A Dorset Couple Got Married Yesterday. The Dogs Had Brought

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Grammar Review

The Past Perfect Tense

0 Form

9 The past perfecttense is had + the past participle (had + vero3).

I didnt recognize her at first because she had cut her hair.
9 The past perfect passive is had been + the past participle (had +
been + verb-3).
I was upsetI lost my watch. It had beenmade,bymy dad.
9 To make a negative, use hadnt or had never.
- I was nervousbecauseId never met her parentsbefore.
' _
' Use _
> To expressa completedeventin the past.
_ Thedogshadbrought
A Dorsetcouplegotmarriedyesterday.
the couple together. '
9 To showthat something beforeanotherpastaction.
The past perfect IScommon after find out, discover and
- | suddenly
I hadntpackedmypasspott.
- ' I realized Id made a mistake and changed the answer.
9 ' If wewritethesentences
in theorderin whichtheyreallyhappened,
we usually use the past simple.

' /made a mistake but / realized later and changed it.

However,in pastsentences
withafter,assoonas,until andbefore,
we can use past simple or past perfect for the action that happened
first. It doesnt matter which order the actions are written in.
- He changed his mind after hed spoken /he spoke to me.
- Id heard /I heard a lot about him before we met.
Grammar Review

The Present Perfect Tense

0 Form

-) The present perfect tense is have/has+ the past participle (have/

has + verb-3).
I think Iveseen The Fantastic Four ten times now.
- She has travelled a lot. She has been to most countries in Europe.
-> Negatives are formed by adding not or never after have/has.
I havent ever read anything by Mark Twain.
- He 5 never been abroad.

Questions are formed by putting have/has before the subject, like

Has she arrived yet?
- What countries have you been to?
-> Passives are 'formed with have /has been '+ the past, participle
(have/has + been+ verb-3).
- The restaurant
hasbeen closeddown becauseit has rats!
0 Use

-> The present perfect is often used to begin a conversation about

an experience. We often use ever in questions to ask about a life
experience. We usenever to mean not in my life. We use the present
perfect to talk about the number of times before the present.
A: Have you ever tried horse meat?
3: No, never (= Ive never tried it). l-dont like the idea of it.
A: Have you visited Manado before?
. B: Yes,Ive been here several times, actually.
-) Present perfect actions often have a present result.
- IhaVent eaten anything all day, so Im really hungry.
.' Hes gone to the shops. (= Hes not here now.)
9 Use yet to ask about events youre expecting to happen, and not
yet to show you still plan / expect to do it.
A: Ha ve you spoken to Mahadewa?
B:Notyet,butI m goingtoseehim later.
-> Use the present perfect simple with some verbs to talk about
duration of events that are still not finished now.

A: How long have you lived here?

B: Not long. We moved here in February.
a. you ever that film Supernova? It's on tonight.
b. ____you ____ the news last night? I was on it
1. Complete thepresent
using fOI'm
perfect oftheverbs
? brackets.

1. A: __ you ever __ on a diet that actually worked? (be)

B: No. I lots, but I usually put on weight again once I
stop them! (try)
2. A: you ever anything unusual? (eat)
8: Yeah, I camel meat a few times and'l had bat soup last
' year in Cilacap. (have)
3. A: __ youever to a reallyexpensive
. ~restaurant?
8: Yes,I have,butluckily mybosspaid!
4 A: you ever a hairin your food?(find)
B: No, never, but I once found a piece of glass In nasi goreng. I
couldn t believe it!
5 A: you ever in a restaurant? (complain)
B: Yeah, a few times, actually. Lastweek I complained in a cafe
'because the food wasn't cooked prOperIy.
6. A: you ever __ any of Setiawan Djuharies recipes? (try)
B: No, I never __ of him. (hear)

K. Ask a partner the six questionsin'Activity 13 and give true answers.

Then write five more Have you even. .? questions to ask some other

Grammar Review
The Future Perfect Tense
0 Form
9 The future perfecttenseis wiIl/wont + have + past participle
(will/wont + have ~'~verb3)
- Byfive o'clock Saturday,we will haveIinishedevery single
0 Use

-> The future perfect tense is only used with a limited number of
verbs. We often use by with the future perfect to mean at or
before. There are lots of time phrases starting with by: by this
afternoon, by the time we get home, by the time you have
finished, by the end of the year.-
~ CanI callyoubackaround
four?Ill havefinishetllooking
through the contract.
- I wont have had time to read
through the proposal properly
until Monday at the earliest.
We can also use should 4- have + past participle to show that
we think something will happen before a certain point in the
future, but are not 100% sure. .
- I should have finished by about six or so.
We also use the future perfect to say what we think has almost
certainly happened by now.
will haveleft bynow.(=_-
They. Im 99%suretheyhaveleft)
They wont have left yet. (=-lm 99% sure they havent left)
It Wont have landed yet. (-lm 99% sure it hasnt landed)
Youwont haveheardof it. (7 I'm99%sureyoudont know it)
We use the future perfect'tto make predictions about actions
which we expect to be completed before particular time in the
- Hellhavehad byiulyandshould
bea of fitter
operation lot
Weusually bythen,within
the next week) with this kind of prediction. The times can be
very close to now.
- Ill havefinishedmyreportwithinnexthour,soyoull
a print out by lunch time.

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