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Semi-detailed Lesson Plan 8

Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 9

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. gain factual knowledge on structure, parts and functions of the heart;
b. know the circulation of blood to and from the heart; and,
c. appreciate the importance of the heart in the human body and its
significance on the overall function of the other organ.

II. Subject matter

Topic: Structure and Function of the Heart

Materials: DLP, Pictures, Bond Paper, Construction Paper, Pentel Pen,
White Board Marker, Computer for Presenter, LCD Projector
Time duration: 50 minutes/ May 24, 2021

III. Procedure

a. Motivation

The teacher will ask the students to find a partner. Have the
students locate their own pulse by placing their fingers on their

Instruct students that if they have felt a throb then they have
located their pulse. Instruct not to use their thumb then
rationalize why.

Next allow the other partner to locate their partner's pulse and
vice versa. Instruct on how to record their own pulse rate and
their partner's pulse rate.

After recording their pulse rate "at rest", allow students to do

jogging in place then record their pulse rate "after exercise”. The
teacher will then ask at least 2 students to present their
corresponding pulse rate on each activity that the teacher asked
them to do.

Guide Questions:

1. What is your pulse rate while "at rest" and "after exercise"?
Was your "at rest" pulse rate the same as your partners?

2. Should everyone have the same pulse rate? Why or Why

Not? How did exercising affect your pulse rate?
b. Lesson Proper

The teacher presents the lesson to the students about the structure
and function of the heart, the circulation of blood in the human

The teacher will group the students into three groups and each
group will be given a picture on the different hazards that may affect
the heart's functioning.

Group 1 Group 2

Group 3

The teacher will give the guide question to each group:

a. Describe the picture that is assigned in your group and relate it

on how does it affect the function of your heart.

b. What are the ways to prevent these hazards of health? Give at

least 5 ways.

After 10 minutes the students will present while the teacher

c. Generalization

Ask students to write in a 4 sheet of paper their memorable

experience wherein they experienced a fast heartbeat and how did
they manage to keep their heartbeat back to its normal rate or how
did they kept themselves calm and relax again.
IV. Evaluation

Instructions: Explain each question, before you begin writing read

and understand the questions carefully.

1. Enumerate the parts and functions of the Circulatory System.

2. Explain the circulation of blood to and from the heart.
3. Explain the importance of the Circulatory System.

V. Assignment

Research what are the top ten diseases of the heart and give at least 1
example how to prevent such disease. Write your output on a short
bond paper.

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