MTM Curriculum Booklet 2014 Doc Apostila Muay Thai

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MTM Curriculum 2011

Level #1 - Instructor

ั ถวไมตรีมวยไทย
Muay Thai Goodwill Ambassador
Table of Contents:

Page 3 … Workout #1 = Fighting Stance & Punches.

Page 7 … Workout #2 = Clinching & Knee Strikes.

Page 12 … Workout #3 = Elbows – Knives of Muay Thai.

Page 16 … Workout #4 = PUSH Kicks & Blocks.

Page 21 … Workout #5 = BODY Kicks & Blocks & Everything !!

Page 28 … Thai Words W#1

Page 32 … Morals M#1

Page 36 … History H#1

Page 39 … Exercises E#1 – C#1 – S#1

Page 43 … Techniques T#1

Page 59 … Drills D#1

Page 83, 88 … TESTing, Contact, Video and Links.

MTM – Muay Thai Missions is on a mission to bless and to give back to Thailand. Many in
Muay Thai make a lot of money from this Sport and most do not give back to Thailand. One
way MTM is going to give back is by using this booklet and curriculum to raise funds.
Endless hours, time, research and money has gone into this Curriculum and there have been
hundreds of years of teaching and training that Thailand has done to develop Muay Thai.
Please show honor, respect and be humble to protect this Curriculum from those who want it
for selfish gain and to just sell it for the money it can bring. Please sign below as a
declaration that you will do all you can to protect this MTM Curriculum.

Instructor: __________________________________________ Date: __________________

Witness: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________


Workout #1 - จอดมวย = “jaawt L

muaym” – Fighting Stance

Thailand Words: W#1 = มวยไทย = “MuayM ThaiM” – Muaythai.

W#2 = สวัสดีครับ = “saL watL deeM khrapH”.
W#3 = ขอบคุณครับ = “khaawpL khoonM khrapH”.
W#4 = พระเจ ้าอวยปน = “PhraH JAOF uayM bpohnM”.
W#5 = จอดมวย = “jaawtL muayM”.
W#6 = เดินมวย = “deernM muayM”.
W#7 = กำหมัด = “gamM matL”.
W#8 = ขวา = “khwaaR”.
้ = “saaiH”.
W#9 = ซาย

W#10 = Counting One to Eleven (1 to 11).

หนึง่ = “neung ”. – ONE.L

สอง = “saawng ”. – Two.

สาม = “saam ”. – Three.

ส ี่ = “see ”. – Four.

ห ้า = “haa ”. – Five.
หก = “hohk ”. – Six.

เจ็ด = “jet ”. – Seven.

แปด   = “bpaaet ”. – Eight.

เก ้า = “gaao ”. – Nive.
สบ ิ = “sip ”. – TEN.

สบิ เอ็ด = “sip et ”. – Eleven.


Muay Thai Morals: MTM Morals = Why are you doing Muay Thai ??

M#1 Purpose = “PPPP = People Parish NO Passion Purpose.”

Excellent Fighter’s Example = UFC Champ - Vitor Belfort.

M#2 Martial Art Style = “Muay Thai is an OPEN Book System.”

Muay Thai History: Do you know Muay Thai History ??

H#1 Ayutthaya, Siam and Burma … connected to Muay Thai ??

H#2 200 BC, Buddha and Elephants … connected to Muay Thai ??


Exercises: Body Center Core:

E#0 – JUMping Rope. OR
E#1 – Jumping Jacks. E#2 – Crunch Baby Back Ups.
E#3 – Crunch Leg Raises. E#4 – Crunch Sit Ups.
E#5 – Crunch Buns & Hammies. E#6 – Flex Back NECK.

Upper Body:
E#7 – Crunch MT Push Ups. E#8 – Hand Stand Push Ups.
E#9 – Crunch Circle Shoulders. E#10 – Crunch Pull Ups.

Lower Body:
E#11 – Crunch Squats.
E#12 – Crunch Calf Flexes. E#13 – Crunch SHIN Flexes.

Circle Body Joints:

C#1 – Circles.
C#2 – Bent Over Twists R/L. C#3 – Standing Twists R/L.

S#1 – Stretch Basics. S#2 – Upper Body Stretches.
S#3 – Wai-Kru & Ram-Muay Stretch & Show Respect.
S#4 – Butter Fly, Outside Hip, Pancake.
S#5 – Final Chinese & American SPLITS.

Techniques: T#1 – “jaawtL muayM” – Get into a Fighting Stance.

a. Hand Blocks for 1-2 (Jab, Cross, Straight) Punches.

b. Head Butt Block.
c. Arm Blocks for 3-4 (Hook, Upper Cut) Punches & Elbow strikes.
d. Lean Back Block.

T#2 – “deernM muayM” – Fighting Movement = Footwork.

a. Open Door Backwards.

b. Open Door Frontwards.

T#3 – “gamM matL” – Make a Fist.

T#4 – W#13 = “matL naaF” – Front Punch = JAB.

T#5 – W#14 = “matL langR” – Rear/ Back Punch = CROSS.

T#6 – W#15 = “mat wiiang ” – Hook (swing) Punch.

T#7 – W#16 = “matL ngaam” – Upper Cut Punch.

DRILLS: D#1 – W#11 = “saLbaaiMsaLbaaiM”–Relax Relax & open your EYES !!

D#2 – Breathing = Practice IN and Out Nose breathing.

D#3 – Shadow Sparring = Do Techniques against the AIR.

a. Practice Fighting Stance = T#1 – Instructor CALL out =

“jaawtL muayM khwaaR” or “jaawtL muayM saaiH”.

b. BLOCKS = T#1a, T#1b, T#1c, T#1d – Instructor CALL out =

“Hand Blocks R or L” or “Head Butt” or
“Arm Block R or L” or “Lean Back”.

c. FOOTWORK = T#2 – “deernM muayM”. – Instructor CALL out =

D#3a. = “jaawtL muayM khwaaR” or “jaawtL muayM saaiH”.
Students will start in a Fighting Stance R or L. Instructor CALL out =
W#8 “khwaaR”or W#9 “saaiH”or
W#08 “naaF”or W#09 “langR”.

d. T#2a, T#2b – Open Door Footwork. Instructor CALL out =

“khwaaR langR” or “khwaaR naaF” or
“saaiH naaF” or “saaiH langR”.

e. T#3, T#4, T#5, T#6, T#7, – Fist & PUNCHes. Instructor CALL out =
D#3a. = “jaawtL muayM khwaaR” or “jaawtL muayM saaiH”
then say = “gamM matL”, “matL naaF”, “matL langR”,
“langR matL wiiang L” or “naaF matL wiiang L”,
“langR matL ngaam” or “naaF matL ngaam” !!

f. T#4, T#5, T#6, T#7, – Punch COMBO = 1-2-3-4-3-2. Each student

will practice this on their own, they will practice this COMBO from a
Right & Left Fighting stance.

D#4 – PARTNERS Visualize your Techniques against someone.

a. Fighting Stance DANCE = Partner Students up !!

b. SLAP Sparring Game = Partner Students up !!

c. OPEN DOOR = T#2a – Open Door Backwards & T#2b – Open Door
Frontwards. Partner Students up !!

d. BOXing = T#1a, T#1b, T#1c, T#1d = Blocks

and Punches = T#4, T#5, T#6, T#7.
Partner Students up, have them get GLOVES on, they can be in right
or left fighting stance and again they can change stance at any time.

D#5 – Thai PAD Training. Hit the Thai Pads and let them hit you back !!

Punches, Blocks and Footwork … this is Muay Thai at its BEST !!

Thai PAD Training is what separates it from all other Martial Arts
because you have a LIVE Punching Bag that moves, makes you move,
strikes you back and you can strike it back as hard as you can !!
Optional for BOXing only, you can use Thai Pads or small Focus Boxing
Mitts and a lot of Muay Thai gyms in Thailand are doing this to develop
better hand boxing skills. Thai Pad HOLDER is a fighter because
holding the PADs develops fighting skills.

D#6 – BAG Work. Practice your Techniques against the Heavy Bags.

a. Start off doing single punches against the BAG.

Get comfortable with relaxed, fast, speed and then hard strikes.

b. Have the students get into a squared stance in front of the bag. Have
them get up on the balls of the feet because they will do little hopping
steps as they do 1-2 punches. The punches are fast, relaxed and let the
bone knuckle weapons hit the bag in a proper way.
They do this for a 2 to 4 minute round so you can see they have to
relax and build up their Endurance. You CAN Do It !!
This can be done at the beginning or the end of class !!

D#7 – CLOSE Class.

a. Wai-Kru Stretch … then bow (3) and pray. ;-)

b. Sit up and the Instructor will Ask, “What did you Learn in Class ??”
Instructor give Announcements, Fun Events and Testing Schedule ??

Wai Respect and the whole class will say,

“PhraH JAOF uayM bpohnM”.

Jump up and let’s go home !!


Workout #2 - นักมวยปล้ำ = “nak H

muayM bplamF”– CLINCH

Thailand Words: W#0 = ทูตสนั ถวไมตรีมวยไทย = Muay Thai goodwill ambassador.

“thuudtF sanR tawaF maiM dtreeM muayM thaiM”.

W#08 = ข ้างหน ้า = “khaangF naaF”. W#8 = ขวา = “khwaaR”.

W#09 = ถอยหลัง = “thaawyR langR”. ้ = “saaiH”.
W#9 = ซาย
W#11 = สบายสบาย = “saL baaiM saL baaiM”.
W#12 = ฝรั่ง = “faL rangL” – “farang”.
W#17 = นั กมวยปล้ำ = “nakH muayM bplamF”.
W#18 = เข่าเฉียง = “khao chiiang ” – Diagonal Knee.

เข่าชาง้ = “khao chaang ” – Elephant Knee.


W#19 = เร็ว เร็ว = “reo reo ”.


Muay Thai Morals: MTM Morals = Why are you doing Muay Thai ??

M#3 Master of MT = “Everyone is a Student and is a Student for Life.”

Khru Kaet Sriapai studied with (13) plus Muay Thai teachers
before he became a great teacher himself.
At the end of his life he said:

“I have studied Muay Thai since I was 10 until I’ve reached

the age of 70, and I’ve still got plenty to learn.
So if someone says ‘I am skillful, I know everything,’ …
I believe that person can never reach the Heart of Muay Thai.”

M#4 “MT is HARD as a Diamond and SOFT - smooth as SILK.”

Muay Thai History: Do you know Muay Thai History ??

H#3 1238 – 1377 AD – Sukothai = “Son of the King” … who ??

H#4 1350 – 1767 AD – Ayutthaya … what City is that ??

H#5 1500 – Adjan Naresuan … Who & what did he do ??

Khun Suriyothai … Who was that person ??

Exercises: Body Center Core:

E#0 – JUMping Rope. OR

E#1 – Jumping Jacks. E#2 – Crunch Baby Back Ups.
E#3 – Crunch Leg Raises. E#4 – Crunch Sit Ups.
E#5 – Crunch Buns & Hammies. E#6 – Flex Back NECK.

Lower Body:
E#11 – Crunch Squats.
E#12 – Crunch Calf Flexes. E#13 – Crunch SHIN Flexes.

Circle Body Joints:

C#1 – Circles.
C#2 – Bent Over Twists R/L. C#3 – Standing Twists R/L.

S#1 – Stretch Basics. S#2 – Upper Body Stretches.
S#3 – Wai-Kru & Ram-Muay Stretch & Show Respect.
S#4 – Butter Fly, Outside Hip, Pancake.
S#5 – Final Chinese & American SPLITS.

Techniques: T#20 – “nakH muayM bplamF” – Muay Thai fighter CLINCH.

Get into a CLINCH knee Stance.

a. SINGLE Arm Clinch. Practice Hook Pull and PUSH.

b. SLAP Knee Strikes. Knee SLAPS = Slap it Loud !!
c. BELLY Touch & Pokes. ADD straight knee strikes !!
d. TRIPS and Traps. ADD TRIPS and Traps !!
e. GRAB Knee Strikes. ADD GRABs !!
f. BODY GRAB. Can you throw opponent to the ground !!
g. INSIDE Clinch.
h. OUTSIDE Clinch.
i. LOCK Arm.

T#21 – เข่าเฉียง = “khao chiiang ” – Diagonal Knee.


้ = “khao chaang ” – Elephant Knee.

เข่าชาง L H

a. POWER Step.
b. BLOCK and GRAB hand movements.
DRILLS: D#1 – W#11 = “sa baai sa baai ”–Relax Relax, Open your EYES !!

NOTE: CLINCHing is #1 technique in Thailand Champions !!

- RELAX in a Clinch and then move fast, quick and powerful.
- Let your Partners do the techniques & then you do them.
- Cut OFF your Finger NAILS in order to Be SAFE.
- Take OFF your Jewelry … sorry take it all off … body Piercings off.
- Gentlemen only!! Take OFF your shirts, HEAR the Knee Slap strikes.
- Gentlemen only !! Get your Groin Protectors on … cUp Up !!

D#2 – Breathing = Practice IN and Out Nose breathing.

Every time you start to practice Muay Thai you should always ask
yourself am I relaxed and breathing ??

D#20 – Shadow Sparring = Do Techniques against the AIR.

a. Practice putting T#21, T#21a, T#21b all together !!

b. R & L Knees … small 1-2 Steps POWER Knee Right … 1-2 Steps
POWER Knee Left. Feel your free flowing movements- POWER !!

c. SPEED R & L Knees … the focus is on Speed, Quickness and

Endurance. W#19 = “reoM reoM”– Fast Fast – Speed Up !!

D#21 – PARTNERS Visualize your Techniques against someone.

a. Practice putting T#21, T#21a, T#21b all together !!

b. Practice putting T#21, T#21b together WITH

T#2a – Open Door Backwards and T#2b – Open Door Frontwards.

D#22 – PARTNERS Visualize your Techniques against someone.

a. PARTNER CLINCHing = T#20 – “nakH muayM bplamF”.

“Iron sharpens Iron” so show your Teammate good technique so your
Team is strong and skilled !!

b. ADD T#20a – SINGLE Arm Clinch. Practice Hook Pull and PUSH.
Here is where you learn short, powerful and jerking movements …
do NOT do Long or Tugging movements that are done by MUSCLE
strength. Note the difference !!

c. ADD T#20b – SLAP Knee Strikes. Knee SLAPS = Slap it Loud !!

Now let your partner do one SLAP Knee Strike, feel their balance and
then do a Pull or Push. Can you take the power away ?? Can you put
your partner on the ground ?? Have FUN … bplamF bplamF !!

d. ADD T#20c – BELLY Touch & Pokes. ADD straight knee strikes !!

e. ADD T#20d – TRIPS and Traps. ADD TRIPS and Traps !!

See if you can pick your foot up and out of the TRIP ??

f. ADD T#20e – GRAB Knee Strikes. ADD GRABs !!

Remember to watch out for the Elbow strike !!

g. ADD T#20f – BODY GRAB. Can you PICK your partner UP ??!!

h. ADD T#20g – INSIDE Clinch and T#20h – OUTSIDE Clinch.

ADD T#20i – LOCK Arm and T#20j – TWO HAND PUSH.
Okay … letzzz do it … FULL on !!
T#20 – “nakH muayM bplamF” – Muay Thai fighter CLINCH !!

D#23 – Thai PAD Training. Hit the Thai Pads … let them hit you back !!

a. Outside Knee Strike !! Develop your POWER Knee !!

Practice putting T#21, T#21a, T#21b all together !!
Belly PAD must be used !! Note R to L and L to R Thai PADS !!

b. Open Door Movements !! Develop your COUNTER Power Knee !!

Practice putting T#21, T#21b together WITH T#2a – Open Door
Backwards and T#2b – Open Door Frontwards.
After learning D#23a, start to practice the Power Knee Strike with the
Open Door movements … stepping Backwards or Frontwards !!

c. Inside Knee Strike and Clinching !! Develop INSIDE Power Knee

with your Thai PAD holder partner !! Practice your T#20g – INSIDE
Clinch, T#20h – OUTSIDE Clinch and T#20a – SINGLE Arm Clinch
practicing Hook Pull in close at the Neck and Arm. The Thai PAD
holder will now use only ONE Thai PAD with Belly PAD !!

d. ADD Workouts #1 PUNCH Strikes and then KNEE !!

Have the Thai PAD hold do a 1-2 Combo Punch and then Knee strike.
1 = T#4 – W#13 = “matL naaF” – Front Punch = JAB.
2 = T#5 – W#14 = “matL langR” – Rear/ Back Punch = CROSS.
Have the Thai PAD hold do a 4-3 Combo Punch and then Knee strike.
4= T#7 – W#16 = “matL ngaam” – Upper Cut Punch.
3= T#6 – W#15 = “matL wiiang L” – Hook (swing) Punch.

D#24 – BAG Work. Practice your Techniques against the Heavy Bags.

a. Focus is swinging the bag … feel the bag swing. Feel the movement
and dance with the bag. This helps you to develop movement, timing,
distance and counter strikes. DANCE with the BAG !!

b. Power Knee Strikes = (3) Sets of 10 to 40 or 100 Straight Knees.

c. OPTIONAL FUN Drill = “Partner BALACE Game” !!

d. OPTIONAL Closing Drill = “Massage your partner’s NECK !!”

“Do on to others as you would have them do onto you.” – amen !!

D#7 – CLOSE Class.

a. Wai-Kru Stretch … then bow (3) and pray. ;-)

b. Sit up and the Instructor will Ask, “What did you Learn in Class ??”

Instructor give Announcements, Fun Events and Testing Schedule ??

Wai Respect and the whole class will say,

“PhraH JAOF uayM bpohnM”.

Jump up and let’s go home !!


Workout #3 – ศอก = “saawk ” – Elbow = Knives of Muay Thai


Thailand Words: W#20 = ค่ายมวย = “khaaiF MuayM”.

W#21 = ใจดี = “jaiM deeM”.
W#22 = ใจร ้อน = “jai raawn ”.

W#23 = ศอกตัด = “saawk dtat ”. L L

W#24 = ศอกงา = “saawk ngaa ”. L m

W#25 = ศอกกลับ = “saawk glap ”. L L

W#26 = สวัสดีครับ = “sa wat dee khrap ”.


W#27 = ขอบคุณ = “khaawp khoon ”. L M

Muay Thai Morals: MTM Morals = Why are you doing Muay Thai ??

M#5 No Sorry = “Do not say Sorry to your opponent or training partner.”
Muaythai as a Sport … is a KNOCK Out Sport = Honor & Humble.

M#6 Training, Sparring, Fighting = “Iron sharpens Iron”.

Your opponent is not the enemy … they are a TOOL !!

Muay Thai History: Do you know Muay Thai History ??

H#6 1702 – Somdet Prachao Suer (The Tiger King) ... who ??

H#7 1774 – Nai Khanom Tom … 17 March ??

H#8 1767 – 1782 AD – Thonburi Era … King Prachao Taksin Maharaj ??

Exercises: Body Center Core:

E#0 – JUMping Rope. OR

E#1 – Jumping Jacks. E#2 – Crunch Baby Back Ups.
E#3 – Crunch Leg Raises. E#4 – Crunch Sit Ups.
E#5 – Crunch Buns & Hammies. E#6 – Flex Back NECK.

Lower Body:
E#11 – Crunch Squats.
E#12 – Crunch Calf Flexes. E#13 – Crunch SHIN Flexes.
Circle Body Joints:
C#1 – Circles.
C#2 – Bent Over Twists R/L. C#3 – Standing Twists R/L.

S#1 – Stretch Basics. S#2 – Upper Body Stretches.
S#3 – Wai-Kru & Ram-Muay Stretch & Show Respect.
S#4 – Butter Fly, Outside Hip, Pancake.
S#5 – Final Chinese & American SPLITS.

Techniques: T#30 – “saawkL dtatL” – Straight/ Cutting Elbow.

T#31 – “saawkL ngaam” – Uppercut (Ivory Tusk) Elbow.

T#32 – “saawkL glapL” – Swing Back/ Turning Elbow.

T#33 – Elbow hand GRABs. Many Thai Fighters in South Thailand do

most of their Techniques in order to do an elbow strike.

DRILLS: D#1 – W#11 = “saLbaaiMsaLbaaiM”–Relax Relax & open your EYES !!

NOTE: Elbows are the Knives of Muay Thai !! They are the #1 cause of
BLOOD in Muay Thai fights because the cut open the skin !! South
Thailand is famous for this and many Champs there are scares over their
eyebrows because of an Elbow !! The #1 way an Elbow cuts is by
relaxing your movement and being smooth in cutting. If you use a Knife
you do not have to force it to cut right ?? No, you slice softly, smoothly
because the BLADE does the work … not you. Elbows are truly the
SOFT side of Muay Thai and that is why women are good at this weapon
and it is a great one to master and use in self-defense. W#21 = “jaiM
deeM” and W#22 = “jaiM raawnH” is taught in this workout because if
your Heart is Good & relaxed then you might be able to use this weapon
effectively but if your Heart is Hot & violent then you probably will miss
your target even though you have powerfully delivered the strike.

D#2 – Breathing = Practice IN and Out Nose breathing.

Every time you start to practice Muay Thai you should always ask
yourself am I relaxed and breathing ?? Again, try Nose breathing
because you want your JAW closed and clinched when doing a strike.

D#30 – Shadow Sparring = Do Techniques against the AIR.

a. Practice putting T#31, T#30, T#1c and T#2 together !!

b. Practice doing a COMBO = Back T#31 & T#30, Front T#30, then
FRONT Steps to do the Back T#32 and then turn right back into your
Fighting Stance !!

c. T#32 – “saawkL glapL” – Swing Back/ Turning Elbow with T#21a –

POWER Step making your Front Elbow your BACK Elbow because
you POWER Step forward and in this technique you can actually Step

d. Right and Left Elbows trainers will yell at you = W#19 =

“reoM reoM”– Fast Fast – Speed Up !! Square the Feet up now and do
not get into a fighting stance because this is just practicing the strike
movements with the blocking movements.

D#31 – PARTNERS Visualize your Techniques against someone.

NOTE, what happens when someone plays with knives and plays with
them with someone else ?? Instructors BE Careful, watch your students,
tell them to do these movements SLOW. When a student sees an Elbow
strike come close to them, do not be afraid to get out of the way and
practice now !!

c. Practice doing a COMBO = Back T#31 & T#30, Front T#30 with
FRONT Foot Stepping to do the Back T#32 and then turn right back
into your Fighting Stance !!

d. T#32 – “saawkL glapL” – Swing Back/ Turning Elbow with T#21a –

POWER Step making your Front Elbow your BACK Elbow because
you POWER Step forward and in this technique you can actually Step
Through. Practice with your partner, look at distance, timing and if
you can really hit the Target ??

e. Practice putting T#30 and/ or T#31b together WITH

T#2a – Open Door Backwards and T#2b – Open Door Frontwards.

f. T#33 – Elbow hand GRABs. OPPOSITE hand Grabs, SAME hand

Grabs and CLINCH Grabs.
D#32 – Thai PAD Training. Hit the Thai Pads … they hit you back !!

e. With the Thai PADS Practice doing the COMBO = Back T#31 &
T#30, Front T#30, then FRONT Steps to do the Back T#32 and then
turn right back into your Fighting Stance !!
BACK T#31 - “saawkL ngaam”.
BACK T#30 - “saawkL dtatL”.
FRONT T#30 - “saawkL dtatL”.
BACK T#32 - “saawkL glapL”.

f. Open Door Movements !! Develop your COUNTER Elbows !!

Practice putting T#30, T#31 together WITH
T#2a – Open Door Backwards and T#2b – Open Door Frontwards.

g. ADD Workouts #1 PUNCH Strikes and then Elbow !!

Have the Thai PAD holder do Punches and then ELBOW strike.
1 = T#4 – W#13 = “matL naaF” – Front Punch = JAB
then T#30 - “saawkL dtatL”.
2 = T#5 – W#14 = “matL langR” – Rear/ Back Punch = CROSS
then T#30 - “saawkL dtatL”.
3= T#6 – W#15 = “matL wiiang L” – Hook (swing) Punch
then T#30 - “saawkL dtatL”.
4= T#7 – W#16 = “matL ngaam” – Upper Cut Punch.
then T#31 - “saawkL ngaam”.

D#33 – BAG Work. Practice your Techniques against the Heavy Bags.

a. Do SINGLE strikes = T#30 - “saawkL dtatL”.

T#31 - “saawkL ngaam”.
T#32 - “saawkL glapL”.
b. Power ELBOW Strikes. You can do this as a warm up or at the end of
your rounds in training. You do 10 to 20 strikes as fast !!!!

D#7 – CLOSE Class.

c. Wai-Kru Stretch … then bow (3) and pray. ;-)

d. Sit up and the Instructor will Ask, “What did you Learn in Class ??”

Instructor give Announcements, Fun Events and Testing Schedule ??

Wai Respect and the whole class will say,

“PhraH JAOF uayM bpohnM”.

Jump up and let’s go home !!


Workout #4 – ถีบ = “theep ” – PUSH L

Thailand Words:
W#28 = ถีบตรง = “theepL dtrohngm”.
W#29 = ถีบข ้าง = “theep khaang ”. L F

W#30 = ถีบมือ = “theep Meuu ”.


W#31 = สบายดีไหม = “sa baai dee L M M

W#32 = สบายดี = “sa baai dee ”.

W#33 = ไม่สบาย = “mai sa baai ”. F L M

W#34 = นิดหน่อย = “nit naawy ”. H L

W#35 = ชา้ ชา้  = “chaa chaa ”.


Muay Thai Morals: MTM Morals = Why are you doing Muay Thai ??

M#7 Camp/ Gym/ School PLEDGE:

นักมวย = A “Nak Muay” is … ONE Who is:

1. Accustomed to Pain and Danger without Fear.

นักมวย = A “Nak Muay” is … ONE Who is:

2. Full of Courage when Displaying Power and Might.

นักมวย = A “Nak Muay” is … ONE Who is:

3. Honorable, Respectful, Truthful … Honest, Self Controlled and Reliable.

นักมวย = A “Nak Muay” is … ONE Who is:

4. Not a Bully - but Suppresses Evil and Promotes Good.

นักมวย = A “Nak Muay” is … ONE Who is:

5. Alive for the Purpose of … Making Life Safe and Happy for Society.

Muay Thai History: Do you know Muay Thai History ??

H#9 1782 – 1868 AD – Rattanakosin Era, RAMA Kings and Bangkok.

What happened on 21 April 1782 ??
What was Muay Thai used for now ??
1788 – What happened to the French brothers ??
Were FEMALES doing Muay Thai ??

H#10 1868 – 1925 AD – MID Rattanakosin Era, Rama IV – V – VI.

Britain Colonized Burma and France Colonized Laos and Cambodia.
Did Muay Thai come from Cambodia – Anchor Wat ??
Was Rama IV a Muay Thai Fighter ?? He set up the 1st Fights between
China & Thailand. Who won the fights ??
USA Movie the “King & I” was about Rama ?? and Who ??
How many Styles of Muay Thai now ??

Exercises: Body Center Core:

E#0 – JUMping Rope. OR

E#1 – Jumping Jacks. E#2 – Crunch Baby Back Ups.
E#3 – Crunch Leg Raises. E#4 – Crunch Sit Ups.
E#5 – Crunch Buns & Hammies. E#6 – Flex Back NECK.

Upper Body:
E#7 – Crunch MT Push Ups. E#8 – Hand Stand Push Ups.
E#9 – Crunch Circle Shoulders. E#10 – Crunch Pull Ups.

Circle Body Joints:

C#1 – Circles.
C#2 – Bent Over Twists R/L. C#3 – Standing Twists R/L.

S#1 – Stretch Basics. S#2 – Upper Body Stretches.
S#3 – Wai-Kru & Ram-Muay Stretch & Show Respect.
S#4 – Butter Fly, Outside Hip, Pancake.
S#5 – Final Chinese & American SPLITS.

Techniques: T#40 – “theepL dtrohngm” – Straight Push Kick with Ball of Foot.

T#41 – “theepL khaangF” – SIDE Push Kick/ 45 degrees.

T#42 – “theepL MeuuM” – Push with HAND.

T#43 – Push Kick BLOCKS. How to you deal with the Push ??
a. Block = Re-Direction PUSH.
b. Block = Circle Out HOOK. Same Same but Different as T#43a !!
c. Block = Two Hand Trap.

DRILLS: D#1 – W#11 = “saLbaaiMsaLbaaiM”–Relax Relax & open your EYES !!

D#2 – Breathing = Practice IN and Out Nose breathing.

Every time you start to practice Muay Thai you should always ask
yourself am I relaxed and breathing ?? Again, try Nose breathing
because you want your JAW closed and clinched when doing a strike.

D#40 – Shadow Sparring = Do Techniques against the AIR.

a. Practice putting ALL these techniques together !!

T#2 – “deernM muayM”. – Fighting Movement = Footwork.
T#40 – “theepL dtrohngm” – Straight Push Kick with Ball of Foot.
T#41 – “theepL khaangF” – SIDE Push Kick/ 45 degrees.
T#42 – “theepL MeuuM” – Push with HAND.

b. Practice putting ALL these techniques together !!

T#21a – POWER Step with T#40 and T#41.

D#41 – PARTNERS Visualize your Techniques against someone.

DOing KICKS, Gentlemen get your Groin Protectors on … cUp Up !!

a. Practice doing T#40, T#41, T#42, T#43, T#2, T#21a … have FUN !!

Now is the time you can ask your training partner:

How are you doing ??

W#31 = สบายดีไหม = “saL baaiM deeM maiH”??
I am doing good. ;-)
W#32 = สบายดี = “saL baaiM deeM”.

I am NOT doing good. ;-(

W#33 = ไม่สบาย = “maiF saL baaiM”.

Do the Techniques on me a “Little Bit” lighter.

W#34 = นิดหน่อย = “nitH naawyL”.

“Slow down”. You are going to fast.

W#35 = ชา้ ชา้  = “chaa H

b. Stomach Conditioning – The training partners will now be a BAG for

each other and then make their Stomach strong for getting kicked.

c. D#22 – PARTNER CLINCHing = T#20 – “nakH muayM bplamF”

and now ADD T#40, T#41, T#42, T#43.

D#42 – Thai PAD Training. Hit the Thai Pads … let them hit you back !!

The Thai PAD holder and the Fighter will practice T#40, T#41, T#42,
T#43, T#2, T#21a. The Thai PAD holder is in CHARGE, they should go
through each Technique one by one and note they must PUSH Kick so
the fighter can practice the Blocks.

D#43 – BAG Work. Practice your Techniques against the Heavy Bags.

a. Do SINGLE strikes … now you can Turn the POWER on !!

T#40 – “theepL dtrohngm” – Straight Push Kick with Ball of Foot.

T#41 – “theepL khaangF” – SIDE Push Kick/ 45 degrees.
T#42 – “theepL MeuuM” – Push with HAND.

b. FRONT Leg Speed and Control SETS … endurance and conditioning.

Your FRONT Leg will do a quick T#40 or T#41 to the BAG.

Counting 1 for 2, do 10 to 20 to 40 kicks Right and then Left. Have
the students do 2 to 4 sets which is about 100 to 200 kicks !!

c. DOUBLE Leg Speed and Control SETS … endurance and

conditioning. This is similar to T#43b BUT now you do continuous
Right and Left PUSH kicks. Counting 1 for 2, do 10 to 20 to 40 kicks.

d. SPEED Bag Push Kicks … develop your Face/ Head PUSH !!

T#21a – POWER Step with T#40 and T#41.

D#7 – CLOSE Class.

e. Wai-Kru Stretch … then bow (3) and pray. ;-)

f. Sit up and the Instructor will Ask, “What did you Learn in Class ??”

Instructor give Announcements, Fun Events and Testing Schedule ??

Wai Respect and the whole class will say,

“PhraH JAOF uayM bpohnM”.

Jump up and let’s go home !!


Workout #5 – เตะกลาง = “dteh L
glaangM” – BODY Kick

Thailand Words: W#36 = เตะกลาง = “dtehL glaangM”.

W#37 = ป้ องกัน = “bpaawngF ganM”.

W#38 = หายใจออก = “haaiR jaiM aawkL”.

W#39 = ขอโทษ = “khaawR tho:htF”.

W#40 = คำนีภ
้ าษา ไทย
ว่ายังไง =
“khamM neeH phaaM saaR ThaiM waaF yangM ngaiM”.

Muay Thai Morals: MTM Morals = Why are you doing Muay Thai ??

M#8 Quote by “Doc” Docto:

"You have discovered a big part of the heart of Muay Thai
when you can fight your best friend."

If you were to fight your best friend, you would have a fun, happy heart
and show them honor when you try to knock them out right ?? That is
true Muay Thai and it is a goal all Muay Thai fighters achieve and in that
goal you will discover one of the greatest powers of Muay Thai.

M#9 Get into the RING … what ??!!

Muay Thai is one of the Best TESTS on earth and you can take it over
and over to improve your heart - character. Many promote Muay Thai for
fitness only and that is good but one main reason for Muay Thai is to
develop your heart = spirit, emotions and character. Truly that happens
when you step into the Ring, get in front of a big crowd and they all are
screaming for a good fight. That is when the rubber hits the road, when a
fish gets into the water and when Muay Thai goes into full force. Do not
be afraid about getting into the Ring. Many worry about losing and then
they don’t realize that everyone that gets into the Ring is a Winner !! Do
something very very different, something that only a very few people
have done … Get into the Ring !!

Muay Thai History: Do you know Muay Thai History ??

H#11 1925 to PRESENT – Today’s Thailand.

1949 – What happened Officially in 1949 ??
1929 – Muay Thai took on the ??
1945 – The First Muay Thai Stadium in Thailand was ??
1953 – The Second Muay Thai Stadium was ??

H#12 2006 – SportAccord changed “Muay Thai” to ??

2011 – International Olympic Committee will approve ??
2016 – Will “Muaythai” make it to the Olympics ??

Exercises: Body Center Core:

E#0 – JUMping Rope. OR

E#1 – Jumping Jacks. E#2 – Crunch Baby Back Ups.
E#3 – Crunch Leg Raises. E#4 – Crunch Sit Ups.
E#5 – Crunch Buns & Hammies. E#6 – Flex Back NECK.

Upper Body:
E#7 – Crunch MT Push Ups. E#8 – Hand Stand Push Ups.
E#9 – Crunch Circle Shoulders. E#10 – Crunch Pull Ups.

Circle Body Joints:

C#1 – Circles.
C#2 – Bent Over Twists R/L. C#3 – Standing Twists R/L.

S#1 – Stretch Basics. S#2 – Upper Body Stretches.
S#3 – Wai-Kru & Ram-Muay Stretch & Show Respect.
S#4 – Butter Fly, Outside Hip, Pancake.
S#5 – Final Chinese & American SPLITS.

Techniques: T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.

The most Powerful Kick in the Combat and Martial Arts world !!
This KICK is a great example of what Muay Thai is all about because it
is performed with a calm heart, with relaxed humbleness and it is
conducted with years of body mechanical experience behind it. The
Japanese, Chinese and Korean Martial Arts are now doing this kick when
they fight Full Contact. WHY ?? Because it works !!

T#51 – “bpaawngF ganM” – Full Body BLOCK.

This is a Block BASE – One for ALL Block and it focuses on blocking
T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.

T#52 – GRAB Body Kick BLOCK.

MTM wants to get into the students mind that there are (3) ways to block
a body kick = Bone Block, Grab Block or PUSH Block.

T#53 – PUSH Body BLOCK.

This is the best BLOCK, it takes great timing and relaxed quickness.

DRILLS: D#1 – W#11 = “saLbaaiMsaLbaaiM”–Relax Relax & open your EYES !!

D#2 – W#38= “haaiR jaiM aawkL”. – Breathe … EXHALE !!

Breathing = Practice IN and Out Nose breathing !!
Every time you start to practice Muay Thai you should always ask
yourself am I relaxed and breathing ?? Try Nose breathing because
you want your JAW closed and clinched when doing a KICK !!

D#50 – Shadow Sparring = Do Techniques against the AIR.

a. 180 Degree T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Body Kicks !!

b. T#2 – “deernM muayM” – Fighting Footwork with

T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Body Kicks !!

c. 180 Degree RIGHT Strikes and then LEFT Strikes !!

Start in a Right leg back fighting stance then DO =

All RIGHT side STRIKES = Punch (T#5), Elbow (T#30), Knee

(T#21), Push Kick (T#40), Block (T#51) and finish with Body Kick
(T#50) that turns you 180 Degree and now you are in Left leg back
fighting stance just like T#50a.!! NOW do …

All LEFT side STRIKES = Punch (T#5), Elbow (T#30), Knee (T#21),
Push Kick (T#40), Block (T#51) and finish with Body Kick (T#50)
that turns you 180 Degree and now you are in Right leg back fighting
stance in the same place you started !!

d. T#21a – POWER Step with T#50 – Body Kicks !!

This is similar to D#50a. BUT when you start with your RIGHT Leg
in the Front position, POWER Step Left and then kick RIGHT 180

e. NOW this is Workout #5, have your students Do ALL the Techniques
from Workouts #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and put them ALL together.

T#1 – “jaawtL muayM” – Get into a Fighting Stance.

T#1a – Hand Blocks for 1-2 (Jab, Cross, Straight) Punches.
T#1b – Head Butt Block.
T#1c – Arm Blocks for 3-4 (Hook, Upper Cut) Punches & Elbows.
T#1d – Lean Back Block.
T#2 – “deernM muayM” – Fighting Movement = Footwork.
T#2a – Open Door Backwards.
T#2b – Open Door Frontwards.
T#4 – W#13 = “matL naaF” – Front Punch = JAB.
T#5 – W#14 = “matL langR” – Rear/ Back Punch = CROSS
T#6 – W#15 = “matL wiiang L” – Hook (swing) Punch.
T#7 – W#16 = “matL ngaam” – Upper Cut Punch.
T#20 – “nakH muayM bplamF”– Muay Thai fighter CLINCH.
T#21 – Diagonal Knee and Elephant Knee.
T#21a – POWER Step.
T#21b – BLOCK and GRAB hand movements.
T#30 – “saawkL dtatL” – Straight/ Cutting Elbow.
T#31 – “saawkL ngaam” – Uppercut (Ivory Tusk) Elbow.
T#32 – “saawkL glapL” – Swing Back/ Turning Elbow.
T#33 – Elbow hand GRABs.
T#40 – “theepL dtrohngm” – Straight Push Kick.
T#41 – “theepL khaangF” – SIDE Push Kick/ 45 degrees.
T#42 – “theepL MeuuM” – Push with HAND.
T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.
T#51 – “bpaawngF ganM” – Full Body BLOCK.

D#51 – PARTNERS Visualize your Techniques against someone.

DOing KICKS, Gentlemen get your Groin Protectors on … cUp Up !!

a. Practice doing KICKS – Stomach/ BODY Conditioning.

T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.
T#2 – “deernM muayM” – Fighting Footwork with
T#21a – POWER Step with T#50 – Body Kicks !!

b. Block Kick and Block – BONE Conditioning.

ADD T#51 – “bpaawngF ganM” – Full Body BLOCK to D#51a.
Optional: Shin Guards ??

c. Practice Grab & Push Techniques. ADD T#52 – GRAB Body

BLOCK & T#53 – PUSH Body BLOCK to D#51a.

d. Practice T#2a & T#2b – Open Door Backwards & Frontwards.

Classic Muay Thai, visualize this, physically FEEL this and get this
footwork down !! Stepping, Blocking, Control and then Counter
Body KICK … now that is Muay Thai !!

e. FULL on Light SPARRING !!

T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.
T#2 – “deernM muayM” – Fighting Footwork with
T#21a – POWER Step with T#50 – Body Kicks !!
T#51 – “bpaawngF ganM” – Full Body BLOCK.
T#52 – GRAB Body BLOCK and T#53 – PUSH Body BLOCK.
Optional: Shin Guards ??

D#52 – BAG Work. Practice your Techniques against the Heavy Bags.

a. T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.

SINGLE Right kicks and then Left.
Do 5 to 10 to 20 kicks, PAUSE between kicks to feel your Stance !!

b. T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.

NOW try to 5 to 10 to 20 KICKS in a Row. Slow and Smooth, from
your ONE PIVOT Spot, NO stepping, Relax and NO Pause now just
keep moving.

c. T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.

Turn the POWER on Right & then Left !!
NOW try to 5 to 10 to 20 KICKS in a Row !!
This is all about Speed, Relaxation, Bone Striking and Endurance !!

d. T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – DOUBLE Middle/ Body Kicks.

R & then L Body Kicks in a ROW – Leg Speed and HIP endurance &
conditioning. This is a Right Leg Body kick and then immediately do
a Left kick Body kick= R, L, R, L, R, L … !! Great COMBO kick !!
Do a set of 5 to 10 to 20 in a Row = 10 to 20 to 40 kicks in a Row !!

e. Thai BAG, let it Swing and Move. Feel the distance, timing and
T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.
T#2 – “deernM muayM” – Fighting Footwork with
T#21a – POWER Step with T#50 – Body Kicks !!

f. BAG Balance Drills and Techniques. KICK and BLOCK !!

T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.
T#51 – “bpaawngF ganM” – Full Body BLOCK.
Have the Students kick the BAG and then BLOCK right after with out
touching the GROUND.

g. BAG Balance Drills and Techniques. KICK and PUSH !!

T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick
T#40 – “theepL dtrohngm” – Straight Push Kick with Ball of Foot
T#41 – “theepL khaangF” – SIDE Push Kick/ 45 degrees
T#42 – “theepL MeuuM” – Push with HAND.

Have the Students kick the BAG and then PUSH right after. Great
techniques and with the PUSH Kick do not touch the GROUND but
do it immediately after the kick.

h. NOW this is Workout #5, have your students Do ALL the Techniques
from Workouts #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and put them ALL together.

D#53 – Thai PAD Training.

Hit the Thai Pads and let them hit you back !!
This is the REAL Deal … get ready to Rumble and to TRAIN !!

a. Practice with your partner Team Thai PAD training !!

T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.
T#2 – “deernM muayM” – Fighting Footwork with
T#21a – POWER Step with T#50 – Body Kicks !!

b. Practice with your partner Team Thai PAD training !!

T#51 – “bpaawngF ganM” – Full Body BLOCK.
T#52 – GRAB Body BLOCK and T#53 – PUSH Body BLOCK.
Do Kick then Block and Block then Kick.
The Thai PAD holder must have SHIN Guards on.

c. Practice with your partner Team Thai PAD training !!

Practice T#2a & T#2b – Open Door Backwards & Frontwards.

Classic Muay Thai, visualize this, physically FEEL this and get this
footwork down !! Stepping, Blocking, Control and then Counter
Body KICK … now that is Muay Thai !! The Thai PAD holder has to
MOVE into Position so their partner can do a good kick against the
Thai PADS.

d. NOW this is Workout #5, have your students Do ALL the Techniques
from Workouts #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and put them ALL together. Have
them make up their COMBO’s … combinations that come naturally
from their personality.

D#7 – CLOSE Class.

a. Wai-Kru Stretch … then bow (3) and pray. ;-)

b. Sit up and the Instructor will Ask, “What did you Learn in Class ??”

Instructor give Announcements, Fun Events and Testing Schedule ??

Wai Respect and the whole class will say,

“PhraH JAOF uayM bpohnM”.

Jump up and let’s go home !!

Muaythai Training Words – W#1 to W#40

Note: Speaking Thai = Soft, smooth, relaxed and beautiful. NOT Loud and Forceful. ;-(

W#0 = ทูตสน ั ถวไมตรีมวยไทย =

“thuudtF sanR tawaF maiMdtreeMmuayM thaiM” – Muay Thai goodwill ambassador.
– 2011 – Join the “Mission” give back and bless Thailand. ( - - -

W#1 = มวยไทย = “MuayM ThaiM” – Muay Thai – Thai Fighting or Thai Boxing.
( Muay Thai is Thailand’s National Sport, there are 1,000 plus
Muaythai Gyms in Bangkok. There are Muaythai Fight Events almost every night in
Thailand, 365 days a year and on many Sundays there are (3) Fight Events !!

W#2 = สวัสดีครับ = “saL watL deeM khrapH”.(male) “ka”(female) – Hello.


W#3 = ขอบคุณครับ = “khaawpL khoonM khrapH”. – Thank you.

( -

W#4 = พระเจ ้าอวยปน = “PhraH JAOF uayM bpohnM”. – God bless you.
( - – -

W#5 = จอดมวย = “jaawtL muayM”. – Get into a Fighting Stance.

( -

W#6 = เดินมวย = “deernM muayM”. – Fighting Movement = Footwork.

( -

W#7 = กำหมัด = “gamM matL”. – Make a Fist. (

W#8 = ขวา = “khwaaR”. – RIGHT direction. (

้ = “saaiH”. – LEFT direction. (

W#9 = ซาย
W#08 = ข ้างหน ้า = “khaangF naaF”. – FRONT direction.
( - -

W#09 = ถอยหลัง = “thaawyR langR”. – BACK direction.


W#10 = Counting One to Eleven (1 to 11).

หนึง่ = “neung ”. – ONE. (


สอง = “saawng ”. – Two. (


สาม = “saam ”. – Three. (


ส ี่ = “see ”. – Four. (


ห ้า = “haa ”. – Five. (


หก = “hohk ”. – Six. (


เจ็ด = “jet ”. – Seven. (


แปด   = “bpaaet ”. – Eight. (


เก ้า = “gaao ”. – Nive. (


สบ ิ = “sip ”. – TEN. (


สบ ิ เอ็ด = “sip et ”. – Eleven. (


W#11 = สบายสบาย = “saLbaaiMsaLbaaiM” – Relax Relax, humble – calm your heart.

( To be a Champion Muay Thai fighter or person you must
Master “sa baai sa baai”. This is a very important technique and to MTM it is the most
important thing to learn in Muay Thai. Very few Farang (W#12) understand and have
developed this technique. Very unique technique and MTM really really promotes this !!

W#12 = ฝรั่ง = “faL rangL” – The FRENCH were one of the first Foreigners in SIAM.
Now Thailand calls all foreigners “farang”. (

W#13 = หมัดหน ้า = “matL naaF” – Front Punch = JAB.

( -

W#14 = หมัดหลัง = “matL langR” – Rear/ Back Punch = CROSS.

( -
W#15 = หมัดงา = “matL ngaam” – Upper Cut Punch.
( -

W#16 = หมัดเหวีย
่ ง  = “matL wiiangL” – Hook (swing) Punch.
( -

W#17 = นั กมวยปล้ำ = “nakH muayM bplamF” – MT fighter CLINCH.


W#18 = เข่าเฉียง = “khao chiiang ” – Diagonal Knee.


้ = “khao chaang ” – Elephant Knee.

เข่าชาง L H

( - -

W#19 = เร็ว เร็ว = “reo M

reoM” – Fast Fast – Speed Up !! (

W#20 = ค่ายมวย = “khaaiF MuayM” – Camp Fight/ Muay Thai Gym or School.
( -

W#21 = ใจดี = “jaiM deeM” – Heart Good/ Good Heart.


W#22 = ใจร ้อน = “jaiM raawnH” – Heart HOT/ Bad Heart.


W#23 = ศอกตัด = “saawkL dtatL” – Straight/ Cutting Elbow.

( -

W#24 = ศอกงา = “saawkL ngaam” – Uppercut Elbow.

( -

W#25 = ศอกกลับ = “saawkL glapL” – Swing Back/ Turning Elbow.

( -

W#26 = สวัสดีครับ = “saL watL deeM khrapH” – Good Bye. ;-)


W#27 = ขอบคุณ = “khaawpL khoonM” – Thank you.


W#28 = ถีบตรง = “theepL dtrohngm” – Straight Push Kick with Ball of Foot.
( -
W#29 = ถีบข ้าง = “theep L
khaangF” – SIDE Push Kick/ 45 degrees.
( -

W#30 = ถีบมือ = “theepL MeuuM” – Push with HAND.

( -

W#31 = สบายดีไหม = “saL baaiM deeM maiH” – How are you doing ??

W#32 = สบายดี = “saL baaiM deeM” – I am fine.


W#33 = ไม่สบาย = “maiF saL baaiM” – I am NOT well.

( - -

W#34 = นิดหน่อย = “nitH naawyL” – Little bit – small amount.


W#35 = ชา้ ชา้  = “chaa H

chaaH” – Slow, Slowly … slow down.

W#36 = เตะกลาง = “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.

( -

W#37 = ป้ องกัน = “bpaawngF ganM” – To Protect - BLOCK.


W#38 = หายใจออก = “haaiR jaiM aawkL” – To BREATHE - Exhale.


W#39 = ขอโทษ = “khaawR tho:htF” – I’m sorry, Excuse me, Pardon me.

W#40 = คำนีภ ้ าษา ไทย

ว่ายังไง =
“khamM neeH phaaM saaR ThaiM waaF yangM ngaiM” –
How do you say this word in Thai language.
Muay Thai Missions – MTM – Morals M#1 to M#7
Spirit – Soul – Mind – Emotions - Body

Muay Thai Morals: MTM Morals = Why are you doing Muay Thai ??

M#1 Purpose = “PPPP = People Parish NO Passion Purpose.”

From a Temple Buddhist Monk perspective, one main purpose of Muay Thai is to teach a
young man HUMBLE-ness. MTM is a Christian outreach, Jesus gives a very strong
definition of Humbleness so this is a Big Key on how we teach Muay Thai. Muaythai
should not be a Sport that is a Macho, Proud, Loud Mouth type of Sport we have in America
or other Western Countries. It is about Royalty, Honor, Respect, His-Story and again
Humbleness = showing others they are more valuable than your-SELF.

NOTE this is very hard to understand because Muay Thai as a Sport that tries to KNOCK
Out their opponent and if accomplished in a safe and clean way … it is the #1 goal.
Humbleness - M#1 = MTM’s most important Moral because to MTM … Humbleness is the
true Power behind Muaythai. When fighting in the Ring, if you focus on being humble, soft
and relaxed then you can feel your opponent’s movements, you are faster and your
Endurance can increase 50% !! For MTM fighters this is the #1 focus because it allows you
to feel and move out of the way of strikes and thus do KO counter strikes. - UFC Champ - Vitor Belfort fighting for LIFE.

M#2 Martial Art Style = “Muay Thai is an OPEN Book System.”

There is no one Master Teacher but only great teachers and you can become one yourself. In
Thailand Muay Thai IT is really Caught not Taught. Most Thai fighters just train with each
other and they learn Muay Thai from training … not from books and/ or talking or speaking
a lot. This is one reason that we started MTM. Unity is a problem in Muay Thai, one reason
is GREED and the other is IT is an OPEN Book System. There are many different Styles so
it is hard to Unify the group under one standard or teaching.

Fairtex Muay Thai Promoted, “In order to Fight like a Thai you must train like a Thai.”
After living in Thailand I have changed this to:

“In order to Fight like a Thai you must train WITH a Thai.”

Muay Thai has FIVE basic areas = Hands, Elbows, Knees, Kicks and Clinching.
Every Thai CHAMP has power in one of those areas, he has his own style that was made up
by his personality and natural abilities. Muay Thai is OPEN, you will learn from those you
have personal PASSiON for and thus you will make up your own personal style … it is all
Muay Thai. Many ask me what is the best Camp in Thailand ??
To me the Best Camp is the Camp you connect with, the one that you can learn from, a place
where people are your SIZE and the one that develops your natural skills. The Best Camp is
the Trainer and Fighters … YOU love to learn from so it could be in a Fancy City Gym or a
Poor Jungle Country Gym. It is all good and it is all Muaythai !!

M#3 Master of Muay Thai = “Everyone is a Student and is a Student for Life.”

Khru Kaet Sriapai studied with (13) plus Muay Thai teachers before he became a great
teacher himself. At the end of his life he said:

“I have studied Muay Thai since I was 10 until I’ve reached the age of 70,
and I’ve still got plenty to learn. So if someone says
‘I am skillful, I know everything,’
I believe that person can never reach the Heart of Muay Thai.”

There are No Masters in Muay Thai. Thailand is just now calling their teachers Master, they
are doing this to let the International community understand who they are but MTM is
holding to the old school system of No Masters … everyone is a Student for LIFE.
Even rankings, belts, levels, degrees were Not apart of Muay Thai but as the Sport of
Muaythai grows these things are showing up so International people will get involved in this
Sport. In Thailand many of the Best Trainers and Fighters do not have Certificates that say
WHO they are … they have Campion Belts and are Champion Trainers.

M#4 “Muay Thai is HARD as a Diamond and SOFT - smooth as SILK.”

Muay Thai has a SOFT – smooth – silk and FEMININE side which is very power and very
difficult to learn … it comes from a calm heart (again Humbleness). Many believe this is the
true power of Muay Thai and makes it very unique fighting style. Most Muay Thai
CHAMPS in Thailand are very humble, SOFT and feminine. Most of us in the West
understand and can achieve the HARD as a Diamond part of Muaythai but the SOFT side
comes from the Feminine side … very Few want to go there.

M#5 No Sorry = “Do not say Sorry to your opponent or training partner.”

Muaythai as a Sport … is a KNOCK Out Sport and if accomplished in a safe and clean way
… it is the #1 goal of Muaythai !! MTM students must understand this, accept this and learn
to work with each other with out saying, “Sorry”. If you are training, sparring and/ or
fighting in Muaythai and your opponent/ partner gets you with a good, clean and powerful
strike … No Sorry should be said. Many Thai fighters acknowledge and smile at their
opponent then they get hit by a good strike and then move on trying to counter with their
own good strike. Kao JAI mai krap … do you understand that in your Heart ?? The only
time a Sorry should be given is for a Foul and accidental Foul strike … please humble
yourself and say Sorry for that.

M#6 Training, Sparring, Fighting = “Iron sharpens Iron”.

Your opponent is not the enemy, they are a TOOL to make you a better person and in
Muaythai YOU first fight yourself and then you fight your opponent. Can you accept your
OWN fears, your humanity and then practice a quiet, calm, peaceful and humble Heart/
Good Heart … Jai Dee krap.

Muaythai is a Team Sport, you need a fight family around you and that is what truly makes
you the Best you can BE. There are no “Lone Rangers” because most of the training is
learning how to deal with deferent styles and personalities in fighting. In fact Iron Bones
happen because when Bone hits Bone it becomes like Iron.
Muay Thai is Bone fighting = “Iron sharpens Iron”.

M#7 Camp/ Gym/ School PLEDGE:

นักมวย = A “Nak Muay” is ONE … ONE Who is:

1. Accustomed to Pain and Danger without Fear.

นักมวย = A “Nak Muay” is ONE … ONE Who is:

2. Full of Courage when Displaying Power and Might.

นักมวย = A “Nak Muay” is ONE … ONE Who is:

3. Honorable, Respectful, Truthful … Honest, Self Controlled and Reliable.

นักมวย = A “Nak Muay” is ONE … ONE Who is:

4. Not a Bully - but Suppresses Evil and Promotes Good.

นักมวย = A “Nak Muay” is ONE … ONE Who is:

5. Alive for the Purpose of … Making Life Safe and Happy for Society.


You can make a Pledge that you think fits your own Camp.
MTM gives you the freedom to modify this material. Please remember to teach the original
material to new instructors so we will all have the same foundation. Protect and do NOT
give this Info to anyone … MTM FAMily rocks !!

M#8 Quote by “Doc” Docto:

"You have discovered a big part of the heart of Muay Thai

when you can fight your best friend."

If you were to fight your best friend, you would have a fun, happy heart and show them
honor when you try to knock them out right ?? That is true Muay Thai and it is a goal all
Muay Thai fighters to achieve and in that goal you will discover one of the greatest powers
of Muay Thai. This is truly old school Warrior stuff, in War there was a Royal CODE of
Honor and Respect for your Enemy. Very few know this and MTM wants to bring it back !!

M#9 Get into the RING … what ??!!

Muay Thai is one of the Best TESTS on earth and you can take it over and over to improve
your heart - character. Many promote Muay Thai for fitness only and that is good but one
main reason for Muay Thai is to develop your heart = spirit, emotions and character.

Truly that happens when you step into the RING, get in front of a big crowd and they all are
screaming for a good fight. That is when the rubber hits the road, when a fish gets into the
water and when Muay Thai goes into full force. Do not be afraid about getting into the
RING. Many worry about losing and then they don’t realize that everyone that gets into the
RING is a Winner !! Do something very very different, something that only a very few
people have done … Get into the RING !! One reason we have TESTing is to give the
students an opportunity and a REASON to get into the RING. Hopefully they get to fight a
good, humble and skilled Instructor so the can have a good experience in the RING. ;-)
History of “Muay Thai” = Muaythai = H#1 to H#12
History Notes from “Muay Thai College” 2010 Chom Bueng Thailand
and the Book “Muay Thai” A Living Legacy published 2001.

H#1 - The history of Muay Thai was lost when the Burmese army sacked and burned Ayutthaya (Old
Siam) to the ground. Old Siam was a beautiful gold city, they wanted the gold so they had to burn it to the
ground. With them, much of the early Muay Thai history also went. The little we do know about Muay
Thai comes from the writings of the Burmese/ Myrmar, Cambodia, writings on the stone walls of Temples,
early European visitors and some of the chronicles of the Lanna Kingdom – Chiang Mai.

H#2 - 200 BC – Buddha was born in Nepal, Lumbini (Note the name Lumpini) 563 BC
Buddhist missionaries were sent to East Asia, Suvarnabhumi = “The Land of Gold” also known as the
“Golden Era” for Thailand and it was a very prosperous period of time. It was a wide stretch of land from
Burma/ Myrmar to Cambodia and they started to move South. This people group were great fighters, some
mercenaries and they were called “Syams” (Siam) from the Sanskrit “syam” … meaning “dark” which was a
reference to their relatively darker skin tones. Then the name “Syams” became “SIAM” as a reference to
this kingdom area.

The #1 weapon of war during this time was the elephant and the warriors did their fighting from on top of
the elephant (Tony Jaa shows this in his movies). The Theory of Muay Thai was it was developed by the
Syams (Siam) and with in the Syam people or it came from India and China as people migrated to this area.
One thing is for sure … Muay Thai was a part of SIAM from the very beginning of its existence and was
used by the warriors in battle to defend their country.

H#3 - 1238 – 1377 AD – Sukothai Era. Sukothai = “Son of the King” and many say he was the first King to
really learn and practice Muay Thai in a cave. This was the birth of the beginning of today’s shape of
Thailand. Founded as a great Khmer empire (Khmer people dominated Cambodia … “Killing Fields
1960’s”) during this time Art and Buddhism flourished. The King, Ram Kam Heang – (Ramkamheang
Road) was known as the first King to establish the country’s writing system.

H#4 - 1350 – 1767 AD – Ayutthaya Era.

Ayutthaya (old Siam) is about 76 km/ 50 miles north of Bangkok today. The full name is Phra Nakorn Sri
Ayutthaya and it was the capital of the country area for over 400 years from 1350 by King U-Thong and
ended by total destruction by the Burmese/ Myrmar in 1767. It was an extremely prosperous city, center of
trade market and foreign envoys including Europe. It was a golden city, architectural wealth was amazing
and there was a time when people said it was the most beautiful city in the world.

H#5 - 1500 – All of Thailand’s early Kings practiced Muay Thai and it was the sport of the Kings. One
such King was King Naresuan who defeated the Burmese crown prince in a single handed, elephant back
combat fight in 1592. He had all his solders train in Muay Thai, new techniques were being added and only
simple effective movements were practiced.

There was an amazing Queen named Suriyothai, who was mortally wounded in 1548 when disguised as a
warrior and this happened because she came to aid her husband the King on the battlefield. Muay Thai was
greatly advancing because it was used to combat the many battles against the Burmese/ now Myrmar.

H#6 - 1702 – Somdet Prachao Suer (The Tiger King) was the 29th King of the Ayutthaya Era was a great
promoter of Muay Thai. He loved Muay Thai so much, even at the age of 42 years, he often fought
incognito in village contests and beating the local champions. During the reign of the Tiger King the nation
was at peace. The King, to keep the army busy, ordered it to train in Muay Thai and also encouraged the
whole nation to do so.

The interest in the sport was already high but now it took off yet again.  Rich, poor, young and old, all
wanted some of the action. Every village staged its prize fights and had its champions. Every bout became
a betting contest as well as a contest of local pride. The betting tradition has remained with the sport and
today large sums are wagered on the outcome of fights. An interesting note is in Thailand it is illegal to
gamble but because gambling in Muay Thai has a long history it is looked at as apart of Thai Culture.

H#7 - 1774 – Nai Khanom Tom (The Father of Muay Thai). The King Mangra of Burma went to Rangoon
to attend a celebration at the Temple there. There was a Martial Arts competition there that would decide if
the Siam or Burma fighting system was better. Nai Khanom Tom was chosen to represent Siam. The
Burma system focused on hand strikes where Siam used elbows, knees and kicks. Nai defeated the Burma
system and won many fights in succession. King Mangra praised him and said, “Every part of this man is
blessed with venom. Even empty handed, he could defeat nine or ten opponents.” On 17 March of every
year, in Ayutthaya and all over Thailand many people celebrate “Muay Thai Day” in honor of Nai Khanom
Tom and the many old and new teachers of Muay Thai.

H#8 - 1767 – 1782 AD – Thonburi Era.

After Ayutthaya, the new king, Prachao Taksin Maharaj established the new capital on the west bank of the
Chao Phraya River – Thonburi. This king was of Chinese ancestry and Taksin established major links with
China. A famous Muay Thai fighter of that time was Praya Pi-chai Dab Hak, he loved the flying and
jumping strikes of Muay Thai at that time. He helped to win a major battle with Burma, he was good with
the Thai swords in both hands, one sword got broken, but he continued to fight and was still victorious. You
can see a statue of him as the “Count Pi-Chai with the Broken Sword”.

H#9 - 1782 – 1868 AD – Early Rattanakosin Era of the RAMA Kings and Bangkok.
After the Thonburi Era, King Putta Yodfah (Rama I) came to the throne as the first king of the Chakri
dynasty and he established a new capital for the country on 21 April 1782 = Krungthepmahanakorn =
today’s Bangkok. Muay Thai was still used as Military Skill, for Personal Advancement, Training for
Royalty and the Elite Sport. A Muay Thai hero of that day was Muen Plaan. 1788, two French brothers
came to Thailand to challenge the local Muay Thai fighters. There was a fight set up right in front of the
Royal grounds and this was going to be a historical event. Muen Plaan used his long range techniques to
keep the stronger French opponent at a distance so he could not use his strength to crush him. Muay Thai is
known as “Hard as a Diamond & Soft as Silk” and the soft side of Muay Thai was really beating the
hardness of the French fighter. The older French brother got upset at this, he jumped into the ring to stop
Muen Plaan’s movements and then the other Thai fighters jumped into the ring … a free for all started and
the French brothers received many injuries. Muen Plaan received an honorary rank and name from King
Rama I = Muen Plaan = “Knight of Destruction”.

Some history suggests that under Rama II and Rama III woman really liked and trained in Muay Thai.
There was a Muay Thai Champion in Thailand at that time from Royal decent and SHE was an amazing

H#10 - 1868 – 1925 AD – MID Rattanakosin Era.

Thailand developed greatly in this time and it was greatly due to the Kings – Rama V and Rama VI. Major
road networks were establish and railways. This is when some land was lost because of colonialization,
Burma by the British, Laos by the French but Thailand established themselves against this and today have
never been colonized by any other country. The American movie called “The King and I” was about Rama
IV and how he brought East and West relationships and knowledge together in Thailand. Rama IV was a
Muay Thai fighter, he loved it, promoted it, had everyone practice it and Muay Thai grew under his
leadership. Rama VI set up the first competition between Thailand and China. Thailand knocked out
everyone of China’s fighters and it was an amazing event. There was no ring at this time and most fights
went until someone got knocked out. Muay Thai was greatly developing into many different styles within
itself and some say there was only FOUR major styles in Thailand = North, Central, South and East.

H#11 - 1925 – PRESENT – Today’s Thailand.

Siam became Thailand officially in 1949, Rama IV. Rama IX, King Bhumipol established a constitutional
monarchy and today he is the longest reigning King in world history … amazing.

1929 – Is when Muay Thai took on the Queen’s Bury Boxing Rules from England. They went from almost
no rules, no time, no weight class, no referees and no ring to the modern sport that everyone knows today as
Muay Thai. Rama VII was the one who made this movement because in a fight between a Cambodian and a
Siam fighter the Cambodian fighter died so Rama VII compassion moved this combat fighting system into a
safer sport. Rama VII was educated in Europe, he was from a very wealthy family and he ended slavery in
Siam in 1932.

1945 – The first Stadium was built = Rajadamnern/ Ratchadamneon and the second in 1953 = Lumpini and
a law was passed that every province in Thailand must build a Stadium under government rules so that
Muay Thai can grow in Thailand. There are 76 provinces in Thailand and some say Los Angeles California
USA is the 77th province because there is abou 60,000 Thai people there. When the stadiums were built, this
is the time is when Muay Thai really went from old school military fighting to a Sport. Head butt and groin
strikes are no longer allowed, protective mouth and groin guards must be worn; along with time limits and
weight classes. But despite the changes of history, Muay Thai has lost none of its exotic appeal and even
mystique. Muay Thai is still the fighting art to beat. The fighting art that defeats all challenges from Kung
Fu, Karate, Taekwando and the latest kickboxing fashions. They have all come to Thailand, not just once
but many times and from many places to test themselves. 

Muay Thai has lost none of its appeal in Thailand. The television fight broadcasts rate among the
Kingdom's most popular programs. In the provinces, villages … people cluster around any available TV to
watch. In the city, people disappear from the streets while Thailand is watching Muay Thai. Thai Boxing is
also becoming increasingly popular outside of Thailand. It has its enthusiasts and practitioners in the
Americas, Australia, Japan, Europe, as well as in many other countries around the world.  The illustrious
history of Muay Thai will continue as it receives greater recognition and gains in international popularity.

H#12 - 2006 – “Muay Thai” to “Muaythai”. SportAccord (formerly GAISF) recognized that Muay Thai is
an international sport that can be considered to be in the Olympics. No sport can be in the Olympics if it has
a nation’s name as a part of it so that is why they made Muaythai one word.

2008 – Muaythai as a sport was in TAFISA World Games in Korea and was involved in other international
regional games. It is on the road to the Olympics but it will be a long hard road.

2011 – IOC = International Olympic Committee is the one that approves a sport to be apart of the Olympics
and they are the one that can approve Muaythai as an Olympic Sport. IFMA = International Federation of
Muaythai Amateur is the only group that can get Muaythai into the Olympics and they have put their
application in for a 2011 approval. If it is approved then Muaythai will be in the 2016 Olympics and if not it
will be another EIGHT years before they can get another application approved.

2016 – Will Muaythai make it to the Olympics ?? NO … too many leaders, too many groups and too many
money hungry & power greedy people that will not humble themselves and unify so that Muaythai can grow
Internationally and become an Olympic sport … will Muaythai be a Family to rock the Olympics ?? It looks
like MMA will be in the Olympics before Muay Thai right ??

Here is a good link to read more on Muay Thai History:

Exercises E# - C# - S#

Notes: [a] = 100 movements or 1 – 2 – 3 minute round.

Note COUNT 2 for 1 = 1 to 10 (5) times = 50 by words and you trick your mind
because COUNTing 2 for 1 means you just did 100 movements.

[b] = Feel the BURN – Can stop by taking only three big breathes ... then go go go.
You will feel the BURN usually at COUNT 30 = 60 movements. Try to have people
rest there and do the last 10 COUNT = 20. ;-)

[c] = Go for short, smooth moves, you can not hurt yourself but YES it BURNs.
Burn Baby Burn !!

[d] = “MT” = Muay Thai of Muaythai. “MTM” = Muay Thai Missions.

[e] = “R/L” = Right and Left.

[f] = Optional 3 to 5 to 10 movements.

[g] = COUNT in Thai … practice the Thai Words !!

The theme of MTM Exercises is Health, Flexibility, Endurance and natural Strength. Many people try to do
too much exercise for Muay Thai and some do not do anything at all. MTM is in the middle, there are some
exercises and stretches needed to fully enjoy Muay Thai but MTM does not want to focus that much on too
much exercise. There is so much in Muay Thai to practice so MTM wants to be very Efficient in training.

E#0 to E#6 – Is a strong basic Body Center Core strength. People focus on the Center Core !!

E#0 – JUMping Rope: This is a must for MT, everyone must learn to jump rope and a Thai fighter can do
it for One Hour because they learn to totally RELAX. Most class workouts should only do 5 to 10 minutes
to save time and encourage students to come early so they can do it before class. Jumping Rope is where
MT starts, it builds a strong and healthy body and most importantly you can practice and feel Relaxation.

Relaxation = W#11 = สบายสบาย = “sa baai sa baai ”

humble – calm your heart. MTM
will always promote the power of MT from Thailand is sa baai sa baaiM. In this mode, you can feel

your opponent’s movements, you can move faster, your strikes are more powerful and you can deceive your
opponent in order to deliver a KO strike. You have to feel your body, feel the tension and then relax it. MT
is like Tai Chi in that regards, where you feel tension … there is where you concentrate and relax. When
jumping rope Thailand style one try to single foot hops and double foot hops … keep it simple and that is it.
Try to keep the hands by the hips and do big wrist circles and again relax … especially your shoulders.
There are many good ropes out there but get a thick rope from Thailand or use a tube style rope which is
thicker than most standard ropes on the market. Nothing fancy in Thailand, this is a workout and one were
you practice relaxation.
Notes: [b]

E#1 – Jumping Jacks: This is a great way to get into shape for jumping rope, it gets your Calves in shape
and most people can not do 100 jumping jacks. Great, fast, time efficient and develops calve muscles for
MT. Do this especially if a student can not jump rope and is trying to get into shape to do so.
Notes: [a] [b] [g]

E#2 – Crunch Baby Back Ups: Try to point toes & legs long back, fingers & arms point long forward
(Superman Position) and Flex lower Back up in small crunching movements. Feel the BURN in lower Back
around 30. Notes: [a] [b] [c] [g] Right after, put hands under shoulders and press up- long- straight to an
Up Dog pose/ stretch, breathe (5 to 10) times & then twist R & L (5 to 10) times looking at feet- this is a
massaging type of movement to stretch back.

E#3 – Crunch Leg Raises: Point Toes, Straight Legs, Hands past Butt, make Fists past Butt, Flex LOW
Stomach while pressing LOW back to the ground. Lift Legs in small Crunch movements, FEEL lower
stomach, workout Neck by lifting the head high & do them to feel the BURN. Once back gets in shape you
can put your hands up and back to Test your BACK but do not hurt the lower back!! Notes: [a] [b] [c] [g]

E#4 – Crunch Sit Ups: Raise upper body, workout Neck by lifting the head high, as you flex UP … Hit
your stomach with FISTS to feel the muscle Crunch. Crunch Flex Upper Stomach in small movements.
You will workout the front of your Neck and this is good for taking punches. Notes: [a] [b] [c] [g]

E#5 – Crunch Buns & Hammies: Try to come onto the balls of your feet, move hips up to the sky and feel
the BURN in your Buns … put those Buns in the oven. Notes: [a] [b] [c] [g]
Stay on your back, finish with hugging knees into the chest stretch, breathe and squeeze (5 to 10) times.
Feet on ground, 45 degrees, cross right over left like sitting in a chair, drop knees left and look right for a big
lower back twist. Now do the other side, then grab ankles and now ROLL on your back. Bring toes over/
past your head for a big lower back stretch. Try to touch toes to the ground (5 to 10) times … remember to

E#6 – Flex Back NECK: Sit with legs crossed Indian Style, lace fingers behind neck, pull neck down and
stretch. Now do relaxing movements up, flexing back neck and you will feel the burn. This is very
important for clinching and it is a must for Muay Thai in Thailand.
Notes: [a] [b] [c] [g]

E#7 to E#10 – This is a strong basic UPper Body strength.

E#7 – Crunch MT Push Ups: Optional to put Gloves on. Makes fists, put fists parallel under shoulders,
lift body off ground and then do small movements up and down = Crunch Push Ups. Optional to put knees
on the ground but feel the Burn in the arms and chest.
Notes: [a] [b] [c] [g]

E#8 – Hand Stand Push Ups: Do (2 to 3) sets of (5 to 10) and if this is the first time for people … they
must just practice a Hand Stand first against a wall. Next level is to do a Hand Stand and then let your legs
fold over the shoulders of your partner and then to Crunching Movements UP and Down. You will note that
your partner will now have to do small leg squats. IF someone can not do this … just do Hand Stand
movements standing and bend Body 90 degrees to a wall and then do crunching Hand Stand movements
against the wall.
Notes: [a] [b] [c] [g]

E#9 – Crunch Circle Shoulders: Do sets of 20 forward & 20 backward of Shoulder Circles = Medium
Circle movements. 40 x 3 sets is 120 circles … feel the BURN in the Shoulder muscles.
Notes: [a] [b] [c] [g]

E#10 – Crunch Pull Ups: Optional pull up Bar rubber bands to help in pulling up. You will touch the
ground with your feet/ toes so they can help you Crunch up in a Pull Up. Do what you can & fell the BURN
in your upper Back. Only do as many pull ups as you can for a 3 minute round or you can do 2 to 3 sets of
as many you can. Pull ups are very healthy and very important MT. Optional exercise is climbing up a
Rope 1 to 3 times = South Thailand or you can NOT climb the Rope then use it instead of the pull up Bar =
Crunch Pulls. Just hold onto the Rope, get a little help from your feet and pull up then switch hand grips.
Notes: [g]

E#11 to E#13 – This is a strong basic LOWer Body Leg strength.

E#11 – Crunch Squats: Squat down as low as you can, do crunching small movements up & down and
feel the BURN in your quads/ legs and knees. You CAN Do It !! Optional practice you Balance by doing
these movements while on the BALLS of your FEET !! Notes: [a] [b] [c] [g]

E#12 – Crunch Calf Flexes: Stand at 30 to 40 degrees at a wall, put hands on the wall for balance and a
little resistance. Crunch flex your Calf muscles and feel the BURN in your Calves. Burn Baby Burn !!
Notes: [a] [b] [c] [g]

E#13 – Crunch SHIN Flexes: Stand at a wall again, put hands on the wall for balance, crunch flex your
toes towards your knees, flex your SHINS & feel the BURN in your SHINS. Then do 5 to 10 ankles circles
R/L. This really keeps your ankles strong for MT and helps Stop Skin Splints.
Notes: [a] [b] [c] [g]

CIRCLES – Move Joints – Warm Up !!

C#1 – Circles: Circle Wrists, elbows, arms, shoulders, neck, waste, single hips, knees and ankles.
Work on Balance. This is very important if training in COLD weather !!
Notes: [f] [g].

C#2 – Bent Over Twists R/L: Stand with feet wide apart. Arms straight out, left hand point touch right
foot and then twist right hand up to the sky. Twist and then right hand point touch left foot and then twist
left hand up to the sky. The Twist is very Important in Muay Thai so do it with purpose.
Notes: [f] [g].

C#3 – Standing Twists R/L: Stand with feet wide apart. Arms straight out, left hand point forward and
then twist right hand to point backward. Twist and then right hand point forward and then twist left hand to
point backward. Relax, twist the body in massaging movements.
Notes: [f] [g].

STRETCHING – Flexibility = Health and more MT Moves and techniques.

S#1 – Stretch Basics: Squeeze R knee to chest, L hand grab R foot and then try to stretch R leg as long as
you can. L hand holding R foot and now drop L to twist lower back and try to look R and keep R back side
on the ground. Now to the other side. Sit up with legs bent, R/L hands grab R/L toes/feet, legs bent and then
stretch them as long as you can. Now twist upper back R/L – Pretzel, sit up again hands grab toes/feet
again, get onto your belly & up dog stretch way up. Optional feet to head if you can, then good morning
stretch arms reach long, come up to stretch calves R/L & alternate, stand up touch toes, Kiss Knees, Big
breathe and come UP Slowly !!

S#2 – Upper Body Stretches: Sit on the ground with feet under butt. Sit on feet stretch toes back, pressure
on toes- “Hang Ten”, now make Feet Flat stretch feet, flex up & down stretching knees (5 to 10) times to
allow you to sit in this position while stretching Upper Body. Pull right arm over, yoga hand stretch R and
now do the L side. Twist wrists, forearms R and L. Pull elbows to upper back R and L. Reach hands up
back R and L … can you grab your hands behind your back ?? Chicken Wings R and L and now Grab
Elbows behind back R and L. Lace fingers front and stretch up front. Lace fingers Back and stretch up
Back (5 to 10) times. Now lay back and fully stretch knees and quads (5 to 10) times.

S#3 – Wai-Kru & Ram-Muay Stretch & Show Respect:

L foot forward, R knee back, bounce dipping forward to Ram-Muay, then drop back stretching R knee and
then grab L foot stretching L hamstring. Do this forward and back movement THREE times. Now switch
to R foot forward, L knee back and do the forward and back movement THREE times. Now Prayer stretch,
knees wide, roll hips front and back and feel the stretch in your hips. Notes: [f] Then Prayer Pose, Bow 3
times in Wai (Father, Son, Spirit) … 4th Bow Wai pray for safety & health in Phra Yesu’s Name - amen. Sit
up Wai Respect and ask the Instructor to teach you MT. Jump up and let’s train !!

S#4 – Butter Fly, Outside Hip, Pancake: Flexibility is so important if you want to do the large amount of
MT Kick techniques. If you are not flexible then your abilities to do and learn are less. Important to stretch
and it really keeps you healthy and strong. Butter Fly = Feet come together as close to your groin as
possible, knees will flap up, grab your ankles and then try to press your knees to the ground. Outside Hip =
A runner’s stretch or Yoga Prayer Pose = L forward and bent at 90 degrees, R leg goes straight back, R hand
grabs L big toe and try to bring your forehead to the L big toe … feel the L outside HIP stretch.
Now do the other side. Pancake = Gymnastic Stretch = feet and legs out long, reach L – Middle – R
stretching the hamstrings, inner thighs and back.
This is a great stretch for MT and many can not do it … but You CAN Do It !!
Notes: [f] [g].

S#5 – Final Chinese & American SPLITS: Do the Chinese SPLITS, keep feet on the floor and toes can be
out at about 45 degrees. Feel the muscles stretching, feel the pain and flex those muscles. Go forward onto
your elbows or forehead and flex your feet up on the balls of your feet and flex those muscles again. Turn R
into an Americas SPLIT, drop down as low as you can and rock in stretching motions (5 to 10) times. Turn
L into an American SPLIT and repeat the stretches. Go back to the Chinese Splits and do the flexing one
more time. Fall/ drop back into a Pancake stretch and reach your hand- elbows- head and/ or belly to the
floor … can you feel that ?? If people can not and help them in partner stretches. Try to ROLL your hips
forward and you will be able to do the Chinese SPLITS some day … might take 20 to 30 years !!
Notes: [f] [g].

TECHniques – T#1 – T#20 – T#30 – T#40 – T#50

Instructor NOTES:
- Instructors should always demonstrate the Techniques and ask the students if they
understand. IF not then have fun showing them until they do understand.
- Instructors are in CHARGE, they must watch every student and think think SAFEty !!
- MTM Instructors should be FRIENDLY, FUN and Not sooo Serious & Overbearing !!

T#1 – จอดมวย = “jaawtL muayM”. – Get into a Fighting Stance.

Feet Shoulder Width Apart, standing and moving on rail road tracks. Try not to go heal toe and thus
keep a wide base. Front Foot Forward towards your opponent and Back Foot & Body about 30/45
degrees so Push Kicks do not hit square on the body. Weight balanced between Feet, Elbows down
to protect the rips, Hands temple level and reaching out to catch strikes. Trying to always relax and
only stand strong or tense when to catch or block a strike coming at you.

a. Hand Blocks for 1-2 (Jab, Cross, Straight) Punches = Small movement GRABS. This is
where Thai Pad holding helps you to develop this. You should be able to catch most 1-2 Punches
with your hands and then you can re-direct or hold for a counter strike. South Thailand style loves
this for Elbows … catch a Punch and give an Elbow.

b. Head Butt Block = Using your forehead, hair line in a small, short but very strong movement
that tries to Head Butt = Head ON with a 1-2 Punch coming at your face/ nose. This is a force to
force block, this can break the punchers hand, especially in a street fight and it puts you into a close
position and a good distance to deliver a counter KO strike.

c. Arm Blocks for 3-4 (Hook, Upper Cut) Punches & Elbow strikes = Right or Left Hand
grabs the corresponding/ same side temple and elbow bone down & forward. This is the good way
to stop a hook and give one in return. You have to keep your EYES open to turn your elbows in a
little to stop the upper cuts.

d. Lean Back Block = The Best Block for Hook punches, Elbow strikes and head Kicks … you
just get out of the way !! Now you do not want to get too far out of the way because you want to
deliver a Muay Thai counter strike. Your back leg should step back a little, front hand can drop out
of the way, back hand grabs head in an Arm Block. Lean back, bend your back … way back out of
the way. Many Muay Thai Champs Master this small movement and have learned to barely let the
strike touch them and then for a second their opponent is off balance because they missed … then a
powerful counter is delivered … Muay Thai !!

T#2 – เดินมวย = “deernM muayM”. – Fighting Movement = Footwork.

Fighting Stance Steps = Get into an orthodox right fighting stance, move one small step forward,
then back, then left and then right and then change fighting stance … you can practice your Thai
Words !! Now change fighting stance into a south paw left fighting stance, move one small step
forward, then back, then left and then right and then change fighting stance.

This is not a race, relax – relax, feel your fighting stance, make it natural and yes learn right and left
fighting stance for that is Muay Thai in Thailand. You can put a Cross = “X” under your feet and do
not Cross the Cross = if you move forward your front foot moves 1st, when you move backward your
st st st
back front foot moves 1 , when right your right foot 1 and when left your left foot 1 . Your feet
never cross over each other … you always have a solid base and fighting stance.

a. Open Door Backwards = It is natural to move straight back when getting attacked but that
can result in YOU getting knocked out !! You must train yourself to move back at a 30 to 45
degree angle so you can defend yourself with simple steps = footwork. In either fighting stance,
to Open Door Backwards RIGHT = you must step back with the RIGHT foot, step OUT at a 30
to 45 degree angle, then open the door back with your left foot about 180 degrees, while doing
this you will use your Right hand to block- touch- control your opponent and then you are ready
to deliver your own counter strike. To Open Door Backwards LEFT = you must step back with
the LEFT foot to start the steps. Thai people in Thailand loves this. When a fighter can do this
… it is the “Soft as Silk” side of Muay Thai.

b. Open Door Frontwards = This takes more timing and skill because you are moving forward
when someone is going forward towards you. You can also do this when your opponent is
waiting for you to go first because they are great at counter strikes. You must to move
FORWARD at a 30 to 45 degree now. In either fighting stance, to Open Door forwards RIGHT
= you must step forward with the RIGHT foot, step OUT forward at a 30 to 45 degree angle, then
open the door back with your left foot about 180 degrees, while doing this you will use your
Right hand to block- touch- control your opponent and then you are ready to deliver your own
counter strike. To Open Door Forwards LEFT = you must step forward with the LEFT foot to
start the steps and foot work to the LEFT.

T#3 – กำหมัด = “gamM matL”. – Make a Fist.

To make a Fist in Muay Thai is like most all the techniques, you know your BONE weapon and you
force it to its target hard as a rock but you RELAX everything else in doing so. Remember in Muay
Thai your hands are in Gloves so learn to relax your hands but try to feel your knuckles GO through
your Gloves. Weapon is the first two big knuckles, not your two small knuckles as some Martial
Arts may use. Next, your Fist should be flat from your hand to wrist to your arm so you are
punching with a straight piece of steel … it is not bent at the wrist which is the weak point of this
weapon. On straight punches (1-2), at the contact of your target, fully extended, you should feel a
straight line from your spine to your knuckles. We also teach that you should end with a little twist,
your Fist should make contact at a 30 to 45 degree angle … in order to emphasize your knuckles into
the target. All this applies when doing Upper Cut and Hook punches but now your arm is bent at the
elbow 30 to 45 degrees.

T#4 – หมัดหน ้า = “matL naaF” – Front Punch = JAB = Punch 1.

From your Fighting Stance, this is your front fist punch, a jab and in MTM it is a hard and
fast punch. All the punches should be short, fast and quick movements. Remember who cares if you
have a powerful punch … can you hit your opponent ?? Many people try to hit too hard and your
opponent can see it a mile away. In Muay Thai you should just try to hit your opponent first and
then it will set up the power knock out strikes. The emphasis is on hitting, speed, quickness … over
the power of the strike. Remember you are punching at a Bowling Ball that could hurt you so focus
on hitting the targets instead of hitting the bowling ball hard. TAGET = Nose of your opponent and
remember they might head butt your fist. Your weight and stance should shift forward but not too
far as to lean. You footwork should always bring you into hitting distance so you don’t LEAN.

You must learn how to step forward with your front foot and back foot pushing. Do NOT Lean
forward and always try to keep yourself balanced. One easy way to get more power and length out
of this punch is to TWIST your shoulders, waist, hips and feet. Find out what works for you, what is
natural and then practice, practice and practice.

Finally, when doing this punch with your front fist … your back hand should grab your temple/ head
in an arm block. Great fighters have trained themselves to strike and block at the same time. You
must train yourself to do this from the very start OR you will get caught with some counter KO
strikes !! If you have problems with this, hit yourself in the head when punching and ask your Thai
Pad trainer to do the same. Hands up, answer the telephone or you will find yourself sleeping on the
Ring Mat.

T#5 – หมัดหลัง  = “matL langR” – Rear/ Back Punch = CROSS = Punch 2.

From your Fighting Stance, this is your back fist punch, a cross and in MTM it is a knockout punch.
All the principles apply that were spoken about above in the Front Punch. This punch just comes
from the back fist. Front Foot STILL steps forward, do not lean, extend your knuckles to the nose
target, twist your body, push from the back foot and FRONT hand up. Finally, when doing this
punch … your other hand should grab your temple/ head in an arm block. Again, this is a KO strike,
practice SPEED, throw it as fast as possible from your back hand fighting stance position and
practice, practice, practice.

T#6 – หมัดเหวีย
่ ง  = “matL wiiang L
” – Hook (swing) Punch 3.
From your Fighting Stance, this punch comes from both front and back fists. This is the KO punch
of Thailand. The many of the principles in the other punches apply but this punch is sneaky because
it can hook/ swing right past your opponents arm/ hands, hit the chin and a KO is the result. This
punch is BONE/ weapon and TARGET specific punch. On the street, if your knuckles hit the jaw
line of someone’s face, it does not have to hit that hard but if the bones hit the jaw bone … usually a
KO happens. Practice this punch SLOW with NO gloves first, get your movement flowing so your
knuckles hit 30 to 45 degrees on your opponents jaw bone. Practice close and far hooking distances
and out of all the punches to practice … this is the hardest one but you need to take your time to
Master it. It truly is a KO strike !!
Fighters in Thailand use it for a KO and not for points. Honestly, in Thailand usually a fighter will
not win by hand boxing points because the BONE strikes of the leg, knee and elbow are higher
points so most Thailand fighters that like hand boxing, know this so if they like to box … they are
going for the KO to win. In doing this punch, we open our Fist out and towards our opponent at
about 30 degrees and then drop the knuckles down to the opponents jaw while twisting our shoulders
and waist for power. Another way to do this is to simple SWING your knuckles in a half circle
motion to bring your fist to the opponents jaw. You should feel this punch coming from your chest/
shoulder and it twisting your spine and waist. Finally, when doing this punch … your other hand
should grab your temple/ head in an arm block.

T#7 – หมัดงา = “matL ngaam” – Upper Cut Punch = Punch 4.

From your Fighting Stance, this punch comes from both front and back fists. This is more of a set up
punch for the KO hooks but this punch has KO’d many opponents too. The Elephant is Thailand’s
National animal, for many Thai people the Elephant is apart of the families in the Thai Villages and
is apart of the daily life in Thailand. Learning the Thai Language really allows you to understand the
techniques of Muay Thai because “matL ngaam” = Fist Ivory Elephant tusk. So this punch is like
jamming an Elephant Tusk up to someone’s chin. Note this punch is not like a western boxing upper
cut because Thai fighters do not use their legs in squatting down to push the punch up.

You never squat down in Muay Thai because your KO spots are your Temples, Jaw, Chin and Neck
and the most powerful strikes are delivered from the body’s waist level and below. So in Muay Thai
you try to keep your head high and do not bring it low because an easy KO strikes can happen. I like
saying, “Keep your head above water because if you go below … you will drown !!” Upper Cut
Punch is done by standing tall, you have to really step in close and a little low and then punch up
standing tall. You should use a small twist in our upper body to push the knuckles out and up. This
can be done by doing a small circle with your fist, turning your knuckles out and up to your
opponent’s nose or chin which is your Target with this punch … so you will knock their head up.
You can use this punch when your opponent really has their chin down and they know you have a
good hook punch. Upper Cut and Hook combination has KO’d many of the best fighters in
Thailand. Finally, when doing this punch … your other hand should grab your temple/ head in an
arm block … did you see the partner ?? Punch and BLOCK with other hand … ALWAYS !!

T#20 – “nakH muayM bplamF” – Muay Thai fighter CLINCH.

Get into a CLINCH knee Stance.
From your Fighting Stance, your front hand reaches out to GRAB the opponent’s Neck, hide your
chin behind this front shoulder and then the other hand will do T#1c – Arm Block so you are
protected as you go in for a CLINCH. Footwork should be the Front foot move towards your
opponent first and then the Back foot will follow up. As soon as the GRAB happens, the feet and
body will square up to the opponent at a square shoulder width = a balanced CLINCH stance. Now
in a CLINCH your feet have to be squared up to your opponent or they can NOT trip or throw you to
the ground because you have only one foot forward … so square Up !!

a. CLINCH stance base move if your opponent pulls and/ or pushes you. Let the Clinch stance
BASE move as your opponent tries to move you to throw you off balance. Single Arm Clinch is
RIGHT or Left side, your R or L hand hooks the opponent’s Outside Neck, Feel the HOOK and
relax … yet be strong with your forearms. Develop Relaxation while being strong in Defense and
Offense. Your other hand hook grabs your opponent’s Middle Arm right at the elbow … this
trains you to feel if your opponent is going to try to ELBOW strike you. Note, most Elbow KO’s
happen in a CLINCH and Knee combat mode … you can Distract your opponent with the Clinch
and Knees in order to give an Elbow KO !!

b. SLAP Knee Strikes. Knee SLAPS = inside thigh to side rib of your opponent, make the body
tough and slap it Loud !! This SLAP comes from your CLINCH stance and then quickly return
to your CLINCH stance. Practice “Sabai Sabai” on your opponent, SLAP them hard with your
thigh and have fun making the SLAP sound. NOTE, this is a Knee Strike in Fighting, in a real
fight you simply use the inside Knee Knuckle to hit your opponent’s low rib so this is a fight

c. BELLY Touch & Pokes. ADD straight knee strikes = bring your knee straight in and TOUCH
your opponents Belly Button and do a little Poke to simulate a front forward knee strike. Then
you can practice Trips, Traps and Grabs when your opponent does this simulated strike !!
Remember to work with each other … “Iron sharpens Iron !!” NOTE, this is a Knee Strike in
Fighting, in a real fight you simply use the front Knee Knuckle to hit your opponent’s belly
button to knock out their AIR so this is a fight weapon. WHY 45 degree ?? Secret. ;-)

d. TRIPS and Traps. ADD TRIPS and Traps = you can now use your Foot to Foot and/ or your
inside Knee to outside Thigh to TRIP and Trap your opponent’s leg. Remember you must relax,
be sneaky and then quickly turn the power on to Trip and Trap. Basically, you are trying to
knock a STICK down by holding the bottom FOOT of the STICK with your own foot or knee
and then push or pull the top NECK of the STICK to knock it over. BE careful not to Trap your
partner’s KNEE and to twist their knee joint … be SAFE !!

XTRA = TRIP your opponent from the outside !!

Try the RIGHT side. Right hand will grab the opponent’s left body (so it can PULL), the left
hand will grab the opponent’s right bi-cep or shoulder (so it can PUSH) and then the right foot
will slap trip the opponent’s LEFT foot (most people stand with LEFT foot front). HANDS and
LEFT foot all work together and the opponent will go to the ground.

e. GRAB Knee Strikes. ADD GRABs = when your opponent SLAP knee strikes you or BELLY
knee strikes you, GRAB it or PUSH it and try to throw them to the ground by opposite
movements = Grab Knee and Hook Hand at the Neck. This has to fast because in a real fight
because they could elbow you while you are putting your hand down to GRAB.
XTRA = PUSH the Striking Knee and Opposite side of the NECK.
One reason we do not teach the Straight Knee strike is because you can easily do this Grab and
Push on that Knee strike. When a RIGHT Straight Knee strike comes to you, you take your
LEFT hand to grab and push RIGHT. Then you take your RIGHT hand to grab and push LEFT
at the NECK thus counter movements makes your opponent fall to the ground.

f. BODY GRAB. This usually happens if your opponent is taller than you, you can GRAB them at
the Chest right under the arms or at the WAIST. IF you do this you should quickly try to LIFT
and THROW them to the ground for a good knock down point. Your HIPS should get involved
so you can PIVOT them to the ground by the Center of their Body. Remember, it is LEGAL to
knee your opponent as they are falling to the ground and many Muay Thai fighters do this.
XTRA = Instead of a BODY GRAB your hand/ arms can be like a FORK Lift Truck at the
opponent’s low ribs or under the arm pits.
You must put your Foot or Knee in front of your opponent’s foot or knee as a pivot or stopping
point so they will fall and trip over that pivot point.

g. INSIDE Clinch. Most of the Thai fighters in Thailand do not do this anymore and they have
evolved onto more outside trips, grabs, throws or elbow neck locks. Plus their necks have been
greatly conditioned so you can NOT do a FULL on HEAD Clinch on them … they are trained/
conditioned NOT to let this happen !! First, you Open your Hands so you can grip the Basket
Ball part of the back head. Second, forearms must attempt to squeeze the sides of the neck and
trying to bring elbows together. Now, press the elbows into the chest as a lever point to pull the
head down and pulling the head down is the goal of this Clinch. This Clinch puts you on the
inside so you can pull the head down, or jerk pull it right or left in order to deliver a knee strike
to the face or body.
XTRA = INSIDE Clinch HAND Lock and PULL.
Instead of the Basket Ball hand on top of hand grip at your opponent’s head. DO only one hand
and the other hand grabs your own opposite hand’s WRIST. Now you have a Power PULL Grip
and Lever. Experiment and see which hand is the strongest and perfect that PULL and then knee.
XTRA = Eesaan Head LOCK.
Take your RIGHT forearm BONE and put it into the back of your opponent’s NECK. Get their
head and face right into your neck and SHOULDER pocket. Have your fighting stance totally
square up and NOW Turtle your back and SQUAT jump to torque your opponent’s NECK. You
can do a similar thing at the opponent’s upper back for a big BONE Bear hug.

h. OUTSIDE Clinch. Is the same as the SINGLE Arm Clinch T#20a. You must get your HOOK in
at the neck, then you can pull at the Neck to try to keep your opponent off balance and then DO
opposite pull on the arm so you can get your HAND on the INSIDE with one arm and then
follow it up with the other arm. This becomes a WAR … who can get on the INSIDE so play the
game, throw knee strikes and always keep your eyes open to deliver an Elbow strike or to get out
of the way of an Elbow strike !!

i. LOCK Arm. One way to stop the INSIDE Clinch WAR is to bring an arm inside and instead of
going for the Neck Hook … reach around towards the opponent’s under arm to LOCK their Arm.
Then try to knee strike and/ or elbow strike because you have your opponent’s ARM.

j. TWO HAND PUSH. Some people have a very strong INSIDE Clinch … especially Thai
Fighters !! You must get out of it as Fast as possible so the easiest way is from the outside reach
with BOTH hands to the opponents CHIN or Face and with your TWO HANDs PUSH !! After
you push there will be SPACE between you so try to be the first to KNEE !!

T#21 – เข่าเฉียง = “khao chiiang ” – Diagonal Knee.


้ = “khao chaang ” – Elephant Knee.

เข่าชาง L H

Muay Thai POWER Knee. In Level 1, MTM wants to focus on ONE Knee strike
which is the most Powerful knee strike in the Muay Thai weapons.
NOTE, this knee strike on YouTube is shown as the most powerful Martial Art’s strike in the world,
many were surprised by this but the scientific meters measured this strike was like a CAR hitting you
because of the body and the arms working together to do the short and powerful strike. We have
learned two main names about this knee strike so we have included both of them. Diagonal and
Elephant KNEE is what MTM Instructors should promote and teach because if students can master
this one knee then they have mastered one of Muay Thai’s best weapons. This knee strike is the
beginning power movement of a body kick. The hip is totally behind this and twisting in and
through the target.

The weapon in the strike should not be the knee cap but the inside bone of the knee so the bone is the
weapon. The target is the belly button or the side low rib. One should practice SAME hand and
SAME knee strike combination. Right hand should reach to grab to pull to the Right “khaoL
chaangH” knee strike so the Left hand pulls to the Left knee. This is the style MTM wants to
promote and we want to keep it as simple as possible. The supporting leg should come up onto the
ball of the foot, pushing towards the opponent and then let the heal twist towards the target.
Note, the hips have to be flexible in order for the heal to twist toward the target and flexibility will
happen as a fighter stretches and practices this knee strike. From either fighting stance this knee
comes from the back leg, the knee comes to the target at a 30 to 40 degree angle, the hip is pushing
and swinging and the knee strike foot is pointing like an arrow as if to push the knee even deeper into
its target.

a. POWER Step. MTM gives credit to this step to Khru Samart that taught it to us as a basic step
for knees, body kicks and tip kicks. MTM wants to really teach this step to new and young
students so they will naturally do this step in fighting and self-defense. This step goes against
many other Muay Thai rules in stepping because you cross your feet to achieve this step.
Basically, this step sets up the FRONT leg to do a Knee, Tip or Body Kick which we will show
later. Start with LEFT leg front, the LEFT knee will do the strike, the RIGHT foot will step
forward as needed to determine the distance for the LEFT knee strike and this Step is just like
you are walking forward so now the left leg is the back leg now. Much power comes from this
Step and a lot of distance can be made from this step thus making it powerful. Now try it with
the RIGHT leg front … practice POWER Steps on both sides of your fighting stance.
b. BLOCK and GRAB hand movements. This is a powerful combination with the POWER Step
and the Elephant Knee Strike especially from the outside. Many have problems with doing knee
strikes because they do not know how to get close enough to do the short knee strikes in a safe
and effect way.

This goes great with POWER Step T#21a because it blocks the hands of your opponent and then
allows you to Grab for a Knee strike. Because you use this BLOCK and GRAB you are is a safe
position to do something else or to move back into a fighting stance. Look at the T#21a and start
again with the LEFT leg front, the LEFT knee will do the strike so the LEFT hand will GRAB but
the RIGHT hand will BLOCK first because the RIGHT foot will step forward first. The R foot will
work with the R blocking hand just like the L knee will work L grabbing hand. That is the simple
power of this Technique, the POWER step side will reach to BLOCK one of the opponent’s hands so
the other hand can step in to GRAB and then comes the POWER Knee. When you watch Muay
Thai fights in Thailand you will now be able to recognize this movement and you will see it a lot by
the taller Knee Strike fighters. This is a common outside knee strike in combination with the power
step and hand movements. It takes a some practice but once you learn the principle of this technique
you can do it right or left side … in the Ring or on the Street !!

T#30 – “saawkL dtatL” – Straight/ Cutting Elbow.

Target is the Tear Drop corner of the eye. If your opponent does not move their head, the Temple
Pressure Point right next to the Tear Drop corner can be hit and for sure a KO will happen. If your
opponent moves their head back, they will expose their JAW Pressure Points and for sure a KO will
happen there. Finally, if your opponent moves their head forward, you will hit the hard part of the
Skull and a CUT will happen for sure because two hard BONES will split the SKIN. Then they will
have to deal with the Blood flowing into the eyes or face. A very interesting note, when a fighter
gets cut, starts to bleed a lot … this is a great opportunity to have a big victory. WHY ?? Because
they have a chance to fight beyond their abilities, to show the judges their Heart and to get past the
facts that they are bleeding but they can fight even harder.

We have seen a couple of fights were the fighter LOST all four of the first rounds. Comes out cut
and bleeding in the Fifth and Final Round. Wins the last ROUND and thus wins the whole fight …
the Heart of Muay Thai.

Quick notes on the TARGETS of Muay Thai. There are (3) Targets in Muay Thai = Air Flow,
Pressure Points and Bone Joints. Air Flow is the throat, neck, low ribs and stomach. When this
Target gets hit … IT stops the flow of Air to the body and the result is a KO. Pressure Points are the
head, brain, temples, nose, jaw, chin, neck, kidneys, muscles in the arms and legs. When this Target
gets hit … IT hits an electric nerve in the body and the result is a KO.

Bone Joints are mainly at the neck, wrist, elbow, knee and ankle.
When this Target gets hit, grabbed - twisted … IT hits a body mechanic movement and disables that
movement. These are NOT main Targets now in the Sport of Muay Thai but are the MAIN Targets
in Street Self-Defense. Instructors should clearly teach this to their students. ;-)

Elbow Weapon is a specific Elbow BONE Point that is not in the middle of the Elbow but is slightly
LOWER and it is a Knuckle Bone. Above it is the Funny bone and it is not funny when it gets hit or
you use it to hit something. We want our fighters/ instructors to know this bone. PLUS we teach the
pinky knuckle bone (pkb), the outside wrist knuckle bone (owkb) and this Elbow bone are always
facing and pointing towards the target when striking. It is as if a Steel Blade connects these bones
together and you swing them like a big Knife and remember you are cutting … NOT punching.
Another way to CUT and swing the Elbow bone is to think that the (pkb) is pulling or leading the
(owkb) and then they together are pulling or leading the Elbow knuckle bone to the Target. Simple
thoughts in technique can make a big difference in the quality of your Blade and how it cuts.

From your fighting stance using your FRONT Elbow first for this strike. You first have to move-
your weight forward and lean a little forward or you will not hit your target. Moving into close range
position is your first priority because Elbows are very short strikes. We will take steps later but just
be aware of shifting forward to your target. Your hand, (pkb) & (owkb) is leading the way to where
you slice with your Elbow bone. This FRONT Elbow movement is SHORT, sweet, fast and smooth.
Your hand & fist in a glove, basically moves to punch your own opposite shoulder, thus making you
twist at your shoulders and waist … note that TWIST is the power behind the swing of this Elbow
strike. Since the strike is coming from a shoulder level and the Elbow is striking at an Eye level …
the exposure of the Elbow knuckle should be perfect for cutting the target. The back hand will
BLOCK (see T#1c – Arm Blocks) at the SAME time you do the Elbow STRIKE and you should
always practice this because in Muay Thai if you get hit with and Elbow then for sure and Elbow is
coming right back at you !! Opposite Arm is always doing Basic BLOCK = T#1c !!

STRIKEs and BLOCKs should always be taught and practiced TOGETHER so you are always
protected when doing strikes !! You fight like you train and instructors should always correct their
students from the very beginning because we truly fight like we have learned at FIRST !! “saawkL
dtatL” – Straight/ Cutting Elbow from the FRONT Elbow again is SHORT, sweet, fast and smooth.

The BACK Elbow “saawkL dtatL” is the same as the FRONT but you feel more Power and
because your BACK foot pushes it through the Target more. All the notes and movements are the
same as the FRONT Elbow but the FRONT Elbow is more of a Swing and Cutting Elbow were the
BACK Elbow is more of PUSHing through the Target because the BACK foot and leg is pressing
long against the floor to PUSH the Elbow Bone through the Target. When we add the T#21a –
POWER Step then the FRONT Elbow becomes the BACK Elbow and thus will have this same
power to go through its Target. For now just note there is a difference between Front and Back this
will also apply to the “saawkL ngaam” – Uppercut Elbow.

T#31 – “saawkL ngaam” – Uppercut (Ivory Tusk) Elbow.

The Weapon is the same as “saawkL dtatL” Elbow, all the bones and blade are facing the Target
but now the Elbow arm is Horizontal. Just like the Upper Cut Punch this Uppercut Elbow is like
JAMming an Ivory Elephant Tusk into your opponents face. This weapon is the smallest moving
weapon of all Muay Thai because the weapon is already in position to strike. IT is a very sneaky
weapon because it is always ready to be JAMmed into your opponents face. Even though we are
saying this is an Uppercut Elbow it is more like the BODY moving forward to JAM the Elbow Bone
forward to its target.

Target is the NOSE. If your opponent does not move their head, the NOSE will be BROKEN, if the
forehead is hit or the jaw is hit … for sure a KO will happen. Footwork will be added later but note
the footwork is really the major key in making this weapon hit the target.

From your fighting stance using your FRONT Elbow first for this strike. You first have to move
your weight forward and lean a little forward or you will not hit your target. Again, this weapon is
ready to move forward, you only have to turn your hand, (pkb) & (owkb) towards the target and
PUSH the weapon with your SHOULDER moving forward. There is a very little uppercut
movement with the elbow weapon but the focus is on JAMming the weapon forward like an giant
Elephant Ivory Tusk !! The BACK Elbow “saawkL ngaam” is the same as the FRONT but you
feel more Power and because your BACK foot pushes it through the Target more. All the notes and
movements are the same as the FRONT Elbow but the BACK Elbow has to reach forward more
because it is the shortest weapon of all the weapons in Muay Thai. A good rule to use this BACK
weapon is when your opponent comes to you and charges you.

T#32 – “saawkL glapL” – Swing Back/ Turning Elbow.

The Weapon is the same as “saawkL dtatL” Elbow, all the bones and blade are facing the Target
but now the Elbow is swinging up or turning back to POKE the Target with the Elbow BONE
Weapon. This takes practice, you must try to use your Weapon BONE but many people end up
hitting with the back of the arm which still can cause a KO in Muay Thai fights. We are teaching
this Elbow in Level 1 because it is simple, very effective in the Ring or on the Street; even though it
is more of an advanced movement.

Target is the NOSE again. If your opponent does not move their head, the NOSE will be BROKEN,
if the forehead is hit or the jaw is hit … for sure a KO will happen. Footwork is added HERE
because you must step into position in order to HIT the Target.

From your fighting stance using your FRONT Elbow first for this strike, your Front Foot must step
to the middle/ center of your opponent, you will be TURNing your back slightly to your opponent so
you can Swing Back in an Upper Cut movement to strike your opponent. Your FRONT Elbow
HAND at the same time you step will reach to your stomach and at the same time your BACK hand
will BLOCK (see T#1c – Arm Blocks). Again, all this happens at the SAME time you do the Elbow
STRIKE because you must Train yourself to BLOCK and STRIKE at the SAME time. NOW with
all your weapon bones facing your opponent, you will try to Swing Up and Back to your opponent’s
NOSE. This is a sneaky and unorthodox movement and you are trying to give your opponent
something new to deal with and maybe they will not figure it out before you KO them. This strike is
a quick POKE, again JAMming the elbow bone UP between their defensive arms, slicing their
defense to get through to the KO Nose point. Immediately after doing this strike, MOVE back into
your fighting stance. Do not sit there because your legs are opened for a leg kick so MOVE back to
your fighting stance to see what happened from there.

The BACK Elbow “saawkL glapL” is the SIMILAR to the FRONT but now you will totally Swing
Back and Turn your Back to your opponent. T#2 – Fighting Movement = Footwork tells us to never
cross our feet so this is an exception to the rule because you are setting up the powerful elbow. Now
the Front Foot must totally step ACROSS to its opposite side, stepping to the outside of the
opponent’s foot and now you are turning your BACK to your opponent. This aligns your BACK
Elbow right up to the middle of your opponent so when you strike with the weapon can hit right at
the center and thus shoot for the NOSE. When doing the STEP, the FRONT hand will reach, block
and grab the opponents arm and then grab the back of their neck and at the same time your BACK
hand will BLOCK (see T#1c – Arm Blocks). When you quickly feel the GRAB of their neck, you
pull it a little and let go. Now your Back Elbow will Swing Back/ Turn to its target. Note we say
Swing or Turn and NOT Spin … this is a 180 degree movement because as soon as you strike, you
swing or turn right back to your fighting stance.

There are many different striking styles of this Swing Back Elbow. You can do it just like the
FRONT “saawkL glapL” Elbow which is Vertical UP to the nose OR you can do it Horizontal
which SWEEPS more area but you will probably hit with the back of the arm. When doing this
against the BAG you will see that the Horizontal is more comfortable to use but experiment and
again the way you train is the way you will fight.
NOTE we can add the T#21a – POWER Step then the FRONT Elbow becomes the BACK Elbow
and thus the BACK hand would now reach, block and grab the opponents arm and then grab the back
of their neck and at the same time your now your FRONT hand will BLOCK (see T#1c – Arm

NOTE T#32 option: You and can do multiple swing back elbow strikes because with your back to
your opponent when you do ONE elbow strike, it FLOWS naturally to do another elbow strike so
you can do R–L–R Elbow strikes until your opponent gets KO’d or at least turns into hamburger. ;-)

T#33 – Elbow hand GRABs.

Many Thai Fighters in South Thailand do most of their Techniques in order to do an elbow strike.
MTM wants to add one more technique to this Workout #3 and that is GRABs.

OPPOSITE = One way to make sure your Elbow is going to hit the Target is by Grabbing with the
Opposite Hand. When the Opposite Hand Grabs the back of the Target then pulls it to the Weapon =
guarantee hit. NOTE, in this Grab it opens you up, it exposes YOUR Targets to get hit so if your
opponent is a good Counter Fighter then think twice about grabbing.

SAME = The SAME Hand as the Striking Elbow can do the Grabbing first and this is very sneaky
and it has powerful results. Classic South Thailand GRAB is to put your Right hand on top of your
opponent’s Left hand and then put your Left hand on top of your opponent’s Right hand. Then with
either Hand push their hand down and then bring your Elbow UP to strike their FACE. This can also
be done when your opponent has you in an inside Clinch. GRAB & PULL their Arm Down at the
typical elbow joint, try to push it down and then Elbow with the same arm … good Technique.

T#40 – “theepL dtrohngm” – Straight Push Kick with Ball of Foot.

WEAPON: The Bone Ball of the Foot. After kicking with the Bone Ball of the foot you will learn
to bend the TOES back or ouch !! It takes some time training to learn how to get the TOES out of
the way. Many Muay Thai injuries in the beginning of training are the TOES but stay consistent and
your TOES will get conditioned. PLUS jumping ROPE with a big thick jump rope helps in the
conditioning of the TOES. ;-)

TARGET: Front Thigh, Front HIP, Belly Button, Chest, Throat and NOSE = Face. On the Street for
self-defense you can Theep the GOIN and the knee cap joint. Note all the targets from the Belly
Button UP will have your opponent move BACK because they above the Center Pivot point of the
body. This means if you want your opponent to stay in their location spot so you can do a counter
after the Theep then hit the Targets at the Belly Button and below. IF you want to take a break or
throw off your opponent’s timing or use the Theep as a block or you want to push them back for a
FLYing strike then hit them at the Chest and above.

One way to describe this Straight Push Kick is to say it is NOT a Martial Arts SNAP Kick which
gets its power from the leg flexing at the knee joint. IT is a PUSH or a Leg Punch type of kick. This
Push Kick has several styles and MTM wants to share them and then have the Student see what FITS
them … what movement is Natural to them ??

The HANDS. MTM will teach that the Hands simply stay in Fighting Stance position, ready to catch
any strikes that might come if the kick misses or is blocked. Muay Thai gets a lot of power from
“Counter Body Movements” which means if the leg is going one way then the hand or arms go the
other way which generates some very natural body power simply by body mechanical movements.
Some people might like to rotate the same hand down as the leg is pushing up and out = good
counter movements. You can get this from feeling your elbows swing down a little so the hands can
stay up in the fighting stance.

The FEET. This is the Straight Push Kick so the kicking foot should be straight and pointing
Vertical right to the target. The supporting foot can be pointing towards the opponent or up to 90
degrees away from the opponent. The supporting foot should STOMP flat into the ground as a solid
base to powerfully push the other foot to the target. Other styles like to come up as high as possible
on the supporting foot but MTM is going to teach the solid base for the supporting foot. Ask the
students if they can feel the supporting foot as a solid base to Push kick through their target.

The BODY, should be TALL and try to lean forward towards the target. Do NOT lean back away
from your opponent; this would take power away from the push kick. Plus if you are TALL and in
balance then you can easily do combos and counter strikes.

The HIPS and LEGS. The kicking LEG’s knee should come UP a little higher than the target, then
the LEG pushes the Foot to the target and the HIPS do the final thrust towards the target. Short,
sweet, power, quick and direct is what this kick is all about and if that is not enough then the hips
and body bends/ flexes/ bows more towards the target for an added thrust through the TARGET.
Show confidence in this Push Kick, it is a controlling Kick, it stops your opponent anytime you want
and it can also set up strikes for your own offense. Many Champs really are Masters of this Kick.

T#41 – “theepL khaangF” – SIDE Push Kick/ 45 degrees.

WEAPON: Target and Movements are the same as the T#40 – Push Kick BUT this Kick has more
Power !! Again, everything is the same as T#40 with these little changes. NOTE, your HIPS and
Legs need to be more FLEXIBLE to do this SIDE Push Kick.

The Feet, this is the 45 degree Push Kick so the WEAPON foot should be 45 degrees and it could go
Horizontal as long as the Ball Bone is hitting and extending to the target. The supporting foot WILL
be pointing AWAY from the opponent at 90 degrees PLUS away from the Target. The supporting
foot should STOMP flat into the ground as a solid base to push the other foot to the target.

The HIPS and LEGS. The kicking LEG’s knee should come UP a little higher than the target, then
the LEG pushes the Foot to the target and the HIPS do the final thrust towards the target. The final
HIP thrust means they OPEN Up & Out at the end of the PUSH as if to do an extra PUSH at the end
of this kick. IF the kick is going to the FACE then the Feet would point away from each other thus
fully opening up the HIPS and the LEGS WHICH would be in a Chinese Split position so being
Flexible is very important in this kick. Note, MTM will teach the importance of Flexibility because
if you are flexible then you can do so many LEG techniques. Honestly in Thailand, most fighters do
no stretching because they train 2 times a day, 6 days a week, it is HOT, it is Humid and when you
are kicking thousands of times per month then you naturally get flexible and at the line of the kicking
movements. To supplement this = MTM teaching a lot of stretching.

T#42 – “theepL MeuuM” – Push with HAND.

WEAPON: The Bone Palm of the HAND is way stronger than the Bare Knuckle of the Fist. An
optional WEAPON is if you have flexible gloves that free the thumb, or you do this on the street,
you can use a “V” Hand of the thumb and pointer finger which attacks or pushes the NECK and
Adam’s Apple of the opponent. NOTE there is NO Padding on the typical Boxing Gloves at the
Palm of the HAND. In old school Muay Thai Fights, they say what you get away with … is what is
LEGAL. Especially if you are doing this on the street as a self-defense then everything is Legal.
A “theepL MeuuM” – Push with HAND to the NOSE or Face is a KO technique or the “V” Hand to
the Adam’s Apple of the opponent’s neck is also a KO technique.
TARGET: Front HIPs, Chest, Throat and NOSE = Face.
Most Muay Thai fighters typically PUSH the Chest. When in a CLINCH they will typically PUSH
the Hips to stop knee strikes.

This is totally a South Thailand technique that is pretty easy, very effective and IT surprises many
opponents when it is done on them. What do you do with this technique ?? This is a simple PUSH
with the HAND and it is powered by the footwork of the legs moving forward. It is a solid
technique, defense and it sets things up. Right from any fighting stance, you will use the FRONT
Hand, the BACK Hand does a T#1c block and grabs your head/ temple. The FRONT Arm thus
becomes a Long Stick, a JAVELIN that you use to RAM straight at your opponent and the Targets
again are Typically the Chest or the NECK with the “V” hand. IF you can PUSH your opponent to
the ROPES and when they bounce off the Ropes then an Elbow or a Knee strike can be delivered
with KO results. You can PUSH your opponent quickly and when they are off balance just a little
you can Leg Kick them. Have fun trying this … it really works. ;-)

This CAN be used as a Counter Block for punches or elbows if you can PUSH at the shoulder of the
striking arm. It is a Counter Block for Knees and Kicks if you PUSH hard at the Chest before and at
the same time they are about to strike you. Most people are good with their hands so this is great for
beginners to learn because again it is an easy movement.

T#43 – Push Kick BLOCKS. How to you deal with the Push techniques ??

a. Block = Re-Direction PUSH.

Footwork is very small steps similar to T#2a – Open Door Backwards or T#2b – Open Door
Frontwards. Some Thai fighters Push Kick so fast you have NO Time to step but you can only
move your body out of the way or at least move IT more into a 45 degree angle so the Push Kick
does not hit you SQUARE up.

HAND Re-Directs the Push Kick by PUSHing it. If your opponent Push Kicks you with the
Right Foot then use your Left Hand and if with they use the Left Foot then use your R Hand so
when you Re-Direct them your opponents BACK is to you. Then you are in a good position to
counter strike them. In this Block the HAND is open and you are PUSHing with the Palm of the
Hand and IF you can GRAB the Leg/ Foot with your Fingers then LIFT Up to throw them back
or so you can Leg kick them in return.

b. Block = Circle Out HOOK. Same Same but Different as T#43a !!

HAND Circle OUT to re-direct the Push Kick. If your opponent Push Kicks you with the Right
Foot then use your RIGHT Hand and if with they use the Left Foot then use your LEFT Hand so
when you Re-Direct them your opponent’s BACK is to you. In this Block the HAND is open
and you are going to Circle OUT with the Palm of the Hand and if you can GRAB the Leg/ Foot
with your Fingers then LIFT Up to throw them back or so you can Leg kick them as a counter.

c. Block = Two Hand Trap.

There is no foot work in this, you get KICKed and you try to ABSORB the Push Kick and right
when the kicking Foot it is coming OFF your Body … you use Two Hands to TRAP your
opponent’s Foot !! One hand will grab at the Ankle/ Heal BOTTOM and the other will be right
on TOP at the Ankle thus making a type of CLAMP on your opponent’s Ankle/ Foot. Most use
their STRONG hand on the bottom because it carries the most weight in the trap.
Now what do you do ?? What ever you do … DO it fast !!
PUSH Up – Pick their foot up so they FALL back.
PULL Back – Move your body out a little & PULL them into an Elbow.
THROW their Foot R or L so their BACK is to you … then KICK. ;-)

Final NOTES on T#43a, T#43b, T#43c.

T#43a = IS typically used BEFORE your opponent Kicks or TOUCHES you.
T#43b, T#43c = IS used when your opponent DOES Kick or TOUCH you.

T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.

The most Powerful Kick in the Combat and Martial Arts world !!
This KICK is a great example of what Muay Thai is all about because it is performed with a calm
heart, with relaxed humbleness and it is conducted with years of body mechanical experience behind
it. The Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Other Martial Arts are now doing this kick when they FIGHT
Full Contact … WHY … because it works in a REAL fighting situation.

WEAPON: FLAT inside part of the LOWer Shin Bone !! It is all about the Bone, Muay Thai is a
BONE fighting system … the power is in the Bone !! Instructors should always have the student
touch, grab and feel their Bone weapon. Many Martial Arts in the USA do not talk about this and
many people kick with their FOOT. Anyone who has kicked with their foot in a Muay Thai fight
knows it is NOT the best weapon to use and many get injured using it as an offensive weapon. Note
the SHIN Bone is on the inside of the lower leg. It has a knife edge and on the opposite side is
muscle and nerves. Yes this Bone Weapon must be conditioned and MTM teaches this about
making your Weapon tuff and ready.

HARD BONES: Kicking the Thai PADS, Thai BAGS and your Training Partner is how to make
your Bones tough. MTM does not teach people to kick trees, poles, roll glass bottles on your bones
or to get surgery to cut your nerves in your legs. Consistent training in Muay Thai makes your bones
like steel, the more you train, the more tough your bones get. The fastest way to get HARD BONES
is consistent RING Fighting because “Iron Sharpens Iron”.

TARGET: The bottom RIB and Low Middle Body of your opponent.
W#38 = หายใจออก = “haaiR jaiM aawkL” breathe OUT so you will not get your own Air knocked
OUT … let it out !! This is the #1 TARGET Point in many Muay Thai Stadiums in Thailand and
this is the focus of Muay Thai fighting in Thailand. NOTE, Thailand fighters are NOT head hunters
but times are changing and some amazing Thai fighters are KO Champs.
There are (3) Targets in Muay Thai = Air Flow, Pressure Points and Bone Joints. Some say this
TARGET is ALL (3) in one. It can knock out the Air, there is a Nerve Pressure Point here and the
Low RIB Bone can break. One of the first fights I saw Yodseanklai Fairtex Fight in Pattaya was
against an Iran Champ and Yod needed a warm up fight against a Farang because he was going to
fight John Wayne Parr for the first time. Yod kicked his opponent FOUR times at this Target and the
Rib bone broke !! KO !! One last note, when you are Relaxed the Bone Weapon strikes harder
because the muscle around the bone is relaxed.
Sooo remember to Relax … Relax !! W#11 = สบายสบาย = “saL baaiM saL baaiM”.

Swing the Baseball BAT: The HIP are the Hands that Hold the Baseball BAT and swing it for a
Home Run HIT on the opponents target !! Key points on this kick and where the power comes from:
(1) Weapon side Hand … same weapon = same hand. MTM teaches that the HAND starts this kick.
The Hand moves DOWN as if to pull the Weapon Leg UP, it achieves the COUNTER movements to
generate power in this kick and then it ends up far behind the fighter as if to throw the hip and
weapon leg forward THROUGH the target. The opposite hand will grab the head in a T#1c – Arm
Block. Many Martial Arts that get KO’d by Muay Thai fighters say, “Wow, Muay Thai puts their
hand down and is open for a head strike.” MTM answer to this, we are going to kick you sooo
HARD that it will be our defense and it will take any power out of any strike that tries to come. Plus,
we can use our other hand. ;-)

(2) PIVOT Point, Supporting Foot is twisting and pushing from the ground. The Foot starts off
finding the Pivot Point, grabs it like a tiger and then presses onto the BALL of the foot. You do not
leave the ground to do this kick … you push from the ground. The supporting Foot is NOT flat and
it twists on the BALL of the foot at the pivot point. Each student must discover their PIVOT Point
DISTANCE = PIVOT Point LOCATION to give the Right DISTANCE for the Weapon to HIT the
Target so that the weapon makes good BONE contact on the Target.

(3) Supporting LEG and Body is strong and long. If any leaning happens it leans the direction
towards the target in order to throw the body weight that direction. MTM teaches the Ballerina style
of kicking, coming up long and tall … not leaning, crouching and bending the supporting leg.

(4) Weapon LEG comes up at about 30 degrees, short and direct path to the target. It does not come
up, out and over … that is a different style of kick. It comes up short and sweet and UNDER the
opponent’s blocking ELBOW to attack the target RIB.

(5) The END is throwing and turning the hip to and through the target. One main way this happens
is allowing the supporting pivot foot to turn it’s HEAL towards the opponent. IF that happens then
for sure the hip is throwing the weapon leg through the target … Muay Thai power !! It is important
to have flexible hips, even though the hip is twist through the target the weapon leg bone needs to
stay on the original path so the BONE will HIT the target which means the hips must flex open in
order to achieve this. A lot is going on here, it is good to think about what must happen because
bone placement is more important than doing a powerful kick that can HURT the kicker.

(6) There are two thoughts about this kick slapping to the Target. One is to try to swing the leg
weapon like a baseball bat from the hip but keeps the weapon leg long and pretty straight. The other
is thinking of a WIP, how it moves pretty smooth, faster and faster until it SNAPS at the very end.
Every student must see what they can feel and what is working for them. In the end, does it work
and will you do it in a Real Ring Fight or to DEFEND yourself and others ??

T#51 – “bpaawngF ganM” – Full Body BLOCK.

This is a Block BASE – One for ALL Block and it focuses on blocking
T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.

T#1 – “jaawtL muayM” – Get into a Fighting Stance Right or Left.

Now your opponent will Body Kick you with the Right leg so lift your Left leg, it will come up into
a 45 degree position from your center to expose your bone against their weapon bone. This is Right
to Left and Left to Right = the standard in blocking.

The blocking BONE is your Triangle TOP part of your Shin Bone just below the knee. IT is bigger
than the lower shin bone so it will win the contest of which is harder. Your blocking foot will
POINT down just like doing a knee strike and in case your opponent decides to do a low kick in the
end. Note, the toes and foot pointing up is a Muay Boran style that likes to block and PUSH kick
right after … thus the toes and foot are UP. MTM teaches … Point DOWN !!

Your blocking knee will hit and rest INSIDE your blocking Elbow Bone and arm. This is a smooth,
short and sweet movement that becomes very natural to do. Your arms and hands will stay close to
the Fighting Stance position and if any thing they will make an upside down “V” when blocking.
Now all your BONES are facing OUT, you have Exposed your Bones in defense and have a Shield
of bone protection.

With your Shield of bone, you also can use your Elbow bones together and a single Knee bone to
block a PUSH kick coming to your FRONT. If your opponent has a fast PUSH kick or a Martial
Arts SNAP kick, you can easily protect your self by giving them a BONE from your Elbow or Knee.
This will stop this type of kick very quickly because the foot and toes can not beat the bigger bones.

Support LEG is Long, Tall, Strong and is a Solid BASE for your bone defense. MTM option:
instead of challenging your opponent on a solid bone to bone contest in blocking the power body
kick. The supporting LEG can rise UP on to the ball of the foot in order to DEFLECT the bone to
bone contact and thus be a less aggressive style of Muay Thai. The Thai Fighters in Thailand do not
go crazy hard like us Farangs, they are not stupid for pain and injury. Plus, they want to fight again
because they need to make more money in their fight career.

Your opponent shows a Right kick but then does a LEFT kick. All you do is move your LEFT block
leg OVER to a 45 degree RIGHT block position which actually exposes more BONE. Sweet and
simple blocking techniques is the power Defense of Muay Thai. Try not to get use to this Cross
Over Block because it does not do good against Head Kicks so in that case … Lean Back !!

Many Martial Arts move their hands DOWN a lot to block many different attacking strikes. For the
most part, Muay Thai keeps the hands UP, we use our Elbow and Knee Bones to block our middle
and we KNOW all the major KO points are at the HEAD and Neck. We can take strikes at the
middle body but those same strikes can KO the Head and Neck.

Head and Neck kicks. MTM teaches to REACH out at a conservative 45 degree angle and to STOP
any kick that is going higher than the Middle BODY. It is good to have your hands and gloves UP
on your head if someone kicks you there but many head kickers can kick SO hard now that you can
get KO’d even if your hand is blocking it. This takes a lot of practice and skill but MTM teaches a
small and simple technique that catches the HEAD kick at the Body Level in order to stop it there.
NOTE, the best BLOCK for a Head and Neck kick is to LEAN Back = T#1d !!

T#52 – GRAB Body Kick BLOCK.

MTM wants to get into the students mind that there are (3) ways to block a body kick = Bone Block,
Grab Block or PUSH Block. The Grab Block is very effective, it discourages your opponent from
kicking you and you can do many counters when you have your opponent’s foot and leg. BUT note
if someone likes to GRAB then you can set them up for a HEAD kick so think about this if you
always show that you will GRAB someone’s kick.

(1) STEP – Instructors teach the students to STEP Away FIRST from the kick they are going to
GRAB. Remember, Muay Thai is BONE fighting, your body can only take so many BONE kicks so
STEP to take some power away from your opponents kick. T#2 – “deernM muayM” – Fighting
Footwork, if your opponent kicks you with their RIGHT leg then you must move a Small STEP
Right then LEFT leg is STEP Left away from kick !!

(2) GRAB – Do a small CIRCLE down with your Left Arm to GRAB the Right leg Body kick.
This GRAB should allow you to LOCK and Twist !! MTM is teaching the LOCK and Twist
FOCUS because many fighters are punching immediately after their kick so if you do Not LOCK
and Twist then you will get punched !! This takes some practice, you need to know the mechanics in
this LOCK and then Twist.

If their shin bone hits your body then their kicking FOOT is past your body so you will LOCK your
arm right at the Heal of their FOOT. You will Twist your body to push the back of their shin/ leg
with your ARM and then the top of their foot should be stuck against your body. The pressure pain
point is you pushing the leg right while the body is stopping the foot from doing so thus pain
happens in the ankle. Let the students experiment with this, some will get it and some will have to
practice more to see how it really works. Instructors, be SAFE, have the students work slowly and
have them talk to each other about FEELING the PAIN in this Twist and LOCK !!

(3) THROW – When the student gets the LOCK or Not, the next thing they do is to THROW their
opponent’s leg RIGHT so the opponent’s BACK is to them which is a great position to counter strike
them. In Thailand Muay Thai, the typical counter is usually a kick to the back body or legs because
this shows great skill and technique and it honorable to their opponent. After the counter, the student
gets into their fighting stance and is ready. One last note on the THROW, you can immediately
THROW the opponent’s leg because they might think you will LOCK them and the immediate
THROW can throw them off balance … thus you can counter strike them.

T#53 – PUSH Body BLOCK.

This is the best BLOCK, it takes great timing and relaxed quickness.
This is really the block to use if your opponent is known for HARD Bones, they want you to block
their kicks with your bone because they believe their bone is harder and it will hurt you even if you
block with your bone.

Alex F-14 Fairtex was one of these types of fighters. He was trained by the Thais to kick so hard,
that even though his opponent blocked it and he would hurt them. His opponents would be
INJURED and thus would loose because he could not stop the Fairtex KICK !!

PUSH Body BLOCK is the answer, don’t give them your bone but PUSH them off balance when
they try to BONE kick you !! When your opponent kicks you with their RIGHT leg then you must
try to PUSH with your Right and when they use the LEFT leg … you will try to PUSH with the Left.

That is the best way but sometimes Right on Right and Left on Left works too.

The student will use:

T#40 – Straight Push Kick with Ball of Foot or

T#41 – SIDE Push Kick/ 45 degrees or
T#42 – Push with HAND.

The Target should be the Chest or Face, when done correctly, the opponent will fall back on there
rear end and this is a big point in Muay Thai !! MTM wants to really teach more of the Softer Side
of Muay Thai. To use skill, footwork, techniques and to not just use POWER and straight Force.

DRILLS – D#1 – D#20 – D#30 – D#40 – D#50

Instructor NOTES:

- Instructors should always demonstrate the Techniques and ask the students if they
understand. IF not then have fun showing them until they do understand.
- Instructors are in CHARGE, they must watch every student and think think SAFEty !!
- MTM Instructors should be FRIENDLY, FUN and Not sooo Serious & Overbearing !!

D#1 – สบายสบาย = “saLbaaiMsaLbaaiM” – Relax Relax !!

W#11 = สบายสบาย = “saLbaaiMsaLbaaiM” – Relax Relax, humble – calm your heart.

When you train in Thailand the #1 thing the Thai Trainers will tell you is to Relax Relax. This is a
spiritual, emotional and soft side of Muay Thai. MTM teaches this is the Heart of Muay Thai, IT is
the KEY to real Muay Thai and the Power behind real Muay Thai in Thailand. Very few Farang
Champions have discovered this and most do not teach this. Practicing this DRILL will allow you to
feel your opponent’s moves, it allows you to move out of the way, gives you the ability to deliver
KO counters and gives you more speed and bone exposure thus gives you POWER. MTM Moral
M#8 = "You have discovered a big part of the heart of Muay Thai when you can fight your best
friend." Most Thai fighters fight out of humble-ness, honor, respect and not out of anger, rage and
pride. This one reason the Thai Monks taught Muay Thai = in order to teach a young man how to be
humble. This is not a Western Idea and most in the West think this from outer space. MTM agrees
with that because it is a Heavenly thought and idea and it is amazing that one of the most dangerous
Sports in the world can teach a person humble-ness … wow !!
When you practice any part of Muay Thai, always check your heart, are you relaxed and can you feel
your tension and relax it starting from the heart !! Practice with your EYES Open, lOOk with your
EYES and SEE things. ;-)

D#2 – Breathing = Practice IN and Out Nose breathing.

This is old school Muay Thai breathing. The purpose behind this is to CLINCH your Jaw and Neck
so if you are hit with a Counter Strike you will have more of a chance to take it … and yes then give
it back !! You must make some kind of NOISE through your nose so air can flow easier.
Experiment with your sound, make it natural and unique. You should always breathe OUT – Clinch
your Jaw & Neck when striking and when your opponent strikes you. If you breathe out then the Air
can not get knocked out of you … make sense ?? Then relax and let the air out and do not hold air in
your body. One way to check this it to have your trainer hit your stomach … especially when your
striking. BREATHE !!

D#3 – Shadow Sparring = Do Techniques against the AIR.


a. Practice Fighting Stance = T#1 – Instructor CALL out =

“jaawtL muayM khwaaR” or “jaawtL muayM saaiH”.

Students will start in a natural shoulder width stance and then jump into a “Fighting Stance
Right or Left” and say the Thai words at the same time. Great way to practice the Fighting
Stance and Thai Words. A big part of Muay Thai is knowing Thailand’s language …
amazing !!
b. BLOCKS = T#1a, T#1b, T#1c, T#1d – Instructor CALL out =
“Hand Blocks R or L” or “Head Butt” or
“Arm Block R or L” or “Lean Back”.
You can do this with D#3a to add some more fun. Students will start in a Fighting Stance
and then practice the movements as they are called out. Have the Students practice D#2,
clinching Jaw and Neck … the whole class should make a loud breathe Out Sound. Tell
them to Relax, Listen, Keep Eyes Open and RE-Act … move !!

c. FOOTWORK = T#2 – เดินมวย = “deernM muayM”.

Instructor CALL Out =
D#3a. = “jaawtL muayM khwaaR” or “jaawtL muayM saaiH”.
Students will start in a Fighting Stance R or L. Instructor CALL out =
W#8 “khwaaR” or W#9 “saaiH” or W#08 “naaF” or W#09 “langR”. Have the
Students REPEAT the Thai Words that the Instructor calls out and take small steps Right
or Left or Front or Back. Great Drill to learn Footwork and Thai Words !!

d. T#2a, T#2b – Open Door Footwork. Instructor CALL out =

“khwaaR langR” or “khwaaR naaF” or
“saaiH naaF” or “saaiH langR”.
Have the Students REPEAT the Thai Words that the Instructor calls out and then “Open
Door” Right Back or Right Front or Left Front or Left Back. Great Drill to learn
Footwork and Thai Words !! Can have a Game = who messes up = 10 Push Ups !!

e. T#3, T#4, T#5, T#6, T#7, – Fist & PUNCHes. Instructor CALL out = D#3a.
= “jaawtL muayM khwaaR” or “jaawtL muayM saaiH” then =
“gamM matL”, “matL naaF”, “matL langR”,
“langR matL wiiang L” or “naaF matL wiiang L”,
“langR matL ngaam” or “naaF matL ngaam” !!
Have the Students REPEAT the Thai Words that the Instructor calls out and then “Make a
Fist”, “Front Punch”, “Back Punch” they should do it from a “Fighting Stance Right or
Left. Great Drill to learn PUNCHes, Fight Stance and Thai Words !! Can have a Game =
who messes up = 10 Push Ups !!

f. T#4, T#5, T#6, T#7, – Punch COMBO = 1-2-3-4-3-2. Each student will
practice this on their own, they will practice this COMBO from a Right & Left Fighting
stance. The Instructor will walk around and check each student on how they are doing.
Are they Relaxed, Breathing, do they know their Weapon & Target, are they stepping
forward or backward in a balanced stance … not leaning ?? From a Right Fighting
Stance have the students do the each punch individually … tell them to go SLOW … take
their time. Single Punch 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 then 3 then 2 and then do the COMBO 1-
2-3-4-3-2 … focusing on flowing like water, breathing out and again being relaxed. Then
change to a LEFT Fighting Stance. Punch 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 then 3 then 2 and then
do the COMBO 1-2-3-4-3-2 … focusing on flowing like water, breathing out and again
being relaxed.

D#4 – PARTNER Sparring and Visualize your Techniques against someone.

a. Fighting Stance DANCE = Partner Students up, one partner will start in a Right
Fighting Stance and their Opponent will face them in a Right Stance at a fighting
distance. One will be in charge of the DANCE, they will move front, back, left, right
and/ or change stance. Do this slowly so the Opponent can react and follow. Practice
Relaxation, breathe and feel the movement of the student that is in charge. Do this for a
Round and then switch and the Other Opponent lead in the Fighting Stance DANCE !!

b. SLAP Sparring Game = Partner Students up, they can be in right or left fighting
stance, they can change stance at any time, they will use their hands to SLAP the inside or
outside of the Thigh/ LEG of their opponent. Again, learn to relax, have FUN, feel your
opponent, be sneaky, move a little & then counter. IF you move too much … you can not
counter your opponent … Muay Thai !! Note DANGER in this Game is the possibility of
Bumping Heads so keep your eyes open and watch your Head !! You can do this for (2 to
5) rounds, switch partners so it is fun and everyone can do this. At the end of the rounds
have people touch their Hearts … is it beating Fast ?? That is just a small example of
what Muay Thai is for FIVE Rounds !!

c. OPEN DOOR = T#2a – Open Door Backwards & T#2b – Open Door
Frontwards. Partner Students up, one person is the fighter and one is their opponent.
The opponent just sits in fighting stance in front of the fighter, relaxes and then moves
forward in one, two or three steps. The opponent just moves forward, then after the
fighter gets use to “Open Door” then the opponent can try to grab the fighter for a clinch
or to do a 1-2 punch on the fighter. The fighter must practice “Open Door”, the fighter
must get this Footwork down, it is Muay Thai and it is a great self-defense too.

d. BOXing = T#1a, T#1b, T#1c, T#1d = Blocks and

Punches = T#4, T#5, T#6, T#7.
Partner Students up, have them get 16 oz. GLOVES on, they can be in right or left
fighting stance, they can change stance at any time. Beginner students must start with
Single Punches and Single Blocks then they can work up to TWO, then THREE and then
FOUR Punches. Before you know it … you are BOXing and Sparring. In Thailand once
a week the Thai fighters go FULL on BOXing only, they go as hard as they can but using
18 oz. gloves, hand wraps, mouth piece, groin protector and HEAD gear. This is a must
drill for fighters, it is fun and a great Ring workout for toughness and endurance.

D#5 – Thai PAD Training. Hit the Thai Pads and let them hit you back !!
Punches, Blocks and Footwork … this is Muay Thai at its BEST !! Thai PAD Training is
what separates it from all other Martial Arts because you have a LIVE Punching Bag that moves,
makes you move, strikes you back and you can strike it back as hard as you can !!
Optional for BOXing only, you can use Thai Pads or small Focus Boxing Mitts and a lot of Muay
Thai gyms in Thailand are doing this to develop better hand boxing skills.

Thai Pad HOLDER is a fighter because holding the PADs develops fighting skills. The HOLDER
should be in a good fighting stance, balanced and not leaning over. They should hold the PADs like
they are fighting the Fighter they are training. One thing Thailand is NOT doing is teaching the
Farangs how to be a Pad HOLDER. MTM wants to make a difference in this area and focus on good
Pad Holding techniques.
Basic Holding principles = Right PAD to Right Strike and L to L. The Holder should always
show the target and try to hit back as hard as the strike is hitting the Pad. HOLDERS should ASK
the Fighter if they are HOLDing for a good STRIKE, make Adjustments and try different ANGLES.
This develops Powerful Strikes & strong fighters !! There are (3) Levels of holding for fighters.

1= COMMANDS only = you call out the strike and the Fighter does not doing anything until the
holder tells them to do something. Instructors ALWAYS have Beginners DO this Level !!

2 = TARGETS only = you show targets, the Fighter has to see the target and then strike it. This is
more real in a ring and street fighting situation.

3 = CATCH the strikes = the holder knows the fighter he is training with and the fighter will do his
strikes and the holder will CATCH them. This is the highest level, takes many hours of training and
a close RELATIONSHIP must happen between the Holder and Fighter.

You can really see this in Thailand because the Holders and Fighters spend YEARS together and
the Holder can actually fight the Fighter and thus give him an excellent way to prepare for his Ring
fight. This is the REAL DEAL in Thailand Muay Thai.

T#4 – JAB and T#5 – Cross = 1-2 punch. The Pad Holder should hold the PAD out like a
Stop Sign and when they see or feel the Fighter going to strike the PAD then recoil and
hit them at the same time they try to hit the PAD. This takes time, you have to get use to
each other, learn the distance and timing of each other.

T#6 – Hook (swing) Punch. The Pad Holder should hold the PAD at Nose level, just like
they would shake hands and perpendicular = 90 degrees to the Fighter’s nose. This really
makes the Fighter do a good and powerful Hooking motion. Again, the Pad Holder
should give the target and recoil to hit the strike back to make it a KO strike.

T#7 – Upper Cut Punch. The Pad Holder should hold the PAD the same level as for the
Hook but now it is facing down so the Fighter’s knuckles can come up. Again, the Pad
Holder hits back … make it a KO strike.

Punch COMBO = 1-2-3-4-3-2. The Pad Holder must hold for TWO punches at a time,
hold both Stop Signs up for the 1-2, then an upside down “L” for the 3-4, leave the Pad
there for the next 3 punch and finally put the Stop Sign up for the last 2 – Cross Punch.
You CAN Do It !!

Once the Fighter gets their Punches down, the Pad Holder should slap the Fighter back with the Pads
so they can practice all the blocks. Again, this takes practice to where the Fighter knows if the Pad
Holder is going to strike them or have them strike the Pad. Have FUN and develop Muay Thai
Relationships … our FAMily rocks !! Thai Pad training is the Heart of Muay Thai training and it
can be done for a couple rounds and up to 12 rounds !!

D#6 – BAG Work. Practice your Techniques against the Heavy Bags.

a. Start off doing single punches against the BAG. Get comfortable with fast and
then hard strikes. Can you really use and feel your Knuckle Weapon ?? Can you relax
and throw your Cross to KO someone ?? Can you feel the Power of your Hook when you
hit the BAG ?? These are things to work on when training against a BAG.

Note it is really hard to do a good Upper Cut Punch on a regular Bag. Some bags are now
shaped so an upper cut can be hit and in Thailand they have Box Bags specifically for
Boxing and the Upper Cuts. One great Drill to open class with or even close class with is
doing 1-2 or 3-4 or 3-3 or 4-4 punches for a whole 2 or a 5 minute round … endurance !!

b. Have the students get into a squared stance in front of the bag. Have them get up on the
balls of the feet because they will do little hopping steps as they do 1-2 punches. The
punches are fast, relaxed and let the bone knuckle weapons hit the bag in a proper way.
They do this for a 2 to 4 minute round so you can see they have to relax and build up their
Endurance. You CAN Do It !! This can be done at the beginning or the end of class !!

D#7 – CLOSE Class, ASK questions and give Announcements.

a. Wai-Kru Stretch: Hands on Hips, kneel to the Left knee, kneel to the Right as wide
as you can comfortably, sit back on toes stretch and now place them flat. (See MTM
Picture on the Booklet.) Prayer Pose, Bow 3 times in Wai (Father, Son, Spirit) … 4th
Bow Wai pray for safety & health in Phra YESU’s Name - amen.

b. Sit up and the Instructor will Ask,

“What did you Learn in Class ??”
Wai Respect and the whole class will say, “PhraH JAOF uayM bpohnM”.
Jump up and let’s go home !!

D#20 – Shadow Sparring = Do Techniques against the AIR.

a. Practice putting T#21, T#21a, T#21b all together !!

From RIGHT Fighting Stance, POWER Step, BLOCK and GRAB and now POWER
Knee. Shadow Sparring is first down slow and smooth and then you can add speed and
power against the Air.

b. R & L Knees … small 1-2 Steps POWER Knee Right … 1-2 Steps POWER
Knee Left. Feel your free flowing movements and POWER !! You can pull both hands
or just one hand to your hip but your trying to remain tall and long … feel your knee
punch straight towards the your opponent’s belly button. Your knee should be like extra
punches in your tool box of fight weapons.
c. SPEED R & L Knees … this is a good warm up and do it at the end of the
rounds for 30 seconds. All Muay Thai Camps in Thailand do this movement, the
focus is on Speed, Quickness and Endurance. Thai trainers will yell at you!!
W#19 = “reoM reoM”– Fast Fast – Speed Up !!

D#21 – PARTNER Sparring = Visualize your Techniques against someone.

a. Practice putting T#21, T#21a, T#21b all together !!

Now you can really see how this applies … you must relax and do these movements right
and left fights stance, stepping right or left and if you know the basic application then you
will always conduct this movement right because the chain reaction of this technique.

Remember, back foot always steps forward first, back hand thus blocks first (or grabs),
then front hand grabs neck (or head) and finally front knee does the strike with the power
of the front hand pulling the neck (or head) and the back hand can pull the blocking arm.
There is a lot going on here but when you practice with an opponent you can see how it
all comes together.

b. Practice putting T#21, T#21b together WITH

T#2a – Open Door Backwards and T#2b – Open Door Frontwards.
This should all flow together as you start to feel how this all works together. In Workout
#1 you learned the Open Door movements stepping forward and stepping backward …
now you can add the T#21b – BLOCK and GRAB hand movements with the counter
T#21 POWER knee strike … Muay Thai. These are classic old school movements that
the Thais love because it shows a lot of technique and skill. Some Thai fighters are
famous just because they can do movements like this … even if they lose … it is a highly
valued skill … amazing Thailand.

D#22 – PARTNER Sparring = Visualize your Techniques against someone.

a. PARTNER CLINCHing = T#20 – “nakH muayM bplamF”.

Now with a partner, work with each other and practice getting into a CLINCH knee
Stance. Partners should always Feel, Look and Tell each other how they are doing.
“Iron sharpens Iron” so show your Teammate good technique so your Team is strong
and skilled !! When first start to work with someone. FIND your size, sex and skill level.
Note in Thailand there are NO Black Belts vs. White Belts … there are NO Belts !!
The Champions HUMBLE themselves to work with the beginners and the new fighters
pick up the Champion techniques first hand. ;-)

b. ADD T#20a – SINGLE Arm Clinch. Practice Hook Pull and PUSH.
Again WORK with each other, relax, be sneaky, PULL and PUSH each other. Practice
your base = CLINCH knee stance and let it move and flow with the Pull or Push of your
opponents. Here is where you learn short, powerful and jerking movements … do NOT
do Long or Tugging movements that are done by MUSCLE strength.
Note the difference !!

c. ADD T#20b – SLAP Knee Strikes. Knee SLAPS = Slap it Loud !!

Do about 10 to 20 strikes on your partner’s right and left low side rib. Talk to each other
to see if the power of the strike is at a good level. Now let your partner do one SLAP
Knee Strike, feel their balance and then do a Pull or Push.
Can you take the power away ?? Can you put your partner on the ground ??
Have FUN … bplamF bplamF !!

d. ADD T#20c – BELLY Touch & Pokes. ADD straight knee strikes !!
Do a couple of BELLY Touch & Poke strikes so you can feel and see how they can work
in your clinching workout. Now you have added full on knee strikes to work with.
Try to pull your opponent’s head and neck toward you when they try this knee strike
… does it take some power out??

e. ADD T#20d – TRIPS and Traps. ADD TRIPS and Traps !!

Work with your partner on this, can you feel how this really works and can you see how
your hand (top) must work with your leg (bottom) to be opposite forces to try to put your
opponent on the ground ?? Now try to feel your opponent when they do this on you …
simply STEP out of their TRIP and Trap. CAN you pick your foot up- out of the TRIP ??

f. ADD T#20e – GRAB Knee Strikes. ADD GRABs !!

Let your opponent knee strike you and then when they do it again … do the GRAB Knee
and quickly trip them to the ground. Do it slowly a couple of times so you can see and
feel the body mechanics and then continue to play the game. Watch out for the Elbow !!

g. ADD T#20f – BODY GRAB. Can you throw opponent to the ground !!
As you have ADDed so many movements and techiques … ADD the BODY GRAB.
Now the defense to this is to fully grab your opponent’s Neck and to drop and push your
Elbows into their chest and then put your BUTT back a just far enough so then can NOT
grab their hands around your body. IF they can NOT grab their hands or wrists then they
can NOT pick you up or try to throw you on to the ground … Muay Thai !!

h. ADD T#20g – INSIDE Clinch and T#20h – OUTSIDE Clinch.

ADD T#20i – LOCK Arm and T#20j – TWO HAND PUSH.
Okay … letzzz do it … FULL on !!
T#20 – “nakH muayM bplamF” – Muay Thai fighter CLINCH !! Practice with your
Team members, full on Clinching and focus on these strong BASICS !! There are many
different styles out there … WHY ?? Because there are so many different PEOPLE and
personal skills … not to mention different size and strengths people have.

MTM wants their Instructors to teach, practice and know these basic techniques and then
when you go to Thailand you can truly pick up more skills from training with the Best of
the Best in Thailand. Honestly … most of Muay Thai is “Caught NOT Taught” !!
At Muay Thai Camps in Thailand you see people training … they do very little
TALKING. In Clinching you just experience it, then you feel how they do things and
then you find yourself doing them back … you catch it !! This takes hours and hours of
time. Most of us do not have this time but just do what you can and be THANKFUL that
you can practice and learn such an amazing sport !! Set personal goals, do not worry
about what others are doing and or can do … have fun … live life and enjoy Muay Thai !!

D#23 – Thai PAD Training. Hit the Thai Pads and let them hit you back !!
a. Outside Knee Strike !! Develop your POWER Knee !!
Practice putting T#21, T#21a, T#21b all together !!

MTM is going to teach an unique style of holding the Thai PADS = the Holder must wear
a Belly PAD and the Right Thai PAD will be used for the LEFT Knee strike thus the Left
Thai PAD will be used for the RIGHT Knee strike. Usually the PAD holder holds the
Right PAD for the Right Strike and the Left PAD for the Left strike as in Workouts #1
Punches. MTM is doing this to develop the HANDS in the Knee Strikes because when
the HANDS are actively PULLING the opponents body into the Knee Strike it becomes
the most POWERful combat strike in the world.
Scientist measured all the Martial Art strikes in the world with scientific pressure pads
and everyone was surprised when the Muay Thai Knee Strike was done it was way above
all the other strikes … like getting hit by a CAR !!
When the Muay Thai Knee ้
เข่าชาง = “khaoL chaangH” – Elephant Knee is done
with the HANDS pulling the opponent’s Neck and Head the opposing direction it
produces amazing pressure even though it looks very small and it does not LOOK very
dynamic … but IT is !!!! South Thailand fights= #1 KO right next to the Elbow strike. ;-)

Why does MTM teach that a Belly PAD must be used ?? When the Belly PAD is used, it
helps the fighter develop more of a reality strike and allows the fighter to strike
FORWARD and not just up. The fighter must FEEL they Knee PUNCHING forward …
the KO strike happens when the Knee Bone goes forward … right ?? BAG work helps
this too because you learn to strike forward and if you don’t … you quickly see you have
NO Power.

Partner UP your students, one will be the trainer and one will be the fighter … then they
will change. Again NOTE, the trainer is developing their fight skills, they must think and
ACT like a fighter. They should not be lazy in holding Thai pads for their teammate …
they are fighters too !!

Starting OFF, have the Fighter be in a Right Leg back fighting stance (orthodox) and the
Thai PAD holder should be in the SAME fighting stance facing their training fighter
partner. So right feet are back and left feet are forward so let us do a LEFT Knee Strike.
Students can practice opposite Fighting Stances when they get use to training with their
partner … do not be so concerned about what Fighting Stance you are in. Just make
adjustments so the Fighter can do good Knee Strikes. The Fighter must also practice
Small Steps and Power Steps in doing Knee Strikes … make it all good !!

The Fighter in a Right Leg back fighting stance (orthodox) will do a small LEFT step to
do a Right Knee and then a big RIGHT Power step to do a Left Knee.

IF the Thai PAD holder shows the LEFT Thai PAD as a fighter’s Left hand and LEVER
then the Fighter knows they are going to DO a LEFT Knee strike. The Fighter will Power
Step RIGHT, Grab the Thai PAD with RIGHT hand, reach to Grab the Thai PAD holders
Neck with their LEFT hand and Knee strike LEFT.

IF the Thai PAD holder shows the RIGHT Thai PAD as a fighter’s Right hand and
LEVER then the Fighter knows they are going to DO a RIGHT Knee strike. The Fighter
will take a Small Step LEFT, Grab the Thai PAD with LEFT hand, reach to Grab the Thai
PAD holders Neck with their RIGHT hand and Knee strike RIGHT.

SO the Thai PAD holder determines what Knee strike the fighter will do. ;-)
The Fighter should Focus on and FEEL BOTH Hands PULL … PULL the Power Knee
strike into the TARGET Thai PAD and Belly PAD !!

The Target is SET by putting the Thai PAD horizontal and perpendicular against the
upper top of the Belly PAD so the fighter’s Knee strike will try to hit the Thai PAD and
the Belly PAD at the SAME time with a forward thrust of the Hips so that the majority of
the strike goes forward. For beginners and or new training partners … slowly practice
this, look and feel to see if the knee strike is hitting the BOTH Pads correctly … does it
feel right and if not … talk and make the adjustments.

Muay Thai training is a RELATIONSHIP, you must develop relationships with your
teammates so your skills will grow and your training will get better and better.
NOW You CAN Do It !!!!

Practice putting T#21, T#21a, T#21b all together with your Thai PAD holder !! Practice
only ONE side and then the other side until the Fighter can do and REACT to what ever
side is shown or given. Practice, practice, practice this Powerful and Basic MOVEMENT
because it works in the Ring and or on the Street !! You should FEEL the Power, FEEL
the Distance, FEEL the control and BE Confident with Right or Left Knee Strike from a
Right or Left Fighting stance !!

b. Open Door Movements !! Develop your COUNTER Power Knee !!

Practice putting T#21, T#21b together WITH
T#2a – Open Door Backwards and T#2b – Open Door Frontwards.
After learning D#23a, start to practice the Power Knee Strike with the Open Door
movements … stepping Backwards or Frontwards !! NOTE the Front HAND is the
blocking/ Grabbing Hand and then the Back HAND and Knee brings the strike in an
amazing Counter movement. The Thai PAD holder can now step forward and it will take
some time to determine the placement of the Thai PADS so take your time to figure it out.
You have all the tools now so have fun practicing them. NOTE the Thai PAD holder will
have to move to make adjustments so the Fighter can knee the PADS in a SAFE and
Powerful manner. ;-)

c. Inside Knee Strike and Clinching !! Develop INSIDE Power Knee with your
Thai PAD holder partner !! Practice your T#20g – INSIDE Clinch, T#20h –
OUTSIDE Clinch and T#20a – SINGLE Arm Clinch practicing Hook Pull in
close at the Neck and Arm.
The Thai PAD holder will now use only ONE Thai PAD, they should use their
Strongest ARM in only holding ONE Thai PAD and the other Arm will be free to do
some Clinching. NOTE the Belly PAD is a must for Safety and to develop a forward
strike power in the knee strikes. The Fighter will have to deal with the Thai PAD
holder’s one arm in trying to get inside for the inside Clinch.
Now the Fighter can do RIGHT or LEFT knee strikes against the ONE Thai PAD and
Belly PAD and that is why the Thai PAD holder should use their strong arm in holding
the one PAD. The Thai PAD holder must show a lot of skill to set up and catch a Right
or Left knee from the Fighter and then challenge them in doing a close inside Clinch.
NOTE once the Thai PAD holder gets comfortable in holding for their fighter they
can now do T#20c – BELLY Touch & Pokes & T#20b – SLAP Knee Strikes on their
training fighter. Again, the Fighter is trying to develop their Clinch and HAND Skills to
Pull and bring the Muay Thai Knee ้
เข่าชาง = “khaoL chaangH” – Elephant Knee
to the belly button of their opponent because the result is a KO !!

d. ADD Workouts #1 PUNCH Strikes and then KNEE !!

Have the Thai PAD hold do a 1-2 Combo Punch and then Knee strike.
1 = T#4 – W#13 = “matL naaF” – Front Punch = JAB.
2 = T#5 – W#14 = “matL langR” – Rear/ Back Punch = CROSS.
Have the Thai PAD hold do a 4-3 Combo Punch and then Knee strike.
4= T#7 – W#16 = “matL ngaam” – Upper Cut Punch. 3= T#6 – W#15 = “matL
wiiang L” – Hook (swing) Punch. NOTE the combinations are endless !!

The Fighter should find out what comes NATURAL and perfect that combo. 1-2 & 4-3
punch combo can dis-tract their opponent with Top movements so they are open for a
lower Power Knee strikes. Keep it simple, find out what works, what is natural and then
PERFECT it. MTM promotes strong basics and natural skills !!

D#24 – BAG Work. Practice your Techniques against the Heavy Bags.

a. Focus is swinging the bag … DANCE with the BAG.

Practice putting T#21, T#21a, T#21b all together !!
Feel the bag swing, its movement and DANCE with the bag. This again helps you to
develop footwork, timing, distance and counter strikes. Let’s start with Right foot
forward in a South Paw stance. POWER Step Left, reach Left hand out to BLOCK and
GRAB the Air and then the Right hand will reach out and GRAB to guide the BAG into
the Right Elephant Knee strike. AS soon as you strike the bag, the Right foot will step
back and the Left foot will step back INTO the Original Fighting Stance. Then you will
step forward again as the bad swings, then you can find yourself stepping forward and
backward with the BAG as it swings forward and backward. Many Pro Fighters can
make this look easy but it is not and again with Practice most can pick up this great
workout Dance with a Muay Thai BAG. Most Thailand Camps like the medium size
bags because they can do this type of movement and timing drills. So yes you should get
a Real Muay Thai Bag from Thailand. ;-)

b. Power Knee Strikes = (3) Sets of 10 to 40 or 100 Straight Knee Strikes.

MTM promotes the Sets because most can not do 100 Straight and they get
real weak in doing the knee strike.

Find out a SET of Knee strikes that you can do really powerful, relaxed and you can
really feel your BONE go into the BAG !! Again, this is done with a medium size Muay
Thai BAG and it helps develop endurance and strength of a close Clinch and Knee strike.

You will SQUARE up to the BAG with your Right and Left hand holding the BAG about
your own Neck Level. Note, you will hold the BAG with open hands and thus you have
to squeeze the BAG. Do NOT hold onto the Chains or Straps because you want to
workout your upper body while you do this Knee strike. Yes, it is harder but you will
develop a powerful upper body pull which = a powerful knee strike.

You will have to learn to use big movements on this, you will kick your R & L legs out
and back and then bring your knee in at a 30 to 40 degree angle to strike the Belly Button
SPOT on the BAG which is the same level as your own belly button. Do your knee
strikes continuously, it is like the Running Man Dance, flowing like water, breathing,
relaxing but you feel the knee bone and pull of the upper body make a power connection
thus the Elephant Knee does its damage and a KO is truly the result. MTM will say it
over and over again, see how relaxed you can be and yet your body mechanics are
powerfully moving. After doing about 10,000 of these knee strikes you will learn how to
relax and turn on the power when it is really needed.

c. OPTIONAL FUN Drill = “Partner BALACE Game” !!

This is a Game we did at our Muay Thai Club in California and I had a Trainer in
Thailand who was an Olympic Boxing Coach at a University do this to me so I would feel
the balance of myself and my opponent. You get with a partner, square up to each other,
get about TWO feet apart, relax and breathe. The object of this Game is NOT to move
your FEET … if you DO then you LOSE !! You can Push your partner’s shoulders, chest
and stomach and GRAB their hands, arms and neck. WHO will LOSE their Balance
first ?? You can see that smaller people can beat bigger people because it is all about
BALANCE and not strength or muscle force. You are trying to learn to relax and flow so
your opponent will push themselves off balance. This is truly Thai Chi Muay Thai. ;-)

d. OPTIONAL Closing Drill = “Massage your partner’s NECK !!”

If your class has done a lot of Clinching and many can not pick their heads because their
neck muscles are completely done and dead. You as the Instructor should have them
Massage each other’s neck.

Show them how to Massage each other’s NECK for one round each= 2 to 5 min. round ??
Massage is a big part of Thailand’s health care and it is a must in Thailand Muay Thai.
Again, have the partners communicate to each other, they know what feels good so
“Do on to others as you would have them do onto you.” – amen !!

D#30 – Shadow Sparring = Do Techniques against the AIR.

a. Practice putting T#31, T#30, T#1c and T#2 together !!

Start with the FRONT Foot stepping forward and the FRONT Elbow to do
T#31 – Uppercut (Ivory Tusk) Elbow and then follow it with T#30 –
Straight/ Cutting Elbow and the BACK Foot stepping forward.

Practice the Elbow Strikes with the T#1c Blocks, make it automatic when you strike, you
then BLOCK. Practice T#2 walking forward with the Right foot front and then try it with
the Left foot front. Can you do it walking backwards R/L ??

b. Practice doing a COMBO = Back T#31 & T#30, Front T#30, then FRONT
Steps to do the Back T#32, then turn right back into your Fighting Stance !!

Do this with your Right foot forward and then do it with your Left foot forward. Again
with all the Elbow strike movements and steps try to Flow, do it smooth and slow … then
you can do it Fast, Quick and Hard. Think about Cutting … NOT punching but Slicing !!

c. T#32 – “saawkL glapL” – Swing Back/ Turning Elbow with T#21a –

POWER Step making your Front Elbow your BACK Elbow because you
POWER Step forward and in this technique you can actually Step Through.

The Step Through is a very Powerful and Safe movement because you end up to the side
of your opponent. If the strikes hits or not; you end up in a Safe position to the SIDE.
This is a crowd pleasing movement and the result could be an amazing KO.

d. Right and Left Elbows trainers will yell at you =

W#19 = “reoM reoM”– Fast Fast – Speed Up !!

Square the Feet up now and do not get into a fighting stance because this is just practicing the
strike movements with the blocking movements. This is a good warm up and/ or do it at the
end of the rounds for 30 seconds. You can do these connecting movements, the focus is on
Speed, Quickness, Endurance and Coordination because you have to BLOCK and Strike
Right and then Left. Have the students SLOW down if they are NOT Blocking when
striking. The BLOCK is more important than the strike because you can miss the strike but if
you miss the block then you get KO’d !!
Get use to having your hands up protecting your KO points !!

D#31 – PARTNER Sparring = Visualize your Techniques against someone.

NOTE, what happens when someone plays with knives and plays with them
with someone else ?? Instructors BE Careful, watch your students, tell them to
do these movements SLOW. When a student sees an Elbow strike come close
to them, do not be afraid to get out of the way and practice now !!

a. Practice doing a COMBO = Back T#31 & T#30, Front T#30 with FRONT
Foot Stepping to do the Back T#32 and then turn right back into your
Fighting Stance !!
Do this with your Right foot forward and then do it with your Left foot forward. Again
with all the Elbow strike movements and steps try to Flow, do it Smooth and SLOW …
then LATER you can do it Fast, Quick and Hard.
Think about Cutting … NOT punching but Slicing !!

b. T#32 – “saawkL glapL” – Swing Back/ Turning Elbow with T#21a –

POWER Step making your Front Elbow your BACK Elbow because you
POWER Step forward and in this technique you can actually Step Through.
Practice with your partner, look at distance, timing and if you can really hit the Target ??
Does the Step Through feel Powerful and Safe because you end up to the side of your
opponent ?? If the strikes hits or not … you SHOULD end up in a Safe position to the
side of your opponent. Use your partner to figure out your steps and distance.

c. Practice putting T#30 and/ or T#31b together WITH

T#2a – Open Door Backwards and T#2b – Open Door Frontwards.
This is classic old school Muay Thai SKILL and techniques. The focus in this technique
is the Blocking and Control Hand because that is what determines the distance for a T#30
and/ or T#31 Elbow strike. Practice Front or Back Elbow strikes and then you can make
them COMBOs. Find what works for you, that is your style and make it natural and a
Perfect Power KO movement. Master your own techniques, strikes and always remember
to keep your EYES open and BLOCK !!

d. T#33 – Elbow hand GRABs. With a partner practice moving in and

Grabbing your opponents head or neck with the OPPOSITE hand from the
striking Elbow and then do your Elbow strike. SLOW, do these SLOW because
now your partner can not escape if you really try to hit them. Look at where your hands
are, where are you open for a counter and can you block a little with your shoulders ??

NOW, Practice the SAME Hand as the Striking Elbow. Put your hands on TOP of your
partner’s hands and see how you can push down and rotate UP your Elbow for a strike.
Instructors = Watch, SLOW and SAFE !!

CLINCH, let your partner get you into an Inside Clinch. Typical counter is to get your
opponent in an Outside Clinch, now pull at the Neck and then pull and push their arm
down and then try to do a sneaky elbow strike. The opposite movements will allow you
to pull your opponent’s arm down and if you do this relaxed – fast – quick and strong – it
will work. Again, your opponent might focus on the fact you are trying to break their
Clinch and they might not think you are trying to Elbow them. There are so many
movements in Muay Thai, most of the time it is a Game and who ever is the Sneaky one
… usually WINS !!

D#32 – Thai PAD Training. Hit the Thai Pads and let them hit you back !!

a. With the Thai PADS Practice doing the COMBO = Back T#31 & T#30,
Front T#30, then FRONT Steps to do the Back T#32 and then turn right back
into your Fighting Stance !!
Do this with your Right foot forward and then do it with your Left foot forward. Again
with all the Elbow strike movements and steps try to Flow, do it Smooth and SLOW …
then NOW you can do it Fast, Quick and Hard against the Thai PADS. Think about
Cutting, hitting with your Elbow knuckle Weapon … you are NOT punching but
Slicing !! Thai PAD holders must be in their Fighting Stance, show the Target and then
HIT back when the strikes hits forward.

Do SINGLE strikes = BACK T#31 - “saawkL ngaam”.

BACK T#30 - “saawkL dtatL”.
FRONT T#30 - “saawkL dtatL”.
BACK T#32 - “saawkL glapL”.

MTM will teach if the Fighter is in a Right Orthodox Fighting stance then the Thai PAD
holder should be in a Left South Paw stance for this COMBO. When the fighter steps to do
the FRONT T#31 to step to set up the BACK T#32 then the fighter will NOT step on the
Thai PAD holder’s foot because it will be back in a South PAW Left fighting stance. This is
good but again when fighting all is good so don’t get too caught up on who’s in what
Fighting Stance.

SINGLE strike BACK T#31, since this is a BACK side strike the Elbow show BE pushed
and powered by the BACK Leg and Foot. For the Elbows, the Right Thai PAD will be used
for the Right Elbow and the L Thai PAD will be used for the L Elbow. The Thai PAD should
be held Horizontal and the striking surface should be Facing the Fighter so when they hit it;
they have to Poke, Push forward. MTM will teach that the Horizontal PAD will be backed
up and supported by the other Thai PAD. The two Thai PADS will now make an upside
down “L” so both hands/ Thai PADS are giving a solid Target so the Fighter can really thrust
their Weapon Bone into the Target. Ask the Fighter if they feel their Weapon Bone poke,
strike forward into the Thai PAD. Again, the Thai PAD holder should show the Target and
then Push back, Hit the Elbow back to make it strong. Make it feel good. ;-)

SINGLE strike BACK T#30, since this is a BACK side strike the Elbow show BE pushed
and powered by the BACK Leg and Foot. The Thai PAD should NOW be held VERTICAL
and the striking surface should be Facing the Fighter at a Slight ANGLE so when they hit it;
they have to DO a Swing/ Hooking motion that does go Forward. MTM will teach that the
VERTICAL PAD will also be backed up and supported by the other Thai PAD. NOTE,
when doing the COMBO, the Thai PAD that is Horizontal will simply Rotate VERTICAL for
the T#30 strike = same PAD is hit for both elbows. The two Thai PADS will again make an
upside down “L” so both hands/ Thai PADS are giving a solid Target so the Fighter can
really thrust their Weapon Bone into the Target.

SINGLE strike FRONT T#30, because this strike is from the FRONT, this strike is fast,
quick, smooth and a CUTTING strike SO the Thai PAD held for this will be a SINGLE
Vertical Thai PAD. This single strike will have a FRONT Foot stepping with it because it is
a set up for the BACK T#32. This step also makes it more of a cutting elbow because the
Fighter is stepping with the Elbow strike.

SINGLE strike BACK T#32, the Thai PAD holder will hold the PADS just like the “SINGLE
strike BACK T#30” but the Hitting FACE of the Thai PAD will totally FACE out towards
the Fighter so when they Swing Back they can hit the PAD Face with their Weapon Bone.
Again, remind the Fighter to HIT and then TURN right back into their fighting stance.

OKAY … full on Thai PAD work with Elbows. Have your Fighter only do the Elbows when
the Thai PAD holder SAYS so. The Training partners then can move around like in a

The Thai PAD holder can make the Fighter DO T#1d – Lean Back Block & T#1a – Hand
Blocks then the Thai PAD holder will CALL out all the SINGLE Strikes and now hit the
Fighter with the Thai PADS right after so again they can Lean Back or Block. Finally, the
Thai PAD hold can say, “COMBO” and thus the Fighter can practice the Full on COMBO
against the Thai PADS. Again, the Trainer, the Thai PAD holder should always make sure
the Fighter gets right back into their fighting stance and is always ready to block a counter
strike from their opponent.

b. Open Door Movements !! Develop your COUNTER Elbows !!

Practice putting T#30, T#31 together WITH
T#2a – Open Door Backwards and T#2b – Open Door Frontwards.

The Thai PAD holder must make adjustments so the fighter can hit the Thai PAD so it
simulates an actual FIGHT. Practice calling out targets and then just to SHOW the target
do the fighter can react.

c. ADD Workouts #1 PUNCH Strikes and then Elbow !!

Have the Thai PAD holder do Punches and then ELBOW strike.
1 = T#4 – W#13 = “matL naaF” – Front Punch = JAB then
T#30 - “saawkL dtatL”.
2 = T#5 – W#14 = “matL langR” – Rear/ Back Punch = CROSS then
T#30 - “saawkL dtatL”.
3= T#6 – W#15 = “matL wiiang L” – Hook (swing) Punch.
T#30 - “saawkL dtatL”.
4= T#7 – W#16 = “matL ngaam” – Upper Cut Punch.
T#31 - “saawkL ngaam”.
NOTE on the 3 & 4 Punches that you focus on a good PUNCH before the Elbow
because you might hurt your WRIST because you might focus on doing the Elbow
second. Make the 1st strike good and then the 2nd strike will hit.

D#33 – BAG Work. Practice your Techniques against the Heavy Bags.

a. Do SINGLE strikes = T#30 - “saawkL dtatL”.

T#31 - “saawkL ngaam”.
T#32 - “saawkL glapL”.

Let the BAG Swing and flow, keep balance in your fighting stance, feel your distance,
timing and do FREE style strikes. Just do what ever comes natural, practice Right, Left,
Back, Front Strikes and R & L Fighting Stances.
The student will quickly find out what is their favorite Elbow strike. Have them perfect
that ONE and then move on to perfecting the others. Khru Orono at 13 Coins has an
amazing Left Back Elbow and he used to win against Ramon Decker at the King’s BD
back the day. Amazing Muay Thai FAMily … yes we rock !!

Old School BAG in Thailand is hard as a ROCK. The logic is, if you can Hit a Rock then
your strike will Hit like a Rock. This makes your training bag very important because IF
you are going to put the HOURS into your training you should make it the best it can be
by having a good Thai BAG then it is really easy to feel your BONE Weapon when
hitting a hard BAG.

Note on the T#32 - “saawkL glapL”. You can slightly GRAB the BAG with your
HAND for the turn back elbow. Make it as real as you can and drive the BONE into the
BAG. NOW do this with a T#21a – POWER Step making your Front Elbow your BACK
Elbow because you POWER Step forward and in this technique you can actually Step
Through. The BAG is great to practice this technique with because you can not hurt the

b. Power ELBOW Strikes. Do Right & Left T#30 or T#31 strikes. You can do this as a
warm up or at the end of your rounds in training. You do 10 to 20 strikes as fast, smooth
and as powerful as possible. Do not go for Speed OVER Technique, push yourself to go
Fast and HARD but again DO good technique !! This builds up your endurance and skill
in Elbow striking … plus this is just great “Fitness Fighting”.

D#40 – Shadow Sparring = Do Techniques against the AIR.

a. Practice putting ALL these techniques together !!

T#2 – “deernM muayM”. – Fighting Movement = Footwork.
T#40 – “theepL dtrohngm” – Straight Push Kick with Ball of Foot.
T#41 – “theepL khaangF” – SIDE Push Kick/ 45 degrees.
T#42 – “theepL MeuuM” – Push with HAND.

Shadow sparring is very important, most Thailand trainers will have you do some shadow
sparring to SEE what SKILL Level you are at so if you want to go to Thailand then practice
Shadow Sparring. For Instructors this is a great time to spot Students having problems with
the movements and techniques. This is when you should correct, help and instructor students
in techniques because most can not hurt themselves striking or moving against the AIR. This
is also a major way the Fighters in Thailand WARM Up so have the students DO It !!

b. Practice putting ALL these techniques together !!

T#21a – POWER Step with T#40 and T#41.

The Students should practice this DANCE Step now so they will be ready to kick something
or someone. Have the Students start with the Right leg FRONT, Power Step LEFT and Push
Kick Right. They should do this about 10 to 20 times and then do the Left leg FRONT 10 to
20 times. Shadow Sparring movements like these should be Relaxed, Quick and Powerful at
the End hitting part of the strike. Focus should be on Breathe and NOT holding one’s own
breathe … breathe !!
A heart feeling of CONFIDENCE should be developed as if the student is really comfortable
with doing this movement and technique.

D#41 – PARTNER Sparring = Visualize your Techniques against someone.

We are doing KICKS, Gentlemen get your Groin Protectors on … cUp Up !!

a. Practice doing T#40, T#41, T#42, T#43, T#2, T#21a … have FUN !!
Practice EACH Technique = T#40, T#41, T#42, T#43, T#2, T#21a.
DO them ONE at a time, make sure the students can do them on each other with good
skills and knowledge. Again, once a student can doing something SLOW “chaaH
chaaH” and Smooth then they will be able to do it FAST and Powerful.

Once the students get good at a technique then have them do a RE-Action DRILL. For
example, have one student be the offense and one the defense. Offense will Push KICK
and then the defense must block !! Only do ONE movement at a time until the students
build up their skills. Then they can do some full on sparring with SINGLE techniques. ;-)
Now is the time you can ask your training partner:

W#31 = สบายดีไหม = “sa baai dee mai ”?? How are you doing ??

W#32 = สบายดี = “sa baai dee ”. I am doing good. ;-)


W#33 = ไม่สบาย = “mai sa baai ”. I am NOT doing good. ;-(


W#34 = นิดหน่อย = “nit naawy ”. GO a “Little Bit” lighter.


W#35 = ชา้ ชา้  = “chaa chaa ”. “Slow down”. You are going to fast.

b. Stomach Conditioning – The training partners will now be a BAG for each
other and then make their Stomach strong for getting kicked.

The BAG partner will Square Up so they can get pushed kicked square in the stomach
area. They will place their hands over their GROIN, when PUSHED, soften and let the
AIR flow OUT. Do not hold the AIR in, relax and breathe out. This is hard for many
people so the INSTRUCTORS must watch the Students to tell them to soften up if their
partner is NOT handling their partner’s PUSH. The KICKing partner will do 5 to 10 to
20 Push Kicks Right and then Left; then they will switch positions. Have the students
focus on PUSHing instead of Kicking and they must learn to work with each other.
Instructors can have the students do 1 to 2 to 3 sets as a warm up or a cool down.

c. D#22 – PARTNER CLINCHing = T#20 – “nakH muayM bplamF” and

now ADD T#40, T#41, T#42, T#43.

This is one of the fun ways to do real Muay Thai sparring and it is pretty SAFE too !!
The PUSH Kicks and the HAND Push really adds to this fighting game and the student’s
skills just grow. Muay Thai is about Ring FIGHTING so we practice Ring Fighting !!
You must learn to have fun, work with your partner, give and take. Let your partner do
some techniques on you, try to counter, stand strong sometimes and then try to be as soft
as silk. Can you show the Royal Honor, Respect and Humbleness that is IN the Best
history of Muay Thai ?? You CAN Do It !! Muay Thai FAMily rocks !!

D#42 – Thai PAD Training. Hit the Thai Pads and let them hit you back !!

The Thai PAD holder and the Fighter will practice T#40, T#41, T#42, T#43, T#2, T#21a.
The Thai PAD holder is in CHARGE, they should go through each Technique one by one
and note they must PUSH Kick so the fighter can practice the Blocks. Then they should call
out each Technique and see if their Fighter can do it okay.

Holding the Thai PAD = MTM teaches that the #1 Target for the PUSH Kick is the Belly
PAD Belt and it is very important to have a good one from Thailand. MTM also teaches that
it is important to be able to PUSH Kick to the Head/ FACE. Right Foot will PUSH the Right
Hand PAD and thus the Left Foot will PUSH the Left PAD. So Right to Right, the Left Thai
PAD will be supporting BEHIND the Right Thai PAD and then the Right SHOULDER will
support/ push the Left Thai PAD to push the Right Thai PAD so there is a SOLID Target for
the Fighter to “theepL” Kick. The Thai PAD holder should look at the angles of the Foot
Weapon hitting the surface face of the Thai PAD … does the Fighter like the FEEL of it ??
IF you can Power PUSH the Thai PAD then you can do it the Ring or Street !!

D#43 – BAG Work. Practice your Techniques against the Heavy Bags.

a. Do SINGLE strikes … now you can Turn the POWER on !!

T#40 – “theepL dtrohngm” – Straight Push Kick with Ball of Foot.
T#41 – “theepL khaangF” – SIDE Push Kick/ 45 degrees.
T#42 – “theepL MeuuM” – Push with HAND.
Have the students do sets of techniques with a partner watching.

b. FRONT Leg Speed and Control SETS … endurance and conditioning.

Your FRONT Leg will do a quick T#40 or T#41 to the BAG, then touch right down in
front of the fighting stance and then PUSH kick again !! This is about Endurance, Speed,
Balance and Control. Counting 1 for 2, do 10 to 20 to 40 kicks Right and then Left.

Have the students do 2 to 4 sets which is about 100 to 200 kicks !!

Most Muay Thai Camps in Thailand do this type of Drill … they have the students do at
least 200 kicks on the BAG. We have seen people do this, most have not done 200 kicks
in a row so they are doing TOUCHES instead of HARD kicks at the end. IF you Fight
like you Train … do you want to TOUCH someone ?? MTM makes the students do
SETS, find a SET count of kicks that they can DO HARD so they will kick like that in a
fight with no problems. ;-)
BAG Control, when the students kick the BAG like this, they discover right away that
their Foot Weapon must HIT in the CENTER of the BAG or it will move all over the
place. This DRILL not only makes the kick powerful but the students learn how to
CONTROL the BAG or their opponent in a fight. Thai fighters are famous for this and
because most Farangs are good hand Boxers. The Thais easily PUSH kick Boxers and
easily control them with this PUSH kick. One goal of this DRILL is to see how FAR the
BAG swings back and if the student can keep it there with this Machine GUN style of
continuous kicking. The students will discover a BURN in their Thigh Muscle because
this is a great Strength building exercise and drill too. Amazing Muay Thai !!
Many students will want to stand Flat Footed on this DRILL because it is easier. MTM
will teach for this Drill to be BOUNCY … have a small bounce in the feet and to be up
on the BALLS of the foot. We are teaching this because this bounce exercises the foot,
ankles and calves in the PUSH kick which is very important.

Beginners (Pros can do this too) can do a Flat Foot single leg PUSH kick against the
BAG and do NOT let the kicking foot touch the GROUND. This is a total BALANCE
Drill plus it teaches how to get CONTROL of the BAG Swing. Kicking the BAG
multiple times in a row makes the BAG Swing to your kicking timing. This DRILL now
does Balance, Timing and Control. One last challenge in this DRILL is to now have the
supporting Foot come up the BALL and Not be Flat Footed … wow !!

c. DOUBLE Leg Speed and Control SETS … endurance and conditioning.

This is similar to T#43b BUT now you do continuous Right and Left PUSH
kicks. Remember to have a BOUNCE in your supporting feet, try to turn and push your
HIPS into each kick. Think in your mind you are very light, fast and quick. Again, this is
about Endurance, Speed, Balance and Control. Counting 1 for 2, do 10 to 20 to 40 kicks
sets in a row. Have the students do 2 to 4 sets which is about 100 to 200 kicks !! After
these types of DRILLS your students will be tired but in great shape and ready to FIGHT.

d. SPEED Bag Push Kicks … develop your Face/ Head PUSH !!

T#21a – POWER Step with T#40 and T#41.

Some Muay Thai Camps for Farangs in Thailand have SPEED Bags BUT the Thai
Fighters do NOT use them for training. I saw a Thai fighter PUSH kicking the SPEED
Bag and he did it very easily even though it was above his head !! In Bangkok we trained
at a Fight for Fitness GYM and they have SPEED Bags there that no one uses so I tried to
PUSH kick them just like I would try on my opponent’s face in the ring. The next day
my Hamstrings were killing, it was a great workout and simulates a REAL fighting PUSH
kick. Many people have Old SPEED Bags around, throw some SAND and old clothes in
the Bag and try to do this DRILL. Have the BAG at your FACE level or what ever level
you are able to do. The T#21a – POWER Step with T#40 or T#41 allows you to REACH
your opponent’s FACE/ BAG with a PUSH kick and it is a VERY good Technique to
throw your opponent’s timing off. IF this PUSH kick is done with the HEAL, you must
be flexible and a KO is going to be the result. One last note on this, in Thailand
Buddhism it is very, very, very DIS-Respectable to point or put your FOOT in someone’s
FACE so I guess that is why the Thai Muslims in the South have no problems in doing
this type of kick.

D#50 – Shadow Sparring = Do Techniques against the AIR.

a. 180 Degree T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Body Kicks !!

The Students must be able to Body Kick the Air … that is Thailand Muay Thai and it
develops relaxation and balance. Start with the Right leg back and you are looking Front.
Kick Right and turn 180 Degrees to step backwards. Now you are looking Back with
your Left leg Back. Kick LEFT and turn 180 Degrees to step backwards. NOW you
should be in the same position that you started. Do 5 to 10 to 20 sets, Right and Left
Body Kicks, keeping in one area turning back and forward in half circles that make a
whole CIRCLE. Focus on all the Techniques in T#50 and especially your PIVOT Point
and your leg and shin bone slapping through the AIR.

b. T#2 – “deernM muayM” – Fighting Footwork with

T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Body Kicks !!

Have the students get into a R or L fighting stance. Have them take One Step Forward or
Backward or Right or Left and then Body Kick !! What works for them ?? Which leg
can they kick with … Front or Back ?? Have FUN and let the students practice what
works for them, have them practice their strengths and weaknesses. All this really
teaches the students real Muay Thai which is powerful movement, footwork, defense and
then being able to COUNTER. Muay Thai is Counter fighting !!

c. 180 Degree RIGHT Strikes and then LEFT Strikes !!

Right leg back fighting stance,

then All RIGHT side STRIKES = Punch (T#5), Elbow (T#30), Knee (T#21), Push Kick
(T#40), Block (T#51) and finish with Body Kick (T#50) that turns you 180 Degree and
now you are in Left leg back fighting stance just like T#50a.!!

Now All LEFT side STRIKES = Punch (T#5), Elbow (T#30), Knee (T#21), Push Kick
(T#40), Block (T#51) and finish with Body Kick (T#50) that turns you 180 Degree and
now you are in Right leg back fighting stance in the same place you started !!

Have the students do 5 to 10 sets, a great way to warm up and the Instructors should see
the Students take their time to DO each Technique and STRIKE. Makes the movements
Correct … not so Fast and sloppy. Are they striking with their BONE weapons and are
they BLOCKing with opposite hand (T#1c) ?? This is the time to correct, encourage,
practice and show what the students are able to do. Practice good, slow, smooth and soft
techniques FIRST so they can be fast, powerful and skillful fight moves in the Ring or on
the Street for self-defense.

d. T#21a – POWER Step with T#50 – Body Kicks !!

This is similar to D#50a. BUT when you start with your RIGHT Leg in the Front
position, POWER Step Left and then kick RIGHT 180 Degree. You will end up again
with your RIGHT Leg in the Front position AGAIN. Have your students do 5 to 10
RIGHT kicks and then 5 to 10 LEFT kicks. This will really develop a LONG range kick
which is IMPORTANT because we want to kick with the SHIN Bone Weapon and NOT
with the Foot !!

e. NOW this is Workout #5, have your students Do ALL the Techniques from
Workouts #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and put them ALL together. Have them make up their
COMBO’s … combinations that come naturally from their personality. Most USA
Students can always start with Boxing skills first and then add Kicks, Knees, Elbows and
Clinching. Later, they will learn to do just the opposite and expand their skills and
techniques. Can the Students or Instructors DO and remember most of the LEVEL #1 –
Instructor’s Curriculum ?? If you can then Amazing !!

T#1 – “jaawtL muayM” – Get into a Fighting Stance.

T#1a – Hand Blocks for 1-2 (Jab, Cross, Straight) Punches.
T#1b – Head Butt Block.
T#1c – Arm Blocks for 3-4 (Hook, Upper Cut) Punches & Elbow strikes.
T#1d – Lean Back Block.
T#2 – “deernM muayM” – Fighting Movement = Footwork.
T#2a – Open Door Backwards.
T#2b – Open Door Frontwards.
T#4 – W#13 = “matL naaF” – Front Punch = JAB.
T#5 – W#14 = “matL langR” – Rear/ Back Punch = CROSS
T#6 – W#15 = “matL wiiang L” – Hook (swing) Punch.
T#7 – W#16 = “matL ngaam” – Upper Cut Punch.
T#20 – “nakH muayM bplamF” – Muay Thai fighter CLINCH.
T#21 – “khaoL chiiangR” “khaoL chaangH” – Diagonal & Elephant Knee.
T#21a – POWER Step.
T#21b – BLOCK and GRAB hand movements.
T#30 – “saawkL dtatL” – Straight/ Cutting Elbow.
T#31 – “saawkL ngaam” – Uppercut (Ivory Tusk) Elbow.
T#32 – “saawkL glapL” – Swing Back/ Turning Elbow.
T#33 – Elbow hand GRABs.
T#40 – “theepL dtrohngm” – Straight Push Kick with Ball of Foot.
T#41 – “theepL khaangF” – SIDE Push Kick/ 45 degrees.
T#42 – “theepL MeuuM” – Push with HAND.
T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.
T#51 – “bpaawngF ganM” – Full Body BLOCK.

D#51 – PARTNER Sparring = Visualize your Techniques against someone.

We are doing KICKS, Gentlemen get your Groin Protectors on … cUp Up !!

a. Practice doing KICKS – Stomach BODY Conditioning.

T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.
T#2 – “deernM muayM” – Fighting Footwork with
T#21a – POWER Step with T#50 – Body Kicks !!
Have the students move and KICK each others Middle Body so they can practice
Distance, Timing, Weapon and Target; and at the same time make their body TOUGH.
Breathe OUT, Relax and let your body get kicked and TOUGH. Instructors watch the
students and keep it SAFE. Optional: Shin Guards ?? This is good for being SAFE but
remember we want the students to feel their Bone Weapon and the Target. Some students
do not have control so Instructors have the Shin Guards ready !!

b. Block Kick and Block – BONE Conditioning.

ADD T#51 – “bpaawngF ganM” – Full Body BLOCK to D#51a.
This is truly “Iron sharpens Iron”, this is REAL Muay Thai and it FORCES the students
to RELAX and to be soft in hitting each others bones. It is the BONE for weapon and for
blocking !! A student will kick, the other will block, then kick right back and now the
original student must block … Muay Thai !! Good drill for REAL fighting !!
You have one student be the STARTER of this drill, do it for 1 to 2 to 3 rounds and then
have the other student be the STARTER.
NOTE … Thai Liniment TIME !! If your students have never used Thai Boxing Oil for
training then now is the time they will buy all the Oil you have. The Oil should be put on
BEFORE the warm-up or training or it will BURN too much and then most will have to
wash it off. ;-)
Optional: Shin Guards ?? This is good for being SAFE but remember we want the
students to feel their Bone Weapon and for blocking. Some students do not have control
so Instructors have the Shin Guards ready !!
c. Practice Grab & Push Techniques. ADD
T#52 – GRAB Body BLOCK & T#53 – PUSH Body BLOCK to D#51a.
Have the students practice these Techniques on each other, have them simulate it as real
as possible and that way they can do it in the Ring or Street. Instructors make sure they
get the STEP & LOCK down in T#52 and again keep REAL and SAFE.

d. Practice T#2a & T#2b – Open Door Backwards & Frontwards.

Classic Muay Thai, visualize this, physically FEEL this and get this footwork down !!
Stepping, Blocking, Control and then Counter Body KICK … now that is Muay Thai !!

e. FULL on Light SPARRING !!

Match students up, you can have them rotate with other students and then the whole
Muay Thai Family will make each other strong. GIVE and TAKE, tell the students to let
their partners do some techniques on them, practice counter techniques with those that
have less experience. In Thailand one amazing thing that happens is Champion Fighters
train with BEGINNER students … amazing !! Again, there is no BELT classes … just
one BIG FAMily !! T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.
T#2 – “deernM muayM” – Fighting Footwork with
T#21a – POWER Step with T#50 – Body Kicks !!
T#51 – “bpaawngF ganM” – Full Body BLOCK.
T#52 – GRAB Body BLOCK, T#53 – PUSH Body BLOCK.
Teach the students to THINK, make a decision to be Offensive and then change up and be
Defensive. What BLOCK are you going to use, do you BLOCK right after you kick and
if they kick you can you BLOCK and kick back ?? Real and FUN Muay Thai, THINK,
use skill and then see what comes naturally.
Bruce Lee said, I have the style of fighting with out fighting and that is what Muay
Thai is. In Muay Thai you relax your heart, emotions and mind so much that YOU
Naturally DO things, you Re-Act and you do not really think about it … Natural !!
Optional: Shin Guards ?? This is good for being SAFE but remember we want the
students to feel their Bone Weapon and for blocking. Some students do not have control
so Instructors have the Shin Guards ready !!
D#52 – BAG Work. Practice your Techniques against the Heavy Bags.

a. T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.

SINGLE Right kicks and then Left. Slow and Smooth, find your PIVOT Spot, NO
stepping, Relax and PAUSE in your Fighting Stance. Do not move your PIVOT foot
from the kicking PIVOT SPOT. Do 5 to 10 to 20 kicks, PAUSE between kicks to feel
your Stance !!
Relax, SLAP the Weapon BONE against the BAG and let your Foot and Ankle SLAP
around the BAG. The HARDER the BAG is, the more you have to Relax and that is
Muay Thai. At the Muay Thai College in Thailand the BAGS are SAND Bags, they are
hard as a rock but the Fighters kick them until they are SOFT. The next DAY they are
hard again … amazing Thailand.

b. T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.

NOW try to 5 to 10 to 20 KICKS in a Row. Slow and Smooth, from your ONE PIVOT
Spot, NO stepping, Relax and NO Pause now just keep moving. Kicking, kicking, all in a
ROW and as if ONE movement. Instructors look at the student’s Kicking hand, does it
bring the Kick up and does the opposite hand reach to BLOCK T#1c ??

c. T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.

Turn the POWER on Right & then Left !!
NOW try to 5 to 10 to 20 KICKS in a Row !!
This is all about Speed, Relaxation, Bone Striking and Endurance !!
Feel the Pivot SPOT, your weapon Bone Slapping the BAG, kicking Hand moving with
the kicking Leg and then opposite Hand is Blocking or holding your Head ??
Note, there can be a PAUSE … very very very small DELAY between kicks OR just
make it one flowing movement. Experiment, what can you do, what feels good and can
you do both continuous and delay style movements ??

For fighters this should be a big part of their training. Many Camps in Thailand do 50 to
100 kicks R & L as exercise. If Fighter can do 3 to 5 sets of 20 R & L that is 120 to 200
kicks … good workout !!

d. T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – DOUBLE Middle/ Body Kicks.

R & then L Body Kicks in a ROW – Leg Speed and HIP endurance & conditioning.
This is a Right Leg Body kick and then immediately do a Left kick Body kick= R, L, R,
L, R, L … !! Great COMBO kick !!
Do a set of 5 to 10 to 20 in a Row = 10 to 20 to 40 kicks in a Row !!
If Fighter can do 3 to 5 sets of 20 R & L that is 120 to 200 kicks … good workout !!
Note, this Naturally STRETCHES the Hips and is a real Muay Thai training method
to open up the HIPS for Power kicks !!
Did not see any Pole BAGS at old school Muay Thai Gyms in Thailand, it is something
New and something that works for us Farangs.
A Pole BAG is great for doing this Drill by yourself because the BAG stays STILL !!

e. Thai BAG, let it Swing and Move. Feel the distance, timing and weapon.
T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.
T#2 – “deernM muayM” – Fighting Footwork with
T#21a – POWER Step with T#50 – Body Kicks !!
For Beginner Students A Pole BAG is great for doing this Drill because the BAG stays
STILL and then they can get into the moving Thai BAG.

f. BAG Balance Drills and Techniques. KICK and BLOCK !!

T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.
T#51 – “bpaawngF ganM” – Full Body BLOCK.
Have the Students kick the BAG and then BLOCK right after with out touching the
GROUND. This stops fast counter kickers, it takes a lot of balance but the more balance
you have the better. Instructors can HIT their kicking and blocking leg right after they
kick the BAG. This sets the students up for good Thai PAD training.

g. BAG Balance Drills and Techniques. KICK and PUSH !!

T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick and
T#40 – “theepL dtrohngm” – Straight Push Kick with Ball of Foot or
T#41 – “theepL khaangF” – SIDE Push Kick/ 45 degrees or
T#42 – “theepL MeuuM” – Push with HAND.
Have the Students kick the BAG and then PUSH right after. Great techniques and with
the PUSH Kick do not touch the GROUND but do it immediately after the kick. Some
Thai fighters can do this amazingly well but it takes practice and balance. This stops fast
counter kickers. This sets the students up to have good Ring fighting techniques.

h. NOW this is Workout #5, have your students Do ALL the Techniques from
Workouts #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and put them ALL together. Have them make up their
COMBO’s … combinations that come naturally from their personality. Most USA
Students can always start with Boxing skills first and then add Kicks, Knees, Elbows and
Clinching. Later, they will learn to do just the opposite and expand their skills and

D#53 – Thai PAD Training.

Hit the Thai Pads and let them hit you back !!
This is the REAL Deal … get ready to Rumble and to TRAIN !!

Take your time to connect with your partner in Thai PAD Training. MTM wants to make this
a strong quality in the MTM family because if the Team can hold Thai PADS for each other
then it is strong. Get use to Thai PAD holders calling and/ or showing targets, making you
block, making you counter, getting your distance and timing down. Thai PAD holder is
fighting their training Fighter so practice to accomplish this as much as possible. Work on
Power Single, Double and then 10 to 20 KICKs against the Thai PADS. Have FUN, be
SAFE, train HARD and do full on Muay Thai !!

There are three main ways to hold Thai PADS for the Body KICKS. One is at Angles with
the PADS sitting on the Belly PAD and another is showing the Thai PADS and SLAPPING
the shins when they KICK. MTM will teach parallel Thai PADS. We will hold our arms/
PADS touching on long sides, elbows will rest on the Body/ Belly PAD, show the PADS at
about 10 degrees and then SLAP = Push BACK to hit the kicking leg and shin at a good
angle for the kicking fighter. Make the Thai PADS have a Power SOUND - Smack them
Loud !! The Thai PAD holder must try to make the Kicker as comfortable as possible when
kicking the Thai PADS because this develops a true power kick !!

The fighter’s one main goal in kicking the Thai PADS is to SLAP their Foot and Shin against
the Double Thai PADS. The louder the SLAP is, the more it shows the fighter is RELAXED
and the Bone is the weapon being used !! SLAP the Bone and you will have a true Muay
Thai kicking weapon. Make the Thai PADS have a Power SOUND - Smack them Loud !!
The Thai PAD holder must try to make the Kicker as comfortable as possible when kicking
the Thai PADS because this develops a true power kick !!

a. Practice with your partner Team Thai PAD training !!

T#50 – “dtehL glaangM” – Middle/ Body Kick.
T#2 – “deernM muayM” – Fighting Footwork with
T#21a – POWER Step with T#50 – Body Kicks !!
Go slow and then faster and faster. Practice your FOOTWORK !!

b. Practice with your partner Team Thai PAD training !!

T#51 – “bpaawngF ganM” – Full Body BLOCK.
T#52 – GRAB Body BLOCK and T#53 – PUSH Body BLOCK.

Do a Kick then Block and Block then Kick. The Thai PAD holder must have SHIN
Guards on, from a good fighting stance throw a body kick at your partner and have them
block. Then have them KICK the Thai PADS and then KICK them right after. This is
the first technique that Thailand teaches the Farangs when they come to Thailand.
Optional to say, BLOCK and then kick them and you get better and better you will not
have to say anything. Practice the GRAB, Lock, Throw and Counter kick … remember
to STEP to take the power out.
Optional to say, GRAB so your partner can do the technique. Practice the PUSH block
and the Thai PAD holder will kick and then their partner will PUSH block them and then
throw a Counter kick.
Optional to say, PUSH so your partner can do the technique. NOW you can do ALL
three techniques but the Thai PAD holder should say, BLOCK or GRAB or PUSH.
Can the fighter do these THREE techniques ?? Seems simple until you are doing them …
especially when you are doing them in the RING !! Practice … practice … practice is the
heart of Muay Thai. ;-)

c. Practice with your partner Team Thai PAD training !!

Practice T#2a & T#2b – Open Door Backwards & Frontwards.
Classic Muay Thai, visualize this, physically FEEL this and get this footwork down !!
Stepping, Blocking, Control and then Counter Body KICK … now that is Muay Thai !!
The Thai PAD holder has to MOVE into Position so their partner can do a good kick
against the Thai PADS.

d. NOW this is Workout #5, have your students Do ALL the Techniques from
Workouts #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and put them ALL together. Have them make up their
COMBO’s … combinations that come naturally from their personality. Most USA
Students can always start with Boxing skills first and then add Kicks, Knees, Elbows and
Clinching. Later, they will learn to do just the opposite and expand their skills and
techniques. NOTE, beginners can do R & L basic strikes the same as D#50c.

MTM Combo from a RIGHT Fighting Stance:

Punches = Left & Right. T#4 – W#13 = “matL naaF” – Front Punch = JAB.
T#5 – W#14 = “matL langR” – Rear/ Back Punch = CROSS.
Elbows = Back RIGHT = Ref. D#32a. T#31 & T#30, LEFT Front T#30, then FRONT
Steps to do the Back RIGHT T#32 and then turn right back into your Fighting Stance !!
Knees = Hands grabs, Back RIGHT Knee SINGLE strike, RIGHT
hand PULLS & Turns Thai PAD holder 90 degrees & does TWO Right knee strikes.
T#21 – Diagonal/ Elephant Knee. Two hand PUSH, Right Low Kick, Left Body Kick
and then two Power RIGHT Body Kicks. Then Right TIP Kick and Right Superman
PUNCH. Note: This is the DEMO Combo that Zina did at the Certification Camp.

NOTE: Basic fighting techniques to PRACTICE on Thai PADS:

a. Breathe, calm your Heart, Emotions and Relax.
b. Open your EYES … Look at your targets and you will react.
c. Clinch your JAW … You can take a Counter Strike better.
d. Move and Relax, you do not have to stay in ONE place, Move !!
e. If you KICK you should PUNCH … if you PUNCH then KICK !!
f. If you get HIT then quickly Strike back … Counter !!
g. If you BLOCK then quickly Strike back … Counter !!

STUDENT TESTing = TEST #1 to #10.

NOTES: 1. In the USA Testing is so important. WHY ?? Gives the students a GOAL to
shoot for and makes them really study Muay Thai !! Each GYM can make up
their own TESTing and they should determine the cost for each TESTing. This
is a great way to earn funds to support the gym and to also promote Private
Lessons to help the students to get ready for TESTing.

2. The Head Instructor CAN allow the students to Test TWO Tests at a time
because they are ONE Workout broken up into TWO Tests. BUT this will be
really hard and very few students should be allowed to do this. Muay Thai is
really consistent TIME in Practicing. With TEN Tests, the students will really
be encouraged to take the TIME to Practice. ;-)

3. Always INVITE the whole school of students to come to TESTing to just

watch. They will learn so much and be encouraged to TEST themselves.

4. Once they pass TEST #10 then send them to us to be an MTM Instructor.

TEST #1 = $10

Workout #1 - จอดมวย = “jaawt L

muaym” – Fighting Stance

Thailand Words: W#1 to W#10 – Students should be able to recognize the Words because
the Instructors shout them out when teaching. Do not expect the students
to SAY the Words but they should be able to HEAR & understand them
if the Instructors are SAYing them in class. This sets up the students to
be able to learn Real Muay Thai in Thailand.

Muay Thai Morals: M#1 & M#2 = Why are you doing Muay Thai ??
Students should have simple answers to these questions.

Muay Thai History: H#1 & H#2 = Do you know Muay Thai History ??
Students should have simple answers to these questions.

Exercises: E#0 to E#13, C#1 to C#3, S#1 to S#5

Students should be able to DO and Teach these exercises.

Techniques: T#1a, T#1b, T#1c, T#1d, T#2a, T#2b, T#3, T#4, T#5, T#6, T#7
Students should be able to DO and Teach these Techniques.

TEST #2 = $20
DRILLS: D#1, D#2, D#3a, D#3b, D#3c, D#3d, D#3e, D#3f, D#4a, D#4b, D#4c,
D#4d, D#5a, D#6a, D#6b, D#7a, D#7b
Students should be able to DO and Teach these DRILLS.

The RING !! The Students will have to SPARR an Instructor for THREE rounds and
show their Muay Thai Skills in the RING.
Good HEAD Gear and BIG Gloves 16oz. are a must for this !!
Choose a good Instructor for sparring and an Instructor should call out the
techniques to the students to show what they just tested on !! This should
be an Amazing experience for the student and a positive way to
encourage people to get into the RING. ;-)

TEST #3 = $30

Workout #2 - นักมวยปล้ำ = “nak H

muayM bplamF”– CLINCH

Thailand Words: W#0, W#08, W#09, W#11, W#12, W#17 to W#19 – Students should be
able to recognize the Words because the Instructors shout them out when
teaching. If the students can say the Words then Grrrrrrrrr8 !!

Muay Thai Morals: M#3 & M#4 = Why are you doing Muay Thai ??
Students should have simple answers to these questions.

Muay Thai History: H#3, H#4 & H#5 = Do you know Muay Thai History ??
Students should have simple answers to these questions.

Exercises: E#0 to E#13, C#1 to C#3, S#1 to S#5

Students should be in SHAPE and should be familiar with these
This part is now just a Fitness Challenge, how long can they
stay in a Leg Raise, Baby Back Ups, Push Up, Hand Stand, Circle
Shoulder, Squat Leg, Prayer Stretch, American Split and Chinese Split
position ?? Have FUN … the students should feel the BURN. ;-)

Techniques: T#20a to T#20j, T#21a, T#21b

Students should be able to DO and Teach these Techniques.

TEST #4 = $40
DRILLS: D#1, D#2, D#20a to D#20c, D#21a, D#21b, D#22a to D#22h,
D#23a to D#23d, D#24a to D#24e, D#7a, D#7b
Students should be able to DO and Teach these DRILLS.

The RING !! The Students will have to SPARR an Instructor for THREE rounds and
show their Muay Thai Skills in the RING.
Good BODY Protectors and STEEL Cups are a must for this !!
Ladies should consider a Female Cup Protector too !!
Choose a good Instructor for sparring and an Instructor should call out the
techniques to the students to show what they just tested on !! This should
be an Amazing experience for the student and a positive way to
encourage people to get into the RING. ;-)

TEST #5 = $50

Workout #3 – ศอก = “saawk ” – Elbow = Knives of Muay Thai


Thailand Words: W#20 to W#27 – Students should be able to recognize the Words because
the Instructors shout them out when teaching. If the students can say the
Words then Grrrrrrrrr8 !!

Muay Thai Morals: M#5 & M#6 = Why are you doing Muay Thai ??
Students should have simple answers to these questions.
Muay Thai History: H#6, H#7, H#8 = Do you know Muay Thai History ??
Students should have simple answers to these questions.

Exercises: E#0 to E#13, C#1 to C#3, S#1 to S#5

Students should be in SHAPE and should be familiar with these
This part is now just a Fitness Challenge, how long can they
stay in a Leg Raise, Baby Back Ups, Push Up, Hand Stand, Circle
Shoulder, Squat Leg, Prayer Stretch, American Split and Chinese Split
position ?? Have FUN … the students should feel the BURN. ;-)

Techniques: T#30, T#31, T#32, T#33

Students should be able to DO and Teach these Techniques.

TEST #6 = $60
DRILLS: D#1, D#2, D#30a to D#30d, D#31a to D#31d, D#32a to D#32c,
D#33a, D#33b, D#7a, D#7b
Students should be able to DO and Teach these DRILLS.

The RING !! The Students will have to SPARR an Instructor for THREE rounds and
show their Muay Thai Skills in the RING.
Good HEAD Gear and Elbow PADS are a must for this !!
Choose a good Instructor for sparring and an Instructor should call out the
techniques to the students to show what they just tested on !! This should
be an Amazing experience for the student and a positive way to
encourage people to get into the RING. ;-)

TEST #7 = $70

Workout #4 – ถีบ = “theep ” – PUSH


Thailand Words: W#28 to W#35 – Students should be able to recognize the Words because
the Instructors shout them out when teaching. If the students can say the
Words then Grrrrrrrrr8 !!

Muay Thai Morals: M#7 - PLEDGE = Why are you doing Muay Thai ??
Students should have simple answers to these questions.

Muay Thai History: H#9 & H#10 = Do you know Muay Thai History ??
Students should have simple answers to these questions.

Exercises: E#0 to E#13, C#1 to C#3, S#1 to S#5

Students should be in SHAPE and should be familiar with these
This part is now just a Fitness Challenge, how long can they
stay in a Leg Raise, Baby Back Ups, Push Up, Hand Stand, Circle
Shoulder, Squat Leg, Prayer Stretch, American Split and Chinese Split
position ?? Have FUN … the students should feel the BURN. ;-)

Techniques: T#40, T#41, T#42, T#43a to T#43c

Students should be able to DO and Teach these Techniques.

TEST #8 = $80
DRILLS: D#1, D#2, D#40a, D#40b, D#41a to D#41c, D#42,
D#43a to D#43d, D#7a, D#7b
Students should be able to DO and Teach these DRILLS.

The RING !! The Students will have to SPARR an Instructor for THREE rounds and
show their Muay Thai Skills in the RING.
Good BODY Protectors and STEEL Cups are a must for this !!
Ladies should consider a Female Cup Protector too !!
Choose a good Instructor for sparring and an Instructor should call out the
techniques to the students to show what they just tested on !! This should
be an Amazing experience for the student and a positive way to
encourage people to get into the RING. ;-)

TEST #9 = $90

Workout #5 – เตะกลาง = “dteh L
glaangM” – BODY Kick

Thailand Words: W#36 to W#40 – Students should be able to recognize the Words because
the Instructors shout them out when teaching. If the students can say the
Words then Grrrrrrrrr8 !!

Muay Thai Morals: M#8 & M#9 = Why are you doing Muay Thai ??
Students should have simple answers to these questions.
Muay Thai History: H#11 & H#12 = Do you know Muay Thai History ??
Students should have simple answers to these questions.

Exercises: E#0 to E#13, C#1 to C#3, S#1 to S#5

Students should be in SHAPE and should be familiar with these
This part is now just a Fitness Challenge, how long can they
stay in a Leg Raise, Baby Back Ups, Push Up, Hand Stand, Circle
Shoulder, Squat Leg, Prayer Stretch, American Split and Chinese Split
position ?? Have FUN … the students should feel the BURN. ;-)

Techniques: T#50, T#51, T#52, T#53

Students should be able to DO and Teach these Techniques.

TEST #10 = $100

DRILLS: D#1, D#2, D#50a to D#50e, D#51a to D#51e, D#52a to D#52h,
D#53a to D#53d, D#7a, D#7b
Students should be able to DO and Teach these DRILLS.

The RING !! The Students will have to SPARR an Instructor for THREE rounds and
show their Muay Thai Skills in the RING. Then they will do TWO more
rounds FULL Muay Thai Techniques. You CAN Do It !!
Good HEAD Gear, BIG Gloves 16oz., Elbow PADS are a must for this !!
Good BODY Protectors and STEEL Cups are a must for this !!
Ladies should consider a Female Cup Protector too !!
SHIN Protectors, Shin Guards is a must for this !!
GEAR Up or do it old school Thailand style … NO Gear ??!!
Choose a good Instructor for sparring and an Instructor should call out the
techniques to the students to show what they just tested on !! This should
be an Amazing experience for the student and a positive way to
encourage people to get into the RING. ;-)

Contact, Video and Links.

Contacts: Daniel C. Docto aka “Doc”

“Doc” = 087-810-2177 inside Thailand, outside = 011-66-7-810-2177
Computer Phone Sacramento – USA – Thailand = 916-222-4275
(Note: This is a MajicJack # so where ever my computer is I can answer it.)



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