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™ Forensic Medicine Introduction to Forensic Medicine #44, Define Forensic Medicine. (DU-204u,19/18Nov,17/16M,14/13Ju,12/11/10/095u,08Ja) ‘ee 9, Whatare the goals of Forensic Medicine? (DU-14Ja) ++ 3, Mention the objectives of forensic Medicine. (DU-20Nov) Write down the aims & objectives of Forensic Medicine. (DU-16M,1351) * 4, Whatare the aims of forensic medicine? (DU-07Ju) 9* 5, What are the branches of forensic medicine? (DU-20Ju,19Nov,12Ju, 11/10/09Ju,083a 07Ja,06S) #** 6, What are the scopes of Forensic Medicine in Bangladesh? (DU-16Ja,14Ju) *** 7, Why doctor of all categories should have fair knowledge about forensic medicine? (DU- I8Nov) Why a doctor should have knowledge about forensic Medicine? (DU-16M)— ‘Why doctor’s of all discipline should have fair knowledge about Forensic Medicine? (DU-14Ju) Why forensic medicine is necessary for all categories of doctors? (DU-091u,0818,05M) *** 8, Define forensic pathology. (DU-18M) . 44* 9. Define forensic thanatology? (DU-17Ja) Write short note on: Forensic thanatology (DU-068) *** 10. Discuss about doctor-Patient relationship. (DU-19M)/ ce “ ! Write short note on: Doctor patient relationship. (DU-17/16M) ‘an eee ical juris aC) Defias ipoicaljuinexteness DE Medicine & Mein Je OPPO AQ 2020 - ©MarySal m Forensic Meaicine = vand types of inquest in Bangladesh. (DU-18M) JU-17M)/ What are the types of inquest? (DU-172,10Ju) rent types of inquest prevalent in Bangladesh? (DI ihe medicolegal examination done in our country? (D the indication and objectives of medicolegal exa . (DUN = on: Coroner system of medicolegal examination, (DU oy) ‘Magistrate is required? (DU-14/12/11/105u) ‘are the conditions where police inquest is not valid? (DU-08u) ‘inquest report. (DU-11Ju) report. (DU-O8Ju) parts of an inquest report? (DU-04M) ote: Inquest report. (DU-20Ju) Witness OPPO AY 2020 - ©MarySal__ Rae secrecy. (DU-06S/Ja) ord Mention the conditions where you are to communicate the n ‘What are the exceptions to the general rule of professional secrecy? Write short note on: Professional secrecy (DU-16/07Ju,10Ja,068) ‘Whaat is privileged communication? (DU-20Ju,17Nov, 16M, 12Ju) Mention/name the situation of privileged communication. (DU-16/1 Write down the circumstances of privileged communication, (DU-17I3 Give some examples of privileged communication, (DU-09Ja) What are the conditions where a doctor privileged to communicate? Short note: Privileged communication (DU-1012,07Ju) Professional infamous conduct Define professional death sentence. (DU-16/13Ju,09Ja,06S) ‘Mention the grounds of professional death sentence. (DU-16Ju,09Ja) Write about professional infamous conduct. (DU-16Ju) ‘When the name of medical man is to be erased from the BMDC What is professional infamous conduct? (DU-068, OSM) ‘Mention acts done by doctor which constitute professional infamou Bs is: 6 a7. & 9. 1 2 3. 4. 4. 6 S ‘Short note: '*** (j) Infamous conduct (DU-16/10Ja) *** (ii) Di (Du-163a,09Ju) (DU-08)u) (Du-11Ja) OPPO AQ 2020 - ©MarySal A) Bet poticd is guilty of contributory n ino sigence (DU-16/10/09/07Ju,1 13a) ‘carious liability. (DU-16Ju) ee liabi Be (DU-08Ja) (DU-19M,18/17Nov,15. (DU-19M, 1 1Ja)/ What are the types of consent? (DU-18/1 plied consent. (DU-16Ja) the types of consent? (DU-15Ja,12Ju) , the medicolegal importance of consent? (DU-06M) Where the consent given by adult women will not regarded as valid? (DU-09Ju) at are the indications of informed consent? (DU-09Ju) a short note on informed consent. (DU-16/12Ju, | 1Ja,07Ju) BMDC & BMA eee BC (OU. 18No, 170) ‘When it was formed? (DU-17Ja,08Ju) functions of BMDC. (DU-16Nov/Ja,15Ja,11Ju) raw a proceeding for professional infamous conduct against a regis ‘on: BMA. (DU-18Nov) OPPO AQ 2020 - ©MarySal Forensic Medicini Sex & intersex conditions 1. Define sex. (DU-068) 2. What are the importances of determination of sex? (DU-048) 3. What are the medicolegal importances of sex? (DU-068) 4. Define nuclear sexing. (DU-17M,08Ju) #**5. How can you determine nuclear sex? (DU-17M,09Ja) * 6. How can you differentiate male and female from nuclear sexing? (DU-08/07Ju) ***7. Mention the differences between male & female pelvis. (DU-17Nov, 15Ja) How sex is determined from bone of pelvis? (DU-06S) 4+ 8. How can you differentiate sex in highly decomposed body? (DU-13Ja) *#* 9, Define intersex. (DU-18M,15/13Ja) Write types of intersex. (DU-18M) *** 10. Discuss in short about tripoid of life. (DU-14Ja) * 11. What are the characteristics of Tumer’s syndrome? (DU-O7Jw/Ja) *** 12. Write short note on: *** i) Davidson body (DU-13Ju) sidhek ; *** ii) Turner's Syndrome. (DU-20Nov,15Ja,13Ju) ites - ‘*** iii) Klinefelter’s syndrome. (DU-13Ja) “ iv) Gonadal dysgenesis. (DU-09Ja) Age ‘*** 1, Mention the importance of age determination. (DU-20Noy) : : ‘Mention the medico legal importance of age. (DU-17M,12/085i,06/05M) ig Write down the medicolegal importance of age 14, ieee nina determination of a person. (DU-T ; a aria OUTS ee 0s importance of hair. (DU-11Ju) OPPO AQ 2020 - ©MarySal mForensic Medicine & = 5 ee gout DNA in forensic aspect, (DU-19M) Forensic DNA profiling in Bangladesh context. (D' Soon sample collected fot DNA profiling in forensic purpose? (DU-18Nov) ‘d for DNA profiling in living & dead body? ( 117M) ‘Which samples are preserve ly ‘Mention the specimens which are collected for DNA profiling from human body in case dead body. (DU-16Nov) Y in case of living aan Trace evidence trace evidence, (DU-20Nov/Ju,19Nov/M, 16Nov) . short note on; Trace evidence (DU-16Nov) diffeences between male and female blood? (DU-068) ou differentiate ordinary blood from menstrual blood? (DU-05M) egal importance of biood grouping, (DU-05M) i rh & its causes OPPO-A9.2020 - ©MarySal. Forensic Medicinem 6. Write down the order of disappearances of rigor mortis, (DU-O8Ju) ** 7. Write down the stages of putrefaction, (DU-13Ju) ao ***8. Difference between rigor mortis and cadaveric spasm. (DU-18Nov,13Iu) 9. Wnite down the medicolegal importance of postmortem staining! hypostatis, (DU-03J8) 10. Write down the difference between postmortem staining/hypostasis and bruise, (DU-18Nov,17M, 134u,12/093a) 11. Describe the late changes of a dead body. Ment their medicolegal importance. (DU-O6S/M) 12 ‘Write down the procedure of estimation of time since death. (DU-17M) How will you estimate the time since death? (DU-13Ja) #** 13. Short note: i) Post mortem lividity (DU-14Ja) Mummification (DU-14Ja) iii) Mutilation of dead body. (DU-14Ja) iv) Rigor mortis (DU-19M, 1 1J2,09Ju,06M) v) Cadaveric spasm (DU-10/09Ja) vi) Post mortem caloricity (DU-09Ja) ol i Differences between bruise and hypostass/ PM staining (DU-1Ms) Medicolegal autopsy * 1. Define autopsy. (DU-20Nov, 16Nov/M,16/14Ja) / What is autopsy? (DU-1333,11/103u) *** 2. Name different type of autopsy. (DU-20Noy, 11/10Ju) ‘+53. Write down the objectives ean , ‘Mention the aims/objective of medicolegal autopsy. (DU- to ae ae 4. Wa dow epee Eas ree CULE ee z ‘*** 5. What are the pre-requisites for autopsy? (DU- ‘What are the requisites & objectives of medicolegal autopsy? a ry outa (DU-13Ja) ad Be = eer ar (DUN ‘Why it occurs? (DU-16M) ae . BEarise Nesaicnney (DU-18/16Now, 14/1039) 11) ss neater ng, ibe the incisions given during autopsy. (DU-I8M) i OPPO AQ 2020 - ©MarySal Forensic Medicine Injury & its types ee ,(DU-19Nov, 14/12Ja) ‘medico-legally. (DU-06M) (DU-19Nov,1}6Nov/M,1343,07Swa) ico-logally. (DU-16M,|1/10a,09u/Ja) (DU-20Ju, 18/1 7Nov,14/13/12Ju) -18Nov) ju) & battery, (DU-17Ja,1 Ju) OPPO AQ 2020 - ©MarySal__ Forensic Medicine re arm & ex, What is Forensic ballistics? (DU-20Nov,19/18/17M) Define firearm. (DU-12Ju) Classify firearm with example, (DU-16M) Classify firearm, (DU-17Nov, 13a, 12/11Ju04M) What are the types of firearm? (DU-161a) Mention the different parts of firearm cartridges. Write down the component of short gun eartridge. (DU-18Nov) Name different types of gun powder. (DU=16M,1 1Ju) How will you measure the bore of a rifle and gun shot? (DU-1 1) What is rifling? (DU-20Now/Ju, 18/16M, 14Ju, 13/1 MJa,10Ju/Ja) |. Give importance of rifling. (DU-20Nov/Ju,18M14Ju)/ Mention the significance of rifling, (DU-13Ja,11Ju) Mention the characteristics of typical suicidal firearm injuries. (DU-17Nov) Mention the common sites of suicidal firearm injury. (DU-10Ju) . Give the characteristics of suicidal firearm injury. (DU- 2 eae . Mention the characteristics of typical homicidal firearm injury. (DU-12Ju " What are the difference between entry and exit wound of rifled firearm? (DU-20Nov/Ju,19/18M) Write down the difference between firearm enry wound and exit wound. (DU-K8Now) Enumerate the differences between entry wound & exit wound of bullet. (DU-17M,16Nov) ‘Write the differences of entry and exit wound ofa rifled firearm. (DU-I6M,105u) . Write down the effect of bomb blast. (DU-19M,18/16Nov,Ja,143u,13Ja,1u) |. What are the difference between bullet & pellet? (DU-14Ju) What is primer? Mention the composition of primer. oe pee teas : nem Ai ea a 13 OPPO AQ 2020 - ©MarySal

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