Caselet. TQM at Wipro, Motorola, General Motors and Ford

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CHAPTERS Opumenton Tague nd Naw Miagenenteol 131 BOX 4-5 ‘otal Quality Management t Wipro, Motorola, Genera Electric and Ford Wipro Lino was exis i 1945 as West India ‘Vegeble Products Lined in Maura, String of as epeable ol compar: Wipo tay fa verified io an Infrmation Tecnoogy iat Gite song emphasis on building a rosie work entenment the tepzization is kot to adopt innovative paces for ‘rople management on comined basis. Egged on by ec of samy cents who required pod iprovment through Six Sigma methodology, Wi began moving tears focusing on qulty and efinc. At th er ing of he propam. he folowing chalenges were fe reducing the data water ime reiki _oiig iar hough LAN/WAN downtime. On Amr geoerc evel, hs mean having prods ad se ost meet gal beochmas, ensuing rob process ihn erguization cossteymesing an enced ing caso expcatons, ant making ality a alte wih, The racial ein de by Wipro om cesta Iplementaon ofthe sn signe program has ern oe a the high sims. Ar he end ofthe program, ws fod thre ages projets hd al ben competed and the ‘yell ule” ceria profesonls whe bite mace sls th cade rer mproveret projet fale, and data collection) hal ard smal prob lens befor they cold become majo one. The rogram ‘uid in m achieve of as 1 250% ection in strane ine ho settageeing 20% tonal, Sao rested in impronemeat in elieny of stare elope life cyl though defect eduction by 50% ofa) an eye ine reduction from 125 to 5%. Summary al hese baie meant 30-40% lowe tt fos of nner, 20-20% higher produc, one elses (3% projects were completed on tint pint eindasry average of shout 95), and ker eld eect 1s (67% lower than he indy average) The perfor hancement fe © an otra improvement Hie po quay wih the cuter prep of the ffeing he highest quality produc Motrl's op has had wo base ime defect pevention Fe Te Manag FF (cher 119 62; ep Cal TOM: Moonen rs Uy ih Sera Uae Wes unm 2S pe 7. te uy Inert Pega, Ph Sede ceotarstene erp Ted Bees nay ad cles reduction (the tne i takes o get a job done). Past sucess in serge fit gal the ‘company oS gal of seat te els pr milion ‘operations by 200 (he Si Sigma TOM grr). Te second gl has edo a etn ne ine eed ‘oe the books each moh om I dys ve yar 260 towoday ow, and thishasled 0450 pret svings in exter autos cos. When it comes to St Sigma fra boieter was John Welch (ho reed os Gon eral let pesien in 201) tat be spent mae thn ‘hee years ahd $1 bilon to conver al i vison to the Six Sipma fit, which he eid with rang te company’s operaing pro magne fom 144 perce to 166 percent. Wek sed at Six Sig ganized | ‘GE wid am inensty be never sen in hs 40 yeas withthe company. For examgle, GE wed 20 pope fr ary he Yas run 250 pate St Sips ayes 4 cos of $50 milion in devoping it $1.25 alien ‘era diagnose sanner called the Lied, wich an do. fully scan in onl 20seonde instead of te | thee mints ito before. This wa crcl becanse the atct must rerin prety sl ring the sean Welch Sate: "Six Sigma es you aprosch probs with te ‘sumption tha thee dated i at then ‘nda ara utr change” ‘The Ford Mote Compay ted TOM totum the company arn afer the ieason of Tapanese au. robles teased the exsence of the ene US. automotive indosty a the bpnning ofthe 1980s. By Sccesfllyaplying TOM Ford was ale oun huge loses high profits bur made Ford he most pote ofthe American automaker iy 1986 wih te inte ‘ion fis highly sueesfl Tar, By 2001, however, Ford was again in oable with loss of $5. Bilin a esl ofthe controversy ver deadly rollovers Explores, cosy recalls of several ml, and delays onthe introduction of ther. And pain Ford embraced TOM and its Six Sigma extension in 2001 rr Sper Te ie sp a

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