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Risk for self-directed violence: Chronic low self-esteem:

 Assess level of precautions needed  Assess self-esteem level on patient

 Encourage clients to express feelings and  Give positive feedback after task is achieved
explore ways to handle feelings of anger and  Teach visualization to help patient replace
frustration negative self images with more positive
 Contact the family and arrange for crisis  Encourage group therapy

Major Depressive Disorder

Self-care deficit: Hopelessness:

 Encourage adequate fluid intake and proper  Assess individual for signs of hopelessness
nutrition  Assess destructive behaviors used to handle
 Provide rest periods after activities feelings
 Encourage proper bathing and hygiene  Allow the patient to express feelings and
 Express hope to the patient with realistic
 Educate the patient about crisis intervention

(Seen 2nd) Jermaine Jones- Patient is drowsy and oriented to person only. Speech is
slurred and respirations are slow. He takes Sertraline 50mg daily for his
depression. Wife states he has had a hard time coping lately.

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