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UT Lo - Guay cette ete se ce afk, Which ote towing 2 -F°* theailiy ofan organist ve fo fammeny erconfomiy wit isenonen UNIT OME (0) YO Bretton 12) Spesatin (©) Adaptation. (©) secondary (©) Natural selection (0) eeological ‘Mem refers tothe following diagram which represents simple model ofthe nitrogen cycle | GurerNyar J- Food web onan tn iogenoss wate remain ia wl v 5. Whichbaceiisrespnsileforthefellowing conversion inthe nitrogen eyele? Ammon in 0 (A) Rhizodiom b [Nitifying bacteria Denivitying bat )_ Nitrogesfining bac (D> _Inerspecie competion Which of the following does NOT affect Biodivesig? Potion @ conversion “ © © food suppl supply (D) Introduction of exotic species © © tems 8-9 refer to the following population growth curve. Population size Time Which of the following correctly represents the growth phases in the graph? 3, The diversity index of Bis 2.0 and 3.5 respect following statements is corre! 4 ecosystems A and ‘ely. Which of the conytem Dies ste Heetaem B emo sable, Seon ond B ein ferent biomes. Ecosystem A has more species than ecosystem B. PQ QR RS (A) Exponential growth phase Lag phase Stationary phase (B) Lag phase Stationary phase Exponential growth phase (C) Stationary phase Exponential growth phase Lag phase (D) Lag phase Exponential growth phase _Stationary phase \dicates that there is The shape of the graph at S an abundance of food (A) (B) _anoutbreak of diseases (C) an increase in competition (D) — alimited amount of space 1 tae poeta gro a ni emareiaret , seitey removes te wey Ye - ‘ond and very young from INE Prey isto i, _befitio contre the prey population (a) land tt only (B)—Tandill only (c) Mana tt only (D)Wlland ttt Which of the following are characteristics of ut, an ecotone? 1. Containsasmallernumberofspecies than surrounding areas 11. Conditions present vary betweentwo ‘adjacent ecological systems Ill. Contains plant and animal species from adjacent ecological systems 1V, Supports many species not found in bordering ecosystems (A) Land If only (8) ‘Mand il only (© I,and ut only (D) I, Mend IV only 2 13. lowing BEST iMlstrates the ich te fal tien of even? ‘ay Aplantoses i lenves in Souah (99 Afar color becomes TOW aH Histon a ot Cc) Afgpulton mosquitoes develops Poanes roa petelse oaarien ot fogs ineeases 38 a ar (es available, snore prey becom tem 13 refers tothe following pyramid of ‘numbers. 90 0 140 ‘The percentage of primary consumers in the ecosystem is (A) 0.08% (B) 19.05% (C) 28.57% (D) 44.44% ‘Item 14 refers to the following results, which were obtained by students investigating the density and distribution of three species of plants, A, B and C, in a grassy field using a Im2 quadrat. [ Quadrat Throw | [Species [1 2 3 4 5 6 a 8 9 10 |Fan 9 0 1 3 4 2] 1 9 1 5 [os 6 3 0 0 0 0 7 9 1 0 |e 4 4 3 4 5 3 4 4 4 14, The mean density, in plants/m2 of Species A in the field, is (Ay 2.60 Se 300 (C) 325 (D) 3.30 15. 1. 18. 19. Which pair of sampling methods ere 16 appropriate for sampling grass? Quadrat and line transect A (B) Sticky tape and line transect (©) Quadrat and capture, mark and recapture method (D) Capture, markand recapture method and pit fall trap ‘The term that BEST describes an increasing ion of population in cities and a concentr transformation of land use and society is (A) agglomeration (8) (C)__ industrialization (D) _suburbanization ‘The following diagram represents a human population. TOTAL Deaths (D) —— Emigration £) Births (B) —— | POPULATION Immigration () The equation whi (A) B+D=I+E (8) B+E=D+I (CQ) B=D+Et+! (D) B+l=D+E ich represents an unchanged population over a period of time is The TOTAL annual production of goods and services within an economy is referred to as the annual productivity index (A) (ANP) (B) gross national product (GNP) (C)__percapita product (PCP) (D) gross production index (GP1) Which of the following is true of developed countries? They have high fertility rates (A) (B) Their women are emancipated (©) — Theyhaveshorterlifeexpectancies (D) They have very high infant mortality rates 20. China's ‘one-child policy’ can be BEST described as. a direct population control measure (A) (B) _ anatural population control measure (C) an indirect population control measure (D) a voluntary population control measure 21. 22. fae nographic Transition model seem 21 refers to the following diagram of the Der “Total population Birth Rater] Death Rates Time Sage T | Stage2| Stage 3! Stage 4 ween stages 2 and 3 is most likely caused by “The increase in total population size bet (A) __ increase in family planning improvements in health care «B) (C) an increase in the level of education (D) __ improvements in the country's infrastructure Item 22 refers to the following diagram. f Wes oration The diagram above illustrates the process of (A) desalination (B) __ salt water intrusion (C) _ salt water extrusion (D) _ fresh water intrusion 23. 24, 25, BEST illustrated using (A) apiechart (B) a pyramid of mass (C) _anage/sex pyramid {D) a pyramid of numbers The population structure of a country can be Ifthe annual growth rate of Country X is2%, then the doubling time, in years, for Country Xis ay es ‘) 70 (©) 10s (D) 140 Which of the following is considered to be the major environmental problem because it aggravatesallotherenvironmentalproblems? 44 (A) Air pollution (B) Global warming (C) Ozone depletion (D) Human population growth Item 26 refers to the following histogram Which shows age structure expressed as percentage of population for Country Z. Age __Male[W{ Female Percentage of Population Approximately what percentage of the population in Country Z is UNDER age 15? (A) 12% (B) 16% © 24% (D) 30% 27. Item 27 refers to the following table which provides information about the social conditions in wo countries, A and B. Condition Country A | Country B Total fertility 7.85 1.42 Birth rate, 49.82 1048 Death rate 16.84 10,62 Infant mortality 11.12 10.86 GNP per capita $844 $12 064 Country A is MOST likely a (A) __ less developed country (B) more developed country small island developing state (D) economically developed country © 28. ia spulation doubling time for several counties. sto the following graph which shows the Po oem 28 rete ‘Canada Denmark Haiti Kenya USA o Iraq Country Which ofthe following statements, based on te graph, is corres? (A) rag has a doubling time of 27 years. (B)__ Kenya has a doubling time of 30 years. (C)__ Canada has a doubling time of 117 years. (D) Denmark has a doubling time of 233 years. -9- hh which shows the projected population total up to 2100. tem 29 refers to the following grap | world total (Developing countrie Developed countries 2100 1950 2000 2080 ‘Time (years) 29, in 2025, the population in developing countries is projected to surpass that of developed countries by a factor of APPROXIMATELY A) 18 @) 36 © 64 @) 80 tem 30 refers to the fo shows different stages death rates for a typical human PoPt overtime. -10- ing graph, which 34 ed othe bith and lation i é 50] Ger 1000) a 5 z | 2 Faget] Stagett [Stage HF [ Stane1¥ nf Bleth rate i” Death ratt}= - > 30. (A) @) © (D) 31. An resource is 32. (A) (B) oO @) Time ‘The rate of population growth starts to slow down at the end of Stage | middle of Stage {1 beginning of Stage II end of Stage IV example of a non-renewable natural fishery resource forestry resource natural gas solar energy Natural resource is BEST defined as (A) @) © (D) the earth's processes that sustain life materials that man produces for his own use solid materials used for building structures such as roads materials and energy that are found in the environment 3. 34. 35. 36. Which category of protected area BEST rpplies to an atea which is mi eerention and te protection of bi aged for versity? (A)_ National park (B) Wilderness area © ©) Strict nature reserve Species management area Which ofthe followingareconsumptiveuses of natural resources? 1 Logging 11, Bioprospeeting iH, Fishing (A) Land only (B) Land iltonly (© Mand til only (D) Mand Itt Which of the following economic instruments describe the money obtained for returning a soda bottle? (A) Incentives (B) Penalties (C) Taxes (D) User fees Sanctuaries are established to (A) plant trees (B) conduct research (C) protect animals (D) carry out ecotourism 38. 39. 40. shows the seta: pick seagrarn 37. One of the roles of zoos is to conserve 4. endangered species by captive bred Is Faped that offspring from such programmes ere a acd inthe wl Tis a example of | (A) _excsitu conservation (B) _ ines conservation (©) botanical conservation (D) zoological conservation “TheUnitedNations Convention onBiological Diversity (UNCBD) aims to encourage the conservation of biodiversity in sita by 2. (A) __ protecting non-native species (B) _ introducing non-native species (C) encouraging Economically sustainable use of specific species (D) regulating trade and products from ‘endangered species Item 39 refers to the following. ‘The Arawaks practised the cutting down and burning of natural vegetation for agriculture. ‘After a few years they moved to another area ‘and repeated the process; they then returned to the original area. This style of agriculture practised by the called (A) (B) _intercropping (©) organic farming (D) subsistence farming Introducing exotiespeciesintotheecosystem of country may result in 1. displacement of native species IL death of native species 4B. IIL. nochange in the diversity of species (A) Tonly (B) ‘Mlonly (C)_— Land IT only (D) 1, Hand IIT Human populations histoily have se in floodplains because: ye “ee 1. thesoitinfloodpl nfloodplains isusually fertile 1. the terrain in floodplains tends to be fat IML. floodplains are close to rivers for transportation (a) Jonly (B) Land TU only. (©) Wand it only (D) bland ut ‘A country wants to construct a new airport. ‘Before this is done detailed research is undertaken to assess the likely environmental effects of this project. Which natural resource management tool best desoribes this approach? (A) BIA @) LUCN (©) NEAP (0) SPAW Itemd3 referstothefollowingdiagramwhich shows the relationship between fishingeffor. and sustainable yield. is a3 3% 3 % & Fishing effort What does X represent? (A) Average sustainable yield (B) Minimal sustainable yield (C) Maximum sustainable yield (D) Continuous sustainable yield “12+ referto he following graph which shows the population of marine fishin a Caithcan ems 44-45 FBinisy ever the period 1950-2000. 19000 3000 EEE 006 700 4000 3000 2000 1000 2000-2010 Sg sop gene a Oey eto 1958 Year ‘The first decline in fish population was observed over the period 44, (A) 1960-1970 (B) 1960-1980 (© — 1964-1970 (D) 1964-1976 45, The MOST significant change in the fish population occurred over the period (A) 1950-1960 (B) 1970-1980 (C) 1980-1990 (D) 1990-2000 END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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