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Steps in conducting the FGD

1. Welcome the participants
a. Introduce yourself.
b. Tell participants why they are selected to be part of
the FGD.
c. Request them to introduce themselves: complete name,
school, position in the OHSP, length of service in
d. Call participants by their first names. Make them feel
2. Give an overview of the following:
a. Reason for conducting the FGD
i. To supplement the respondents’ responses to the
survey questionnaire
ii. To provide a more comprehensive and incisive
analysis of the present situation of the OHSP
b. The topic (OHSP), and why it is important to you
3. Set the rules
a. Emphasize that there are no right or wrong answers,
only different perspectives/viewpoints.
b. Inform everyone that the FGD will be recorded. Assure
them that the information/responses they will provide
will be used for the purposes of the study only and
that no names will be used in the manuscript.
2. To end the FGD:
a. Summarize key points
b. Review the purpose of the FGD and ask participants if
anything had been missed/left out
c. Thank the participants.


1. How have you been involved with the OHSP?

2. So far, how was your experience with the Open High School
a. With regard to the students
b. With regard to the support given by the host school
c. With regard to the support provided by the LGU
d. With regard to parental involvement

3. What are the needs of the teachers? What kind of support do

they need from:
a. the parents?
b. the LGU?
c. the school?
d. the Division Office?

4. What are the needs of the students?

a. In terms of facilities and equipment
b. In terms of learning materials
c. In terms of support from parents? from the LGU? From
the school?

5. On a scale of 1-5, 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest,

how would you rate the support provided by:
a. Department of Education
b. The parents
c. The host school
d. The LGU

6. In what ways can the following provide support to the OHSP:

a. Department of Education
b. Host school?
c. Parents?
d. LGU?

7. Given the present situation of OHSP, in what ways can the

delivery of the program be improved?

8. Do you think there is a need for other schools in the

province to offer the OHSP? Why or why not?

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