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Tutorial Top Univ Math

July, 24 2021

1. Find dy
dx if y = x(x + 1)(x + 2)(x + 3)(x + 4)(x + 5)(x + 6)
2. If f and g are diferentiable at x ∈ R and
lim f (x+h)(g(x)−g(x+h))
h→0 k2 h k and
= x−1
lim g(x)(f(k(x)−f (x+h))
2 −1)h = x−1
for k > 0
3. If g(x) = 2x3 + ln x is derivative of f (x), Find
lim f (1+x)−f

1+x+(1+x)7 −2
4. Find lim x

5. Prove that d
sin−1 x = √ 1

dx 1−x2

6. Let f (x) = 2x + cos x. Say why f (x) is increasing function for allx. Let
g(x) = f −1 (x). Calculate g 0 (0)
7. If y = (x2 − a)(2x + b)3 is decreasing at −1 < x < 25 , nd ab
8. If α and β are root of 2x2 − (2c − 1)x = c3 − 4, Find the maximum value
of α2 + β 2
9. Given f (x) = sin2 x, Find lim k. f 0 x + k1 − f 0 (x) =....

10. The curve implicity dened by :

x. sin y + y. sin x = π
Passed through the point P π π

2, 2

(a) Find the slope of the tangent ine through P

(b) Write the tangent line through P
√ √ √
11. Let l be any tangent to the curve x + y = k, k > 0. Show that the
sum of x intercept and y intercept of l is k

12. A gutter will be made of a sheet of zinc whose width is 30 cm by folding
the width over three equal parts, as shown in the gure.

If volume of water in gutter is maximum, Find θ (0 < θ < π

2 )
13. A right circular cone with radius 3 cm and height 9 cm is initially full of
water. Water is leaking from the circular base of the cone at a constant
rate of 2 cm3 s−1 . Find the exact rate of change of depth of water when
the depth of water is 6 cm
14. The shaded region in the diagram above show the cross sectional view og
a cylinder open on both ends inscribed in hemisphere with xed radius n
cm. If the diameter of the cylinder is x cm,

(a) Show√that surface

 area of A cm2 of hte cylinder is given by A =
2πx n2 − x2
(b) Use dierentiation to nd in term of n, the value of x which gives a
maximum value of A. Justifying that this value gives maximum A.
(c) Find the the ratio of the diameter of the cylinder to the height of the
cylinder, in this casem simplying your answer
15. Given that A = 1 + x12 and the ratio of decrease of A is k times the rate
of increase of x when x = k, Find k when k is a positive real number

16. Find the dimension of the right circular cylinder of maximum volume that
can be inscribed in a right circular cone of radius R and height H

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