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1. Frases do vocabulary da página 75

a) I don’t speak English.

b) I speak Portuguese, because i’m brazilian.
c) Do you want to learn Chinese ?
d) Why do you want to learn Japonese ?
e) He don’t go to Italy for to learn to speak
f) Does he want to learn German ?
g) Does she speak French ?
h) No, she doesn’t. She speaks Spanish.
i) Who is her brother ?
j) Is she your sister ?
k) Where is your father ?
l) Your mother is so pretty.
m) Why aren’t your parents here ?
n) Do you want some coffee ?
o) I don’t drink milk.
p) I love tea.
q) Does she want to buy water ?
r) I need to drink juice, because it has a loto f
s) I love soda, but it’s bad for my body.
t) She can’t drink soft drink.
u) I hate green tea, it’s so bitter.
v) We love fish, it’s so delicious.
w) They don’t like meat, because they are
x) I love pancakes, i aways eat pancakes in
the breakfast.
y) I hate peaches in syrup, it’s horrible.
z) My cousin doesn’t eat cereal very often,
but she loves cereal.
aa) I love toast and honey, it’s a perfect
bb) I don’t like jam and jelly, but my
boyfriend loves. He aways eat jam and
cc) My teacher doesn’t like peanut butter.
dd) I have got to work right now.
ee) I don’t have got a class today.
ff) She Only has got a sweater.
gg) I go to mall with my friend, because she
needs to buy clothes and shoes. And i
need to buy a new cell phone.
hh) Do you prefer me or her?
ii) This is my cat, he is very fat.
jj) Is that girl your sister ?

2. Vocabulary da página 77

a) Is this her son?

b) Your daughter is so beautiful.
c) Where are your children ?
d) Are you siblings ?
e) He is my uncle, but she isn’t my aunt. I
don’t know her
f) My nephew loves donuts, but my niece
doesn’t like it, she thinks it’s very very
g) I saw that girl yesterday in the market
h) Those boys bought a bowl because
they want to eat apple and orange, so
they need a bowl to put the fruit.
i) I’ve got Science, history, math and
geography class today.
j) She doesn’t want bread and egg, she
wants bread with ham and cheese.
k) I want a slice of cake and cup of tea or
a glass of juice.
l) She can't drink a mug of coffee, she
had too much coffee today.
m) We don’t want to participate this
n) She doesn’t want an apple.
o) I’ve got a work to deliver this week.
p) What’s her name ?
q) Where were you?
r) When do you trip for to EUA ?
s) Yes, she plays some instruments. She
plays keyboar, piano and guitar.
t) No, he doesn’t play soccer, golf or

baseball. He plays hokey.

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