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Racism issue

The concept of race and racism is not so new. Racism is also called racialism, which
means that it is a faith of human beings that they are born with differences in
biological perspectives known as race and have different personalities, moralities
and behaviors. All these differences because of color and biological perspectives
make the belief of societies that some of them are more superior and dominant than
other societies. The concept of race had been also introduced by Bulmer and
Solomos in 1997 and gave three meanings of it as 1) humanity is comprised of
different groups and all these groups have different physical and biological
perspectives. 2) these different groups are belong to different origins and 3) the
cultural boundaries between these groups are significantly important. These
differences on the basis of physical appearance of a nation like skin color, color and
size of eye, difference in height of a person and the shape and size of skull etc. are
becoming the main theme of the concept of racism. The difference on the basis of
these concepts makes the nation have different cultures and mentality. The concept
of race and racism became common in the west by the end of the ninth century and
the start of the twentieth century. By considering the population of this concept,
scientists started observations on this concept that what is the basic reason behind
this concept or rather it is true or just a myth. United Nations Educational Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) after the second world war, allow the social
scientists to make a research on the concept of race and racism and after the
research, the scientists claim in 1950 that “race and racism is not a biological and
physical phenomenon, it is just a social myth that everyones is following”.
The concept and world of racism was first used by scientist Magnus Hirschfeld in his
book in 1938. He wrote against the thought of racism and encouraged others to
leave this concept. In the west, the racism world was firstly used in dictionaries but
then it was used as a competitive idea for everyone. The most scariest and important
part in social inequality is played by the relationships made with the discrimination of
gender, race and age. Racism is the part of this social inequality which leads to
group dominance and inferiority. This inequality in social groups became a barrier for
gaining the benefits of material and immaterial resources by all the social groups
present in the society. The material resources consist of houses, employment
opportunities and wages etc, while, the immaterial resources consist of education,
knowledge, schooling facility, limited access to information technology and all the
social networks. The inequality in social groups lead the inferior group to stay away
from all the social activities and reduce their access to social networking sites and
they are not allowed to give their opinions on any matter rather political or non
political. Racism is not considered as a mental property that an individual owns, but it
dramatically changes the social practices of the individual who faces the racism and
is considered as racists. In this essay writing, the different concepts and topics
related to racism have been discussed. The racism faced by black people in America
and all other countries and the effect of this racism on the mental health of
individuals is effective and the effects that it has on their minds is explained in it. I
want to be the part of fight that Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman, Rosa parks,
W.E.B Du Bois and Malcom X fought in the favour of racism and being able to speak
for the rights of black people and to reduce the effects of racism and white privilege
from the world.

Racism faced by black people:

From centuries, the discrimination of the basis of race is faced by black community.
The black community of African American and Asian American is facing racism to
such an extent till the date but the rate of this racism is no doubt dramatically
reduced. The black community before some years were facing huge discrimination
on the bais of their color and race that the employmeent range for them was so low
that that had to live the life of slavary. The women were working in the houses of
white privilege and with very little wages even after 12 to more hours of duty. Some
white people were considered disrespectful if they had their house next to the people
of black community. The ratio of racism before some years was so high that it was
unbearable for them. Today, this ratio of racism is reducing but still exists. In 1940,
the percentage of black women who were working as a servant in the houses was
60% and now it has reduced to 2.3 percent and remaining about 65% black women
are working at the top positions with white collars. In 1958, about 45 percent white
families considered it disgusting to live next to any black race family but this
percentage is too low to about 1 percent. During the year of civil rights acts that was
1964, about 19 percent white claimed that they have black friends. That was the time
when fewer white natives were likely to have friends belonging to black race but this
percentage has increased and about 88 percent white natives have black people in
their friend circle. The discrimination is no doubt lesson but it still exist and it is exist
because of some people with mentality that that white people are superior while
people of black community are inferior. Today, the black man has an opportunity of
employment not totally equal to the white person but still he has. But the percentage
is not so high as about 40 percent of African American can consider themselves as a
part of the middle class of America. About 40 percent own their own car and house.
The family of two black parents earn about 14 percent less than the white family.
This percentage may have reduced from before but still it exists. The news is spread
on the media channels against the black race people that they are prone to different
criminal and illegal projects and their source of income is only this criminal part.
Some news channels claim that the African American are richer than white people
but no one knows the truth. The African American who considered themselves as
middle class are not as much as about 4 from five African American is living the life
of insufficient resources and are considered as a lower class. Black community is
forced to live the life of inferiority in this new era too. It is the right of every human
being to live the life of their own choice and willings and no one has a right to feel
others the sense of inferiority and neglect them. Still there are a number of
Americans who consider that the rights to black people are less than the white
people. There are still a high percentage that claims that the rights are not enough
for blsck community. About 45 percent of Americans claim this perception. By the
survey of 2019, the news says that there is still a difference between black and white
people, republic and democrats in the context of developing relationships between
black people community and white people community and to gain the equal
opportunities for black people community. It is the study related to the people of
United States that the country still not go so far in giving equal rights and
opportunities to the black people community and about five from ten Americans
consider the relationship between black and white people are bad while remaining
half consider it right and they claims that the country is now giving enough right to
the black people community.
Systemic racism is now applied and considered as a modern racism. It is racism
based on the injustice with African Americans in terms of institutional and structural
racism. The African Americans facing difficulties and injustice for institutional
systems and the quality of the opportunities for black people community is however
less then white privileged. The uproar of systemic racism changed the lives of people
with different colors and race. It becomes difficult for people of color to stay and
move in the society with equal opportunities and facilities. Structural racism
encourages the separation of groups and communities at institutional levels. This
causes less privilege and opportunities for black people to play their role in
educational sites and in field works. People of black race are having less facilities of
housing and employment. An example told about the structural racism that in today's
times, a large number of people of black race are homeless or have very low home
facilities because of redlining. The people of black race contain about half of the
homeless population with 13% of the total population of the country. The legalization
of redlining is basically the prohibition of black and brown people for getting any type
of loan or leniency. This is the open way of creating segregation between two groups
and making them apart from each other.
Between 1626 to 1860 was the era of emerging slavery trend. About 500,000 African
slaves migrated to the area which is now known as the US. They were treated very
badly with low wages and almost no rights of life. The white European Americans
treated the African slaves like a piece of trash and developed a theory in which they
claim that white race is superior while black race is inferior. In 1803, the federal law
made the culture of slavery unlawful but the trading of slaves for houses started and
replace the case of overall trading of slaves. This culture of slavery broke many
families of African slaves and they faced the traumatic situations because of this.
Between 1820 to 1830, Liberia was established by American colonization society,
where all the slaves were sent and allowed them to live their free lives as many white
people where bothered because of their presence and needed to get rid of them.
After the American civil war, about 5 million African Americans that were living the
life of slavery were set free and Thirteenth Amendment to the United States
Constitution removes and stops the slavery system from America in 1865.
After the 13th Amendment vanished slavery by the United States that was more than
150 years ago, the adults of the United States are still considering the era and
practice of slavery by black people community. The black people community is
facing the signs of slavery today as about more then four in ten people consider that
the America is not going so far till now in giving the racial equality to the lack people
community and providing them equal opportunities in all fields and perceptions of the
world. The present time did not show much effects of equal rights and facilities for
both the groups and communities and still require some work to adopt equality in the
country. Opinions on the current status of racism and the way of handling this racism
issue by President Donald Trump is not extraordinary and so the reviews are
negative about it. About 58% of people in America consider that interrelated
marriages are having bad effects and some people consider that the relations are
improving through it. 55% of the people think that The President has not succeeded
in developing the relations and make them even worse for the people while about
15% say that the race relations have improved significantly. 13% of the community
thinks that there is no effect on race relations and they are the same as before the
ruling of president Donald Trump. About two-third of the community is now
considering that the practice of racism views have increased much from the time
when Trump became President. The black community of America is affected by the
legacy of slavery and about 90% black community think that the legacy of slavery
reduces the facilities and positions of black people community.
Black and Hispanis are more likely to be questioned about their abilities and talents.
There's a certain number of people who think that the ability of black and Hispanis
are hurt to some extent. The Americans consider the black and Hispanis a symbol of
bad luck in the country. The people of white community get ahead with their abilities
to some extent and this separation and discriminations of the basis of abilities and
talent become a source of racism faced by black and Hispanis in this century too.

From the time when Trump has been elected as President of the United States,
people are pointing out more about the racial and racism insensitive reviews and this
makes the black and brown community suffer more. Democrats are more
encouraging of this system than Republicans as they consider it pretty normal to talk
and share the insensitive reviews about racism and racism acts in the era of Donald
Trump. This has been a cause of racial segregation and discriminations that was
controlled at much level during the era of Obama but Donald Trump was
unsuccessful in controlling this issue of racism to control in the United States. 56% of
Americans claim that President Donald Trump made race relationships worse than
before while a minority claims that the improvement has been made but at a slow
rate. About 14% of Americans claim that trump has been failed to develop a peaceful
race relation in country while about 12% says that Trump do not raise the issue of
racial segregation and the custom racism. As compare to Trump, the quarter of
people were claim that Obama made the race relations worse. While more than half
people were in the favor of Obama or considering Obama a source of vanishing
racial segregation from the country as he was also belong to the black people
community and he know well about the effects of racism on the people of black
Majority of black people consider that they are treated unfairly while dealing with
police or any other criminal cases. When there’s any issue happening with black
community, police and lawyers do not pay much attention as compared to the people
of white communities. Majority of adults of black people consider the injustice and
inequality between white community and black people community in terms of police
matters or any criminal issues. About 60% of black people claim the injustice with
them during promotions, pay and employment facilities as compared to the white
people. They racial discrimination at restaurants, during voting in elections, during
any medical care or specially to get loan or applying for mortgage from banks and
other sources. Black people are always considered a minority and white are
considered the majority caste in America. However, white people claim that they are
treating both communities equally and paying them equal and justified opportunities
in all the matters but most of them also claim that there is some discriminations in
both communities and black people are always considered less than white people.
Children of today’s generation rather they are white or black are not much in favour
of racism. The children of white people community now are less racist than their
forefathers or grandparents. With every new generation and raising of family, the
thinking and observations are broadened and they give their opinions and reviews on
certain topics with an open mind. No doubt the influence of livinghood and the
teachings of parents on the minds of children is high to some extent but now this
generation is more likely to act according to their observations and thinking abilities.
White children of this generation are not considering the issue of racism and they
declare that it is the right of every human being to have equal facilities and
opportunities. Research has been made on this concern that rather white children
are in favour of removing racism from America or just pretending to be in favor of this
matter. The interview of different children from variable age groups, standards and
race was done mainly the mindset of these children according to their race on the
topic of racism was checked. Some children were in favor of racism and some were
against this racial segregation and appealing to change this custome of inequality
that has been started from decades. One of the children raised the issue of racism
and he knows well about the history of racism that the people of black community
faced from centuries ago. One of the children claims that now racism is not an issue
anymore. All the students are having equal facilities of education and now having
equal employment facilities. So the issue of racism is decreasing to a high extent.
There is a need for future generation to remove the racial segregation from the
society and to endure the racial harassment and injustice from the society. With the
advancement and awareness, people of this generation are more likely to snatch
their own rights and black people are now adding to the communities of white people
and playing their role in the development of the country.

Effects of racism on the mental health of individuals:

Racism has been considered as the biggest reason that affects and changes the
mentality and physical health of individuals. The systematic view of 2015 integrated
different studies and observed how racism affects the mental and physical health of
people of Latinx American, African American and Asian American. The combined
study observed that the effect of racism on mental health affects the physical health
of the individuals too. The stress taken due to discrimination of racism cause the
high blood pressure and hence the immune system of individual become low. Low
immune system of black community leads them to different dangerous diseases.
Different physicians and doctors claim that the percentage of hypertension and high
stress level is found high in people of black community as the all reason behind their
hypertension is they have to face racism. The racist people are more adherent
towards the alcohol consumption like drinking and smoking and they lead towards
more chronic diseases like heart attacks and kidney failures. As per a study of 2015,
the discrimination on the basis of color effect more on mental health of racist as
compare to the physical health. Suicidal thoughts, Depression, Post-traumatic stress
disorder, anxiety etc are the cases that have been faced by people who face racism.
The fear of racism developed in the minds of African American and Asian American
causes the loss of motivation and hope from them and they are more intended
towards the post-traumatic stress disorders. Both adults and children face these
kinds of mental issues and especially for children, the effects of these issues can
waste their life as they lose the motivation of being a good person because of racism
and hence this affects their mental and physical health to a large extent. Children
also face anxiety, depression and stress at very little age and these mental issues
cause them severe physical issues that sometimes are beyond the level to handle.
The lower opportunities and facilities given to the people because of racism lessen
their socioeconomic rate and this reduction in socioeconomic rate affects the mental
health of the people. However, this rate can be increased only if the person does not
feel the effects of racism and works with full dedication and so this will change his
mind and can improve the mental health of an individual.
Though, the year 2020 was difficult for the whole world but it was certainly most
difficult for the people of black community. The current pandemic of COVID 19
affected the people of black community to a larger extent and now companies are
moving towards a more diversified workforce. Different aspects raise the fire of racial
discrimination from black people community and these aspects include the current
dreadful pandemic, the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd and the anti
black racism chain developed at the workplace in many organizations. These all
factors or aspects affect the life and situation of black people community and as
result also affect the mental stability and condition of all the black people community
who faced this racism. Depression is generally common in people of black
community and from a study it has been observed that one from four black persons
are the patients of anxiety, depression, mental disorder and chronic diseases. The
studies also develop a relation between chronic revelation racism and racial battle
fatigue. This relation develops the increase in insomnia, anxiety, frustration, mental
disorder and some physical diseases like high blood pressure and heart problems.
Current pandemic has developed a fear in people and the fear of racism in this
pandemic produces mental illness and disorders in black community. The possibility
of employment for black people is very low and some of them who were lucky
enough to be able to get nice jobs are now suffering from the tension of COVID 19.
As this situation has eaten away jobs of many people, the employment rate od black
people has significantly become low because of this pandemic and now people are
suffering from stress and anxiety at the same time which is more dangerous and
chronic. According to data released by life science, the balck patients that were
corona positive were less likely than the white people who were tested positive. The
dark reason behind not having the COVID 19 tests of black people was they were
depressed and feared about the bad treatments and unequal medical care facilities
provided to them as compared to the corona patients of white community who gain
all the best possible medical care and advanced treatments for their healing from this
dreadful virus. The traumatic deaths of black persons like Ahmaud Arbery and
George Floyd faced by black people had incredibly increased the traumatic stress
disorder symptoms and mental illness in the people of black community.
Racial segregation:
Segregation is known as the plan or action that maintains a difference between
things and keeps them apart from others. Segregation implies where there is some
difference between two communities and the need to keep them apart from different
facilities and opportunities. Racial segregation is the segregation in terms of
providing services, facilities and opportunities like medical facilities, education,
employment, housing and transportation facilities to people of different racial
community. This term consists of legal and social segregation of African Americans
from white Americans. The interracial marriages were also prohibited inspite of all
the physical and legal separations. The true signs of segregation were shown when
the African Americans walk, talk and participate in all the matters but on segregated
terms. Separate all black schools to all black graveyards, everything was
segregation between white community and black community. Some of the
opportunities were equal for both communities but the racial segregation did not give
much opportunities and facilities to black community as compare to the white
community. Different landmark decisions were made by the supreme court of the
United States and one of them was Plessy v. Ferguson that was the decision made
by the supreme court of the U.S in 1896. This decision was based on “all-equal”
opportunities and facilities for people of both races. This decision was to provide an
equal segregation facility to both communities but the implementation of this decision
was not so successful and still the black race community was considered minority
and treated like inferior race as compared to the white community who was treated
and considered majority and high class race. A decision made by the supreme court
of the United States that was Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. In this decision
the court order about racial segregation in schools of the United States. The order
was the racial segregation in schools of the United Stated is prohibited even if the
schools are working and providing equal rights to the black people community. This
decision has been implemented to provide equal education to all the people of
America. There were many other decisions that were taken by the supreme court of
the United States in term of racial segregation. Some of them were implemented but
not like the way they should be implemented.
The racial segregation was divided into two forms: De jure segregation and De facto
segregation. These two laws were implemented in term of racial segregation and
both were applied on different basis.

De-jure segregation:
De-jure segregation means to legally apart two groups or according to the
orders of court a discrimination between two groups and communities. It is the
discriminating segregation between groups and communities that is allowed
by laws of government and a legal right is implemented on it. The government
influenced countries like the United States and other countries. This
segregation law has been implemented by the government and confirmed by
the supreme courts of the countries. This segregation can be implemented on
different bases and for the betterment of a person’s life. The best example of
the de jure segregation was the implementation of Jim Crow laws for the racial
segregation in the United States. The laws were imposed for the complete
racial segregation in term of all the services and opportunities provided to the
communities of both black and white race. The racial segregation was to
provide equal rights for both communities but in practice, white community
gain high ranks and high opportunities as compare to the black community
and they were considered low grade. The other example of this racial
segregation declared in Florida on the basis of de jure segregation was: the
marriage between white person and negro perso or the marriage of white
person and negro person till the fourth generation is completely prohibited by
the law”. This law completely banned the interracial marriages and allow only
racial marriages in the context of racial segregation. The supreme court of the
United States removed the prohibition of interracial marriage in 1967 by
proposing a case of Loving v. Virginia. By this case, the prohibition of interracial
marriages was removed not completely but to some extent.
In 1875, a lady Minor casted her vote but the registrar refused to accept her vote as
they considered that only males have the right to cast vote or take part in politics.
The case was filed “Minor v. Happersett '' against this issue. The civil right act in
1875 claimed this rule and the supreme court of the United States stated that women
were forbidden to cast a vote. The civil right act in 1883 cancelled some laws of civil
right acts of 1875. One of these laws included this voting system law and allowed the
women to cast the vote too. The civil right act of 1883 cancelled other racial
discrimination which include in terms of public transportation, public places in
assembly and inns. This act considered it an act of slavery to prohibit the people for
doing something that they are capable off and consider themselves fit for the
particular position or role. Exclusionary zoning is a present example of de jure
segregation that prevents the people of color and poor class from moving to the
middle or upper class areas. The ordinances passed by these cities reduced the
affordable housing units and banned the large families or poor class families from
entering into the community of the people of high or middle class. This act allows
only upper or middle class communities to buy houses in a particular area and
prevent the poor class to stay away from this community. The lawful segregation of
two groups and discrimination netween two groups is not only based upon racial
segregation or discrimination, it is now implemented in the areas like gender and
age. Different countries implemented the laws for gender segregation and age
segregation and then provided them the services. These services are considered
equal and justice is implemented on them but not in all cases, some discriminations
are also experienced during these prepositions.

De jure gender segregation:

On some places and areas, the gender segregation is necessary but in some cases,
this segregation is considered as discrimination. Men and women are always
segregated legally and by law in all the public rest houses and prisons. In hospitals,
female staff is hired to take care of female patients and in transport services or
security offices, female staff is hired in all the areas for security checking of female
customers or passengers. This legal segregation is understood and is for equality,
betterment and safety of women. In some areas, females feel hesitant from male
staff members during their checking or any regular checkups from hospitals but with
the female staff they can feel relaxed and safer. This legal segregation is however
right as per safety but there are some legal segregations that are considered as
discriminations. For example, in the 16s, women were treated badly and used to be
slaves for kings and renowned men. During racial discrimination, womn were used to
work as servents in the houses at very low wages as compare to the men. Women
were deprived from their actual rights of education, participation and opinions. In the
United States, women were not allowed to apply for the role of combat in the military
or even not allowed for any services in the military. Men and women were
considered separated at all the occupations. According to the Military Selective
Service Act that was held in 1948, only young boys were allowed for draft
submission or to apply for military services. Then, to dismiss this discrimination, a
rules was passed in Texas in 2019 and for its permanent dismissing, the rule has
been appealed in the supreme court too. Other than this, women were not allowed
for higher education in early 19s but then this discrimination is also finished and now
both men and women are playing the same role in same departments rather it is
military or any other educational profession.

De jure age segregation:

This segregation works during job recruitment. An age limit has been implemented
by the government to apply for certain jobs. The age dicrimination of employment act
in 1967 has saved the employs of age above then 40 to face any discrimination in
workplace. There are certain rules that every organization has implemented for the
employees of old age and age above 40 year. ADEA has applied compulsory
retirement for the employees with max age limit of 55 years and proper pensions are
arranged for them to help them in their old age. This segregation is fruitful for all the
old employees and for the betterment of their old age.

De facto segregation:
De facto segregation is the direct implementation of de jure segregation. As the Jim
Crow laws, legally applied the racial segregation in all the regions of America, North
and South. This racial segregation apart the black and white communities from each
other in terms of all the opportunities and facilities like employment, medical care,
housing and education. Even all separate educational institutes and employment
centers were build to encourage the racial segregation. From schools to prisons to
graveyards, everything was separated for both communities. But the purpose of this
racial segregation was to apply all equal attitude for both communities but the
practice of this law was not positive and the supreme court of the United States had
finished the law of racial segregations. The law was discontinued legally but not
completely. The de facto segregation was then implemented after the de jure
Facto is the Latin word that means “in-fact”. De facto segregation is the separation of
groups of people “by fact” and not through any legal laws and authorities.
Government intentionally separated the groups of black and white people by
applying laws and legalizations but after its discontinuation, people did not accept to
live together and separated by their own will and requirements without any lawful
implementations. The law proposed for the racial segregation made the minds of
communities that they are different and have different background and cultures. Not
just color but the way of living, thinking, their educational systems and requirements
of employment were all changed. Though discriminations were done too during de
jure segregation as the educational facilities provided to white schools were more as
compared to the schools of black community. The funding of schools of black people
was also low as compared to the schools of white people. The housing facility
provided to the black people was low while white people community lived in the high
class areas. The separate thinking and minds of both communities lead them to live
separately in all senses. So it was difficult for some people of both white and black
community to accept the decision of the supreme court of the United States and live
together with each other. De facto segregation was then used to separate the both
communities by heart or by personal choices. The modern examples for de facto
segregation are “white flight” and “gentrification”
Different decisions had been made for the sake of just living separately from the
black people that led the white people community to move their houses and livings.
Although it was a great change for white people community, they had two options,
live together or just move on. In the white flight de facto segregation, white people
moved their lives from urban cities to nearby areas like suburbs as they chose to not
live with the people of black community or to stay away from them as much as they
could. They build their houses in nearby areas of urban cities. White people were
feared with the black people community and the phrase like “there goes the
neighborhood” had developed a fear in white people and they considered that the
value and worth of their house and their area will be low as the people of black
community entered into their place. When the people of white community changed
their residence, they all were considered as a upper class and majorities as their
housing areas were so high class. While the people of black community who stayed
back at their own places was considered as minorities as that area was not so
developed and well prepared as compared to the area of white people. Black people
decided to move to the places of white people with the thought that it might raise
their rank and they would be considered as high class but this did not happen. Black
people moved to the area of white people community while white people community
again moved back to their old place or developed a new area near to suburbs and
this again movement of white people from their places produced another de facto
segregation which was known as gentrification. Gentrification was the process in
which the renovation of urban areas, once the white people community were lived,
was raised to more well off areas and all the wealthier people were moved into it.
The newly renovated area developed by white people was more classy and
astonishing then the previous one. As the renovation was done, all the wealthier and
richer families of white community moved to this area which was once called a low
income area. The renovation and development in this area created problems and
difficulties for minority families who already lived in this area. The taxes and rents of
housing and all other facilities and opportunities were so high that they were not
affordable for the minority community and so they had to leave this place and move
to the black community. This was considered as a huge example of de facto
segregation as no matter what happened, white people and black people
communities were not willing to live with each other at the same place.
The case of Brown vs Board of Education that was the landmark rule of the supreme
court of the United States held in 1954 and the civil right act of 1964 together
succeed in removing the de jure racial segregation from all the schools and
educational institutes of America. By using law, the discrimination and segregation in
terms od race and color in the schools and educational institutes were prohibited but
the main problem was both communities were not agreed with this decision and the
de facto racial segregation is implemented till now in most public school of America.
The administration, staff and even students are not willing to study with the black
children and do not make friendship with them too. The educational facilities
provided by schools to black children is also low as compared to the educational
facilities of white students. In schools, the district assignments are assigned to the
students that represent de facto segregation. Parents prefer to admit their children to
nearby schools. No doubt, this method develops a sense of safety and security in
children and their parents too but the bad point in this perspective is that parents are
suppressed to admit their children in schools with low quality educational systems.
Property taxes and income of families decide the budget of schools for children.
Children from high families are admitted to the schools of higher rank as per their
school budget while the school budget of good quality schools is so high that it is
unaffordable for the families with low income and so their children have to study in
schools of low quality education. De facto segregation is applied in the sense that
highly qualified teachers and professors are also moved towards the schools with
improved funding as compared to the schools with low funding. In this way, children
of low quality schools are deprived from the educational facilities of high rank
schools. In some projects of schools, the administration allowed the racial balance
and marking that is not allowed by law but still experienced by children in most
schools in America.
De facto segregation is applied in areas other than racial discriminations. The areas
like gender and sex discrimination, the de facto segregation is implemented
commonly. In workplaces and any other field like sports, religious committees,
private clubs, recreational parties and in other fields, the discrimination in terms of
gender and sex is still implemented. The people with third gender or sex are
considered as disgraced or ashamed for the public community and people are
making joke on them. Women are now getting their rights and play their equal part in
all the fields of the world. No matter if its field job or political aspect, women are now
playing an equal part with the society of men. But the rights to the people of the third
gender are still limited and need awareness regarding their rights toward society. De
facto segregation is implemented in this context where the people of third gender are
not considered as part of the society and so they are thrown to their random places.
The awareness regarding their rights is necessary as the people of this gender are
also talented and can be a successful addition in any company and organization.
Third gender people are now playing their part in the fashion industry, proper
educational facilities are now provided to them and they are also under the light in
politics but these all developments are still limited and there is a need to enhance
this development and encourage them to move on for the betterment of the nation.
De facto segregation between men and women is considered as a personal choice
in some events and organizations and they prefer males over females for most of
their high posts and positions. Women were not considered to work well in the
organization but now as the advancements and innovations are increasing the de
facto segregation between men and women is reducing to some extent and now
accepting the role of women in development of nations.

Protests lead by activists in face of racist attacks:

The fight of racial segregation and discrimination was not easy and it was not the
cup of tea for single person. There were many activists that play their role in the fight
of racial segregation and for the people of black community. Some of the activists
that played their role were Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman, Rosa parks, W.E.B
Du Bois and Malcom X.
Martin Luther King had raised his voice for the civil rights of black people community
in Alabama. Martin Luther was the pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in
Alabama and he worked to desegregate and remove the racism culture from South
America. He was a civil rights activist who always spoke about the rights of people
who were innocent and needed support. He fought against the racial segregation
and economic segregations as he was the true supporter of the people who were on
right path and had a belief that everyone should live an equal and rightful life. A
protest was held in Alabama. The king was elected as the pastor in Alabama an year
just before when the advocates of civil rights contested against the racial segregation
on the public transport facility. In December 1955, a lady named Rosa Parks was
arrested as she refused to follow the rule of city segregation on the public transport.
She refused to give her seat to the white passenger. She was the first who sat at the
seat. For this act, the city police arrested her and filed a case of breaking the rule of
city segregation. In favor of this case, the civil right advocates started a contest and
chose Martin Luter their leader for this case. The king was too young for this position
and can made many enemies and considered as his polite and professional behavior
can solve the case and remove the racial segregation from the public transports or
overall from the United States. His first speech words about the protest against the
white people community to give their rights to them and to never show their patience
to white people again were remarkable. He encouraged the black people community
to fight for justice and equal rights and not to examine their patience any more. His
continuous struggle and despite the safety threats to his family, he continued his
leadership for the boycott and so after one year and few months of his struggle, the
public transportation was desegregated. After his successful protest, King was
elected to organize the Southern Christian Leadership Conference which gave him
the South as well as a national platform for which he could speak. King gave his
presentations related to the rights of black community and other race-related issues
to the civil rights and religious members at home and foreigners. His struggle for the
protest of Alabama was unremarkable and his fight for the rights of black people is a
piece to remember by all the black people community.

Harriet Tubman was also considered as a social activist who raised her voice against
slavery and the inequality shown to people because of race and society. She was
the first woman in history who commanded and led the underground railroad. She
lived the life of slavery and after her long struggle she become succeeded to get her
away from slavery and also set seventy others free from slavery. She raised her
voice against the rights of women even after the abolishment of slavery in 1865. She
spoke about the rights and the injustice faced by the women in the era of all men
society after the American Civil War ended. She is still remembered by people and
her legacy is still continued to face the fight against injustice in American society.
Malcolm X was also an activist that spoke about the equal rights given to the African
American Muslims. Malcolm X was a African-American Muslim and was allocated as
a minister and social welfare activist. He was known best for his services of speaking
about the nation of Islam and to provide them the rights that the Muslims of African
America deserved. Malcolm X had served for several years for the black
empowerment and spoke about the segregation of black and white people
community. He stood in the queue of people who wanted to remove racism from the
world specially from the United States and to develop a one nation country without
any discriminations and racism. Malcolm X was considered as the first public figure
who spoke for the African-American and Muslim American public to spread the
awareness of racial equality and justice required in the United States.
All the activists were the huge supporter of the racial equality and were against the
custom and power of racial segregation and injustice. They spread awareness
regarding justice and equality and protest against them to remove them from the
United States. Their great work and services allowed them to be remembered by this
generation as we all need to follow their paths if we really wanted to remove the
racial segregation and discriminations from the world or from the United States.
These all leaders fought for black community and to win justice and equality for
The issue of racism is no doubt a sensitive but important matter to discuss. For
centuries black people have been living the life of segregation and discriminations.
Though by law, segregation and racial discriminations have vanished, still they are
facing this curse because of the constant mentality and thinking ability of white
people. There are many aspects in which the black people are having equal rights
but this aspect is not on a high level. Currently they are still facing this custom of
racism as there are still some mentalities present in the United States who consider
the people of black community as minority race and white people the race of high
rank. It is the right of every person to live their life with equal facilities and
opportunities. White people has no legal right of showing any discrimination to the
black community but still they are behaving them as minority. It is concluded from the
writing that the history or racism and slavery was no doubt darkest one but
government and supreme court of the United States solved the issue of racism.
There are some matters and points that stay longer in the minds of people. The
concept of racism is also one of them and stays in the minds of white people and this
custom is continuing from decades and they all are influenced from the mindset and
teaching of their forefathers. Their is a need to have control on this discrimination as
now this is not the time that black people will suffer from this custom. They are now
raising their voices against it and will surely be successful one day to achieve their
equal rights and facilities.

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