Form2 Cre End Year Exam

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P.O BOX 1572-50100, KAKAMEGA

1. (a)Why is the bible referred to as the word of God? (6marks)
 It was inspired by God
 God himself took part in writing it
 It portrays the nature of God
 It contains Gods revelation to human beings
 Contains words spoken by God

(b)List FIVE literary used in writing the bible. (7marks)

 Poetic (poems)—Books of Psalms.
 Wise sayings—The Book of Proverbs.
 Prose, narratives or stories-Genesis, Exodus, Numbers.
 Prayers—the Book of Nehemiah.
 Legal expressions—the book of Leviticus.
 Prophecies—The Books of prophet the Prophets.
 Letters— Paul’s letters.
 Songs— Songs of Solomon

(c)List SEVEN versions of the bible used today (7marks)

 King James Version.
 New international version.
 Jerusalem Bible.
 The living Bible.
 Jerome Bible.
 Gideon international Bible.
 English Bible.
 New American Bible.
 0Revised Standard Version.
 Authorized Version.
 Good News.
 The Holy Bible.
 New African Bible

2. (a)Describe the call of Abraham (8marks)

The Lord appeared to Abraham and told him to leave his country and go to a country
That He would show him.
God gave him several promises:
God would bless those who bless him and curse those who curse him.
He would make him a great nation.
Abrahams name would be great.
Through Abraham all nations would be blessed.
He would give Abraham’s descendants a land to dwell in.
So Abraham went as the Lord had told him. Lot went with him.
By the time Abraham left Haran he was 75years old.
When he reached Canaan, he built an Altar at Shechem and another one at Bethel as
A sign of honour to God.

(b)Why Abraham referred to as the father of faith? (7marks)

 Abraham accepted to quit the known Haran to an unknown destiny.
 Abraham undoubtedly gave into the command of circumcision
 His unshakable faith led him to accept to sacrifice his only son and heir :Isaac,
 Abraham constructed altars at Bethel and Shechem to worship God
 He changed his name from Abram to Abraham and his wife’s name from Sarai to
 He made a strong bond with God in an elaborate covenant.
 Despite their old age, Abraham believed and trusted that his wife would bear him a son.
 Abraham proved his faith through worshipping God in prayer, sacrifices and

(c)What is the relevance of circumcision to Abraham and Christians today? (5marks)

 a physical sign that one had entered a covenant with God
 an outward sign of inner faith
 showed that one is a descendant of Abraham
 it signified purity
 a sign of obedience to the ten commandments.
 It was a sign of unity through it one became a member of the Jewish community

3. (a)State the characteristics of the Canaanite religion (7marks)

 They have festivals and feast
 Had many placrs of worship
 Practiced temple prostitution
 Canaanite gods were represented by idols

(b)What are the effects of idolatry in Israel? (7marks)

 Development of syncretism
 it undermined the unity of the israelits
 Israelites named their children after Canaanite Gods
 Baalism was made a state religion
 Yahwehs prophets were killed and prosecuted
 Israelites adopted the Canaanite agricultural calender
 Israelites made sacrifices to the false gods
 Rise of false prophets
 Israelites dropped the covenant way of life

(c)State SIX forms of idols in modern society today (6marks)
4. (a)what was the importance of prophets in Israel (7marks)
 Were Gods messengers
 Were mediators
 Predicted future events
 Promoted worship of God
 Promoted worship of Yahweh
 Condemned evil
 Advised Kings
 Anointed Kings
 Pronounced Gods judgement
 Gave hope to the people
 Perfomed miracles
 Interpreted dreams visions
 Offered sacrifices

(b)Describe the call of Amos (8marks)

 He received his call during the reign of Kings Jeroboam II in Israel and Uzziah in Judah.
 He received his call while looking after his flock in the wilderness of Judah
 God told him to go and prophesy to the people of Judah
 Amos responded positively to Gods call
 Amos prophesied doom to the people of Judah which did no

(c)What were the characteristics of true prophets? (5marks)

 Received calling from God
 Were given specific tasks
 Responded to Gods call with obedience
 God revealed himself to them
 Prophesied withot fear
 Acted as mediators
 Used symbolic acts
 Faced opposition and persecution
 Led exemplary lives
 Advocated for monotheism
 Prophecies came true
 Did not prophecy for material gain
 Perfomed miracles

5. (a)State the reforms/changes that were introduced by King Josiah (7marks)

 He ordered repair of the temple
 Ordered destruction of idols
 Brought down houses used for prostitution
 Removed priests who offered sacrifices to idols
 Ordered people of Judah to celebrate the Passover
 Abolished mediums and wizards
(c)Give SIX reasons why Jeremiah condemned necromancy (6marks)
 Indicated lack of faith in God
 It gave false message which did not come from God
 Led people away from God
 Polluted the true worship of God
 Brought Gods punishment
(b)State the lessons that Christians learn from the call of prophet Jeremiah (7marks)
 god calls anyone to do his work
 god protects and strengthens those chosen to do his work
 god empowers his people to do his work
 Christians should be commited to do gods work
 Christian should be ready to face opposition while doing gods work
 God prepares those he choses to do his work

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