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What is “effective Social Studies teaching”?

Concept Attainment

Effective Social Studies Teaching

Attribute: Engaging Attribute: Hands on Attribute: Reflective

There are so many ways to Only a small portion of Students need to be given an
bring rich and engaging students are going to learn appropriate amount of time
content into social studies. best by reading out of a to explore their own
Textbooks should be used as textbook and answering thoughts and ideas around
tools, but there are so many recall questions. Social issues in social studies. A
tools that are available to us studies is the most effective large part of the curriculum
to make students through hands on activities focuses on identity and
experiences more meaningful and lived experiences. citizenship, and without time
and long-lasting. Students need to make sense for ample self-reflection
of content in their own lives these focuses will remain just
in order for it to stick. out of reach.

Example: Example:

Rich literature in the forms of Class discussions are a basic but effective
auto/biographies, journals, novels, children’s strategy to use in social studies. This can be
books being brought into the social studies done in a variety of formats including sharing
classroom. circles, think-pair-share’s, jigsaw’s, and whole
class discussions.

This is an example because: This is an example because:

Literature from a diverse range of authors When discussions flow based on student
brings multiple perspectives to life in the interest, the learning that takes place is
classroom. Not only does it support cross- meaningful and effective. This allows
curricular competencies, bringing literature students to have greater ownership over
into social studies is an effective and their learning, and encourages peer-based
impactful way to teach difficult concepts and learning.


Effective Social Studies teaching is when students are learning information, and will be able
to revisit the learned content a month later with the same confidence. It creates passionate,
involved, and informed citizens.

What is the most important thing you learned or the most important step you’ve made in the
last three weeks toward this vision of effective Social Studies teaching?

The amount of resources available that align with the Alberta Social Studies curriculum is
astonishing. There are far too many valuable resources provided to social studies teachers to
primarily teach out of one textbook. It is our responsibility as teachers to utilize the resources
that we have, and to ensure our students are getting the most out of the resources we are
asking them to examine.

Identify two goals you have for your professional learning related to effective Social Studies

Include more Francophone perspectives when possible, as I have noticed this is an area where
my knowledge is really lacking.

Get familiar with using all different types of concept teaching strategies.

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