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User Manual

260015 Kittiwake.indd 3 18/10/07 09:26:15


Overview 4

Specifications 4
Consumables 4

Using your ANALEXAlert and understanding the

readings when compared to laboratory results 5

Features 6

Starting to use the ANALEXAlert 7

Location 7
How to ensure accuracy and optimum performance 7
Connecting the power supply 8

Sampling and sample preparation 9

Oil samples 9
Grease samples 9

Taking cylinder drain oil samples 11

General advice 11
Number of samples required and sampling frequency 11
Taking a sample 12

Operation 14

Main menu 14
Testing a sample 15

260015 Kittiwake.indd 4 18/10/07 09:26:15

Storage and display of sample readings 17

Setting the sample ID 17

Editing the number of cylinders or measuring points 19
Setting the alarm limit 20
Storing results (main engine) 21
Storing results (auxiliary equipment) 23
Editing the sample type – oil or grease 25

Reviewing and analysing results 26

Viewing the results as a graph 26

Viewing data details 28

Setting the clock 29

Transmission of results 30

Data transmission to a PC 30
Setting up the PC 30
Sending data from the ANALEXAlert 32
Saving the data to a file 32

260015 Kittiwake.indd 5 18/10/07 09:26:15

This operation manual describes the method of operation for the
ANALEXAlert which has been developed with Shell Marine Products. The
instrument is used to measure the contamination of an oil sample with metal
wear particles. The instrument will detect uncombined ferrous debris in oil col-
lected from a variety of types of equipment.

Measurement Range: 0 - 1000 units
Display Resolution: 10
Sample Bottle: 50 ml sample bottle
Test Time: < 1 minute to stabilise from power on
< 15 seconds per sample
Power: 110 - 250 VAC autoselected 50/60 Hz
Fuse Rating: 2.5 A 250 VAC HRC A/S T ceramic
Operating Temp. Range: 15-35 °C, 60-100 °F
Weight: 4.22 kg

FG-K14946-KW x 360 off 50ml Sample Bottles
AS-K15035 x 3000 off Grease pots
AS-K16290 Grease Sample Adapter

260015 Kittiwake.indd 6 18/10/07 09:26:15

Using your ANALEXAlert and understanding the
readings when compared to laboratory results
To get the most from your ANALEXAlert it is important to understand how fe
readings derived from laboratory analysis of used oil may differ from the fe
readings derived from ANALEXAlert.

Why are the measurements taken with ANALEXAlert higher

than those generated by laboratory analysis?
Nearly all oil analysis labs use one of two types of atomic emission
spectrometer, either an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) instrument, or a
rotating disc electrode (RDE) instrument.

In both instruments, oil samples are vaporised and the atoms excited by
the high-energy source. The light emitted by the excited atoms is split into
light of different wavelength or colours into discrete wavelengths. The light
intensity at each wavelengths is measured and the resultant signal converted
to a concentration in ppm based on a simple calibration procedure.

Both ICP and RDE instruments suffer from size limitation effects, that means
they fail to vaporise and measure particles greater than 5 to 10 microns
(0.005 - 0.010mm)

In other words, It is not uncommon to get higher ppm readings from the
ANALEXAlert when compared to laboratory results, since laboratory
methods often miss large particles.

Why are the measurements taken with ANALEXAlert lower

than those generated by laboratory analysis?
The principles employed in ANALEXAlert to detect fe mean that it will only
detect uncombined or elemental Ferro magnetic material. Ferrous Oxide
(Fe2O3 or rust) is not detected.

In other words, if the sample contains a significant proportion of fe derived

from a corrosive process, it is not uncommon to get lower ppm readings
from the ANALEXAlert when compared to laboratory results.

260015 Kittiwake.indd 7 18/10/07 09:26:15

The ANALEXAlert is designed for the measurement of oil samples direct from
the standard 50 ml sample bottle.

O Measures ferrous debris directly from the oil in the sample bottle.

O Large back lit graphics display for clear user prompts and easy
viewing of results.

O Touch screen allows easy entry of data via a full alphanumeric


O Auto zero between each sample.

O Universal power supply allows use with a wide range of supply


260015 Kittiwake.indd 8 18/10/07 09:26:16

Starting to use the ANALEXAlert

The instrument is designed to operate on a flat level surface such as a

workbench or desk.

The instrument contains a measuring head that is designed to detect

ferrous debris in oil or grease samples. Please ensure that the unit has plenty
of free space around it (300 mm to the sides and 500 mm above), and is free
of metal objects and large power cables, electrical machinery etc. Also
ensure that there is no heavy machinery / power transformer within two

Failure to do this will affect the accuracy of the results.

Note: The sensor area has an optical detector. This can be affected by bright
daylight or sunlight causing erratic operation. Ensure that the unit is
operated out of direct sunlight and if necessary keep the sensor pointing
away from any window.

How to ensure accuracy and optimum performance

O The unit contains a sensor that will be affected by metal objects such
as tools, jewellery and watches or fine debris inside the sensor head.

O Do not keep your hand on the sample bottle or grease sample

adapter whilst the unit is reading - this will affect the result.

O Keep the sensor head chamber clean and free of particles at

all times.

O Grit, dirt and especially metal particles between the bottle and the
sensor will affect the reading and cause errors. See cleaning section
for advice.

260015 Kittiwake.indd 9 18/10/07 09:26:16

Connecting the power supply

O Connect the supplied mains lead to the rear of the unit.

O Plug the mains lead in to a suitable earthed power socket.

O Turn on at the switch located at the rear of the unit.

RS232 connection

Mains lead

Fuse compartment

On / Off switch

260015 Kittiwake.indd 10 18/10/07 09:26:16

Sampling and sample preparation
The ANALEXAlert has two methods of measuring metal wear particles -
either by using oil samples or grease samples. Whichever method
is used, always ensure that a representative sample is taken, using a
consistent sampling procedure. This will ensure the most accurate test
results and trending data for your machinery.

Oil Samples

O Oil samples must be presented in a standard 50ml sample bottle.

O Fill the sample bottle to a depth of at least 40 mm.

O Shake the sample before measuring to ensure wear debris is evenly


O Always place the sample bottle into the sample aperture of the
instrument with the lid pointing upwards.

Grease Samples
O Grease samples must be presented in the small grease pots
provided with the instrument (AS-K15308).

O The grease sample must be flush with the top of the sample pot.
No lid should be present when measuring grease samples.

O Place the grease sample pot into the grease sample adapter for
measurement, as shown in the diagram opposite. DO NOT
attempt to measure the grease sample directly from the pot.

Note: Care must be taken to ensure a representative sample is

taken. The wear debris from both grease samples and oil samples
is very dependant on the sampling point.

260015 Kittiwake.indd 11 18/10/07 09:26:16

Oil sample bottle Grease sample adapter

Place sample bottle into Place adapter into instrument

the instrument with the base down, grease sample
lid facing upwards. towards the bottom.

Place grease
sample pot
into the sample
adapter, facing
upwards. Grease
sample must be
Sample bottle flush with the top
must be filled of the sample pot.
to a depth of
at least 40mm


260015 Kittiwake.indd 12 18/10/07 09:26:16

Taking cylinder drain oil samples

General advice

Samples must only be taken when the engine is at full power (this is
normally at least 85% of the MCR), and ideally with the measurement of oth-
er key data such as Pmax, individual cylinder exhaust temperatures, engine
power and engine rpm. In addition to filling the AnalexAlert sample bottle,
additional drain material should be collected at the same time for
on-board TBN measurement if required.

Samples of cylinder drain oil can tell us a lot about the wear that may be
occurring in an engine, but this is only true if each sample is taken under
the same conditions of engine load and engine speed. These sampling
instructions are an aid to establishing an effective, repeatable sampling

It should be noted that the illustrations serve to show a typical sampling

arrangement, but it is recognised that variations do occur to the general
arrangements shown here.

Scavenge drain lines are under pressure, so when taking a sample, please
observe the appropriate HSE requirements in operation on your vessel, with
particular attention to the use of protective eye wear and gloves.

Number of samples required and sampling frequency

Sample intervals should initially be every 250 hours when collecting data
to establish an analytical baseline. The number of samples required to
produce a baseline will depend on how quickly a clear trend of analytical
results is seen. The objective is to produce an analytical trend with sufficient
confidence to allow monitoring of wear performance. Between five and ten
samples is the expected requirement for a reasonable baseline.

We recommend taking a sample and checking on-board every 250 hours.

Sending a sample for laboratory analysis every 1000 hours for a more
in-depth analysis, has also proven to be very helpful to engine operators.


260015 Kittiwake.indd 13 18/10/07 09:26:16

Taking a sample

O Shut main drain valve (1).

O Carefully open sampling

valve and purge into a
suitable container (2).

O Close sampling valve after

purging (3).

O Keep main valve closed

and allow liquid to build up
in drain line (4).

O Place sample bottle under

sampling line (5).


260015 Kittiwake.indd 14 18/10/07 09:26:16

O Carefully open sampling
valve and collect sample.
Ensure bottle is full (6).

Collect enough additional

sample material at this time
to check the residual Base
Number (BN).

Note: Oil BN readings can

be obtained by using an
Onboard Test Kit.

O Close sampling valve (7).

O Re-open main valve or reset

main valve to correct running
position (8).


260015 Kittiwake.indd 15 18/10/07 09:26:17


Main menu

O Turn the unit on; after a self-test the display will show the main
menu. This menu can also be accessed from whichever screen you
are in by pressing ‘Home’.

O The unit serial number, calibration due date and software version are
displayed at the bottom of the screen.

O Press ‘Measure’ to take a reading.

O Press ‘View Data’ to view the stored results and plot trend graphs.

O Press ‘Transmit’ to send the data out of the serial port to a PC.

O Press ‘Setup’ to reset the clock.

‘Measure’ ANALEXAlert
to take a
reading Measure Transmit
sends data
View Data to a PC

Press ‘View
Data’ to see
results and Calibration V1.03
plot trend Setup
due 2/11/09 Serial=1026
Touch Screen to select option

Press ‘Setup’ to
change the clock


260015 Kittiwake.indd 16 18/10/07 09:26:17

Testing a sample

O Turn the unit on, after a self-test the display will show the main

O Select ‘Measure’.

O Choose the ID of the equipment to be tested using the arrow keys.

Note: Always ensure the correct sample type (oil or grease) is
selected - see page 24.

O If it is a new piece of equipment then choose an unused ID and

press Edit ID to enter the name of the equipment (see “Setting the
Equipment ID”).

O Press ‘Select’ - this will take you to the test screen.

O Select the cylinder number to be measured using the arrow keys

(main engine only).

Press ‘Select’ to choose Press ‘Home’

Sample ID and to move to to return to the
the test screen main menu

Choose ID and press select


Sample ID cyls alarm
MAIN ENGINE 12 300 EditCyl
ID 3 not in use ^
List of ID 4 not in use
Sample ID 5 not in use ^
ID 6 not in use EditAlm
ID names ID 7 not in use


Use arrow keys to

select the equipment ID


260015 Kittiwake.indd 17 18/10/07 09:26:17

O Follow the prompts on the
top line of the display.
Insert the sample bottle or
grease sample adapter
when prompted.

Note: if you insert the bottle

or adapter too quickly or too
slowly you will be prompted
to try again.

Prompts appear on the top line of the display instructing

when to insert the sample bottle or grease sample adapter
‘Home’ to
return to
insert sample IRON= 737 main menu
Use arrow
Cyl SAMPLE No. Hrs Last This keys to
1 0 0 0 0 select
2 0 0 0 0 ^ cylinder
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 ^
5 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 Press
‘Save’ to
Save save the
Time=15.53.20 Date=10/10/07

O The reading will be shown on the top line of the display.

If you wish to save the reading, press save (see the next section
for a full explanation).

O To take another reading, remove the sample bottle or grease sample

adapter and wait for the prompt “insert sample”.


260015 Kittiwake.indd 18 18/10/07 09:26:17

Storage and display of sample readings

The unit stores the readings as a data set at the end of a session. You can
save each reading by pressing the ‘Save’ button. When you have completed
a set of readings, you will be prompted to save the session in the permanent
memory. This has the capacity to store 90 sets of results for the main engine
and 500 sets of results for auxiliary equipment. If the memory store is full, the
oldest reading is deleted.

Setting the sample ID

The unit can be set up to group together results by equipment type. The first
ID is reserved for main engine data and can record the results from up to 20
cylinders. The sample type is always oil. The rest of the Sample ID’s can be
used for auxiliary equipment. The sample type can be oil or grease. You can
set up to 98 Sample ID’s.

O From the main screen press ‘Measure’. You will see a list of
Sample ID’s. You can select the Sample ID to be edited using the
up and down arrows.

Press ‘Home’
Press ‘EditCyl’ to change to return to the
the number of cylinders main menu

Choose ID and press select


Sample ID cyls alarm
MAIN ENGINE 12 300 EditCyl
ID 1 not in use ^
ID 2 not in use
ID 3 not in use ^ Press ‘EditAlm’
ID 4 not in use EditAlm to change the
ID 5 not in use
List of alarm limit
Sample EditID
ID names

Use arrow keys to Press ‘EditID’ to change

select the Sample ID the Sample ID name


260015 Kittiwake.indd 19 18/10/07 09:26:17

O If the Sample ID is ‘not in use’, you cannot edit the type of sample or
the alarm limits until you have enabled it by setting the Sample ID

O Press ‘Edit ID’ to change the Sample ID name. A full keypad will be
displayed. You can enter any characters in the name. You can also
display lower case using the ‘Caps’ key and alternative characters
using the ‘Alt’ key.

Use the key pad to enter text characters.

Equipment ID = Main Engine
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A B C D E F G H I J Press ‘Clr’
to clear
a line
U V W X Y Z , . CLR DEL Press ‘Del’
to delete
Caps Alt Space < > Return a line

Use the ‘Caps’ key to Use the ‘Alt’ key to If required, use the Press ‘return’
toggle between upper access alternative arrow keys to move to save the
and lower case letters characters the letter to be edited new value

O You can move to the character to be edited, if required, by using the

left ‘<’ and right ‘>’ arrow keys. Clear the line using the ‘CLR’ key or
delete the last character using the ‘DEL’ key.

O Press ‘Return’ when finished to save the new Sample ID name.


260015 Kittiwake.indd 20 18/10/07 09:26:17

Editing the number of cylinders for the Main Engine

O Press ‘EditCyl’ to change the number of cylinders. (There is a limit

of 20 cylinders on the main engine).

O A numeric keypad will be displayed.

Enter the number.

Number of cylinders = 12
Range = 1-20

1 2 3 HOME

Use the keypad 4 5 6 Cancel

to edit the number
of cylinders or 7 8 9 < >
measuring points
0 - . Return Save

If required, use the Press ‘save’ or

arrow keys to move ‘return’ to save
a digit the new value

O You can move to the digit to be edited, if required, by using the left
‘<’ and right ‘>’ arrow keys.

O Press ‘Return’ or ‘Save’ when complete to save the new value.


260015 Kittiwake.indd 21 18/10/07 09:26:17

Setting the alarm limit

O From the main menu, press ‘Measure’.

O Select the Sample ID you wish to edit.

O Press ‘EditAlm’ to change the alarm limit displayed on the graph.

O A numeric keypad will be displayed.

Enter the alarm limit.

O Press ‘Save’ to save the new alarm limit.

Alarm limit = 300

1 2 3 HOME

Use the keypad 4 5 6 Cancel

to enter the alarm
limit 7 8 9 < >
0 - . Return Save

If required, use the Press ‘save’ or

arrow keys to move ‘return’ to save
a digit the new value


260015 Kittiwake.indd 22 18/10/07 09:26:18

Storing results (main engine)

O After taking a measurement press the ‘Save’ key.

O You will see the details screen where you can enter the following:

- Cylinder hours run ‘Cyl Hrs’ (6 digits max)

- Sample number ‘Sample No.’ (8 digits)
- Maximum cylinder pressure in ‘Pmax’ (3 digits max)
- Exhaust temperature ‘ExhTemp’ (3 digits max)
- Lubrication feed rate ‘FeedRate’ (3 digits max)
- Oil Base Number reading ‘Oil BN’ (2 digits max)

Cyl Hrs= 5050 Sample No.= 84347009

Pmax= 24 ExhTemp = 211 DegC
Feedrate= 1.35 Oil BN = 46
1 2 3 HOME

Use the keypad 4 5 6 Cancel

to edit the numeric
value 7 8 9 < >
0 - . Return Save

If required, use the Press ‘save’ or

arrow keys to move ‘return’ to save
a digit the new value

O Use the keypad to enter the numeric values, pressing ‘Return’ or

‘Save’ after each item.

O After entering ‘Oil BN’, press ‘Return’ to save the values.

Note: Oil BN readings can be obtained by using an Onboard

Test Kit.


260015 Kittiwake.indd 23 18/10/07 09:26:18

End of session Press ‘Yes’ to
YES save the set
of data for this
Save to data store- YES or NO
Cyl Sample No. Hrs Last This
7 12585224 1247 0 592
8 51124453 5634 0 203
9 12344512 1554 0 199
10 12587987 2478 0 198
11 14893051 4200 0 206
12 34987045 4200 0 203

O You will be prompted ‘Yes/No’ to save the session into the permanent
memory storage.

O Press ‘Yes’ to save. This will commit the results set to the permanent
memory. If the main engine memory is full, the oldest result will be


260015 Kittiwake.indd 24 18/10/07 09:26:18

Storing results (auxiliary equipment)

O After taking a measurement press the ‘Save’ key.

O Your will see the details screen where you can enter the following:

- Measuring point hours run ‘Hours’ (6 digits max)

- Sample number ‘Sample No.’ (8 digits)

Hours= 2527 Sample No.= 84347009

1 2 3 HOME

Use the keypad 4 5 6 Cancel

to edit the numeric
value 7 8 9 < >
0 - . Return Save

If required, use the Press ‘save’ or

arrow keys to move ‘return’ to save
a digit the new value

O Use the keypad to enter the numeric values, pressing ‘Return’ or

‘Save’ after each item.

O After entering ‘Return’, press ‘Save’ to save the values.


260015 Kittiwake.indd 25 18/10/07 09:26:18

End of session Press ‘Yes’ to
YES save the set
of data for this
Save to data store- YES or NO
Sample No. Hrs Last This
14563214 5000 0 665

O Press ‘Yes’ to save. This will commit the results set to permanent
memory. If the auxiliary equipment memory is full, the oldest
result will be deleted.


260015 Kittiwake.indd 26 18/10/07 09:26:19

Editing the sample type - oil or grease

The ANALEXAlert has the option to choose between either an oil sample or
a grease sample.

O Press ‘SetType’ to change between an oil measurement or a grease


O The sample type is shown in the ‘type’ column on the display. This
has the effect of using a different calibration factor. If you try to take
an oil measurement with the type set to ‘Grease’ you will get the
wrong result, and vice versa.

Note: The Main Engine is set to only measure oil.

Press ‘Select’ to choose Press ‘Home’

equipment ID and to to return to the
move to the test screen main menu

Choose ID and press select


Sample ID type alarm
COMPRESSOR Oil 300 SetType
ID 1 not in use ^
ID 2 not in use
ID 3 not in use ^
ID 4 not in use EditAlm
ID 5 not in use


Use arrow keys to

select the equipment ID Press ‘SetType’ to
toggle between oil
or grease samples




260015 Kittiwake.indd 27 18/10/07 09:26:19

Reviewing and analysing results

Viewing the results as a graph

O From the main menu, press ‘View Data’.

Press ‘Home’
to return to the
main menu
Choose ID and press select

Graph Press ‘Graph’ to

Sample ID type alarm view selected
COMPRESSOR oil 300 results as a graph
ID 2 not in use View
ID 3 not in use ^
ID 4 not in use ^
ID 5 not in use
ID 4 not in use

Use arrow keys to

select the equipment ID Press view to
view data in
table format

O Select the ID of the equipment you want to analyse, using the up

and down arrow keys.

O Press ‘Graph’ to view the data as a graph. The graph screen will be
displayed showing the data. The alarm limit is shown as a dotted

O When viewing the main engine graph, the cylinder can be changed
using the ‘Next’ and ‘Prev’ keys.


260015 Kittiwake.indd 28 18/10/07 09:26:19

ID = MAIN ENGINE Cyl = 12 Press view to
HOME view data details
1000 Alarm limit= 300 1 View Press range to
toggle between last
90 readings, last
i Range 120 hours and last
r 1200 hours
n NextCyl Press ‘Next Cyl’ to
view next cylinder
PrevCyl results
0 Last 90 readings
Press ‘Next Cyl’ to
Alarm limit is represented by a dotted line. view next cylinder


O The range can be changed
using the ‘Range’ key. You can
1000 Alarm limit= 300 1 View select between the last 90
Range readings, the last 120 hours
o and the last 1200 hours.
n NextCyl

PrevCyl Note: The ‘y’ axis scale is set

Last 90 readings
automatically and is dependent
Last 90 readings on the data values.

1000 Alarm limit= 300 1 View

Last 120 hrs
Last 120 hours

1000 Alarm limit= 300 1 View

Last 1200 hrs

Last 1200 hours


260015 Kittiwake.indd 29 18/10/07 09:26:19

Viewing data details

O Press ‘View’ to view the data details.

O All the data stored can be viewed using the ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ arrow
keys to scroll through the sets of data.

O The latest data is shown first. The ‘Next’ and ‘Prev’ keys can be
used to select different cylinders.

ID = MAIN ENGINE Cyl = 12 1

Sample No. = 12347458 HOME
Pmax = 24
ExhTemp = 206 DegC
Feedrate = 1.35 Graph
Oil BN = 42 Press ‘NextCyl’
to view data for
Time Date Hrs Fe(ppm) the next cylinder
15.31 2/09 4200 206 number.
PrevCyl Press ‘PrevCyl’ to
view data for the
previous cylinder
Sample No. = 12358997 HOME


Time Date Hrs Fe(ppm)

9.48 30/10 7542 354


260015 Kittiwake.indd 30 18/10/07 09:26:19

Setting the clock

Time=15:32:53 Date= 2/09/03

1 2 3 HOME

4 5 6 Cancel

7 8 9 < >
0 - . Return Save

Press ‘Save’ to move

to next digit

O Press ‘Set up’ on the main menu.

O The current time and date will be displayed, with the cursor on
the hours.

O Use the numeric keypad to change the hours.

O Press ‘Return’ to save and edit the minutes.

O Continue to edit each value, press return when complete.

Note: You cannot edit the month and year as this is locked
and can only be altered in the factory.


260015 Kittiwake.indd 31 18/10/07 09:26:19

Transmission of results

Data transmission to a PC

The ANALEXAlert is equipped with a serial port connection and lead to allow
down loading of the stored data to a PC and subsequent analysis using
generic software packages such as Microsoft Excel. The example given
uses the ‘HyperTerminal’ software package that come as standard with the
Microsoft Windows operating system. The version used with this manual is
as supplied with the Windows 2000 operating system; however there should
be no problem with any other version of Windows. If in doubt consult your
computer technician.

Setting up the pc

Connect the serial lead to an unused 9 way ‘D’ Type connector on the PC.

O Locate the serial terminal software package on the PC.

O To load the HyperTerminal package, select:

- Start
- Program
- Accessories
- Communications
- HyperTerminal

O The ‘New Connection’ dialogue

will appear.

O Type in ‘ANALEXAlert’
and press ‘OK’.


260015 Kittiwake.indd 32 18/10/07 09:26:20

O On the ‘Connect to’ screen,
ignore the phone number ANALEXAlert

O Select: - COM1 or
- COM2

O On the next screen ‘COMx

properties’, set:

- Bits per second to 19200

- Data bits to 8
- Parity to none
- Stop bits to 1
- Flow control to none

O Click ‘OK’ to make the


A blank screen will display

‘Connected’ in the bottom left
corner and a timer.

Note: Before storing data,

check that the connection
works by sending data from
the meter to the PC.


260015 Kittiwake.indd 33 18/10/07 09:26:20

Sending data from the ANALEXAlert

O Press the ‘Transmit’ key on the main menu.

O Press ‘TxData’ to start the transmission.

O Data should appear on the HyperTerminal screen. If it does not, try

plugging the lead into the other PC com port. You can cancel the
transmission at any time by pressing the ‘Cancel’ key.

O You can repeat this, as many times as you like, the data is never

Saving the data to a file

To capture a text file in HyperTerminal, save it to disk as a text file in

comma separated variables (CSV) format. The file can be imported
into an Excel spreadsheet for analysis and graphing.


260015 Kittiwake.indd 34 18/10/07 09:26:20

O On the HyperTerminal top ANALEXAlert - HyperTerminal

menu bar, press:

- Transfer
- Capture Text

O When prompted, enter a file

name to save the data. Click
the ‘Start’ button and begin
the data transmission from
the meter to the PC.

O When the transmission is ANALEXAlert - HyperTerminal

complete, select the following

from the HyperTerminal top
menu bar:

- Transfer
- Capture Text
- Stop

The file is saved and ready

for analysis.

O To exit HyperTerminal, select ‘Yes’ to disconnect and ‘Yes’ to

save the session. To use the HyperTerminal again select:

- Start
- Program
- Accessories
- Communications
- HyperTerminal folder

O Select ‘ANALEXAlert’, to open the program and automatically

connect with your stored settings.


260015 Kittiwake.indd 35 18/10/07 09:26:20

General cleaning and maintenance


The ANALEXAlert should not require cleaning after every use, provided that
the sample bottles are clean. However it is very important that the sensor
chamber is kept free of dust and grit so it is recommended that it is wiped
with a clean tissue before every use.

If the enclosure or screen needs cleaning, use a damp cloth moistened with
a warm detergent solution. Avoid the use of aggressive solvent cleaners as
they may damage the paint surface or the display window.


There are no user serviceable parts in the ANALEXAlert.

If required the fuses can be changed by removing the drawer.

Note: the voltage selection arrows are not relevant; the drawer can be
replaced either way round.

Factory recalibration

In order to maintain long term accuracy it is recommended that the unit is

returned to the manufacturer every three years for a full re-calibration and

This is available from:

Kittiwake Developments Ltd

3 - 6 Thorgate Road
West Sussex
BN17 7LU
United Kingdom

Tel: + 44 (0)1903 731470



260015 Kittiwake.indd 36 18/10/07 09:26:20

Trouble shooting guide

Results are erratic

O Ensure that there is no external contamination of the sample bottle

or grease pot with oil or metal particles. If necessary wipe the bottle
or pot with a clean tissue before measuring.

O Make sure the ANALEXAlert is located away from sources of

magnetic fields such as heavy machinery, motors, transformers and
heavy power cables.

O Make sure the sample is cool before measuring. The sensor head
is sensitive to temperature changes.

Results are changing with time

O This is a result of particles settling in the sample and is normal.

O In order to get consistent results always ensure the same sampling

routine is followed and that the same time period is used between
taking the sample and measuring on the meter.


260015 Kittiwake.indd 37 18/10/07 09:26:20

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