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NIM : KHGC18036
Excercise 1

Translate these sentences into comunicative english

1. Pak anda mengalami masalah lambung (gastric problem) anda diminta menghindari makanan
yang asam
2. Saya akan menjelaskana program diet yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda
3. Apakah porsi makananannya cukup untuk ibu?
4. Apakah bapa mengalami maasalah makan?
5. Apakah anda alergi terhadap makanan laut?
6. Ini daftar pilihan menu silahkan pilih untuk sarapan anda besok
7. Dokter mendiagnosis anda mengalami diabe tes melitus, saya menyarankan bapak banyak
megkonsumsi makanan hijau
8. Anda harus membatasi diri adalam mengkonsumsi minuman berkarbonasi
9. Maaf, makananan itu mengandung terlalu bnayak lemak, anda harus menghindari
10. Anada belum boleh mengkonsumsi apapun. Tunggus dulu sampai pengaruh obat biusnya

1. Sir, you have gastric problem , you are asked to avoid acidic foods
2. I will explain a diet program that suits your needs
3. Is the portion of food sufficient for mother?
4. Do you have eating problems ?
5. Are you allergic to seafood?
6. This is a list of menu option, please choose for your breakfast tomorrow
7. The doctor diagnosed you with diabetes melitus, i suggest you it lots of green vegetables
8. You must limit yourself in consuming carbonated drinks
9. Sprry,the food contains too much fat, you must avoid eating
10. You must not consume anything wait a minute until the effect of the drug wears off

EXERCISE 1. Refers to the useful expression listed above
Give appropriate comments, expressions, and questions according to nursing procedures listed
1. Assess degree of assistance needed for bathing.
Possible expression: ………………………………………………
2. Identify any problem related to the condition of the skin.
Possible expression: ………………………………………………
3. Protect the patient from injury by controlling water temperature.
Possible expression: ………………………………………………
4. Remove patient’s gown or pajamas.
Possible expression: ………………………………………………
5. Apply body lotion to skin as needed.
Possible expression: ………………………………………………

Answer :
1. Is there any of your family or next of kin who wants to help you take a bath?
2. Do you have any problem related to condition of the skin?
3. Is it warm enough/too hot for your body?
4. help you take off your gown?
5. Do you use any lotion?

EXCERCISE 2 Translate these sentences into communicative English

1. Maaf pak, sekarang sudah waktunya mandi
2. Apakah ada bagian tubuh anda yang sakit apabila disentuh?
3. Biasanya paka sabun apa ?
4. Boleh saya bantu membuka baju?
5. Saya mau meletakan handuk ini dibawah lengan anda


1. Sorry sir, now it’s time to take a shower

2. Is three any part of your body that hurts to the touch
3. What kind of soap do you ussualy use?
4. Can i help you undress?
5. I want to put thus towel under your arm


EXERCISE 1. Translate these expressions into communicative English!

1. Lukanya harus dijaga supaya tetap kering dan bersih
You should keep the injury dry and clean
2. Anda harus minum banyak air
3. Anda jangan makan apapun 2 jam setelah muntah
4. Kalau anak anda panasnya tinggi, anda harus segera menelpon UGD
5. Anda sebaiknya meninggikan posisi kaki yang terluka selama satu atau dua hari sampai bengkaknya
6. Anda harus mengindari gerakan-gerakan yang menimbulkan rasa sakit
7. Anda tidak boleh mengucek mata anda
8. Anda perlu menghindari kontak langsung dengan sinar yang terang atau sinar matahari
9. Kalau anda merasa semakin sakit atau muntah, anda harus segera kembali ke UGD
10. Selama hidung anda masih berdarah, anda tidak boleh minum air panas.

Answer :
1. You should keep the injury dry and clean
2. You should drink lots of water
3. You don't eat anything 2 hours after vomiting
4. If your child has a high fever, you should immediately call the emergency room
5. You should elevate the injured leg for a day or two until the swelling subsides
6. You should avoid movements that cause pain
7. You can't rub your eyes
8. You need to avoid direct contact with bright light or sunlight
9. If you feel sick or vomiting, you should return to the ER immediately
10. As long as your nose is still bleeding, you can't drink hot water

EXERCISE 2. Study the discharge instruction below and answer the question!
Case: A child with an injury receives a treatment in the ER
“OK Mrs. Brown, now I’ll give you suggestion what to do at home for your son’s injury care. You should keep
the injury clean and dry. You have to cover the injury with clean dressing and change daily. It’s important to
rest the injury and elevate it for 12 hours. Contact your doctor if you find redness or increased soreness.
Comeback here in two days to check your sutures”
1. Who is the patient? Mrs. Brown or her son?
2. What is the patient’s problem?
3. What does the nurse suggest?
Answer :

1. Son
2. Injury
3. You should keep the injury clean and dry. You have to cover the injury with clean dressing and
change daily. It’s important to rest the injury and elevate it for 12 hours. Contact your doctor if you
find redness or increased soreness


Sept 7
2 p.m. Admitted at 2 p.m. Suspected fracture Carol LET’S MAKE
leg in a road traffic accident at 9 a.m. NURSING REPORT
today, lacerations of face and hands also
present. Fully conciousness (NURSING
2.30 Clean the wound with H2 O2 and covered DOCUMENTATION)
by sterile gauze.
3.00 I.V.I. Lactate Ringer in progress
3.30 Given A.T.S. & Pethidine 50 mgs I.M.I. EXERCISE: Answer the
4.00 Checked vital sign. T. 38.50C;P.100 Mary questions based on ‘Nursing
bpm;Rr.20x/m; BP.120/90. Daily Report” to check your
4.30 Patient pale and feel sweaty. comprehension
Frightened, reassurance given.
5.00 Took to X-rays for left leg, film(+) Shanty
fracture at tibia and fibula
5.30 Called Dr. Frank. Order: Prepare for
operation, take blood sample, sign fo a
consent form.
6.00 Took blood sample for X-match & blood Roza
group, CBC, BSR. Please ask the parent
to send donors to theater at 9 a.m.
Ms. Jane parents visited and ask a sign
8.00 consent form (+). They will send donors
to theater. Last vital sign T.36.50C;P.80
bpm;Rr 16x/m;BP 120/70

Family Name First Name Ward Bed

Johnson Jane Jasmine 2
1. Who is the complete name of the patient?
2. What happen to the patient when she is
admitted to hospital?
3. What’s nurse do at 4.00 p.m. and why
she’s doing it?
4. What is Dr. Frank’s order to nurse the
5. At what time should the patient’s parent
send donors to theater?
Answer :

1. Jane
2. Suspected fracture leg in a road traffic accident at 9 a.m.
3. Checked vital sign. T. 38.50C;P.100 bpm;Rr.20x/m; BP.120/90.
4. Called Dr. Frank. Order: Prepare for operation, take blood sample, sign fo a consent form.
5. theater at 9 a.m.

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