributes tab page
are provided as follows.
Parameter NE32

rt-VBR Services from rt-VBR Services from

BTS34 (Forward PW) BTS34 (Backward PW)

PW ID 105 106

PW Signaling Type Static Static

PW Type ATM one to one VCC cell ATM one to one VCC cell
transport transport

PW Ingress Label/Source 105 106


PW Egress Label/Sink 105 106


Tunnel Selection Mode Manually Manually

Tunnel Type MPLS MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1515 1501

In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the related parameters that need to be set in
the Advanced Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Parameter NE32

rt-VBR Services from rt-VBR Services from

BTS34 (Forward PW) BTS34 (Backward PW)

Control Word Must use Must use

Control Channel Type CW CW

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Parameter NE32

rt-VBR Services from rt-VBR Services from

BTS34 (Forward PW) BTS34 (Backward PW)

VCCV Verification Mode Ping Ping

l MS-PW parameters for nrt-VBR services:

The values for the required parameters that are set in the main interface are as follows.
Parameter NE32

nrt-VBR Services from BTS34

ID 904

Name bts34_nrtvbrservice_mspw

Service Type ATM Service

Connection Type PVC

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the PW Basic Attributes tab page
are provided as follows.
Parameter NE32

nrt-VBR Services from nrt-VBR Services from

BTS34 (Forward PW) BTS34 (Backward PW)

PW ID 107 108

PW Signaling Type Static Static

PW Type ATM one to one VCC cell ATM one to one VCC cell
transport transport

PW Ingress Label/Source 107 108


PW Egress Label/Sink 107 108


Tunnel Selection Mode Manually Manually

Tunnel Type MPLS MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1515 1501

In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the related parameters that need to be set in
the Advanced Attributes tab page are provided as follows.

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Parameter NE32

nrt-VBR Services from nrt-VBR Services from

BTS34 (Forward PW) BTS34 (Backward PW)

Control Word Must use Must use

Control Channel Type CW CW

VCCV Verification Mode Ping Ping

l MS-PW parameters for UBR services:

The values for the required parameters that are set in the main interface are as follows.

Parameter NE32

UBR Services from BTS34

ID 905

Name bts34_ubrservice_mspw

Service Type ATM Service

Connection Type PVC

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the PW Basic Attributes tab page
are provided as follows.

Parameter NE32

UBR Services from UBR Services from

BTS34 (Forward PW) BTS34 (Backward PW)

PW ID 109 110

PW Signaling Type Static Static

PW Type ATM one to one VCC cell ATM one to one VCC cell
transport transport

PW Ingress Label/Source 109 110


PW Egress Label/Sink 109 110


Tunnel Selection Mode Manually Manually

Tunnel Type MPLS MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1515 1501

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In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the related parameters that need to be set in
the Advanced Attributes tab page are provided as follows.

Parameter NE32

UBR Services from UBR Services from

BTS34 (Forward PW) BTS34 (Backward PW)

Control Word Must use Must use

Control Channel Type CW CW

VCCV Verification Mode Ping Ping

----End Configuration Process (Verifying ATM Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying ATM service configurations.

Step 1 See A.13.4 Testing ATM Services and verify ATM service configurations.
The verification result should be "success".


11.9 Configuration Example (Transparently Transmitted

ATM Services)
This section uses a transparently transmitted ATM service on a PSN as an example to describe
how to configure ATM services according to service planning information.

11.9.1 Networking Diagram

The section describes the networking information about the NEs.

Compared with service requirements in 11.6 Configuration Example (Common ATM

Services), this configuration example has the following different service requirements:

l Services from BTS13 and BTS14 are directly transmitted to NE11. The RNC uses different
E1 ports to receive services from different BTSs. For specific ATM service port
information, see Table 11-61.
l A bidirectional tunnel (ID: 1503), which has a protection tunnel, is available between NE11
and NE31. This tunnel and its corresponding information have been configured in 10.3
Configuration Example (MPLS Tunnels with MPLS APS Protection).
l The NEs need not perform traffic management for ATM services.

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Figure 11-21 Networking diagram

Working tunnel

NE11 NE31
E1 NE21 GE

BTS13 R99

Table 11-61 Information about service ports

NE Service Port Description

NE11 4-ML1-2 Configure this port to receive

BTS13 services.

4-ML1-3 to 4-ML1-6 Configure these ports to

receive BTS14 services.

NE31 2-ML1-6 Configure this port to

transmit BTS13 services to
the RNC.

2-ML1-7 to 2-ML1-10 Configure these ports to

transmit BTS14 services to
the RNC.

11.9.2 ServicePlanning
You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before service configuration. Service Planning (UNI Ports)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring UNI
Table 11-62 and Table 11-63 provide planning information about UNI ports.

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Table 11-62 Information about UNI ports (NE11)

Parameter 4-ML1-2 4-ML1-3 to 4-ML1-6

Port name conn_bts13_atm1 conn_bts14_ima1 to


Frame format CRC-4 multiframe CRC-4 multiframe

Frame mode PCM30 PCM30

Table 11-63 Information about UNI ports (NE31)

Parameter 2-ML1-6 2-ML1-7 to 2-ML1-10

Port name conn_rnc_atm1 conn_rnc_ima1 to


Frame format CRC-4 multiframe CRC-4 multiframe

Frame mode PCM30 PCM30


l Appropriate port names facilitate future maintenance. It is recommended that you name ports on the
entire network in a unified manner.
l The E1 frame format and frame mode must be the same as those of service access equipment. As
specified in ITU-T G.804, ATM service ports use the default CRC-4 multiframe format and the PCM30
frame mode. Service Planning (ATM/IMA Information)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring ATM/IMA information.

Table 11-64 and Table 11-65 provide ATM/IMA information.

Table 11-64 ATM/IMA information (NE11)

Parameter 4-ML1-1 (TRUNK1) 4-ML1-2 (TRUNK2)

Bound port 4-ML1-2 4-ML1-3 to 4-ML1-6

IMA protocol Disabled Enabled

enabled status

IMA protocol - 1.1


IMA frame - 128


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Parameter 4-ML1-1 (TRUNK1) 4-ML1-2 (TRUNK2)

IMA symmetric - Symmetric mode and symmetric

mode operation

Minimum - 1
number of
activated links

Differentiated - 25
delay tolerance

Clock mode - ITC

ATM port name conn_bts13_trunk1 conn_bts14_trunk2

Port type UNI UNI

ATM cell Enabled Enabled


Table 11-65 ATM/IMA information (NE31)

Parameter 2-ML1-1 (TRUNK1) 2-ML1-2 (TRUNK2)

Bound port 2-ML1-6 2-ML1-7 to 2-ML1-10

IMA protocol Disabled Enabled

enabled status

IMA protocol - 1.1


IMA frame - 128


IMA symmetric - Symmetric mode and symmetric

mode operation

Differentiated - 25
delay tolerance

Clock mode - ITC

ATM port name conn_rnc_trunk1 conn_rnc_trunk2

Port type UNI UNI

ATM cell Enabled Enabled


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l If carried over a single E1, ATM services from a BTS are transmitted and received through UNI ports.
In this case, the IMA protocol needs to be disabled. If carried over multiple E1s, ATM services from
a BTS are transmitted and received through IMA trunks.
l Normally, set the IMA protocol version, IMA frame length, IMA symmetric mode, and differentiated
delay tolerance of an NE (with IMA protocol enabled) to the same values as those of its interconnected
equipment. Normally, the BTS/RNC configurations are as follows:
l IMA protocol version: 1.1
l IMA frame length: 128
l IMA symmetric mode: symmetrical mode and symmetrical operation
l The differentiated delay tolerance: 25
l The clock modes must be the same at both ends of an IMA trunk. The default clock mode for a BTS
is ITC. Therefore, the clock mode is set to ITC for the NE that is interconnected with the BTS and the
NE at the opposite end of the IMA link. Service Planning (QoS)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring ATM service classes and ATM policies.
In this example, the PHB service class is set to EF for transparently transmitted ATM services
to ensure reliable transmission of medium- and high-priority services. The PHB service class
for transparently transmitted ATM services, however, is defined as BE in the default ATM CoS
mapping table. Therefore, a new ATM CoS mapping table needs to be created.

Table 11-66 Information about the ATM CoS mapping table

Parameter Value

NE11 NE31

Mapping table ID 2

Mapping table name Port-transparent

PHB service class for EF

transparently transmitted
ATM services Service Planning (Service Information)

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring ATM services.
Table 11-67 provides the service planning information.

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Table 11-67 Service information (ATM services from BTS13)

Parameter ATM Services from BTS13

Source NE (NE11) Sink NE (NE31)

Service name bts13_atmservice

Service ID 101

Service type UNIs-NNI

Connection type Port Transparent

Protection type No protection

Service board 4-ML1 2-ML1

Service port TRUNK1 TRUNK1

PW information

PW ID 101

PW ingress/ 101/101
egress label

PW type ATM transparent cell transport

Tunnel 1503

Control Word No Use

Control Channel Alert Label



CoS mapping information

CoS mapping 2 (Port Transparent)

Table 11-68 Service information (ATM services from BTS14)

Parameter ATM Services from BTS14

Source NE (NE11) Sink NE (NE31)

Service name bts14_imaservice

Service ID 112

Service type UNIs-NNI

Connection type Port Transparent

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Parameter ATM Services from BTS14

Source NE (NE11) Sink NE (NE31)

Protection type No protection

Service board 4-ML1 2-ML1

Service port TRUNK2 TRUNK2

PW information

PW ID 112

PW ingress/ 112/112
egress label

PW type ATM transparent cell transport

Tunnel 1503

Control Word No Use

Control Channel Alert Label



CoS mapping information

CoS mapping 2 (Port Transparent)

11.9.3 Per-NE Configuration Process

This section describes the process for configuring transparently transmitted ATM services on a
per-NE basis. Configuration Process (UNI Ports)

This section describes the process for configuring UNI port information.

Step 1 See A.6.4.1 Setting Basic Attributes of Smart E1 Ports and set general attributes of Smart E1
l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.
Parameter NE11

4-ML1-2 4-ML1-3 to 4-ML1-6

Name conn_bts13_atm1 conn_bts14_ima1 to


Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

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l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.
Parameter NE31

2-ML1-6 2-ML1-7 to 2-ML1-10

Name conn_rnc_atm1 conn_rnc_ima1 to


Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Step 2 See A.6.4.2 Setting Advanced Attributes of Smart E1 Ports and set advanced attributes of
Smart E1 ports.
l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.
Parameter NE11

4-ML1-2 4-ML1-3 to 4-ML1-6

Frame Format CRC-4 Multiframe CRC-4 Multiframe

Frame Mode 30 30

l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.
Parameter NE31

2-ML1-6 2-ML1-7 to 2-ML1-10

Frame Format CRC-4 Multiframe CRC-4 Multiframe

Frame Mode 30 30

----End Configuration Process (IMA Information)

This section describes the process for configuring IMA information.

Step 1 See A.9.7.1 Binding ATM TRUNKs and bind the ATM trunk.
l The values for the related parameters for NE11 are provided as follows.
Parameter NE11

Trunk1 (Connecting Trunk2 (Connecting

BTS13 Services) BTS14 Services)

Available Boards 4-ML1 4-ML1

Configurable Ports 4-ML1-1 (Trunk1) 4-ML1-2 (Trunk2)

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Parameter NE11

Trunk1 (Connecting Trunk2 (Connecting

BTS13 Services) BTS14 Services)

Level E1 E1

Available Resources 4-ML1-2 4-ML1-3

(conn_bts13_atm_1) (conn_bts14_ima1) to 4-
ML1-6 (conn_bts14_ima4)

l The values for the related parameters for NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

Trunk1 (Transmitting Trunk2 (Transmitting

BTS13 Services to the BTS14 Services to the

Available Boards 2-ML1 2-ML1

Configurable Ports 2-ML1-1 (Trunk1) 2-ML1-2 (Trunk2)

Level E1 E1

Available Resources 2-ML1-6 (conn_rnc_atm1) 2-ML1-7 (conn_rnc_ima1)

to 2-ML1-10

Step 2 See A.9.7.2 Configuring an IMA group and create an IMA group.
l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE11

4-ML1-1 (Trunk1) 4-ML1-2 (Trunk2)

(Connecting BTS13 (Connecting BTS14
Services) Services)

IMA Protocol Enable Disabled Enabled


IMA Protocol Version - 1.1

IMA Transmit Frame - 128


IMA Symmetry Mode - Symmetrical Mode and

Symmetrical Operational

Maximum Delay Between - 25

Links (ms)

l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.

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Parameter NE31

2-ML1-1 (Trunk1) 2-ML1-2 (Trunk2)

(Transmitting BTS13 (Transmitting BTS14
Services to the RNC) Services to the RNC)

IMA Protocol Enable Disabled Enabled


IMA Protocol Version - 1.1

IMA Transmit Frame - 128


IMA Symmetry Mode - Symmetrical Mode and

Symmetrical Operational

Maximum Delay Between - 25

Links (ms)

Step 3 See A.9.7.3 Setting ATM Port Parameters and set ATM port parameters.
l The values for the related parameters of NE11 are provided as follows.
Parameter NE11

4-ML1-1 (Trunk1) 4-ML1-2 (Trunk2)

(Connecting BTS13 (Connecting BTS14
Services) Services)

Name conn_bts13_trunk1 conn_bts14_trunk2

Port Type UNI UNI

ATM Cell Payload Enabled Enabled


l The values for the related parameters of NE31 are provided as follows.
Parameter NE31

2-ML1-1 (Trunk1) 2-ML1-2 (Trunk2)

(Transmitting BTS13 (Transmitting BTS14
Services to the RNC) Services to the RNC)

Name conn_rnc_trunk1 conn_rnc_trunk2

Port Type UNI UNI

ATM Cell Payload Enabled Enabled



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This section describes the process for configuring QoS information for ATM services.

Step 1 See A.9.9.1 Creating an ATM-DiffServ Domain and create the ATM DS domain.

Parameters for NE11 and NE31:

Parameter Value

NE11 and NE31

Mapping Relation ID 2

Mapping Relation Name Port-transparent



PHB service classes for other service types are invalid for transparently transmitted ATM services. It is
recommended that a transparently transmitted ATM service takes its default PHB service class.

----End Configuration Process (Service Information)

This section describes the process for configuring service information.

Step 1 See A.9.8.1 Creating ATM Services and create ATM services.
l Parameters of NE11:
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.

Parame NE11
ATM Services from BTS13 ATM Services from BTS14

Service bts13_atmservice bts14_imaservice


Service 101 112


Directio UNIs-NNI UNIs-NNI


Connec Port Transparent Port Transparent


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Parame NE11
ATM Services from BTS13 ATM Services from BTS14

Protecti No Protection No Protection

on Type

The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Configure Connection tab
page are provided as follows.
Parameter NE11

ATM Services from ATM Services from


Source Board 4-ML1 4-ML1

Source Port 1 (TRUNK1) 2 (TRUNK2)

In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the relevant parameters that need to be set
in the General Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Parame NE11
ATM Services from BTS13 ATM Services from BTS14

PW ID 101 112

PW Static Static
g Type

PW ATM transparent cell transport ATM transparent cell transport


PW 101 112
Label /

PW 101 112
Label /

Ingress 1503 1503


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In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the related parameters that need to be set in
the Advanced Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Parame NE11
ATM Services from BTS13 ATM Services from BTS14

Control NO use NO use


Control Alert Label Alert Label

l Type

VCCV Ping Ping


The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the CoS Mapping tab page are
provided as follows.
Parame NE11
ATM Services from BTS13 ATM Services from BTS14

PW ID 101 112

CoS 2 (Port-transparent) 2 (Port-transparent)


l Parameters of NE31:
The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.
Parame NE31
ATM Services from BTS13 ATM Services from BTS14

Service bts13_atmservice bts14_imaservice


Service 101 112


Directio UNIs-NNI UNIs-NNI


Connec Port Transparent Port Transparent


Protecti No protection No protection

on Type

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The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the Configure Connection tab
page are provided as follows.
Parameter NE31

ATM Services from ATM Services from


Source Board 2-ML1 2-ML1

Source Port 1 (TRUNK1) 2 (TRUNK2)

In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the relevant parameters that need to be set
in the General Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Parame NE31
ATM Services from BTS13 ATM Services from BTS14

PW ID 101 112

PW Static Static
ng Type

PW ATM transparent cell transport ATM transparent cell transport


PW 101 112
Label /

PW 101 112
Label /

Ingress 1503 1503


In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the related parameters that need to be set in
the Advanced Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Parame NE31
ATM Services from BTS13 ATM Services from BTS14

Control NO use NO use


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Parame NE31
ATM Services from BTS13 ATM Services from BTS14

Control Alert Label Alert Label

l Type

VCCV Ping Ping


The values for the related parameters that need to be set in the CoS Mapping tab page are
provided as follows.

Parame NE31
ATM Services from BTS13 ATM Services from BTS14

PW ID 101 112

CoS 2 (Port-transparent) 2 (Port-transparent)


----End Configuration Process (Verifying ATM Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying ATM service configurations.

Step 1 The OptiX RTN 950 does not support ATM OAM tests on transparently transmitted services
(PORT-TRANS) over an ATM port. Therefore, it is recommended that you initiate an ATM
OAM test on a CE (for example, a BTS or RNC) of a PSN so that ATM OAM packets can be
transparently transmitted through the OptiX RTN 950 to the opposite CE on the PSN. In this
manner, an ATM service connectivity test is implemented.


11.10 Configuration Example (E-Line Services Carried on

PWs, a Simple Example)
This section considers E-Line services carried on PWs as an example to describe how to
configure E-Line services.

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11.10.1 Networking Diagram

The section describes the networking information about the NEs.
After planning and configuring MPLS tunnels, aggregate Ethernet services from BTSs to the
RNC by means of PWs. The service requirements are as follows:
l Ethernet services (VLAN ID: 310) at BTS31, which are received by NE32, need to be
transmitted to the RNC. A bidirectional working tunnel (ID: 1501), which has a protection
tunnel, is available between NE32 and NE31. Ethernet services carried on PWs connected
to BTS31 are transparently transmitted over the tunnel.
l Ethernet services at all preceding BTSs have already been configured with corresponding
VLAN priorities based on service types (real-time voice services, HSDPA real-time
services, R99 non-real-time services, and HSDPA data services), and the transmission
network is required to provide end-to-end QoS control based on the VLAN priorities
specified at the BTSs.
l GE ports on NE31, which are connected to the RNC, need to be protected in link aggregation
group (LAG) mode.

Figure 11-22 Networking diagram (E-Line services carried on PWs, a simple example)
BTS33 NE33


Working Tunnel


Hybrid radio chain network NE11 NE31


Hybrid radio ring network


Table 11-69 provides the information about UNI ports of E-Line services carried on PWs.

Table 11-69 Information about service ports

NE Service Port Description

NE32 2-EM6F-3 Receives the Ethernet

services from BTS31.

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NE Service Port Description

NE31 4-EM6T-1 Ports 4-EM6T-1 and 4-

4-EM6T-2 EM6T-2 form a LAG.

11.10.2 Service Planning

You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before service configuration. Service Planning (UNI Ports)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring UNI

Table 11-70 provides the information about the Ethernet ports on NE32.

Table 11-70 Information about Ethernet ports (NE32)

Parameter NE32


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

Flow Control Disabled

Table 11-71 provides the information about the Ethernet ports on NE31.

Table 11-71 Information about Ethernet ports (NE31)

Parameter NE31

4-EM6T-1 4-EM6T-2

Enable Port Enabled Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536 1536

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Parameter NE31

4-EM6T-1 4-EM6T-2

Flow Control Disabled Disabled


l In this example, all GE ports on the packet network work in auto-negotiation mode. Therefore, FE ports on
all NEs, which receive Ethernet services from BTSs, need to work in auto-negotiation mode. If Ethernet
ports at BTSs, which are connected to FE ports, work in other modes, FE ports at the local end need to work
in the corresponding modes.
l In this example, to ensure that the Ethernet frames that carry more than one tag such as QinQ can traverse
the equipment, the maximum frame length is set to 1536 (bytes). If the equipment needs to transmit jumbo
frames with a greater length, set the maximum frame length according to the actual length of a jumbo frame.
l Generally, the flow control function is enabled only when the local NE or opposite equipment has insufficient
QoS capabilities. The planning information of flow control must be the same for the equipment at both ends.
l In this example, no loopback check, loopback port shutdown, or broadcast packet suppression function is
enabled. Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)

This section provides the information about all the Ethernet protection parameters required for
GE ports of NE31 connected to the RNC.
To improve the reliability of service transmission, NE31 and the RNC are interconnected through
the LAG formed by two GE links.Table 11-72 provides the planning information.

Table 11-72 Information about LAGs

Parameter NE31

LAG type Static

Revertive mode Non-Revertive

Load sharing Non-Sharing

System priority 32768

Main port 4-EM6T-1

Slave port 4-EM6T-2


In this example, the bandwidth of the Ethernet services is lower than the bandwidth of a GE port. Therefore,
you need not configure the LAG to the load-sharing mode for increase of the bandwidth utilization. Service Planning (Service Information)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for E-Line services
carried by PWs.

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Table 11-73 provides the planning information about E-Line services carried by PWs.

Table 11-73 Planning information about E-Line services carried by PWs

Parameter E-Line Services Carried by PWs Connected to BTS31

Source NE (NE32) Sink NE (NE31)

Service ID 303 303

Service Name BTS31-RNC_E-Line BTS31-RNC_E-Line


BPDU Not Transparently Not Transparently

Transmitted Transmitted

Source Port 2-EM6F-3 4-EM6T-1

Source VLANs 310 310

Bearer Type PW PW

Protection Type No Protection No Protection


For per-NE service configuration, the service name needs to be planned manually. For end-to-end service
configuration, the Web LCT automatically generates the service name based on naming rules.

Table 11-74 provides the planning information about PWs.

Table 11-74 Planning information about PWs

Parameter E-Line Services Carried by PWs Connected to BTS31

Source NE (NE32) Sink NE (NE31)

PW ID 303 303

PW Signaling Type Static Static

PW Type Ethernet Ethernet

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional

PW Encapsulation Type MPLS MPLS

PW Ingress Labs/Source Port 40 40

PW Egress Labs/Sink Port 40 40

Tunnel selection mode MPLS MPLS

Tunnel 1501 1501

Opposite LSR ID

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Parameter E-Line Services Carried by PWs Connected to BTS31

Source NE (NE32) Sink NE (NE31)

Control Word No Use No Use

Control Channel Type Alert Label Alert Label

VCCV Verification Mode Ping Ping


In this example, the service ID, PW ID, PW ingress label, and PW egress label are manually planned. For end-
to-end service configuration, the Web LCT automatically sets these parameters.
In this example, the tunnel has already been planned when you plan MPLS tunnels. Therefore, you need to
select only the tunnel that carries the PWs. Service Planning (QoS)

The section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring QoS.

QoS (DiffServ)
Diffserv is the basis for QoS. It is recommended that the VLAN priority or DSCP value of the
BTS services be allocated by the service type. Then, the transmission network creates the
corresponding Diffserv domain according to the allocated VLAN priority, DSCP value, or MPLS
EXP value. Each Ethernet port involved in the service must use the same Diffserv configuration.

In this example, the BTS services are allocated corresponding C-VLAN priorities by service
type, and PW-carried UNI-NNI E-Line services are configured on the transmission network.
DiffServ planning has been completed for the transmission network during MPLS tunnel
planning. In this example, you only need to set the trusted packet types of the UNI and NNI
ports to C-VLAN priority and MPLS EXP respectively. This setting results in the mapping from
the C-VLAN priority of the UNI-side BTS services to the MPLS EXP value on the NNI side of
the transmission network, therefore achieving end-to-end QoS control on the transmission

QoS (Queue Scheduling Mode)

Generally, each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same queue scheduling mode.

Table 11-75 lists the queue scheduling mode used by each Ethernet port involved in the service
in this example.

Table 11-75 Queue scheduling mode

PHB Service Class Queue Scheduling Mode




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PHB Service Class Queue Scheduling Mode

AF4 WRR (weight = 5)

AF3 WRR (weight = 60)

AF2 WRR (weight = 30)

AF1 WRR (weight = 5)


QoS (CAR or Shaping for a Specified Service Flow)

Normally, flow control is already performed on 2G/3G base stations and BSCs/RNCs and
therefore CAR or shaping processing does not need to be performed again on the microwave
backhaul network.

QoS (Port Shaping)

If the Ethernet bandwidth planned for the aggregation link is lower than the total bandwidth of
the aggregation services, you can perform port shaping at the edge node to limit the Ethernet
service traffic that travels to the aggregation node, thus preventing congestion at the aggregation
In this example, you do not need to perform port shaping.

QoS (PW Bandwidth Control)

In this example, PW bandwidth does not need to be controlled.

11.10.3 Per-NE Configuration Process

This section describes the process for configuring E-Line services carried on PWs in Per-NE
configuration mode. Configuration Process (UNI Ports)

This section describes the process for configuring UNI port attributes.

Step 1 See A.6.6.1 Setting the General Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the general attributes of
the UNI ports.
l The values for the general attribute parameters of the UNI port of NE32 are provided as
Parameter NE32


Enable Port Enabled

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Parameter NE32


Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

l The values for the general attribute parameters of the UNI port of NE31 are provided as
Parameter NE31

4-EM6T-1 4-EM6T-2

Enable Port Enabled Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536 1536

Step 2 See A.6.6.3 Setting the Layer 2 Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the Layer 2 attributes of
the UNI ports.
l The values for the Layer 2 attribute parameters of the UNI port of NE32 are provided as
Parameter NE32


TAG Tag Aware

l The values for the Layer 2 attribute parameters of the UNI port of NE31 are provided as
Parameter NE31

4-EM6T-1 4-EM6T-2

TAG Tag Aware Tag Aware

----End Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)

This section describes how to create a LAG of the GE port of NE31 connected to the RNC.

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Step 1 See A.7.2.1 Creating a LAG and create a LAG.

The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided as

Parameter Value

LAG No. Select Automatically Assign.


LAG Type Static

Revertive Mode Non-Revertive

Load Sharing Non-Sharing

System Priority 32768

The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the Port Setting tab page are as

Parameter Value

Main Board 4-EM6T

Main Port 1

Selected Standby Ports 2

----End Configuration Process (Service Information)

This section describes the process for configuring E-Line services carried on PWs.

Step 1 See A.7.3.5 Configuring UNI-NNI E-Line Services (Carried by PWs) and configure the E-
Line services.
l Parameters of NE32
The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.

Parameter NE32

Service ID 303

Service Name BTS31-RNC_E-Line

Direction UNI-NNI

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Parameter NE32

BPDU Not Transparently Transmitted

Source Interface 2-EM6F-3

Source VLAN ID 310

Bearer Type PW

Protection Type No Protection

The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the PW tab page are provided
as follows.
Parameter NE32

PW ID 303

PW Signaling Type Static

PW Type Ethernet

PW Direction Bidirectional

PW Encapsulation Type MPLS

PW Ingress Label/Source Port 40

PW Egress Label/Sink Port 40

Tunnel Type MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1501


The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the Advanced Attributes dialog
box are provided as follows.
Parameter NE32

Control Word No Use

Control Channel Type Alert Label

VCCV Verification Mode Ping

l Parameters of NE31
The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.

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Parameter NE31

Service ID 303

Service Name BTS31-RNC_E-Line

Direction UNI-NNI

BPDU Not Transparently Transmitted

Source Interface 4-EM6T-1

Source VLAN ID 310

Bearer Type PW

Protection Type No Protection

In the Configure PW dialog box, the values for the relevant parameters that need to be set
in the General Attributes tab page are provided as follows.
Parameter NE31

PW ID 303

PW Signaling Type Static

PW Type Ethernet

PW Direction Bidirectional

PW Encapsulation Type MPLS

PW Ingress Label/Source Port 40

PW Egress Label/Sink Port 40

Tunnel Type MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1501


The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the Advanced Attributes dialog
box are provided as follows.
Parameter NE31

Control Word No Use

Control Channel Type Alert Label

VCCV Verification Mode Ping


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This section describes the process for configuring QoS of E-Line services carried on PWs.

Step 1 See A.7.7.2 Modifying the Mapping Relationships for the DS Domain and set the trusted
packet types of the UNI and NNI ports on NE32 and NE31 that transmit the UNI-NNI ETH
PWE3 services to C-VLAN and MPLS EXP respectively.
1. Select the default DS domain for the OptiX RTN equipment.

In this example, the planned mapping between the trusted packet type (C-VLAN priority) and the PHB
service class queues for BTSs is the same as the mapping in the default DS domain of the OptiX RTN
equipment. Therefore, the default DS domain settings are used.

Parameter Value

Mapping Relation ID 1

Mapping Relation Name DefaultMap

2. Set the trusted packet type of the UNI ports on NE32 and NE31 to C-VLAN.
Parameter Value

NE32 NE31

Port 2-EM6F-3 4-EM6T-1



For an NNI port that transmits a PW-carried E-Line service, set Packet Type trusted by the NNI port to

Step 2 See A.7.7.4 Creating a Port Policy and create the port policy.
The values for the related parameters of UNI ports of NE32 and NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Policy ID 1

Policy Name Port_Comm

Grooming Police After Reloading SP (CS7, CS6, and EF)

WRR (AF4 to AF1)

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Parameter Value

Policy Weight(%) 5 (AF4)

60 (AF3)
30 (AF2)
5 (AF1)

Bandwidth Limit Disabled (for all PHB service levels)

Step 3 See A.7.7.7 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy and set the ports that use the port policy.
The values for the related parameters of UNI ports of NE32 and NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE32 NE31

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1) Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 2-EM6F-3 4-EM6T-1

----End Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

Step 1 See A.7.8.1 Creating an MD and create the MDs for NE31 and NE32.
The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE31 NE32

Maintenance Domain EdgeNE EdgeNE


Maintenance Domain 4 4

Step 2 See A.7.8.2 Creating an MA and create an MA for NE31 and NE32.
The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

NE31 NE32

Maintenance Domain EdgeNE EdgeNE


Maintenance Association BTS31-RNC_E-Line BTS31-RNC_E-Line


Relevant Service BTS31-RNC_E-Line BTS31-RNC_E-Line

CC Test Transmit Period 1s 1s

Step 3 See A.7.8.3 Creating MEPs and create MEPs for NE31 and NE32.

The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE31 NE32

Maintenance Domain EdgeNE EdgeNE


Maintenance Association BTS31-RNC_E-Line BTS31-RNC_E-Line


Board 4-EM6T 2-EM6F

Port 4-EM6T-1 2-EM6F-3

VLAN 310 310

MP ID 310 320

Direction Ingress Ingress

CC Status Active Active

Step 4 See A.7.8.4 Creating Remote MEPs in an MA and create the remote MEPs for NE31 and

The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE31 NE32

Maintenance Domain EdgeNE EdgeNE


Maintenance Association BTS31-RNC_E-Line BTS31-RNC_E-Line


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Parameter Value

NE31 NE32

Remote Maintenance Point 320 310


Step 5 On NE31, perform LB tests to verify the Ethernet service configurations.

Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MP ID is 310 as the source MEP and the
MEP whose MP ID is 320 as the sink MEP to check the connectivity of the E-Line services
carried on the PWs between NE31 and NE32.

The LB test result shows that no packet loss occurs.


11.11 Configuration Example (E-Line Services Carried on

PWs and Transmitting the Ethernet Services Aggregated
from the Hybrid Microwave Network)
This section considers E-Line services carried on PWs and transmitting the Ethernet services
aggregated from the Hybrid microwave network as an example to describe how to configure E-
Line services carried on PWs.

11.11.1 Networking Diagram

The section describes the networking information about the NEs.

After planning and configuring MPLS tunnels, aggregate Ethernet services from BTSs to the
RNC by means of PWs. The service requirements are as follows:

l On the Hybrid microwave chain network connected to NE11, Ethernet services at BTS11,
BTS12, and BTS13 respectively carry VLAN ID 100, VLAN ID 110, and VLAN ID 120,
and they need to be transmitted to the RNC. A bidirectional working tunnel (ID: 1503),
which has a protection tunnel, is available between NE11 and NE31. Ethernet services
carried on PWs at BTS11, BTS12, and BTS13 are transparently transmitted over the tunnel.
l On the Hybrid microwave ring network connected to NE21, Ethernet services at BTS21,
BTS22, and BTS23 respectively carry VLAN ID 200, VLAN ID 210, and VLAN ID 220,
and they need to be transmitted to the RNC. A bidirectional working tunnel (ID: 1505),
which has a protection tunnel, is available between NE21 and NE31. Ethernet services
carried on PWs at BTS21, BTS22, and BTS23 are transparently transmitted over the tunnel.
l Ethernet services at all preceding BTSs have already been configured with corresponding
VLAN priorities based on service types (real-time voice services, HSDPA real-time
services, R99 non-real-time services, and HSDPA data services), and the transmission
network is required to provide end-to-end QoS control based on the VLAN priorities
specified at the BTSs.
l GE ports on NE31, which are connected to the RNC, need to be protected in link aggregation
group (LAG) mode.

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Figure 11-23 Networking diagram (E-Line services carried on PWs and transmitting the
Ethernet services aggregated from the Hybrid microwave network)
BTS33 NE33


BTS11 Working Tunnel
R4 NE31 GE
BTS12 Hybrid radio chain network NE11
R4 BTS13
Working Tunnel
R4 Hybrid radio ring network


R4 R4

Table 11-76 provides the information about UNI service ports of E-Line services carried on

Table 11-76 Information about service ports

NE Service Port Description

NE11 3-ISU2-1 Receive Ethernet services at

BTS11, BTS12, and BTS13
connected to the Hybrid
microwave chain network.

NE21 1-EM6F-4 NE21 cross-connects and

loops back the 1-EM6F-3
port to the 1-EM6F-4 port by
means of a network cable to
convert Native E-LAN
services (at BTS21, BTS22,
and BTS23) received by the
1-EM6F-3 port on the Hybrid
microwave ring network to
E-Line services carried on

NE31 4-EM6T-1 Ports 4-EM6T-1 and 4-

4-EM6T-2 EM6T-2 form a LAG.

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11.11.2 Service Planning

You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before service configuration. Service Planning (UNI Ports)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring UNI

Information About Ethernet Ports

Table 11-77 provides the information about the Ethernet ports on NE21.

Table 11-77 Information about Ethernet ports (NE21)

Parameter NE21


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

Flow Control Disabled

Table 11-78 provides the information about the Ethernet ports on NE31.

Table 11-78 Information about Ethernet ports (NE31)

Parameter NE31

4-EM6T-1 4-EM6T-2

Enable Port Enabled Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536 1536

Flow Control Disabled Disabled

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l NE21 cross-connects and loops back the 1-EM6F-3 port to the 1-EM6F-4 port by means of a network cable
to convert Native E-LAN services received by the 1-EM6F-3 port on the Hybrid microwave ring network
to E-Line services carried on PWs.
l In this example, all GE ports on the packet network work in auto-negotiation mode. Therefore, FE ports on
all NEs, which receive Ethernet services from BTSs, need to work in auto-negotiation mode. If Ethernet
ports at BTSs, which are connected to FE ports, work in other modes, FE ports at the local end need to work
in the corresponding modes.
l In this example, to ensure that the Ethernet frames that carry more than one tag such as QinQ can traverse
the equipment, the maximum frame length is set to 1536 (bytes). If the equipment needs to transmit jumbo
frames with a greater length, set the maximum frame length according to the actual length of a jumbo frame.
l Generally, the flow control function is enabled only when the local NE or opposite equipment has insufficient
QoS capabilities. The planning information of flow control must be the same for the equipment at both ends.
l In this example, no loopback check, loopback port shutdown, or broadcast packet suppression function is
enabled for Ethernet ports.

Information About IF_ETH Ports

Table 11-79 provides the information about IF_ETH ports on NE11, which receive Ethernet
services from BTSs on the Hybrid microwave chain network.

Table 11-79 Information about IF_ETH ports

Parameter NE11


Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q Service Planning (Ethernet Protection)

This section provides the information about all the Ethernet protection parameters required for
GE ports of NE31 connected to the RNC.
To improve the reliability of service transmission, NE31 and the RNC are interconnected through
the LAG formed by two GE links.Table 11-80 provides the planning information.

Table 11-80 Information about LAGs

Parameter NE31

LAG type Static

Revertive mode Non-Revertive

Load sharing Non-Sharing

System priority 32768

Main port 4-EM6T-1

Slave port 4-EM6T-2

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In this example, the bandwidth of the Ethernet services is lower than the bandwidth of a GE port. Therefore,
you need not configure the LAG to the load-sharing mode for increase of the bandwidth utilization. Service Planning (Service Information)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for E-Line services
carried by PWs.
Table 11-81 provides the planning information about E-Line services carried by PWs.

Table 11-81 Planning information about E-Line services carried by PWs

Parameter E-Line Services Carried on PWs E-Line Services Carried on PWs
Connected to BTS11, BTS12, or Connected to BTS21, BTS22, or

Source NE Sink NE Source NE Sink NE

(NE11) (NE31) (NE21) (NE31)

Service ID 301 301 302 302

Service Name BTS11/12/13- BTS11/12/13- BTS21/22/23- BTS21/22/23-

RNC_E-Line RNC_E-Line RNC_E-Line RNC_E-Line


BPDU Not Not Not Not

Transparently Transparently Transparently Transparently
Transmitted Transmitted Transmitted Transmitted

Source Port 3-ISU2-1 4-EM6T-1 1-EM6F-4 4-EM6T-1

Source VLANs 100,110,120 100,110,120 200,210,220 200,210,220

Bearer Type PW PW PW PW

Protection Type No Protection No Protection No Protection No Protection


For per-NE service configuration, the service name needs to be planned manually. For end-to-end service
configuration, the Web LCT automatically generates the service name based on naming rules.

Table 11-82 provides the planning information about PWs.

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Table 11-82 Planning information about PWs

Parameter E-Line Services Carried on PWs E-Line Services Carried on PWs

Connected to BTS11, BTS12, or Connected to BTS21, BTS22, or

Source NE Sink NE Source NE Sink NE

(NE11) (NE31) (NE21) (NE31)

PW ID 301 301 302 302

PW Signaling Static Static Static Static


PW Type Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional



PW Ingress 60 60 50 50

PW Egress 60 60 50 50
Labs/Sink Port


selection mode

Tunnel 1503 1503 1505 1505

Opposite LSR


Control Word No Use No Use No Use No Use

Control Alert Label Alert Label Alert Label Alert Label

Channel Type

VCCV Ping Ping Ping Ping



In this example, the service ID, PW ID, PW ingress label, and PW egress label are manually planned. For end-
to-end service configuration, the Web LCT automatically sets these parameters.
In this example, the tunnel has already been planned when you plan MPLS tunnels. Therefore, you need to
select only the tunnel that carries the PWs. Service Planning (QoS)

The section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring QoS.

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QoS (DiffServ)
Diffserv is the basis for QoS. It is recommended that the VLAN priority or DSCP value of the
BTS services be allocated by the service type. Then, the transmission network creates the
corresponding Diffserv domain according to the allocated VLAN priority, DSCP value, or MPLS
EXP value. Each Ethernet port involved in the service must use the same Diffserv configuration.
In this example, the BTS services are allocated corresponding C-VLAN priorities by service
type, and PW-carried UNI-NNI E-Line services are configured on the transmission network.
DiffServ planning has been completed for the transmission network during MPLS tunnel
planning. In this example, you only need to set the trusted packet types of the UNI and NNI
ports to C-VLAN priority and MPLS EXP respectively. This setting results in the mapping from
the C-VLAN priority of the UNI-side BTS services to the MPLS EXP value on the NNI side of
the transmission network, therefore achieving end-to-end QoS control on the transmission

QoS (Queue Scheduling Mode)

Generally, each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same queue scheduling mode.
Table 11-83 lists the queue scheduling mode used by each Ethernet port involved in the service
in this example.

Table 11-83 Queue scheduling mode

PHB Service Class Queue Scheduling Mode




AF4 WRR (weight = 5)

AF3 WRR (weight = 60)

AF2 WRR (weight = 30)

AF1 WRR (weight = 5)


QoS (CAR or Shaping for a Specified Service Flow)

Normally, flow control is already performed on 2G/3G base stations and BSCs/RNCs and
therefore CAR or shaping processing does not need to be performed again on the microwave
backhaul network.

QoS (Port Shaping)

If the Ethernet bandwidth planned for the aggregation link is lower than the total bandwidth of
the aggregation services, you can perform port shaping at the edge node to limit the Ethernet
service traffic that travels to the aggregation node, thus preventing congestion at the aggregation

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In this example, you do not need to perform port shaping.

QoS (PW Bandwidth Control)

In this example, PW bandwidth does not need to be controlled.

11.11.3 Per-NE Configuration Process

This section describes the process for configuring E-Line services carried on PWs in Per-NE
configuration mode. Configuration Process (UNI Ports)

This section describes the process for configuring UNI ports.

Step 1 See A.6.6.1 Setting the General Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the general attributes of
the UNI ports.
l The values for the general attribute parameters of the UNI port of NE21 are provided as
Parameter NE21


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

l The values for the general attribute parameters of the UNI port of NE31 are provided as
Parameter NE31

4-EM6T-1 4-EM6T-2

Enable Port Enabled Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536 1536

Step 2 See A.6.6.3 Setting the Layer 2 Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the Layer 2 attributes of
the UNI ports.

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l The values for the Layer 2 attribute parameters of the UNI port of NE21 are provided as

Parameter NE21


TAG Tag Aware

l The values for the Layer 2 attribute parameters of the UNI port of NE31 are provided as

Parameter NE31

4-EM6T-1 4-EM6T-2

TAG Tag Aware Tag Aware

Step 3 See A.6.7.1 Setting the General Attributes of IF_ETH Ports and set the general attributes of
the UNI ports.

The values for the general attribute parameters of the UNI port of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE11


Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q

Step 4 See A.6.7.2 Setting the Layer 2 Attributes of IF_ETH Ports and set the Layer 2 attributes of
the UNI ports.

The values for the Layer 2 attribute parameters of the UNI port of NE11 are provided as follows.

Parameter NE11


Tag Tag Aware

----End Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)

This section describes how to create a LAG of the GE port of NE31 connected to the RNC.

Step 1 See A.7.2.1 Creating a LAG and create a LAG.

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The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided as

Parameter Value

LAG No. Select Automatically Assign.


LAG Type Static

Revertive Mode Non-Revertive

Load Sharing Non-Sharing

System Priority 32768

The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the Port Setting tab page are as

Parameter Value

Main Board 4-EM6T

Main Port 1

Selected Standby Ports 2

----End Configuration Process (Service Information)

This section describes the process for configuring E-Line services carried on PWs.

Step 1 See A.7.3.5 Configuring UNI-NNI E-Line Services (Carried by PWs) and configure the E-
Line services.
l Parameters of NE11
The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.

Parameter NE11

Service ID 301

Service Name BTS11/12/13-RNC_E-Line

Direction UNI-NNI

BPDU Not Transparently Transmitted

Source Interface 3-ISU2-1

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Parameter NE11

Source VLAN ID 100,110,120

Bearer Type PW

Protection Type No Protection

The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the PW tab page are provided
as follows.
Parameter NE11

PW ID 301

PW Signaling Type Static

PW Type Ethernet

PW Direction Bidirectional

PW Encapsulation Type MPLS

PW Ingress Label/Source Port 60

PW Egress Label/Sink Port 60

Tunnel Type MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1503


The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the Advanced Attributes dialog
box are provided as follows.
Parameter NE11

Control Word No Use

Control Channel Type Alert Label

VCCV Verification Mode Ping

l Parameters of NE21
The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.
Parameter NE21

Service ID 302

Service Name BTS21/22/23-RNC_E-Line

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Parameter NE21

Direction UNI-NNI

BPDU Not Transparently Transmitted

Source Interface 1-EM6F-4

Source VLAN ID 200,210,220

Bearer Type PW

Protection Type No Protection

The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the PW tab page are provided
as follows.
Parameter NE21

PW ID 302

PW Signaling Type Static

PW Type Ethernet

PW Direction Bidirectional

PW Encapsulation Type MPLS

PW Ingress Label/Source Port 50

PW Egress Label/Sink Port 50

Tunnel Type MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1505


The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the Advanced Attributes dialog
box are provided as follows.
Parameter NE21

Control Word No Use

Control Channel Type Alert Label

VCCV Verification Mode Ping

l Parameters of NE31
The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the main interface are as follows.

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Parameter NE31

E-Line Services Carried E-Line Services Carried

on PWs Connected to on PWs Connected to
BTS11, BTS12, or BTS13 BTS21, BTS22, or BTS23

Service ID 301 302

Service Name BTS11/12/13-RNC_E-Line BTS21/22/23-RNC_E-Line


BPDU Not Transparently Not Transparently

Transmitted Transmitted

Source Interface 4-EM6T-1 4-EM6T-1

Source VLAN ID 100,110,120 200,210,220

Bearer Type PW PW

Protection Type No Protection No Protection

The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the PW tab page are provided
as follows.
Parameter NE31

E-Line Services Carried E-Line Services Carried

on PWs Connected to on PWs Connected to
BTS11, BTS12, or BTS13 BTS21, BTS22, or BTS23

PW ID 301 302

PW Signaling Type Static Static

PW Type Ethernet Ethernet

PW Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional

PW Encapsulation Type MPLS MPLS

PW Ingress Label/Source 60 50

PW Egress Label/Sink 60 50

Tunnel Type MPLS MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1503 1505


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The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the Advanced Attributes dialog
box are provided as follows.

Parameter NE31

E-Line Services Carried E-Line Services Carried

on PWs Connected to on PWs Connected to
BTS11, BTS12, or BTS13 BTS21, BTS22, or BTS23

Control Word No Use No Use

Control Channel Type Alert Label Alert Label

VCCV Verification Mode Ping Ping

----End Configuration Process (QoS)

This section describes the process for configuring QoS of E-Line services carried on PWs.

Step 1 See A.7.7.2 Modifying the Mapping Relationships for the DS Domain and set the trusted
packet types of the UNI and NNI ports on NE11, NE21, and NE31 that transmit the UNI-NNI
ETH PWE3 services to C-VLAN and MPLS EXP respectively.
1. Select the default DS domain for the OptiX RTN equipment.

In this example, the planned mapping between the trusted packet type (C-VLAN priority) and the PHB
service class queues for BTSs is the same as the mapping in the default DS domain of the OptiX RTN
equipment. Therefore, the default DS domain settings are used.

Parameter Value

Mapping Relation ID 1

Mapping Relation Name DefaultMap

2. Set the trusted packet type of the UNI ports on NE11, NE21, and NE31 to C-VLAN.

Parameter Value

NE11 NE21 NE31

Port 3-ISU2-1 1-EM6F-4 4-EM6T-1



For an NNI port that transmits a PW-carried E-Line service, set Packet Type trusted by the NNI port to

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Step 2 See A.7.7.4 Creating a Port Policy and create the port policy.
The values for the relevant parameters of UNI ports of NE11, NE21, and NE31 are provided as

Parameter Value

Policy ID 1

Policy Name Port_Comm

Grooming Police After Reloading SP (CS7, CS6, and EF)

WRR (AF4 to AF1)

Policy Weight(%) 5 (AF4)

60 (AF3)
30 (AF2)
5 (AF1)

Bandwidth Limit Disabled (for all PHB service levels)

Step 3 See A.7.7.7 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy and set the ports that use the port policy.
The values for the relevant parameters of UNI ports of NE11, NE21, and NE31 are provided as

Parameter Value

NE11 NE21 NE31

Port_Comm Port_Comm Port_Comm

(Policy ID=1) (Policy ID=1) (Policy ID=1)

Port 3-ISU2-1 1-EM6F-4 4-EM6T-1

----End Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

Step 1 See A.7.8.1 Creating an MD and create the MDs for NE11, NE21, and NE31.
The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value

NE11 NE21 NE31

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance 4 4 4
Domain Level

Step 2 See A.7.8.2 Creating an MA and create an MA for NE11, NE21, and NE31.

The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE11 NE21 NE31

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance BTS11/12/13- BTS21/22/23- BTS11/12/13- BTS21/22/23-

Association RNC_E-Line RNC_E-Line RNC_E-Line RNC_E-Line

Relevant BTS11/12/13- BTS21/22/23- BTS11/12/13- BTS21/22/23-

Service RNC_E-Line RNC_E-Line RNC_E-Line RNC_E-Line

CC Test 1s 1s 1s 1s

Step 3 See A.7.8.3 Creating MEPs and create MEPs for NE11, NE21, and NE31.

The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE11 NE21 NE31

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance BTS11/12/13- BTS21/22/23- BTS11/12/13- BTS21/22/23-

Association RNC_E-Line RNC_E-Line RNC_E-Line RNC_E-Line

Board 3-ISU2 1-EM6F 4-EM6T 4-EM6T

Port 3-ISU2-1 1-EM6F-4 4-EM6T-1 4-EM6T-1

VLAN 100 200 100 200

MP ID 110 210 311 312

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Parameter Value

NE11 NE21 NE31

Direction Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress

CC Status Active Active Active Active


l On NE11, when performing the connectivity check on the E-Line services carried on PWs, use the BTS
service (VLAN ID: 100) received by NE11 as an example.
l On NE21, when performing the connectivity check on the E-Line services carried on PWs, use the BTS
service (VLAN ID: 200) received by NE21 as an example.

Step 4 See A.7.8.4 Creating Remote MEPs in an MA and create the remote MEPs for NE11, NE21,
and NE31.
The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE11 NE21 NE31

Maintenance EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE EdgeNE

Domain Name

Maintenance BTS11/12/13- BTS21/22/23- BTS11/12/13- BTS21/22/23-

Association RNC_E-Line RNC_E-Line RNC_E-Line RNC_E-Line

Remote 311 312 110 210

Point ID(e.g:

Step 5 On NE31, perform LB tests to verify the Ethernet service configurations.

Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MP ID is 311 as the source MEP and the
MEP whose MP ID is 110 as the sink MEP to check the connectivity of the E-Line services
carried on the PWs between NE31 and NE11.
Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MP ID is 310 as the source MEP and the
MEP whose MP ID is 210 as the sink MEP to check the connectivity of the E-Line services
carried on the PWs between NE31 and NE21.
The LB test results show that no packet loss occurs.


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11.12 Configuration Example (E-Line Services Carried on

This section considers E-Line services carried on MS-PWs as an example to describe how to
configure E-Line services carried on PWs.

11.12.1 Networking Diagram

The section describes the networking information about the NEs.
After planning and configuring MPLS tunnels, aggregate Ethernet services from BTSs to the
RNC by means of PWs. The service requirements are as follows:
l Ethernet services (VLAN ID: 330) at BTS33, which are received by NE34, need to be
transmitted to the RNC.
l The information about the tunnel between NE34 and NE31 is as follows:
– A bidirectional tunnel (ID: 1515), which does not have a protection tunnel, is available
between NE34 and NE32.
– A bidirectional tunnel (ID: 1501), which has a protection tunnel, is available between
NE32 and NE31.
– Ethernet services at BTSs are carried by PWs on the two tunnels, and exchange PW
labels and tunnel labels on NE32.
l Ethernet services at all preceding BTSs have already been configured with corresponding
VLAN priorities based on service types (real-time voice services, HSDPA real-time
services, R99 non-real-time services, and HSDPA data services), and the transmission
network is required to provide end-to-end QoS control based on the VLAN priorities
specified at the BTSs.
l GE ports on NE31, which are connected to the RNC, need to be protected in link aggregation
group (LAG) mode.

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Figure 11-24 Networking diagram (E-Line services carried by PWs and transmitting the
Ethernet services aggregated from the Hybrid microwave network)
BTS33 NE33

FE Working Tunnel
GE (ID=1501)

Hybrid radio chain network NE31

Hybrid radio ring network

Table 11-84 provides the information about UNI ports of E-Line services carried by PWs.

Table 11-84 Information about service ports

NE Service Port Description

NE34 1-EM6T-3 Receives the Ethernet

services from BTS33.

NE31 4-EM6T-1 Ports 4-EM6T-1 and 4-

4-EM6T-2 EM6T-2 form a LAG.

11.12.2 Service Planning

You need to plan the corresponding parameter information before service configuration. Service Planning (UNI Ports)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring UNI

Table 11-85 provides the information about the Ethernet ports on NE34.

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Table 11-85 Information about Ethernet ports (NE34)

Parameter NE34


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

Flow Control Disabled

Table 11-85 provides the information about the Ethernet ports on NE31.

Table 11-86 Information about Ethernet ports (NE31)

Parameter NE31

4-EM6T-1 4-EM6T-2

Enable Port Enabled Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536 1536

Flow Control Disabled Disabled


l In this example, all GE ports on the packet network work in auto-negotiation mode. Therefore, FE ports on
all NEs, which receive Ethernet services from BTSs, need to work in auto-negotiation mode. If Ethernet
ports at BTSs, which are connected to FE ports, work in other modes, FE ports at the local end need to work
in the corresponding modes.
l In this example, to ensure that the Ethernet frames that carry more than one tag such as QinQ can traverse
the equipment, the maximum frame length is set to 1536 (bytes). If the equipment needs to transmit jumbo
frames with a greater length, set the maximum frame length according to the actual length of a jumbo frame.
l Generally, the flow control function is enabled only if the local NE or opposite equipment has insufficient
QoS capabilities. The planning information of flow control must be the same for the equipment at both ends.
l In this example, no loopback check, loopback port shutdown, or broadcast packet suppression function is

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This section provides the information about all the Ethernet protection parameters required for
GE ports of NE31 connected to the RNC.

To improve the reliability of service transmission, NE31 and the RNC are interconnected through
the LAG formed by two GE links.Table 11-87 provides the planning information.

Table 11-87 Information about LAGs

Parameter NE31

LAG type Static

Revertive mode Non-Revertive

Load sharing Non-Sharing

System priority 32768

Main port 4-EM6T-1

Slave port 4-EM6T-2


In this example, the bandwidth of the Ethernet services is lower than the bandwidth of a GE port. Therefore,
you need not configure the LAG to the load-sharing mode for increase of the bandwidth utilization. Service Planning (Service Information)

This section provides the information about all the parameters required for E-Line services
carried by PWs.

Table 11-88 provides the planning information about E-Line services carried by PWs.

Table 11-88 Planning information about E-Line services carried by PWs

Parameter E-Line Services Carried on PWs Connected to BTS33

Source NE (NE34) Sink NE (NE31)

Service ID 304 305

Service Name BTS33-RNC_E-Line BTS33-RNC_E-Line


BPDU Not Transparently Not Transparently

Transmitted Transmitted

Source Port 1-EM6T-3 4-EM6T-1

Source VLANs 330 330

Bearer Type PW PW

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Parameter E-Line Services Carried on PWs Connected to BTS33

Source NE (NE34) Sink NE (NE31)

Protection Type No Protection No Protection


For per-NE service configuration, the service name needs to be planned manually. For end-to-end service
configuration, the Web LCT automatically generates the service name based on naming rules.

Table 11-89 provides the planning information about PWs.

Table 11-89 Planning information about PWs

Parameter E-Line Services Carried on PWs Connected to BTS33

Source NE (NE34) Sink NE (NE31)

PW ID 304 305

PW Signaling Type Static Static

PW Type Ethernet Ethernet

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional

PW Encapsulation Type MPLS MPLS

PW Ingress Labs/Source Port 20 30

PW Egress Labs/Sink Port 20 30

Tunnel selection mode MPLS MPLS

Tunnel 1515 1501

Opposite LSR ID

Control Word No Use No Use

Control Channel Type Alert Label Alert Label

VCCV Verification Mode Ping Ping


In this example, the service ID, PW ID, PW ingress label, and PW egress label are manually planned. For end-
to-end service configuration, the Web LCT automatically sets these parameters.
In this example, the tunnel has already been planned when you plan MPLS tunnels. Therefore, you need to
select only the tunnel that carries the PWs.

Table 11-90 provides the planning information about MS-PWs connected to NE32.

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Table 11-90 Planning information about MS-PWs

Parameter NE32

ID 903

Name bts33_e-line_service_mspw

MTU (byte) 9000

Service Type Ethernet Service

PW ID Forward PW: 305 Backward PW: 304

PW Signaling Type Forward PW: Static Backward PW: Static

PW Type Forward PW: Ethernet Backward PW: Ethernet

Direction Forward PW: Bidirectional Backward PW: Bidirectional

PW Encapsulation Type Forward PW: MPLS Backward PW: MPLS

PW Ingress Label/Source Forward PW: 30 Backward PW: 20


PW Egress Label/Sink Port Forward PW: 30 Backward PW: 20

Tunnel Type Forward PW: MPLS Backward PW: MPLS

Tunnel Forward PW: 1501 Backward PW: 1515

Opposite LSR ID Forward PW: Backward PW:


l When MS-PWs are used, the label values of Forward PW and Backward PW cannot be the same.
l In end-to-end configuration mode, PW ID, PW Ingress Label, and PW Egress Label can be automatically
allocated and therefore they do not need to be planned.
l In end-to-end configuration mode, MS-PW service ID and PW switching service ID are automatically
allocated and invisible. Service Planning (QoS)

The section provides the information about all the parameters required for configuring QoS.

QoS (DiffServ)
Diffserv is the basis for QoS. It is recommended that the VLAN priority or DSCP value of the
BTS services be allocated by the service type. Then, the transmission network creates the
corresponding Diffserv domain according to the allocated VLAN priority, DSCP value, or MPLS
EXP value. Each Ethernet port involved in the service must use the same Diffserv configuration.
In this example, the BTS services are allocated corresponding C-VLAN priorities by service
type, and PW-carried UNI-NNI E-Line services are configured on the transmission network.
DiffServ planning has been completed for the transmission network during MPLS tunnel
planning. In this example, you only need to set the trusted packet types of the UNI and NNI
ports to C-VLAN priority and MPLS EXP respectively. This setting results in the mapping from

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the C-VLAN priority of the UNI-side BTS services to the MPLS EXP value on the NNI side of
the transmission network, therefore achieving end-to-end QoS control on the transmission

QoS (Queue Scheduling Mode)

Generally, each Ethernet port involved in the service uses the same queue scheduling mode.
Table 11-91 lists the queue scheduling mode used by each Ethernet port involved in the service
in this example.

Table 11-91 Queue scheduling mode

PHB Service Class Queue Scheduling Mode




AF4 WRR (weight = 5)

AF3 WRR (weight = 60)

AF2 WRR (weight = 30)

AF1 WRR (weight = 5)


QoS (CAR or Shaping for a Specified Service Flow)

Normally, flow control is already performed on 2G/3G base stations and BSCs/RNCs and
therefore CAR or shaping processing does not need to be performed again on the microwave
backhaul network.

QoS (Port Shaping)

If the Ethernet bandwidth planned for the aggregation link is lower than the total bandwidth of
the aggregation services, you can perform port shaping at the edge node to limit the Ethernet
service traffic that travels to the aggregation node, thus preventing congestion at the aggregation
In this example, you do not need to perform port shaping.

QoS (PW Bandwidth Control)

In this example, PW bandwidth does not need to be controlled.

11.12.3 Per-NE Configuration Process

This section describes the process for configuring E-Line services carried on PWs in Per-NE
configuration mode.

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This section describes the process for configuring UNI port attributes.

Step 1 See A.6.6.1 Setting the General Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the general attributes of
the UNI ports.
l The values for the general attribute parameters of the UNI port of NE34 are provided as
Parameter NE34


Enable Port Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536

l The values for the general attribute parameters of the UNI port of NE31 are provided as
Parameter NE31

4-EM6T-1 4-EM6T-2

Enable Port Enabled Enabled

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2

Encapsulation Type 802.1Q 802.1Q

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation

Max Frame Length(byte) 1536 1536

Step 2 See A.6.6.3 Setting the Layer 2 Attributes of Ethernet Ports and set the Layer 2 attributes of
the UNI ports.
l The values for the Layer 2 attribute parameters of the UNI port of NE34 are provided as
Parameter NE34


TAG Tag Aware

l The values for the Layer 2 attribute parameters of the UNI port of NE31 are provided as

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Parameter NE31

4-EM6T-1 4-EM6T-2

TAG Tag Aware Tag Aware

----End Configuration Process (Ethernet Protection)

This section describes how to create a LAG of the GE port of NE31 connected to the RNC.

Step 1 See A.7.2.1 Creating a LAG and create a LAG.

The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided as

Parameter Value

LAG No. Select Automatically Assign.


LAG Type Static

Revertive Mode Non-Revertive

Load Sharing Non-Sharing

System Priority 32768

The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the Port Setting tab page are as

Parameter Value

Main Board 4-EM6T

Main Port 1

Selected Standby Ports 2

----End Configuration Process (Service Information)

This section describes the process for configuring E-Line services carried on PWs.

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Step 1 See A.7.3.5 Configuring UNI-NNI E-Line Services (Carried by PWs) and configure the E-
Line services.
l Parameters of NE34
The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided
as follows.
Parameter NE34

Service ID 304

Service Name BTS34-RNC_E-Line

Direction UNI-NNI

BPDU Not Transparently Transmitted

Source Interface 1-EM6T-3

Source VLAN ID 330

Bearer Type PW

Protection Type No Protection

The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the PW tab page are provided
as follows.
Parameter NE34

PW ID 304

PW Signaling Type Static

PW Type Ethernet

PW Direction Bidirectional

PW Encapsulation Type MPLS

PW Ingress Label/Source Port 20

PW Egress Label/Sink Port 20

Tunnel Type MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1515


The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the Advanced Attributes dialog
box are provided as follows.

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Parameter NE34

Control Word No Use

Control Channel Type Alert Label

VCCV Verification Mode Ping

l Parameters of NE31
The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the main interface are provided
as follows.
Parameter NE31

Service ID 305

Service Name BTS33-RNC_E-Line

Direction UNI-NNI

BPDU Not Transparently Transmitted

Source Interface 4-EM6T-1

Source VLAN ID 330

Bearer Type PW

Protection Type No Protection

The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the PW tab page are provided
as follows.
Parameter NE31

PW ID 305

PW Signaling Type Static

PW Type Ethernet

PW Direction Bidirectional

PW Encapsulation Type MPLS

PW Ingress Label/Source Port 30

PW Egress Label/Sink Port 30

Tunnel Type MPLS

Ingress Tunnel 1501


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The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set in the Advanced Attributes dialog
box are provided as follows.
Parameter NE31

Control Word No Use

Control Channel Type Alert Label

VCCV Verification Mode Ping

Step 2 See A.9.4.2 Creating an MS-PW and configure the E-Line services.
The values for the relevant parameters that need to be set for creating an MS-PW on NE32 are
provided as follows.

Parameter NE32

ID 903

Name bts33_e-line_service_mspw

MTU(bytes) 9000

Service Type Ethernet Service

PW ID Forward PW: 305 Backward PW: 304

PW Signaling Type Forward PW: Static Backward PW: Static

PW Type Forward PW: Ethernet Backward PW: Ethernet

PW Direction Forward PW: Bidirectional Backward PW: Bidirectional

PW Encapsulation Type Forward PW: MPLS Backward PW: MPLS

PW Ingress Label/Source Forward PW: 30 Backward PW: 20


PW Egress Label/Sink Port Forward PW: 30 Backward PW: 20

Tunnel Type Forward PW: MPLS Backward PW: MPLS

Ingress Tunnel Forward PW: 1501 Backward PW: 1515

Peer LSR ID Forward PW: Backward PW:

----End Configuration Process (QoS)

This section describes the process for configuring QoS of E-Line services carried on PWs.

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Step 1 See A.7.7.2 Modifying the Mapping Relationships for the DS Domain and set the trusted
packet types of the UNI and NNI ports on NE34 and NE31 that transmit the UNI-NNI ETH
PWE3 services to C-VLAN and MPLS EXP respectively.
1. Select the default DS domain for the OptiX RTN equipment.

In this example, the planned mapping between the trusted packet type (C-VLAN priority) and the PHB
service class queues for BTSs is the same as the mapping in the default DS domain of the OptiX RTN
equipment. Therefore, the default DS domain settings are used.

Parameter Value

Mapping Relation ID 1

Mapping Relation Name DefaultMap

2. Set the trusted packet type of the UNI ports on NE34 and NE31 to C-VLAN.

Parameter Value

NE34 NE31

Port 1-EM6T-3 4-EM6T-1



For an NNI port that transmits a PW-carried E-Line service, set Packet Type trusted by the NNI port to

Step 2 See A.7.7.4 Creating a Port Policy and create the port policy.

The values for the relevant parameters of UNI ports of NE34 and NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Policy ID 1

Policy Name Port_Comm

Grooming Police After Reloading SP (CS7, CS6, and EF)

WRR (AF4 to AF1)

Policy Weight(%) 5 (AF4)

60 (AF3)
30 (AF2)
5 (AF1)

Bandwidth Limit Disabled (for all PHB service levels)

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Step 3 See A.7.7.7 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy and set the ports that use the port policy.

The values for the relevant parameters of UNI ports of NE34 and NE31 are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE34 NE31

Port_Comm (Policy ID=1) Port_Comm (Policy ID=1)

Port 1-EM6T-3 4-EM6T-1

----End Configuration Process (Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations)

This section describes the process for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

Step 1 See A.7.8.1 Creating an MD and create the MDs For NE31 and NE34.

The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE31 NE34

Maintenance Domain EdgeNE EdgeNE


Maintenance Domain 4 4

Step 2 See A.7.8.2 Creating an MA and create an MA for NE31 and NE34.

The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE31 NE34

Maintenance Domain EdgeNE EdgeNE


Maintenance Association BTS33-RNC_E-Line BTS33-RNC_E-Line


Relevant Service BTS33-RNC_E-Line BTS33-RNC_E-Line

CC Test Transmit Period 1s 1s

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Step 3 See A.7.8.3 Creating MEPs and create MEPs for NE31 and NE34.
The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE31 NE34

Maintenance Domain EdgeNE EdgeNE


Maintenance Association BTS33-RNC_E-Line BTS33-RNC_E-Line


Board 4-EM6T 1-EM6T

Port 4-EM6T-1 1-EM6T-3

VLAN 330 330

MP ID 313 340

Direction Ingress Ingress

CC Status Active Active

Step 4 See A.7.8.4 Creating Remote MEPs in an MA and create the remote MEPs for NE31 and
The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE31 NE34

Maintenance Domain EdgeNE EdgeNE


Maintenance Association BTS33-RNC_E-Line BTS33-RNC_E-Line


Remote Maintenance Point 340 313


Step 5 On NE31, perform LB tests to verify the Ethernet service configurations.

Perform the LB test by considering the MEP whose MP ID is 313 as the source MEP and the
MEP whose MP ID is 340 as the sink MEP to check the connectivity of the E-Line services
carried on the PWs between NE31 and NE34.
The LB test result shows that no packet loss occurs.


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12 Configuring the Clock

About This Chapter

To ensure that clocks of all the nodes on the transmission network are synchronized, configure
the clocks for these nodes according to a unified clock synchronization policy.

12.1 Basic Concepts

Before configuring the clock, you need to be familiar with the basic concepts.
12.2 Configuration Procedure
This section describes the procedures for configuring the clock source, clock protection, and
output clock.
12.3 Configuration Example (Clock for a TDM Radio Chain Network)
This section considers a TDM radio chain network as an example to describe how to configure
the clock according to the network planning information.
12.4 Configuration Example (Clock for a TDM Radio Ring Network)
This section considers a TDM radio ring network as an example to describe how to configure
the clock according to the network planning information.
12.5 Configuration Example (Clock for a Hybrid Radio Chain Network)
This section considers a Hybrid radio chain network as an example to describe how to configure
clocks according to the network planning information.
12.6 Configuration Example (Clock for a Hybrid Radio Ring Network)
This section considers a Hybrid radio ring network as an example to describe how to configure
the clock according to the network planning information.
12.7 Configuration Example (Clocks for a PSN)
This section uses clocks for a packet convergence ring and a Packet radio chain as examples to
describe how to configure clocks according to the network planning information.
12.8 Configuration Example (Clocks Across a Third-party TDM Network)
This section considers Ethernet services transmitted across a third-party TDM network as an
example and describes how to configure clocks according to the planning information.

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12.1 Basic Concepts

Before configuring the clock, you need to be familiar with the basic concepts.

12.1.1 Clock Source

A clock source is a signal source that carries timing reference information. An NE implements
clock synchronization, by using its phase locked loop (PLL) to lock the timing information of
the clock source.
The OptiX RTN 950 supports the following clock sources:
l Line clock source: refers to a clock source that is extracted from the received SDH signal.
l Radio clock source: refers to a clock source that is extracted from the received radio signal.
l Tributary clock source: refers to a clock source that is extracted from the received E1 signal.
l Ethernet clock source: refers to a clock source that is extracted from the Ethernet stream.
l External clock source: refers to a clock source that is synchronized with the 2 Mbit/s or 2
MHz signal received at the external clock port.
l Internal clock source: refers to a clock source that is generated through the free-run
oscillation of an NE built-in clock. The internal clock source has the lowest priority.

12.1.2 Clock Protection Modes

The OptiX RTN 950 supports clock source protection based on priorities, synchronization status
message (SSM) protection, and extended SSM protection.

Clock Source Protection Based on Priorities

Clock source protection is provided based on the priorities specified in the clock source priority
list. When a clock source with a higher priority fails, a clock source with a lower priority is used.
As shown in Figure 12-1, the radio links between NE1 and NE2 adopt 1+1 HSB protection.
NE2 needs to trace the clock on the radio links to keep synchronized with NE1. In this case, the
clock sources extracted by the main and standby IF boards can be configured in the clock source
priority list. The clock source extracted by the main IF board, however, has a higher priority.
Therefore, if the 1+1 HSB protection switching occurs on the radio links, the clock can be
switched at the same time.

Figure 12-1 Clock source protection based on priorities

1+1 HSB



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SSM Protection
SSM protection uses the SSM protocol specified in ITU-T G.781 to provide clock protection.
According to the SSM protocol, SDH NEs transmit the SSM by using bits 5-8 of the S1 byte,
to implement automatic protection switching of clock sources and prevent timing loops. The
OptiX RTN 950 supports SSM protection on SDH optical transmission lines, FE/GE links, and
radio links. After SSM protection is enabled on an NE, automatic protection switching of clock
sources follows these rules:

l According to the clock source priority list, the NE selects the clock source of the highest
quality as the synchronization source.
l If multiple clock sources have the same highest quality, the NE selects the source with the
highest priority as the synchronization source.
l The NE broadcasts quality information about the synchronization clock source to its
downstream NEs and also notifies its upstream NE that its own clock source cannot be used
for synchronization.

Figure 12-2 is a radio ring where SSM protection is enabled.

When the network operates normally, the NEs on the ring select the clock source as follows:

1. NE1 selects the external clock source as the synchronization source and notifies NE2 and
NE4 of the external clock quality.
2. NE2 and NE4 select the clock source from NE1 as the synchronization source and notify
NE1 that the clock sources from NE2 and NE4 are unavailable.
3. After determining that the clock sources from NE2 and NE4 have the same quality, NE3
selects the clock source with a higher priority (the clock source from NE2) as the
synchronization source. In addition, NE3 transmits quality information about the
synchronization source to NE4 and notifies NE2 that the clock source from NE3 is
4. After determining that the clock sources from NE1 and NE3 have the same quality, NE4
selects the clock source with a higher priority (the clock source from NE3) as the
synchronization source. In addition, NE4 transmits quality information about the
synchronization source to NE1 and notifies NE3 that the clock source from NE4 is
5. According to the clock quality in the west and east directions and configured clock source
priorities, NE2, NE3, and NE4 determine that the synchronization source does not need to
be modified. The clock source selection is completed.

When the radio links between NE1 and NE2 become faulty, the NEs on the ring select the clock
source as follows:

1. NE2 selects the internal source as the synchronization source and transmits quality
information about the synchronization source to NE1 and NE3.
2. NE3 selects NE2 as the clock source and notifies NE4 of the clock quality.
3. After determining that the quality of the clock from NE1 is higher than the quality of the
clock from NE3, NE4 selects the clock source from NE1 as the synchronization source. In
addition, NE4 transmits quality information about the synchronization source to NE3 and
notifies NE1 that the clock from NE4 is unavailable.
4. After determining that the quality of the clock from NE4 is higher than the quality of the
clock from NE2, NE3 selects the clock source from NE4 as the synchronization source. In

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addition, NE3 transmits quality information about the synchronization source to NE2 and
notifies NE4 that the clock source from NE3 is unavailable.
5. After determining that the quality of the clock from NE3 is higher than the quality of the
internal clock source, NE2 selects the clock source from NE3 as the synchronization source.
In addition, NE2 transmits quality information about the synchronization source to NE1
and notifies NE3 that the clock source from NE2 is unavailable.
6. According to the clock quality in the west and east directions and the configured clock
source priorities, NE2, NE3, and NE4 determine that the synchronization source does not
need to be modified. The clock source selection is completed.

SSM protection cannot prevent timing loops. Therefore, when configuring clock sources, ensure that clock
sources do not form a timing loop. For example, configuration of clock sources on NE1 prevents a timing loop,
as shown in Figure 12-2.

Figure 12-2 SSM protection



Master clock West/East/

NE3 Internal

Extended SSM Protection

Extended SSM protection uses the extended SSM protocol to provide clock protection. The
extended SSM protocol, developed by Huawei on the basis of the SSM protocol, introduces the
concept of clock ID, which indicates that a clock ID can be defined for any clock source. The
clock ID of the synchronization source can be transmitted together with the SSM and be used
for automatic clock switching. The OptiX RTN 950 supports extended SSM protection on SDH
optical transmission lines, FE/GE links and radio links.
After extended SSM protection is enabled on an NE, automatic clock switching follows these
l According to the clock source priority list, the NE selects the clock source of the highest
quality as the synchronization source.
l If the clock ID of a clock source indicates that the clock source is from the local NE, the
clock source is not processed.
l If multiple clock sources have the same highest quality, the NE selects the source with the
highest priority as the synchronization source.

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l The NE broadcasts quality information and the clock ID of the synchronization clock source
to its downstream NEs, and also notifies its upstream NE that its own clock source cannot
be used for synchronization.

The clock ID takes a value in the range of 0 to 15. 0 is the default value, indicating that the clock
ID is invalid. After the extended SSM protocol is enabled on the NE, the NE does not select any
clock source with an ID of 0 as its current clock source.

Follow these guidelines when you allocate clock IDs:

l When the extended SSM is used, the clock ID of an external clock source cannot be
automatically extracted. Therefore, allocate clock IDs to all external clock sources.
l At all the NEs that are connected to external clock sources, allocate clock IDs to the internal
clock sources.
l At all the intersecting nodes of a ring/chain and a ring, allocate clock IDs to the internal
clock sources.
l At all the intersecting nodes of a ring/chain and a ring, allocate clock IDs to the clock
sources that are transmitted to the ring.
l Do not allocate clock IDs to clock sources different from the preceding four types. Their
clock IDs are 0 by default.
l Clock IDs do not determine clock source priorities.

Figure 12-3 is a radio ring where the extended SSM protection is enabled.

On the ring, the following clock sources require clock IDs:

l External clock source 1 on NE1

l External clock source 2 on NE3
l Internal clock source on NE1
l Internal clock source on NE3

Figure 12-3 Extended SSM protection

Master BITS NE1 Extenal 1 /
West /
East / Internal

West / East /
West / East /

West /
East /
NE3 Extenal 2 /
Master clock Internal
Slave BITS

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l When extended SSM protection is enabled, clocks can constitute a ring during clock source configuration.
l Extended SSM protection is advantageous in complex clock protection network topologies, for example, in
a network with dual external clocks. Therefore, extended SSM protection is used in only a few scenarios.

12.1.3 Clock Synchronization Policy

Users plan an appropriate clock synchronization policy based on the network topology.

Clock Synchronization Policy for a Chain Network

For a chain network consisting of radio links, follow these guidelines to plan the clock
synchronization policy:
l If one clock source is input into the master (source) node (the clock source can be an external
clock, a line clock, or an Ethernet clock), configure this clock source for this node.
l For the other nodes, configure the clock sources from their upper level radio links.
l If 1+1 protection is configured for the upper level radio links of a node, configure two radio
clock sources for this node. The clock source on the active radio link has a higher priority
than the clock source on the standby radio link.
l If a node has multiple upper level radio links (for example, the upper level radio links use
the XPIC or N+1 protection configuration), configure one radio clock source for each radio
link. Allocate priorities to these radio clock sources depending on the radio link status.
l Do not configure synchronization status message (SSM) or extended SSM protection.
Figure 12-4 shows the clock synchronization policy for a chain network.
l On the master node (NE1), one external clock source is input. For NE1, clock source
priorities are allocated in descending order as follows: external clock source > internal clock
l The ISU2 boards in slots 3 and 5 on NE2 form a 1+1 IF protection group, where the ISU2
board in slot 3 functions as the main board; in addition, the radio links between NE1 and
NE2 comprise the two ISU2 boards. For NE2, clock source priorities are allocated in
descending order as follows: 3-ISU2-1 > 5-ISU2-1 > internal clock source.
l The radio link between NE3 and NE2 comprises the ISU2 board in slot 3 on NE3. For NE3,
clock source priorities are allocated in descending order as follows: 3-ISU2-1 > internal
clock source.
l Do not configure SSM or extended SSM protection.

Figure 12-4 Clock synchronization policy for a chain network


BITS 3-IF1-1/
Extenal/ 3-IF1-1/
Internal Internal

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Clock Synchronization Policy for a Tree Network

A tree network derives from a chain network; therefore, a tree network can adopt the same clock
synchronization policy as a chain network.

Figure 12-5 shows the clock synchronization policy for a tree network.

l On the master node (NE1), the Ethernet link connected to port 1 on the EM6T board in slot
2 provides a clock source. For NE1, clock source priorities are allocated in descending
order as follows: 2-EM6T-1 > internal clock source.
l The ISX2 boards in slots 3 and 5 on NE2 form an XPIC workgroup, where the ISX2 board
in slot 3 uses the vertical polarization mode and the ISX2 board in slot 5 uses the horizontal
polarization mode; in addition, the radio links between NE1 and NE2 comprise the two
ISX2 boards. For NE2, clock source priorities are allocated in descending order as follows:
3-ISX2-1 > 5-ISX2-1 > internal clock source.
l The radio link between NE3 and NE2 comprises the ISU2 board in slot 3 on NE3. For NE3,
clock source priorities are allocated in descending order as follows: 3-ISU2-1 > internal
clock source.
l The radio link between NE4 and NE2 comprises the ISU2 board in slot 3 on NE4. For NE4,
clock source priorities are allocated in descending order as follows: 3-ISU2-1 > internal
clock source.
l The radio link between NE5 and NE4 comprises the ISU2 board in slot 3 on NE5. For NE5,
clock source priorities are allocated in descending order as follows: 3-ISU2-1 > internal
clock source.
l Do not configure SSM or extended SSM protection.

Figure 12-5 Clock synchronization policy for a tree network


NE1 NE2 Internal


2-EM6T-1/ 3-ISX2-1/
Internal 5-ISX2-1/
Clock 3-ISU2-1/ 3-ISU2-1/
Internal Internal

Clock Synchronization Policy for a Ring Network

If a ring network comprises only radio links or comprises radio links and optical transmission
lines, follow these guidelines to plan the clock synchronization policy:

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l If only SDH signals are transmitted on the ring network, configure SSM or extended SSM
protection according to the clock synchronization policy for an optical transmission
l If PDH radio or Integrated IP radio is used on some segments of the ring network, equally
divide the ring into two chains and then plan the clock synchronization policy according
to the policy for a chain network.

Figure 12-6 shows the clock synchronization policy for a ring network on which only SDH
signals are transmitted.

l Configure SSM or extended SSM protection for all the nodes on the ring network.
l On the master node (NE1), one external clock source is input. For NE1, clock source
priorities are allocated in descending order as follows: external clock source > internal clock
l For the other nodes, clock source priorities are allocated in descending order as follows:
west clock source > east clock source > internal clock source.

Figure 12-6 Clock synchronization policy for a ring network (on which only SDH signals are


West/East/ West/East/
Internal E Internal
W Extenal/ W E
E Internal W

West/East/ E W
W E West/East/
Master clock Internal

Figure 12-7 shows the clock synchronization policy for a ring network on which not only SDH
signals are transmitted.

l The ring network uses Integrated IP radio for transmission. Therefore, divide the ring into
two chains at the master node (NE1): NE1-NE2-NE3 and NE1-NE4.
l On the master node (NE1), the Ethernet link connected to port 1 on the EM6T board in slot
3 provides a clock source. For NE1, clock source priorities are allocated in descending
order as follows: 3-EM6T-1 > internal clock source.

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l NE2 traces the clock of the master node. For NE2, clock source priorities are allocated in
descending order as follows: west clock source > internal clock source.
l NE3 traces the clock of NE2. For NE3, clock source priorities are allocated in descending
order as follows: west clock source > internal clock source.
l NE4 traces the clock of the master node (NE1). For NE4, clock source priorities are
allocated in descending order as follows: east clock source > internal clock source.
l Do not configure SSM or extended SSM protection.

Figure 12-7 Clock synchronization policy for a ring network (on which not only SDH signals
are transmitted)


West/ East/
Internal Internal


Clock Synchronization Policy for a Port Aggregation Network

On a port aggregation network, services of several OptiX RTN NEs are aggregated to the upper
level RTN NE through the optical transmission line, tributary, or Ethernet. Follow these
guidelines to plan the clock synchronization policy for a port aggregation network:

l On the upper level NE, a clock source (which can be an external clock source, a line clock
source, or an Ethernet clock source) is input.
l A lower-level NE traces the line clock source or the Ethernet clock source of its upper-level
NE, if the service of the lower-level NE is aggregated to the upper-level NE through an
optical transmission line or Ethernet.
l If the service of a lower-level NE is aggregated to the upper-level NE only through the E1
signal, the lower-level NE should trace the tributary clock source (E1 ports 1 and 5 on the
E1 tributary board support the tributary clock source).
l If the service of a lower-level NE is aggregated to the upper-level NE only through the E1
signal and the lower-level NE is connected to many hops of downstream radio links, tracing
the tributary clock source causes pointer justifications or other exceptions. Therefore, the
lower-level NE should trace the external clock source output by its upper level NE.
l Do not configure SSM or extended SSM protection.

Figure 12-8 shows the clock synchronization policy for a tributary port aggregation network.

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l On the master node (NE1), one external clock source is input. For NE1, clock source
priorities are allocated in descending order as follows: external clock source > internal clock
l The IF1 boards in slots 3 and 5 on NE2 form 1+1 IF protection, where the IF1 board in slot
3 functions as the main board; in addition, the radio links between NE1 and NE2 comprise
the two IF1 boards. For NE2, clock source priorities are allocated in descending order as
follows: 3-IF1-1 > 5-IF1-1 > internal clock source.
l The services of NE3 are aggregate to NE2 through ports 1 to 4 on the SP3S board in slot
1. For NE3, clock source priorities are allocated in descending order as follows: 1-SP3S-1
> internal clock source.
l NE4 is connected to many hops of downstream radio links. If it traces the tributary clock
source, pointer justifications occur on the downstream nodes. Therefore, NE4 traces the
external clock source output by NE2.
l Do not configure SSM or extended SSM protection.

Figure 12-8 Clock synchronization policy for a port aggregation network (aggregation only
through the tributary port)


External/ 3-IF1-1/ NE4
Internal 5-IF1-1/

Clock Internal

Clock Synchronization Policy for Transmission Across a TDM Network

The clock synchronization policy for transmission across a leased TDM network is similar to
that for a chain network. The difference is that the lower-level node connected to the TDM
network needs to trace the tributary clock on the TDM network.
Figure 12-9 shows the clock synchronization policy for transmission across a TDM network.
l The master node NE1 is synchronized with the BSC through the FE port. For NE1, clock
source priorities are allocated in descending order as follows: 3-EFP8-1 > internal clock

The FE ports on the EFP8 board (PORT1 to PORT8) support synchronous Ethernet.
l On NE2, the SP3D board in slot 2 provides the E1 link connected to the TDM network,
and this NE is a lower-level node connected to the TDM network. For NE2, clock source
priorities are allocated in descending order as follows: 2-SP3D-1 > internal clock source.
l The ISU2 boards in slots 3 and 5 on NE3 form a 1+1 IF protection group, where the ISU2
board in slot 3 functions as the main board; in addition, the radio links between NE3 and

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NE2 comprise the two ISU2 boards. For NE3, clock source priorities are allocated in
descending order as follows: 3-ISU2-1 > 5-ISU2-1 > internal clock source.
l Do not configure SSM or extended SSM protection.

Figure 12-9 Clock synchronization policy for transmission across a TDM network


TDM network

3-EFP8-1 / 2-SP3D-1/ 3-IFU2-1/

Internal Internal 5-IFU2-1/

Precautions of Planning a Clock Synchronization Policy

When planning the clock synchronization policy, pay attention to the following points:

l The number of NEs on a long clock chain cannot be more than 20. A number smaller than
10 is recommended. If a large number of NEs exist on a long clock chain, add one more
clock source for signal compensation in the middle of the chain.
l It is recommended that the SDH optical port should be used at a convergence node to
converge TDM services. This ensures the quality of clock signals by transmitting them over
SDH signals rather than over PDH signals.

Clock Synchronization Policy for Base Stations

If synchronization signals are transmitted to a BTS through the radio transmission network,
follow these guidelines to plan the synchronization policy:

If the BTS can access the transmission network through an SDH optical port or Ethernet port,
use the SDH optical port or Ethernet port to provide the timing reference signal for the BTS.

If the BTS can access the transmission network only through the E1 signal, the external clock
port is preferred to transmit the timing reference signal to the BTS.

If the BTS can access the transmission network only through the E1 signal and the external clock
port cannot be used, use the E1 port to transmit the timing reference signal to the BTS. If the
output clock does not meet the requirement of the BTS, the NE that is connected to the BTS can
use the tributary retiming function.

If the BTS can be accessed to the transmission network through Ethernet only and does not
support the synchronous Ethernet function, you can provide the timing reference signal to the
BTS through the external clock port.

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Tributary Retiming
When being transmitted by the OptiX RTN 950, the PDH signal must undergo mapping and
demapping processes, during which the jitter occurs. In addition, pointer justifications during
the network transmission process cause the jitter of the PDH signal.

Tributary retiming helps to reduce the jitter of the PDH signal when it is transmitted on a
transmission network. Tributary retiming achieves transmission of the signal that combines the
timing reference signal and the PDH service signal. Hence, the transmitted PDH signal carries
the timing information that is synchronized with the timing reference signal.

Figure 12-10 shows how a BSC transmits the synchronization information to a BTS through
the radio transmission network after the tributary retiming function is enabled. The radio
transmission network extracts the tributary clock from the E1 signal that is transmitted from the
BSC. This tributary clock functions as the synchronization reference clock for the radio
transmission network to be synchronized with the clock of the BSC. The tributary retiming
function is enabled on NE3. In this manner, NE3 transmits the E1 signal that carries the retiming
clock information to the BTS (NE3 selects the system clock as the retiming clock). In addition,
NE3 is synchronized with the BSC. Hence, the BTS can extract the clock signal of the BSC from
the tributary signal.

The basic working principle of tributary retiming is as follows: The tributary signal is written
into a large-capacity first in first output (FIFO), and then the tributary signal is read from the
FIFO through the retiming clock. In this manner, the output signal contains the retiming clock
information, and FIFO eliminates the jitter and wander in the original tributary signal. The OptiX
RTN 950 can select the system clock or the line clock in the uplink E1 signal as the retiming
clock, depending on the specific networking. In general cases, the system clock is selected as
the retiming clock.

Figure 12-10 Tributary retiming


E1 E1


Write clk
Clock (downlink E1 clk)
E1 E1
Read clk
(retiming clk)

When using the tributary retiming function, pay attention to the following points:

l The retiming clock should be synchronized with the clock of the BSC, and the retiming
clock should not undergo mapping and demapping processes.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 12 Configuring the Clock

l The tributary retiming function uses the FIFO. This causes a delay of 125 us or more. Use
this function only when it is necessary.
l The retiming function requires that the entire transmission network should be synchronized
with the service network that requires retiming. If certain NEs on the transmission network
are not synchronized, slips occur.
l The transmission network can meet the retiming requirement of only one service network.

12.2 Configuration Procedure

This section describes the procedures for configuring the clock source, clock protection, and
output clock.

Figure 12-11 provides the procedures for configuring clocks.

Figure 12-11 Configuration flow chart (clocks)


Configuring clock sources

Configuring the SSM or

extended SSM protection

Modifying clock switching


Modifying clock restoration


Modifying parameters of
the output clock

Setting parameters of PDH


Querying the clock

synchronization status


The procedures in the configuration flow chart are described as follows.

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Table 12-1 Procedures for configuring clocks

Step Operation Description

1 A.10.1.1 Configuring Required. The parameters are set as follows:

the Clock Sources l According to the clock source that is planned, set
Clock Source.
l The External Clock Source Mode and
Synchronous Status Byte parameters are valid
only for the external clock source. Set the two
parameters according to the actual condition of
the external clock. In general cases, the two
parameters take the default values.

2 Configuri A.10.1.2 Required when the SSM or extended SSM

ng the Configuri protection is used. Set the parameters as follows:
SSM or ng Clock l Set Protection Status according to the used
extended Subnets protocol type.
protection l If the clock uses the extended SSM protection,
set Clock Source ID for the following clock
– External clock source
– Internal clock source of the NE that accesses
the external clock source
– Internal clock source of the NE that connects
the intersecting ring and chain or connects the
intersecting rings
– Line clock source that is accessed to the ring
through the NE that connects the intersecting
ring and chain or connects the intersecting
rings and is configured with the line clock
source on the ring
The values of Clock Source ID for these clock
sources should be different.

A.10.1.4 Required when the SSM or extended SSM

Configuri protection.
ng the When a line port is connected to the NE on the same
SSM clock subnet, set Output S1 Byte Info to Enabled.
Output In other cases, set Output S1 Byte Info to
Status Disabled.

A.10.1.5 Required when the extended SSM protection is used.

Configuri When a line port is connected to the NE on the same
ng the clock subnet, set Output Clock ID to Enabled.
Clock ID

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Step Operation Description

A.10.1.3 Optional.

3 A.10.1.8 Changing the Optional.

Conditions for Clock
Source Switching

4 A.10.1.9 Modifying the Optional.

Recovery Parameter of
the Clock Source

5 A.10.1.7 Configuring Optional.

Clock Sources for By default, the OptiX RTN 950 allows output of the
External Clock Output system clock source through the external clock port.
If the external clock port transmits the system clock
source only, manual configuration is not required. If
the external clock port needs to transmit other clock
sources, such as a clock from a radio link or
synchronous Ethernet clock, you need to configure
the priority table for the phase-locked loop (PLL)
clock source of the external clock port.

6 A.10.1.6 Modifying the Optional when the external clock port is used to
Parameters of the transmit the clock reference signal for the customer
Clock Output equipment.
Set the parameters according to the requirement of
the customer equipment. In general cases, these
parameters take the default values.

7 A.6.2 Setting the Optional when the output tributary clock requires
Parameters of PDH retiming.
Ports Set Retiming Mode to Retiming Mode of Cross-
Connect Clock for the tributary port.

8 A.10.1.10 Querying the l When a clock subnet uses the internal clock
Clock Synchronization source of an NE as the reference clock, set NE
Status Clock Mode to Free-Run Mode for this NE; set
NE Clock Mode to Tracing Mode for the other
l When a clock subnet uses the clock out of the
subnet as the reference clock, set NE Clock
Mode to Tracing Mode for all the NEs.

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12.3 Configuration Example (Clock for a TDM Radio Chain

This section considers a TDM radio chain network as an example to describe how to configure
the clock according to the network planning information.

12.3.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.

Based on 6.3 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the TDM Radio Chain Network),
configure the clocks according to the following network planning information (as shown in
Figure 12-12):

l The radio transmission network is directly synchronized with the clock of the upstream
third-party network.
l Clock synchronization signals are transmitted to the BTSs over E1 signals.

Figure 12-12 Networking diagram (clock on a TDM radio chain network)





The clock connections shown in Figure 12-12 are described as follows.

Table 12-2 Clock connections (NE11)

Link Port Description

Between NE11 and the third- 1-SL1D-1 (working port of a Configure these ports to
party network linear MSP group) synchronize clock signals
with the upstream third-party
1-SL1D-2 (protection port of network.
a linear MSP group)

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Table 12-3 Clock connections (NE12)

Link Port Description

Between NE12 and NE11 3-IF1 (main IF board of a 1+1 Configure these boards to
HSB protection group) synchronize clock signals
with the upstream third-party
5-IF1 (standby IF board of a network.
1+1 HSB protection group)

Table 12-4 Clock connections (NE13)

Link Port Description

Between NE13 and NE12 1-SL1D-1 Configure this port to

synchronize clock signals
with the upstream third-party

Table 12-5 Clock connections (NE14)

Link Port Description

Between NE14 and NE13 3-IF1 (main IF board of a 1+1 Configure these boards to
HSB protection group) synchronize clock signals
with the upstream third-party
5-IF1 (standby IF board of a network.
1+1 HSB protection group)

Table 12-6 Clock connections (NE15)

Link Port Description

Between NE15 and NE13 4-IF1 (main IF board of a 1+1 Configure these boards to
HSB protection group) synchronize clock signals
with the upstream third-party
6-IF1 (standby IF board of a network.
1+1 HSB protection group)

Table 12-7 Clock connections (NE16)

Link Port Description

Between NE16 and NE15 3-IF1 Configure this board to

synchronize clock signals
with the upstream third-party

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12.3.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data.

Clock Source Information

According to 12.1.3 Clock Synchronization Policy, Figure 12-13 shows the clock source

Figure 12-13 Clock source information (TDM radio chain network)


Third party
NE13 NE12 NE11
3-IF1-1/ 1-SL1D-1/
1-SL1D-1/ 1-SL1D-2/
Internal Internal
NE16 NE15
3-IF1-1/ 6-IF1-1/
Internal Internal


Clock Protection
In this example, a chain network is set up. Thus, only the clock source protection based on
priorities is needed, whereas the SSM or extended SSM protection need not be configured.

Clock Synchronization Policy for a Base Station

In this example, the radio network is synchronized with the third party network through the SDH
optical port and transmits the timing reference signal through the E1 port. Hence, the E1 retiming
function need not be enabled.

12.3.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the procedures for the data configuration.

Step 1 See A.10.1.1 Configuring the Clock Sources and configure the clock sources.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

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Paramete Value

Clock 1-SL1D-1 3-IF1-1 1-SL1D-1 3-IF1-1 4-IF1-1 3-IF1-1

Source 1-SL1D-2 5-IF1-1 Internal 5-IF1-1 6-IF1-1 Internal
Clock Clock
Internal Internal Source Internal Internal
Clock Clock Clock Clock Source
Source Source Source Source

Step 2 See A.10.1.10 Querying the Clock Synchronization Status and query the clock
synchronization status of the NEs.
NE Clock Mode of all the NEs should be Tracing Mode.


12.4 Configuration Example (Clock for a TDM Radio Ring

This section considers a TDM radio ring network as an example to describe how to configure
the clock according to the network planning information.

12.4.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 6.4 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the TDM Radio Ring Network),
configure the clocks according to the following network planning information (as shown in
Figure 12-14):
l The radio transmission network is directly synchronized with the clock of the upstream
third-party network.
l Clock synchronization signals are transmitted to the BTSs over E1 signals.

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Figure 12-14 Networking diagram (clocks on a TDM radio ring network)

Third party
network NE21

BTS21 E1

E1 NE22 NE24 BTS24




The clock connections shown in Figure 12-14 are described as follows.

Table 12-8 Clock connections (NE21)

Link Port Description

Between NE21 and the third- 2-SP3S Configure this board for
party network synchronizing NE21 with the
clock of the upstream third-
party network.

Table 12-9 Clock connections (NE22)

Link Port Description

Between NE22 and NE21 3-IF1 The ports are used to

synchronizing NE22 with the
clock of the upstream third-
party network.

Between NE22 and BTS21 2-SP3S The ports are used for
enabling the re-timing
Between NE22 and BTS22 2-SP3S function so that the BTSs can
be more precisely
synchronized with the clock
of the upstream third-party

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Table 12-10 Clock connections (NE23)

Link Port Description

Between NE23 and NE22 3-IF1 This port is used to

synchronizing NE23 with the
clock of The ports are used
for enabling the re-timing
function so that the BTSs can
be more precisely
synchronized with the clock
of the upstream third-party

Between NE23 and BTS23 2-SP3S This port is used for enabling
the re-timing function so that
the BTS can be more
precisely synchronized with
the clock of The ports are
used for enabling the re-
timing function so that the
BTSs can be more precisely
synchronized with the clock
of the upstream third-party

Table 12-11 Clock connections (NE24)

Link Port Description

Between NE24 and NE21 4-IF1 (main IF board of a 1+1 Configure these boards to
HSB protection group) synchronize clock signals
with the upstream third-party
6-IF1 (standby IF board of a network.
1+1 HSB protection group)

Between NE24 and BTS24 2-SP3S Configure this board for

enabling the re-timing
function so that the BTS can
be precisely synchronized
with the clock of the
upstream third-party

12.4.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data.

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Clock Source Information

According to 12.1.3 Clock Synchronization Policy, Figure 12-15 shows the clock source

Figure 12-15 Clock source information (TDM radio ring network)

Third party E1

NE22 NE24
3-IF1-1 4-IF1-1/
Internal 6-IF1-1

Clock NE23

Clock Protection
In this example, a PDH radio ring network is set up. Thus, only the clock source protection based
on priorities is needed, whereas the SSM or extended SSM protection need not be configured.

Clock Synchronization Policy for a Base Station

In this example, the radio network is synchronized with the BSC through the E1 port and
transmits the timing reference signal through the E1 port. Hence, the E1 retiming function needs
to be enabled. The retiming function needs to be enabled for the following ports:

l NE22: 2-SP3S-1, 2-SP3S-5

l NE23: 2-SP3S-1
l NE24: 2-SP3S-1

In application, the external clock port, rather than the E1 port, is preferred to transmit the timing reference signal
to a BTS.

12.4.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the procedures for the data configuration.

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Step 1 See A.10.1.1 Configuring the Clock Sources and configure the clock sources.
The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE21 NE22 NE23 NE24

Clock Source 2-SP3S-1 3-IF1-1 3-IF1-1 4-IF1-1

Internal Clock 5-IF1-1 Internal Clock 6-IF1-1
Source Internal Clock Source Internal Clock
Source Source

Step 2 See A.6.2 Setting the Parameters of PDH Ports and set the PDH port parameters.
The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE22 NE23 NE24

Retiming Mode Retiming Mode of Retiming Mode of Retiming Mode of

Tributary Clock (2- Tributary Clock (2- Tributary Clock (2-
SP3S-1) SP3S-1) SP3S-1)
Retiming Mode of Normal (other ports) Normal (other ports)
Tributary Clock (2-
Normal (other ports)

Step 3 See A.10.1.10 Querying the Clock Synchronization Status and query the clock
synchronization status of the NEs.
NE Clock Mode of all the NEs should be Tracing Mode.


12.5 Configuration Example (Clock for a Hybrid Radio

Chain Network)
This section considers a Hybrid radio chain network as an example to describe how to configure
clocks according to the network planning information.

12.5.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 6.5 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Hybrid Radio Chain Network),
configure the clocks according to the following network planning information (as shown in
Figure 12-16):

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l The radio transmission network is directly synchronized with the clock of the BSC through
a LAG consisting of two GE links.
l Clock synchronization signals are transmitted to the BTSs over FE signals.

Figure 12-16 Networking diagram (clocks on a Hybrid radio chain network)





The clock connections shown in Figure 12-16 are described as follows.

Table 12-12 Clock connections (NE1)

Link Port Description

Between NE1 and the BSC 1-EM6F-1 (main port of a The ports are used to
LAG) synchronizing NE1 with the
clock of the BSC.
1-EM6F-2 (slave port of a

Table 12-13 Clock connections (NE2)

Link Port Description

Between NE2 and NE1 3-ISU2 (main IF board of a 1 The ports are used to
+1 HSB protection group) synchronizing NE2 with the
clock of the BSC.
5-ISU2 (standby IF board of
a 1+1 HSB protection group)

Table 12-14 Clock connections (NE3)

Link Port Description

Between NE3 and NE2 1-EM6T-1 This port is used to

synchronizing NE3 with the
clock of the BSC.

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Table 12-15 Clock connections (NE4)

Link Port Description

Between NE4 and NE3 3-ISU2 (main IF board of a 1 The ports are used to
+1 HSB protection group) synchronizing NE4 with the
clock of the BSC.
5-ISU2 (standby IF board of
a 1+1 HSB protection group)

Table 12-16 Clock connections (NE5)

Link Port Description

Between NE5 and NE3 4-ISU2 (main IF board of a 1 The ports are used to
+1 HSB protection group) synchronizing NE5 with the
clock of the BSC.
6-ISU2 (standby IF board of
a 1+1 HSB protection group)

Table 12-17 Clock connections (NE6)

Link Port Description

Between NE6 and NE5 3-ISU2 This port is used to

synchronizing NE6 with the
clock of the BSC.

12.5.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data.

Clock Source Information

According to 12.1.3 Clock Synchronization Policy, Figure 12-17 shows the clock source

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Figure 12-17 Networking diagram (clock for a Hybrid radio chain network)



1-EM6T-1/ 3-ISU2-1/ 1-EM6F-1/
Internal 5-ISU2-1 1-EM6F-2/
Internal Internal
3-ISU2-1/ 6-ISU2-1
Internal Internal


Separately configure the Ethernet clock source for each link in the LAG.

Clock Protection
In this example, a chain network is set up. Thus, only the clock source protection based on
priorities is needed, whereas the SSM or extended SSM protection need not be configured.

Clock Synchronization Policy for a Base Station

In this example, the radio transmission network is synchronized with the BSC through the GE
port, and transmits the timing reference signal to the BTS through the FE port.

12.5.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the procedures for the data configuration.

Step 1 See A.10.1.1 Configuring the Clock Sources and configure the clock sources.
The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Paramete Value

Clock 1-EM6F-1 3-ISU2-1 1-EM6F-1 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

Source 1-EM6F-2 5-ISU2-1 Internal 5-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1 Internal
Internal Internal Clock Internal Internal Clock
Clock Clock Source Clock Clock Source
Source Source Source Source

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Step 2 See A.10.1.10 Querying the Clock Synchronization Status and query the clock
synchronization status of the NEs.
NE Clock Mode of all the NEs should be Tracing Mode.


12.6 Configuration Example (Clock for a Hybrid Radio Ring

This section considers a Hybrid radio ring network as an example to describe how to configure
the clock according to the network planning information.

12.6.1 Network Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.

Based on 6.6 Configuration Example (Radio Links on the Hybrid Radio Ring Network),
configure the clocks according to the following network planning information (as shown in
Figure 12-18):

l The Hybrid radio transmission network is synchronized with NE21 on the PSN.
l OptiX RTN NEs transmit clock synchronization signals through their E1/FE ports to 2G/
3G base stations.

Figure 12-18 Networking diagram (clock on a Hybrid radio ring network)

Packet network


E1 NE22 NE24 BTS24



NE23 R4

The clock connections shown in Figure 12-18 are described as follows.

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Table 12-18 Clock connections (NE22)

Link Port Description

Between NE22 and NE21 3-ISU2 (high-priority clock Configure these ports to
source, with the SSM implement clock
protocol enabled) synchronization with the
upstream PSN.
Between NE22 and NE23 4-ISU2 (low-priority clock
source, with the SSM
protocol enabled)

Table 12-19 Clock connections (NE23)

Link Port Description

Between NE23 and NE22 3-ISU2 (high-priority clock Configure these ports to
source, with the SSM implement clock
protocol enabled) synchronization with the
upstream PSN.
Between NE23 and NE24 4-ISU2 (low-priority clock
source, with the SSM
protocol enabled)

Table 12-20 Clock connections (NE24)

Link Port Description

Between NE24 and NE21 4-ISU2 (main IF board in a 1 Configure these ports to
+1 HSB protection group; implement clock
high-priority clock source, synchronization with the
with the SSM protocol upstream PSN.

6-ISU2 (standby IF board in

a 1+1 HSB protection group;
high-priority clock source,
with the SSM protocol

Between NE24 and NE23 3-ISU2 (low-priority clock

source, with the SSM
protocol enabled)

12.6.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains all the parameters required for configuring the NE

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Clock Source Information

Based on 12.1.3 Clock Synchronization Policy, you can obtain the clock source information
as shown in Figure 12-19.

Figure 12-19 Information about clock sources (Hybrid radio ring network)

Packet network


NE22 NE24
3-ISU2-1/ 4-ISU2-1/
4-ISU2-1/ 6-ISU2-1/
Internal 3-ISU2-1/

Clock Internal

Clock Protection
The standard SSM protocol is enabled for all NEs on the ring network.

Clock Synchronization Policy for 2G Base Stations - CES Retiming Function

In this example, 2G base stations extract clock information through E1 ports on the PSN.
The PSN implements the following clock synchronization:
l Network-wide clock synchronization
l Synchronization between the network-wide clock and the service clock
Therefore, the PSN can use the CES retiming function for clock synchronization. That is, the
PSN extracts system clock information from the E1 signal converted from a CES service and
then provides the clock synchronization signal through E1 ports to base stations.

CES retiming is the default clock recovery solution for PSNs and therefore does not need to be enabled manually.

Clock Synchronization Policy for 3G Base Stations - Synchronous Ethernet

In this example, 3G base stations extract reference clock information from FE ports on the PSN.
Therefore, the PSN can use the synchronous Ethernet function for clock synchronization with

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base stations. That is, the PSN provides clock synchronization signals to base stations through
FE ports.


Synchronous Ethernet is the default clock recovery solution for PSNs and therefore does not need to be enabled

12.6.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for data configuration.

Step 1 See A.10.1.1 Configuring the Clock Sources and configure the clock sources.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

NE22 NE23 NE24

Clock Source 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1

4-ISU2-1 4-ISU2-1 6-ISU2-1
Internal Clock Internal Clock 3-ISU2-1
Source Source Internal Clock

Step 2 See A.10.1.2 Configuring Clock Subnets and configure protection for clock sources.

For NE22 to NE24, the values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Start Standard SSM Protocol Selected

The other parameters take their default values.

Step 3 See A.10.1.10 Querying the Clock Synchronization Status and query the clock
synchronization status.
NE Clock Mode of all NEs should be Tracing Mode.


12.7 Configuration Example (Clocks for a PSN)

This section uses clocks for a packet convergence ring and a Packet radio chain as examples to
describe how to configure clocks according to the network planning information.

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12.7.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.

Based on 4.2 Common Network Scenario of the IP Radio Network, configure the clocks
according to the following network planning information (as shown in Figure 12-20):

l The BSC and RNC are synchronized with an external BITS clock.
l The PSN is synchronized with the same BITS clock as the BSC and RNC. The NEs on the
PSN are synchronized with each other through physical clocks (clocks from microwave
ports or clocks from Ethernet ports using the synchronous Ethernet function).
l The PSN transmits clock synchronization signals through its E1/FE ports to 2G/3G base

Figure 12-20 Networking diagram (clocks for a PSN)

BTS33 NE33

E1 E1 R4
Hybrid radio chain
NE11 NE31



BTS36 BTS35 Hybrid radio ring

network R99 R99


The clock connections shown in Figure 12-20 are described as follows.

Table 12-21 Clock connections (NE11)

Link Port Description

Between NE11 and NE21 2-EM6F-2 (high-priority Configure Ethernet clocks

clock source, with the SSM extracted from ports that use
protocol enabled) the synchronous Ethernet
function to implement clock
2-EM6F-1 (low-priority synchronization with the
clock source, with the SSM upstream clock.
protocol enabled)

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Table 12-22 Clock connections (NE21)

Link Port Description

Between NE21 and NE31 1-EM6F-1 (high-priority Configure Ethernet clocks

clock source, with the SSM extracted from ports that use
protocol enabled) the synchronous Ethernet
function to implement clock
1-EM6F-2 (low-priority synchronization with the
clock source, with the SSM upstream clock.
protocol enabled)

Table 12-23 Clock connections (NE31)

Link Port Description

Between NE31 and a BITS External clock port Configure the external clock
port (CLK/TOD1) on the
CSH board to implement
clock synchronization with
the external BITS clock.

Table 12-24 Clock connections (NE32)

Link Port Description

Between NE32 and NE31 2-EM6F-2 (high-priority Configure Ethernet clocks

clock source, with the SSM extracted from ports that use
protocol enabled) the synchronous Ethernet
function to implement clock
2-EM6F-1 (low-priority synchronization with the
clock source, with the SSM upstream clock.
protocol enabled)

Table 12-25 Clock connections (NE33)

Link Port Description

Between NE33 and NE32 4-ISU2 (main IF board in a 1 Configure microwave clocks
+1 HSB protection group) to implement clock
synchronization with the
6-ISU2 (standby IF board of upstream clock.
a 1+1 HSB protection group)

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Table 12-26 Clock connections (NE34)

Link Port Description

Between NE34 and NE33 3-ISU2 (main IF board in a 1 Configure a microwave clock
+1 HSB protection group) to implement clock
synchronization with the
upstream clock.

12.7.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains all the parameters required for configuring the NE

Clock Source Information

12.1.3 Clock Synchronization Policy provides clock source tracing information of the PSN
and the clock source priority table of each NE.

Figure 12-21 Clock source information (PSN)


E1 R4





R99 R99

Clock RNC

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Table 12-27 Clock source priority table

NE11 NE21 NE31 NE32 NE33 NE34

2-EM6F-2 1-EM6F-1 External 2-EM6F-2 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

2-EM6F-1 1-EM6F-2 clock source 2-EM6F-1 6-ISU2-1 Internal
1 clock source
Internal Internal Internal Internal
clock source clock source Internal clock source clock source
clock source

Clock Protection
The standard SSM protocol is enabled for all NEs on the ring network.

Clock Synchronization Policy for 2G Base Stations - CES Retiming Function

In this example, 2G base stations extract clock information through E1 ports on the PSN.

The PSN implements the following clock synchronization:

l Network-wide clock synchronization

l Synchronization between the network-wide clock and the service clock

Therefore, the PSN can use the CES retiming function for clock synchronization. That is, the
PSN extracts system clock information from the E1 signal converted from a CES service and
then provides the clock synchronization signal through E1 ports to base stations.


CES retiming is the default clock recovery solution for PSNs and therefore does not need to be enabled manually.

Clock Synchronization Policy for 3G Base Stations - Synchronous Ethernet

In this example, 3G base stations extract reference clock information from FE ports on the PSN.
Therefore, the PSN can use the synchronous Ethernet function for clock synchronization with
base stations. That is, the PSN provides clock synchronization signals to base stations through
FE ports.


Synchronous Ethernet is the default clock recovery solution for PSNs and therefore does not need to be enabled

12.7.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for data configuration.

Step 1 See A.10.1.1 Configuring the Clock Sources and configure clock sources.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

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Paramete Value
NE11 NE21 NE31 NE32 NE33 NE34

Clock 2-EM6F-2 1-EM6F-1 External 2-EM6F-2 3-ISU2-1 3-ISU2-1

Source 2-EM6F-1 1-EM6F-2 Clock 2-EM6F-1 6-ISU2-1 Internal
Source 1 Clock
Internal Internal Internal Internal
Clock Clock Internal Clock Clock Source
Source Source Clock Source Source

Step 2 See A.10.1.2 Configuring Clock Subnets and configure protection for clock sources.
For NE11, NE21, and NE31 to NE34, the values for the related parameters are provided as

Parameter Value

Start Standard SSM Protocol Selected

The other parameters take their default values.

Step 3 See A.10.1.10 Querying the Clock Synchronization Status and query the clock
synchronization status.
NE Clock Mode of all NEs should be Tracing Mode.


12.8 Configuration Example (Clocks Across a Third-party

TDM Network)
This section considers Ethernet services transmitted across a third-party TDM network as an
example and describes how to configure clocks according to the planning information.

12.8.1 Networking Diagram

The section describes the networking information about the NEs.
Based on 9.4 Configuration Example (Ethernet Services Traversing a TDM Network),
configure the clocks according to the following network planning information (as shown in
Figure 12-22):
l The transmission network is directly synchronized with the clock of the BSC through FE
l Clock synchronization signals are transmitted to the BTS over FE ports.

This example only describes the clock configuration on NE1 and NE7. For the clock configuration on NE2-
NE6, see 12.5 Configuration Example (Clock for a Hybrid Radio Chain Network).

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Figure 12-22 Networking diagram (clocks across a third-party TDM network)



FE E1 network

Figure 12-23 Board configuration (clocks across a third-party TDM network)

NE3 NE cascade NE2 NE1

E1 NE6 NE6 NE6
BTS1 network



The following figure shows the clock link connections of NE1 and NE7.

Table 12-28 Clock link connections (NE1)

Link Used Clock Port Description

Connected to the leased 2-SP3D-1 Used for synchronization

TDM network with the TDM network.

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Table 12-29 Clock link connections (NE7)

Link Used Clock Port Description

Connected to the BSC 4-EFP8-1 Used for synchronization

with the BSC.

12.8.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains all the parameters required for configuring the NE

Clock Source Information

Based on 12.1.3 Clock Synchronization Policy, you can obtain the clock source information
as shown in Figure 12-24.

Figure 12-24 Information about clock sources (Hybrid radio chain network)

E1 network
1-EM6T-1/ 3-IFU2-1/ 2-SP3D-1/ E1
Internal 5-IFU2-1 Internal
4-IFU2-1/ NE7
3-IFU2-1/ 6-IFU2-1 BSC
Internal Internal 4-EFP8-1/



This example only describes the clock configuration on NE1 and NE7. For the clock configuration on NE2-
NE6, see 12.5 Configuration Example (Clock for a Hybrid Radio Chain Network).

Clock Protection
In this example, a chain network is set up. Therefore, only the clock source protection based on
priorities is configured and the SSM or extended SSM protection is not configured.

Clock Synchronization Policy for a Base Station

In this example, the radio transmission network is synchronized with the BSC through the FE
port on the EFP8 board of NE7, and transmits the timing reference signal to the base station
through the FE ports that accesses services from the base station.

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12.8.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the process for the data configuration.

Step 1 See A.10.1.1 Configuring the Clock Sources and configure the clock sources.
The values for the relevant parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value Range


Clock Source 2-SP3D-1 4-EFP8-1

Internal Clock Source Internal Clock Source

Step 2 See A.10.1.10 Querying the Clock Synchronization Status and query the clock
synchronization status of the NEs.
For all NEs, set NE Clock Mode to Tracing Mode.


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13 Configuring Auxiliary Ports and


About This Chapter

The OptiX RTN 950 provides multiple auxiliary ports and functions. These functions require
certain data configuration.

13.1 Auxiliary Ports and Functions

This section describes the auxiliary ports and functions supported by the OptiX RTN 950,
namely, the orderwire, synchronous data services, asynchronous data services, and wayside
13.2 Environment Monitoring Functions
The OptiX RTN 950 supports the function of monitoring environment by means of external
alarms and monitors an outdoor cabinet by means of its outdoor cabinet monitoring port.
13.3 Configuration Procedure (Monitoring the Outdoor Cabinet)
This section describes how to perform parameter settings and other relevant operations as
required in the procedures for configuring the function of monitoring the outdoor cabinet.
13.4 Configuration Example (Orderwire)
This section considers the orderwire on a radio network as an example to describe how to plan
the orderwire according to network planning information.
13.5 Configuration Example (Synchronous Data Services)
This section considers a synchronous data service that transmits the network management
information as an example to describe how to configure a synchronous data service according
to the network planning information.
13.6 Configuration Example (Asynchronous Data Services)
This section considers an asynchronous data service that transmits the NM messages as an
example to describe how to configure an asynchronous data service according to the network
planning information.
13.7 Configuration Example (Wayside E1 Services)
This section considers a wayside E1 service that transmits the NM messages as an example to
describe how to configure a wayside E1 service according to the network planning.
13.8 Configuration Example (External Alarms)

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This section considers the centralized control of environment monitoring and equipment alarms
through external alarms as an example to describe how to configure external alarms according
to the network planning information.
13.9 Configuration Example (Monitoring the Outdoor Cabinet)
This chapter describes the process of configuring the temperature and humidity thresholds for
the PMU of the outdoor cabinet. This example helps you understand how to configure the
function of monitoring the outdoor cabinet according to the network planning information.

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13.1 Auxiliary Ports and Functions

This section describes the auxiliary ports and functions supported by the OptiX RTN 950,
namely, the orderwire, synchronous data services, asynchronous data services, and wayside

The OptiX RTN 950 supports one orderwire phone so that the operation or maintenance
engineers at different workstations can perform voice communication through microwave or
SDH overhead bytes.

When using the orderwire phone, take the following precautions:

l The orderwire phone numbers of all the NEs on the network must be of the same length.
It is recommended that the orderwire telephone number is a 3-digit number and all orderwire
telephone numbers on the entire network are unique.
l The dialing method of the orderwire phone of each node is dual-tone multifrequency.
l The call waiting time of each node should be set to the same value. If less than 30 nodes
exist in the orderwire subnet, it is recommended that you set the call waiting time to five
seconds. If more than 30 nodes exist in the orderwire subnet, it is recommended that you
set the call waiting time to nine seconds.
l The equipment supports the orderwire group call function. When one set of the OptiX RTN
equipment dials the orderwire group call number "888", the orderwire phones of all the
OptiX equipment on the orderwire subnet ring. When an orderwire phone receives the call,
the orderwire phones on the other NEs stop ringing. In this case, the orderwire point-to-
multipoint group call changes to a point-to-point ordinary orderwire call.
l When the orderwire signals are transmitted over a radio link, they are always transmitted
through one customized overhead byte. When the orderwire signals are transmitted over
SDH fibers, they are transmitted through the E1 or E2 byte.
l By default, all the line ports, IF ports, and unconfigured synchronous data ports on the
equipment function as the orderwire ports. Therefore, in normal cases, the orderwire ports
needs to be configured only at the edge of the orderwire subnet.
l The equipment supports the transmission of orderwire overhead bytes through the 64 kbit/
s synchronous data ports or external clock ports.
l If multiple radio links or optical transmission lines exist between two NEs, the ports
corresponding to these links should be configured as the orderwire ports. In this case, except
for the hybrid radio links in N+1 protection, if one radio link is available between two NEs,
the orderwire transmission between two NEs is normal. When the orderwire signals are
transmitted over the hybrid radio links in N+1 protection, the protection link cannot transmit
the orderwire signals.
l The equipment provides the orderwire ports on the AUX board. For definitions of the pins
on the ports, see the OptiX RTN 950 IDU Hardware Description.

Synchronous Data Services

The synchronous data service is also called the F1 data service. The OptiX RTN 950 supports
one synchronous data service. The microwave/SDH overhead bytes transmitted between two
NEs can be used for transmitting one 64 kbit/s synchronous data service.

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When using the synchronous data service, take the following precautions:

l The synchronous data service is fully transparently transmitted, and the transmission rate
at the port is 64 kbit/s.
l The synchronous data service is clock-sensitive. If the clock is not synchronized, bit errors
l The ports on the equipment comply with ITU-T G.703.
l When the orderwire signals are transmitted over a radio link, they are always transmitted
through one customized overhead byte. When the orderwire signals are transmitted over
SDH fibers, they are always transmitted through the F1 byte.
l The equipment supports the transmission of the overhead bytes in the synchronous data
service through the external clock ports to realize the service spanning function.
l When the synchronous data service is transmitted over the protected radio links or optical
transmission lines, the synchronous data service is also protected.
l The equipment provides the synchronous data service ports on the AUX. For definitions
of the pins on the ports, see the OptiX RTN 950 IDU Hardware Description.

Asynchronous Data Services

The asynchronous data service is also called a transparent data service or a broadcast data port
service. The OptiX RTN 950 supports one asynchronous data service. The microwave/SDH
overhead bytes transmitted between two sites can be used for realizing full-duplex
communication between the universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART).
When using the asynchronous data service, take the following precautions:

l The asynchronous data service is fully transparently transmitted. The transmission rate and
transmission control protocol need not be configured. The transmission rate at the port is
19.2 kbit/s.
l The asynchronous data service is clock-sensitive. If the clock is not synchronized, bit errors
l The equipment provides the RS-232 electrical port that complies with ITU-T V.24/V.28.
l The equipment supports only point-to-point communications.
l When the orderwire signals are transmitted over radio links, they are always transmitted
through one customized overhead byte. When the orderwire signals are transmitted over
SDH fibers, they are transmitted through any of the SERIAL 1 to SERIAL 4 bytes.
l The equipment supports the transmission of the overhead bytes in the asynchronous data
service through the external clock ports to realize the service spanning function.
l When the asynchronous data service is transmitted over the protected radio links or optical
transmission lines, the asynchronous data service is also protected.
l The equipment provides the asynchronous data ports on the AUX board. For definitions of
the pins on the ports, see the OptiX RTN 950 IDU Hardware Description.

Wayside E1 Services
The OptiX RTN 950 supports one wayside E1 service. The transmitted overhead bytes in the
STM-1 radio signals can be used for transmitting one wayside E1 service between two sites in
one hop of STM-1 radio link.
When using the wayside E1 service, take the following precautions:

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l The wayside E1 service is supported by only STM-1 radio links or E1 radio links.
l The wayside E1 service is fully and transparently transmitted, and the transmission rate at
the port is 2048 kbit/s.
l The wayside E1 service is clock-sensitive. If the clock is not synchronized, bit errors occur.
l The equipment does not support the pass-through of the wayside E1 service. Therefore, the
wayside E1 service is transmitted only between two sites on one hop of radio link.
l When the wayside E1 service is transmitted over the radio links in 1+1 or N+1 protection
mode, the wayside E1 service is also protected.
l The equipment adds or drops the wayside E1 service through the external clock port on the
SCC, cross-connect and clock board. The external clock port complies with ITU-T G.703,
and the impedance on the path is 120 ohms. For definitions of the pins on the external clock
ports, see the OptiX RTN 950DU Hardware Description.

13.2 Environment Monitoring Functions

The OptiX RTN 950 supports the function of monitoring environment by means of external
alarms and monitors an outdoor cabinet by means of its outdoor cabinet monitoring port.

External Alarms
External alarms are also called housekeeping alarms or relay alarms. The OptiX RTN 950
provides 4-input and 2-output external alarms.

Figure 13-1 shows the interface circuit for external alarm input. When the external relay is
switched off, the interface circuit generates a high-level signal. When the external relay is
switched on, the interface circuit generates a low-level signal. The board generates
corresponding alarms based on the level signal. External alarm input mainly achieves access of
the relay alarms generated by the environmental alarm generator.

Figure 13-1 Interface circuit for external alarm input

Circuit for external +3.3 V/+5 V External

alarm input Pull-up system
resistance Relay
Output level

The interface circuit for external alarm output works in a similar manner as the external system
shown in Figure 13-1. When the specified external alarm output conditions are met, the NE
switches on or switches off the relay depending on the conditions that result in the alarm. When
the specified external alarm output conditions are no longer met, the NE changes the relay to
the reverse of its current state. External alarm output helps to provide equipment alarms to the
centralized alarming device.

The equipment provides external alarm ports on the AUX board. For pin assignments for the
ports, see the OptiX RTN 950 IDU Hardware Description.

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Monitoring of an Outdoor Cabinet

The OptiX RTN 950 supports the function of monitoring the power system and environment
variables of the following outdoor cabinets:

l APM30H: The advanced power module with heat exchanger cooler (APM30H) cabinet
supports alternating current (AC) power input and direct current (DC) power output. It
provides 7U of space for installing user equipment.
l TMC11H: The transmission cabinet of 11U high with heat exchanger (TMC11H) cabinet
supports DC power input and DC power output. It provides 11U of space for installing user
l OMB: The outdoor mini box (OMB) cabinet supports AC or DC power input. It provides
2U of space for installing user equipment.

On the NMS, an outdoor cabinet is named based on its power input mode: An APM30H cabinet is named
APM30 AC, a TCM11H cabinet is named APM30 DC, an OMB (AC power input) cabinet is named OMB
AC, and an OMB (DC power input) cabinet is named OMB DC.

Table 13-1 describes the logical slots of outdoor cabinets supported by the OptiX RTN 950 and
their functions.

Table 13-1 Logical slots for supported outdoor cabinets

Type of Outdoor Cabinet Logical Board Function

APM30 AC PMU in slot 14 + TCU in slot PMU in slot 14: power

15 + TCU in slot 16 monitoring unit of the
outdoor cabinet
TCU in slot 15: temperature
control unit of the outdoor
TCU in slot 16: temperature
control unit of the battery
compartment in the outdoor

APM30 DC TCU in slot 13 TCU in slot 13: temperature

control unit of the outdoor

OMB AC PMU in slot 12 + TCU in slot PMU in slot 12: power

13 monitoring unit of the
outdoor cabinet
TCU in slot 13: temperature
control unit of the outdoor

OMB DC TCU in slot 13 TCU in slot 13: temperature

control unit of the outdoor

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The OptiX RTN 950 provides the outdoor cabinet monitoring port on its system control,
switching, and timing board. For pin assignments for the port, see the OptiX RTN 950 IDU
Hardware Description.

13.3 Configuration Procedure (Monitoring the Outdoor

This section describes how to perform parameter settings and other relevant operations as
required in the procedures for configuring the function of monitoring the outdoor cabinet.

Configuration Flow Chart

Figure 13-2 provides the procedures for configuring the function of monitoring the outdoor

Figure 13-2 Configuration flow chart



Set the function of an auxiliary port.

Set the type of the outdoor cabinet.

Set the logical boards of the outdoor


Set the temperature and fan Set the information about the power Set the temperature and humidity
information of the outdoor cabinet. . system of the outdoor cabinet. thresholds of the PMU.


The procedures in the configuration flowchart are described as follows.

Table 13-2 Procedures for configuring the function of monitoring the outdoor cabinet

Step Operation Description

1 A.12.6.1 Configuring the Function of an Required.

Auxiliary Port Set Interface Mode of the TOD2
port (CSH/CST) to MON.

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Step Operation Description

2 A.12.6.2 Setting the Type of the Outdoor Required.

Cabinet Ensure that the configured cabinet
type is the same as the type of the
actually used outdoor cabinet.

3 A.2.1.4 Configuring the Logical Board Required.

For logical slots for different types
of outdoor cabinets and their
functions, refer to Table 13-1 in
13.2 Environment Monitoring

4 Configuring the Setting the Required if the temperature and fan

function of temperature and fan information of the outdoor cabinet
monitoring the information of the need to be monitored.
outdoor cabinet outdoor cabinet It is recommended that the
parameters take their default values,
unless otherwise specified.

Setting the Required if the power system

information about information of the outdoor cabinet
the power system of needs to be monitored.
the outdoor cabinet l Under Outdoor cabinet
interface and Outdoor Cabinet
PMU Electrical Source System
Attribute, set the required
power information according to
the network planning
l It is recommended that the
parameters take their default
values, unless otherwise
This operation is supported only by
APM30 AC and OBM AC cabinets.
The OBM AC cabinets do not support
setting parameters about the battery

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Step Operation Description

Setting the Required if the temperature and

temperature and humidity information of the PMU
humidity thresholds needs to be monitored.
of the PMU l Set Upper Threshold and
Lower Threshold for
temperature and humidity
alarms according to the network
planning information.
l It is recommended that the
parameters take their default
values, unless otherwise
This operation is supported only by
APM30 AC and OBM AC cabinets.

13.4 Configuration Example (Orderwire)

This section considers the orderwire on a radio network as an example to describe how to plan
the orderwire according to network planning information.

13.4.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
In the networking diagram shown in Figure 13-3, each NE needs to be configured with the
orderwire. Except that the radio links between NE1 and NE2 are configured with 1+1 protection,
all the other radio links are configured with 1+0 non-protection.

Figure 13-3 Networking diagram (orderwire)


NE4 E1


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Table 13-3 Orderwire phone connections (NE1)

Link Port Description

Between NE1 and NE2 3-IFU2 (main IF board) Configure the ports to
implement IF 1+1 protection.
5-IFU2 (standby IF board)

Table 13-4 Orderwire phone connections (NE2)

Link Port Description

Between NE2 and NE1 3-IFU2 (main IF board) Configure the ports to
implement IF 1+1 protection.
5-IFU2 (standby IF board)

Between NE2 and NE3 F1 The two NEs are

interconnected through
synchronous data ports.

Table 13-5 Orderwire phone connections (NE3)

Link Port Description

Between NE3 and NE2 F1 The two NEs are

interconnected through
synchronous data ports.

Between NE3 and NE4 3-IFU2 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

Between NE3 and NE5 4-IFU2 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

Table 13-6 Orderwire phone connections (NE4)

Link Port Description

Between NE4 and NE3 3-IFU2 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

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Table 13-7 Orderwire phone connections (NE5)

Link Port Description

Between NE5 and NE3 4-IFU2 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

Between NE5 and NE6 3-IFU2 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

Table 13-8 Orderwire phone connections (NE6)

Link Port Description

Between NE6 and NE5 3-IFU2 Configure this port to receive

and transmit radio service

13.4.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data.

Information About Orderwire Phone Numbers

In this example, the number of NEs is very small. Therefore, the orderwire phone numbers are
allocated in the format of 100+NE ID, as shown in Figure 13-4.

Figure 13-4 Networking diagram (for orderwire)

104 1+1

1+0 E1


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Information About Orderwire Ports

l In this example, the service between NE2 and NE3 is forwarded through the E1 line.
Therefore, service spanning is required. The 64 kbit/s synchronous data service port is used
for service spanning.
l NE2 to NE6 are located on the orderwire subnet. Hence, they use the default orderwire
ports (all the IF ports, line ports, and unconfigured synchronous data ports) that are
automatically mapped by the equipment.
l NE1 is not located at the edge of the orderwire subnet. Hence, it is configured according
to the situation of NE2 to NE6. If NE1 is located at the edge of the orderwire subnet and
if it is connected to an IF ports or line ports on the other orderwire subnets, the IF ports or
line ports are deleted from the orderwire ports through the NMS.
l The information about orderwire ports of each NE is provided in Table 13-9.

Table 13-9 Information about orderwire ports

NE Orderwire Port

NE1 3-IFU2-1

NE2 3-IFU2-1

NE3 3-IFU2-1

NE4 3-IFU2-1

NE5 3-IFU2-1

NE6 3-IFU2-1


l An external clock port can also be used to realize service spanning between NE2 and NE3. In this case, the
external clock port needs to be added to the orderwire port through the NMS.
l Certain orderwire ports are unnecessary. These ports do not, however, affect the orderwire phones if they
do not receive orderwire signaling.

Information About Orderwire Parameters

l Fewer than 30 NEs exist on the orderwire subnet. Hence, the call waiting time needs to be
set to five seconds for these NEs.
l In this example, the SDH optical transmission equipment is not involved on the orderwire
subnet. Therefore, the overhead byte is set to E1 by default.

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13.4.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the procedures for the data configuration.

Step 1 See A.12.1 Configuring Orderwire and configure the orderwire.
The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Paramete Value

Call 5 5 5 5 5 5

Phone 1 101 102 103 104 105 106

Selected 3-IFU2-1 3-IFU2-1 3-IFU2-1 3-IFU2-1 3-IFU2-1 3-IFU2-1

Orderwir 5-IFU2-1 5-IFU2-1 4-IFU2-1 4-IFU2-1
e Port
F1 F1


13.5 Configuration Example (Synchronous Data Services)

This section considers a synchronous data service that transmits the network management
information as an example to describe how to configure a synchronous data service according
to the network planning information.

13.5.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
In the networking diagram shown in Figure 13-5, the radio network transmits the network
management messages of the third-party equipment. The third-party equipment and the NMS
use the protocol converter to convert the network management messages carried by the Ethernet
network into the network management messages carried by the 64 kbit/s synchronous data
service. Hence, the radio network needs to transparently transmit the corresponding synchronous
data only.
l NE1 and NE6 add or drop 64 kbit/s synchronous data services. NE2, NE3, and NE5 pass
through 64 kbit/s synchronous data services.
l Except that the radio links between NE1 and NE2 are configured with 1+1 protection, all
the other radio links are configured with 1+0 non-protection.

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Figure 13-5 Networking diagram (synchronous data services)

3rd party NM

3rd party ETH
equipment NE4 E1 64kbps
NE3 NE2 NE1 64k/ETH
ETH Converter


Table 13-10 Connections of synchronous data services (NE1)

Link Port Description

Between NE1 and a protocol F1 Configure this port to access

converter synchronous data services.

Between NE1 and NE2 3-IFU2 (main IF board of a 1 Configure the main IF board
+1 protection group) to transmit synchronous data

Table 13-11 Connections of synchronous data services (NE2)

Link Port Description

Between NE2 and NE1 3-IFU2 (main IF board of a 1 Configure the main IF board
+1 protection group) to transmit synchronous data

Between NE2 and NE3 F1 The two NEs are

interconnected through
synchronous data ports.

Table 13-12 Connections of synchronous data services (NE3)

Link Port Description

Between NE3 and NE5 4-IFU2 Configure this port to

transmit synchronous data

Between NE3 and NE2 F1 The two NEs are

interconnected through
synchronous data ports.

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Table 13-13 Connections of synchronous data services (NE5)

Link Port Description

Between NE5 and NE3 4-IFU2 Configure this port to

transmit synchronous data

Between NE5 and NE6 3-IFU2 Configure this port to

transmit synchronous data

Table 13-14 Connections of synchronous data services (NE6)

Link Port Description

Between NE6 and NE5 3-IFU2 Configure this port to

transmit synchronous data

Between NE6 and a protocol F1 Configure this port to access

converter synchronous data services.

13.5.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data.
l In this example, the TDM service between NE2 and NE3 is forwarded through the E1 line.
Therefore, service spanning is required. The two synchronous data ports between NE2 and
NE3 are interconnected with each other to realize the service spanning function.
l According to the service path, you can obtain the synchronous data service information
provided in Table 13-15.

Table 13-15 Information about the synchronous data service

NE Data Channel 1 Data Channel 2

NE1 F1 3-IFU2-1

NE2 3-IFU2-1 F1

NE3 F1 4-IFU2-1

NE5 4-IFU2-1 3-IFU2-1

NE6 3-IFU2-1 F1

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l The external clock port can also be used to realize service spanning between NE2 and NE3.
l In the case of radio links or SDH optical transmission lines configured with 1+1 protection, only the active
link is configured with the synchronous data service.

13.5.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the procedures for the data configuration.

Step 1 See A.12.2 Configuring the Synchronous Data Service and configure the synchronous data

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Data F1 3-IFU2-1 F1 4-IFU2-1 3-IFU2-1

Channel 1

Data 3-IFU2-1 F1 4-IFU2-1 3-IFU2-1 F1

Channel 2


13.6 Configuration Example (Asynchronous Data Services)

This section considers an asynchronous data service that transmits the NM messages as an
example to describe how to configure an asynchronous data service according to the network
planning information.

13.6.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.

In the networking diagram shown in Figure 13-6, the radio network transmits the network
management information of the third-party equipment. The third-party equipment and the NMS
use the protocol converter to convert the network management information carried by the
Ethernet network into the network management information carried by the RS-232 synchronous
data service. Hence, the radio network needs to transparently transmit the corresponding
synchronous data only.

l NE1 and NE6 add or drop asynchronous data services. NE2, NE3, and NE5 pass through
asynchronous data services.
l Except that the radio links between NE1 and NE2 are configured with 1+1 protection, all
the other radio links are configured with 1+0 non-protection.

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Figure 13-6 Networking diagram (asynchronous data services)

3rd party NM

3rd party ETH
equipment NE4 E1 RS-232
NE3 NE2 NE1 RS-232/ETH
ETH Converter


Table 13-16 Connections of asynchronous data services (NE1)

Link Port Description

Between NE1 and a protocol SERIAL1 Configure this port to access

converter asynchronous data services.

Between NE1 and NE2 3-IFU2 (main IF board of a 1 Configure the main IF board
+1 protection group) to transmit asynchronous
data services.

Table 13-17 Connections of asynchronous data services (NE2)

Link Port Description

Between NE2 and NE1 3-IFU2 (main IF board of a 1 Configure the main IF board
+1 protection group) to transmit asynchronous
data services.

Between NE2 and NE3 SERIAL1 The two NEs are

interconnected through
asynchronous data ports.

Table 13-18 Connections of asynchronous data services (NE3)

Link Port Description

Between NE3 and NE5 4-IFU2 Configure this port to

transmit asynchronous data

Between NE3 and NE2 SERIAL1 The two NEs are

interconnected through
asynchronous data ports.

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Table 13-19 Connections of asynchronous data services (NE5)

Link Port Description

Between NE5 and NE3 4-IFU2 Configure this port to

transmit asynchronous data

Between NE5 and NE6 3-IFU2 Configure this port to

transmit asynchronous data

Table 13-20 Connections of asynchronous data services (NE6)

Link Port Description

Between NE6 and NE5 3-IFU2 Configure this port to

transmit asynchronous data

Between NE6 and a protocol SERIAL1 Configure this port to access

converter asynchronous data services.

13.6.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data.

l In this example, the TDM service between NE2 and NE3 is forwarded through the E1 line.
Therefore, service spanning is required. The two asynchronous data ports between NE2
and NE3 are interconnected with each other to realize the service spanning function.
l In this example, the SDH equipment is not required to jointly transmit the asynchronous
data service. Hence, the overhead byte is set to SERIAL1.
l According to the service path, you can obtain the asynchronous data service information
provided in Table 13-21.

Table 13-21 Information about the asynchronous data service

NE Broadcast Data Source Broadcast Data Sink




NE5 4-IFU2-1 3-IFU2-1


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l The external clock port can also be used to realize service spanning between NE2 and NE3.
l In the case of radio links or SDH optical transmission lines configured with 1+1 protection, only the active
link is configured with the asynchronous data service.

13.6.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the procedures for the data configuration.

Step 1 See A.12.3 Configuring the Asynchronous Data Service and configure the asynchronous data
The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value




Broadcast SERIAL1 3-IFU2-1 SERIAL1 4-IFU2-1 3-IFU2-1

Data Source

Selected 3-IFU2-1 SERIAL1 4-IFU2-1 3-IFU2-1 SERIAL1

Data Sink


13.7 Configuration Example (Wayside E1 Services)

This section considers a wayside E1 service that transmits the NM messages as an example to
describe how to configure a wayside E1 service according to the network planning.

13.7.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.
In the networking shown in Figure 13-7, the STM-1 radio network transmits the network
management information of the third-party equipment. The third-party equipment and the NMS
use the protocol converter to convert the network management information carried by the
Ethernet network into the network management information carried by the wayside E1 service.
To maximize the bandwidth utilization, the NEs transmit the service over the wayside E1

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Figure 13-7 Networking diagram (wayside E1 services)

3rd party 3rd party

equipment NM

3-IF1 to NE1 3-IF1 to NE2

E1 E1


Converter Converter

13.7.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data.

According to the service path, you can obtain the wayside E1 service information provided in
Table 13-22.

Table 13-22 Information about wayside E1 services

NE IF Board Whether to Enable Input Slot of the

the Wayside E1 Wayside E1
Service Service

NE1 3-IF1 Enabled 7

NE2 3-IF1 Enabled 7


In the case of radio links configured with 1+1 or N+1 protection, only the active link is configured with the
wayside E1 service.

13.7.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the procedures for the data configuration.

Step 1 See A.12.4 Configuring the Wayside E1 Service and configure the wayside E1 service.

The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Port NE1-3-IF1-1 NE2-3-IF1-1

2M Wayside Enable Status Enabled Enabled

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Parameter Value


2M Wayside Input Board 7 7


13.8 Configuration Example (External Alarms)

This section considers the centralized control of environment monitoring and equipment alarms
through external alarms as an example to describe how to configure external alarms according
to the network planning information.

13.8.1 Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking information about the NEs.

In the networking diagram shown in Figure 13-8, the external alarms on NE1 are required as

l External alarm input port 1 is used for connecting the alarm port on the smoke sensor. When
the alarm port on the smoke sensor is closed, NE1 should report a fire alarm.
l External alarm input port 2 is used for connecting the alarm port on the water sensor. When
the alarm port on the water sensor is closed, NE1 should report a water alarm.
l External alarm input port 3 is used for connecting the alarm port on the magnetic door
switch sensor. When the alarm port on the magnetic door switch sensor is closed, NE1
should report an alarm, indicating that the cabinet door is open.
l External alarm output port 1 is used for connecting the centralized alarming boxes. When
a major or critical alarm is generated on NE1, the alarm output port is closed.

Figure 13-8 Networking diagram (external alarms)

Input 1
Smoke sensor
Input 2
Output 1
Water sensor Input 3

Magnetic door
switch sensor
alarming box

13.8.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring the NE data.

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Information About Input Alarms

According to the requirements, you can obtain the input alarm information provided in Table

Table 13-23 Information about input alarms

Input External Alarm Name Usage Status Alarm Mode Severity


Interface 1 Fire alarm Used An alarm is Major

generated when
the port is

Interface 2 Water alarm Used An alarm is Major

generated when
the port is

Interface 3 Open cabinet Used An alarm is Major

door generated when
the port is

Information About Output Alarms

According to the requirements, you can obtain the output alarm information provided in Table

Table 13-24 Information about output alarms

Output External Alarm Working Mode

Interface 1 Automatic Mode


The OptiX RTN 950 supports the automatic mode and the manual mode. The manual mode is used for
commissioning the output alarms.

13.8.3 Configuration Process

This section describes the procedures for the data configuration.

Step 1 See A.12.5 Configure External Alarms and configure the external alarms.
l The values for the input alarm parameters are provided as follows.

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Parameter Value


Operation Object NE1-AUX-1 NE1-AUX-2 NE1-AUX-3

Path Name Fire alarm Water alarm Open cabinet door

Using Status Used Used Used

Alarm Mode Relay Turns On/ Relay Turns On/ Relay Turns On/
Low Level Low Level Low Level

Alarm Severity Major Alarm Major Alarm Major Alarm

l The values for the output alarm parameters are provided as follows.
Parameter Value


Operation Object NE1-AUX-1

Use or Not Used


13.9 Configuration Example (Monitoring the Outdoor

This chapter describes the process of configuring the temperature and humidity thresholds for
the PMU of the outdoor cabinet. This example helps you understand how to configure the
function of monitoring the outdoor cabinet according to the network planning information.

13.9.1 Network Diagram

The section describes the networking information about the NEs.
In this example, the OptiX RTN 950 is installed in an APM30 AC cabinet. As shown in Figure
13-9, the TOD2 port (CSH) on the OptiX RTN 950 (NE1) is connected to the COM_IN port on
the APM30 AC cabinet. The OptiX RTN 950 supports the function of monitoring the PMU
temperature and humidity information after the upper and lower thresholds for temperature and
humidity alarms of the PMU are configured.

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Figure 13-9 Network diagram (outdoor cabinet)



13.9.2 Service Planning

The service planning information contains the information about all the parameters required for
configuring thresholds for temperature and humidity alarms of the PMU in the outdoor cabinet.

Setting Alarm Thresholds for the PMU

l In this example, the thresholds for the temperature and humidity alarms are configured on
the consumption of long-time stable operation of the PMU. It is recommended that the
parameters take their default values, unless otherwise specified.
l In this example, the alarm thresholds for the PMU are configured as described in Table

Table 13-25 Alarm thresholds for the PMU

Parameter Value

Upper threshold for the ambient temperature 60


Lower threshold for the ambient temperature -5


Upper threshold for the ambient humidity (%) 95

Lower threshold for the ambient humidity 5


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13.9.3 Configuration Process

This section describes how to configure the temperature and humidity alarm thresholds for the
power monitoring unit (PMU) of an APM30 alternating current (AC) cabinet. In this example,
all configuration operations are performed on NE1.

Step 1 Follow the instructions in A.12.6.1 Configuring the Function of an Auxiliary Port .
The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value


Interface Mode MON

Step 2 Follow the instructions in A.12.6.2 Setting the Type of the Outdoor Cabinet.
The values for the related parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter Value

Outdoor Cabinet Type APM30 AC

Step 3 Follow the instructions in A.2.1.4 Configuring the Logical Board.

Add the PMU logical board to slot 14 and the TCU logical boards to slots 15 and 16 on the Slot
Step 4 Follow the instructions in A.12.6.6 Setting the Temperature and Humidity Alarm
Thresholds for the PMU.
The values for the ambient temperature and humidity parameters are provided as follows.

Parameter NE1-14-PMU

Ambient Temperature (° Ambient Humidity (%)


Upper threshold 60 95

Lower threshold -5 5


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14 Adding and Modifying Configuration


About This Chapter

During the equipment commissioning and operating phases, you need to add or modify certain
configuration data according to the actual requirements.

14.1 Common Task Collection (NEs)

Common tasks associated with NEs include common configuration tasks associated with NE
14.2 Common Task Collection (Radio Links)
This section describes the common configuration tasks associated with radio links.
14.3 Common Task Collection (TDM Services)
This section describes the common configuration tasks associated with TDM services.
14.4 Common Task Collection (Packet-Plane Ethernet Services)
This section describes the common configuration tasks associated with packet-plane Ethernet
14.5 Task Collection (EoPDH-Plane Ethernet Services)
This section describes the common configuration tasks associated with EoPDH-plane Ethernet

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14.1 Common Task Collection (NEs)

Common tasks associated with NEs include common configuration tasks associated with NE

Table 14-1 Common task collection (NE attributes)

Task Application Configuration Description

Scenario Operation

Creating NEs When using the NMS A.2.1.1 Creating NEs l Generally, NEs
to perform centralized by Using the Search are created by
management of NEs, Method or A.2.1.2 searching for the
add the target NEs into Creating NEs by Using NE on the NMS.
the NE list. the Manual Method l The manual NE
creation method
is applicable only
when several NEs
need to be created
on a large radio

Changing an You need to change an A.2.1.5 Changing the -

does not meet the
network planning
requirements (for
example, if the NE ID
is the same as another

Changing the You need to change the Changing the IP -

IP address of an IP address of the address of an NE
NE gateway NE if changes
occur in the external
DCN between the
NMS server and the
gateway NE.

Synchronizing After you conduct the A.2.1.7 Synchronizing To ensure that the NE
NE time settings on the NMS, the NE Time time is synchronized
the NE time is correctly, the time
synchronized and time domain of
automatically and the NMS server must
periodically. You can be set correctly.
also synchronize the
NE time manually if
the NE time is lost due
to NE faults.

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14.2 Common Task Collection (Radio Links)

This section describes the common configuration tasks associated with radio links.

When you add or modify the configurations of a radio link, you need to modify the configurations
of the NE that is located far from the NMS server and then modify the configurations of the NE
that is located near to the NMS server.


l In the case of 1+1 HSB/SD protection, you need to configure only the IF/ODU information of the main
radio link.
l In the case of 1+1 FD protection, you need to configure the IF/ODU information of the main radio link
and the ODU information of the standby radio link.
l In the case of XPIC configuration, you need to configure the IF/ODU information of the two radio
links in different polarization directions separately.
l In the case of N+1 protection, you need to configure the IF/ODU information of the N+1 radio links
l The MW_CFG_MISMATCH alarm is reported, if the E1 count, AM enabled status, STM-1 count, or
modulation mode is set inconsistently for both ends of an Integrated IP radio link. This alarm should
be cleared immediately. Otherwise, services may be configured unsuccessfully or interrupted.

Table 14-2 Common task collection (radio links)

Task Application Configuration Description

Scenario Operation

Changing the You need to change the 1. A.5.6 Deleting Cross- If the capacity of the
radio working radio working mode of Connections existing TDM
mode of a a TDM radio link, if the services exceeds the
TDM radio link TDM radio link does capacity of the TDM
not meet the service radio link after the
capacity requirements. change, you need to
delete the cross-
connections of the
excessive TDM

2. A.3.4 Configuring Before you change

the IF/ODU the radio working
Information of a Radio mode, it is
Link recommended that
you consult the
network planning
department to check
whether the radio link
supports the new
radio working mode.

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Task Application Configuration Description

Scenario Operation

Configuring The ATPC function A.6.8.2 Configuring To enable the ATPC

the ATPC needs to be enabled for ATPC Attributes function, set ATPC
function the radio link or the Enable Status to
values of ATPC Enabled and change
parameters need to be other ATPC
changed. parameter values
according to the

Changing the You can change the A.3.4 Configuring the In Power Attributes
transmit power transmit power if the IF/ODU Information of the ODU, change
fading margin is of a Radio Link TX Power(dBm) or
insufficient but the parameter values
transmit power can still associated with
be increased. power.

Upgrading a 1 To improve reliability 1.A.3.1 Creating an IF In the case of IF 1+1

+0 radio link to of a 1+0 radio link, 1+1 Protection Group protection, the
a 1+1 HSB/SD/ upgrade the 1+0 radio original IF board
FD radio link link to a 1+1 HSB/SD/ functions as the main
FD radio link. IF board.

2.A.3.4 Configuring the Ensure that TX

IF/ODU Information Status of the standby
of a Radio Link ODU is Unmute.

Changing the When the original A.6.8.6 Modifying the l Before using the
modulation modulation scheme Hybrid/AM Attributes new modulation
scheme of a does not meet the scheme, contact
Hybrid radio service requirements, the network
link you need to use another planning
modulation scheme. department to
confirm that the
Hybrid radio link
supports the new
Mode of the
Guarantee AM
Capacity and
Mode of the Full
AM Capacity.
l Ensure that the
parameter values
are the same at
both ends of the
Hybrid radio link.

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Task Application Configuration Description

Scenario Operation

Changing the To adjust the number A.6.8.6 Modifying the l To reduce E1s
number of E1s of E1s and Ethernet Hybrid/AM Attributes with high
on a Hybrid bandwidth, you need to priorities, you
radio link change the number of need to delete the
E1s on the Hybrid corresponding
radio link. cross-connections
before changing
Guarantee E1
Capacity. The
change does not
affect other E1
services or cause
Ethernet service
l To increase E1s
with high
priorities, you
need to add the
after changing
Guarantee E1
Capacity. The
change does not
affect other E1
services or cause
Ethernet service
The number of
added E1s should
be within the
specified range.
l To reduce E1s
with low
priorities, you
need to delete the
before changing
Full E1
Capacity. The
change does not
affect other E1
services or cause
Ethernet service
l To increase E1s
with low

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Task Application Configuration Description

Scenario Operation

priorities, you
need to add the
after changing
Full E1
Capacity. The
change does not
affect other E1
services or cause
Ethernet service
The number of
added E1s should
be within the
specified range.
l The
MATCH alarm
occurs when the
number of E1
services is
different on both
ends of the radio
link. The alarm
clears when the
number of E1
services is the
same on both ends
of the radio link.

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Task Application Configuration Description

Scenario Operation

Changing the You can change the A.5.3 Modifying the l When you change
priority of E1 priority of E1 services Priorities of E1 the priority of an
services on a on a Hybrid radio link. Services E1, the E1 is
Hybrid radio interrupted
link transiently.
l If the number of
E1s with high
priorities exceeds
the value of
Mode of the
Guarantee AM
Capacity, you
need to increase
the value of
Mode of the
Guarantee AM
Capacity before
changing the

14.3 Common Task Collection (TDM Services)

This section describes the common configuration tasks associated with TDM services.

Table 14-3 Common task collection (TDM services)

Task Application Configuration Description
Scenario Operation

Adding TDM More TDM services A.5.1 Creating the -

services need to be accessed on Cross-Connections of
the network. Point-to-Point Services
or A.5.2 Creating
Cross-Connections of
SNCP Services

Deleting TDM If the line resources are A.5.6 Deleting Cross- -

services insufficient, you need Connections
to delete the TDM
services that are not
used to release the

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Task Application Configuration Description

Scenario Operation

Upgrading an Upgrade an A.4.1 Configuring In the case of linear

unprotected unprotected link to a Linear MSP MSP, the existing
link to a linear linear MSP link to line port functions as
MSP link improve service the working port.
reliability. Upgrading an
unprotected link to a
linear MSP link does
not interrupt the
existing services.

Upgrading Upgrade normal A.5.7 Converting a Only the normal

normal services to SNCP Normal Service into an services in the
services to services to improve SNCP Service receive direction are
SNCP services service reliability. converted to SNCP
services. Therefore,
you need to configure
the unidirectional
from the SNCP
services to the
working trail and
from the SNCP
services to the
protection trail so that
the normal services
both in the receive
direction and in the
transmit direction are
converted to SNCP

14.4 Common Task Collection (Packet-Plane Ethernet

This section describes the common configuration tasks associated with packet-plane Ethernet

Table 14-4 Common task collection (Packet-plane Ethernet services)

Task Application Configuration Operation Description

Creating Create the Ethernet 8 Configuring Native -

Ethernet services according to Ethernet Services on the
services the service planning Packet Plane

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Task Application Configuration Operation Description


Setting or The service A.6.6 Setting Ethernet Port -

modifying the requirements or Parameters
parameters of configuration at the
Ethernet ports opposite end change.
As a result, the
parameters of the
Ethernet port need to be

Deleting Delete the Ethernet A.7.3.12 Deleting an E-Line -

Ethernet services that are not Service or A.7.3.13 Deleting
services used to release the E-LAN Services

Creating a l When the available A.7.2.1 Creating a LAG l When using

LAG bandwidth is the LAG,
insufficient, you can set the port
create a LAG to that is
increase the configured
bandwidth. with
l To improve link services to
reliability, you can the main
bind the links into a port.
LAG. l This
the existing

Changing The E-LAN service A.7.3.11 Changing Logical You need to

logical ports requirements change. Ports Connected to a VB add or delete a
connected to As a result, the logical logical port
an E-LAN ports connected to the connected to an
E-LAN need to be E-LAN, or
changed. modify
associated with
a logical port
connected to
the E-LAN
according to the
actual planning

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Task Application Configuration Operation Description


Managing the l To disable certain A.7.4 Managing the MAC -

MAC address MAC address hosts Address Table
table to use E-LAN
services, you need
to create MAC
address blacklist
l To prevent certain
MAC address
entries from being
aged, you need to
create static MAC
address entries.
l To disable the aging
function or modify
the default aging
time (five minutes),
you need to set the
aging parameters of
MAC addresses.

Adjusting The service A.7.7 Managing the QoS Change the

QoS requirements change. values of QoS
As a result, QoS needs parameters to
to be adjusted. ensure that the
QoS control
adapts to the
changes in the

14.5 Task Collection (EoPDH-Plane Ethernet Services)

This section describes the common configuration tasks associated with EoPDH-plane Ethernet

Table 14-5 Task Collection (EoPDH-plane Ethernet services)

Task Application Configuration Operation Remarks

Creating Create the Ethernet 9 Configuring EoPDH-Based -

Ethernet services according to Ethernet Services
services the service planning

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Task Application Configuration Operation Remarks


Setting or The service A.8.4 Configuring Ethernet -

modifying the requirements or Ports
parameters of configuration at the
Ethernet ports opposite end change.
As a result, the
parameters of the
Ethernet port need to be

Deleting Delete the Ethernet A.8.2.7 Deleting an Ethernet -

Ethernet services that are not Private Line Service or A.
services used to release the 8.2.8 Deleting an Ethernet
corresponding LAN Service

Creating a l When the available A.8.1 Managing LAGs l When using

LAG bandwidth is the LAG,
insufficient, you can set the port
create a LAG to that is
increase the configured
bandwidth. with
l To improve link services to
reliability, you can the main
bind the links into a port.
LAG. l This
the existing

Changing The Ethernet LAN A.8.2.3 Changing the Ports You need to
logical ports service requirements Connected to a VB add or delete
connected to a change. As a result, the the logical port
VB logical ports connected connected to a
to the VB need to be VB, or modify
changed. attributes
associated with
the logical port
connected to
the VB
according to the
actual planning

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) 14 Adding and Modifying Configuration Data

Task Application Configuration Operation Remarks


Managing the l To disable certain A.8.3 Managing the MAC -

MAC address MAC address hosts Address Table
table to use Ethernet LAN
services, you need
to create MAC
address blacklist
l To prevent certain
MAC address
entries from being
aged, you need to
create static MAC
address entries.
l To disable the aging
function or modify
the default aging
time (five minutes),
you need to set the
aging parameters of
MAC addresses.

Adjusting The service A.8.7 Managing the QoS Change the

QoS requirements change. values of QoS
As a result, QoS needs parameters to
to be adjusted. ensure that the
QoS control
adapts to the
changes in the

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) A Task Collection

A Task Collection

This document describes various tasks involved in this document.

A.1 Web LCT Quick Start
The Web LCT quick start guide helps to learn about basic operations on theWeb LCT.
A.2 Network Management
Network management involves topology management, communication management, and
security management.
A.3 Managing Radio Links
Before you configure the radio link between two microwave sites, configure the information
about the radio link.
A.4 Managing the MSP
The OptiX RTN 950 supports the linear MSP.
A.5 Managing TDM Services
The TDM services involve the SDH service and the PDH service.
A.6 Managing Ports
Setting correct port parameter is the basis of configuring ports that transmit services.
A.7 Configuring Ethernet Services and Features on the Packet Plane
Configurations of Ethernet services and features on the packet plane include Ethernet port,
protection, service, protocol, and OAM configurations.
A.8 Configuring Ethernet Services and Features on the EoPDH Plane
Configurations of Ethernet services and features on the EoPDH plane include relevant Ethernet
port configuration, protection configuration, service configuration, protocol configuration, and
OAM configuration.
A.9 Managing MPLS/PWE3 Services and Features
The OptiX RTN 950 supports multiple MPLS/PWE3 services and features.
A.10 Managing the Clock
To ensure the clock synchronization between transmission nodes on a transport network, you
need to manage the NE clock.
A.11 Using the RMON
Remote monitoring (RMON) is mainly used to monitor the data traffic on a network segment
or on the entire network. Currently, it is one of the widely used network management standards.

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A.12 Configuring Auxiliary Ports and Functions

The auxiliary ports and functions supported by the OptiX RTN 950 include the orderwire,
synchronous data service, asynchronous data service, wayside E1 service, external alarm and
monitoring the outdoor cabinet.
A.13 Verifying Services and Features
This topic describes how to verify service and feature configurations.

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A.1 Web LCT Quick Start

The Web LCT quick start guide helps to learn about basic operations on theWeb LCT.

A.1.1 Connecting the Web LCT to the IDU

Connecting the Web LCT to the IDU properly is a prerequisite for future data configuration and
for other commissioning items.

The equipment is powered on.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Start the laptop and log in to the operating system.
Step 2 Set the IP address of the laptop.
The IP address of the laptop should meet the following requirements:
l The IP address of the laptop is in the same network segment (the default network segment
is as the NE, but their IP addresses are different.
l The subnet mask for the IP address of the laptop is the same as that for the IP address of the
NE (the default subnet mask is
l The default gateway IP address is blank.
Step 3 Use a network cable to connect the Ethernet port of the laptop to the NMS/COM port on the
system control, switching, and timing board.


Ensure that the network cable is properly connected to the Ethernet port of the laptop and the
NMS/COM port on the system control, switching, and timing board. Otherwise, the equipment
or test tool may be damaged.

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The NMS/COM port on the system control, switching, and timing board supports the auto-MDI/MDI-X mode.
Therefore, straight-through cables and crossover cables can both be used to set up a connection. For pin
assignments for crossover cables and straight-through cables, see Network Cable in the OptiX RTN 950 Radio
Transmission System IDU Hardware Description.
At this point, the indicators at the Ethernet port and the NMS/COM port are on (green). A
message will be displayed indicating that the network has established a local connection if the
operating system has been configured to do so. If the operating system displays a message
indicating an IP address conflict, change the IP address.

Step 4 Optional: Set the Internet Explorer as the default browser.

Step 5 Optional: Set the security level of the Internet Explorer to medium or lower.

Step 6 Optional: Disable the Pop-up Blocker.

If plug-ins that can block pop-up windows are also installed, disable their blocking function.

Step 7 Optional: Set the options of the Internet Explorer.

1. Run the Internet Explorer.
2. Choose Tool > Internet Options from the main menu of the Internet Explorer.
3. On the General tab, click Settings in the Temporary Internet files area.
4. In Check for newer versions of stored pages, click Every visit to the page, and then
click OK.
5. After being returned to the General tab, click OK.

Step 8 On the desktop, double-click the Start Web LCT icon.

The system displays the USER LOGIN window of the Web LCT.

Step 9 Enter the values of User Name and Password, and then click Login.
l User Name: admin
l Password: admin
If the entered user name and the password are both correct, the NE List page is displayed in the
Internet Explorer.

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A.1.2 Using Online Help

Online Help provides help information about the Web LCT.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.


Step 1 In NE List, click .

The Online Help page is displayed.

When using the Web LCT, press the F1 key to quickly display the related Online Help page.


A.1.3 Navigating to the NE Explorer

The Web LCT provides the NE Explorer view to support users' management on equipment.
The NE Explorer view consists of the Function Tree pane, the Object Tree pane, and the
configuration interface.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In NE List, select the NE to which you are logged in and click NE Explorer at the lower right
The NE Explorer view is displayed.

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Figure A-1 NE explorer

设备树 配置界面 快捷按钮



l To quickly navigate to the view displaying current alarms, click .

l To quickly navigate to the NE List view, click .

l To quickly navigate to Online Help, click .

You can also navigate to the NE Explorer view using the following methods:
l In NE List, right-click the NE to which you are logged in and choose NE Explorer from the shortcut menu.
l In NE List, double-click the NE to which you are logged in.


A.2 Network Management

Network management involves topology management, communication management, and
security management.

A.2.1 Managing NEs

Before you configure NEs, ensure that the NEs can be managed on the NMS.

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A.2.1.1 Creating NEs by Using the Search Method

The Web LCT can find all NEs that communicate with a specific gateway NE by using the IP
address of the gateway NE, the IP address range of the gateway NE, or the NSAP addresses. In
addition, the Web LCT can create the NEs that are found in batches. Compared with the method
of manually creating NEs, this method is faster and more reliable.

l The NMS must have proper communication with NEs.
l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In NE List, click NE Search and choose Advanced Search from the drop-down menu.
Then, the Search NE dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Select the search mode.


l If the Web LCT server and the gateway NE are in the same network segment, it is recommended that you
set Search Mode to IP auto discovery.
l In other scenarios, it is recommended that you set Search Mode to Search for NE.

If... Then...
Search Mode is set to Search for NE Perform all the following steps.
Search Mode is set to IP auto discovery Perform all steps except Step 3.

Step 3 Set the network segment.

1. Click Manage Domain.
The Manage Domain Search dialog box is displayed.
2. Optional: Click Add, and set Domain Type and Domain Address to add a network
3. Optional: Select an existing network segment, and click Modify to modify the network
4. Optional: Select an existing network segment, and click Delete to delete the network

Step 4 Click Search.

Step 5 After the Web LCT finds the NEs to be managed, click End Search.

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Step 6 Select the NE that needs to be added and click Add NE.
A dialog box is displayed, indicating that the NE is added successfully.
Step 7 Click OK.
A new NE is already added to the NE list.

Step 8 Click Cancel.


Related References
B.1.1.1 Parameter Description: NE Searching

A.2.1.2 Creating NEs by Using the Manual Method

You can only create NEs one by one by using the manual method. The manual method, unlike
the search method, does not allow creating NEs in batches.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The NMS must have proper communication with the NE to be created.
l If the NE to be created is a non-gateway NE, the gateway NE to which the NE to be created
belongs must be created.

Step 1 In NE List, click Add NE. Then, select Europe.
Step 2 Set the NE parameters.

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l The NE ID consisting of the basic ID and extended ID identifies an NE on the NMS.

l ID indicates the basic NE ID. When there is no extended ID, the basic NE IDs must be unique on the networks
that are managed by the same NMS.
l Do not change the Extended ID when the number of actual NEs does not exceed the range permitted by the
basic NE ID.
l Set the parameters according to the network plan.

Step 3 Click OK.

A new NE is already added to the NE list.


Related References
B.1.1.2 Parameter Description: NE Creation

A.2.1.3 Logging In to an NE
After an NE is created, you need to log in to the NE before managing the NE.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The NE to be managed is already created in NE List.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE List, select the target NE and click NE Login.

You can select multiple NEs at one time.

The NE Login dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Enter User Name and Password. Then, click OK.

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l The default User Name is lct.

l The default Password for user lct is password.
Login Status of the NE in the NE List changes to Logged In. Alarm Status of the NE is changed
from Unknown to the current alarm status of the NE.

Step 3 Click NE Explorer.

The NE Explorer is displayed.

To quickly start the NE Explorer, double-click the NE to be managed in the NE list.


l Check the legend to learn the specific meanings of different colors and symbols in the slot layout

l Click to collapse/expand the legend.


Related References
B.1.1.3 Parameter Description: Login to an NE

A.2.1.4 Configuring the Logical Board

If the logical board corresponding to the physical board is not added in the slot layout, add the
logical board in the slot layout. If the physical board is inconsistent with the logical board in the
slot layout, delete the inconsistent logical board and add the correct logical board.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l All the boards must be installed correctly.

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Step 1 Click the Slot Layout tab and click Add Physical Boards.

Based on the slot layout, the NE automatically configures the logical boards that are required
but still not be configured for certain physical boards.

Step 2 Optional: On the slot to which the board is to be added, right-click, and then choose Add

XXX is the name of the board to be added.

Step 3 Optional: On the slot to which the board is to be deleted, right-click, and then choose Delete.


Before deleting the board, delete the data, such as the service, clock, orderwire, and protection, on the


A.2.1.5 Changing the NE ID

Change the NE ID according to the engineering plan to guarantee that each NE ID is unique.
This operation task does not interrupt services.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > NE
Attribute from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Modify NE ID.

The Modify NE ID dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Specify New ID and New Extended ID.

Step 4 Click OK.

A dialog box is displayed for confirmation, click OK.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.1.1.4 Parameter Description: NE Attribute_Changing NE IDs

A.2.1.6 Changing the NE Name

To better identify the NE, name the NE according to the NE geographical location or the device
connected to the NE.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and then choose Configuration > NE
Attribute from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Enter the name of the NE in Name.


The name of an NE cannot contain any space or characters.

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Step 3 Click Apply.


A.2.1.7 Synchronizing the NE Time

By setting the NE time to be synchronous with the time on the NMS or standard NTP server,
you can record the exact time when alarms and abnormal events occur.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l When you need to synchronize the NE time with the time on the NMS server, the time zone
and time must be set correctly on the PC or server running the NMS software.
l When you need to synchronize the NE time with the time on the NTP server, the time on
the NTP server must be set correctly and the NTP protocol must be normal.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and then choose Configuration > NE
Time Synchronization from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Set the synchronous mode.

If... Then...
You set Synchronous Mode to NULL Set the relevant parameters, and then click
You set Synchronous Mode to NM Set the relevant parameters, and then click
Apply to perform step Step 5.
You set Synchronous Mode to Standard NTP Set the related parameters, and then click
Apply to perform steps Step 3.

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If you only need to synchronize the NE time and do not need to change the type of synchronization or parameters,
select the synchronization option corresponding to the NE, right-click, and choose Synchronize with NM

Step 3 Configure the upper-layer standard NTP server of the NE.

1. Click the Standard NTP Server tab. In the Standard NTP Server tab page, click Add.
2. After setting the parameters of the standard NTP server, click OK.

l If the NE is a gateway NE, set the external NTP server as the standard NTP server.
l If the NE is a non-gateway NE, set the gateway NE as the standard NTP server.

Step 4 Optional: Configure standard NTP keys.

1. Click the Standard NTP Key Management tab.
2. Click Add.
The Add Key dialog box is displayed.

3. After the related parameters are configured, click OK.

Step 5 Optional: Set Start Time and click Apply.


Related References
B.1.1.5 Parameter Description: NE Time Synchronization

A.2.1.8 Localizing the NE Time

When the daylight saving time (DST) is used in the area where the NE is located, you need to
localize the NE time to synchronize the NE time with the local time.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and then choose Configuration > NE
Time Localization Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Set the correct time zone and daylight saving time of the NE depending on the location of the

Step 3 Click Apply.


Related References
B.1.1.6 Parameter Description: Localization Management of the NE Time

A.2.2 Configuring the Performance Monitoring Status of NEs

By performing this operation task, you can manually enable or disable performance monitoring
for NEs, or set the performance monitoring period.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree, and then choose Performance > NE
Performance Monitor Time from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Configure the performance monitoring parameters of the NEs.

1. Select 15-Minute or 24-Hour.
2. Select Enabled or Disabled in Set 15-Minute Monitoring or Set 24-Hour Monitoring.
3. Set the start time and end time of the performance monitoring of NEs.

l Generally, both Set 15-Minute Monitoring and Set 24-Hour Monitoring are enabled.
l You can specify the start time of the performance monitoring function, only after selecting Enabled
in the Set 15-Minute Monitoring or Set 24-Hour Monitoring area.
l You can specify the end time of the performance monitoring function, only after selecting Enabled
and then selecting To in the Set 15-Minute Monitoring or Set 24-Hour Monitoring area.

4. Click Apply.


A.2.3 Suppressing Alarms for Monitored Objects

This section describes how to suppress specific alarms for a specific monitored object.

The NE user must have the authority of Maintenance Level or higher.

Tools, Instruments and Materials


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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the desired board.
Step 2 Choose Alarm > Alarm Suppression.
Step 3 Set Monitored Object and click Query.
Step 4 Set Status in Alarm Suppression.
Step 5 Click Apply.


A.2.4 Managing Communication

To manage the NE by the NMS, ensure that the DCN communication is working properly.

A.2.4.1 Setting NE Communication Parameters

The communication parameters of an NE include the IP address of the NE, the gateway IP
address, and the subnet mask.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication >
Communication Parameters from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Configure the communication parameters of the NE.
Step 3 Click Apply.

l If configuring multiple parameters, click Apply for each instance.

l For gateway NEs, Connection Mode is fixed to the default value Common + Security SSL.

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Related References
B.1.2.1 Parameter Description: NE Communication Parameter Setting

A.2.4.2 Configuring DCCs

To meet the requirements for managing a complex network, you need to set the channel type,
protocol type, or enable status of the DCCs according to the network plan.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > DCC
Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the DCC Rate Configuration tab.

Step 3 Optional: Change the enable status of the DCC.

1. Double-click the cell in the Enabled/Disabled column to which the DCC corresponds.
Select the required state from the drop-down list.
2. Click Apply.
Step 4 Optional: Change the protocol type of the DCC.
1. Double-click the cell in the Protocol Type column to which the DCC corresponds. Select
the required protocol type from the drop-down list.

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2. Click Apply.


l On the NMS interface, the first port on the system control, switching, and clock board (like 7-
CST-1) corresponds to its external clock port.
l If the port is connected to the other ECC subnet, Enabled/Disabled is set to Disabled.
l If the port is connected to a third-party network and does not exchange the network management
information with other ports, Enabled/Disabled is set to Disabled.
l Set Protocol Type based on the management protocol used by the DCN solution.
l If a DCC port is a non-backbone area port on the ABR, set IP Address and Subnet Mask of the DCC
port. In addition, it is recommended that you set the interface IP address to be in a network segment
from the NE IP address.

Step 5 Optional: Create DCCs.

1. Click Create.
The Create dialog box is displayed.
2. Set the attributes of the DCC.


Set Protocol Type based on the management protocol used by the DCN solution.
3. Click OK.


Related References
B.1.2.2 Parameter Description: DCC Management_DCC Rate Configuration

A.2.4.3 Configuring DCC Transparent Transmission

The OptiX equipment supports the DCC transparent transmission function. With this function,
the equipment can transparently transmit NM messages when the OptiX equipment is used
together with other equipment to form a network and can also transparently transmit the NM
messages between ECC subnets.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

The DCC bytes required by the transparent transmission function must not be used.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > DCC
Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the DCC Transparent Transmission Management tab.

Step 3 Click Create.

Then, the Create DCC Trarnsparent Transmission Byte dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Set the parameters of the DCC transparent transmission byte.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.1.2.3 Parameter Description: DCC Management_DCC Transparent Transmission

A.2.4.4 Configuring the VLAN ID and Bandwidth Used by an Inband DCN

The VLAN ID used by an inband DCN must be different from the VLAN ID used by services
and the bandwidth by an inband DCN must meet the requirements of the transmission network
for managing messages.

The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > DCN
Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Bandwidth Management tab.

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Step 3 Set the VLAN ID and bandwidth used by an inband DCN.


l If the default VLAN ID of the inband DCN conflicts with the VLAN ID in the service, the Ethernet Board
VLAN ID of the inband DCN can be changed manually. The same VLAN ID must be, however, is used on
the network-wide inband DCN.
l Bandwidth(Kbit/s) specifies the bandwidth for inband DCN messaging on the Ethernet link.
l IF Port Bandwidth(Kbit/s) specifies the bandwidth for inband DCN messaging on the radio link.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.1.2.19 Parameter Description: DCN Management_Bandwidth Management

A.2.4.5 Configuring the Priority of Inband DCN Packets

This section describes how to set the VLAN priority and DSCP value carried by inband DCN

The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE from the Object Tree and then choose
Communication > DCN Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Packet Control tab.
Step 3 Specifies the priority of inband DCN packets.

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Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.1.2.23 Parameter Description: DCN Management_Packet Control

A.2.4.6 Setting Parameters of Inband DCN

This section described how to set the enabled status, protocol type, and IP address of the inband
DCN port.

The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > DCN
Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Port Settings tab.

Step 3 Optional: Select FE/GE, configure the port parameters for the inband DCN function.


l Enabled Status specifies the enabling status of the port.

l The network management information can be transmitted over the inband DCN when the DCN function is
enabled for the ports at both ends of a link.
l If Protocol Type is set to different values for two interconnected sets of equipment, equipment
interconnection fails. Therefore, set Protocol Type to the same value for both ends of a link.
l When the IP DCN solution is used and the NE functions as an ABR, this parameter specifies the interface
IP address of the non-backbone area port on the ABR.
l When the IP DCN solution is used and the NE functions as an ABR, this parameter specifies the subnet
mask of the non-backbone area port on the ABR.

Step 4 Click Apply.

Step 5 Optional: Select IF, configure the port parameters for the inband DCN function.

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l Enabled Status specifies the enabling status of the port.

l The network management information can be transmitted over the inband DCN when the DCN function is
enabled for the ports at both ends of a link.
l If Protocol Type is set to different values for two interconnected sets of equipment, equipment
interconnection fails. Therefore, set Protocol Type to the same value for both ends of a link.
l When the IP DCN solution is used and the NE functions as an ABR, this parameter specifies the interface
IP address of the non-backbone area port on the ABR.
l When the IP DCN solution is used and the NE functions as an ABR, this parameter specifies the subnet
mask of the non-backbone area port on the ABR.

Step 6 Click Apply.


Related References
B.1.2.20 Parameter Description: DCN Management_Port Setting

A.2.4.7 Configuring the Protocol Type of the Inband DCN

The inband DCN supports three types of protocol: IP, HWECC and L2DCN. The IP is the default
protocol supported by the inband DCN. Generally, it is recommended that you use the default

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding board must be added to the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree, and then choose
Communication > DCN Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Port Settings tab.

Step 3 Set the protocol type of the inband DCN.


l If the values of Protocol Type are different from each other, the equipment at both ends cannot be
interconnected with each other. Therefore, Protocol Type must be set to the same value for the equipment
at both ends of a link.
l Set Protocol Type according to the network planning information. Generally, it is recommended that you
set this parameter to IP.

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Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.1.2.21 Parameter Description: DCN Management_Protocol Setting

A.2.4.8 Configuring Access Control

When the equipment is connected to the NMS through an Ethernet service port, you need to
configure access control.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and then choose Communication >
DCN Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Access Control tab.

Step 3 Set the parameters for configuring access control.


l If the Enabled Status is set to Enabled, this port can be used to support access of the management
information from the NMS.
l If the Enabled Status is set to Disabled, this port cannot be used to support access of the management
information from the NMS.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.1.2.22 Parameter Description: DCN Management_Access Control

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A.2.4.9 Configuring Extended ECC Communication

If there is no DCC between two or more NEs, you can connect the Ethernet NM ports or NE
cascading ports on the system control boards of the NEs to achieve extended ECC

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Instruments and Materials


The default extended ECC mode is Auto mode.

Step 1 Click an NE in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > ECC Management from the
Function Tree.
Step 2 Optional: You can disable the Auto mode function of the extended ECC.

1. Click Stop.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
2. Click OK.
Step 3 Optional: Set parameters for the extended ECC function in Specified mode at the server end.
1. Set ECC Extended Mode to Specified mode.
2. Set related parameters for the server end.
3. Click Apply.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
4. Click OK.
Step 4 Set parameters for the extended ECC function in Specified mode at the client end.
1. Set ECC Extended Mode to Specified mode.

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2. Set related parameters for the client end.

3. Click Apply.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
4. Click OK.
Step 5 Enable the automatic extended ECC function.

Before enabling the automatic extended ECC function, you need to clear related parameters that are configured
in Specified mode for the server end and client end.
1. Set ECC Extended Mode to Specified mode.
2. To clear parameters configured for the server end, click Clear Server.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
3. Click OK.
4. To clear parameters configured for the client end, click Clear Client.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
5. Click OK.
6. Set ECC Extended Mode to Auto mode.
7. Click Apply.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
8. Click OK.


Related References
B.1.2.4 Parameter Description: ECC Management_Ethernet Port Extended ECC

A.2.4.10 Creating Static IP Routes

When dynamic routes fail to meet the planning requirements, you need to create the
corresponding static IP routes manually.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > IP Protocol
Stack Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the IP Route Management tab.
Step 3 Click New.
The Create an IP Route dialog box is displayed.

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Step 4 Set the parameters of the static IP route.


The created static route has a lower priority than a dynamic route.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.1.2.8 Parameter Description: IP Protocol Stack Management_IP Route Management Creation

A.2.4.11 Setting OSPF Protocol Parameters

When the OptiX RTN equipment is interconnected with third-party equipment, routing protocol
communication works properly after you set OSPF protocol parameters of the OptiX RTN
equipment based on related requirements of the third-party equipment.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > IP Protocol
Stack Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the OSPF Parameter Settings tab.
Step 3 Set the parameters of the OSPF protocol.

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Set the parameters according to the network plan.

Step 4 Click Apply.

Step 5 Optional: Set OSPF parameters for DCC channels.

1. Click the Port OSPF Parameter Settings tab.
2. Set the OSPF parameters for DCC channels.
3. Click Apply.


Related References
B.1.2.10 Parameter Description: IP Protocol Stack Management_OSPF Parameter Settings

A.2.4.12 Creating an OSPF Area

When an NE functions as an ABR, you need to create the non-backbone area to which the ABR

The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE and choose Communication > IP Protocol Stack
Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Multi-OSPF Management tab.

Step 3 Click New.

The New dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set the parameters of the new OSPF area.

Set parameters according to network planning information.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.1.2.13 Parameter Description: Management of Multiple OSPF Areas_Adding OSPF Areas

A.2.4.13 Configuring the Network Information of an ABR

This section describes how to add or modify the Network information of an ABR.

The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE and choose Communication > IP Protocol Stack
Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Multi-OSPF Management tab.

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Step 3 Optional: Add a Network to an OSPF area.

1. In Network Segment, click Add.
The Add dialog box is displayed.
2. Set the IP address and subnet mask of the new Network.

Set parameters according to network planning information.
3. Click OK.
Step 4 Optional: Change a Network of an OSPF area.
1. In Network Segment, change the IP address and subnet mask of the target Network.
2. Click Apply.


Related References
B.1.2.12 Parameter Description: Management of Multiple OSPF Areas

A.2.4.14 Creating a Manual Route Aggregation Group

An NE supports a maximum of eight manual route aggregation groups.

The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE and choose Communication > IP Protocol Stack
Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Multi-OSPF Management tab.

Step 3 Disable the automatic route aggregation function in an area.

1. In OSPF Area, select the area where routes need to be manually aggregated and set
Automatic Route Aggregation to Disabled.
2. Click Apply.
Step 4 In Manual Route Aggregation, click Add.
The Add dialog box is displayed.
Step 5 Set the IP address and subnet mask of the Network where routes are manually aggregated.

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Set parameters according to network planning information.

Step 6 Click OK.


Related References
B.1.2.14 Parameter Description: Management of Multiple OSPF Areas_Adding Routes to Be
Manually Aggregated

A.2.4.15 Configuring Interface IP Addresses of an ABR

If a port on an ABR does not belong to the backbone area, you need to configure an interface
IP address for the port.

The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Optional: Set the interface IP address for the DCC port.
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > DCC
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the DCC Rate Configuration tab.
3. Set the IP address and subnet mask for each DCC port.

This parameter is available only if Protocol Type of the DCC port is TCP/IP.
4. Click Apply.

Step 2 Optional: Set the interface IP address for the inband DCN port.
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > DCN
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Port Settings tab.
3. Select FE/GE or IF and set the IP address and subnet mask for each inband DCN port.

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This parameter is available only if Protocol Type of the inband DCN port is IP.
4. Click Apply.


Related References
B.1.2.20 Parameter Description: DCN Management_Port Setting
B.1.2.2 Parameter Description: DCC Management_DCC Rate Configuration

A.2.4.16 Configuring the OSPF Authentication Type

This section describes how to configure the authentication type and the authentication passwords
for different port types when different authentication types are used.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > IP Protocol
Stack Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the OSPF Parameter Settings tab.

Step 3 Set the OSPF authentication type.

1. Click the Multi-OSPF Management tab.
2. In OSPF Area, change the value of Authentication Type of the desired OSPF area.

none indicates no authentication.
3. Click Apply.

Step 4 Set the passwords used for different types of DCN ports when different OSPF authentication
types are used.

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l If Authentication Type is set to none, all preset authentication passwords are cleared.
l MD5 Key is available only when Authentication Type is MD5.

Step 5 Click Apply.


Related References
B.1.2.12 Parameter Description: Management of Multiple OSPF Areas

A.2.4.17 Enabling the Proxy ARP

The proxy ARP enables the NEs in the same network segment but different domains to
communicate with each other.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > IP Protocol
Stack Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Proxy ARP tab.

Step 3 Set the enable status of the proxy ARP.


l The proxy ARP enables the NEs in the same network segment but different domains to communicate with
each other.
l To realize communication between such NEs, the source NE sends the ARP broadcast packet to address the
route to the destination NE. The NE with the proxy ARP function enabled checks the routing table after
sensing the ARP broadcast packet. If the routing table contains the destination address that the ARP broadcast
packet looks for, the NE returns an ARP spoofing packet, which enables the NE that sends the ARP broadcast
packet to consider that the MAC address of the NE that returns the ARP spoofing packet is the MAC address
of the destination NE. In this manner, the packet that is to be sent to the destination NE is first sent to the
NE with the proxy ARP function enabled and then forwarded to the destination NE.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.1.2.11 Parameter Description: IP Protocol Stack_Proxy ARP

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A.2.4.18 Configuring the CLNS Role

When the CLNS role of an NE is L1, the NE is involved in the routes in the area. When the
CLNS role of an NE is L2, the NE is involved in the routes between areas. By default, the CLNS
role of the OptiX RTN 950 is L1.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > OSI
Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Network Layer Parameters tab.
Step 3 Set the CLNS role of the NE.


When Configuration Role is set to L2, the NE has the functions of the L1 role and the L2 role.

Step 4 Click Apply.

The system displays the prompt.
Step 5 Click Yes.


Related References
B.1.2.16 Parameter Description: OSI Management_Network Layer Parameter

A.2.4.19 Configuring the OSI Tunnel

The OSI tunnel function involves the creation of a virtual LAPD channel between the NEs on
the IP network. In this manner, the network management message encapsulated in compliance
with the OSI protocol can be transparently transmitted.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > OSI
Management from the Function Tree.

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Step 2 Click the OSI Tunnel tab.

Step 3 Click New.

Then, the Create OSI Tunnel dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set Remote IP Address and LAPD Actor.

Step 5 Click OK.

Step 6 Configure the attributes of the OSI tunnel according to the network planning.

Step 7 Click Apply.


Related References
B.1.2.18 Parameter Description: OSI Management_OSI Tunnel

A.2.4.20 Enabling/Disabling the RSTP Protocol When the L2 DCN Solution Is Used
The RSTP protocol improves stability of an L2 DCN.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE from the Object Tree and then choose
Communication > L2DCN Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click Query.
Step 3 Set Config Status.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.1.2.24 Parameter Description: L2 DCN Management

A.2.4.21 Querying ECC Routes

By querying ECC routes, you can check whether the correct HWECC solution is configured and
whether the communication between NEs works properly.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > NE ECC
Link Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Check whether the ECC route and related parameters are set correctly in NE ECC Link
Management List.


Related References
B.1.2.5 Parameter Description: NE ECC Link Management

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A.2.4.22 Querying IP Routes

By querying IP routes, you can check whether the IP DCN solution and inband DCN solution
are configured correctly and whether the communication between NEs works properly.

The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > IP Protocol
Stack Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the IP Route Management tab.

Step 3 Click Query.

Step 4 Check whether the IP routes and related parameters in the routing table are in accordance with
the plan.


Related References
B.1.2.7 Parameter Description: IP Protocol Stack Management_IP Route Management

A.2.4.23 Querying OSI Routes

By querying OSI routes, you can check whether the OSI over DCC solution is configured
correctly and whether the communication between NEs is normal.

The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > OSI
Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Routing Table tab.

Step 3 Check whether the information in Link Adjacency Table meets the planning requirements.

Step 4 Click the L1 Routing tab to check whether the information about the L1 routes is correct.

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Step 5 Click the L2 Routing tab to check whether the information about the L2 routes is correct.


Related References
B.1.2.17 Parameter Description: OSI Management_Routing Table

A.2.4.24 Verifying Connectivity of an ECC Network

For a HWECC network, connectivity between two NEs can be verified by means of a ping or
traceroute test.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE from the Object Tree and then choose
Communication > NE ECC Link Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Reachability Test and choose Ping Test or Trace Route from the drop-down menu.
The Ping Test or Trace Route dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Set test parameters.

Step 4 Click Start Test.

The test result is displayed.


Related References
B.1.2.6 Parameter Description: ECC Link Management_Availability Test

A.2.4.25 Verifying Connectivity of an IP DCN Network

For an IP DCN network, connectivity between two NEs can be verified by means of a ping or
traceroute test.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE from the Object Tree and then choose
Communication > IP Protocol Stack Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click Reachability Test and choose Ping Test or Trace Route from the drop-down menu.
The Ping Test or Trace Route dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Set test parameters.
Step 4 Click Start Test.
The test result is displayed.


Related References
B.1.2.9 Parameter Description: IP Protocol Stack Management_Availability Test

A.2.5 Configuring the Network Management Port and LCT Access

to an NE
This section describes how to configure the NMS port and LCT access, ensuring normal
operation of the NMS port and network security.

A.2.5.1 Configuring the Ethernet Network Management Port on an NE

By default, an NE can access the NMS or another NE through its Ethernet network management
port or NE cascading port, with the port working mode being auto-negotiation.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Background Information
l It is recommended that the LCT accesses an NE through Ethernet ports.
l If you need to initialize an NE or perform software loading by using the LCT, the LCT
needs to access the NE through Ethernet ports.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and then choose Communication >
Access Control from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Select Enable Ethernet Access. Then, the NE allows NMS access through its Ethernet ports.

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To disable the Ethernet port-based access function, deselect Enable Ethernet Access.

Step 3 Click Apply.

A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Click OK. Close the displayed operation result dialog box.
Step 5 Set Work Mode and Enabled/Disabled of the Ethernet network management port and NE
cascading port on the system control, switching, and timing board.

Step 6 Click Apply.


A.2.5.2 Configuring the Network Management Serial Port on an NE

By default, the NMS can access an NE through the serial port.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


If the LCT cannot access an NE through serial ports when the Enable Serial Port Access check
box is selected, the LCT access function may be disabled.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and then choose Communication >
Access Control from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Select the Enable Serial Port Access check box and select Access NM.

Step 3 Click Apply. Close the displayed operation result dialog box.
Step 4 Optional: Select the baud rate of the serial port from the Baud Rate drop-down list. Click
Apply. Close the displayed operation result dialog box.


A.2.5.3 Configuring LCT Access to NEs

When an NE is managed by the NMS, the LCT can access this NE by default.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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l If the LCT requests to log in to an NE to which the NMS has logged in, the NE determines
whether to permit the login of the LCT according to the status of LCT Access Control
l If the LCT requests to log in to an NE to which the NMS has not logged in, the NE permits
the login of the LCT regardless of the status of LCT Access Control Switch. The NMS,
however, can log in to an NE to which the LCT has logged in. That is, the login of the LCT
does not affect the login of the NMS. After the NMS user logs in to the NE successfully,
the logged LCT user is not affected. If LCT Access Control Switch is set to Disable
Access, the logged LCT user is also not affected.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and then choose Security > LCT Access
Control from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the required NE from the list, and click Access Allowed to enable the LCT access function.
To disable the LCT access function, click Disable Access.


A.2.6 Configuring an NE User

NE users refer to the users who log in to and operate NEs. Different types of NE users are
assigned different rights to log in and manage NEs.

A.2.6.1 Creating an NE User

Based on the operation rights, NE users are divided into five levels, which involve monitoring
level, operation level, maintenance level, system level, and debugging level in an ascending
order. Different levels of NE users can be created as required.

l The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.
l An online user can create a user at a lower level.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Background Information
l The default NE user is at the monitoring level.
l For security of NE data, NE users are assigned operation rights based on their

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Step 1 Select the required NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Security > NE User
Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Create.

The Add NE User Attribute/Value dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Set the parameters of the NE user according to the network plan.


l A Debug Level NE user has all security and configuration authorities, and has the right to run debugging
l A System Level NE user has all security and configuration authorities.
l A Maintenance Level NE user has some security authorities, some configuration authorities, the
communication setting authority, and the log management authority.
l An Operation Level NE user has all fault performance authorities, some security authorities, and some
configuration authorities.
l A Monitor Level NE user has the right to use all query commands, to log in, to log out, and to change
its own password.

Step 4 Click OK.


Related References
B.1.3.2 Parameter Description: NE User Management_Creation

A.2.6.2 Changing the Password of an NE User

Periodically changing the password of an NE user ensures the NE security.

l The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.
l The NE user is created.
l An online user can change the password of a user at a lower level.

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Background Information

Periodically change the password of an NE user to avoid password leaks.

Step 1 Select the required NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Security > NE User
Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the required NE user from the NE user management list, and click Set Password.
The Change Password dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Input New Password, and input it again in Confirm Password.

Step 4 Click OK.


A.2.6.3 Setting Warning Screen Parameters

This topic describes how to enable the warning screen function. When a user logs in to an NE,
the NMS can display some information to the user. The displayed information can be defined
by users.

The NE user must have the authority of Maintenance Level or higher.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree. Choose Security > NE Security
Parameters from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Set Warning Screen Switching and Warning Screen Information according to the network

Step 3 Click Apply.


Related References
B.1.3.1 Parameter Description: NE User Management

A.2.7 Configuring RADIUS Authentication

The RADIUS authentication function allows a RADIUS server to implement centralized
management over all users that log in to an NE.

A.2.7.1 Enabling/Disabling the RADIUS Function

An NE can use the RADIUS function only after the NE is enabled to be a RADIUS client. An
NE can function as a proxy server only after the NE is enabled to be a proxy server.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE from the Object Tree and choose Security > NE
RADIUS Configuration from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Enable an NE to be a RADIUS client.

1. Double-click RADIUS Client and choose Open from the drop-down menu.

2. Click Apply.

Step 3 Optional: Enable an NE to be a proxy server.

1. Double-click Proxy Server and choose Open from the drop-down menu.

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l Proxy Server can be set to Open only if RADIUS Client is set to Open.
l When an NE uses RADIUS authentication in the proxy NAS mode, set Proxy Server to Close.
2. Click Apply.


Related References
B.1.3.6 Parameter Description: Enabling/Disabling the RADIUS Function

A.2.7.2 Creating a RADIUS Server or a RADIUS Proxy Server

A RADIUS server needs to be configured if an NE uses RADIUS authentication in the NAS
mode or functions as a proxy server. A RADIUS proxy server needs to be configured if an NE
uses RADIUS authentication in the proxy NAS mode.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The RADIUS function has been enabled for the NE.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE from the Object Tree and choose Security > NE
RADIUS Configuration from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the RADIUS Server Configuration tab.
The RADIUS Server Information dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Click New.
The New RADIUS Server Information dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Configure information about the RADIUS server or RADIUS proxy server.
l If an NE uses RADIUS authentication in the NAS mode or functions as a proxy server, set
the parameters as follows:

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l For both NE RADIUS authentication and NE usage accounting, set this parameter to Authentication
+ Accounting or Accounting (when the Authentication function has been enabled).
l Set Server Type to RADIUS Server.
l Set Server ID to IP Address and specify the IP address of the RADIUS server.
l If an NE uses RADIUS authentication in the proxy NAS mode, set the parameters as follows:


l For both NE RADIUS authentication and NE usage accounting, set this parameter to Authentication
+ Accounting or Accounting (when the Authentication function has been enabled).
l Set Server Type to Proxy Server.
l It is recommended that you set Server ID to NE ID and set the gateway NE as a proxy server.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.1.3.5 Parameter Description: RADIUS Configuration_RADIUS Server

A.2.7.3 Configuring RADIUS Server Parameters

This section describes how to configure RADIUS server parameters.

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The RADIUS server or RADIUS proxy server have been configured for the NE.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE from the Object Tree and choose Security > NE
RADIUS Configuration from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click New.

The New RADIUS Server Information dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click .
The Select Server dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Select a configured server and click OK. Then, the system automatically associates out the values
of Function, Server ID, and Server Type.

Step 5 Configure the RADIUS parameters.

l If an NE uses RADIUS authentication in the NAS mode or functions as a proxy server:

l If an NE uses RADIUS authentication in the proxy NAS mode:

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l If no standby server is required, set Server Status to Active.

l The OptiX RTN 950 supports one active server and one standby server. If both the active and standby servers
are configured, set Server Status of the active server to Active and Server Status of the standby server to
l Set Shared Key to the same value on the NE and on the RADIUS server.
l If Server Type is Proxy Server, Shared Key is not available.
l It is recommended that Interval of Packet Transmission and Packet Retransmission Attempts take their
default values.

Step 6 Click OK. Then, close the operation result dialog box that is displayed.


Related References
B.1.3.4 Parameter Description: RADIUS Configuration_Creation

A.3 Managing Radio Links

Before you configure the radio link between two microwave sites, configure the information
about the radio link.

A.3.1 Creating an IF 1+1 Protection Group

If the radio link requires 1+1 HSB/FD/SD protection, create the IF 1+1 protection group.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The IF boards and the ODUs to which the IF boards are connected must be added on the
Slot Layout.
l The IF boards of an IF 1+1 FD/SD protection group must be configured in two paired slots.

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Background Information
When a 1+0 service is converted into a 1+1 HSB protection configuration by configuring the IF
1+1 protection group, the original service is not interrupted. The board that carries the original
service, however, needs to be set as the working board.

Step 1 For an IF 1+1 protection group comprised of ISU2 or ISX2 boards, set IF Service Type to
appropriate values for the main and standby IF boards according to the network plan.

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l Ensure that the values of IF Service Type set for the main and standby IF boards are the same and meet the
network plan requirements.
l For ISU2 or ISX2 boards, the default value of IF Service Type is Hybrid(Native E1+ETH).
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE and then choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF/ODU Configuration tab.
3. Changes the values of IF Service Type for the main and standby IF boards according to
the network plan.
4. Click Apply.
Step 2 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.
Step 3 Click the IF 1+1 Protection tab.
Step 4 Click New.
The Create IF 1+1 Protection dialog box is displayed.
Step 5 Configure the parameters of the IF 1+1 protection group.

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l When Working Mode is set to HSB, the equipment provides a 1+1 hot standby configuration for the
IF board and ODU at both ends of each hop of a radio link to realize the protection.
l When Working Mode is set to FD, the system uses two channels that have a frequency spacing between
them, to transmit and receive the same signal. The remote end selects signals from the two received
signals. With FD protection, the impact of the fading on signal transmission is reduced.
l When Working Mode is set to SD, the system uses two antennas that have a space distance between
them, to receive the same signal. The equipment selects signals from the two received signals. With
SD protection, the impact of the fading on signal transmission is reduced.
l When Revertive Mode is set to Revertive, the NE that is in the switching state releases the switching
and enables the former working channel to return to the normal state some time after the former working
channel is restored to normal. It is recommended that you set this parameter to Revertive.
l When Revertive Mode is set to Non-Revertive, the NE that is in the switching state keeps the current
state unchanged unless another switching occurs even though the former working channel is restored
to normal.
l You can set WTR Time(s) only when Revertive Mode is set to Revertive. It is recommended that
you use the default value.
l Enable Reverse Switching is valid only when Working Mode is set to HSB or SD.
l Generally, if Working Mode is set to HSB, it is recommended that you set Enable Reverse
Switching to Disabled; if Working Mode is set to SD, it is recommended that you set Enable Reverse
Switching to Enabled.
l Each of the parameters Working Mode, Revertive Mode, WTR Time(s),Anti-jitter Time(s) and
Enable Reverse Switching must be set to the same value at both ends of a radio hop.
l It is recommended that you set Alarm Report Mode to Only protection group alarms. In this case,
protection group alarms are reported to indicate radio link faults.
l It is recommended that Anti-jitter Time(s) take its default value.

Step 6 Click OK.


Related References
B.2.5 Parameter Description: IF 1+1 Protection_Create

A.3.2 Creating an XPIC Workgroup

After you create an XPIC workgroup comprised of two XPIC radio links, the two radio links
take the same values for the parameters including the channel bandwidth, transmit frequency,
transmit power, and ATPC attributes.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding XPIC IF boards and the ODUs connected to the XPIC IF boards are
added to the Slot Layout.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the XPIC tab.

Step 3 Click New.

The Create XPIC Working Group dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Configure the parameters for the XPIC workgroup.


l Set Link ID-V, Link ID-H, Transmit Power(dBM), Maximum Transmit Power(dBM), and
Transmit Frequency(MHz) according the network plan. Set Link ID-V, Link ID-H, Transmit
Power(dBM), T/R Spacing(MHz), and ATPC Status to the same values for both ends of a link.
l In normal cases, Transmission Status is set to unmute.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.2.1 Parameter Description: Link Configuration_XPIC Workgroup_Creation

A.3.3 Setting the AM Attributes of the XPIC Workgroup

After the XPIC workgroup is created, configure the AM attributes of the XPIC Integrated IP
radio link according to the planned values.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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l The workgroup must be created.

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Background Information
The XPIC IF boards (IFX2 and ISX2 boards) support Integrated IP radio, and the AM attributes
can be configured.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the XPIC tab.

Step 3 Click the Hybrid/AM Configuration tab.

Step 4 Configure the AM attributes of the XPIC Hybrid radio link.


l When AM Status is set to Disabled, the radio link uses only the specified modulation scheme. In this
case, you need to select Manually Specified Modulation Mode.
l When AM Status is set to Enabled, the radio link uses the corresponding modulation scheme according
to the channel conditions.
l Modulation Mode of the Guarantee AM Capacity specifies the lowest-gain modulation scheme that
the AM function supports. This parameter is set according to the network plan. Generally, the value of
this parameter is determined by the service transmission bandwidth that the Hybrid radio must ensure
and the availability of the radio link that corresponds to this modulation scheme.
l Modulation Mode of the Full AM Capacity specifies the highest-gain modulation scheme that the
AM function supports. This parameter is set according to the network plan. Generally, the value of this
parameter is determined by the bandwidth of the services that need to be transmitted over the Hybrid
radio and the availability of the radio link that corresponds to this modulation scheme.
l Modulation Mode of the Full AM Capacity must be higher than Modulation Mode of the Guarantee
AM Capacity.

Step 5 Click Apply.


Related References
B.2.2 Parameter Description: Link Configuration_XPIC

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A.3.4 Configuring the IF/ODU Information of a Radio Link

By performing this operation, you can configure the IF/ODU information for a radio link.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The IF boards and the ODUs to which the IF boards are connected must be added on the
Slot Layout.

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l In the case of 1+1 HSB/SD protection, you need to configure only the IF/ODU information
of the main radio link.
l In the case of 1+1 FD protection, you need to configure the IF/ODU information of the
main radio link and the ODU information of the standby radio link.
l In the case of XPIC configuration, you need to configure the IF/ODU information of the
two radio links in different polarization directions separately.
l In the case of N+1 protection, you need to configure the IF/ODU information of the N+1
radio links respectively.
l The MW_CFG_MISMATCH alarm is reported, if the E1 count, AM enabled status, STM-1
count, or modulation mode is set inconsistently for both ends of an Integrated IP radio link.
This alarm should be cleared immediately. Otherwise, services may be configured
unsuccessfully or interrupted.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE and then choose Configuration > Link Configuration from
the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the IF/ODU Configuration tab.
Step 3 Click an IF board icon or ODU icon.
The system displays the IF/ODU information of the radio link that the IF board or ODU
connected to the IF board belongs to.

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Step 4 Configure the corresponding IF information of the radio link.

1. Optional: For ISU2/ISX2 boards, set IF Service Type according to the network plan. Click

l After this operation, the IF board will be reset. Set other IF information after the IF board starts up.
l For ISU2 and ISX2 boards, set IF Service Type appropriately for the ISU2 and ISX2 boards before
configuring IF 1+1 protection, N+1 protection, and XPIC.
2. Set other IF information.

l Link ID is set according to the network plan. Each radio link of an NE should have a unique link ID,
and the link IDs at both ends of a radio link should be the same.
l When AM Status is set to Disabled, the radio link uses only the specified modulation scheme. In this
case, you need to select Manual Modulation Mode.
l When AM Status is set to Enabled, the radio link uses the corresponding modulation scheme according
to the channel conditions.
l Modulation Mode of the Guarantee AM Capacity specifies the lowest-gain modulation scheme that
the AM function supports. This parameter is set according to the network plan. Generally, the value of
this parameter is determined by the service transmission bandwidth that the Hybrid radio must ensure
and the availability of the radio link that corresponds to this modulation scheme.
l Modulation Mode of the Full AM Capacity specifies the highest-gain modulation scheme that the
AM function supports. This parameter is set according to the network plan. Generally, the value of this
parameter is determined by the bandwidth of the services that need to be transmitted over the Hybrid
radio and the availability of the radio link that corresponds to this modulation scheme.
l Modulation Mode of the Full AM Capacity must be higher than Modulation Mode of the Guarantee
AM Capacity.

Step 5 Click Apply.

Step 6 Configure the corresponding ODU information of the radio link.

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l Power to Be Received(dBm) is used to set the expected receive power of the ODU and is mainly used
in the antenna alignment stage. After this parameter is set, the NE automatically enables the antenna
misalignment indicating function.
l When Power to Be Received(dBm) takes the default value (-10.0), the antenna misalignment
indicating function is disabled.
l In normal cases, it is recommended that you set TX Status to unmute.

Step 7 Click Apply.


Related References
B.2.7 Parameter: Link Configuration_IF/ODU Configuration

A.3.5 Creating an N+1 Protection Group

When multiple STM-1 or Integrated IP radio services are transmitted in the point-to-point mode,
you can adopt the N+1 protection configuration.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The IF boards and the ODUs to which the IF boards are connected must be added on the
Slot Layout.
l The IF1 boards must work in the STM-1 mode.

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Background Information
l When an N+0 service is converted into an N+1 service through the configuration of the N
+1 protection group, the original service is not interrupted.
l In the case of Integrated IP radio, the Hybrid/AM attributes must be the same for all the N
+1 radio links in the N+1 protection group.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the N+1 Protection tab.

Step 3 Click Create.

The Create N+1 Protection dialog box is displayed.

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Step 4 Configure the Attribute of the N+1 protection group.

Step 5 Configure the mapping relation between the board and the slot.
1. Select Working Unit from Select Mapping Direction.
2. Select a port to which a working channel corresponds from Available Boards, and then

click .
3. Repeat Step 5.2 to select the ports to which other working channels correspond. Click

4. Select Protection Unit from Select Mapping Direction.
5. Select a port to which a protection channel corresponds from Available Boards, and then

click .

Step 6 Click OK.


Related References
B.2.3 Parameter Description: N+1 Protection_Create

A.3.6 Querying the IF 1+1 Protection Status

You can learn about the current information about the IF 1+1 protection by querying the IF 1+1
protection status.

l The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.
l The IF 1+1 protection must be configured.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the IF 1+1 Protection tab.
Step 3 Click Query. In Protection Group, check the IF 1+1 protection groups.
Step 4 Select the IF 1+1 protection group whose protection status needs to be queried.
Step 5 Select the board from Slot Mapping Relation.
Step 6 Right-click on the selected board and choose Query Switching Status from the shortcut menu
to check the protection status of the IF 1+1 protection group.


Related References
B.2.6 Parameter Description: IF 1+1 Protection

A.3.7 Querying the IF N+1 Protection Status

You can learn about the current information of the IF N+1 protection by querying the IF N+1
protection status.

l The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.
l The IF N+1 protection must be configured.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the N+1 Protection tab.
Step 3 Click Query. In Protection Group, check the IF N+1 protection groups.
Step 4 Select the protection group whose protection status needs to be queried.
Step 5 Click Query Switching Status. In Slot Mapping Settings, check the IF N+1 protection status.


Related References
B.2.4 Parameter Description: N+1 Protection

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A.3.8 IF 1+1 Protection Switching

You can perform external switching on the IF 1+1 protection by performing IF 1+1 protection

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The IF 1+1 protection must be configured.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the IF 1+1 Protection tab.

Step 3 In Protection Group, select the protection group for protection switching.

Step 4 In Slot Mapping Settings, select a working unit or the protection unit of the protection group,
and then right-click the selected unit.

Step 5 Choose the required switching mode from the shortcut menu.

Step 6 In the displayed dialog box, click OK.

The system displays the dialog box that indicates the successful operation.

Step 7 Click OK.

Step 8 Select the working unit or the protection unit, right-click Query Switching Status and check
whether the switching is successful.


A.3.9 IF N+1 Protection Switching

You can perform external switching on the IF N+1 protection by performing IF N+1 protection

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The IF N+1 protection must be configured.
l The N+1 protection protocol is enabled.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the N+1 Protection tab.

Step 3 In Protection Group, select the protection group for protection switching.

Step 4 In Slot Mapping Settings, select a working unit or the protection unit of the protection group,
and then right-click the selected unit.

Step 5 Choose the required switching mode from the shortcut menu.

Step 6 In the dialog box that is displayed, click OK.

The system displays the dialog box that indicates the successful operation.

Step 7 Click OK.

Step 8 Click Query Switching Status to check whether the switching operation is successful.


A.3.10 Starting/Stopping the N+1 Protection Protocol

If you stop the N+1 protection protocol and then restart it, the N+1 protection protocol can be
restored to the initial state.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The IF N+1 protection must be configured.

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l Stopping the N+1 protection protocol causes a failure of the N+1 protection.
l When services are switched onto the protection channel, stopping the N+1 protection
protocol causes switchover of the services back to the working tunnel. At this time, if the
working channel is normal, the services are transiently interrupted. If the working channel
is faulty, the services are interrupted until the working channel is restored to normal or the
N+1 protection protocol is started.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the N+1 Protection tab.

Step 3 In Protection Group, select the protection group whose N+1 protection protocol needs to be

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Step 4 Click Start Protocol or Stop Protocol. Then, close the displayed prompt dialog box.
Step 5 Click Query to check the protocol status.


A.4 Managing the MSP

The OptiX RTN 950 supports the linear MSP.

A.4.1 Configuring Linear MSP

You can configure linear MSP to protect services over the optical fibers between two nodes.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding board must be added on the Slot Layout.

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Background Information
When an unprotected service is converted into a linear MSP service by configuring the linear
MSP, the original services are not interrupted.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Linear MS
from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click Create.
The system displays the Create a Linear Multiplex Section dialog box.
Step 3 Set the parameters of the linear MSP group.

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Step 4 Click OK.


Follow-up Procedure
l In the case of the 1:N linear MSP, you need to configure bidirectional cross-connections
between the services and the working channels later. If extra services need to be transmitted,
it is necessary to configure bidirectional cross-connections between the extra services and
the protection channels.
l In the case of the 1+1 linear MSP, you need to configure bidirectional cross-connections
between the services and the working channels later.

Related References
B.3.1 Parameter Description: Linear MSP_Creation

A.4.2 Querying the Status of the Linear MSP

By using this operation, you can know the current information about the linear MSP.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The linear MSP must be configured.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Linear MS
from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Query > Query Protection Group to query the current linear MSP group.

Step 3 In Protection Group, click the linear MSP group to be queried.

Step 4 Click Query > Query Switching Status In Slot Mapping Settings, query the status of the linear


Related References
B.3.2 Parameter Description: Linear MSP

A.4.3 Performing Linear MSP Switching

By using this operation, you can perform the external switching on the linear MSP.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The linear MSP must be configured.
l The protection protocol is enabled.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Linear MS
from the Function Tree.

Step 2 In Protection Group, select the MSP group to be switched. In Slot Mapping Settings, select
the working unit or protection unit, and then right-click.

Step 3 Right-click and select the required switching mode.

The confirmation dialog box is displayed.

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Step 4 Click OK.


If the switching of a higher priority occurs in a channel, the switching of a lower priority will not occur in
the channel.


A.4.4 Starting/Stopping the Linear MSP Protocol

If you first stop the linear MSP protocol and then start it, the linear MSP status can be restored
to the initial state.

l The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.
l The linear MSP must be configured.

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l Stopping the ring MSP protocol causes failure of ring MSP.
l When services are switched onto the protection channel, stopping the ring MSP protocol
causes the services to switch back to the working channel. At this time, if the working
channel is normal, the services are transiently interrupted; if the working channel is faulty,
the services are interrupted until the working channel is restored to normal or the protocol
is started.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Linear MS
from the Function Tree.

Step 2 In Protection Group, select the MSP group for which the linear MSP protocol is to be stopped.

Step 3 Click Start Protocol or Stop Protocol, and then close the prompt dialog box that is displayed.

Step 4 Click Query > Query Protection Group and check Protocol Status.


A.5 Managing TDM Services

The TDM services involve the SDH service and the PDH service.

A.5.1 Creating the Cross-Connections of Point-to-Point Services

In a cross-connection of point-to-point services, one service source corresponds to one service

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding source and sink boards must be added on Slot Layout.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Cross-
Connection Configuration from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Scheme to change the VC-12 timeslot numbering policy used by the cross-connection.

Step 3 Click New.

The Create SDH Service dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Configure the parameters of a new SDH service.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.4.1 Parameter Description: SDH Service Configuration_Creation

A.5.2 Creating Cross-Connections of SNCP Services

The cross-connection of SNCP services is a cross-connection that a working source and a
protection source correspond to a service sink.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding source and sink boards must be added on Slot Layout.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Cross-
Connection Configuration from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Scheme to change the VC-12 timeslot numbering policy used by the cross-connection.

Step 3 Click Create SNCP.

The Create SNCP Service dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Configure the parameters of a new SNCP service.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.4.2 Parameter Description: SDH Service Configuration_SNCP Service Creation

A.5.3 Modifying the Priorities of E1 Services

This section describes how to adjust the priorities of E1 services.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding source and sink boards must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The E1 cross-connections must be created. The IF boards in the cross-connections must
support the E1 priority function. The E1 priorities must be set already and need to be

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Cross-
Connection Configuration from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Query.

Step 3 Select an E1 service in Cross-Connection.

Step 4 Right-click the E1 service and choose Expand from the shortcut menu.

Step 5 If the number of E1 services configured on an IF board is smaller than Full E1 Capacity, double-
click E1 Priority and select the target E1 priority from the drop-down list.

For an SNCP service, you need to modify E1 Priority of only the services that are transmitted to the
working source and the protection source of the SNCP service.

Step 6 If the number of E1 services configured on an IF board is the same as Full E1 Capacity, do as
follows to interchange the priority levels of two E1 services:
1. Add one to Full E1 Capacity for both ends of the radio link.
2. Change E1 Priority of the E1 service with a higher priority to Low.
3. Change E1 Priority of the E1 service with a lower priority to High.
4. Change Full E1 Capacity to the original values for both ends of the radio link.

If Full E1 Capacity uses its maximum value, do as follows to interchange the priority levels of two services.
1. Delete either E1 service.
2. Change the priority of the other E1 service.
3. Add the E1 service that was deleted, setting its E1 Priority to the required value.

Step 7 Click Apply.


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A.5.4 Inserting E1_AIS upon a TU_AIS Condition

Perform this operation to configure the function of inserting the TU_AIS upon E1_AIS detection.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The IFU2, IFX2, ISU2, or ISX2 board is added to Slot Layout.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the IF board from the Object Tree and choose Alarm > Triggered
Alarm Insertion from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Set E1_AIS to TU_AIS.

Generally, it is recommended that Auto take its default value.

Step 3 Click Apply.


Related References
B.4.6 Parameter Description: TU_AIS Insertion
B.4.6 Parameter Description: TU_AIS Insertion

A.5.5 Configuring the Automatic Switching of SNCP Services

You can manually add certain alarms for the automatic switching of SNCP services.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The SNCP protection group must be configured.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > SNCP Service
Control from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Select the SNCP protection group, and then right-click Initiation Condition to which the
working service corresponds.
Step 3 Set the initiation condition for the working service. Click OK.

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The conditions for automatic switching of higher order services are different from those of lower order

Step 4 Right-click Initiation Condition to which the protection service corresponds.

Step 5 Set the initiation condition for the protection service. Click OK.

It is recommended that you set Initiation Condition of the working service to be the same as Initiation
Condition of the protection service.

Step 6 Click Apply.


Related References
B.4.5 Parameter Description: SNCP Service Control

A.5.6 Deleting Cross-Connections

When a service is not used, you can delete the cross-connections of this service to release the
corresponding resources.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The cross-connections of the service must be configured and the service must not be used.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Cross-
Connection Configuration from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Query to query the related data.

Step 3 Delete the service.

1. Right-click the service and choose Delete from the shortcut menu.
Then, a dialog box is displayed, querying whether you need to delete the selected service.
2. Click OK.

Step 4 Click Query. The queried information should show that the cross-connection is already deleted.


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A.5.7 Converting a Normal Service into an SNCP Service

By converting a normal service into an SNCP service, you can convert the unidirectional cross-
connections of a normal service into the unidirectional cross-connection in the receive direction
of the SNCP service.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The unidirectional cross-connection of the normal service must be configured and the
source of the cross-connection must be a line board.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Background Information
When this task is performed to convert a normal service into an SNCP service, the original
services are not interrupted.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Cross-
Connection Configuration from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Optional: If a bidirectional SDH service is created, select this service in Cross-Connection.
Right-click the selected service and choose Expand from the shortcut menu.
Step 3 Select the unidirectional service. Right-click the selected service and choose Convert to
SNCP from the shortcut menu.
Then, the Convert to SNCP Service dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Set the parameters of the SNCP service.

Step 5 Click OK.


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Related References
B.4.3 Parameter Description: SDH Service Configuration_Converting Normal Services Into
SNCP Services

A.5.8 Converting an SNCP Service to a Normal Service

By converting an SNCP service to a normal service, you can convert the SNCP cross-connection
in the receive direction into the unidirectional cross-connection of the normal service.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The SNCP cross-connection in the receive direction must be configured.
l The current service must be transmitted on the working path.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Background Information
When this task is performed to convert an SNCP service into a normal service, the original
services are not interrupted.

Step 1 Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > Cross-Connection Configuration from the Function Tree.
Step 2 In Auto-Created Cross-Connection, select the configured service and click Service
Step 3 Choose SNCP Protection Service Convert to Non-Protection Service or SNCP Working
Service Convert to Non-Protection Service from the displayed menu.

l To convert the cross-connection into a cross-connection between the working source and the service
sink, choose SNCP Working Service Convert to Non-Protection Service.
l To convert the cross-connection into a cross-connection between the protection source and the service
sink, choose SNCP Protection Service Convert to Non-Protection Service.


Follow-up Procedure
You also need to delete the unidirectional cross-connection between the service source and the
working path or the unidirectional cross-connection between the service source and the
protection path. The SNCP service can be converted into the normal service both in the receive
direction and the transmit direction only after the deletion.

A.5.9 Querying TDM Services

You can learn about the TDM services that are configured for an NE by querying TDM services.

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l The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.
l TDM services must be configured.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Cross-
Connection Configuration from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Query.

Step 3 In Cross-Connection, query the TDM services.


Related References
B.4.4 Parameter Description: SDH Service Configuration

A.5.10 Switching SNCP Services

You can perform external switching on SNCP services by performing this operation.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The SNCP protection group must be configured.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > SNCP Service
Control from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the SNCP protection group for SNCP service switching.

Step 3 Click Function. Select the required switching mode from the displayed menu.

Step 4 In the displayed dialog box for confirmation, click OK.

Step 5 The system displays a prompt dialog box, indicating that the operation is successful. Then, close
the displayed prompt dialog box.

Step 6 Choose Function > Query Switching Status to check whether the switching operation is


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A.5.11 Querying the Protection Status of SNCP Services

You can know the current information of an SNCP service by querying the protection status of
SNCP services.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The SNCP protection group must be configured.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > SNCP Service
Control from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the SNCP protection group whose service protection status needs to be queried.

Step 3 Click Function > Query Switching Status.


Related References
B.4.5 Parameter Description: SNCP Service Control

A.6 Managing Ports

Setting correct port parameter is the basis of configuring ports that transmit services.

A.6.1 Setting the Parameters of SDH Ports

The parameters of SDH ports are used to configure the loopback on the SDH interface board
and the laser status.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding board must be added on the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > SDH Interface from the Function Tree.

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Step 2 Select By Board/Port(Path), and select Port or VC4 Path from the list box.

Step 3 Set the parameters of SDH ports.

1. Choose Port from the drop-down list, and then configure the parameters of SDH ports.
Click Apply.
A dialog box is displayed for confirmation.
2. Click OK.

Step 4 Set the parameters of VC-4 paths.

1. Choose VC4 Path from the drop-down list, and then configure the parameters of VC-4
2. Click Apply.
A dialog box is displayed for confirmation.
3. Click OK.


Related References
B.5.7.1 Parameter Description: SDH Interfaces

A.6.2 Setting the Parameters of PDH Ports

The parameters of PDH ports are used to configure the tributary loopback, service load
indication, and tributary retiming.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding board must be added on the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > PDH Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select By Board/Port(Channel).

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Step 3 Select Path from the list box.

Step 4 Configure the parameters of PDH ports.

Step 5 Click Apply.


Related References
B.5.8.1 Parameter Description: PDH Ports

A.6.3 Configuring Overhead Bytes

Generally, the default overload bytes can meet the requirements of the device. In certain special
application scenarios, however, such as device interconnection, you need to change the overload
bytes according to the requirements of the interconnected device.

A.6.3.1 Configuring RSOHs

When the local or remote NE reports the J0_MM alarm, you need to configure the J0 byte in
regenerator section overheads (RSOHs).

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding board must be added on the Slot Layout.

Step 1 Select an SDH interface board in the NE Explorer Choose Configuration > Overhead
Management > Regenerator Section Overhead from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Choose Display in Text Format or Display in Hexadecimal.
Step 3 Configure the J0 byte.
1. Double-click the parameter whose value needs to be changed.
The Please Input the Overhead Byte dialog box is displayed.
2. Configure overhead bytes.

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3. Click OK.

Step 4 Click Apply.

A dialog box is displayed for confirmation.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.5.9.1 Parameter Description: Regenerator Section Overhead

A.6.3.2 Configuring VC-4 POHs

When the HP_TIM, LP_TIM, or HP_SLM alarm is reported by the line board of the local or
peer NE, you need to configure the J1 or C2 byte in VC-4 path overheads (POHs).

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding board must be added on the Slot Layout.

Step 1 Select SDH interface board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration >
Overhead Management > VC4 Path Overhead from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Choose Display in Text Format or Display in Hexadecimal.

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Step 3 Optional: Configure the J1 byte.

1. Click the Trace Byte J1 tab.
2. Double-click the parameter whose value needs to be changed.
The Please Input Overhead Byte dialog box is displayed.
3. Configure overhead bytes.

4. Click OK.
5. Click Apply.
A dialog box is displayed for confirmation.
6. Click OK.

Step 4 Optional: Configure the C2 byte.

1. Click the Signal Flag C2 tab.
2. Configure the required parameters.

3. Click Apply.

Step 5 Configure the termination mode of the VC-4 overhead.

1. Click the Overhead Termination tab.
2. Configure VC4 Overhead Termination.

3. Click Apply.
A dialog box is displayed for confirmation.
4. Click OK.


Related References
B.5.9.2 Parameter Description: VC-4 POHs

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A.6.3.3 Configuring VC-12 POHs

When the E1 port board of the local or remote NE reports the LP_TIM or LP_TIM_VC12 alarm,
you need to configure the signal flag in the J2 byte in VC-12 path overheads (POHs).

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding board must be added on the Slot Layout.

Step 1 Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > Overhead Management > VC12 Path Overhead from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Configure the J2 byte.
1. Click the Trace Byte J2 tab.
2. Choose Display in Text Format or Display in Hexadecimal.
3. Double-click the parameter whose value needs to be changed.
The Please input the overhead byte dialog box is displayed.
4. Configure overhead bytes.

5. Click OK.
6. Click Apply.
A dialog box is displayed for confirmation.
7. Click OK.


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Related References
B.5.9.3 Parameter Description: VC-12 POHs

A.6.4 Setting Smart E1 Port Parameters

Smart E1 ports can be configured as CES E1 ports or ATM E1 ports.

A.6.4.1 Setting Basic Attributes of Smart E1 Ports

The basic attributes of Smart E1 ports involve parameters such as the port name, port mode, and
encapsulation type.

The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Interface
Management > PDH Interface from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the General Attributes tab.
Step 3 Select the required port and set the parameters.

Step 4 Click Apply.


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Related References
B.5.1.1 Parameter Description: PDH Ports_Basic Attributes

A.6.4.2 Setting Advanced Attributes of Smart E1 Ports

The alarm attributes of Smart E1 ports define the parameters such as E1 frame type and loopback

The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Interface
Management > PDH Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Advanced Attributes tab.

Step 3 Select the required port and set the parameters for its advanced attributes.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.5.1.2 Parameter Description: PDH Ports_Advanced Attributes

A.6.5 Setting Serial Port Parameters

When some 64 kbit/s timeslots of an Smart E1 port are used for transmission of ATM services,
these timeslots can be considered as a serial port.

A.6.5.1 Creating Serial Ports

When creating a serial port, you can set the 64 kbit/s timeslots to be bound with the serial port.

l The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.
l The ports that travel services are set to Layer 1.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Interface Management > Serial Port from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the General Attributes tab.
Step 3 Click New.
The New Serial Interface dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Set the parameters for the serial port according to the planning information.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.5.3.2 Parameter Description: Serial Port_Creation of Serial Ports

A.6.5.2 Setting Basic Attributes of Serial Ports

The basic attributes of serial ports involve the parameters such as port mode and encapsulation

l The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.
l Serial ports are added.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Interface Management > Serial Port from the Function Tree.

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Step 2 Click the General Attributes tab.

Step 3 Select the required port and set the parameters for the serial port according to the planning

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.5.3.1 Parameter Description: Serial Port_Basic Attributes

A.6.6 Setting Ethernet Port Parameters

Ethernet port parameters include basic attributes, traffic control, Layer-2 attributes, Layer-3
attributes, and advanced attributes.

A.6.6.1 Setting the General Attributes of Ethernet Ports

General Ethernet port attributes define the physical-layer information, such as the interface
mode, encapsulation type, and maximum frame length.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The Ethernet board must be added on the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the General Attributes tab.
Step 3 Set basic Ethernet port attributes.

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l Port Mode specifies the mode of the Ethernet port.

l If Port Mode is Layer 2, Encapsulation Type can be set to Null, 802.1Q, or QinQ.
l If Port Mode is Layer 3, Encapsulation Type can be set to 802.1Q only and the port can carry MPLS
l Encapsulation Type specifies the method of the port to process the received packets.
l If you set Encapsulation Type to Null, the port transparently transmits the received packets.
l If you set Encapsulation Type to 802.1Q, the port identifies the packets that comply with the IEEE
802.1q standard.
l If you set Encapsulation Type to QinQ, the port identifies the packets that comply with the IEEE
802.1ad QinQ standard.
l The Ethernet ports of different types support different Working Mode.
l When the equipment on the opposite side works in auto-negotiation mode, set the Working Mode of
the equipment on the local side to Auto-Negotiation.
l When the equipment on the opposite side works in full-duplex mode, set the Working Mode of the
equipment on the local side to 10M Full-Duplex, 100M Full-Duplex, or 1000M Full-Duplex
depending on the port rate of the equipment on the opposite side.
l When the equipment on the opposite side works in half-duplex mode, set the Working Mode of the
equipment on the local side to 10M Half-Duplex, 100M Half-Duplex, or Auto-Negotiation depending
on the port rate of the equipment on the opposite side.
l FE ports support 10M full-duplex, 10M half-duplex, 100M full-duplex, 100M half-duplex, and auto-
l GE electrical ports support 10M full-duplex, 10M half-duplex, 100M full-duplex, 100M half-duplex,
1000M full-duplex, and auto-negotiation.
l GE optical ports support 1000M full-duplex and auto-negotiation.
l The value of Max Frame Length(byte) should be greater than the length of any frame to be transported.
l Auto-Negotiation Ability specifies the auto-negotiation capability of the Ethernet port.
l For GE optical ports, Auto-Negotiation Ability can be set to 1000M Full-Duplex only.
l Auto-Negotiation Ability is valid only when Working Mode is set to Auto-Negotiation.
l The SFP on the EM6F,EM6FA board supports the optical port and electrical port.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.5.2.1 Parameter Description: Ethernet Interface_Basic Attributes

A.6.6.2 Configuring the Traffic Control of Ethernet Ports

After traffic control is enabled, the Ethernet port sends the pause frame to instruct the peer end
to stop sending Ethernet packets for a period if the link is congested, eliminating link congestion.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The Ethernet board must be added on the Slot Layout.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Flow Control tab.

Step 3 Configure the Ethernet port traffic control.


l Auto-Negotiation Flow Control Mode is valid only when Working Mode is set to Auto-
l Auto-Negotiation Flow Control Mode of the equipment on the local side must be consistent with the
auto-negotiation flow control mode of the equipment on the opposite side
l The OptiX RTN 950 supports only two auto-negotiation flow control modes, namely, Disabled mode
and Enable Symmetric Flow Control mode.
l Non-Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode is valid only when Working Mode is not set to Auto-
l Non-Autonegotiation Flow Control Mode of the equipment on the local side must be consistent with
the non-autonegotiation flow control mode of the equipment on the opposite side
l The OptiX RTN 950 supports only two non-auto-negotiation flow control modes, namely, Disabled
mode and Enable Symmetric Flow Control mode.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.5.2.2 Parameter Description: Ethernet Interface_Flow Control

A.6.6.3 Setting the Layer 2 Attributes of Ethernet Ports

Ethernet port Layer 2 attributes define link-layer information.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The Ethernet board must be added on the Slot Layout.
l Port Mode of Ethernet ports are set to Layer 2.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Layer 2 Attributes tab.

Step 3 Set Ethernet port Layer 2 attributes.


l When Encapsulation Type in the General Attributes tab page is set to QinQ, you need to set QinQ
Type Domain. The default value is 88A8.
l When Encapsulation Type in the General Attributes tab page is set to Null or 802.1Q, you cannot
set QinQ Type Domain. In this case, QinQ Type Domain is displayed as FFFF and cannot be
l QinQ Type Domain should be set to the same value for all the ports on the EM6T/EM6TA/EM6F/
EM6FA board.
l If all the accessed services are frames with the VLAN tag (tagged frames), set TAG to Tag Aware.
l If all the accessed services are frames without the VLAN tag (untagged frames), set TAG to Access.
l If the accessed services contain tagged frames and untagged frames, set TAG to Hybrid.
l Default VLAN ID is valid only when TAG is set to Access or Hybrid.
l VLAN Priority is valid only when TAG is set to Access or Hybrid.
l When the VLAN priority is required to divide streams or to be used for other purposes, VLAN
Priority is set according to the planning information. In normal cases, it is recommended that you use
the default value.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.5.2.3 Parameter Description: Ethernet Interface_Layer 2 Attributes

A.6.6.4 Setting Layer 3 Attributes of Ethernet Ports

The Layer 3 attributes of Ethernet ports define the relevant information used for carrying MPLS
tunnels, such as MPLS tunnel statuses and Ethernet port IP addresses.

l The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.
l Port Mode of Ethernet ports are set to Layer 3.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Layer 3 Attributes tab.

Step 3 Set the parameters for Ethernet ports according to the planning information.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.5.2.4 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port_Layer 3 Attributes

A.6.6.5 Setting the Advanced Attributes of Ethernet Ports

You can configure MAC/PHY layer loopbacks, check the port rates, and configure loopback
detection and broadcast packet suppression functions by setting related Ethernet advanced

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The Ethernet board must be added on the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Advanced Attributes tab.

Step 3 Set Ethernet port advanced attributes.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.5.2.5 Parameter Description: Ethernet Interface_Advanced Attributes

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A.6.7 Setting IF_ETH Port Parameters

This section describes how to set the IF_ETH port parameters. The IF_ETH port is the internal
Ethernet port on an IF board in IP radio mode and is used to receive and transmit Native ETH
services or packet services.

A.6.7.1 Setting the General Attributes of IF_ETH Ports

General IF_ETH port attributes specify the basic information, including the port mode and
encapsulation mode.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding IF board must be added to Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Microwave Interface from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Basic Attributes tab.
Step 3 Set basic IF_ETH port attributes.


l If Port Mode is Layer 2, Encapsulation Type can be set to Null, 802.1Q, or QinQ.
l If Port Mode is Layer 3, Encapsulation Type can be set to 802.1Q only and the port can carry tunnels.
l Encapsulation Type specifies the method of the port to process the received packets.
l If Encapsulation Type is set to Null, the port transparently transmits the received packets.
l If Encapsulation Type is set to 802.1Q, the port identifies the packets that comply with the IEEE
802.1Q standard.
l If Encapsulation Type is set to QinQ, the port identifies the packets that comply with the IEEE 802.1ad
QinQ standard.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.5.4.1 Parameter Description: Microwave Interface_Basic Attributes

A.6.7.2 Setting the Layer 2 Attributes of IF_ETH Ports

IF_ETH port Layer 2 attributes specify the relevant information about the link layer, including
the tag attribute and QinQ type domain.

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding IF board must be added to Slot Layout.
l The parameter Port Mode is set to Layer 2.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Microwave Interface from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Layer 2 Attributes tab.
Step 3 Set IF_ETH port Layer 2 attributes.


l When Encapsulation Type in the General Attributes tab page is set to QinQ, you need to set QinQ
Type Domain. The default value is 88A8.
l When Encapsulation Type in the General Attributes tab page is set to Null or 802.1Q, you cannot
set QinQ Type Domain. In this case, QinQ Type Domain is displayed as FFFF and cannot be
l If all the accessed services are frames that contain the VLAN tag (tagged frames), set Tag to "Tag
l If all the accessed services are frames that do not contain the VLAN tag (untagged frames), set Tag to
l If the accessed services contain tagged frames and untagged frames, set Tag to "Hybrid".
l Default VLAN ID is valid only when TAG is set to Access or Hybrid.
l VLAN Priority is valid only when TAG is set to Access or Hybrid.
l When the VLAN priority is required to divide streams or to be used for other purposes, VLAN
Priority needs to be set according to the planning information. In normal cases, it is recommended
that you use the default value.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.5.4.2 Parameter Description: Microwave Interface_Layer 2 Attributes

A.6.7.3 Setting Layer 3 Attributes of IF_ETH Ports

The Layer 3 attributes of IF_ETH ports define the relevant information used for carrying MPLS
tunnels, such as MPLS tunnel statuses and IF_ETH port IP addresses.

l The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.

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l Port Mode of the ports on IF boards are set to Layer 3.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Interface Management > Microwave Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Layer 3 Attributes tab.

Step 3 Set parameters for Layer 3 attributes of the ports on IF boards according to the planning

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.5.4.3 Parameter Description: Microwave Interface_Layer 3 Attributes

A.6.7.4 Setting the Advanced Attributes of IF_ETH Ports

This section describes how to set the advanced attributes of IF_ETH ports.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding IF board must be added to Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Microwave Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Advanced Attributes tab.

Step 3 Set IF_ETH port advanced attributes.

Step 4 Click Apply.


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Related References
B.5.4.4 Parameter Description: Microwave Interface_Advanced Attributes

A.6.8 Setting IF Port Parameters

This section describes how to set IF port parameters, including IF attributes, ATPC attributes,
and AM attributes.

A.6.8.1 Setting IF Attributes

Set parameters specific to different IF boards.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding IF board must be added on the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


l The IF1 board is used for TDM microwave.
l The IFU2 and ISU2 boards are general-purpose IF boards.
l The IFX2 and ISX2 boards are general-purpose XPIC IF boards.

Step 1 Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > IF Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the IF Attributes tab.

Step 3 Set the parameters of general attributes.

l In the case of the IF1:

l In the case of the IFU2:

l In the case of the IFX2:

l For the ISU2 board:

1. Optional:
set IF Service Type according to the network plan. Click Apply.

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After this operation, the IF board will be reset. Set other IF information after the IF board starts up.
2. Set other general attributes.

l For the ISX2 board:

1. Optional:
set IF Service Type according to the network plan. Click Apply.
After this operation, the IF board will be reset. Set other IF information after the IF board starts up.
2. Set other general attributes.


l Link ID is set according to the network plan. Each radio link of an NE should have a unique link ID,
and the link IDs at both ends of a radio link should be the same.
l Generally, IF Port Loopback is used to locate the faults that occur at each IF interface. The IF loopback
is used for diagnosis. If this function is enabled, the services at the related ports are affected. In normal
cases, this parameter is set to Non-Loopback.
l 350 MHz Consecutive Wave Status can be set to Start in the commissioning process only. In normal
cases, this parameter is set to Stop. Otherwise, the services are interrupted.
l If the XPIC IF board does not perform the XPIC function, XPIC Enabled should be set to Disabled.
l Enable IEEE-1588 Timeslot needs to be set consistently between two ends of a radio link.

Step 4 Configure the parameters of Hybrid/AM attributes for different IF services.

l For the IFU2 and IFX2 boards:

l For the ISU2 and ISX2 boards:


l When AM Status is set to Disabled, the radio link uses only the specified modulation scheme. In this
case, you need to select Manual Modulation Mode.
l When AM Status is set to Enabled, the radio link uses the corresponding modulation scheme according
to the channel conditions.
l Modulation Mode of the Guarantee AM Capacity specifies the lowest-gain modulation scheme that
the AM function supports. This parameter is set according to the network plan. Generally, the value of
this parameter is determined by the service transmission bandwidth that the Hybrid radio must ensure
and the availability of the radio link that corresponds to this modulation scheme.
l Modulation Mode of the Full AM Capacity specifies the highest-gain modulation scheme that the
AM function supports. This parameter is set according to the network plan. Generally, the value of this
parameter is determined by the bandwidth of the services that need to be transmitted over the Hybrid
radio and the availability of the radio link that corresponds to this modulation scheme.
l Modulation Mode of the Full AM Capacity must be higher than Modulation Mode of the Guarantee
AM Capacity.

Step 5 Click Apply.


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Related References
B.5.5.1 Parameter Description: IF Interface_IF Attribute

A.6.8.2 Configuring ATPC Attributes

To configure the ATPC function, set the ATPC attributes of the IF board.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding IF board must be added on the Slot Layout.

l For the IF boards that are configured with 1+1 protection, configure only the ATPC
attributes of the main IF board.
l The following procedure describes the ATPC parameter configurations in the IF port
configuration dialog box for the IF board. You can also configure ATPC parameters in the
Create XPIC Protection Group window.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > IF Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the ATPC Attributes tab.

Step 3 Set the parameters of ATPC attributes.


l The settings of the ATPC attributes must be consistent at both ends of a radio link.
l In the case of areas where fast fading severely affects the radio transmission, it is recommended that
you set ATPC Enable Status to Disabled.
l If ATPC Automatic Threshold Enable Status is set to Enabled, the equipment automatically uses
the preset ATPC upper and lower thresholds according to the work mode of the radio link.
l If ATPC Automatic Threshold Enable Status is set to Disabled, you need to manually set ATPC
Upper Automatic Threshold(dBm) and ATPC Lower Automatic Threshold(dBm).
l It is recommended that you set ATPC Upper Threshold(dBm) to the sum of the planned central value
between the ATPC upper threshold and the ATPC lower threshold and 10 dB, and ATPC Lower
Threshold(dBm) to the difference between the planned central value between the ATPC upper
threshold and the ATPC lower threshold and 10 dB.

Step 4 Click Apply.


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Related References
B.5.5.2 Parameter Description: IF Interface_ATPC Attribute

A.6.8.3 Setting Advanced AM Attributes

By performing this operation, you can query and adjust the E1 capacity in each modulation

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding IF boards must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The E1 priority function must be enabled.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Background Information
l The OptiX RTN 950 supports the configuration of E1 priorities. The IF boards that support
this function are IFU2, IFX2, ISU2, and ISX2.
l For the ISU2 and ISX2 boards, only the Integrated IP radio that transmits Native E1 services
supports the configuration of E1 priorities.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the IF board, and then choose Configuration > IF Interface from
the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the AM Advanced Attributes tab.

Step 3 Set each parameter for the advanced AM attributes.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.5.5.3 Parameter Description: Hybrid_AM Configuration_Advanced Attributes

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A.6.8.4 Querying the AM Status

By querying the AM status, you can trace the change of the modulation mode when the AM
function is used.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding IF boards must be added in the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > IF Interface from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the IF Attributes tab.
Step 3 Click Query.
Step 4 Query the AM information in Hybrid/AM Configuration.


Related References
B.5.5.1 Parameter Description: IF Interface_IF Attribute

A.6.8.5 Querying ATPC Adjustment Records

By querying the ATPC adjustment records, you can view the ATPC running status.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding IF board must be added.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > ATPC Adjustment Records from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click Query to query the running information.


Related References
B.5.5.4 Parameter Description: ATPC Adjustment Records

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A.6.8.6 Modifying the Hybrid/AM Attributes

Any modifications to Hybrid/AM attributes must ensure that the Hybrid/AM attribute settings
are the same for both ends of the adjusted radio link. Otherwise, the modifications do not take
effect or services are interrupted.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding IF boards have been added in the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > IF Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the IF Attributes tab.

Step 3 Optional: Change the channel bandwidth.

1. Set IF Channel Bandwidth to its planned value.
2. Click Apply.

Step 4 Optional: When the AM function is disabled, adjust the modulation mode.
1. Set Manually Specified Modulation Mode to its planned value.
2. Click Apply.

Step 5 Disable the AM function.

1. Optional: If the E1 priority function has been enabled, delete low-priority E1 services, set
Enable E1 Priority to Disabled, and click Apply.
2. Set AM Enable Status to Disabled and set Manually Specified Modulation Mode to its
planned value.
3. Click Apply.

Step 6 Optional: Enable the AM function.

1. If the planned Modulation Mode of the Guarantee AM Capacity is lower than Manually
Specified Modulation Mode, perform Step 4 and then change Manually Specified
Modulation Modeto the planned Modulation Mode of the Guarantee AM Capacity.
2. Set AM Enable Status to Enabled, and set Modulation Mode of the Guarantee AM
Capacity and Modulation Mode of the Full AM Capacity to their planned values.
3. Click Apply.

Step 7 Optional: When the AM function is enabled, adjust the modulation mode.

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If... Then...
You need to lower Modulation Mode of 1. Perform Step 5 to disable the AM function,
the Guarantee AM Capacity and change Manually Specified
Modulation Mode to the lowered
Modulation Mode of the Guarantee AM
2. Perform Step 6 to enable the AM function.
In other cases 1. Set Modulation Mode of the Guarantee
AM Capacity and Modulation Mode of the
Full AM Capacity to their planned values.
2. Click Apply.

Step 8 Optional: Change the number of high-priority E1 services (namely, Guarantee E1 Capacity)
in a radio link.

If... Then...
You need to reduce the number of high- 1. Perform A.5.6 Deleting Cross-Connections
priority E1 services to delete unnecessary E1 services.
2. Decrease Guarantee E1 Capacity.
3. Click Apply.
You need to increase the number of 1. Increase Guarantee E1 Capacity.
high-priority E1 services 2. If Enable E1 Priority is Enabled, increase
Full E1 Capacity accordingly.
3. Click Apply.
4. Perform A.5.1 Creating the Cross-
Connections of Point-to-Point Services or A.
5.2 Creating Cross-Connections of SNCP
Services to add required E1 services.
l Full E1 Capacity is the total number of high-
priority E1 services and low-priority E1 services.
l Adding high-priority E1 services does not affect
original E1 services.

Step 9 Optional: Change the number of low-priority E1 services (namely, Guarantee E1 Capacity)
in a radio link.

If... Then...
You need to reduce the number of low- 1. Perform A.5.6 Deleting Cross-Connections
priority E1 services to delete unnecessary E1 services.
2. Decrease Full E1 Capacity.
3. Click Apply.

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If... Then...
You need to increase the number of low- 1. If Enable E1 Priority is Disabled, change
priority E1 services Enable E1 Priority to Enabled.
2. Increase Full E1 Capacity.
3. Click Apply.
4. Perform A.5.1 Creating the Cross-
Connections of Point-to-Point Services or A.
5.2 Creating Cross-Connections of SNCP
Services to add required E1 services.
l Full E1 Capacity is the total number of high-
priority E1 services and low-priority E1
l Adding low-priority E1 services does not affect
original E1 services.


Related References
B.5.5.1 Parameter Description: IF Interface_IF Attribute

A.6.8.7 Querying the SNR Values of a Radio Link

This section describes how to query the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) change curve of a radio link,
assisting in handling radio link faults.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The IF boards and the ODUs to which the IF boards are connected have been added in the
Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the desired IF board from the Object Tree and then choose
Configuration > IF Interface from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Set the desired query time span by specifying the start time and end time.
Step 3 Set Monitoring Period and SNR Type according to the planning information.
Step 4 Click Draw. Then, the system displays the SNR change curve during the specified time span.


A.6.9 Setting ODU Port Parameters

This section describes how to set ODU port parameters, including the transmit frequency
attributes, power attributes, ODU information, and advanced attributes.

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A.6.9.1 Setting ODU Transmit Frequency Attributes

The ODU transmit frequency attributes define the DOU transmit frequency and T/R spacing.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The IF boards and the ODUs to which the IF boards are connected must be added on the
Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the ODU from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > ODU
Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Radio Frequency Attributes tab.

Step 3 Configure Transmit Frequency(MHz) and T/R Spacing(MHz) of the ODU.


l The value of Transmit Frequency(MHz) must not be less than the sum of the minimum transmit
frequency supported by the ODU and a half of the channel spacing, and must not be more than the
difference between the maximum transmit frequency supported by the ODU and a half of the channel
l The difference between the transmit frequencies at both ends of a radio link should be one T/R spacing.
l If the ODU is a Tx high station, the transmit frequency is one T/R spacing higher than the receive
frequency. If the ODU is a Tx low station, the transmit frequency is one T/R spacing lower than the
receive frequency.
l A valid T/R spacing value is determined by the ODU itself, and T/R Spacing(MHz) should be set
according to the technical specifications of the ODU.
l The T/R spacing of the ODU should be set to the same value at both ends of a radio link.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.5.6.1 Parameter Description: ODU Interface_Radio Frequency Attribute

A.6.9.2 Querying ODU Information

ODU information provides details about the ODU.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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l The IF boards and the ODUs to which the IF boards are connected must be added on the
Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > ODU Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Equipment Information tab.

Step 3 Click Query to obtain the information about the ODU.


Related References
B.5.6.3 Parameter Description: ODU Interface_Equipment Information

A.6.9.3 Setting ODU Power Attributes

The ODU power attributes define the transmit power and receive power of the ODU.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The IF boards and the ODUs to which the IF boards are connected must be added on the
Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the ODU from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > ODU
Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Power Attributes tab.

Step 3 Set the parameters of ODU power attributes.

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l Maximum Transmit Power(dBm) is set according to the network plan. This parameter cannot be set
to a value that exceeds the nominal power rang of the ODU in the guaranteed capacity modulation
l The maximum transmit power adjusted by using the ATPC function should not exceed Maximum
Transmit Power(dBm).
l Transmit Power(dBm) is set according to the network plan. This parameter specifies the transmit
power of the ODU. This parameter cannot be set to a value that exceeds the nominal power rang of the
ODU or a value that exceeds Maximum Transmit Power(dBm).
l Power to Be Received(dBm) is used to set the expected receive power of the ODU and is mainly used
in the antenna alignment stage. After this parameter is set, the NE automatically enables the antenna
misalignment indicating function.
l Power to Be Received(dBm) is set according to the network plan. When this parameter takes the
default value, the antenna misalignment indicating function is disabled.
l TX High Threshold(dBm) and TX Low Threshold(dBm) are valid only when the ATPC function is

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.5.6.2 Parameter Description: ODU Interface_Power Attributes

A.6.9.4 Setting ODU Advanced Attributes

ODU advanced attributes define the ODU transmit status.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The IF boards and the ODUs to which the IF boards are connected must be added on the
Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the ODU from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > ODU
Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Advanced Attributes tab.

Step 3 Configure the ODU parameters, such as Configure Transmission Status.

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l RF Loopback function is used for fault locating for the RF interfaces. The RF Loopback function is
used for diagnosis and may affect the services that are transmitted over the interfaces. Hence, exercise
caution before starting this function.
l In normal cases, RF Loopback is set to Non-Loopback.
l In normal cases, Configure Transmission Status is set to unmute.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.5.6.4 Parameter Description: ODU Interface_Advanced Attributes

A.6.9.5 Setting the ODU Transmitter State

The state of an ODU transmitter can be mute or unmute. When the ODU transmitter is in the
unmute state, the ODU transmits and receives microwave signals normally. When the ODU
transmitter is in the mute state, the ODU transmitter does not work, but the ODU can receive
microwave signals.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding IF boards and the ODUs connected to the IF boards must be added to
the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the ODU from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > ODU
Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Advanced Attributes tab.

Step 3 Set Configure Transmission Status for the ODU.


l In normal cases, Configure Transmission Status is set to unmute.

l If Configure Transmission Status is set to mute, the transmitter of the ODU does not work but can
normally receive microwave signals.
l If Configure Transmission Status is set to unmute, the ODU can normally transmit and receive
microwave signals.

Step 4 Click Apply.


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A.6.9.6 Querying the Historical Transmit Power and Receive Power

If the radio link requires troubleshooting, query the change trend for the historical transmit power
and receive power for reference.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding IF boards and the ODUs connected to the IF boards must be added to
the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the ODU from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration >
Performance Graph Analyse from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Specify the start time and end time of a specific time span.

Step 3 Set Monitoring Period and Power.

Step 4 Click Draw. The historical transmit and receive power curve of the ODU in the specified time
span is displayed.


A.7 Configuring Ethernet Services and Features on the

Packet Plane
Configurations of Ethernet services and features on the packet plane include Ethernet port,
protection, service, protocol, and OAM configurations.

A.7.1 Managing ERPS

Ethernet ring protection switching (ERPS) can be configured on the FE/GE ring or Integrated
IP radio ring to protect the Ethernet service.

A.7.1.1 Creating Ethernet Ring Protection Instances

Ethernet ring protection switching (ERPS) is configured by creating Ethernet ring protection

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The Ethernet boards, general-purpose IF boards, or general-purpose XPIC IF boards must
be added to the Slot Layout.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protection > ERPS Management.
Step 2 Click New.
The Create Ethernet Ring Protection Protocol Instance dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Set the parameters for the ERPS protection instance.


l Only one node on the ring can be set as the RPL owner for each Ethernet ring.
l An RPL owner needs to balance the traffic on each link of an Ethernet ring. Therefore, it is not recommended
that you select a convergence node as an RPL owner. Instead, select the NE that is farthest away from the
convergence node as an RPL owner.
l It is recommended that you set the east port on an RPL owner as an RPL Port.
l The ID of a Control VLAN must not be the same as any VLAN ID used by Ethernet services. All ring nodes
should use the same Control VLAN ID.

Step 4 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.2.1 Parameter Description: ERPS Management_Creation

A.7.1.2 Setting the Parameters of Ethernet Ring Protocol

The parameters to be set include the hold-off time, WTR time, and guard time.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The ERPS protection instance must be created.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protection > ERPS Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Optional: Double-click Control VLAN, and then modify the VLAN ID.

Step 3 Optional: Set the parameters of Ethernet ring protocol.


Set the parameters according to the network plan. Default values are recommended.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.6.2.2 Parameter Description: ERPS Management

A.7.1.3 Querying the Status of the Ethernet Ring Protocol

By performing this operation, you can discover the current status of Ethernet ring protection
switching (ERPS).

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protection > ERPS Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click Query.
Step 3 Query the status of the Ethernet ring protocol.


Related References
B.6.2.2 Parameter Description: ERPS Management

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A.7.2 Managing the LAG

Link aggregation allows one or multiple links that are attached to the same equipment to be
aggregated together to form a LAG. The aggregated links can be considered as a single logical
link by the MAC address. In this manner, the bandwidth is increased and the availability of the
links is improved.

A.7.2.1 Creating a LAG

Between two NEs, if the bandwidth and availability of the Ethernet links need to be improved,
the new LAG must be created.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The board on which the LAG port to be created must be added to the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Link Aggregation Group Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Link Aggregation Group Management tab.
Step 3 Click New.
The system displays the Create Link Aggregation Group dialog box.
Step 4 Set the LAG attributes in Attribute Settings.

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l When Automatically Assign is selected, LAG No. cannot be set.

l Revertive Mode can be set only when Load Sharing is set to Non-Sharing.
l When Revertive Mode is set to Revertive Mode, the services are switched back to the former working
channel after this channel is restored to normal.
l Set Load Sharing to the same value as the peer equipment. It is recommended that you set Load
Sharing to Non-Sharing at both ends if the LAGs are used for protection and set Load Sharing to
Sharing at both ends if the LAGs are used for increasing bandwidths.
l System Priority indicates the priority of a LAG. The smaller the value of System Priority, the higher the
l WTR Time(min) takes effect only when Revertive Mode is Revertive Mode.

Step 5 Set the LAG port in Port Settings.

1. Set Main Board and Main Port.
2. In Available Slave Ports, select Board for the slave port.

3. In Port, select the slave port, and then click .


Hold the Ctrl key or the Shift key on the keyboard to select multiple ports.


For a LAG consisting of Native Ethernet ports:

l The Ethernet links in a LAG are considered as one link at the data link layer. Therefore, the Ethernet
port attributes or IF_ETH port attributes of a master port are set to the same as those of a slave port.
l If a port is already configured with Ethernet services, set the port to a master port when a LAG is
l When a LAG is configured, do not set a port that is already configured with services to a slave port.
For a LAG consisting of MPLS ports:
l If LAG protection is configured for the MPLS ports, set Enable Tunnel on the main port to
Enabled, and set Enable Tunnel on the slave port to Disabled.
l If LAG protection is configured for the MPLS ports, set Specify IP Address on the main port to
Manually, and set Specify IP Address on the slave port to Unspecified.

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4. Click OK.
Step 6 Optional: Set Switch LAG upon Air Interface SD to Enabled.
This operation is necessary during LAG configuration at air interfaces if signals on the radio link deteriorate
and LAG switching occurs.


Related References
B.6.2.8 Parameter Description: Ethernet Link Aggregation Management_LAG Creation

A.7.2.2 Setting LAG Parameters

The LAG parameters for a LAG include port priorities and system priorities. In a static LAG,
traffic is always carried by a port with a higher priority.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The board on which the LAG to be created must be added to Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Link Aggregation Group Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Link Aggregation Parameters tab.

Step 3 Set the port priority.


l System Load Sharing Hash Algorithm is valid only when Load Sharing of a LAG is set to Sharing.
l After the configuration data is deployed, System Load Sharing Hash Algorithm takes effect for the entire

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Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.6.2.9 Parameter Description: Ethernet Link Aggregation_Link Aggregation

A.7.2.3 Querying the Protocol Information of the LAG

By performing this operation, you can learn about the running information of the LACP used
for the LAG.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The LAG must be created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Link Aggregation Group Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Link Aggregation Group Management tab.
Step 3 Click Query.
Step 4 In the Main Interface, select the LAG to be queried.
Step 5 Query port status of the main and slave ports.

The system displays the information about the slave port in the lower part of the Main Interface.

Step 6 Right-click on the selected LAG and choose the LAG-specific information from the shortcut

Step 7 Click Close.

Step 8 Click the Link Aggregation Parameters tab.
Step 9 Click Query.
Step 10 Query the port priority of the LAG.


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A.7.3 Configuring Ethernet Services

The Ethernet service is classified into two types, namely, E-Line service and E-LAN service.

A.7.3.1 Configuring the QinQ Link

Configuring the QinQ link is the prerequisite for configuring QinQ private line services.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The Ethernet board must be added on the Slot Layout.
l On associated ports, the Encapsulation Type is set to QinQ.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > QinQ Link from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click New.

Step 3 Configure the basic attributes of the QinQ link.

Step 4 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.1.6 Parameter Description: QinQ Link_Creation

A.7.3.2 Configuring UNI-UNI E-Line Services

This section describes how to create an E-Line service that is transparently transmitted end to
end or is transmitted based on VLANs.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The Ethernet board must be added on the Slot Layout.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-Line Service from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click Create.
The Create E-Line Service dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Set Direction to UNI-UNI.
Step 4 Configure the attributes of the E-Line service.

Step 5 Click Port Attributes.

Step 6 Change the Ethernet port attributes of the source and sink ports. Click Apply Port Attributes.
Step 7 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.1.1 Parameter Description: E-Line Service_Creation

A.7.3.3 Configuring NNI-NNI E-Line Services (Carried by QinQ Links)

This topic describes how to configure QinQ-based E-Line services.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l Ethernet boards have been added on the Slot Layout.
l For ports that carry services, Encapsulation Type has been set to QinQ.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-Line Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Create.

The Create E-Line Service dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Set Direction to NNI-NNI.

Step 4 Set relevant attributes of the E-Line service.

Step 5 Optional: Click New to configure the source and sink ends.
In this manner, you do not need to configure the QinQ links used at the source and sink ends according to the
network planning information ahead of time. But, you need to set Encapsulation Type of ports corresponding
to the QinQ links to QinQ ahead of time.
1. Click New.
2. Set the attributes of the QinQ link at the source end.

3. Click Configure QinQ Link.

4. Repeat Step 5.2 and Step 5.3 to set the attributes of the QinQ link at the sink end.
5. Select Use existing resource.

6. Click to add QinQ links to Source and Sink.

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Step 6 Optional: Select Use existing resource and select created QinQ links as the QinQ links used
at the source and sink ends.
In this manner, you need to configure the QinQ links used at the source and sink ends according to the network
planning information ahead of time.
1. Select Use existing resource.

2. Click to add QinQ links to Source and Sink.

Step 7 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.1.1 Parameter Description: E-Line Service_Creation

A.7.3.4 Configuring UNI-NNI E-Line Services (Carried by QinQ Links)

This topic describes how to configure E-Line services carried by QinQ links.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l Ethernet boards have been added on the Slot Layout.
l For ports that carry services, Encapsulation Type has been set to QinQ.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-Line Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Create.

The Create E-Line Service dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Set Direction to UNI-NNI and set Bearer Type to QinQ Link.

Step 4 Set relevant attributes of the E-Line service.

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Step 5 Click Port Attributes.

Step 6 Change the attributes of the source Ethernet port.

Step 7 Click Apply Port Attributes.

Step 8 Click QinQ Link.

Step 9 Optional: Click New and create the QinQ link used at the sink end.
In this manner, you do not need to configure the QinQ link used at the sink end according to the network planning
information ahead of time. But you need to set Encapsulation Type of ports corresponding to the QinQ links
to QinQ ahead of time.
1. Click New.
2. Set the attributes of the QinQ link at the sink end.

3. Click Configure QinQ Link.

4. Select Use existing resource.

5. Click to add the QinQ link to Sink.

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6. Click Configure QinQ Link.

Step 10 Optional: Select Use existing and select a created QinQ link as the QinQ link used at the sink
In this manner, you need to configure the QinQ link used at the sink end according to the network planning
information ahead of time.
1. Select Use existing resource.

2. Click to add the QinQ link to Sink.

3. Click Configure QinQ Link.

Step 11 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.1.1 Parameter Description: E-Line Service_Creation

A.7.3.5 Configuring UNI-NNI E-Line Services (Carried by PWs)

This section describes how to configure E-Line services carried by PWs.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The Ethernet board is added on the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-Line Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Create.

The Create dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Set Direction to UNI-NNI, Bearer Type to PW, and Protection Type to No Protection for
E-Line services.

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When E-Line services are initially configured, it is recommended that you set Protection Type to No
Protection for the services. After successful service creation, add the APS protection when necessary. For details
on how to add APS protection, see A.9.5.1 Creating a PW APS Protection Group.

Step 4 Set the basic attributes of E-Line services.

Step 5 Click Port Attributes.

Step 6 Change the attributes of the source Ethernet port.

Step 7 Click Apply Port Attributes.

Step 8 Click PW and set the basic attributes of the PW.

Step 9 Click Apply.

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Step 10 Click Advanced Attributes.

The Advanced Attributes dialog box is displayed.

Step 11 Set the advanced attributes of the PW.

Step 12 Click OK.

Step 13 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.1.1 Parameter Description: E-Line Service_Creation

A.7.3.6 Creating a VLAN Forwarding Table for an E-Line Service

A VLAN forwarding table enables VLAN ID swapping at the source or sink end of an E-Line

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l Ethernet boards have been added on the Slot Layout.
l A UNI-UNI E-Line service has been created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-Line Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the E-Line service for which a VLAN forwarding table needs to be configured.

Step 3 Click the VLAN Forwarding Table Item tab.

Step 4 Click New.

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Step 5 Set the attributes for the VLAN forwarding table.

Step 6 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.1.3 Parameter Description: VLAN Forwarding Table Items for E-Line Services_Creation

A.7.3.7 Configuring TPID for a Request VLAN

When a request VLAN is used for E-Line services transmitted by PWs, the TPID in the request
VLAN is defaulted to be 0x88A8. The TPID can be set for an NE.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Instruments and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree, and then choose
Configuration > TPID Configuration from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Set TPID(Hexadecimal) according to planning information.

Step 3 Click Apply.


A.7.3.8 Configuring IEEE 802.1d Bridge-Based E-LAN Services

The E-LAN service refers to Ethernet service dynamic transmission in the multipoint-to-
multipoint mode by means of MAC addresses.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-LAN Service from the Function Tree.

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Step 2 Click Create.

The Create E-LAN Service dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click Configure the source and sink. Set the basic attributes of the E-LAN service according
to the network plan.

Set Tag Type to Tag-Transparent.

Step 4 Configure the ports mounted to the bridge on the UNI side.
1. Click Get UNI Port.
The Get UNI Port dialog box is displayed.
2. Configure the ports mounted to the bridge on the UNI side.
a. Select the port to be mounted to the bridge.

Preset Encapsulation Type of the port to Null.

b. Click to mount the port to the bridge.

3. Click OK.

Step 5 Optional: Create split horizon groups.

The port members that are added to the same split horizon group cannot communicate with each other.
1. Click Set the service parameters and select Split Horizon Group.
2. Click New.
The Create Split Horizon Group dialog box is displayed.

3. Select a required port from Available Port List and click .


Hold the Ctrl key on the key board to select multiple ports.
4. Click OK.

Step 6 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.1.4 Parameter Description: E-LAN Service_Creation

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A.7.3.9 Configuring IEEE 802.1q Bridge-Based E-LAN Services

An IEEE 802.1q bridge is a virtual bridge (VB), which can be divided by VLAN into several
switching domains.

The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-LAN Service from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click Create.
The Create E-LAN Service dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Click Configure the source and sink. Set basic attributes of the E-LAN service as planned.

Set Tag Type to C-Awared.

Step 4 Configure the ports mounted to the bridge on the UNI side.
1. Click Get UNI Port.
The Get UNI Port dialog box is displayed.
2. Configure the ports mounted to the bridge on the UNI side.
a. Select the port to be mounted to the bridge.

Preset Encapsulation Type of the port to 802.1Q.

b. Click to mount the port to the bridge.

c. Set the VLAN ID of the port mounted to the bridge according to the network plan.
3. Click OK.
Step 5 Optional: Create split horizon groups.
The port members that are added to the same split horizon group cannot communicate with each other.

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1. Click Set the service parameters and select Split Horizon Group.
2. Click New.
The Create Split Horizon Group dialog box is displayed.

3. Select a required port from Available Port List and click .


Hold the Ctrl key on the key board to select multiple ports.
4. Click OK.

Step 6 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.1.4 Parameter Description: E-LAN Service_Creation

A.7.3.10 Configuring IEEE 802.1ad Bridge-Based E-LAN Services

An IEEE 802.1ad bridge is a provider bridge (PB), which can be divided by SVLAN into several
switching domains.

The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-LAN Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Create.

The Create E-LAN Service dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click Configure the source and sink. Set parameters of the E-LAN service as planned.

Set Tag Type to S-Awared.

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Step 4 Configure the ports mounted to the bridge on the UNI side.
1. Click Get UNI Port.
The Get UNI Port dialog box is displayed.
2. Configure the ports mounted to the bridge on the UNI side.
a. Select the port to be mounted to the bridge.

Preset Encapsulation Type of the port to 802.1Q.

b. Click to mount the port to the bridge.

c. Set the VLAN ID of the port mounted to the bridge according to the network plan.
3. Click OK.

Step 5 Configure the ports mounted to the bridge on the NNI side.
1. Click Get NNI Port.
The Get NNI Port dialog box is displayed.
2. Configure the ports mounted to the bridge on the NNI side.
3. Click OK.

Step 6 Optional: Create split horizon groups.

The port members that are added to the same split horizon group cannot communicate with each other.
1. Click Set the service parameters and select Split Horizon Group.
2. Click New.
The Create Split Horizon Group dialog box is displayed.

3. Select a required port from Available Port List and click .


Hold the Ctrl key on the key board to select multiple ports.
4. Click OK.

Step 7 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.1.4 Parameter Description: E-LAN Service_Creation

A.7.3.11 Changing Logical Ports Connected to a VB

This section describes how to change the logical ports connected to a VB and the port attributes.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The E-LAN services must be created.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-LAN Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Add or delete logical ports connected to a VB.

1. Click Port Config.
2. Click Get UNI Port and change the port on the UNI side.
3. Click OK.
4. Optional: Click Get NNI Port to change the port on the NNI side.
5. Optional: Click OK.

l Click to add ports to be mounted to the bridge.

l Click to delete ports mounted to the bridge.

l Hold the Ctrl key on the key board to select multiple ports.


A.7.3.12 Deleting an E-Line Service

When an E-Line service is not used, you need to delete the E-Line service to release the resources.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The E-Line service is configured and this service is not used.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-Line Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Query.

Step 3 Select the E-Line service that needs to be deleted and then click Delete.

Step 4 Click Query.

The E-Line service is already deleted.


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A.7.3.13 Deleting E-LAN Services

When an E-LAN service is not required, you can delete this E-LAN service to release the
Ethernet resources.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l A configured E-LAN service is not required.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-LAN Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Query. Close the displayed dialog box.

Step 3 Select the E-LAN service to be deleted and click Delete.

A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Click OK.

Step 5 Click Query.

The E-LAN service is already deleted.


A.7.4 Managing the MAC Address Table

The MAC address table is the core of the E-LAN service. The OptiX RTN 950 provides various
functions for managing the MAC address table.

A.7.4.1 Creating a Static MAC Address Entry

Through the creation of a static MAC address entry, the host with a specified MAC address is
not affected by MAC address aging. In addition, the E-LAN service can be supported by the
host that receives packets only.

l The E-LAN service must be created.
l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-LAN Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 On the main interface, select the E-LAN service whose static MAC address entry needs to be

Step 3 Click the Static MAC Address tab.

Step 4 Click New.

The New Static MAC Address dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Configure the parameters of the static MAC address entry.

Step 6 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.1.5 Parameter Description: E-LAN Service

A.7.4.2 Creating a Blacklist Entry of MAC Addresses

Through the creation of a blacklist entry of MAC addresses, the host with a specified MAC
address can be prohibited from using the E-LAN service.

l The E-LAN service must be created.
l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-LAN Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 On the main interface, select the E-LAN service whose blacklist entry of MAC addresses needs
to be created.

Step 3 Click the Disabled MAC Address tab.

Step 4 Click New.

The New Disabled MAC Address dialog box is displayed.

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Step 5 Configure the blacklist entry of MAC addresses.

Step 6 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.1.5 Parameter Description: E-LAN Service

A.7.4.3 Configuring the Aging Parameters of a MAC Address Table

By default, the aging function of a MAC address table is enabled and the aging time is five
minutes. By configuring the aging parameters of a MAC address table, you can modify such

l The E-LAN service must be created.
l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-LAN Service from the Function Tree.
Step 2 On the main interface, select the E-LAN service whose aging parameters of the MAC address
table need to be configured.
Step 3 Click the MAC Address Learning Parameters tab.
Step 4 Configure the status of the aging function and set the aging time.

Step 5 Click Apply.


Related References
B.6.1.5 Parameter Description: E-LAN Service

A.7.4.4 Querying or Deleting a Dynamic MAC Address

By querying or deleting a dynamic MAC address, you can query or delete all the MAC address
entries that are learned by the E-LAN service.

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l The E-LAN service must be created.
l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-LAN Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 On the main interface, select the E-LAN service whose dynamic MAC address needs to be
queried or cleared.

Step 3 Click the Self-Learning MAC Address tab.

Step 4 Optional: Select the board whose dynamic MAC address needs to be queried and then check
the dynamic MAC addresses in the MAC address table that is displayed.

Step 5 Optional: Click Clear MAC Address to clear the dynamic MAC addresses.


Related References
B.6.1.5 Parameter Description: E-LAN Service

A.7.5 Setting the Mode for Processing an Unknown Frame of the E-

LAN Service
An unknown frame is a unicast frame whose destination MAC address is not listed in the MAC
address table or a multicast frame whose destination MAC address is not listed in the multicast
group. By default, the NE broadcasts the unknown frame. By setting the mode for processing
an unknown frame of the E-LAN service, you can change the processing mode so that unknown
frame can be discarded.

l The E-LAN service must be created.
l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-LAN Service from the Function Tree.

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Step 2 On the main interface, select the E-LAN service, the mode for processing whose unknown frame
needs to be set.
Step 3 Click the Unknown Frame Processing tab.
Step 4 Set the mode for processing an unknown frame of the E-LAN service.

Step 5 Click Apply.


Related References
B.6.1.5 Parameter Description: E-LAN Service

A.7.6 Managing the MSTP

The OptiX RTN 950 supports only the MSTP that generates the CIST.

A.7.6.1 Creating the MSTP Port Group

When the NE needs to run the MSTP protocol together with the user network, the ports on the
NE that are connected to the user network need to be configured as a port group. All the members
in the port group are involved in the spanning tree algorithm of the user network.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The boards where the member ports are located must be added in Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protocol Configuration > MSTP Configuration from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Port Group Parameters tab.
Step 3 Click Create.
Then, the Create Port Group dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Set the attributes of the port group.
1. Set Protocol Type and Enable Protocol.
2. Select the board where the member port is located from the drop-down list of Board under
Apply Port.

3. Select the member port from Available Port List. Then, click .

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To select more than one port at a time, press and hold the Ctrl key or the Shift key when selecting
the ports.

4. Click OK.


Related References
B.6.2.3 Parameter Description: MSTP Configuration_Port Group Creation

A.7.6.2 Setting the Bridge Parameters of the MSTP

This topic describes how to set the bridge parameters and port parameters of the MSTP.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The port group must be created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protocol Configuration > MSTP Configuration from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Bridge Parameters tab.
Step 3 Select the port group ID.
Step 4 Click the Bridge Parameters tab.
Step 5 Set the attributes of the bridge.

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Step 6 Click Apply.

Step 7 Click the Port Parameter tab.
Step 8 Set the parameters of each member of the port group.

Step 9 Click Apply.


Related References
B.6.2.5 Parameter Description: MSTP Configuration_ Bridge Parameters

A.7.6.3 Setting the Parameters of the CIST

This topic describes how to set the CIST parameters, including the bridge priority, port priority,
and path overheads.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The port group must be created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protocol Configuration > MSTP Configuration from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the CIST&MSTI Parameters tab.
Step 3 Select the port group from the drop-down list of Port Group.
Step 4 Set the parameters of the port group.

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Step 5 Click Apply.


Related References
B.6.2.6 Parameter Description: MSTP Configuration_CIST Parameters

A.7.6.4 Querying the CIST Running Information

By querying the CIST running information, you can be familiar with the current information of
the CIST.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The MSTP port group must be created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protocol Configuration > MSTP Configuration from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the CIST Running Information tab.

Step 3 Click Query.

Step 4 Query the CIST running information.


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Related References
B.6.2.7 Parameter Description: MSTP Configuration_Running Information About the CIST

A.7.6.5 Changing the Spanning Tree Protocol Used by the Port Group
When the spanning tree protocol is upgraded (for example, from the STP protocol to the MSTP
protocol) for the equipment that runs the spanning tree together with the local NE, you need to
change the spanning tree protocol used by the port group on the local NE to be the same.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protocol Configuration > MSTP Configuration from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Port Group Parameters tab.

Step 3 Select the target protocol type from the Protocol Type drop-down list of the port group whose
spanning tree protocol needs to be changed.

Step 4 Click Apply.


A.7.6.6 Enabling/Disabling the MSTP Protocol

This topic describes how to enable or disable the MSTP protocol of a port group or members of
the port group.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protocol Configuration > MSTP Configuration from the Function Tree.

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Step 2 Click the Port Group Parameters tab.

Step 3 Select Enabled or Disabled from the Enable Protocol drop-down list of the port group for
which the MSTP protocol needs to be enabled or disabled.

Step 4 Click Apply.

Step 5 Select Enabled or Disabled from the Enable Protocol drop-down list in Port Group to enable
or disable the MSTP protocol of a port.

Step 6 Click Apply.


A.7.6.7 Modifying the Configuration Data of the MSTP Port Group

This topic describes how to modify the configuration data of the MSTP port group.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protocol Configuration > MSTP Configuration from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Port Group Parameters tab.

Step 3 Click Config.

Then, the Config Port Group dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Modify the configuration data of the MSTP port group.

Option Description
If... Then...

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Option Description
A member port needs to be added 1. Select the board where the member ports are located
from the drop-down list of Board.
2. Select the port to be added from Available Port

3. Click .
A member port needs to be deleted 1. Select the port to be deleted from Selected Port

2. Click .


To select more than one port at a time, press and hold the Ctrl key or Shift key when selecting the ports.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.2.4 Parameter Description: MSTP Configuration_Port Group Configuration

A.7.7 Managing the QoS

By managing the QoS, you can provide the services of different levels for different service types.

A.7.7.1 Creating a DS Domain

By creating a DS domain, you can create the mappings relationship of a new DS domain and
configure the ports that use this mapping relationship.

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The board of the Ethernet ports must be added on Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Background Information
The OptiX RTN 950 has a default DS domain, whose Mapping Relation ID is 1 and Mapping
Relation Name is default map.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Diffserv Domain Management > Diffserv Domain Management from the
Function Tree.
Step 2 Click New.
The Create DS Mapping Relation dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 On the main interface, configure the DS domain attributes.

The MPLS EXP value can be modified in the default Diffserv domain (Default Map) only.

Step 4 Click the Ingress Mapping Relation tab.

Step 5 Configure the mapping relationships between the priorities of ingress packets and PHB service
Step 6 Click the Egress Mapping Relation tab.
Step 7 Configure the mapping relationships between the priorities of egress packets and PHB service
Step 8 Select Board where the application ports exist from Application Port.

Step 9 Select a port from Available Port, and then click .


Hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard to select multiple ports.

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l The PHB service class refers to the forwarding behavior of the DS node on the behavior aggregate (BA)
operation. The forwarding behavior can meet the specific requirements.
l The PHB service classes are BE, AF1, AF2, AF3, AF4, EF, CS6, and CS7. The priorities (C_VLAN priority,
S_VLAN priority, DSCP value and MPLS EXP value) contained in the packets of the DS domain and the
eight PHB service classes meet the requirements of the specified or default mapping relationship.

Step 10 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.4.2 Parameter Description: DiffServ Domain Management_Create

A.7.7.2 Modifying the Mapping Relationships for the DS Domain

This section describes how to modify the mapping relationships between packet priorities and
PHB service classes in the ingress or egress direction of a DS domain.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Background Information
The OptiX RTN 950 has a default DS domain, whose Mapping Relation ID is 1 and Mapping
Relation Name is default map.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Diffserv Domain Management > Diffserv Domain Management from the
Function Tree.
Step 2 Select the created DS domain and change its attributes on the main interface.

The MPLS EXP value can be modified in the default Diffserv domain (Default Map) only.

Step 3 Optional: Change the mapping relationship in the ingress direction.

1. Click the Ingress Mapping Relation tab.
2. Double-click the parameters whose values need to be changed and change the mapping
relationship between the packet priorities and PHB classes in the ingress direction.

l The PHB service class refers to the forwarding behavior of the DS node on the behavior aggregate
(BA) operation. The forwarding behavior can meet the specific requirements.
l The PHB service classes are BE, AF1, AF2, AF3, AF4, EF, CS6, and CS7. The priorities (C_VLAN
priority, S_VLAN priority, DSCP value and MPLS EXP value) contained in the packets of the DS
domain and the eight PHB service classes meet the requirements of the specified or default mapping
3. Click Apply.
Step 4 Optional: Change the mapping relationship in the egress direction.
1. Click the Egress Mapping Relation tab.
2. Double-click the parameters whose values need to be changed and change the mapping
relationship between the packet priorities and PHB classes in the egress direction.

l The PHB service class refers to the forwarding behavior of the DS node on the behavior aggregate
(BA) operation. The forwarding behavior can meet the specific requirements.
l The PHB service classes are BE, AF1, AF2, AF3, AF4, EF, CS6, and CS7. The priorities (C_VLAN
priority, S_VLAN priority, DSCP value and MPLS EXP value) contained in the packets of the DS
domain and the eight PHB service classes meet the requirements of the specified or default mapping
3. Click Apply.


Related References
B.6.4.1 Parameter Description: Diffserv Domain Management

A.7.7.3 Changing the Ports Applied to a DS Domain and Their Trusted Packet
This section describes how to add or delete a port that uses the DS domain and set the packet
type over the port.

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The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Background Information
The OptiX RTN 950 has a default DS domain, whose Mapping Relation ID is 1 and Mapping
Relation Name is default map.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Diffserv Domain Management > Diffserv Domain Management from the
Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the DS domain for which you need to add or delete an application port on the main

Step 3 Click the Apply Port tab.

Step 4 Click Modify.

Step 5 Add or delete a port that uses the DS domain.

Option Description
If... Then...
You need to add a port that uses the DS 1. Select the board where the application port is
domain located from the drop-down list of Board.
2. Select the port to be added from the drop-
down list of Available Port.

3. Click .
You need to delete a port that uses the DS 1. Select the board where the application port is
domain located from the drop-down list of Board.
2. Select the port to be deleted from the port list
of Selected Port.

3. Click .
You need to change the packet type Select a new packet type from the drop-down list
identified by the port of Packet Type.


Hold the Ctrl key on the key board to select multiple ports.

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l C-VLAN indicates the client-side VLAN priority, and the value 7 indicates the highest priority.
l S-VLAN indicates the server-side VLAN priority, and the value 7 indicates the highest priority.
l The differentiated services code point (DSCP) refers to bits 0-5 of the differentiated services (DS) field in
the packet and indicates the service class and discarding priority of the packet.
l The packets trusted by the OptiX RTN 950 are the C_VLAN, S_VLAN, IP DSCP and MPLS packets that
contain the C_VLAN priority, S_VLAN priority, DSCP value or MPLS EXP value. By default, the untrusted
packets are mapped to the BE service class for best-effort forwarding.

Step 6 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.4.3 Parameter Description: DiffServ Domain Applied Port_Modification

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A.7.7.4 Creating a Port Policy

By creating a port policy, you can create a scheduling, weight, and shaping of the egress queues.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The board of the Ethernet ports must be added on Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Policy Management > Port Policy from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Create a port policy by adding a port policy on the NMS.
1. Click New. The Create Port Policy dialog box is displayed.
2. Set the ID and name of the port policy.
3. Configure the scheduling, weight, and shaping of the egress queues.

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l The strict priority (SP) scheduling algorithm is designed for the key services. One important
characteristic of the key services is that higher priorities are required to minimize the response delay
in the case of congestion events.
l The weighted round robin (WRR) scheduling algorithm divides each port into multiple output sub-
queues. The polling scheduling is performed among the output sub-queues to ensure that each sub-
queue has a certain period of service time.
l The OptiX RTN 950 supports the setting of the SP+WRR scheduling algorithm of the CoS queue
according to the requirement, and provides one or more queues that comply with the SP algorithm.
Except for the default value, however, the value of the WRR scheduling algorithm and the value of
the SP scheduling algorithm cannot be interleaved. That is, except for the default value, Grooming
Police After Reloading can be changed from SP to WRR according to the queue priorities in a
descending order (CS7-BE).
l Policy Weight(%) specifies the weight of the policy in the WRR queue. The weight indicates the
percentage of the bandwidth resources obtained by the WRR queue.
l Bandwidth Limit indicates or specifies whether traffic shaping is enabled for an egress queue
corresponding to a PHB service class.
l CIR (kbit/s), PIR (kbit/s), CBS (byte), and PBS (byte) can be set only when Bandwidth Limit is
set to Enabled.
4. Click OK.

Step 3 Create a port policy by duplicating an existing port policy.

1. Select a similar port policy and click Copy.
The Duplicate QoS Policy dialog box is displayed.
2. Change the name of the port policy.
3. Click OK.
4. Select the duplicated port policy and change the scheduling, weight, and shaping of the
egress queues.
5. Click Apply.


Related References
B.6.4.5 Parameter Description: Port Policy

A.7.7.5 Modifying the Port Policy

This section describes how to change the parameter values of a created port policy.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The port policy must be created.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Policy Management > Port Policy from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the port policy whose parameter values need to be changed.

Step 3 Double-click the parameters whose values need to be changed and change the queue scheduling,
weight, and queue shaping of the port queues.

l The strict priority (SP) scheduling algorithm is designed for the key services. One important characteristic
of the key services is that higher priorities are required to minimize the response delay in the case of
congestion events.
l The weighted round robin (WRR) scheduling algorithm divides each port into multiple output sub-queues.
The polling scheduling is performed among the output sub-queues to ensure that each sub-queue has a certain
period of service time.
l The OptiX RTN 950 supports the setting of the SP+WRR scheduling algorithm of the CoS queue according
to the requirement, and provides one or more queues that comply with the SP algorithm. Except for the
default value, however, the value of the WRR scheduling algorithm and the value of the SP scheduling
algorithm cannot be interleaved. That is, except for the default value, Grooming Police After Reloading
can be changed from SP to WRR according to the queue priorities in a descending order (CS7-BE).
l Policy Weight(%) specifies the weight of the policy in the WRR queue. The weight indicates the percentage
of the bandwidth resources obtained by the WRR queue.
l Bandwidth Limit indicates or specifies whether traffic shaping is enabled for an egress queue corresponding
to a PHB service class.
l CIR (kbit/s), PIR (kbit/s), CBS (byte), and PBS (byte) can be set only when Bandwidth Limit is set to

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.6.4.4 Parameter Description: Policy Management

A.7.7.6 Creating Traffic

By creating traffic, you can configure ACL, CAR and shaping for a specified traffic stream on
a specified port.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The Ethernet board must be added on the Slot Layout.
l The port policy must be created.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Policy Management > Port Policy from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Traffic Classification Configuration tab.

Step 3 Click New.

The Create Traffic Classification dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set the attributes.


Set the parameters according to the network plan.

Step 5 Click Apply.


Related References
B.6.4.6 Parameter Description: Port Policy_Traffic Classification Configuration

A.7.7.7 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy

This section describes how to set the port that uses the port policy.

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The Ethernet board must be added on the Slot Layout.
l The port policy must be created.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Policy Management > Port Policy from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Applied Object tab.

Step 3 Click Modify.

Then, the Configure Port dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set the port that uses the port policy.

1. Select Board where the port that needs to use the port policy from Applied Port.

2. Select a port from Available Port, and then click .


Hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard to select multiple ports.

3. Click OK.

Step 5 Delete the port that uses the port policy.

1. Select the port to be deleted from Selected Port and click .


Hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard to select multiple ports.

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2. Click OK.

Related References
B.6.4.4 Parameter Description: Policy Management

A.7.7.8 Configuring Port Shaping

This section describes how to configure traffic shaping for an egress port.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The Ethernet board must be created on the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Port Shaping Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click New.
The New dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Set the parameters for port shaping.

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Traffic shaping for an egress queue uses the single token bucket two color marker algorithm. The value of the
CIR must be equal to the value of the PIR. In actual traffic shaping processing, only the PIR is valid.
If the traffic shaping function is enabled, OptiX RTN 950 processes the packets in the buffer queue through the
following methods when no packets are available in the queue.
l When the buffer queue is empty, the packets are processed as follows: If the rate of a packet is equal to or
lower than the PIR, it is directly forwarded; if the rate of a packet is higher than the PIR, it enters the buffer
queue and then is forwarded at a rate equal to the PIR.
l When the buffer queue is empty, certain burst packets can be forwarded if the rate of the packets is equal to
or lower than the PIR in a certain period. The maximum traffic of the burst packets is determined by the
l When the buffer queue is not empty, the packets whose rate passes the restriction of the PIR directly enter
the buffer queue and then are forwarded at a rate equal to the PIR.

Step 4 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.4.7 Parameter Description: Port Shaping Management_Creation

A.7.7.9 Querying the Port Policy

This section describes how to query the port policy of a port.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Policy Management > Port Policy from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the created port policy.

Step 3 Click the CoS Configuration tab.

Step 4 Click Query.

Step 5 Query the CoS configuration of the port policy.

Step 6 Click the Traffic Classification Configuration tab.

Step 7 Click Query.

Step 8 Query the traffic classification of the port policy.

Step 9 Click the Applied Object tab.

Step 10 Click Query.

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Step 11 Query the ports that use the port policy.


Related References
B.6.4.4 Parameter Description: Policy Management

A.7.7.10 Querying the DS Domain of a Port

This topic describes how to query the mapping relationship between a port and a DS domain.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Background Information
The OptiX RTN 950 has a default DS domain, whose Mapping Relation ID is 1 and Mapping
Relation Name is default map. Before another DS domain is created, all the ports belong to this
default DS domain.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Diffserv Domain Management > Diffserv Domain Management from the
Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Ingress Mapping Relation tab.
Step 3 Click Query.
Step 4 Query the attributes of the DS domain and the mapping relationship between the packet priority
level in the ingress direction and the PHB service class.
Step 5 Click the Egress Mapping Relation tab.
Step 6 Click Query.
Step 7 Query the attributes of the DS domain and the mapping relationship between the priority level
of the packets in the egress direction and the PHB service class.
Step 8 Click the Apply Port tab.
Step 9 Click Query.
Step 10 Query the ports that use the DS domain.


Related References
B.6.4.1 Parameter Description: Diffserv Domain Management

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A.7.8 Using the IEEE 802.1ag OAM

By using the 802.1ag OAM, you can maintain Ethernet services in an end-to-end manner.

A.7.8.1 Creating an MD
A maintenance domain (MD) defines the Ethernet OAM range and level. MDs of different ranges
and levels can provide users with differentiated OAM services.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding board must be added on the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Maintenance Association tab.

Step 3 Choose New > New Maintenance Domain.

The system displays the New Maintenance Domain dialog box.

Step 4 Set the MD parameters.


l Maintenance Domain Level specifies the level of the maintenance domain.

l The values 0 to 7 indicates maintenance domain levels in an ascending order.
l MEPs transparently transmit OAM protocol packets if the packets have a higher level than the
parameter value.
l MEPs discard OAM protocol packets if the packets have a lower level than the parameter value.
l MEPs respond to or terminate OAM protocol packets based on the packet type if the packets have the
same level as the parameter value.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.3.1 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_Maintenance Domain

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A.7.8.2 Creating an MA
An MD can be divided into several independent maintenance associations (MAs). By creating
MAs, you can associate specific Ethernet services with MAs. This facilitates Ethernet OAM

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The MD must be created.
l The Ethernet service must be created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Maintenance Association tab.

Step 3 Select the maintenance domain in which a maintenance association needs to be created. Choose
New > New Maintenance Association.
The system displays the New Maintenance Association dialog box.

Step 4 Set the MA parameters.


Click in Relevant Service. Select the corresponding services in the displayed dialog box.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.3.2 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_Maintenance Association

A.7.8.3 Creating MEPs

MEPs initiate or terminate Ethernet OAM packets. After creating MEPs, you can check the
Ethernet link between MEPs in the same MA by performing OAM operations.

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The MA must be created.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Maintenance Association tab.

Step 3 Select the maintenance association in which an MEP needs to be created. Choose New > New
MEP Point.
The system displays the New MEP Point dialog box.

Step 4 Set the MEP parameters.


l Each MEP needs to be configured with an MP ID, which is unique in the maintenance association.
The MP ID is required in the OAM operation.
l Direction specifies the direction of the MEP.
l Ingress indicates the direction in which the packets are transmitted to the port, and Egress indicates
the direction in which the packets are transmitted from the port.
l In the case of the tests based on the MP IDs, CC Status must be set to Active.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.3.3 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_MEP Creation

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A.7.8.4 Creating Remote MEPs in an MA

To ensure that an MEP can respond to the OAM operations initiated by the other MEPs in the
same MA, you need to set the other MEPs to become remote MEPs of this MEP.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The MA must be created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Background Information
PORT 10 on the EFP8 board does not support this operation.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Maintenance Association tab.
Step 3 Choose OAM > Manage Remote MEP Point. The Manage Remote MEP Point dialog box
is displayed.
Step 4 Click New.
The Add Maintenance Association Remote Maintenance Point dialog box is displayed.
Step 5 Set the parameters of the new remote MEP.


If other MEPs will initiate OAM operations to an MEP in the same MA, set these MEPs as remote MEPs.

Step 6 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.3.4 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_Remote MEP Creation

A.7.8.5 Creating MIPs

The maintenance association intermediate points (MIPs) can respond to specific OAM packets.
By creating MIPs, you can divide the Ethernet link between the MEPs in the same MA into
several segments, therefore facilitating the detection of the Ethernet link.

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The MA must be created.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the MIP Point tab.

Step 3 Select the maintenance domain in which an MIP needs to be created, and then click New.
The New MIP Maintenance Point dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set the parameters of the new MIP.


l Each MIP needs to be configured with an MP ID, which is unique in the maintenance domain. The
MP ID is required in the OAM operation.
l To create MEPs and MIPs in a service at a port, ensure that only one MIP can be created and the level
of the MIP must be higher than the level of the MEP.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.6.3.5 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_MIP Creation

A.7.8.6 Performing a CC Test

After the continuity check (CC) test, the unidirectional link status can be checked automatically
and periodically. If the link is fault after the CC test is started at the source end, the sink equipment
reports the corresponding alarm.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The MEP must be created.
l The remote MEPs must be created.

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Background Information
l Only the MEP can enable the CC test and function as the receiving and responding end in
the test.
l During the CC check, the source MEP constructs and transmits continuity check message
(CCM) packets periodically. After receiving the CCM packets from the source MEP, the
sink MEP directly enables the CC function for this source MEP. If the sink MEP fails to
receive the CCM packets from the source MEP within the check period (that is, 3.5 times
of the transmit period), it reports the alarm automatically.
l Performing a CC test does not affect the services.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Maintenance Association tab.
Step 3 Select the MEP where you need to perform the CC test and then choose OAM > Activate

l Before the CC test, you can set CC Test Transmit Period according to the actual requirements.
l To disable a CC test, select the MEP where the CC test is performed and then choose OAM >


A.7.8.7 Performing an LB Test

During a loopback (LB) test, you can check the bidirectional connectivity between the source
MEP and any MEP in the same maintenance association (MA).

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The source and sink MEPs in the same maintenance domain must be created.
l The remote MEPs must be created.
l The CC function must be enabled.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Background Information
l Only MEPs can initiate the LB test and function as the receive end in the test.
l During the LB test, the source MEP constructs and transmits the LBM frames and starts
the timer. If the sink MP receives the LBM frames, it sends the LBR frames back to the

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source MEP. This indicates that the loopback is successful. If the source MEP timer times
out, it indicates that the loopback fails.
l Performing an LB test does not affect the services.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Maintenance Association tab.

Step 3 Select the maintenance domain and maintenance association for the LB test.

Step 4 Choose OAM > Start LB.

The LB Test dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Select the method for identifying the destination MP and set the parameters involved in the LB

l To identify the destination MP according to the MP ID, select MP ID. Only the MEP ID can be set
to the Destination Maintenance Point ID.
l To identify the destination MP according to the MAC address, select Maintenance Point MAC
Address. Only the MAC address of the MEP can be set to the MAC address of the Destination
Maintenance Point MAC Address.

Step 6 Click Start Test. Then, the LB test result is displayed in the Detection Result window.


Related References
B.6.3.6 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_LB Enabling

A.7.8.8 Performing an LT Test

Based on the LB test, the link trace (LT) test further improves the capability to locate faults.
That is, the faulty network segment can be located according to the MIP through only one test.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The source and sink MEPs in the same MD must be created.
l The remote MEPs must be created.
l The CC function must be enabled.

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Background Information
l Only MEPs can initiate the LT test and work as the termination point in the test.
l During the LT test, the source MEP constructs and transmits the LTM frames and starts
the timer. All the MPs that receive the LTM frames send the LTR frame response.
According to the LTR frame response, you can verify all the MIPs that pass from the source
MEP to the sink MEP.
l Performing an LT test does not affect services.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Maintenance Association tab.
Step 3 Select the maintenance domain and maintenance association for the LT test.
Step 4 Choose OAM > Start LT.
The LT Test dialog box is displayed.
Step 5 Select the method for identifying the destination MP and set the parameters involved in the LT

l To identify the destination MP according to the MP ID, select MP ID. Only the MEP ID can be set
to the Destination Maintenance Point ID.
l To identify the destination MP according to the MAC address, select Maintenance Point MAC
Address. Only the MAC address of the MEP can be set to the MAC address of the Destination
Maintenance Point MAC Address.

Step 6 Click Start Test. Then, the LT test result is displayed in the Detection Result window.


Related References
B.6.3.7 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_LT Enabling

A.7.8.9 Activating the AIS

After a fault is detected by an MP, if this MP activates the AIS, it sends the AIS packet to a
higher level MP so that the higher level MP is informed of the fault information.

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The source and sink MEPs in the same MD must be created.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Maintenance Association tab.

Step 3 Select the MD and MA where the MEP is located.

Step 4 Select the node to be monitored. Double-click or right-click AIS Active Status and then select
Active or Inactive.

Step 5 Click Apply.


A.7.9 Using the IEEE 802.3ah OAM

By using the IEEE 802.3ah OAM, you can maintain the point-to-point Ethernet links.

A.7.9.1 Enabling the OAM Auto-Discovery Function

The IEEE 802.3ah OAM is realized based on the OAM auto-discovery. After the OAM auto-
discovery succeeds, the equipment automatically monitors the fault and performance of the link.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Background Information
The OAM auto-discovery is realized based on the auto-negotiation between the local equipment
and the opposite equipment. If the negotiation fails, the local equipment reports an alarm. After
OAM auto-discovery is successfully completed, the link performance is monitored according
to the error frame threshold. You can set the error frame threshold on the NMS.


PORT 10 on the EFP8 board does not support this operation.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Port OAM from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the OAM Parameter tab.
Step 3 Select the port, and set OAM Working Mode.

l The OAM mode includes the active mode and the passive mode. For two interconnected systems, the
OAM mode of either or both systems must be the active mode. Otherwise, the OAM auto-discovery
l If both ends of a link are in passive OAM mode, a link fault occurs, or either end of a link does not
receive OAM protocol packets within 5 seconds, an alarm is reported, indicating that OAM auto-
discovery fails.

Step 4 Set Enable OAM Protocol to Enabled.

Step 5 Click Apply.

Step 6 Click the Remote OAM Parameter tab. Click Query to obtain the OAM capability of the
opposite end.


Related References
B.6.3.8 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port OAM Management_OAM Parameter

A.7.9.2 Enabling the Remote Alarm Support for Link Event

After the link event notification is enabled on the local equipment, the opposite equipment is
informed if the OAM detects a link fault or an link performance event.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The OAM auto-discovery operation must successful on the equipment at both ends.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Port OAM from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the OAM Parameter tab.

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Step 3 Select the corresponding port and set Remote Alarm Support for Link Event to Enabled.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.6.3.8 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port OAM Management_OAM Parameter

A.7.9.3 Modifying the OAM Error Frame Monitoring Threshold

The threshold for the OAM error frame monitoring is a standard for the OAM to detect the link
performance. Generally, the default value is used. You can modify the value according to the
situation of the link.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The IEEE 802.3ah OAM function must be enabled on the remote equipment and the OAM
auto-discovery operation must be successful on the equipment at both ends.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Background Information
After the OAM auto-discovery operation is successful, the remote link event notification
function is enabled and the monitoring time and errored frame threshold are set at the local end.
If the local equipment detects a link event in the receive direction, it informs the opposite
equipment of the link event. If the remote alarm for the link event is also supported at the opposite
end, the opposite equipment can also inform the local equipment of the link event that is detected
at the opposite end. Then, the corresponding alarm is reported at the local end.


PORT 10 on the EFP8 board does not support this operation.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Port OAM from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the OAM Error Frame Monitor tab.

Step 3 Select the port and set the parameters in the OAM Error Frame Monitor tab page.

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An alarm is reported if the number of errored frame events within Monitor Window or Period Window
exceeds the specified monitoring threshold.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.6.3.9 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port OAM Management_OAM Error Frame

A.7.9.4 Performing Remote Loopbacks

After the Ethernet port on the local equipment sends data to the port on the interconnected
equipment, the local end can request the opposite end to return the data.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The OAM auto-discovery operation must be successful at both ends of the link.
l On the equipment that initiates the loopback, OAM Working Mode must be set to
l The equipment that responds to the loopback must support the remote loopback.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Background Information
l If a port is capable of responding to loopbacks, it enters the loopback responding state and
reports the loopback responding alarm after receiving the command of enabling the remote
loopback function sent from the opposite OAM port. In this case, the equipment that
initiates the loopback enters the loopback initiation state and reports the loopback initiation
l Generally, after the remote loopback function is enabled, service packets, except the
OAMPDU, are looped back at the remote end.
l After using the remote loopback function to complete the fault locating and the link
performance detection, you need to disable the remote loopback function at the end where
the loopback is initiated and then restore the services. The alarm is automatically cleared.

PORT 10 on the EFP8 board does not support this operation.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Port OAM from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the OAM Parameter tab.
Step 3 Select the port and set Remote Side Loopback Response to Enabled.

Step 4 Click Apply.

Step 5 Choose Enable Remote Loopback from the drop-down menu of OAM.


To release remote loopbacks, select Disable Remote Loopback.


A.7.9.5 Enabling Self-Loop Detection

After enabling the self-loop detection on an Ethernet port, you can check the loopback of the
port and the loopback between the port and other Ethernet ports on the board.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The required board is already added on the Slot Layout.
l All the external physical ports on the Ethernet service processing board must be enabled.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Advanced Attributes tab.
Step 3 Set Loopback Check to Enabled.
Step 4 Click Apply.


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A.7.10 LPT Configuration

When you use LPT function, you need to configure the relationship between LPT ports and the
related information of LPT ports.

A.7.10.1 Configuring Point-to-Point LPT Traversing an L2 Network

When you configure point-to-point LPT traversing an L2 network, it is unnecessary to bind LPT
with Ethernet services.

l The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.
l L2 services are configured.
L2 services include UNI-UNI E-Line services and UNI-UNI E-LAN services transmitted in a point-to-point

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > LPT
Management > LPT from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Point-to-Point LPT tab.

Step 3 Click Bind in the lower right corner of the pane based on the type of service network.

Step 4 Choose L2 net from the shortcut menu.

The Bind L2 net dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Set the parameters of the primary and secondary points of LPT.

Step 6 Click OK.

Step 7 Optional: Reset Recovery Time(s), Hold-Off Time(ms), and Fault Detection Period

Step 8 Set LPT Enabled to Enabled. Then, click Apply.


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Related References
B.6.2.11 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Creating Point-to-Point LPT
B.6.2.10 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Point-to-Point LPT

A.7.10.2 Configuring Point-to-Point LPT Traversing a PSN or QinQ Network

When you configure point-to-point LPT traversing a PSN or QinQ network, it is necessary to
bind LPT with services.

l The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.
l QinQ services exclusively occupying UNI ports have been configured.
l E-Line services carried by PWs exclusively occupying UNI ports have been configured.

l For the service models of QinQ services exclusively occupying UNI ports, see Model 1 and Model 2 in
QinQ-Based E-Line Services.
l For the service models of E-Line services carried by PWs exclusively occupying UNI ports, see Model 3 in
PW-Carried E-Line Services.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > LPT
Management > LPT from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Point-to-Point LPT tab.

Step 3 Select PW or QinQ services that require the LPT function.

Step 4 Click Bind in the lower right corner of the pane. Then, choose PW+QinQ from the shortcut

Step 5 Optional: Reset Recovery Time(s), Hold-Off Time(ms), and Fault Detection Period

Step 6 Set LPT Enabled to Enabled. Then, click Apply.


Related References
B.6.2.10 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Point-to-Point LPT

A.7.10.3 Configuring Point-to-Multipoint LPT

When you configure point-to-multipoint LPT, it is necessary to configure the primary and
secondary points.

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l The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.
l At least one of the following services has been configured.
– L2 services
– QinQ services sharing UNI ports
– E-Line services carried by PWs sharing UNI ports

l L2 services include UNI-UNI E-Line services and UNI-UNI E-LAN services transmitted in a point-to-
multipoint manner.
l For the service models of QinQ services sharing UNI ports, see Model 3 in QinQ-Based E-Line Services.
l For the service models of E-Line services carried by PWs sharing UNI ports, see Model 1 and Model 2 in
PW-Carried E-Line Services.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > LPT
Management > LPT from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Point-to-Multipoint LPT tab.
Step 3 Click New in the lower right corner of the pane based on the type of service network.
Step 4 Choose PW, QinQ, or L2 net from the shortcut menu based on the type of service network.
The Create LPT dialog box is displayed.
Step 5 Set the parameters of the primary and secondary points of LPT.
Step 6 Click OK.
Step 7 Optional: Reset Recovery Time(s), Hold-Off Time(ms), and Fault Detection Period
Step 8 Set LPT Enabled to Enabled. Then, click Apply.


Related References
B.6.2.13 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Creating Point-to-Multipoint LPT
B.6.2.12 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Point-to-Multipoint LPT

A.7.10.4 Configuring Simple LPT

If a hybrid radio link is faulty, the Ethernet port related to the hybrid radio link is automatically
disabled through the LPT function.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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l The corresponding board must be added to the Slot Layout.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > LPT
Management > Simple LPT from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click New.
The Create LPT dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Configure the board and port of the Convergence Point.

Step 4 Set Access Point.
1. In the Board list, select the board of the access point.

2. In Port, select the required port, and then click .

Step 5 Click OK.


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A.8 Configuring Ethernet Services and Features on the

EoPDH Plane
Configurations of Ethernet services and features on the EoPDH plane include relevant Ethernet
port configuration, protection configuration, service configuration, protocol configuration, and
OAM configuration.

A.8.1 Managing LAGs

Link aggregation enables one or multiple links that are connected to the same equipment to be
aggregated into a LAG. The aggregated links are considered as a single logical link at the MAC
layer. In this manner, bandwidth and availability of radio links are improved.

A.8.1.1 Creating a LAG

To improve bandwidth and availability of Ethernet links between two NEs, you need to create
the corresponding LAG.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board where the LAG ports are located must be added in the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Interface Management > Ethernet Link Aggregation Management from the
Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Link Aggregation Group Management tab.
Step 3 Click New.
The Create Link Aggregation Group dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 In Attributes Settings, set the parameters of the LAG.

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Step 5 In Port Settings, set the LAG ports.

1. Set Main Port.

2. Select a slave port from Available Standby Ports and then click .

To select more than one port at a time, press and hold the Ctrl or Shift key when selecting the ports.

Step 6 Click OK.

A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Step 7 Click OK.


Related References
B.7.2.10 Parameter Description: Ethernet Link Aggregation_Creation of LAGs

A.8.1.2 Setting Parameters for LAGs

The parameters for a LAG include port priorities and system priorities. In a static LAG that uses
the static aggregation mode, a port with a higher priority is always selected for transmitting

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board where the LAG ports are located must be added in the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Interface Management > Ethernet Link Aggregation Management from the
Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Link Aggregation Parameters tab.

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Step 3 Set the parameters associated with the system priority and port priority.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.7.2.11 Parameter Description: Ethernet Link Aggregation_Link Aggregation

A.8.1.3 Querying the Protocol Information of LAGs

This section describes how to learn about the running information of the LACP protocol used
by LAGs.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board where the LAG ports are located must be added in the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Interface Management > Ethernet Link Aggregation Management from the
Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Link Aggregation Group Management tab.

Step 3 In the main interface, select the LAG to be queried.

Step 4 Click Query to check the working status of the main and slave ports in the LAG.

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The system automatically displays the working status of the slave port at the bottom of the main interface.

Step 5 Right-click the LAG and select an option from the drop-down list. A dialog box is displayed,
indicating the query result.

Step 6 Click Close.

Step 7 Click the Link Aggregation Parameters tab.

Step 8 Click Query to check the parameters associated with the port priority and system priority.


A.8.2 Configuring Ethernet Services

The EFP8 board supports EPL, EVPL, EPLAN, and EPVLAN services.

A.8.2.1 Creating Ethernet Private Line Services

This section describes how to create EPL services and VLAN-based EVPL services.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


For the method of creating QinQ-based Ethernet private line services, see A.8.2.5 Creating
QinQ-Based EVPL Services.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Service > Ethernet Line Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Deselect Display QinQ Shared Service.

Step 3 Click New.

The Create Ethernet Line Service dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set the attributes of the Ethernet private line service.

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Step 5 Set the port attributes.


The result of setting the port attributes during the Ethernet private line service configuration process is the same
as the result of directly setting the Ethernet service port attributes.

Step 6 Optional: Set the bound path.

1. Click Configuration.
The Bound Path Configuration dialog box is displayed. Set the attributes of the bound

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2. In Configurable Ports, select a VCTRUNK as the configurable port.

3. In Available Bound Paths, set Direction of the bound path.
4. Select required items in Available Resources and Available Timeslots and click

5. Optional: Repeat Step 6.4 to bind other VC paths.
6. Click OK.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
7. Click OK.

The result of configuring the attributes of bound paths during service configuration is consistent with the result
of directly setting the attributes of VCTRUNKs.

Step 7 Click OK.


Related References
B.7.1.1 Parameter Description: Ethernet Line Service_Creation

A.8.2.2 Creating Ethernet LAN Services

This section describes how to create IEEE 802.1d bridge-based EPLAN services and IEEE
802.1q bridge-based EVPLAN services.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


For the method of creating the IEEE 802.1ad bridge, see A.8.2.6 Creating IEEE 802.1ad
Bridge-Based EVPLAN Services.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Service > Ethernet LAN Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click New.

The Create Ethernet LAN Service dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Set the attributes of the bridge according to the bridge type.
l Set the attributes of the IEEE 802.1q bridge.

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l Set the attributes of the IEEE 802.1d bridge.

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Step 4 Set the ports to be connected to the bridge.

1. Click Configure Mount.
The Service Mount Configuration dialog box is displayed.
2. Select a port from the ports listed in Available Mounted Ports, and then click

3. Optional: Repeat Step 4.2 to mount other ports.

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4. Click OK.
Step 5 Optional: Set the bound path.
1. Click Configuration.
The Bound Path Configuration dialog box is displayed. Set the attributes of the bound

2. In Configurable Ports, select a VCTRUNK as the configurable port.

3. In Available Bound Paths, set Direction of the bound path.
4. Select required items in Available Resources and Available Timeslots and click

5. Optional: Repeat Step 5.4 to bind other VC paths.

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6. Click OK.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
7. Click OK.

The result of configuring the attributes of bound paths during service configuration is consistent with the result
of directly setting the attributes of VCTRUNKs.

Step 6 Click OK.


Related References
B.7.1.4 Parameter Description: Ethernet LAN Service_Creation of Ethernet LAN Services
Based on IEEE 802.1d/802.1q Bridge

A.8.2.3 Changing the Ports Connected to a VB

This section describes how to change the ports connected to a VB, the enabling status of the
ports, and Hub/Spoke attribute of the ports.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l Ethernet LAN services must be created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Service > Ethernet LAN Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the VB that is already created, and click the Service Mount tab.

Step 3 Change the ports connected to the VB.

1. To delete a mounted port, double-click the port under Mount Port and select
Unconnected from the drop-down list.
2. To add a mounted port, double-click the cell without any port under Mount Port and select
the port to be connected to the VB.

Step 4 To change any parameter value of a mounted port, double-click the parameter value and specify
a new value.

Step 5 Click Apply.


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A.8.2.4 Creating the VLAN Filtering Table

To create an Ethernet LAN service in IVL learning mode, you need to create the VLAN filtering
table for the VB.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The IEEE 802.1q/802.1ad bridge-based Ethernet LAN services must be created.
l In the case of IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based Ethernet LAN services, the learning mode of the
VB must be IVL.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Service > Ethernet LAN Service from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Select an IEEE 802.1q or 802.1ad bridge and click the VLAN Filtering tab.
Step 3 Create the VLAN filtering table.
1. Click New.
The Create VLAN dialog box is displayed.
2. Set VLAN ID(e.g:1,3-6).
3. Select a port from the ports listed in Available forwarding ports, and then click

4. Optional: Repeat Step 3.3 to select other forwarding ports.

5. Click OK.


Related References
B.7.1.7 Parameter Description: VLAN Filtering Table_Creation

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A.8.2.5 Creating QinQ-Based EVPL Services

When creating a QinQ-based EVPL service, you need to set service information such as the
service source, service sink, and QinQ type.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board, and choose Configuration > Ethernet Service >
Ethernet Line Service from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Select Display QinQ Shared Service.
Step 3 Click New.
The Create Ethernet Line Service dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Set the attributes of the QinQ-based EVPL service.

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Step 5 Optional: Set the port attributes.


The result of setting the port attributes during the Ethernet private line service configuration process is the same
as the result of directly setting the Ethernet service port attributes.

Step 6 Optional: Set the bound path.

1. Click Configuration.
The Bound Path Configuration dialog box is displayed. Set the attributes of the bound

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2. In Configurable Ports, select a VCTRUNK as the configurable port.

3. In Available Bound Paths, set Direction of the bound path.
4. Select required items in Available Resources and Available Timeslots and click

5. Optional: Repeat Step 6.4 to bind other VC paths.
6. Click OK.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
7. Click OK.

The result of configuring the attributes of bound paths during service configuration is consistent with the result
of directly setting the attributes of VCTRUNKs.

Step 7 Click OK.


Related References
B.7.1.2 Parameter Description: Ethernet Line Service_Creating QinQ-Based Ethernet Line

A.8.2.6 Creating IEEE 802.1ad Bridge-Based EVPLAN Services

To create EVPLAN services that are based on the IEEE 802.1ad bridge, you need to set relevant
service information, including the attributes of the bridge and the ports that are connected to the

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Service > Ethernet LAN Service from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click New.
The Create Ethernet LAN Service dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Set the basic attributes of the IEEE 802.1ad bridge.

Step 4 Set service mounting relationships.

1. Click Configure Mount.
The Service Mount Configuration dialog box is displayed.
2. Set the parameters for configuring mounted services.
3. Click Add Mount Port.

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4. Repeat Step 4.2 and Step 4.3 to add the other mounted ports.
5. Click OK.
6. Optional: You can change the Ethernet port attributes of the mounted ports in the Service
Mount window.

Step 5 Optional: Set the bound path.

1. Click Configuration.
The Bound Path Configuration dialog box is displayed. Set the attributes of the bound

2. In Configurable Ports, select a VCTRUNK as the configurable port.

3. In Available Bound Paths, set Direction of the bound path.

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4. Select required items in Available Resources and Available Timeslots and click

5. Optional: Repeat Step 5.4 to bind other VC paths.
6. Click OK.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
7. Click OK.

The result of configuring the attributes of bound paths during service configuration is consistent with the result
of directly setting the attributes of VCTRUNKs.

Step 6 Click OK.


Related References
B.7.1.5 Parameter Description: Ethernet LAN Service_Creating IEEE 802.1ad Bridge-Based
Ethernet LAN Service

A.8.2.7 Deleting an Ethernet Private Line Service

When an Ethernet private line service is not used, you need to delete the Ethernet private line
service to release the corresponding resources.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The Ethernet private line service must be configured and the service is not used.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Service > Ethernet Line Service from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click Query.
Step 3 Select the Ethernet private line service that needs to be deleted and then click Delete.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Click OK.
Step 5 Click Query. At this time, the Ethernet private line service is already deleted.


A.8.2.8 Deleting an Ethernet LAN Service

When an Ethernet LAN service is not used, you need to delete the Ethernet LAN service to
release the corresponding resources.

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The Ethernet LAN services must be configured and the service is not used.

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Background Information
Deleting an Ethernet LAN service involves the following tasks:
1. Deleting the VLAN filtering table
2. Deleting the service mounting configuration

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Service > Ethernet LAN Service from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click Query.
Step 3 Click the VLAN Filtering tab.
Step 4 Select the VLAN filtering entries that need to be deleted. Then, click Delete.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Step 5 Click OK.
Step 6 Click the Service Mount tab.
Step 7 Select the Ethernet LAN service to be deleted and click Delete.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Step 8 Click OK.
Step 9 Click Query. At this time, the Ethernet LAN service is already deleted.


A.8.3 Managing the MAC Address Table

The MAC address table is the core of the Ethernet LAN service. The EFP8 board provides
various functions for managing the MAC address table.

A.8.3.1 Creating a Static MAC Address Entry

By performing this operation, you can ensure that the hosts with specific MAC addresses are
not affected after the MAC addresses are aged and that Ethernet LAN services are also applicable
to the hosts only receiving and not transmitting packets.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.

l The Ethernet LAN services must be created.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Service > Ethernet LAN Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the bridge that is already created, and click the VLAN Unicast tab.

Step 3 Click New.

The Create VLAN Unicast dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set the parameters of the unicast entries.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.7.1.6 Parameter Description: Ethernet LAN Service

A.8.3.2 Creating a Blacklist Entry of a MAC Address

By performing this operation, you can ensure that the hosts with specific MAC addresses cannot
use Ethernet LAN services.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The Ethernet LAN services must be created.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Service > Ethernet LAN Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the created bridge and click the Disable MAC Address tab.

Step 3 Click New.

The Disable MAC Address Creation dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set the parameters of the disabled MAC address entries.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.7.1.6 Parameter Description: Ethernet LAN Service

A.8.3.3 Setting the Aging Time of a MAC Address Table Entry

The aging time of a MAC address table is five minutes by default.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The Ethernet LAN services must be created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board, and choose Configuration > Layer-2 Switching
Management > Aging Time from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Modify the aging time of the MAC address table entry.
1. Double-click MAC Address Aging Time corresponding to the EFP8 board.
The MAC Address Aging Time dialog box is displayed.
2. Set the duration and unit of the aging time.

3. Click OK.

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Step 3 Click Apply.


Related References
B.7.1.8 Parameter Description: Aging Time of MAC Address Table Entries

A.8.3.4 Querying or Deleting a Dynamic MAC Address

This section describes how to query and delete self-learnt MAC addresses of Ethernet LAN

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The Ethernet LAN services must be created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Service > Ethernet LAN Service from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Select the created bridge and click the Self-learning MAC Address tab.
Step 3 Click First Page, Previous, or Next to view the dynamic entries of a MAC address table page
by page.
Step 4 Optional: Select a MAC address to be deleted, and then click Clear MAC address.


Related References
B.7.1.6 Parameter Description: Ethernet LAN Service

A.8.3.5 Querying the Actual Capacity of a MAC Address Table

This section describes how to query the actual capacity of a MAC address table.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The Ethernet LAN services must be created.

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l In the case of EVPLAN services, you can query the capacity of a MAC address table where
MAC addresses are queried based on VLAN IDs and the capacity of a MAC address table
where MAC addresses are queried based on VB logical ports.
l In the case of EPLAN services, you can query the capacity of a MAC address table where
MAC addresses are queried based on VB logical ports.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Service > Ethernet LAN Service from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Select a created bridge.
Step 3 Query the actual number of dynamically learnt MAC addresses based on the VLAN IDs.
1. Click the VLAN MAC Address Table Capacity tab.
2. Click Query. Check the actual capacity of the MAC address table.
Step 4 Query the actual number of dynamically learnt MAC addresses based on the VB ports.
1. Click the VB Port MAC Address Table Capacity tab.
2. Click Query. Check the actual capacity of the MAC address table.


Related References
B.7.1.6 Parameter Description: Ethernet LAN Service

A.8.4 Configuring Ethernet Ports

The EFP8 board supports external ports and internal ports.

A.8.4.1 Configuring External Ethernet Ports

When an NE uses external ports on the EFP8 board to support access of Ethernet services, you
need to set the attributes of the external ports so that external ports can work with the data
communication equipment on the client side and therefore support normal access of Ethernet

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Ethernet ports FE1 to FE8 on an EFP8 board correspond to PORT1 to PORT8 respectively.
PORT9 on an EFP8 board is used to connect the EoPDH plane to the packet plane. PORT9 is

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provided by the Ethernet switching unit of an EFP8 board and is connected to the EoPDH plane.
PORT9 forwards Ethernet services from the packet plane to FE ports or VCTRUNKs on an
EFP8 board.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board and then choose Configuration > Ethernet Interface
Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select External Port.

Step 3 Set the basic attributes of the port.

1. Click the Basic Attributes tab.
2. Set the basic attributes of the port.

3. Click Apply.

Step 4 Set the flow control mode of the port.

1. Click the Flow Control tab.
2. Set the flow control mode of the port.

3. Click Apply.

Step 5 Set the TAG attribute of the port.

1. Click the TAG Attributes tab.
2. Set the TAG attribute of the port.

3. Click Apply.

Step 6 Set the network attributes of the port.

1. Click the Network Attributes tab.
2. Set the network attributes of the port.

3. Click Apply.

Step 7 Set the advanced attributes of the port.

1. Click the Advanced Attributes tab.
2. Set the advanced attributes of the port.

3. Click Apply.


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Related References
B.7.5.1 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port_External Port

A.8.4.2 Configuring VCTRUNKs on an Ethernet Board

When an NE transmits Ethernet services to a line through an internal port (that is, VCTRUNK)
on an Ethernet board, you need to set the attributes of the VCTRUNK so that the Ethernet board
works with the Ethernet board at the opposite end to implement transmission of the Ethernet
services on the network.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


The EFP8 board supports VCTRUNKs 1-16. VCTRUNKs 1-16 determine the services to be
transmitted depending on information about the created Ethernet services.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board and then choose Configuration > Ethernet Interface
Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select Internal Port.

Step 3 Optional: Set the TAG attribute of the VCTRUNK.

1. Click the TAG Attributes tab.
2. Set the TAG attribute of the VCTRUNK.

3. Click Apply.

Step 4 Set the encapsulation and mapping protocol used by the VCTRUNK.
1. Click the Encapsulation/Mapping tab.
2. Set Mapping Protocol and the protocol parameters.

3. Click Apply.

Step 5 Optional: Set the network attributes of the VCTRUNK.

1. Click the Network Attributes tab.
2. Set the network attributes of the VCTRUNK.

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3. Click Apply.

Step 6 Configure the LCAS function for the port.

1. Click the LCAS tab.
2. Set the Enabling LCAS parameter and other LCAS parameters.

3. Click Apply.

Step 7 Click Bound Path.

Step 8 Optional: Set the bound path.

1. Click Configuration.
The Bound Path Configuration dialog box is displayed. Set the attributes of the bound

2. In Configurable Ports, select a VCTRUNK as the configurable port.

3. In Available Bound Paths, set Direction of the bound path.
4. Select required items in Available Resources and Available Timeslots and click

5. Optional: Repeat Step 8.4 to bind other VC paths.
6. Click OK.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
7. Click OK.

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The result of configuring the attributes of bound paths during service configuration is consistent with the result
of directly setting the attributes of VCTRUNKs.


Related References
B.7.5.2 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port_Internal Port

A.8.4.3 Modifying the Type Field of QinQ Frames

The default type field of QinQ frames is 0x8100.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Advance Attribute > QinQ Type Area Settings from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Modify the type field of QinQ frames.

Step 3 Click Apply.


Related References
B.7.5.3 Parameter Description: Type Field of QinQ Frames

A.8.4.4 Dynamically Increasing/Decreasing the VCTRUNK Bandwidth

When the LCAS function is enabled on an NE, you can dynamically increase or decrease the
paths bound with a VCTRUNK to increase or decrease the bandwidth. The operation does not
affect services.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board and then choose Configuration > Ethernet Interface
Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select Internal Port.

Step 3 Click the Bound Path tab.

Step 4 Click Configuration.

The Bound Path Configuration dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Optional: Dynamically increase the VCTRUNK bandwidth.

1. In Configurable Ports, select a VCTRUNK as the configurable port.
2. In Available Bound Paths, set Level and Direction of the bound paths.
3. Select required items in Available Resources and Available Timeslots and click

4. Optional: Repeat Step 5.3 to bind other VC paths.

Step 6 Optional: Dynamically decrease the VCTRUNK bandwidth.

1. Deselect the Display in Combination check box.

2. Select the VC paths to be deleted in Selected Bound Paths, and then click .
3. Optional: Repeat Step 6.2 to delete other VC paths.

Step 7 Click OK.

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A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

Step 8 Click OK.


A.8.5 Managing the Spanning Tree Protocol

The OptiX RTN OptiX RTN 950 supports Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and Rapid Spanning
Tree Protocol (RSTP).

A.8.5.1 Configuring the Type and Enabled Status of the Spanning Tree Protocol
If a loop is formed in an Ethernet LAN service, you need to enable the STP or RSTP for the

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The Ethernet LAN services must be created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Layer-2 Switching Management > Spanning Tree from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Protocol Enabled tab.
Step 3 Set Protocol Enabled and Protocol Type.

Step 4 Click Apply.

A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.7.2.1 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Protocol Enabling

A.8.5.2 Setting the Parameters of Spanning Tree Protocol

If the STP or RSTP is enabled on a bridge, you can set the bridge parameters and port parameters
of the STP or RSTP according to the requirements of the reachable data communications

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The Ethernet LAN services must be created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Layer-2 Switching Management > Spanning Tree from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Set bridge parameters.

1. Click the Bridge Parameters tab.
2. Set bridge parameters.

3. Click Apply.

Step 3 Set port parameters.

1. Click the Port Parameters tab.
2. Set port parameters.

3. Click Apply.

Step 4 Optional: If Protocol Type is set to RSTP, specify the point-to-point attribute of the Ethernet
1. Click the Point to Point Attribute tab.
2. Set the point-to-point attribute of the port.

3. Click Apply.


Related References
B.7.2.2 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Bridge Parameters
B.7.2.3 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Port Parameters
B.7.2.6 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Point-to-Point Attribute

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A.8.5.3 Querying the Running Information About the Spanning Tree Protocol
This topic describes how to query the running information about the spanning tree protocol

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The Ethernet LAN services must be created.
l The STP or RSTP must be enabled for the bridge.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board, and choose Configuration > Layer-2 Switching
Management > Spanning Tree from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Query the bridge running information.
1. Click the Bridge Running Information tab.
2. Click Query.
3. Check the bridge running information.
Step 3 Query the port running information.
1. Click the Port Running Information tab.
2. Click Query.
3. Check the port running information.


Related References
B.7.2.4 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Bridge Running Information
B.7.2.5 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Port Running Information

A.8.6 Managing the IGMP Snooping Protocol

If a multicast router exists on a network, the bridge can enable the IGMP Snooping protocol to
implement the multicast function together with the router.

A.8.6.1 Configuring the IGMP Snooping Protocol

This section describes how to enable the IGMP Snooping protocol for a bridge and how to
configure the method for the bridge to process unknown multicast packets.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.

l The Ethernet LAN services must be created.
l The VLAN filtering table must be created.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Layer-2 Switching Management > IGMP Snooping Protocol from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Enable IGMP Snooping Protocol tab.

Step 3 Set the information about the IGMP Snooping protocol.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.7.2.7 Parameter Description: IGMP Snooping Protocol_Enabling

A.8.6.2 Configuring Static Multicast Entries

This section describes how to configure and query information about static multicast entries.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The Ethernet LAN services must be created.
l The VLAN filtering table must be created.
l The IGMP Snooping protocol must be enabled for the bridge.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Layer-2 Switching Management > IGMP Snooping Protocol from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Static Multicast Table tab.

Step 3 Click New.

The Create Static Multicast Item dialog box is displayed.

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Step 4 Set the attributes of static multicast entries.

1. Set VB ID, VLAN ID, and MAC Address.
2. In Multicast Port, select the member ports corresponding to the static multicast entries.

Click .

To select more than one port at a time, press and hold the Ctrl or Shift key when selecting the ports.

3. Click OK.


Related References
B.7.2.8 Parameter Description: IGMP Snooping Protocol_Creation of Static Multicast Table

A.8.6.3 Modifying the Aging Time of a Multicast Table Entry

The aging time of a MAC address table is eight minutes by default.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The Ethernet LAN services must be created.
l The IGMP Snooping protocol must be enabled for the bridge.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Layer-2 Switching Management > IGMP Snooping Protocol from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Multicast Aging Time tab.

Step 3 Modify the aging time of the multicast table entries.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.7.2.9 Parameter Description: IGMP Snooping Protocol_Aging Time of Multicast Table

A.8.6.4 Querying the Running Information of the IGMP Snooping Protocol

By performing this operation, you can learn the information about the multicast table entries and
router port when the bridge runs the IGMP Snooping protocol.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The Ethernet LAN services must be created.
l The IGMP Snooping protocol must be enabled for the bridge.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Layer-2 Switching Management > IGMP Snooping Protocol from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Query the information about the router port.

1. Click the Multicast Router Port Management tab.
2. Click Query. Check the information about the router port.

Step 3 Query the information about the multicast table entries.

1. Click the Multicast Table Item tab.
2. Click Query. Check the information about the multicast table entries.


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A.8.7 Managing the QoS

By managing the QoS, you can provide differentiated services for different service types.

A.8.7.1 Creating a Flow

A flow refers to a collection of packets on which the same QoS operation is performed. Creating
a flow is the prerequisite for performing CAR and CoS operations.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The associated Ethernet services must be created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
QoS Management > Flow Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Flow Configuration tab.
Step 3 Click New.
The New Flow dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Set the flow parameters.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.7.4.1 Parameter Description: QoS Management_Creation of Flows

A.8.7.2 Creating the CAR

CAR is a type of traffic policing technology. After the flow classification, the CAR assesses the
rate of the traffic in a certain period (including in the long term and in the short term). The CAR
allocates the packets whose rates do not exceed the specified rate with higher priorities and

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discards the packet whose rate exceeds the specified rate or downgrades this kind of packet, thus
restricting the traffic into the transmission network.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board, and then choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Flow Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the CAR Configuration.

Step 3 Click New.

The New CAR dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set the CAR parameters.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.7.4.2 Parameter Description: QoS Management_Creation of CAR

A.8.7.3 Creating the CoS

By using the CoS, the packets in a flow can be scheduled to different queues of different priorities
and can be processed according to the priority of each queue. This ensures that the packets of
different priorities can be processed according to different QoS requirements.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
QoS Management > Flow Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the CoS Configuration tab.
Step 3 Click New.
The New CoS dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Set the CoS parameters.

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Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.7.4.3 Parameter Description: QoS Management_Creation of CoS

A.8.7.4 Binding the CAR/CoS

To enable the CAR or CoS function, you need to bind the corresponding flow to the created

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The flow must be created.
l The CAR/CoS must be created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board, and then choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Flow Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Flow Configuration tab.

Step 3 Double-click Bound CAR and select the CAR to be bound.

Step 4 Double-click Bound CoS and select the CoS to be bound.
Step 5 Click Apply.


Related References
B.7.4.4 Parameter Description: QoS Management_Creation of CAR/CoS

A.8.7.5 Configuring Traffic Shaping for Egress Queues

This section describes how to enable traffic shaping for egress queues and how to set shaping-
associated parameters.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required Ethernet switching board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > QoS Management > Port Shaping Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 In Port List, select a port. In Port Queue Shaping Information, set the traffic shaping
information about the egress queues.

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Step 3 Click Apply.


Related References
B.7.4.5 Parameter Description: QoS Management_Shaping Management of Egress Queues

A.8.8 Using the Ethernet service OAM

By using the Ethernet service OAM, you can maintain the Ethernet service in an end-to-end

A.8.8.1 Creating MDs

A maintenance domain (MD) defines the scope and level of the Ethernet service OAM. The
MDs of different levels and scopes can provide differentiated OAM services to users.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
Step 2 In the right pane, click OAM Configuration.
The OAM Configuration dialog box is displayed.

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In this GUI, you can maintain or delete OAM MDs.

Step 3 Click New and choose Create MD from the drop-down list.
The Create MD dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Set the parameters of the new MD.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.7.3.1 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM_Creation of MDs

A.8.8.2 Creating MAs

A maintenance domain (MD) can be divided into several independent maintenance associations
(MA). By creating MAs, operators can associate specific Ethernet services with the MAs for
easy Ethernet OAM operation.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The MD must be created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
Step 2 In the right pane, click OAM Configuration.
The OAM Configuration dialog box is displayed.

In this GUI, you can maintain or delete OAM MAs.

Step 3 Click New and choose Create MA from the drop-down list.

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The Create MA dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set the parameters of the new MA.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.7.3.2 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM_Creation of MAs

A.8.8.3 Creating MPs

MPs refer to function entities of Ethernet service OAM, including MEPs and MIPs. The
functions of the Ethernet service OAM can be used only after MPs are created.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The Ethernet services must be created and activated.
l The MD and MA must be created.

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In an OAM test, all MPs that are involved in the operation of the same service flow must be in
the same MD. In an existing MD involved in the same service flow, creating an MP of the same
level or a higher level may damage the existing MD. As a result, the OAM test fails.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click New.

The Create MP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Set the parameters of the new MP.

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Step 4 Optional: Click Advanced. In the displayed dialog box, set the corresponding parameters and
click OK.

If an MEP is created, you can choose whether to perform the following configurations:
l Activate the CC and set the sending period of the CC test.
l Set the timeout time for the LB or LT test.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.7.3.3 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM_Creation of MPs

A.8.8.4 Performing a CC Test

After the continuity check (CC) test, the unidirectional link status can be checked automatically
and periodically. If the link is fault after the CC test is started at the source, the source equipment
reports the corresponding alarm.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The Ethernet services must be created and activated.
l The MD and MA must be created.
l The MEPs must be created.

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Background Information
l Only the MEP can enable the continuity test and function as the receive respond end for
the test.
l The source MEP constructs CCM packets and transmits them periodically. After receiving
the CCM packet from the source MEP, the sink MEP directly enables the CC function for
this source MEP. If the sink MEP fails to receive the CCM packet from the source MEP
within the check period (that is, 3.5 times of the transmission interval), it reports the specific
alarm automatically.
l Performing a CC test does not affect the services.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the node to be monitored, click OAM Operation, and select Activate CC.

l Before the CC test, you can set CCM Sending Period(ms) according to the actual requirements.
l To disable a CC test, right-click the MEP where the CC test is performed and then choose Activate
CC from the shortcut menu.

l Alternatively, you can enable a CC test by right-clicking an MEP and then choosing Activate CC from
the shortcut menu.
l Alternatively, you can disable a CC test by right-clicking an MEP and then choosing Inactivate CC
from the shortcut menu.


A.8.8.5 Performing an LB Test

During a loopback (LB) test, you can check the bidirectional connectivity between the source
MEP and any MP in the same maintenance association (MA).

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The source and sink MEPs in the same MD must be created.
l In the case of a standard MP, you must activate CC before an LB test.

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Background Information
l Only an MEP can initiate an LB test.
l During the LB test, the source MEP constructs and transmits the LBM frames and starts
the timer. If the sink MP receives the LBM frames, it sends the LBR frames back to the
source MEP. This indicates that the loopback is successful. If the source MEP timer times
out, it indicates that the loopback fails.
l Performing an LB test does not affect the services.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the node that requires an LB test, click OAM Operation, and select Start LB.
The LB Test dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Set the parameters involved in the LB test.


l In the case of standard MPs, when an MIP functions as the receive end in the LB test, you need to select
Test based on the MAC Address and set LB Sink MP MAC Address.
l Before the LB test, you can set LB Timeout(ms) according to the actual requirements.

Step 4 Click Start LB. Then, the test result is displayed.

To enable an LB test, you can also right-click an MEP and then choose Start LB from the shortcut menu.


Related References
B.7.3.4 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM_Enabling LB

A.8.8.6 Performing an LT Test

Based on the LB test, the linktrace (LT) test further improves the capability to locate faults. That
is, the faulty network segment can be located through only one test.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The source and sink MEPs in the same MD must be created.

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l In the case of a standard MP, you must activate CC before an LT test.

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Background Information
l Only an MEP can initiate the LT test, and the MEP can work as the receive end in the test.
l During the LT test, the source MEP constructs and transmits the LTM frames and starts
the timer. All the MPs that receive the LTM frames send the LTR frame response.
According to the LTR frame response, you can verify all the MIPs that pass from the source
MEP to the sink MEP.
l Performing an LT test does not affect the services.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Select the node that requires an LT test, click OAM Operation, and select Start LT.
Step 3 Set the parameters involved in the LT test.

Before the test, you can set LT Timeout(ms) according to the actual requirements.

Step 4 Click Start LT. Then, the test result is displayed.

To enable an LT test, you can also right-click an MEP and then choose Start LT from the shortcut menu.


Related References
B.7.3.5 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM_Enabling LT

A.8.8.7 Activating the AIS

After a fault is detected by an MP, if this MP activates the AIS, it sends the AIS packet to a
higher level MP so that the higher level MP is informed of the fault information.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.

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l The source and sink MEPs in the same MD must be created.

l Only a standard MP supports this function.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the node to be monitored. Double-click or right-click AIS Active Status and then select
Active or Inactive.

Step 3 Click Apply.


A.8.8.8 Performing a Ping Test

In a ping test, the ARP and ICMP Layer 3 protocol packets are used to test the connectivity,
packet loss ratio, and delay of the service between the Ethernet service processing board and the
data communication equipment (such as a switch or a router).

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The source and sink MEPs in the same MD must be created.
l You must be aware of the IP addresses of the source MP and the sink MP in the ping test.

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Background Information
The source end of the ping test obtains the IP addresses of the source MP and sink MP, and
constructs and sends ARP packets and ICMP packets. The MP that receives the ARP packets or
ICMP packets parses the packets, and responds to the source end. After receiving the response
packet, the source end reports the ping test result to the NE software (including the ratio of packet
loss and time delay) based on the response packet.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the node to be monitored, click OAM Operation, and select Start Ping.

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The Ping Test dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Select Send Mode. Then, set Frame Length, Timeout, and Ping Attempts for the ping packet.

Step 4 Set Destination IP Address and Local IP Address.

Step 5 Click Start Ping. Then, the test result is displayed.


A.8.8.9 Performing Performance Check

A performance check achieves on-line detection of the packet loss ratio and delay of the service
based on the check of the connectivity between the MPs on the Ethernet service processing

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The source and sink MEPs in the same MD must be created.

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Background Information
The performance check method provides an in-service test of packet loss ratio and delay based
on the check of the connectivity between the MPs on the Ethernet service processing unit.
A performance check is implemented as follows: The source MP initiates several LB tests and
counts different packet loss ratio and delay values.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Select the node to be monitored, click OAM Operation, and select Performance Detect.
The Performance Detect dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Select Send Mode. Then, set Frame Length, Timeout, and Detect Attempts for the test packet.
Step 4 Set Source MP ID and Destination MP ID.

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Step 5 Click Start Detect. Then, the check result is displayed.


A.8.9 Using the Ethernet port OAM

By using the Ethernet port OAM, you can maintain the point-to-point Ethernet links.

A.8.9.1 Enabling the OAM Auto-Discovery Function

The Ethernet port OAM is achieved based on the OAM auto-discovery function. After the OAM
auto-discovery succeeds, the equipment automatically monitors the faults and performance of
the link.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.

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Background Information
The OAM auto-discovery is achieved based on auto-negotiation between the local equipment
and the opposite equipment. If the negotiation fails, the local equipment reports an alarm. After
OAM auto-discovery is successful, the link performance is monitored according to the error
frame threshold. You can set the error frame threshold on the NMS.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Port OAM from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the OAM Parameter tab.

Step 3 Select the port and set OAM Working Mode.


l The OAM mode includes the active mode and the passive mode. For two interconnected systems, the
OAM mode of either or both systems must be the active mode. Otherwise, OAM auto-discovery fails.
l If the OAM modes of the two systems are passive modes, if a fault occurs on the link, or if one system
fails to receive the OAM protocol message within five consecutive seconds, an alarm is reported,
indicating that OAM auto-discovery fails.

Step 4 Select Enabled from the Enable OAM Protocol drop-down list.

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Step 5 Click Apply.

Step 6 Click the Remote OAM Parameter tab. Click Query to check the OAM capability of the
opposite end.


Related References
B.7.3.6 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port OAM_OAM Parameter

A.8.9.2 Enabling the Link Event Notification

After the link event notification is enabled on the local equipment, if the OAM detects a link
fault and link performance event, the opposite equipment is informed.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The OAM auto-discovery operation must be successful on the equipment at both ends.

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Background Information
After the OAM auto-discovery operation is successful at both ends, the link fault detection and
performance detection are automatically started.

l The local end can notify the opposite end of link fault events only if Remote Alarm
Support for Link Event is set to Enabled at the local end.
l The local end can notify the opposite end of link performance events only if Remote Alarm
Support for Link Event is set to Enabled and if the monitoring time and error frame
thresholds are configured at the local end.
l After Remote Alarm Support for Link Event is set to Enabled at the opposite port, if
the opposite end detects link performance degradation, you can query the
ETHOAM_RMT_SD alarm, which is reported on the local end, by using the NMS.
According to the alarm, you can determine the type of the link performance event.
l After Remote Alarm Support for Link Event is set to Enabled at the opposite port, if
the opposite equipment detects a link fault event or encounters a fault that makes the
equipment fail to be restored (such as a power failure), you can query the
ETHOAM_RMT_CRIT_FAULT alarm, which is reported at the local end, by using the
NMS. Based on the alarm, you can determine the fault type.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Port OAM from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the OAM Parameter tab.

Step 3 Select the corresponding port and set Remote Alarm Support for Link Event to Enabled.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.7.3.8 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port OAM_Remote OAM Parameter

A.8.9.3 Modifying the OAM Error Frame Monitoring Threshold

The threshold for the OAM error frame monitoring is a standard for the OAM to detect the link
performance. Generally, the default value is used. You can modify the value according to the
situation of the link.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The Ethernet port OAM function must be enabled on the remote equipment and the OAM
auto-discovery operation must be successful on the equipment at both ends.

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Background Information
The local end notifies the opposite end after detecting a link event in the receive direction under
the following conditions:
l The OAM auto-discovery operation is successful.
l Remote Alarm Support for Link Event is set to Enabled and the monitoring time and
error frame thresholds have been configured at the local end.
If Remote Alarm Support for Link Event is also set to Enabled at the opposite end, the
opposite end notifies the local end after detecting a link event, and then the local end generates
the corresponding alarm.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Port OAM from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the OAM Error Frame Monitor tab.

Step 3 Select the port and set the parameters in the OAM Error Frame Monitor tab page.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.7.3.7 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port OAM_OAM Error Frame Monitoring

A.8.9.4 Performing the Remote Loopback

After the Ethernet port on the local equipment sends data to the port on the interconnected
equipment, the local end can request the opposite end to return the data.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The OAM auto-discovery operation must be successful on the equipment at both ends.
l On the equipment where the loopback is initiated, OAM Working Mode must be set to
l The equipment that responds to the loopback must support remote loopbacks.

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Background Information
l If a port is capable of responding to loopbacks, it enters the Respond Loopback of
Remote state and reports the loopback responding alarm when receiving the command of
enabling the remote loopback function sent from the opposite OAM port. In this case, the
equipment that initiates the loopback enters the loopback initiating state and reports the
loopback initiating alarm.
l Generally, after the remote loopback function is enabled, service packets, except the
OAMPDU packets, are looped back at the remote end.
l After using the remote loopback function to locate faults and test link performance, you
should disable the remote loopback function at the end where the loopback is initiated and
then restore the services. At this time, the alarm clears automatically.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Port OAM from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the OAM Parameter tab.
Step 3 Choose Enable Remote Loopback from the OAM drop-down menu.


A.8.10 Configuring LPT

After enabling the LPT function for an Ethernet service, you need to configure the LPT port and
the relevant information.

A.8.10.1 Configuring LPT for Point-to-Point Services

When a point-to-point service uses the LPT function, you need to set LPT parameters both in
the positive and reverse directions.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The PORT-based Ethernet private line services must be created and activated.
l The data services must be configured as EPL services that are transmitted from PORTs to
VCTRUNKs and do not carry any VLAN tags.
l An Ethernet port on which the LPT function is enabled must be in auto-negotiation mode.

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Point-to-point LPT and point-to-multipoint LPT are mutually exclusive. On the same board, you can select
only one configuration mode to implement the LPT function.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Interface Management > LPT Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click Query.
Step 3 Select a PORT and a VCTRUNK, and then set the following parameters.

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If LPT is enabled, you can set PORT-Type Port Hold-Off Time(ms) and VCTRUNK Port Hold-Off
Time(ms) according to actual requirements.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.7.2.12 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Creation of Point-to-Point Service LPT

A.8.10.2 Configuring LPT for Point-to-Multipoint Services

To configure LPT for point-to-multipoint services, you need to specify the corresponding
relationships between aggregation ports and access ports and LPT parameters.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The EFP8 board must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The VLAN-based EVPL services must be created and activated.
l An Ethernet port on which the LPT function is enabled must be in auto-negotiation mode.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Point-to-point LPT and point-to-multipoint LPT are mutually exclusive. On the same board, you can select
only one configuration mode to implement the LPT function.

Before configuring the point-to-multipoint LPT function, make sure that the following two
conditions are met. Otherwise, the services may be interrupted.
l The data services are displayed in the tree topology.
l The data service topology is consistent with the topology of the LPT.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Interface Management > LPT Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click PtoMP LPT. Then, the LPT Management dialog box appears.

Step 3 Click New.

The Create LPT dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set the parameters in Convergence Point.

Step 5 Set the parameters in Access Point.

1. Select the ports from Port and then click .

2. If you select a VCTRUNK, set Bearer Mode.

Step 6 Click OK.


Related References
B.7.2.13 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Creation of Point-to-Multipoint Service

A.9 Managing MPLS/PWE3 Services and Features

The OptiX RTN 950 supports multiple MPLS/PWE3 services and features.

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A.9.1 Managing Address Resolution

The OptiX RTN 950 runs the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) to set up mapping between
MAC addresses and IP addresses of ports.

A.9.1.1 Creating ARP Static Entries

This topic describes how to create ARP entries that are not aged.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and then choose
Configuration > Control Plane Configuration > Address Parse from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Create.

The Add Address Parse dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Set the parameters for address resolution.


Configure the MAC address in an ARP entry according to the MAC address of its next-hop equipment.

Step 4 Click OK. Then, the static ARP entry is successfully created.


A.9.1.2 Querying ARP Entries

You can learn about ARP information.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and then choose
Configuration > Control Plane Configuration > Address Parse from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click Query and query ARP entries in the main interface.


A.9.1.3 Converting Dynamic ARP Entries to Static ARP Entries

During the equipment operation phase, you can change dynamic entries in the ARP table to static
entries to improve stability of tunnels.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and then choose
Configuration > Control Plane Configuration > Address Parse from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Select the required dynamic ARP entry and click Switch to Static Type.
Step 3 Click Query. Then, ARP List Type changes to Static for the selected dynamic ARP entry.


A.9.1.4 Deleting Static ARP Entries

When MAC addresses of interconnected ports change, you can delete the existing static ARP
entries of the network element (NE) and create other ARP entries.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and then choose
Configuration > Control Plane Configuration > Address Parse from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Select the required static ARP entry and click Delete.

When deleting dynamic ARP entries, click Clear. Exercise caution when performing this operation to avoid
service interruption.

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A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click OK.

Step 4 Click Query. The selected static ARP entry is deleted.


A.9.1.5 Setting ARP Aging Time

This topic describes how to set the ARP aging time. The default aging time is 20 minutes.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Control
Plane Configuration > Aging Time from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the required port, double-click it, and modify the parameter Dynamic ARP Entry Aging
It is recommended that Dynamic ARP Entry Aging Time(min) take its default value 720.

Step 3 Click Apply.


A.9.2 Managing MPLS Tunnels

Managing MPLS tunnels include managing MPLS OAM functions.

A.9.2.1 Setting Basic MPLS Attributes

This topic describes how to set basic MPLS attributes, including the LSR ID and the global label

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > Basic Configuration from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Double-click LSR ID and set the LSR ID of the NE according to the planning information.

When PWE3 services are configured on the NE, the PWE3 services may be interrupted if LSR
ID of the NE is changed.

Step 3 Click Apply.

A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Click OK.


Related References
B.9.1.1 Parameter Description: Basic Configurations of MPLS Tunnels

A.9.2.2 Creating a Unidirectional MPLS Tunnel

When creating a unidirectional MPLS tunnel, you need to manually create a MPLS tunnel in
the reverse direction.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The port attributes are set correctly.
l The LSR ID of each NE is set correctly.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Static Tunnel tab.

Step 3 Click New and choose Unidirectional Tunnel from the drop-down list.

Step 4 Select New Reverse Tunnel.

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Step 5 Set parameters for the new MPLS tunnel.


Click View Peer NE to view the status and tunnel information of the opposite NE.

Step 6 Click OK.


Related References
B.9.1.3 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_Creation of Unidirectional

A.9.2.3 Creating a Bidirectional MPLS Tunnel

During creation of a bidirectional MPLS tunnel, both the forward and reverse tunnels are created.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The port attributes have been correctly configured.
l The LSR ID of each NE has been correctly configured.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Static Tunnel tab.

Step 3 Click New and choose Bidirectional Tunnel from the drop-down list.
The New Unicast Bidirectional Tunnel dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set parameters for the bidirectional MPLS tunnel.

Step 5 Click OK.


Related References
B.9.1.4 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_Creation of Bidirectional Tunnels

A.9.2.4 Querying MPLS Tunnel Information

You can learn about information about all MPLS tunnels configured for an NE.

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l MPLS tunnels are configured correctly.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Static Tunnel tab.
Step 3 Click Query.
Step 4 View the information about all MPLS tunnels configured for the NE in the main interface.


Related References
B.9.1.2 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_Static Tunnel

A.9.2.5 Changing MPLS Tunnel Information

This section describes how to change parameter values of an MPLS tunnel, for example, the
egress/ingress ports.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The MPLS tunnel has been created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Static Tunnel tab.
Step 3 Click Query.
Step 4 Choose the MPLS tunnel whose parameter values need to be changed and click Modify at the
lower right corner.
Step 5 In the dialog box that is displayed, modify the MPLS tunnel information.
Step 6 Click Apply.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

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Step 7 Click OK.

Step 8 Click OK.


A.9.2.6 Deleting MPLS Tunnels

If a tunnel is no longer used, you can delete it to free the corresponding transmission resources.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l An MPLS tunnel is configured correctly and is no longer used to transmit services.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Static Tunnel tab.

Step 3 Click Query.

Step 4 Select the required MPLS tunnel and click Delete.

A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Click OK.

Step 6 Click Query and find that the selected MPLS tunnel does not exist.


A.9.2.7 Setting MPLS OAM Parameters

This section describes how to set OAM parameters for MPLS tunnel availability test.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l MPLS tunnels are created and enabled.
l Node Type is set to Ingress or Egress for tunnels.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the OAM Parameter tab.

Step 3 Select the required MPLS tunnel and set MPLS OAM parameters.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.9.1.5 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_OAM Parameters

A.9.2.8 Enabling/Disabling FDI

When the FDI function of an NE is enabled, fault locating and protection switching can be
performed more quickly.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l MPLS tunnels are created and enabled.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the FDI tab.

Step 3 Set Enable FDI based on the applications.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.9.1.6 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_FDI

A.9.2.9 Starting/Stopping CV/FFD Detection for MPLS Tunnels

Before enabling CV/FD detection, you need to set MPLS OAM parameters.

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The MPLS OAM function has been enabled and related parameters have been configured.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the OAM Parameter tab.

Step 3 Select the required tunnel and click OAM Operation.

Step 4 Select the required operation from the drop-down list.

1. To enable CV/FFD detection, click Start CV/FFD. Then, close the dialog box that is
2. To disable CV/FFD detection, click Stop CV/FFD.

l For unidirectional tunnels, this operation task can be performed only for a tunnel whose Node Type
is Ingress.
l For bidirectional tunnels, this operation task cannot be performed if Node Type is Transit.
l After the MPLS OAM function is enabled, CV/FFD detection is enabled by default.

l You can select more than one tunnel at a time by pressing and holding down the Ctrl key.
l Alternatively, you can select the required tunnel, right-click the tunnel, and then select Start CV/
FFD or Stop CV/FFD from the drop-down list.


A.9.2.10 Querying LSP Running Status

This topic describes how to query the MPLS tunnel status detected by MPLS OAM.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The MPLS OAM detection function has been enabled.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the OAM Parameter tab.

Step 3 Select the required tunnel and click OAM Operation at lower right of the main interface.

Step 4 Select Query LSP Status from the drop-down list.

Step 5 Check the tunnel status according to the LSP Status parameter value in the main interface.

l You can select more than one tunnel at a time by pressing and holding down the Ctrl key.
l Alternatively, you can select a tunnel, right-click the tunnel, and select LSP Status from the drop-down


A.9.2.11 Clearing OAM Configuration Data for MPLS Tunnels

This topic describes how to restart MPLS OAM detection by clearing MPLS OAM configuration

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The MPLS OAM detection function has been enabled.
l The tunnel is not configured in any protection group.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the OAM Parameter tab.

Step 3 Select the required tunnel and click OAM Operation at lower right of the main interface.

Step 4 Select Clear OAM from the drop-down list.


After this step is performed, OAM parameters for the tunnel are restored to default values. If OAM
operations need to be performed, you need to re-enable and configure the OAM functions.

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l You can select more than one tunnel at a time by pressing and holding down the Ctrl key.
l Alternatively, you can select a tunnel, right-click the tunnel, and select Clear OAM from the drop-
down list.


A.9.2.12 Performing an LSP Ping Test

This topic describes how to detect whether an MPLS tunnel is available.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the OAM Parameters tab.

Step 3 Select the required tunnel, click OAM Operation in the lower right corner, and choose Ping
Test from the drop-down list.

The test can be initiated only by an ingress node.


Alternatively, you can select a tunnel, right-click the tunnel, and select Ping Test from the drop-down list.
The Ping Test dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set parameters for a ping test.

Step 5 Click Start Test to check the test result.

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l If LSP ping uses the IPv4 UDP response mode, all the nodes on the tunnel must support DCN
communication over IP protocols.
l To stop a test, click Stop Test.


Related References
B.9.1.7 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_LSP Ping

A.9.2.13 Performing an LSP Traceroute Test

You can detect fault points on an MPLS tunnel by performing LSP traceroute tests.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the OAM Parameters tab.

Step 3 Select the required tunnel, click OAM Operation in the lower right corner, and choose
Traceroute Test from the drop-down list.

The test can be initiated only by an ingress node.


Alternatively, you can select a tunnel, right-click the tunnel, and select Traceroute Test from the drop-
down list.
The Traceroute Test dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set parameters for the traceroute test.

Step 5 Click Start Test to check the test result.

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l If LSP traceroute uses the IPv4 UDP response mode, all the nodes on the tunnel must support DCN
communication over IP protocols.
l To stop a test, click Stop Test.


Related References
B.9.1.8 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_LSP Traceroute

A.9.3 Managing MPLS APS Protection Groups

MPLS APS is the commonest protection mode for MPLS tunnels.

A.9.3.1 Creating an MPLS APS Protection Group

An MPLS APS protection group needs to be configured if a service carried by an MPLS tunnel
needs to be protected.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The working and protection MPLS tunnels have been created.
l MPLS OAM as been enabled for both working and protection MPLS tunnel in the
protection group.
l The protection tunnel cannot carry extra services.
l PW APS protection is not configured for the service.

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Background Information
MPLS OAM needs to be enabled for working and protection tunnels. The detection packets used
by MPLS OAM are FFD packets. FFD packets are usually sent at an interval of 3.3 ms. If the
packet transmission delay time of an MPLS tunnel exceeds 3.3 ms, the transmission interval of
FFD packets needs to be a value greater than the delay time.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > APS
Protection Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Tunnel APS Management tab.

Step 3 Click New.

The New Tunnel Protection Group dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set parameters for the MPLS APS protection group.

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When creating an MPLS APS protection group, set Protocol Status to Disabled. Start the protocol only when
the MPLS APS protection group is successfully created on nodes at both ends.

Step 5 Click OK..


Related References
B.9.1.15 Parameter Description: Tunnel Protection Group_Creation

A.9.3.2 Querying MPLS APS Status

You can know current information about MPLS APS by querying MPLS APS status on the

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The MPLS APS protection group has been created.
l The MPLS APS protocol has been enabled.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
APS Protection Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Tunnel APS Management tab.
Step 3 Click Query. Check basic information about the protection group.
Step 4 Select the required protection group and click Function.
Step 5 Select Query Switching Status from the drop-down list.

Related References
B.9.1.14 Parameter Description: MPLS APS Protection Management

A.9.3.3 Triggering MPLS APS Switching

This topic describes how to trigger an external PW APS switching.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The MPLS APS protection group has been created.
l The MPLS APS protocol has been enabled.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
APS Protection Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Tunnel APS Management tab.
Step 3 Select the required protection group, click Function, and then select the required switching mode
from the drop-down list.
Alternatively, you can select the required protection group, right-click the protection group, and then select
the required switching mode from the drop-down list.

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Then, a confirmation dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Click OK..
Step 5 Click Function.
Step 6 Select Query Switching Status from the drop-down list. Check whether switching is performed


A.9.3.4 Enabling/Disabling MPLS APS Protection

If you first stop the MPLS APS protection protocol and then start it, the MPLS APS protection
protocol is restored to its initial state.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The MPLS APS protection group has been created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
APS Protection Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Tunnel APS Management tab.
Step 3 Stop the MPLS APS protocol.
1. Select the required protection group and click Function.
2. Select Stop Protocol from the drop-down list.

After the MPLS APS protocol is stopped, the protection group fails. In addition, services
are unavailable until the working channel is restored or the MPLS APS protocol is restarted,
if services have been switched to the protection channel.

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Step 4 Start the MPLS APS protocol.

1. Select the required protection group and click Function.
2. Select Start Protocol from the drop-down list.

Alternatively, you can select the required protection group, right-click the protection group, and choose
Start Protocol or Stop Protocol from the shortcut menu.


A.9.4 Managing PWs

All types of PWE3 services are carried by PWs.

A.9.4.1 Querying Information and Running Status of PWs

This topic describes how to query information and running status of PWs.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l PW-carried services have been configured.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > PW Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the PW Management tab.

Step 3 Click the PW Management tab.

Step 4 Click Query.

Step 5 In the main interface, check the basic information and running status of each PW.

Step 6 After selecting a PW, to query other PW information, do as follows:

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1. Click the QoS Information tab and check QoS information of the PW.
2. Click the Advanced Attributes tab and check the advanced attributes of the PW.


Related References
B.9.1.9 Parameter Description: PW Management_PW Management

A.9.4.2 Creating an MS-PW

This topic describes how to configure cross-connections for front-end and rear-end PWs at an
S-PE node and create an MS-PW.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Background Information
The steps for creating MS-PWs vary according to service types. This topic uses an Ethernet
service as an example to describe how to create MS-PWs.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > PW Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the PW Management tab.

Step 3 Click the MS PW tab.

Step 4 Click New.

The Create MS PW dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 In the main interface, configure basic service information.

Step 6 Click the PW General Attributes tab and set PW parameters.

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Step 7 Click the QoS tab and set QoS parameters.

Step 8 Click the Advanced Attributes tab and set advanced attributes.

Step 9 Click OK..


Related References
B.9.1.10 Parameter Description: PW Management_MS-PW Creation

A.9.4.3 Setting PW OAM Parameters

This topic describes how to set OAM parameters for PW availability test.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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l PW-carried services have been configured.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > PW Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the PW OAM Parameter tab.

Step 3 Select the required PW and set PW OAM parameters.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.9.1.11 Parameter Description: PW Management_PW OAM

A.9.4.4 Performing a PW Ping Test

This topic describes how to detect whether a PW is available.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l A PW has been created and enabled.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > PW Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the PW OAM Parameter tab.

Step 3 Select the required PW and click OAM Operation > PW Ping Test.

Alternatively, you can select a PW, right-click the PW, and select PW Ping Test from the drop-down list.
The Ping Test dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set parameters for a ping test.

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Step 5 Click Start Test to check the test result.


l If PW ping/traceroute uses the IPv4 UDP response mode, all the nodes on the PW must support DCN
communication over IP protocols.
l To stop a test, click Stop Test.


Related References
B.9.1.12 Parameter Description: PW Management_PW Ping

A.9.4.5 Performing a PW Traceroute Test

You can detect fault points on an MS-PW by performing PW traceroute tests.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l A PW has been created and enabled.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > PW Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the PW OAM Parameter tab.

Step 3 Select the required PW, click OAM Operation in the lower right corner, and choose Traceroute
Test from the drop-down list.

Alternatively, you can select a PW, right-click the PW, and select Traceroute Test from the drop-down
The Traceroute Test dialog box is displayed.

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Step 4 Set parameters for the traceroute test.

Step 5 Click Start Test to check the test result.


l If PW ping/traceroute uses the IPv4 UDP response mode, all the nodes on the PW must support DCN
communication over IP protocols.
l To stop a test, click Stop Test.


Related References
B.9.1.13 Parameter Description: PW Management_PW Traceroute

A.9.5 Managing a PW APS Protection Group

PW APS provides protection for PWs.

A.9.5.1 Creating a PW APS Protection Group

If MPLS APS cannot be configured to protect a PW-carried service, you can configure PW APS
to protect the service.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l MPLS APS protection is not configured for the service.
l The tunnel carrying the working and protection PWs has been created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Background Information
PW OAM needs to be enabled for the working and protection PWs of a PW APS protection
group. The detection packets used by PW OAM are FFD packets. FFD packets are usually sent
at an interval of 3.3 ms. If the packet transmission delay time of a PW exceeds 3.3 ms, the
transmission interval of FFD packets needs to be a value greater than the delay time.
CES services, ATM services, and E-Line services carried by PWs support PW APS. You can
create a PW APS protection group during initial service configuration or after service

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l During initial service configuration, set Protection Type to PW APS, create the working
and protection PWs, use the PWs to configure a PW APS protection group.
l If services are already configured, create the PW APS protection group in the Protection
Group tab page.
l For SS-PWs and MS-PWs, configuration of the PW APS protection group needs to be done
on both source NE and sink NE.

l This topic describes how to configure PW APS after services are configured.
l This topic uses a PW-carried E-Line service as an example to describe how to configure PW APS protection.
The methods of configuring PW APS protection for other types of service are similar.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-Line Service from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Select the required services and click the Protect Group tab.
Step 3 Click PW APS.
Step 4 Click New.
The Configure PW dialog box is displayed.
Step 5 Click the PW tab and set the basic attributes of the protection PW.

Step 6 Click the Protection Group tab and set information about the PW APS protection group.

When creating a PW APS protection group, set Enabling Status to Disabled. Start the protocol only when the
PW APS protection group is successfully created on nodes at both ends.

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Step 7 Click PW OAM and configure OAM information.


l When the PW APS protection group is created, the PW OAM function is automatically enabled to
detect the PW status.
l You can also configure OAM information by choosing Configuration > MPLS Management > PW
Management > PW OAM Parameter.

Step 8 Click OK.


Related References
B.9.1.16 Parameter Description: PW APS Protection Group_Creation

A.9.5.2 Configuring Slave Protection Pairs of PW APS

During PW APS switching, the PWs in the slave protection pair are also switched.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The mapping between a slave protection pair and a PW APS protection group has been
l MPLS APS protection is not configured for the service.
l The tunnel carrying the working and protection PWs has been created.

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Background Information
CES services, ATM services, and E-Line services carried by PWs support PW APS slave
protection pairs. The slave protection pairs are bound with a PW APS protection group. You
can create a slave protection pair during initial service configuration or after service

l During initial service configuration, set Protection Type to Slave Protection Pair, create
the working and protection PWs, use the PWs to configure a slave protection pair.
l If services are already configured, create the slave protection pair in the Protection
Group tab page.
l For SS-PWs and MS-PWs, binding of a slave protection pair to a PW APS protection group
requires that the slave protection pair is added on both the source NE and sink NE.

l This topic describes how to configure a slave protection pair after services are configured.
l This topic uses a PW-carried E-Line service as an example to describe how to configure a slave protection
pair. The methods of configuring slave protection pairs for other types of service are similar.

Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-Line Service from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the required services and click the Protect Group tab.

Step 3 Click Slave Protection Pair.

Step 4 Click New.

The Configure PW dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Click the General Attributes tab and set the basic attributes of the protection PW.

Step 6 Click the Protect Group tab and set the ID of the PW APS protection group to which the slave
protection pair is bound.

You can manually enter an ID, or double-click the ID parameter and select from the drop-down list.

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Step 7 Click OK.


Related References
B.9.1.17 Parameter Description: Slave Protection Pair of a PW APS Protection Group_Creation

A.9.5.3 Querying PW APS Status

You can know current information about a PW APS protection group by querying PW APS
status on the NMS.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The PW APS protection group has been created.
l The PW APS protocol has been enabled.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > APS
Protection Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the PW APS Management tab.
Step 3 Click Query. Check basic information about the protection group.

If a slave protection pair is configured, information about the slave protection pair is displayed at the lower
part of the main interface after you select the protection group.

Step 4 Select the required protection group. Click Function > Query Switching Status. Check the
status of the protection group.


A.9.5.4 Triggering PW APS Switching

This topic describes how to trigger an external PW APS switching.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The PW APS protection group has been created.

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l The PW APS protocol has been enabled.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > APS
Protection Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the PW APS Management tab.

Step 3 Select the required protection group, click Function, and then select the required switching mode
from the drop-down list.

Alternatively, you can select the required protection group, right-click the protection group, and then select
the required switching mode from the drop-down list.

Then, a confirmation dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Click OK.

Step 5 Click Function and choose Query Switching Status from the drop-down list. Check whether
switching is performed successfully.


A.9.5.5 Enabling/Disabling PW APS Protection

If you first stop the PW APS protection protocol and then start it, the PW APS protection protocol
is restored to its initial state.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The PW APS protection group has been created.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > APS
Protection Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the PW APS Management tab.

Step 3 Stop the PW APS protocol.

1. Select the required protection group and click Function.
2. Select Stop Protocol from the drop-down list.

After the PW APS protocol is stopped, the protection group fails. In addition, services are
unavailable until the working channel is restored or the PW APS protocol is restarted, if
services have been switched to the protection channel.

Step 4 Start the PW APS protocol.

1. Select the required protection group and click Function.
2. Select Start Protocol from the drop-down list.

You can enable or disable the PW APS protocol by using either of the following methods:
l Select the required protection group, right-click the protection group, and choose Start Protocol or
Stop Protocol from the short-cut menu.
l Set Enabling Status to Enabled or Disabled.


A.9.6 Managing CES Services

The OptiX RTN 950 supports PWE3-based CES services.

A.9.6.1 Creating CES Services

This topic describes how to create a CES service. During creation of a CES service, the PW for
carrying the CES service is also created.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The attributes of the UNI port that carries the CES service have been configured. That is,
Port Mode has been set to Layer 1, and Frame Format and Frame Mode have also been

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Background Information
l Generally, UNI-NNI CES services are configured on the OptiX RTN 950. Therefore, this
topic uses a UNI-NNI CES service as an example to describe how to configure CES
l It is recommended that you create protection information before creating a CES service.
In this configuration example, Protection Type is set to No Protection. For details on how
to configure protection information, see A.9.5.1 Creating a PW APS Protection Group
and A.9.5.2 Configuring Slave Protection Pairs of PW APS.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > CES
Service Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click New.
The Create CES Service dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Set Mode to UNI-NNI. Configure basic information about the CES service carried by a PW.

l If Mode is UNI-NNI, you can configure advanced attributes of the PW.

l Set Protection Type to No Protection.

Step 4 Optional: Click Port Attributes tab and set the port attributes.

The result of setting the port attributes during the Ethernet private line service configuration process is the same
as the result of directly setting the Ethernet service port attributes.

Step 5 Click the PW tab and set the basic attributes of the PW.

You can select Use existing resource and then use a created tunnel, or click New to create a tunnel. It is
recommended that you plan and create required tunnels during initial service configuration.

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Step 6 Click Advanced Attributes and set parameters for the advanced attributes.

Step 7 Click OK.

Step 8 Click OK.


Related References
B.9.2.2 Parameter Description: CES Service Management_Creation

A.9.6.2 Modifying CES Service Parameters

This topic describes how to modify parameters related to CES services, such as CES alarm
transparent transmission parameters.

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l CES services have been created.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > CES
Service Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the required CES service and click Query. In the main interface, check basic service

Step 3 Click PW General Attributes to query information about the PW that carry the service.

Step 4 Modify advanced parameters.

1. Click the Advanced Attributes tab.
2. Select the required PW, double-click a required advance attribute, and change the attribute
3. Click Apply.

Step 5 Change protection group information.

1. Click the Protection Group tab.
2. Click PW APS.
3. Change values of protection group parameters, such as Restoration Mode.
4. Click Apply.


Related References
B.9.2.1 Parameter Description: CES Service Management

A.9.6.3 Querying CES Service Information

This topic describes how to query information about a CES service.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l CES services have been created.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > CES
Service Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the required CES service and click Query. In the main interface, check basic service

Step 3 Click PW General Attributes to query information about the PW that carry the service.

Step 4 Click QoS to check the QoS information of the CES service.

Step 5 Click Advanced Attributes to check advanced attributes of the CES service.

Step 6 Click Protect Group to check whether a protection group is configured and to check information
about the protection group if configured.


Related References
B.9.2.1 Parameter Description: CES Service Management

A.9.6.4 Deleting a CES Service.

If a CES service is no longer used, you can delete it to free up the corresponding transmission
resources. To delete a CES service, you need to delete the corresponding ACR clock
configuration at both the source and sink nodes of the CES service. After the CES service is
deleted, the corresponding PW is automatically deleted.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The CES service has been created and will no longer be used.
l No ACR clock has been configured for the CES service.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > CES
Service Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the required CES service and click Delete.

A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click OK.

Step 4 Click Query to check whether the CES service is successfully deleted.


A.9.7 Managing ATM/IMA Ports

On the OptiX RTN 950, ATM/IMA ports are mapped into one ATM TRUNK.

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A.9.7.1 Binding ATM TRUNKs

An ATM TRUNK can bind one or more E1 ports that transmit ATM/IMA services, or serial
ports (SPs) that transmit ATM/IMA services.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l For ATM/IMA E1 services, set Port Mode in PDH Interface to Layer 2.
l For Fractional ATM/IMA services, set Port Mode in PDH Interface to Layer 1 and
configure A.6.5 Setting Serial Port Parameters.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Interface
Management > ATM IMA Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Binding tab.

Step 3 Click Configuration.

The Bound Path dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Configure the related parameters according to the network plan. Click to bind the
required E1 ports or SPs to the ATM TRUNK.


l If ATM/IMA services need to be mapped into the ATM TRUNK that binds one or more E1 ports, select
E1 in Level.
l If ATM/IMA services need to be mapped into the ATM TRUNK that binds one or more serial ports,
select Fractional E1 in Level.

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Step 5 Click Apply.


Follow-up Procedure
If the IMA group is required, you need to bind the member links of the IMA group with the
ATM TRUNK, enable the IMA protocol for the ATM TRUNK, and then configure the
parameters of the IMA group.

Related References
B.9.3.2 Parameter Description: ATM IMA Management_Bound Path Configuration

A.9.7.2 Configuring an IMA group

If the ATM TRUNK binds IAM E1 links or Fractional IMA links, you need to configure the
parameters of the IMA group.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Interface
Management > ATM IMA Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the IMA Group Management tab.

Step 3 Configure the parameters of the IMA group according to the network plan.


l Set IMA Protocol Enable Status to Enabled if the links bound in the ATM TRUNK require the IMA
protocol; otherwise, set this parameter to Disabled.
l After IMA Protocol Enable Status is set to Enabled, the E1 links or Fractional E1 timeslots bound
in the ATM TRUNK start running the IMA protocol.
l The values of Minimum Number of Active Transmitting Links and Minimum Number of Active
Receiving Links must be the same because the OptiX RTN 950 supports Symmetrical Mode and
Symmetrical Operation only. The parameters Minimum Number of Active Transmitting Links
and Minimum Number of Active Receiving Links must assume the same value on the two ends of
an IMA link.
l On the two ends of the IMA link, you need to set IMA Protocol Version, IMA Transmit Frame
Length, and Maximum Delay Between Links (ms) to the same values.
l Clock Mode is set to the same value for the interconnected ends of IMA links.

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Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.9.3.1 Parameter Description: ATM IMA Management_IMA Group Management

A.9.7.3 Setting ATM Port Parameters

This topic describes how to configure ATM port parameters.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Interface
Management > ATM IMA Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the ATM Interface Management tab.

Step 3 Configure and adjust the ATM port attributes.


l UNI: the port connecting user-side devices. For example, the UNI port applies to the user-side interface on
the common ATM network or to the user-side interface of the PE on the PSN network that transmits ATM
PWE3 services.
l NNI: the port connecting network-side devices. For example, the NNI port applies to the network-side
interface on the common ATM network.
l The ITU-T G.804 stipulates that the payload (48 bytes) of ATM cells must be scrambled before it is mapped
into E1 signals. Therefore, it is recommended that you set ATM Cell Payload Scrambling to Enabled.
l ATM Cell Payload Scrambling must assume the same value on the two ends of an ATM link. Otherwise,
packet loss will occur.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.9.3.5 Parameter Description: ATM IMA Management_ATM Interface Management

A.9.7.4 Querying Running Status of an IMA Group

This topic describes how to query the running status of an IMA group.

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The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Interface
Management > ATM IMA Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the IMA Group States tab.

Step 3 Click Query.

Step 4 Query the running status of an IMA group.


Related References
B.9.3.3 Parameter Description: ATM IMA Management_IMA Group Status

A.9.7.5 Querying Link Running Status of an IMA Group

This topic describes how to query the running status of the member links of an IMA group.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Interface
Management > ATM IMA Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the IMA Link States tab.

Step 3 Click Query.

Step 4 Query the running status of the member links of an IMA group.


Related References
B.9.3.4 Parameter Description: ATM IMA Management_IMA Link Status

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A.9.8 Managing ATM Services

The OptiX RTN 950 supports common ATM services (UNI-UNI) and PW-carried ATM services

A.9.8.1 Creating ATM Services

To create common ATM services, you only need to configure ATM connections and CoS
mapping. To create ATM PWE3 services, you also need to configure the PW that carries ATM

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l Generally, UNIs-NNI ATM services are configured on the OptiX RTN 950. Therefore,
this topic uses a UNIs-NNI ATM service as an example to describe how to configure ATM
PWE3 services.
l Before creating ATM PWE3 services, you need to bind member links to the ATM TRUNK,
set the parameters of the IMA group, and create the MPLS tunnels that carries PWs.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Background Information
l To create ATM PWE3 services (UNIs-NNI), it is recommended that you create services
before configuring PW protection. Configuration will be simplified in this manner.
l In this configuration example, Protection Type is set to No Protection. For details on how
to configure PW protection, see A.9.5.1 Creating a PW APS Protection Group and A.
9.5.2 Configuring Slave Protection Pairs of PW APS.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > ATM
Service Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click New.

The New ATM Service dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Configure the basic information about the ATM PWE3 service according to the network plan.

Step 4 Configure the attributes of the ATM connection.

1. Click New in the Connection tab page.

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2. The New Connection dialog box is displayed.

3. Set the attributes of the ATM connection.

Step 5 Click the PW tab, and click New to configure the attributes of PWs.
1. Click the General Attributes tab and set the basic attributes of PWs.

2. Click the QoS tab and enable the PW bandwidth restriction.

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3. Click the Advanced Attributes tab to configure the advanced attributes of PWs.

4. Click OK.

Step 6 Click the CoS Mapping tab and click Add to configure the CoS mapping of PWs.

Step 7 Click OK.


Related References
B.9.3.11 Parameter Description: ATM Service Management_Creation

A.9.8.2 Modifying ATM Service Parameters

This topic describes how to modify ATM service parameters.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l ATM PWE3 services are already created and their parameters need to be modified
according to the planning information.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > ATM
Service Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click Query.

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Step 3 Select the required ATM service and modify the parameters of the ATM service.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.9.3.10 Parameter Description: ATM Service Management

A.9.8.3 Querying ATM Services

This topic describes how to query ATM services.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > ATM
Service Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click Query.

Step 3 Select the required ATM service and query the parameters of the ATM service.


Related References
B.9.3.10 Parameter Description: ATM Service Management

A.9.8.4 Deleting an ATM Service

This topic describes how to delete an ATM service. If an ATM service is no longer used, you
can delete it to release its resources.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > ATM
Service Management from the Function Tree.

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Step 2 Click Query.

Step 3 Select the required ATM service and click Delete.

Step 4 In the confirmation dialog box, click OK.


A.9.9 ATM Traffic Management

ATM traffic management includes ATM-Diffserv management and ATM policy management.

A.9.9.1 Creating an ATM-DiffServ Domain

This topic describes how to create an ATM-DiffServ domain. If the default ATM-Diffserv
domain does not serve the purpose, a new ATM-Diffserv needs to be created.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Diffserv domain Management > ATM COS Mapping Configuration from
the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click New.

The New ATM CoS Mapping dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Configure the ATM-Diffserv domain according to the planning information.

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l Eight PHB service classes are available: BE, AF1, AF2, AF3, AF4, EF, CS6, and CS7. The OptiX RTN
950 provides different QoS policies for the queues of different service classes.
l CS6 to CS7: highest service classes, mainly applicable to signaling transmission.
l EF: fast forwarding, applicable to services of low transmission delays and low packet loss rates.
l AF1 to AF4: assured forwarding, applicable to services that require an assured transmission rate rather than
delay or jitter limits.

The AF1 class includes three subclasses: AF11, AF12, and AF13. Only one of these subclasses can take
effect for one queue. It is the same case with AF2, AF3, and AF4.
l BE: best effort, applicable to services that do not require special processing.

Step 4 Click OK.


Related References
B.9.3.7 Parameter Description: Configuration of ATM Service Class Mapping Table_Creation

A.9.9.2 Modifying an ATM-Diffserv Domain

This topic describes how to modify an ATM-Diffserv domain. By performing this operation,
you can modify the mapping relationship between ATM service types and PHB service classes.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Diffserv domain Management > ATM COS Mapping Configuration from
the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click Query.
Step 3 Select the required ATM-Diffserv domain and modify its parameters according to the planning

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l Eight PHB service classes are available: BE, AF1, AF2, AF3, AF4, EF, CS6, and CS7. The OptiX RTN
950 provides different QoS policies for the queues of different service classes.
l CS6 to CS7: highest service classes, mainly applicable to signaling transmission.
l EF: fast forwarding, applicable to services of low transmission delays and low packet loss rates.
l AF1 to AF4: assured forwarding, applicable to services that require an assured transmission rate rather than
delay or jitter limits.

The AF1 class includes three subclasses: AF11, AF12, and AF13. Only one of these subclasses can take
effect for one queue. It is the same case with AF2, AF3, and AF4.
l BE: best effort, applicable to services that do not require special processing.

Step 4 Click OK.


Related References
B.9.3.6 Parameter Description: Configuration of ATM Service Class Mapping Table

A.9.9.3 Creating an ATM Policy

This topic describes how to create an ATM policy for an ATM connection.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Policy Management > ATM Policy from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click New.

The Create ATM Policy dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Configure the parameters of the ATM policy according to the planning information.

Step 4 Click OK.


Related References
B.9.3.9 Parameter Description: ATM Policy Management_Creation

A.9.9.4 Modifying an ATM Policy

This topic describes how to modify the QoS parameters of an ATM policy.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Policy Management > ATM Policy from the Function Tree.

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Step 2 Click Query.

Step 3 Select the required ATM policy and modify its parameters according to the planning information.
Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.9.3.8 Parameter Description: ATM Policy Management

A.9.10 Using ATM OAM

ATM OAM is an OAM mechanism that is used for detecting and locating ATM faults, and
monitoring ATM performance.

A.9.10.1 Setting Segment and End Attributes of AIS/RDI

This topic describes how to set the segment and end attributes of AIS/RDI.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l ATM services have been configured.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > ATM
OAM Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Segment End Attributes tab.
Step 3 Set the segment and end attributes of AIS/RDI according to the planning information.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.9.3.12 Parameter Description: ATM OAM Management_Segment and End Attributes

A.9.10.2 Performing a Continuity Check Test

This topic describes how to perform a continuity check (CC) test. A CC test can be performed
to continuously check the unidirectional connectivity of an ATM link.

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l ATM services have been configured.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > ATM
OAM Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the CC Activation Status tab.
Step 3 Configure the parameters of the CC test according to the planning information.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.9.3.13 Parameter Description: ATM OMA Management_CC Activation Status

A.9.10.3 Querying or Setting LLIDs

This topic describes how to query or set locate loopback IDs (LLIDs). LLIDs need to be
configured before an LB test.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > ATM
OAM Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the LLID tab.
Step 3 Set the LLIDs according to the planning information.

Step 4 Click Apply.


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Related References
B.9.3.15 Parameter Description: ATM OAM Management_LLID

A.9.10.4 Performing an LB Test

This topic describes how to perform a loopback (LB) test. An LB test can be performed to
continuously check the bidirectional connectivity of an ATM link.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l ATM services have been configured.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > ATM
OAM Management from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Remote Loopback Test tab.

Step 3 Configure the attributes of the LB test according to the planning information.

Step 4 Select an ATM connection for which an LB test needs to be performed.

By pressing the Ctrl key on the keyboard, you can select multiple ATM connections at one time.

Step 5 Click Test.

Step 6 Check Test Result.


Related References
B.9.3.14 Parameter Description: ATM OAM Management_Remote End Loopback Status

A.10 Managing the Clock

To ensure the clock synchronization between transmission nodes on a transport network, you
need to manage the NE clock.

A.10.1 Managing Clocks at the Physical Layer

This section describes how to synchronize clock signals by transmission of reference clock
signals at the physical layer.

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A.10.1.1 Configuring the Clock Sources

This topic describes how to configure the clock source according to the planned clock
synchronization scheme to ensure that all the NEs on the network trace the same clock.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Clock >
Physical Clock > Clock Source Priority.
Step 2 Click the System Clock Source Priority List tab.
Step 3 Click Create.
The Add Clock Source dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Select the clock sources.


Hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard to select multiple clock sources.

Step 5 Click OK.

Step 6 Optional: Repeat Step 3 to Step 5 to add other clock sources.

Step 7 Optional: Select a clock source and click or to adjust the priority of this
clock source.

The clock priorities levels are arranged in a descending order from the first row to the last row. The internal
clock source is always of the lowest priority.

Step 8 Optional: Set External Clock Source Mode and Synchronous Status Byte for the external
clock sources.

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Step 9 Click Apply.


Related References
B.10.1.1 Parameter Description: Clock Source Priority Table

A.10.1.2 Configuring Clock Subnets

For simple networks, such as chain networks, configure the clock source protection or only
configure the clock priority to implement the clock source protection. For complex networks,
such as ring networks or intersecting and tangent rings that are derived from ring networks,
configure clock subnets and enable the standard SSM protocol or extended SSM protocol to
implement the clock source protection.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The priority list of the clock source must be configured.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Clock >
Physical Clock > Clock Subnet Configuration.
Step 2 Click the Clock Subnet tab.
Step 3 Start the clock protection protocol and configure its parameters.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.10.1.3 Parameter Description: Clock Subnet Setting_Clock Subnet

A.10.1.3 User-Defined Clock Quality

By default, the NE considers the clock quality extracted from the clock source as the clock
quality. If the clock quality is zero (the synchronization quality is unknown), the clock is

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considered as unavailable clock. In the case of any special requirements, the user can define the
clock quality for which the source clock quality and clock quality are zero.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The priority level of a clock source must be set.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Clock >
Physical Clock > Clock Subnet Configuration.
Step 2 Click the Received Quality tab.
Step 3 Click the Clock Source Quality tab.
Step 4 Set the user-defined clock quality.


Generally, it is recommended that you use the default value.

Step 5 Click Apply.

Step 6 Click the Manual Setting of 0 Quality Level tab.
Step 7 Set the clock quality for which the quality level is zero.


Generally, it is recommended that you use the default value.

Step 8 Click Apply.


Related References
B.10.1.4 Parameter Description: Clock Subnet Setting_Clock Quality

A.10.1.4 Configuring the SSM Output Status

After the standard SSM protocol or extended synchronization status message (SSM) protocol is
enabled, the NE transmits the SSM to other NEs through the SDH radio link or optical line by
default. To prevent two clock subnets from affecting each other, the NE needs to forbid the SSM
bytes from being transmitted on the link that is connected to other clock subnets.

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The priority level of a clock source must be set.
l The standard SSM or extended SSM protocol is enabled.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Clock >
Physical Clock > Clock Subnet Configuration.
Step 2 Click the SSM Output tab.
Step 3 Set the SSM control status.


l Output S1 Byte Info is valid only when the SSM protocol or the extended SSM protocol is started.
l Output S1 Byte Info indicates whether the SSM is output at the line port.
l When the line port is connected to an NE in the same clock subnet, set Output S1 Byte Info to Enabled.
Otherwise, set this parameter to Disabled.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.10.1.5 Parameter Description: Clock Subset Setting_SSM Output Control

A.10.1.5 Configuring the Clock ID Output Status

After the extended synchronization status message (SSM) protocol is enabled, the NE transmits
the clock ID to other NEs through the radio link or optical line by default. To prevent two clock
subnets from affecting each other, the NE needs to forbid the clock ID from being transmitted
on the link that is connected to other clock subnets.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The priority level of a clock source must be set.
l The extended SSM protocol must be enabled.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Clock >
Physical Clock > Clock Subnet Configuration.

Step 2 Click the Clock ID Output tab.

Step 3 Set the clock ID control status.


l Output Clock ID is valid only when the extended SSM protocol is started.
l Output Clock ID indicates whether the clock source ID is output at the line port.
l If the line ports are connected to the NEs in the same clock subnet and if the extended SSM protocol is
started on the opposite NE, Output Clock ID is set to Enabled. Otherwise, this parameter is set to

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.10.1.6 Parameter Description: Clock Subset Setting_Clock ID Enabling Status

A.10.1.6 Modifying the Parameters of the Clock Output

The NE outputs the 2-Mbit/s external clock regardless of the clock quality.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Clock >
Physical Clock > Phase-Locked Source Output by External Clock.

Step 2 Modify the parameters of the clock output.

Step 3 Click Apply.


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Related References
B.10.1.10 Parameter Description: Output Phase-Locked Source of the External Clock Source

A.10.1.7 Configuring Clock Sources for External Clock Output

By default, the OptiX RTN 950 allows output of the system clock source through the external
clock port. If the external clock port needs to transmit other clock sources, such as a clock from
a radio link or a synchronous Ethernet clock, you need to configure the priority table for the PLL
clock source of the external port.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and then choose Configuration >
Clock > Physical Clock > Clock Source Priority from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Priority for PLL Clock Sources of 1st External Output tab.

Step 3 Click Create.

The Add Clock Source dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Configure the clock sources for external clock output based on network planning information.

To select more than one clock source at a time, press and hold the Ctrl key when selecting the clock sources.

l When the PLL clock source of the external clock port extracts the system clock (namely, the local clock of
the NE), Clock Source takes its default value Internal Clock Source. In this case, no manual configuration
is required.
l When the PLL clock source of the external clock port needs to extract the clock from an SDH line board,
clock from a radio link, clock from a PDH tributary board, or synchronous Ethernet clock, set Clock
Source to the corresponding clock source according to the network planning information.

Step 5 Click OK.

Step 6 Select Internal Clock Source and click Delete.

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Related References
B.10.1.2 Parameter Description: Priority Table for the PLL Clock Source of the External Clock

A.10.1.8 Changing the Conditions for Clock Source Switching

You can change the default conditions for clock source switching of the NE for special purposes.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Clock >
Physical Clock > Clock Source Switching.
Step 2 Click the Clock Source Switching Condition tab.
Step 3 Change the conditions for clock source switching.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.10.1.9 Parameter Description: Clock Source Switching_Clock Source Switching Conditions

A.10.1.9 Modifying the Recovery Parameter of the Clock Source

In the case of the special requirements, you can modify the recovery parameter of the clock

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Clock >
Physical Clock > Clock Source Switching.
Step 2 Click the Clock Source Reversion tab.
Step 3 Set the recovery parameter of the clock source.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.10.1.7 Parameter Description: Clock Source Switching_Clock Source Restoration Parameters

A.10.1.10 Querying the Clock Synchronization Status

You can know the current clock synchronization status of an NE by querying the clock
synchronization status.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Clock >
Physical Clock > Clock Synchronization Status.
Step 2 Click Query.
Step 3 Query the clock synchronization status.


Related References
B.10.1.11 Parameter Description: Clock Synchronization Status

A.10.2 Managing CES ACR Clocks

CES ACR refers to a function that uses the adaptive clock recovery (ACR) technology to recover
clock synchronization information carried by CES packets.

A.10.2.1 Configuring the Primary Clock for an ACR Clock Domain

An ACR clock domain can use the clock extracted from a CES service as its primary clock.

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l The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.
l CES services are configured.


l An ACR clock domain can bind only the CES services from the E1 ports on a local board.
l On the MD1 board, the four ACR clock domains can bind the CES services either from the
former 16 E1 ports or from the latter 16 E1 ports on a local board. That is, the four ACR
clock domains cannot simultaneously bind the CES services from the former 16 E1 ports and
from the latter 16 E1 ports on a local board.
l A maximum of four ACR clock domains can bind CES services.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Clock > ACR Clock from the Function Tree.
Step 2 In CES Service, select an CES service for primary clock extraction.

Step 3 Click Apply.


Related References
B.10.2.1 Parameter Description: ACR Clock Source

A.10.2.2 Configuring Ports Using the Clock Domain

An CES E1 port can transmit the clock information in the system clock domain or CES ACR
clock domain.

l The NE user must have the authority of System Level or higher.
l CES services are configured.

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l E1 ports output clocks from the system clock domain by default. Therefore, it is unnecessary
to set application ports to the system clock domain if system clocks are to be used.
l An ACR clock domain can only be applied to the E1 ports on a local board.
l The E1 ports corresponding to the primary clock for an ACR clock domain must be added
to the ACR clock domain.
l On the MD1 board, the four ACR clock domains can bind the CES services either from the
former 16 E1 ports or from the latter 16 E1 ports on a local board. That is, the four ACR
clock domains cannot simultaneously bind the CES services from the former 16 E1 ports and
from the latter 16 E1 ports on a local board.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Clock > Clock Domain from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click New.
The Create Clock Domain Port dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Select Clock Domain.

Step 4 In Clock Domain Board, select the board where the ACR clock domain resides.
Step 5 Set the application ports to the ACR clock domain.
1. In Board, select a board that uses the ACR clock domain.

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2. In Available Port, select a port that transmits CES services.

3. Click .
Step 6 Click OK.


Related References
B.10.2.3 Parameter Description: Clock Domain_Creation

A.11 Using the RMON

Remote monitoring (RMON) is mainly used to monitor the data traffic on a network segment
or on the entire network. Currently, it is one of the widely used network management standards.

A.11.1 Browsing the Performance Data in the Statistics Group of an

Ethernet Port
After you configure an RMON statistics group for an Ethernet port, you can browse the real-
time statistical performance data of the port.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding board must be added in the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Performance > RMON Performance from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Statistics Group tab.
Step 3 Set the required parameters for the statistics group.
1. Select the desired object or port from the drop-down list.
2. Select the performance items for which statistics need to be collected.
3. Set Sampling Interval.
Sampling Interval represents the time unit of the performance statistics.

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Step 4 Click Resetting begins.


If you click Start, the register of the statistics group is not reset to clear the existing data.


Related References
B.8.1 Parameter Description: RMON Performance_Statistics Group

A.11.2 Configuring an Alarm Group for an Ethernet Port

After you configure an RMON alarm group for an Ethernet port, you can monitor whether the
performance value of the port crosses the configured thresholds in the long term.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding boards must be added in the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Performance > RMON Performance from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the RMON Setting tab.
Step 3 Select the boards that need to report RMON performance threshold-crossing alarms.
Step 4 Set the parameters in the Event tab page.

Threshold Detect specifies the mode for report RMON alarms. If Threshold Detect is set to Not
Supported. threshold check is not supported for RMON performance events.

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Step 5 Click Apply.


Related References
B.8.4 Parameter Description: RMON Performance_RMON Setting

A.11.3 Configuring a Historical Control Group

When configuring a historical control group for an Ethernet port, you can configure how the
historical performance data of the port is monitored. The Ethernet board monitors the historical
performance data of each port at the default sampling interval of 30 minutes. A maximum of 50
historical performance entries can be saved.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding boards must be added in the Slot Layout.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Performance > RMON History
Control Group.
Step 2 Set the parameters of the historical control group.

Step 3 Click Apply.


Related References
B.8.3 Parameter Description: RMON Performance_History Control Group

A.11.4 Browsing the Performance Data in the Historical Group of

an Ethernet Port
After you configure an RMON historical group for an Ethernet port, you can browse the historical
performance data of the port.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The corresponding boards must be added in the Slot Layout.
l The objects and performance events to be monitored must be set.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Performance > RMON Performance from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the History Group tab.
Step 3 Set the parameters of the historical group.
1. Select the desired object or port from the drop-down list.

2. Click and specify the required time span.

3. Select the performance items to browse.
4. Under History Table Type, set the time span for the performance items to be browsed.

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Step 4 Click Query.


Related References
B.8.4 Parameter Description: RMON Performance_RMON Setting

A.12 Configuring Auxiliary Ports and Functions

The auxiliary ports and functions supported by the OptiX RTN 950 include the orderwire,
synchronous data service, asynchronous data service, wayside E1 service, external alarm and
monitoring the outdoor cabinet.

A.12.1 Configuring Orderwire

The orderwire for an NE provides a dedicated communication channel that the network
maintenance personnel can use.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Orderwire
from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the General tab.
Step 3 Configure the orderwire information.

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Step 4 Click Apply.

Step 5 Optional: Change the overhead bytes occupied by the orderwire.

1. Click the Advanced tab.
2. Configure Orderwire Occupied Bytes.

3. Click Apply.


Related References
B.11.1 Parameter Description: Orderwire_General
B.11.2 Parameter Description: Orderwire_Advanced

A.12.2 Configuring the Synchronous Data Service

The OptiX RTN 950 supports the transmission of a channel of 64-kbit/s synchronous data service
through a user-defined byte in the microwave frame or the F1 overhead byte in the STM-N
frame. Such a service is also called F1 data port service.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The board involved in the synchronous data service must be configured.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Orderwire
from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the F1 Data Port tab.
Step 3 Hold on the Ctrl key, select two data channels from Available Data Path, and then click

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.11.3 Parameter Description: Orderwire_F1 Data Port

A.12.3 Configuring the Asynchronous Data Service

The OptiX RTN 950 supports the transmission of a channel of asynchronous data service with
a maximum rate of 64 kbit/s through a user-defined byte in the microwave frame or any byte
within the range of SERIAL1-SERIAL4 in the STM-N frame. Such a service is also called
broadcast data port service.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The board involved in the asynchronous data service must be configured.

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Step 1 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Orderwire
from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Click the Broadcast Data Port tab.

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Step 3 Configure the parameters of the broadcast data port.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.11.4 Parameter Description: Orderwire_Broadcast Data Port

A.12.4 Configuring the Wayside E1 Service

The OptiX RTN 950 supports the transmission of a channel of 2.048-Mbit/s wayside E1 service
through 32 user-defined bytes in the SDH microwave frame.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The IF1 board must be added on the Slot Layout.
l The DCC channels corresponding to external clocks must be disabled.

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Background Information
The wayside E1 service can be supported by the IF1 board in the 7,STM-1,28MHz,128QAM,
8,E3,28MHz,QPSK, or 9,E3,14MHz,16QAM mode.

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Step 1 Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > IF Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the IF Attributes tab.

Step 3 Configure the enable status of the wayside E1 service and set the slot that houses the board.

Step 4 Click Apply.


Related References
B.5.5.1 Parameter Description: IF Interface_IF Attribute

A.12.5 Configure External Alarms

After the outputting of external alarms is configured, the alarm information of the OptiX RTN
950 can be output to other equipment. After the inputting of external alarms is configured, the
alarm information of other equipment can be input to the OptiX RTN 950.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The AUX board must be added on the Slot Layout.

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The external alarms of the OptiX RTN 950 are also considered as housekeeping alarms. The
external alarm port of the OptiX RTN 950 is a relay port. This port can be either in the "on" state
or in the "off" state.

The OptiX RTN 950 provides two alarm output ports and four alarm input ports. The alarm input
ports report the RELAY_ALARM alarm (the alarm parameter indicates the port number of the
input alarm) after the external alarm is triggered. To ensure that the external alarm port works
normally, the external alarm cables must be correctly connected.

Step 1 Select the AUX board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration >
Environment Monitor Configuration > Environment Monitor Interface from the Function

Step 2 Configure the input alarm.

1. Select Input Relay from the drop-down list.

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2. Configure the parameters of the input alarm.

3. Click Apply.

Step 3 Configure the output alarm.

1. Select Output Relay from the drop-down list.
2. Configure the parameters of the output alarm.

3. Click Apply.


Related References
B.11.5 Parameter Description: Environment Monitoring Interface

A.12.6 Monitoring the Outdoor Cabinet

The OptiX RTN 950 supports the function of monitoring the outdoor cabinet and its power
monitoring unit (PMU).

A.12.6.1 Configuring the Function of an Auxiliary Port

On the OptiX RTN 950, When the TOD2 port on the CSH/CST board is used for monitoring
the outdoor cabinet, configure this function.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The outdoor cabinet monitoring port on the OptiX RTN 950 has been connected to the
COM_IN port on the outdoor cabinet. In addition, monitoring signal communication is

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and then choose
Configuration > Auxiliary Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Double-click Interface Mode. Select MON from the drop-down list.

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For the CSH/CST board, Interface Mode can be configured only for port 2.

Step 3 Click Apply.


Related References
B.10.3 Parameter Description: Auxiliary Ports

A.12.6.2 Setting the Type of the Outdoor Cabinet

After setting the type of the outdoor cabinet, you can set parameters for the logical boards of the
outdoor cabinet according to the network planning information.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l Interface Mode has been configured correctly under Auxiliary Interface.

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The OptiX RTN 950 supports four types of outdoor cabinet, namely, APM30 AC, APM30 DC, OMB AC, and
OMB DC cabinets. When being installed in the OMB AC or OMB DC cabinet, the OptiX RTN 950 can work
as only a repeater. When using service cables such as E1 cables and Ethernet cables, install the OptiX RTN
950 in the APM30 AC or APM30 DC cabinet.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and then choose
Configuration > NE Attribute from the Function Tree.
Step 2 Set Outdoor Cabinet Type under NE Attribute.

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Ensure that the configured cabinet type is the same as the type of the actually used outdoor cabinet.

Step 3 Click Apply.


A.12.6.3 Querying and Setting the Temperature and Fan Information of the
Outdoor Cabinet
By performing these operations, you can query the temperature and fan information of the
outdoor cabinet. In addition, you can set temperature alarm thresholds and set the working mode
of the fan.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The TCU logical board has been added to the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select TCU from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Environment
Monitor Configuration > Environment Monitor Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select Outdoor Cabinet Interface from the Environment Monitor Interface drop-down list.

Step 3 Optional: Click Query to view the temperature and fan information.

Step 4 Optional: Set the working mode of the fan.

1. Set Work Mode.
2. Set other parameters according to the value of Work Mode.
l If you set Work Mode to Temperature Control Speed Adjustment, you do not need
to set the other parameters.
l If you set Work Mode to Master Control Fan Speed Grade, you can set Fan Speed
Grade Attribute to Fixation High Speed or Fixation Low Speed.
l If you set Work Mode to Master Control Fan Speed Percent, you can set Speed of
Internal Circulation Fan(RPM) and Speed of External Circulation Fan(RPM).
3. Click Apply.

It is recommended that the parameters take their default values, unless otherwise specified.

Step 5 Optional: Set the temperature alarm thresholds.

1. Set High Temperature Threshold(°C).
2. Set Low Temperature Threshold(°C).

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3. Click Apply.

It is recommended that the parameters take their default values, unless otherwise specified.


A.12.6.4 Querying and Setting the Information About the Power System of the
Outdoor Cabinet
By performing these operations, you can query and set the information about the power module
and the information about the storage batteries managed by the power monitoring unit (PMU)
of the outdoor cabinet.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The PMU logical board has been added to the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


This operation is supported only by APM30 AC and OBM AC cabinets. The OBM AC cabinets do not
support setting and queries of parameters about the battery group.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select PMU from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Environment Monitor Configuration > Environment Monitor Interface from the Function
Step 2 Configure the information about the power system of the outdoor cabinet.
1. Select Outdoor Cabinet Interface from the Environment Monitor Interface drop-down
2. Click Query to view the information about the power system of the outdoor cabinet.
3. Modify the information about the power system of the outdoor cabinet.

4. Click Apply.

It is recommended that the parameters take their default values, unless otherwise specified.

Step 3 Configure the information about the PMU of the outdoor cabinet.
1. Select Outdoor Cabinet PMU Electrical Source System Attribute from the
Environment Monitor Interface drop-down list.
2. Click Query to view the information about the PMU of the outdoor cabinet.
3. Modify the information about the power system of the outdoor cabinet.

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4. Click Apply.

It is recommended that the parameters take their default values, unless otherwise specified.


A.12.6.5 Querying the Ambient Temperature and Humidity of the Outdoor Cabinet
The power monitoring unit (PMU) monitors the ambient temperature and humidity of the
outdoor cabinet.

l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The PMU logical board has been added to the Slot Layout.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


This operation is supported only by APM30 AC and OBM AC cabinets.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select PMU from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Environment Monitor Configuration > Environment Monitor Interface from the Function

Step 2 Query the ambient humidity.

1. Select Outdoor Cabinet Interface from the Environment Monitor Interface drop-down
2. Click Query to obtain Relevant Humidity.

Step 3 Query the ambient temperature.

1. Select Outdoor Cabinet Ambient Temperature from the Environment Monitor
Interface drop-down list.
2. Click Query to obtain Ambient Temperature(°C).


A.12.6.6 Setting the Temperature and Humidity Alarm Thresholds for the PMU
When the ambient temperature exceeds the preset thresholds, the power monitoring unit (PMU)
reports the ODC_TEMP_ABN alarm; when the relevant humidity exceeds the preset thresholds,
the PMU reports the ODC_HUMI_ABN alarm.

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l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.
l The PMU logical board has been added to the Slot Layout.

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This operation is supported only by APM30 AC and OBM AC cabinets.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select PMU from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Environment Monitor Configuration > Environment Monitor Interface from the Function
Step 2 Select Outdoor Cabinet PMU Alarm Threshold from the Environment Monitor Interface
drop-down list.
Step 3 Select Operation Object, and set Upper Threshold and Lower Threshold for temperature and
humidity alarms.

Step 4 Click Apply.


It is recommended that the parameters take their default values, unless otherwise specified.


A.13 Verifying Services and Features

This topic describes how to verify service and feature configurations.

A.13.1 Testing E1 Services Using PRBS

If no BER tester is available, you can test E1 services by using the PRBS test system embedded
in the equipment.

l The NE must be configured with E1 services, and the E1 services must be transmitted
through the DDF.
l The communication between the NMS and the NE must be normal.

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l When a PRBS test is performed, the services carried on the tested path are interrupted.
l The PRBS test can be performed only in a unidirectional manner and on one path at a time.
l CES services do not support a PRBS test.

Step 1 On the NMS, perform an inloop for the corresponding E1 port at the remote site.
1. Select the PDH interface board in the Object Tree.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > PDH Interface.
3. Select By Function and select Tributary Loopback from the drop-down menu.
4. In Tributary Loopback, select Inloop.
5. Click Apply.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click OK.
Step 2 At the central site, on the NMS, select the PDH interface board in the Object Tree.

Step 3 In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > PRBS Test.

Step 4 Select the first E1 port, and then set the following PRBS-related parameters:
l Direction: Cross
l Duration: a value from 120 to 180
l Measured in Time: seconds

Step 5 Click Start to Test.

The system displays a dialog box indicating The operation may interrupt the service, are you
sure to continue?
Step 6 Click OK.

Step 7 When the Progress column is 100%, click Query to check the test result.
The curve diagram should be green.
Step 8 Release the inloop set in Step 1.

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1. Select the PDH interface board in the Object Tree.

2. In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > PDH Interface.
3. Select By Function and select Tributary Loopback from the drop-down menu.
4. In Tributary Loopback, select Non-Loopback.
5. Click Apply.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click OK.

Step 9 Repeat Step 1 through Step 8 to test all other E1 ports.


A.13.2 Testing E1 Services by Using a BER Tester

If a BER tester is available, the BER tester can be used to test E1 services.

The NE must be configured with E1 services, and the E1 services must be transmitted through
the DDF.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials

l Web LCT
l BER tester

For a test of CES services in CESoPSN mode, a BER tester supporting Nx64 Kbit/s timeslot setting is

Step 1 On the DDF at the central site, connect the BER tester to the first E1 port of the IDU.

The BER tester indicates the AIS alarm.

Figure A-2 Connecting the BER tester


. 4

BER tester

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Step 2 On the NMS, perform an inloop for the corresponding E1 port at the remote site.
1. Select the PDH interface board in the Object Tree.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > PDH Interface.
3. Select By Function and select Tributary Loopback from the drop-down menu.
4. In Tributary Loopback, select Inloop.
5. Click Apply.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click OK.

Step 3 Test the bit errors for two minutes.

There should be no bit errors.

For a test of CES services, it is necessary to configure 64 Kbit/s timeslots on a BER tester to align with the
timeslots carrying CES services.

Step 4 Release the inloop set in Step 2.

1. Select the PDH interface board in the Object Tree.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > PDH Interface.
3. Select By Function and select Tributary Loopback from the drop-down menu.
4. In Tributary Loopback, select Non-Loopback.
5. Click Apply.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click OK.

Step 5 Repeat Step 1 through Step 4 to test all other E1 ports.


A.13.3 Testing Ethernet Services

By testing Ethernet services, you can check whether the Ethernet services are available over
radio links. The Ethernet services can be tested using the ETH-OAM function. Therefore, no
tester is required.

Ethernet services must be configured.

l It is recommended that you test low-priority Ethernet services in good weather conditions when the AM
function works in the highest-efficiency modulation mode.
l The tested Ethernet services can be Native Ethernet services, EoPDH services, or Ethernet services carried
by PWs.

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Test Connection Diagram

The following test procedure considers the Ethernet service from PORT2 on NE2 and PORT3
on NE3 to PORT1 on NE1 as an example, as shown in Figure A-3.The three Ethernet ports are
not on the EFP8 boards.

Figure A-3 Networking diagram for testing Ethernet services


NE 1

NE 3
Microwave network


The VLAN ID of the Ethernet service from NE2 to NE1 is 100, and the VLAN ID of the Ethernet
service from NE3 to NE1 is 200.


If the Ethernet ports are on the EFP8 boards, you can still perform the following steps to test the Ethernet
services by eliminating the need to set up the remote maintenance end point. In addition, the operations on
the NMS are different. For details, see A.8.8.1 Creating MDs, A.8.8.2 Creating MAs, A.8.8.3 Creating
MPs, and A.8.8.5 Performing an LB Test.

Step 1 Configure the maintenance domains of NE1, NE2, and NE3.
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
2. Choose New > New Maintenance Domain.
The New Maintenance Domain dialog box is displayed.
3. Configure the parameters of the new maintenance domains.
l Maintenance Domain Name: MD1 for NE1, NE2, and NE3
l Maintenance Domain Level: 4 for NE1, NE2, and NE3

The maintenance domain names and the maintenance domain levels of the NEs must be the same.

4. Click OK.

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Step 2 Configure the maintenance associations of NE1, NE2, and NE3.

1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
2. Select the maintenance domain in which a maintenance association needs to be created.
Choose New > New Maintenance Association.
The New Maintenance Association dialog box is displayed.
3. Configure the parameters of the new maintenance associations.
l Maintenance Association Name: MA1 for NE1, NE2, and NE3
l Relevant Service: services from NE1 to NE2 and NE3

Click in Relevant Service, and select associated services in the New Maintenance
Association dialog box.

4. Click OK.
Step 3 Configure the MEPs of NE1, NE2, and NE3.
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Maintenance Association tab.
3. Select the maintenance association in which an MEP needs to be created. Choose New >
New MEP Point.
The system displays the New MEP Point dialog box.
4. Configure the parameters of the new MEPs.
l MP ID: 101 for NE1, 102 for NE2, and 103 for NE3
l Direction: Ingress for NE1, NE2, and NE3
l CC Status: activation for NE1, NE2, and NE3

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5. Click OK.

Step 4 Configure the remote MEPs for the maintenance associations of NE1, NE2, and NE3.
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Maintenance Association tab.
3. Choose OAM > Manage Remote MEP Point. The Manage Remote MEP Point dialog
box is displayed.
4. Click New.
Then, the Add Maintenance Association Remote Maintenance Point dialog box is
5. Set the parameters of the new remote MEPs.
l Remote Maintenance Point ID: 102 and 103 for NE1, and 101 for NE2 and NE3

Set the Remote Maintenance Point ID of NE1 to the MP ID of NE2 and NE3, and set the
Remote Maintenance Point ID of NE2 and NE3 to the MP ID of NE1.

6. Click OK.

Step 5 Test the availability of the Ethernet services from NE1 to NE2 and NE3.
1. Select an NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of the NE1, and then choose
Configuration > Ethernet OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM.
2. Select the MD, MA, and MEP that correspond to Port 1, click OAM.
3. Select Start LB.
The LB Test window is displayed.
4. Select MP ID, and set the parameters in Test Node.
l Source Maintenance Point ID: 101 (maintenance point ID of NE1)

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l Destination Maintenance Point ID: 102 (maintenance point ID of NE2)

l Transmitted Packet Count: 20 (recommended)
l Transmitted Packet Length: 64 (64 is a recommended value, and the parameter can
also be set to 128, 256, 512, 1024, and 1280 for testing the Ethernet services of different
packet lengths.)

The maximum Packet Length is 1400.

l Transmitted Packet Priority: 7 (recommended)

5. Click Start Test.

6. Check Detection Result.
The LossRate in the Detection Result should be 0.

7. Repeat Step 5.4 to Step 5.6 to test the Ethernet services from NE1 to NE3.
l Source Maintenance Point ID: 101 (maintenance point ID of NE1)
l Destination Maintenance Point ID: 103 (maintenance point ID of NE3)
l Transmitted Packet Count: 20 (recommended)
l Transmitted Packet Length: 64 (recommended)
l Transmitted Packet Priority: 7 (recommended)
The LossRate in the Detection Result should be 0.


A.13.4 Testing ATM Services

By testing ATM services, you can check whether ATM services are available over radio links.
The ATM services can be tested using the ATM OAM function. Therefore, no tester is required.

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l End-to-end ATM services must be configured.
l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Background Information
When an LB test is performed on the ATM service, the segment and end attribute is set to specify
the types of transmitted ATM OAM cells.
l When Segment End Attribute is set to Segment point, segment LB cells are transmitted.
l When Segment End Attribute is set to Endpoint, end-to-end LB cells are transmitted.

Test Connection Diagram

This example shows how to test the ATM service over a radio link hop. The method for testing
the ATM services over multiple radio link hops is the same. Figure A-4 shows the test connection
diagram. NE A and NE B are the OptiX RTN 950.
The services of the boards on the NE1 and NE2 are configured as follows:
Attribute NE A NE B

UNI Service source 3-MD1-1 (Trunk-1) 3-MD1-1 (Trunk-1)

Bound port 3-MD1-1 (Port-1) 3-MD1-1 (Port-1)

3-MD1-2 (Port-2) 3-MD1-2 (Port-2)

VPI 1 101

VCI 51 501


Service source - -

Bound port - -

VPI 101 101

VCI 501 501

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Figure A-4 Connection diagram for testing the connectivity of the ATM service
1 51 101 501 101 501 101 501


Step 1 Set the segment and end attributes of the ATM services on the NE A and NE B.
1. In the NE Explorer, select an NE and then choose Configuration > ATM OAM
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Segment and End Attribute tab, and choose the ATM service to be tested.
3. As for NE A and NE B, set Segment and End Attribute to Segment point.
4. As for NE A and NE B, set Connection Direction to Sink.
5. Click Apply.

Step 2 Set the identifier at the loopback point from NE A to NE B.

1. In the NE Explorer, select an NE and then choose Configuration > ATM OAM
Management from the Function Tree. Click the LLID tab.
2. Set Country Code, Network Code, and NE Code.
Set the parameters of NE A as follows:
l Set Country Code to 00 86.
l Set Network Code to 00 16.
l Set NE Code to 00 09 78 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00.
Set the parameters of NE B as follows:
l Set Country Code to 00 86.
l Set Network Code to 00 16.
l Set NE Code to 00 09 78 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00.

If the default LLID is unique on a network, the default LLID can also be used.
3. Click Apply.

Step 3 Test the ATM service from NE A to NE B.

1. In the NE Explorer, select NE A and then choose Configuration > ATM OAM
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Remote Loopback Test tab, and choose the ATM service to be tested.
3. Set Loopback Point NE of the ATM service to be tested to NE B.

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4. Click Test to start an LB test.

5. In normal situations, Test Result should be Test succeeded.
If the test is not successful, see Maintenance Guide and rectify the fault based on the test

Step 4 Test the ATM service from NE B to NE A.

1. With reference of Step 1, set Connection Direction of NE A to Sink; set Connection
Direction of NE B to Source.
2. Select NE B from the NE Explorer. Then, choose Configuration > ATM OAM
Management from the Function Tree.
3. Click the Remote Loopback Test tab, and choose the ATM service to be tested.
4. Set Loopback Point NE of the ATM service to be tested to NE B.
5. Click Test to start an LB test.
6. In normal situations, Test Result should be Test succeeded.
If the test is not successful, see Maintenance Guide and rectify the fault based on the test


A.13.5 Testing AM Switching

By testing AM switching, you can determine whether the AM switching is normal over radio

A.13.5.1 Testing AM Switching by Using a BER Tester

If a BER tester is available, the BER tester can be used to test AM switching.

l The antennas have been aligned.
l The radio links must be the Integrated IP radio links for which the AM function is enabled.
l The E1 service must be configured.
l The weather is favorable.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials

l Web LCT
l BER tester

The following test procedure uses the E1 services between NEs as an example.

Step 1 Connect the BER tester to an E1 port on the local NE.

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Test the E1 services with the highest priority, which are not discarded in the lowest-order modulation mode.

Step 2 On the remote NE, perform an inloop at the E1 port by using the NMS.
1. Select the PDH interface board in the Object Tree.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > PDH Interface.
3. Select By Function and select Tributary Loopback from the drop-down menu.
4. In Tributary Loopback, select Inloop.
5. Click Apply.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click OK.
Step 3 Configure the Hybrid/AM attribute on the local NE.
1. Select the IF board from the NE Explorer, and then choose Configuration > IF
Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF Attributes tab.
3. On the local NE, set the AM attribute to Disable, and set Manually Specified Modulation
Mode to the same value as Modulation Mode of the Guarantee AM Capacity.
4. Click Apply.
Step 4 Query the AM working status on the local NE.
1. Select the IF board from the NE Explorer, and then choose Configuration > IF
Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF Attributes tab.
3. Click Query.
Transmit-End Modulation Mode should be Manually Specified Modulation Mode of
a pre-set value.

Step 5 Use the BER tester to test the bit errors.

The test result should show that no bit error occurs.
Step 6 Configure the Hybrid/AM attribute to the planned values on the local NE.
1. Select the IF board from the NE Explorer, and then choose Configuration > IF
Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF Attributes tab.
3. On the local NE, set the AM attribute to Enable, and set Modulation Mode of the
Guarantee AM Capacity and Modulation Mode of the Full AM Capacity to the planned
4. Click Apply.
Step 7 Query the AM working status on the local NE.
1. Select the IF board from the NE Explorer, and then choose Configuration > IF
Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF Attributes tab.
3. Click Query.

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Transmit-End Modulation mode should be Modulation Mode of the Full AM

Capacity of a preset value.


When adverse weather prevails, the current modulation mode may be lower than the value of
Modulation Mode of the Full AM Capacity.

Step 8 Check the BER test result.

There should be no bit errors.

Step 9 Release the inloop set in Step 2.

1. Select the PDH interface board in the Object Tree.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > PDH Interface.
3. Select By Function and select Tributary Loopback from the drop-down menu.
4. In Tributary Loopback, select Non-Loopback.
5. Click Apply.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click OK.


A.13.5.2 Testing AM Switching Without a BER Tester

If no BER tester is available, you can test AM switching by querying the bit errors over radio

l The antennas have been aligned.
l The radio links must be the Integrated IP radio links for which the AM function is enabled.
l The weather is favorable.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Configure the Hybrid/AM attribute on the local NE.
1. Select the IF board from the NE Explorer, and then choose Configuration > IF
Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF Attributes tab.
3. On the local NE, set the AM attribute to Disable, and set Manually Specified Modulation
Mode to the same value as Modulation Mode of the Guarantee AM Capacity.
4. Click Apply.

Step 2 Query the 15-minute performance value of the IF board on the local NE.

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1. Select the desired IF board from the Object Tree in NE Explorer.

2. In the Function Tree, choose Performance > Current Performance.
3. In Monitored Object Filter Criteria, select All.
4. Set Monitor Period to 15-Minute.
5. In Count, select FEC Performance. In Display Options, select Display Zero Data and
Consecutive Severely Errored Seconds Second.
6. Click Query.
In performance events, the value of FEC_UNCOR_BLOCK_CNT should be 0. If the
value is not 0, choose Reset on the performance register to clear the existing performance

Step 3 Query the AM working status on the local NE.

1. Select the IF board from the NE Explorer, and then choose Configuration > IF
Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF Attributes tab.
3. Click Query.
Transmit-End Modulation Mode should be Manually Specified Modulation Mode of
a pre-set value.

Step 4 Reset the performance event register.

1. Select the desired IF board from the Object Tree in NE Explorer.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Performance > Current Performance.
3. Click Reset.
The confirmation dialog box is displayed.
4. Click Yes.

Step 5 Configure the Hybrid/AM attribute to the planned values on the local NE.
1. Select the IF board from the NE Explorer, and then choose Configuration > IF
Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF Attributes tab.
3. On the local NE, set the AM attribute to Enable, and set Modulation Mode of the
Guarantee AM Capacity and Modulation Mode of the Full AM Capacity to the planned
4. Click Apply.

Step 6 Repeat Step 2. Wait for a period, and query the 15-minute performance value of the IF board
on the local NE.
In performance events, the value of FEC_UNCOR_BLOCK_CNT should be 0.

Step 7 Query the AM working status on the local NE.

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1. Select the IF board from the NE Explorer, and then choose Configuration > IF
Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF Attributes tab.
3. Click Query.
Transmit-End Modulation mode should be Modulation Mode of the Full AM
Capacity of a preset value.


When adverse weather prevails, the current modulation mode may be lower than the value of
Modulation Mode of the Full AM Capacity.


A.13.6 Testing Protection Switching

By testing protection switching, you can determine whether the protection switching is normal
over radio links.

A.13.6.1 Testing IF 1+1 Switching

You can verify whether the IF 1+1 protection function is in the normal state by checking the
working board of the IF 1+1 protection group before and after the switching.

l The antennas have been aligned.
l The equipment is configured with IF 1+1 protection.
l E1 services are configured.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials

l Web LCT
l BER tester

Test Connection Diagram

Figure A-5 Configuration for testing IF 1+1 switching

NE A and NE B are configured as follows:

l Main IF board: ISU2 in slot 3
l Standby IF board: ISU2 in slot 5
l Main ODU: ODU in slot 23
l Standby ODU: ODU in slot 25

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As shown in Figure A-5, the following procedures use the E1 services between NE A and NE
B that are configured with 1+1 HSB protection as an example.

l If Working Mode of the IF 1+1 protection is set to HSB, TX Status should be set to Mute for the ODU
on the main channel of NE A, and Enable Reverse Switching should be set to Enable. The switching occurs
at NE A.
l If Working Mode of the IF 1+1 protection is set to SD, TX Status should be set to Mute for the ODU on
the main channel of NE A, and Enable Reverse Switching should be set to Enable. The switching occurs
at NE A.
l If Working Mode of the IF 1+1 protection is set to FD, TX Status should be set to Mute for the ODU on
the main channel of NE B. The switching occurs at NE A.


If no BER tester is available on site, you can compare the values of Active Board of Device or Active Board
of Channel in Protection Group before and after the protection switching.

Step 1 Check whether a BER tester is available at the central site.

If... Then...
A BER tester is available on site Perform Step 2 through Step 11.
No BER tester is available on site Perform Step 6 through Step 10.

Step 2 On NE A at the central site, connect one E1 port to the BER tester.

Step 3 On NE B at the remote site, perform a software inloop at the E1 port by using the NMS.
1. Select the PDH interface board in the Object Tree.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > PDH Interface.
3. Select By Function and select Tributary Loopback from the drop-down menu.
4. In Tributary Loopback, select Inloop.
5. Click Apply.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click OK.

Step 4 Test the BER by using the BER tester.

The BER tester should show that no bit errors occur.

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Step 5 Set Enable Reverse Switching in the 1+1 HSB protection group for NE A.
1. Select the desired NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE A, and choose
Configuration > Link Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF 1+1 Protection tab.
3. Select the corresponding protection group in Protection Group, and set Enable Reverse
Switching to Enable.
4. Click Apply.

Step 6 Before the switching, query the status of the protection group that is configured on NE A.
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE A, and choose
Configuration > Link Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF 1+1 Protection tab.
3. Select the corresponding protection group in Protection Group, and click Query.
4. In Protection Group, the value of Active Board of Device should be the main IF board

Step 7 Set TX Status to Mute for the main ODU 23-ODU of NE A.

1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE A, and choose
Configuration > Link Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF/ODU Configuration tab.
3. Select the desired ODU, and set TX Status to Mute.
4. Click Apply.

Step 8 Check service availability after the switching.

If... Then...
A BER tester is available on site Check the test result on the BER tester. It
should show that the services are restored after
transient interruption.
No BER tester is available on site, and the Refer to A.13.1 Testing E1 Services Using
E1 services are transmitted on the radio PRBS to test availability of the E1 services.
No BER tester is available on site, and the Refer to A.13.3 Testing Ethernet Services to
Ethernet services are transmitted on the test availability of the Ethernet services.
radio link

Step 9 After the switching, query the status of the protection group that is configured on NE A.
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE A, and choose
Configuration > Link Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF 1+1 Protection tab.
3. Select the corresponding protection group in Protection Group, and click Query.
4. In Protection Group, the value of Active Board of Device should be the standby IF board

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Step 10 Set TX Status to Unmute for the main ODU 23-ODU of NE A.

1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE A, and choose
Configuration > Link Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF/ODU Configuration tab.
3. Select the desired ODU, and set TX Status to Unmute.
4. Click Apply.

Step 11 Release the software inloop set in Step 3.

1. Select the PDH interface board in the Object Tree.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > PDH Interface.
3. Select By Function and select Tributary Loopback from the drop-down menu.
4. In Tributary Loopback, select Non-Loopback.
5. Click Apply.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click OK.

Step 12 Restore the setting of Enable Reverse Switching in Step 5.

1. Select the desired NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE A, and choose
Configuration > Link Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF 1+1 Protection tab.
3. Select the corresponding protection group in Protection Group, and set Enable Reverse
Switching to Disable.
4. Click Apply.


A.13.6.2 Testing N+1 Protection Switching

You can verify whether the IF N+1 protection function works normally by checking the working
board of the IF N+1 protection group before and after the switching.

l The antennas have been aligned.
l The equipment must be configured with the N+1 protection.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials

l Web LCT
l BER tester

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Test Connection Diagram

Figure A-6 Configuration for testing N+1 protection switching

NE A and NE B are configured as follows:
l Main IF boards: ISU2 in slot 3 and ISU2 in slot 5
l Standby IF board: ISU2 in slot 4
l Main ODUs: ODU in slot 23 and ODU in slot 25
l Standby ODU: ODU in slot 24


As shown in Figure A-6, the following procedures consider the E1 services between NE A and
NE B that are configured with the N+1 (N=2) configuration as an example.


If no BER tester is available on site, you can compare the values of Switching Status in Slot Mapping
Relation before and after the protection switching.

Step 1 Check whether a BER tester is available at the central site.

If... Then...
A BER tester is available on site Perform Step 2 to Step 10.
No BER tester is available on site Perform Step 5 to Step 9.

Step 2 At the central site NE A, connect one E1 port to the BER tester.
Step 3 At the remote site NE B, perform a software inloop at the E1 port by using the NMS.
1. Select the PDH interface board in the Object Tree.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > PDH Interface.
3. Select By Function and select Tributary Loopback from the drop-down menu.
4. In Tributary Loopback, select Inloop.
5. Click Apply.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click OK.
Step 4 Test the BER by using the BER tester.

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The BER tester should show that no bit error occurs.

Step 5 Before the switching, query the status of the protection group that is configured on NE B.
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE B, and then choose
Configuration > Link Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the N+1 Protection tab.
3. Select the ID of the protection group to be queried, and then click Query.
4. In Slot Mapping Relation, Switching Status of the working units 3-ISU2-1 and 5-
ISU2-1 and the protection unit 4-ISU2-1 should be Normal.


If a fault arises, you must rectify the fault and then proceed with the N+1 protection testing.

Step 6 Set TX Status to Mute for the main ODU 23-ODU of NE A.

1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE A, and choose
Configuration > Link Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF/ODU Configuration tab.
3. Select the desired ODU, and set TX Status to Mute.
4. Click Apply.
Step 7 Check service availability after the switching.

If... Then...
A BER tester is available on site Check the test result on the BER tester. It
should show that the services are restored after
a transient interruption.
No BER tester is available on site, and the See A.13.1 Testing E1 Services Using
E1 services are transmitted on the radio PRBS to test availability of the E1 services.
No BER tester is available on site, and the See A.13.3 Testing Ethernet Services to test
Ethernet services are transmitted on the availability of the Ethernet service.
radio link.

Step 8 After the switching, query the status of the protection group that is configured on NE B.
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE B, and then choose
Configuration > Link Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the N+1 Protection tab.
3. Select the ID of the protection group to be queried, and then click Query.
4. In Slot Mapping Relation, the Switching Status of the working unit 3-ISU2-1 for the
service that is configured with the N+1 protection should be SF.

Step 9 Set TX Status to Unmute for the main ODU 23-ODU of NE A.

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1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE A, and choose
Configuration > Link Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF/ODU Configuration tab.
3. Select the desired ODU, and set TX Status to Unmute.
4. Click Apply.

Step 10 Release the loopback set in Step 3.

1. Select the PDH interface board in the Object Tree.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > PDH Interface.
3. Select By Function and select Tributary Loopback from the drop-down menu.
4. In Tributary Loopback, select Non-Loopback.
5. Click Apply.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click OK.


A.13.6.3 Testing SNCP Switching

You can verify whether SNCP works normally by checking the working port of the SNCP
protection group before and after the switching.

l The antennas have been aligned.
l The equipment is configured with the SNCP.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials

l Web LCT
l BER tester

Test Connection Diagram

As shown in Figure A-7, the following procedures consider the E1 services between NE A and
NE C that are configured with SNCP as an example. Figure A-7 shows a network composed of
radio links, and the test procedures are similar in the case of a network composed of optical fiber

Figure A-7 Configuration for testing SNCP switching

NE A and NE C are configured as follows:

l West IF board: ISU2 in slot 3
l East IF board: ISU2 in slot 4
l West ODU: ODU in slot 23
l East ODU: ODU in slot 24

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Protecting SNC SNC




If no BER tester is available on site, you can compare the values of Current Channel in Working Cross-
Connections before an d after the protection switching.

Step 1 Check whether a BER tester is available at the central site.

If... Then...
A BER tester is available on site Perform Step 2 through Step 10.
No BER tester is available on site Perform Step 5 through Step 9.

Step 2 At the central site NE A, connect one E1 port to the BER tester.

Step 3 At the remote site NE C, perform a software inloop at the E1 port by using the NMS.
1. Select the PDH interface board in the Object Tree.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > PDH Interface.
3. Select By Function and select Tributary Loopback from the drop-down menu.
4. In Tributary Loopback, select Inloop.
5. Click Apply.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click OK.

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Step 4 Test the BER by using the BER tester.

The BER tester should show that no bit errors occur.

Step 5 Before the switching, query the status of the protection group that is configured on NE C.
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE C, and choose
Configuration > SNCP Service Control from the Function Tree.
2. In Working Coross-Connections, select an SNCP service that is already created, then
click Function, and finally select Query Switching Status.
3. The current SNCP status of the equipment is displayed in Working Coross-
Connections and Protection Coross-Connections.
In Current Status, Normal should be displayed. In Current Channel, Working Path
should be displayed.

Step 6 Set TX Status to Mute for the west ODU 23-ODU of NE A.

1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE A, and choose
Configuration > Link Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF/ODU Configuration tab.
3. Select the desired ODU, and set TX Status to Mute.
4. Click Apply.

Step 7 Check service availability after the switching.

If... Then...
A BER tester is available on site Check the test result on the BER tester. It
should show that the services are restored after
a transient interruption.
No BER tester is available on site, and the See A.13.1 Testing E1 Services Using
E1 services are transmitted on the radio PRBS to test availability of the E1 services.

Step 8 After the switching, query the status of the protection group that is configured on NE C.
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE C, and choose
Configuration > SNCP Service Control from the Function Tree.
2. Click Function, and then select Query Switching Status.
3. The current SNCP status of the equipment is displayed in Working Coross-
Connections and Protection Coross-Connections.
In Current Status, the service switching mode is displayed. In Current Channel,
Protection Path should be displayed.

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Step 9 Set TX Status to Unmute for the west ODU 23-ODU of NE A.

1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE A, and choose
Configuration > Link Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF/ODU Configuration tab.
3. Select the desired ODU, and set TX Status to Unmute.
4. Click Apply.

Step 10 Release the loopback set in Step 3.

1. Select the PDH interface board in the Object Tree.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > PDH Interface.
3. Select By Function and select Tributary Loopback from the drop-down menu.
4. In Tributary Loopback, select Non-Loopback.
5. Click Apply.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click OK.


A.13.6.4 Testing ERPS Switching

You can verify whether the ERPS function is in the normal state by checking the port status of
the ERPS protection group before and after the switching.

l The equipment is configured with ERPS.
l The network cable for carrying the working and protection Ethernet services of ERPS is
properly connected.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Test Connection Diagram

As shown in Figure A-8, the following procedures use the Ethernet services that are configured
with ERPS between NE A and NE D as an example. The RPL owner node is NE D.

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Figure A-8 Configuration for testing ERPS

NE A, NE B, NE C, and NE D are configured as follows:

l West IF board: ISU2 in slot 3
l East IF board: ISU2 in slot 5
l West ODU: ODU in slot 23
l East ODU: ODU in slot 25

East West

Protection channel East


Working channel

Step 1 Before the switching, query the status of the protection group that is configured on NE D.
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE D, and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Protection > ERPS Management from the Function Tree.
2. Select the ERPS protection group to be queried, and click Query.
3. The value of State Machine Status should be Idle.

Step 2 Refer to A.13.3 Testing Ethernet Services to test availability of the Ethernet services.

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The LossRate in the Detection Result should be 0.

Step 3 Set TX Status to Mute for the west ODU 23-ODU of NE A.

1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE A, and choose
Configuration > Link Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF/ODU Configuration tab.
3. Select the desired ODU, and set TX Status to Mute.
4. Click Apply.

Step 4 After the switching, query the status of the protection group that is configured on NE D.
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE D, and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Protection > ERPS Management from the Function Tree.
2. Select the ERPS protection group to be queried, and click Query.
3. The value of State Machine Status should be Protection.

Step 5 Refer to A.13.3 Testing Ethernet Services to test availability of the Ethernet services.
The LossRate in the Detection Result should be 0.

Step 6 Set TX Status to Unmute for the west ODU 23-ODU of NE A.

1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE A, and choose
Configuration > Link Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF/ODU Configuration tab.
3. Select the desired ODU, and set TX Status to Unmute.
4. Click Apply.


A.13.6.5 Testing MPLS APS Protection Switching

By checking the change in the status of MPLS tunnels before and after the MPLS APS switching,
you can verify whether the MPLS APS protection function is normal.

l The MPLS tunnel protection group must be created properly.
l The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Background Information
1:1 protection

In normal situations, services are transmitted in the working tunnel. That is, services are
transmitted and received in a different tunnel respectively. When the working tunnel is faulty,
the equipment at the transmit end transmits services through the protection tunnel, and the
equipment at the receive end receive services through the protection tunnel after a negotiation
through the APS protocol. Therefore, service switching is realized.

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Test Connection Diagram

Figure A-9 shows the connection diagram for testing MPLS APS protection switching. NE A
and NE B are the OptiX RTN 950 NEs.

Figure A-9 Connection diagram for testing the MPLS APS protection

Working Tunnel


Protection Tunnel

Step 1 Query the switching status of the current MPLS tunnel 1:1 protection group on NE A and NE
1. In the NE Explorer, select NE A and then choose Configuration > APS Protection
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Tunnel APS Management tab, right-click the tested protection group, and then
choose Query Switching Status from the shortcut menu, to check the MPLS protection
group configured on the NE.

3. Choose the protection group for switching, and check its switching status. In normal
situations, the switching status should be Normal.

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Step 2 Switch the services to the protection tunnel manually and forcedly.
1. In the NE Explorer, select NE A and then choose Configuration > APS Protection
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Tunnel APS Management tab and choose the protection group for switching.
3. Right-click the tested protection group, and then choose Forced Switching from the
shortcut menu.

l Forced switching: With the highest priority, the operation is performed no matter whether the
current status of the protection tunnel is normal.
l Manual switching: The operation is performed only when the status of the protection tunnel is

Step 3 Query the switching status of the MPLS 1:1 protection groups on NE A and NE B after the
1. In the NE Explorer, select NE A and then choose Configuration > APS Protection
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Tunnel APS Management tab and choose the protection group for switching.
3. Right-click the tested protection group and then choose Query Switching Status from the
shortcut menu, to check Switching Status of the tunnel protection group.
In normal situations, the switching status should be Forced Switching.
4. Query Active Tunnel of the tunnel protection group.
In normal situation, Working should be Standby, and Protection should be Active.


l If Forced Switching is performed at the previous step, the state of the protection group should be
Forced Switching.
l If Manual Switching to Protection is performed at the previous step, the state of the protection group
should be Manual (Working to Protection) Switching.

Step 4 Restore the services on NE A and NE B to the working tunnel.

1. In the NE Explorer, select NE A and then choose Configuration > APS Protection
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Tunnel APS Management tab and choose the protection group for switching.
3. Right-click the tested protection group and then choose Clear from the shortcut menu.
4. Click Query.
Services is restored to the working tunnel.


A.13.6.6 Testing Linear MSP Switching

You can verify whether the linear MSP group works normally by checking the working port of
the linear MSP group before and after the switching.

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l The equipment must be configured with linear MSP.
l The working and protection optical fibers of the linear MSP are connected properly.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials

l Web LCT
l BER tester

Test Connection Diagram

Figure A-10 shows linear MSP composed of the OptiX RTN equipment through the connection
of optical fibers. The following procedures consider the E1 services from NE A to NE B as an

Figure A-10 Configuration for testing linear MSP switching

NE A Working channel NE B

Protection channel


If no BER tester is available on site, you can compare the values of West Switching Status in Slot Mapping
Relation before and after the protection switching.

Step 1 Check whether a BER tester is available at the central site.

If... Then...
A BER tester is available on site Perform Step 2 to Step 10.
No BER tester is available on site Perform Step 5 to Step 9.

Step 2 At the central site NE A, connect one E1 port to the BER tester.
Step 3 At the remote site NE B, perform a software inloop at the corresponding E1 port by using the
1. Select the PDH interface board in the Object Tree.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > PDH Interface.
3. Select By Function and select Tributary Loopback from the drop-down menu.
4. In Tributary Loopback, select Inloop.

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5. Click Apply.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click OK.

Step 4 Test the BER by using the BER tester. The BER tester should show that no bit errors occur.
If bit errors occur, see the Maintenance Guide for handling the bit errors.

Step 5 Before the switching, query the status of the protection group that is configured on NE A.
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE A, and then choose
Configuration > Linear MS from the Function Tree.
2. In Slot Mapping Relation, select Working Unit.
3. Click Query, and then select Query Switching Status.
In Slot Mapping Relation, the value of West Switching Status should be Idle.


In the case of the working and protection units of the services that are configured with the linear MSP, the
values of West Switching Status should be Idle. If a fault arises, you must rectify the fault and proceed
with the linear MSP switching testing.

Step 6 Shut down the laser for the working unit on NE A.

1. Select the required optical interface board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE
2. Choose Configuration > SDH Interface from the Function Tree.
3. Select By Function and then select Laser Switch from the drop-down list.
4. Select the laser port that corresponds to the working unit, and then set Laser Switch to
5. Click Apply.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click OK.

Step 7 Check service availability after the switching.

If... Then...
The BER tester is available on site Check the test result on the BER tester. It
should show that the services are restored after
a transient interruption.
No BER tester is available on site, and the See A.13.1 Testing E1 Services Using
E1 services are transmitted on the optical PRBS to test availability of the E1 services.
fiber link.

Step 8 After the switching, query the status of the protection group that is configured on NE A.
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE A, and then choose
Configuration > Linear MS from the Function Tree.
2. In Slot Mapping Relation, select Working Unit.

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3. Click Query, and then select Query Switching Status.

In Slot Mapping Relation, the value of West Switching Status should be Switch upon
signal failure.


In the case of the 1+1 linear MSP, Revertive Mode can be set to Revertive or Non-Revertive. In the case
of the 1:N linear MSP, Revertive Mode is always set to Revertive.
l After the automatic switching occurs on the equipment, the services are restored. If Revertive
Mode is set to Revertive for the linear MSP, the change in values of West Switching Status and
Protected Unit can be queried after the WTR time expires.
l After the automatic switching occurs on the equipment, the services are restored. If Revertive
Mode is set to Non-Revertive for the linear MSP, stop and then start the MSP protocol to restore the
value of West Switching Status to Idle.

Step 9 Turn on the laser for the working unit on NE A.

1. Select the required optical interface board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer of NE
2. Choose Configuration > SDH Interface from the Function Tree.
3. Select By Function and then select Laser Switch from the drop-down list.
4. Select the laser port that corresponds to the working unit, and then set Laser Switch to
5. Click Apply.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click OK.

Step 10 Release the loopback set in Step 3.

1. Select the PDH interface board in the Object Tree.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > PDH Interface.
3. Select By Function and select Tributary Loopback from the drop-down menu.
4. In Tributary Loopback, select Non-Loopback.
5. Click Apply.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click OK.


A.13.6.7 Switching the System Control Unit and the Cross-Connect Unit
When the OptiX RTN 950 is configured with two system control, cross-connect, and timing
boards, you can manually switch the system control unit and the cross-connect unit as required.

The NE user must have the authority of Operation Level or higher.

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Step 1 Select the desired NE from the NE Explorer.
Step 2 Choose Configuration > Board 1+1 Protection from the Function Tree.
Step 3 Select Cross-Connect Board 1+1 Protection.
Step 4 Perform the 1+1 protection switching on the board.

If... Then...
Active Board is set to Working Board Click Working/Protection Switching.
Active Board is set to Protection Board Click Restore Working/Protection.

Step 5 In the prompt that is displayed, click OK.


Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1102

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

B Parameters Description

This chapter describes the parameters used in this document.

B.1 Parameters for Network Management

This topic describes the parameters that are related to network management.
B.2 Radio Link Parameters
This topic describes the parameters that are related to radio links.
B.3 Multiplex Section Protection Parameters
This topic describes the parameters that are related to multiplex section protection (MSP).
B.4 SDH/PDH Service Parameters
This topic describes the parameters that are related to SDH/PDH services.
B.5 Parameters for Board Interfaces
This topic describes the parameters that are related to board interfaces.
B.6 Parameters for Ethernet Services and Ethernet Features on the Packet Plane
This section describes the parameters for the Ethernet services and Ethernet features on the
packet plane, including service parameters, protocol parameters, OAM parameters, Ethernet port
parameters, and QoS parameters.
B.7 Parameters for Ethernet Services and Ethernet Features on the EoPDH Plane
This section describes the parameters for the Ethernet services and Ethernet features on the
EoPDH plane, including service parameters, protocol parameters, OAM parameters, Ethernet
port parameters, and QoS parameters.
B.8 RMON Parameters
This topic describes the parameters that are related to RMON performances.
B.9 Parameters for MPLS/PWE3 Services
This topic describes parameters that are related to MPLS/PWE3 services.
B.10 Clock Parameters
This topic describes the parameters that are related to clocks.
B.11 Parameters for the Orderwire and Auxiliary Interfaces
This topic describes the parameters that are related to the orderwire and auxiliary interfaces.

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B.1 Parameters for Network Management

This topic describes the parameters that are related to network management.

B.1.1 Parameters for NE Management

This topic describes the parameters that are used for managing network elements (NEs).

B.1.1.1 Parameter Description: NE Searching

This topic describes the parameters that are used for searching for NEs.

Navigation Path
In NE List, click NE Search and choose Advanced Search from the drop-down menu.

Parameters for Searching NEs

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Domain This parameter specifies the network segment to be

NE Name - - This parameter displays

the name of the found NE.

NE ID - - This parameter displays

the ID of the found NE.

Gateway GNE - This parameter displays

Non-GNE whether the found NE is a
GNE or non-GNE.

Gateway IP Address - - This parameter displays

the gateway IP address of
the found NE.

Port No. 1400 1400 This parameter displays

the communication port
number of the found NE.

Gateway Type IP Gateway IP Gateway This parameter displays

the gateway type of the
found NE.

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Parameters for Managing a Network Segment

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Domain Type GNE IP Domain GNE IP Domain l To search for all the
GNE IP Address NEs that communicate
with the GNE, select
GNE IP Domain.
l To search for the GNE
only, select GNE IP

Domain Address - - l When Domain Type

is GNE IP Domain,
enter the IP network
segment where the
GNE is located, for
l When Domain Type
is GNE IP Address,
enter the IP address of
the GNE, for example,

Related Tasks
A.2.1.1 Creating NEs by Using the Search Method

B.1.1.2 Parameter Description: NE Creation

This topic describes the parameters that are related to NE creation.

Navigation Path
In NE List, click Add NE. Then, select Europe.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

NE ID 1 to 49135 - l ID indicates the basic NE ID. When

there is no extended ID, the basic NE IDs
must be unique on the networks that are
managed by the same NMS.
l Set this parameter according to the DCN
planning information.
l The NE ID consisting of the basic ID and
extended ID identifies an NE on the

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Extended ID 1 to 254 9 l Do not change the Extended ID when

the number of actual NEs does not
exceed the range permitted by the basic
l It is recommended that this parameter
takes the default value.

Gateway Type IP Gateway IP Gateway This parameter specifies the type of the
Serial Port gateway that is used for the communication
between the Web LCT and the NEs.

IP Address - This parameter is set This parameter specifies the IP address of

to 129.9.0.x when the gateway NE to which the NE to be
the NE is delivered created belongs. This parameter is displayed
from the factory. "x" only when Gateway Type is set to IP
indicates the basic Gateway.
NE ID that is set
when the NE is
delivered from the

Port l 1400 (when l 1400 (when This parameter specifies the port
Gateway Type Gateway Type corresponding to the gateway NE to which
is set to IP is set to IP the NE to be created belongs.
Gateway) Gateway)
l COM1-COM32 l COM1 (when
(when Gateway Gateway Type
Type is set to is set to Serial
Serial Port) Port)

Baud Rate 1200bps 1200bps This parameter specifies the communication

2400bps rate between the NE to be created and the
corresponding gateway NE. This parameter
4800bps is displayed only when Gateway Type is set
9600bps to Serial Port.

User Name - lct This parameter specifies the name of the

user. This parameter can take the default
value in the case of initial login.

Password - - The default password of user lct is


Related Tasks
A.2.1.2 Creating NEs by Using the Manual Method

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B.1.1.3 Parameter Description: Login to an NE

This topic describes the parameters that are used for logging into an NE.

Navigation Path
In the NE List, select the target NE and click NE Login.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

User Name - lct This parameter specifies the name of the

user. This parameter can take the default
value in the case of initial login.

Password - - The default password of user lct is


Use the same user Selected Deselected When this parameter is selected, enter User
name and Deselected Name and Password to log in to all the
password to login selected NEs.

Use the user name Selected Deselected When this parameter is selected, enter User
and password that Deselected Name and Password that were used for the
was used last time latest login to log in to the NE.

Related Tasks
A.2.1.3 Logging In to an NE

B.1.1.4 Parameter Description: NE Attribute_Changing NE IDs

This topic describes the parameters that are used for changing NE IDs.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > NE
Attribute from the Function Tree.
2. Click Modify NE ID.

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Parameters for Changing NE IDs

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

New ID - - l The new ID refers to

the basic ID. If the
extended ID is not
used, the basic ID of an
NE must be unique on
the networks that are
managed by the same
l This parameter is set
according to the
network plan.
The NE ID consisting of the
basic ID and extended ID
identifies an NE on the

New Extended ID 1 to 254 9 If the number of existing

NEs does not exceed the
range represented by the
basic ID, do not change
the extended ID.

Related Tasks
A.2.1.5 Changing the NE ID

B.1.1.5 Parameter Description: NE Time Synchronization

This topic describes the parameters that are used for synchronizing the time of NEs.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and then choose Configuration >
NE Time Synchronization from the Function Tree.
2. Set the synchronous mode.

Parameters for NE Time Synchronization

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

NE Name - - This parameter indicates

the name of the NE.

NE ID - - This parameter indicates

the ID of the NE.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Synchronous Mode Standard NTP Null l If this parameter is set

NM to NM, the NE
synchronizes the time
Null of the NMS server.
l If this parameter is set
to Standard NTP, the
NE synchronizes the
Network Time
Protocol (NTP) server
through the standard

Standard NTP Enabled Disabled This parameter is valid

Authentication Disabled only when Synchronous
Mode is set to Standard

Parameters for the Standard NTP Server

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Standard NTP Server NE ID NE ID l If the NE functions as

Flag NE IP the gateway NE, this
parameter is set to IP.
l If the NE functions as
a non-gateway NE and
communicates with
the gateway NE
through the HWECC
protocol, this
parameter is set to NE
l If the NE functions as
a non-gateway NE and
communicates with
the gateway NE
through the IP
protocol, this
parameter is set to IP.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Standard NTP Server - - l If the NE functions as

the gateway NE, this
parameter is set to the
IP address of the
external NTP server.
l If the NE functions as
a non-gateway NE,
this parameter is set to
the ID or IP address of
the gateway NE.

Standard NTP Server 0 to 1024 0 l If the NTP server does

Key not need to
authenticated, this
parameter is set to the
value "0".
l If the NTP server
needs to be
authenticated, the
authentication is
performed according
to the allocated key of
the NTP server. In this
case, the NE
authenticates the NTP
server based on the key
and the corresponding
password (specified in
the management of the
standard NTP key).

Standard NTP Version 2 2 Set this parameter

3 according to the settings
for the standard NTP
protocol version used at
the peer end.

Used First Yes No This parameter specifies

No whether to select a server
preferentially when
multiple NTP servers are

Parameters of the access control rights

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

ACL No. 1 to 250 1 This parameter specifies the number of the


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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

NE Flag NE ID NE ID l When ECC is used to communicate with

NE IP the standard NTP server, set the
parameter to NE ID.
l When the IP protocol is used to
communicate with the standard NTP
server, set the parameter to NE IP.

NE - - This parameter specifies the ID or IP address

of an NE.

Whether to Yes Yes This parameter specifies whether to receive

Receive Data No packets from an NE.

Right Level query query The equipment provides four levels of

synchronize access control. When an NTP access request
is received on the local equipment, the
server request is matched with the levels from the
peer minimum access limit to the maximum
access limit, and the first matched level
prevails. The matching order is as follows:
l Peer (minimum access limit): The time
request and the control query can be
carried out for the NTP service of the
local equipment. The local clock can also
be synchronized with the remote server.
l Server: The time request and the control
query can be carried out for the NTP
service of the local equipment, but the
local clock is not synchronized to the
remote server.
l Synchronization: The time query is
allowed for only the NTP service of the
local equipment.
l Query (maximum access limit): The
control query can be carried out only for
the NTP service of the local equipment.

Parameters of the NTP key management

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Encryption MD5 MD5 This parameter specifies the MD5 key


Key 1 to 1024 1 This parameter specifies the number of the


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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Password - - This parameter specifies the password of the


Trusted Yes No If you set this parameter to No, the key is

No verified but cannot be trusted during the
clock synchronization. Therefore, the clock
of the NE cannot be synchronized.

Parameters for Setting Automatic Synchronization

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Synchronization - - l This parameter

Starting Time specifies the start time
of the synchronization
period. After this
parameter is specified,
the NMS and the NE
synchronize the time
once at the intervals of
l It is recommended that
you use the default

DST Selected Deselected l This parameter

Deselected indicates whether
Starting Time is the
daylight saving time.
l This parameter is set
according to the actual

Period(days) 1 to 300 1 l This parameter

indicates the period of
synchronizing the time
of the NE with the time
of the NMS.
l It is recommended that
you use the default

Related Tasks
A.2.1.7 Synchronizing the NE Time

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B.1.1.6 Parameter Description: Localization Management of the NE Time

This parameter describes the parameters that are used for localization management of the NE

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and then choose Configuration >
NE Time Localization Management from the Function Tree.
2. Set the correct time zone and daylight saving time of the NE depending on the location of
the NE.

Parameters for Localization Management of the NE Time

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

NE - - This parameter indicates the name of the


TimeZone - - This parameter indicates the time zone.

DST - - This parameter indicates whether DST is


Parameters for Time Zone

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Time Zone - - l After the time zone is changed, the

current time of the NE is changed
l This parameter is set according to the
place where the NE is located.

DST Selected Deselected l The parameters related to daylight

Deselected saving time can be valid only when this
parameter is selected.
l This parameter is set according to the
situation whether daylight saving time is
used in the place where the NE is located.

Offset 1 to 120 - This parameter specifies the offset value of

Unit: minute(s) the daylight saving time.

Start Rule WEEK WEEK This parameter specifies the method of

DATE adjusting the daylight saving time.

Start Time - - This parameter specifies the start daylight

saving time.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

End Rule WEEK WEEK This parameter specifies the method of

DATE adjusting the daylight saving time.

End Time - - This parameter specifies the end daylight

saving time.

Related Tasks
A.2.1.8 Localizing the NE Time

B.1.1.7 Parameter Description: License Management

This topic describes the parameters that are used for managing the license.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE and then choose Configuration > License
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the License Management tab.

Parameters for Managing Licenses

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - This parameter displays the boards that need

to be supported by licenses.

File Type - - This parameter displays the license type

corresponding to each board.

Capacity - - This parameter displays the capacity of each


Load - - This parameter displays whether the

corresponding license file is loaded to each

B.1.1.8 Parameter Description: Automatic Disabling of the Functions of NEs

This parameter describes the parameters that are used for automatically disabling the functions
of an NE.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE and then choose Configuration > Automatic Disabling
of NE Function from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Automatic Disabling of NE Function tab.

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Parameters for Automatically Disabling the Functions of NEs

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Operation Type - - This parameter indicates the type of the

operation, such as loopback, and shutdown
of the laser.

Auto Disabling Disabled Enabled This parameter specifies whether to

Enabled automatically disable the operations such as
loopback, and shutdown of the laser.

Auto Disabling 1 to 2880 5 This parameter specifies the time of

Time(min) automatically disabling the operations such
as loopback, and shutdown of the laser.

B.1.2 Parameters for Communications Management

This topic describes the parameters that are used for communications management.

B.1.2.1 Parameter Description: NE Communication Parameter Setting

This topic describes the parameters that are used for NE communication setting.

Navigation Path
Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication >
Communication Parameters from the Function Tree.

Parameters for NE Communication Setting

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IP - Before delivery, the In the HWECC solution, an IP address is set

IP address of the NE according to the following rules:
is set to 129.9.0.x. l The IP address, subnet mask, and default
The letter x indicates gateway of the gateway NE should meet
the basic ID. the planning requirements of the
external DCN.
Gateway IP -
l If an NE uses the extended ECC, the IP
Subnet Mask - address must be in the same network
l The IP address of other NEs should be
set according to the NE ID. In this case,
the IP address of an NE should be set in
the format of 0x81000000+ID. That is,
if the ID is 0x090001, the IP address
should be set to

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Extended ID 1 to 254 9 l Do not change the extended ID when the

number of actual NEs does not exceed
the range permitted by the basic NE ID.
l It is recommended that this parameter
takes the default value.

NSAP Address - - This parameter is valid only when the OSI

over DCC solution is applied. This
parameter is used to set only the area ID of
an NSAP address. The other parts of the
NSAP address are automatically generated
by the NE.

Connection Mode Common + Security Common + Security l Specifies the connection mode that the
SSL SSL gateway NE allows the NMS to use for
Common connecting to the gateway NE.
Security SSL l If the gateway NE has no special
security requirement for connection to
the NMS, Connection Mode can be set
to Common.
l If the gateway NE requests secure
connection to the NMS for preventing
information interception and cracking,
Connection Mode needs to be set to
Security SSL.
l If NE communication security level
needs to be the same as NMS
communication security level,
Connection Mode needs to be set to
Common + Security SSL.
l The default parameter value is
recommended unless the gateway NE
requires that the NMS use the SSL
connection mode.
l The parameter value takes effect only
when it is set for a gateway NE and the
gateway NE is connected to the NMS by
means of the IP protocol.

Related Tasks
A.2.4.1 Setting NE Communication Parameters

B.1.2.2 Parameter Description: DCC Management_DCC Rate Configuration

This topic describes the parameters that are used for configuring the DCC rate.

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Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > DCC
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the DCC Rate Configuration tab.

Parameters for DCC Rate Configuration

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates the port that is

connected to the DCC channel.

Enabled/Disabled Enabled Enabled It is recommended that you use the default

Disabled value, except for the following cases:
l If the port is connected to the other ECC
subnet, Enabled/Disabled is set to
l If the port is connected to a third-party
network and does not exchange the
network management information with
other ports, Enabled/Disabled is set to

Channel D1-D3 D1-D1 (for the PDH It is recommended that you use the default
D4-D12 radio whose value, except for the following cases:
transmission l If the IP DCN or OSI over DCC solution
D1-D12 capacity is less than is adopted, Channel for the SDH line
D1-D1 16xE1) ports is set to a value that is the same as
D1-D3 (for other the value for third-party network.
cases) l If the DCC transparent transmission
solution is adopted, the value of
Channel for the SDH line ports should
not conflict with the value that is set for
the third-party network.

DCC Resources - - This parameter indicates the DCC


Communication - - This parameter indicates the

Status communication status.

Protocol Type HWECC HWECC It is recommended that you use the default
TCP/IP value, except for the following cases:
OSI l If the IP DCN solution is adopted,
Protocol Type is set to TCP/IP.
l If the OSI over DCC solution is adopted,
Protocol Type is set to OSI.
l When the L2 DCN solution is used, set
Protocol Type to L2DCN.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IP Address - - l IP Address is available only if Protocol

Type is set to TCP/IP.
l When the IP DCN solution is used and
the NE functions as an ABR, this
parameter specifies the interface IP
address of the non-backbone area port on
the ABR.

Subnet Mask - - l Subnet Mask is available only if

Protocol Type is set to TCP/IP.
l When the IP DCN solution is used and
the NE functions as an ABR, this
parameter specifies the subnet mask of
the non-backbone area port on the ABR.

LAPD Role User User l This parameter is valid only when

Network Protocol Type is set to OSI.
l In the case of a DCC channel, LAPD
Role must be set to User for one end and
must be set to Network for the other end.

LAPD MTU - - Displays the maximum LAPD packet size.

Related Tasks
A.2.4.2 Configuring DCCs
A.2.4.15 Configuring Interface IP Addresses of an ABR

B.1.2.3 Parameter Description: DCC Management_DCC Transparent Transmission

This topic describes the parameters that are used for DCC transparent transmission management.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > DCC
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the DCC Transparent Transmission Management tab.
3. Click Create.

Parameters for DCC Transparent Transmission Management

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Source Timeslot/ - - This parameter specifies the source timeslot

Porta or port.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Transparent D1 - l Only one overhead byte can be selected

Transmission of D2 each time.
Overhead Bytes at l X1, X2, X3, and X4 indicate the
Source Port D3
customized overhead bytes that are used
D4 for transmitting asynchronous data
D5 services.
D6 l An overhead byte cannot be a byte that
D7 is used. For example, an overhead byte
cannot be a byte in the used DCC

Sink Timeslot/ - - This parameter specifies the sink timeslot or

Porta port.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Transparent D1 - l Only one overhead byte can be selected

Transmission of D2 each time.
Overhead Bytes at l An overhead byte cannot be a byte that
Sink Port D3
is used. For example, an overhead byte
D4 cannot be a byte in the used DCC
D5 channel.
D6 l Generally, Transparent Transmission
D7 of Overhead Bytes at Sink Port can be
set to a value that is the same as or
different from the value in the case of
D9 Transparent Transmission of
D10 Overhead Bytes at Source Port.


a. A bidirectional cross-connection is set up between the source port and the sink port. Hence, a port functions
the same regardless of the source port or sink port.

Related Tasks
A.2.4.3 Configuring DCC Transparent Transmission

B.1.2.4 Parameter Description: ECC Management_Ethernet Port Extended ECC

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the extended ECCs of Ethernet ports.

Navigation Path
Click an NE in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > ECC Management from the
Function Tree.

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Parameters for the ECC Extended Mode

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

ECC Extended Auto mode Auto mode It is recommended that you use the default
Mode Specified mode value.

Parameters for Setting the Server

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IP - - This parameter indicates the IP address of

the server.

Port 1601 to 1699 0 l This parameter is valid only when ECC

Extended Mode is set to Specified
l This parameter can be set only when the
NE functions as the server of the
extended ECC. In normal cases, the NE
that is close to the NMS functions as the
l This parameter can be set to any value
from 1601 to 1699.

Parameters for Setting the Client

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Opposite IP - l This parameter is valid only when ECC

Extended Mode is set to Specified
Port 1601 to 1699 0 mode.
l This parameter can be set only when the
NE functions as the client of the
extended ECC. Except for the NE that
functions as the server, all other NEs that
use the extended ECC can function as the
l Opposite IP and Port are respectively
set to the IP address of the server NE and
the specified port number.

Related Tasks
A.2.4.9 Configuring Extended ECC Communication

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B.1.2.5 Parameter Description: NE ECC Link Management

This topic describes the parameters that are used for NE ECC link management.

Navigation Path
Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > NE ECC
Link Management from the Function Tree.

Parameter for NE ECC Link Management

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Destination NE - - This parameter specifies the sink NE of the

ECC connection.

Transfer NE - - This parameter specifies the next transfer

NE and the direction of the ECC route.

Distance - - l This parameter specifies the number of

NEs (excluding the source NE and sink
NE) through which the ECC route
passes, namely, the number of ECC
packet forwarding attempts. The value
can be set to a value that is greater than
the number of actual ECC packet
forwarding attempts. If the value is set to
a value that is less than the number of
actual ECC packet forwarding attempts,
however, the destination NE fails to be
l If the value is set to 0, it indicates that the
source NE is adjacent to the destination

Level - - l This parameter indicates that multiple

ECC routes from the source NE to the
destination NE may be available. An
ECC route of a higher priority is selected
to transmit the packets to the destination
l If the ECC route is generated
automatically, the priority is 4.
l If the ECC route is added manually, the
priority is 5.

Mode - - This parameter indicates the ECC routing


SCC No. - - This parameter specifies the physical port

through which the ECC route passes. The
value of this parameter is automatically
assigned the NE.

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Related Tasks
A.2.4.21 Querying ECC Routes

B.1.2.6 Parameter Description: ECC Link Management_Availability Test

This topic describes the parameters that are used to test ECC availability.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE from the Object Tree and then choose
Communication > NE ECC Link Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click Reachability Test and choose Ping Test or Trace Route from the drop-down menu.

Ping Test Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Target NE - - Specifies the NE for which a ping test will

be performed.

Packet Length 0-800 64 l Specifies the test packet length.

(Byte) l It is recommended that this parameter
take its default value.

Packet Quantity 1-65535 3 l Specifies the number of test packets.

l It is recommended that this parameter
take its default value.

Sending Interval 0-65535 0 l Specifies the test packet transmission

(ms) interval.
l It is recommended that this parameter
take its default value.

To Be Translated 1-65535 1000 l Specifies the maximum time for test

(ms) packet to wait until being responded to.
l It is recommended that this parameter
take its default value.

Traceroute Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Target NE - - Specifies the NE for which a traceroute test

will be performed.

To Be Translated 0-65535 1000 l Specifies the maximum time for test

(ms) packet to wait until being responded to.
l It is recommended that this parameter
take its default value.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Forwarding NEs 0-255 64 Specifies the number of NEs that test

packets will traverse during the forwarding

Related Tasks
A.2.4.24 Verifying Connectivity of an ECC Network

B.1.2.7 Parameter Description: IP Protocol Stack Management_IP Route

This topic describes the parameters that are used for IP route management.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > IP
Protocol Stack Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IP Route Management tab.

Parameters for IP Route Management

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Destination - - This parameter indicates the destination

Address address of the packets. This parameter can
be set to a valid IP address of class A, B, or
C only, but cannot be set to the IP address
of the local host or the loopback address
with the 127 field.

Subnet Mask - - This parameter indicates the subnet mask of

the destination address of the packets.

Gateway - - This parameter indicates the IP address of

the gateway on the subnetwork where the
NE is located, namely, the IP address of the
next hop of the packets.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protocol - - l DIRECT: indicates the route between

the local NE and an adjacent NE.
l STATIC: indicates the route that is
created manually.
l OSPF: indicates the route between the
local NE and a non-adjacent NE.
l RIP: indicates the route that is
discovered by the routing information
l OSPF_ASE: indicates the route whose
Destination Address is beyond the
OSPF domain.
l OSPF_NSSA: indicates the route whose
Destination Address is in a not so
stubby area (NSSA).
l A route can be deleted in the case of
STATIC only, but cannot be edited in
the other cases.
l Compared with a dynamic route, a static
route has a higher priority. If any conflict
occurs, the static route is preferred.

Interface - - This parameter indicates the interface that is

used on the route. Interface is a concept
specified in the TCP/IP protocol stack. In
the TCP/IP protocol stack, you can create
multiple types of interface, such as a
loopback interface (namely, the interface
whose IP address is, an Ethernet
interface, and PPP interface. Each interface
must have a unique interface name.

Metric - - This parameter indicates the maximum

number of routers through which the
packets are transmitted. Metric is used to
indicate the overhead bytes that are
transmitted to the destination address. The
smaller the value, the less the overhead
bytes. If multiple routes can reach the same
destination address, a route whose overhead
is less is preferred to transmit the packets.

Related Tasks
A.2.4.22 Querying IP Routes

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B.1.2.8 Parameter Description: IP Protocol Stack Management_IP Route

Management Creation
This topic describes the parameters that are used for new static IP routes.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > IP
Protocol Stack Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IP Route Management tab.
3. Click New.

Parameters for Creating IP Routes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Destination - - This parameter specifies the destination

Address address of the packets. This parameter can
be set to a valid IP address of class A, B, or
C only, but cannot be set to the IP address
of the local host or the loopback address
with the 127 field.

Subnet Mask - - This parameter indicates the subnet mask of

the destination address of the packets.

Gateway - - This parameter specifies the IP address of

the gateway on the subnetwork where the
NE is located, namely, the IP address of the
next hop of the packets.

Related Tasks
A.2.4.10 Creating Static IP Routes

B.1.2.9 Parameter Description: IP Protocol Stack Management_Availability Test

This topic describes the parameters that are used to test IP DCN availability.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE from the Object Tree and then choose
Communication > IP Protocol Stack Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click Reachability Test and choose Ping Test or Trace Route from the drop-down menu.

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Ping Test Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Target NE IP - - Specifies the NE for which a ping test will

be performed.

Packet Length 0-800 64 l Specifies the test packet length.

(Byte l It is recommended that this parameter
take its default value.

Packet Quantity 1-65535 3 l Specifies the number of test packets.

l It is recommended that this parameter
take its default value.

Sending Interval 0-65535 0 l Specifies the test packet transmission

(ms) interval.
l It is recommended that this parameter
take its default value.

To Be Translated 1-65535 5000 l Specifies the maximum time for test

(ms) packet to wait until being responded to.
l It is recommended that this parameter
take its default value.

Traceroute Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Target NE IP - - Specifies the NE for which a traceroute test

will be performed.

Max Hops 1-30 10 Specifies the number of hops which test

packets traverse during the packet
transmission process.

Related Tasks
A.2.4.25 Verifying Connectivity of an IP DCN Network

B.1.2.10 Parameter Description: IP Protocol Stack Management_OSPF Parameter

This topic describes the parameters that are used for OSPF settings.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > IP
Protocol Stack Management from the Function Tree.

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2. Click the OSPF Parameter Settings tab.

OSPF Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Area - l If only an OSPF area is configured on an

NE, set this parameter according to the
planning information.
l If multiple OSPF areas are configured on
an NE, this parameter takes its default

DCC Hello Timer 1 to 255 10 l DCC Hello Timer(s) specifies the Hello
(s) packet timer for the DCC channel or
inband DCN.
l The Hello packets are used for detecting
the neighbor router on the network that
is connected to the router. By
periodically transmitting the hello
packets, you can determine whether the
interface on the neighbor router is still in
the active status.
l DCC Hello Timer(s) determines the
interval for the hello packet timer to
transmit the hello packets.
l In the case of two interconnected NEs,
DCC Hello Timer(s) must be set to the
same value.
l Unless otherwise specified, it is
recommended that this parameter take its
default value.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

DCC Neighbor 1 to 65535 40 l DCC Neighbor Dead Time(s) specifies

Dead Time(s) the dead time of a neighbor router for the
DCC channel or inband DCN.
l If the local router fails to receive the
hello packets from the connected
neighbor router within the time specified
in DCC Neighbor Dead Time(s), it
considers that the neighbor router is
l DCC Neighbor Dead Time(s) should
be set to a value that is a minimum of
twice the value of DCC Hello Timer
l In the case of adjacent NEs, DCC
Neighbor Dead Time(s) must be set to
the same value. Otherwise, the OSPF
protocol fails to operate normally.
l Unless otherwise specified, it is
recommended that this parameter take its
default value.

DCC 1 to 65535 5 l DCC Retransmission Timer(s)

Retransmission specifies the interval for transmitting a
Timer(s) request through the DCC channel or
inband DCN to retransmit the link state
advertisement (LSA) packets.
l Unless otherwise specified, it is
recommended that this parameter take its
default value.

DCC Delay(s) 1 to 3600 1 l DCC Delay(s) specifies the delay time

to transmit the LSA packets through the
DCC channel or inband DCN.
l The LSA packets in the LSA database of
the local router are aged as the time
elapses, but are not aged when they are
being transmitted on the network.
Hence, before the LSA packets are
transmitted, you need to increase the age
of the LSA packets based on the value of
DCC Delay(s).
l Unless otherwise specified, it is
recommended that this parameter take its
default value.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

LAN Hello Timer 1 to 255 10 l DCC Hello Timer(s) specifies the hello
(s) packet timer at the Ethernet network
management port or NE cascading port.
l The hello packets are used for detecting
the neighbor router on the network that
is connected to the router. By
periodically transmitting the hello
packets, you can determine whether the
interface on the neighbor router is still in
the active status.
l LAN Hello Timer(s) determines the
interval for the hello packet timer of the
NE to transmit the hello packets.
l In the case of two interconnected NEs,
LAN Hello Timer(s) must be set to the
same value.
l Unless otherwise specified, it is
recommended that this parameter take its
default value.

LAN Neighbor 1 to 65535 40 l LAN Neighbor Dead Time(s) specifies

Dead Time(s) the dead time of a neighbor router at the
LAN interface.
l If the local router fails to receive the
hello packets from the connected
neighbor router within the time specified
in LAN Neighbor Dead Time(s), it
considers that the neighbor router is
l LAN Neighbor Dead Time(s) should be
set to a value that is a minimum of two
times the value of LAN Neighbor Dead
l In the case of adjacent NEs, DCC
Neighbor Dead Time(s) must be set to
the same value. Otherwise, the OSPF
protocol fails to operate normally.
l Unless otherwise specified, it is
recommended that this parameter take its
default value.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

LAN 1 to 65535 5 l LAN Retransmission Timer(s)

Retransmission specifies the time for transmitting a
Timer(s) request for retransmission of the LSA
packets through the Ethernet network
management port or NE cascading port.
l Unless otherwise specified, it is
recommended that this parameter take its
default value.

LAN Delay(s) 1 to 3600 1 l LAN Delay(s) specifies the delay time

to transmit the LSA packets through the
Ethernet network management port or
NE cascading port.
l The LSA packets in the LSA database of
the local router are aged as the time
elapses, but are not aged when they are
being transmitted on the network.
Hence, before the LSA packets are
transmitted, you need to increase the age
of the LSA packets based on the value of
LAN Delay(s).
l Unless otherwise specified, it is
recommended that this parameter take its
default value.

OSPF Status Enabled Enabled Specifies whether the OSPF protocol is

Disabled enabled. If an NE uses only static routes
with OSPF disabled, set this parameter to

STUB Area Enabled Disabled l Specifies whether to enable the STUB

Disabled Area.
l Set this parameter as required.
l A backbone area cannot be a STUB area.

NSSA Area Enabled Disabled l Specifies whether to enable the NSSA

Disabled Area.
l Set this parameter as required.
l A backbone area cannot be an NSSA

Direct route Enabled Disabled l Specifies whether the direct route

Disabled automatic flooding function is enabled.
l Direct route: the route detected by the
link layer protocol.
l Set this parameter as required.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Static route Enabled Disabled l Specifies whether the static route

Disabled automatic flooding function is enabled.
l Static route: the route manually
configured by the network
l Set this parameter as required.

RIP route Enabled Disabled l Specifies whether the RIP route

Disabled automatic flooding function is enabled.
l RIP route: the route detected by the RIP
l Set this parameter as required.

Default route Enabled Disabled l Specifies whether the default route

Disabled automatic flooding function is enabled
for ASBRs.
l Default OSPF routes are routes whose
destination addresses and subnet masks
are 0s.
l Set this parameter according to the
planning information.

Router ID - - The Router IP address is always the NE IP


Opaque LSA of Enabled Enabled l Specifies whether the Ethernet network

External Network Disabled management port or NE cascading port
Port transmits Type-10 LSAs.
l If this parameter is set to Disabled, the
Ethernet network management port or
NE cascading port transmits network
management information.
l Set this parameter as required.

LAN Interface Enabled Disabled l Specifies whether the OSPF protocol is

Disabled enabled for the Ethernet network
management port or NE cascading port.
l If this parameter is set to Enabled, the
OSPF protocol is communicated with
other equipment through the Ethernet
network management port or NE
cascading port.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

OSPF authentication parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Interface Type - - l Displays the DCN port types that allow

the OSPF authentication key to be
l LAN indicates the Ethernet network
management port or NE cascading port.
l DCC indicates the DCC channels or
inband DCN port.

Authentication none none l Specifies the OSPF authentication mode

Type MD5 for which a key needs to be set.
simple l If Authentication Type is MD5, a key
needs to be set for the MD5
authentication mode.
l If Authentication Type is simple, a key
needs to be set for the simple
authentication mode.
l If Authentication Type is none, all
preset keys for the related port type are

Authentication - - Specifies the OSPF authentication password

Password for each port type.

MD5 Key 1-255 - MD5 Key is available only when

Authentication Type is MD5.

Related Tasks
A.2.4.11 Setting OSPF Protocol Parameters

B.1.2.11 Parameter Description: IP Protocol Stack_Proxy ARP

This topic describes the parameters that are used for configuring the proxy ARP.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > IP
Protocol Stack Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Proxy ARP tab.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1133

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters for configuring the proxy ARP

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Proxy ARP Disabled Disabled l The proxy ARP enables the NEs in the
Enabled same network segment but different
domains to communicate with each
l To realize communication between such
NEs, the source NE sends the ARP
broadcast packet to address the route to
the destination NE. The NE with the
proxy ARP function enabled checks the
routing table after sensing the ARP
broadcast packet. If the routing table
contains the destination address that the
ARP broadcast packet looks for, the NE
returns an ARP spoofing packet, which
enables the NE that sends the ARP
broadcast packet to consider that the
MAC address of the NE that returns the
ARP spoofing packet is the MAC
address of the destination NE. In this
manner, the packet that is to be sent to
the destination NE is first sent to the NE
with the proxy ARP function enabled
and then forwarded to the destination

Related Tasks
A.2.4.17 Enabling the Proxy ARP

B.1.2.12 Parameter Description: Management of Multiple OSPF Areas

This topic describes the parameters that are related to management of multiple OSPF areas.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE and choose Communication > IP Protocol Stack
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Multi-OSPF Management tab.

Parameters Required for Configuring Multiple OSPF Areas

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

ID - - Displays the area ID.

Default Area - - Displays whether an area is the default area.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1134

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Authentication none none l Specifies the OSPF authentication type

Type MD5 used by an area.
simple l none indicates no authentication.

Automatic Route Enabled Disabled l Specifies whether automatic route

Aggregation Disabled aggregation is enabled for an area.
l The number of routes after automatic
route aggregation is the same as the
number of Networks.

Stub Type - - Displays the STUB type of an area.

Network Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IP Address - - Displays the IP addresses of the Networks

in an area.

Subnet Mask - - Displays the subnet masks of the Networks

in an area.

Parameters for Configuring Manual Route Aggregation

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IP Address - - Displays the IP address of the Network

where route aggregation is manually

Subnet Mask - - Displays the subnet mask of the Network

where route aggregation is manually

Related Tasks
A.2.4.13 Configuring the Network Information of an ABR
A.2.4.16 Configuring the OSPF Authentication Type

B.1.2.13 Parameter Description: Management of Multiple OSPF Areas_Adding

OSPF Areas
This topic describes the parameters that are used for adding OSFP areas.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE and choose Communication > IP Protocol Stack
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Multi-OSPF Management tab.
3. Click New.

Parameters Required for Creating OSPF Areas

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

ID - - l Set the area ID of a new OSPF area

according to the planning information.
l An NE can be configured with a
maximum of four OSPF areas.

IP Address - - l Set the IP addresses of the Networks in

an area according to planning
l An area supports a maximum of four

Subnet Mask - - Set the subnet masks of the Networks in an

area according to planning information. A
subnet mask can contain a maximum of 30

Authentication none none Specifies the OSPF authentication type used

Type MD5 by an area according to planning
l none indicates no authentication.
l MD5 indicates that authentication is
performed based on the preset password,
with the password encrypted in MD5
l simple: indicates that authentication is
performed based on the preset password,
with the password not encrypted.

Automatic Route Enabled Disabled l Specifies whether automatic route

Aggregation Disabled aggregation is enabled for an area.
l The number of routes after automatic
route aggregation is the same as the
number of Networks.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

STUB Type NON-STUB NON-STUB Set the STUB type of an area according to
STUB planning information.
NSSA l For the backbone area, this parameter
must be set to NON-STUB.
l For other areas, it is recommended that
you set this parameter to NON-STUB. If
required, this parameter can also be set
to STUB or NSSA.

Related Tasks
A.2.4.12 Creating an OSPF Area

B.1.2.14 Parameter Description: Management of Multiple OSPF Areas_Adding

Routes to Be Manually Aggregated
This topic describes the parameters for adding routes to be manually aggregated.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE and choose Communication > IP Protocol Stack
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Multi-OSPF Management tab.
3. In Manual Route Aggregation, click Add.

Parameters for Configuring Manual Route Aggregation

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

ID Address - - Specifies the IP address of the Network

where routes need to be aggregated

Subnet Mask - - Specifies the subnet mask of the Network

where routes need to be aggregated

Related Tasks
A.2.4.14 Creating a Manual Route Aggregation Group

B.1.2.15 Parameter Description: Port OSPF Setting

This section describes the parameters that are used for setting port OSPF parameters.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE and choose Communication > IP Protocol
Stack Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Port OSPF Parameter Settings tab.

Port OSPF Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the ports that allow OSPF

parameters to be set.

Path Type - - Displays the current DCC channel type.

OSPF Status Enabled Enabled l Specifies whether to enable the OSPF.

Disabled l Set this parameter as required.

Opaque LSA of Enabled Enabled l Specifies whether DCC channels support

External Network Disabled Opaque LSAs.
Port l Set this parameter as required.

B.1.2.16 Parameter Description: OSI Management_Network Layer Parameter

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the network layer of the OSI protocol

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > OSI
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Network Layer Parameters tab.

Network Layer Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

NE - - This parameter indicates the name of the


Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1138

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Configuration Role ES L1 l An NE whose Configuration Role is set

L1 to L1 cannot function as a neighbor of an
NE in the other area. It uses a route in the
L2 local area only and accesses the other
area by distributing the default route of
the nearest L2 NE.
l An NE whose Configuration Role is set
to L2 can function as a neighbor of an
NE in the other area and can use a route
in the backbone area. The backbone area
is a collection that is formed by
consecutive L2 NEs. That is, the L2 NE
of all the roles must be consecutive
(connected to each other).
Configuration Role cannot be set to ES.

Current Role - - This parameter indicates the current role.

Related Tasks
A.2.4.18 Configuring the CLNS Role

B.1.2.17 Parameter Description: OSI Management_Routing Table

This topic describes the parameters that are related to OSI routing tables.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > OSI
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Routing Table tab.

Parameters for Link Adjacency Table

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates the port used for

OSI communication.

Data Link Layer - - This parameter indicates the protocol that is

used at the data link layer.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Adjacency No. - - l This parameter specifies the identifier of

the adjacency that is set up by two NEs
through the OSI protocol. One adjacency
number corresponds to an OSI
l The value is dynamically allocated by
the NE.

Adjacency Type - - This parameter indicates the type of the


Adjacency State - - This parameter indicates the state of the


Peer End Area ID - - This parameter indicates the area ID that is

contained in the NSAP address of the
opposite NE.

Peer End System - - This parameter indicates the system ID of

ID the opposite NE. Generally, the system ID
is the MAC address.

Parameters for L1 and L2 Routing Tables

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Destination Area - - This parameter indicates the area ID of the

ID destination NE.

Destination SYSID - - This parameter indicates the system ID of

the destination NE. Generally, the system
ID is the MAC address.

Metric - - This parameter indicates the number of hops

that reach the destination NE or destination

Adjacency No.1 - - This parameter indicates the number of the

adjacent link that is connected to the
destination NE.

Adjacency No.2 - - This parameter indicates the number of the

adjacent link that is connected to the
destination NE.

Related Tasks
A.2.4.23 Querying OSI Routes

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

B.1.2.18 Parameter Description: OSI Management_OSI Tunnel

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the OSI tunnels.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > OSI
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the OSI Tunnel tab.

Parameters for OSI Tunnel Attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Remote IP Address - - This parameter indicates the IP address of

the opposite end of the OSI tunnel.

LAPD Actor User User l This parameter specifies the LAPD

Network actor.
l If the adjacent NEs run the OSI protocol,
they can perform the LAPD negotiation
only when the LAPD actor is set to
User at one end and is set to Network at
the other end.

Efficient LAPD - - This parameter indicates whether the

Enable current LAPD is enabled.

Configurable Enabled Enabled This parameter specifies whether the LAPD

LAPD Enable Disabled is enabled.

LAPD Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Remote IP Address - - This parameter indicates the IP address of

the opposite end of the OSI tunnel.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

L2 Wait Time to 1 to 20 1 l This parameter specifies L2 Wait Time

Retry(s) to Retry(s).
l L2 Wait Time to Retry(s) indicates the
interval for retransmitting packets at the
LAPD link layer.
l L2 Wait Time to Retry(s) needs to be
set according to the network situation. If
the network is in good situation, L2 Wait
Time to Retry(s) can be set to a smaller
value. Otherwise, it is recommended that
you set L2 Wait Time to Retry(s) to a
greater value.
l This parameter needs to be set according
to the planning information. In normal
cases, it is recommended that you use the
default value.

L2 Retry Times 2 to 6 3 l This parameter specifies L2 Retry

l L2 Retry Times indicates the maximum
number of packet retransmission
attempts at the LAPD link layer.
l L2 Retry Times needs to be set
according to the network situation. If the
network is in good situation, L2 Retry
Times can be set to a smaller value.
Otherwise, it is recommended that you
set L2 Retry Times to a greater value.
l This parameter needs to be set according
to the planning information. In normal
cases, it is recommended that you use the
default value.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1142

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

L3 Hello Timer(s) 1 to 100 3 l This parameter specifies L3 Hello

l L3 Hello Timer(s) indicates the Hello
packet timer at the LAPD link network
layer. It is used for periodical
transmission of the Hello packets.
l The Hello timer determines the interval
for transmitting the Hello packets once.
L3 Hello Timer(s) needs to be set
according to the network situation. If the
network is in good situation, L3 Hello
Timer(s) can be set to a greater value.
Otherwise, it is recommended that you
set L3 Hello Timer(s) to a smaller value.
l This parameter needs to be set according
to the planning information. In normal
cases, it is recommended that you use the
default value.

L3 ES Timer(s) 1 to 200 50 l This parameter specifies L3 ES Timer

l L3 ES Timer(s) indicates the ES
configuration timer at the LAPD link
network layer. It is used for setting the
time to transmit the configuration
information on the ES route.
l L3 ES Timer(s) needs to be set
according to the network situation. If the
network is in good situation, L3 ES
Timer(s) can be set to a greater value.
Otherwise, it is recommended that you
set L3 Hello Timer(s) to a smaller value.
l This parameter needs to be set according
to the planning information. In normal
cases, it is recommended that you use the
default value.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

L3 IS Timer(s) 1 to 200 10 l This parameter specifies L3 IS Timer

l L3 IS Timer(s) indicates the IS
configuration timer at the LAPD link
network layer. It is used for setting the
time to transmit the configuration
information through the L1/L2 router.
l L3 IS Timer(s) needs to be set according
to the network situation. If the network
is in good situation, L3 IS Timer(s) can
be set to a greater value. Otherwise, it is
recommended that you set L3 IS Timer
(s) to a smaller value.
l This parameter needs to be set according
to the planning information. In normal
cases, it is recommended that you use the
default value.

L3 Hold Timer(s) 2 to 63 5 l This parameter specifies L3 Hold Timer

l L3 Hold Timer(s) indicates the hold
timer at the LAPD link network layer.
l L3 Hold Timer(s) needs to be set
according to the network situation. If the
network is in good situation, L3 Hold
Timer(s) can be set to a smaller value.
Otherwise, it is recommended that you
set L3 IS Timer(s) to a greater value.
l This parameter needs to be set according
to the planning information. In normal
cases, it is recommended that you use the
default value.

COST 1 to 63 20 l This parameter specifies COST.

l COST indicates the overhead value of
the virtual LAPD that corresponds to the
OSI tunnel.
l The overhead value determines whether
this link is perverted. If the overhead
value is smaller, this link has a higher
priority to be selected.
l This parameter needs to set according to
the planning information.

Related Tasks
A.2.4.19 Configuring the OSI Tunnel

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1144

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

B.1.2.19 Parameter Description: DCN Management_Bandwidth Management

This topic describes the parameters that are used for bandwidth management of the inband DCN.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > DCN
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Bandwidth Management tab.

Parameters for Bandwidth Management

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Ethernet Board 2 to 4094 4094 l The equipment on the traditional DCN

VLAN ID can be connected to the NMS through the
SCC board, but the OptiX RTN 950 can
also be connected to the NMS through an
Ethernet interface. If an Ethernet port is
used to carry the network management
information, the NE differentiates the
network management information and
Ethernet service information according
to the VLAN ID.
l If the default VLAN ID of the inband
DCN conflicts with the VLAN ID in the
service, the Ethernet Board VLAN ID
of the inband DCN can be changed
manually. The same VLAN ID must be,
however, is used on the network-wide
inband DCN.

Bandwidth(Kbit/s) 64 to 1000 512 Bandwidth(Kbit/s) specifies the bandwidth

for inband DCN messaging on the Ethernet

E1 Port - - The OptiX RTN 950 does not support this

Bandwidth(Kbit/s) parameter.

Tunnel Bandwidth - - The OptiX RTN 950 does not support this
(Kbit/s) parameter.

IF Port Bandwidth 64 to 1000 512 IF Port Bandwidth(Kbit/s) specifies the

(Kbit/s) bandwidth for inband DCN messaging on
the radio link.

Related Tasks
A.2.4.4 Configuring the VLAN ID and Bandwidth Used by an Inband DCN

B.1.2.20 Parameter Description: DCN Management_Port Setting

This topic describes the parameters that are used for setting ports of the inband DCN.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > DCN
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Port Settings tab.

Parameters for Setting Ports

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Name - - This parameter indicates the port name.

Enabled Status Enabled Enabled l Enabled Status specifies the enabling

Disabled status of the port.
l The network management information
can be transmitted over the inband DCN
when the DCN function is enabled for
the ports at both ends of a link.

Protocol Type IP IP l Specifies the DCN protocol used by the

HWECC inband DCN.
L2DCN l If Protocol Type is set to different
values for two interconnected sets of
equipment, equipment interconnection
fails. Therefore, set Protocol Type to the
same value for both ends of a link.

IP Address - - l This parameter is available only when

Protocol Type is set to IP.
l When the IP DCN solution is used and
the NE functions as an ABR, this
parameter specifies the interface IP
address of the non-backbone area port on
the ABR.

Subnet Mask - - l This parameter is available only when

Protocol Type is set to IP.
l When the IP DCN solution is used and
the NE functions as an ABR, this
parameter specifies the subnet mask of
the non-backbone area port on the ABR.

Related Tasks
A.2.4.6 Setting Parameters of Inband DCN
A.2.4.15 Configuring Interface IP Addresses of an ABR

B.1.2.21 Parameter Description: DCN Management_Protocol Setting

This topic describes the parameters that are used for setting a protocol of the inband DCN.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree, and then choose
Communication > DCN Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Port Settings tab.

Parameters for Setting a Protocol

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Name - - Displays the port name.

Protocol Type IP IP l If the values of Protocol Type are

HWECC different from each other, the equipment
at both ends cannot be interconnected
L2 DCN with each other. Therefore, Protocol
Type must be set to the same value for
the equipment at both ends of a link.
l Set Protocol Type according to the
network planning information.
Generally, it is recommended that you
set this parameter to IP.

Related Tasks
A.2.4.7 Configuring the Protocol Type of the Inband DCN

B.1.2.22 Parameter Description: DCN Management_Access Control

This section describes the parameters for configuring access control.

Navigation Path
l In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and then choose
Communication > DCN Management from the Function Tree.
l Click the Access Control tab.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Name - - Displays the Ethernet ports that support this


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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Enabled Status Disabled Disabled l Specifies the enabling status of the port.
Enabled l If the Enabled Status is set to
Enabled, this port can be used to support
access of the management information
from the NMS.
l If the Enabled Status is set to
Disabled, this port cannot be used to
support access of the management
information from the NMS.

IP Address - Specifies the IP address of the port.

Subnet Mask - Specifies the submask of the port.

Related Tasks
A.2.4.8 Configuring Access Control

B.1.2.23 Parameter Description: DCN Management_Packet Control

This topic describes the parameters for controlling the priority of inband DCN packets.

Navigation Path
l In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE from the Object Tree and then choose
Communication > DCN Management from the Function Tree.
l Click the Packet Control tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Packet Type - - Displays the packet type for which the

packet priority can be manually specified.

Supported - - This parameter cannot be specified

Application manually.

Packet Priority CS6 CS6 (Packet Type Specifies the PHB service class of inband
EF is VLAN) DCN packets.
AF4 BE (Packet Type is

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Related Tasks
A.2.4.5 Configuring the Priority of Inband DCN Packets

B.1.2.24 Parameter Description: L2 DCN Management

This section describes the parameters that are related to L2 DCN management.

Navigation Path
l In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE from the Object Tree and then choose
Communication > L2DCN Management from the Function Tree.
l Click Query.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Config Status Auto Auto When the OptiX RTN 950 uses the L2 DCN
Disabled solution, the RSTP protocol can be used to
prevent L2 forwarding loops. It is
recommended that the RSTP protocol uses
its default enable/disable mode Auto for the
OptiX RTN 950 NE level. That is, the RSTP
protocol is automatically enabled/disabled
depending on the enable/disable status of
the L2 DCN function over IF ports.

Real Status Disabled - l Real Status is queried to be Disabled in

Enabled the following scenarios:
– Config Status is set to Disabled.
– When Config Status is set to Auto,
the L2 DCN function is disabled for
all IF ports on the NE.
l When Config Status is set to Auto, the
L2 DCN function is enabled for at least
one IF port on the NE. In this case, the
RSTP protocol will automatically work.
At this time, the queried Real Status is

Related Tasks
A.2.4.20 Enabling/Disabling the RSTP Protocol When the L2 DCN Solution Is Used

B.1.2.25 Parameter Description: Access Control

This topic describes the parameters that are used for access control of the NMS.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > Access
Control from the Function Tree.

Parameters for Ethernet Access Control

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Enable Ethernet Selected - After The First Network Port is selected,

Access Deselected the NE can access the NMS through the
Ethernet port.

PORT - - This parameter displays the NMS port and

the NE cascading port on the system control,
switching, and timing board.

Work Mode adapt - This parameter specifies the working modes

10M Half_Duplex of the NMS port and the NE cascading port
on the system control, switching, and timing
10M Full_Duplex board.
100M Half_Duplex
100M Full_Duplex

Actual Work Mode - - This parameter displays the working modes

of the NMS port and the NE cascading port
on the system control, switching, and timing

Enabled/Disabled Enabled Specifies whether the Ethernet network

Disabled management port or NE cascading port is

Parameters for Access Control over Serial Ports

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Enable Serial Port Selected Selected After Enable Serial Port Access is
Access Deselected selected, the NE can access the NMS or
command lines through the serial port.

Access Command Selected Deselected If Access Command Line is selected, the

Line Deselected serial interface can be used to access the
command line terminal.

Access NM Selected Deselected If Access NM is selected, the serial interface

Deselected can be used to access the NMS.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1150

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Baud Rate 1200 9600 l This parameter specifies the data

2400 transmission rate in the communications
through serial ports.
l This parameter is set according to the
9600 rate of the serial port at the opposite end,
19200 and the rates at both ends must be the
38400 same.

B.1.3 Parameters for Network Security Management

This topic describes the parameters that are related to network security management.

B.1.3.1 Parameter Description: NE User Management

This topic describes the parameters that are related to NE user management.

Navigation Path
Select the required NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Security > NE User
Management from the Function Tree.

Parameters for NE user management

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

NE - - Displays the current NE


NE User - - Displays the registered NE

user name.

User Level - - Displays the registered NE

user level.

NE User Flag - - Displays whether a

registered NE user is
logged in.

User Group Belonged - - Displays the user group to

which a registered NE user

Login Allowed - - Displays whether a

registered NE user is
allowed to log in to the

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Permanently Valid or - - Displays whether a

not registered NE user is
permanently valid.

Valid From - - Displays the time when a

registered NE user logged
in to the NE for the first

Valid Till - - Displays the time when a

registered NE user logged
in to the NE for the last

Whether the password is - - Displays whether a

allowed to be modified registered user password
immediately can be changed.

Related Tasks
A.2.6.3 Setting Warning Screen Parameters

B.1.3.2 Parameter Description: NE User Management_Creation

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating an NE user.

Navigation Path
1. Select the required NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Security > NE
User Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click Create.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

NE User - - Specifies the name of a

registered NE user.
The name of an NE cannot
contain any space or
Chinese characters.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1152

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

User Level Monitor Level Monitor Level l A Debug Level NE

Operation Level user has all security
and configuration
Maintenance Level authorities, and has the
System Level right to run debugging
Debug Level commands.
l A System Level NE
user has all security
and configuration
l A Maintenance
Level NE user has
some security
authorities, some
authorities, the
communication setting
authority, and the log
l An Operation Level
NE user has all fault
authorities, some
security authorities,
and some
l A Monitor Level NE
user has the right to use
all query commands, to
log in, to log out, and to
change its own

New Password - - l Specifies the password

for a new NE user.

Confirm Password - - Enter the same value as

New Password.

Whether the password is Yes Yes Specifies whether the

allowed to be modified No password of a registered
immediately NE user can be changed.

Related Tasks
A.2.6.1 Creating an NE User

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1153

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

B.1.3.3 Parameter Description: LCT Access Control

This topic describes the parameters that are used for LCT access control.

Navigation Path
Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Security > LCT Access
Control from the Function Tree.

Parameters for LCT Access Control

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

NE - - This parameter indicates the name of the


LCT Access Access Allowed Access Allowed l No NMS user logs in to the NE. In this
Control Switch Disable Access case, when the LCT requests an LCT
user to log in to the NE, the NE does not
check the status of LCT Access Control
Switch, and directly allows the LCT user
to log in to the NE.
l An NMS user first logs in to the NE. In
this case, when the LCT requests an LCT
user to log in to the NE, the NE
determines whether to allow the LCT
user to log in to the NE through the LCT
according to the status of LCT Access
Control Switch.
l An LCT user first logs in to the NE. In
this case, when the NMS requests an
NMS user to log in to the NE, the NMS
user can directly log in to the NE. After
the NMS user successfully logs in to the
NE, the online LCT user is not affected.
l When both the LCT user and NMS user
log in to the NE, the online LCT user is
not affected after LCT Access Control
Switch is set to Disable Access.

B.1.3.4 Parameter Description: RADIUS Configuration_Creation

This topic describes the parameters that are related to RADIUS configuration.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE from the Object Tree and choose Security > NE
RADIUS Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click New.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1154

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Function - - Specifies the desired RADIUS function, the

authentication server ID, and the server type.
Server ID - -
l Function, Server ID, and Server Type are
Server Type - - associated with the servers that are
configured in A.2.7.2 Creating a RADIUS
Server or a RADIUS Proxy Server.
l Select the desired RADIUS server or proxy
server according to planning information.

Server Status Active Active Specifies the active/standby status of the

Standby RADIUS server or proxy server.
l If no standby server is required, set Server
Status to Active.
l The OptiX RTN 950 supports one active
server and one standby server. If both the
active and standby servers are configured,
set Server Status of the active server to
Active and Server Status of the standby
server to Standby.

Shared Key - - Specifies the key for communication between

an NE and the RADIUS server.
l Set Shared Key to the same value on the
NE and on the RADIUS server.
l If Server Type is Proxy Server, Shared
Key is not available.

Interval of Packet 3-10 5 Specifies the number of packet retransmission

Transmission attempts and the interval between the attempts.
l If an NE does not receive the response from
Packet 1-5 3
the RADIUS server within a specific
period, the NE re-transmits the
authentication request for the configured
attempt times and at the configured
l It is recommended that Interval of Packet
Transmission and Packet
Retransmission Attempts take their
default values.

Related Tasks
A.2.7.3 Configuring RADIUS Server Parameters

B.1.3.5 Parameter Description: RADIUS Configuration_RADIUS Server

This topic describes the parameters that are related to RADIUS server configuration.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1155

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE from the Object Tree and choose Security > NE
RADIUS Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the RADIUS Server Configuration tab.
The RADIUS Server Information dialog box is displayed.
3. Click New.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Function Authentication Authentication Specifies the RADIUS function that an NE

Accounting needs to use.
Authentication + l For NE RADIUS authentication, select
Accounting Authentication.
l For both NE RADIUS authentication and
NE usage accounting, set this parameter to
Authentication + Accounting or
Accounting (when the Authentication
function has been enabled).

Server Type RADIUS Server RADIUS Server Specifies the server type used for NE RADIUS
Proxy Server authentication.
l When an NE uses RADIUS authentication
in the NAS mode or functions as a proxy
server, set Server Type to RADIUS
l When an NE uses RADIUS authentication
in the proxy NAS mode, set Server Type
to Proxy Server.

Server ID IP Address IP Address Specifies the address of the server that is used
NE ID for NE RADIUS authentication.
l If Server Type is RADIUS Server, set
Server ID to IP Address and specify the
IP address of the RADIUS server.
l If Server Type is Proxy Server, it is
recommended that you set Server ID to
NE ID and set the gateway NE as the proxy
l If Server Type is Proxy Server and there
is no IP route between the NE and the proxy
server, Server ID can be set to only NE
ID. If Server Type is Proxy Server and
there is an IP route between the NE and the
proxy server, Server ID can be set to NE
ID or IP Address.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Related Tasks
A.2.7.2 Creating a RADIUS Server or a RADIUS Proxy Server

B.1.3.6 Parameter Description: Enabling/Disabling the RADIUS Function

This topic describes the parameters that are required for enabling/disabling the RADIUS

Navigation Path
In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE from the Object Tree and choose Security > NE
RADIUS Configuration from the Function Tree.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

NE - - Displays the NE name.

RADIUS Client Open Close Specifies whether an NE has the ability to be

Close a RADIUS client. The RADIUS function can
be enabled on an NE only if RADIUS Client
is set to Open for the NE.

Proxy Server Open Close Specifies whether an NE has the ability to be

Close a proxy server.
l If an NE needs to function as a proxy
server, set Proxy Server to Open for the
l Proxy Server can be set to Open only if
RADIUS Client is set to Open.
l When an NE uses RADIUS authentication
in the proxy NAS mode, set Proxy
Server to Close.

Related Tasks
A.2.7.1 Enabling/Disabling the RADIUS Function

B.2 Radio Link Parameters

This topic describes the parameters that are related to radio links.

B.2.1 Parameter Description: Link Configuration_XPIC

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the XPIC function.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1157

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the XPIC tab.
3. Click New.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IF Channel ISX2: - l This parameter specifies the channel

Bandwidth 28M spacing when the XPIC function is
l When this parameter is set to 56M or
56M 40M, the high-power ODU must be
IFX2: used.

Polarization - - l This parameter indicates the polarization

Direction-V direction of a radio link.
l It is recommended that you install the
two XPIC IF boards that form an XPIC
workgroup in the slots that are at the
same layer or in the same column, and
set the IF port on the XPIC IF board that
has a smaller slot number to Link ID-V
and the IF port on the other XPIC IF
board to Link ID-H.

Link ID-V 1 to 4094 1 l Set Link ID-V and Link ID-H.

l A link ID is an identifier of a radio link
Link ID-H 2
and is used to prevent the radio links
between sites from being wrongly
l When the link ID received by an NE is
different from the link ID set for the NE,
the NE reports an MW_LIM alarm and
inserts the AIS.
l These two parameters are set according
to the planning information. These two
parameters must be set to different
values, but Link ID-V must be set to the
same value at both ends of a link and
Link ID-H must also be set to the same
value at both ends of a link.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1158

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Transmit Power - - l This parameter specifies the transmit

(dBM) power of an ODU. The value of this
parameter must not exceed the rated
power range supported by the ODU.
l It is recommended that you set the
transmit power of the ODU to the same
value at both ends of a radio link.
l Consider the receive power of the ODU
at the opposite end when you set this
parameter. Ensure that the receive power
of the ODU at the opposite end can
ensure stable radio services.
l This parameter is set according to the
planning information.

Maximum - - l This parameter specifies the maximum

Transmit Power transmit power of the ODU. This
(dBM) parameter cannot be set to a value that
exceeds the nominal power rang of the
ODU in the guaranteed capacity
modulation module.
l This parameter is set to limit the
maximum transmit power of the ODU
within this preset range.
l The maximum transmit power adjusted
by using the ATPC function should not
exceed this value.
l This parameter is set according to the
planning information.

Transmit - - l This parameter indicates the channel

Frequency(MHz) central frequency.
l The value of this parameter must not be
less than the sum of the lower transmit
frequency limit supported by the ODU
and a half of the channel spacing, and
must not be more than the difference
between the upper transmit frequency
limit supported by the ODU and a half of
the channel spacing.
l This parameter is set according to the
planning information.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1159

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

T/R Spacing(MHz) - - l This parameter specifies the spacing

between the transmit frequency and the
receive frequency of an ODU to prevent
mutual interference between the
transmitter and the receiver.
l If Station Type of the ODU is TX
high, the transmit frequency is one T/R
spacing higher than the receive
frequency. If Station Type of the ODU
is TX low, the transmit frequency is one
T/R spacing lower than the receive
l If the ODU supports only one T/R
spacing, this parameter is set to 0,
indicating that the T/R spacing
supported by the ODU is used.
l A valid T/R spacing value is determined
by the ODU itself, and the T/R spacing
should be set according to the technical
specifications of the ODU.
l The T/R spacing of the ODU should be
set to the same value at both ends of a
radio link.

Transmission unmute unmute l When this parameter is set to mute, the

Status mute ODU does not transmit microwave
signals but can normally receive
microwave signals.
l When this parameter is set to unmute,
the ODU normally transmits and
receives microwave signals.
l In normal cases, Transmission Status is
set to unmute.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1160

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

ATPC Status Disabled Disabled l This parameter specifies whether the

Enabled ATPC function is enabled.
l If this parameter is set to Enabled and if
the RSL at the receive end is 2 dB higher
or lower than the central value between
the ATPC upper threshold and the ATPC
lower threshold at the receive end, the
receiver notifies the transmitter to
decrease or increase the transmit power
until the RSL is within the range that is
2 dB higher or lower than the central
value between the ATPC upper
threshold and the ATPC lower threshold.
l The settings of the ATPC attributes must
be consistent at both ends of a radio link.
l In the case of areas where fast fading
severely affects the radio transmission, it
is recommended that you set this
parameter to Disabled.
l During the commissioning process, set
this parameter to Disabled to ensure that
the transmit power is not changed. After
the commissioning, re-set the ATPC

ATPC Upper - -45.0 l The central value between the ATPC

Threshold(dBm) upper threshold and the ATPC lower
threshold is set as the expected receive
ATPC Lower - -70.0 power.
l It is recommended that you set ATPC
Upper Threshold(dBm) to the sum of
the planned central value between the
ATPC upper threshold and the ATPC
lower threshold and 10 dB, and ATPC
Lower Threshold(dBm) to the
difference between the planned central
value between the ATPC upper
threshold and the ATPC lower threshold
and 10 dB.
l You can set the ATPC upper threshold
only when ATPC Automatic
Threshold Enable Status is set to

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1161

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

ATPC Automatic Disabled Disabled l This parameter specifies whether the

Threshold Enable Enabled ATPC automatic threshold function is
Status enabled.
l If this parameter is set to Enabled, the
equipment automatically uses the preset
ATPC upper and lower thresholds
according to the work mode of the radio

Related Tasks
A.3.2 Creating an XPIC Workgroup

B.2.2 Parameter Description: Link Configuration_XPIC

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the XPIC function.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the XPIC tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Group ID - - This parameter indicates the ID of the work


Polarization - - This parameter indicates the IF port to which

Direction-V the polarization direction V corresponds.

Link ID-V - - This parameter indicates the link ID to

which the polarization direction V

Polarization - - This parameter indicates the IF port to which

Direction-H the polarization direction H corresponds.

Link ID-H - - This parameter indicates the link ID to

which the polarization direction H

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1162

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IF Channel ISX2: - l IF Channel Bandwidth refers to the

Bandwidth 28M channel spacing of the corresponding
radio links.
l When this parameter is set to 56M or
56M 40M, the high-power ODU must be
IFX2: used.
7M l This parameter is set according to the
14M planning information.

Power to Be -90.0 to -20.0 -10.0 l This parameter is used to set the

Received -V(dBm) expected receive power of the ODU and
is mainly used in the antenna alignment
stage. After this parameter is set, the NE
automatically enables the antenna
misalignment indicating function.
l When the antenna misalignment
indicating function is enabled, if the
actual receive power of the ODU is 3 dB
lower than the power expected to be
received, the ODU indicator on the IF
board connected to the ODU blinks
yellow (300 ms on, 300 ms off),
indicating that the antenna is not aligned.
l After the antenna alignment, after the
state that the antenna is aligned lasts for
30 minutes, the NE automatically
disables the antenna misalignment
indicating function.
l When this parameter takes the default
value, the antenna misalignment
indicating function is disabled.
l This parameter is set according to the
planning information.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Power to Be -90.0 to -20.0 -10.0 l This parameter is used to set the

Received -H(dBm) expected receive power of the ODU and
is mainly used in the antenna alignment
stage. After this parameter is set, the NE
automatically enables the antenna
misalignment indicating function.
l When the antenna misalignment
indicating function is enabled, if the
actual receive power of the ODU is 3 dB
lower than the power expected to be
received, the ODU indicator on the IF
board connected to the ODU blinks
yellow (300 ms on, 300 ms off),
indicating that the antenna is not aligned.
l After the antenna alignment, after the
state that the antenna is aligned lasts for
30 minutes, the NE automatically
disables the antenna misalignment
indicating function.
l When this parameter takes the default
value, the antenna misalignment
indicating function is disabled.
l This parameter is set according to the
planning information.

Maximum - - l This parameter specifies the maximum

Transmit Power transmit power of the ODU. This
(dBm) parameter cannot be set to a value that
exceeds the nominal power rang of the
ODU in the guaranteed capacity
modulation module.
l This parameter is set to limit the
maximum transmit power of the ODU
within this preset range.
l The maximum transmit power adjusted
by using the ATPC function should not
exceed this value.
l This parameter is set according to the
planning information.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Transmit Power - - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

(dBm) transmit power of the ODU. This
parameter cannot be set to a value that
exceeds the nominal power range of the
l It is recommended that you set the
transmit power of the ODU to the same
value at both ends of a radio link.
l Consider the receive power of the ODU
at the opposite end when you set this
parameter. Ensure that the receive power
of the ODU at the opposite end can
ensure stable radio services.
l This parameter is set according to the
planning information.

Transmit - - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Frequency(MHz) transmit frequency of the ODU, namely,
the channel central frequency.
l The value of this parameter must not be
less than the sum of the lower TX
frequency limit supported by the ODU
and a half of the channel spacing, and
must not be more than the difference
between the upper TX frequency limit
supported by the ODU and a half of the
channel spacing.
l The difference between the transmit
frequencies of both the ends of a radio
link should be one T/R spacing.
l This parameter needs to be set according
to the planning information.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

T/R Spacing(MHz) - - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

spacing between the transmit frequency
and receive frequency of the ODU to
prevent mutual interference between the
transmitter and receiver.
l If the ODU is a Tx high station, the
transmit frequency is one T/R spacing
higher than the receive frequency. If the
ODU is a Tx low station, the transmit
frequency is one T/R spacing lower than
the receive frequency.
l If the ODU supports only one T/R
spacing, this parameter is set to 0,
indicating that the T/R spacing
supported by the ODU is used.
l A valid T/R spacing value is determined
by the ODU itself, and the T/R spacing
should be set according to the technical
specifications of the ODU.
l The T/R spacing of the ODU should be
set to the same value at both ends of a
radio link.

Transmission unmute unmute l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Status mute transmit status of the ODU.
l If this parameter is set to mute, the
transmitter of the ODU does not work
but can normally receive microwave
l If this parameter is set to unmute, the
ODU can normally transmit and receive
microwave signals.
l In normal cases, this parameter is set to

Parameters for Hybrid/AM Configuration

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Group ID - - This parameter indicates the ID of the work


Polarization - - This parameter indicates the IF port to which

direction the polarization direction H or the
polarization direction V corresponds.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1166

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

AM Status Disabled Disabled l When AM Status is set to Disabled, the

Enabled radio link uses only the specified
modulation scheme. In this case, you
need to select Manually Specified
Modulation Mode.
l When AM Status is set to Enabled, the
radio link uses the corresponding
modulation scheme according to the
channel conditions.
Hence, the Hybrid radio can ensure the
reliable transmission of the E1 services and
provide bandwidth adaptively for the
Ethernet services when the AM function is

Modulation Mode QPSK - This parameter specifies the highest-gain

of the Guarantee 16QAM modulation scheme that the AM function
AM Capacity supports. This parameter is set according to
32QAM the planning information. Generally, the
64QAM value of this parameter is determined by the
128QAM bandwidth of the services that need to be
transmitted over the Hybrid radio and the
256QAM availability of the radio link that
corresponds to this modulation scheme.
Modulation Mode of the Full AM Capacity
must be higher than Modulation Mode of the
Guarantee AM Capacity.
This parameter is valid only when AM
Status is set to Enabled.

Modulation Mode QPSK - This parameter specifies the highest-gain

of the Full AM 16QAM modulation scheme that the AM function
Capacity supports. This parameter is set according to
32QAM the planning information. Generally, the
64QAM value of this parameter is determined by the
128QAM bandwidth of the services that need to be
transmitted over the Hybrid radio and the
256QAM availability of the radio link that
corresponds to this modulation scheme.
Modulation Mode of the Full AM Capacity
must be higher than Modulation Mode of the
Guarantee AM Capacity.
This parameter is valid only when AM
Status is set to Enabled.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Manual QPSK QPSK This parameter specifies the modulation

Modulation Mode 16QAM scheme that the radio link uses for signal
This parameter is valid only when AM
64QAM Status is set to Disabled.

Transmit-End - - Displays the modulation mode at the

Modulation Mode transmit end.

Receive-End - - Displays the modulation mode at the receive

Modulation Mode end.

Parameters for ATPC Management

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Group ID - - This parameter indicates the object to be set.

ATPC Enable Disabled - l This parameter specifies whether the

Status Enabled ATPC function is enabled.
l If this parameter is set to Enabled and if
the RSL at the receive end is 2 dB higher
or lower than the central value between
the ATPC upper threshold and the ATPC
lower threshold at the receive end, the
receiver notifies the transmitter to
decrease or increase the transmit power
until the RSL is within the range that is
2 dB higher or lower than the central
value between the ATPC upper threshold
and the ATPC lower threshold.
l The settings of the ATPC attributes must
be consistent at both ends of a radio link.
l In the case of areas where fast fading
severely affects the radio transmission, it
is recommended that you set this
parameter to Disabled.
l During the commissioning process, set
this parameter to Disabled to ensure that
the transmit power is not changed. After
the commissioning, re-set the ATPC

ATPC Upper - - l Set the central value between the ATPC

Threshold(dBm) upper threshold and the ATPC lower

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1168

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

ATPC Lower - - threshold to a value for the expected

Threshold(dBm) receive power.
l It is recommended that you set ATPC
Upper Threshold(dBm) to the sum of
the planned central value between the
ATPC upper threshold and the ATPC
lower threshold and 10 dB, and ATPC
Lower Threshold(dBm) o the
difference between the planned central
value between the ATPC upper threshold
and the ATPC lower threshold and 10
l You can set this parameter only when
ATPC Automatic Threshold Enable
Status is set to Disabled.

ATPC Automatic Disabled - l This parameter specifies whether the

Threshold Enable Enabled ATPC automatic threshold function is
Status enabled.
l If this parameter is set to Enabled, the
equipment automatically uses the preset
ATPC upper and lower thresholds
according to the work mode of the radio
l If this parameter is set to Disabled, you
need to manually set ATPC Upper
Threshold(dBm) and ATPC Lower

Related Tasks
A.3.3 Setting the AM Attributes of the XPIC Workgroup

B.2.3 Parameter Description: N+1 Protection_Create

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating an IF N+1 protection group.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the N+1 Protection tab.
3. Click Create.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1169

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

WTR time(s) 300 to 720 600 l This parameter specifies the wait-to-
restore (WTR) time.
l When the time after the former working
channel is restored to normal reaches the
set WTR time, a revertive switching
l It is recommended that you use the
default value.

SD enable Enabled Enabled l This parameter specifies whether the

Disabled signal degradation switching function of
N+1 protection is enabled.
l When this parameter is set to Enabled,
the signal degradation condition is
considered as a trigger condition of
protection switching.
l It is recommended that you set this
parameter to Enabled.

Slot Mapping Relation Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Select Mapping Working Unit Working Unit l This parameter specifies the mapping
Direction Protection Unit direction of N+1 protection.
l This parameter is set according to the
planning information.

Available Boards - - l In the case of N+1 protection, map N IF

ports as Working Unit and map the
remaining IF port as Protection Unit.
l This parameter is set according to the
planning information.

Mapped Boards - - This parameter indicates the working unit

and protection unit that have been set.

Related Tasks
A.3.5 Creating an N+1 Protection Group

B.2.4 Parameter Description: N+1 Protection

This topic describes the parameters that are related to IF N+1 protection.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the N+1 Protection tab.

Protection Group Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Group - - This parameter indicates the ID of the

ID protection group.

WTR Time(s) 300 to 720 - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

WTR time.
l When the time after the former working
channel is restored to normal reaches the
set WTR time, a revertive switching
l It is recommended that you use the
default value.

SD Enable Enabled - l This parameter indicates or specifies

Disabled whether the SD switching function of N
+1 protection is enabled.
l When this parameter is set to Enabled,
the SD condition is considered as a
trigger condition of protection
l It is recommended that you set this
parameter to Enabled.

Protocol Status - - This parameter indicates the status of the

switching control protocol.

Protection Unit Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Unit - - This parameter indicates the protection unit.

Line - - This parameter indicates the information

about the working board or protection

Switching Status - - This parameter indicates the switching state.

Protected Unit - - This parameter indicates the protected unit.

Remote/Local End - - This parameter indicates the local end or

Indication remote end.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Related Tasks
A.3.7 Querying the IF N+1 Protection Status

B.2.5 Parameter Description: IF 1+1 Protection_Create

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating an IF 1+1 protection group.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF 1+1 Protection tab.
3. Click New.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Working Mode HSB HSB l This parameter specifies the working

FD mode of the IF 1+1 protection.
SD l When Working Mode is set to HSB, the
equipment provides a 1+1 hot standby
configuration for the IF board and ODU
at both ends of each hop of a radio link
to realize the protection.
l When Working Mode is set to FD, the
system uses two channels that have a
frequency spacing between them, to
transmit and receive the same signal. The
remote end selects signals from the two
received signals. With FD protection, the
impact of the fading on signal
transmission is reduced.
l When Working Mode is set to SD, the
system uses two antennas that have a
space distance between them, to receive
the same signal. The equipment selects
signals from the two received signals.
With SD protection, the impact of the
fading on signal transmission is reduced.
l The FD mode and SD mode are
compatible with the HSB switching
l This parameter is set according to the
network plan.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1172

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Revertive Mode Revertive Revertive l This parameter specifies the revertive

Non-Revertive mode of the IF 1+1 protection.
l When Revertive Mode is set to
Revertive, the NE that is in the
switching state releases the switching
and enables the former working channel
to return to the normal state some time
after the former working channel is
restored to normal. It is recommended
that you set this parameter to
l When Revertive Mode is set to Non-
Revertive, the NE that is in the
switching state keeps the current state
unchanged unless another switching
occurs even though the former working
channel is restored to normal.

WTR Time(s) 300 to 720 600 l This parameter specifies the wait-to-
restore (WTR) time.
l When the time after the former working
channel is restored to normal reaches the
set WTR Time(s), a revertive switching
l You can set WTR Time(s) only when
Revertive Mode is set to Revertive. It
is recommended that you use the default

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1173

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Enable Reverse Enabled Enabled l This parameter indicates whether the

Switching Disabled reverse switching function is enabled.
l When both the main IF board and the
standby IF board at the sink end report
service alarms, they send the alarms to
the source end by using the MWRDI
overhead in the microwave frame. When
Enable Reverse Switching at the source
end is set to Enabled and the reverse
switching conditions are met, the IF 1+1
protection switching occurs at the source
l Enable Reverse Switching is valid only
when Working Mode is set to HSB or
l Generally, if Working Mode is set to
HSB, it is recommended that you set
Enable Reverse Switching to
Disabled; if Working Mode is set to
SD, it is recommended that you set
Enable Reverse Switching to

Working Board - - This parameter specifies the working board

of the protection group.

Protection Board - - This parameter specifies the protection

board of the protection group.

Alarm Report Only board alarms Only board alarms l When Alarm Report Mode is set to
Mode Only protection Only board alarms, only IF board
group alarms alarms are reported.
Protection group l When Alarm Report Mode is set to
and board alarms Only protection group alarms, alarms
are reported if a protection group fails or
degrades and suppress IF board alarms
and radio link alarms.
l When Alarm Report Mode is set to
Protection group and board alarms,
IF board alarms and protection group
alarms are reported.
l It is recommended that you set Alarm
Report Mode to Only protection
group alarms. In this case, protection
group alarms are reported to indicate
radio link faults.
The faulty board reports related fault alarms
regardless of parameter settings.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1174

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Anti-jitter Time(s) 0 to 600 300 l When Anti-jitter Time(s) is not set to 0,

a protection group does not report an
alarm immediately after it is degraded,
but reports the alarm after the specified
anti-jitter time expires.
l It is recommended that Anti-jitter Time
(s) take its default value.


Each of the parameters Working Mode, Revertive Mode, WTR Time(s),Anti-jitter Time(s) and Enable
Reverse Switching must be set to the same value at both ends of a radio hop.

Related Tasks
A.3.1 Creating an IF 1+1 Protection Group

B.2.6 Parameter Description: IF 1+1 Protection

This topic describes the parameters that are related to IF 1+1 protection.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF 1+1 Protection tab.

Protection Group Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Group - - This parameter indicates the ID of the

ID protection group.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Working Mode HSB - l This parameter indicates the working

FD mode of the created IF 1+1 protection
l In HSB mode, the equipment provides a
1+1 hot standby configuration for the IF
board and ODU at both ends of each hop
of a radio link to realize the protection.
l In FD mode, the system uses two
channels that have a frequency spacing
between them, to transmit and receive
the same signal. The remote end selects
signals from the two received signals.
With FD protection, the impact of the
fading on signal transmission is reduced.
l In SD mode, the system uses two
antennas that have a space distance
between them, to receive the same signal.
The equipment selects signals from the
two received signals. With SD
protection, the impact of the fading on
signal transmission is reduced.
l The FD mode and SD mode are
compatible with the HSB switching
l This parameter is set according to the
planning information.

Revertive Mode Revertive - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Non-Revertive revertive mode of the protection group.
l When this parameter is set to
Revertive, the NE that is in the switching
state releases the switching and enables
the former working channel to return to
the normal state some time after the
former working channel is restored to
l When this parameter is set to Non-
Revertive, the NE that is in the switching
state keeps the current state unchanged
unless another switching occurs even
though the former working channel is
restored to normal.
l It is recommended that you set this
parameter to Revertive.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1176

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

WTR Time(s) 300 to 720 - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

WTR time.
l When the time after the former working
channel is restored to normal reaches the
set WTR time, a revertive switching
l You can set WTR Time(s) only when
Revertive Mode is set to Revertive.
l It is recommended that you use the
default value.

Enable Reverse Enable - l This parameter indicates or specifies

Switching Disable whether the reverse switching function is
l When both the main IF board and the
standby IF board at the sink end report
service alarms, they send the alarms to
the source end by using the MWRDI
overhead in the microwave frame. When
this parameter at the source end is set to
Enable and the reverse switching
conditions are met, the IF 1+1 protection
switching occurs at the source end.
l This parameter is valid only when
Working Mode is set to HSB or SD.

Switching Status of - - l This parameter indicates the switching

Device state on the equipment side.
l Unknown is displayed when the
switching state on the channel side is not
queried or not obtained after a query.

Switching Status of - - l This parameter indicates the switching

Channel state on the channel side.
l Unknown is displayed when the
switching state on the channel side is not
queried or not obtained after a query.

Active Board of - - This parameter indicates the current

Device working board on the equipment side.

Active Board of - - This parameter indicates the current

Channel working board on the channel side.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Alarm Report Only board alarms - l When Alarm Report Mode is set to
Mode Only Protection Only board alarms, only IF board
group alarms alarms are reported.
Protection group l When Alarm Report Mode is set to
and board alarms Only protection group alarms, alarms
are reported if a protection group fails or
degrades and suppress IF board alarms
and radio link alarms.
l When Alarm Report Mode is set to
Protection group and board alarms, IF
board alarms and protection group
alarms are reported.
l It is recommended that you set Alarm
Report Mode to Only protection group
alarms. In this case, protection group
alarms are reported to indicate radio link
The faulty board reports related fault alarms
regardless of parameter settings.

Anti-jitter Time 0 to 600 - l When Anti-jitter Time(s) is not set to 0,

a protection group does not report an
alarm immediately after it is degraded,
but reports the alarm after the specified
anti-jitter time expires.
l It is recommended that Anti-jitter Time
(s) take its default value.


Each of the parameters Working Mode, Revertive Mode, and WTR Time(s) must be set to the same
value at both ends of a radio hop.

Slot Mapping Relation Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Unit - - This parameter indicates the working board

and protection board.

Slot Mapping - - This parameter indicates the names and

Settings ports of the working board and protection

Working Status of - - This parameter indicates the working state

Device on the equipment side.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Signal Status of - - This parameter indicates the status of the

Channel link signal.

Related Tasks
A.3.6 Querying the IF 1+1 Protection Status

B.2.7 Parameter: Link Configuration_IF/ODU Configuration

This topic describes the parameters that are used for configuring the IF/ODU.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE and then choose Configuration > Link
Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IF/ODU Configuration tab.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1179

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters for Configuring the IF

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Working Mode 1,4E1,7MHz,QPSK - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

2,4E1,3.5MHz, work mode of the radio link in "work
16QAM mode number, service capacity, channel
spacing, modulation mode" format.
K l This parameter is set according to the
network plan. The work modes of the IF
4,8E1,7MHz, boards at the two ends of a radio link
16QAM must be the same.
5,16E1,28MHz,QP NOTE
SK The IF1 board supports this parameter.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1180

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Link ID 1 to 4094 1 l Link ID indicates or specifies the ID of

a radio link. As the identifier of a radio
link, this parameter is used to prevent
incorrect connections of radio links
between sites.
l If the value of Received Radio Link
ID does not match the preset value of
Link ID at the local end, the local end
inserts the AIS signal to the downstream
direction of the service. At the same
time, the local end reports MW_LIM
alarm to the NMS, indicating that the
link IDs do not match.
l Link ID is set according to the network
plan. Each radio link of an NE should
have a unique link ID, and the link IDs
at both ends of a radio link should be the

Received Link ID - - l This parameter indicates the received ID

of the radio link.
l If the value of Received Radio Link
ID does not match the preset value of
Radio Link ID at the local end, the local
end inserts the AIS signal to the
downstream direction of the service. At
the same time, the local end reports an
alarm to the NMS, indicating that the
link IDs do not match.
l When the radio link becomes faulty, this
parameter is displayed as an invalid

IF Service Type Hybrid(Native E1 Hybrid(Native E1 l Displays or specifies the type of services

+ETH) +ETH) carried by the IF board.
Hybrid(Native l If the Integrated IP radio transmits
STM-1+ETH) Native E1 services, set this parameter to
SDH Hybrid(Native E1+ETH).
l If the Integrated IP radio transmits
Native STM-1 services, set this
parameter to Hybrid(Native STM-1
l If the SDH radio transmits SDH services,
set this parameter to SDH.
The ISU2 and ISX2 boards support this

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1181

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IF Channel 7M - IF Channel Bandwidth indicates the

Bandwidth 14M channel spacing of the corresponding radio
link. This parameter is set according to the
28M network plan.
56M l This parameter is not applicable to the IF1
l The IFU2 board does not support the value
l The IFX2 board does not support the values
l The ISX2 board supports the channel
spacings of 7M and 14M only when the
XPIC function is disabled.

AM Mode - - This parameter is not applicable to the

OptiX RTN 950.

AM Status Disabled Disabled l When AM Status is set to Disabled, the

Enabled radio link uses only the specified
modulation scheme. In this case, you
need to select Manual Modulation
l When AM Status is set to Enabled, the
radio link uses the corresponding
modulation scheme according to the
channel conditions.
l Hence, the Integrated IP radio can ensure
the reliable transmission of the E1
services and provide bandwidth
adaptively for the Ethernet services
when the AM function is enabled.
l The ISX2/ISU2 does not support the AM
function when IF Service Type is
This parameter is not applicable to the IF1 board.

Manual QPSK QPSK l This parameter specifies the modulation

Modulation Mode 16QAM scheme that the radio link uses for signal
l This parameter is valid only when AM
Status is set to Disabled.
256QAM This parameter is not applicable to the IF1 board.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1182

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Modulation Mode QPSK QPSK l This parameter is valid only when AM

of the Guarantee 16QAM Status is set to Enabled.
AM Capacity l Modulation Mode of the Guarantee
AM Capacity specifies the lowest-gain
64QAM modulation scheme that the AM function
128QAM supports. This parameter is set according
256QAM to the network plan. Generally, the value
of this parameter is determined by the
service transmission bandwidth that the
Hybrid radio must ensure and the
availability of the radio link that
corresponds to this modulation scheme.
This parameter is not applicable to the IF1 board.

Modulation Mode QPSK QPSK l This parameter is valid only when AM

of the Full AM 16QAM Status is set to Enabled.
Capacity l Modulation Mode of the Full AM
Capacity specifies the highest-gain
64QAM modulation scheme that the AM function
128QAM supports. This parameter is set according
256QAM to the network plan. Generally, the value
of this parameter is determined by the
bandwidth of the services that need to be
transmitted over the Hybrid radio and the
availability of the radio link that
corresponds to this modulation scheme.
Modulation Mode of the Full AM
Capacity must be higher than Modulation
Mode of the Guarantee AM Capacity.
This parameter is not applicable to the IF1 board.

STM-1 Capacity - - l Specifies the STM-1 capacity of the IF

l This parameter is available only when
IF Service Type is set to Hybrid(Native
STM-1+ETH) and SDH.
l If IF Service Type is Hybrid(Native
STM-1+ETH), this parameter can be set
to 0 or 1.
l If IF Service Type is SDH, this
parameter can be set to 1 or 2.
The IF1, IFU2, and IFX2 boards do not support
this parameter.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1183

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Guarantee E1 - - l If AM Status is set to Enabled, this

Capacity parameter needs to be set according to
IF Channel Bandwidth, Modulation
Mode of the Guarantee AM
Capacity, and the actually transmitted
l If AM Status is set to Disabled, this
parameter needs to be set according to
IF Channel Bandwidth, Manually
Specified Modulation Mode, and the
actually transmitted services.
l For the ISU2 and ISX2 boards, this
parameter is available when IF Service
Type is Hybrid(Native E1+ETH).
This parameter is not applicable to the IF1 board.

Guarantee E1 - - Displays the E1 capacity range of the IF

Capacity Range board in guarantee capacity modulation

Data Service - - Displays the data service bandwidth of the

Bandwidth(Mbit/ IF board.

Enable E1 Priority Disabled Disabled l This parameter specifies whether to

Enabled enable the E1 priority function.
l This parameter is valid only when AM
Status is set to Enabled.
l For the ISU2 and ISX2 boards, this
parameter is available when IF Service
Type is Hybrid(Native E1+ETH).
This parameter is not applicable to the IF1 board.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Full E1 Capacity - - l This parameter specifies the number of

transmitted E1 services in Modulation
Mode of the Full AM Capacity.
l This parameter is valid if Enable E1
Priority is set to Enabled.
l E1 service bandwidth in full capacity
mode ≤ Service bandwidth in full
capacity mode - Service bandwidth in
guarantee capacity mode + E1 service
bandwidth in guarantee capacity mode.
In addition, the number of E1 services in
full capacity modulation mode should be
smaller than or equal to the maximum
number of E1 services in full capacity
modulation mode.
l The Full E1 Capacity must be set to the
same value at both ends of a radio link.
l For the ISU2 and ISX2 boards, this
parameter is available when IF Service
Type is Hybrid(Native E1+ETH).
This parameter is not applicable to the IF1 board.

Full E1 Capacity - - Displays the E1 capacity range of the IF

Range board in full capacity modulation mode.

Parameters for Configuring the RF

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

TX Frequency - - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

(MHz) transmit frequency of the ODU, namely,
the channel central frequency.
l The value of this parameter must not be
less than the sum of the lower TX
frequency limit supported by the ODU
and a half of the channel spacing, and
must not be more than the difference
between the upper TX frequency limit
supported by the ODU and a half of the
channel spacing.
l The difference between the transmit
frequencies of both the ends of a radio
link should be one T/R spacing.
l This parameter needs to be set according
to the network plan.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Range of TX - - l This parameter indicates the range of the

Frequency(MHz) transmit frequency of the ODU.
l The Range of Frequency(MHz)
depends on the specifications of the

Actual TX - - This parameter indicates the actual transmit

Frequency(MHz) frequency of the ODU.

Actual RX - - This parameter indicates the actual receive

Frequency(MHz) frequency of the ODU.

T/R Spacing(MHz) - - l This parameter specifies the spacing

between the transmit frequency and the
receive frequency of an ODU to prevent
interference between them.
l If Station Type of the ODU is TX
high, the TX frequency is one T/R
spacing higher than the receive
frequency. If Station Type of the ODU
is TX low, the TX frequency is one T/R
spacing lower than the receive
l If the ODU supports only one T/R
spacing, set this parameter to 0,
indicating that the T/R spacing supported
by the ODU is used.
l A valid T/R spacing value is determined
by the ODU itself, and the T/R spacing
should be set according to the technical
specifications of the ODU.
l The T/R spacing of the ODU should be
set to the same value at both the ends of
a radio link.

Actual T/R - - This parameter indicates the actual T/R

Spacing(MHz) spacing of the ODU.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters for Configuring the Power

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

TX Power(dBm) - - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

transmit power of the ODU. This
parameter cannot be set to a value that
exceeds the nominal power range of the
l This parameter cannot take a value
greater than the preset value of
Maximum Transmit Power(dBm).
l It is recommended that you set the
transmit power of the ODU to the same
value at both ends of a radio link.
l Consider the receive power of the ODU
at the opposite end when you set this
parameter. Ensure that the receive power
of the ODU at the opposite end can
ensure stable radio services.
l This parameter needs to be set according
to the network plan.

TX Power Range - - This parameter indicates the range of the

(dBm) transmit power of the ODU.

Actual TX Power - - l This parameter indicates the actual

(dBm) transmit power of the ODU.
l If the ATPC function is enabled, the
queried actual transmit power may be
different from the preset value.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Power to Be -90.0 to -20.0 -10.0 l Power to Be Received(dBm) is used to

Received(dBm) set the expected receive power of the
ODU and is mainly used in the antenna
alignment stage. After this parameter is
set, the NE automatically enables the
antenna misalignment indicating
l When the antenna misalignment
indicating function is enabled, When the
antenna non-alignment indication
function is enabled, if the actual receive
power of the ODU is 3 dB lower than the
power expected to be received, the ODU
indicator on the IF board connected to
the ODU blinks yellow (300 ms on, 300
ms off), indicating that the antenna is not
l After the antenna alignment, after the
state that the antenna is aligned lasts for
30 minutes, the NE automatically
disables the antenna misalignment
indicating function.
l When Power to Be Received(dBm)
takes the default value (-10.0), the
antenna misalignment indicating
function is disabled.
l This parameter is set according to the
network plan.

Actual RX Power - - This parameter indicates the actual receive

(dBm) power of the ODU.

TX Status Unmute Unmute l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Mute transmit status of the ODU.
l When this parameter is set to Mute, the
transmitter of the ODU does not work
but can normally receive microwave
l When this parameter is set to Unmute,
the ODU can normally transmit and
receive microwave signals.
l In normal cases, it is recommended that
you set TX Status to unmute.

Actual TX Status - - This parameter indicates the actual transmit

status of the ODU.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Equipment Information
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Frequency(GHz) - - This parameter indicates the frequency band

where the ODU operates.

Equipment Type - - l This parameter indicates the equipment

type of the ODU.
l PDH and SDH indicate the transmission
capacity only and are irrelevant to the
type of transmitted service.

Station Type - - l This parameter indicates whether the

ODU is a Tx high station or a Tx low
l The transmit frequency of a Tx high
station is one T/R spacing higher than the
transmit frequency of a Tx low station.

Produce SN - - This parameter indicates the manufacturing

serial number and the manufacturer code of
the ODU.

Transmission - - This parameter indicates the level of the

Power Type output power of the ODU.

Related Tasks
A.3.4 Configuring the IF/ODU Information of a Radio Link

B.3 Multiplex Section Protection Parameters

This topic describes the parameters that are related to multiplex section protection (MSP).

B.3.1 Parameter Description: Linear MSP_Creation

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating linear MSP groups.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Linear
MS from the Function Tree.
2. Click Create.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1189

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Description

Protection Type 1+1 Protection 1+1 Protection l This parameter specifies the
1:N Protection protection type of the linear
MSP group.
l In the case of 1+1 linear MSP,
one working channel and one
protection channel are
required. When the working
channel fails, the service is
switched from the working
channel to the protection
l In the case of 1:N linear MSP,
N working channels and one
protection channel are
required. Normal services are
transmitted on the working
channels and extra services
are transmitted on the
protection channel. When one
working channel fails, the
services are switched from
this working channel to the
protection channel, and the
extra services are interrupted.
l If extra services need to be
transmitted or several
working channels are
required, select 1:N
l This parameter is set
according to the planning

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1190

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Description


Switching Mode Single-Ended Single-Ended l This parameter specifies the

Switching Switching (1 switching mode of the linear
Dual-Ended +1 Protection) MSP.
Switching Dual-Ended l In single-ended mode, the
Switching (1:N switching occurs only at one
Protection) end and the state of the other
end remains unchanged.
l In dual-ended mode, the
switching occurs at both ends
at the same time.
l If the linear MSP type is set to
1:N Protection, Switching
Mode can be set to Dual-
Ended Switching only.

Revertive Mode Non-Revertive Non-Revertive l This parameter specifies the

Revertive (1+1 revertive mode of the linear
Protection) MSP.
Revertive (1:N l When this parameter is set to
Protection) Revertive, the NE that is in
the switching state releases
the switching and enables the
former working channel to
return to the normal state
some time after the former
working channel is restored to
l When this parameter is set to
Non-Revertive, the NE that
is in the switching state keeps
the current state unchanged
unless another switching
occurs even though the
former working channel is
restored to normal.
l It is recommended that you
set this parameter to
l If the linear MSP type is set to
1:N Protection, Revertive
Mode can be set to
Revertive only.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1191

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Description


WTR Time(s) 300 to 720 600 l This parameter specifies the

WTR time.
l When the time after the
former working channel is
restored to normal reaches the
preset WTR time, a revertive
switching occurs.
l You can set WTR Time(s)
only when Revertive Mode
is set to Revertive.
l It is recommended that you
use the default value.

SD Switching Enabled Enabled l This parameter indicates or

Disabled specifies whether the
switching at the SD alarm of
the linear MSP is enabled.
l When this parameter is set to
Enabled, the B2_SD alarm is
considered as a switching
l It is recommended that you
set this parameter to

Protocol Type New Protocol New Protocol l The new protocol is

Restructure supported at the early stage,
Protocol and the mainstream protocol
version is used currently.
l The restructure protocol
optimizes the new protocol
and provides better measures
to protect the new protocol,
thus ensuring that the new
protocol runs in a better
l The new protocol is more
mature, and the restructure
protocol complies with the
standard. It is recommended
that you use the new protocol.
l You must ensure that the
interconnected NEs run the
protocols of the same type.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1192

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Slot Mapping Relation Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Select Mapping West Working Unit West Working Unit This parameter specifies the mapping
Direction West Protection direction of the linear MSP.

Available Boards - - l This parameter specifies the mapping

board and port in the mapping direction.
l If the protection type is set to 1+1
Protection, only one line port can be
mapped as West Working Unit.
l Only one line port can be mapped as
West Protection Unit.
l The line port mapped as West
Protection Unit and the line port
mapped as West Working Unit should
be configured for different boards if

Mapped Boards - - This parameter indicates the preset slot

mapping relations, including the mapping
direction and the corresponding mapping

Related Tasks
A.4.1 Configuring Linear MSP

B.3.2 Parameter Description: Linear MSP

This topic describes the parameters that are related to linear MSP groups.

Navigation Path
Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Linear MS
from the Function Tree.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Group - - This parameter indicates the ID of the

ID protection group.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1193

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Type - - l This parameter indicates the protection

type of the linear MSP group.
l In the case of 1+1 linear MSP, one
working channel and one protection
channel are required. When the working
channel fails, the service is switched
from the working channel to the
protection channel.
l In the case of 1:N linear MSP, N working
channels and one protection channel are
required. Normal services are
transmitted on the working channels and
extra services are transmitted on the
protection channel. When one working
channel fails, the services are switched
from this working channel to the
protection channel, and the extra
services are interrupted.
l If extra services need to be transmitted
or several working channels are
required, select 1:N Protection.

Switching Mode Single-Ended - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Switching switching mode of the linear MSP.
Dual-Ended l In single-ended mode, the switching
Switching occurs only at one end and the state of
the other end remains unchanged.
l In dual-ended mode, the switching
occurs at both ends at the same time.
l If the linear MSP type is set to 1:N
Protection, Switching Mode can be set
to Dual-Ended Switching only.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1194

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Revertive Mode Non-Revertive - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Revertive revertive mode of the linear MSP.
l When this parameter is set to
Revertive, the NE that is in the
switching state releases the switching
and enables the former working channel
to return to the normal state some time
after the former working channel is
restored to normal.
l When this parameter is set to Non-
Revertive, the NE that is in the
switching state keeps the current state
unchanged unless another switching
occurs even though the former working
channel is restored to normal.
l It is recommended that you set this
parameter to Revertive.
l If the linear MSP type is set to 1:N
Protection, Revertive Mode can be set
to Revertive only.

WTR Time(s) 300 to 720 - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

WTR time.
l When the time after the former working
channel is restored to normal reaches the
preset WTR time, a revertive switching
l You can set WTR Time(s) only when
Revertive Mode is set to Revertive.
l It is recommended that you use the
default value.

SD Switching Enabled - l This parameter indicates or specifies

Disabled whether the reverse switching function
is enabled.
l When this parameter is set to Enabled,
the B2_SD alarm is considered as a
switching condition.
l It is recommended that you set this
parameter to Enabled.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1195

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protocol Type New Protocol - l The new protocol is supported at the

Restructure Protocol early stage, and the mainstream protocol
version is used currently.
l The restructure protocol optimizes the
new protocol and provides better
measures to protect the new protocol,
thus ensuring that the new protocol runs
in a better manner.
l You must ensure that the interconnected
NEs run the protocols of the same type.
l The new protocol is more mature, and
the restructure protocol complies with
the standard. It is recommended that you
use the new protocol.

Protocol Status - - This parameter indicates the protocol status

of the linear MSP.

SD/SF PRI High priority High priority l This parameter displays or specifies
Switching Tag Low priority whether an SD/SF condition is a high-
priority or low-priority switching
l When SD/SF PRI Switching Tag is set
to High priority, bits 1 to 4 of the K1
byte uses 1101 to indicate a high-priority
SF switching request and 1011 to
indicates a high-priority SD switching
l When SD/SF PRI Switching Tag is set
to Low priority, bits 1 to 4 of the K1
byte uses 1100 to indicate a low-priority
SF switching request and 1010 to
indicates a low-priority SD switching
l It is recommended that this parameter
take its default value.

Slot Mapping Relation Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Unit - - This parameter indicates that which of the

units, namely, the west protection unit or the
west working unit, is currently in the
protection status.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1196

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

West Line - - This parameter indicates the west protection

unit and the west working unit of the linear

West Switching - - This parameter indicates the switching

Status status of the line.

Remote/Local End - - When Switching Mode is set to Dual-

Indication Ended Switching, the central office end
that issues the switching command is

Related Tasks
A.4.2 Querying the Status of the Linear MSP

B.4 SDH/PDH Service Parameters

This topic describes the parameters that are related to SDH/PDH services.

B.4.1 Parameter Description: SDH Service Configuration_Creation

This parameter describes the parameters that are used for creating point-to-point cross-

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Cross-
Connection Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click Scheme to change the VC-12 timeslot numbering policy used by the cross-
3. Click New.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1197

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Level VC12 VC12 l This parameter specifies the level of the

VC3 service to be created.
VC4 l If the service is an E1 service or a data
service that is bound with VC-12
channels, set this parameter to VC12.
l If the service is a data service that is
bound with VC-3 channels, set this
parameter to VC3.
l If all the services on a VC-4 channel pass
through the NE, set this parameter to

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional l When this parameter is set to

Unidirectional Unidirectional, create only the cross-
connections from the service source to
the service sink.
l When this parameter is set to
Bidirectional, create the cross-
connections from the service source to
the service sink and the cross-
connections from the service sink to the
service source.
l In normal cases, it is recommended that
you set this parameter to Bidirectional.

Source - - This parameter specifies the slot of the

service source.

Source Port - - This parameter specifies the port of the

service source.

Source VC4 - - l This parameter specifies the number of

the VC-4 channel where the service
source is located.
l This parameter cannot be set when
Source Slot is set to the slot of the
tributary board.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1198

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Source Timeslot - - l This parameter indicates the timeslot

Range(e.g.1,3-6) range of the service source.
l This parameter can be set to a number or
several numbers. When setting this
parameter to several numbers, use the
comma (,) to separate the discrete
numbers, or use the endash (-) to
represent a consecutive number. For
example, the numbers 1, and 3-6 indicate
1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
l This parameter is set according to the
network plan.

Sink - - This parameter specifies the slot of the

service sink.

Sink Port - - This parameter specifies the port of the

service sink.

Sink VC4 - - l This parameter specifies the number of

the VC-4 channel where the service sink
is located.
l This parameter cannot be set when Sink
Slot is set to the slot of the tributary

Sink Timeslot - - l This parameter specifies the timeslot

Range(e.g.1,3-6) range of the service sink.
l This parameter can be set to a number or
several numbers. When setting this
parameter to several numbers, use the
comma (,) to separate the discrete
numbers, or use the endash (-) to
represent a consecutive number. For
example, the numbers 1, and 3-6 indicate
1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
l This parameter is set according to the
network plan.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1199

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

E1 Priority High - l This parameter specifies the priority of

Low an E1 service. This parameter is
available only if the E1 priority function
None is enabled for the ports configured in the
l If E1 Priority is set to High,
transmission of the E1 service is ensured
in any modulation scheme.
l If E1 Priority is set to Low, transmission
of the E1 service is ensured only in full-
capacity modulation scheme
l If the service priority is not specified
during service creation, E1 Priority is
None. In this case, the E1 priority of a
service needs to be changed after the
service is created.

Related Tasks
A.5.1 Creating the Cross-Connections of Point-to-Point Services

B.4.2 Parameter Description: SDH Service Configuration_SNCP

Service Creation
This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating SNCP services.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Cross-
Connection Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click Scheme to change the VC-12 timeslot numbering policy used by the cross-
3. Click Create SNCP.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Service Type SNCP SNCP This parameter indicates that the type of the
service to be created is SNCP.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1200

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional l When this parameter is set to

Unidirectional Unidirectional, create only the cross-
connections from the SNCP service
source to the SNCP service sink.
l When this parameter is set to
Bidirectional, create the cross-
connections from the SNCP service
source to the service sink and the cross-
connections from the SNCP service sink
to the service source.
l In normal cases, it is recommended that
you set this parameter to Bidirectional.

Level VC12 VC12 l This parameter specifies the level of the

VC3 SCNP service to be created.
VC4 l If the service is an E1 service or a data
service that is bound with VC-12
channels, set this parameter to VC12.
l If the service is a data service that is
bound with VC-3 channels, set this
parameter to VC3.
l If all the services on a VC-4 channel pass
through the NE, set this parameter to

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1201

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Hold-off Time 0 to 100 0 l This parameter specifies the duration of

(100ms) the hold-off time.
l When a line is faulty, SNCP switching
can be performed on the NE after a delay
of time to prevent the situation where the
NE performs SNCP switching and other
protection switching at the same time.
l Hold-off Time(100ms) is generally set
to prevent SNCP protection switching,
when SNCP works with N+1 protection.
Hold-off Time(100ms) must be longer
than the switching time of any protection
mode that works with SNCP. Generally,
Hold-off Time(100ms) is set to 200 ms.
l When SNCP works with 1+1 FD/SD,
trigger conditions for HSM switching or
SNCP switching trigger HSM switching
but do not trigger SNCP switching.
Therefore, Hold-off Time(100ms) does
not need to be set in this case.
l The switching time of 1+1 HSB/FD/SD
protection is much longer than that of
SNCP. Therefore, to shorten service
interruptions, it is recommended that you
do not set Hold-off Time(100ms) when
SNCP works with 1+1 HSB/FD/SD
l If only the SNCP scheme is available, it
is recommended that you set the hold-off
time to 0.

Revertive Mode Non-Revertive Revertive l This parameter specifies whether to

Revertive switch the service to the original working
channel after the fault is rectified.
l If this parameter is set to Revertive, the
service is switched from the protection
channel to the original working channel.
If this parameter is set to Non-
Revertive, the service is not switched
from the protection channel to the
original working channel.
l It is recommended that you set this
parameter to Revertive.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1202

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

WTR Time(s) 300 to 720 600 l This parameter specifies the WTR time.
l When the time after the former working
channel is restored to normal reaches the
preset WTR time, a revertive switching
l You can set WTR Time(s) only when
Revertive Mode is set to Revertive.
l It is recommended that you use the
default value.

Source - - This parameter specifies the slot of the

service source.

Source Port - - This parameter specifies the port of the

service source.

Source VC4 - - l This parameter specifies the number of

the VC-4 channel where the service
source is located.
l This parameter cannot be set when
Source Slot is set to the slot of the
tributary board.

Source Timeslot - - l This parameter indicates the timeslot

Range(e.g.1,3-6) range of the service source.
l This parameter can be set to a number or
several numbers. When setting this
parameter to several numbers, use the
comma (,) to separate the discrete
numbers, or use the endash (-) to
represent a consecutive number. For
example, the numbers 1, and 3-6 indicate
1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
l This parameter is set according to the
planning information.

Sink - - This parameter specifies the slot of the

service sink.

Sink Port - - This parameter specifies the port of the

service sink.

Sink VC4 - - l This parameter specifies the number of

the VC-4 channel where the service sink
is located.
l This parameter cannot be set when Sink
Slot is set to the slot of the tributary

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1203

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Sink Timeslot - - l This parameter specifies the timeslot

Range(e.g.1,3-6) range of the service sink.
l This parameter can be set to a number or
several numbers. When setting this
parameter to several numbers, use the
comma (,) to separate the discrete
numbers, or use the endash (-) to
represent a consecutive number. For
example, the numbers 1, and 3-6 indicate
1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
l This parameter is set according to the
planning information.

Related Tasks
A.5.2 Creating Cross-Connections of SNCP Services

B.4.3 Parameter Description: SDH Service

Configuration_Converting Normal Services Into SNCP Services
This topic describes the parameters that are used for converting normal services into SNCP

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Cross-
Connection Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Optional: If a bidirectional SDH service is created, select this service in Cross-
Connection. Right-click the selected service and choose Expand from the shortcut menu.
3. Select the unidirectional service. Right-click the selected service and choose Convert to
SNCP from the shortcut menu.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Service Type SNCP SNCP This parameter indicates that the type of the
service to be created is SNCP.

Direction Unidirectional - This parameter indicates the direction of the

SNCP service.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1204

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Level - - l This parameter indicates the level of the

SNCP service.
l If the service is an E1 service or a data
service that is bound with VC-12
channels, the parameter value is VC12.
l If the service is a data service that is
bound with VC-3 channels, the
parameter value is VC3.
l If all the services on a VC-4 channel pass
through the NE, the parameter value is

Hold-off Time 0 to 100 0 l This parameter specifies the duration of

(100ms) the hold-off time.
l When a line is faulty, SNCP switching
can be performed on the NE after a delay
of time to prevent the situation where the
NE performs SNCP switching and other
protection switching at the same time.
l Hold-off Time(100ms) is generally set
to prevent SNCP protection switching,
when SNCP works with N+1 protection.
Hold-off Time(100ms) must be longer
than the switching time of any protection
mode that works with SNCP. Generally,
Hold-off Time(100ms) is set to 200 ms.
l When SNCP works with 1+1 FD/SD,
trigger conditions for HSM switching or
SNCP switching trigger HSM switching
but do not trigger SNCP switching.
Therefore, Hold-off Time(100ms) does
not need to be set in this case.
l The switching time of 1+1 HSB/FD/SD
protection is much longer than that of
SNCP. Therefore, to shorten service
interruptions, it is recommended that you
do not set Hold-off Time(100ms) when
SNCP works with 1+1 HSB/FD/SD
l If only the SNCP scheme is available, it
is recommended that you set the hold-off
time to 0.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1205

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Revertive Mode Non-Revertive Revertive l This parameter specifies whether to

Revertive switch the service to the original working
channel after the fault is rectified. If this
parameter is set to "Revertive", the
service is switched from the protection
channel to the original working channel.
l If this parameter is set to Revertive, the
service is switched from the protection
channel to the original working channel.
If this parameter is set to Non-
Revertive, the service is not switched
from the protection channel to the
original working channel.
l It is recommended that you set this
parameter to Revertive.

WTR Time(s) 300 to 720 600 l This parameter specifies the WTR time.
l When the time after the former working
channel is restored to normal reaches the
preset WTR time, a revertive switching
l You can set WTR Time(s) only when
Revertive Mode is set to Revertive.
l It is recommended that you use the
default value.

Source - - This parameter specifies the slot of the

service source.

Source Port - - This parameter specifies the port of the

service source.

Source VC4 - - l This parameter specifies the number of

the VC-4 channel where the service
source is located.
l This parameter cannot be set when
Source Slot is set to the slot of the
tributary board.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1206

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Source Timeslot - - l This parameter indicates the timeslot

Range(e.g.1,3-6) range of the service source.
l This parameter can be set to a number or
several numbers. When setting this
parameter to several numbers, use the
comma (,) to separate the discrete
numbers, or use the endash (-) to
represent a consecutive number. For
example, the numbers 1, and 3-6 indicate
1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
l This parameter is set according to the
planning information.

Sink - - This parameter specifies the slot of the

service sink.

Sink Port - - This parameter specifies the port of the

service sink.

Sink VC4 - - l This parameter specifies the number of

the VC-4 channel where the service sink
is located.
l This parameter cannot be set when Sink
Slot is set to the slot of the tributary

Sink Timeslot - - l This parameter specifies the timeslot

Range(e.g.1,3-6) range of the service sink.
l This parameter can be set to a number or
several numbers. When setting this
parameter to several numbers, use the
comma (,) to separate the discrete
numbers, or use the endash (-) to
represent a consecutive number. For
example, the numbers 1, and 3-6 indicate
1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
l This parameter is set according to the
planning information.

Related Tasks
A.5.7 Converting a Normal Service into an SNCP Service

B.4.4 Parameter Description: SDH Service Configuration

This topic describes the parameters that are used for configuring SDH services (namely,
configuring cross-connections).

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1207

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Cross-
Connection Configuration from the Function Tree.

Cross-Connection Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Level VC12 - l This parameter indicates the level of the

VC3 service.
VC4 l If the service is an E1 service or a data
service that is bound with VC-12
channels, VC12 is displayed.
l If the service is a data service that is
bound with VC-3 channels, VC3 is
l If all the services on a VC-4 channel pass
through the NE, VC4 is displayed.

Source Slot - - This parameter indicates the slot of the

service source.

Source Timeslot/ - - This parameter indicates the timeslot or

Path timeslot range of the service source.

Sink Slot - - This parameter indicates the slot of the

source sink.

Sink Timeslot/ - - This parameter indicates the timeslot or

Path timeslot range of the service sink.

E1 Priority High - l This parameter specifies the priority of

Low an E1 service. This parameter is
available only if the E1 priority function
None is enabled for the ports configured in the
l If E1 Priority is set to High,
transmission of the E1 service is ensured
in any modulation scheme.
l If E1 Priority is set to Low, transmission
of the E1 service is ensured only in full-
capacity modulation scheme
l If the service priority is not specified
during service creation, E1 Priority is
None. In this case, the E1 priority of a
service needs to be changed after the
service is created.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1208

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters for Automatically Created Cross-Connections

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Level VC12 - l This parameter indicates the level of the

VC3 service.
VC4 l If the service is an E1 service or a data
service that is bound with VC-12
channels, VC12 is displayed.
l If the service is a data service that is
bound with VC-3 channels, VC3 is
l If all the services on a VC-4 channel pass
through the NE, VC4 is displayed.

Source Slot - - This parameter indicates the slot of the

service source.

Source Timeslot/ - - This parameter indicates the timeslot or

Path timeslot range of the service source.

Sink Slot - - This parameter indicates the slot of the

source sink.

Sink Timeslot/ - - This parameter indicates the timeslot or

Path timeslot range of the service sink.

Related Tasks
A.5.9 Querying TDM Services

B.4.5 Parameter Description: SNCP Service Control

This topic describes the parameters that are used for controlling SNCP services.

Navigation Path
Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > SNCP Service
Control from the Function Tree.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Group - - Displays the ID of the protection group.


Service Type - - This parameter indicates the service

protection type of the protection group.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1209

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Source - - This parameter indicates the timeslots where

the working service source and protection
service source of the protection group are

Sink - - This parameter indicates the timeslots where

the working service sink and protection
service sink of the protection group are

Level VC12 - l This parameter indicates the level of the

VC3 service.
VC4 l If the service is an E1 service or a data
service that is bound with VC-12
channels, VC12 is displayed.
l If the service is a data service that is
bound with VC-3 channels, VC3 is
l If all the services on a VC-4 channel pass
through the NE, VC4 is displayed.

Current Status - - This parameter indicates the current

switching mode and switching status of the
services of the protection group.

Revertive Mode Revertive - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Non-Revertive revertive mode of the service.
l This parameter determines whether to
switch the service from the protection
channel to the original working channel
after the fault is rectified.
l If this parameter is set to Revertive, the
service is switched from the protection
channel to the original working channel.
If this parameter is set to Non-
Revertive, the service is not switched
from the protection channel to the
original working channel.
l It is recommended that you set this
parameter to Revertive.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1210

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

WTR Time(s) 300 to 720 - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

WTR time.
l When the time after the former working
channel is restored to normal reaches the
preset WTR time, a revertive switching
l You can set WTR Time(s) only when
Revertive Mode is set to Revertive.
l It is recommended that you use the
default value.

Hold-off Time 0 to 100 - l This parameter specifies the duration of

(100ms) the hold-off time.
l When a line is faulty, SNCP switching
can be performed on the NE after a delay
of time to prevent the situation where the
NE performs SNCP switching and other
protection switching at the same time.
l Hold-off Time(100ms) is generally set
to prevent SNCP protection switching,
when SNCP works with N+1 protection.
Hold-off Time(100ms) must be longer
than the switching time of any protection
mode that works with SNCP. Generally,
Hold-off Time(100ms) is set to 200 ms.
l When SNCP works with 1+1 FD/SD,
trigger conditions for HSM switching or
SNCP switching trigger HSM switching
but do not trigger SNCP switching.
Therefore, Hold-off Time(100ms) does
not need to be set in this case.
l The switching time of 1+1 HSB/FD/SD
protection is much longer than that of
SNCP. Therefore, to shorten service
interruptions, it is recommended that you
do not set Hold-off Time(100ms) when
SNCP works with 1+1 HSB/FD/SD
l If only the SNCP scheme is available, it
is recommended that you set the hold-off
time to 0.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1211

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Initiation - None l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Condition conditions that trigger the protection
switching of the service.
l After being selected as Initiation
Condition, an alarm becomes a
condition for triggering switching of an
SNCP service.
l It is recommended that you set Initiation
Condition to the same condition for
Working Service and Protection
l The protection switching conditions in
Initiation Condition are optional values
not included in the default values, and
they are set according to the planning

Current Channel - - This parameter indicates whether the

working service or protection service is
currently received by the protection group.

Switching Request - - This parameter displays the current

switching request type.

Related Tasks
A.5.5 Configuring the Automatic Switching of SNCP Services
A.5.11 Querying the Protection Status of SNCP Services

B.4.6 Parameter Description: TU_AIS Insertion

This section describes the parameters for TU_AIS insertion.

Navigation Path
In the NE Explorer, select the IF board from the Object Tree and choose Alarm > Triggered
Alarm Insertion from the Function Tree.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-1 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the slot ID of the IF board and the

ID of the IF port.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1212

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

High Channel - - Displays the higher order path number of the

IF board.

Low Channel - - Displays the lower order path number of the

IF board.

Insert TU_AIS to Enable Auto l When Insert TU_AIS to E1_AIS is

E1_AIS Disable Auto, the TU_AIS is automatically
inserted after the E1_AIS is detected in
Auto the E1 channel.
l Generally, it is recommended that Auto
take its default value.

Related Tasks
A.5.4 Inserting E1_AIS upon a TU_AIS Condition
A.5.4 Inserting E1_AIS upon a TU_AIS Condition

B.5 Parameters for Board Interfaces

This topic describes the parameters that are related to board interfaces.

B.5.1 PDH Port Parameters

This topic describes the parameters that are related to PDH ports supported by Smart E1 interface

B.5.1.1 Parameter Description: PDH Ports_Basic Attributes

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the basic attributes of PDH ports.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Interface Management > PDH Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the General Attributes tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the ID of a

service port.

Name - - Specifies or displays the

customized port name.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1213

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Mode Layer 1 Layer 2 l Specifies the working

Layer 2 mode of a PDH port.
l When this parameter is
set to Layer 1, the port
can transmit TDM
signals. A port can
transmit CES and
serial services only if
this parameter is set to
Layer 1.
l When this parameter is
set to Layer 2, the port
can transmit ATM

Encapsulation Type - - l Displays

Encapsulation Type
of a PDH port.
l When Port Mode is
Layer 1,
Encapsulation Type
takes its default value
l When Port Mode is
Layer 2,
Encapsulation Type
takes its default value

Related Tasks
A.6.4.1 Setting Basic Attributes of Smart E1 Ports

B.5.1.2 Parameter Description: PDH Ports_Advanced Attributes

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the advanced attributes of PDH ports.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Interface Management > PDH Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Advanced Attributes tab.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1214

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the name of a

service port.

Frame Format Unframe CRC-4 Multiframe l Specifies the frame

Double Frame format.
CRC-4 Multiframe l If a CES service uses
the emulation mode of
CESoPSN, this
parameter can assume
the value CRC-4
Multiframe or
Double Frame. The
value CRC-4
Multiframe is
l If a CES service uses
the emulation mode of
SAToP, this parameter
needs to assume the
value Unframe.
l The value of Frame
Format must be the
same at the local and
opposite ends.

Line Encoding Format - - Displays the line encoding

format. The parameter
value is always HDB3.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1215

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Loopback Mode Non-Loopback Non-Loopback l Specifies the loopback

Inloop status for a port.
Outloop l Non-Loopback
indicates that
loopbacks are
cancelled or not
l Inloop indicates that
the signals that need to
be transmitted to the
opposite end are
looped back.
l Outloop indicates that
the received signals are
looped back.
l This function is used
for fault locating for
the PDH ports. This
function affects
services over related
ports. Therefore,
exercise precaution
before starting this
l Generally, this
parameter is set to

Impedance - - Displays the port


Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1216

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Frame Mode 30(ATM) - l 30 timeslots: In an E1

31(ATM,CES) frame format,
timeslots 1 to 15 and 17
to 31 are used to
transmit service data,
and timeslot 16 is used
to transmit signaling.
l 31 timeslots: In an E1
frame format,
timeslots 1 to 31 are
used to transmit
service data.
l This parameter is
unavailable if Frame
Format is Unframe.
l The port frame modes
need to be the same at
the local and opposite

Retiming Mode Master Mode Master Mode l Master Mode: The

Slave Mode system clock is used as
the output clock of
System Clock Mode services.
l Slave Mode: The CES
ACR clock is used as
the output clock of
services. The port
inputting E1 clocks on
Slave is set to Slave
l System Clock Mode:
The upstream E1 line
clock of the opposite
equipment is used as
the output clock of
services. The port
inputting E1 clocks on
Master is set to System
Clock Mode

Composite Port - - For the OptiX RTN 950,

Loopback this parameter cannot be

Service Load Indication - - For the OptiX RTN 950,

this parameter cannot be

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1217

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Equalize Input Signal - - For the OptiX RTN 950,

this parameter cannot be

Equalize Outpput Signal - - For the OptiX RTN 950,

this parameter cannot be

Related Tasks
A.6.4.2 Setting Advanced Attributes of Smart E1 Ports

B.5.2 Parameters for the Ports on Ethernet Boards

This section describes the parameters for the Ethernet ports on the packet plane.

B.5.2.1 Parameter Description: Ethernet Interface_Basic Attributes

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the basic attributes of an Ethernet interface.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the General Attributes tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the port name.

Name - - Specifies the port name.

Enable Port Enabled Enabled l Specifies whether an

Disabled Ethernet port is
enabled. An Ethernet
port can receive,
process, and forward
Ethernet services only
if this parameter is set
to Enabled.
l Set this parameter
according to the
planning information.
Port 10 of the EFP8 board
does not support this

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1218

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2 l Port Mode specifies

Layer 3 the mode of the
Ethernet port.
l If Port Mode is Layer
2, Encapsulation
Type can be set to
Null, 802.1Q, or
l If Port Mode is Layer
3, Encapsulation
Type can be set to
802.1Q only and the
port can carry MPLS
Port 10 of the EFP8 board
does not support the value
Layer 3.

Encapsulation Type Null - l Encapsulation Type

802.1Q specifies the method of
the port to process the
QinQ received packets.
l If you set
Encapsulation Type
to Null, the port
transmits the received
l If you set
Encapsulation Type
to 802.1Q, the port
identifies the packets
that comply with the
IEEE 802.1q standard.
l If you set
Encapsulation Type
to QinQ, the port
identifies the packets
that comply with the
IEEE 802.1ad QinQ

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1219

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation l The Ethernet ports of

10M Half-Duplex different types support
different Working
10M Full-Duplex Mode.
100M Half-Duplex l When the equipment
100M Full-Duplex on the opposite side
1000M Full-Duplex works in auto-
negotiation mode, set
the Working Mode of
the equipment on the
local side to Auto-
l When the equipment
on the opposite side
works in full-duplex
mode, set the
Working Mode of the
equipment on the local
side to 10M Full-
Duplex, 100M Full-
Duplex, or 1000M
depending on the port
rate of the equipment
on the opposite side.
l When the equipment
on the opposite side
works in half-duplex
mode, set the
Working Mode of the
equipment on the local
side to 10M Half-
Duplex, 100M Half-
Duplex, or Auto-
depending on the port
rate of the equipment
on the opposite side.
l FE ports support 10M
full-duplex, 10M half-
duplex, 100M full-
duplex, 100M half-
duplex, and auto-
l GE electrical ports
support 10M full-
duplex, 10M half-
duplex, 100M full-
duplex, 100M half-

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1220

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

duplex, 1000M full-

duplex, and auto-
l GE optical ports
support 1000M full-
duplex and auto-
Port 10 of the EFP8 board
does not support this

Max Frame Length 1518 to 9600 1522 The value of Max Frame
(byte) Length(byte) should be
greater than the length of
any frame to be

Auto-Negotiation 10M Half-Duplex FE: 100M Full-Duplex l Auto-Negotiation

Ability 10M Full-Duplex GE: 1000M Full-Duplex Ability specifies the
100M Half-Duplex capability of the
100M Full-Duplex Ethernet port.
1000M Full-Duplex l For GE optical ports,
Ability can be set to
1000M Full-Duplex
l Auto-Negotiation
Ability is valid only
when Working Mode
is set to Auto-

Logical Port Attribute Optical Port - l This parameter

Electrical Port specifies the attribute
of the logical port.
l The SFP on the
EM6F,EM6FA board
supports the optical
port and electrical

Physical Port Attribute - - This parameter indicates

the attribute of the
physical port.

Related Tasks
A.6.6.1 Setting the General Attributes of Ethernet Ports

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1221

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

B.5.2.2 Parameter Description: Ethernet Interface_Flow Control

This topic describes the parameters that are related to flow control.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Flow Control tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates

the port name.

Non-Autonegotiation Disabled Disabled l Non-Autonegotiation

Flow Control Mode Enable Symmetric Flow Flow Control Mode is
Control valid only when
Working Mode is not
set to Auto-
l Non-Autonegotiation
Flow Control Mode
of the equipment on
the local side must be
consistent with the
flow control mode of
the equipment on the
opposite side
l The OptiX RTN 950
supports only two non-
auto-negotiation flow
control modes,
namely, Disabled
mode and Enable
Symmetric Flow
Control mode.
Port 10 of the EFP8 board
does not support this

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1222

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Auto-Negotiation Flow Disabled Disabled l Auto-Negotiation

Control Mode Enable Symmetric Flow Flow Control Mode is
Control valid only when
Working Mode is set
to Auto-Negotiation.
l Auto-Negotiation
Flow Control Mode
of the equipment on
the local side must be
consistent with the
auto-negotiation flow
control mode of the
equipment on the
opposite side
l The OptiX RTN 950
supports only two
auto-negotiation flow
control modes,
namely, Disabled
mode and Enable
Symmetric Flow
Control mode.
Port 10 of the EFP8 board
does not support this

Related Tasks
A.6.6.2 Configuring the Traffic Control of Ethernet Ports

B.5.2.3 Parameter Description: Ethernet Interface_Layer 2 Attributes

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the Layer 2 attributes.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Layer 2 Attributes tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface


The parameter Layer 2 Attributes is meaningful only when Port Mode is set to Layer 2.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1223

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates

the port name.

QinQ Type Domain - - l When Encapsulation

Type in the General
Attributes tab page is
set to QinQ, you need
to set QinQ Type
Domain. The default
value is 88A8.
l When Encapsulation
Type in the General
Attributes tab page is
set to Null or 802.1Q,
you cannot set QinQ
Type Domain. In this
case, QinQ Type
Domain is displayed
as FFFF and cannot be
l QinQ Type Domain
should be set to the
same value for all the
ports on the EM6T/
EM6FA board.

TAG Tag Aware Tag Aware l If all the accessed

Access services are frames
with the VLAN tag
Hybrid (tagged frames), set
TAG to Tag Aware.
l If all the accessed
services are frames
without the VLAN tag
(untagged frames), set
TAG to Access.
l If the accessed
services contain
tagged frames and
untagged frames, set
TAG to Hybrid.
TAG specifies the TAG
flag of a port. For details
about the TAG flags and
associated frame-
processing methods, see
Table B-2.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1224

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Default VLAN ID 1 to 4094 1 l Default VLAN ID is

valid only when TAG
is set to Access or
l Default VLAN ID is
set according to the
actual situations.
For details about the
functions of Default VLAN
ID, see Table B-2.

VLAN Priority 0 to 7 0 l VLAN Priority is

valid only when TAG
is set to Access or
l When the VLAN
priority is required to
divide streams or to be
used for other
purposes, VLAN
Priority is set
according to the
planning information.
In normal cases, it is
recommended that you
use the default value.
For details about the
functions of VLAN
Priority, see Table B-2.

Table B-2 Methods used by Ethernet interfaces to process data frames

Port Type of Data Processing Method
Tag Aware Access Hybrid

Ingress UNI Tagged frame The port receives the The port discards The port receives
frame. the frame. the frame.

Untagged frame The port discards the The ports add the The ports add the
frame. VLAN tag, to which VLAN tag, to which
Default VLAN ID Default VLAN ID
and VLAN and VLAN
Priority Priority
correspond, to the correspond, to the
frame and receive frame and receive
the frame. the frame.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Port Type of Data Processing Method

Tag Aware Access Hybrid

Egress UNI Tagged frame The port transmits The port strips the l If the VLAN ID
the frame. VLAN tag from the in the frame is
frame and then Default VLAN
transmits the frame. ID, the port
strips the VLAN
tag from the
frame and then
transmits the
l If the VLAN ID
in the frame is
not Default
VLAN ID, the
port directly
transmits the

Related Tasks
A.6.6.3 Setting the Layer 2 Attributes of Ethernet Ports

B.5.2.4 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port_Layer 3 Attributes

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the Layer 3 attributes of Ethernet ports.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Interface Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Layer 3 Attributes tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface


Layer 3 Attributes is valid only if Port Mode is set to Layer 3.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the port name.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1226

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Enable Tunnel Disabled Enabled l If Enable Tunnel is set

Enabled Enabled, a port
identifies and
processes MPLS
l Enable Tunnel is
available if you set
Port Mode to Layer 3
in the General
Attributes tab.

Max Reserved - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

Bandwidth(kbit/s) not support this parameter.

TE Measurement - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Admin Group - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Specify IP Address Manually Unspecified l Specifies the method of

Unspecified setting the IP address
of a port.
l The value
Unspecified indicates
that the IP addresses do
not need to be
l The value Manually
indicates that the IP
address of the port can
be manually

IP Address - l Specifies the IP

address of a port.
l This parameter is
available when Specify
IP Address is
l The IP addresses of
different ports on the
NE cannot be in the
same network
segment, but the IP
addresses of the ports
at both ends of the
MPLS tunnel must be
in the same network

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1227

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IP Mask - l Specifies the subnet

mask of a port.
l This parameter is
available when Specify
IP Address is

Board for Borrowed IP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

Address not support this parameter.

Board for Borrowed IP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

Address not support this parameter.

Related Tasks
A.6.6.4 Setting Layer 3 Attributes of Ethernet Ports

B.5.2.5 Parameter Description: Ethernet Interface_Advanced Attributes

This topic describes the parameters that are used for configuring the advanced attributes.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Advanced Attributes tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates

the port name.

Port Physical - - This parameter indicates

Parameters the physical parameters of
the port.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1228

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

MAC Loopback Non-Loopback Non-Loopback l This parameter

Inloop specifies the loopback
state at the MAC layer.
When this parameter is
set to Inloop, the
Ethernet signals
transmitted to the
opposite end are
looped back.
l In normal cases, it is
recommended that you
use the default value.

PHY Loopback Non-Loopback Non-Loopback l This parameter

Inloop specifies the loopback
state at the PHY layer.
When this parameter is
set to Inloop, the
Ethernet physical
signals transmitted to
the opposite end are
looped back.
l In normal cases, it is
recommended that you
use the default value.

MAC Address - - This parameter indicates

the MAC address of the

Transmitting Rate(kbit/ - - This parameter indicates

s) the rate at which the data
packets are transmitted.

Receiving Rate(kbit/s) - - This parameter indicates

the rate at which the data
packets are received.

Loopback Check Enabled Disabled This parameter specifies

Disabled whether to enable loop
detection, which is used to
check whether a loop
exists on the port.

Loopback Port Enabled Disabled This parameter indicates

Shutdown Disabled whether to enable the loop
port shutdown function.

Egress PIR Bandwidth - - This parameter indicates

(Kbit/s) the egress PIR bandwidth.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1229

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Enabling Broadcast Disabled Disabled l This parameter

Packet Suppression Enabled specifies whether to
limit the traffic rate of
the broadcast packets
according to the
proportion of the
broadcast packets in
the total packets.
When the equipment at
the opposite end may
encounter a broadcast
storm, this parameter
is set to Enabled.
l If Ethernet services are
E-LAN services, the
recommended value is
l This parameter takes
effect only for E-LAN
services in the ingress

Broadcast Packet 0 to 100 30 When the proportion of

Suppression Threshold the broadcast packets in
the total packets exceeds
the value of this
parameter, the received
broadcast packets are
discarded. The value of
this parameter should be
more than the proportion
of the broadcast packets in
the total packets before
the broadcast storm
occurs. In normal cases,
this parameter is set to
default value.

Related Tasks
A.6.6.5 Setting the Advanced Attributes of Ethernet Ports

B.5.3 Serial Port Parameters

This topic describes the parameters that are related to serial ports.

B.5.3.1 Parameter Description: Serial Port_Basic Attributes

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the basic attributes of series ports.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1230

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Interface Management > Serial Port from the Function Tree.
2. Click the General Attributes tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the name of the

port where a serial service
is configured.

Name - - Specifies or displays the

customized port name.

Level - - l Specifies or displays

the serial port level.
l 64K Timeslot: 64 kbit/
s timeslots of E1
signals can be bound.
The OptiX RTN 950
supports 64K Timeslot

Used Port - - Displays the physical port

that carries a serial

High Channel - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Low Channel - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

64K Timeslot - - Displays the timeslots that

a serial service occupies.
The timeslots can be
consecutive or not.

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2 l Displays or specifies

the port mode.
l A port supports ATM
encapsulation if its
Port Mode is Layer

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Encapsulation Type - - l Displays and specifies

the encapsulation type
of a PW.
l When Port Mode is
Layer 2, this
parameter displays

Max Data Packet Size - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

(byte) not support this parameter.

Related Tasks
A.6.5.2 Setting Basic Attributes of Serial Ports

B.5.3.2 Parameter Description: Serial Port_Creation of Serial Ports

This topic describes parameters that are used for creating serial ports.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Interface Management > Microwave Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the New tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Number(e.g:1,3-6) - - Specifies the port where

the serial service is

Name - - Specifies the customized

port name.

Level 64K Timeslot 64K Timeslot l Specifies the serial

port level.
l When this parameter is
set to 64K Timeslot ,
E1 timeslots can be
The OptiX RTN 950
supports only the parameter
value 64K Timeslot .

Used Board - - Specifies the board where

a serial port is located.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Used Port - - Displays the board where

a serial port is located.

High Channel - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Low Channel(e.g:1,3-6) - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

64K Timeslot(e.g:1,3-6) - - Specifies the 64 kbit/s

timeslots to be bound with
the serial port. The
timeslots can be
consecutive or not.

Related Tasks
A.6.5.1 Creating Serial Ports

B.5.4 Microwave Interface Parameters

This topic describes the parameters that are related to IF_ETH interfaces.

B.5.4.1 Parameter Description: Microwave Interface_Basic Attributes

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the basic attributes of microwave

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Microwave Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Basic Attributes tab.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates the corresponding

IF port.

Name - - This parameter indicates or specifies the

customized port name.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Mode Layer 2 Layer 2 l If Port Mode is Layer 2, Encapsulation

Layer 3 Type can be set to Null, 802.1Q, or
l If Port Mode is Layer 3, Encapsulation
Type can be set to 802.1Q only and the
port can carry tunnels.

Encapsulation Null 802.1Q l Encapsulation Type specifies the

Type 802.1Q method of the port to process the
received packets.
l If Encapsulation Type is set to Null, the
port transparently transmits the received
l If Encapsulation Type is set to
802.1Q, the port identifies the packets
that comply with the IEEE 802.1Q
l If Encapsulation Type is set to QinQ,
the port identifies the packets that
comply with the IEEE 802.1ad QinQ

Related Tasks
A.6.7.1 Setting the General Attributes of IF_ETH Ports

B.5.4.2 Parameter Description: Microwave Interface_Layer 2 Attributes

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the Layer 2 attributes of microwave

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Microwave Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Layer 2 Attributes tab.

Parameters for Layer 2 Attributes


The parameter Layer 2 Attributes is meaningful only when Port Mode is set to Layer 2.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates the corresponding

IF port.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1234

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

QinQ Type - - l When Encapsulation Type in the

Domain General Attributes tab page is set to
QinQ, you need to set QinQ Type
Domain. The default value is 88A8.
l When Encapsulation Type in the
General Attributes tab page is set to
Null or 802.1Q, you cannot set QinQ
Type Domain. In this case, QinQ Type
Domain is displayed as FFFF and
cannot be changed.

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware l If all the accessed services are frames
Access that contain the VLAN tag (tagged
frames), set Tag to "Tag Aware".
l If all the accessed services are frames
that do not contain the VLAN tag
(untagged frames), set Tag to "Access".
l If the accessed services contain tagged
frames and untagged frames, set Tag to
Tag specifies the TAG flag of a port. For details
about the TAG flags and associated frame-
processing methods, see Table B-3.

Default VLAN ID 1 to 4094 1 l Default VLAN ID is valid only when

TAG is set to Access or Hybrid.
l Default VLAN ID needs to be set
according to the actual situations.
For details about the functions of Default VLAN
ID, see Table B-3.

VLAN Priority 0 0 l VLAN Priority is valid only when

1 TAG is set to Access or Hybrid.
l When the VLAN priority is required to
divide streams or to be used for other
3 purposes, VLAN Priority needs to be set
4 according to the planning information. In
normal cases, it is recommended that you
5 use the default value.
For details about the functions of VLAN
Priority, see Table B-3.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1235

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Table B-3 Data frame processing

Status Type of Data Processing Method
Tag Aware Access Hybrid

Ingress Port Tagged frame The port receives the The port discards The port receives
frame. the frame. the frame.

Untagged frame The port discards the The port receives The port receives
frame. the frame after the the frame after the
VLAN tag that VLAN tag that
corresponds to corresponds to
"Default VLAN ID" "Default VLAN ID"
and "VLAN and "VLAN
Priority" is added to Priority" is added to
the frame. the frame.

Egress Port Tagged frame The port transmits The port strips the l If the VLAN ID
the frame. VLAN tag from the in the frame is
frame and then "Default VLAN
transmits the frame. ID", the port
strips the VLAN
tag from the
frame and then
transmits the
l If the VLAN ID
in the frame is
not "Default
VLAN ID", the
port directly
transmits the

Related Tasks
A.6.7.2 Setting the Layer 2 Attributes of IF_ETH Ports

B.5.4.3 Parameter Description: Microwave Interface_Layer 3 Attributes

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the Layer 3 attributes of an IF_ETH port.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Interface Management > Microwave Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Layer 3 Attributes tab.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1236

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the

corresponding IF port.

Enable Tunnel Disabled Disabled l A port identifies and

Enabled processes MPLS
labels, if its Enable
Tunnel is set
l Enable Tunnel is
available if you set
Port Mode to Layer
3 in the General
Attributes tab.

Max Reserved - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

Bandwidth(kbit/s) not support this parameter.

Admin Group - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Specify IP Address Manually Unspecified l Specifies the method

Unspecified of setting the IP
address of a port.
l The value
Unspecified indicates
that the IP addresses do
not need to be
configured for a port.
l The value Manually
indicates that the IP
address of a port can be
manually configured.

IP Address - l Specifies the IP

address for a port.
l This parameter is
available when
Specify IP Address is
l The IP addresses of
different ports on the
NE cannot be in the
same network
segment, but the IP
addresses of the ports
at both ends of the
MPLS tunnel must be
in the same network

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1237

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IP Mask - l Specifies the subnet

mask of a port.
l This parameter is
available when
Specify IP Address is

Related Tasks
A.6.7.3 Setting Layer 3 Attributes of IF_ETH Ports

B.5.4.4 Parameter Description: Microwave Interface_Advanced Attributes

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the advanced attributes of microwave

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Microwave Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Advanced Attributes tab.

Parameters for Advanced Attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates the corresponding

IF port.

Radio Link ID 1 to 4094 1 l This parameter specifies the ID of the

radio link. As the identifier of a radio
link, this parameter is used to prevent
incorrect connections of radio links
between sites.
l The ID of each radio link of an NE must
be unique, and the link IDs at both ends
of a radio link must be the same.

Received Radio - - l This parameter indicates the received ID

Link ID of the radio link.
l If the value of Received Radio Link
ID does not match with the preset value
of Radio Link ID at the local end, the
local end inserts the AIS signal to the
downstream direction of the service. At
the same time, the local end reports an
alarm to the NMS, indicating that the link
IDs do not match.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1238

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IF Port Loopback - - l This parameter indicates the loopback

status of the IF interface.
l Non-Loopback indicates that the
loopback is cancelled or not performed.
l Inloop indicates that the IF signals
transmitted to the opposite end are
looped back.
l Outloop indicates that the received IF
signals are looped back.
l Generally, this parameter is used to
locate the faults that occur at each IF
interface. The IF loopback is used for
diagnosis. If this function is enabled, the
services at the related ports are affected.
In normal cases, this parameter is set to

Composite Port - - l This parameter indicates the loopback

Loopback status on the composite interface.
l Non-Loopback indicates that the
loopback is cancelled or not performed.
l Inloop indicates that the composite
signals transmitted to the opposite end
are looped back.
l Outloop indicates that the received
composite signals are looped back.
l In normal cases, this parameter is set to

Error Frame Enabled Enabled l This parameter indicates or specifies

Discard Enabled Disabled whether to discard the Ethernet frame
when a CRC error occurs in an Ethernet
l If the Ethernet service transmitted on the
IF_ETH port is a voice service or a video
service, you can set this parameter to

MAC Address - - This parameter indicates the MAC address

of the port.

Transmitting Rate - - This parameter indicates the transmit rate of

(Kbit/s) the local port.

Receiving Rate - - This parameter indicates the receive rate of

(Kbit/s) the local port.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1239

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

MAC Loopback Non-Loopback Non-Loopback l This parameter specifies the loopback

Inloop state at the MAC layer. When this
parameter is set to Inloop, the Ethernet
signals transmitted to the opposite end
are looped back.
l In normal cases, it is recommended that
you use the default value.
The ISU2 and ISX2 boards can not be set to

Speed Air Disabled Disabled l If Speed Air Interface Transmission at

Interface Enabled L2 is set to Enabled, the Layer-2
Transmission at Ethernet packets transmitted at
L2 microwave ports will be compressed to
improve transmission efficiency.
l If the Layer 2 header compression
function can be enabled for the ISU2 or
ISX2 board, it is recommended that you
set Speed Air Interface Transmission
at L2 to Enabled.
l The settings of Speed Air Interface
Transmission at L2 must be the same at
both ends of a radio link.
The ISU2 and ISX2 boards support this

Speed Air Disabled Disabled l If Speed Air Interface Transmission at

Interface Enabled L3 is set to Enabled, the IP packets
Transmission at transmitted at microwave ports will be
L3 compressed to improve transmission
l If the Layer 3 header compression
function can be enabled for the ISU2 or
ISX2 board, it is recommended that you
set Speed Air Interface Transmission
at L3 to Enabled.
l The settings of Speed Air Interface
Transmission at L3 must be the same at
both ends of a radio link.
l The ISU2 and ISX2 boards support this
l When Speed Air Interface Transmission at
L3 is set to Enabled, Encapsulation Type
of the ISU2 and ISX2 boards cannot be set to

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1240

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Loopback Check Disabled Disabled This parameter specifies whether to enable

Enabled loop detection, which is used to check
whether a loop exists on the port.

Loopback Port Disabled Disabled This parameter indicates whether to enable

Shutdown Enabled the automatic shut-down of looped ports.

Broadcast Packet Disabled Disabled l This parameter specifies whether to limit

Suppression Enabled the traffic rate of the broadcast packets
according to the proportion of the
broadcast packets in the total packets.
When the equipment at the opposite end
may encounter a broadcast storm, this
parameter is set to Enabled.
l If Ethernet services are E-LAN services,
the recommended value is Enabled.
l This parameter takes effect only for E-
LAN services in the ingress direction.

Broadcast Packet 0 to 100 30 When the proportion of the broadcast

Suppression packets in the total packets exceeds the value
Threshold of this parameter, the received broadcast
packets are discarded. The value of this
parameter should be more than the
proportion of the broadcast packets in the
total packets before the broadcast storm
occurs. In normal cases, this parameter is set
to default value.

Related Tasks
A.6.7.4 Setting the Advanced Attributes of IF_ETH Ports

B.5.5 IF Board Parameters

This topic describes parameters that are related to IF boards.

B.5.5.1 Parameter Description: IF Interface_IF Attribute

This topic describes the parameters that are related to IF attributes.

Navigation Path
l Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > IF Interface from the Function Tree.
l Click the IF Attributes tab.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1241

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates the corresponding

IF interface.

Radio Work Mode 1,4E1,7MHz,QPSK - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

2,4E1,3.5MHz, work mode of the radio link in "work
16QAM mode number, service capacity, channel
spacing, modulation mode" format.
K l This parameter is set according to the
network plan. The work modes of the IF
4,8E1,7MHz, boards at the two ends of a radio link
16QAM must be the same.
5,16E1,28MHz,QP NOTE
SK The IF1 board supports this parameter.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1242

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IF Service Type Hybrid(Native E1 Hybrid(Native E1 l Displays or specifies the type of services

+ETH) +ETH) carried by the IF board.
Hybrid(Native l If the Integrated IP radio transmits
STM-1+ETH) Native E1 services, set this parameter to
SDH Hybrid(Native E1+ETH).
l If the Integrated IP radio transmits
Native STM-1 services, set this
parameter to Hybrid(Native STM-1
l If the SDH radio transmits SDH services,
set this parameter to SDH.
The ISU2 and ISX2 boards support this

Radio Link ID 1 to 4094 1 l Link ID indicates or specifies the ID of

a radio link. As the identifier of a radio
link, this parameter is used to prevent
incorrect connections of radio links
between sites.
l If the value of Received Radio Link
ID does not match the preset value of
Link ID at the local end, the local end
inserts the AIS signal to the downstream
direction of the service. At the same
time, the local end reports MW_LIM
alarm to the NMS, indicating that the link
IDs do not match.
l Link ID is set according to the network
plan. Each radio link of an NE should
have a unique link ID, and the link IDs
at both ends of a radio link should be the

Received Radio - - l This parameter indicates the received ID

Link ID of the radio link.
l If the value of Received Radio Link
ID does not match the preset value of
Radio Link ID at the local end, the local
end inserts the AIS signal to the
downstream direction of the service. At
the same time, the local end reports an
alarm to the NMS, indicating that the link
IDs do not match.
l When the radio link becomes faulty, this
parameter is displayed as an invalid

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1243

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IF Port Loopback Non-Loopback Non-Loopback l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Inloop loopback status of the IF interface.
Outloop l Non-Loopback indicates that the
loopback is cancelled or not performed.
l Inloop indicates that the IF signals
transmitted to the opposite end are
looped back.
l Outloop indicates that the received IF
signals are looped back.
l Generally, IF Port Loopback is used to
locate the faults that occur at each IF
interface. The IF loopback is used for
diagnosis. If this function is enabled, the
services at the related ports are affected.
In normal cases, this parameter is set to

2M Wayside Disabled Disabled l This parameter indicates or specifies

Enable Statusa Enabled whether the radio link transmits the
wayside E1 service.
l The wayside E1 service can be supported
by the IF1 board in the
8,E3,28MHz,QPSK, or 9,E3,14MHz,
16QAM mode.

2M Wayside Input - - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Boarda slot in which the 2M wayside service is
l This parameter can be set only when 2M
Wayside Enable Status is set to
l The wayside E1 service can be supported
by the IF1 board in the
8,E3,28MHz,QPSK, or 9,E3,14MHz,
16QAM mode.

350 MHz Stop Stop l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Consecutive Wave Start status of transmitting the 350 MHz
Status carrier signals at the IF interface.
l 350 MHz Consecutive Wave Status
can be set to Start in the commissioning
process only. In normal cases, this
parameter is set to Stop. Otherwise, the
services are interrupted.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1244

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

XPIC Enabledb Enabled Enabled l This parameter indicates or specifies

Disabled whether the XPIC function of the XPIC
IF board is enabled.
l If the XPIC IF board does not perform
the XPIC function, XPIC Enabled
should be set to Disabled.

Enable IEEE-1588 Enabled Disabled Enable IEEE-1588 Timeslot needs to be

Timeslotc Disabled set consistently between two ends of a radio


l a. The IFU2 and IFX2 boards do not support way-side services.

l b. The IFU2, ISU2, and IF1 boards do not support the XPIC function.
l c. The IF1 board does not support the IEEE-1588 timeslot function.

Parameters for Hybrid/AM Configuration


The IF1 board does not support Hybrid/AM configuration.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates the corresponding

IF port.

IF Channel 7M - IF Channel Bandwidth indicates the

Bandwidth 14M channel spacing of the corresponding radio
link. This parameter is set according to the
28M network plan.
56M l This parameter is not applicable to the IF1
l The IFU2 board does not support the value
l The IFX2 board does not support the values
l The ISX2 board supports the channel
spacings of 7M and 14M only when the
XPIC function is disabled.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1245

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

AM Status Disabled Disabled l When AM Status is set to Disabled, the

Enabled radio link uses only the specified
modulation scheme. In this case, you
need to select Manual Modulation
l When AM Status is set to Enabled, the
radio link uses the corresponding
modulation scheme according to the
channel conditions.
l Hence, the Integrated IP radio can ensure
the reliable transmission of the E1
services and provide bandwidth
adaptively for the Ethernet services
when the AM function is enabled.
l The ISX2/ISU2 does not support the AM
function when IF Service Type is

Modulation Mode QPSK QPSK l This parameter is valid only when AM

of the Guarantee 16QAM Status is set to Enabled.
AM Capacity l Modulation Mode of the Guarantee
AM Capacity specifies the lowest-gain
64QAM modulation scheme that the AM function
128QAM supports. This parameter is set according
256QAM to the network plan. Generally, the value
of this parameter is determined by the
service transmission bandwidth that the
Hybrid radio must ensure and the
availability of the radio link that
corresponds to this modulation scheme.

Modulation Mode QPSK QPSK l This parameter is valid only when AM

of the Full AM 16QAM Status is set to Enabled.
Capacity l Modulation Mode of the Full AM
Capacity specifies the highest-gain
64QAM modulation scheme that the AM function
128QAM supports. This parameter is set according
256QAM to the network plan. Generally, the value
of this parameter is determined by the
bandwidth of the services that need to be
transmitted over the Hybrid radio and the
availability of the radio link that
corresponds to this modulation scheme.
Modulation Mode of the Full AM
Capacity must be higher than Modulation
Mode of the Guarantee AM Capacity.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Manually QPSK QPSK l This parameter specifies the modulation

Specified 16QAM scheme that the radio link uses for signal
Modulation Mode transmission.
l This parameter is valid only when AM
64QAM Status is set to Disabled.

STM-1 Capacity - - l Specifies the STM-1 capacity of the IF

l This parameter is available only when IF
Service Type is set to Hybrid(Native
STM-1+ETH) and SDH.
l If IF Service Type is Hybrid(Native
STM-1+ETH), this parameter can be set
to 0 or 1.
l If IF Service Type is SDH, this
parameter can be set to 1 or 2.
The IFU2 and IFX2 boards do not support this

Enable E1 Priority Disabled Disabled l This parameter specifies whether to

Enabled enable the E1 priority function.
l This parameter is valid only when AM
Status is set to Enabled.
l For the ISU2 and ISX2 boards, this
parameter is available when IF Service
Type is Hybrid(Native E1+ETH).

Guarantee E1 - - l If AM Status is set to Enabled, this

Capacity parameter needs to be set according to
IF Channel Bandwidth, Modulation
Mode of the Guarantee AM Capacity,
and the actually transmitted services.
l If AM Status is set to Disabled, this
parameter needs to be set according to
IF Channel Bandwidth, Manually
Specified Modulation Mode, and the
actually transmitted services.
l For the ISU2 and ISX2 boards, this
parameter is available when IF Service
Type is Hybrid(Native E1+ETH).

Guarantee E1 - - Displays the E1 capacity range of the IF

Capacity Range board in guarantee capacity modulation

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1247

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Data Service - - Displays the data service bandwidth of the

Bandwidth(Mbit/ IF board.

Full E1 Capacity - - l This parameter specifies the number of

transmitted E1 services in Modulation
Mode of the Full AM Capacity.
l This parameter is valid if Enable E1
Priority is set to Enabled.
l E1 service bandwidth in full capacity
mode ≤ Service bandwidth in full
capacity mode - Service bandwidth in
guarantee capacity mode + E1 service
bandwidth in guarantee capacity mode.
In addition, the number of E1 services in
full capacity modulation mode should be
smaller than or equal to the maximum
number of E1 services in full capacity
modulation mode.
l The Full E1 Capacity must be set to the
same value at both ends of a radio link.
l For the ISU2 and ISX2 boards, this
parameter is available when IF Service
Type is Hybrid(Native E1+ETH).

Full E1 Capacity - - Displays the E1 capacity range of the IF

board in full capacity modulation mode.

Transmit-End - - Displays the modulation mode at the

Modulation Mode transmit mode.

Receive-End - - Displays the modulation mode at the receive

Modulation Mode mode.

Guarantee AM - - Displays the guarantee AM service capacity.

Service Capacity

Full AM Service - - Displays the full AM service capacity.


Transmitted AM - - Displays the transmitted AM service

Service Capacity capacity.

Received AM - - Displays the received AM service capacity.

Service Capacity

E1 Capacity For - - Displays the number of configured high-

High Priority priority E1s.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1248

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Related Tasks
A.6.8.1 Setting IF Attributes
A.6.8.4 Querying the AM Status
A.6.8.6 Modifying the Hybrid/AM Attributes
A.12.4 Configuring the Wayside E1 Service

B.5.5.2 Parameter Description: IF Interface_ATPC Attribute

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the ATPC attributes.

Navigation Path
l Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > IF Interface from the Function Tree.
l Click the ATPC Attributes tab.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates the corresponding

IF interface.

ATPC Enable Disabled Disabled l This parameter specifies whether the

Status Enabled ATPC function is enabled.
l When this parameter is set to Enabled
and if the RSL at the receive end is 2 dB
higher or lower than the central value
between the ATPC upper threshold and
the ATPC lower threshold at the receive
end, the receiver notifies the transmitter
to decrease or increase the transmit
power until the RSL is within the range
that is 2 dB higher or lower than the
central value between the ATPC upper
threshold and the ATPC lower threshold.
l The settings of the ATPC attributes must
be consistent at both ends of a radio link.
l In the case of areas where fast fading
severely affects the radio transmission, it
is recommended that you set ATPC
Enable Status to Disabled.
l During the commissioning process, set
this parameter to Disabled to ensure that
the transmit power is not changed. After
the commissioning, re-set the ATPC

ATPC Upper - -45.0 l Set the central value between the ATPC
Threshold(dBm) upper threshold and the ATPC lower

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

ATPC Lower - -70.0 threshold to a value for the expected

Threshold(dBm) receive power.
l It is recommended that you set ATPC
Upper Threshold(dBm) to the sum of
the planned central value between the
ATPC upper threshold and the ATPC
lower threshold and 10 dB, and ATPC
Lower Threshold(dBm) to the
difference between the planned central
value between the ATPC upper threshold
and the ATPC lower threshold and 10
l You can set the ATPC upper threshold
only when ATPC Automatic
Threshold(dBm) is set to Disabled.

ATPC Automatic Enabled Disabled l This parameter specifies whether the

Threshold Enable Disabled ATPC automatic threshold function is
Status enabled.
l If ATPC Automatic Threshold Enable
Status is set to Enabled, the equipment
automatically uses the preset ATPC
upper and lower thresholds according to
the work mode of the radio link.
l If ATPC Automatic Threshold Enable
Status is set to Disabled, you need to
manually set ATPC Upper Automatic
Threshold(dBm) and ATPC Lower
Automatic Threshold(dBm).

ATPC Upper - - l This parameter indicates that the

Automatic equipment automatically uses the preset
Threshold(dBm) ATPC upper and lower thresholds.
l This parameter is valid only when ATPC
ATPC Lower - -
Automatic Threshold Enable Status is
set to Enabled.

Related Tasks
A.6.8.2 Configuring ATPC Attributes

B.5.5.3 Parameter Description: Hybrid_AM Configuration_Advanced Attributes

This section describes the parameters that are used for configuring the advanced attributes.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1250

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
l In the NE Explorer, select the IF board, and then choose Configuration > IF Interface
from the Function Tree.
l Click the AM Advanced Attributes tab.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates the corresponding

IF interface.

Modulation Mode - - Displays the modulation schemes.

E1 Capacity - - l You can specify the number of E1s that

can be transmitted in intermediate
modulation scheme, by setting the
advanced attributes correspondingly.
l Generally, it is recommended that this
parameter takes the default value. To
ensure that a specific number of E1s can
be transmitted in intermediate
modulation scheme, adjust the E1
capacity in each modulation scheme
according to the network planning
l If the E1 priority function is enabled, the
maximum number of allowed E1
services in the current mode = Min
{[Bandwidth of the air interface in the
current mode - (Bandwidth for the
assured capacity - Assured E1 number x
2Mbps)]/2Mbps, E1 number in the
highest-gain modulation mode}.

Data Service - - Displays the data service bandwidth.


Related Tasks
A.6.8.3 Setting Advanced AM Attributes

B.5.5.4 Parameter Description: ATPC Adjustment Records

This topic describes the parameters that are related to ATPC adjustment records.

Navigation Path
Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > ATPC Adjustment Records from the Function Tree.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1251

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates the port for the

ATPC adjustment.

Event NO. - - This parameter indicates the number of the

ATPC adjustment event.

Adjustment Time - - This parameter indicates the time of the

ATPC adjustment.

Adjustment - - This parameter indicates the direction of the

Direction adjustment at the port.

Switchover - - This parameter indicates the switching

operation at the port.

Transmitted - - This parameter indicates the transmitted

Power(dBm) power of the port to be switched.

Received Power - - This parameter indicates the received power

(dBm) of the port to be switched.

Related Tasks
A.6.8.5 Querying ATPC Adjustment Records

B.5.5.5 Parameter Description: PRBS Test

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS)

Navigation Path
Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > PRBS Test from the Function Tree.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates the port for the

PRBS test.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1252

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Direction Cross Cross l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Tributary direction of the PRBS test.
l In the tributary direction, the PRBS test
is performed to check the connectivity of
the cable from the tributary board to the
l In the cross-connect direction, the PRBS
test is performed to check the processing
of the service from the tributary board to
the NE at the remote end.

Duration 1 to 255 1 This parameter indicates or specifies the

duration of the PRBS test.

Measured Time s s This parameter indicates or specifies the

10min time unit used for the PRBS test.

Start Time - - This parameter indicates the start time of the

PRBS test.

Progress - - This parameter indicates the progress

percentage of the PRBS test.

Total PRBS - - This parameter indicates the number of bit

errors that occur in the PRBS test.

Accumulating Selected Deselected This parameter specifies whether to display

Mode Deselected the values in accumulative mode. If
Accumulating Mode is selected, it
indicates that the values are displayed in
accumulative mode.

B.5.6 ODU Parameters

This topic describes parameters that are related to ODUs.

B.5.6.1 Parameter Description: ODU Interface_Radio Frequency Attribute

This topic describes the parameters that are related to radio frequency attributes of an ODU.

Navigation Path
l Select the ODU from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > ODU
Interface from the Function Tree.
l Click the Radio Frequency Attributes tab.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1253

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - This parameter indicates the corresponding


Transmit - - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Frequency(MHz) transmit frequency of the ODU, namely,
the central frequency of the channel.
l The value of Transmit Frequency
(MHz) must not be less than the sum of
the minimum transmit frequency
supported by the ODU and a half of the
channel spacing, and must not be more
than the difference between the
maximum transmit frequency supported
by the ODU and a half of the channel
l The difference between the transmit
frequencies at both ends of a radio link
should be one T/R spacing.
l This parameter is set according to the
planning information.

T/R Spacing(MHz) - - l This parameter indicates or specifies the

spacing between the transmit frequency
and receive frequency of the ODU to
prevent mutual interference of the
transmitter and receiver.
l If the ODU is a Tx high station, the
transmit frequency is one T/R spacing
higher than the receive frequency. If the
ODU is a Tx low station, the transmit
frequency is one T/R spacing lower than
the receive frequency.
l If the ODU supports only one T/R
spacing, T/R Spacing(MHz) is set to 0,
indicating that the T/R spacing supported
by the ODU is used.
l A valid T/R spacing value is determined
by the ODU itself, and T/R Spacing
(MHz) should be set according to the
technical specifications of the ODU.
l The T/R spacing of the ODU should be
set to the same value at both ends of a
radio link.

Actual Transmit - - This parameter indicates the actual transmit

Frequency(MHz) frequency of the ODU.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1254

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Actual Receive - - This parameter indicates the actual receive

Frequency(MHz) frequency of the ODU.

Actual T/R - - This parameter indicates the actual T/R

Spacing(MHz) spacing of the ODU.

The range of - - This parameter indicates the working range

frequency point of the frequency of the ODU.

Related Tasks
A.6.9.1 Setting ODU Transmit Frequency Attributes

B.5.6.2 Parameter Description: ODU Interface_Power Attributes

This topic describes the parameters that are used for configuring the power attributes of the

Navigation Path
l Select the ODU from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > ODU
Interface from the Function Tree.
l Click the Power Attributes tab.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - This parameter indicates the corresponding


Maximum - - l Maximum Transmit Power(dBm) is

Transmit Power set according to the network plan. This
(dBm) parameter cannot be set to a value that
exceeds the nominal power rang of the
ODU in the guaranteed capacity
modulation module.
l This parameter is set to limit the
maximum transmit power of the ODU
within this preset range.
l The maximum transmit power adjusted
by using the ATPC function should not
exceed Maximum Transmit Power

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1255

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Transmit Power - - l Transmit Power(dBm) is set according

(dBm) to the network plan. This parameter
specifies the transmit power of the ODU.
This parameter cannot be set to a value
that exceeds the nominal power rang of
the ODU or a value that exceeds
Maximum Transmit Power(dBm).
l It is recommended that you set the
transmit power of the ODU to the same
value at both ends of a radio link.
l Consider the receive power of the ODU
at the opposite end when you set this
parameter. Ensure that the receive power
of the ODU at the opposite end can
ensure stable radio services.

Power to Be -90.0 to -20.0 -10.0 l Power to Be Received(dBm) is used to

Received(dBm) set the expected receive power of the
ODU and is mainly used in the antenna
alignment stage. After this parameter is
set, the NE automatically enables the
antenna misalignment indicating
l When the antenna misalignment
indicating function is enabled, if the
actual receive power of the ODU is 3 dB
lower than the power expected to be
received, the ODU indicator on the IF
board connected to the ODU blinks
yellow (300 ms on, 300 ms off),
indicating that the antenna is not aligned.
l After the antenna alignment, after the
state that the antenna is aligned lasts for
30 minutes, the NE automatically
disables the antenna misalignment
indicating function.
l Power to Be Received(dBm) is set
according to the network plan. When this
parameter takes the default value, the
antenna misalignment indicating
function is disabled.

TX High - - l If the value of the actual transmit power

Threshold(dBm) of the ODU is greater than the preset
value of TX High Threshold(dBm), the
system separately records the duration
when the value of the actual transmit
power of the ODU is greater than the
preset value of TX High Threshold

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1256

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

TX Low Threshold - - (dBm) and the duration when the value

(dBm) of the actual transmit power of the ODU
is greater than the preset value of TX
Low Threshold(dBm) in the
performance events.
l If the value of the actual transmit power
of the ODU is greater than the preset
value of TX Low Threshold(dBm) and
is lower than the preset value of TX High
Threshold(dBm), the system records
the duration when the value of the actual
transmit power of the ODU is greater
than the preset value of TX Low
Threshold(dBm) in the performance
l If the value of the actual transmit power
of the ODU is lower than the preset value
of TX Low Threshold(dBm), the
system does not record it.
l TX High Threshold(dBm) and TX
Low Threshold(dBm) are valid only
when the ATPC function is enabled.

RX High - - l If the value of the actual receive power

Threshold(dBm) of the ODU is lower than the preset value
of RX Low Threshold(dBm), the
system records the duration when the
value of the actual receive power of the
ODU is lower than the preset value of
RX Low Threshold(dBm) and duration
when the value of the actual transmit
power of the ODU is lower than the
preset value of RX High Threshold
(dBm)in the performance events.
l If the value of the actual receive power
of the ODU is greater than the preset
value of RX Low Threshold(dBm) and
is lower than the preset value of RX High
Threshold(dBm), the system records
the duration when the value of the actual
receive power of the ODU is Lower than
the preset value of RX High Threshold
(dBm) in the performance events.
l If the value of the actual receive power
of the ODU is greater than the preset

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

RX Low Threshold - - value of RX High Threshold(dBm), the

(dBm) system does not record it.

Actual Transmit - - l This parameter indicates the actual

Power(dBm) transmit power of the ODU.
l If the ATPC function is enabled, the
queried actual transmit power may be
different from the preset value.

Actual Receive - - This parameter indicates the actual receive

Power(dBm) power of the ODU.

Actual Power - - This parameter indicates the range of the

Range(dBm) actual transmit power of the ODU.

Transmission - - This parameter indicates the level of the

Power Type output power of the ODU.

Related Tasks
A.6.9.3 Setting ODU Power Attributes

B.5.6.3 Parameter Description: ODU Interface_Equipment Information

This topic describes the parameters that are used for configuring the equipment information of
the ODU.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
l Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > ODU Interface from the Function Tree.
l Click the Equipment Information tab.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - This parameter indicates the corresponding


Frequency(GHz) - - This parameter indicates the frequency band

where the ODU operates.

Equipment Type - - l This parameter indicates the equipment

type of the ODU.
l PDH and SDH indicate the transmission
capacity only and are irrelevant to the
type of transmitted service.

T/R Spacing(MHz) - - This parameter indicates the T/R spacing of

the ODU.

Intermediate - - This parameter indicates the IF frequency

Frequency bandwidth of the ODU.
Bandwidth (MHz)

IF Bandwidth - - Displays the IF bandwidth type.


Station Type - - l This parameter indicates whether the

ODU is a Tx high station or a Tx low
l The transmit frequency of a Tx high
station is one T/R spacing higher than the
transmit frequency of a Tx low station.

Transmission - - This parameter indicates the level of the

Power Type output power of the ODU.

Produce Time - - This parameter indicates the manufacturing

time of the ODU.

Produce SN - - This parameter indicates the manufacturing

serial number and the manufacturer code of
the ODU.

Related Tasks
A.6.9.2 Querying ODU Information

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B.5.6.4 Parameter Description: ODU Interface_Advanced Attributes

This topic describes the parameters that are used for configuring the advanced attributes of the

Navigation Path
l Select the ODU from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > ODU
Interface from the Function Tree.
l Click the Advanced Attributes tab.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - This parameter indicates the corresponding


RF Loopback Non-Loopback Non-Loopback l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Inloop loopback status of the RF interface of the
l Non-Loopback indicates that the
loopback is canceled or not performed.
l Inloop indicates that the RF signals
transmitted to the opposite end are
looped back.
l RF Loopback function is used for fault
locating for the RF interfaces. The RF
Loopback function is used for diagnosis
and may affect the services that are
transmitted over the interfaces. Hence,
exercise caution before starting this
l In normal cases, RF Loopback is set to

Configure unmute unmute l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Transmission mute transmit status of the ODU.
Status l If Configure Transmission Status is set
to mute, the transmitter of the ODU does
not work but can normally receive
microwave signals.
l If Configure Transmission Status is set
to unmute, the ODU can normally
transmit and receive microwave signals.
l In normal cases, Configure
Transmission Status is set to unmute.

Actual - - Displays the ODU manufacturer

Transmission information.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Factory - - This parameter indicates the manufacturer

Information information about the ODU.

Remarks - - Specifies the remarks of the ODU.

Related Tasks
A.6.9.4 Setting ODU Advanced Attributes

B.5.7 Parameters for SDH Interface Boards

This topic describes parameters that are related to SDH interface boards.

B.5.7.1 Parameter Description: SDH Interfaces

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the SDH interfaces.

Navigation Path
1. Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > SDH Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Select By Board/Port(Path), and select Port or VC4 Path from the list box.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates the corresponding

SDH interface.

Laser Switcha On On l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Off on/off state of the laser.
l This parameter is set for SDH optical
interfaces only.
l In normal cases, this parameter is set to

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Optical(Electrical) Non-Loopback Non-Loopback l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Interface Inloop loopback status on the SDH interface.
Loopbacka l Non-Loopback indicates that the
loopback is canceled or not performed.
l Inloop indicates that the SDH signals
transmitted to the opposite end are
looped back.
l Outloop indicates that the received SDH
signals are looped back.
l This function is used for fault locating
for the SDH interfaces. The Optical
(Electrical) Interface Loopback
function is used for diagnosis and may
affect the services that are transmitted
over the interfaces. Hence, exercise
precaution before starting this function.
l In normal cases, this parameter is set to

VC4 Loopbackb Non-Loopback Non-Loopback l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Inloop loopback status in the VC-4 path.
Outloop l Non-Loopback indicates that the
loopback is canceled or not performed.
l Inloop indicates that the VC-4 signals
transmitted to the opposite end are
looped back.
l Outloop indicates that the received
VC-4 signals are looped back.
l This function is used for fault locating
for the VC-4 paths. The VC4
Loopback function is used for diagnosis
and may affect the services that are
transmitted over the interfaces. Hence,
exercise precaution before starting this
l In normal cases, this parameter is set to


l a: Indicates the parameters that are supported when Port is selected from the list box.
l b: Indicates the parameters that are supported when VC4 Path is selected from the list box.

Related Tasks
A.6.1 Setting the Parameters of SDH Ports

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B.5.7.2 Parameter Description: Automatic Laser Shutdown

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the automatic laser shutdown (ALS)

Navigation Path
Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > Automatic Laser Shutdown from the Function Tree.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Optical Interface - - This parameter indicates the corresponding

optical interface.

Auto Shutdown Disabled Disabled l This parameter indicates or specifies

Enabled whether the Auto Laser Shutdown
function is enabled or disabled for the
l The ALS function allows the laser to shut
down automatically when an optical port
does not carry services, an optical fiber
is broken, or no optical signal is received.
l You can set On Period(ms), Off Period
(ms), and Continuously On-test Period
(ms) only when this parameter is set to

On Period(ms) 1000 to 3000 2000 This parameter indicates or specifies the

period when a shutdown laser automatically
starts up and tests whether the optical fiber
is normal.

Off Period(ms) 2000 to 300000 60000 This parameter indicates or specifies the
period when the laser does not work (with
the ALS function being enabled).

Continuously On- 2000 to 300000 90000 This parameter indicates or specifies the
Test Period(ms) period when a shutdown laser is manually
started up and tests whether the optical fiber
is normal.

B.5.8 Parameters for PDH Interface Boards

This topic describes parameters that are related to PDH interface boards.

B.5.8.1 Parameter Description: PDH Ports

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the PDH ports.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > PDH Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Select By Board/Port(Channel).
3. Select Path from the list box.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates the corresponding


Tributary Non-Loopback Non-Loopback l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Loopback Inloop loopback status in the associated path of
the tributary unit.
l Non-Loopback indicates that the
loopback is canceled or not performed.
l Inloop indicates that the PDH signals
transmitted to the opposite end are
looped back.
l Outloop indicates that the received PDH
signals are looped back.
l This function is used for fault locating
for the paths of the tributary unit. The
Tributary Loopback function is used
for diagnosis and may affect the services
that are transmitted over the interfaces.
Hence, exercise precaution before
starting this function.
l In normal cases, this parameter is set to

Port Impedance - - This parameter indicates the impedance of a

path, which depends on the tributary unit.

Service Load Load Load l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Indication Non-Loaded service loading status in a specific path.
l When this parameter is set to Load, the
board detects whether alarms exist in the
l When this parameter is set to Non-
Loaded, the board does not detect
whether there are alarms in the path.
l If a path does not carry any services, you
can set this parameter to Non-Loaded
for the path to mask all the alarms. If a
path carries services, you need to set this
parameter to Load for the path.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Equalize Input Unequalized Unequalized l This parameter indicates whether the

Signal Equalized input signals are equalized.
l It is recommended that you set this
parameter to default value.

Retiming Mode Normal Normal l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Retiming Mode of retiming mode of a specific path.
Tributary Clock l By using the retiming function, the
Retiming Mode of retiming reference signal from the SDH
Cross-Connect network and the service data signal are
Clock combined and then sent to the client
equipment, therefore decreasing the
output jitter in the signal. In this way, the
retiming function ensures that the service
code flow can normally transfer the
retiming reference signal.
l When this parameter is set to Normal,
the retiming function is not used.
l When this parameter is set to Retiming
Mode of Tributary Clock, the retiming
function is used with the clock of the
upstream tributary unit traced.
l When this parameter is set to Retiming
Mode of Cross-Connect Clock, the
retiming function is used with the clock
of the cross-connect unit traced.
l It is recommended that the external
clock, instead of the retiming function,
should be used to provide reference
clock signals for the equipment.
l If the retiming function is required, it is
recommended that you set this parameter
to Retiming Mode of Cross-connect

Equalize Output Unequalized Unequalized l This parameter indicates whether the

Signal Equalized output signals are equalized.
l It is recommended that you use the
default value.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

E1 Frame Format Unframe Unframe Specifies the E1 frame format for E1 ports.
Double Frame l To detect E1 BER performance on the
CRC-4 Multiframe OptiX RTN 950, set E1 Frame
Format of the local E1 port to the same
value as that of the opposite E1 port. It is
recommended that E1 Frame Format of
both the local and opposite E1 ports be
CRC-4 Multiframe.
l In other scenarios wherein the OptiX
RTN 950 is used, it is recommended that
E1 Frame Format take its default value
Unframe. If E1 Frame Format is
Unframe, the OptiX RTN 950
transparently transmits E1 frames and
the local E1 port allows for
interconnection with another E1 port
whose E1 Frame Format is Double
Frame or CRC-4 Multiframe.
E1 Frame Format needs to be set to the same
value at both ends of an E1 link.

Related Tasks
A.6.2 Setting the Parameters of PDH Ports

B.5.8.2 Parameter Description: PRBS Test

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS)

Navigation Path
Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > PRBS Test from the Function Tree.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates the port for the

PRBS test.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Direction Cross Cross l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Tributary direction of the PRBS test.
l In the tributary direction, the PRBS test
is performed to check the connectivity of
the cable from the tributary board to the
l In the cross-connect direction, the PRBS
test is performed to check the processing
of the service from the tributary board to
the NE at the remote end.

Duration 1 to 255 1 This parameter indicates or specifies the

duration of the PRBS test.

Measured Time s s This parameter indicates or specifies the

10min time unit used for the PRBS test.

Start Time - - This parameter indicates the start time of the

PRBS test.

Progress - - This parameter indicates the progress

percentage of the PRBS test.

Total PRBS - - This parameter indicates the number of bit

errors that occur in the PRBS test.

Accumulating Selected Deselected This parameter specifies whether to display

Mode Deselected the values in accumulative mode. If
Accumulating Mode is selected, it
indicates that the values are displayed in
accumulative mode.

B.5.9 Parameters for Overhead

This topic describes the parameters that are related to overhead.

B.5.9.1 Parameter Description: Regenerator Section Overhead

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the regenerator section overheads

Navigation Path
1. Select an SDH interface board in the NE Explorer Choose Configuration > Overhead
Management > Regenerator Section Overhead from the Function Tree.
2. Choose Display in Text Format or Display in Hexadecimal.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters for Setting the Display Format

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Display in Text Selected Selected This parameter specifies the display in the
Format Deselected text format.

Display in Selected Deselected This parameter specifies the display in the

Hexadecimal Deselected hexadecimal format.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Object - - This parameter indicates the object to be set.

J0 to be Sent - [16 Bytes]HuaWei If the NE at the opposite end reports the

([Mode]Content) SBS J0_MM alarm, this parameter is set
according to the J0 byte to be received at the
opposite end.

J0 to be Received - [Disabled] l This parameter specifies the J0 byte to be

([Mode]Content) received.
l If this parameter is set to [Disabled], the
board does not monitor the received J0
l It is recommended that you use the
default value.

J0 Received - - This parameter indicates the J0 byte that is

([Mode]Content) actually received.

Related Tasks
A.6.3.1 Configuring RSOHs

B.5.9.2 Parameter Description: VC-4 POHs

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the VC-4 path overheads (POHs).

Navigation Path
1. Select SDH interface board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > Overhead Management > VC4 Path Overhead from the Function Tree.
2. Choose Display in Text Format or Display in Hexadecimal.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters for Setting the Display Format

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Display in Text Selected Selected This parameter specifies the display in the
Format Deselected text format.

Display in Selected Deselected This parameter specifies the display in the

Hexadecimal Deselected hexadecimal format.

Parameters for the Trace Byte J1

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Object - - This parameter indicates the object to be set.

J1 to be Sent - [16 Bytes]HuaWei If the NE at the opposite end reports the

([Mode]Content) SBS HP_TIM or LP_TIM alarm, this parameter
is set according to the J1 byte to be received
at the opposite end.

J1 to be Received - [Disabled] l If this parameter is set to [Disabled], the

([Mode]Content) board does not monitor the received J1
l It is recommended that you use the
default value.

J1 Received - - This parameter displays the J1 byte that is

([Mode]Content) actually received.

Parameters for the Signal Flag C2

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Object - - This parameter indicates the object to be set.

C2 to be Sent - - If the NE at the opposite end reports the

HP_SLM alarm, this parameter is set
according to the C2 byte to be received at the
opposite end.

C2 to be Received - - If the NE at the local end reports the

HP_SLM alarm, this parameter is set
according to the C2 byte to be sent at the
opposite end.

C2 Received - - This parameter displays the C2 byte that is

actually received.

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Parameters for Overhead Termination

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Object - - This parameter indicates the object to be set.

VC4 Overhead Termination Auto l If this parameter is set to Pass-

Termination Pass-Through Through, the NE forwards the original
overhead after monitoring the VC-4 path
Auto overhead regardless of the C2 byte.
l If this parameter is set to Termination,
the NE generates the new VC-4 path
overhead according to the board setting
after monitoring the VC-4 path overhead
regardless of the C2 byte.
l If this parameter is set to Auto, the VC-4
path overhead in the VC-4 pass-through
service is passed through, and the VC-4
path overhead in the VC-12 service is
l It is recommended that you use the
default value.

Related Tasks
A.6.3.2 Configuring VC-4 POHs

B.5.9.3 Parameter Description: VC-12 POHs

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the VC-12 path overheads (POHs).

Navigation Path
1. Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Configuration > Overhead Management > VC12 Path Overhead from the Function
2. Choose Display in Text Format or Display in Hexadecimal.

Parameters for Setting the Display Format

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Display in Text Selected Selected This parameter specifies the display in the
Format Deselected text format.

Display in Selected Deselected This parameter specifies the display in the

Hexadecimal Deselected hexadecimal format.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters for the Trace Byte

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Object - - This parameter indicates the object to be set.

J2 to be Sent - [16 Bytes]HuaWei If the NE at the opposite end reports the

SBS LP_TIM or LP_TIM_VC12 alarm, this
parameter is set according to the J2 byte to
be received by the NE at the opposite end.

J2 to be Received - [Disabled] l If this parameter is set to [Disabled], the

board does not monitor the received J2
l It is recommended that you use the
default value.
IF boards do not support this parameter.

J2 Received - - This parameter displays the J2 byte that is

actually received.

Related Tasks
A.6.3.3 Configuring VC-12 POHs

B.6 Parameters for Ethernet Services and Ethernet Features

on the Packet Plane
This section describes the parameters for the Ethernet services and Ethernet features on the
packet plane, including service parameters, protocol parameters, OAM parameters, Ethernet port
parameters, and QoS parameters.

B.6.1 Parameters for Ethernet Services

This topic describes the parameters that are related to Ethernet services.

B.6.1.1 Parameter Description: E-Line Service_Creation

This topic describes the interface parameters that are used for creating an Ethernet line (E-Line)

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-Line Service from the Function Tree.
2. Click Create.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1271

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters on the Main Interface (Configuring the Source and Sink Ports)

Table B-4 Service direction of UNI-UNI

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Service ID 1 to 4294967294 - This parameter specifies

the ID of the E-Line

Service Name - - This parameter specifies

the name of the E-Line

Direction UNI-UNI UNI-UNI l This parameter

UNI-NNI specifies the direction
of the E-Line service.
l Set this parameter to

BPDU Not Transparent Not Transparent l This parameter

Transparent specifies the
transmission ID of the
bridge protocol data
unit (BPDU) packets.
It is used to indicate
whether the E-Line
service transparently
transmits the BPDU
l If the BPDU packets
are used as the service
packets and
transmitted to the
opposite end, set this
parameter to
Transparent. That is,
the parameter value
Transparent takes
effect only if
Encapsulation Type
of the source and sink
ports of the E-Line
service are Null.
l In other cases, set this
parameter to Not
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1272

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

MTU(bytes) - - This parameter cannot be

set here.

Service Tag Role - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this

Source Interface - - l The value of this

parameter cannot be
the same as the value
of sink port.
l The value of this
parameter cannot be
used for the E-LAN
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Source VLAN ID 1 to 4094 - l This parameter can be

set to null, a number,
or several numbers.
When setting this
parameter to several
numbers, use the
comma (,) to separate
the discrete numbers,
or use the endash (-) to
represent a
consecutive number.
For example, the
numbers 1, and 3-6
indicate 1, 3, 4, 5, and
l The number and value
of VLANs must be the
same value of Sink
l If this parameter is set
to null, all the services
at the source port are
used as the service
l If this parameter is not
set to null, only the
service that contains
the VLAN ID at the
source port can be used
as the service source.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1273

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Sink Interface - - l The value of this

parameter cannot be
the same as the value
of Source Port.
l The value of this
parameter cannot be
used for the E-LAN
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Sink VLAN ID 1 to 4094 - l This parameter can be

set to null, a number,
or several numbers.
When setting this
parameter to several
numbers, use the
comma (,) to separate
the discrete numbers,
or use the endash (-) to
represent a
consecutive number.
For example, the
numbers 1, and 3-6
indicate 1, 3, 4, 5, and
l The number and value
of VLANs must be the
same value of Source
l If this parameter is set
to null, all the services
at the sink port are
used as the service
l If this parameter is not
set to null, only the
service that contains
the VLAN ID at the
sink port can be used
as the service sink.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1274

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Table B-5 Service direction of UNI-NNI (carried by PWs)

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Service ID 1 to 4294967294 - This parameter specifies

the ID of the E-Line

Service Name - - This parameter specifies

the name of the E-Line

Direction UNI-UNI UNI-UNI l This parameter

UNI-NNI specifies the direction
of the E-Line service.
l Set this parameter to

BPDU Not Transparent Not Transparent For UNI-NNI ETH

Transparent PWE3 services, the
parameter value is always
Not Transparent.

MTU(bytes) - - This parameter cannot be

set here.

Service Tag Role - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this

Source Interface - - l The value of this

parameter cannot be
the same as the value
of sink port.
l The value of this
parameter cannot be
used for the E-LAN
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1275

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Source VLAN ID 1 to 4094 - l This parameter can be

set to null, a number,
or several numbers.
When setting this
parameter to several
numbers, use the
comma (,) to separate
the discrete numbers,
or use the endash (-) to
represent a
consecutive number.
For example, the
numbers 1, and 3-6
indicate 1, 3, 4, 5, and
l If this parameter is set
to null, all the services
at the source port are
used as the service
l If this parameter is not
set to null, only the
service that contains
the VLAN ID at the
source port can be
used as the service

Pri - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this

Bearer Type QinQ Link PW For UNI-NNI ETH

PW PWE3 services, the
parameter value is always

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1276

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Type No Protection No Protection l If this parameter is set

PW APS to PW APS, working
and protection PWs
Slave Protection Pair need to be configured.
l If this parameter is set
to Slave Protection
Pair, you need to bind
the slave PW APS
protection group with
the master PW APS
protection group. The
switching of the
master PW APS
protection group
triggers the switching
of the slave PW APS
protection group

Table B-6 Service direction of UNI-NNI (carried by QinQ links)

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Service ID 1 to 4294967294 - This parameter specifies

the ID of the E-Line

Service Name - - This parameter specifies

the name of the E-Line

Direction UNI-UNI UNI-UNI l This parameter

UNI-NNI specifies the direction
of the E-Line service.
l Set this parameter to

BPDU Not Transparent Not Transparent For UNI-NNI QinQ

Transparent services, the parameter
value is always Not

MTU(bytes) - - This parameter cannot be

set here.

Service Tag Role - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1277

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Source Interface - - l The value of this

parameter cannot be
the same as the value
of sink port.
l The value of this
parameter cannot be
used for the E-LAN
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Source VLAN ID 1 to 4094 - l This parameter can be

set to null, a number,
or several numbers.
When setting this
parameter to several
numbers, use the
comma (,) to separate
the discrete numbers,
or use the endash (-) to
represent a
consecutive number.
For example, the
numbers 1, and 3-6
indicate 1, 3, 4, 5, and
l If this parameter is set
to null, all the services
at the source port are
used as the service
l If this parameter is not
set to null, only the
service that contains
the VLAN ID at the
source port can be used
as the service source.

Pri - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this

Bearer Type QinQ Link PW For NNI-NNI QinQ

PW services, the parameter
value is always QinQ

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1278

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Table B-7 Service direction of NNI-NNI

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Service ID 1 to 4294967294 - This parameter specifies

the ID of the E-Line

Service Name - - This parameter specifies

the name of the E-Line

Direction UNI-UNI UNI-UNI l This parameter

UNI-NNI specifies the direction
of the E-Line service.
l Set this parameter to

BPDU Not Transparent Not Transparent For NNI-NNI QinQ

Transparent services, the parameter
value is always
Not Transparent

MTU(bytes) - - This parameter cannot be

set here.

Service Tag Role - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this

Parameters for Port Attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Name - - This parameter displays

the UNI port.

Enable Port Enabled - l This parameter

Disabled displays or specifies
whether the port is
l Ethernet services can
be received,
processed, and
forwarded normally
only if Port Enable is
set to Enabled.
l Port Enable is already
set in Ethernet

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1279

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Mode Layer 2 - l Specifies the working

Layer 3 mode of an Ethernet
l If this parameter is set
to Layer 2, the port
can be used to access
Ethernet services from
the user equipment or
to carry Ethernet
services that
exclusively occupy the
l When this parameter is
set to Layer 3,
Ethernet services over
the port can be carried
by PWs.

Encapsulation Type Null - l This parameter

802.1Q displays or specifies
the method of the port
QinQ to process the received
l If you set this
parameter to Null, the
port transparently
transmits the received
l If you set this
parameter to 802.1Q,
the port identifies the
packets that comply
with the IEEE 802.1q
l If you set this
parameter to QinQ,
the port identifies the
packets that comply
with the IEEE 802.1ad

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1280

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation - l The Ethernet ports of

10M Half-Duplex different types support
different working
10M Full-Duplex modes.
100M Half-Duplex l When the equipment
100M Full-Duplex on the opposite side
1000M Full-Duplex works in auto-
negotiation mode, set
the working mode of
the equipment on the
local side to Auto-
l When the equipment
on the opposite side
works in full-duplex
mode, set the working
mode of the equipment
on the local side to
10M Full-Duplex,
100M Full-Duplex, or
1000M Full-Duplex
depending on the port
rate of the equipment
on the opposite side.
l When the equipment
on the opposite side
works in half-duplex
mode, set the working
mode of the equipment
on the local side to
10M Half-Duplex,
100M Half-Duplex,
or Auto-Negotiation
depending on the port
rate of the equipment
on the opposite side.
l The GE optical
interface supports the
1000M full-duplex
mode only.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1281

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware l If all the accessed

Access services are frames
with the VLAN tag
Hybrid (tagged frames), set
TAG to Tag Aware.
l If all the accessed
services are frames
without the VLAN tag
(untagged frames), set
TAG to Access.
l If the accessed
services contain
tagged frames and
untagged frames, set
TAG to Hybrid.

Specify IP Address Unspecified - l Displays or selects the

Manually method to configure IP
addresses of ports.
l The value
Unspecified indicates
that the IP addresses
do not need to be
configured for a port.
l The value Manually
indicates that the IP
address of a port can be
manually configured.
l This parameter is
available when Port
Mode is Layer 3.

IP Address - - l Displays or specifies

the IP address of the
l This parameter is
available when
Specify IP Address is

IP Mask - - l Displays or specifies

the subnet mask of the
l This parameter is
available when
Specify IP Address is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1282

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters of PWs

l Parameters of PWs need to be configured only when is UNI-NNI and Bearer Type is PW.
l If the parameter Protection Type of PWs is set to PW APS or Slave Protection Pair, all the parameters
of working and protection PWs need to be configured. This section considers the parameters of the working
PW as an example.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Specifies the ID of the PW

that carries services.
Automatic ID assignment
is recommended.

PW Signaling Type Static Static Labels for static PWs need

to be manually assigned.

PW Type Ethernet Ethernet l Specifies the type of

Ethernet Tagged Mode the PW.
l PW Type indicates
whether P-TAG is
added to Ethernet
frames that are
encapsulated for
transmission on PWs.
If it is not required to
add VLAN IDs, set this
parameter to
Ethernet. If it is
required to add VLAN
IDs, set this parameter
to Ethernet Tagged
Mode and then set
Request VLAN in the
Advanced Attributes

PW Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional Displays the direction of

the PW.

PW Encapsulation Type MPLS MPLS Displays the

encapsulation type of the
packets on the PW.

PW Ingress Label/ 16 to 1048575 - Specifies the PW Ingress

Source Port label.

PW Egress Label/Sink 16 to 1048575 - Specifies the PW Egress

Port label.

Tunnel selection mode - - Displays the method to

select tunnels.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1283

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Tunnel Type MPLS MPLS Displays the type of the

tunnel that carries the PW.

Ingress Tunnel New New A tunnel needs to be

Use existing PWs created or selected. If no
tunnel is available,
creation of a PW will fail.

Egress Tunnel New New For a bidirectional tunnel,

Use existing resource the system will configure
the egress tunnel

Peer LSR ID - - Specifies the LSR ID of

the PW at the remote end.
If an existing tunnel is
selected, the LSR ID will
be automatically assigned.

Parameters of Advanced Attributes (PW)

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Control Word No Use No Use For ETH PWE3 services,

the parameter value is
always No Use.

Control Channel Type None Alert Label l Specifies the mode of

Alert Label PW connectivity
l None indicates that
VCCV is not used.
l Alert Label indicates
VCCV packets in
Alert Label
encapsulation mode.

VCCV Verification Ping Ping l Specifies the VCCV

Mode None verification mode. The
VCCV verification is
used for PW
connectivity check.
l If the VCCV-Ping test
is required, do not set
this parameter to

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1284

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Request VLAN - - l Set this parameter

when PW Type is
Ethernet Tagged
l If the received packets
do not carry any
VLAN IDs, the PW
will add VLAN IDs to
the packets as required
by the setting of this

QoS Parameters (PWs)

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Bandwidth Limit - - Specifies whether the

bandwidth limit function
is enabled.
l This function limits the
bandwidth of one or
more PWs in an MPLS
l An ETH PWE3 service
corresponds to a PW.
Therefore, this
function can also limit
the bandwidth of ETH
PWE3 services in an
MPLS tunnel.

Policy - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

CIR(Kbit/s) - - Specifies the committed

information rate (CIR) of
a PW.
It is recommended that
you set this parameter to
the same value as PIR.

CBS(byte) - - Specifies the committed

burst size (CBS) of a PW.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1285

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PIR(Kbit/s) - - Specifies the peak

information rate (PIR) of a
It is recommended that
you set this parameter to
the same value as CIR.

PBS(byte) - - Specifies the peak burst

size (PBS) of a PW.

EXP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

LSP Mode Pipe Pipe Pipe: When stripping

MPLS tunnel labels from
packets, an egress node
does not update the
scheduling priority for the

Protection Group Parameters (PW APS)


The parameters of the PW APS protection group need to be configured if the Protection Type of PWs is set to

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Type - - Specifies the protection


Protection Group ID - - Specifies the protection

group ID.

Enabling Status Disabled Enabled l Specifies the enabling

Enabled status of the PW
protection group.
l During the creation of
a protection group, set
Enabling Status to
Disabled. After the
APS protection group
is configured at both
ends, set Enabling
Status to Enabled.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1286

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Mode - - Displays the protection

The OptiX RTN 950
supports 1:1 protection

Switching Mode - - Displays the switching

mode to be used when a
PW fails.
The OptiX RTN 950
supports dual-ended

Revertive Non-revertive Revertive l This parameter

Revertive specifies whether to
switch services back to
the original working
PW after it recovers.
l The value Revertive
indicates that services
are switched to the
original working PW
and the value Non-
revertive indicates
that services are not
switched to the
original working PW.
l The value Revertive is

WTR Time(min) 1 to 12 1 l Specifies the WTR

time of the protection
l When the preset WTR
time expires after the
original working PW
recovers, services are
switched to the
original working PW.
l This parameter is
available only when
Restoration Mode is
l The default value is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1287

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Hold-off Time(100ms) 0 to 100 0 l Specifies the hold-off

time of the protection
l If this parameter is set
to a value other than 0,
the protection group
does not trigger
switching once it
detects faults, but waits
until the hold-off time
expires, and then
detects whether any
faults persist. If any
faults persist, the
switching is triggered;
otherwise, no
switching is triggered.
l The default value is

OAM Parameters

l The OAM parameters of the PW APS protection group need to be configured if the Protection Type of
PWs is set to PW APS.
l To configure PW OAM parameters, choose Configuration > MPLS Management > PW Management >
PW OAM Parameter from the Function Tree.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

OAM Status - - Displays the enabling

status of PW OAM.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1288

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Detection Mode Auto-Sensing Auto-Sensing l Specifies the detection

Manual mode of OAM packets.
l Manual: The
connectivity check
(CC) packets are sent
at the interval specified
by the user.
l Auto-Sensing: The
connectivity check
(CC) packets are sent
at the interval of
receiving PW OAM
l If Detection Mode is
set to Manual, you
need to set the PW
OAM detection
packets to be received
and transmitted.
l The value Auto-
Sensing is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1289

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Detection Packet Type CV CV l CV: The detection

FFD packets are sent at a
fixed interval.
l FFD: The detection
packets are sent at the
interval specified by
the user.
l If Detection Mode is
set to Auto-Sensing,
this parameter
specifies the PW OAM
detection packets to be
l If Detection Mode is
set to Manual, this
parameter specifies the
PW OAM detection
packets to be received
and transmitted.
l The value FFD is
assumed for PW APS
and the value CV is
assumed for
connectivity check on

Detection Packet Period 3.3 50 l Specifies the period of

(ms) 10 detection packets.
20 l This parameter is
configurable when
50 Detection Packet
100 Type is FFD and
200 assumes the fixed
value of 1000 when
Detection Packet
Type is CV.
l Set this parameter to
3.3 for PW APS.

LSR ID to be Received - - Specifies the LSR ID to be


PW ID to be Received - - Specifies the PW ID to be


Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1290

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Protection Group Parameters (Slave Protection Pair)


The parameters of the PW APS protection group need to be configured if the Protection Type of PWs is set to
Slave Protection Pair.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Mode - - Displays the protection


Protection Group ID - - Specifies the ID of the

slave protection pair. The
switching of the master
PW APS protection group
triggers the switching of
the slave PW APS
protection group

Parameters of QinQ Links

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

New Selected - If you select New, create a

Deselected QinQ link for carrying a
QinQ-based E-Line

Use existing resource Selected - If you select New, select a

Deselected QinQ link that has already
been created for carrying
a QinQ-based E-Line

Source - - l This parameter

displays the source end
of a QinQ-based E-
Line service.
l This parameter is valid
only if Direction is set

Sink - - This parameter displays

the sink end of a QinQ-
based E-Line service.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1291

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

QinQ Link ID 1-4294967295 - l This parameter

specifies the ID of a
QinQ link.
l This parameter is valid
only if you select
The OptiX RTN 950
supports 1024 QinQ links,
whose IDs must be different
from each other.

Board Port - - l This parameter

specifies the board and
port for carrying a
QinQ link.
l This parameter is valid
only if you select

S-Vlan ID 1-4094 - l This parameter

specifies the S-VLAN
ID for a QinQ link.
l Set this parameter
according to the
network planning
l This parameter is valid
only if you select

Related Tasks
A.7.3.2 Configuring UNI-UNI E-Line Services
A.7.3.3 Configuring NNI-NNI E-Line Services (Carried by QinQ Links)
A.7.3.4 Configuring UNI-NNI E-Line Services (Carried by QinQ Links)
A.7.3.5 Configuring UNI-NNI E-Line Services (Carried by PWs)

B.6.1.2 Parameter Description: E-Line Service

This topic describes the parameters that are related to E-Line services.

Navigation Path
Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-Line Service from the Function Tree.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1292

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Service ID 1 to 4294967294 - This parameter indicates

the ID of the E-Line

Service Name - - This parameter indicates

or specifies the name of
the E-Line service.

Source Node - - This parameter indicates

the source node.

Sink Node - - This parameter indicates

the sink node.

Service Tag Role - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this

MTU(byte) - - This parameter cannot be

queried here.

BPDU Not Transparently - This parameter indicates

Transmitted the transparent
Transparently transmission tag of the
Transmitted bridge protocol data unit
(BPDU) packets. This
parameter is used to
indicate whether the
Ethernet line
transparently transmits
the BPDU packets.

Parameters Associated with UNI Ports

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates

the UNI port.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1293

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VLANs 1 to 4094 - This parameter indicates

or specifies the VLAN ID
of the UNI port.
l This parameter can be
set to null, a number,
or several numbers.
When setting this
parameter to several
numbers, use the
comma (,) to separate
the discrete numbers,
or use the endash (-) to
represent a
consecutive number.
For example, the
numbers 1, and 3-6
indicate 1, 3, 4, 5, and
l This parameter is valid
only when Direction
is set to UNI-UNI or
UNI-NNI in the
process of creating an
E-Line service.
l If this parameter is set
to null, all the services
of the UNI work as the
service source or
service sink.
l If this parameter is not
set to null, only the
services of the UNI
port whose VLAN IDs
are included in the set
value of this parameter
work as the service
source or service sink.

NNI Parameters (PW)

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - This parameter displays

the PW ID.

Working Status - - This parameter displays

the working status of a

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1294

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Enable Status - - This parameter displays

whether a PW is enabled.

PW Signaling Type - - This parameter displays

the PW signaling type.
The OptiX RTN 950 uses
static PWs only.

PW Type - - This parameter displays

the configured PW type.

PW Direction - - This parameter displays

the direction of the PW.

PW Encapsulation Type - - This parameter displays

the PW encapsulation
The OptiX RTN 950 uses
MPLS only.

PW Ingress Label/ - - This parameter displays

Source Port the configured PW ingress

PW Egress Label/Sink - - This parameter displays

Port the configured PW egress

Tunnel Type MPLS MPLS This parameter displays

the type of the tunnel that
carries a PW.

Peer LSR ID - - This parameter displays

the opposite LSR ID.

Ingress Tunnel - - This parameter displays

the ingress tunnel.

Egress Tunnel - - This parameter displays

the egress tunnel.

Control Word - - For ETH PWE3 services,

the parameter value is
always No Use.

Control Channel Type - - This parameter displays

the control channel type.

VCCV Verification - - This parameter displays

Mode the VCCV mode.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1295

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Local Working Status - - Displays the working

status of the PW at the
local end.

Remote Working Status - - This parameter displays

the working status of the
PW at the remote end.

Compositive Working - - This parameter displays

Status the comprehensive
working status of the PW.

Request VLAN - - This parameter displays

the request VLAN.

Tunnel Automatic - - This parameter displays

Selection Policy the automatic tunnel
selection policy.

TPID - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support request

Parameters Associated with QinQ Links

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

QinQ Link ID 1 to 4294967295 - l This parameter

indicates the QinQ link
ID of the QinQ link
connected to the NNI
l This parameter is valid
only when Direction
is set to UNI-UNI or
UNI-NNI in the
process of creating an
E-Line service.

Port - - l This parameter

indicates the NNI port.
l This parameter is valid
only when Direction
is set to UNI-UNI or
UNI-NNI in the
process of creating an
E-Line service.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1296

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

S-VLAN ID - - l This parameter

indicates or specifies
the VLAN ID of the
NNI port.
l This parameter is valid
only when Direction
is set to UNI-NNI or
NNI-NNI in the
process of creating an
E-Line service.
l This parameter is
preset in QinQ Link.

QoS Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - This parameter displays

the PW ID.

Direction - - l This parameter

displays the direction
of the PW.
l Egress indicates the
egress direction of the
l Ingress indicates the
ingress direction of the

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1297

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Bandwidth Limit - - This parameter displays or

specifies whether the
bandwidth limit function
is enabled for a PW to
prevent network
l Regarding
transmission channels,
this function can be
used to limit the
bandwidth of one or
more PWs in an MPLS
service corresponds to
a PW. Therefore, this
function can also limit
the bandwidth of ETH
PWE3 services in an
MPLS tunnel.

Policy - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this

CIR (Kbit/s) - - This parameter displays or

specifies the committed
information rate (CIR) of
a PW.
It is recommended that
you set this parameter to
the same value as PIR.

CBS (kbyte) - - This parameter displays or

specifies the committed
burst size (CBS) of a PW.

PIR (kbit/s) - - This parameter displays or

specifies the peak
information rate (PIR) of
a PW.
It is recommended that
you set this parameter to
the same value as CIR.

PBS (kbyte) - - This parameter displays or

specifies the peak burst
size (PBS) of a PW.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1298

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

EXP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this

LSP Mode Pipe Pipe Pipe: When stripping

MPLS tunnel labels from
packets, an egress node
does not update the
scheduling priority for the

Parameters for the Port Attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the port


Enable Port - - l This parameter

indicates whether to
enable the port.
l This parameter is
preset in General
Attributes of
Ethernet Interface.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1299

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Encapsulation Type Null - l This parameter

802.1Q indicates the
encapsulation type of
QinQ the port.
l This parameter is valid
only when Direction
is set to UNI-UNI or
UNI-NNI in the
process of creating an
E-Line service.
l If this parameter is set
to Null, the port
transmits the received
l If this parameter is set
to 802.1Q, the port
identifies the packets
that comply with the
IEEE 802.1Q
l If this parameter is set
to QinQ, the port
identifies the packets
that comply with the
IEEE 802.1 QinQ
l This parameter is
preset in General
Attributes of
Ethernet Interface.

TAG Tag Aware - l This parameter

Access displays the tag of the
l This parameter is
preset in Layer 2
Attributes of
Ethernet Interface .

Protection Group Parameters (PW APS)


The following parameters are available only after the PW APS protection group is configured.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1300

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Group ID - - Displays the ID of the

protection group to be

Working PW ID - - Displays the ID of the

working PW.

Protection PW ID - - Displays the ID of the

protection PW.

Protection Mode - - Displays the protection


Enabling Status Enabled - l Displays or specifies

Disabled the enabling status of
the PW protection
l During the creation of
a protection group, set
Enabling Status to
Disabled. After the
APS protection group
is configured at both
ends, set Enabling
Status to Enabled.

Switchover Mode - - Displays the switching

mode to be used when a
PW fails.
The OptiX RTN 950
supporting dual-ended

Restoration Mode Non-revertive - l Specifies whether to

Revertive switch services to the
original working PW
after the fault is
l The value Revertive
indicates that services
are switched to the
original working PW
and the value Non-
revertive indicates
that services are not
switched to the
original working PW.
l The value Revertive is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1301

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

WTR Time(min) 1 to 12 - l Displays or specifies

the WTR time of the
protection group.
l When the preset WTR
time expires after the
original working PW
recovers, services are
switched to the
original working PW.
l This parameter is
available only when
Restoration Mode is

Hold-off Time(100ms) 0 to 100 - l Displays or specifies

the hold-off time of the
protection group.
l If this parameter is set
to a value other than 0,
the protection group
does not trigger
switching once it
detects faults, but waits
until the hold-off time
expires, and then
detects whether any
faults persist. If any
faults persist, the
switching is triggered;
otherwise, no
switching is triggered.

Switchover Status - - Displays the switchover

status of the protection

Protocol Status - - Displays the enabling

status of the protocol.

Working Path Status - - Displays the status of the

current working path.

Protection Path Status - - Display the status of the

current protection path.

Protection Group Parameters (Slave Protection Pair)


The following parameters are available only after the slave protection pair is configured.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1302

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Group ID - - Specifies the ID of the

slave protection pair. The
switching of the master
PW APS protection group
triggers the switching of
the slave PW APS
protection group

Working PW ID - - Displays the ID of the

working PW in the slave
protection pair.

Protection PW ID - - Displays the ID of the

protection PW in the slave
protection pair.

PW Type - - Displays the PW type.

B.6.1.3 Parameter Description: VLAN Forwarding Table Items for E-Line

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating VLAN forwarding table items.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-Line Service from the Function Tree.
2. Click the VLAN Forwarding Table Item tab.
3. Click New.

Parameters for VLAN Forwarding Table Item

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Source Interface Type V-UNI V-UNI This parameter specifies

the network attribute of
the source interface.

Source Interface - - This parameter specifies

the source interface.

Source VLAN ID 1 to 4094 - This parameter specifies

the VLAN ID of the
source service.

Sink Interface Type V-UNI V-UNI This parameter specifies

the network attribute of
the sink interface.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1303

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Sink Interface - - This parameter specifies

the sink interface.

Sink VLAN ID 1 to 4094 - This parameter specifies

the VLAN ID of the sink


l The VLAN ID of the UNI-UNI E-Line service can be converted after a VLAN forwarding table item is
created. In this case, a service from Source Interface to Sink Interface carries the VLAN ID specified in
Sink VLAN ID when the service is transmitted from Sink Interface.
l The VLAN ID in a VLAN forwarding table item is converted unidirectionally and can be converted from
Source VLAN ID to Sink VLAN ID only. The VLAN ID can be converted bidirectionally only when the
other VLAN forwarding table item is configured reversely.
l In normal cases, Ethernet services are bidirectional. Hence, you need to set bidirectional conversion of

Related Tasks
A.7.3.6 Creating a VLAN Forwarding Table for an E-Line Service

B.6.1.4 Parameter Description: E-LAN Service_Creation

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating an Ethernet local area network (E-
LAN) service.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-LAN Service from the Function Tree.
2. Click Create.

Parameters on the Main Interface (Configuring the Source and Sink Ports)
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Service ID 1 to 4294967294 - l This parameter

specifies the ID of the
E-LAN service.
l The OptiX RTN 950
supports simultaneous
creation of an E-LAN
service only.

Service Name - - This parameter specifies

the name of the E-LAN

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1304

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

BPDU - - l This parameter

indicates the
transmission tag of the
BPDU packets.
l In the case of an E-
LAN service, this
parameter supports
only Not
Transmitted and
cannot be set
l Not Transparently
indicates that the
BPDU packets are
used as the protocol
packets to compute the
spanning tree topology
of the network.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1305

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Tag Type C-Awared C-Awared l C-Awared indicates

S-Awared that the packets are
learnt according to C-
Tag-Transparent Tag (the VLAN tag on
the client-side). To
create the 802.1q
bridge, set this
parameter to C-
l S-Awared indicates
that the packets are
learnt according to S-
Tag (the VLAN tag at
the carrier service
layer). To create the
802.1ad bridge, set this
parameter to S-
l Tag-Transparent
indicates that the
packets are
transmitted. To create
the 802.1d bridge, set
this parameter to Tag-
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1306

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Self-Learning MAC Enabled Enabled l This parameter

Address Disabled specifies whether to
enable the MAC
address self-learning
l If the MAC self-
learning function of an
Ethernet LAN is
enabled, the Ethernet
LAN learns an MAC
address according to
the original MAC
address in the packet
and automatically
refreshes the MAC
address forwarding
l If the MAC self-
learning function of an
Ethernet LAN is
disabled, a static MAC
address forwarding
table is recommended
to be configured.

MAC Address Learning IVL - l This parameter

Mode SVL indicates the mode
used to learn an MAC
l When the bridge uses
the SVL mode, all the
VLANs share one
MAC address table. If
the bridge uses the IVL
mode, each VLAN has
an MAC address table.

Port - - This parameter displays

the port name.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1307

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Type - - This parameter displays

the port type.
l When the parameter
value is UNI, the port
connected to the
bridge is a UNI port.
That is, this port
functions as the UNI
port connected to the
IEEE 802.1d bridge or
IEEE 802.1q bridge.
l When the parameter
value is NNI, the port
connected to the
bridge is an NNI port.
That is, this port
functions as the NNI
port connected to the
IEEE 802.1ad bridge.
l When the parameter
value is UNI (PORT
+S-VLAN), a specific
S-VLAN ID is added
to all the traffic flows
that are received by the
UNI port connected to
the IEEE 802.1ad
l When the parameter
value is UNI (PORT
VLAN), a specific S-
VLAN ID is added to
all the traffic flows that
are received by the
UNI port connected to
the IEEE 802.1ad
bridge and contain the
specific C-VLAN ID.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1308

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VLAN 1 to 4094 - l This parameter is valid

only when Tag Type
is set to C-Awared
and Tag is set to
Access or Hybrid.
l When the parameter
value is null, it
indicates that the entire
physical port is
connected to the
l You need to set this
parameter according
to the planning

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1309

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

C-VLAN 1 to 4094 - l This parameter is valid

only when Tag Type
is set to S-Awared.
l This parameter
specifies the VLAN ID
of the UNI port.
l You may set this
parameter to null, a
number, or several
numbers. When you
set this parameter to
several numbers, use
"," to separate these
discrete values and use
"-" to indicate
continuous numbers.
For example, "1, 3-6"
indicates numbers 1, 3,
4, 5, and 6.
l When the parameter
value is null, the E-
LAN service
exclusively occupies
the corresponding
UNI port; that is, the
entire physical UNI
port is connected to the
l When the parameter
value is not null, a
specific S-VLAN ID is
added to only the
traffic flows that are
received by the UNI
port and contain this

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1310

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

S-VLAN 1 to 4094 - l This parameter is valid

only when Tag Type
is set to S-Awared.
l This parameter
specifies the S-VLAN
ID that needs to be
added to traffic flows
received by the UNI
port or the S-VLAN ID
that the NNI port can
l You need to set this
parameter according
to the planning

Enable Port - - l This parameter

displays whether the
port is enabled.
l Ethernet services can
be received,
processed, and
forwarded normally
only if Enable Port is
set to Enabled.
l Enable Port is already
set in Ethernet

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1311

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation l The Ethernet ports of

10M Half-Duplex different types support
different working
10M Full-Duplex modes.
100M Half-Duplex l When the equipment
100M Full-Duplex on the opposite side
1000M Full-Duplex works in auto-
negotiation mode, set
the working mode of
the equipment on the
local side to Auto-
l When the equipment
on the opposite side
works in full-duplex
mode, set the working
mode of the equipment
on the local side to
10M Full-Duplex,
100M Full-Duplex, or
1000M Full-Duplex
depending on the port
rate of the equipment
on the opposite side.
l When the equipment
on the opposite side
works in half-duplex
mode, set the working
mode of the equipment
on the local side to
10M Half-Duplex,
100M Half-Duplex,
or Auto-Negotiation
depending on the port
rate of the equipment
on the opposite side.
l The GE optical
interface supports the
1000M full-duplex
mode only.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1312

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Encapsulation Type Null - l This parameter

802.1Q specifies the method of
the port to process the
QinQ received packets.
l If you set this
parameter to Null, the
port transparently
transmits the received
l If you set this
parameter to 802.1Q,
the port identifies the
packets that comply
with the IEEE 802.1q
l If you set this
parameter to QinQ,
the port identifies the
packets that comply
with the IEEE 802.1ad
QinQ standard.

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware l If all the accessed

Access services are frames
with the VLAN tag
Hybrid (tagged frames), this
parameter is set to Tag
l If all the accessed
services are frames
without the VLAN tag
(untagged frames),
this parameter is set to
l If the accessed
services contain
tagged frames and
untagged frames, this
parameter is set to

Default VLAN 1 to 4094 1 l Default VLAN ID is

valid only when TAG
is set to Access or
l Default VLAN ID is
set according to the
actual situations.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1313

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters on the Main Interface (Setting Service Parameters)

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Split Horizon Group Selected Deselected This parameter specifies

Deselected whether to create a split
horizon group.

Split Horizon Group ID - - l This parameter

displays the ID of the
split horizon group.
l The ID of the split
horizon group is 1 by
default and cannot be
specified manually.

Split Horizon Group - - l A split horizon group

Member member indicates the
logical port member in
the split horizon
l The port members that
are added to the same
split horizon group
cannot communicate
with each other.
l The OptiX RTN 950
supports only the
division of the split
horizon group
members according to
the Ethernet physical
l If a UNI or NNI logical
port of the 802.1ad
bridge is added to a
split horizon group
member, the physical
port that is mounted
with the logical port is
automatically added to
the split horizon group

Related Tasks
A.7.3.8 Configuring IEEE 802.1d Bridge-Based E-LAN Services
A.7.3.9 Configuring IEEE 802.1q Bridge-Based E-LAN Services
A.7.3.10 Configuring IEEE 802.1ad Bridge-Based E-LAN Services

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1314

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

B.6.1.5 Parameter Description: E-LAN Service

This topic describes the parameters that are related to E-LAN services.

Navigation Path
Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-LAN Service from the Function Tree.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Service ID 1 to 4294967294 - l This parameter

indicates the ID of the
E-LAN service.
l The supports
simultaneous creation
of an E-LAN service

Service Name - - This parameter specifies

the name of the E-LAN

BPDU - - l This parameter

indicates the
transmission tag of the
BPDU packets.
l In the case of an E-
LAN service, this
parameter supports
only Not
Transmitted and
cannot be set
l Not Transparently
indicates that the
BPDU packets are
used as the protocol
packets to compute the
spanning tree topology
of the network.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1315

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Tag Type C-Awared C-Awared l C-Awared indicates

S-Awared that the packets are
learnt according to C-
Tag-Transparent Tag (the VLAN tag on
the client-side). To
create the 802.1q
bridge, set this
parameter to C-
l S-Awared indicates
that the packets are
learnt according to S-
Tag (the VLAN tag at
the carrier service
layer). To create the
802.1ad bridge, set this
parameter to S-
l Tag-Transparent
indicates that the
packets are
transmitted. To create
the 802.1d bridge, set
this parameter to Tag-

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1316

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Self-Learning MAC Enabled Enabled l This parameter

Address indicates whether to
enable the MAC
address self-learning
l If the MAC self-
learning function of an
Ethernet LAN is
enabled, the Ethernet
LAN learns an MAC
address according to
the original MAC
address in the packet
and automatically
refreshes the MAC
address forwarding
l If the MAC self-
learning function of an
Ethernet LAN is
disabled, a static MAC
address forwarding
table is recommended
to be configured.

MAC Address Learning - - l This parameter

Mode indicates the mode
used to learn an MAC
l When the bridge uses
the SVL mode, all the
VLANs share one
MAC address table. If
the bridge uses the IVL
mode, each VLAN has
an MAC address table.

Port Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates

the port name.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1317

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Type - - This parameter displays

the port type.
l When the parameter
value is UNI, the port
connected to the
bridge is a UNI port.
That is, this port
functions as the UNI
port connected to the
IEEE 802.1d bridge or
IEEE 802.1q bridge.
l If the parameter value
is NNI, the port
connected to the
bridge is an NNI port.
That is, this port
functions as the NNI
port connected to the
IEEE 802.1ad bridge.
l If the parameter value
VLAN), a specified S-
VLAN ID is added to
all the traffic flows
received by the UNI
port connected to the
IEEE 802.1ad bridge.
l If the parameter value
specific S-VLAN ID is
added to all the traffic
flows that are received
by the UNI port
connected to the IEEE
802.1ad bridge and
contain the specific C-

VLAN - - This parameter displays

the VLAN ID.

C-VLAN - - This parameter displays

the C-VLAN ID.

S-VLAN - - This parameter displays

the S-VLAN ID.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1318

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Enable Port - - l This parameter

displays whether the
port is enabled.
l Ethernet services can
be received,
processed, and
forwarded normally
only if Enable Port is
set to Enabled.
l Enable Port is already
set in Ethernet

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1319

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation l The Ethernet ports of

10M Half-Duplex different types support
different working
10M Full-Duplex modes.
100M Half-Duplex l When the equipment
100M Full-Duplex on the opposite side
1000M Full-Duplex works in auto-
negotiation mode, set
the working mode of
the equipment on the
local side to Auto-
l When the equipment
on the opposite side
works in full-duplex
mode, set the working
mode of the equipment
on the local side to
10M Full-Duplex,
100M Full-Duplex, or
1000M Full-Duplex
depending on the port
rate of the equipment
on the opposite side.
l When the equipment
on the opposite side
works in half-duplex
mode, set the working
mode of the equipment
on the local side to
10M Half-Duplex,
100M Half-Duplex,
or Auto-Negotiation
depending on the port
rate of the equipment
on the opposite side.
l The GE optical
interface supports the
1000M full-duplex
mode only.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1320

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Encapsulation Type Null - l This parameter

802.1Q specifies the method of
the port to process the
QinQ received packets.
l If you set this
parameter to Null, the
port transparently
transmits the received
l If you set this
parameter to 802.1Q,
the port identifies the
packets that comply
with the IEEE 802.1q
l If you set this
parameter to QinQ,
the port identifies the
packets that comply
with the IEEE 802.1ad
QinQ standard.

Tag Tag Aware Tag Aware l If all the accessed

Access services are frames
with the VLAN tag
Hybrid (tagged frames), set
this parameter to "Tag
l If all the accessed
services are frames
without the VLAN tag
(untagged frames), set
this parameter to
l If the accessed
services contain
tagged frames and
untagged frames, set
this parameter to

Default VLAN ID 1 to 4094 1 l Default VLAN ID is

valid only when Tag is
set to Access or
l Default VLAN ID is
set according to the
actual situations.

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Parameters for Static MAC Addresses

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VLAN ID - - l This parameter is

invalid if MAC
Address Learning
Mode is SVL. That is,
the preset static MAC
address entries are
valid for all VLANs.
l If MAC Address
Learning Mode is set
to IVL, the preset
static MAC address
entries are valid for
only the VLANs
whose VLAN ID is
equal to the preset
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

MAC Address - - l This parameter

indicates or specifies
the static MAC
l A static MAC address
is an address that is set
manually. It is not
aged automatically
and needs to be deleted
l Generally, a static
MAC address is used
for the port that
receives but does not
forward Ethernet
service packets or the
port whose MAC
address need not be
aged automatically.

Egress Interface - - l This parameter

specifies the Ethernet
port that corresponds
to the MAC address.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

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Parameters for Self-Learning MAC Address

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VLAN ID - - l This parameter is

invalid if MAC
Address Learning
Mode is SVL. That is,
the preset self-learning
MAC address entries
are valid for all
l If MAC Address
Learning Mode is set
to IVL, the preset self-
learning MAC address
entries are valid for
only the VLANs
whose VLAN ID is
equal to the preset
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

MAC Address - - l This parameter

indicates or specifies
the self-learning MAC
address. A self-
learning MAC address
is also called a
dynamic MAC
l A self-learning MAC
address is an entry
obtained by a bridge in
SVL or IVL learning
mode. A self-learning
MAC address can be

Egress Interface - - l This parameter

specifies the Ethernet
port that corresponds
to the MAC address.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters Associated with MAC Address Learning

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Aging Ability Enabled Enabled The OptiX RTN 950

Disabled supports enabling/
disabling of the aging
Aging Time(min) 1 to 640 5 function and aging time
for the MAC address
If one routing entry is not
updated in a certain
period, that is, if no new
packet from this MAC
address is received to
enable the re-learning of
this MAC address, this
routing entry is
automatically deleted.
This mechanism is called
aging, and this period is
called aging time. The
aging time of a MAC
address table is 5 minutes
by default.

Parameters for Disabled MAC Addresses

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VLAN ID - - This parameter indicates

or specifies the VLAN ID
of the service. A disabled
MAC address is valid for
the VLAN whose VLAN
ID is equal to the preset

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

MAC Address - - l This parameter

specifies or indicates
the disabled MAC
address. A disabled
MAC address is also
called a blacklisted
MAC address.
l This parameter is used
for discarding an
entry, also called a
black hole entry,
whose data frame that
contains a specific
destination MAC
address. A disabled
MAC address needs to
be set manually and
cannot be aged.

Parameters for the Split Horizon Group

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Split Horizon Group ID - 1 l This parameter

indicates the ID of the
split horizon group.
l The default split
horizon group ID is 1
and cannot be set

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Split Horizon Group - - l A split horizon group

Member member indicates the
logical port member in
the split horizon
l The port members that
are added to different
split horizon groups
cannot communicate
with each other.
l The supports only the
division of the split
horizon group
members according to
the Ethernet physical
l If a UNI or NNI logical
port of the 802.1ad
bridge is added to a
split horizon group
member, the physical
port that is mounted
with the logical port is
automatically added to
the split horizon group

Parameters for Unknown Frame Processing

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Frame Type Unicast - This parameter indicates

Multicast the type of the received
unknown frame.

Handing Mode Discard Broadcast Selects the method of

Broadcast processing the unknown
frame. If this parameter is
set to Discard, the
unknown frame is directly
discarded. If this
parameter is set to
Broadcast, the unknown
frame is broadcast at the
forwarding port.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Related Tasks
A.7.4.1 Creating a Static MAC Address Entry
A.7.4.2 Creating a Blacklist Entry of MAC Addresses
A.7.4.3 Configuring the Aging Parameters of a MAC Address Table
A.7.4.4 Querying or Deleting a Dynamic MAC Address
A.7.5 Setting the Mode for Processing an Unknown Frame of the E-LAN Service

B.6.1.6 Parameter Description: QinQ Link_Creation

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating a QinQ link.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > QinQ Link from the Function Tree.
2. Click New.

Parameters for the General Attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

QinQ Link ID 1 to 4294967295 - This parameter specifies

the ID of the QinQ link.
The OptiX RTN 950
supports 1024 QinQ links,
whose IDs must be different
from each other.

Board - - This parameter specifies

the board where the QinQ
link is located.

Port - - This parameter specifies

the port where the QinQ
link is located.

S-Vlan ID 1 to 4094 - l This parameter

specifies the VLAN ID
(at the network
operator side) for the
QinQ link.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Related Tasks
A.7.3.1 Configuring the QinQ Link

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

B.6.2 Parameters for Ethernet Protocols

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the Ethernet protocol.

B.6.2.1 Parameter Description: ERPS Management_Creation

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating ERPS management tasks.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protection > ERPS Management.
2. Click New.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

ERPS ID 1 to 8 - l This parameter

specifies the ID of the
Ethernet ring
protection switching
(ERPS) instance.
l The IDs of ERPS
instances on an NE
must be different from
each other.

East Port - - This parameter specifies

the east port of the ERPS

West Port - - This parameter specifies

the west port of the ERPS

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1328

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

RPL Owner Ring Node Yes No l This parameter

Flag No specifies whether the
node on the ring is the
ring protection link
(RPL) owner.
l Only one node on the
ring can be set as the
RPL owner for each
Ethernet ring.
l An RPL owner needs
to balance the traffic
on each link of an
Ethernet ring.
Therefore, it is not
recommended that you
select a convergence
node as an RPL owner.
Instead, select the NE
that is farthest away
from the convergence
node as an RPL owner.

RPL Port - - l This parameter

specifies the RPL port.
l There is only one RPL
port and this RPL port
must be the east or
west port on the RPL
owner node.
l It is recommended that
you set the east port on
an RPL owner as an
RPL Port.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1329

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Control VLAN 1 to 4094 - l This parameter

specifies the VLAN ID
of Control VLAN.
l Each node on the
Ethernet ring transmits
the R-APS packets on
the dedicated ring APS
(R-APS) channel to
ensure consistency
between the nodes
when the ERPS
switching is
performed. Control
VLAN is used for
isolating the dedicated
R-APS channel.
Therefore, the VLAN
ID in Control VLAN
cannot be duplicate
with the VLAN IDs
that are contained in
the service packets.
l The ID of a Control
VLAN must not be the
same as any VLAN ID
used by Ethernet
services. All ring
nodes should use the
same Control VLAN

Destination Node 01-19-A7-00-00-01 01-19-A7-00-00-01 This parameter indicates

the MAC address of the
destination node. The
default destination MAC
address in the R-APS
packets is always 01-19-

Related Tasks
A.7.1.1 Creating Ethernet Ring Protection Instances

B.6.2.2 Parameter Description: ERPS Management

This topic describes the parameters that are used for Ethernet ring protection switching (ERPS)

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1330

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protection > ERPS Management from the Function Tree.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

ERPS ID 1 to 8 - This parameter indicates

the ID of the ERPS

East Port - - This parameter indicates

the east port of the ERPS

West Port - - This parameter indicates

the west port of the ERPS

RPL Owner Ring Node Yes - This parameter indicates

Flag No whether a node on the ring
is the ring protection link
(RPL) owner.

RPL Port - - This parameter indicates

the RPL port.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1331

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Control VLAN 1 to 4094 - l This parameter

indicates or specifies
the VLAN ID of
Control VLAN.
l Each node on the
Ethernet ring transmits
the R-APS packets on
the dedicated ring APS
(R-APS) channel to
ensure consistency
between the nodes
when the ERPS
switching is
performed. Control
VLAN is used for
isolating the dedicated
R-APS channel.
Therefore, the VLAN
ID in Control VLAN
cannot be duplicate
with the VLAN IDs
that are contained in
the service packets or
inband DCN packets.
l The Control VLAN
must be set to the same
value for all the NEs
on an ERPS ring.

Destination Node 01-19-A7-00-00-01 - This parameter indicates

the MAC address of the
destination node. The
default destination MAC
address in the R-APS
packets is always 01-19-

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1332

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Hold-Off Time(ms) 0 to 10000, in step of 100 0 l This parameter

indicates or specifies
the hold-off time of the
ERPS hold-off timer.
l The hold-off timer is
used for negotiating
the protection
switching sequence
when the ERPS
coexists with other
protection schemes so
that the fault can be
rectified in the case of
other protection
switching (such as
LAG protection)
before the ERPS
occurs. When a node
on the ring detects one
or more new faults, it
starts up the hold-off
timer if the preset
hold-off time is set to a
value that is not 0.
During the hold-off
time, the fault is not
reported to trigger an
ERPS. When the hold-
off timer times out, the
node checks the link
status regardless
whether the fault that
triggers the startup of
the timer exists. If the
fault exists, the node
reports it to trigger an
ERPS. This fault can
be the same as or
different from the fault
that triggers the initial
startup of the hold-off

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1333

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Guard Time(ms) 10 to 2000, in step of 10 500 l This parameter

indicates or specifies
the guard time of the
ERPS guard timer.
l The nodes on the ring
continuously forward
the R-APS packets to
the Ethernet ring. As a
result, the outdated R-
APS packets may exist
on the ring network.
After a node on the
ring receives the
outdated R-APS
packets, an incorrect
ERPS may occur. The
ERPS guard timer is an
R-APS timer used for
preventing a node on
the ring from receiving
outdated R-APS
packets. When a faulty
node on the ring
detects that the
switching condition is
cleared, the node starts
up the guard timer and
starts to forward the R-
APS (NR) packets.
During this period, the
R-APS packets
received by the node
are discarded. The
received R-APS
packets are forwarded
only after the time of
the guard timer

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1334

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

WTR Time(mm:ss) 5 to 12, in step of 1 5 l This parameter

indicates or specifies
the WTR time of the
WRT timer in the case
of ERPS protection.
l The WTR time refers
to the duration from
the time when the
working channel is
restored to the time
when the switching is
released. When the
working channel is
restored, the WTR
timer of the RPL
owner starts up. In
addition, a signal that
indicates the operation
of the WTR timer is
continuously output in
the timing process.
When the WTR timer
times out and no
switching request of a
higher priority is
received, the signal
indicating the
operation of the WTR
timer is not
transmitted. In
addition, the WTR
release signal is
continuously output.
l The WTR timer is used
to prevent frequent
switching caused by
the unstable working

Packet Transmit 1 to 10 5 This parameter displays or

Interval(s) specifies the interval for
sending R-APS packets

Entity Level 0 to 7 4 This parameter indicates

or specifies the level of the
maintenance entity.

Last Switching Request - - This parameter indicates

the last switching request.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1335

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

RB Status - - This parameter indicates

the RB (RPL Blocked)
status of the packets
received by the working
l noRB: The RPL is not
l RB: The RPL is

DNF Status - - This parameter indicates

the DNF status of the
packets received by the
working node.
l noDNF: The R-APS
packets do not contain
the DNF flag. In this
case, the packets are
forwarded by the node
that detects the fault on
a non-RPL link, and
the node that receives
the packets is
requested to clear the
forwarding address
l DNF: The R-APS
packets contain the
DNF flags. In this
case, the packets are
forwarded by the node
that detects the fault on
an RPL link, and the
node that receives the
packets is informed
not to clear the
forwarding address

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

State Machine Status - - This parameter indicates

the status of the state
machine at the working
l Idle: The Ethernet ring
is in normal state. For
example, no node on
the Ethernet ring
detects any faults or
receives the R_APS
(NR, RB) packets.
l Protection: The
Ethernet ring is in
protected state. For
example, a fault on the
node triggers the
ERPS, or a node on the
ring is in the WTR
period after the fault is

Node Carried with - - This parameter indicates

Current Packet the MAC address carried
in the R-APS packets
received by the current
node. The MAC address
refers to the MAC address
of the source node that
initiates the switching

East Port Status - - Displays the status of the

east port.

West Port Status - - Displays the status of the

west port.

Related Tasks
A.7.1.2 Setting the Parameters of Ethernet Ring Protocol
A.7.1.3 Querying the Status of the Ethernet Ring Protocol

B.6.2.3 Parameter Description: MSTP Configuration_Port Group Creation

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating MSTP port groups.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1337

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protocol Configuration > MSTP Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Port Group Parameters tab.
3. Click Create.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protocol Type MSTP MSTP This parameter specifies

STP the protocol type.
l MSTP: stands for
Multiple Spanning
Tree Protocol. The
OptiX RTN 950
supports the CIST
MSTP only.
l STP: stands for
Spanning Tree

Enable Protocol Enabled Disabled l This parameter

Disabled specifies whether to
enable the protocol of
the port group or a
member port in the
port group.
l If the STP or MSTP is
enabled, the spanning
tree topology is
automatically re-
configured. As a
result, the services are

Parameters for Application Ports

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - This parameter specifies

the board where the
member of port group is

Available Port List - - This parameter indicates

the available port list in
which a port can be added
to the port group.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Selected Port List - - This parameter indicates

the selected ports that can
be added to the port group.

Related Tasks
A.7.6.1 Creating the MSTP Port Group

B.6.2.4 Parameter Description: MSTP Configuration_Port Group Configuration

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating MSTP port groups.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protocol Configuration > MSTP Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Port Group Parameters tab.
3. On the main interface, select the port group to be configured.
4. Click Config. The Config Port Group dialog box is displayed.

Parameters for the Added Port

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - This parameter specifies

the board where the
member of port group is

Available Port List - - This parameter indicates

the available port list in
which a port needs to be
added to the port group.

Selected Port List - - This parameter indicates

the selected ports that
need to be added to the
port group.

Related Tasks
A.7.6.7 Modifying the Configuration Data of the MSTP Port Group

B.6.2.5 Parameter Description: MSTP Configuration_ Bridge Parameters

This topic describes the parameters that are related to MSTP bridges.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protocol Configuration > MSTP Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Bridge Parameters tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Group ID - - l This parameter

indicates the ID of the
port group.
l This parameter can be
set to only the port
group ID that is

MST Domain Name - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this

Redaction Level - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this

Mapping List - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this

Bridge Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Group ID - - l This parameter

indicates the ID of the
port group.
l This parameter can be
set to only the port
Group ID that is

MST Domain Max Hop - 20 Specifies the maximum

Count hop count of the MSTP.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Network Diameter 2 to 7 7 l This parameter

specifies the MSTP
network diameter.
l Network Diameter is
related to the link
whose number of
switches is the most
and is indicated by the
number of switches
that are connected to
the link. When you set
Network Diameter
for the switches, the
MSTP automatically
sets Max Age(s),
Hello Time(s), and
Forward Delay(s) to
the more appropriate
values for the
l If the value of
Network Diameter is
greater, the network is
in a larger scale.

Hello Time(s) 1 to 10 2 l This parameter

specifies the interval
for transmitting the
CBPDU packets
through the bridge.
l The greater the value
of this parameter, the
less the network
resources that are
occupied by the
spanning tree. The
topology stability,
however, decreases.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Max Age(s) 6 to 40 20 l This parameter

specifies the
maximum age of the
CBPDU packet that is
recorded by the port.
l The greater the value,
the longer the
transmission distance
of the CBPDU, which
indicates that the
network diameter is
greater. When the
value of this parameter
is greater, it is less
possible that the bridge
detects the link fault in
a timely manner and
thus the network
adaptation ability is

Forward Delay(s) 4 to 30 15 l This parameter

specifies the holdoff
time of a port in the
listening state and in
the learning state.
l The greater the value,
the longer the delay of
the network state
change. Hence, the
topology changes are
slower and the
recovery in the case of
faults is slower.

Port Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates

the port in the port group.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1342

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Enable Edge Attribute Disabled Disabled l This parameter

Enabled specifies the
management edge
attributes of the port.
l This parameter
specifies whether to
set the port as an edge
port. The edge port
refers to the bridge
port that is connected
to the LAN. In normal
cases, this port does
not receive or transmit
BPDU messages.
l This parameter can be
set to Enabled only
when the port is
directly connected to
the data
terminal equipment,
such as a computer. In
other cases, it is
recommended that you
use the default value.

Actual Edge Attribute - - This parameter indicates

the actual management
edge attributes of the port.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1343

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Point-to-Point Attribute false auto l This parameter

true specifies the point-to-
point attribute of the
auto port.
l false: forced non-
point-to-point link
l true: forced point-to-
point link attribute
l auto: automatically
detected point-to-
point link attribute
l If this parameter is set
to auto, the bridge
determines Actual
Attribute of the port
according to the actual
working mode. If the
actual working mode
is full-duplex, the
actual point-to-point
attribute is true. If the
actual working mode
is half-duplex, Actual
Attribute is false.
l Only the designated
port whose Actual
Attribute is "True"
can transmit the rapid
state migration request
and response.
l It is recommended that
you use the default

Actual Point-to-Point - - This parameter indicates

Attribute the actual point-to-point
attribute of the port.

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Max Transmit Packet 1 to 255 3 l This parameter

Count specifies the
maximum number of
packets to be
l The maximum number
of packets to be
transmitted by the port
refers to the maximum
number of MSTP
packets that the port
can transmit within 1s.
l This parameter needs
to be set according to
the planning

Related Tasks
A.7.6.2 Setting the Bridge Parameters of the MSTP

B.6.2.6 Parameter Description: MSTP Configuration_CIST Parameters

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the MSTP CIST.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protocol Configuration > MSTP Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the CIST&MSTI Parameters tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Group - - This parameter specifies

the port group.

MSTI ID 0 0 This parameter indicates

the MSTI ID. The value 0
indicates common and
internal spanning tree
(CIST). The OptiX RTN
950 supports only the
MSTP that uses CIST.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1345

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Bridge Priority 0 to 61440, in step of 4096 32768 l The most significant

16 bits of the bridge ID
indicate the priority of
the bridge.
l When the value is
smaller, the priority is
higher. As a result, the
bridge is more possible
to be selected as the
root bridge.
l If the priorities of all
the bridges in the STP/
MSTP network use the
same value, the bridge
whose MAC address is
the smallest is selected
as the root bridge.

Port Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates

the port in the port group.

Priority 0 to 240, in step of 16 128 l The most significant

eight bits of the port ID
indicate the port
l When the value is
smaller, the priority is

Path Cost 1 to 200000000 200000 l This parameter

indicates the status of
the network that the
port is connected to.
l In the case of the
bridges on both ends of
the path, set this
parameter to the same

Related Tasks
A.7.6.3 Setting the Parameters of the CIST

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1346

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

B.6.2.7 Parameter Description: MSTP Configuration_Running Information About

the CIST
This topic describes the parameters that are related to the running information about the MSTP

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Protocol Configuration > MSTP Configuration from the Function Tree.
2. Click the CIST Running Information tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Group ID - - This parameter indicates

the ID of the port group.

Protocol Running Mode MSTP - l This parameter

STP indicates the running
mode of the protocol.
l MSTP: stands for
Multiple Spanning
Tree Protocol. The
OptiX RTN 950
supports only the
CIST-based MSTP.
l STP: stands for
Spanning Tree

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1347

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Bridge Priority 0 to 61440, in step of 4096 32768 l This parameter

indicates the priority
of the bridge.
l The most significant
16 bits of the bridge ID
indicate the priority of
the bridge.
l When the value is
smaller, the priority is
higher. As a result, the
bridge is more possible
to be selected as the
root bridge.
l If the priorities of all
the bridges in the STP
network use the same
value, the bridge
whose MAC address is
the smallest is selected
as the root bridge.

Bridge MAC Address - - This parameter indicates

the MAC address of the

Root Bridge Priority 0 to 61440, in step of 4096 32768 This parameter indicates
the priority of the root

Root Bridge MAC - - This parameter indicates

Address the MAC address of the
root bridge.

External Path Cost - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

ERPC not support this

Domain Root Bridge - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

Priority not support this

Domain Root Bridge - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

MAC Address not support this

Internal Path Cost IRPC - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1348

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Root Port Priority 0 to 240, in step of 16 128 l This parameter

indicates the priority
of the root port.
l The most significant
eight bits of the ID of
the root port indicate
the priority of the root
l When the value is
smaller, the priority is

Root Port - - This parameter indicates

the root port.

Hello Time(s) - 2 l This parameter

indicates the interval
for transmitting
CBPDU packets
through the bridge.
l The greater the value
of this parameter, the
less the network
resources that are
occupied by the
spanning tree. The
topology stability,
however, decreases.

Max Age(s) 6 to 40 20 l This parameter

specifies the
maximum age of the
CBPDU packet that is
recorded by the port.
l The greater the value,
the longer the
transmission distance
of the CBPDU, which
indicates that the
network diameter is
greater. When the
value of this parameter
is greater, it is less
possible that the bridge
detects the link fault in
a timely manner and
thus the network
adaptation ability is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1349

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Forward Delay(s) 4 to 30 15 l This parameter

specifies the holdoff
time of a port in the
listening state and in
the learning state.
l The greater the value,
the longer the delay of
the network state
change. Hence, the
topology changes are
slower and the
recovery in the case of
faults is slower.

MST Domain Max Hop - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

Count not support this

Topology Change Count - - This parameter indicates

the identifier of the
topology change.

Last Topology Change - - This parameter indicates

Time(s) the duration of the last
topology change.

Topology Change Count - - This parameter indicates

the count of the topology

Port Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates

the port in the port group.

Enable Protocol Enabled Disabled This parameter indicates

Disabled whether the protocol of
the port group or a
member of the port group
is enabled.

Port Role - Disabled This parameter indicates

the role of a port.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1350

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Status Discarding Discarding This parameter indicates

Learning the state of a port.
Forwarding l Discarding: receives
only BPDU packets
l Learning: only
receives or transmits
BPDU packets
l Forwarding: forwards
user traffic, and
BPDU packets

Priority 0 to 240, in step of 16 128 l The most significant

eight bits of the port ID
indicate the port
l When the value is
smaller, the priority is

Path Cost 1 to 200000000 200000 l This parameter

indicates the status of
the network that the
port is connected to.
l In the case of the
bridges on both ends of
the path, set this
parameter to the same

Bridge Priority 0 to 61440, in step of 4096 32768 l The most significant

16 bits of the bridge ID
indicate the priority of
the bridge.
l When the value is
smaller, the priority is
higher. As a result, the
bridge is more possible
to be selected as the
root bridge.
l If the priorities of all
the bridges in the STP
network use the same
value, the bridge
whose MAC address is
the smallest is selected
as the root bridge.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1351

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Bridge MAC Address - - This parameter indicates

the MAC address of the

Designated Port Priority 0 to 240, in step of 16 0 l The most significant

eight bits of the port ID
indicate the port
l When the value is
smaller, the priority is

Design Port - 0 This parameter indicates

the designated port.

Edge Port Attribute Disabled Disabled l This parameter

Enabled specifies the
management edge
attributes of the port.
l This parameter
specifies whether to
set the port as an edge
port. The edge port
refers to the bridge
port that is connected
to the LAN. In normal
cases, this port does
not receive or transmit
BPDU messages.
l This parameter can be
set to Enabled only
when the port is
directly connected to
the data
terminal equipment,
such as a computer. In
other cases, it is
recommended that you
use the default value.

Actual Edge Port - Disabled This parameter indicates

Attribute the actual management
edge attributes of the port.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1352

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Point to Point false auto l This parameter

true specifies the point-to-
point attribute of the
auto port.
l false: forced non-
point-to-point link
l true: forced point-to-
point link attribute
l auto: automatically
detected point-to-
point link attribute
l If this parameter is set
to auto, the bridge
determines Actual
Point to Point
Attribute of the port
according to the actual
working mode. If the
actual working mode
is full-duplex, the
actual point-to-point
attribute is true. If the
actual working mode
is half-duplex, Actual
Point to Point
Attribute is false.
l Only the designated
port whose Actual
Attribute is "True"
can transmit the rapid
state migration request
and response.
l It is recommended that
you use the default

Actual Point to Point - - This parameter indicates

the actual point-to-point
attribute of the port.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1353

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Max Count of 1 to 255 3 l This parameter

Transmitting Message indicates the
maximum number of
packets to be
l The maximum number
of packets to be
transmitted by the port
refers to the maximum
number of MSTP
packets that the port
can transmit within 1s.

Protocol Running Mode STP - l This parameter

MSTP indicates the running
mode of the protocol.
l MSTP: stands for
Multiple Spanning
Tree Protocol. The
OptiX RTN 950
supports only the
CIST-based MSTP.
l STP: stands for
Spanning Tree

Hello Time(s) 1 to 10 2 l This parameter

indicates the interval
for transmitting the
CBPDU packets
through the bridge.
l The greater the value
of this parameter, the
less the network
resources that are
occupied by the
spanning tree. The
topology stability,
however, decreases.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1354

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Max Age(s) 6 to 40 20 l This parameter

specifies the
maximum age of the
CBPDU packet that is
recorded by the port.
l The greater the value,
the longer the
transmission distance
of the CBPDU, which
indicates that the
network diameter is
greater. When the
value of this parameter
is greater, it is less
possible that the bridge
detects the link fault in
a timely manner and
thus the network
adaptation ability is

Forward Delay(s) 4 to 30 15 l This parameter

specifies the holding
time of a port in the
listening state and in
the learning state.
l The greater the value,
the longer the delay of
the network state
change. Hence, the
topology changes are
slower and the
recovery in the case of
faults is slower.

Remain Hop - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this

Related Tasks
A.7.6.4 Querying the CIST Running Information

B.6.2.8 Parameter Description: Ethernet Link Aggregation Management_LAG

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating a link aggregation group (LAG).

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1355

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Link Aggregation Group Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Link Aggregation Group Management tab.
3. Click New.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

LAG No. - 1 l This parameter

specifies the LAG
number to be set
l This parameter is valid
only when
Assign is not selected.

Automatically Assign Selected Selected l This parameter

Deselected indicates whether
LAG No. is allocated
l When Automatically
Assign is selected,
LAG No. cannot be

LAG Name - - This parameter specifies

the LAG name.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1356

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

LAG Type Static Static l Static: You can create

Manual a LAG. When you add
or delete a member
port to or from the
LAG, the Link
Aggregation Control
Protocol (LACP)
protocol is required. In
a LAG, a port can be in
selected, standby, or
unselected state. The
information is
exchanged among
different equipment
through the LACP
protocol to ensure that
the aggregation
information is the
same among all the
l Manual: You can
create a LAG. When
you add or delete a
member port, the
LACP protocol is not
required. The port can
be in the up or down
state. The system
determines whether to
aggregate a port
according to its
physical state (UP or
DOWN), working
mode, and rate.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1357

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Revertive Mode Revertive Mode Non-Revertive Mode l Revertive Mode can

Non-Revertive Mode be set only when Load
Sharing is set to Non-
l When Revertive
Mode is set to
Revertive Mode, the
services are switched
back to the former
working channel after
this channel is restored
to normal.
l When Revertive
Mode is set to Non-
Revertive Mode, the
status of the LAG does
not change after the
former working
channel is restored to
normal. That is, the
services are still
transmitted on the
protection channel.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1358

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Load Sharing Sharing Non-Sharing l Set Load Sharing to

Non-Sharing the same value as the
peer equipment. It is
recommended that you
set Load Sharing to
Non-Sharing at both
ends if the LAGs are
used for protection and
set Load Sharing to
Sharing at both ends if
the LAGs are used for
l Sharing: Each member
link of a LAG
processes traffic at the
same time and shares
the traffic load. The
sharing mode can
increase a bandwidth
utilization for the link.
When the LAG
members change, or
certain links fail, the
system automatically
re-allocates the traffic.
l Non-Sharing: Only
one member link of a
LAG carries traffic,
and the other link is in
the standby state. In
this case, a hot backup
mechanism is
provided. When the
active link of a LAG is
faulty, the system
activates the standby
link, thus preventing
link failure.

Load Sharing Hash MPLS Label - Set this parameter in the

Algorithm - Link Aggregation
Parameters tab page.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1359

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

System Priority 0 to 65535 32768 l System Priority

indicates the priority
of a LAG. The smaller
the value of System
Priority, the higher
the priority.
l When a local LAG
negotiates with an
opposite LAG through
LACP packets, both
LAGs can obtain the
system priorities of
each other. Then, the
LAG of the higher
system priority is
considered as the
comparison result of
both LAGs so that the
information is
consistent at both
LAGs. If the priorities
of both LAGs are the
same, the system MAC
addresses are
compared. Then, the
comparison result
based on the LAG with
smaller system MAC
address is considered
as the result of both
LAGs and is used to
ensure that the
information is
consistent at both

WTR Time(min) 1 to 30 10 l Specifies the WTR

time for the LAG.
l WTR Time(min)
takes effect only when
Revertive Mode is
Revertive Mode.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1360

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Switch LAG upon Air Disabled Enabled l This parameter

Interface SD Enabled specifies whether to
enable the switching
triggered by bit errors.
l If Switch LAG upon
Air Interface SD is set
to Enabled, the
MW_BER_SD alarm
will trigger the LAG
switching at the air

Port Settings Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Main Board - - l This parameter

specifies the main
board in a LAG.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Main Port - - l This parameter

specifies the main port
in a LAG.
l After a LAG is created,
you can add Ethernet
services to the main
port only. Services
cannot be added to a
slave port. When Load
Sharing is set to Non-
Sharing, the link
connected to the main
port is used to transmit
the services, and the
link connected to the
slave port is used for

Board (Available Slave - - l This parameter

Ports) specifies the slave
board in a LAG.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1361

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port (Available Slave - - l This parameter

Ports) specifies the salve port
in a LAG.
l The slave ports in a
LAG are fixed. Unless
they are manually
modified, the system
does not automatically
add them to or delete
them from the LAG.

Selected Standby Ports - - This parameter indicates

the selected slave ports.

Related Tasks
A.7.2.1 Creating a LAG

B.6.2.9 Parameter Description: Ethernet Link Aggregation_Link Aggregation

This section describes the parameters for port priorities and system priorities.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Interface
Management > Link Aggregation Group Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Link Aggregation Parameters tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates

the port whose priority can
be set.

Port Priority 0 to 65535 32768 l This parameter

indicates the priorities
of the ports in a LAG
as defined in the LACP
protocol. The smaller
the value, the higher
the priority.
l When ports are added
into a LAG, the port of
the highest priority is
preferred for service

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1362

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

System Load Sharing Source MAC Source and Destination IP l System Load Sharing
Hash Algorithm Destination MAC Hash Algorithm is
valid only when Load
Source and Destination Sharing of a LAG is
MAC set to Sharing.
Source IP l The load sharing
Destination IP computation methods
Source and Destination IP include computation
based on MAC
MPLS Label
addresses (based on
the source MAC
address, based on the
destination MAC
address, and based on
the source MAC
address + sink MAC
address), computation
based on IP addresses
(based on the source IP
address, based on the
destination IP address,
and based on the
source IP address and
sink IP address), and
computation based on
MPLS labels.
l After the configuration
data is deployed,
System Load Sharing
Hash Algorithm takes
effect for the entire
l For PW-carried UNI-
NNI E-Line services,
System Load Sharing
Hash Algorithm
cannot be set to MPLS

Related Tasks
A.7.2.2 Setting LAG Parameters

B.6.2.10 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Point-to-Point LPT

This topic describes the parameters that are related to point-to-point LPT.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1363

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > LPT
Management > LPT from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Point-to-Point LPT tab.

Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Binding Status - - This parameter displays

the binding status of point-
to-point services.

Primary Function Point - - This parameter displays

the port where the primary
point of point-to-point
LPT resides.

Secondary Function - - This parameter displays

Point Type the type of secondary
point for point-to-point

Secondary Function - - This parameter displays

Point the port where the
secondary point of point-
to-point LPT resides.

LPT Instance Status - - This parameter displays

the status of point-to-point

LPT Enabled Enabled Disabled This parameter displays or

Disabled specifies the enabling
status of point-to-point
The LPT function can take
effect only when LPT
Enabled is set to

Recovery Times(s) 1-600 1 This parameter displays or

specifies the recovery time
of point-to-point LPT.

Hold-Off Times(ms) 0-10000 1000 This parameter displays or

specifies the hold-off time
of point-to-point LPT.

Switching Mode - - This parameter displays

the switching mode of
point-to-point LPT. Point-
to-point LPT is available
only in strict mode.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1364

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Fault Detection Mode PW OAM LPT OAM This parameter displays

LPT OAM the fault detection mode of
point-to-multipoint LPT.
l LPT-enabled NEs
periodically transmit
LPT OAM packets in
specific formats to
check the status of an
L2 service network or
QinQ service network.
If the LPT OAM
packets are absent for
3.5 fault detection
periods or the number
and contents of
received LPT OAM
packets are incorrect,
the NEs consider that a
network-side fault
occurred and the LPT
switching is triggered.
l To detect a network-
side fault on a PSN,
OAM packets can be
used. Note that the PW
OAM function must be
enabled on NEs before
usage of PW OAM

Fault Detection Period 10-100 10 This parameter displays or

(100ms) specifies the fault
detection period of point-
to-point LPT.

User-Side Port Status - - This parameter displays

the status of a user-side

L2 net ID-L2 Peer net ID - - This parameter displays

the NET IDs of LPT
packet out ports at both

Related Tasks
A.7.10.1 Configuring Point-to-Point LPT Traversing an L2 Network
A.7.10.2 Configuring Point-to-Point LPT Traversing a PSN or QinQ Network

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1365

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

B.6.2.11 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Creating Point-to-Point LPT

This topic describes the parameters that are related to creating point-to-point LPT.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > LPT
Management > LPT from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Point-to-Point LPT tab.
3. Click Bind in the lower right corner of the pane based on the type of service network.
4. Choose PW+QinQ or L2 net from the shortcut menu based on the type of service network.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

L2 net ID 1-4294967295 - This parameter specifies

the NET ID of LPT packet
out port at the local end.

L2 Peer net ID 1-4294967295 - This parameter specifies

the NET ID of LPT packet
out port at the opposite

Primary Function Point - - This parameter specifies

the port where the primary
point of point-to-point
LPT resides.

VLAN ID 1-4094 - This parameter specifies

the VLAN ID that is
carried by a point-to-point
LPT packet to traverse an
L2 network.

LPT package out port - - This parameter specifies

the out port of a point-to-
point LPT packet.

Related Tasks
A.7.10.1 Configuring Point-to-Point LPT Traversing an L2 Network

B.6.2.12 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Point-to-Multipoint LPT

This topic describes the parameters that are related to point-to-multipoint LPT.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > LPT
Management > LPT from the Function Tree.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1366

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

2. Click the Point-to-Multipoint LPT tab.

Parameters of Primary Point

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Primary Function Point - - This parameter displays

Type the type of primary point
for point-to-multipoint

Primary Function Point - - This parameter displays

the port where the primary
point of point-to-
multipoint LPT resides.

LPT Instance Status - - This parameter displays

the status of point-to-
multipoint LPT.

LPT Enabled Enabled Disabled This parameter displays

Disabled the enabling status of
point-to-multipoint LPT.

Recovery Times(s) 1-600 1 This parameter displays or

specifies the recovery time
of point-to-multipoint

Hold-Off Times(ms) 0-10000 1000 This parameter displays or

specifies the hold-off time
of point-to-multipoint

Switching Mode Strict mode Strict mode This parameter displays

Non-strict mode the switching mode of
point-to-multipoint LPT.
Point-to-point LPT is
available only in strict
l Strict mode
A primary point
triggers LPT switching
when all its secondary
points detect faults.
l Non-strict mode
A primary point
triggers LPT switching
when anyone of its
secondary points
detects a fault.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1367

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Fault Detection Mode PW OAM LPT OAM This parameter displays

LPT OAM the fault detection mode of
point-to-multipoint LPT.
l LPT-enabled NEs
periodically transmit
LPT OAM packets in
specific formats to
check the status of an
L2 service network or
QinQ service network.
If the LPT OAM
packets are absent for
3.5 fault detection
periods or the number
and contents of
received LPT OAM
packets are incorrect,
the NEs consider that a
network-side fault
occurred and the LPT
switching is triggered.
l To detect a network-
side fault on a PSN,
OAM packets can be
used. Note that the PW
OAM function must be
enabled on NEs before
usage of PW OAM

Fault Detection Period 10-100 10 This parameter displays or

(100ms) specifies the fault
detection period of point-
to-multipoint LPT.

User-Side Port Status - - This parameter displays

the status of a user-side

L2 net ID-L2 Peer net ID - - This parameter displays

the NET IDs of LPT
packet out ports at both
ends, when the service
network is an L2 network.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1368

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters of Secondary Point

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Access Point Type - - This parameter displays

the type of second point
for point-to-multipoint

Access Point - - This parameter displays

the port or PW ID for the
secondary point of point-
to-multipoint LPT.

User-Side Port Status - - This parameter displays

the status of a user-side

L2 net ID-L2 Peer net ID - - This parameter displays

the NET IDs of LPT
packet out ports at both
ends, when the service
network is an L2 network.

Related Tasks
A.7.10.3 Configuring Point-to-Multipoint LPT

B.6.2.13 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Creating Point-to-Multipoint

This topic describes the parameters that are related to creating point-to-multipoint LPT.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > LPT
Management > LPT from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Point-to-Multipoint LPT tab.
3. Click New in the lower right corner of the pane based on the type of service network.
4. Choose PW, QinQ, or L2 net from the shortcut menu based on the type of service network.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters of primary point

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Point Type UNI - This parameter specifies

PW the type of primary point
for point-to-multipoint
QinQ LPT. The value range of
L2 net this parameter pertains to
the type of service
If the primary point is on
the access side, select
UNI; if the primary point
is on the network side, set
the parameter as follows.
l If the service network
is a PSN, select PW.
l If the service network
is a QinQ network,
select QinQ.
l If the service network
is an L2 network,
select L2 net.

Board - - This parameter specifies

the board where the
primary point of point-to-
multipoint LPT resides.
This parameter is valid
only when Point Type is
set to UNI.

Port - - This parameter specifies

the port where the primary
point of point-to-
multipoint LPT resides.
This parameter is valid
only when Point Type is
set to UNI.

Point ID - - This parameter specifies

the service ID for the
primary point of point-to-
multipoint LPT.
This parameter is valid
only when Point Type is
set to PW or QinQ.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

L2 net ID 1-4294967295 - This parameter specifies

the NET ID of a local NE.
This parameter is valid
only when Point Type of
the primary point is set to
UNI, and when Point
Type of the secondary
point is set to L2 net.

L2 Peer net ID 1-4294967295 - This parameter specifies

the NET ID of an opposite
This parameter is valid
only when Point Type is
set to L2 net.

VLAN ID 1-4094 - This parameter specifies

the VLAN ID that is
carried by an LPT packet
to traverse an L2 network.
This parameter is valid
only when Point Type is
set to L2 net.

LPT package out port - - This parameter specifies

the out port of an LPT
This parameter is valid
only when Point Type is
set to L2 net.

Parameters of secondary point

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Point Type UNI - This parameter displays or

PW specifies the type of
secondary point for point-
QinQ to-multipoint LPT.
L2 net

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - This parameter specifies

the board where the
secondary point of point-
to-multipoint LPT resides.
This parameter is valid
only when Point Type is
set to PW, QinQ, or L2

Available Points - - This parameter displays

the available ports where
the secondary point of
point-to-multipoint LPT
can reside.
This parameter is valid
only when Point Type is
set to PW, QinQ, or L2

Selected Points - - This parameter displays

the selected port where the
secondary point of point-
to-multipoint LPT resides.
This parameter is valid
only when Point Type is
set to PW, QinQ, or L2

L2 net ID 1-4294967295 - This parameter specifies

the NET ID of a local NE.
This parameter is valid
only when Point Type is
set to UNI.

L2 Peer net ID 1-4294967295 - This parameter specifies

the NET ID of an opposite
This parameter is valid
only when Point Type of
the primary point is set to
UNI, and when Point
Type of the secondary
point is set to L2 net.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VLAN ID 1-4094 - This parameter specifies

the VLAN ID that is
carried by an LPT packet
to traverse an L2 network.
This parameter is valid
only when Point Type of
the primary point is set to
UNI, and when Point
Type of the secondary
point is set to L2 net.

LPT Package out port - - This parameter specifies

the out port of an LPT
This parameter is valid
only when Point Type of
the primary point is set to
UNI, and when Point
Type of the secondary
point is set to L2 net.

Related Tasks
A.7.10.3 Configuring Point-to-Multipoint LPT

B.6.3 Parameters for the Ethernet OAM

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the Ethernet operation, administration and
maintenance (OAM).

B.6.3.1 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_Maintenance

Domain Creation
This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating maintenance domains.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Maintenance Association tab.
3. Choose New > New Maintenance Domain.

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Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Maintenance - default l This parameter specifies the name of the

Domain Name maintenance domain.
l The maintenance domain refers to the
network for the Ethernet OAM.
l This parameter can contain a maximum
of eight bytes.

Maintenance 0 0 l Maintenance Domain Level specifies

Domain Level 1 the level of the maintenance domain.
2 l The values 0 to 7 indicates maintenance
domain levels in an ascending order.
l MEPs transparently transmit OAM
4 protocol packets if the packets have a
5 higher level than the parameter value.
6 l MEPs discard OAM protocol packets if
7 the packets have a lower level than the
parameter value.
l MEPs respond to or terminate OAM
protocol packets based on the packet type
if the packets have the same level as the
parameter value.

Related Tasks
A.7.8.1 Creating an MD

B.6.3.2 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_Maintenance

Association Creation
This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating maintenance associations.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Maintenance Association tab.
3. Select the maintenance domain in which a maintenance association needs to be created.
Choose New > New Maintenance Association.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Maintenance - - This parameter indicates the maintenance

Domain Name domain of the created maintenance

Maintenance - - l This parameter specifies the name of the

Association Name maintenance association, which is a
domain related to a service. Through
maintenance association division, the
connectivity check (CC) can be
performed on the network that transmits
a service instance.
l This parameter can contain a maximum
of eight bytes.

Relevant Service - - This parameter specifies the service

instance that is related to the maintenance

CC Test Transmit 1s 1s l This parameter specifies the interval for

Period 10s transmitting packets in the CC.
1m l The CC is performed to check the
availability of the service.

Related Tasks
A.7.8.2 Creating an MA

B.6.3.3 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_MEP Creation

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating a maintenance association end
point (MEP).

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Maintenance Association tab.
3. Select the maintenance association in which an MEP needs to be created. Choose New >
New MEP Point.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Maintenance - - This parameter indicates the maintenance

Domain Name domain of the created MEP.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Maintenance - - This parameter indicates the maintenance

Association Name association of the created MEP.

Board - - This parameter specifies the board where

the MEP is located.

Port - - This parameter specifies the port where the

MEP is located.

VLAN - - This parameter indicates the VLAN ID of

the current service.

MP ID 1 to 2048 - l This parameter specifies the MEP ID.

l Each MEP needs to be configured with
an MP ID, which is unique in the
maintenance association. The MP ID is
required in the OAM operation.

Direction Ingress Ingress l Direction specifies the direction of the

Egress MEP.
l Ingress indicates the direction in which
the packets are transmitted to the port,
and Egress indicates the direction in
which the packets are transmitted from
the port.

CC Status Active Active l This parameter specifies whether to

Inactive enable the CC function of the MEP.
l In the case of the tests based on the MP
IDs, CC Status must be set to Active.

AIS Active Status Active Active l This parameter specifies the AIS active
Inactive status.
l If several MDs exist on a link, to locate
a fault accurately, set AIS Active
Status to Active and Client Layer
Level that functions to suppress the AIS
l After a fault is detected by an MP, if this
MP activates the AIS, it sends the AIS
packet to a higher level MP, informing
the higher level MP of the fault
information; if this MP does not activate
the AIS, it does not report the fault.

Client Layer Level 1 to 7 1 l Normally, if an MP is set to level n,

Client Layer Level that functions to
suppress the AIS information should be
set to n+1.
l Client Layer Level is valid only if AIS
Active Status is Active.

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Related Tasks
A.7.8.3 Creating MEPs

B.6.3.4 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_Remote MEP

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating a remote MEP.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Maintenance Association tab.
3. Choose OAM > Manage Remote MEP Point. The Manage Remote MEP Point dialog
box is displayed.
4. Click New.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Maintenance - - This parameter indicates the maintenance

Domain Name domain of the MEP.

Maintenance - - This parameter indicates the maintenance

Association Name association of the created MEP.

Remote 1 to 2048 - l This parameter specifies the ID of the

Maintenance Point remote MEP.
ID(e.g:1,3-6) l If other MEPs will initiate OAM
operations to an MEP in the same MA,
set these MEPs as remote MEPs.

Related Tasks
A.7.8.4 Creating Remote MEPs in an MA

B.6.3.5 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_MIP Creation

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating a maintenance association
intermediate point (MIP).

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
2. Click the MIP Point tab.

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3. Select the maintenance domain in which an MIP needs to be created, and then click New.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Maintenance - - This parameter indicates the maintenance

Domain Name domain of the MIP.

Board - - This parameter specifies the board where

the MIP is located.

Port - - This parameter specifies the port where the

MIP is located.

MP ID 1 to 2048 - l This parameter specifies the MIP ID.

l Each MIP needs to be configured with an
MP ID, which is unique in the
maintenance domain. The MP ID is
required in the OAM operation.
To create MEPs and MIPs in a service at a
port, ensure that only one MIP can be created
and the level of the MIP must be higher than
the level of the MEP.

Related Tasks
A.7.8.5 Creating MIPs

B.6.3.6 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_LB Enabling

This topic describes the parameters that are used for enabling the LB.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Maintenance Association tab.
3. Select the maintenance domain and maintenance association for the LB test.
4. Choose OAM > Start LB.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

MP ID Selected Deselected This parameter needs to be selected if the

Deselected LB test is performed on the basis of
Destination Maintenance Point IDs.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Maintenance Point Selected Selected This parameter needs to be selected if the

MAC Address Deselected LB test is performed on the basis of MAC

Maintenance - - This parameter indicates the name of the

Domain Name maintenance domain for the LB test.

Maintenance - - This parameter indicates the name of the

Association Name maintenance association for the LB test.

Source - - l This parameter specifies the source

Maintenance Point maintenance point in the LB test.
ID l Only the MEP can be set to the source
maintenance point.

Destination - - l This parameter specifies the destination

Maintenance Point maintenance point in the LB test.
ID l Only the MEP ID can be set to the
Destination Maintenance Point ID.
l Destination Maintenance Point ID can
be set only when MP ID is selected.

Destination - 00-00-00-00-00-00 l This parameter specifies the MAC

Maintenance Point address of the port where the destination
MAC Address maintenance point is located in the LB
l Only the MAC address of the MEP can
be set to the MAC address of the
Destination Maintenance Point MAC
l Destination Maintenance Point MAC
Address can be set only when Sink
Maintenance Point MAC Address.

Transmitted 1 to 255 3 l This parameter specifies the number of

Packet Count packets transmitted each time in the LB
l When the value is greater, the required
duration is longer.

Transmitted 64 to 1400 64 l This parameter specifies the length of a

Packet Length transmitted LBM packet.
l If the packet length is different, the test
result may be different. In normal cases,
it is recommended that you use the
default value.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Transmitted 0 to 7 7 l This parameter specifies the priority of

Packet Priority transmitting packets.
l 0 indicates the lowest priority, and 7
indicates the highest priority. In normal
cases, this parameter is set to the highest

Detection Result - - This parameter indicates the relevant

information and result of the LB test.

Related Tasks
A.7.8.7 Performing an LB Test

B.6.3.7 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM Management_LT Enabling

This topic describes the parameters that are used for enabling the LT.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Maintenance Association tab.
3. Select the maintenance domain and maintenance association for the LT test.
4. Choose OAM > Start LT.

Test Node Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

MP ID Selected Deselected This parameter needs to be selected if the LT

Deselected test is performed on the basis of MP IDs.

Maintenance Point Selected Selected This parameter needs to be selected if the LT

MAC Address Deselected test is performed on the basis of MAC

Maintenance - - This parameter indicates the name of the

Domain Name maintenance domain for the LT test.

Maintenance - - This parameter indicates the name of the

Association Name maintenance association for the LT test.

Source - - l This parameter specifies the source

Maintenance Point maintenance point in the LT test.
ID l Only the MEP can be set to the source
maintenance point.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Destination - - l This parameter specifies the destination

Maintenance Point maintenance point in the LT test.
ID l Only the MEP ID can be set to the
Destination Maintenance Point ID.
l Destination Maintenance Point ID can
be set only when MP ID is selected.

Destination - 00-00-00-00-00-00 l This parameter specifies the MAC

Maintenance Point address of the port where the destination
MAC Address maintenance point is located in the LT
l Only the MAC address of the MEP can
be set to the MAC address of the
Destination Maintenance Point MAC
l Destination Maintenance Point MAC
Address can be set only when Sink
Maintenance Point MAC Address.

Parameters for the Detection Result

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Source - - This parameter indicates the source

Maintenance Point maintenance point in the LT test.

Destination - - This parameter indicates the MAC address

Maintenance Point of the port where the destination
ID/MAC maintenance point is located in the LT test.

Response - - This parameter indicates the MAC address

Maintenance Point of the port where the responding
ID/MAC maintenance point is located in the LT test.

Hop Count 1 to 64 - l This parameter indicates the number of

hops from the source maintenance point
to the responding maintenance point or
to the destination maintenance point in
the LT test.
l The number of hops indicates the
adjacent relation between the responding
maintenance point to the source
maintenance point. The number of hops
increases by one when a responding
point occurs on the link from the source
maintenance point to the destination
maintenance point.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Test Result - - This parameter indicates the result of the LT


Related Tasks
A.7.8.8 Performing an LT Test

B.6.3.8 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port OAM Management_OAM Parameter

This topic describes the OAM parameters that are related to Ethernet ports.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Port OAM from the Function Tree.
2. Click the OAM Parameter tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates the corresponding


Enable OAM Enabled Disabled l This parameter indicates or specifies

Protocol Disabled whether to enable the OAM protocol.
l After the OAM protocol is enabled, the
current Ethernet port starts to use the
preset mode to create the OAM
connection with the opposite end.

OAM Working Active Active l This parameter indicates or specifies the

Mode Passive working mode of the OAM.
l The port whose OAM working mode is
set to Active can initiate the OAM
l The port whose OAM working mode is
set to Passive can only wait for the
opposite end to send the OAM
connection request.
l The OAM working mode of the
equipment at only one end can be

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Remote Alarm Enabled Enabled l This parameter indicates or specifies

Support For Link Disabled whether the local link events can be
Event notified to the opposite end.
l If the alarms caused by link events can
be reported, that is, if the number of
performance events (for example, error
frame period, error frame, error frame
second, and error frame signal cycle) at
the local end exceeds the preset
threshold, these performance events are
notified to the port at the opposite end
through the link event notification
l This parameter is set according to the
planning information.

Remote Side Disabled Disabled l This parameter indicates or specifies

Loopback Enabled whether the port responds to the remote
Response loopback.
l Remote loopback indicates that the local
OAM entity transmits packets to the
remote OAM entity for loopback. The
local OAM entity can locate the fault and
test the link performance through
loopback data analysis.
l If a port does not support remote
loopback response, this port does not
respond to the loopback request from the
remote port regardless of the OAM port

Loopback Status Non-Loopback - This parameter indicates the loopback status

Initiate Loopback at at the local end.
Local NOTE
Loopback Status is valid only after you choose
Respond Loopback OAM > Enable Remote Loopback.
of Remote

OAM Discovery - - This parameter indicates the OAM

Status discovery status at the local end.

Port Transmit - - This parameter indicates the status of

Status transmitting packets at the local end.

Port Receive Status - - This parameter indicates the status of

receiving packets at the local end.

Related Tasks
A.7.9.1 Enabling the OAM Auto-Discovery Function

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A.7.9.2 Enabling the Remote Alarm Support for Link Event

B.6.3.9 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port OAM Management_OAM Error Frame

This topic describes the parameters that are used for monitoring the OAM error frames at the
Ethernet port.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
OAM Management > Ethernet Port OAM from the Function Tree.
2. Click the OAM Error Frame Monitor tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PORT - - This parameter indicates the corresponding


Error Frame 1000 to 60000, in 1000 This parameter specifies the duration of
Monitor Window step of 100 monitoring error frames.

Error Frame 1 to 4294967295, in 1 l This parameter specifies the threshold of

Monitor Threshold step of 1 monitoring error frames.
(frames) l Within the specified value of Error
Frame Monitor Window(ms), if the
number of error frames on the link
exceeds the preset value of Error
Frame Monitor Threshold(frame), an
alarm is reported.

Error Frame 1488 to 892800000, 892800000 This parameter specifies the window of
Period Window in step of 1 monitoring the error frame period.

Error Frame 1 to 892800000, in 1 l This parameter specifies the threshold of

Period Threshold step of 1 monitoring the error frame period.
(frames) l Within the specified value of Error
Frame Period Window(frame), if the
number of error frames on the link
exceeds the preset value of Error
Frame Period Threshold(frame), an
alarm is reported.

Error Frame 10 to 900, in step of 60 This parameter specifies the time window of
Second Window(s) 1 monitoring the error frame second.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Error Frame 10 to 900, in step of 1 l This parameter specifies the threshold of

Second Threshold 1 monitoring error frame seconds.
(s) l If any error frame occurs in one second,
this second is called an errored frame
second. Within the specified value of
Error Frame Second Window(s), if the
number of error frames on the link
exceeds the preset value of Error
Frame Second Threshold(s), an alarm
is reported.

Related Tasks
A.7.9.3 Modifying the OAM Error Frame Monitoring Threshold

B.6.4 QoS Parameters

This topic describes the parameters that are related to QoS.

B.6.4.1 Parameter Description: Diffserv Domain Management

This topic describes the parameters that are used for managing DiffServ domains.

Navigation Path
Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Diffserv Domain Management > Diffserv Domain Management from the
Function Tree.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Mapping Relation ID 1 to 8 1 This parameter indicates

the ID of the mapping
relation between DiffServ

Mapping Relation Name - Default Map This parameter indicates

the name of the mapping
relation between DiffServ


If one default DiffServ domain exists on the OptiX RTN 950 equipment, Mapping Relation ID is set to 1, and
Mapping Relation Name is set to Default Map. If these parameters are not set, all the ports belong to this

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1385

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters for Ingress Mapping Relation

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

CVLAN 0 to 7 - l This parameter

indicates the priority
of the C-VLAN of the
ingress packets.
l C-VLAN indicates the
client-side VLAN, and
the value 7 indicates
the highest priority.

SVLAN 0 to 7 - l This parameter

indicates the priority
of the S-VLAN of the
ingress packets.
l S-VLAN indicates the
server-side VLAN,
and the value 7
indicates the highest

IP DSCP 0 to 63 - l This parameter

indicates the DSCP
priority of the IP
addresses of the
ingress packets.
l The differentiated
services code point
(DSCP) refers to bits
0-5 of the
differentiated services
(DS) field in the packet
and indicates the
service class and
discarding priority of
the packet.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

MPLS EXP 0 to 7 - l Displays the MPLS

EXP value of ingress
l When a packet in an
egress queue leaves an
NNI port, the NNI port
obtains the packet
priority value
according to the
mappings between
PHB service classes of
egress queues and
egress packet
priorities (MPLS EXP
values), and writes the
obtained priority value
into the EXP field of
the egress MPLS
The MPLS EXP value can
be modified in the default
Diffserv domain (Default
Map) only.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PHB BE - l This parameter

AF1 indicates the per-hop
behavior (PHB)
AF2 service class of the
AF3 DiffServ domain.
AF4 l The PHB service class
EF refers to the
forwarding behavior
of the DiffServ node
CS7 on the behavior
aggregate (BA)
operation. The
forwarding behavior
can meet the specific
l The PHB service
classes are BE, AF1,
AF2, AF3, AF4, EF,
CS6, and CS7. The
priorities (C_VLAN
priority, S_VLAN
priority, DSCP value,
and MPLS EXP value)
contained in the
packets of the DiffServ
domain and the eight
PHB service classes
meet the requirements
of the specified or
default mapping
The AF1 is classified into
three sub service classes,
namely, AF11, AF12, and
AF13, only one of which is
valid. It is the same case
with the AF2, AF3, and

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Parameters for Egress Mapping Relation

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PHB BE - l This parameter

AF1 indicates the PHB
service class of the
AF2 DiffServ domain.
AF3 l The PHB service class
AF4 refers to the
EF forwarding behavior
of the DiffServ node
on the behavior
CS7 aggregate (BA)
operation. The
forwarding behavior
can meet the specific
l The PHB service
classes are BE, AF1,
AF2, AF3, AF4, EF,
CS6, and CS7. The
priorities (C_VLAN
priority, S_VLAN
priority, DSCP value
and MPLS value)
contained in the
packets of the DiffServ
domain and the eight
PHB service classes
meet the requirements
of the specified or
default mapping
The AF1 is classified into
three sub service classes,
namely, AF11, AF12, and
AF13, only one of which is
valid. It is the same case
with the AF2, AF3, and

CVLAN 0 to 7 - l This parameter

indicates the priority
of the C-VLAN of the
egress packets.
l C-VLAN indicates the
client-side VLAN, and
the value 7 indicates
the highest priority.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1389

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

SVLAN 0 to 7 - l This parameter

indicates the priority
of the S-VLAN of the
egress packets.
l S-VLAN indicates the
server-side VLAN,
and the value 7
indicates the highest

IP DSCP 0 to 63 - l This parameter

indicates the DSCP
priority of the IP
addresses of the
ingress packets.
l The DSCP refers to
bits 0-5 of the DS field
in the packet and
indicates the service
class and discarding
priority of the packet.

MPLS EXP 0 to 7 - l Displays the MPLS

EXP value of egress
l When a packet arrives
at an NNI port, the
NNI port obtains the
packet priority value
depending on its
trusted priority type
(MPLS EXP value)
and specifies the PHB
service class of the
packet according to the
mappings between
packet priorities and
PHB service classes.
The MPLS EXP value can
be modified in the default
Diffserv domain (Default
Map) only.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1390

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters for Application Ports

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - This parameter indicates

the port that uses the
DiffServ domain.

Packet Type CVLAN CVLAN The packets trusted by the

SVLAN OptiX RTN 950 are the
IP-DSCP IP DSCP packets that
MPLS-EXP contain the C_VLAN
priority, S_VLAN
priority, DSCP value or
MPLS value. By default,
the untrusted packets are
mapped to the BE service
class for best-effort
l The trusted packet
priorities of a UNI port
include DSCP value, C-
VLAN priority, and S-
VLAN priority. For the
E-Line services that are
transmitted end to end
(UNI-UNI), a UNI port
only trusts DSCP value.
l An NNI port carrying
MPLS/PWE3 services
trusts only packets with
MPLS EXP values.
l The trusted packet
priorities of a QinQ link
NNI port are configured
according to the
planning information.

Related Tasks
A.7.7.2 Modifying the Mapping Relationships for the DS Domain
A.7.7.10 Querying the DS Domain of a Port

B.6.4.2 Parameter Description: DiffServ Domain Management_Create

This parameter describes the parameters that are used for creating DiffServ (DS) domains.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1391

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Diffserv Domain Management > Diffserv Domain Management from
the Function Tree.
2. Click New.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Mapping Relation ID 2 to 8 - This parameter specifies

the ID of the mapping
relationship of a DS

Mapping Relation Name - - This parameter specifies

the name of the mapping
relationship of a DS

Parameters for Ingress Mapping Relation

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

CVLAN 0 to 7 - l This parameter

specifies the C-VLAN
priority of the ingress
l C-VLAN indicates the
client-side VLAN, and
the value 7 indicates
the highest priority.

SVLAN 0 to 7 - l This parameter

specifies the S-VLAN
priority of the ingress
l S-VLAN indicates the
server-side VLAN,
and the value 7
indicates the highest

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1392

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IP DSCP 0 to 63 - l This parameter

specifies the DSCP
priority of the IP
addresses of the
ingress packets.
l The differentiated
services code point
(DSCP) refers to bits
0-5 of the
differentiated services
(DS) field in the packet
and indicates the
service class and
discarding priority of
the packet.

MPLS EXP - - l Displays the MPLS

EXP value of ingress
l When a packet in an
egress queue leaves an
NNI port, the NNI port
obtains the packet
priority value
according to the
mappings between
PHB service classes of
egress queues and
egress packet
priorities (MPLS EXP
values), and writes the
obtained priority value
into the EXP field of
the egress MPLS
The MPLS EXP value can
be modified in the default
Diffserv domain (Default
Map) only.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1393

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PHB BE - l This parameter

AF1 indicates the PHB
service class of the DS
AF2 domain.
AF3 l The PHB service class
AF4 refers to the
EF forwarding behavior
of the DS node on the
behavior aggregate
CS7 (BA) operation. The
forwarding behavior
can meet the specific
l The PHB service
classes are BE, AF1,
AF2, AF3, AF4, EF,
CS6, and CS7. The
priorities (C_VLAN
priority, S_VLAN
priority, DSCP value
and MPLS EXP value)
contained in the
packets of the DS
domain and the eight
PHB service classes
meet the requirements
of the specified or
default mapping
The AF1 is classified into
three sub service classes,
namely, AF11, AF12, and
AF13, only one of which is
valid. It is the same case
with the AF2, AF3, and

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1394

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters for Egress Mapping Relation

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PHB BE - l This parameter

AF1 indicates the PHB
service class of the DS
AF2 domain.
AF3 l The PHB service class
AF4 refers to the
EF forwarding behavior
of the DS node on the
behavior aggregate
CS7 (BA) operation. The
forwarding behavior
can meet the specific
l The PHB service
classes are BE, AF1,
AF2, AF3, AF4, EF,
CS6, and CS7. The
priorities (C_VLAN
priority, S_VLAN
priority, DSCP value
and MPLS EXP value)
contained in the
packets of the DS
domain and the eight
PHB service classes
meet the requirements
of the specified or
default mapping
The AF1 is classified into
three sub service classes,
namely, AF11, AF12, and
AF13, only one of which is
valid. It is the same case
with the AF2, AF3, and

CVLAN 0 to 7 - l This parameter

specifies the C-VLAN
priority of the egress
l C-VLAN indicates the
client-side VLAN
priority, and the value
7 indicates the highest

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1395

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

SVLAN 0 to 7 - l This parameter

specifies the S-VLAN
priority of the egress
l S-VLAN indicates the
server-side VLAN
priority, and the value
7 indicates the highest

IP DSCP 0 to 63 - l This parameter

specifies the DSCP
priority of the IP
addresses of the egress
l The differentiated
services code point
(DSCP) refers to bits
0-5 of the
differentiated services
(DS) field in the packet
and indicates the
service class and
discarding priority of
the packet.

MPLS EXP - - l Displays the MPLS

EXP value of egress
l When a packet in an
egress queue leaves an
NNI port, the NNI port
obtains the packet
priority value
according to the
mappings between
PHB service classes of
egress queues and
egress packet
priorities (MPLS EXP
values), and writes the
obtained priority value
into the EXP field of
the egress MPLS
The MPLS EXP value can
be modified in the default
Diffserv domain (Default
Map) only.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1396

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters for Application Ports

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - This parameter specifies

the board that uses the
mapping relationships
between DS domains.

Available Port - - This parameter displays

the available port list from
which you can select the
port that uses the mapping
relationships between DS

Port - - This parameter displays

the selected port list. The
ports in the list use the
mapping relationships
between DS domains.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1397

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Packet Type cvlan cvlan l This parameter

svlan specifies the type of
the packet.
l The packets trusted by
mpls-exp the OptiX RTN 950
are the C_VLAN,
and MPLS packets that
contain the C_VLAN
priority, S_VLAN
priority, DSCP value
or MPLS EXP value.
By default, the
untrusted packets are
mapped to the BE
service class for best-
effort forwarding.
l The trusted packet
priorities of a UNI port
include DSCP value, C-
VLAN priority, and S-
VLAN priority. For the
E-Line services that are
transmitted end to end
(UNI-UNI), a UNI port
only trusts DSCP value.
l An NNI port carrying
MPLS/PWE3 services
trusts only packets with
MPLS EXP values.
l The trusted packet
priorities of a QinQ link
NNI port are configured
according to the
planning information.

Related Tasks
A.7.7.1 Creating a DS Domain

B.6.4.3 Parameter Description: DiffServ Domain Applied Port_Modification

This topic describes the parameters that are used for changing DiffServ (DS) domain applied

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1398

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Diffserv Domain Management > Diffserv Domain Management from
the Function Tree.
2. Select the DS domain to be changed in the main interface.
3. Click the Apply Port tab.
4. Click Modify.

Parameters for Configuring the Applied Ports

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Mapping Relation Name - - This parameter indicates

the name of the mapping
relation of a DS domain.

Packet Type CVLAN CVLAN The packets trusted by the

SVLAN OptiX RTN 950 are the C-
IP-DSCP DSCP packets, and MPLS
MPLS-EXP packets that respectively
contain the C-VLAN
priority, S-VLAN
priority, IP DSCP value
and MPLS EXP value. By
default, the untrusted
packets are mapped to the
BE service class for best-
effort forwarding.
l The trusted packet
priorities of a UNI port
include DSCP value, C-
VLAN priority, and S-
VLAN priority. For the
E-Line services that are
transmitted end to end
(UNI-UNI), a UNI port
only trusts DSCP value.
l An NNI port carrying
MPLS/PWE3 services
trusts only packets with
MPLS EXP values.
l The trusted packet
priorities of a QinQ link
NNI port are configured
according to the
planning information.

Board - - This parameter specifies

the board where the port is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1399

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Available Port - - This parameter indicates

the available port.

Selected Port - - This parameter indicates

the selected port.
The selected port is
applied to the DS domain.


If one default DS domain exists on the OptiX RTN 950, Mapping Relation ID is set to 1, and Mapping Relation
Name is set to Default Map. If these parameters are not set, all the ports belong to this domain.

Related Tasks
A.7.7.3 Changing the Ports Applied to a DS Domain and Their Trusted Packet Types

B.6.4.4 Parameter Description: Policy Management

This topic describes the parameters that are related to port policies.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Policy Management > Port Policy from the Function Tree.
2. Click the CoS Configuration tab.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Policy ID - - This parameter indicates

the policy ID of the port.

Policy Name - - This parameter indicates

or specifies the policy
name of the port.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1400

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

CoS CS7 - l The BE, AF1, AF2,

CS6 AF3, AF4, EF, CS6,
and CS7 service
EF classes respectively
AF4 map eight queuing
AF3 entities. The OptiX
RTN 950 provides
different QoS policies
AF1 for the queues at
BE different service
l CS6-CS7: indicates
the highest service
grade, which is mainly
involved in signaling
l EF: indicates fast
forwarding. This
service class is
applicable to the traffic
whose delay is small
and packet loss ratio is
low, for example,
voice and video
l AF1-AF4: indicates
assured forwarding.
This service class is
applicable to the traffic
that requires rate
guarantee but does not
require delay or jitter
l BE: indicates that the
traffic is forwarded in
best-effort manner
without special

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1401

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Grooming Police After SP CS7, CS6, EF, BE: SP l The strict priority (SP)
Reloading WRR AF4, AF3, AF2, AF1: scheduling algorithm
WRR is designed for the key
services. One
characteristic of the
key services is that
higher priorities are
required to minimize
the response delay in
the case of congestion
l The weighted round
robin (WRR)
scheduling algorithm
divides each port into
multiple output sub-
queues. The polling
scheduling is
performed among the
output sub-queues to
ensure that each sub-
queue has a certain
period of service time.
l The OptiX RTN 950
supports the setting of
the SP+WRR
scheduling algorithm
of the CoS queue
according to the
requirement, and
provides one or more
queues that comply
with the SP algorithm.
Except for the default
value, however, the
value of the WRR
scheduling algorithm
and the value of the SP
scheduling algorithm
cannot be interleaved.
That is, except for the
default value,
Grooming Police
After Reloading can
be changed from SP to
WRR according to the
queue priorities in a
descending order

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1402

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

l This parameter is set

according to the
planning information.

Policy Weight(%) 1 to 100 25 l This parameter

specifies the weight of
the policy in the WRR
queue. The weight
indicates the
percentage of the
bandwidth resources
obtained by the WRR
l This parameter can be
set only when
Grooming Police
After Reloading is set
to WRR.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Bandwidth Limit Disabled Disabled l This parameter

Enabled indicates or specifies
whether traffic
shaping is enabled for
an egress queue
corresponding to a
PHB service class.
l CIR (kbit/s), PIR
(kbit/s), CBS (byte),
and PBS (byte) can be
set only when
Bandwidth Limit is
set to Enabled.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

CIR(kbit/s) - - Traffic shaping for an

egress queue uses the
single token bucket two
color marker algorithm.
The value of the CIR must
be equal to the value of the
PIR. In actual traffic
shaping processing, only
the PIR is valid.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1403

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PIR(kbit/s) - - l When the buffer queue

is empty, the packets
are processed as
follows: If the rate of a
packet is equal to or
lower than the PIR, it
is directly forwarded;
if the rate of a packet is
higher than the PIR, it
enters the buffer queue
and then is forwarded
at a rate equal to the
l When the buffer queue
is not empty, the
packets whose rate
passes the restriction
of the PIR directly
enter the buffer queue
and then are forwarded
at a rate equal to the
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

CBS(byte) - - l It is recommended that

you set the value of the
CBS equal to the value
of the PIR. In actual
traffic shaping
processing, only the
PBS is valid.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1404

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PBS(byte) - - l When the buffer queue

is empty, certain burst
packets can be
forwarded if the rate of
the packets is equal to
or lower than the PIR
in a certain period. The
maximum traffic of the
burst packets is
determined by the
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Related Tasks
A.7.7.5 Modifying the Port Policy
A.7.7.7 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy
A.7.7.9 Querying the Port Policy

B.6.4.5 Parameter Description: Port Policy

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating port policies.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Policy Management > Port Policy from the Function Tree.
2. Click the CoS Configuration tab.
3. Click New. The Create Port Policy dialog box is displayed.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Policy ID - - This parameter specifies

the policy ID of the port.

Automatically Assign Selected Deselected This parameter specifies

Deselected whether to automatically
allocate the policy ID of
the port policy. After this
parameter is selected, the
system automatically
allocates the policy ID,
and then the policy ID
cannot be set manually.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1405

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Policy Name - - This parameter specifies

the policy name of the

CoS CS7 - l The BE, AF1, AF2,

CS6 AF3, AF4, EF, CS6,
and CS7 service
EF classes respectively
AF4 map eight queuing
AF3 entities. The OptiX
RTN 950 provides
different QoS policies
AF1 for the queues at
BE different service class.
l CS6-CS7: indicates
the highest service
grade, which is mainly
involved in signaling
l EF: indicates fast
forwarding. This
service class is
applicable to the traffic
whose delay is small
and packet loss ratio is
low, for example,
voice and video
l AF1-AF4: indicates
assured forwarding.
This service class is
applicable to the traffic
that requires rate
guarantee but does not
require delay or jitter
l BE: indicates that the
traffic is forwarded in
best-effort manner
without special

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1406

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Grooming Police After SP CS7, CS6, EF, BE: SP l The strict priority (SP)
Reloading WRR AF4, AF3, AF2, AF1: scheduling algorithm
WRR is designed for the key
services. One
characteristic of the
key services is that
higher priorities are
required to minimize
the response delay in
the case of congestion
l The weighted round
robin (WRR)
scheduling algorithm
divides each port into
multiple output sub-
queues. The polling
scheduling is
performed among the
output sub-queues to
ensure that each sub-
queue has a certain
period of service time.
l The OptiX RTN 950
supports the setting of
the SP+WRR
scheduling algorithm
of the CoS queue
according to the
requirement, and
provides one or more
queues that comply
with the SP algorithm.
Except for the default
value, however, the
value of the WRR
scheduling algorithm
and the value of the SP
scheduling algorithm
cannot be interleaved.
That is, except for the
default value,
Grooming Police
After Reloading can
be changed from SP to
WRR according to the
queue priorities in a
descending order

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1407

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

l This parameter is set

according to the
planning information.

Policy Weight(%) 1 to 100 25 l Policy Weight(%)

specifies the weight of
the policy in the WRR
queue. The weight
indicates the
percentage of the
bandwidth resources
obtained by the WRR
l This parameter can be
set only when
Grooming Police
After Reloading is set
to WRR.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Bandwidth Limit Disabled Disabled l Bandwidth Limit

Enabled indicates or specifies
whether traffic
shaping is enabled for
an egress queue
corresponding to a
PHB service class.
l CIR (kbit/s), PIR
(kbit/s), CBS (byte),
and PBS (byte) can be
set only when
Bandwidth Limit is
set to Enabled.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

CIR(kbit/s) - - Traffic shaping for an

egress queue uses the
single token bucket two
color marker algorithm.
The value of the CIR must
be equal to the value of the
PIR. In actual traffic
shaping processing, only
the PIR is valid.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1408

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PIR(kbit/s) - - l When the buffer queue

is empty, the packets
are processed as
follows: If the rate of a
packet is equal to or
lower than the PIR, it
is directly forwarded;
if the rate of a packet is
higher than the PIR, it
enters the buffer queue
and then is forwarded
at a rate equal to the
l When the buffer queue
is not empty, the
packets whose rate
passes the restriction
of the PIR directly
enter the buffer queue
and then are forwarded
at a rate equal to the
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

CBS(byte) - - l It is recommended that

you set the value of the
CBS equal to the value
of the PIR. In actual
traffic shaping
processing, only the
PBS is valid.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1409

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PBS(byte) - - l When the buffer queue

is empty, certain burst
packets can be
forwarded if the rate of
the packets is equal to
or lower than the PIR
in a certain period. The
maximum traffic of the
burst packets is
determined by the
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Related Tasks
A.7.7.4 Creating a Port Policy

B.6.4.6 Parameter Description: Port Policy_Traffic Classification Configuration

This parameter describes the parameters that are used for creating traffic classification.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Policy Management > Port Policy from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Traffic Classification Configuration tab.
3. Click New.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Traffic Classification ID 1 to 512 - l This parameter

specifies the ID of the
traffic classification.
l The OptiX RTN 950
supports a maximum
of 512 flow

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1410

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

ACL Action Permit Permit l The access control list

Deny (ACL) determines
whether to forward or
discard the packets
that enter the port
according to the
specified matching
l When ACL Action is
set to Permit, the
ingress port accepts
and then performs QoS
processing for only the
packets that meet the
specified mapping
l When ACL Action is
set to Deny, the
ingress port discards
the packets that meet
the specified mapping

Ingress Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Logical Relation And And l This parameter

Between Matched Rules specifies the logical
relationship between
the traffic
matching rules.
l The OptiX RTN 950
supports the setting of
the logical AND
between multiple
matching rules.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1411

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Match Type DSCP Value - l After you click Add or

CVlan ID Delete, complex
traffic classification
CVlan priority can be performed on
SVlan ID the traffic that enters
SVlan priority the ingress port
according to the preset
matching rules.
l In the case a specific
service, complex
traffic classification
can be divided into
basic traffic types
according to the DSCP
value, C-VLAN ID, C-
VLAN priority, S-
VLAN ID, or S-
VLAN priority.
Traffic type is based
on the associated
Ethernet packets.
Therefore, this
parameter is set
according to the packet
type and the planning

Match Value DSCP Value: 0 to 63 - l If the matching value

CVlan ID: 1 to 4094 of the packets is the
same as the preset
CVlan priority: 0 to 7 Match Value, the
SVlan ID: 1 to 4094 packets match the
SVlan priority: 0 to 7 rules of complex
traffic classification.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Wildcard - - This parameter has a fixed

value of 0.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1412

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

CoS - - l This parameter

CS7 specifies the PHB
service class queue
CS6 mapped by the traffic
EF classification packets.
AF4 l If this parameter is set
AF3 to empty (-), the traffic
classification packets
map the PHB service
AF1 class queue according
BE the mapping relation
specified in the topic
about Diffserv domain
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Bandwidth Limit Disabled Enabled l This parameter

Enabled indicates or specifies
whether the CAR
operation is performed
for the flow in the
ingress direction.
l CIR (kbit/s), PIR
(kbit/s), CBS (byte),
and PBS (byte) can be
set only when
Bandwidth Limit is
set to Enabled.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1413

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

CIR(kbit/s) - - l When the rate of the

packets is not more
than the CIR, the
packets are marked
blue and pass the CAR
policing. These
packets are first
forwarded in the case
of network congestion.
l When the rate of the
packets is more than
the CIR but not more
than the PIR, the
packets whose rate is
more than the CIR can
pass the restriction of
the CAR and are
marked yellow. The
processing method of
the packets marked
yellow can be set to
"Pass" or "Remark".
"Remark" indicates
that the packets are
mapped into another
specified queue of a
higher priority (this is
equal to changing the
priority of the packets)
and then forwarded to
the next port. If a
network congestion
event occurs again, the
packets marked
yellow can be
processed according to
the new priority.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1414

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PIR(kbit/s) - - l When the rate of the

packets is more than
the PIR, the packets
that exceed the rate
restriction are marked
red and directly
l When the rate of the
packets is more than
the CIR but not more
than the PIR, the
packets whose rate is
more than the CIR can
pass the restriction of
the CAR and are
marked yellow. The
processing method of
the packets marked
yellow can be set to
"Pass" or "Remark".
"Remark" indicates
that the packets are
mapped into another
specified queue of a
higher priority (this is
equal to changing the
priority of the packets)
and then forwarded to
the next port. If a
network congestion
event occurs again, the
packets marked
yellow can be
processed according to
the new priority.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1415

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

CBS(byte) - - l During a certain

period, if the rate of the
packets whose
processing method is
marked "Pass" is not
more than the CIR,
certain burst packets
are allowed and can be
first forwarded in the
case of network
congestion. The
maximum traffic of the
burst packets is
determined by the
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

PBS(byte) - - l During a certain

period, if the rate of the
packets whose
processing method is
marked "Pass" is more
than the CIR but not
more than the PIR,
certain burst packets
are allowed and
marked yellow. The
maximum traffic of the
burst packets is
determined by the
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1416

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Coloration Mode Color Blindness Color Blindness l This parameter

specifies the CAR
operation performed
by the equipment on
the packets. The
packets are dyed
according to the result
of the CAR operation.
The dying rule is
determined by the
comparison between
the rate of the packets
and the preset CAR
l The OptiX RTN 950
supports Color
Blindness only.

Packet Color Red - Packets can be dyed in

Yellow three colors: red, yellow,
and green. The packets in
Green red are first discarded.

Handling Mode Discard - l This parameter

Pass specifies the method of
handling the packets.
l Discard: The packets
are discarded.
l Pass: The packets are
l Remark: The packets
are remarked.
"Remark" indicates
that the packets are
mapped into another
specified queue of a
higher priority (this is
equal to changing the
priority of the packets)
and then forwarded to
the next port.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Relabeled CoS CS7 - If the handling method is

CS6 set to "Remark", you can
reset the CoS of the
EF packets.

Egress Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Bandwidth Limit Disabled Enable l This parameter

Enable indicates or specifies
whether the traffic
shaping is performed
in the egress function.
l CIR (kbit/s), PIR
(kbit/s), CBS (byte),
and PBS (byte) can be
set only when
Bandwidth Limit is
set to Enabled.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

CIR(kbit/s) - - l In the case that no

packets exist in the
egress queue: When
the rate of the packets
is not more than the
CIR, these packets
directly enter the
egress queue.
l In the case that certain
packets exist in the
egress queue: The
packets whose rate
passes the restriction
of the PIR directly
enter the egress queue,
which forwards the
packets to the next port
at the CIR.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PIR(kbit/s) - - l In the case that no

packets exist in the
egress queue: If the
rate of the packets is
more than the CIR but
is not more than the
PIR, the packets
whose rate is more
than the CIR enter the
egress queue, which
forwards the packets to
the next port at the
CIR. If the rate of the
packets is more than
the PIR, the packets
are directly discarded.
l In the case that certain
packets exist in the
egress queue: The
packets whose rate
passes the restriction
of the PIR directly
enter the egress queue,
which forwards the
packets to the next port
at the CIR.
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

CBS(byte) - - l If the rate of the

packets is not more
than the CIR during a
certain period, the
burst packets are
directly transmitted.
The maximum traffic
of the burst packets is
determined by the
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PBS(byte) - - l If the rate of the

packets is more than
the CIR but is not more
than the PIR during a
certain period, the
burst packets enter the
egress queue. The
maximum traffic of the
burst packets is
determined by the
l This parameter is set
according to the
planning information.

Related Tasks
A.7.7.6 Creating Traffic

B.6.4.7 Parameter Description: Port Shaping Management_Creation

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating port shaping management tasks.

Navigation Path
1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Port Shaping Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click New.

Parameters for Port Shaping Management

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Slot No. - - This parameter specifies

the slot ID.

Port - - This parameter specifies

the port.

CIR (kbit/s) - - Traffic shaping for an

egress queue uses the
CBS (byte) - - single token bucket two
PIR (kbit/s) - - color marker algorithm.
The value of the CIR must
be equal to the value of the
PIR. In actual traffic
shaping processing, only
the PIR is valid.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PBS (byte) - - If the traffic shaping

function is enabled, OptiX
RTN 950 processes the
packets in the buffer
queue through the
following methods when
no packets are available in
the queue.
l When the buffer queue
is empty, the packets
are processed as
follows: If the rate of a
packet is equal to or
lower than the PIR, it
is directly forwarded;
if the rate of a packet is
higher than the PIR, it
enters the buffer queue
and then is forwarded
at a rate equal to the
l When the buffer queue
is empty, certain burst
packets can be
forwarded if the rate of
the packets is equal to
or lower than the PIR
in a certain period. The
maximum traffic of the
burst packets is
determined by the
l When the buffer queue
is not empty, the
packets whose rate
passes the restriction
of the PIR directly
enter the buffer queue
and then are forwarded
at a rate equal to the

Related Tasks
A.7.7.8 Configuring Port Shaping

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B.7 Parameters for Ethernet Services and Ethernet Features

on the EoPDH Plane
This section describes the parameters for the Ethernet services and Ethernet features on the
EoPDH plane, including service parameters, protocol parameters, OAM parameters, Ethernet
port parameters, and QoS parameters.

B.7.1 Parameters for Ethernet Services

This section describes the parameters for EoPDH-plane Ethernet services.

B.7.1.1 Parameter Description: Ethernet Line Service_Creation

This section describes the parameters for creating an Ethernet line service.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Service > Ethernet Line Service from the Function Tree.
2. Deselect Display QinQ Shared Service.
3. Click New.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-8 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - Displays the board name.

Service Type EPL EPL Specify the Ethernet service type to EPL.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1423

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional l If this parameter is set to

Unidirectional Unidirectional, you only need to create
a service from the service source to the
service sink. That is, there is traffic only
in the direction from the service source
to the sink port.
l If this parameter is set to Bidirectional,
you need to create a service from the
service source to the service sink and a
service from the service sink to the
service source. That is, there is traffic in
the direction from the service source to
the sink port and in the direction from the
service sink to the source port at the same
l In normal cases, it is recommended that
you set this parameter to Bidirectional.

Source Port - - l Specifies the port of the service source.

l When you create bidirectional Ethernet
services from a PORT to a VCTRUNK,
it is recommended that you set the PORT
to the source port.

Source VLAN(e.g. 1-4095 - l This parameter can be set to null, a

1,3-6) number, or several numbers. When
setting this parameter to several
numbers, use the comma (,) to separate
the discrete numbers, or use the hyphen
(-) to represent consecutive numbers. For
example, the numbers 1, and 3-6 indicate
1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
l The number of VLANs must be the same
as the value of Sink VLAN(e.g. 1,3-6).
l If this parameter is set to null, all the
services at the source port are used as the
service source.
l If this parameter is not set to null, only
the service that carries a specified VLAN
ID at the source port can be used as the
service source.

Sink Port - - l Specifies the port of the service sink.

l This parameter cannot take the same
value as Source Port.
l When you create bidirectional Ethernet
services from a PORT to a VCTRUNK,
it is recommended that you set the
VCTRUNK to the sink port.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Sink VLAN(e.g. 1-4095 - l This parameter can be set to null, a

1,3-6) number, or several numbers. When
setting this parameter to several
numbers, use the comma (,) to separate
the discrete numbers, or use the hyphen
(-) to represent consecutive numbers. For
example, the numbers 1, and 3-6 indicate
1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
l The number of VLANs must be the same
as the value of Source VLAN(e.g.
l If this parameter is set to null, all the
services at the sink port are used as the
service sink.
l If this parameter is not set to null, only
the service that carries a specified VLAN
ID at the sink port can be used as the
service sink.

Table B-9 Parameters for port attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the ports involved in the Ethernet


Port Type - - Displays the network attribute of the

Ethernet port.

Port Enabled Enabled - l When the source port or the sink port is
Disabled set to a PORT, set Port Enabled to
l This parameter need not be set when the
source port or sink port is a VCTRUNK.

TAG Tag Aware - l If all the accessed services are frames

Access with VLAN tags (tagged frames), set this
parameter to Tag Aware.
l If all the accessed services are frames
without VLAN tags (untagged frames),
set this parameter to Access.
l If the accessed services contain tagged
frames and untagged frames, set this
parameter to Hybrid.

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Table B-10 Parameters for bound paths

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Configurable EFP8: VCTRUNK1 Specifies the VCTRUNK to bind paths.

Ports VCTRUNK1 ~

Level - - Displays the level of the bound VC path.

In the case of the EFP8 board, this parameter
always takes the value of VC12-Xv.

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional l Specifies the direction of the bound path.

Uplink l Set this parameter to Bidirectional
Downlink unless otherwise specified.

Available - - l Displays the available VC4 paths.

Resources l In the case of the EFP8 board, this
parameter always takes the value of

Available - - Specifies the available timeslots.


Bound Path - - You need to plan and set this parameter

according to the following principles:
l The capacity of the VCTRUNK is
determined by the actual bandwidth
required by the services.
l The EFP8 board supports 16
bind a maximum of 16 VC-12 paths and
the total number of bound VC-12 paths
cannot exceed 63.

Number of Bound - - Displays the number of the bound VC path.


Related Tasks
A.8.2.1 Creating Ethernet Private Line Services

B.7.1.2 Parameter Description: Ethernet Line Service_Creating QinQ-Based

Ethernet Line Services
This section describes the parameters associated with QinQ-based Ethernet line services, which
need to be set on the NMS.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board, and choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service > Ethernet Line Service from the Function Tree.
2. Select Display QinQ Shared Service.
3. Click New.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-11 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - Displays the board name.

Service Type EPL EPL Specifies the service type to EVPL(QinQ).


Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional l When this parameter is set to

Unidirectional Unidirectional, only the service from
the service source to the service sink is
created. That is, the service source is
forwarded only to the sink port.
l When this parameter is set to
Bidirectional, both the service from the
service source to the service sink and the
service from the service sink to the
service source are created. That is, when
the service source is forwarded to the
sink port, the service sink is forwarded to
the source port.
l It is recommended that you set this
parameter to Bidirectional.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1427

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Operation Type l Add S-VLAN Strip S-VLAN l When used for private line services,
l Transparently QinQ can process VLAN tags in
transmit C- different manners as required.
VLAN l When Service Direction is set to
l Transparently Unidirectional, you can set Operation
transmit S- Type to Strip S-VLAN.
VLAN l Set this parameter according to actual
l Transparently situations.
transmit S-
VLAN and C-
l Translate S-
l Translate S-
VLAN and
transmit C-
l Strip S-VLAN

Source Port - - l Specifies the port where the service

source resides.
l When creating a bidirectional Ethernet
service from a PORT to a VCTRUNK, it
is recommended that you use the PORT
as the source port.

Source C-VLAN 1-4095 - l You can set this parameter to null, a

(e.g. 1, 3-6) number, or several numbers. When you
set this parameter to several numbers,
use "," to separate these discrete values
and use "-" to indicate continuous
numbers. For example, "1, 3-6" indicates
numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
l The number of VLANs set in this
parameter should be the same as the
number of VLANs set in Sink C-VLAN
(e.g. 1, 3-6).
l When you set this parameter to null, all
the services of the source port work as
the service source.
l When you set this parameter to a non-
null value, only the services of the source
port whose VLAN IDs are included in
the value range of this parameter work as
the service source.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Source S-VLAN 1-4095 - l This parameter must be set to a

numerical value.
l Only the service of the source port whose
S-VLAN ID is equal to the value of this
parameter work as the service source.

Sink Port - - l Specifies the port where the service sink

l This parameter must be set to be a value
different from Source Port.
l When creating a bidirectional Ethernet
service from a PORT to a VCTRUNK, it
is recommended that you use the
VCTRUNK as the sink port.

Sink C-VLAN(e.g. 1-4095 - l You can set this parameter to null, a

1, 3-6) number, or several numbers. When you
set this parameter to several numbers,
use "," to separate these discrete values
and use "-" to indicate continuous
numbers. For example, "1, 3-6" indicates
numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
l The number of VLANs set in this
parameter should be the same as the
number of VLANs set in Source C-
VLAN(e.g. 1, 3-6).
l When you set this parameter to null, all
the services of the sink port work as the
service sink.
l When you set this parameter to a non-
null value, only the services of the sink
port whose VLAN IDs are included in
the value range of this parameter work as
the service sink.

Sink S-VLAN 1-4095 - l This parameter must be set to a

numerical value.
l Only the services of the sink port whose
S-VLAN IDs are equal to the value of
this parameter work as the service sink.

C-VLAN Priority AUTO AUTO Displays the C-VLAN priority.

S-VLAN Priority AUTO AUTO Specifies the S-VLAN priority. The bigger
Priority 0 to Priority the value, the higher the priority.

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Table B-12 Parameters of port attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the ports that are configured to

transmit the service.

Port Type - - Displays the network attribute of the

Ethernet port.

Port Enabled Enabled - l When the source port or the sink port is
Disabled set to a PORT, set Port Enabled to
l This parameter need not be set when the
source port or sink port is a VCTRUNK.

TAG - - This parameter is invalid for QinQ line


Table B-13 Parameters for bound paths

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Configurable EFP8: VCTRUNK1 Specifies the VCTRUNK to bind paths.

Ports VCTRUNK1 ~

Level - - Displays the level of the bound VC path.

In the case of the EFP8 board, this parameter
always takes the value of VC12-Xv.

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional l Specifies the direction of the bound path.

Uplink l Set this parameter to Bidirectional
Downlink unless otherwise specified.

Available - - l Displays the available VC4 paths.

Resources l In the case of the EFP8 board, this
parameter always takes the value of

Available - - Specifies the available timeslots.


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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Bound Path - - You need to plan and set this parameter

according to the following principles:
l The capacity of the VCTRUNK is
determined by the actual bandwidth
required by the services.
l The EFP8 board supports 16
bind a maximum of 16 VC-12 paths and
the total number of bound VC-12 paths
cannot exceed 63.

Number of Bound - - Displays the number of the bound VC path.


Related Tasks
A.8.2.5 Creating QinQ-Based EVPL Services

B.7.1.3 Parameter Description: Ethernet Line Service

This section describes the parameters for Ethernet line services.

Navigation Path
In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Service > Ethernet Line Service from the Function Tree.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-14 Parameters on the main interface (Display QinQ Shared Service is not selected)
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Service Type - - Displays the service type.

Direction - - Displays the service direction.

Source Port - - Displays the port of the service source.

Source VLAN - - Displays the VLAN ID of the service source.

Sink Port - - Displays the port of the service sink.

Sink VLAN - - Displays the VLAN ID of the service sink.

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Table B-15 Parameters on the main interface (Display QinQ Shared Service is selected)
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Service Type - - Displays the service type.

Direction - - Displays the service direction.

Source Port - - Displays the port of the service source.

Source C-VLAN - - Displays the VLAN ID of the service source.

Source S-VLAN - - l Displays the S-VLAN ID of the service

l This parameter can be set only for the
QinQ-based EVPL service.

Sink Port - - Displays the port of the service sink.

Sink C-VLAN - - Displays the VLAN ID of the service sink.

Sink S-VLAN - - l Displays the S-VLAN ID of the service

l This parameter can be set only for the
QinQ-based EVPL service.

C-VLAN Priority - - l Displays the priority of the C-VLAN.

l This parameter can be set only for the
QinQ-based EVPL service.

S-VLAN Priority - - l Displays the priority of the S-VLAN.

l This parameter can be set only for the
QinQ-based EVPL service.

Table B-16 Parameters for port attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the port name.

Port Type - - Displays the network attribute of the

Ethernet port.

Port Enabled - - When the source port or sink port is a PORT,

this parameter indicates whether the port is

TAG - - Displays the tag attribute of the Ethernet


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Table B-17 Parameters for bound paths

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VCTRUNK Port - - Displays the VCTRUNK that binds VC


Level - - Displays the level of the bound VC paths.

Direction - - Displays the direction of the bound VC


Bound Path - - Displays the serial numbers of the bound VC


Number of Bound - - Displays the number of the bound VC paths.


B.7.1.4 Parameter Description: Ethernet LAN Service_Creation of Ethernet LAN

Services Based on IEEE 802.1d/802.1q Bridge
This section describes the parameters for creating an Ethernet LAN service.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Service > Ethernet LAN Service from the Function Tree.
2. Click New.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-18 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - Displays the board that is configured with a


VB name - - Describes the bridge. It is recommended that

you set this parameter to a character string
that indicates the function of the bridge.

Bridge Type 802.1q 802.1q l If this parameter is set to 802.1q, an

802.1d IEEE 802.1q bridge is created.
802.1ad l If this parameter is set to 802.1d, an
IEEE 802.1d bridge is created.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Bridge Switch l IVL/Ingress l IVL/Ingress l When the bridge uses the SVL mode, all
Mode Filter Enable Filter Enable the VLANs share one MAC address
(supported by the (IEEE 802.1q table. When the bridge uses the IVL
IEEE 802.1q bridge and the mode, each VLAN has an MAC address
bridge and IEEE IEEE 802.1ad table.
802.1ad bridge, bridge) l When the filtering function is enabled at
unsupported by l SVL/Ingress the ingress port, the ingress port checks
the IEEE 802.1d Filter Disable the VLAN tags of all incoming packets.
bridge) (IEEE 802.1d If the VLAN ID contained in the VLAN
l SVL/Ingress bridge) tag of a packet is not included in the
Filter Disable VLAN filtering table, the packet is
(supported by the discarded. When the filtering function is
IEEE 802.1d disabled at the ingress port, the ingress
bridge and IEEE port does not check any VLAN tag of the
802.1ad bridge, incoming packets.
unsupported by
the IEEE 802.1q

Bridge Learning - - Displays the learning mode of the bridge.


Ingress Filter - - Displays whether the filtering function is

enabled at the ingress port.

MAC Address Self- - - Displays whether the MAC address self-

learning learning of the bridge is enabled.

Table B-19 Parameters for mounting services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VB Port - - Displays the ID of the logical port on the


Mount Port - - Displays or specifies which physical port or

VCTRUNK on the Ethernet switch board is
mounted to the bridge.

Port Type - - Displays the network attribute of the port

mounted to the bridge.

Port Enabled Disabled - Displays or specifies whether the port

Enabled mounted to the bridge is enabled.

TAG Access - Displays or specifies the tag attribute of the

Tag Aware port mounted to the bridge.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Default VLAN ID - - Displays or specifies the default VLAN ID

of the port mounted to the bridge.
This parameter is valid only when you set
the tag attribute of the port to Access or

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation - Displays or specifies the working mode of

10M Half-Duplex the port mounted to the bridge.
10M Full-Duplex
100M Half-Duplex
100M Full-Duplex

Service Direction - - Displays the direction of the service.

C-VLAN - - The IEEE 802.1d/802.1q bridge does not

support this parameter.

S-VLAN - - The IEEE 802.1d/802.1q bridge does not

support this parameter.

S-VLAN Priority - - The IEEE 802.1d/802.1q bridge does not

support this parameter.

C-VLAN Priority - - The IEEE 802.1d/802.1q bridge does not

support this parameter.

Table B-20 Parameters for mounting configuration

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Available Mounted - - Displays which physical port or VCTRUNK

Ports on the Ethernet switch board can be mounted
to the bridge.

Selected Mounted - - Displays which physical port or VCTRUNK

Ports on the Ethernet switch board is mounted to
the bridge.

Table B-21 Parameters for bound paths

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Configurable EFP8: VCTRUNK1 Specifies the VCTRUNK to bind paths.

Ports VCTRUNK1 ~

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Level - - Displays the level of the bound VC path.

In the case of the EFP8 board, this parameter
always takes the value of VC12-Xv.

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional l Specifies the direction of the bound path.

Uplink l Set this parameter to Bidirectional
Downlink unless otherwise specified.

Available - - l Displays the available VC4 paths.

Resources l In the case of the EFP8 board, this
parameter always takes the value of

Available - - Specifies the available timeslots.


Bound Path - - You need to plan and set this parameter

according to the following principles:
l The capacity of the VCTRUNK is
determined by the actual bandwidth
required by the services.
l The EFP8 board supports 16
bind a maximum of 16 VC-12 paths and
the total number of bound VC-12 paths
cannot exceed 63.

Number of Bound - - Displays the number of the bound VC path.


Related Tasks
A.8.2.2 Creating Ethernet LAN Services

B.7.1.5 Parameter Description: Ethernet LAN Service_Creating IEEE 802.1ad

Bridge-Based Ethernet LAN Service
This section describes the parameters associated with IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based Ethernet LAN
services, which need to be set on the NMS.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board, and then choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service > Ethernet LAN Service from the Function Tree.
2. Click New.

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Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-22 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - Displays the board where the bridge is


VB Name - - This parameter is a string that describes the

bridge. It is recommended that you set this
parameter to a character string that contains
the information about the detailed
application of the bridge.

Bridge Type 802.1q 802.1q When this parameter is set to 802.1ad,

802.1d create the IEEE 802.1ad bridge.

Bridge Switch l IVL/Ingress l IVL/Ingress l When the bridge uses the SVL mode, all
Mode Filter Enable Filter Enable (the the VLANs share one MAC address
(supported by the 802.1q bridge table. When the bridge uses the IVL
802.1q bridge and the 802.1ad mode, all the VLANs correspond to their
and 802.1ad bridge) respective MAC address tables.
bridge, l SVL/Ingress l If the ingress filter is enabled, the VLAN
unsupported by Filter Disable tag is checked at the ingress port. If the
the 802.1d (the 802.1d VLAN ID does not equal the VLAN ID
bridge) bridge) of the port defined in the VLAN filtering
l SVL/Ingress table, the packet is discarded. If the
Filter Disable ingress filter is disabled, the preceding
(supported by the described check is not conducted.
802.1d bridge
and 802.1ad
unsupported by
the 802.1q

Bridge Learning - - Displays the bridge learning mode.


Ingress Filter - - Displays whether the ingress filter function

is enabled.

MAC Address Self- - - Displays whether the MAC address self-

learning learning function of the bridge is enabled.

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Table B-23 Parameters of service mounting

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VB Port - - Displays the ID of the logical port of the


Mount Port - - Displays or specifies the external port or

VCTRUNK on the Ethernet switching
board that is connected to the bridge.

Port Type - - Displays the network attribute of the

external port/VCTRUNK connected to the

Port Enabled Disabled - Displays or specifies whether the external

Enabled port connected to the bridge is enabled.

TAG - - This parameter is invalid in the case of

Ethernet LAN services based on 802.1ad

Default VLAN ID - - Displays or specifies the default VLAN ID.

This parameter is valid only when TAG is
set to Access or Hybrid.

Working Mode Auto-Negotiation Auto-Negotiation Displays or specifies the working mode of

10M Half-Duplex the external port.
10M Full-Duplex
100M Half-Duplex
100M Full-Duplex

Service Direction - - Displays the service direction.

C-VLAN - - Displays or specifies the C-VLAN ID that

the data frames carry.
Is valid only when the bridge is an IEEE
802.1ad bridge and Operation Type is set
to Add S-VLAN Base for Port and C-
Specifies the mapping relationship between
the C-VLAN ID carried by the data frames
and the S-VLAN ID to be added.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

S-VLAN - - Displays or specifies the S-VLAN ID that

the data frames carry.
l When Operation Type is set to Add S-
VLAN Base for Port, this parameter
specifies that the data frames that enter
the IEEE 802.1ad bridge need to be
added with the S-VLAN ID.
l When Operation Type is set to Add S-
VLAN Base for Port and C-VLAN,
this parameter and C-VLAN specify the
mapping relationship between the S-
VLAN ID to be added and the C-VLAN
ID carried by the data frames that enter
the IEEE 802.1ad bridge.
l When Operation Type is set to Mount
Port, this parameter is invalid.
l When Operation Type is set to Mount
Port and Base for Port and S-VLAN,
this parameter specifies the S-VLAN ID
to be carried by the data frames that enter
the IEEE 802.1ad bridge.

S-VLAN Priority - - Displays or specifies the S-VLAN priority.

C-VLAN Priority - - Displays or specifies the C-VLAN priority.

Table B-24 Parameters of service mounting

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Operation Type Add S-VLAN base Add S-VLAN base For the meaning of each operation type, see
for port for port Application of the QinQ Technology in
Add S-VLAN base 802.1ad Bridge Services.
for Port and C-
Mount Port
Mount Port and base
for Port and S-

VB Port - - Specifies the ID of the logical port of the


Mount Port - - Selects the external port or VCTRUNK on

the Ethernet switching board that is
connected to the bridge.

Port Type - - Displays the port type.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

C-VLAN 1-4095 - Is valid only when Operation Type is set to

Add S-VLAN Base for Port and C-
Specifies the mapping relationship between
the C-VLAN ID carried by the data frames
and the S-VLAN ID to be added.

S-VLAN 1-4095 - l When Operation Type is set to Add S-

VLAN Base for Port, this parameter
specifies that the data frames that enter
the IEEE 802.1ad bridge need to be
added with the S-VLAN ID.
l When Operation Type is set to Add S-
VLAN Base for Port and C-VLAN,
this parameter and C-VLAN specify the
mapping relationship between the S-
VLAN ID to be added and the C-VLAN
ID carried by the data frames that enter
the IEEE 802.1ad bridge.
l When Operation Type is set to Mount
Port, this parameter is invalid.
l When Operation Type is set to Mount
Port and Base for Port and S-VLAN,
this parameter specifies the S-VLAN ID
to be carried by the data frames that enter
the IEEE 802.1ad bridge.

S-VLAN Priority AUTO AUTO Specifies the S-VLAN priority.

Priority 0 to Priority

C-VLAN Priority AUTO AUTO Specifies the C-VLAN priority.

Port Enabled - - Displays or specifies whether the external

port connected to the bridge is enabled.

Service Direction - - Displays the service direction.

Table B-25 Parameters for bound paths

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Configurable EFP8: VCTRUNK1 Specifies the VCTRUNK to bind paths.

Ports VCTRUNK1 ~

Level - - Displays the level of the bound VC path.

In the case of the EFP8 board, this parameter
always takes the value of VC12-Xv.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional l Specifies the direction of the bound path.

Uplink l Set this parameter to Bidirectional
Downlink unless otherwise specified.

Available - - l Displays the available VC4 paths.

Resources l In the case of the EFP8 board, this
parameter always takes the value of

Available - - Specifies the available timeslots.


Bound Path - - You need to plan and set this parameter

according to the following principles:
l The capacity of the VCTRUNK is
determined by the actual bandwidth
required by the services.
l The EFP8 board supports 16
bind a maximum of 16 VC-12 paths and
the total number of bound VC-12 paths
cannot exceed 63.

Number of Bound - - Displays the number of the bound VC path.


Related Tasks
A.8.2.6 Creating IEEE 802.1ad Bridge-Based EVPLAN Services

B.7.1.6 Parameter Description: Ethernet LAN Service

This section describes the parameters for creating an Ethernet LAN service.

Navigation Path
In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Ethernet Service > Ethernet LAN Service from the Function Tree.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-26 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - Displays the board that is configured with a


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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VB ID - - Displays the ID of the bridge.

VB Name - - This parameter is a character string that

describes the bridge. It is recommended that
you set this character string to a value that
indicates the specific purpose of the bridge.

Bridge Type - - Displays the type of the bridge.

Bridge Switch - - Displays the switching mode of the bridge.


Bridge Learning - - Displays the learning mode of the bridge.


Ingress Filter - - Displays whether the filtering function is

enabled at the ingress port.

MAC Address self- - - Displays whether the MAC address self-

Learning learning of the bridge is enabled.

Table B-27 Parameters for mounting services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VB Port - - Displays the ID of the logical port of the


Mount Port - - Displays or specifies which physical port or

VCTRUNK on the Ethernet switch board is
mounted to the bridge.

Port Type - - Displays the network attribute of the port

mounted to the bridge.

Port Enabled - - Displays or specifies whether the port

mounted to the bridge is enabled.

Hub/Spoke Hub Hub Displays or specifies the Hub/Spoke

Spoke attribute of the port mounted to the bridge.
l Hub ports can mutually access each
l Hub ports and Spoke ports can mutually
access each other.
l Spoke ports cannot mutually access each

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

TAG - - Displays or specifies the TAG attribute of

the mounted port in the case of Ethernet
LAN services based on 802.1d bridge or
802.1q bridge.
This parameter is invalid in the case of
Ethernet LAN services based on 802.1ad

Default VLAN ID - - Displays or specifies the default VLAN ID

of the port mounted to the bridge.
This parameter is valid only when you set
the tag attribute of the port to Access or

Working Mode - - Displays or specifies the working mode of

the port mounted to the bridge.

Service Direction - - Displays the direction of the service.

C-VLAN - - Displays or specifies the C-VLAN ID

carried by the data frame.
This parameter is valid only when the bridge
is an IEEE 802.1ad bridge and Operation
Type is Add S-VLAN Base for Port and
This parameter specifies the mapping
relation between the C-VLAN tag carried by
the data frame and the S-VLAN tag to be

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

S-VLAN - - Displays or specifies the S-VLAN ID

carried by the data frame.
l When Operation Type is set to Add S-
VLAN Base for Port, this parameter
specifies the S-VLAN to be added to the
data frames that enter the IEEE 802.1ad
l When Operation Type is set to Add S-
VLAN Base for Port and C-VLAN,
this parameter and C-VLAN specify the
mapping relation between the S-VLAN
tag to be added and the C-VLAN tag
carried by the data frame that enters the
IEEE 802.1ad bridge.
l When Operation Type is set to Mount
Port, this parameter is invalid.
l When Operation Type is set to Mount
Port and Base for Port and S-VLAN,
this parameter specifies the S-VLAN tag
to be carried by the data frames that enter
the IEEE 802.1ad bridge.

S-VLAN Priority - - Displays the priority of the S-VLAN.

C-VLAN Priority - - Displays the priority of the C-VLAN.

Table B-28 Parameters for VLAN filtering table

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VLAN ID - - Displays the VLAN ID that needs to be

filtered in forwarding.

VB Port - - Displays the ID of the logical port of the


Forwarding - - Displays the actually specified forwarding

Physical Port port.
l Selected forwarding ports can send
packets only among themselves.
l Selected forwarding ports can only
forward the packet that carries the
VLAN ID tag. These ports discard the
packet that carries other VLAN tags.
l The broadcast packets transmitted by
any of Selected forwarding ports can
be forwarded only among Selected
forwarding ports.

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Table B-29 Parameters for VLAN unicast

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VLAN ID - - l This parameter is invalid for the 802.1d

bridge and the 802.1ad bridge that adopt
the SVL learning mode. The entry
applies to all VLANs.
l In the case of the 802.1d bridge and the
802.1ad bridge that adopt the SVL
learning mode, the entry applies to only
the VLAN with the ID specified by this
l Set this parameter according to the
planning information.

MAC Address - - l Displays or specifies the static MAC

l A static MAC address is an address that
is set manually. It does not age
automatically and needs to be deleted
l Generally, a static MAC address is used
for the port that receives but does not
forward Ethernet service packets or the
port whose MAC address need not age

VB Port - - Displays the ID of the logical port of the


Physical Port - - l Specifies the Ethernet port that

corresponds to the MAC address.
l Set this parameter according to the
planning information.

Aging Status - - Displays the aging status of the entries.

Table B-30 Parameters for disabling MAC addresses

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VLAN ID - - Displays or specifies the VLAN ID of the

service. A disabled MAC address is valid for
the VLAN with the ID as specified by this

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

MAC Address - - l Displays or specifies the disabled MAC

address. A disabled MAC address is also
called a blacklisted MAC address.
l The data frame that contains a disabled
destination MAC address is discarded. A
disabled MAC address needs to be set
manually and does not age.

Table B-31 Parameters for bound paths

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VCTRUNK Port - - Displays the VCTRUNK to bind VC paths.

Level - - Displays the level of the bound VC paths.

Service Direction - - Displays the direction of the bound VC


Bound Path - - Displays the bound paths.

Number of Bound - - Displays the number of bound paths.


Table B-32 Parameters for self-learned MAC addresses

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

MAC Address - - l Displays or specifies the self-learned

MAC address. A self-learned MAC
address is also called a dynamic MAC
l The entries of self-learned MAC
addresses are obtained when the bridge
uses the SVL or IVL learning mode. A
self-learned MAC address ages.

VB Port - - Displays the ID of the logical port of the


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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VLAN ID - - l If the bridge uses the SVL learning

mode, this parameter is invalid. That is,
the preset self-learned MAC address
entries are valid for all VLANs.
l If the bridge uses the IVL learning mode,
the preset self-learned MAC address
entries are valid only for the VLAN with
the ID specified by this parameter.
l Set this parameter according to the
planning information.

Table B-33 Parameters for VLAN MAC address table capacity

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VLAN ID - - Displays the VLAN ID specified for

querying the self-learned MAC addresses.

Actual MAC - - Displays how many MAC addresses are

Address Table actually self-learned in the query condition
Capacity of a specific VLAN ID.

Table B-34 Parameters for VB port MAC address table capacity

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VB Port - - Displays the ID of the logical port of the

bridge. The ID is specified for querying the
self-learned MAC addresses.

Actual MAC - - Displays how many MAC addresses are

Address Table actually self-learned in the query condition
Capacity of a specific VB port.

Related Tasks
A.8.3.1 Creating a Static MAC Address Entry
A.8.3.2 Creating a Blacklist Entry of a MAC Address
A.8.3.4 Querying or Deleting a Dynamic MAC Address
A.8.3.5 Querying the Actual Capacity of a MAC Address Table

B.7.1.7 Parameter Description: VLAN Filtering Table_Creation

This section describes the parameters for creating VLAN filtering tables.

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Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Service > Ethernet LAN Service from the Function Tree.
2. Select an IEEE 802.1q or 802.1ad bridge and click the VLAN Filtering tab.
In the case of IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based Ethernet LAN services, the learning mode of the VB must
be IVL.
3. Click New.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-35 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VB - - Displays the bridge whose VLAN filtering

table is to be created.

VLAN ID(e.g. 1-4095 1 Specifies the VLAN IDs in the VLAN

1,3-6) filtering table.
l You can set this parameter to a number
or several numbers. When you set this
parameter to several numbers, use "," to
separate these discrete values and use "-"
to indicate continuous numbers. For
example, "1, 3-6" indicates numbers 1,
3, 4, 5, and 6.
l Set this parameter as required.

Available - - Displays the ports mounted to the bridge.

forwarding ports

Selected - - Displays the selected forwarding ports.

forwarding ports l The selected forwarding ports can send
packets only among themselves.
l The selected forwarding ports can only
forward the packet that carries the
VLAN ID (e.g:1,3-6) tag. These ports
discard the packet that carries other
VLAN tags.
l The broadcast packet that carries the
VLAN ID(e.g.1,3-6) tag can be
forwarded only among the selected
forwarding ports.

Related Tasks
A.8.2.4 Creating the VLAN Filtering Table

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B.7.1.8 Parameter Description: Aging Time of MAC Address Table Entries

This section describes the parameters associated with the aging time of MAC address table
entries, which need to be set on the NMS.

Navigation Path
In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board, and choose Configuration > Layer-2 Switching
Management > Aging Time from the Function Tree.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-36 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - Displays the Ethernet board.

MAC Address l 1 to 120 Min 5 Min l If one entry is not updated in a certain
Aging Time l 1 to 120 Hour period, that is, if no new packet from this
MAC address is received to enable the
l 1 to 12 Day re-learning of this MAC address, this
entry is deleted automatically. This
mechanism is called aging, and this
period is called the aging time.
l If you set this parameter to a very large
value, the bridge stores excessive MAC
address table entries that are outdated,
which exhausts the resources of the
MAC address forwarding table.
l If you set this parameter to a very small
value, the bridge may delete the MAC
address table entry that is required,
which reduces the forwarding
l It is recommended that this parameter
takes the default value.
The maximum MAC Address Aging Time
supported by EFP8 boards is 12 days.

Related Tasks
A.8.3.3 Setting the Aging Time of a MAC Address Table Entry

B.7.2 Parameters for Ethernet Protocols

This section describes the parameters for EoPDH-plane Ethernet protocols.

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B.7.2.1 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Protocol Enabling

This section describes the parameters for the types of spanning tree protocols and for enabling
the spanning tree protocols.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Layer-2 Switching Management > Spanning Tree from the Function
2. Click the Protocol Enabled tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-37 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VB - - Displays the created bridge.

Protocol Enabled Enabled Disabled l Indicates whether to enable the spanning

Disabled tree protocol.
l Try to avoid Layer 2 service loopbacks
in the service networking. If no loop
occurs, you need not start the STP/
l If the loop is already formed in the
service networking, you must start the

Protocol Type STP RSTP l This parameter is valid only when

RSTP Protocol Enabled is Enabled.
l The protocol type should be set
according to the requirement of the
interconnected Ethernet equipment. The
default value is recommended unless
otherwise specified.

Related Tasks
A.8.5.1 Configuring the Type and Enabled Status of the Spanning Tree Protocol

B.7.2.2 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Bridge Parameters

This section describes the parameters for the spanning tree protocol.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Layer-2 Switching Management > Spanning Tree from the Function

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2. Click the Bridge Parameters tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-38 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VB - - Displays the created bridge.

Priority 0-61440 32768 l The most significant 16 bits of the bridge

ID indicate the priority of the bridge.
l When the value is smaller, the priority is
higher. As a result, the bridge is more
likely to be selected as the root bridge.
l If the priorities of all the bridges on the
STP network take the same value, the
bridge whose MAC address is the
smallest is selected as the root bridge.

MAC Address - - Displays the MAC address of a bridge.

Max Age(s) 6-40 20 l Indicates the maximum age of the

CBPDU packet that is recorded by the
l The greater the value, the longer the
transmission distance of the CBPDU
packet, and the greater the network
diameter. When the value of this
parameter is greater, however, the link
fault detection of the bridge is slower and
thus the network adaptability is reduced.

Hello Time(s) 1-10 2 l Indicates the interval for transmitting

CBPDU packets through the bridge.
l The greater the value of this parameter,
the less the network resources that are
occupied by the spanning tree. As the
value of this parameter increases,
however, the topology stability

Forward Delay(s) 4-30 15 l Indicates the holding time of a port in the

listening state and in the learning state.
l The greater the value, the longer the
delay of the network state change.
Therefore, the topology changes are
slower and recovery in the case of faults
is slower.

TxHoldCout(per 1-10 6 Indicates how many times the port transmits

second) CBPDU packets in every second.

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Related Tasks
A.8.5.2 Setting the Parameters of Spanning Tree Protocol

B.7.2.3 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Port Parameters

This section describes the parameters associated with the spanning tree protocol, which need to
be set on the NMS.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board, and choose Configuration > Layer-2
Switching Management > Spanning Tree from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Port Parameters tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-39 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the created bridge.

Priority 0-240 128 l The most significant eight bits of the port
ID indicate the port priority.
l The smaller the value of this parameter,
the higher the priority.

Port Path Cost 1-200000000 - l Indicates the status of the network to

which the port is connected.
l In the case of the bridges on both ends of
the path, set this parameter to the same

Status - - Displays the state of a port.

Admin Edge Enabled Disabled l Is valid only when the RSTP is used.
Attribute Disabled l Specifies whether to set the port to an
edge port. The edge port refers to the
bridge port that is connected only to the
LAN. The edge port receives the BPDU
and does not transmit the BPDU.
l Set this parameter to Enabled only when
the Ethernet port on the Ethernet board
is directly connected to the data
communication terminal equipment,
such as a computer. In other cases, it is
recommended that this parameter takes
the default value.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protocol Enabled Enabled Enabled l Specifies whether the STP or RSTP is

Disabled enabled for the port.
l When this parameter is set to Disabled,
the port does not process or transmit the
l It is recommended that this parameter
takes the default value.

Auto Edge Enabled Disabled l Is valid only when Admin Edge

Detection Disabled Attribute is set to Enabled.
l When this parameter is set to Enabled,
if the bridge detects that this port is
connected to the port of another bridge,
the RSTP considers this port as a non-
edge port.
l When Admin Edge Attribute is set to
Enabled, set this parameter to
Enabled. In other cases, it is
recommended that this parameter takes
the default value.

Related Tasks
A.8.5.2 Setting the Parameters of Spanning Tree Protocol

B.7.2.4 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Bridge Running Information

This section describes the parameters associated with the type and enabled status of the spanning
tree protocol, which need to be set on the NMS.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board, and choose Configuration > Layer-2
Switching Management > Spanning Tree from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Bridge Running Information tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-40 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VB - - Displays the created bridge.

Priority - - Displays the priority of the bridge. The most

significant 16 bits of the bridge ID indicate
the priority of the bridge.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

MAC Address - - Displays the MAC address of the bridge.

Designed Root - - Displays the priority of the specified bridge.

Bridge Priority

Designed Root - - Displays the MAC address of the specified

Bridge MAC bridge.

Root Path Cost - - Displays the root path cost. The root path
cost is the path cost of the root port and is
used for calculating the network topology.

Root Port - - Displays the root port of the spanning tree


Max Age(s) - - Displays the maximum age of the CBPDU

packet that is recorded by the port.

Hello Time(s) - - Displays the interval for transmitting the

CBPDU packets through the bridge.

Forward Delay(s) - - Displays the holding time of a port in

listening state and in learning state.

HoldCout - - Displays the number of times that each port

transmits CBPDU packets per second.

Related Tasks
A.8.5.3 Querying the Running Information About the Spanning Tree Protocol

B.7.2.5 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Port Running Information

This section describes the parameters associated with the type and enabled status of the spanning
tree protocol, which need to be set on the NMS.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board, and choose Configuration > Layer-2
Switching Management > Spanning Tree from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Port Running Information tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-41 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the logical port of the bridge.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port ID - - Displays the port ID.

Port Status - - Displays the port status.

Port Path Cost - - Displays the port path cost.

Designated Port D - - Displays the ID of the specified port.

Designated Root - - Displays the priority of the specified root

Bridge Priority bridge.

Designated Root - - Displays the MAC address of the specified

Bridge MAC root bridge.

Designated Path - - Displays the specified path cost.


Designated Bridge - - Displays the priority of the specified bridge.


Designated Bridge - - Displays the MAC address of the specified

MAC Address bridge.

Topology - - Displays the enabled status of topology

Detection detection.

Edge Port Status - - Displays the enabled status of the edge port.

Running Time(s) - - Displays the duration when the topology

remains unchanged.

Related Tasks
A.8.5.3 Querying the Running Information About the Spanning Tree Protocol

B.7.2.6 Parameter Description: Spanning Tree_Point-to-Point Attribute

This section describes the parameters associated with the point-to-point attribute of the spanning
tree protocol, which need to be set on the NMS.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board, and choose Configuration > Layer-2
Switching Management > Spanning Tree from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Point to Point Attribute tab.

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Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-42 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the internal and external ports on

the Ethernet board.

Point-to-point Adaptive Adaptive connection l This parameter is valid only when the
Attribute connection RSTP is used.
Link connection l If this parameter is set to Adaptive
Shared media connection, the bridge determines the
actual point-to-point attribute of the port
according to the actual working mode of
the port. If the port works in full-duplex
mode, the actual point-to-point attribute
of the port is True. If the port works in
half-duplex mode, the actual point-to-
point attribute of the port is False.
l If you set this parameter to Link
connection, the actual point-to-point
attribute of the port is True.
l If you set this parameter to Shared
media, the actual point-to-point attribute
of the port is False.
l Only the port whose actual point to point
attribute is True can transmit the fast
transition request and response
l It is recommended that this parameter
takes the default value.

Related Tasks
A.8.5.2 Setting the Parameters of Spanning Tree Protocol

B.7.2.7 Parameter Description: IGMP Snooping Protocol_Enabling

This section describes the parameters for enabling the IGMP snooping protocol.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Layer-2 Switching Management > IGMP Snooping Protocol from the
Function Tree.
2. Click the Enable IGMP Snooping Protocol tab.

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Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - Displays the board name.

VB - - Displays the ID of the bridge.

Protocol Enable Enabled Disabled l Specifies whether to enable the IGMP

Disabled snooping protocol.
l If the IGMP multicast router exists on
the interconnected Ethernet network,
enable the IGMP snooping protocol
according to the requirements of the

The Discarded Tag Enabled Enabled l This parameter specifies the method of
of the Packet Disabled the port to process unknown multicast
Excluded in the packets. When the IEEE 802.1q or
Multicast Group 802.1ad bridge receives the multicast
packets whose multicast addresses are
not included in the multicast table, these
packets are considered as unknown
l This parameter is valid only when
Protocol Enable is Enabled.
l If this parameter is set to Enabled,
unknown multicast packets are
l If this parameter is set to Disabled,
unknown multicast packets are
broadcast in the VLAN.
l Set this parameter as required by the
IGMP multicast server.

Max.Non- 1 to 4 3 If the bridge transmits an IGMP group query

Response Times packet to the multicast member ports, the
router port starts the timer for the query of
the maximum response time. If the bridge
does not receive the IGMP report packet
within the maximum response time, the
bridge adds one to the no-response times of
the multicast member port. When the no-
response times of the port exceed the preset
threshold, the bridge deletes the multicast
member from the multicast group.

Related Tasks
A.8.6.1 Configuring the IGMP Snooping Protocol

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B.7.2.8 Parameter Description: IGMP Snooping Protocol_Creation of Static

Multicast Table Entries
This section describes the parameters for creating static multicast table entries.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Layer-2 Switching Management > IGMP Snooping Protocol from the
Function Tree.
2. Click the Static Multicast Table tab.
3. Click New.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VB ID - - Displays the ID of the created bridge.

VLAN ID - - Specifies the VLAN ID of the static

multicast table entry.

MAC Address - - l Specifies the MAC address in the static

multicast table.
l Set this parameter as required.

Multicast Port - - l Specifies the port as an entry in the static

multicast table.
l An entry in the static multicast table does
not age.

Related Tasks
A.8.6.2 Configuring Static Multicast Entries

B.7.2.9 Parameter Description: IGMP Snooping Protocol_Aging Time of Multicast

Table Entries
This section describes the parameters for the aging time of multicast table entries.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Layer-2 Switching Management > IGMP Snooping Protocol from the
Function Tree.
2. Click the Multicast Aging Time tab.

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Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - Displays the board name.

Multicast Aging 1-120 8 l Specifies the aging time for multicast

Time(Min) table entries. When a dynamic multicast
table entry is not updated in a certain
period (that is, no IGMP request from
this multicast address is received), this
entry is automatically deleted. This
mechanism is called aging, and this
period is called aging time.
l If this parameter is set to a very great
value, the bridge stores excessive
multicast table entries that are no longer
needed, which exhausts the resources of
the multicast table.
l If this parameter is set to a very small
value, the bridge may delete the
multicast table entry that is needed,
which reduces the forwarding
l The default value is recommended.

Related Tasks
A.8.6.3 Modifying the Aging Time of a Multicast Table Entry

B.7.2.10 Parameter Description: Ethernet Link Aggregation_Creation of LAGs

This topic describes the parameters for creating a link aggregation group (LAG).

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Interface Management > Ethernet Link Aggregation
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Link Aggregation Group Management tab.
3. Click New.

Attribute Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

LAG No EFP8: 1-12 1 Specifies the LAG number.

LAG Name - - Specifies the LAG name.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

LAG Type Static Static l Static: A static LAG is created by the

Manual user. To add or delete a member port, you
need to run the Link Aggregation
Control Protocol (LACP) protocol. In a
static LAG, a port can be in selected,
standby, or unselected state. By running
the LACP protocol, devices exchange
aggregation information so that they
share the same aggregation information.
l Manual: A manual LAG is created by the
user. When you add or delete a member
port, you need not run the LACP
protocol. In a manual LAG, a port can be
in the UP or DOWN state. The system
determines whether to aggregate a port
according to its physical state (UP or
DOWN), working mode, and rate.

Load Sharing Sharing Sharing l Sharing: In a sharing LAG, all member

Non-Sharing ports always share the traffic load. The
sharing mode can improve bandwidth
utilization on a link. When the member
ports are changed or some member ports
fail, the traffic load of each member port
is automatically re-allocated.
l Non-Sharing: In a non-sharing LAG,
only one member port carries the traffic
load and the other member ports are in
Standby state. Actually, a non-sharing
LAG works in hot-standby mode. When
the active port fails, the system selects a
standby port to substitute for the failed
port, thus preventing a link failure.

Sharing Mode IP Sharing Mode IP Sharing Mode You can set this parameter only when Load
MAC Sharing Mode Sharing is Sharing.

Revertive Mode Revertive Revertive l You can set this parameter only when
Non-Revertive Load Sharing is Non-Sharing.
l If this parameter is set to Revertive,
services are automatically switched back
to the working path after the working
path recovers.
l If this parameter is set to Non-
Revertive, services are still transmitted
in the protection path after the working
path recovers and the LAG remains the

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Port Setting Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Main Port - - l Specifies the main port in a LAG.

l After a LAG is created, you can add
Ethernet services to the main port only.
That is, services cannot be added to a
slave port.
l When Load Sharing is set to Non-
Sharing, the link connected to the main
port is the working path and the links
connected to the slave ports are
protection paths.

Available Standby - - l Specifies the salve port in a LAG.

Ports l After a LAG is created, you need to
perform manual operations to add or
delete a slave port.

Selected Standby - - Displays the selected slave ports.


Related Tasks
A.8.1.1 Creating a LAG

B.7.2.11 Parameter Description: Ethernet Link Aggregation_Link Aggregation

This section describes the parameters for port priorities and system priorities.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Interface Management > Ethernet Link Aggregation
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Link Aggregation Parameters tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the port name.

Port Priority 0-65535 32768 l This parameter is valid only when LAG
Type of a LAG is set to Static.
l This parameter indicates the priorities of
the ports in a LAG as defined in the
LACP protocol. The smaller the value,
the higher the priority.

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Parameters for the system settings

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

System Priority 0-65535 32768 l This parameter is valid only when LAG
Type of a LAG is set to Static.
l This parameter indicates the priority of a
LAG. The smaller the value, the higher
the priority.
l When the local LAG and the opposite
LAG negotiate through LACP packets,
one can obtain the system priority of the
other. The LAG with the higher system
priority is considered as the comparison
result. Then, the aggregation
information is consistent at both ends. If
the local LAG and the opposite LAG
have the same system priority, the MAC
addresses are compared. The LAG with
a lower MAC address is considered as
the comparison result. Then, the
aggregation information is consistent at
both ends.

System MAC - - Displays the MAC address of the system.


Related Tasks
A.8.1.2 Setting Parameters for LAGs

B.7.2.12 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Creation of Point-to-Point

Service LPT
This section describes the parameters for creating point-to-point service LPT.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Interface Management > LPT Management from the
Function Tree.
2. Click Query.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the port name.

VCTRUNK Port - - Displays the VCTRUNK used by the

Ethernet service.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Direction - - l Displays the direction of the Ethernet

service at the port.
l The service direction is set to positive
when the source port is a PORT and the
sink port is a VCTRUNK; the service
direction is set to reverse when the
source port is a VCTRUNK and the sink
port is a PORT.

LPT Yes No Specifies whether to enable the LPT.


Bearer Mode GFP(HUAWEI) GFP(HUAWEI) l Specifies the bearer mode of the LPT
Ethernet packets.
GFP-CSF l The default value is recommended.

PORT-Type Port 0-10000 100 l When the link on which Ethernet

Hold-Off Time(ms) services are transmitted is configured
with other protection schemes, you need
to set the hold-off time of LPT. This
enables the NE to notify the equipment
at both ends of a transmission network of
the fault on the transmission link only
when the other protection schemes fail.
l This parameter is valid only in the
positive direction of LPT.

VCTRUNK Port 0-10000 100 l When the link on which Ethernet

Hold-Off Time(ms) services are transmitted is configured
with other protection schemes, you need
to set the hold-off time of LPT. This
enables the NE to notify the equipment
at both ends of a transmission network of
the fault on the transmission link only
when the other protection schemes fail.
l This parameter is valid only in the
reverse direction of LPT.

Related Tasks
A.8.10.1 Configuring LPT for Point-to-Point Services

B.7.2.13 Parameter Description: LPT Management_Creation of Point-to-Multipoint

Service LPT
This section describes the parameters for creating point-to-multipoint service LPT.

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Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Interface Management > LPT Management from the
Function Tree.
2. Click PtoMP LPT. Then, the LPT Management dialog box appears.
3. Click New.

Parameters for Convergence Points

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Specifies the port of the convergence point.

Bearer Mode GFP(HUAWEI) GFP(HUAWEI) l This parameter can be set only when the
Ethernet selected port is a VCTRUNK.
GFP-CSF l The default value is recommended.

Port Hold-Off 0-10000 0 When the link on which Ethernet services

Time(ms) are transmitted is configured with other
protection schemes, you need to set the
hold-off time of LPT. This enables the NE
to notify the equipment at both ends of a
transmission network of the fault on the
transmission link only when the other
protection schemes fail.

Parameters for Access Points

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Specifies the port at the access node.

Bearer Mode GFP(HUAWEI) GFP(HUAWEI) l This parameter can be set only when the
Ethernet selected port is a VCTRUNK.
GFP-CSF l The default value is recommended.

Related Tasks
A.8.10.2 Configuring LPT for Point-to-Multipoint Services

B.7.2.14 Parameter Description: Port Mirroring_Creation

This section describes the parameters for creating port mirroring tasks.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Interface Management > Port Mirroring from the Function
2. Click New.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - Displays the board name.

Mirror Listener - - l After the mirroring function of the port

Port is configured, you can monitor all the
mirrored ports by analyzing the packets
at the mirroring port only. As a result,
you can easily manage the ports.
l Mirror Listener Port indicates the port
that sends the packets copied from
Uplink Listened Port and Downlink
Listened Port.
l Mirror Listener Port cannot be set to a
port that carries any service.

Mirrored - - l Mirrored Upstream Port and

Upstream Port Mirrored Downstream Port indicate
the ports that copy packets for Mirror
Mirrored - - Listener Port.
Downstream Port
l Mirrored Upstream Port can be a
PORT or a VCTRUNK. As a PORT, the
port copies the packets that it receives;
as a VCTRUNK, the port copies the
packets that it transmits. Mirror
Listener Port sends the packets copied
from Mirrored Upstream Port.
l Mirrored Downstream Port can be a
PORT or a VCTRUNK. As a PORT, the
port copies the packets that it transmits;
as a VCTRUNK, the port copies the
packets that it receives. Mirror Listener
Port sends the packets copied from
Mirrored Downstream Port.
The transmit direction and receive direction
mentioned in this section are related to the local

B.7.3 Parameters for the Ethernet OAM

This section describes the parameters for the Ethernet OAM on the EoPDH plane.

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B.7.3.1 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM_Creation of MDs

This topic describes the parameters for creating maintenance domains (MDs).

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function
2. In the right pane, click OAM Configuration.
3. Click New and choose Create MD from the drop-down list.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-43 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Maintenance Domain For example: MD1 - Specifies the name of the

Name MD.

Maintenance Domain Consumer High(7) Operator Low(0) Specifies the level of the
Level Consumer Middle(6) MD. The greater the value,
the higher the level.
Consumer Low(5)
Provider High(4)
Provider Low(3)
Operator High(2)
Operator Middle(1)
Operator Low(0)

Related Tasks
A.8.8.1 Creating MDs

B.7.3.2 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM_Creation of MAs

This section describes the parameters for creating maintenance associations (MAs).

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function
2. In the right pane, click OAM Configuration.
3. Click New and choose Create MA from the drop-down list.

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Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-44 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Maintenance Domain For example: MD1 - Displays the MD in which

Name an MA is to be created.

Maintenance For example: MA1 - This parameter specifies

Association Name the name of the MA,
which is a service-related
domain. By creating MAs,
the connectivity check
(CC) can be performed on
the network that transmits
a particular service

Related Tasks
A.8.8.2 Creating MAs

B.7.3.3 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM_Creation of MPs

This section describes the parameters for creating a maintenance point (MP).

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function
2. Click New.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-45 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Maintenance - NULL Specifies the maintenance domain (MD) of

Domain Name the MP.
An MD is not required for a common MP. For
the creation of a common MP, select NULL.

Maintenance - NULL Specifies the maintenance association (MA)

Association Name of the MP.
An MA is not required for a common MP. For
the creation of a common MP, select NULL.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Node - - Specifies the port where you want to create

an MP.

VLAN ID - - l Configures the ID of the VLAN to which

the service of the MP belongs. The
information is contained in the OAM
data packet. The MPs with the same
VLAN ID in an MD can communicate
with each other.
l This parameter can be null in the case of
PORT services, but need to be set in the
case of PORT+VLAN services.

MP ID Standard MP: 00-00-0000 Uniquely identifies an MP. From the highest

00-00-0000 to FF- to the lowest, the first byte indicates the
FF-1FFF network number, the second byte indicates
Common MP: the number of the node in the local network,
00-00-0000 to FF- and the third and forth bytes indicate the ID
FF-FF00 of the MP on the network node. The MP ID
must be unique in the entire network.

Type MEP MEP Specifies the MP type defined in IEEE

MIP 802.1ag. An MP can be a maintenance
association end point (MEP) or a
maintenance association intermediate point

Direction SDH SDH l Specifies the MEP direction.

IP l Set this parameter to SDH if the OAM
data initiated by the MEP travels through
the Ethernet switching unit on the local
NE. Otherwise, set this parameter to IP.

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Parameters for Advanced Attributes

Table B-46 Parameters for advanced attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Level Consumer High(7) Provider High(4) Specifies the level of a common MP. The
Consumer Middle greater the value, the higher the level.
(6) NOTE
This parameter is valid only for a common MP
Consumer Low(5) (NULL).
Provider High(4)
Provider Low(3)
Operator High(2)
Operator Middle(1)
Operator Low(0)

CC Status Active Inactive Specifies whether to enable the connectivity

Inactive check (CC) function at an MP.

LB Timeout(ms) 3000 to 60000, in 5000 l Specifies the timeout duration of an LB

step of 100 test.
l This parameter can be set only for an

LT Timeout(ms) 3000 to 60000, in 5000 l Specifies the timeout duration of an LT

step of 100 test.
l This parameter can be set only for an

CCM Sending Standard MP: Standard MP Specifies the interval for sending the CCM
Period(ms) 1000 1000 packet at the MP where the CC test is
10000 Common MP:
l If this parameter takes a very small
6000 5000 value, service bandwidth decreases
600000 significantly.
Common MP: l If this parameter takes a very large value,
1000 to 60000, in the CC test will become less capable in
step of 100 detecting service interruptions. The
default value is recommended.
l This parameter can be set only for an

Related Tasks
A.8.8.3 Creating MPs

B.7.3.4 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM_Enabling LB

This section describes the parameters for enabling the LB.

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Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function
2. Select the node that requires an LB test, click OAM Operation, and select Start LB.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-47 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

LB Source MP ID - - Specifies the ID of the

source maintenance point
in the LB test.

LB Sink MP ID - - Specifies the ID of the sink

maintenance point in the
LB test.

Test Result - - Indicates the result of one

LB test.

Test based on the MAC Selected Not selected Select this parameter for
Address Not selected an LB test based on MAC
This parameter is valid only
for a standard MP.

LB Sink MP MAC - - Specifies the MAC

Address address of the sink
maintenance point in the
LB test. This parameter is
valid only in the case of
Test based on the MAC

Related Tasks
A.8.8.5 Performing an LB Test

B.7.3.5 Parameter Description: Ethernet Service OAM_Enabling LT

This topic describes the parameters for enabling the LT.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Service OAM from the Function

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2. Select the node that requires an LT test, click OAM Operation, and select Start LT.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-48 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

LT Source MP ID - - Specifies the source MP in

the LT test.

LT Sink MP ID - - Specifies the sink MP in

the LT test.

Responding MP ID - - Displays the MP that

responds to the test.

Responding MP Type - - Displays the type of the

MP that responds to the

Hop Count - - Displays the count of hops

between the source MP
and the responding MP.
That is, the number of
responding MPs from the
source MP to a certain
responding MP in an LT

Test Result - - Indicates the result of one

LT test.

Related Tasks
A.8.8.6 Performing an LT Test

B.7.3.6 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port OAM_OAM Parameter

This section describes the OAM parameters that are related to Ethernet ports.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Port OAM from the Function Tree.
2. Click the OAM Parameter tab.

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Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-49 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PORT - - Displays the name of the

external Ethernet port.

Enable OAM Protocol Enabled Disabled Specifies whether the

Disabled point-to-point OAM
protocol is enabled.
After the OAM protocol is
enabled, the current
Ethernet port starts to use
the preset mode to set up
an OAM connection with
the opposite end.

OAM Working Mode Active Active The negotiation mode of

Passive Ethernet port OAM
includes active and
passive modes.
If this parameter is set to
Active, the port can
initiate an OAM
connection. If this
parameter is set to
Passive, the port can only
respond to the OAM
connection requests from
the opposite end.

Remote Alarm Support Enabled Enabled Specifies whether the

for Link Event Disabled detected link event is
notified to the opposite
end (for example, error
frame periods, error
frames, and error frame

Max OAM Packet - - Displays the maximum

Length(byte) length of the OAM
This parameter takes the
same value as the
Maximum Frame
Length of the external

Loopback Status - - Displays the loopback


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Related Tasks
A.8.9.1 Enabling the OAM Auto-Discovery Function

B.7.3.7 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port OAM_OAM Error Frame Monitoring

This section describes the parameters for monitoring the OAM error frames at the Ethernet port.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > Ethernet Maintenance > Ethernet Port OAM from the Function Tree.
2. Click the OAM Error Frame Monitor tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-50 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PORT For example: - Displays the name of the external Ethernet

PORT1 port.

Error Frame 1000 to 60000, in 1000 In the specified Error Frame Monitor
Monitor Window step of 100 Window (ms), if the number of error frames
(ms) exceeds the specified Error Frame
Monitor Threshold (Entries) due to the
link degradation, the link event alarm is

Error Frame 1 to 4294967295, in 2 Specifies the threshold of monitoring error

Monitor Threshold step of 1 frames.

Error Frame 1488 to 89280000, GE port: 1488000 Within the specified value of Error Frame
Period Window in step of 1 FE port: 148800 Period Window (frames), if the number of
(frames) error frames on the link exceeds the preset
value of Error Frame Period Threshold
(frames), an alarm is reported.

Error Frame 1 to 89280000, in 2 Specifies the threshold of monitoring the

Period Threshold step of 1 error frame period.

Error Frame 10 to 900, in step of 60 If any error frame occurs in one second, this
Second Window(s) 1 second is called an error frame second.
Within the specified value of Error Frame
Second Window(s), if the number of error
frames on the link exceeds the preset value
of Error Frame Second Threshold (s), an
alarm is reported.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Error Frame 1 to 900, in step of 1 2 Specifies the threshold of monitoring error

Second Threshold frame seconds.

Related Tasks
A.8.9.3 Modifying the OAM Error Frame Monitoring Threshold

B.7.3.8 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port OAM_Remote OAM Parameter

This section describes the parameters for monitoring the OAM errored frames at the Ethernet

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board and choose Configuration > Ethernet
Maintenance > Ethernet Port OAM from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Remote OAM parameter tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-51 Parameters on the main interface

Field Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the name of the

remote Ethernet port.

Remote OAM Working - - Displays the working

Mode mode of the remote
Ethernet port.

Remote Alarm Support - - Displays whether the

for Link Event remote Ethernet port can
notify link events to the
local port.

Remote Side Loopback - - Displays how the remote

Response Ethernet port responds to a

Unidirectional - - Displays whether the

Operation remote Ethernet port
supports unidirectional

Max.OAM Packet - - Displays the maximum

Length (byte) OAM packet size
supported by the remote
Ethernet port.

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Related Tasks
A.8.9.2 Enabling the Link Event Notification

B.7.4 QoS Parameters

This section describes the parameters for the QoS on the EoPDH plane.

B.7.4.1 Parameter Description: QoS Management_Creation of Flows

This parameter describes the parameters for creating flows.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > QoS Management > Flow Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Flow Configuration tab.
3. Click New.

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Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-52 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Flow Type Port Flow Port Flow l Port flow: The packets from a certain
Port+VLAN Flow port are classified as a type of flow. The
Ethernet service associated with this
Port+SVLAN Flow flow type is the line service or Layer 2
Port+CVLAN switching service that uses this port as
+SVLAN Flow the service source.
Port+VLAN l Port+VLAN flow: The packets that are
+Priority Flow from a certain port and have a specified
VLAN ID are classified as a type of flow.
The associated Ethernet service of this
flow type is the EVPL service (based on
VLAN) or EVPLAN service (based on
the 802.1q bridge) that uses this PORT
+VLAN as the service source.
l Port+SVLAN flow: The packets that are
from a certain port and have a specified
SVLAN ID are classified as a type of
flow. The associated Ethernet service of
this flow type is the EVPL service (based
on QinQ) or EVPLAN service (based on
the 802.1ad bridge) that uses this PORT
+SVLAN as the service source.
l Port+CVLAN+SVLAN flow: The
packets that are received from or
transmitted to a certain port and have a
specified CVLAN+SVLAN are
classified as a type of flow. The
associated Ethernet service of this flow
type is the EVPL service (based on
QinQ) or EVPLAN service (based on the
802.1ad bridge) that uses this PORT
+CVLAN+SVLAN as the service
l Port+VLAN+Priority flow: The packets
that are from a certain port and have a
specified VLAN ID and a specified
VLAN priority are classified as a type of
flow. The associated Ethernet service of
this flow type is the line service that uses
this Port+VLAN+Priority as the service

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port EFP8: PORT1 to PORT1 l When the associated service is the line
PORT9, service, set this parameter to the source
VCTRUNK1 to port or sink port of the associated
VCTRUNK16 Ethernet service.
l When the associated service is the Layer
2 switching service, set this parameter to
a mounted port of the bridge.

VLAN ID 1 to 4095 1 l This parameter is valid only when Flow

Type is set to Port+VLAN Flow or Port
+VLAN+Priority Flow.
l Set this parameter to the source VLAN
of the associated Ethernet service.

C-VLAN 1 to 4095 1 l This parameter is valid only when Flow

Type is set to Port+CVLAN+SVLAN
l Set this parameter to the source C-
VLAN of the associated Ethernet

S-VLAN 1 to 4095 1 l This parameter is valid only when Flow

Type is set to Port+SVLAN Flow or
l Set this parameter to the source S-VLAN
of the associated Ethernet service.

Priority - - l This parameter is valid only when Flow

Type is PORT+VLAN+Priority Flow.
l This parameter indicates the VLAN
priority of the flow-associated Ethernet

Related Tasks
A.8.7.1 Creating a Flow

B.7.4.2 Parameter Description: QoS Management_Creation of CAR

This section describes the parameters for creating CAR.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board, and then choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Flow Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the CAR Configuration.
3. Click New.

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Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-53 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

CAR ID EFP8: 1 to 512 1 This parameter identifies a CAR operation,

and is used to bind a flow to an associated
CAR operation.

Enabled/Disabled Enabled Disabled Indicates whether to enable the CAR

Disabled operation performed on the flow bound to
the CAR.

Committed EFP8: 0 to 100032, 0 l Indicates the CIR. When the rate of a

information Rate in steps of 64 packet is not more than the CIR, this
(kbit/s) packet passes the restriction of the CAR
and is forwarded first even in the case of
network congestion.
l The value of this parameter should not
be more than the PIR.

Committed Burst EFP8: 0 to 1024 0 Indicates the CBS. When the rate of a packet
Size (kbyte) that passes the restriction of the CAR is not
more than the CIR in a certain period, some
packets can burst. These packets can be
forwarded first even in the case of network
congestion. The maximum traffic of the
burst packets is determined by the CBS.
Note that the CBS has an inherent size, and
this parameter indicates the increment value
only. The inherent size of the CBS is
determined by the CIR. The greater the CIR,
the greater the CBS.

Peak information EFP8: 0 to 100032, 0 l Indicates the PIR. When the rate of a
Rate (kbit/s) in steps of 64 packet is more than the PIR, the packet
that exceeds the rate restriction is
directly discarded. When the rate of
packets is more than the CIR but is lower
than or equal to the PIR, these packets
whose rate exceeds the CIR can pass the
restriction of the CAR and are marked
l The value of this parameter should not
be more than the port bandwidth.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Maximum Burst EFP8: 0 to 1024 0 Indicates the MBS. When the rate of the
Size (kbyte) packet that passes the restriction of the CAR
is more than the CIR but is not more than
the PIR, some packets can burst and are
marked yellow. The maximum traffic of the
burst packets is determined by the MBS.
Note that the MBS has an inherent size, and
this parameter indicates the increment value
only. The inherent size of the MBS is
determined by the PIR. The greater the PIR,
the greater the MBS.

Related Tasks
A.8.7.2 Creating the CAR

B.7.4.3 Parameter Description: QoS Management_Creation of CoS

This section describes the parameters for creating CoS.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > QoS Management > Flow Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the CoS Configuration tab.
3. Click New.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-54 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

CoS ID EFP8:1-64 1 This parameter identifies a CoS operation,

and is used to bind a flow to an associated
CoS operation.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

CoS Type simple simple l If the CoS type of a flow is set to simple,
VLAN Priority all the packets in this flow are directly
scheduled to a specified egress queue.
l If the CoS type of a flow is set to VLAN
DSCP priority, the packets in this flow are
scheduled to specified egress queues
according to the user priorities specified
in the VLAN tags of these packets.
l If the CoS type of a flow is set to DSCP,
the packets in this flow are scheduled to
specified egress queues according to
differentiated services code point
(DSCP) in the IPv6 tags of these packets.
l If the CoS type of a flow is set to IP TOS,
the packets in this flow are scheduled to
specified egress queues according to the
TOS values carried in the IPv4 packets.
This CoS type is applicable to IPv4

CoS parameter - - Displays the CoS parameters corresponding

to different CoS types.

CoS Priority 0-7 - This parameter determines to which egress

queue a packet is schedule.
l Each Ethernet port on the EFP8 board
supports eight egress port queues.
Queues 1-8 respectively correspond to
the CoS priorities from 0 to 7.
l Queue 8, with the CoS priority of 7, is as
SP queue. Queues 1-7, with the CoS
priorities from 0 to 6, are WRR queues.
The weighted proportion of these WRR
queues is 1:2:4:8:16:32:64 (from
priority 0 to priority 6). On the EFP8
board, the weighted proportion of these
WRR queues cannot be changed.
l If the traffic shaping feature of some
queues is enabled, bandwidth is
allocated first to the queues whose traffic
shaping feature is enabled based on the
CIR. The remaining bandwidth is
allocated to the eight queues by using the
SP+WRR algorithm.

Related Tasks
A.8.7.3 Creating the CoS

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B.7.4.4 Parameter Description: QoS Management_Creation of CAR/CoS

This section describes the parameters for creating CAR/CoS.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board, and then choose Configuration > QoS
Management > Flow Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Flow Configuration tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-55 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Flow Type - - Displays the type of a flow.

VB ID - - Displays the ID of the bridge.

Port - - Displays the port where a flow is to be


C-VLAN - - l Displays the C-VLAN.

l This parameter is valid is Flow Type is
Port+VLAN Flow, Port+CVLAN
+SVLAN Flow, or Port+VLAN
+Priority Flow.

S-VLAN - - l Displays the S-VLAN.

l This parameter is valid when Flow
Type is Port+SVLAN Flow or Port

Priority - - l Displays the priority of the flow.

l This parameter is valid when Flow
Type is Port+VLAN+Priority Flow.

Bound CAR - None This parameter indicates the CAR ID

corresponding to a CAR operation.
Different CAR IDs should be bound to
different flows, even though the parameters
of the CAR operations are the same.

Bound CoS - None Indicates the CoS ID that corresponds to a

CoS operation.

Related Tasks
A.8.7.4 Binding the CAR/CoS

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B.7.4.5 Parameter Description: QoS Management_Shaping Management of Egress

This section describes the parameters for shaping management of egress queues.

Navigation Path
In the NE Explorer, select the required Ethernet switching board from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > QoS Management > Port Shaping Management from the Function Tree.

Click the Port Queue Information tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-56 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the port name.

Port Queue - - Displays the queue name.

Status Enabled Disabled Indicates whether to enable the traffic

Disabled shaping feature of an egress queue.

CIR (kbit/s) EFP8: 0 to 100032, 0 l When the rate of a packet is not more
in steps of 64 than the CIR, this packet directly enters
the egress queue.
l The value of this parameter should not
be more than the PIR.

DCBS (kbyte) - 0 Displays the excess burst size.

PIR (kbit/s) EFP8: 0 to 100032, 0 l When the rate of a packet is more than
in steps of 64 the PIR, the packet that exceeds the rate
restriction is directly discarded. When
the rate of packets is more than the CIR
but not more than the PIR, the packets
that exceed the restriction of the CIR
enter the buffer of the CIR. When the
buffer overflows, the packets are marked
yellow and enter the egress queue, which
enables the packets to be discarded first
in the case of queue congestion.
l The value of this parameter should not
be more than the port bandwidth.

DMBS (kbyte) - 0 Displays the maximum excess burst size.

Related Tasks
A.8.7.5 Configuring Traffic Shaping for Egress Queues

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B.7.5 Parameters for the Ports on Ethernet Boards

This section describes the parameters for the Ethernet ports on the EoPDH plane.

B.7.5.1 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port_External Port

This section describes the parameters for Ethernet external ports.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board and then choose Configuration > Ethernet
Interface Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Select External Port.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-57 Parameters for the basic attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the name of the external port.

Enabled/Disabled Enabled Disabled l If the port gains access to services, set

Disabled this parameter to Enabled. Otherwise,
set this parameter to Disabled.
l If this parameter is set to Enabled for the
port that does not access services, an
ETH_LOS alarm may be generated.
This parameter is invalid for PORT9 on an
EFP8 board.

Working Mode EFP8: Auto-Negotiation l Different types of Ethernet ports support

l Auto- different working modes.
Negotiation l If the opposite port works in auto-
l 10M Half- negotiation mode, set this parameter to
Duplex Auto-Negotiation.
l 10M Full- l If the opposite port works in full-duplex
Duplex mode, set this parameter to 10M Full-
Duplex or 100M Full-Duplex,
l 100M Half- depending on the rate of the opposite
Duplex port.
l 100M Full- l If the opposite port works in half-duplex
Duplex mode, set this parameter to 10M Half-
Duplex or 100M Half-Duplex,
depending on the rate of the opposite
port, or set this parameter to Auto-
This parameter is invalid for PORT9 on an EFP8

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Maximum Frame EFP8: 1518 to 2000 1522 l Set this parameter to a value greater than
Length the maximum length of all the data
frames to be transmitted.
l The default value is recommended if the
jumbo frame is not considered and the
data frames contain only one layer of
VLAN tags or even no tags. The value of
1526 or greater is recommended if the
data frames contain two layers of tags,
such as QinQ.

Port Physical - - Displays the actual working status of a

Parameters PORT.
This parameter is invalid for PORT9 on an
EFP8 board.

MAC Loopback Non-Loopback Non-Loopback l A MAC loopback is to loop back the

Loopback Ethernet frames transmitted to the
opposite port.
l Use the default value unless otherwise

PHY Loopback Non-Loopback Non-Loopback l A PHY loopback is to loop back the

Loopback Ethernet physical signals transmitted to
the opposite port.
l Use the default value unless otherwise
This parameter is invalid for PORT9 on an
EFP8 board.

Table B-58 Parameters for flow control

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the name of the external port.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Non- Disabled Disabled l This parameter is valid only when

Autonegotiation Enable Symmetric Working Mode is not set to Auto-
Flow Control Flow Control Mode Negotiation.
Mode l If this parameter is set to Enable
Send Only
Symmetric Flow Control Mode, the
Receive Only port can send PAUSE frames and
process the received PAUSE frames.
l If this parameter is set to Send Only, the
port can send PAUSE frames in the case
of congestion but cannot process the
received PAUSE frames.
l If this parameter is set to Receive Only,
the port can process the received PAUSE
frames but cannot send PAUSE frames
in the case of congestion.
l Set this parameter to the same as the non-
autonegotiation flow control mode of the
opposite port.

Autonegotiation Disabled Disabled l This parameter is valid only when

Flow Control Enable Working Mode is Auto-Negotiation.
Mode Dissymmetric Flow l If this parameter is set to Enable
Control Symmetric Control, the port can send
Enable Symmetric PAUSE frames and process the received
Control PAUSE frames.
Enable Symmetric/ l If this parameter is set to Enable
Dissymmetric Flow Dissymmetric Flow Control, the port
Control can send PAUSE frames in the case of
congestion but cannot process the
received PAUSE frames.
l If this parameter is set to Enable
Symmetric/Dissymmetric Flow
Control, the port can function as
– Sends and processes PAUSE frames.
– Sends but does not process PAUSE
– Processes but does not send PAUSE
l Set this parameter according to the
autonegotiation flow control mode of the
opposite port.
This parameter is invalid for PORT9 on an
EFP8 board.

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Table B-59 Parameters for the tag attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the name of the external port.

TAG Tag Aware Tag Aware l With different tag attributes, the port
Access processes frames in different modes. For
details, see Table B-62.
l Set this parameter to Tag Aware if the
port processes the frames with VLAN
tags (or tagged frames).
l Set this parameter to Access if the port
processes the frames without VLAN tags
(or untagged frames).
l Set this parameter to Hybrid if the port
processes the tagged frames and
untagged frames.

Default VLAN ID 1-4095 1 l This parameter is valid only when

TAG is set to Access or Hybrid.
l For the usage of this parameter, see
Table B-62.
l Set this parameter as required.

VLAN Priority 0-7 0 l This parameter is valid only when

TAG is set to Access or Hybrid.
l For the usage of this parameter, see
Table B-62.
l When the VLAN priority is required for
traffic classification or other purposes,
set this parameter as required. Use the
default value unless otherwise specified.

Entry Detection Enabled Enabled l Indicates whether to check the incoming

Disabled packets according to the tag attribute.
l Set this parameter as required.

Table B-60 Parameters for the network attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the name of the external port.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Attributes UNI UNI l If this parameter is set to UNI, the port
C-Aware processes data frames according to the
tag attribute.
l If this parameter is set to C-Aware or S-
Aware, the port processes the data
frames by using the processing method
of QinQ services.
l Set this parameter to C-Aware or S-
Aware when the port processes QinQ
services. Otherwise, this parameter takes
the default value.

Table B-61 Parameters for the advanced attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the name of the external port.

Broadcast Packet Disabled Disabled This parameter specifies whether to restrict

Suppression Enabled the traffic of broadcast packets according to
the proportion of the broadcast packets to
the total packets. Set this parameter to
Enabled when a broadcast storm may occur
at the opposite port.

Broadcast Packet 10%-100% 30% When the proportion of the received

Suppression broadcast packets to the total packets
Threshold crosses the threshold, the port discards the
received broadcast packets. Set this
parameter to a value greater than the
proportion when no broadcast storm occurs.
The value of 30% or greater is

Flow Threshold EFP8: - Specifies the traffic threshold of the port.

(Mbit/s) l 0 to 100 (PORT1 You can specify the traffic monitoring
to PORT8) period by setting Port Traffic Threshold
Time Window(Min).
l 0 to 1000

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Traffic 0-30 0 Specifies the traffic monitoring period.

Threshold Time l If Port Traffic Threshold Time
Window(Min) Window(Min) is set to 0, an associated
alarm is reported at the moment when the
traffic received at the port crosses the
value of Traffic Threshold(Mbit/s).
l If the Port Traffic Threshold Time
Window(Min) is set to a value other
than 0, an associated alarm is reported
only when the traffic received at the port
always crosses the value of Traffic
Threshold(Mbit/s) in the monitoring

Transmitting Rate - - Queries the actual transmitting rate of the

(Kbit/s) port.

Receiving Rate - - Queries the actual receiving rate of the port.


Loop Detection Enabled Disabled This parameter specifies whether to enable

Disabled loop detection, which is used to check
whether a loop exists on the port.

Table B-62 Methods used by ports to process data frames

Direction Type of Data Processing Method
Tag aware Access Hybrid

Ingress port Tagged frame Receives the frame. Discards the frame. Receives the frame.

Untagged frame Discards the frame. The port receives the The port receives the
frame after adding to frame after adding to
the frame the VLAN the frame the VLAN
tag that contains tag that contains
Default VLAN ID Default VLAN ID
and VLAN and VLAN
Priority. Priority.

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Direction Type of Data Processing Method

Tag aware Access Hybrid

Egress port Tagged frame Transmits the frame. The port strips the l If the VLAN ID
VLAN tag from the in the frame is
frame and then Default VLAN
transmits the frame. ID, the port
strips the VLAN
tag from the
frame and then
transmits the
l If the VLAN ID
in the frame is
not Default
VLAN ID, the
port directly
transmits the

Related Tasks
A.8.4.1 Configuring External Ethernet Ports

B.7.5.2 Parameter Description: Ethernet Port_Internal Port

This section describes the parameters for Ethernet internal ports.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board and then choose Configuration > Ethernet
Interface Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function Tree.
2. Select Internal Port.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-63 Parameters for the tag attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the name of the internal port.

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Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

TAG Tag Aware Tag Aware l With different tag attributes, the port
Access processes frames in different modes. For
details, see Table B-68.
l Set this parameter to Tag Aware if the
port processes the frames with VLAN
tags (or tagged frames).
l Set this parameter to Access if the port
processes the frames without VLAN tags
(or untagged frames).
l Set this parameter to Hybrid if the port
processes the tagged frames and
untagged frames.

Default VLAN ID 1-4095 1 l This parameter is valid only when

TAG is set to Access or Hybrid.
l For the usage of this parameter, see
Table B-68.
l Set this parameter as required.

VLAN Priority 0-7 0 l This parameter is valid only when

TAG is set to Access or Hybrid.
l For the usage of this parameter, refer to
Table B-68.
l When the VLAN priority is required for
traffic classification or other purposes,
set this parameter as required. The
default value is recommended unless
otherwise specified.

Entry Detection Enabled Enabled l Indicates whether to check the incoming

Disabled packets according to the tag attribute.
l Set this parameter as required.

Table B-64 Parameters for encapsulation or mapping

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the name of the internal port.

Mapping Protocol GFP GFP The default value is recommended.

The EFP8 board supports GFP only.

Scramble Scrambling Mode Scrambling Mode l Indicates the scrambling polynomial

[X43+1] [X43+1] used by the mapping protocol.
Unscrambled l The default value is recommended.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1490

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Set Inverse Value - - l This parameter indicates whether the

for CRC value of the CRC field defined in the
LAPS or HDLC encapsulation frame
format will be reversed. This means that
this parameter takes effect only if
Mapping Protocol is set to LAPS or
l Set Set Inverse Value for CRC to the
same value for the VCTRUNKs at both

Check Field FCS32 FCS32 l When the Ethernet board uses the GFP
Length No mapping protocol, set this parameter to
FCS32 or No.
l When you set this parameter to FCS32,
a 32-bit FCS is used.
l The default value is recommended.

FCS Calculated Bit Big endian Big endian l When you set this parameter to Big
Sequence Little endian endian, the least significant byte of the
FCS is placed first and the most
significant byte is placed last.
l When you set this parameter to Little
endian, the most significant byte of the
FCS is placed first and the least
significant byte is placed last.
l The default value is recommended.

Extension Header No No Indicates whether the GFP payload header

Option contains the extension header and eHEC.

Table B-65 Parameters for the network attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the name of the internal port.

Port Attributes UNI UNI l If this parameter is set to UNI, the port
C-Aware processes data frames according to the
tag attribute.
l If this parameter is set to C-Aware or S-
Aware, the port processes the data
frames by using the processing method
of QinQ services.
l Set this parameter to C-Aware or S-
Aware when the port processes QinQ
services. Otherwise, this parameter takes
the default value.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1491

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Table B-66 Parameters for the LCAS

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the name of the internal port.

Enabling LCAS Disabled Disabled l Indicates whether to enable the LCAS

Enabled function.
l The LCAS can dynamically adjust the
number of virtual containers for
mapping required services to meet the
bandwidth needs of the applications. As
a result, the bandwidth utilization is

LCAS Mode Huawei Mode Huawei Mode l Indicates the sequence in which the
Standard Mode LCAS sink sends the MST control
packet and Rs-Ack control packet.
l When you set this parameter to Huawei
Mode, the LCAS sink first sends the Rs-
Ack and then sends the MST.
l When you set this parameter to
Standard Mode, the LCAS sink first
sends the MST and then sends the Rs-
l If the equipment at the opposite end is
the third-party equipment and does not
support the Huawei mode, set this
parameter to Standard Mode.
Otherwise, set this parameter to Huawei

Hold Off Time(ms) An integer ranging 2000 l When a member link is faulty, the LCAS
from 0, 2000 to performs switching after a delay of time
10000, in the to prevent the situation where an NE
increments of 100 simultaneously performs a protection
switching such as SNCP and performs an
LCAS switching. This parameter
specifies the duration of the delay.
l The default value is recommended.

WTR Time(s) 0-720 300 l When the time after a member link is
restored to normal reaches the specified
value of this parameter, the VCG uses
the restored member link.
l The default value is recommended.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1492

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

TSD Disabled Disabled l Indicates whether the TSD is used as a

Enabled condition for determining whether a
member link is faulty. In the case of the
VC-12, the TSD refers to the BIP_SD.
In the case of the VC-3, the TSD refers
to the B3_SD_VC3.
l The default value is recommended.

Min. Members- 2-256 16 l Specifies the minimum number of

Transmit Direction members in the transmit direction. After
the LCAS is enabled, the LCAS_PLCT
alarm is reported when the number of
effective members in the transmit
direction becomes lower than the
minimum number specified by this
l The default value is recommended.

Mini. Members- 2-256 16 l Specifies the minimum number of

Receive Direction members in the receive direction. After
the LCAS is enabled, the LCAS_PLCT
alarm is reported when the number of
effective members in the receive
direction becomes lower than the
minimum number specified by this
l The default value is recommended.

Table B-67 Parameters for bound paths

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Configurable EFP8: VCTRUNK1 Specifies the VCTRUNK to bind paths.

Ports VCTRUNK1 ~

Level - - Displays the level of the bound VC path.

In the case of the EFP8 board, this parameter
always takes the value of VC12-Xv.

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional l Specifies the direction of the bound path.

Uplink l Set this parameter to Bidirectional
Downlink unless otherwise specified.

Available - - l Displays the available VC4 paths.

Resources l In the case of the EFP8 board, this
parameter always takes the value of

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Available - - Specifies the available timeslots.


Bound Path - - You need to plan and set this parameter

according to the following principles:
l The capacity of the VCTRUNK is
determined by the actual bandwidth
required by the services.
l The EFP8 board supports 16
bind a maximum of 16 VC-12 paths and
the total number of bound VC-12 paths
cannot exceed 63.

Number of Bound - - Displays the number of the bound VC path.


Table B-68 Methods used by ports to process data frames

Direction Type of Data Processing Method
Tag aware Access Hybrid

Ingress port Tagged frame Receives the frame. Discards the frame. Receives the frame.

Untagged frame Discards the frame. The port receives the The port receives the
frame after adding to frame after adding to
the frame the VLAN the frame the VLAN
tag that contains tag that contains
Default VLAN ID Default VLAN ID
and VLAN and VLAN
Priority. Priority.

Egress port Tagged frame Transmits the frame. The port strips the l If the VLAN ID
VLAN tag from the in the frame is
frame and then Default VLAN
transmits the frame. ID, the port
strips the VLAN
tag from the
frame and then
transmits the
l If the VLAN ID
in the frame is
not Default
VLAN ID, the
port directly
transmits the

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Related Tasks
A.8.4.2 Configuring VCTRUNKs on an Ethernet Board

B.7.5.3 Parameter Description: Type Field of QinQ Frames

This section describes the parameters for setting the type field of QinQ frames.

Navigation Path
In the NE Explorer, select the EFP8 board from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Advance Attribute > QinQ Type Area Settings from the Function Tree.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Table B-69 Parameters on the main interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Board - - Displays the Ethernet board on which the

type field of QinQ frames needs to be set.
If the Ethernet board is the EFP8 board, this
parameter always takes the value of EFP8.

QinQ Type Area 81 00 8100 Specifies the type field of QinQ frames. Set
(Hexadecimal) 88 A8 this parameter according to the type field of
the accessed QinQ frames.
91 00
0600 to FFFF

Related Tasks
A.8.4.3 Modifying the Type Field of QinQ Frames

B.8 RMON Parameters

This topic describes the parameters that are related to RMON performances.

B.8.1 Parameter Description: RMON Performance_Statistics Group

This topic describes the parameters that are related to RMON statistics groups.

Navigation Path
1. Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Performance > RMON Performance from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Statistics Group tab.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1495

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Select port - - This parameter specifies the object to be


Sampling Interval 5 to 150 5 This parameter specifies the duration of the

monitoring period.

Event - - This parameter indicates the queried

performance events.

Related Tasks
A.11.1 Browsing the Performance Data in the Statistics Group of an Ethernet Port

B.8.2 Parameter Description: RMON Performance_History Group

This topic describes the parameters that are related to RMON history groups.

Navigation Path
1. Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Performance > RMON Performance from the Function Tree.
2. Click the History Group tab.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Select port - - The parameter indicates the object to be


Period End Time - - This parameter specifies the start time and
from/to end time of the monitoring period.

History Table 30-Second 30-Second This parameter specifies the monitoring

Type 30-Minute period.
Custom Period 1
Custom Period 2

Statistical Item - - This parameter indicates the performance

items to be monitored.

Statistical Value - - This parameter indicates the statistical value

of the monitored performance items.

Time Flag - - This parameter indicates the time point of

each performance event.

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

B.8.3 Parameter Description: RMON Performance_History Control

This topic describes the parameters that are related to RMON history control groups.

Navigation Path
Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Performance > RMON History
Control Group.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

30-Second Enabled Disabled This parameter indicates or specifies

Disabled whether to enable the 30-Second
monitoring function.

30-Minute Enabled Enabled This parameter indicates or specifies

Disabled whether to enable the 30-Minute
monitoring function.

Custom Period 1 Enabled Disabled This parameter indicates or specifies

Disabled whether to enable Custom Period 1.

Custom Period 2 Enabled Disabled This parameter indicates or specifies

Disabled whether to enable Custom Period 2.

Sampling Interval 300 to 43200 900(Custom Period l This parameter indicates or specifies the
(s) (Custom Period 1) 1) monitoring period in Custom Period 1
300 to 86400 86400(Custom and Custom Period 2.
(Custom Period 2) Period 2) l The value must be an integer multiple of

Number of Items 1 to 50 16 This parameter indicates or specifies the

6(Custom Period 2) quantity of the history registers.

RMON Monitor - - This parameter specifies the RMON start

Start Time time.

Related Tasks
A.11.3 Configuring a Historical Control Group

B.8.4 Parameter Description: RMON Performance_RMON Setting

This topic describes the parameters that are related to RMON setting.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1497

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
l Select the corresponding board from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose
Performance > RMON Performance from the Function Tree.
l Click the RMON Setting tab.

Event Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Event - - This parameter indicates the performance

event to be monitored.

30-Second Enabled Disabled This parameter indicates or specifies

Monitor Disabled whether to enable the monitoring function
based on 30-Second Monitor.

30-Minute Enabled - This parameter indicates or specifies

Monitor Disabled whether to enable the 30-Minute Monitor
monitoring function.

Custom Period 1 Enabled Disabled This parameter indicates or specifies

Monitor Disabled whether to enable the monitoring function
based on Custom Period 1 Monitor.

Custom Period 2 Enabled Disabled This parameter indicates or specifies

Monitor Disabled whether to enable the monitoring function
based on Custom Period 2 Monitor.

Threshold Detect Report All Report All l This parameter indicates or specifies the
Do Not Detect threshold detection method.
Report Only the l If the number of detected events reaches
Upper Threshold the preset threshold, the events are
reported to the NMS. Otherwise, the
Report Only the events are not reported to the NMS.
Lower Threshold
l If an event does not support this
parameter, Not Supported is displayed.

Upper Threshold - - This parameter indicates or specifies the

upper threshold. If the number of
performance events exceeds the preset
upper threshold, the corresponding
performance events are reported.

Lower Threshold - - This parameter indicates or specifies the

lower threshold. If the number of
performance events is less than the preset
lower threshold, the corresponding
performance events are reported.

Threshold Unit - - This parameter indicates the unit of each

threshold of the performance events.

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Related Tasks
A.11.2 Configuring an Alarm Group for an Ethernet Port
A.11.4 Browsing the Performance Data in the Historical Group of an Ethernet Port

B.9 Parameters for MPLS/PWE3 Services

This topic describes parameters that are related to MPLS/PWE3 services.


For parameters for PW-carried E-Line services, see B.6 Parameters for Ethernet Services and Ethernet
Features on the Packet Plane.

B.9.1 MPLS Tunnel Parameters

This topic describes parameters that are related to MPLS tunnels.

B.9.1.1 Parameter Description: Basic Configurations of MPLS Tunnels

This topic describes parameters that are related to the basic configurations of MPLS tunnels.

Navigation Path
In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
MPLS Management > Basic Configuration from the Function Tree.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

LSR ID - l Specifies or displays

the LSR ID of an NE.
On a PSN, each NE is
assigned a unique LSR
l This parameter must
be set in IPv4 address

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1499

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Start of Global Label 0-1015808 0 l Specifies the start

Space value of a global label
space. The OptiX RTN
950 supports a step of
l The start value of a
global label space is
the smallest unicast
tunnel label. When
Start of Global Label
Space is 0, the smallest
unicast tunnel label is
16, with values 0 to 15
l On an MPLS-enabled
network, global label
spaces of NEs are
recommended to
overlap each other if

Global Label Space Size - - Displays the size of a

global label space.

Start of Multicast Label - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

Space not support this parameter.

Related Tasks
A.9.2.1 Setting Basic MPLS Attributes

B.9.1.2 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_Static Tunnel

This topic describes parameters that are related to static tunnels.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function
2. Click the Static Tunnel tab.
3. Click Query.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

ID - - Displays the tunnel ID.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1500

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Name - - Specifies or displays the

customized tunnel name.

Enable Status Enabled Enabled l Specifies or displays

Disabled whether a tunnel is
The OptiX RTN 950
supports only the value

Node Type - - l Displays the node type.

l For bidirectional
tunnels, this parameter
displays the node types
of forward tunnels.

Direction - - Displays the direction of a


CIR(kbit/s) No Limit - l Specifies or displays

1024-1024000 the committed
information rate (CIR)
of a tunnel.
l Generally, it is
recommended that you
set this parameter to No
Limit. If you need to
enable the CES CAC
function or limit the
PW bandwidth, set this
parameter to be the
same as the planned
tunnel bandwidth.

PIR(kbit/s) - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

CBS(byte) - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

PBS(byte) - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Bandwidth Remaining - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

(kbit/s) not support this parameter.

In Port - - Displays the ingress port

of a forward tunnel, which
is also the egress port of
the mapping reverse

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1501

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Forward In Label - - Displays the MPLS label

that a forward tunnel
carries when entering a

Reverse Out Label - - Specifies the MPLS label

that a reverse tunnel
carries when entering a

Out Port - - Displays the egress port of

a forward tunnel, which is
also the ingress port of the
mapping reverse tunnel.

Forward Out Label - - Displays the MPLS label

that a forward tunnel
carries when leaving a

Reverse In Label - - Displays the MPLS label

that a reverse tunnel
carries when leaving a

Forward Next Hop - - Displays the IP address of

Address the next-hop port of a
forward tunnel.

Reverse Next Hop - - Displays the IP address of

Address the next-hop port of a
reverse tunnel.

Source Node - - Displays the LSR ID of the

ingress node.

Sink Node - - Displays the LSR ID of the

egress node.

Tunnel Type - - Displays the tunnel type.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1502

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

EXP 0-7 - l Specifies or displays

None the value of the EXP
field in the packets
transmitted through
MPLS tunnels.
l For unidirectional
tunnels, this parameter
is available only if
Node Type is Ingress.
l For bidirectional
tunnels, this parameter
cannot be set if Node
Type is Transit.
l If this parameter is set
to a value from 0 to 7,
the EXP field takes its
fixed value.
l If this parameter takes
its default value None,
the EXP field varies
based on the DiffServ

LSP Mode Pipe - Pipe: When stripping

MPLS tunnel labels from
packets, an egress node
does not update the
scheduling priority for the
On the OptiX RTN 950, this
parameter can be set to
Pipe only.

MTU(byte) - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Protection Group - - Displays the MPLS APS

protection group to which
a tunnel belongs.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1503

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VLan ID - - l Specifies or displays

the VLAN ID that
Ethernet packets carry
when transmitted over
MPLS tunnels.
l If packets need to
traverse a Layer 2
network, set the VLAN
ID for the tunnel
carried by the NNI port
according to the
VLAN planning
requirements on the
Layer 2 network.
l Set this parameter to
the same value for both
ends of a tunnel.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1504

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

CoS CS7 - l This parameter

CS6 specifies the PHB
service class of an L-
EF LSP, if the type of an
AF4 MPLS tunnel is L-LSP.
AF3 l CS6-CS7: indicates the
AF2 highest service grade,
which is mainly
involved in signaling
BE transmission.
l EF: indicates fast
forwarding. This
service class is
applicable to the traffic
whose delay is small
and packet loss ratio is
low, for example,
voice and video
l AF1-AF4: indicates
assured forwarding.
This service class is
applicable to the traffic
that requires rate
guarantee but does not
require delay or jitter
l BE: indicates that the
traffic is forwarded in
best-effort manner
without special

Related Tasks
A.9.2.4 Querying MPLS Tunnel Information

B.9.1.3 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_Creation of

Unidirectional Tunnels
This topic describes parameters that are used for creating unidirectional tunnels.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1505

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Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

2. Click the Static Tunnel tab.

3. Click New and choose Unidirectional Tunnel from the drop-down list.
The New Unicast Unidirectional Tunnel dialog box is displayed.
4. Select New Reverse Tunnel.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Tunnel ID 1-65535 - l Specifies the tunnel ID.

l The total number of tunnels and PWs
must be equal to or less than 1024. The
number of tunnels that carry PWs is not
included in the total.
If you select New Reverse Tunnel, set forward
tunnel IDs and reverse tunnel IDs respectively.

Tunnel Name - - Specifies the tunnel name.

Node Type Ingress Ingress Specifies the node type of a forward tunnel.

Direction - - Indicates the direction of a tunnel.

Bandwidth(kbit/s) No Limit No Limit l Specifies the committed information rate

1024-1024000 (CIR) of a tunnel.
l Generally, it is recommended that you set
this parameter to No Limit. If you need
to enable the CES CAC function or limit
the tunnel bandwidth, set this parameter
to be the same as the planned tunnel

CBS(kbit/s) - - The OptiX RTN 950 does not support this


PIR(Byte) - - The OptiX RTN 950 does not support this


PBS(Byte) - - The OptiX RTN 950 does not support this


In Board/Logic - - Specifies the MPLS port at the ingress

Interface Type direction of a forward tunnel on a transit or
egress node.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1506

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

In Port - - NOTE
l If the MPLS port is an FE/GE port, ensure
l The Port Mode parameter of the MPLS
port is set to Layer 3 according to A.6.6.1
Setting the General Attributes of
Ethernet Ports.
l The Enable Tunnel, Specify IP
Address, andIP Address parameters of
the MPLS port are set to the values
specified in the network plan according to
A.6.6.4 Setting Layer 3 Attributes of
Ethernet Ports.
l If the MPLS port is an IF_ETH port, ensure
l The Port Mode parameter of the MPLS
port is set to Layer 3 according to A.6.7.1
Setting the General Attributes of
IF_ETH Ports.
l The Enable Tunnel, Specify IP
Address, and IP Address parameters of
the MPLS port are set to the values
specified in the network plan according to
A.6.7.3 Setting Layer 3 Attributes of
IF_ETH Ports.

In Label 16-1048575 - Specifies the MPLS label at the ingress

direction of a forward tunnel on a transit or
egress node.

Out Board/Logic - - Specifies the MPLS port at the egress

Interface Type direction of a forward tunnel on an ingress or
transit node.
Out Port - -
The method and prerequisites for setting
parameters of the MPLS port at the egress
direction of a forward tunnel are the same as those
on the ingress direction.

Out Label 16-1048575 - Specifies the MPLS label at the egress

direction of a forward tunnel on an ingress or
transit node.

Next Hop Address - - l The Next Hop Address parameter needs

to be set only for the egress port on an
ingress or transit node.
l Set the IP address of the MPLS ingress
port on the next hop LSR node to Next
Hop Address according to the network

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1507

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Source Node - - l The Source Node parameter needs to be

set only on an egress or transit node.
l Set the LSR ID for the last hop MPLS
node to Source Node according to the
network plan.

Sink Node - - l The Sink Node parameter needs to be set

only on an ingress or transit node.
l Set the LSR ID for the next hop MPLS
node to Sink Node according to the
network plan.

Tunnel Type E-LSP E-LSP l Specifies the tunnel type.

L-LSP l The value E-LSP indicates that the EXP
field is used to identify packet scheduling
priorities of PWs. An E-LSP tunnel can
contain PWs of eight packet scheduling
l The value L-LSP indicates that the
MPLS label value is used to identify
packet scheduling priorities of PWs. An
L-LSP tunnel can contain PWs of the
same packet scheduling priority.

EXP 0-7 None l Specifies the value of the EXP field in the
None packets transmitted through MPLS
l This parameter is available only if Node
Type is Ingress.
l If this parameter is set to a value from 0
to 7, the EXP field takes its fixed value.
l If this parameter takes its default value
None, the EXP field is set based on the
DiffServ mappings.

LSP Mode Pipe - Pipe: When stripping MPLS tunnel labels

from packets, an egress node does not update
the scheduling priority for the packets.
The OptiX RTN 950 supports only the value

MTU - - The OptiX RTN 950 does not support this


Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1508

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

CoS CS7 BE l This parameter specifies the PHB service

CS6 class of an L-LSP, if the type of an MPLS
tunnel is L-LSP.
l CS6-CS7: indicates the highest service
AF4 grade, which is mainly involved in
AF3 signaling transmission.
AF2 l EF: indicates fast forwarding. This
AF1 service class is applicable to the traffic
whose delay is small and packet loss ratio
is low, for example, voice and video
l AF1-AF4: indicates assured forwarding.
This service class is applicable to the
traffic that requires rate guarantee but
does not require delay or jitter limit.
l BE: indicates that the traffic is forwarded
in best-effort manner without special

Related Tasks
A.9.2.2 Creating a Unidirectional MPLS Tunnel

B.9.1.4 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_Creation of

Bidirectional Tunnels
This topic describes the parameters that are related to creating bidirectional tunnels.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function
2. Click the Static Tunnel tab.
3. Click New and choose Bidirectional Tunnel from the drop-down list.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Tunnel ID 1 to 65535 - l Specifies the tunnel ID.

l The total number of tunnels and PWs
must be equal to or less than 1024.
The number of tunnels that carry
PWs is not included in the total.

Tunnel Name - - Specifies the tunnel name.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1509

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Node Type Ingress Ingress Specifies the node type of a forward

Egress tunnel.

Direction - - Indicates the direction of a tunnel.

CIR(kbit/s) No Limit No Limit l Specifies the committed information

1024-1024000 rate (CIR) of a tunnel.
l Generally, it is recommended that
you set this parameter to No Limit.
If you need to enable the CES CAC
function or limit the PW bandwidth,
set this parameter to be the same as
the planned tunnel bandwidth.

CBS(kbit/s) - - The OptiX RTN 950 does not support

this parameter.

PIR(Byte) - - The OptiX RTN 950 does not support

this parameter.

PBS(Byte) - - The OptiX RTN 950 does not support

this parameter.

In Board/Logic - - Specifies the MPLS port at the ingress

Interface Type direction of a forward tunnel on a transit
or egress node.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1510

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

In Port - - NOTE
l If the MPLS port is an FE/GE port,
ensure that:
l The Port Mode parameter of the
MPLS port is set to Layer 3
according to A.6.6.1 Setting the
General Attributes of Ethernet
l The Enable Tunnel, Specify IP
Address, and IP Address
parameters of the MPLS port are set
to the values specified in the
network plan according to A.6.6.4
Setting Layer 3 Attributes of
Ethernet Ports.
l If the MPLS port is an IF_ETH port,
ensure that:
l The Port Mode parameter of the
MPLS port is set to Layer 3
according to A.6.7.1 Setting the
General Attributes of IF_ETH
l The Enable Tunnel, Specify IP
Address, and IP Address
parameters of the MPLS port are set
to the values specified in the
network plan according to A.6.7.3
Setting Layer 3 Attributes of
IF_ETH Ports.

Forward In Label 16 to 1048575 - Specifies the MPLS label at the ingress

direction of a forward tunnel on a transit
or egress node.

Reverse Out Label 16 to 1048575 - l Specifies the MPLS label at the

egress direction of a reverse tunnel
on a transit or egress node.
l Reverse Out Label and Forward
In Label can be set to either the same
value or different values.

Out Board/Logic - - Specifies the MPLS port at the egress

Interface Type direction of a forward tunnel on an
ingress or transit node.
Out Port - -
The method and prerequisites for setting
parameters of the MPLS port at the egress
direction of a forward tunnel are the same as
those on the ingress direction.

Forward Out Label 16 to 1048575 - Specifies the MPLS label at the egress
direction of a forward tunnel on an
ingress or transit node.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1511

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Reverse In Label 16 to 1048575 - l Specifies the MPLS label at the

ingress direction of a reverse tunnel
on an ingress or transit node.
l The Reverse In Label and Forward
Out Label parameters can be set to
either the same value or different

Forward Next Hop - - l The Forward Next Hop Address

Address parameter needs to be set only for the
egress port on an ingress or transit
l Set the IP address of the MPLS
ingress port on the next hop LSR
node to Forward Next Hop
Address according to the network

Reverse Next Hop - - l The Reverse Next Hop Address

Address parameter needs to be set only for the
ingress port on a transit or egress
l Set the IP address of the MPLS
ingress port on the next hop LSR
node to Reverse Next Hop
Address according to the network

Source Node - - l The Source Node parameter needs

to be set only on an egress or transit
l Set the LSR ID for the last hop
MPLS node to Source Node
according to the network plan.

Sink Node - - l The Sink Node parameter needs to

be set only on an ingress or transit
l Set the LSR ID for the next hop
MPLS node to Sink Node according
to the network plan.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1512

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Tunnel Type E-LSP E-LSP l Specifies the tunnel type.

L-LSP l The value E-LSP indicates that the
EXP field is used to identify packet
scheduling priorities of PWs. An E-
LSP tunnel can contain PWs of eight
packet scheduling priorities.
l The value L-LSP indicates that the
MPLS label value is used to identify
packet scheduling priorities of PWs.
An L-LSP tunnel can contain PWs of
the same packet scheduling priority.

EXP 0 to 7 None l Specifies the value of the EXP field

None in the packets transmitted through
MPLS tunnels.
l This parameter cannot be set if Node
Type is Transit.
l If this parameter is set to a value
from 0 to 7, the EXP field takes its
fixed value.
l If this parameter takes its default
value None, the EXP field is set
based on the DiffServ mappings.

LSP Mode Pipe - Pipe: When stripping MPLS tunnel

labels from packets, an egress node does
not update the scheduling priority for
the packets.
The OptiX RTN 950 supports only the value

MTU - - The OptiX RTN 950 does not support

this parameter.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1513

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

CoS CS7 BE l This parameter specifies the PHB

CS6 service class of an L-LSP, if the type
of an MPLS tunnel is L-LSP.
l CS6-CS7: indicates the highest
AF4 service grade, which is mainly
AF3 involved in signaling transmission.
AF2 l EF: indicates fast forwarding. This
AF1 service class is applicable to the
traffic whose delay is small and
packet loss ratio is low, for example,
voice and video services.
l AF1-AF4: indicates assured
forwarding. This service class is
applicable to the traffic that requires
rate guarantee but does not require
delay or jitter limit.
l BE: indicates that the traffic is
forwarded in best-effort manner
without special processing.

Related Tasks
A.9.2.3 Creating a Bidirectional MPLS Tunnel

B.9.1.5 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_OAM Parameters

This topic describes parameters that are related to MPLS OAM.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function
2. Click the OAM Parameter tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Tunnel ID - - Displays the tunnel ID.

Tunnel Name - - Displays the tunnel name.

Node Type - - l Displays the node type.

l For bidirectional
tunnels, this parameter
displays the node types
of forward tunnels.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1514

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Tunnel Direction - - Displays the direction of a


OAM Status Enabled Disabled l Specifies or displays

Disabled whether the local node
can perform and
respond to OAM
l If OAM Status is
Enabled, the local NE
can perform and
respond to OAM
l If OAM Status is
Disabled, the local NE
cannot perform and
respond to OAM
protection needs to be
configured or a CC test
needs to be performed
for the tunnel, OAM
Status needs to be set
to Enabled.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1515

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Detection Mode Auto-Sensing Auto-Sensing l Specifies or displays

Manual the MPLS OAM
detection mode.
l Manual: During a CC
test, MPLS OAM
packets are sent at the
interval specified by
the user.
l Auto-Sensing: During
a CC test, MPLS OAM
packets are sent at the
interval for receiving
MPLS OAM packets.
l For a unidirectional
tunnel, this parameter
can be set for its egress
node only.
l For a bidirectional
tunnel, if Detection
Mode is set to
Manual, you need to
set the MPLS OAM
detection packets to be
received and
l Generally, the value
Auto-Sensing is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1516

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Detection Packet Type CV CV l CV: The detection

FFD packets are sent at a
fixed interval.
l FFD: The detection
packets are sent at the
interval specified by
the user.
l For the egress node of
a unidirectional tunnel,
if Detection Mode is
set to Manual, this
parameter specifies the
type of MPLS OAM
detection packets to be
l For a bidirectional
tunnel, if Detection
Mode is set to Auto-
Sensing, this
parameter specifies the
type of MPLS OAM
detection packets to be
l For a bidirectional
tunnel, if Detection
Mode is set to
Manual, this
parameter specifies the
types of MPLS OAM
detection packets to be
received and
l The value FFD is
assumed for MPLS
APS and the value
CV is assumed for
connectivity check on
MPLS tunnels.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1517

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Detection Packet Period 3.3 50 l Displays or specifies

(ms) 10 the OAM detection
l This parameter is
50 available only when
100 Detection Packet
200 Type is FFD. It takes
its fixed value of 1000
ms when Detection
Packet Type is CV.
l Set this parameter to
3.3 for MPLS APS
usually. If the packet
transmission delay
time of an MPLS
tunnel exceeds 3.3 ms,
the transmission
interval of FFD
packets needs to be a
value greater than the
delay time.

Reverse Tunnel - - l Specifies the mapping

reverse tunnel of a
forward tunnel.
l For a bidirectional
tunnel, this parameter
cannot be set.

CV/FFD Status - - Displays whether CV/

FFD is enabled.

LSP Status - - Displays whether an LSP

is available.

LSP Defect Type - - Displays the LSP defect


Disable LSP Duration - - Displays the duration

(ms) when an LSP is

LSP Defect Location - - Displays the LSR ID of a

node where LSP defects
are detected.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1518

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

SD Threshold 0-100 0 l Specifies or displays

the SD threshold.
When the OAM packet
loss ratio is higher than
the parameter value,
the corresponding
alarm is reported.
l For a unidirectional
tunnel, this parameter
can be set for its egress
node only.
l When this parameter is
set to 0, SD threshold
detection is not

SF Threshold 0-100 0 l Specifies or displays

the SF threshold.
When the OAM packet
loss ratio is higher than
the parameter value,
the corresponding
alarm is reported.
l For a unidirectional
tunnel, this parameter
can be set for its egress
node only.
l When this parameter is
set to 0, SF threshold
detection is not
l The SD threshold is not
higher than the SF

Source Node - - Displays the source node

of a tunnel.

Sink Node - - Displays the sink node of

a tunnel.

Related Tasks
A.9.2.7 Setting MPLS OAM Parameters

B.9.1.6 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_FDI

This topic describes FDI parameters.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1519

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function
2. Click the FDI tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Enable FDI Selected Selected l Specifies or displays

Not selected whether Enable FDI is
l If the FDI function is
enabled for a transit
node, the transit node
inserts an FDI packet
to all LSPs that travel
through the transit
node when a fault
occurs on the link
between the ingress
and transit nodes. On
reception of the FDI
packet, the egress node
reports an alarm. In
this case, if MPLS APS
is configured
correctly, protection
switching is triggered
before the egress node
detects an LSP defect
within a detection
l Generally, the default
parameter value is

Related Tasks
A.9.2.8 Enabling/Disabling FDI

B.9.1.7 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_LSP Ping

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the LSP Ping test.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1520

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function
2. Click the OAM Parameters tab.
3. Select the required tunnel, click OAM Operation in the lower right corner, and choose
Ping Test from the drop-down list.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Packet Count 1 to 4294967295 3 Specifies the number of

test request packets.

EXP Value 0 to 7 7 l Specifies the EXP

value of the MPLS
label in test request
packets. The value 7
indicates the highest
l The default value is

TTL 1 to 255 255 l Specifies the time-to-

live (TTL) value of the
MPLS label in test
request packets.
l The default value is

Transmit Interval 1 to 1000 100 l Specifies the interval

(10ms) for transmitting test
request packets.
l The default value is

Packet Length 64 to 1400 64 l Specifies the length of

test request packets.
l The default value is

Wait-to-Response 1 to 6000 300 l Specifies the wait-to-

Timeout Time(10ms) response timeout
l The default value is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1521

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Response Mode IPv4 UDP Response IPv4 UDP Response l Specifies the response
No Response mode of test request
Application Control
Channel l The value No
Response indicates
that the test
performance event is
reported without
sending response
l The value Application
Control Channel
indicates that response
is performed through
the reverse channel.
l The value IPv4 UDP
Response indicates
that the IPv4 UDP
packets encapsulating
MPLS echo reply
messages are sent as
response packets.
l The value IPv4 UDP
Response is reserved
for scenarios where all
nodes on an LSP
communicate with
each other over a DCN
running IP protocols.
l Set this parameter
based on the situation
of the egress node. If
the egress node
supports reverse
channel response, set
this parameter to
Application Control
Channel. If the egress
node does not support
reverse channel
response but supports
DCN channel response
by means of IP
protocols, set this
parameter to IPv4
UDP Response.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1522

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

For a unidirectional
tunnel, Response
Mode cannot be set to
Application Control

Related Tasks
A.9.2.12 Performing an LSP Ping Test

B.9.1.8 Parameter Description: Unicast Tunnel Management_LSP Traceroute

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the LSP Traceroute test.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > MPLS Management > Unicast Tunnel Management from the Function
2. Click the OAM Parameters tab.
3. Select the required tunnel, click OAM Operation in the lower right corner, and choose
Traceroute Test from the drop-down list.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

EXP Value 0 to 7 7 l Specifies the EXP

value of the MPLS
label in test request
packets. The value 7
indicates the highest
l The default value is

TTL 1 to 255 255 l Specifies the time-to-

live (TTL) value of the
MPLS label in test
request packets.
l The default value is

Packet Length 84 to 1400 84 l Specifies the length of

test request packets.
l The default value is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1523

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Wait-to-Response 1 to 6000 300 l Specifies the wait-to-

Timeout Time(10ms) response timeout
l The default value is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1524

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Response Mode IPv4 UDP Response IPv4 UDP Response l Specifies the response
No Response mode of test request
Application Control
Channel l The value No
Response indicates
that the test
performance event is
reported without
sending response
l The value Application
Control Channel
indicates that response
is performed through
the reverse channel.
l The value IPv4 UDP
Response indicates
that the IPv4 UDP
packets encapsulating
MPLS echo reply
messages are sent as
response packets.
l The value IPv4 UDP
Response is reserved
for scenarios where all
nodes on an LSP
communicate with
each other over a DCN
running IP protocols.
l Set this parameter
based on the situation
of the egress node. If
the egress node
supports reverse
channel response, set
this parameter to
Application Control
Channel. If the egress
node does not support
reverse channel
response but supports
DCN channel response
by means of IP
protocols, set this
parameter to IPv4
UDP Response.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1525

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

For a unidirectional
tunnel, Response
Mode cannot be set to
Application Control

Related Tasks
A.9.2.13 Performing an LSP Traceroute Test

B.9.1.9 Parameter Description: PW Management_PW Management

This topic describes parameters that are related to PW management.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > MPLS Management > PW Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the PW Management tab.
3. Click the PW Management tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Displays the ID of the PW that carries a


Enable State - - Displays whether a PW is enabled.

PW Signaling - - Displays the PW signaling type.

The OptiX RTN 950 uses only static PWs.

PW Type - - l Displays the PW type. Different PW types

perform different service processing
l When a PW transmits E-Line services, set
PW Type to Ethernet or Ethernet
Tagged Mode.
l If a PW transmits CES services, set PW
Type to CESoPSN or SATop.
l If a PW transmits ATM services, set PW
Type to ATM n-to-one VCC Cell
transport, ATM one-to-one VCC Cell
Mode, ATM n-to-one VPC Cell
transport, or ATM one-to-one VPC Cell

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1526

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Direction - - Displays the direction of a PW.

PW Ingress - - Displays the ingress label at the source port of

Label/Source a PW.

PW - - Displays the encapsulation type of the packets

Encapsulation on a PW.
The OptiX RTN 950 supports only MPLS

PW Egress - - Displays the egress label at the sink port of a

Label/Sink PW.

Opposite LSR - - Displays the LSR ID of the node at the other

ID end of a PW.

Local - - Displays the working status of the PW at the

Working local end.

Remote - - Displays the working status of the PW at the

Working remote end.

Compositive - - Displays the working status of the entire PW.


Tunnel Type - - Displays the type of the tunnel that carries a

The OptiX RTN 950 supports only MPLS tunnels.

Tunnel - - Displays the ID of the tunnel that carries a PW.

QoS Parameters

Table B-70 CES services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Displays the ID of the PW

that carries the service.

Direction - - Displays the direction of

the PW that carries the

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1527

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

CIR(kbit/s) - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

EXP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Table B-71 E-Line services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Displays the ID of the PW

that carries the service.

Direction - - Displays the direction of

the PW that carries the

Bandwidth Limit - - Displays whether the

bandwidth is limited.

CIR(kbit/s) - - Displays the committed

information rate (CIR) of
a PW.

CBS(byte) - - Displays the committed

burst size (CBS) of a PW.

PIR(kbit/s) - - Displays the peak

information rate (PIR) of a

PBS(byte) - - Displays the peak burst

size (PBS) of a PW.

EXP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

LSP Mode - - Displays the LSP mode.

The OptiX RTN 950
supports only Pipe.

Policy - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1528

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Table B-72 ATM services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Displays the ID of the PW

that carries the service.

Direction - - Displays the direction of

the PW that carries the

Bandwidth Limit - - Displays whether the

bandwidth is limited.

CIR(kbit/s) - - Displays the committed

information rate (CIR) of
a PW.

CBS(byte) - - Displays the committed

burst size (CBS) of a PW.

PIR(kbit/s) - - Displays the peak

information rate (PIR) of a

PBS(byte) - - Displays the peak burst

size (PBS) of a PW.

EXP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Policy - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Parameters for Advanced Attributes

Table B-73 CES services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

RTP Head - - Displays whether the CES

service packets carry an
RTP header.

Packet Loading Time - - Displays the packet

(us) loading time.

Jitter Compensation - - Displays the jitter buffer

Buffering Time(us) time for the received CES

Ingress Clock Mode - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1529

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Egress Clock Mode - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Control Channel Type - - Displays the control

channel type.

VCCV Verification - - Displays the VCCV mode.


Enable CES Service - - Displays whether CES

Alarm Transparent service alarms are
Transmission transparently transmitted.

Threshold of Entering R - - Displays the threshold of

bit Inserting Status the packet loss ratio of
CES services. The
corresponding alarm will
be reported if the actual
packet loss ratio crosses
this threshold.

Threshold of Exiting R - - Displays the threshold of

bit Inserting Status received CES service
packets. The
corresponding alarm will
be cleared after the actual
number of received CES
service packets crosses
this threshold.

Sequence Number Mode - - Displays the sequence

number mode.

Table B-74 E-Line services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Control Word - - Displays whether the

control word is used to
transfer packet
information. For ETH
PWE3 services, this
parameter is always not

Control Channel Type - - Displays the control

channel type.

VCCV Verification - - Displays the VCCV mode.


Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1530

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Request VLAN - - When PW Type is

Ethernet Tag, this
parameter displays the
VLAN ID to be added to
packets that are sent from
the opposite end and do
not carry any VLAN IDs.

Table B-75 ATM services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Control Word - - Displays whether the

control word is used to
transfer packet

Control Channel Type - - Displays the control

channel type.

VCCV Verification - - Displays the VCCV mode.


Max Concatenated Cell - - Displays the maximum

Count number of concatenated

Packet Loading Time - - Displays the packet

(us) loading time.

Related Tasks
A.9.4.1 Querying Information and Running Status of PWs

B.9.1.10 Parameter Description: PW Management_MS-PW Creation

This topic describes the parameters that are related to MS-PW creation.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > MPLS Management > PW Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the PW Management tab.
3. Click the MS PW tab.
4. Click New.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1531

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

ID - - Specifies the ID of MS-PW.

Name - - Specifies the name of MS-PW.

MTU(bytes) - - The OptiX RTN 950 does not support this


Service Type ETH Service ETH Service l Specifies the type of services carried by the
CES Service MS-PW.
ATM Service l Set this parameter according to the
planning information.

Connection Port Transparent Port Transparent l This parameter is available only when
Type PVP Service Type is ATM Service.
PVC l PVP: Only the VPIs of the source and sink
are exchanged.
l PVP: The VPIs and VCIs of the source and
sink are exchanged.
l Port Transparent: ATM transparent
transmission refers to the transparent
transmission of ATM cells that are
encapsulated into PWs as payloads.

Parameters for the Basic Attributes of PWs

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Specifies the ID of the PW

that carries services.
Automatic ID assignment
is recommended.

PW Signaling Type Static Static Specifies the signaling

type of the PW. Labels for
static PWs need to be
manually assigned.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1532

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW Type - - l Specifies the type of

the PW.
l Set this parameter to
Ethernet if Service
Type is ETH Service
and no VLAN IDs
need to be added. If it
is required to add
VLAN IDs, set this
parameter to Ethernet
Tag Mode and then set
Request VLAN in the
Advanced Attribute
l If Service Type is
CES Service, the
value CESoPSN
indicates structure-
aware emulation,
which allows timeslot
compression; the value
SAToP indicates
emulation, which does
not allow timeslot
l If Service Type is
ATM Service, set this
parameter according to
the value of
Connection Type.

PW Direction - - Displays the direction of

the PW.

PW Encapsulation Type - - Displays the

encapsulation type of the

PW Ingress Label/ 16 to 1048575 - Specifies the PW Ingress

Source Port label.

PW Egress Label/Sink 16 to 1048575 - Specifies the PW Egress

Port label.

Tunnel Selection Mode Manually Manually Specifies the method to

select tunnels.
The OptiX RTN 950
supports only the value

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1533

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Tunnel Type MPLS MPLS Specifies the type of the

tunnel that carries the PW.

Ingress Tunnel - - A created tunnel needs to

be selected. If no tunnel is
available, no PW can be

Peer LSR ID - - Specifies the LSR ID of

the PW at the remote end.
If an existing tunnel is
selected, the LSR ID will
be automatically assigned.

Egress Tunnel - - For a bidirectional tunnel,

the system will configure
the reverse tunnel

QoS Parameters

CES Services
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

EXP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Ethernet services
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Bandwidth Limit - - Specifies whether the

bandwidth limit function
is enabled.
l This function limits the
bandwidth of one or
more PWs in an MPLS
l An ETH PWE3 service
corresponds to a PW.
Therefore, this
function can also limit
the bandwidth of ETH
PWE3 services in an
MPLS tunnel.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1534

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Policy - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

CIR(Kbit/s) - - Specifies the committed

information rate (CIR) of
a PW.
It is recommended that
you set this parameter to
the same value as PIR.

CBS(byte) - - Specifies the committed

burst size (CBS) of a PW.

PIR(Kbit/s) - - Specifies the peak

information rate (PIR) of a
It is recommended that
you set this parameter to
the same value as CIR.

PBS(byte) - - Specifies the peak burst

size (PBS) of a PW.

EXP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

LSP Mode Pipe Pipe Pipe: When stripping

MPLS tunnel labels from
packets, an egress node
does not update the
scheduling priority for the

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1535

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

ATM services

Table B-76 ATM services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Bandwidth Limit - - Specifies whether the

bandwidth limit is
l This function can be
used to limit the
bandwidth of one or
more PWs, or the
bandwidth of one or
more ATM PWE3
services, in an MPLS
tunnel. (One ATM
PWE3 service
corresponds to one
service corresponds to
a PW. Therefore, this
function can also limit
the bandwidth of ATM
PWE3 services in an
MPLS tunnel.

Policy - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

CIR (Kbit/s) - - Specifies the committed

information rate (CIR) of
the PW.
It is recommended that
you set this parameter to
the same value as PIR.

CBS (kbyte) - - Specifies the excess burst

size of the PW.

PIR (kbit/s) - - Specifies the peak

information rate (PIR) of
the PW.
It is recommended that
you set this parameter to
the same value as CIR.

PBS (kbyte) - - Specifies the maximum

excess burst size of the

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1536

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

EXP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Parameters for the Advanced Attributes of PWs

CES Services
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

RTP Header Disable Disable l Specifies the RTP

Enable header.
l The RTP header
carries time stamps.
l The default value is

Jitter Compensation 375 to 16000 8000 l Specifies the jitter

Buffering Time(us) buffer time for the
received CES packets.
l A greater value of this
parameter means
fewer impacts of
transmission jitters on
CES services, greater
delays of CES
services, and more
resources occupied by
CES services.
l The default value is
Set Jitter Compensation
Buffering Time(us) to a
value greater than the value
of Packet Loading Time
(us) at the opposite end and
the local end.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1537

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Packet Loading Time 125 to 5000 1000 l Specifies the length of

(us) fragments in the TDM
data stream. Each
fragment is
encapsulated into one
PW packet.
l A greater value of this
parameter means
higher encapsulation
efficiency but greater
delays of CES
l The default value is

Ingress Clock mode - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Egress Clock mode - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Control Channel Type None CW l Specifies the mode of

CW PW connectivity
Alert Label
l The value None
indicates that the
control word is not
supported. That is, the
PW connectivity
check is not supported.
l Alert Label indicates
VCCV packets in Alert
Label encapsulation
l The value CW
indicates that the
control word is

VCCV Verification None Ping l Specifies the VCCV

Mode Ping verification mode. The
VCCV verification is
used for PW
connectivity check.
l If the VCCV-Ping test
is required, do not set
this parameter to

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1538

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

64K Timeslot Number 1 to 31 1 l Specifies the number

of 64 kbit/s timeslots
that transmit service
traffic. If Frame
Mode of the opposite
end is 30, the source 64
kbit/s timeslots at the
local end must include
the 16th timeslot.
l On the two ends of a
radio link, the timeslot
lists can be different
but the numbers of
timeslots must be the
l This parameter is
unavailable if PW
Type is SAToP.

Sequence Number Mode Huawei Mode Huawei Mode Specifies the sequence
Standard Mode number mode.

Ethernet services
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Control Word No Use No Use For ETH PWE3 services,

the parameter value is
always No Use.

Control Channel Type None Alert Label l Specifies the mode of

Alert Label PW connectivity
l None indicates that
VCCV is not used.
l Alert Label indicates
VCCV packets in
Alert Label
encapsulation mode.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1539

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VCCV Verification Ping Ping l Specifies the VCCV

Mode None verification mode. The
VCCV verification is
used for PW
connectivity check.
l If the VCCV-Ping test
is required, do not set
this parameter to

Request VLAN - - l Set this parameter

when PW Type is
Ethernet Tagged
l If the received packets
do not carry any
VLAN IDs, the PW
will add VLAN IDs to
the packets as required
by the setting of this

ATM services
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Control Word Must Use Must Use l Specifies whether to

No Use use the control word.
In the MPLS packet
switching network, the
control word is used to
transmit packet
l Set Control Word to
Must Use if PW
Type is ATM 1:1.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1540

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Control Channel Type CW CW l Specifies the mode of

None PW connectivity
Alert Label
l The value None
indicates that the
control word is not
supported. That is, the
PW connectivity check
is not supported.
l The value CW
indicates that the
control word is
l The value Alert
Label indicates VCCV
packets in Alert
Label encapsulation

VCCV Verification Ping Ping l Specifies the VCCV

Mode None verification mode. The
VCCV verification is
used for PW
connectivity check.
l If the VCCV-Ping test
is required, do not set
this parameter to

Max. Concatenated Cell 1 to 31 10 l Specifies the

Count maximum number of
concatenated cells.
l If the value 1 is
assumed, only one
ATM cell is
encapsulated in one
packet. If the value
from 2 to 31 is
assumed, a maximum
of 2 to 31 ATM cells
are encapsulated into
one packet.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1541

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Packet Loading Time 100 to 50000 1000 l Specifies the packet

(us) loading time. Once the
packet loading time
expires, the packet is
sent out even if the
concatenated cells are
less than the
l If Max. Concatenated
Cell Count assumes
the value 1, this
parameter is
ineffective. That is, the
packet will be sent out
once the cell is loaded.

Related Tasks
A.9.4.2 Creating an MS-PW

B.9.1.11 Parameter Description: PW Management_PW OAM

This topic describes parameters that are related to PW OAM.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > MPLS Management > PW Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the PW OAM Parameter tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Displays the ID of the PW

that carries the service.

PW Type - - Displays the type of the

PW that carries the

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1542

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

OAM Status Enabled Disabled l Specifies or displays

Disabled whether the local node
can perform and
respond to OAM
l If OAM Status is
Enabled, the local NE
can perform and
respond to OAM
l If OAM Status is
Disabled, the local NE
cannot perform and
respond to OAM
l If PW APS protection
needs to be configured
or a CC test needs to be
performed for the
tunnel, OAM Status
needs to be set to

Detection Mode Auto-Sensing Auto-Sensing l Specifies or displays

Manual the detection mode for
PW OAM packets.
l Manual: During a CC
test, PW OAM packets
are sent at the interval
specified by the user.
l Auto-Sensing: During
a CC test, PW OAM
packets are sent at the
interval for receiving
PW OAM packets.
l If Detection Mode is
set to Manual, you
need to set the type of
PW OAM detection
packets to be received
and transmitted.
l The value Auto-
Sensing is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1543

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Detection Packet Type CV CV l CV: The detection

FFD packets are sent at a
fixed interval.
l FFD: The detection
packets are sent at the
interval specified by
the user.
l If Detection Mode is
set to Auto-Sensing,
this parameter
specifies the type of
PW OAM detection
packets to be
l If Detection Mode is
set to Manual, this
parameter specifies the
type of PW OAM
detection packets to be
received and
l The value FFD is
assumed for PW APS
and the value CV is
assumed for
connectivity check on

Detection Packet Period 3.3 50 l Displays or specifies

(ms) 10 the OAM detection
l If Detection Packet
50 Type is FFD, this
100 parameter can be set; if
200 Detection Packet
Type is CV, the value
is always 1000.
l Set this parameter to
3.3 for PW APS
usually. If the packet
transmission delay
time of a PW exceeds
3.3 ms, the
transmission interval
of FFD packets needs
to be a value greater
than the delay time.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1544

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

SD Threshold (%) 0-100 0 l Specifies or displays

the SD threshold.
When the OAM packet
loss ratio is higher than
the parameter value,
the corresponding
alarm is reported.
l When this parameter is
set to 0, SD threshold
detection is not

SF Threshold (%) 0-100 0 l Specifies or displays

the SF threshold.
When the OAM packet
loss ratio is higher than
the parameter value,
the corresponding
alarm is reported.
l When this parameter is
set to 0, SF threshold
detection is not
l The SD threshold is not
higher than the SF

LSR ID to Be Received - - l Specifies or displays

the LSR ID to be
l This parameter is
available only if OAM
Status is Disabled.

PW ID to be Received - - l Specifies or displays

the PW ID to be
l This parameter is
available only if OAM
Status is Disabled.

Local Working Status - - Displays whether PWs at

the local end are available.

Local PW Defect Type - - Displays the local PW

defect type.

Local Disable PW - - Displays the duration

Duration(ms) when the local PW is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1545

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Local PW Defect - - Displays the local PW

Location defect location.

Remote Working Status - - Displays whether PWs at

the remote end are

Remote PW Defect Type - - Displays the remote PW

defect type.

Remote Disable PW - - Displays the duration

Duration(ms) when the remote PW is

Remote PW Defect - - Displays the remote PW

Location defect location.

Related Tasks
A.9.4.3 Setting PW OAM Parameters

B.9.1.12 Parameter Description: PW Management_PW Ping

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the PW Ping test.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > MPLS Management > PW Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the PW OAM Parameter tab.
3. Select the required PW and click OAM Operation > PW Ping Test.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Packet Count 1 to 4294967295 3 Specifies the number of

test request packets.

EXP Value 0 to 7 7 l Specifies the EXP

value of the PW label
in test request packets.
The value 7 indicates
the highest priority.
l The default value is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1546

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

TTL 1 to 255 255 l Specifies the time-to-

live (TTL) value of the
PW label in test request
l The default value is

Transmit Interval 1 to 1000 100 l Specifies the interval

(10ms) for transmitting test
request packets.
l The default value is

Packet Length 64 to 1400 64 l Specifies the length of

test request packets.
l The default value is

Wait-to-Response 1 to 6000 300 l Specifies the wait-to-

Timeout Time(10ms) response timeout
l The default value is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1547

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Response Mode IPv4 UDP Response IPv4 UDP Response l Specifies the response
No Response mode of test request
Application Control
Channel Response l The value No
Response indicates
that the test
performance event is
reported without
sending response
l The value Application
Control Channel
Response indicates
that response is
performed through the
reverse channel.
l The value IPv4 UDP
indicates that the IPv4
UDP packets
encapsulating MPLS
echo reply messages
are sent as response
l The value IPv4 UDP is
reserved for scenarios
where all nodes on an
LSP communicate
with each other over a
DCN running IP
l Set this parameter
based on the situation
of the remote PE. If the
remote PE supports
reverse channel
response, set this
parameter to
Application Control
Channel Response. If
the remote PE does not
support reverse
channel response but
supports DCN channel
response by means of
IP protocols, set this
parameter to IPv4
UDP Response.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1548

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW Peer ID - - Specifies the PW ID of the

peer end.

PW Peer IP - - Specifies the IP address of

the peer port.

Related Tasks
A.9.4.4 Performing a PW Ping Test

B.9.1.13 Parameter Description: PW Management_PW Traceroute

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the PW Traceroute test.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > MPLS Management > PW Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the PW OAM Parameter tab.
3. Select the required PW, click OAM Operation in the lower right corner, and choose
Traceroute Test from the drop-down list.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

EXP Value 0 to 7 7 l Specifies the EXP

value of the PW label
in test request packets.
The value 7 indicates
the highest priority.
l The default value is

TTL 1 to 255 255 l Specifies the time-to-

live (TTL) value of the
PW label in test request
l The default value is

Packet Length 84 to 1400 84 l Specifies the length of

test request packets.
l The default value is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1549

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Wait-to-Response 1 to 6000 300 l Specifies the wait-to-

Timeout Time(10ms) response timeout
l The default value is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1550

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Response Mode IPv4 UDP Response IPv4 UDP Response l Specifies the response
No Response mode of test request
Application Control
Channel Response l The value No
Response indicates
that the test
performance event is
reported without
sending response
l The value Application
Control Channel
Response indicates
that response is
performed through the
reverse channel.
l The value IPv4 UDP
indicates that the IPv4
UDP packets
encapsulating MPLS
echo reply messages
are sent as response
l The value IPv4 UDP is
reserved for scenarios
where all nodes on an
LSP communicate
with each other over a
DCN running IP
l Set this parameter
based on the situation
of the remote PE. If the
remote PE supports
reverse channel
response, set this
parameter to
Application Control
Channel Response. If
the remote PE does not
support reverse
channel response but
supports DCN channel
response by means of
IP protocols, set this
parameter to IPv4
UDP Response.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1551

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Related Tasks
A.9.4.5 Performing a PW Traceroute Test

B.9.1.14 Parameter Description: MPLS APS Protection Management

This topic describes parameters that are related to MPLS APS protection management.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree and choose
Configuration > APS Protection Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Tunnel APS Management tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Group ID - - l Displays the protection

group ID.
l The system
automatically assigns
IDs to the protection
groups according to
their creation

Protection Type - - Displays the protection

group type.

Switching Mode Dual-Ended - l Displays or specifies

Single-Ended the switching mode of
a protection group.
l The value Single-
Ended indicates that
services are switched
only in the direction
where faults occur.
l The value Dual-
Ended indicates that
services in both
positive and reverse
directions are switched
to their protection
channels when faults
l It is recommended that
you set this parameter
to Dual-Ended.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1552

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

BDI Status Disabled - l Specifies or displays

Enabled whether the protection
switching is triggered
upon receiving BDI
l This parameter is
available only when
Switching Mode is set
to Single-Ended.
l If BDI Status is set to
Enabled, the egress
node notifies the
ingress node of any
detected faults by
sending BDI packets;
upon receiving BDI
packets, the ingress
node triggers
protection switching.

Revertive Mode Non-Revertive - l Specifies or displays

Revertive whether to switch
services to the original
working tunnel after
the fault is rectified.
l The value Revertive
indicates to perform
the switching; the
value Non-Revertive
indicates not to
perform the switching.
l It is recommended that
you set this parameter
to Revertive.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1553

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

WTR Time(min) 1-12 - l Specifies and displays

the WTR time of the
protection group.
l When the preset WTR
time expires after the
original working
tunnel recovers,
services are switched
to the original working
l This parameter is
available only when
Revertive Mode is
l It is recommended that
you set this parameter
to 5.

Hold-Time(100ms) 0-100 - l Specifies the hold-off

time of the protection
l If this parameter is set
to a value other than 0,
the protection group
does not trigger
switching once it
detects faults, but wait
until the hold-off time
expires, and then
detect whether any
faults persist. If any
faults persist, the
switching is triggered;
otherwise, no
switching is triggered.
l It is recommended that
you set this parameter
to 0.

Protocol Status - - Displays the protocol


Switching Status - - Displays the switching

status of the protection

Unit - - Displays whether a tunnel

is a working or protection

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1554

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Active Tunnel - - Displays the currently

used tunnel.

Tunnel Status - - Displays the tunnel status.

Tunnel Type - - Displays the tunnel type.

Ingress Tunnel - - Displays the ingress


Egress Tunnel - - Displays the egress tunnel.

Related Tasks
A.9.3.2 Querying MPLS APS Status

B.9.1.15 Parameter Description: Tunnel Protection Group_Creation

This topic describes the parameters that are related to creating a tunnel protection group.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > APS
Protection Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Tunnel APS Management tab.
3. Click New.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Type 1:1 1:1 Specifies the protection

type of the tunnel
protection group.
The OptiX RTN 950
supports only the value 1:1.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1555

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Switching Mode Single-Ended Dual-Ended l Specifies the switching

Dual-Ended mode to be adopted
when a tunnel fails.
l The value Single-
Ended indicates that
services are switched
only in the direction
where faults occur.
l The value Dual-
Ended indicates that
services are switched
to the protection
channel in both
directions when faults
l The value Dual-
Ended is

BDI Status Enabled Disabled l Specifies whether the

Disabled protection switching is
triggered upon
receiving BDI packets.
l This parameter is
available only when
Switching Mode is set
to Single-Ended.
l If BDI Status is set to
Enabled, the egress
node notifies the
ingress node of any
detected faults by
sending BDI packets;
upon receiving BDI
packets, the ingress
node triggers the
protection switching.

Working Tunnel Type MPLS Tunnel MPLS Tunnel Specifies the type of the
working tunnel.
The OptiX RTN 950
supports only the value
MPLS Tunnel.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1556

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Working Ingress Tunnel - - l Specifies the working

ID tunnel of the protection
group in the ingress
l If this parameter is set
for a bidirectional
tunnel, a value is
automatically assigned
to the parameter
Working Egress
Tunnel ID.

Working Ingress Tunnel - - Displays the name of the

Name working tunnel in the
ingress direction.

Working Egress Tunnel - - l Specifies the working

ID tunnel of the protection
group in the egress
l For a bidirectional
tunnel, if the parameter
Working Ingress
Tunnel ID is set, a
value is automatically
assigned to the
parameter Working
Egress Tunnel ID.

Working Egress Tunnel - - Displays the name of the

Name working tunnel in the
egress direction.

Protection Tunnel Type - - Displays the type of

protection tunnel, which is
the same as the type of
working tunnel.

Protection Ingress - - l Specifies the working

Tunnel ID tunnel of the protection
group in the ingress
l If this parameter is set
for a bidirectional
tunnel, a value is
automatically assigned
to the parameter
Protection Egress
Tunnel ID.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1557

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Ingress - - Displays the name of the

Tunnel Name protection tunnel in the
ingress direction.

Protection Egress - - l Specifies the

Tunnel ID protection tunnel of the
protection group in the
egress direction.
l For a bidirectional
tunnel, if the parameter
Protection Ingress
Tunnel ID is set, a
value is automatically
assigned to the
parameter Protection
Egress Tunnel ID.

Protection Egress - - Displays the name of the

Tunnel Name protection tunnel in the
egress direction.

Revertive Mode Non-Revertive Non-Revertive l This parameter

Revertive specifies whether to
switch services back to
the original working
tunnel after it recovers.
l The value Revertive
indicates to switch
services back to the
original working
tunnel after it recovers;
the value Non-
Revertive indicates
not to switch services
back to the original
working tunnel after it
l The value Revertive is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1558

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

WTR Time(m) 1 to 12 5 l Specifies the WTR

time of the protection
l When the preset WTR
time expires after the
original working
tunnel recovers,
services are switched
to the original working
l This parameter is
available only when
Revertive Mode is
l The default value is

Hold-Time(100ms) 0 to 100 0 l Specifies the hold-off

time of the protection
l If this parameter is set
to a value other than 0,
the protection group
does not trigger
switching once it
detects faults, but waits
until the hold-off time
expires, and then
detects whether any
faults persist. If any
faults persist, the
switching is triggered;
otherwise, no
switching is triggered.
l The default value is

Protocol Status Disabled Disabled l Specifies the protocol

Enabled status.
l During the creation of
a protection group, set
Protocol Status to
Disabled. After the
APS protection group
is configured at both
ends, set Protocol
Status to Enabled.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1559

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Related Tasks
A.9.3.1 Creating an MPLS APS Protection Group

B.9.1.16 Parameter Description: PW APS Protection Group_Creation

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating a PW APS protection group.

Navigation Path
The navigation path for CES services is as follows:

1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > CES
Service Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Protect Group tab.
3. Click the PW APS tab.
4. Click New.

The navigation path for E-Line services is as follows:

1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-Line Service from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Protect Group tab.
3. Click the PW APS tab.
4. Click New.

The navigation path for ATM services is as follows:

1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > ATM
Service Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Protect Group tab.
3. Click the PW APS tab.
4. Click New.

Parameters for the Basic Attributes of PWs

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Specifies the ID of the PW

that carries services.

PW Signaling Type Static Static Specifies the signaling

type of the PW. Labels for
static PWs need to be
manually assigned.

PW Type - - Displays the PW type.

PW Direction - - Displays the direction of

the PW.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1560

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW Encapsulation Type - - Displays the

encapsulation type of the

PW Ingress Label/ 16 to 1048575 - Specifies the PW Ingress

Source Port label.

PW Egress Label/Sink 16 to 1048575 - Specifies the PW Egress

Port label.

Tunnel Type MPLS MPLS Displays the type of the

tunnel that carries the PW.

Ingress Tunnel New New A tunnel needs to be

Use existing resource created or selected. If no
tunnel is available,
creation of a PW will fail.

Peer LSR ID - - Specifies the LSR ID of

the PW at the remote end.
If an existing tunnel is
selected, the LSR ID will
be automatically assigned.

Egress Tunnel New New For a bidirectional tunnel,

Use existing resource the system will configure
the reverse tunnel

QoS Parameters

Table B-77 CES services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

EXP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Table B-78 E-Line services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Displays the ID of the PW.

Direction - - Displays the direction of

the PW.

PW Type - - Displays the PW type.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1561

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Bandwidth Limit Disabled - Specifies whether the

Enabled bandwidth limit function
is enabled.
l This function limits the
bandwidth of one or
more PWs in an MPLS
l An ETH PWE3 service
corresponds to a PW.
Therefore, this
function can also limit
the bandwidth of ETH
PWE3 services in an
MPLS tunnel.

Policy - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

CIR(kbit/s) - - Specifies the committed

information rate (CIR) of
a PW.
It is recommended that
you set this parameter to
the same value as PIR.

CBS(byte) - - Specifies the committed

burst size (CBS) of a PW.

PIR(kbit/s) - - Specifies the peak

information rate (PIR) of a
It is recommended that
you set this parameter to
the same value as CIR.

PBS(byte) - - Specifies the peak burst

size (PBS) of a PW.

EXP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

LSP Mode - - Displays the LSP mode.

The OptiX RTN 950
supports only Pipe.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1562

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Table B-79 ATM services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Displays the ID of the PW.

Direction - - Displays the direction of

the PW.

PW Type - - Displays the PW type.

Bandwidth Limit Disabled - Specifies whether the

Enabled bandwidth limit function
is enabled.
l This function limits the
bandwidth of one or
more PWs in an MPLS
service corresponds to
a PW. Therefore, this
function can also limit
the bandwidth of ATM
PWE3 services in an
MPLS tunnel.

CIR(kbit/s) - - Specifies the committed

information rate (CIR) of
a PW.
It is recommended that
you set this parameter to
the same value as PIR.

CBS(byte) - - Specifies the committed

burst size (CBS) of a PW.

PIR(kbit/s) - - Specifies the peak

information rate (PIR) of a
It is recommended that
you set this parameter to
the same value as CIR.

PBS(byte) - - Specifies the peak burst

size (PBS) of a PW.

EXP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Policy - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1563

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters for Advanced Attributes

Table B-80 CES services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

RTP Head - - Displays whether the CES

service packets carry an
RTP header.

Packet Loading Time - - Displays the packet

(us) loading time.

Jitter Compensation - - Displays the jitter buffer

Buffering Time(us) time for the received CES

Ingress Clock Mode - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Egress Clock Mode - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Control Channel Type - - Displays the mode of PW

connectivity check.

VCCV Verification - - Displays the VCCV

Mode verification mode. The
VCCV verification is used
for PW connectivity

Enable CES Service - - Displays whether CES

Alarm Transparent service alarms are
Transmission transparently transmitted.

Threshold of Entering R - - Displays the threshold of

bit Inserting Status the packet loss ratio of
CES services. The
corresponding alarm will
be reported if the actual
packet loss ratio crosses
this threshold.

Threshold of Exiting R - - Displays the threshold of

bit Inserting Status received CES service
packets. The
corresponding alarm will
be cleared after the actual
number of received CES
service packets crosses
this threshold.

Sequence Number Mode - - Displays the sequence

number mode.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1564

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Table B-81 E-Line services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Control Word - - Displays whether the

control word is used to
transfer packet
information. For ETH
PWE3 services, this
parameter is always not

Control Channel Type - - Displays the control

channel type.

VCCV Verification - - Displays the VCCV mode.


Request VLAN - - When PW Type is

Ethernet Tag, this
parameter displays the
VLAN ID to be added to
packets that are sent from
the opposite end and do
not carry any VLAN IDs.

Table B-82 ATM services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Control Word - - Displays whether the

control word is used to
transfer packet

Control Channel Type - - Displays the control

channel type.

VCCV Verification - - Displays the VCCV mode.


Max Concatenated Cell - - Displays the maximum

Count number of concatenated

Packet Loading Time - - Displays the packet

(us) loading time.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1565

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Protection Group Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Type - - Specifies the protection


Protection Group ID - - Specifies the protection

group ID.

Enabling Status Disabled Enabled l Specifies the enabling

Enabled status of the PW
protection group.
l During the creation of
a protection group, set
Enabling Status to
Disabled. After the
APS protection group
is configured at both
ends, set Enabling
Status to Enabled.

Protection Mode - - Displays the protection

The OptiX RTN 950
supports 1:1 protection

Switching Mode - - Displays the switching

mode to be used when a
PW fails.
The OptiX RTN 950
supports dual-ended

Revertive Non-revertive Revertive l This parameter

Revertive specifies whether to
switch services back to
the original working
PW after it recovers.
l The value Revertive
indicates that services
are switched to the
original working PW
and the value Non-
revertive indicates
that services are not
switched to the
original working PW.
l The value Revertive is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1566

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

WTR Time(min) 1 to 12 1 l Specifies the WTR

time of the protection
l When the preset WTR
time expires after the
original working PW
recovers, services are
switched to the
original working PW.
l This parameter is
available only when
Restoration Mode is
l The default value is

Hold-off Time(100ms) 0 to 100 0 l Specifies the hold-off

time of the protection
l If this parameter is set
to a value other than 0,
the protection group
does not trigger
switching once it
detects faults, but waits
until the hold-off time
expires, and then
detects whether any
faults persist. If any
faults persist, the
switching is triggered;
otherwise, no
switching is triggered.
l The default value is

OAM Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

OAM Status - - Displays the enabling

status of PW OAM.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1567

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Detection Mode Auto-Sensing Auto-Sensing l Specifies the detection

Manual mode of OAM packets.
l Manual: The
connectivity check
(CC) packets are sent
at the interval specified
by the user.
l Auto-Sensing: The
connectivity check
(CC) packets are sent
at the interval of
receiving PW OAM
l If Detection Mode is
set to Manual, you
need to set the PW
OAM detection
packets to be received
and transmitted.
l The value Auto-
Sensing is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1568

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Detection Packet Type CV CV l CV: The detection

FFD packets are sent at a
fixed interval.
l FFD: The detection
packets are sent at the
interval specified by
the user.
l If Detection Mode is
set to Auto-Sensing,
this parameter
specifies the PW OAM
detection packets to be
l If Detection Mode is
set to Manual, this
parameter specifies the
PW OAM detection
packets to be received
and transmitted.
l The value FFD is
assumed for PW APS
and the value CV is
assumed for
connectivity check on

Detection Packet Period 3.3 50 l Specifies the period of

(ms) 10 detection packets.
20 l This parameter is
configurable when
50 Detection Packet
100 Type is FFD and
200 assumes the fixed
value of 1000 when
Detection Packet
Type is CV.
l Set this parameter to
3.3 for PW APS.

LSR ID to be Received - - Specifies the LSR ID to be


PW ID to be Received - - Specifies the PW ID to be


Related Tasks
A.9.5.1 Creating a PW APS Protection Group

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1569

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

B.9.1.17 Parameter Description: Slave Protection Pair of a PW APS Protection

This topic describes the parameters that are used for creating a slave protection pair of a PW
APS protection group.

Navigation Path
The navigation path for CES services is as follows:

1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > CES
Service Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Protect Group tab.
3. Click the Slave Protection Pair tab.
4. Click New.

The navigation path for E-Line services is as follows:

1. Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet
Service Management > E-Line Service from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Protect Group tab.
3. Click the Slave Protection Pair tab.
4. Click New.

The navigation path for ATM services is as follows:

1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > ATM
Service Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Protect Group tab.
3. Click the Slave Protection Pair tab.
4. Click New.

Parameters for the Basic Attributes of PWs

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Specifies the ID of the PW

that carries services.

PW Signaling Type Static Static Specifies the signaling

type of the PW. Labels for
static PWs need to be
manually assigned.

PW Type - - Displays the PW type.

PW Direction - - Displays the direction of

the PW.

PW Encapsulation Type - - Displays the

encapsulation type of the

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1570

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW Ingress Label/ 16 to 1048575 - Specifies the PW Ingress

Source Port label.

PW Egress Label/Sink 16 to 1048575 - Specifies the PW Egress

Port label.

Tunnel Type MPLS MPLS Displays the type of the

tunnel that carries the PW.

Ingress Tunnel New New A tunnel needs to be

Use existing resource created or selected. If no
tunnel is available,
creation of a PW will fail.

Peer LSR ID - - Specifies the LSR ID of

the PW at the remote end.
If an existing tunnel is
selected, the LSR ID will
be automatically assigned.

Egress Tunnel New New For a bidirectional tunnel,

Use existing resource the system will configure
the reverse tunnel

QoS Parameters

Table B-83 CES services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

EXP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Table B-84 E-Line services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Displays the ID of the PW.

Direction - - Displays the direction of

the PW.

PW Type - - Displays the PW type.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1571

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Bandwidth Limit Disabled - Specifies whether the

Enabled bandwidth limit function
is enabled.
l This function limits the
bandwidth of one or
more PWs in an MPLS
l An ETH PWE3 service
corresponds to a PW.
Therefore, this
function can also limit
the bandwidth of ETH
PWE3 services in an
MPLS tunnel.

Policy - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

CIR(kbit/s) - - Specifies the committed

information rate (CIR) of
a PW.
It is recommended that
you set this parameter to
the same value as PIR.

CBS(byte) - - Specifies the committed

burst size (CBS) of a PW.

PIR(kbit/s) - - Specifies the peak

information rate (PIR) of a
It is recommended that
you set this parameter to
the same value as CIR.

PBS(byte) - - Specifies the peak burst

size (PBS) of a PW.

EXP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

LSP Mode - - Displays the LSP mode.

The OptiX RTN 950
supports only Pipe.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1572

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Table B-85 ATM services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Displays the ID of the PW.

Direction - - Displays the direction of

the PW.

PW Type - - Displays the PW type.

Bandwidth Limit Disabled - Specifies whether the

Enabled bandwidth limit function
is enabled.
l This function limits the
bandwidth of one or
more PWs in an MPLS
service corresponds to
a PW. Therefore, this
function can also limit
the bandwidth of ATM
PWE3 services in an
MPLS tunnel.

CIR(kbit/s) - - Specifies the committed

information rate (CIR) of
a PW.
It is recommended that
you set this parameter to
the same value as PIR.

CBS(byte) - - Specifies the committed

burst size (CBS) of a PW.

PIR(kbit/s) - - Specifies the peak

information rate (PIR) of a
It is recommended that
you set this parameter to
the same value as CIR.

PBS(byte) - - Specifies the peak burst

size (PBS) of a PW.

EXP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Policy - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1573

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters for Advanced Attributes

Table B-86 CES services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

RTP Head - - Displays whether the CES

service packets carry an
RTP header.

Packet Loading Time - - Displays the packet

(us) loading time.

Jitter Compensation - - Displays the jitter buffer

Buffering Time(us) time for the received CES

Ingress Clock Mode - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Egress Clock Mode - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Control Channel Type - - Displays the mode of PW

connectivity check.

VCCV Verification - - Displays the VCCV

Mode verification mode. The
VCCV verification is used
for PW connectivity

Enable CES Service - - Displays whether CES

Alarm Transparent service alarms are
Transmission transparently transmitted.

Threshold of Entering R - - Displays the threshold of

bit Inserting Status the packet loss ratio of
CES services. The
corresponding alarm will
be reported if the actual
packet loss ratio crosses
this threshold.

Threshold of Exiting R - - Displays the threshold of

bit Inserting Status received CES service
packets. The
corresponding alarm will
be cleared after the actual
number of received CES
service packets crosses
this threshold.

Sequence Number Mode - - Displays the sequence

number mode.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1574

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Table B-87 E-Line services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Control Word - - Displays whether the

control word is used to
transfer packet
information. For ETH
PWE3 services, this
parameter is always not

Control Channel Type - - Displays the control

channel type.

VCCV Verification - - Displays the VCCV mode.


Request VLAN - - When PW Type is

Ethernet Tag, this
parameter displays the
VLAN ID to be added to
packets that are sent from
the opposite end and do
not carry any VLAN IDs.

Table B-88 ATM services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Control Word - - Displays whether the

control word is used to
transfer packet

Control Channel Type - - Displays the control

channel type.

VCCV Verification - - Displays the VCCV mode.


Max Concatenated Cell - - Displays the maximum

Count number of concatenated

Packet Loading Time - - Displays the packet

(us) loading time.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1575

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Protection Group Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Mode - - Displays the protection


Protection Group ID - - Specifies the ID of the

slave protection pair. The
switching of the master
PW APS protection group
triggers the switching of
the slave PW APS
protection group

Related Tasks
A.9.5.2 Configuring Slave Protection Pairs of PW APS

B.9.2 CES Parameters

This topic describes parameters that are related to CES services.

B.9.2.1 Parameter Description: CES Service Management

This topic describes the parameters that are related to CES service management.

Navigation Path
In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > CES
Service Management from the Function Tree.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Service ID - - Displays the ID of the CES

service to be created.

Service name - - Displays or specifies the

service name.

Level - - Displays the level of the

received TDM frames.

Source Board - - Displays the source board

of the CES service.

Source High Channel - - For the OptiX RTN 950,

this parameter cannot be

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1576

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Source Low Channel - - Displays the source lower

order path.

Source 64K Timeslot - - Displays the source 64

kbit/s timeslot.

Pri CS7 - l Specifies the priority

CS6 of a CES service. This
parameter is available
EF only when Mode is set
AF3 l This parameter needs
AF2 to be configured if QoS
processing needs to be
performed for different
BE CES services.
l CS6-CS7: indicate the
highest service classes,
which are mainly
involved in signaling
l EF: indicates the
expedited forwarding
of service, which is
applicable to services
of low transmission
delay and low packet
loss rate, for example,
voice and video
l AF1-AF4: indicate the
assured forwarding
classes of service,
which are applicable to
services that require an
assured rate but no
delay or jitter limit.
l BE: is applicable to
services that need not
be processed in a
special manner.
l The default value is

PW ID - - Displays the ID of the PW

that carries the CES
service. This parameter is
meaningful when the CES
service type is UNI-NNI.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1577

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Tunnel - - Displays the tunnel that

carries the PW. The tunnel
must have been
configured in advance.
This parameter is
meaningful when the CES
service type is UNI-NNI.

Sink Board - - Displays the sink board of

the CES service. This
parameter is meaningful
when the CES service type

Sink High Channel - - For the OptiX RTN 950,

this parameter cannot be

Sink Low Channel - - Displays the sink lower

order path. This parameter
is meaningful when the
CES service type is UNI-

Sink 64K Timeslot - - Displays the sink 64 kbit/s

timeslot. This parameter is
meaningful when the CES
service type is UNI-UNI.

Parameters for the Basic Attributes of PWs

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Displays the ID of the PW

that carries the CES

Working Status - - Displays working status of

the PW.

PW Status - - Displays the enabling

status of the PW.

PW Signaling Type - - Displays the PW signaling

The OptiX RTN 950
supports static PWs only.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1578

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW Type - - Displays the PW type for

CES service
CESoPSN: Indicates
structure-aware TDM
circuit emulation service
over packet switched
network. Timeslot
compression can be set.
SAToP: Indicates
structure-agnostic TDM
over packet. Timeslot
compression cannot be

PW Direction - - Displays the direction of

the PW.

PW Encapsulation Type - - Displays the tunnel type

for PW encapsulation.
The OptiX RTN 950
supports MPLS only.

PW Ingress Label/ - - Displays the Ingress label

Source Port of the PW that carries the
CES service.

PW Egress Label/Sink - - Displays the Egress label

Port of the PW that carries the
CES service.

Peer LSR ID - - Displays the LSR ID of the

PW at the remote end.

Local Operating Status - - Displays the working

status of the PW at the
local end.

Remote Operating - - Displays the working

Status status of the PW at the
remote end.

Overall Operating - - Displays the compositive

Status working status of the PW.
The compositive working
status is up when both
ends are up, and is down
when one end is down.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1579

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Tunnel type - - Displays the type of the

tunnel that carries the PW.
The OptiX RTN 950
supports MPLS tunnels

Ingress Tunnel No - - Displays the ID of the

tunnel that carries the CES

Egress Tunnel No - - Displays the ID of the

tunnel that carries the CES

Tunnel For Auto - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

Selection not support this parameter.

QoS Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Displays the PW ID.

Direction - - Displays the direction of

the PW.

CIR(kbit/s) - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

EXP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Parameters of Advanced Attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Displays the PW ID.

RTP Header - - Displays the RTP header.

The RTP header carries
time stamps.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1580

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Jitter Compensation 375 to 16000 - l Displays or specifies

Buffering Time(us) the jitter buffer time.
l The jitter buffer time
guarantees the real-
time performance of
the CES service.
Set Jitter Compensation
Buffering Time(us) to a
value greater than the value
of Packet Loading Time
(us) at the opposite end and
the local end.

Packet Loading Time - - Displays the packet

(us) loading time.

Ingress Clock Mode - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Egress Clock Mode - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Control Channel Type - - Displays the mode of PW

connectivity check.

VCCV Verification - - Displays the VCCV

Mode verification mode. The
VCCV verification is used
for PW connectivity

Enable CES Service Enabled - Displays or specifies the

Alarm Transparent Disabled enabling status of the
Transmission transparent transmission
of CES service alarms. If
this function is enabled,
the fault on the AC side of
the CES service is notified
to the remote end. Upon
receiving the fault
notification from the
network side or the remote
end, the local NE inserts
the corresponding alarm to
the AC side.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1581

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Threshold of Entering R 1-65535 - Displays or specifies the

Bit Inserting Status threshold of packet loss
ratio of CES services. The
corresponding alarm will
be reported once the actual
packet loss ratio crosses
this threshold. This
parameter is available
only when the transparent
transmission of CES
service alarms is enabled.

Threshold of Exiting R 1-65535 - Displays or specifies the

Bit Inserting Status threshold of received CES
service packets. The
corresponding alarm will
be cleared after the actual
number of received CES
service packets crosses
this threshold. This
parameter is available
only when the transparent
transmission of CES
service alarms is enabled.

Sequence Number Mode Huawei Mode - Specifies the sequence

Standard Mode number mode. The
Sequence Number
Mode must be set to the
same value at both ends of
a radio link.

Protection Group Parameters (PW APS)


The following parameters are available only after the PW APS protection group is configured.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Group ID - - Displays the ID of the

protection group to be

Working PW ID - - Displays the ID of the

working PW.

Protection PW ID - - Displays the ID of the

protection PW.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1582

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Mode - - Displays the protection


Enabling Status Enabled - l Displays or specifies

Disabled the enabling status of
the PW protection
l During the creation of
a protection group, set
Enabling Status to
Disabled. After the
APS protection group
is configured at both
ends, set Enabling
Status to Enabled.

Switchover Mode - - Displays the switching

mode to be used when a
PW fails.
The OptiX RTN 950
supporting dual-ended

Restoration Mode Non-revertive - l Specifies whether to

Revertive switch services to the
original working PW
after the fault is
l The value Revertive
indicates that services
are switched to the
original working PW
and the value Non-
revertive indicates
that services are not
switched to the
original working PW.
l The value Revertive is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1583

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

WTR Time(min) 1 to 12 - l Displays or specifies

the WTR time of the
protection group.
l When the preset WTR
time expires after the
original working PW
recovers, services are
switched to the
original working PW.
l This parameter is
available only when
Restoration Mode is

Hold-off Time(100ms) 0 to 100 - l Displays or specifies

the hold-off time of the
protection group.
l If this parameter is set
to a value other than 0,
the protection group
does not trigger
switching once it
detects faults, but waits
until the hold-off time
expires, and then
detects whether any
faults persist. If any
faults persist, the
switching is triggered;
otherwise, no
switching is triggered.

Switchover Status - - Displays the switchover

status of the protection

Protocol Status - - Displays the enabling

status of the protocol.

Working Path Status - - Displays the status of the

current working path.

Protection Path Status - - Display the status of the

current protection path.

Protection Group Parameters (Slave Protection Pair)


The following parameters are available only after the slave protection pair is configured.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1584

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Group ID - - Specifies the ID of the

slave protection pair. The
switching of the master
PW APS protection group
triggers the switching of
the slave PW APS
protection group

Working PW ID - - Displays the ID of the

working PW in the slave
protection pair.

Protection PW ID - - Displays the ID of the

protection PW in the slave
protection pair.

PW Type - - Displays the PW type.

Related Tasks
A.9.6.2 Modifying CES Service Parameters
A.9.6.3 Querying CES Service Information

B.9.2.2 Parameter Description: CES Service Management_Creation

This topic describes the parameters that are related to creating CES services.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > CES
Service Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click New.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Service ID(e.g.1,3-6) 1 to 4294967295 - Specifies the service ID,

which can also be
automatically allocated.

Service name - - Specifies the service


Level E1 E1 The value E1 indicates

that the CES service is
used to transmit the TDM
services from E1 ports.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1585

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Mode UNI-NNI UNI-NNI l Specifies the mode of

UNI-UNI CES service.
l The value UNI-NNI
indicates that the CES
service is carried by a
PW. Therefore, the
information about the
PW needs to be

Source Board - - Specifies the board where

the source (UNI) of the
CES service is located.

Source High Channel - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Source Low Channel - - If Level is set to E1, this

(e.g.1,3-6) parameter indicates the E1
port where the service
source is located. If
Mode is set to UNI-NNI,
this parameter can assume
only one value.

Source 64K Timeslot 1-31 1-31 l Specifies the 64 kbit/s

(e.g.1,3-6) timeslot that transmits
data. This parameter
can assume multiple
values. If Frame
Mode of the opposite
end is 30, the source 64
kbit/s timeslots at the
local end must include
the 16th timeslot.
l On the two ends of a
radio link, the timeslot
lists can be different
but the numbers of
timeslots must the
l This parameter does
not need to be set if
Mode is UNI-NNI and
PW Type is SAToP.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1586

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Pri CS7 EF l Specifies the priority

CS6 of a CES service. This
parameter is available
EF only when Mode is set
AF3 l This parameter needs
AF2 to be configured if QoS
processing needs to be
performed for different
BE CES services.
l CS6-CS7: indicate the
highest service classes,
which are mainly
involved in signaling
l EF: indicates the
expedited forwarding
of service, which is
applicable to services
of low transmission
delay and low packet
loss rate, for example,
voice and video
l AF1-AF4: indicate the
assured forwarding
classes of service,
which are applicable to
services that require an
assured rate but no
delay or jitter limit.
l BE: is applicable to
services that need not
be processed in a
special manner.
l The default value is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1587

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Type No Protection No Protection l Specifies the

PW APS protection mode of the
PW. This parameter is
Slave Protection Pair available only when
Mode is UNI-NNI.
l If this parameter is set
to PW APS, working
and protection PWs
need to be configured.
l When this parameter is
set to
Slave Protection Pair
, you need to bind the
slave PW APS
protection group with
the master PW APS
protection group. The
switching of the master
PW APS protection
group triggers the
switching of the slave
PW APS protection
group simultaneously.

Sink Board - - l Specifies the board

where the sink of the
CES service is located.
l This parameter is
available only when
Mode is set to UNI-

Sink High Channel - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Sink Low Channel(e.g. - - l If Level is set to E1,

1,3-6) this parameter
indicates the E1 port
where the service sink
is located.
l This parameter is
available only when
Mode is set to UNI-

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1588

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Sink 64K Timeslot(e.g. 1-31 1-31 l Specifies the 64 kbit/s

1,3-6) timeslot that the
service sink occupies.
On the two ends of a
radio link, the timeslot
lists can be different
but the numbers of
timeslots must the
l This parameter is
available only when
Mode is set to UNI-

Automatically Assign Selected Selected Specifies whether to

Deselected automatically allocate
service IDs.

Parameters for Port Attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port Name - - Displays the port that

carries the CES service.

Port Mode Layer 1 - Displays or specifies the

Layer 2 port mode. For CES
services, this parameter
must assume the value
Layer 1.

Encapsulation Type - - If Port Mode is set to

Layer 1, Encapsulation
Type assumes the default
value Null and cannot
assume any other values.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1589

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Frame Format CRC-4 Multiframe - l Displays or specifies

Double Frame the frame format.
Unframe l If a CES service uses
the emulation mode of
CESoPSN, this
parameter can assume
the value CRC-4
Multiframe or
Double Frame. The
value CRC-4
Multiframe is
l If a CES service uses
the emulation mode of
SAToP, this parameter
needs to assume the
value Unframe.
l The value of Frame
Format must be the
same at the local and
opposite ends.

Frame Mode 31 - l 30 timeslots: In the E1

30 signal, timeslots 1 to
15 and 17 to 31 are
used to transmit
service data, and
timeslot 16 is used to
transmit signaling.
l 31 timeslots: In the E1
signal, timeslots 1 to
31 are used to transmit
service data.
l This parameter is
unavailable if Frame
Format is set to
l The frame modes of
the local port and
opposite port need to
be the same.
The OptiX RTN 950 does
not support 30.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1590

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameters for the Basic Attributes of PWs


If the parameter Protection Type of PWs is set to PW APS or Slave Protection Pair, all the parameters of
working and protection PWs need to be configured. This section considers the parameters of the working PW
as an example.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

PW ID - - Specifies the ID of the PW

that carries services.

PW Signaling Type Static Static Specifies the signaling

type of the PW. Labels for
static PWs need to be
manually assigned.

PW Type CESoPSN CESoPSN l Specifies the type of

SAToP the PW. This
parameter is available
only when Mode is
l CESoPSN: Indicates
structure-aware TDM
circuit emulation
service over packet
switched network.
Timeslot compression
can be set. SAToP:
Indicates structure-
agnostic TDM over
packet. Timeslot
compression cannot be

PW Direction - - Displays the direction of

the PW.

PW Encapsulation Type - - Displays the

encapsulation type of the

PW Ingress Label/ 16 to 1048575 - Specifies the PW Ingress

Source Port label.

PW Egress Label/Sink 16 to 1048575 - Specifies the PW Egress

Port label.

Tunnel Type MPLS MPLS Displays the type of the

tunnel that carries the PW.

Ingress Tunnel New New A tunnel needs to be

Use existing resource created or selected. If no
tunnel is available,
creation of a PW will fail.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1591

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Peer LSR ID - - Specifies the LSR ID of

the PW at the remote end.
If an existing tunnel is
selected, the LSR ID will
be automatically assigned.

Egress Tunnel New New For a bidirectional tunnel,

Use existing resource the system will configure
the reverse tunnel

QoS Parameters
Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

EXP - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Parameters for the Advanced Attributes of PWs

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

RTP Header Disable Disable l Specifies the RTP

Enable Huawei RTP header.
l The RTP header
carries time stamps.
l The default value is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1592

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Jitter Compensation 375 to 16000 8000 l Specifies the jitter

Buffering Time (us) buffer time for the
received CES packets.
The step is 125.
l A greater value of this
parameter means
fewer impacts of
transmission jitters on
CES services, greater
delays of CES
services, and more
resources occupied by
CES services.
l The default value is
Set Jitter Compensation
Buffering Time(us) to a
value greater than the value
of Packet Loading Time
(us) at the opposite end and
the local end.

Packet Loading Time 125 to 5000 1000 l Specifies the length of

(us) fragments in the TDM
data stream. The step is
l A greater value of this
parameter means
higher encapsulation
efficiency but greater
delays of CES
l The default value is

Ingress Clock Mode Null Null The OptiX RTN 950 does
Adaptive Clock Mode not support this parameter.

Egress Clock Mode - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1593

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Control Channel Type None CW l Specifies the mode of

CW PW connectivity
Alert Label
l The value None
indicates that the
control word is not
supported. That is, the
PW connectivity
check is not supported.
l Alert Label indicates
VCCV packets in Alert
Label encapsulation
l The value CW
indicates that the
control word is

VCCV Verification None Ping l Specifies the VCCV

Mode Ping verification mode. The
VCCV verification is
used for PW
connectivity check.
l If the VCCV-Ping test
is required, do not set
this parameter to

Enable CES Service Disabled Disabled If this function is enabled,

Alarm Transparent Enabled the fault on the AC side of
Transmission the CES service is notified
to the remote end. On
receiving the fault
notification from the
network side or the remote
end, the local NE inserts
the corresponding alarm
to the AC side.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1594

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Threshold of Entering R 1-65535 100 l The corresponding

Bit Inserting Status alarm will be reported
if the number of
consecutive lost
packets crosses the
threshold specified by
this parameter.
l This function is
available only when
the transparent
transmission of CES
service alarms is

Threshold of Exiting R 1-65535 5 l The corresponding

Bit Inserting Status alarm will be cleared if
the number of
consecutive received
packets crosses the
threshold specified by
this parameter.
l This function is
available only when
the transparent
transmission of CES
service alarms is

Sequence Number Mode Huawei Mode Standard Mode Specifies the sequence
Standard Mode number mode. The
Sequence Number
Mode must be set to the
same value at both ends of
a radio link.

Protection Group Parameters (PW APS)


The parameters of the PW APS protection group need to be configured if the Protection Type of PWs is set to

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Type - - Specifies the protection


Protection Group ID - - Specifies the protection

group ID.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1595

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Enabling Status Disabled Enabled l Specifies the enabling

Enabled status of the PW
protection group.
l During the creation of
a protection group, set
Enabling Status to
Disabled. After the
APS protection group
is configured at both
ends, set Enabling
Status to Enabled.

Protection Mode - - Displays the protection

The OptiX RTN 950
supports 1:1 protection

Switching Mode - - Displays the switching

mode to be used when a
PW fails.
The OptiX RTN 950
supports dual-ended

Revertive Non-revertive Revertive l This parameter

Revertive specifies whether to
switch services back to
the original working
PW after it recovers.
l The value Revertive
indicates that services
are switched to the
original working PW
and the value Non-
revertive indicates
that services are not
switched to the
original working PW.
l The value Revertive is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1596

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

WTR Time(min) 1 to 12 1 l Specifies the WTR

time of the protection
l When the preset WTR
time expires after the
original working PW
recovers, services are
switched to the
original working PW.
l This parameter is
available only when
Restoration Mode is
l The default value is

Hold-off Time(100ms) 0 to 100 0 l Specifies the hold-off

time of the protection
l If this parameter is set
to a value other than 0,
the protection group
does not trigger
switching once it
detects faults, but waits
until the hold-off time
expires, and then
detects whether any
faults persist. If any
faults persist, the
switching is triggered;
otherwise, no
switching is triggered.
l The default value is

OAM Parameters

l The OAM parameters of the PW APS protection group need to be configured if the Protection Type of
PWs is set to PW APS.
l To configure PW OAM parameters, choose Configuration > MPLS Management > PW Management >
PW OAM Parameter from the Function Tree.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

OAM Status - - Displays the enabling

status of PW OAM.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1597

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Detection Mode Auto-Sensing Auto-Sensing l Specifies the detection

Manual mode of OAM packets.
l Manual: The
connectivity check
(CC) packets are sent
at the interval specified
by the user.
l Auto-Sensing: The
connectivity check
(CC) packets are sent
at the interval of
receiving PW OAM
l If Detection Mode is
set to Manual, you
need to set the PW
OAM detection
packets to be received
and transmitted.
l The value Auto-
Sensing is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1598

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Detection Packet Type CV CV l CV: The detection

FFD packets are sent at a
fixed interval.
l FFD: The detection
packets are sent at the
interval specified by
the user.
l If Detection Mode is
set to Auto-Sensing,
this parameter
specifies the PW OAM
detection packets to be
l If Detection Mode is
set to Manual, this
parameter specifies the
PW OAM detection
packets to be received
and transmitted.
l The value FFD is
assumed for PW APS
and the value CV is
assumed for
connectivity check on

Detection Packet Period 3.3 50 l Specifies the period of

(ms) 10 detection packets.
20 l This parameter is
configurable when
50 Detection Packet
100 Type is FFD and
200 assumes the fixed
value of 1000 when
Detection Packet
Type is CV.
l Set this parameter to
3.3 for PW APS.

LSR ID to be Received - - Specifies the LSR ID to be


PW ID to be Received - - Specifies the PW ID to be


Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1599

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Protection Group Parameters (Slave Protection Pair)


The parameters of the PW APS protection group need to be configured if the Protection Type of PWs is set to
Slave Protection Pair.

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Protection Mode - - Displays the protection


Protection Group ID - - Specifies the ID of the

slave protection pair. The
switching of the master
PW APS protection group
triggers the switching of
the slave PW APS
protection group

Related Tasks
A.9.6.1 Creating CES Services

B.9.3 ATM Parameters

This topic describes the parameters that are related to ATM services.

B.9.3.1 Parameter Description: ATM IMA Management_IMA Group Management

This topic describes the parameters that are related to IMA group management.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Interface Management > ATM IMA Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IMA Group Management tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VCTRUNK - - Displays the ATM


Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1600

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IMA Protocol Enable Enabled Disabled l Specifies the IMA

Status Disabled protocol enable status.
l Set IMA Protocol
Enable Status to
Enabled if the links
bound in the ATM
TRUNK require the
IMA protocol;
otherwise, set this
parameter to
l After IMA Protocol
Enable Status is set to
Enabled, the E1 links
or Fractional E1
timeslots bound in the
running the IMA

Minimum Number of 1 to 16 1 l The links of the IMA

Active Transmitting group can carry
Links services only when the
number of activated
links in the transmit/
receive direction is not
smaller than the value
of Minimum Number
of Active
Transmitting Links/
Minimum Number of
Active Receiving
l The values of
Minimum Number of
Active Transmitting
Links and Minimum
Number of Active
Receiving Links must
be the same because
the OptiX RTN 950
supports Symmetrical
Mode and
Operation only. The
parameters Minimum
Number of Active
Transmitting Links
and Minimum

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1601

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Minimum Number of 1 to 16 1 Number of Active

Active Receiving Links Receiving Links must
assume the same value
on the two ends of an
IMA link.
l The default value is

IMA Protocol Version 1.0 1.1 l Specifies the IMA

1.1 protocol version.
l The parameter IMA
Protocol Version
must assume the same
value on the two ends
of an IMA link.
l The default value is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1602

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IMA Transmit Frame 32 128 l Specifies the IMA

Length 64 transmit frame length.
128 l Based on the IMA
frame format, the
256 receive end rebuilds
the ATM cell stream
with the cells arriving
from diversely-
delayed links. Longer
IMA frames result in
higher transmission
efficiency and occupy
more resources. Once a
member link fails, the
impact on the entire
IMA group increases
as the length of IMA
frames increases.
l The IMA Transmit
Frame Length must
assume the same value
on the two ends of an
IMA link.
l The default value is

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1603

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OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

IMA Symmetry Mode Symmetrical Mode and Symmetrical Mode and l Specifies the
Symmetrical Operation Symmetrical Operation symmetrical mode of
the IMA group.
l If the symmetrical
mode and symmetrical
operation is adopted,
the bandwidth of the
IMA group is always
consistent in the
transmit direction and
in the receive
direction, even when
some member links
fail. In symmetrical
– Bandwidth of the
IMA group = min
{bandwidth in the
transmit direction,
bandwidth in the
receive direction}
– The unidirectional
failure in one
member link is
equivalent to the
failure in one
member link.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1604

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Maximum Delay 1 to 120 25 l Specifies the

Between Links (ms) maximum differential
delay that is allowed
between the member
l If the differential delay
between a member link
and the other member
links exceeds the
value, this link will be
deactivated and
deleted from the IMA
l If this parameter is set
to a value higher than
the normal value
range, the delay of
IMA services will be
prolonged and even
packet loss will occur;
if this parameter is set
to a value lower than
the normal value
range, a working link
will be deleted by
l The Maximum Delay
Between Links (ms)
must assume the same
value on the two ends
of an IMA link.
l The default value is

Clock Mode CTC Mode CTC Mode l Specifies the clock

ITC Mode mode of the IMA
l Clock Mode is set to
the same value for the
interconnected ends of
IMA links.

Related Tasks
A.9.7.2 Configuring an IMA group

B.9.3.2 Parameter Description: ATM IMA Management_Bound Path Configuration

This topic describes the parameters that are related to the bound paths in the ATM TRUNK.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1605

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Interface Management > ATM IMA Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Binding tab.
3. Click Configuration.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Available Boards - - Selects the available


Configurable Ports - - Selects the configurable

ATM trunks.

Level E1 E1 Specifies the level of

Fractional E1 bound paths.
l If ATM/IMA services
need to be mapped into
the ATM TRUNK that
binds one or more E1
ports, select E1 in
l If ATM/IMA services
need to be mapped into
the ATM TRUNK that
binds one or more
serial ports, select
Fractional E1 in

Direction - - Displays the direction of

bound paths. The fixed
value is bidirectional.

Optical Interface - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Available Resources - - Displays the ports that

carry the available paths
for IMA services.
For Fractional ATM/IMA
services, set Port Mode in
PDH Interface to Layer 1
and configure A.6.5 Setting
Serial Port Parameters.

Available Timeslots - - The OptiX RTN 950 does

not support this parameter.

Selected Bound Paths - - Displays the bound paths.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1606

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VCTRUNK - - Displays the name of the


Level - - Displays the level of

bound paths.

Direction - - Displays the direction of

bound paths. The fixed
value is bidirectional.

Bound Paths - - Displays the bound paths.

Number of Bound Paths - - Displays the number of

bound paths.

Display in Combination Selected Selected Specifies whether to

Not selected display bound paths in

Related Tasks
A.9.7.1 Binding ATM TRUNKs

B.9.3.3 Parameter Description: ATM IMA Management_IMA Group Status

This topic describes the parameters that are related to IMA group status.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Interface Management > ATM IMA Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IMA Group States tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VCTRUNK - - Displays the VCTRUNK.

Near-End Group Status - - Displays the status of the

near-end group.

Far-End Group Status - - Displays the status of the

far-end group.

Transmit Rate (cell/s) - - Displays the cell

transmission rate.

Receive Rate (cell/s) - - Displays the cell receiving


Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1607

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Number of Transmit - - Displays the number of

Links transmit links.

Number of Receive - - Displays the number of

Links receive links.

Number of Activated - - Displays the number of

Transmit Links activated transmit links.

Number of Activated - - Displays the number of

Receive Links activated receive links.

Related Tasks
A.9.7.4 Querying Running Status of an IMA Group

B.9.3.4 Parameter Description: ATM IMA Management_IMA Link Status

This topic describes the parameters that are related to IMA link status.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Interface Management > ATM IMA Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the IMA Link States tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VCTRUNK - - Displays the VCTRUNK.

E1 Link - - Displays E1 links.

Differential Delay Check - - Displays the status of the

Status deferential delay check.

Near-End Receiving - - Displays the near-end

Status receiving status.

Near-End Transmitting - - Displays the near-end

Status transmitting status.

Far-End Receiving - - Displays the far-end

Status receiving status.

Far-End Transmitting - - Displays the far-end

Status transmitting status.

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1608

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Related Tasks
A.9.7.5 Querying Link Running Status of an IMA Group

B.9.3.5 Parameter Description: ATM IMA Management_ATM Interface

This topic describes the parameters that are related to ATM interface management.

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration >
Interface Management > ATM IMA Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the ATM Interface Management tab.

Parameters on the Main Interface

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port - - Displays the port.

Name - - Displays or specifies the

name of port.

Port Type UNI UNI Specifies the type of ATM

NNI port.
l UNI: the port
connecting user-side
devices. For example,
the UNI port applies to
the user-side interface
on the common ATM
network or to the user-
side interface of the PE
on the PSN network
that transmits ATM
PWE3 services.
l NNI: the port
connecting network-
side devices. For
example, the NNI port
applies to the network-
side interface on the
common ATM

Issue 02 (2011-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1609

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Configuration Guide (Web LCT) B Parameters Description

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

ATM Cell Payload Disabled Enabled Specifies whether to

Scrambling Enabled

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