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RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

Assignment Name: Web-based knowledge application

Submitted by: Group 4:

Mohammed Maaz 301078711
Sabeena Sayanthan 301065868
Chang Xug Mei 301054520
Hetakshi Gupta 301087283
Alda Lushka 30102783
Harpreet Kaur 301087528

College Name: Centennial College

Course Name: Employee Health and Safety

Course Code: HRPD 707
Section: 002

Instructors Name: Wenlu Feng

Date Submitted: 01 October 2019

Case One:

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

1. Step 1: Go to their website: and select ‘Business’. After that,

register and/or a list of other options will appear. Here, select ‘Register My Business’.

Step 2: The second step is to select the type of business:

1) Construction, 2) Restaurants, 3) Domestic Services, 4) Other.

Select ‘Construction’ and click ‘Register’.

Step 3: The third step shows a list of documents required:

 Business legal name.

 Business trade name.

 Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number (if available).

 Information about ownership (sole proprietor, partners in the partnership, executive

officers of the corporation), including name, address, date of birth.

 Business addresses, phone number, fax number.

 Start date of the workers you hired.

 An estimate of gross insurable earnings for a full calendar year.

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

 Email address.

On the new pop-up, check mark ‘I am authorized to submit the registration form’ and proceed to

the next step.

Step 4: Select the type of ownership the company belongs to:

1. Sole Proprietorship, 2) Partnership, 3) Corporation, 4) Other.

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

After selecting ‘Corporation’, answer question to how many executive officers (e.g.: President,

Vice-president, Secretary). After that, the next question is the number of workers the business

employ? In my case, it is 387. Type in the number of employees and proceed to the next step.

Step 5: Select all the construction business activities the company is in. Then click on ‘other’ and

then type in the business activity.

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

Step 6: Select the start date of the business and insurable earnings for the full calendar year for

the activity. Select yes/no whether I am involved in any other business activities. After answering

the questions, click ‘Next”.

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

Fill the details of the ‘Corporation”.

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

Confirmation is needed after filling the details of the Corporation.

After that, the confirmation is successfully sent to the WSIB. It needs 10-15 business days

(approx.) for WSIB to send the company their WSIB number. The company is now covered

under the WSIB insurance.

File the Employer's Report of Injury/Disease Form 7 (007A) to claim WSIB benefits for the

injured worker (the form can be downloaded from WSIB website).

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

2. The company needs to provide some information including legal name and exchange

name(s), Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number, mailing, email and site

addresses, telephone and fax numbers, address, telephone and fax number of each

working area, record number of any earlier enrolled records with WSIB, name, area and

telephone number for a contact individual who manages finance records (if not quite the

same as your essential location), bank name, portrayal of your business movement (for

example what is the idea of your business), portrayal of the item you produce, the

products you sell or the administrations you give (we will utilize this data to decide your

rate gathering and your exceptional rate). a sign of your dominating business movement,

in the event that you have multiple, finance Information for some other business exercises

you keep up, names and addresses of any related bosses/contractual workers, in addition

to their WSIB record numbers, if conceivable. Next the owner and executive would need

to provide name, addresses, birthdates, proof of earning, official titles, number of

employees with the date of their hiring and their payroll information. Netech Inc. will

have to provide all the information about the payroll of the employees for the current

year. All the earnings have to be listed on the pay stub or T4 slips of the employees.

3. In order to solve this question, we must first determine the premium rate and the annual

insurable earning.

Using the WSIB website, he premium rate for the metal furniture industry seems to have

decreased significantly from being $1.98 in 2018 to $1.28 in 2019. Assuming the

calculation will be administered for this year, we will select the premium rate for 2019.

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

The next step is to determine the annual insurable earnings in a company’s payroll which

is stated to be $32,645,254. This insurable earning value will be divided by 100; as the

premium rate applies to every $100 from the annual insurable earnings.


Annual Premium = (insurable earning ÷ 100) × Premium Rate

Step 1:

(insurable earning ÷ 100)

= ($32,645,254 ÷ 100)

= $326.452.54

Step 2:

(insurable earning / 100) * Premium

= $326.452.54 × 1.28

= $417.859.25

Therefore, the needs to pay an annual premium of approximately $417,859.25.

4. The employees at Netech Inc., will have various benefits provided to them upon their

registration with the WSIB:

 With injuries requiring medical attention, WSIB assists in covering the costs of these

injuries for the employees which means anytime an injury occurs due to property

damage or equipment failure, WSIB will sure to cover it even if the employee is with

insurance coverage.

 After that, the WSIB supports the employees in getting back to work at the earliest

when fully healed by providing effective health care services.

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

 In the case that someone requires psychological treatment, the WSIB may even pay for

the treatment to support the recovery to return to work at the earliest.

 If someone in the company suffered from an injury that causes them to lose any

earnings for a period of time, the benefit that WSIB will provide the employees in that

matter is the fact that there can be replacement benefits for that.

 Other benefits from WSIB include compensation to the employees for a permanent

impairment which will thus be based on the level of the impairment as well as the age

with reimbursements provided for any travel expenses or lost wages that are

experienced from attending the treatment.

5. By registering with WSIB, the employees will be granted with workplace insurance

coverage. This coverage will give the employees access to experts in health and safety of

our specific field, which is a metal manufacturing company. As mentioned in the previous

question the benefit of WSIB registration, the sheer amount of help that will be provided

to the company’s employees when or if they are injured is astounding considering the ratio

of the injuries that take place. Not only that, but the complete and different variety of

services allow the employees to be under the best care, so rather than paying separately for

different services for just one employee, example a dentist then a therapist, WSIB can

provide all those tests and treatment if needed, they will also assess the employee to see

how much he has recovered, how much more he needs to recover, and what is the best

forecast for him to be at a 100% to return back to work in the best condition the employee

can possibly be in, this will also allow the employers to estimate the duration and make

necessary accommodations, if needed, till the injure employee is returned. WSIB’s

registration allows for so many benefits to be available at once and under their own

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

supervision, the employee will also rehab to return to work in a much faster pace.

Registration with WSIB also protects the company from court settlements which can be

quite costly. All these factors accumulate to allow Netech Inc. to be at ease knowing that

the best coverage is available for the company which will now send the employees to the

best facility for recuperation and forecast the best possible time for their arrival this will

thus increase employee morale and increase levels of productivity and create more

awareness of injury but a sense of peace knowing that even if something is to go wrong,

the plethora of programs provided by registration with WSIB will cease all ordeals, this

can be known as due diligence. The WSIB also does not seek to find out who was at fault

in an accident and gives full benefits to the employee in their recovery.

6. Injury frequency can be determined by the following method:

We can express the number of medical injuries relative to number of hours worked in the

ration of 200,000 according to some forms, but there are some jurisdictions and

organizations who use 100,000 instead of 200,000. Here we are using 200,000 to calculate

injury frequency and severity rate for this case.

Frequency = Number of injuries / total hours worked * 200,000

Total Number of injuries = 76+ 17+ 13 +58 =164

Total hours worked= (days*number of employees* hours worked per day) 251*386*8


164/777096*200,000 = 42.20

Severity rate = number of days lost to injuries / total hours worked* 200,000

Total number of days lost= 39+26+317= 382

Total hours worked = 777096 (as calculated above)

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

= 382/777,096*200000 = 98.3

7. These values help:

 The calculated values will therefore assist in analyzing and identifying the person

who might be injured or harmed.

 These values also provide a ratio for every injury rate that occurs

 A general idea is encompassed as to where the company needs improvement in the

health and safety department.

 To assess the safety of the employees annually.

 It also helps in identifying the main cause of injury which is affecting the most

ratio of workers.

Case Two:


RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

2. For business related damage causing a lasting impedance:

 the specialist will be made up for the physical and mental misfortune.

 amount of pay will be resolved dependent on the degree of impedance and age.

 The laborer will be required to be inspected by a WSIB-endorsed social insurance

supplier to decide level of weakness.

 The specialist will be repaid for any movement costs or lost wages that he/she

experience from going to the assessment.

For loss of income (LOE) because of a business-related damage or sickness:

 WSIB may pay up to 85 percent of the pre-damage salary.

 The harmed specialist will get benefits if the inability is or winds up perpetual

 The harmed specialist will get benefits on the off chance that he/she can't procure a

similar measure of cash earned preceding the mishap

Medicinal services benefits:

 The harmed specialist will get installment while off work and will have every

hospital expense

 treatment from the medicinal services proficient (e.g., specialist, dental specialist)

 hospitalization, including crisis care and medical procedure

 prescription drugs

 prosthetics, or orthotics

 reasonable travel and settlement costs

 attendants, or different measures, to help seriously weakened laborers live freely.

 may pay for mental treatment to help your recuperation and come back to work.

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

3. The major factors that plays into consideration is the non-economic loss benefit (NEL). As

we are aware, it is essentially offered when an employee suffers from a work-related

injury or illness that leaves them permanently injured in efforts to compensate for any

physical, psychological, and functional loss experienced. This benefit is either paid as a

lump sum amount or in as monthly pay if the total benefit compensation exceeds over

$13,001.99. This benefit will be paid until the individual turns 65 years old.

Secondly, once the individual reaches the employment retirement age, other benefit will

start to replace the place of NEL benefits. The likely benefit the individual would qualify

for after 65 is the loss of retirement income (LRI) benefit. This compensation amount will

be determined by 3 factors. The amount WSIB is entitled to pay the individual, the amount

the individual himself contributed from his NEL benefits cheque, and another other

investment income that was accumulated. This benefit is also paid all at once, or the

individual may opt to obtain it in monthly installment if the amount is of a significantly

greater value. Thirdly, the future economic loss benefit will also be considered in

adjustment to the worker’s pay before and after the injury by 90% difference value.

4. Loss of Earnings (LOE)

-For date of injury after January 1, 1998: 85% of $43757= $37193.45 (annually) up to the

age of 65. After this Loss of Retirement benefits will apply.

-The worker is entitled to receive LOE bi-weekly.

-The LOE is adjusted each year by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board according to

inflation rate.

Health Care benefits:

The health care benefits are paid directly by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

The drug specialist can charge the physician endorsed tranquilizes straightforwardly

online once they are furnished with case number.

Benefits for Non-Economic Loss (NEL):

NEL is resolved once the worker's condition has come to a point where further

recuperation is not possible.

Initial a medicinal assessment is finished by a WSIB endorsed specialist. All costs

identified with the therapeutic assessment is secured by WSIB. For our situation the body

impairment is 27%

Next, we must recognize the base measure of the time of damage

NEL Benefit Base sum 2019 is $61,361.27

Modify base sum as per the laborer's age at the hour of mishap. On the off chance that the

specialist is under 45, increment the base sum by change factor of the distinction up to a

limit of 26.

Adjustment factor is $1364.09

Worker’s age is 36 (14yrs below 45)

Calculation of Non-Economic Loss

NEL = (61361.27 + 1364.09 x 14) x 27% = $21.723.80

The lump sum threshold here is $ 13,635.56. worker can also receive this amount of

benefit in monthly instalments for the rest of his life. but, WSIB should be noticed prior 35

days by the beneficiary employee.

5. It is the employer’s duty to file the accident report within three days of the incident, they

must file the Employer’s Report of Injury/Disease (Form 7) with the WSIB. The

information provided by the employer on the form is crucial as it determines the amount

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

you will receive in benefits. The employer can also write a report which is not a part of the

form 7, this report can underline the devastating injury suffered by the employee and this

report can help bring it to the notice of the WSIB as to how severe the injuries suffered

are. Therefore, by filling out the form 7 on time, and properly detailing the incident, the

company is assisting the injured worker in being able to claim the benefits. The separate

report also helps go further into detail and speak upon the assistance the injured worker

will may require. Furthermore, it is the employer’s responsibility that the injured worker

has access to transportation to go to a medical facility. The employer should state that the

injured employee was in a legitimate injury, his work schedule and timing were great and

he was not known to be inattentive at work, information like these mentioned in the form

let the WSIB know that the injured person was not irresponsible in handling his task, this

can further benefit his claim to the benefits. It is important that the form 7 is filled within 3

days since the injury suffered by the employee requires medical attention and more than a

first aid kid. Failure to report in 3 days may result in the employer facing a penalty.

6. OEM comes beneath Outline, Justify Motivation Premium which implies it has premium

budget of $15000. It could be a non- development unit which has premium budget beneath

$25000. In case any accident happens once more and it'll be a major one where there's

threat or misfortune of life, the claim will be made more than $500 so corrections ought to

be made to the premiums. The mishap so distant happened is clearly more than $500. The

man has endured from third degree burns. His medication and return to work is more than

$500. In case usually rehashed once more and once more at that point there's a plausibility

of an increase of 50% to the premium. There moreover may be a additional charge to the

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

premium sum depends how unsafe the mishap is. In the event that it increments up to

$5000, the company will be extra charges up to 50% increase of the premium amount.

7. It is the company’s duty to assess and analyze the hazards which are present at the

workplace and then use precautionary measures to ensure these hazards are under control.

These precautionary means can be undergone through the control and selecting options.

Various of these preventions can be done if the location is re-engineered properly. This is

because the initial cause of the accident was when a forge fell on the worker which means

there is an issue, a technical issue, with the machines which can now be classified as a

hazard. Furthermore, safety precautions should be stated by the employer in a written form

and also thoroughly explained to each employee. When also assisting others, every

employee should first and foremost look out for their own well being first, and always.

Regardless, the pivotal safety measure is to fix the technical issues surrounding the

equipment’s. Since the company is surrounded by machines in all fours, it is important the

employees know their way around them to prevent injuries. They must ensure they have

their safety equipment on at all costs and not work without being equipped by them.

8. Some recommendations that we can provide on how the company can handle the disability

of the employees are the follow:

Firstly, we have the question what disability means for the employee. There are different

definitions of the word "disability" from legal, social, and corporate viewpoints, and these

definitions are constantly changing. The World Health Organization describes a disability

as... a paragliding word for impairments, constraints of activity and restrictions on


RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application

Disability is the interaction between people with a condition of health Down syndrome

and depression and personal and environmental factors etc.

If the workers can get involved on this situation and direct their result their work the

worker entitle himself into workers compensation such as cash companion or health

insurance with different benefits. For example, the company has to pay for the days that

will be missing from the work and cover other expenses such as surgery if it needs for

employee medical cover etc. However, if the worker suffers illness cardiac issues, diabetes

chronic fatigue, carper tunnel etc. they are disabled and they can’t continue to work

According to Linda nee. (smith, 2011)

Other recommendation that company can do for the employees for return to work when an

injured employee stay at home they may begin feel that is isolated and depressed so the

company and the manager has to help him to not feel depressed during this time and give

it to him some work to complete during the time that has to stay at home so they feel that

still are involved into the business and giving their contribution .There are so many

benefits for the employee to return at work early because they can feel the productivity

and its good also for their physical and mental health (Higginbotham, 2018)

The labor market reentry is required some assessment test that company provides for the

candidates to enter the company this assessment is basically only for the candidates that

are in situation that the individuals are unable or has been unable to return to their own

occupation after an accident or illness that they had before. (kunkel, 2017)

After these candidates complete this assessment from the managerial staff the main reason

that they have to do it is to show that complete the requirements to re-enter the job.

RUNNING HEAD: Web-based knowledge application


Employers' responsibilities if a workplace injury occurs. (n.d.). Retrieved from

ORHMA > Resources > FAQs > Human Resources > wsib. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Register with us. (n.d.). Retrieved from


What is my employer supposed to do after I report a work injury? (n.d.). Retrieved from


Your Guide: Benefits, Services and Responsibilities – Worker Edition. (n.d.). Retrieved from



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