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Smart Mirror based on Raspberry


Yogita Satpute
Seat No: T150814253
Under Guidance of
Prof. Kirti Randhe



ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry



This is to certify that student Ms. Yogita Satpute is studying in TE Computer
course in SEM II. She has successfully completed and submitted the Seminar-I
entitled “Smart Mirror based on Raspberry Pi”. This study is a partial
fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering of
Pune University, Pune during the academic year 2020-2021.

Guide Seminar Coordinator Head of the Department

Prof. Kirti Randhe Dr. Pallavi Jha Prof. Akshay Isalkar

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry


I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards my guide Prof. Kirti Randhe and I am
greatly indebted to her for her guidance throughout the course of this report. It has been
altogether a different experiences to work with Prof. Kirti Randhe. I thank her for scholastic
guidance, constructive0000000000 criticism, and constant inspiration that I has with her at
various stages of this study. Her valuable suggestion helped me for smooth progress &
success of this report.

I would also like to thank our Principal Dr. P.k. Shrivastava, H.O.D. Prof. Akshay Isalkar
& Seminar coordinator Dr. Pallavi Jha for providing us with an opportunity to undertake
this project and her valuable advices. I would also like to thank all faculty members who
motivated and encouraged us to complete this seminar.

Finally, how can I forget my family and friends for their love, and an endless support that
they provided to me.

( Yogita Satpute) Seat No.T150814253

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry


The Smart Mirror based on traditional household mirror belongs to home automation system
to meet consumers' needs towards intelligent life. It provides occupants with a series of
intelligent experiences such as home appliance control, information acquisition,
environmental monitoring, entertainment and remote operation. The intelligent home control
platform - The Smart Mirror is designed to solve the problem of smart home communication
and information integration in the family. Based on the development of Raspberry Pie,
unidirectional mirror and the infrared frame and other hardware devices, the smart mirror, as
a mirror display screen, offers a kind of safer, more comfortable, more conveniently, more
swift and open intelligent, information-based living space to household in the intellectual

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry


1. Abstract 4

2. Introduction 6

3. Related work 7

4. Aim , Objective , Motivation 8

5. Literature Review 9

6. Methodology 8

6.1 Proposed System 8

6.2 System Architecture 8

7. Discussion 16

8. Future work 17

9. Conclusion 18

10. References 19

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry


Smart mirrors are straight from science fiction. They’re part of an optimistic vision of
the future that imagines a world where screens and data are everywhere, ready to feed you
whatever information you need at a moment’s notice. Basically, the mirror is looks like
normal mirror but when someone stand in front of it the scene changes. The mirror provides a
functional, user friendly and interactive UI to its user for accessing their social sites,
messengers, etc. It has widgets for displaying the current whether conditions, Time, Events,
Latest news headlines The Smart Mirror would help in developing smart houses with
embedded artificial intelligence, as well as finding its applications in industries. Switching
home appliances becomes easy with mirror. Virtual dressing, a smart way of having trials
with your fashion sense make things quite easy in malls. Having such intellectual mirror will
only surge the beauty of home. The raspberry pi is programmed using python and connects to
a monitor with inbuilt speaker so as to provide an onscreen interface and voice assistance as

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry



 Smart mirror for home environment allows to control all the smart devices at
relays on face recognition for authenticating the user and displays personalized
information (news, mail, messages etc). The system exploits a touch screen monitor
and two webcams, one for face recognition and on for the home surveillance.
 Multi Display in Black Mirror by Toshiba is prototype that combines the
functionalities of tablet together with the reflecting surface of a mirror. It provides
two configurations taking into account two different home environments : the
bathroom and kitchen. Considering the bathroom, the prototype provides useful
information for the beginning of the day such as weather forecast and fitness
information coming from personal devices. In the kitchen the setting includes a
camera allowing the user to interact through gestures while preparing recipes and
controlling the appliances.
 Cybertecture Mirror is a complete into a 37 inches mirror with a 32 inches mirror,
equipped wi9th a 32 inches LCD screen. Through a smartphone application, the user
accesses different information overlaid on reflected image. The interface allows to
visualize instant messages, the calendar the mailbox and the weather forecast. In
addition, it provides information on the user’s physical state. Indeed, the device
provides a set of external wireless sensors that allows to measure the user’s weight ,
fat etc.

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry

Aim, Objective, Motivation

Aim :

 Design and prototype a device that acted as a “Smart Mirror” by displaying the user's
image and providing customizable information on the display
  This device allows users to access and interact with contextual information, such as
weather data, seamlessly as part of their daily routine.
 This smart mirror aims to reduce and possibly eliminate the need for the user to make
time in their daily morning or nightly routine to check their PC, tablet, or smartphone
for the information they need

Objective :

 The smart mirror must offer benefits of using modern technology while integrating
seamlessly into the standard bathroom routines of most people.
 The smart mirror must be simple and as intuitive as possible.

Motivation :

The primary motivation behind the smart mirror is to improve quality of life. The smart
mirror will provide convenient information to users on their mirror every day. Allowing the
user to multitask by consuming media while preparing for the day will save people time
nationwide. The goal of the mirror is to provide people with information they may require in
the morning while getting ready for the day or at night before going to bed. This will save
users time every day and help to ensure they are aware of important details for their day. A
user will be able to check their calendar for any upcoming events, peek at the weather
forecast, and not to mention, consult the mirror for traditional personal appearance

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry

Literature Review

 In the article of international journal of recent trends in engineering and research,

smart mirror using raspberry Pi, While implementing a smart mirror, the first
question which arrives is “What is the need of a Smart Mirror?” In the recent years
technology has become an integral part in day to day lives. Technology has been
incorporated in many electronic devices. But the motive of designing a ‘Smart
Mirror’ is to bring technology in a traditional household mirror and making it smart.
This brought in a new definition of a smart mirror: “a smart mirror is a mirror with
additional features and functions, with the aim of introducing capabilities for human
interaction”. There was always a need of designing a device which would help in
planning for a day’s activities by doing other household activities. A mirror is one
such place where we visit often and thus can get basic details such as time, daily
news and events, etc.

 The article of International journal of engineering science invention states that , the
method is used to develop smart mirror have evolved. Each idea is nearly same but
minor difference in it. IOT is our basic part for designing a smart mirror is with node
Raspberry pi, and temperature and humidity sensor. The implementation of IOT is
possible with a cloud.

 The paper on smart mirror using raspberry pi of international journal for research in
applied science and engineering technology presents, an interactive mirror that ease
the user’s task by displaying widgets such as date and time ,weather updates, new
feed and schedule according to the user. The schedule of user is displayed only when
the mirror recognizes the user, this also provides the security to the mirror. The
smart mirror is switched on/off using voice commands and also gives voice response
to the user. The future work on this project can be adding more widgets such as e-
mails ,social media applications, traffic updates, etc.

 For security of these widgets iris detection can be used along with thumb impression
for accessing mails and personal data. Artificial intelligence can also be added as an
extra feature for recommending news according to the user’s choice, suggesting the
best path to research the destination according to the traffic or suggesting clothes and
accessories according to the climate conditions.

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry


Proposed System

The mirror will do the thinking for the user. It will update with the user’s calendar
schedule, to-do lists, news, and weather etc. The information wouldn’t be thrown in the user’s
face, but unobtrusively displayed on the edges of the mirror to still allow use of the actual
mirror. No keyboards to try to keep dry and clean. It will also allow the user to still use the
mirror despite their hands are wet or dirty. The mirror provides common information most
people check their smartphones or tablets for, such as weather, news, Twitter and schedules.
This allows the users to read, think, and plan their day while getting ready in the morning or

Finally, the mirror must be smart enough to protect itself from the wet and humid
conditions. It will feature a humidity protection system where it will monitor the temperature
and humidity levels near the hardware.

 LEVEL 1 Design

Power connection, microphone for voice input, camera for image processing forms
the basic input devices for the mirror. The monitor and speakers forms the output devices of
the mirror.

 LEVEL 2 Design
Smart Mirror doesn’t fully show the all the equipment that are to be connected
to raspberry pi, but covers all major functional units. The IR frames are
connected over mirror but still they work fine because it’s a co-ordinate based
touch detection by the IR sensors placed at the side of frames and doesn’t
require the frame to be directly having contact with monitor behind mirror.

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry

The microphone is connected via sound card on USB port of Pi. The camera
can be connected to USB port or the Pi camera can be connected to camera
slot on Pi. The 8-channel relay is connected to GPIO pins on Pi for controlling
the home appliances. To access the internet the Pi is connected to home Wi-Fi
network. The programming of the Pi for displaying the UI on the screen is
done using Python, the total description of how coding is implemented is
described in Section 3 of the document.

System Architecture

 Two-Way glass mirror

The two-way mirror is what gives the mirror its real identity. It’s really magic mirror as it has
reflective surface at one side and also its transparent for light with good intensity. The mirror
stays at the front where the user can watch himself/herself in the mirror at the same time the
allows the light from monitor to pass through it and make available the UI .

 Monitor

The monitor is directly connected to Raspberry Pi via HDMI interface thus providing display
as well as voice output. For providing touch ability to monitor IR frames are used.

 IR- Frames

While research on internet we didn’t found any sign of how to give the mirror touch ability,
so we found a way ourselves to do so. The IR-frames provides the touch interface to the
smart mirror. The IR -Frames has IR sensors on its siding and connect to Pi via USB
interface. Thus making smart mirror touchable.

 Raspberry Pi

The raspberry pi is the most vital part of the mirror, it forms the processing unit of the mirror.
The Pi is like motherboard having all the required constituents which forms a great CPU. Its
size of a credit card and still it can perform like a full-fledged computer. The programming of
Pi is done using Python language. The programs can be first developed and compiled on

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry

windows or any other platform and then can run on Pi. The Pi also has its own inbuilt IDE to
program in languages like C++, Python, C, Java, etc. Installation of OS on Raspberry Pi is
quite a simple process. First you have to download NOOBS along with Raspbian which is
great OS of Raspberry Pi for beginners. The Raspbian is just a flavor of Debian OS. There
are many IDEs available to do programming for Python but what we found was PyCharm
Community is free and good among them who serves our requirements. Qt Designer is
amazing tool to make UI of Python

 Channel Relay

The 8-Channel relay connects directly to high voltage input source of power and low power
GPIO pins on Raspberry Pi. The GPIO pins cannot control the Home appliances directly as
they have very less output power that is about 5V, So we require 8-Channel relay circuit
board which close the circuit of home appliances when given a high of 5V [10].

 Camera

The Camera is input device for the mirror, its used for face recognition as well as body
recognition. A concept called Virtual Dressing can be implemented using Image Processing.
We roam in malls in search of various clothes, we cannot practically try all dressings that we
like. So Virtual sorts this problem out, Images of this clothing’s are saved in memory of
mirror, whenever user stands in front of mirror and selects the dress, the mirror fits the dress
on our body reflection in mirror. So, no need for doing trials every time. Face Recognition
based authentication is another use of the camera, it customizes the profile of different users
on same mirror.

 Microphone

The microphone is used to give voice input to the mirror. Along with touch capability a voice
input makes the system very reliable and robust in working. A sensitive microphone takes
voice command from the user and processes it to do corresponding action.

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry

Fig:Working of smart mirror

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry

Fig : Block diagram of smart mirror

On start after giving power supply to mirror the raspberry loads the OS and directly runs the
UI of the mirror, it may take while to load the weather and other internet based widgets to
display the information completely depending on the speed of the home Wi-Fi network. A
power saving mode is also provided to the mirror by attaching a ultrasonic range detector
sensor on the top of the mirror. The ultrasonic sensor activates the mirror and awakes it when
someone comes close enough. Thus, improving the functionality and power efficiency of the
system. On fully loading the information required the mirror now shows notification from
different social sites as per the user has logged in. The events are loaded from calendar and
reminded to the user.

The user can plan route to his destination before leaving home on the mirror. A mass of
entertainment is also loaded on the mirror, as its connected to home Wi-Fi YouTube can be
completely streamed on it and a music app is preloaded to beat your favorite music directly.
Besides several other applications like gallery is also installed to view your pictures on
mirror. The has a greeting pane which automatically prints greeting message according to
events and time of the day. You can book a cab before leaving home using Uber cab booking
interface made using Uber public API. Not only that, a user who knows the working of
system well can extend the ability of the system by adding more feature to it. The Home
automation embedded in this mirror is very easy to use, as you have to simply connect the
pins of the appliances to mirror’s slots and then you can enjoy the control of appliances by
touch interface.

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry

Fig: Smart Mirror

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry



This seminar presents the design and the development of an interactive multimedia
futuristic Smart Mirror for the ambient home environment as well as for commercial uses in
various industries. The project which would collect real world machine data and the data
would be transmitted from the machine and would be managed by the Raspberry Pi. The
Smart Mirror implemented as a personalized digital device equipped with peripherals such as
Raspberry PI, microphone, speakers, Monitor covered with a sheet of reflective two way
mirror provides one of the most basic common amenities such as weather of the city, latest
updates of news and headlines and local time corresponding to the location. Using speech
processing techniques the Smart Mirror therefore interacts with the user through verbal
commands, functions and listens to the user’s question and responds them adequately.

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry

Future Scope

The scope of this study is to develop an efficient and cost-effective solution for the
development of a Smart Mirror to reduce and possibly eliminate the need for the user to make
time in their daily morning or nightly routine to check their PC, tablet, or smartphone for the
information they need. The mirror will provide the information with little to no effort from
the user with the goal of not being a burden that he or she must maintain. The mirror
wouldn’t be another activity, rather an enhancement to the already common use of mirrors in
most modern bathrooms.

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry


The Smart Mirror designed will provide the user with an enhanced mirror experience.
By making use of multiple displays, the user can stay updated on the time, weather, and news
headlines while preparing for the day in with the fully functional Smart Mirror. Although
there are other smart mirror technologies that are available, the Smart Mirror created in this
stresses saving cost and flexible usage. Through an easy to use interface, the mirror can be
easily setup to display data that conforms with their desires. The mirror is able to connect to
the internet and parse the proper data to display. The PIR sensor ensures that the mirror will
always turn on when a person steps up to use it. Building in a Bluetooth speaker means that
the user is also able to play their music directly from the mirror. While the Smart Mirror will
need to be more polished and have a few changes made before it can be a viable product to be
sold, but the Smart Mirror made in this project meets all the design goals set forth before the
project and has all the elements that would be needed for a fully functional Smart Mirror

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry



1. t-glass-smart-mirrorproject/
2. International Journal Of Electrical, Electronics And Data Communication, ISSN:
2320-2084 ,Volume-5, Issue-1, Jan.-2017



4. Lampton Internet of Things Global Standards Initiative, ITU Retrieved 26 April





8. International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 2, Mar-Apr

2019 ISSN: 2395-1303 Page 554
9. Smart Mirror Using Raspberry Pi

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

Smart Mirror based on Raspberry

ISBM College of Engineering Computer Department

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