Assignment 2

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Middle managers are the backbone of the organization.

They are linked in between upper

management or leadership and ground level personnel as well. These are just responsible
for implementation of organizational strategies on daily basis to get more and more
In have seen in my organization how middle managers are unidentified and managing
stress over the period of time.I am working as middle manager and I have take actions
quickly according to my boss strategy. For instance, if he says, we have to do four cataract
surgeries, it means I have to work fast in general OPD and take out some time as well to
prepare those four patients who are undergoing that procedures. Eventually, I interpreted
my boss strategy and planned y actions accordingly.
On the other hand, it will be difficult for me to manage the work within the clinic and
outside the clinic. Like I have to deal with medical representatives and what kind of IOL
lenses we need in this week, when it will receive etc. If one of the task mismanage, it
effects your performance.

A strong middle management also provides organisations with a pipeline of future

leaders. Besides, a strong managerial cadre also offers the added benefits of providing
much needed continuity and low attrition.
I have seen that middle level managers typically face their own set of challenges. In
organisations that I have worked or where I now provide advice, I have always seen that if
these challenges are left unidentified or unaddressed they almost always lead to
disgruntlement and low motivation which can then, over a period of time, seep in to the
front end.
What are the challenges that mid-level managers face?
1. Transition from worker to manager: Most managers take time to settle into their
leadership role after being promoted from the ranks. They grapple with the difference
between doing things and getting things done. In one instance, it was seen that a star
salesperson who was promoted to a sales manager could not manage the transition at all.
His micromanaging ways upset his team and despite repeated counseling, he could not
outgrow this habit. Privately, some senior leaders admitted to me that they had visualized
that this could happen, but were really in no position to deny the promotion as it was a
reward for the person having done a superlative job in his previous role! This happens in
many organisations as they are not able to think of viable alternatives to a promotion -
maybe he could have been 'rewarded' by giving him extra territories to manage or a
challenge could be given to him to turnaround territories in which sales were sagging.
Designate him as the Man Friday in sales which would give him a sense of challenge and
importance. By promoting him, the organization lost a good salesperson and got a poor
manager, a bad bargain. 
2. Grappling with the demands of a new role: The managerial role brings with it
Budgeting, P and L management, strategy sessions, making presentations, annual plans
and the like. Hardly any organisation that I have dealt with provides formal training to
managers in these areas which make these tasks very daunting for some.
3. Team management: People management, conducting appraisals, dealing with
teams, their aspirations, motivating them to do well, knowing when to turn the pressure
on and when to withdraw are all finer aspects of leading which take people time to learn.
Unfortunately, the pressures of day-to-day business mean that managers have to hit the
ground running and they do not have the luxury to ease into the role. This means in many
instances, they may not get to know their team members well. This problem further gets
compounded when one is managing teams across various geographies.
4. Ability to balance both sides: Many a manager has confided in me about this
dilemma- If he is too friendly with his staff, he risks being seen as 'one of them' and
branded soft by the senior management. If he cozies up to his bosses and senior
management, he risks being branded a 'chamcha' by his staff. Ability to walk the fine line
and keep both sides happy is a challenge.
5. Specific challenges faced by women managers: Many women have today
assumed middle management roles, such as branch managers at leading banks, and have
excelled in these roles. However, these roles nowadays also demand socialising post office
hours - whether it is having a drink with the team or indulging in sports activities over the
weekend. Many good women managers end up having guilt feelings as they are not able
to participate in such activities.

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