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Good afternoon, my name is Angie Vanessa Gutierrez, I am studying at the technology level
the profession of international negotiation

My aim is to prepare a presentation in English through which we will explain the steps to
carry out an export process


Exports are the sending of a product or service to another part of the world outside national
borders, with the purpose of selling or exchanging it, that is, for commercial purposes.

The importance of exports is relevant on two levels and these are:

A macroeconomic level

A microeconomic level

Steps export

1. First, it is important to consolidate the company to legitimize the export activity, for
that we need to do a market study, it is necessary to collect information that allows us
to identify the main characteristics of the potential markets where we are going to
work to export
2. Register as an exporter: any company that is going to export must obtain a unique tax
registration such as the RUT that is authorized the Dian.
the exporter must register in the single window of foreign trade, must previously
acquire his digital signature in certicamara, mincit gives him a username and password
to access the vuce.
3. certificate of origin: certificate of origin that is required by the customs of the country
of destination for accredited tariff exemptions
4. Determination of tariff classification: tariff classification is a system of classification of
Tariff classification is a merchandise classification system whose first six digits are
tariff subheading and identifies a product in any country in the world

5. request for good views: compliance with this requirement has to do fundamentally
with the protection of human and animal health, since it certifies the safety of
products for use or consumption by humans and animals
6. international sales contract: it is carried out
the commercial invoice that is a security title and a document proving a commercial
transaction, although there are several aspects that are not regulated, stipulated or
agreed in said document, where two fundamental aspects become important, the
preparation of an international sale contract and the use of international negotiation

7. - INCOTERMS: Prior to the signing of an international sales contract, the preparation of

the invoice and even the presentation of a commercial offer, it is necessary to
determine the International Negotiation Term - INCOTERMS that meets the needs,
resources and knowledge both of the exporter as of the importer

8. Shipment Authorization Request (SAE): The exporter or his customs agent manages
the shipment authorization request, at the Sectional Customs Office of the
port or airport where the merchandise is located.


In conclusion, the export process has brought many benefits for the growth and
development of the country through the sale of products or services in foreign
markets. Selling to foreign customers by serving them so successfully that the business
grows and prospers.

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