Medicine Flash Cards Shared by Ali Zeeshan

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(Medicine Flash cards shared By Ali Zeeshan)

(Remember in Prayers)

1)Top two causes CRF

1. HTN 2. DM

2)Prominent A Wave
Tricuspid Insufficiency

3)Canon A Wave
Heart Block

4)Soft P2
Pulmonary Stenosis

5)2 Causes Webbed Neck

1. Turner's (coarctation) 2. Noonan's (pulm stenosis)

6)Signs Constrictive Pericarditis

1. X and Y descent 2. Square Root Sign 3. Calcification

7)Beck's Triad for Cardiac Tamponade

1. Distant Heart Sounds 2. Hypotension 3. JVD

8)MCC HTN young people

women: OCPs men: alcohol

9)Most important cause of chronic glomerulonephritis


10)MC kidney stones

1. Calcium oxolate 80% increased urine pH radiopaque 2. Uric Acid
5% Decreased urine pH Radiolucent 3. Struvite 15% Mg ammonium
phosphate Proteus radiopaque

11)HyperCalcemia Causes
VITAMIN TRAPS -Vitamin A and D intox -Immobilization -
Thyrotoxicosis -Addison's/Acidosis -Milk Alkali -Inflammatory
disorders -Neoplastic disease -Thiazides -Rhabdo -Aids -
Paget's/Parenteral Nutrition/ParaTH dz -Sarcoid

12)HyperCalcemia Sx's
Bones, Stones, Groans, Moans

13)RTA with abnormal H+ secretion and kidney stones

Type I (distal) RTA

14)RTA with abnormal HCO3- and rickets

Type II (proximal) RTA

15)RTA with aldosterone defect

Type IV (distal) RTA

16)Hypervolemic Hyponatremia
1. Cirrhosis 2. CHF 3. nephritic syndrome

17)Hyperkalemia EKG
Peaked T waves and widened QRS

18)Hypokalemia EKG
T waves flatten; U waves

19)ARF with FeNa <1%


20)Nephritic Syndrome
1. Hematuria 2. HTN 3. Oliguria
21)MC nephritic Syndrome
Membranous Glomerulonephritis

22)MC form glomerulonephritis

IgA nephropathy (Berger's)

23)Glomerulonephritis with deafness


24)Glomerulonephritis with hemoptysis

Wegener's or Goodpasture's

25)salicylate ingestion
anion gap acidosis and primary resp alkalosis due to central resp

26)AntiCentromere Ab's
Scleroderma (CREST)


Drug Induced Lupus

29)Anti IgG

Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

31)Aschoff Bodies
Rheumatic Fever
32)Mamillary Body Atrophy

33)BUN : Creatinine Elevation

Azotemia Bledding (GI) Catabolic state Diet (high protein, TPN)

35)A Fib Causes

PIRATES Pulmonary: PE, COPD Iatrogenic Rheumatic heart (mitral
regurg) Atherosclerosis: MI, CAD Thyroid(hyper) Endocarditis Sick

36)Atherosclerosis RF's
SHIFT MAID Smoking/ HTN/ (n)IDDM/ Fam hx/ Triglyerides/ Male/ Age/
Inactivity/ Diet and drinks

37)RSR' in V1

38)1st degree AV block

PR >200msec NO TRX

39)Second degree AV block Type 1

PR gradually increases until dropped beat/ Caused by drugs (digoxin,
beta blockers, CCBs) or vagal increase, STOP DRUG

40)Second degree AV block Type II

PR doesn't change, unexpected dropped beat PACER!

41)MCC 2* dilated cardiomyopathy

1. ischemia 2. Long standing HTN

42)S3 gallop
dilated cardiomyopathy

stiff ventricle "atrial kick" maybe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

44)Impaired diastolic filling without significant systolic dysfxn

Restrictive Cardiomyopathy

45)MCC Restrictive Cardiomyopathy

1. Infiltrative Dz (sarcoid, hcm, amyloidosis) 2. scarring (radiation,

46)apical holosystolic murmur

mitral regurg from ischemia

47)Pain better when sitting forward

Pericarditis and Pancreatitis

PARTNER Platelets low/ Anemia hemolytic/ Renal failure/ Temp rise/
Neuro defecits/ ER

49)Treatment of TTP

50)Heinz bodies
G6PD heinz bodies are conc. Hb when spleen clears them they
become BITE cells hemolysis in G6PD usually from viral or bacterial

51)Oat Cell Lung CA (small cell) secretions

1. ADH 2. ACTH 3. Eaton Lambert NOT HYPERCA!

52)Heliotrope rash and Gottron's papules


53)free water deficit

current TBW = .6 x weight; desired TBW= (Na/140) x current TBW
54)Hypotension, Hyponatremia, Hyperkalemia
Possible Adrenal Crisis IV HYDROCORTISONE

55)delta wave

56)trx of torsades de pointes

magnesium and external pacing

57)V Tach trx


58)CHF Causes
FAILURE Forgot meds/ Arrhythmia, Anemia/ Ischemia, Infection,
Infarction/ Lifestyle (salt)/ Up CO (preg, hyperthy)/ Renal Failure/
Embolism pulm

59)prox muscle weakness, dusky malar rash, periorbial edema

Dermatomyositis (10%increased risk of malignancies)

60)DOC raising HDL


61)Lone A Fib Trx

ASA only

62)Symptomatic sinus bradycardia

IV atropine followed by transcutaneous pacing

63)Bone Marrow Profile on Glucocorticoids

Neutrophilia (increase release and demargination); low eosinophils
and lymphocytes
64)Trx MS flares

65)Fatty Liver with encephalopathy

Reye Syndrome trx: glucose with FFP and mannitol to decrease
cerebral edema

QRS prolongation Sodium Bicarbonate!!

67)Flushing Diarrhea Wheezing


68)plaque like deposits of fibrous tissue on the endocardium on the

Right heart

69)PAO2 equation
150 - (PCO2 X1.25)

70)Nml A-a gradient


71)hypoxemia nml A-a gradient

1. Low FIO2 2. Hypoventilation

72)Hypoxemia abnml A-a gradient

1. diffusion 2. v/q mismatch 3. true shunt

73)Will V/Q mismatch or shunt respond to O2?

V/Q mismatch

74)Only trx for shunt

Positive Pressure Ventilation
75)True Shunts
1. collapse atelectasis 2. CHF 3. ARDS 4. PNA lobar 5. AV

76)Respiratory Alkalosis
RAAP ICE acute: Asthma Attack/ PE chronic: ILD/ CNS/ End stage

77)sputum tastes salty

bronchoalveolar cell CA

78)Causes Unexplained Chronic Cough (3 weeks nml CXR)

1. sinusitis with PND (cobblestone) 2. asthma (PFT, eosinophilia) 3.
GERD (Positional, regurg, nocturnal)

79)staging of asthma
clinically 1. #attacks/week 2. # awakenings/month 3. daily PEFR
measurements and diurnal variation

80)ABPA dx
Positive Prick Test

81)MCC hemoptysis

82)Bullae in upper lobes

acquired emphysema

83)trx congenital emphysema

prolastin weekly

84)water blister on tympanic membrane

Mycoplama pneumonia

85)Post-transplant PNA

86)pulmonary infiltrates in AIDS

HIV seropos- pneumococcus/ <400 T cells TB/ <200 PCP/ <100 MAI

87)Cancer assoc. Hypercalcemia

Squamous Cell Lung

88)Cancer Hyperprolactin
Large Cell Lung

89)Cancer SIADH
Small Cell Lung

90)Cancer cerebellar ataxia

Squamous Cell Lung

91)Drug Induced ILD

Bleomycin, Nitrofurantion, Amiodarone

92)abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, minimal physical exam findings

in person with CAD
ischemic bowel most likely splenic flexure

93)Carcinoid syndrome causes what vitamin deficiency


94)Cat scratch dz trx


95)drug contraindicated in STEMI bc it causes vasodilation and reflex


96)two ways to increase oxygenation

1. FiO2 2. PEEP

97)Granulation tissue in ear canal

Malignant Otitis Externa common in diabetics caused by

98)Pleural fluid indications for chest tube

pH < 7.2 Glucose <60

99)Winter's Formula
PaCO2 = 1.5 (HCO3-) + 8

100)SBE on predamaged valve

Strep Viridans

101)dx test for chronic pancreatitis

stool elastase

102)DOC fibromyalgia
TC AD's i.e. amitriptyline

103)DOC psuedotumor cerebri


104)cocaine OD complication
rhabdomyolysis leading to myoglobinuria and ATN

105)Guillian Barre CSF

Increased Protein, nml WBC RBC Glucose

106)Subarachnoid hemorrhage electrolyte abnormality


107)Celiac AB

1/ARR ARR = CER (control event rate) - ERR (Experimental Event

109)contraindication to nitroprusside
renal insufficiency, CrCl <10 Used in hypertensive emergency
(diastolic >130 with end organ damage, induce hypotension to control
bleeding in surgery, acute CHF)

110)contraindication to labetalol
asthma (nonselective beta blocker)

1. Adenosine 2. Verapamil

112)DOC for A fib resulting from WPW


113)Drug to avoid in WPW

Digoxin blocks AV node and may speed up accessory pathway

114)sudden onset tachycardia (~188 bpm), palpitations, dizziness

PSVT trx 1. vagal maneuvers 2. adenosine or verapamil cure =

115)Drug to avoid in VTach

IV Verapamil

116)abnormal p wave earlier than expected

PAC BENIGN CONDITION trx= avoid caffeine

117)cardiomegaly and low voltage on EKG

suggests infiltrative process in the heart i.e. hemochromatosis, sickle
cell with multiple blood transfusions

118)abx prophylaxis for IE

2. hx of infective endocarditis 2. prosthetic heart valves 3. unrepaired
congenital cyanotic heart disease 4. 6 months out from placement of
prosthetic graft material

119)diabetes and hypertension goal bp and trx

goal <130/80 use ACE-I

120)Trx of claudicion
exercise and cilostazol (phosphodiesterase inhibitor)

121)trx hyperkalemia
calcium gluconate

122)EKG hypocalcemia
prolonged QT >.45

123)prolonged QT and congential deafness, maybe hx of sudden

cardiac death
Romano-Ward syndrome

124)decreased vision, water hammer pulse, diastolic murmur

aortic regurg in Marfan's pt

125)treatment of vtach in context of ishemia


126)microcytic anemia with low ferritin

Iron Deficiency Anemia anisocytosis and poikilocytosis MCC GI bleed
test stool for occult blood

127)urticaria association
Hepatitis B
128)Kussmaul's sign
Increase JVP with inspiration 1. constrictive pericarditis 2. Restrictive

"129)sentinel loop"
air filled loop of small bowel in the LUQ RADIOLOGIC MARKER OF

130)lab values in pancreatitis

Neutrophilic leukocytosis, hyperglycemia, hypocalcemia, Elevated

131)watery diarrhea in AIDS pt

cryptosporidium or isospora need to acid fast stain of stool

132)DOC pneumococcus

133)RF for papillary carcinoma of the thyroid

previous neck radiation

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