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Website Design/ Development Proposal

Miss. Vinita Pande,

With reference to the discussion we had our team at UK ITIAN’S has

prepared the following Website Design/Development proposal for your
company “JYVIN TEX”. Since your area of business targets a niche
market in India, we feel that creating a website is a must for building
your brand. Creating a web presence for your business will allow your
business to outreach audience across pan India. Your business website
will act as catalyst to your brand helping in achieving upward source of
revenue for the future of your company. With your best interest inmind
we have the right team in place to ensure that this website will be a
reflection of you and your company.

To effectively capture your target market, we propose key design and

functionality aspect tothe website that will have a long term and an
immediate impact on your brand ensuring longterm competitive
UK ITIAN’S will create a website for you that serve the following
objectives for your business

a) Launch business post pilot stage

b) Increase visibility, brand awareness
c) Boost Brand Identity
d) Increase Sales(more no of subscribers)
e) Generate Publicity and Advertising
f) Have the capacity for future expansion such as online market place,
calendar’s etc.

We look Forward to hear soon from you.

Table Of Content

A. Project Goals
B. Project Schedule & Development Process
C. Project Budget Estimates
Project Goals



Having a user friendly design concepts, customers will be able to easily

navigate the site to find what they are looking for

This will result in

a) Increase accessibility for customers

b) Increase customers/users/visitors confidence
c) Cost effective marketing strategies
d) Reduce hard promotional cost


Having a website that is reflection JYVIN TEX will benefit the overall legitimacy
of the company

This will result in

a) Reachability of business profile

b) Customer Engagement
c) Create connection
d) Create return business
e) Provide a viewpoint of the business as a whole

A user friendly design with web page sectioning, content organization,

simple eye catching colour theme and an easy to read font face and
style will be used on the site to appeal your target audience and beyond.

As a result the new website will:

a) Make it easier for visitors/users and textile manufacturers to find

information needed to contact JYVIN TEX and to help them
understand benefits
b) Make it easier for vendors and textile manufacturers to create a
purchase strategy for buying.
c) Be connected to all JYVIN TEX social media profiles and act as
a point of contact for the community

4) Project Evaluation

The effectiveness of the website will be measured through SEO tracking

tools and Google Analytics. These tools will be installed in the website
development process and will be encourage to be used by you to see
how much traffic your website brings.

These traffic tools will be able to measure how much traffic is generated
within the site each month.

These tools will be able to measure

a) Number of Visitors
b) Demographics of your users/visitors
c) Most Visited Pages
d) Peak Hours i.e the time when your maximum audience is present
on the portal
e) Average number of page views per visitor
f) Average visit duration
The overall project has been divided into four phases, the phase wise schedule
of the development process with the brief about each phase and the work to be
done in each phase are as follow:

During this phase, we will research the intended audiences, study the
competition, and Determine the physical scope of the website.

At this stage we will provide:

a) A design brief describing our understanding of the project’s goals

and parameters
b) A detailed schedule to guide the process
c) A preliminary site template and page Hierarchy

Time- Approximately 2-4 days after project assigned


This is when we get creative. By collaborating in brain storming sessions,

our team now develops ideas that will visually express your core message.
Every choice from layout and color, to type size and style, is made with your
brand in mind. Once the best ideas are chosen, we will develop initial
concepts that will be presented to you for review.

At this stage we will provide:

a) Three design strategies/concepts
b) One or more graphic options for each strategy/concept

Time- Approximately 4-6 days


This is when you make some decisions. Out of the three design concepts
we present to you in phase two, you will select your favourite and then we
will work with you to turn that concept into a comprehensive design. In this
phase, we will also purchase a web domain, secure a web host, finalize
the site map, decide on any multimedia components to be used, and start
building out the pages.

At this stage we will provide:

a) Select a design concept for fine-tuning

b) Incorporate your feedback and revisions into site design
c) Create site breakdown—final site map, layout, style sheets, color
palette, navigation and illustration
d) Create theme, and install any related tools or plug-ins
e) Review programming expectations and limitations of site
f) Develop site artwork

Time- Approximately 10-16 Days


We work with you to create and gather needed text and images to add to
the site. We then proof and improve the design, triple-check all content
and functionality, and prepare the design for final production. In this phase,
we also schedule a website training session for you so that you are able to
easily access and update your site as you please.

At this stage we will provide:

a) Incorporate artwork feedbacks and revisions

b) Finalize illustration and any required animation
c) Provide JYVIN TEX with a final off-line preview of site to review
d) Perform multi-platform Mac and Windows testing on several browsers
e) Enter key words and meta tags for page indexing
f) Set up Google Analytics
g) Set up staff email
h) Go live (date to be determined)

Time- Approximately 16-20 Days


a) Strategy and Research - Rs 6,000

b) Design of Website – Rs 20,000
c) Consultation on Production/Implementation – Rs 50,000
d) User Testing Consultation – 9,000

Total for Services – Rs 85,000

Please Note:

The following estimates are our best predictions of what the actual
design/development expenses will be based on the scope of work
outlined in this proposal. Services not listed in the estimate should
be considered as additional and out of the scope of this proposal.
The following estimate does not include tax/Domain/Hosting/
Mailbox Charges

Strategy and Research, including consultation, research,

and creation of site map diagrams

Design of Website

a) Design services, including development of three (3)initial concepts,

comprehensive refinements, research, and art editing
b) Project management services, including vendor contact, scheduling
and estimating, and client contact
c) Production services, including electronic art preparation, preparing files,
and theme installation

Consultation on Production/Implementation, including consultation of

programming and beta testing of website

a) Set up of staff email and Google Analytics

b) Website training session

User Testing Consultation, including preparation of testing materials

and consultation Throughout testing process for three (3) rounds of testing

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