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That's the legal term used to describe a company that leverages a

1 adjacent /əˈdʒeɪ.sənt/ next to or adjoining something else liền kề next to
monopoly in one market into an adjacent area.
These posts are then aggregated or collected into another
2 aggregate /ˈæɡ.rɪ.ɡət/ form or group into a class or cluster tổng hợp assemble, concentrate weighty post, which itself might have the potential to push
forward the debate.
to cause someone or a group of people to
3 alienate /ˈeɪ.li.ə.neɪt/ tạo xa lánh Disagreements can alienate teenagers from their families.
stop supporting and agreeing with you
arrangement in a straight line, or in correct
4 alignment /əˈlaɪn.mənt/ sự liên kết in connection with, concerning M&As often demand some alignment of strategies.
or appropriate relative positions
detailed examination of the elements or
Although this prevented a detailed statistical analysis, the
5 analysis /əˈnæl.ə.sɪs/ structure of something, typically as a basis sự phân tích
events could still be characterized.
for discussion or interpretation
M&A allows businesses to purchase together in bulk at a
6 bulk /bʌlk/ very great in size, volume or mass nhiều, số lượng lớn a great deal of
reduced price and discounts.
With local body reorganisation a number of these positions have
7 cease /siːs/ to stop st ngưng stop, recess
ceased to exist.
The two sides have been clashing against each other in the
8 clash /klæʃ/ meet and come into violent conflict xung đột
streets for weeks.
secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy,
It is thought that they worked in collusion with the terrorist
9 collusion /kəˈluː.ʒən/ especially in order to cheat or deceive sự thông đồng, sự câu kết inspiracy
One idea that has come to light is to consolidate the number of
combine (a number of things) into a single
10 consolidate /kənˈsɒl.ɪ.deɪt/ hợp nhất merge local coverage bodies from one per state to about 20 across the
more effective or coherent whole
a group of people united by some common There is a strong contingent of delegates from South Africa
11 contingent /kənˈtɪn.dʒənt/ đội ngũ
feature, forming part of a larger group and UNESCO.
a close relationship that is convenient for Most big businesses, despite their cosiness with the current
12 cosiness /ˈkəʊ.zi.nəs/ those involved but may not be honest or mối quan hệ khắn khít government, would prefer an opposition government to a
morally right prolonged period of political instability.
a standard or rule for judging; usually
You should determine the key criteria for identifying potential
13 criterion /kraɪˈtɪə.ri.ən/ plural (that is, criteria) to denote a set of tiêu chí standard, canon
target companies in the M&A process.
standards or rules
the amount by which a sum of money falls a shortage, insufficiency, One of them is designed to reduce the federal budget deficit by
14 deficit /ˈdef.ɪ.sɪt/ thiếu hụt
short of the required or expected amount inadequancy almost $40 billion over five years.
(especially of an organization) to pay the The company will defray all your expenses, including your car
15 defray /dɪˈfreɪ/ thanh toán tiền cho cái gì pay, bear the cost of
cost of something rental.
to express disagreement or refuse to do The lawyer requested a break in the court case, but the judge
16 demur /dɪˈmɜːr/ không đồng ý disagree, refuse
something demurred.
A better scenario would be for the dollar to depreciate against
17 depreciate /dɪˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt/ diminish in value over a period of time mất giá
the euro, and for sterling to share part of that weakening.
the quality of working carefully and with a
18 diligence /ˈdɪl.ɪ.dʒəns/ sự siêng năng assiduouness, persistence She hoped that her diligence would be noticed at work.
lot of effort

19 dilution /daɪˈluː.ʃən/ the action of making a liquid more dilute. sự pha loãng attenuation, reduction There was certainly a dilution of team spirit.

based on, concerned with, or verifiable by

You can't apply probabilistic methods to a phenomenon where
20 empirical /ɪmˈpɪr.ɪ.kəl/ observation or experience rather than theo kinh nghiệm experienced
there is no empirical evidence.
theory or pure logic
However, characteristics of classrooms and factors
21 endogenous /endɔ:dʒenəs/ derived or originating internally nội sinh endogenic endogenous to them still carry great sway over students'
decisions to rebel.
a legally created person as opposed to a
22 entity /ˈen.tɪ.ti/ pháp nhân Persons and corporations are equivalent entities under the law.
natural person
in a way that avoids saying an unpleasant
23 euphemistically /ˌjuː.fəˈmɪstɪkəli/ or offensive word by using a different nói giảm nói tránh indirectly, inoffensively He euphemistically referred to the situation as "challenging".
word or phrase
extreme happiness, sometimes more than is They were in a state of euphoria for days after they won the
24 euphoria /juːˈfɔː.ri.ə/ cực kỳ hạnh phúc joyfulness
reasonable in a particular situation prize.
of or relating to government revenue, This year, thanks to rising revenues and wise fiscal policy, the
25 fiscal /ˈfɪs.kəl/ thuộc về ngân sách
especially taxes deficit was $108 billion less than expected.
the action or process of breaking
It was partly the fragmentation of the opposition which helped
26 fragmentation /ˌfræɡ.menˈteɪ.ʃən/ something into small parts or of being sự vỡ ra từng mảnh destruction
to get the Republicans re-elected.
broken up in this way

the basic economic, financial, and Strategies and growth models are the fundamentals of a
27 fundamental /ˌfʌn.dəˈmen.təl/ operating factors that influence the value of tác nhân cơ bản business usually unseen from the outside though usually
a business detectable once on the inside.

part of a company's value that includes

things that cannot be directly measured, for
28 goodwill /ɡʊdˈwɪl/ The company's assets are worth £200 million, plus goodwill.
example, its good reputation or its
customers' loyalty
The population of the village has remained remarkably
29 homogeneous /ˌhɒməˈdʒiːniəs/ consisting of parts all of the same kind. đồng nhất, đồng thuận identical
The amount of insurance that may be carried to indemnify the
30 indemnify /ɪnˈdem.nɪ.faɪ/ compensate (someone) for harm or loss. bồi thường compensate, reimburse
owner in the event of a loss.
introductory, opening,
There were more than 1,000 initial claims by newly discharged
31 initial /ɪˈnɪʃ.əl/ existing or occurring at the beginning ban đầu, đứng đầu foundational, early,
veterans, an increase of 9 from the preceding week.
preliminary, first
The terms "mergers" and "acquisitions" are often used
capable of switching each into the place of
32 interchangeably /ˌɪn.təˈtʃeɪn.dʒə.bli/ hoán đổi nhau interchangeably, although in actuality, they hold slightly
the other
different meanings.
the authority of a court or official
33 jurisdiction /ˌdʒʊə.rɪsˈdɪk.ʃən/ organization to make decisions and quyền thực thi pháp lý dominion, authority The court has no jurisdiction in/over cases of this kind.
If political participation is important, why not require
34 mandatory /ˈmæn.də.tər.i/ required by law or rules bắt buộc compulsory
mandatory voting, as in Australia?
to change something into money, or to
The problem was how to monetize this kind of social
35 monetize /ˈmʌn.ɪ.taɪz/ express something in terms of money or a tạo ra tiền từ…
networking site.
currency; to make money from something
the exclusive possession or control of the That's the legal term used to describe a company that leverages a
36 monopoly /məˈnɒp.əl.i/ độc quyền
supply or trade in a commodity or service monopoly in one market into an adjacent area.
It covers all large Indian companies and multinationals that
37 multinational /ˌmʌl.tiˈnæʃ.ən.əl/ a company operating in several countries công ty đa quốc gia
strongly believe in patents.
obtain (goods or a service) from an outside
The popular term “outsourcing” seems to imply shopping
38 outsource /ˈaʊt.sɔːs/ or foreign supplier, especially in place of thuê ngoài
around for cheap inputs.
an internal source
catch up with and pass while traveling in
39 overtake /ˌəʊ.vəˈteɪk/ vượt qua My driver then tries to overtake the truck at the same time.
the same direction.

40 paramount /ˈpær.ə.maʊnt/ more important than anything else tối cao supreme, utmost The interests of the child are of paramount importance.

transfer (a business, industry, or service)

They were protesting against the New Labour council's decision
41 privatise/privatize /ˈpraɪ.və.taɪz/ from public to private ownership and tư nhân hoá
to privatise the home care service.
an established or official way of doing The official procedures , it seems, often work against our better
42 procedure /prəˈsiː.dʒər/ thủ tục
something interests.
the state of being successful and having a A country's future prosperity depends, to an extent, upon the
43 prosperity /prɒsˈper.ə.ti/ sự thịnh vượng wealth
lot of money quality of education of its people.
(of a word or phrase) referred to in a Conversely, an inconsistency in your essay will stick out like
44 proverbial /prəˈvɜː.bi.əl/ tục ngữ
proverb or idiom the proverbial sore thumb.
Hopefully that new government, after June 30th, will be able to
45 reconstitute /ˌriːˈkɒn.stɪ.tʃuːt/ build up again from parts phục hồi reconstruct
reconstitute their army, which is what I hope they will do.
recover possession of (something lost or When she had finally regained consciousness she wasn't
46 regain /rɪˈɡeɪn/ lấy lại get back
taken away) surprised to find Dai missing.
a government, especially an authoritarian The populations in South Korea and Taiwan suffered at the
47 regime /reɪˈʒiːm/ chế độ
one hands of brutal, US-backed authoritarian regimes.

48 remark /rəˈmärk/ a written or spoken comment lời nhận xét comment I decided to ignore his rude remarks.

Nor was it one they tended to trace back to some residual force
something left after other parts have been
49 residual /rɪzɪdʒuəl/ dư thừa of upbringing, like that upwardly mobile impulse so often
taken away
attributed to immigrant families.
continue to have (something); keep His compositions have retained a universal popularity and
50 retain /rɪˈteɪn/ giữ lại
possession of continue to be performed in virtually all corners of the world.
one who attempts to equal or surpass
The company was able to fight off competition from their rival,
51 rival /ˈraɪ.vəl/ another, or who pursues the same object as đối thủ competitor
as they had a better product.
used to emphasize how very great,
52 sheer /ʃɪər/ important, or powerful a quality or feeling đúng sự thật, thấy rõ very, great The suggestion is sheer nonsense.
is; nothing except
many different types of something that are
53 smorgasbord /ˈsmɔr·ɡəsˌbɔrd/ nhiều loại variety Candidates offered a smorgasbord of reforms
By contrast, secure individuals were likely to experience a
an instance of overflowing or spreading
54 spillover /ˈspɪlˌəʊ.vər/ ngoại tác positive spillover of satisfaction at home to the workplace, as
into another area
well as in the opposite direction.
55 status quo /ˌsteɪ.təs ˈkwəʊ/ It is what it is now tình hình hiện tại the present situation Certain people always want to maintain the status quo.
cooperative interaction among groups,
especially among the acquired subsidiaries So often the synergies are propounded around technical
56 synergy /ˈsɪn.ə.dʒi/ sự hiệp lực, giúp đỡ nhau
or merged parts of a corporation, that knowhow, such as complementary products or market access.
creates an enhanced combined effect.
the starting point for a new state or On the threshold of manhood, he learnt to his profound sorrow
57 threshold /ˈθreʃ.həʊld/ điểm bắt đầu mới
experience that his mother had died.
change from one form, state, style, or place M&A process allows people to maintain customers' loyalty
58 transition /trænˈzɪʃ.ən/ chuyển đổi
to another while potentially transitioning to new goods or services.
never having happened or existed in the This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an
59 unprecedented /ʌnˈpres.ɪ.den.tɪd/ chưa từng xảy ra
past unprecedented scale.
With virtually no spare money, exciting holidays had been out
60 virtually /ˈvɜː.tʃu.ə.li/ for the most part hầu như, gần như almost, nearly
of the question.

Being greater, better, or more advanced I'm not sure how I did on that exam, but I think I'll end up
1 ahead of curve above the curve
than the average in the relative field ahead of the curve.
sell or produce something so successfully
That company is so popular right now that they've really
2 corner the market as to overshadow all others in the same
cornered the market on video games.
keep one's eye on the You need to keep your eye on the ball at all times as you
3 keep one's attention on st tập trung
ball never know what the competition will do.

A black-and-white subject or situation is

4 balck and white one in which it is easy to understand what rõ ràng, xác thực categorical His case is not a black and white issue to me
is right and wrong

blow st out of the I planned to be productive today, but a sudden emergency blew
5 totally defeat or ruin sb/st phá huỷ
water that idea out of the water.
We have great staff who always go the extra mile that help us
6 go the extra mile do more and make a lot of efforts cố gắng
have so many loyal customers.
push back or defend against sb/st that is The company was able to fight off competition from their rival,
7 fight off
advancing as they had a better product.

8 set sb's teeth on edge to make you annoyed, angry làm khó chịu That DJ's voice really sets my teeth on edge.

used to say that you do not agree with

We're not losing population in our town and as a matter of
9 as a matter of fact what someone has just said or that the ngược lại
fact, people are moving in.
opposite of what they say is true
regular and well-balanced and not likely to The new manager succeeded in putting the business back on an
10 on an even keel không nhiều thay đổi
change suddenly even keel.

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