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PNP incorporates GIS-based crime mapping

 Geospatial World
 04/18/2012 2 Minutes Read

Philippines: The Cordillera police director, Chief Superintendent Benjamin B. Magalong

developed a GIS-based tool for more accurate crime analysis and internal security operation.
The tool for crime-mapping and tracking criminals and other threat groups has been developed
with the assistance and support of civilian engineers and students from different colleges and
universities in the region.

In a report to Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief, Director General Nicanor A. Bartolome,
Magalong said the ‘E-Blotter’ and ‘Mobile Tracking System of Patrol Vehicles’ in the region are also
incorporated in the GIS project to further improve the police’s response time on any incident. With
the help of this new system, local patrol vehicles can be monitored for easier dispatch in any incident,
accident or disaster-hit areas, Magalong added.

The Cordillera police director said the ‘Buddy System’ is also being strictly observed in the
implementation of the police integrated patrol system in the region. Under the programme, at least
two uniformed police officers patrol in tandem to provide much-needed police visibility as a deterrent
to the commission of crime.

“These policemen-buddies are expected to take immediate action on emergency situations including
the management of traffic in areas where they are posted,” noted Magalong.

Magalong further stated that enhancing policing capabilities of front-line service providers are also
being done with the ‘Thinking Out of Regional Headquarters Project’ wherein police stations and
units outside the Cordillera regional headquarters are given priority in terms of the distribution of
much-needed equipment and improvement of facilities.

Source: Journal

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