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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name Ethel Johnson Activity: Title Identify Numbers

Number of children participating at one time ___5_____ Ages _5-7_________

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the student.
Ohio Early Domain: Mathematics
Learning &
Strand: Number Sense
Standards: Topic:Recognizing the 1
List at least 1 Standard Statement: Count number, singing and writing
standard that is
addressed by this
activity. Write
out each
completely and
exactly, as
published in

Lesson The student will be able to recognize numbers

Estimated Estimated time for for the activities will be 1 hour that way I can go over the instruction and allow
student to get material and start with recongnize numbers.
Preparation of What preparation is needed? I will make that I enough material for each child
materials and
What materials will be used?scissors, contstruction paper(different colors), glue, books, magazines and pastic

How will the learning environment be set up? Each will be able to pick the material up and take it back to their
desk or table

Instructional Procedures: Each student will be allotted 25 minutes to cut or trace a number and if they want decorate
with different craft that is provide after each finish they will be instructed to clean and then we talk about each
activities which I would allow the student to talk about the activities. I would bw several Ipads setup around the room
if someone would like to STMATH to play games with numbers( ST MATH is a visual learning site).
The students will be to recognize to many numbers, write, color trace, count.

Day 1:
I would spend the first 10 giving instruction on the activity and explain the importance of counting and how it will help
them as they move from grade to grade.…..
I would about 15 minutes allow the student to make sure they have would they need to start the activitiy.
They way this activity will unfold for me and the students is that they will be to recognize number 1-20 and be able to
match them with other number that way they can start learning some basic add and subtraction.
Day 2: We will go over what we learned in Day 1 then ask if anyone have questions then we will move to leaning how
add and subtract different numbers for example: 3-1 or 2 +2. I would also encourage some students to use ST MATH
visual learning site.

Extension and STMATH.
Sites will benefits the student in fine motor skills, sense and allowing the be visual.

Differentiated Instructional Support: I would traceable paper, video and maybe YOUTUBE or STMATH

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material: I use
flashcards, plastic number ,books, sing a long

Vocabulary: sing, numbers,write, color, trace, repeat.

For teachers List the materials you will need to teach the lesson.
I would use laptops, tables or project
For students Material needed to complete this activity: laptops or tables

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