Unmsm/Fqiq/Epq/Daadp/Inglés Técnico/Ef4/2020-Ii Environmental Radiation

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(I) Nowadays, a number of countries have environmental radiation monitoring systems,
so they are able to obtain information on the possible harmful effects on populations of
radioactive fallout from nuclear weapon tests. They can also monitor the surroundings
of nuclear installations, nuclear power stations, research reactors, fuel processing plants,
(II) At the present time, these systems are no longer the responsibility of national atomic
energy commissions alone. This responsibility is now divided and, in some countries,
public health authorities, together with producers and users of radioactive substances,
are becoming progressively involved in the monitoring of radioactivity levels in the
environment. All of them are deeply concerned with preventing the radioactive
contamination of the population.
(III) Two types of monitoring should be recognized: 1) global or national monitoring;
and 2) monitoring of the nuclear-installation surrounding controlled zone. Samples of
air, water, soil, food and biological tissues have to be collected in different places and
analysed for their content of different radioactive compounds.
(IV) It would not be advisable to evaluate the risk to population by physical monitoring
alone and further research on the biological effects of low levels of radiation and
radioisotopes on human beings would be required. Biological studies must be based on
the evaluation of the genetic, carcinogenic and other somatic effects of radiation on
populations. A promising method in this field could be the study of chromosome
aberration rates in radiation-exposed population groups.
(V) There is a common problem in evaluating data from national monitoring systems:
their incomparability. This difficulty is caused by the use of different methods for
measuring and interpreting results. To overcome this difficulty, many international
agencies are now developing programs of intercomparison measurements of
environmental samples in different countries.
(VI) Therefore, the evaluation of present and potential hazards to the population from
different sources of radiation is being progressively based on accepted international
standards and norms; these are being enforced by national systems of surveillance of
global and local radioactive inspection. They aim at controlling the emissions from
consumer goods, industrial and medical sources of radiation, nuclear installations, etc.
1) Make a short summary of the text (no more than two sentences per paragraph)
(I) Currently, several countries have environmental radiation control systems that allow
them to obtain information on the possible harmful effects on populations of radioactive
fallout from nuclear weapons tests.
(II) the responsibility is now divided and everyone is deeply concerned to prevent
radioactive contamination of the population.
(III) Two types of monitoring should be recognized: 1) global or national monitoring;
and 2) surveillance of the controlled area surrounding the nuclear facility.
(IV) More research is needed on the biological effects of low levels of radiation and
radioisotopes in humans.
(V) There is a common problem in the evaluation of data from national monitoring
systems: their incomparability.
(VI) Therefore, the assessment of current and potential dangers to the population from
different radiation sources is progressively being based on accepted international norms
and standards.
2) Translate paragraphs (I) to (VI)
(I) En la actualidad, varios países cuentan con sistemas de control de la radiación
ambiental, por lo que pueden obtener información sobre los posibles efectos nocivos en
las poblaciones de la lluvia radiactiva de los ensayos de armas nucleares. También
pueden monitorear el entorno de instalaciones nucleares, centrales nucleares, reactores
de investigación, plantas de procesamiento de combustible, etc.
(II) En la actualidad, estos sistemas ya no son responsabilidad exclusiva de las
comisiones nacionales de energía atómica. Esta responsabilidad está ahora dividida y,
en algunos países, las autoridades de salud pública, junto con los productores y usuarios
de sustancias radiactivas, se están involucrando progresivamente en la vigilancia de los
niveles de radiactividad en el medio ambiente. Todos ellos están profundamente
preocupados por prevenir la contaminación radiactiva de la población.
(III) Deben reconocerse dos tipos de seguimiento: 1) seguimiento mundial o nacional; y
2) vigilancia de la zona controlada circundante a la instalación nuclear. Las muestras de
aire, agua, suelo, alimentos y tejidos biológicos deben recolectarse en diferentes lugares
y analizarse para determinar su contenido de diferentes compuestos radiactivos.
(IV) No sería aconsejable evaluar el riesgo para la población únicamente mediante la
vigilancia física y sería necesario realizar más investigaciones sobre los efectos
biológicos de los niveles bajos de radiación y radioisótopos en los seres humanos. Los
estudios biológicos deben basarse en la evaluación de los efectos genéticos,
cancerígenos y otros efectos somáticos de la radiación en las poblaciones. Un método
prometedor en este campo podría ser el estudio de las tasas de aberración cromosómica
en grupos de población expuestos a la radiación.
(V) Existe un problema común en la evaluación de los datos de los sistemas nacionales
de monitoreo: su incomparabilidad. Esta dificultad se debe al uso de diferentes métodos
para medir e interpretar los resultados. Para superar esta dificultad, muchas agencias
internacionales están desarrollando programas de mediciones de intercomparación de
muestras ambientales en diferentes países.
(VI) Por lo tanto, la evaluación de los peligros actuales y potenciales para la población
de diferentes fuentes de radiación se está basando progresivamente en las normas y
estándares internacionales aceptados; estos están siendo aplicados por los sistemas
nacionales de vigilancia de la inspección radiactiva global y local. Tienen como
objetivo controlar las emisiones de los bienes de consumo, fuentes de radiación
industriales y médicas, instalaciones nucleares, etc.

3) Indicate with YES the sentences that express information contained in the text
and also the paragraph where this information is found.
a. There is more than one organism involved in controlling the effects of radiation
on the environment. (Yes, this information is in the first paragraph)
b. Some methods are proposed to face the evaluation of radiation received by the
population resulting from the use of medical equipment. (Yes, This information is
in the fourth paragraph)
c. Radiation monitoring agencies have anticipated the possibility of accidents in
which radiation can spread beyond the borders of a country. (Yes, this information
is in the first paragraph)
d. It is important that monitoring includes studies related to the biological effects
of radiation. and. Radiation measurement methods are standardized by sending
bone ash samples to a central laboratory. (This information is not found in the
e. In general, countries tend to collaborate in the establishment of international
standards that allow the evaluation of radiation contamination. (This information
is in the fifth paragraph)

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