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AREVA T&D AG - 5036 OBERENTFELDEN General conditions of contract for the supply of machinery and spare parts 2001 1. General ~ ene third on expiry of wo thirds of he ogred delivery 1.1 The contract soll be deemed to hove been entered into {pone ct per nolo! sg ih accupiance ol fa order Tenders which donot pute on acceptance prio shall Pole binding. | ‘*Pulate on occeplonce pes 1.2. These general conditions of supply shal be binding if declaral applies in the lender in te order ack lodgement ey corns stipulted by the cusomer which ere, canon to hese general conditons of supply shall ony be vol f expresy ecknowledged bye 13 APepemert ce lag ert dco fh ‘agreements and legally relevant declarations of he par fea 8 the conbacl mat be in wring in order y be wed Becleratons intext frm whi ore rena by ort Corded on eleronic media wl be equated wih writen Eclraions when specicly so ogreed by he pares. 2. Scope of supplies and services The supplies and services are exhousively specified in the ‘order acknowledgement and in appendices thereto. 3, Technical documents 3.1 Unless herve ogred upon, brochures ond eotologues Ces prise cgroed pen postures ord cpcloguss re only binding in bo far os having been expresiy stpulaed cs ue 3:2. Each party to the contact reais cll ights to echnical Coeutertt provid to fhe cher, The porty recening Such documents recognises these rights ond shal = wihout previous writen consent ofthe afer pory = not tok these documents eval t any hird pry, cher inwhole orn par hort then for porposes ir han ‘Roce for wich they wore ended over 4. Prices 4.1 Unless oherwite greed upon, al prices shal be deemed to be nel ex werkesncusing Swiss VAT if ery, exclding Docking wilout ony daledion whenower, 4.2. The supplier reserves th right to asthe ries in cae ihe ste sols or the row motel prices sary behveen the sbbmision ofthe fonder ond the conroccly agreed “formance, In such case the adjusiment shal be Trade EStording ihe price odjdment use Inaddton, an opproprice price adutment shall apply in Inaction on opproprci price edivsmen hal py fo any racuon sted in Clase 72 or coy documents Kennedy the casiomer were nol in covformiy wih ‘hetaualcrcumslonces, or were incomplete 5, Terms of payment 51 Pomenls shal be mado plies domicile, wihost ‘any deduction for cn dlacou expanses, axes, levies, fers, dots, ond he te a Unless otherwise agreed upon, the price shall be paid in Fe folowing interes = One third as advance poyment within one month afer receipt “of the order “acknowledgement by the isomer, fine the remainder wii one month ar supplier’ advice tha supplies are ready for patch 52th customer delays inthe ogre ferns of payment, i shall be lcble, without reminder ores! wil eect from its agreed Ci on which ha poyenerd wor dos cha rte (of 4 percent over the current B-month CHF-UBOR target. ‘She git dam fer damages reserved. Reservation of ile The supple shall remain the owner of al suples uni hoving Teetepis dintromatn the mer fol pics un pov Upon entering info the contact the customer guihoriss the spn eter ny hy arcion fy fh Techie form mpl rgitarn books or sto recor lin actocdonce wiih relevant national laws, ond To lil all corresponding formolies, ot estomer’ coat During the period ofthe reservation of tile, the customer shelf nso, mana te spp adie + tho bonekt of he supplier ogcinst ef, breckdown, he, wotet and other rite, Meshal rer toke oll mecsures 1 rare tothe supp ie iin no way prvcced Delivery ime 7.1 The delivery ime shll sort as soon ofthe coro tnored incl aca lxmalies have been complied, ym ca wo rer have be ese ony Goreed secures given ond the moin technical pons SE The delivery hme shell be deemed fo be’ cbserved if by that time the supplier has sent a notice to the unease HEE he pein ore acy et dispatch. 7.2. The dalvery tne is reasonably extended «if the information require bythe sve for perfor ‘once of he convo Fa weve ine oe Gistomer subsequently changes i hereby causing © ely nthe dlvery of he supplies or tence, 1 ifhindronces occur hich the supplier connot prevent despite snng fe required care, regardless of whether thoy cll the upper or he, cosomer or @ find party Such hindrances include, but shell ol be ited 1b cpidemics, mobilisation, war, revolution, serious breakdown inthe works, accidents, labour confi, late or delicient delvery by sybconiraclrs oF row materics, semiinished or frithed product, he need 1 {krop. important work, pieces, ficial ‘mitsions by any slate autores or pubic bodies, ‘awa cotetrophes, act of God, €)ifthe customer ora third ary is behind schadule wih work irhoe fy esac, cf wth the performance of fs fontractyel obligtions in pariclor i the customer Felnto bverve the terms of gayment 7.3 The customer hall be entiled to claim liquidated domages for delayed celery in so for as fan froved cl the day os been Zaveed throegh he foul of Ro Soppler ond he he comer hos suf loss cs a resth of such delay. T sobsivve material con be Supplied fo accommodate the customer, the later not tradi any demages for del. 10. Damages for delayed delivery shall ot exceed per cent for every ful week's delay ond shal in no cose whelso: vlog ceed art fe anon ee {Ropar ctihe ypptesinceay No dorages orl shal be dic for the fst wo weeks 6 delay. ‘tr reaching the maximum ligudoted domages for delayed delivery, he cusomer shall grant he supplier © ‘easenable exeion of ime wring. such extension iS totcbservad for reasons win supplier’ con, the tustomer sal have te ight reject he delayed part of th apie o soe ‘Fo porlol acceptance f eco nomicaliy ro usted on the part of the customer, fhe irs ed inte he ene nd dai rend of he money elready paid again retum ol the delveries supplied.” paces ‘Any delay ofthe suples or services doesnot eile the Eivlomer io any sits ond coims other ten those fxpresy stpulled in his Case 7. Thislnitation does, Frovweve, ot apply to unkawi nent or gross negligen eon hop fe spp by dows poy ilo ion or gros negligence of persons employed or ‘Oppointed’ by the sGpplier to" perform ony” of is Bhgatons 7A 3. Passing of benefit ond risk 8,1 The bendit ond the risk of he supplies shall pas tothe fustoma by Re dole of fi eoving te work I dspach is delayed ot he request of the customer or dhe rose beyon: spac the ko he Supplies sal poss he Esemer othe te orginal {efor for that lacing he works. From tis mement on, the supplies shall Be, sored and insured on the {tcount an at he rk of he eostomer 82 . Inspection and taking-over of the supplies and services 9.) Aslora being poxmal pete, he spi shalinspect Sunples and sorces belo depen, fhe cunomer request furher texting, this has t'be specially agreed {pon end pod for by he customer: 9.2 The customer shall inspect the supplies and services sph enol rid one! el inmediy ne iy the seppiern wing of ey deicincies ibe cu emer fal in doing s0, she supplies ond services shal te dmed io have ben tke ver Hoving been noted of he deficiencies according to Geese 95 tho supper shell as soon os posable ro. 3p nem, dod the Customer shall ge he copper he doings. 93 possoiy 9.4 The carrying out of o takng-over test os wel cs laying own te conatons reloted hereto need a special gre. ont Dairies of ony kind in supplies or services shall ot gee coma ony sore img ae ten so expressly sped in Clauses 9 and 10 [quar tomes, lly Yor delet) : 95 Guarantee, ability for defects 10.1. the guarantee period is 12 months, o 8 month in cose ofe mul: shi syst. stots when fe supplies leave the Srl ciples dlayed duet econ beyond pplfars corral, the guoronte period shal end not {a hon 18 month ofr supplier noiication ot Me “Upples ore andy for dispatch, For replaced orrepcired pr’ the quoronee period starts ‘new and loss 6 months cer replacement or compet Sn°ot the repair, bul not longer than the expiry of @ foro being double tone queronee period sulted ibe prenrepeevcrh 6 guoranie expires prematurely if he coxtomer or ihtePpary unde fokes "inappropriate modfcahons or Topol of ifthe cusemer, cate of o deed, does not immediatly toke cll appropricie steps to mitgate te Einoge ond. give ‘he suppler the ponsialy of semeding such 2 1. 10.2. Upon writen request of the costar, the supplier wndor- ther ot ie choles Yo repolt or replone ee quicly a possible, ary ports ofthe supplies which, Belo Expiry of hg guaran posed ore proved lobe deer five due to bed moteria, folly design or poor work: ‘manship. Replaced parts shall become supplier's property. Express warranties ore only those which have been xpress speched os uch nthe order ceknowledpment rin tke sfectfcaons, An expres waranty wold um Tih ep fe pcos prod oe s. ifthe express warranties ore not or only part CP ey St ae ee Blir 10 cory out the improvements immedioey. The Eistomer shell give the supplier ne necessary me ond possbilty of doing so, IP such improvements fil completly or in pr, fuser oy Gana reasonable redocton of pce. Rowe the defector of sch imporonce fot hey ean: tot be remedied wihincrecrondble ime ond prowl Fe spp ond reas ect be wo i ee th crs ned oo scene she Jolcive por orf paral axeplone is economy used for fo letminale fhe contrac. n auch case the ‘Spl con ony be hed Toe for emburing esos wich have baeh pod 0 ior the pas aed by te Cc fe fab fx Exchded from suppliers quarantes ond laity for Saat detec ARER Sonch be prove feve ther origin in bod meter, faut denign er poor vworkmonshipy eg, ote resin from notin vec, Inproper marine, fare to buen the oper insrocions, excessive leading, vse of any unsut fall infuene of chemi o sec each, king or grechon work nor undertaken by the spor ‘or resuing hom ofner reasons beyond suppliors contra Wi respec on loc moe, dsin or work Inanslipcs wal 2 ony fre Rl exprers wor is cone thal pt be ened eetyeisond ins ‘ther than ove expressly sipulted in Clouses ToT 104 ae 103 iy not 10.4 105 |. Exclosion of further lity onthe supplier's port All cases of breach of cntroct ond the relevant consoquences Gs-welhes ell raha ond caine on he porto the cstoner ittespedive on what ground they are beted, are exhaustively Covered by hose gonaralcondtions of supply. In parila “Tsim not expen mentioned for damages, recocion price, tarminotion of or wihrawal from Tbe contact are Erclded. Inno case whatsoever sll he customer be enfed ISdgim darage ae han campers for gon of Temndyng delecs in he supplies. This parler ees, bt eT estate mek lara an tecal ‘Srde, oso prof and oher decor nde or consoquen- fal dena fhe ‘clon of Hb, however doy nt ‘Sophy to plotline or gros pegigance on he pf he Spins but doos apply Yo unaw'gl menor gross negligence oles toelel':Sppried by espero peor xy os oblgonons Tis exclsin o ibility doesnot opply far ais conrary Bcompulory ew Erection Ifthe supplier undertakes the erection or the supervision of the erechon, the General Condens of erection ofthe Swiss Associaton of Machinery Manufociurers (VSM) shll apply Jurisdiction and applicable low 13.1. The place of urisdiion for both the cutomar and the Topeka bee rgateed ees oe spi The weer slower aid ee co- The sup shel hover by ei 13.2 The contract shall be governed by Ses substantive low.

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