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The Dangers of the Woods – By Kaz (Part 2)

I groaned as laughter rang in my ears, the sound of people having fun stirring me from
my little cat nap. I slowly picked my head off of the desk and blinked, my blurry eyes failing to
focus for a moment. When they did finally focus, I was greeted with the familiar sight of the call
center common area. The walls were a bright and pale yellow color, as if that would help set in
balance the stress that this job brought. The carpeting was a rather ugly orange color, frayed at
the edges just a bit. I could smell sweat, coffee, and poorly microwaved lunches wafting about
the common area. Cubicles, tight and jammed together, lined the main floor, voices bubbling
over the tops of the cubicles to mingle around the room. I worked for an internet provider’s
customer service center, my job of the past two years.
I reached down to stretch my sweater over my pregnant, swollen belly. To most, it
looked like a beer gut, but I knew what the dark secret was. It reminded me of my terrible night
with that…that demon thing a few months back. The sound of the laughter rang in my ears as
the group of resident “jocks” if you will, strutted by my particular cubicle. The animals were all
quite beefy, ripped and muscled like you wouldn’t believe. They looked young, fresh out of high
school, if even that. There was the lion, David, who was known for his dim-wittedness, the
kangaroo, Danny, who was quick to yell at people without caring about their reactions, and
then there was the wolf, Kyle. Kyle was a special case. He was just like every freshman’s worst
nightmare in high school, only a bit worse in the adult work world.
The three goons stopped and eyed me, my headset hanging off of one ear, my face red
from sleeping on it. They laughed heartily before Kyle spoke. “What’s the matter, fag? Had too
much cock down your throat last night?” He laughed and elbowed Danny, who also started
chortling. These guys were quite the annoyance. Due to my colorful fur and markings, they
assumed I was gay as hell. They weren’t wrong, but still, the nerve of them for assuming that! I
huffed and waved a paw at them, saying “C’mon guys, let it rest, I’m not feeling good today.”
This only made Kyle laugh a bit harder. “Aw, what’s the matter, is the baby kicking?”
I froze up as they continued to laugh. That was one of their favorite jokes to make as of
late, the whole “are you pregnant” thing. Of course, I was, but how could they know? The fact
that somebody else might know frightened me. I might get taken by the government or
something crazy like that. I turned around and growled, snapping at Kyle “So help me god if you
don’t get the fuck away from my desk I’m going to castrate you Kyle.” This shut him up. Backing
up with paws raised, he chuckled one last time, “Woah sorry dude. Didn’t know you were
having lady problems this week. C’mon boys, let the fag alone. Besides, we’ve got a lunch break
to enjoy, right?” “Hell yeah!” came the response. Typical musclefurs. They were probably
headed over to the gym for a quick workout.
It was one of the high points of my day, though I’d actually never admit it. When those
three came back from their lunch break they smelled as though they’d just run five miles, bare-
pawed, with the tightest pants in the world squeezing their rank asses shut. Just the idea of
what would happen if I approached them sexually made me snort. They’d probably rip my face
off and kick me around a bit. Wasn’t worth it. So I contented myself to smelling them
discreetly…that canine nose of mine really helped me get a whiff of the guys. Back to the hum-
drum of work. Answering questions, getting yelled at, and trying feebly to appease the angry
hordes of clients calling in about their internet service.
It wasn’t long before I felt a particularly painful kick and got up hastily, pausing my
software and throwing my headset onto the desk. I didn’t know what was up, but I made my
way to the men’s restroom, holding my pregnant belly as I snuck in. I suppose that moment was
critical to everything that was about to happen – that moment I forgot to lock the door. All I
cared about was getting into a stall. Which I promptly did, dropping my khakis and tattered,
stained briefs hurriedly. Ever since meeting up with Kita-Ray, I found that I no longer wanted to
bathe. So I didn’t. As the months had worn on, my ass, balls, and feet grew more potent by the
day. I had to wear an entire bottle of cologne per day to cover up the stink, but that only
covered my clothes! If I took them off, like I had now, a floodgate of filth was released.
I was hit immediately by a dizzying blast of the most intense ball-rot I had smelt in a
while. My sensitive nose wrinkled and I reached down to feel my balls. Though still the same
size, they had become much more sensitive since my ordeal in the woods. Touching them made
me shiver, accompanied by a squishy sound as my paw sunk into a puddle of grime in between
the nuts, where the sac creased. I hefted them up and reached my other paw under my sac, a
finger pressing to my dirty, greasy tailhole. It puckered at my touch, the feeling of pressure in
my gut making me shudder a bit. Pulling my finger back, I checked to see what might be going
on. Only brown, so no worries of birthing fluids or anything crazy like that.
I wiped my forehead and bent over to grab my pants, when the door slammed open.
And who could it be but the three miscreants back from their lunch. As soon as they walked in I
nearly fainted. The smell from the three of them was powerful, and though mine was worse,
my nose picked up their scents over mine. I shuddered as I stood there, realizing I hadn’t locked
the stall door either. FUCK. My only hope was that they wouldn’t notice me…or smell me. They
laughed and chided with each other, talking about their misadventures in the gym, feeling up
on some overly-endowed female bunny. I shook my head. What douchebags!
All of a sudden, I saw those huge roo paws stop in front of the stall and I begged
whatever powers there might be that he didn’t open the door. Of course, I never get what I
want. The door opened, and standing there in nothing but a jockstrap was the sexy roo, Danny.
His markings were beautiful across his light tan fur, and my god did he have a body. I was
frozen, my pants at my ankles, with my filthy boxers stuffed in the pants, also at my ankles. The
roo stared me in the eyes, a scowl forming on his face as he tried to figure out what was going
on. My eyes meanwhile traced his body, lingering at his jock. It was yellowed with god knows
what, apparently not having been washed in a while. I could also smell the distinct odor of dirty
ass. Straight guys weren’t really a fan of cleaning themselves out. The roo’s package itself was
bulging the jock, his strange anatomy making his balls hang out the sides of the jock, over top of
his sheath.
I gulped as I surveyed him, afraid to continue making eye contact. Finally, he spoke. But
not to me. “Oi, Kyle. David. Look at this fucking fag dude. How’s he bigger than us?” The two
other furs elbowed in next to the roo, clogging the entrance of the stall as they too were
wearing nothing but their stained jocks. Their eyes went wide, especially David’s, as they
surveyed me in all my ‘glory’. “What the fuck, fag. You in here jackin off or something?” Kyle
said, a sneer on his face. I didn’t have any words left, so I just stared at the ground as they
snickered. “He fuckin stinks too, dude…like when’s the last time you took a shower?” The lion,
David piped up. He may be dense, but he made up for what he lacked in brains with his massive
endowment. His balls were nearly as big as mine, hanging out of his jock like the roo’s. Kyle was
the only one who seemed to be able to keep his nuts in his jock.
I was blushing furiously now, trying not to stare. That’s when Kyle realized it. “Oh shit
dude. I think he’s checking us out. You like big stinky muscled up guys, don’tcha fag?” He took a
step closer, and shoved my shoulder as he looked down at me. “C’mon, admit it. You want us to
fuck you, don’tcha?” He was relentless, and I was in no position to fight back. “Hey, David, go
lock the door…I think we need to teach this faggot a lesson…” He grinned wide as he grabbed
me by my shirt collar, pulling me out of the stall. I nearly tripped over my downed pants as he
dragged me over to the bench by the showers. Yes, we had showers in our office bathroom.
Some people pulled over-nighters.
He pushed me back onto the bench, and I painfully sat down, looking up at the wolf, my
balls hanging down nearly to the ground from the low bench. After the door was locked, the
three furs stood before me, and I trembled. I was afraid of what they were going to do. Were
they going to kill me? My eyes went wide as Kyle did something I’d never have expected. He
took off his jockstrap! Right in front of me, he peeled the yellowed jock off slowly, almost like
he was showing off. As his glistening balls hung free, my blush got even deeper. His next move
almost made me doubt I was awake.
He stuffed the sweaty, crusty jock right in my fucking mouth. One swift move and I could
taste his nuts, taint and dick stink, thick and heady. I quizzically turned my head, automatically
sucking on the tasty jock. Fuck man. It was overpowering, the way it tasted. And now he was
rubbing his sheath, trying to get hard! “C’mon guys, just look at this little fag. He’s gonna get
what he deserves today boys.” Danny and David were catching on, grins forming on their faces
as they too peeled off their jocks. Two more stained, sweaty, filthy jocks found their way into
my cramped mouth, until the bitter flavors of all three men washed over my senses, and I
couldn’t control my arousal anymore. My erection found its way to freedom, flopping against
my stomach as I looked up at the three. Soon enough they all had their shafts released, the
smell intensifying tenfold.
“Hey, fag, you like stinky paws? I bet he does. Go on, Danny, show ‘em what a roo
smells like.” Danny grinned and stepped forward, taking his oversized paws and pushing one
onto my face, shoving me onto my back on the bench. I closed my eyes as his revolting paw
squished across my nose, the gunk between his toes becoming dislodged over my fur. He knew
I had to breathe, and the scent of his unwashed paws flooded my senses. “That’s it. You like
nasty roo stink, dontcha fag?” He said as he massaged my nose with his odorous paws. My
boner was betraying me, flailing around and beating on my stomach as I sucked on the crusty
jocks. How did I find myself in these positions? Lord I’d never know.
The next thing I felt was as jarring as it was welcome. I felt a thick, warm tongue
between my legs, slowly moving from my balls up to my cock, and then up the entire shaft. I
struggled to see who was licking me, and noticed it was David, the silly lion. Wait, these guys
were into other dudes too? I thought they were just fucking with me….I would’ve moaned if I
could, but the soggy jocks in my mouth made that impossible. “Fuck man, he’s ripe as hell. I bet
he doesn’t wipe his asshole either…” David said. Next thing I knew, he was picking up my balls
and hefting them onto his nose, pushing his face lower, under my balls and towards my asshole.
It puckered defensively as his hot breath rolled out over it. “Just what I thought. It’s a real mess
back here dude. I’ll clean it up for ya, I know you’re not a fan of shit dick.” He was speaking to
Kyle now, looking up at the wolf. “Yeah, if he get shit on my dick I’ll make him suck it off.”
He chuckled as he started stroking himself, reaching over to slap Danny on the ass. “Pull
those jocks out of his mouth, I wanna see how good he can suck.” The wolf chuckles and waits
while Danny pulls his rank paw off of my face, yanking the jocks out and throwing them on the
floor. “Hope you liked the taste of our filthy jocks dude, cuz our dicks taste way worse.” He
grins as he too starts to stroke himself, his tapered cock under his droopy balls, the things
parted on either side of his shaft as he massaged himself. Kyle’s thick canine cock was hard and
pulsing, veins visible up the side. There was a buildup of white gunk near the tip of his cock,
most likely smegma. I groaned as the wolf came around behind the bench, straddling my face.
His heavy, droopy balls covered my nose and eyes, and I was engulfed in his odor, making me
breathe nothing but musk.
Next thing I knew, he was holding my mouth open, and his thick cock was down my
throat, literally. I gagged around the shaft, drool pooling up at the corner of my mouth and
dribbling down my shoulder onto the bench. The rancid flavor of old smegma and piss flooded
my mouth as I began to suck on the rank shaft. The flavors assaulted my tongue as wave after
wave of his sloppy pre coated my throat. I could feel the bulge deep in my throat, my muscles
weakly contracting around it. I closed my eyes as the weight of his heavy sac spread across my
face, pleasing the brutish wolf.
Danny of course, had something else in mind. My thick shaft flopping about, the roo
was glad to help out. I could feel him stepping over me, the heat of his balls descending onto
my stomach. What…what was he going to do? I didn’t’ have much time to wonder, as David’s
tongue spread my cheeks and started furiously scrubbing at my filthy hole. I tensed, hoping to
god that he wasn’t going to puke. Suddenly, I felt a very tight, very wet, and somewhat mushy
heat engulf my cock, and I gurgled in pleasure around Kyle’s cock. The roo had decided to ride
me while I was having my fun! Holy shit these guys were gayer than I thought!
I weakly tried to thrust up, panting into Kyle’s ballsac while the pleasures assaulted my
body. “That’s it fag…load up my ass, c’mon…you can suck it out later with whatever else is in
there…” Danny snickers and starts to ride, letting out low grunts of pleasure. Each time he’d
sink down on my fetid shaft, his rippling velvety tunnel would constrict and almost suck on my
cock, making me whimper as best as I could. That, and the thick tongue spreading my cheeks
was contributing to my pleasure.
Soon enough, David got risky with his tongue, holding my cheeks apart and shoving
forward. His thick tongue penetrated me and sank deep, almost like being fucked with a cock as
it berated my prostate. I was squirming now, as I felt an immense pain in my belly, making me
try to double over, obviously unable to move. I scrabbled at Kyle’s inner thighs with my claws,
gasping for breath as I somehow managed to push his cock out of my throat, spluttering as a
thick stream of urine trickled out of his time. The fucker had been pissing down my throat this
whole time?! I coughed as I held my belly, now able to see the roo riding my cock through a
haze of ball sweat. “S-stop…I’m…guys…I’m pregnant! She’s gonna blow…”
I had never in my entire life been more mortified at telling them this, and I closed my
eyes waiting to hear anything. Meanwhile, the pain in my gut tripled and I scrunched into a
slight sitting position, wincing and groaning. Everybody stopped moving….except Danny. That
Roo kept on riding my cock, squeezing, like he didn’t care that I was pregnant and about to pop.
Kyle grinned. “I knew you were a fucking buttslut faggot. Someone knocked you up….looks like
you’re gonna be giving birth right here. Don’t worry, David’s arms will help you…” He snickered
as I felt the contractions go into overdrive, and suddenly I was slammed onto my back again,
pinned down and writhing as Kyle’s rank cock found its home again.
I felt a tear sliding down my cheek as David stuffed four fingers into my sloppy hole. He
was working me open, slowly but surely digging deeper into me. First it was four, then one
whole paw, and before I knew it, he had me opened up for both of his thick wrists, wriggling his
filthy fingers around inside of me. The thick shaft in my throat surged forth with renewed vigor,
the urine actually making my throat hurt this time as it sprayed into my belly. Meanwhile,
Danny was milking my cock relentlessly, and he grabbed my hand, making me reach up and
caress his overhanging balls. “That’s it faggot, push that baby out.” He grinned as my body
tensed up, and David said “Woah….it’s…happening!”
The first indication of birth was the deluge of fluids that sprayed out at high velocity,
coating David’s face and chest. The second, was the immense gaping of my anus, and the head
of a huge brown log squishing out. People always joked about butt babies being messy, but
they weren’t wrong it turned out! The log crackled out, oozing like chocolate ice cream from a
machine, down onto the floor, the head of my young visible behind it. David’s arms were still
inside, getting the fur coated and matted down with my waste, as he held me open, peering
inside. “I see it…what…what is it?” The lion asked, quizzically. My young wasn’t natural – it was
made from a half god…so it was glowing that faint yellow color.
My legs writhed as Danny clenched like a vice and fucked my paw with his cock, and
Kyle’s stream of piss finally died off, leaving me to suckle gently on his smegma coated cock.
Before I knew it, the newborn cub was squeezing past my prostate. But wait…he was big…how
could this be? The thing felt like it was a few years old already….it was huge! Straining, I pushed
hard, and a sloppy fart echoed around the bathroom into David’s face, a thick spurt of the
yellow goo Kita-Ray had left in me spraying into his face. “Aw fuck man, that’s gross dude!” He
said. If I could speak, I’d remind him that he was elbow deep in my shit, but I was too busy
nursing on Kyle’s boner.
As the hybrid young slipped from my innards, my hole constricted around the different
parts of his body, and yes it was male. I could feel his oversized anatomy clunking around
inside. My anus rippled and pushed, and soon enough he was sliding out, coated in a thick
yellow fluid that seemed to have protected him from my waste. He slid out into David’s arms,
and that was all it took to drive me to orgasm.
I yowled as best I could around Kyle’s shaft, and my own knot plumped up and sealed
me inside Danny’s ass, and I blew my load. Spurt after spurt of thick, messy husky jizz painted
Danny’s insides white. He let off a cry of his own, squeezing tight as he milked my cock and
sprayed his own load in my face. And at the same moment, Kyle grabbed my head and started
humping my face violently, his knot sealing my throat. I grabbed his thighs and held tight as he
blasted down my throat. His flavor ripe in my mouth as I sucked hard as I could. The mutual
orgasm between Danny, Kyle and I left David wondering what he was supposed to do, holding
my young child in his paws.
Of course, he figured it out. He used a copious amount of my waste and birthing fluids
to jerk off, the squishy wet sounds echoing everywhere. He finally let loose, aiming right up at
my destroyed anus, spraying jizz inside the rim as I lay there wearily. And then everyone was
still, panting and huffing. What was going to happen now? I closed my eyes for a few moments
as the reality of what had happened…AT WORK NO LESS….sank in…and I felt my eyes watering
up again. The bathroom smelled like someone hadn’t bathed in years, with all the mixed filthy
odors. The floor was a mess from shit, cum, and birthing fluids. And all four of us were panting,
sweaty messes. Knots throbbing, eyes lidded over with bliss….Gosh, I get into the stickiest
situations don’t I?


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