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Application for Vacant Mayoral Seat (Vacancy deemed effective: June 15, 2021) Full NAME: Alicia Britt Pierce HOW LONG AT THIS ADDRESS: 3 Years. BUSINESS ADDRESS: N/A HOME PHONE: (910) 381-5400 (Mobile #) | BUSINESS PHONE: N/A Fax: N/A EMAIL: DATE OF BIRTH: February 10, 1966 HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A RESIDENT OF GOLDSBORO, NC? From 1966 — 1987 - 21 years and 2017 — Present — 4 years; a total of 25 years. CURRENT EMPLOYER: (IF ANY) Wayne County Public Schools TITLE: Work Based Learning Coordinator YEARS IN CURRENT POSITION: 3 DUTIES: See the attached resume OTHER EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: See the attached resume EDUCATION: (Including degrees completed) MS — Management of Information Systems BS — Business Management thave a Teacher Certification to teach Business Education (6-12) INTEREST/SKILLS/AREA OF EXPERTISE/PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: See the resume for interest, skills and professional organizations. Areas of Expertise: | feel that my experience working for the Federal Government, Active Duty Military and as an Educator; provides me the understanding of how the government works. | also feel that my membership in professional organizations assist me with understanding Roberts Rules of Orders, Page 1 of 3 Why are you interested in serving as Mayor of the City of Goldsboro? 1am interested in serving our community with integrity and concern for all citizens. | feel that our city needs individuals that can speak for all citizens. Please provide examples of your past service and involvement in Goldsboro and/or other communities in which you lived. How do you feel these experiences would assist you in serving as the Mayor? 1am currently a member of the Historic Commission. | served on the Park & Recreation Committee as the high school representative, many years ago. As I mentioned in the Areas of Expertise response, | feel that my work experiences will assist me in serving as the Mayor. What do you see as your role as Mayor in representing all citizens of Goldsboro? | feel that my role as Mayor should be to keep citizens and council informed of financial and governmental affairs. | should be able to preside at meetings utilizing Roberts Rules of Order procedures effectively. The City of Goldsboro, like the vast majority of municipalities in North Carolina, operates under the Council/Menager form of government. With that in mind, what do you see the role of the Mayor being versus that of the City Manager. Utilizing my response in the last question as to how | see the role of the Mayor. | fee! the role of the City Manager is to oversee the day to day operations of the city departments. The City Manager works for the Council and Mayor and reports to them all things pertaining the city operations. ‘What do you think are the two highest priorities for the Goldsboro City Council and how would you work to achieve them? feel the number #1 priority is getting our financial issues figured out and attempting to regain a Moody Rating. I would achieve it, by using my experience as a budget analyst and program manager. | would actually review the current and past budgets, get copies of how the funds were executed and have the finance department make the adjustments. My second priority would be to have council members become more knowledgeable. | would have the council members and myself attend t would encourage each member to read every document that is shared with us. Given the diversity of interests, backgrounds and opinions on the Goldsboro City Council, how could you play a part in assisting the City Council to reach a consensus on decisions? I would make sure that | understand and have research the situation that needs a decision. Once | understand the situation and have knowledge, | would make my decision on what is best for the citizens of Goldsboro. Page 20f3 AFFIRMATION OF ELIGIBILITY Have you ever received a formal charge of professional misconduct, a criminal misdemeanor involving fraud or felony in any jurisdiction? Yes No x If yes, explain complete disposition ‘Are there any possible conflict of interest or other matter that would create problems or prevent you from fairly and impartially discharging your duties as an appointee of the City Council? Yes No wm If yes, explain conflict. L understand this application is public record, and I certify that the facts contained in this application are ‘true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize and consent to investigation and verification of all statement contained herein. I further authorize all information conceming my qualifications to be investigated and release all parties from all liability for any damages that may result from this investigation. Tunderstand and agree that any misstatement will be cause for my removal from cpnsidration. sina NA M0igD Ajevers Date laa (apa, DO NOT SUBMIT RESUMES/ATTACHMENTS - YOU MAY ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES TO ANSWER THE ‘QUESTIONS IF NEEDED Application must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 23, 2021 att Goldsboro City Clerk's Office 200 N. Center Street Goldsboro, NC 27530 APPLICATION: EIVED B) ‘NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE, Page 3 0f3 Alicia B. Pierce Goldsboro, NC 27530 (910) 381-5400 mobile PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: Persistent and goal oriented educator with a diverse educational background. Has community and organizational leadership experience. Has worked hard in maintaining relationships with extemal and internal customers, EXPERIENCE: Wayne Early Middle College High School Jul 2018 ~ Present ‘Wayne County Public School System Goldsboro, NC 27530 Work-Based Learning Coordinator ‘* Facilitate Work Based Leaming Classes for 9" and 10 graders Coordinate Job Shadowing Opportunities for Students Coordinator for School Volunteers Serve on the Parent Advisory Committee and Parent Support Group Started the Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy at WEMCHS Wilson Academy of Applied Technology Jul 2017 — May 2018, Wilson County Schools Wilson, NC 27893 CTE Business and Information Technology Teacher + Taught Microsoft Excel and Access ‘Taught Principles of Business and Finance. Provided individualize and small group instruction in order to adapt the curriculum to the needs of each student. ‘= Evaluated students’ needs and collaborate with other professional staff members in order to assist students in solving health, altitude and Jeaming problems. ‘Facilitated activities that promote scifleaming based on a student’s learning styles and learning preferences, Moses Middles School Jul 2016 ~ Jul 2017 Paulding County School District Dallas, GA 30132 Business and Computer Science Teacher: + Taught 6%, 7° and 8° grade students Georgia State Standards; such as computer hardware, software and history. T taught Microsoft Applications and various business topics. * Provided individualize and small group instruction in order to adapt the curriculum to the needs of each student. © Evaluated students” needs and collaborate with other professional staff members in onder to assist students in solving health, attitude and leaning problems. + Facilitated activities that promote self-leaming based on a student’s learning styles and earning preferences. North Point High School ‘Aug 2008 - Jun 2016 Charles County Public Schools Waldorf, MD 20695 Business Education Teacher ‘Taught a varicty of Maryland Career Technical Education Curriculums, also provided the same classroom standards as identified in the school districts above. The classes I taught are listed below: ©. Principles of Business Management © Entreprencurship/E-commerce © Computer Keyboarding © Computer Applications © Financial Literacy Work Based Learning Coordinator ~ Received endorsement in 2010 © Facilitatod/taught a two-year program where students took two in school courses during their Junior and Senior Year called Career Research and Development. ‘© Monitored students” progress and visit workplace facilities that students are assigned during their senior year. Iwas the advisor of Future Business Leaders of America and initiated several additional clubs and organizations while at North Point High Schoo! Department of Homeland Security August 2007— August 2008 ‘Washington, DC Budget Analyst: © Performed a wide variety of analytical duties in support of the formulation, justification, presentation, enactment and execution stages of the budget. ‘+ Supported the Departmeat of Immigration and Custom Enforcement and DHS Inspector General Office ‘+ Reviewed and recommended the amount and the timing of allotments of funds to cach component, '* Tracked progress of appropriations through Congress and ensured program budget functions vere in compliance with policies, directives and other relevant guidance. EDUCATION: MS., Management Information Systems (MIS), Bowie State University, August 1999 - December 2001 BS. ‘Business Management, Bowic State University, January 1996 - May 1997 A.A, Personnel Administration, Comm College of the Air Force, November 1991 ADDITIONAL TRAINING: Teaching Licensure, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC June 2005 — Jume 2006 Certificate, Information Systems Analyst Program, Bowie State University, Bowie, MD 2001 AFFILIATIONS: Chair, Wayne County Democratic Party ~ April 2021-Present 2" Vice Chair of the Democratic Party's 1* Congressional District, 2020 - 2021 Member of NEA, 2004 — Current Member of NCAE and WCAE, 2018 Current WCAE, Secretary, 2020 - Present Future Business Leader of America, 2008-2016 HONORS: ‘Who's Who Among America’s Teachers, National Honor Roll’s Outstanding American Teachers, Air Force Good Conduct Medal, Air Force Achievement Medal, Distinguished Graduate in Leadership and Management Training Program APPLICATION FOR VACANT MAYORAL SEAT (Vacancy deemed effective: June 15, 2021) FULL NAME: © \)aQ\es SE Quah esa HOME ADDRES: HOW LONG AT THIS ADDRESS: “Feace BUSINESS ADDRESS: HOME PHONE: (215) _S GG. G22 < BUSINESS PHONE: ( ) FAX( ) BMA: @ Rea / DATE OF BIRTH: 10/50} | Qs 2 = HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A RESIDENT OF GOLDSBORO, NC? &_Teacs cu EMPLOYER: (IF ANY) Cae xe ComosuY TITLE: oy ey: YEARS IN CURRENT POSITION: Bay. Year DUTIES: (ho ceOins & LeaStns % Carmest of QEitce wae mS. S OTHER EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: face) of Wei kus — Reese). Sas Se a ine ae LEA O° Use ~¢ EDUCATING: (x (including degrees completed) * Caco oe = Cesta CY Susiwess Tether Cisye 17> —Bccousifac Sis5 Wanage esr INTERESTS/SKILLS/AREAS OF EXPERTISE/PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: —S22 Qas2 rc - Page 1 of 3 Why are you interested in serving as Mayor of the City of Goldsboro? Qa _t Please provide examples of your past service and involvement in Goldsboro and/or other communities in ich you have lived. How do you feel these experiences would assist you in serving as the Mayor? 22 Or = ‘What do you see as your role as Mayor in representing all citizens of Goldsboro? See CAS 2 The City of Goldsboro, like the vast majority of municipalities in North Carolina, operates under the Council/Manager form of government. With that in mind, what do you see the role of the Mayor being versus that of the City Manager? 2. ARE ‘What do you think are the two highest priorities for the Goldsboro City Couneil and how would you work to achieve them? Sec Qace ay - Given the diversity of interests, backgrounds and opinions on the Goldsboro City Council, how could you play a part in assisting the City Council to reach consensus on decisions? ae. age nh Page 2 of 3 AFFIRMATION OF ELIGIBILITY Have you ever received a formal charge of professional misconduct, a criminal misdemeanor involving fraud or felony in any jurisdiction? Yes No YA If yes, explain complete disposition Are there any possible conflict of interest or other matter that would create problems or prevent you from fairly and impartially discharging your duties as an appointee of the City Council? Yes No A Iyes, explain conflict. T understand this application is public record, and I certify that the facts contained in this application are tue and correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize and consent to investigation and verification of all statement contained herein. “I further authorize all information concemiing my qualifications 10 be investigated and release all parties from all liability for any damages that may result from this investigation, "understand and agree that any misstatement willbe cause for my removal from consideration. " / =‘. Signature to iS 2 = =) Date: tleslacay ee DO NOT SUBMIT RESUMES/ATTACHMENTS - YOU MAY ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES TO ANSWER THE (QUESTIONS IF NEEDED Application must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 23, 2021 at: Goldsboro City Clerk's Office Page 3 of 3 Application for Vacant Mayor Position reas 0; ise/P1 * My skill set consists of 15 years’ experience as the deputy mayor of North Syracuse, New York. * Iwas a member of the New York Conference of Mayors and Elected Officials. This organization is comprised of elected officials that have between two and three conferences per year to discuss new and upcoming policy changes within the state. These policy changes include State Laws and of course UNFUNDED STATE MANDATES. * Ihave extensive experience in contract negotiations and arbitration cases. * Budgeting and Funding play a big part in the political arena. | have resided over many meetings coordinating and funding planned budgets ensuring that they are funded on time. Why are vou interested in serving as mayor of the City of Goldsboro? Ihave a love and a passion for the Goldsboro community and I want to make a difference where our residents live, work and play. I want to help Goldsboro be the best it can be for our citizens. I believe my vast experience in politics will help me do the job of mayor and impact men and women in a positive and caring way in our community. Application for Vacant Mayor Position When I first moved to Goldsboro in 2018, Hurricane Florence had just hit our city. I volunteered all of my free time with the American Red Cross to help those that were impacted and hurting by this storm. Twas one of the founders of the Family Fun Festival. For ten years this was an annual festival for all the residents of the Village of North Syracuse. Families would get together and spend the day in fellowship with each other and with other families. There was food, games, horseback riding, face painting and the list go on. The Founders fun Day was free to all families that attended! The only cost was for the food you ate. Our team conducted many successful fundraisers for this cause. We ask for local businesses to get involved and they happily donated their time and money for this worthy cause! Iwas the founder of the “Team Activities Club.” This was an activities club that developed family trips to fun parks, major league baseball games and other attractions. | put the packages together to include transportation, overnight accommodations if needed and tickets for the attractions. This activity was a great way to have family time and to enjoy friends and make new friends. Uhave been very successful in upgrading parks and bringing new business to the North Syracuse community. | have been instrumental in developing two housing developments. There has been no greater feeling of accomplishment than knowing that I have made a positive difference for the community that I served. With my years of experience as both a Trustee and a Deputy Mayor, I have gained vast amount of knowledge Application for Vacant Mayor Position ile a: or in re Goldsboro? * I would be an ambassador for the city of Goldsboro. * I would be out front and a responsible person. * [would go to all city functions and community events. I would visit senior centers, churches for speaking events, community centers and all other meetings where residents of our community gather. * I would listen, understand and try to resolve any issues that may be of concern. If needed, | would bring these concerns back to the City Council for their input or action. * [would be a “people person.” I would help to bring unity where needed in our community, * The mayor facilitates communications and understandings between elected and appointed officials. * The mayor serves as a promotor and defender of the community. * The mayor presides at council meetings. * The mayor serves as a spokesman for the community. * The mayor assists the council in setting goals, * The mayor needs to work hand in hand with the City Manager and city council to provide services to the residents of our community, safeguard taxpayers’ dollars and most of all, the mayor must maintain a policy of transparency. Application for Vacant Mayor Position What do vou think are the two biggest priorities for the Goldsboro City Council Li 5 1, Taxes are at an all-time high. We must, as a board, do everything in our power to keep taxes at a lower level. I have a vast amount of experience with budgets and have the ability to hold down spending, 2. We need to have a two-year, five-year, ten-year, and fifteen-year plan. Going forward, we need to plan for the future and have funds available for budgets and unexpected expenses. Given the diversity of interests. backgrounds and opinions on the "et iS. sions? cil Over the years, I have negotiated many contracts on both the laborers and the management's points of view. To be successful as mayor, one must willing to listen to and understand what's being said with an open mindset. You must be able to communicate your thoughts intelligently. Also, Ihave experience in mediation between management and the work force. Mediation is a mutual agreement between two parties. | have a vast amount of experience listening and coming up with mutual agreed upon solutions. My experience as a board member has also given me opportunities to negotiate or have the ability to make a compromise when needed as long as it's for the good of the community. APPLICATION FOR VACANT MAYORAL SEAT (Vacancy deemed effective: June 15, 2021) FULL NAME: Dr. David Leonard Craig HOW LONG AT THIS ADDRESS: Approximately 8 years BUSINESS ADDRESS: HOME PHONE: (919) 709-1256 BUSINESS PHONE: Currently, same as home phone number. I do not teach during summer. FAX: N/A E-MAIL: DATE OF BIRTH: January 11, 1971 HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A RESIDENT OF GOLDSBORO, NC? Approximately 35 of 50 years CURRENT EMPLOYER: Wayne Community College TITLE: Lead Socii iology Instructor = YEARS IN CURRENT POSITION: 8/2 years DUTIES: My core duties revolve sround planning, setting up, and teaching various sociology courses. Sociology itself is the systematic and scientific study of human behavior, social gretiy¢, society, and social interactions. I am also responsible for identifying apprapriate texts, submitting reports, advising of students, and supporting my department and «ivisisi, in helping she college achieve its mission of meeting the educational, training, and cultural needs of the communities it serves. OTHER EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: August 2008 — December 2012, North Carolina State University, Sociology Instructor of Record, Part time; June 2007 — July 2008, East Carolina University, Sociology Instructor of Record, Part Time; August 2006 — May 2007, East Carolina University, Graduate Research Associate, Part Time. Prior to beginning my work in academia, I worked a myriad of full and part time jobs, to include Windmill Point Construction, Truck driver for Moffatt Oil, AP Muffler shipping, Sanitation for Carolina Turkey’s, Flatbed Truck driver for Coastal Transport, Farm work, etc. Page 1 of 18 EDUCATION: (Copies of College Transcripts on Pages 3 thru 7) Doctor of Philosophy, Sociology, North Carolina State University, July 20018 Master of Arts, Sociology, East Carolina University, December 2007 Bachelor of Science, Sociology, Mount Olive College, Magna cum Laude, December 2006 High School Diploma, Goldsboro High School, June 1989 INTERESTS/SKILLS/AREAS OF EXPERTISE/PROFFSSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: My interests include, but are not limited to the following: research, policy analysis and formulation, social inequality, social psychology, and religion. My overall area of expertise is in the area of sociology. ‘This expertise allows me to examine and investigate, a plethora of phenomena that exist and emerge within the social world for the betterment of society. ‘Why are you interested in serving as Mayor of the City of Goldsboro? Lam interested in serving as the Mayor of the City of Goldsboro so that we can make Goldsboro a better place to live for all people. I believe for this to ocour, the citizens of Goldsboro must come together, do better, and be better. However, that means we need better leadership. I know I am part of the leadership that our city needs at this critical time. Please provide examples of your past service and involvement in Goldsboro and/or other communities in which you have lived. How do you feel these experiences would assist you in serving as the Mayor? Before substantively addressing the question, I would first say that service and community involvement is not about holding a position or doing things in order to be seen of men. Service to community is about working with others to accomplish things for a greater good. So too, service and community involvement are also about learning to work with others, as well as the take-aways you receive when working with others. The following are examples of some of my service and some key take-aways. Example # 1 First, it was my honor to serve in the United States military. There I learned to work with persons of different racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. Through my first 15- mile rucksack march, I began to understand that much of life’s successes involves persevering: that is to say, to keep putting one’s foot ahead of the other, step by step, despite the driving rain of life’s pain, and exhaustion. I too, have at least one other experience within the United States military that would assist me with my service as Mayor. That example begins on page 8, following the embedded copies of my college transcripts. (Continued on page 8) Page 2 of 18 8130 Eg 28eq pours pray esarey span padieg poumeny weses Serads w10e Eulogy open Gauuty poauoaay furor epero petrea peraieny BL JO Bed painea pragma piney pesaanen wuer Gurads 5102 pana paatenay 5 peuses pesdwaay beusta polar Oftige oF the Repistrar Greenville. Notth Canolitis 27838-4853 © Record of: David Leonard Craig Student 1D: Bo0s63<86 Level: Graduate lssued To: avid 1 craig course evel: ‘todent Zypet ‘only Aare saerieutateds cusrect Program ‘Program + 10-fechotory major | Becioiony Degrees Anasded master of Arte 15-DEC-2007 0 GPacHa: 0.00 Peat Primary Degree ‘Progeam + sa.aeciotoay Mejor + Sectolosy Angela R/Anderson, University Registrar vis x | continuing Date Issued: 31-saN-2008 Date of Birth: 11-Jan-1971 oo “age summer 2067 ‘College of Arte and Sciences contiouing cut £132 d0eveciar zatiaence Socr $583. Scthena t= foctolosy ‘mars: 6.00 oracirey £290 OPt ceed Standing ed Sumees 2007 ("coltege of Arte end seteaces dockotoy, 32,00 ora 4a MOUNT OLIVE COLLEGE Paget of 2 ‘Name: Mr, David L Craig Program/Degree/Curriculum: — Underpraduate/Bachelor of ScencerSociology DogreeiDate Granted: BS Dee 16, 2008 Honore: Magna Cum Laude ‘Cumulauve GPA: 3.808 Course Ia Title Grade Credits Pris] ‘Transfer 0000 {05/02/08 - 06/0505) ‘Wayne Community College cis 110 Intro 10 Computer 3.00 Soc. of Gender we 80000 cRs210 {nt to Od 3.00 ENG 112 Engish Como 300, Ranies! USI GEAGE, « Ripier oh: ENG 231 ‘American Ut} 3.00 30-30 3012.0 4.000 ENG 241 ‘Publi Speaking 3.00 180 0 «6064.0 4.000 his 221 ‘Arnerican History| 3.00 His 222 ‘American History It 3.00 PSY 100 Ino to Psyenciony 3.00 800 210 Inve to Sociology 3.00 (0sv08105 - 07/1015) 806 240" ‘Social Problems 3.00 TRBIOGS 3.00 oe oh Desc Lani so ‘Soe of Deva A 300° 120) TRENGO? 200 Eamed Total GPACrd —GPnts.-GPA TRGENO' ™m 10 30) 120-400 TRGENOZ TR 200, oe " TROENTG Roe 190 830 180-780 4.000 TRMATOR TR 200 TRMATOZ ‘Math Electives) TR 200 TRsoco3, Soc Blectva(s) TR 300 Attompt Earned Total GPACra Beeston 000 ‘Soe. of Gender fcr 300 60) [Som a Earned Total GPACrd —GPnis GPA 30 303002000 20 wea 7a STTFEETETINTCIGATETH corms - 081408) Spring Traditions 2005 (01711905 - 0420108) | ANT 220 ural Antrepolog A 309 120 ae See es 303 120|| Fall Tradtiona 2005 (osizares - 121976) 0 250. GenBotenylas = NC 00000 $06 230 Mariage & Family A, 300° 120/| crsse5 Drugs.Crme.Soc cut A 300 120 60¢.410 Secial They a 300 120] ces 400 Reseach Menocotay & 100 120 FEL It ‘nro to Old Tost 90 ‘Attempt Eared Total GPAGrd —aPrte_ GPA || Ber tt papel we ae Session 1301303030 s2e aren! Socaeo SccPerpon Geers & 3.00128) Cun 301380, 770130 $20 40m Avempt Eamed Total GPACra Phe GPA PRESENTS UST Session 120, 12020120480 3780 cum 34034982 aT ‘Summer A 2005 DEAYSUST CEEET ITEMS YETI EET ZE ESSELTE ART 110 | Spring Teaciona 2008 {01710808 - 08/02/06) crust Delia & Justice 120) CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *** | In accordance wit the Family Educatonal Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, he encioned information is provided solely for your use and may ‘ot be roleaged without tho writon consent of the student Yo any other ‘eciveual, agency. or organization in any form, This dacurment may not be reproduced or csserinated without he wil conden ofthe susan ‘and Mount Ofve College. Atloration of transcript isa criminal ote. ogous egitrar OR Page 6 of 18, MOUNT OLIVE COLLEGE Date Printed: Oct 16,2007 ge 20f2 Name: Mr. David L Craig ProgrenvDegree/Curieulum: Undergradite/Bachelt of Sclenca/Socclopy DegreeiDate Granted: 8S Dee:16, 2006, Honore: Magna Cum Laude ‘Cumulative GP: 3.805, Cowsel ‘Te Grade Gres GPa | Giadt res aPr| Spring redone 208 ‘oinca8-080200) cruazs Conte Mgt CRIA ENG 232 ‘American it A 3.00 120 Mar 120 CCotege Algebra a 300 120 PEO 310 ‘Sport Payen A 300 120 306 491 Invomani we 30000 OC 405 Serle Thesis A 400 180 Awampt Eamed Total GPACrd gente PA | [Session 190190190 180—- 76.0 4.000 | ‘cum 520 630 117.0830 203.0 3.830 PRESIDENTS UST 300 126 [Summer Mini 2008 (oss01/06 - 05/26/06) Mat 240 States! Metnods A 300 120 Attempt Eamed Total GPACrd Pts GPA Seision 30-3030 30S 12.0 4.000 cum 560580 1200580288. 3.820 ‘Summer Sumint 2008 (0708108 - 06/02/08) His 483 ‘ST:Americain 19608 A 300 120 ‘Attempt Earned Total GPACrd Piz. GPA Session 30-3030 3.0120 .000, ‘cum 580 5801280890 227.0 347 ‘Summer 8 2006 (oer0si08 -07/09/06)|| Han 110 Focus on Heath a 300 a0 ‘Attompt Eamed - Total GPACrd —aPnts GPA Session 303930 308.000, Cum 620-620-1280 62.0: 2380 3.806, End of Tranterit in aecondanée with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, be enclasad information is provides sally for your usw a it may not ie rloaedt without me ween consent of the student fo sy other ‘nde, agoney. er ganization in any form. This document may net bb reproviiced or vssornnaiod witout the welton consent af student ‘nd Ment Olve Calage. Alératon of a tanec a orminel otense Dovid ourwois Reuteae

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