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Parkview Middle School Art

2021-2022 Class Syllabus
Ms. Rebecca James

All classes in Greater Clark County Schools use the same grading
scale. It is as follows:
● 70% Assessment - tests (written & art projects*) and quizzes
● 30% Assignments - worksheets, classwork, sketchbook
assignments, etc.
*In my class students are graded on rubrics to show their strengths
and weaknesses in the project. I also take into consideration if the
student improved from their last project or if they did not put forth
their best effort.

Currently I can not put the list of projects on here, because I need
to assess the students on where they are currently in their
understanding of art. As well as certain projects that have to be
delayed until materials are available.
➔ To see what students are working on please visit

Students are expected to make up any work they have missed* due
to absence or other reasons.
*If there are circumstances where this is not possible, please email, explaining this.

Types of absences include:

1. Unexcused absences include work, minor illness, vacation,

a. The student will have 3 school days after they come
back to catch up.
2. Excused absences include death in the family and
hospitalization. In the case of an excused absence, a note
from a parent and doctor is required, if applicable.
a. The student will have at least a week to complete
makeup work (if the student is absent for less than a
b. Ms. James will work with the student if absent for longer
than a week.
There are five rules to follow while in the Art Room:
1. Absolutely NO TALKING when the teacher is teaching.
2. Any mess made, MUST BE CLEANED before leaving the art
3. You must have your sketchbook and pencil EVERY DAY.
4. No food or drink in the art room (water is allowed in a
sealable bottle).
a. Unless it is first period breakfast.
5. Absolutely NO GUM in the art room.

If a student breaks a rule, the following consequences occur (in

● Warning
● Infraction
● Discussion after class and/or call home
● Referral
● After School Detention

Upon entering class each day, you will complete the following steps:

1. Enter the room in a respectful manner.

2. Be in your seat with your sketchbook and pencil when the
tardy bell rings.
3. At the end of class, put away your materials and follow
procedures to exit carefully and respectfully.

Students need sketchbooks or unlined notebooks for class
everyday. Students will need to have them by Aug 2, 2021 . If a
student cannot afford to provide a sketchbook, one will be
provided. Sketchbooks will be provided only as long as supplies
and funds allow.

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